Billion Beats
Billion Beats
Billion Beats
of success
Dear friends,
Launching billion beats, an
e-paper through the website is
indeed a beautiful idea. The e-
paper should set a new tradi-
tion. It should celebrate the NOVEMBER 14, 2007 T H E P U L S E O F I N D I A
success of the people wherever
they are. It may be from an Youth below the age of 25 are the most powerful
agriculture village, or fishing resources on the earth, under the earth and above
village, it may be from a the earth. We have to empower them through
diary village, it may be from value-b
based education and leadership.
the industrial or service sector.
In short, billion beats
should capture and spread I want a disciplined Nation
the success and its glad tid-
ings. We have the islands of
success in every field of
I love India, but I am saddened by our lack of disci-
pline and lack of consideration for others. I feel sad
Mission 2020
Have a success story to share?
An inspiration that can be
imbibed? We welcome short
contributions from you along
with a passport-size photo,
complete name, mailing address
and phone number. Write in at
Kalam maps profile of a vibrant India
SALAM KALAM By V. Ponraj zA Nation where the
governance uses the
billion beats is designed and uplinked to from Bangalore and will hit the web every fortnight. THE LAUNCH CREW: National Affairs Editor Anantha Krishnan M,
Content Editor V. Ponraj, Copy Curator Vinaya Hegde, Data Coordinator Neelima V, Design V. Jayaprakash, Stills Robert, INSPIRATION The Bold Billion
Do your
best today
Friends, I would like to share
with you a great message
given by my teacher from
Kalidasa's Shakuntalam w w w . a b d u l k a l a m . c o m
2000 years ago.
Look to this day!
NOVEMBER 28, 2007 T H E P U L S E O F I N D I A
For it is life, the very life
of life.
In its brief course Climbing to the top demands strength,
Lie all the verities and whether it is to the top of Mount Everest
realities of your existence;
or to the top of your career.
The bliss of growth IT’S POSSIBLE
The glory of action
T he moon has always trig-
gered a feeling of awe and
evoked a sense of curiosity
sters to get involved in funda-
mental research. Those partici-
pating in the moon mission will
among people all over the world, find it intellectually rewarding.
particularly Indians. In April In the US, during the Apollo
2008, it will not be the same lunar mission between 1969 and
moonrise over India. At night, 1972, students' scores in maths
when the people of this country
look at the sky and observe our S PA C E TA L K and physics shot up and many
took up science courses. This is
closest satellite, it will be with a By Srinivas Laxman what the government of India
sense of pride; the reason — hopes to achieve through the
India will hopefully be on the Space Talk will be a regular feature capturing
success stories from the skies. Aimed at creating Indian moon mission.
moon joining the US and Russia.
An Indian orbiter will be flying awareness on our space programmes amongst The Indian lunar programme is
around the moon at an altitude youngsters, you can make this column interactive and expected to provide an impetus
of 100 km above the lunar sur- update yourselves on the latest happenings out there. for more ambitious planetary
face, and what more a 29-kg explorations. On November 16,
instrument known as the moon time between the earth and the the six foreign payloads, two are an Indian mission to Mars was
impact probe — an idea suggest- moon will be about a fortnight. from NASA, three from the incorporated into ISRO's 11th
ed by former President A.P.J. During take-off the weight of the European Space Agency and one plan.
Abdul Kalam —would have spacecraft will be 1304 kg and from Bulgaria. The mission will ISRO officials say that India just
landed on the moon. the rocket will be an upgraded attempt to locate water and iden- cannot afford to lag behind in
India's much awaited maiden version of the highly-proven tify Helium-3, which if mined the race to the moon, considering
voyage to the moon, designated four-stage Polar Satellite Launch and brought to earth, can pro- that Japan and China have
as 'Chandrayaan-1', was Vehicle. vide electricity for several years. already launched lunar missions.
announced by former Prime Critics of the prestigious moon The data from the lunar orbiter In fact by 2020, both of them
Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee mission repeatedly ask why a will be first relayed to the newly- hope to embark on a manned
during his independence day poor country like India should established Deep Space Network, mission. ISRO Chairman G.
address from the ramparts of the go to the moon when Russia, the off the Bangalore-Mysore high- Madhavan Nair, has been quoted
Red Fort on August 15 2003, and US and Europe have already way in a tiny village called as saying that the space agency
was given the green signal by the landed on the lunar surface. The Byalalu. From here it will be will initiate feasibility about a
government in November 2003. answer is that 'Chandrayaan-1', transmitted to ISRO's telemetry, human landing on the moon by
In Sanskrit 'Chandrayaan' means will carry out scientific studies tracking and command centre at India towards the end of 2008.
moon craft. The man who has on those areas which have so far Bangalore. The scientific data 'Chandrayaan-1' will be followed
been entrusted with the challeng- not been examined either by the will be given for analysis to the by 'Chandrayaan-2', in 2011-2012.
ing task of taking India to the US or Russia. If it succeeds it is Indian Space Science Data Centre This will carry a rover which is
moon is very humble person, sure to be rated as one of the which is located at the command
to be jointly developed by India
Mylaswamy Annadurai. greatest scientific achievements centre.
and Russia.
The mission is slated for lift off of India, making every true According to the Indian Space
either on April 9 or April 23, Indian proud of this nation. Research Organisation, the Rs The writer is a Special Correspondent
2008 from the Satish Dhawan The primary role of 386-crore project will provide a with The Times of India, Mumbai
Space Centre, Sriharikota. 'Chandrayaan-1', is scientific lot of opportunities to the and is the author of the book Dr
During launch, the distance study of the moon with the help younger generation as it will Abdul Kalam: Dreams to Reality.
between the earth and the moon of 11 instruments —six from give a strong thrust to basic sci- You can reach him at:
will be three lakh km. The flying abroad and five from India. Of ence and also encourage young-
Y O U R P A G E NOVEMBER 28, 2007
billion beats is designed and uplinked to from Bangalore every fortnight. Chief Editor Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, National Affairs Editor Anantha Krishnan M,
Content Editor V. Ponraj, Copy Curator Vinaya Hegde, Data Coordinator Neelima V, Creative DesignV. Jayaprakash, Stills Robert, INSPIRATION The Bold Billion