Support Podr{ka
Financial support Finansijska podr{ka
Editor Za izdava~a
Branko V. Joki} Branko V. Joki}
Reviser Redaktor
Mirjana Menkovi} Mirjana Menkovi}
Proof-reader Lektor
Slobodanka @ivanovi} Slobodanka @ivanovi}
Photographs Fotografije
Maps Karte
Mirela Butiri} Mirela Butiri}
Zlata Jari} Zlata Jari}
The Project of Urgent Protection of Cultural and Projekat Urgentne za{tite kulturnog i
Natural Heritage in Metohija is a result of joint efforts of prirodnog nasle|a u Metohiji rezultat je
Yugoslav and Italian experts to draw the attention of local nastojawa jugoslovenskih i italijanskih
and international community to the alarming condition of stru~waka da se skrene pa`wa me|unarodnoj i
heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, and to provide conditions doma}oj javnosti na alarmantno stawe ba{tine
for protection, preservation and revitalization of destroyed, na Kosovu i Metohiji i da se stvore osnovni
damaged and endangered cultural and natural property in preduslovi za za{titu, o~uvawe i revitalizaciju
poru{enih, o{te}enih i ugro`enih kulturnih i
this part of Europe, which would be in accordance with the
prirodnih vrednosti ovog dela Evrope, a u
international conventions and standards.
skladu sa va`e}im me|unarodnim konvencijama i
The Objective of the Project is assessment of standardima.
condition of cultural and natural property, recognition of Ciq Projekta je utvr|ivawe stawa
perceptible modes of degradation, damage and destruction, kulturnih i prirodnih dobara, evidentirawe
as well as the consequences of inefficacy of conservation vidqivih oblika degradacije, o{te}ewa i
service, definition of recommended measures of urgent and uni{tewa kao i posledica koje su rezultat
long-term protection, and, in accordance with this, odsustva efikasne slu`be za{tite, definisawe
consideration of the opportunities to carry out proposed predloga mera urgentne i dugoro~ne za{tite i, u
actions and improve the condition of the property. Working skladu sa tim, razmatrawe mogu}nosti sprovo|ewa
out of priority list and draft projects dealing with protection, datih mera i unapre|ewa statusa dobara. Ciq
preservation and revitalization of priority cultural and Projekta je i izrada liste prioriteta i
konkretnih predloga projekata za{tite, o~uvawa i
natural values is also the objective of the Project.
revitalizacije prioritetnih kulturnih i
Field research of the team of experts composed of
prirodnih vrednosti.
architects, art historians, paintings conservators, Radom na terenu stru~ne ekipe sastavqene
ethnologists, experts in the field of conservation of natural od arhitekata, istori~ara umetnosti, slikara-
resources and photographers, gave the insight into condition konzervatora, etnologa, stru~waka u oblasti
of 127 categorized, protected and recognized cultural za{tite prirode i fotografa, napravile su uvid
monuments of Orthodox Christian and Islamic sacral u stawe 127 kategorisanih, za{ti}enih i
architecture, vernacular architecture, as well as accessible evidentiranih kulturnih dobara pravoslavno-
natural property in Metochian municipalities of De~ani, hri{}anske i islamske sakralne arhitekture,
\akovica, Istok, Klina, Malievo, Orahovac, Pe}, Prizren, narodnog graditeqstva, kao i dostupnih prirodnih
Srbica, Suva Reka, trpce and Uroevac. During field dobara u metohijskim op{tinama De~ani,
research in the municipality of Uroevac, Mnemosyne \akovica, Istok, Klina, Mali{evo, Orahovac,
Pe}, Prizren, Srbica, Suva Reka, [trpce i
Centre expert team entered the territory of Kosovo.
Uro{evac. Radom na terenu op{tine Uro{evac,
(Note: The term Kosovo is used in the geographical sense, stru~ne ekipe Centra MNEMOSYNE u{le su i na
designating the eastern part of Kosovo and Metohija basin, podru~je Kosova.
and not as a name for the part of the territory of the Republic (Napomena: termin Kosovo se koristi u
of Serbia under the United Nations civil and military interim geografskom smislu, kao isto~ni deo kosovsko-
administration). metohijskog basena, a ne kao naziv za deo
teritorije Republike Srbije pod privremenom
Of the total number of surveyed monuments, 87 has upravom civilnih i vojnih snaga UN).
been preserved: 29 belonging to the first category, 24 to the
Od ukupnog broja obra|enih kulturnih
third, and 34 belonging to the category of recognized
dobara, 87 je sa~uvanih, i to - 29 u prvoj
heritage. Among 40 destroyed or devastated monuments, 13
kategoriji, 24 u tre}oj i 34 evidentirana.
belong to the cultural heritage of the first category these Poru{enih i devastiranih je 40 - od toga je 13
are the churches from the 13th century or the period between spomeni~ko nasle|e prve kategorije, {to zna~i
the 14th and 16th centuries, 17 to the third, and 10 to the crkvene gra|evine iz perioda XIII, XIV-XVI veka,
category of recognized heritage. All the devastated 17 tre}e kategorije i 10 evidentiranih kulturnih
monuments of Christian origin were damaged or, more often dobara. Sve spomeni~ko nasle|e hri{}anske
destroyed, after the arrival of United Nations civil and provenijencije o{te}eno je ili, ~e{}e, uni{teno
military forces to Kosovo and Metohija in June 1999. od jula meseca 1999. godine, nakon dolaska vojnih
The Project was realized by coordinated work of i civilnih snaga UN na prostor Kosova i
Yugoslav experts from seven conservation institutions from Metohije.
the territory of the Republic of Serbia: Institute for the Realizacija Projekta ostvarena je
koordiniranom saradwom jugoslovenskih
Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia in Belgrade, stru~waka iz sedam ustanova za{tite sa prostora
Regional Institutes in Novi Sad and Pritina (its seat has Republike Srbije Republi~kog zavoda za za{titu
been removed), Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia, spomenika kulture iz Beograda, Pokrajinskih
Institute for the Ptotection of Cultural Monuments of the zavoda iz Novog Sada i Pri{tine (sa izme{tenim
City of Novi Sad and institutes from Subotica and Ni, and sedi{tem), Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije,
the Italian experts from the Istituto Centrale di Restauro Gradskog zavoda za za{titu spomenika kulture iz
(Central Institute for Conservation) in Rome; by cooperation Novog Sada i zavoda iz Subotice i Ni{a sa
italijanskim stru~wacima Centralnog Instituta
with the Serbian Orthodox Church, especially with the
za Restauraciju iz Rima, zatim kroz saradwu sa
Diocese of Raka and Prizren; by partnership and support of
Srpskom pravoslavnom crkvom, posebno Ra{ko-
the Italian Nongovernmental Organization INTERSOS, and, prizrenskom eparhijom, partnerskim odnosom i uz
finally, due to help and support of the UNMIK podr{ku italijanske NVO INTERSOS i kona~no, uz
Administration in Pe} and Italian, Spanish, Austrian, podr{ku i pomo} Administracije UNMIK-a u
German and the United States representatives of military Pe}i i italijanskih, {panskih, austrijskih,
forces in Kosovo and Metohija. nema~kih i ameri~kih predstavnika vojnih snaga
Financial support for the project was provided by na prostoru Kosova i Metohije.
the Italian mission ARCOBALENO. Finansijsku podr{ku Projekta obezbedila
je italijanska misija ARCOBALENO.
Mnemosyne Centre researchers engaged in the Project of
Urgent Protection of Heritage in Metohija Stru~ni saradnici Centra MNEMOSYNE na
Projektu Urgentne za{tite nasle|a u Metohiji
Team coordinators:
Milka ^anak-Medi}, PhD, architect, consultant , Rukovodioci timova:
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, dr Milka ^anak-Medi}, arhitekta, nau~ni
Belgrade; retired; savetnik, Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika
kulture u Beogradu, u penziji;
Branka Kuli}, MA, art historian,
Ditector of the Gallery of the Matica srpska, Novi Sad; mr Branka Kuli}, istori~ar umetnosti, upravnik
Galerije matice srpske u Novom Sadu;
Donka Stan~i}, art historian, consultant,
Director of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Donka Stan~i}, istori~ar umetnosti, savetnik,
Monuments of the City of Novi Sad; direktor Gradskog zavoda za za{titu spomenika
kulture u Novom Sadu;
Dejan Radovanovi}, art historian, senior researcher,
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Dejan Radovanovi}, istori~ar umetnosti, vi{i
Novi Sad; stru~ni saradnik, Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu
spomenika kulture u Novom Sadu;
Ilija Proti}, architect, senior researcher,
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Ilija Proti}, arhitekta, vi{i stru~ni saradnik,
Novi Sad; Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
u Novom Sadu;
Zlata Jari}, architect, consultant,
Zlata Jari}, arhitekta, savetnik, Zavod za
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia, retired.
za{titu prirode Srbije, u penziji.
Italian experts, contributors to the Project: Italijanski stru~waci, saradnici na Projektu:
Carlo Giantomassi, conservation professional,
Karlo \antomazi, konzervator,
Istituto Centrale di Restauro (Central Institute for
Istituto Centrale di Restauro, Rim;
Conservation), Rome;
Donatela Cari, konzervator,
Donatella Zari, conservation professional, Istituto Centrale di Restauro, Rim;
Istituto Centrale di Restauro (Central Institute for Flavio Trinka, arhitekta,
Conservation), Rome; STUDIO SESTE - sistemi e servizi per il territtorio.
Flavio Trinca, architect, Ostali jugoslovenski stru~waci, saradnici na
STUDIO SESTE-sistemi e servizi per il territtorio. Projektu:
mr Miroslav Stanojlovi}, slikar-konzervator,
The other Yugoslav experts engaged in the Project: Bo`idar Krstanovi}, etnolog-konzervator,
Miroslav Stanojlovi}, MA, paintings conservator, savetnik,
Bo`idar Krstanovi}, ethnologist conservator, consultant, Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika
kulture u Beogradu;
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, mr Mirjana \eki}, etnolog-konzervator, savetnik,
Belgrade; Sini{a Zekovi}, konzervator-restaurator,
Miroslav Zaki}, konzervator-preparator,
Mirjana \ekic, MA, ethnologist conservator, consultant,
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika
Sinia Zekovi}, restorer,
kulture u Novom Sadu;
Miroslav Zaki}, preparator,
dr Lidija Amiyi}, biolog, vr{ilac du`nosti
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments,
Novi Sad;
Zavod za za{titu prirode Srbije;
Lidija Amid`i}, PhD, biolgist, director in charge, Milosav Luki}, arhitektonski tehni~ar,
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia Filip Gorgiev, slikar-konzervator,
Milosav Luki}, architectural technician, Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika
Filip Gorgiev, paintings conservator, kulture iz Pri{tine;
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, Grozdana Mikiti{in, vi{i arhitektonski
Pri{tina; tehni~ar,
Gradski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture u
Grozdana Mikitiin, senior architectural technician, Novom Sad;
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of the @eqko Vukeli}, fotograf,
City of Novi Sad Me|uop{tinski zavod za za{itu spomenika
@eljko Vukeli}, photographer, kulture u Subotici;
Municipal Institute for the Protection of Cultural Toni ^er{kov, arheolog,
Monuments, Subotica; Regionalni zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
u Ni{u;
Toni ^erkov, archaeologist,
Aqo{a Ivan~ev, fotograf.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments,
Ni; Dr Milka ^anak-Medi} vodila je
Aljoa Ivan~ev, photographer. slede}i tim stru~waka:
mr Mirjana \eki}, mr Miroslav Stanojlovi},
The team of experts lead by Milka ^anak-Medi}, PhD: Filip Gorgiev, @eqko Vukeli}.
