Active Damping Control of Hybrid Stepping Motor: Sheng-Ming Yang, Member, IEEE and Pei-Der Su

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Active Damping Control of Hybrid Stepping

Sheng-Ming Yang, Member, IEEE and Pei-Der Su

Abstract-It is well known that microstepping reduces the position [3, 41. Since forth order models were used in these
resonance behavior of stepping motor since the rotor moves in a methods, they were complex for implementation and the results
sequence of very small steps. However, the underdamped nature were dependent on the accuracy of motor parameters used.
of the motor does not change. In this paper, a control scheme to More recently, several electronic control schemes were
reduce the resonance of hybrid stepping motor is proposed. The
motor currents are controlled in a frame synchronously rotating reported to have achieved satisfactory damping control at a cost
with the excitation frequency. The d-axis current provides the much less than using external mechanical dampers. A scheme
torque to oppose the external load, and the q-axis current provides that used a nonlinear microstepping waveforms in conjunction
the transient torque to damp the motor. The motor velocity is with a positional controller was proposed in [SI. The position
estimated via an observer that tracks the angle of the motor back control was used to prevent the dependence of closed-loop
emf voltage. Both simulation and experimental results have shown eigenvalues on the level of external load torque. But the scheme
that the proposed control scheme is very effective to damp out the
resonance of micro-stepping controlled motors. is suitable for low speed applications only, and a positional
sensor is required for the controller to work properly. Another
Indew Terms- damping control, hybrid stepping motor, velocity scheme involved estimation of motor torque and closing of a
observer. torque control loop on velocity to actively damp the motor was
presented in [6]. Because the motor velocity is estimated via
I. INTRODUCTION integration of a signal analogous to motor torque, the
Because of its high precision in positioning, stepping motor performance of this scheme is limited due to the low signal to
is widely used in office and factory automation applications. noise ratio.
Among various types of stepping motor, hybrid stepping motor In this paper, an alternative scheme for the damping control
is the most commonly used since it has the advantages of higher of hybrid stepping motors is proposed. This scheme also uses'
efficiency and torque capability over the other stepping motors. microstepping for open loop position control. The motor
Hybrid stepping motor is generally operated in open loop due to currents are controlled in a frame synchronously rotating with
its special structure. The motor develops torque through a the excitation frequency. This is quite different from the
mutual interaction between the electromagnetic excitation from majority of the previously proposed control schemes where the
the stator poles and the permanent magnet flux crossing the d-q frame was aligned with the rotor position. Subsequently, the
rotor teeth. Once a particular combination of phase currents is direct axis current is setup to provide the torque required for the
established and maintained in the stator, the rotor teeth will be external load, and the quadrature axis current is controlled to
attracted into an alignment with the stator poles in a particular damp the motor. The motor velocity is estimated via an observer
position. Because the viscous damping coefficient is very small that tracks the angle of the motor back emf voltage.
in the motor structure, application of stepping motor for quick
response is severely limited. 11. MOTOR MODEL
Although mechanical dampers [I] or passive components The d-q model of a two-phase hybrid stepping motor in the
such as resistance or capacitance [2] can be used to improve this stationary frame can be written as
under-damped response, these schemes not only complicate the
system design but also reduce the efficiency and increase the
cost of the motor drive. On the other hand, it is well known that
microstepping reduces resonance in stepping motor since the
rotor moves in a sequence of very small steps. Nevertheless, the
under-damped nature of the motor does not change [ 11. where p = d/dt, V,, , Vd, and i,, , id, are the winding voltages
Closed-loop feedback control to improve the under-damped and currents, and 0, are the rotor velocity and position,
response has been attempted in many ways. Typically, the motor respectively, r, L, and k, are motor parameters. Transforming
dynamics was linearized about each control instance, and then a the above equation into a frame rotating synchronously with the
feedback loop was closed to drive the motor to its command excitation current yields

Sheng-Ming Yang and Pei-Der Su, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Tamkang University Tamshui, Taipci County, Taiwan 25 137,

0-7803-7233-6/01/$10.0002001 IEEE. 749

,. rrip --

where Vqe , vde and i,, , ide are the voltages and currents in
the synchronously frame, weis the excitation frequency, and Aee
is the angle between the current vector and the rotor, i.e. At& =
0, - 0,. The motor generated torque is

Te = k, [cos(de,) sin (de,)] [:r] (3)

where k, is the torque constant. Note that because there is no

positional sensor in the motor, the frame axes of the above
model are aligned with the motor current vector and not the
rotor position. Although the rotor is rotating synchronously with
the current vector at steady state, but depending on the
Ge Tx&$ t ’ ‘de

magnitude and direction of the external load torque, the rotor

may be dragged behind or pushed ahead relative to the current Fig. 1 Block diagram for the synchronous frame current controller
vector. Also as shown in Eq. (3), the motor generated torque is a
sinusoidal function ofA8, when the current vector is fixed, and a
change on A@ implies the level of external load torque has

A synchronous frame current regulator is used to facilitate
the microstepping of the hybrid stepping motor. PI control
action is used for both axes, and their gains are set equal for
convenience. A block diagram of the controller is shown in Fig.
1. Note that iqe* and id,‘ are the current commands, and their As shown in Eq. (6), the characteristic equation of the
values are determined by the outer control loop, i.e. damping current controller is forth order in spite of the motor model is
controller. Another input, we, is determined from the velocity second order. This is because me has cross-coupled the q and the
command. Also because AOe is related to the external load, d axis control loops when the current is controlled in the
therefore cos(A0,) and sin(A8,) are treated as disturbance inputs synchronous frame. When me = 0, however, the two axes no
to the current controllers. The current responses in terms of the longer cross-coupled and the system becomes a dual second
reference and the disturbance inputs can be written as order system. Also indicated by Eqs. (4-S), both iqe and id,
responses do not have any steady state error for step input, and
only the transient response exist when the controller is subjected
to a step input from the opposite axis or A&.
Notice the roots of the current controller vary with 0,. To
examine the influence of U, to system, the frequency response
and root loci of iqJiqe*are plotted and shown in Fig. 2 (plots for
id&* are similar and not shown). A 24 V, 1.5 Amps hybrid
stepping motor is used in the calculation, its parameters can be
found in Appendix A. The roots of both PI controllers are tuned
to approximately -2000 radsec on the real axis when we= 0. As
can be seen in Fig. ,2, the roots moved away from the real axis
noticeably when weincreased from 0 to 2000 radsec. This is not
surprising since the back emf voltage was not compensated in
-kmw,[Ls3 +(r+@)s2 +ki.s/ the current controller. Nevertheless, this root migration has very
+ cos
4s) little influence on the damping control according to the results
that will be shown in Section VI.
d(s)= L2s4 + ( r . k p + L k i + k p 2 ) s 3 +(r2 + 2 r . k p +
(6) To effectively damp the motor, its generated torque must be
2Lki+kp2 +L2m:)s2 + 4 r . k p . k i 2 s + k i 2 modulated in accordance with motor speed. It can be seen from
Eq. (3) that variation of either current magnitude or A8,can
where kp and ki are the gains of the current controllers and A@) change motor torque. However, because the rotor dynamics is
is the characteristic equation. highly under-damped and the instantaneous motor position

information is not available, current magnitude modulation is
more suitable for torque control. In this case, either iqeor id, can
be controlled to achieve this objective. Although it is customary
in the vector control of induction motor drives that id, and iqebe
used for field and torque control, respectively [7]. In a
microstepping motor drive, however, the rotor may be dragged
rotor angle
behind or pushed ahead relative to the current vector depending
on the external load. Therefore, the roles of id, and iqein Eqs.
(2-3)are entirely different from those in the vector controlled
drives. In this paper, we propose that iqebe used for motor
torque control and ide be set to a fixed value, i.e. the rated current q axis
of the motor. The reason for this arrangement is given below.
Consider the case when iqe and ide be set to zero and a Fig. 3 Relationship between the current and the rotor vectors
constant value, respectively, then Eq. (3) becomes
Te = k, . sin( AO, ) .id, (7)
Note that 7' is approximately proportional to AO, when AO, is
small. Application of external load causes AO, to vary. But the
rotor is rotating synchronously with the current vector as long as SM

