Amputation Case 3
Amputation Case 3
Amputation Case 3
DOB 15-Jun-1937
TOB 10:30 AM
POB Littlefield Texas
Lat 33.55 N
Lon 102.20 W
TZ 6hrs
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PLANET RASI HORA D-3 D-7 D-9 D-10 D-12 D-16 D-30 D-60
Asc 5 |Sun Sun 5 |Sun 5 |Sun 1 |Mar 5 |Sun 5 |Sun 6 |Mer MAR Saumya
Sun 3 |Mer Sun 3 |Mer 3 |Mer 7 |Ven 3 |Mer 3 |Mer 9 |Jup MAR Saumya
Merc 2 |Ven Moon 2 |Ven 10|Sat 12|Jup 1 |Mar 5 |Sun 10|Sat MER Kroora
Ven 1 |Mar Moon 5 |Sun 4 |Moo 5 |Sun 6 |Mer 7 |Ven 9 |Jup JUP Kroora
Mar 7 |Ven Moon 3 |Mer 1 |Mar 3 |Mer 4 |Moo 5 |Sun 3 |Mer VEN Kroora
Jup 10|Sat Moon 10|Sat 4 |Moo 10|Sat 6 |Mer 11|Sat 2 |Ven VEN Kroora
Sat 12|Jup Moon 4 |Moo 8 |Mar 7 |Ven 11|Sat 4 |Moo 3 |Mer MER Saumya
Moo 5 |Sun Moon 1 |Mar 11|Sat 9 |Jup 2 |Ven 4 |Moo 8 |Mar VEN Saumya
Rah 8 |Mar Sun 4 |Moo 7 |Ven 10|Sat 11|Sat 4 |Moo 4 |Moo SAT Saumya
Ket 2 |Ven Sun 10|Sat 1 |Mar 4 |Moo 5 |Sun 10|Sat 4 |Moo SAT Saumya
Ura 1 |Mar Moon 5 |Sun 5 |Sun 6 |Mer 7 |Ven 8 |Mar 11|Sat MER Saumya
Nep 5 |Sun Moon 1 |Mar 10|Sat 7 |Ven 12|Jup 2 |Ven 5 |Sun MER Kroora
Plu 4 |Moo Moon 4 |Moo 11|Sat 5 |Sun 1 |Mar 5 |Sun 3 |Mer VEN Kroora
Gul 6 |Mer Sun 10|Sat 4 |Moo 3 |Mer 8 |Mar 1 |Mar 7 |Ven JUP Saumya
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Sat Ven Mer, Ket Sun Mer Asc Mar, Gul
Rashi Navamsa
(Jup) Asc, Jup, Rah Ven
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Mar Sat (Jup), Sat Ven Mer Sun,
Rah Ketu
Transit on
12-02-2002 Native Bhava chart
Sun, Mer Jup Asc
Naisargika Dasa
SUN SUN SATN 26-May-89
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This case needs careful study, though the indications are pretty much clear. If we look at chart, we
won’t find nothing untoward as to the character of the person.
The native was a musician, a drug addict for almost 22 years. He was married in 1969 and had a son
born in 1980. The dates of these are not available hence not taken for analysis. However enthusiastic
person may look into that area as well.
Lagna is Simha with Moon and Sun, the lagna lord in the 11nth. Lagna lord in the labha sthana is very
good for the native. The native in fact had an excellent life part of which was destroyed by his own
Gunas, the drug addiction. Astrologers need to understand this aspect of person. Karma lord venus in
the 9th of Mesha, the sign of Yoga karaka Mars in one way gave a luxurious life. Venus & Mars in
Parivarthana is instrumental for a loose sexual life too. Women, Wine and Money, the factors that
corrupt a person is abundant in the chart.
Inspite of all that the chart provided, he was also haunded by the Rahu in the 4th, debilated and
retrograde 5th lord in the 6th , Mars in the 3rd made him reckless, poor manager of finance and loose
moral character. Rahu is no one tamograha in the sign of scorpio, one of the worst signs a malefic could
be in.
Out of many things one should note, “unmatta neecha badiraH” meaning, excitement / metal issues, low
life. Drug addiction is a kind of mental problem as well, that is clearly indicated by moon in lagna.
