Social Engineering

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Social Engineering Attack: Analysis and Defence

Rashedul Amin Tuhin
December 2012

Abstract— Social Engineering Attack is based on mechanisms are discussed in order to prevent the
human beings’ the natural tendency to trust. It attacks. Finally, the importance addressing the
is performed by manipulating the victim to act issue more seriously is discussed.
according to the attacker’s desire, thereby,
exploiting the victim through social means. This II. BACKGROUND
write-up provides insights regarding different
Social Engineering is defined as the process of
types of Social Engineering Attack on a
deceiving people into giving away access or
networked system. Several defence mechanisms
confidential information. The adversary
against Social Engineering Attack are also
manipulates the victim to perform actions for the
discussed. Hence the write up tries to persuade
interest of the adversary by using the inherent
the reader about the importance of addressing
natures and emotions of a human being or by
the issue more carefully.
simple deception, bribery, blackmail, threat, etc.
Keywords— social engineering, network The actions might include providing illegitimate
security, defence, information security, access to an area or confidential information to the
cybercrime adversary to perform network intrusion, identity
theft, industrial espionage, or disrupting the
I. INTRODUCTION network [3].

Security is one of the most important factors for a The security of a networked system relies on a
systems quality. The security of a networked three-step process which includes identifying the
system depends on several technical and non- requestor, verifying that he is not a pretender and
technical factors. The importance of security of a ensuring that he has access to the resource
networked system is highly significant not only (Identification, Authentication, and Authorization)
because of confidentiality of sensitive information [5]. The Social Engineering Attack attempts to
but also for the sustainability of the system. bypass or defeat this process by misinterpretation
Security threat on the networked system is divided and utilizing the emotion of the victim.
into two categories: Technical Hacking and Social
Engineering. Even though a networked system is highly secured
with most up to date security measures, it can still
Even though vulnerabilities in the software and be vulnerable to Social Engineering Attacks.
hardware are one of the main doors for the Typical SE attack exploits human trust, sympathy,
attackers to perform the attack, the human factor is willingness to help and persuasion, etc. [4]
the weakest link in the security chain [1]. It has
been observed in the last few years that Social Techniques used by the attacker includes posing as
Engineering is the most successful and crucial someone in authority, posing as someone
attack vector as using this, the attacker exploits requesting help, reverse social engineering, use
human emotions and trust to gain direct or indirect insider lingo and terminology to gain trust [5].
access to the networked system, which actually
The employees, who have access to plenty of
leads to the actual technical attack.
confidential information, interact with many people
In section I, a well-defined model of Social and who are unaware of the Social Engineering
Engineering (SE) attack is described. Section II Attacks are the main targets of the attackers.
discusses about the natures of different types of Secretaries, Database administrators, Call center
Social Engineering Attack performed on networked operators, Helpdesk attendants are typically the
systems. Later in section III, few defence targets.

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Even though each Social Engineering Attacks are Piggybacking: The attacker simply walks in just
different and unique, but they have some common after another employee without having proper
patterns which follow the following steps: authentication. The employee often allows this out
Information gathering about the target, identifying of sympathy to the attacker assuming him as a
the interest and developing a relationship, colleague. In some cases, the victim is unaware of
exploitation of the situation and execution of the the incident that somebody walked in just after
attack [2]. him. In both cases, the organization couldn’t detect
the infiltration of the adversary into their office [9].

Tailgating: Attacker puts on a uniform or shows

fake IDs to gain physical access to the company
office [9].

Impersonation: The adversary presents himself as

someone else and manipulates the victim to act
according to his wish. Telephonic cheat is a very
common attack nowadays, which is actually a
variant of impersonation attack or fraud. The
adversary makes a telephone call to the victim and
persuades him to disclose confidential information
by impersonating himself as someone having
authority or by gaining the sympathy of the victim.
An example of this kind of attack is fake calls as
Figure 1: Social Engineering Attack Model [3] customer care employee and asking for passwords,
ATM pins, credit card numbers, etc.
According to the Social Engineering Attack model,
the attacker collects sufficient information about Eavesdropping: The attacker having physical
the target and plans to gain the trust of the target by access to the network or the organization can
deception, manipulation, persuasion or influence. overhear the conversations at the office between
By using any or combinations of these techniques, two employees or in a meeting. Having the trust is
the attacker gains the trust of the victim. Utilizing already earned by the attacker, the victim or the
the trust, the attacker makes repetitive attempt to target organization is often unaware of the
gain access to his desired information or tries to information being leaked or unaware of the
achieve his goal and finally performs the actual imminent attack.
attack based on the exploit [3].
Shoulder Surfing: The attacker collects information
III. TYPES OF SOCIAL ENGINEERING by looking at the open window of the victim’s
ATTACK computer or the papers which the victim is working
on without the notifying the victim. This is a very
Social Engineering is comparatively much easier to common technique employed by the attacker to
do as it involves less technical skills and more gain access to confidential information on which
persuasion skills. Social Engineering Attack can be the victim has access and which can lead to theft of
of two types, human based or computer based or a password or disclosure of confidential information
combination of both. Human-based attacks include to the attacker [11].
shoulder surfing, impersonation, etc. where
computer-based attacks commonly include Dumpster Diving: Trash cans at different
phishing, scams, etc. organizations often contain sensitive information
such as Company phone books, System manuals,
Theft: Theft of mobile devices or other security Printouts of sensitive data or login names and
devices can potentially cause an attack [11]. passwords, Printouts of source code, Disks and
Multifactor authentication actually fails if the tapes, etc. The attacker collects his desired
stolen device is an authentication factor (e.g. USB information by going through the dumpster of the
stored certificate or mobile phone). organization [2].

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Reverse Social Engineering: The adversary IV. DEFENCE MECHANISMS
presents himself as a trustworthy person who has
the ability to solve a problem and creates a Each Social Engineering Attack is unique and
situation that the victim himself asks for help to the powerful as no hardware or software can defend it
adversary and hands in confidential information to fully till now. Analyzing the patterns and nature of
the attacker. The beauty of this attack is that the the attacks, the only defensive measure which
adversary never asks for the information directly to could be taken in order to prevent Social
the victim, rather makes the victim himself provide Engineering Attacks is to “maintain a security
the information to the attacker without letting the aware culture”, which includes attack recognition,
victim know that he is being social engineered. auditing and penetration testing, employee
education and training, information classification,
Spam: Up to December 30, 2013, among the total etc.
number of exchanged emails, 77.4% of them were
spam emails [7]. Spam emails usually contain Recognition of Social Engineering Attack:
malicious links, emails which are seemingly from Recognizing a Social Engineering Attack is very
illegitimate addresses or containing malicious difficult as the targets are generally less aware of it.
scripts, attachments, advertisements which might Yet some of the recurring characteristics include
cause security risks at different levels. refusal to give a callback number (in the case of
telephone calls), making an out-of-ordinary
Phishing: Impersonation attack via online media is request, showing discomfort when questioned,
called phishing. The adversary manipulates the name dropping, stressing urgency, etc. Sometimes
victim to click on the malicious link or to provide the attacker might threaten the employee or claims
his information to a seemingly trusted website or fake authority while performing the attack. If these
sender. In the case of phishing, the website or the cases apply, it is more likely to be a Social
sender address might look more or less legitimate Engineering Attack [5][8].
to the victim, and the victim falls for it. The
financial sector is the most targeted sector for Preventing Physical Access: If the attacker can’t
phishing attacks [10]. have physical access to the organization or to the
network, the risk of having many kinds of Social
419 attacks or Scam: In this attack, the adversary Engineering Attacks can be eliminated. Blocking
sends some interesting offer (such as: click here to physical access (specially piggybacking and
win a free DVD player, or you have won 50000 tailgating) for unauthorized persons under any
dollars, click here to claim, etc.) as bait to the circumstances greatly minimize the risk of attack.
victim. The victim often falls for it and complies
with the wish of the adversary in order to have Multiple Security Level: Deploying multiple levels
financial or any other gain. of security can also significantly reduce the
security risk for a networked system. The
Pop-up windows: Unsecured browsers often show probability of the attacker getting through multiple
pop-up windows containing malicious links or layers of security is actually lower than a single
advertisements which can often lead to a high layer. Even if the attacker manages to get through a
threat to the security of the networked system. layer, he might not be able to get through the next
Most of the browsers have pop-up blockers built in layer.
nowadays, so this is rarely a problem unless the
victim is not very much aware of the importance of Information Classification: To ensure better
it. confidentiality, integrity and availability, it should
be strictly defined that which system or employee
Through Social Networks: Social networks are should have access to which information or area.
often used to manipulate the victim or collect Employees should have access only to the needed
information about the target. The attacker often information under his authority. This particular
lures the victim to click on a malicious link to preventive measure can also minimize the damage
direct him toward a malicious website. People often in case of an actual attack.
victimize themselves out of curiosity about a
current trend or a seemingly interesting content Incident Response: If unfortunately, a networked
shared by the attacker on the social networks. system of an organization experiences security