the load does not exceed the maximum torque motor can , v;.! .:lf

generate with ide Consequently, iqecan be used to provide sync.

transient torque needed to damp out resonance oscillations. A
vector diagram illustrating the relationship between the current
vector and the rotor position is shown in Fig.3. Note that
modulation of iqewill change both the magnitude and the phase
of the current vector. However, the effect on motor torque due
to the variation of current magnitude is negligible because the .
sensitivity of AOe to iqeis much greater than the sensitivity of the T a c t ~ v edamping
I t
current magnitude to iqe.
A block diagram for the proposed damping control scheme
is shown in Fig. 4. As can be seen from the diagram, id, is set to
a fixed value, and a proportional controller is used to regulate
Fig. 4 Block diagram for the active damping control system
the error between me and the estimated motor velocity via
modulation of iqe. The unit of K, is the same as a damping
coefficient; increasing KO causes more damping to the motor.
Note that either proportional of proportional plus derivative
control actions can be used for the damping control. But integral
control action is not suitable for the controller since precise
motor position information is not available. Because this
scheme requires motor speed information, the method for motor
speed estimation is given in the next section. ids

Many methods have been reported for the velocity
Fig. 5 Block diagram for the velocity estimator
estimation of hybrid stepping motor from the back emf voltage
measurements [8-91. The scheme described in this section also
used the measured motor back emf voltages, but it is simple for Let the estimated motor position be O r , multiplying V4.,,,,,and
implCmentation than those previous methods. A block diagram vd-,,by sin(8,) and cos(8,) , respectively, and summing the
for the proposed velocity observer is shown in Fig. 5 . The results yields the estimation error as follows
observer is consisted of a preprocessor that calculates the motor
Verr = kmor
sin (Or - Or ) (9)
back emf voltages, i.e. Vq-,,,,, and vd-em, and a feedback
controller that closed a loop on an integrator. Rearranging Eq. G (Or - O r ) when (0, - Or) is small, then
Since sin(8, - O r )
( 1), Vpe,,,, and Vd-em, can be written as by manipulatingui, the estimation error can be forced to zero by
the feedback controller of the observer. But because V, is
proportional to m,, roots of the velocity observer vary with
motor speed. To reduce the influence of motor speed, Verris
normalized with the magnitude of the emf voltage vector. In

75 I
actual implementation, the calculated emf magnitude is limited Fig. 7-8 show the experimental results when the motor was
to a fix value at low speed to avoid division of zero. running at 300 and IO Hz,respectively, withoutland with the
Note that Eq. (8) is not practical for implementation since it damping control. The responses when the motor was running at
requires differentiation of currents. Alternative forms for p' iqs 300 Hz are similar to the simulation results shown in Fig. 6.
and p . idsmust be used to avoid the differentiation. Let the Without the damping control, the motor oscillated noticeably
motor currents be iqs=A. cos(0J and ids=A. sin(OJ1respectively, before settled down to the target speed. But the oscillation was
where A is the magnitude of the current vector. Then damped out completely when the damping control was applied.
Notice in Fig. 7b) that iqc has a slight offset when the motor was
p,iqs = -w,A.sin(Oe) = -U, .ids running at constant speed. This is because the speed observer
did not consider the actual damping of the motor. Therefore the
p .ids = w,A. cos(0,) = 0, . iqs estimated speed has a slight error in it that caused an offset when
I , was controlled.
Therefore, p . iqs and p' i , can be substituted by -0; id, and For the low speed results shown in Fig. 8, however, the
we. iqs, respectively, in the observer. speed oscillations did not appeared to be caused by the
Combining Eqs.(8- IO), the transfer function between the under-damp behavior of the motor since the oscillations were
estimated and the actual motor velocity can be written as cyclic and coincided with the current phase angle. It is believed
that these oscillations were due the electromagnetic
non-linearity of the motor. Consequently, the damping
controller was not able to damp out these oscillations since
linear model was used for the velocity estimation. Nevertheless,
the motor oscillated less and settled down much faster with the
The observer has two poles and a zero. In theory, its roots damping control.
can be stabilized and placed at any desired location by proper
selection of kopand koi.Nevertheless, bandwidth of the observer VII. CONCLUSIONS
is limited by the sampling rate and motor parameters.
In this paper, a damping control scheme to reduce the
Fortunately, there are many high-speed microprocessors
resonance of hybrid stepping motor is proposed. The controller
available today that can perform all the control actions in rather
is setup such that the q-axis current is controlled to provide
'high sampling rate. In general, accurate velocity estimation can
damping and the d-axis current provides constant excitation to
be obtained when the observer is performed at high sampling
the motor. The motor velocity is estimated via an observer that
tracks the phase angle of the motor back emf voltage. Both the
simulation and the experimental results have demonstrated that
this control scheme is very effective in providing damping to the
The active damping control scheme presented in the motor at high speeds. At low speeds, the performance is limited
previous sections was verified with simulations first. The motor due to the electromagnetic nonlinearity in the motor field. In
shown in Appendix A was used for the simulation as well as the spite of that, the settle time at low speed was reduced
experimental verifications. Fig. 6 shows the simulated dramatically with the damping control.
responses when the motor was running at 300 Hz (6 revhec)
withoutland with the damping control. Comparing w, and Age APPENDIX
shown in Fig. 6 a) and b), the motor oscillated considerably
The motor used for the simulation and the experimental
before settled down without the damping control, but the
verifications was a 24V, 1 SA, I .8", two-phase hybrid stepping
oscillations were lowed dramatically when the damping control
motor. The motor parameters are:
was applied. Also as shown in Fig. 6b), i,, was effective only
Resistance (r) 8 R
when the motor speed was in transient state. Fig. 6 also shows
Inductance (L) 0.015 H
the responses when the motor was subjected to an external load
Emf constant (k,,,)0.01 V/(rad/s)
torque. It can be seen that the external load caused AOe to get
Torque constant (k,) 0.5 Nm/A
bigger, but iqeappeared only when A0, was changing. This has
Viscous damping coeff. (D)0.00001 Nm/A
confirmed that the damping control was working only when the
Motor and load inertia (4 0.000025kg.m2
motor speed is different from the reference speed.
The proposed active damping control was also verified with ACKNOWLEDGMENT
experiments. A TMS320C240 DSP based controller was used
to control the hybrid stepping motor in the experimental We gratefblly acknowledge the support for this research by
verifications. The sampling rate for the current and the damping the National Science Council, Taiwan, R. 0. C., under grant:
control was set to approximately 5 kHz. A tachometer was NSC 90-22 13-E-032-021.
installed to measure the actual motor speed for performance

( N 3OOJ . (Nm) 005
0 0

(rr) 0.4: 'qr

-0.4 I

(A) 2.54
*o(w Ihne(S@
a) Without damping control b) With damping control

Fig. 7 Experimental results when 4

'= 300Hz

t. 'v
(A) 0 (A) 0
(A) -2.54

w) 1.u
0 ::
2.94. "?sAi%y

(A) -2.54
0 ': T , y b \ A
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 025 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0 0.05 01 0 15 0.2 0.25 03 0.35 0.4 045 0.5

%a=) Ws=)

a) Without damping control b) With damping control

Fig. 8 Experimental results when 4*=

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