Ec 1312 Digital Logic Circuits
Ec 1312 Digital Logic Circuits
Ec 1312 Digital Logic Circuits
Department of Electronics & instrumentation
Digital Logic Circuits (EC 1312)
Prepared by M.V.MINI
1) Given the two binary numbers X = 1010100 and Y = 1000011, perform the subtraction (a) X
-Y and (b) Y - X using 2’s complements.
a) X = 1010100
2’s complement of Y = + 0111101
Sum = 10010001
Discard end carry
Answer: X - Y = 0010001
b) Y = 1000011
2’s complement of X = + 0101100
Sum = 1101111
There is no end carry,
Therefore the answer is Y-X = -(2’s complement of 1101111) = -0010001
2). Given the two binary numbers X = 1010100 and Y = 1000011, perform the subtraction (a)
X -Y and (b) Y - X using 1’s complements.
a). X - Y = 1010100 - 1000011
X = 1010100
1’s complement of Y = + 0111100
Sum = 10010000
End -around carry = + 1
Answer: X - Y = 0010001
Y = 1000011
1’s complement of X = + 0101011
Sum = + 1101110
10).Find the complements of the functions F1 = x’yz’ + x’y’z and F2 = x(y’z’ + yz). by taking
their duals and complementing each literal.
F1 = x’yz’ + x’y’z
The dual of F1 is (x’ + y + z’)(x’ + y’ + z)
Complementing each literal: (x + y’ + z)(x + y + z’)
F2 = x(y’z’ + yz).
The dual of F2 is x + (y’ + z’)(y + z).
Complement of each literal: x’ + (y + z)(y’ + z’)
11).State De Morgan’s theorem.
De Morgan suggested two theorems that form important part of Boolean algebra. They are,
1) The complement of a product is equal to the sum of the complements.
(AB)’ = A’ + B’
2) The complement of a sum term is equal to the product of the complements.
(A + B)’ = A’B’
12).Reduce A.A’C
Distributive law]
= (A + B + C)(A + B + C’)(A’ + B + C)(A’ + B + C)(A + B’ + C)
22). Find the minterms of the logical expression Y = A’B’C’ + A’B’C + A’BC + ABC’
Y = (A + B + C’ )(A + B’ + C’)(A’ + B’ + C)
24).Convert (4021.2)5 to its equivalent decimal.
(4021.2)5 = 4 x 53 + 0 x 52 + 2 x 51 + 1 x 50 + 2 x 5-1
= (511.4)10
27) Write down the steps in implementing a Boolean function with levels of NAND Gates?
Simplify the function and express it in sum of products.
Draw a NAND gate for each product term of the expression that has at least two literals.
The inputs to each NAND gate are the literals of the term. This constitutes a group of first
level gates. Draw a single gate using the AND-invert or the invert-OR graphic symbol in
the second level, with inputs coming from outputs of first level gates.
A term with a single literal requires an inverter in the first level. How ever if the single literal
is complemented, it can be connected directly to an input of the second level NAND gate.
28) Give the general procedure for converting a Boolean expression in to multilevel NAND
30) Give the design procedures for the designing of a combinational circuit.
A combinational circuit that performs the addition of two bits is called a half adder. A half
adder needs two binary inputs and two binary outputs. The input variables designate the augend
and addend bits; the output variables produce the sum and carry
A combinational circuit that performs the adtion of three bits is a full adder.It consists of
three inputs and two outputs.
33) Define binary adder.
A binary adder is a digital circuit that produces the arithmetic sum of two binary numbers. It
can be constructed with full adders constructed in cascade, with the output carry from each full
adder connected to the input carry of the next full adder in the chain.
Over flow is a problem in digital computers because the number of bits that hold the
number is finite and a result that contains n + 1 bits cannot be accommodated. For this reason
many computers detect the occurrence of an overflow, and when it occurs a corresponding flip flop
is set that can be checked by the user. An overflow condition can be detected by observing the
carry into sign bit position and the carry out of the sign bit position. If these two carries are not
equal, an overflow has occurred.
A decoder is a combinational circuit that converts binary information from n input lines to a
maximum of 2n unique output lines. If the n bit coded information has unused combinations, he
decoder may have fewer than 2n outputs.
A priority encoder is an encoder circuit that includes the priority function. The operation of
priority encoder is such that if two or more inputs are equal to 1 at the same time, the input having
the highest priority will take precedence.
A multiplexer is combinational circuit that selects binary information from one of many input
lines and directs it to a single output line. The selection of a particular input line is controlled by a
set of selection lines. Normally there are 2n input lines and n selection lines whose bit combinations
determine which input is selected.
A decoder which has an n- bit binary input code and a one activated output out-of -2n
output code is called binary decoder. A binary decoder is used when it is necessary to activate
exactly one of 2n outputs based on an n-bit input value.
41. Represent binary number 1101 - 101 in power of 2 and find its decimal equivalent
N = 1 x 2 3 + 1 x 2 2 + 0 x 2 1 + 1 x 2 0 + 1 x 2 -1 + 0 x 2 -2 + 1 x 2 -3
= 13.625 10
42. Convert (634) 8 to binary
110 011 100
Ans = 110 011 100
43. Convert (9 B 2 - 1A) H to its decimal equivalent.
N = 9 x 16 2 + B x 16 1 + 2 x 16 0 + 1 x 16 -1 + A (10) x 16 -2
= 2304 + 176 + 2 + 0.0625 + 0.039
= 2482.1 10
44. What are the different classification of binary codes?
1. Weighted codes
2. Non - weighted codes
3. Reflective codes
. Sequential codes
5. Alphanumeric codes
6. Error Detecting and correcting codes.
56. Find the excess -3 code and 9’s complement of the number 403 10
0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 excess 3 code
9’s complement 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
62. Why are NAND and NOR gates known as universal gates?
The NAND and NOR gates are known as universal gates, since any logic function
can be implemented using NAND or NOR gates.
82. Give the comparison between combinational circuits and sequential circuits.
Memory unit is not required Memory unity is required
Parallel adder is a combinational circuit Serial adder is a sequential circuit
83. What do you mean by present state?
The information stored in the memory elements at any given time define™s the present state of the
sequential circuit.