This document contains sample questions from medical examinations on paediatrics.
Section I asks students to elaborate on the etiology, clinical features, and management of pneumonia in children. Section II requires writing notes on topics like newborn resuscitation, posterior urethral valve, febrile convulsions, bone marrow aspiration, and scorpion sting. Section III poses short answer questions on the weight gain pattern of newborns, the anterior fontanelle, signs of coarctation of the aorta, the ABCDE approach in assessing sick children, and managing severe dehydration in a 6-month old.
This document contains sample questions from medical examinations on paediatrics.
Section I asks students to elaborate on the etiology, clinical features, and management of pneumonia in children. Section II requires writing notes on topics like newborn resuscitation, posterior urethral valve, febrile convulsions, bone marrow aspiration, and scorpion sting. Section III poses short answer questions on the weight gain pattern of newborns, the anterior fontanelle, signs of coarctation of the aorta, the ABCDE approach in assessing sick children, and managing severe dehydration in a 6-month old.
This document contains sample questions from medical examinations on paediatrics.
Section I asks students to elaborate on the etiology, clinical features, and management of pneumonia in children. Section II requires writing notes on topics like newborn resuscitation, posterior urethral valve, febrile convulsions, bone marrow aspiration, and scorpion sting. Section III poses short answer questions on the weight gain pattern of newborns, the anterior fontanelle, signs of coarctation of the aorta, the ABCDE approach in assessing sick children, and managing severe dehydration in a 6-month old.
This document contains sample questions from medical examinations on paediatrics.
Section I asks students to elaborate on the etiology, clinical features, and management of pneumonia in children. Section II requires writing notes on topics like newborn resuscitation, posterior urethral valve, febrile convulsions, bone marrow aspiration, and scorpion sting. Section III poses short answer questions on the weight gain pattern of newborns, the anterior fontanelle, signs of coarctation of the aorta, the ABCDE approach in assessing sick children, and managing severe dehydration in a 6-month old.
2. Anterior fontanelle. 3. Pulse and blood pressure in coarctation of aorta. 4. What does ABCDE stand for in assessing a sick child? 5. Management of severe dehydration in a 6 months old child.
******** [LL 557] AUGUST 2017 Sub. Code : 5087
Q.P. Code: 525087
Time: Three hours Maximum : 40 Marks Answer All Questions I. Elaborate on: (1 x 10 = 10)
1. Discuss in detail about clinical features, laboratory findings, complications and
management of Nephrotic syndrome in children.
II. Write notes on: (5 x 4 = 20)
1. Developmental mile stones in one year old child.
2. Cyanosis. 3. Laboratory diagnosis of enteric fever. 4. Portal hypertension in children. 5. Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis.