Southern Region News Release Broiler Hatchery: Broiler-Type Eggs Set and Broiler-Type Chicks Placed
Southern Region News Release Broiler Hatchery: Broiler-Type Eggs Set and Broiler-Type Chicks Placed
Southern Region News Release Broiler Hatchery: Broiler-Type Eggs Set and Broiler-Type Chicks Placed
Hatcheries in the United States weekly program set 216 million eggs in incubators during the week ending October 13,
2018. This is down slightly from the eggs set the corresponding week a year earlier. Average hatchability for chicks hatched
during the week in the United States was 82.5 percent. Broiler growers in the United States placed 177 million chicks for
meat production, down 1 percent from the comparable week a year earlier.
United States ...... 216,642 212,665 220,903 214,246 216,648 215,760 100
Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, Broiler Hatchery, October 17, 2018.
For additional information, the full report can be viewed at