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breach even though it employed every possible software often suffers from unpublished or
security measures, it should have an Incident published (or even just published) exploits which
Response Team (IRT) immediately detecting and could be utilized by the attackers. Recent events
taking care of the situation before further damage reflect that, this kind of attack could be performed
happens. The IRT should also learn and take by outdated PDF reader software as well. So, a
necessary steps to prevent similar kind of attack for centralized system could be employed in order to
the future. avoid the hassle of updating software from every
single node individually.
Auditing and Penetration Tests: To prevent Social
Engineering Attacks, an organization should V. IMPORTANCE
perform a regular penetration test and auditing in
order to understand the systems and employees to Identifying the factors of failure can strengthen the
find the vulnerabilities and taking preventive security of a system. Among all the successful
measures about them. Besides, auditing is attacks in recent years, most of them involved some
important to find out the most important points to form of Social Engineering Attack as human being
raise security awareness among the employees in is the most vulnerable point in terms of security.
order to train them efficiently. For example, if the Attacks involving social engineering might waste
employees are very much aware of phishing millions of dollar spent on modern security gadgets
attacks, but with auditing, it could be found out that and software, in the worst case, the attack might
they provide too much information on the even go unnoticed. Studies show that the presented
telephone calls or they are not at all aware of preventive measures provide valuable contributions
shoulder surfing. Auditing and penetration tests against the attack making the networked system
help to set the correct security policies. robust. Another important aspect is that many of
the organizations are already considering Social
Training and Retraining: Training the employees, Engineering Attacks seriously as it is the basis of
again and again, is the key to prevent Social Advance Persistent Threat (APT) targeted
Engineering Attacks. The training should be done specifically towards them. Preparing against the
efficiently in accordance with the audit report. attack would at least provide them a head-start
According to the example in the previous among other competitors at the play ensuring that
paragraph, a training session about shoulder surfing they will not be the first to be attacked.
would be much more helpful than a session about
phishing. This training should be done on a regular VI. CONCLUSION
basis to ensure the security of the networked
This study provided the types of Social
system of the organization [8].
Engineering Attacks and brief discussion about
Strict Security Policy: Having a strict security several prevention mechanisms against it.Even
policy is one of the key factors of a secure system. though Social Engineering Attack is a partial
An organization should have a clear and strict technical attack [9], its consequences can be deadly
policy about every possible circumstance. For as it often facilitates the actual attack on the
example, whenever an employee is fired, he should networked system. Preventive measures can’t rely
be escorted outside immediately and kept an eye on hardware or software only; rather the prevention
upon until he leaves the office. Security policy includes establishing and maintaining a security
might also include penalties for non-compliance aware culture inside the organization in order to
with the policy [12]. protect the networked system. Without securing a
networked system against Social Engineering
Realistic Prevention: Security policy makers Attacks, a system can’t be considered as a fully
should also keep that in mind that the security secure system and suffers from the risk of being
policy should be strict but not unrealistic or too attacked.
harsh that they lose customers or their revenue
generation is hampered. A trade off should be
present while setting the policy.

Updating Software: Updating software is a

cumbersome task for a large network. But outdated

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