Moon is also the karaka for mond. 4th house also indicates the mental qualities of a native. Hence Rahu
in the 4th and Moon in Simha lagna both together are instrumental for the addiction of the native,
making him fall into a mental state that is not real, just like Rahu. Also note the weakness of the Lagna
lord Sun. Though he is in the labha sthana, the navamsa of sun is neecha in the sign of Venus. Venus is
one planet that goes after luxuries and such carefree life, particularly in Mesha rashi.
The parivartha of the 6th lord and 8th lord, the vipareetha raja yoga formed is also instrumental in
making his sick.
prÔVyaiÉla;I c prdarrtae=zuic>.
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lord of 4th house of Kaalapurusha Kundalee and hence represents the chest area. So in this case Bhava
Chakra shows the physical issues in a better way.
Sat Ven Sun, This Bhava chart is drawn with Lagna sputa as the first
Mer, Ket point of Lagna bhava extending to 30 deg. Thus each
bhava starts at the end of 30 deg from the previous bhava.
The focus of this chart are the incidences that are recorded and practically at the end of his life.
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}eyajNminyÚva<zkgtae maiNdStdIyaStke
We have clearly established the factors that indicated the age of difficulties / death, the issues regarding
the heart, diabetics etc.
We have already seen how Jupiter is afflicted in many counts and is also instrumental for most of his
physical ailments. So the dasa as a whole is not good and one should also note that the dasa occurs
during the years mentioned as per the Navamsa rashi of Lagna. Moon is the 4th lord of Kalapurusha
Kundalee and is occupying the 8th of Maha dasa lord.
Dasa of Jupiter aspected by Mars.
l¶aiÔpuSwSy guraedRzaya<
AadaE ÉvedevmwaNTypake
darawRcaeraidÉy< sraegm!.
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Period of Bhukti lord in the 8th of Maha dasa lord.
It is clear that if bhukti lord is occupying the 8th of Maha dasa lord, even if it is a benefic planet, the last
qtr shall not be good.
deviÖja½RnprTvmtIv pu<sa<
vatipÄàkaep< c xnxaNyyz>]y<
So it is clear from the above that though the bhukti of Jupiter – Moon is capable of conferring good
effects, it is overridden by the negative factors as stated above. Further the Chidra lord is again in the 8th
of Bhukti lord. Hence the same rule applies here also, which was applied for Dasa- Bhukti.
There is no point in checking the Prana & Sookshma dasa, since these kind of ailments do not occur
suddenly and the effects last long. However if one needs to find answer to such questions as “why
wasn’t the surgery done on the previous day or the day after”, they can very look at those areas more
closely. In that case the time of birth needs to be very accurate and factors like timezone etc should also
be accurate instead of the present system of a wide range. Here we consider the TimeZone to 6 hrs from
GMT, which shall be a few minutes plus or minus in real time.
Actually this is very simple to understand and is the basic of Bharateeya Jyotisha. Saturn represents the
left feet and it is occupying the feet of Kalapurusha Kundalee which happens to be the 8th house. Further
the period falls in line with the period mentioned as per Navamsa rashi of lagna.
A rough computation of Pindayu gives the maximum span of life as 66 years, which coincides with the
period mentioned by Navamsa Rashi life span.
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pakeñrad ANTygtSy Éu´aE
SwanCyuit< bNxujnEiVvRraex<
ivÉU;[< vahnÉaegÉaGym!.
Paadaakshi rogam : diseases of feet and eyes. In the bhukti of a planet that is placed in the 12th of the
dasa planet. Here Saturn as chidra lord is placed in the 12th of venus as Bhukti lord. The fact is that the
situation is like that Meena sign. Venus is also aspected by Retro Mars. Aspect of Mars on Jupiter as
well as Venus can cause diabetics etc and related ailments.
It would be beneficial to note that Rahu is near the Mrithyu Bhaga in the natal chart and is the
sookshma dasa lord on the day when the amputation was done. Similarly Mercury as well as Sun are
Marakas being the lord of 2nd & 7th house and both are afflicted by Gulika. It is stated that whe Marakas
are afflicted by Mrithyu Karaka Gulika, they become instrumental in the ending the life of the native in
their periods.
Saturn’s transit in Vrishabha rashi where Mercury was occupying, the trikona of Gulika rashi, Trikona
rashi of the Drekana rashi of the 8th lord from lagna, trikona rashi of the navamsa rashi of the 8th lord
from lagna all point to the same incidence.
` tt! st!
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