Mirjana \ekic, MA, Miroslav Stanojlovi}, MA, Filip Tim je tokom jula 2001. na terenu obradio Pe}ku
Gorgiev, @eljko Vukeli}. patrijar{iju, manastir De~ane, crkvu u Belom
In July 2001, the team was engaged in the field research of Poqu i crkve u Gora`devcu.
the monasteries of the Patriarchate of Pe} and De~ani, and Mr Branka Kuli} vodila je slede}i tim
the churches in Belo Polje and Gora`devac. stru~waka:
Sini{a Zekovi}, Milosav Luki}, Toni ^er{kov.
The team of experts lead by Branka Kuli}, MA:
Tim je tokom jula 2001. na terenu obradio
Sinia Zekovi}, Milosav Luki}, Toni ^erkov.
spomenike u op{tinama Istok i Srbica.
In July 2001, the team was engaged in the field research of
the monuments in the municipalities of Istok and Srbica.
The team of experts lead by Ilija Proti}: Ilija Proti} vodio je slede}i tim
Dejan Radovanovi}, Miroslav Zaki}, Milosav Luki}, Toni stru~waka:
^erkov. Dejan Radovanovi}, Miroslav Zaki}, Milosav
In July 2001, the team was engaged in the field research of Luki}, Toni ^er{kov.
the monuments in the municipalities of Klina and Malievo. Tim je tokom jula 2001. na terenu obradio
The team of experts lead by Dejan Radovanovi}: spomenike u op{tinama Klina i Mali{evo.
Mirjana \eki}, MA, Zlata Jari}, Ilija Proti}, Milosav Zaki}, Dejan Radovanovi} vodio je slede}i tim
Aljoa Ivan~ev, Toni ^erkov.
mr Mirjana \eki}, Zlata Jari}, Ilija Proti},
In July and October 2001, the team was engaged in the field
Miroslav Zaki}, Aqo{a Ivan~ev, Toni ^er{kov.
research of the monuments in the municipalities of Tim je tokom jula i oktobra meseca 2001. na
Orahovac, Prizren (including Sreda~ka @upa), Suva Reka, terenu obradio spomenike u op{tinama Orahovac,
trpce (partly), and Uroevac. Prizren (sa Sreda~kom `upom), Suva Reka,
The team of experts lead by Donka Stan~i}: [trpce (delimi~no) i Uro{evac.
Lidija Amid`i}, PhD, Bo`idar Krstanovi}, Grozdana Donka Stan~i} vodila je slede}i tim
Mikitiin, @eljko Vukeli}. stru~waka:
In October 2001, the team was engaged in the field research dr Lidija Amiyi}, Bo`idar Krstanovi}, Grozdana
of the monuments in Orahovac and Sirini}ka @upa (the Mikiti{in, @eqko Vukeli}.
municipality of trpce). Tim je tokom oktobra 2001. na terenu obradio
The text of the chapter dealing with the natural spomenike u mestu Orahovcu i Sirini}koj `upi
(op{tina [trpce).
property was adopted from the report of Lidija Amid`i},
Odeqak o za{ti}enim prirodnim dobrima
PhD and Zlata Jari} by Vojislav Vasi}, PhD.
obradio je dr Vojislav Vasi} na osnovu izve{taja
The organization of the field research was entrusted dr Lidije Amiyi} i Zlate Jari}.
to Mirjana Menkovi} and Branko V. Joki}, representatives of Realizaciju projekta na terenu
the MNEMOSYNE Centre. obezbe|ivali su predstavnici Centra
Italian experts worked on their part of the project MNEMOSYNE Mirjana Menkovi} i Branko V.
during 2001 and in the first half of 2002 - by the end of June. Joki}.
In the Urgent Protection Project, MNEMOSYNE Italijanski stru~waci su svoj deo posla
Centre offered a feasible operative plan of field research. obavili tokom 2001. i do kraja juna 2002. godine.
Yugoslav experts, working under military protection, made Projektom Urgentne za{tite Centar
the survey of Christian heritage, while the Italians MNEMOSYNE je ponudio realan operativni
researched monuments of Islamic architecture. The work of plan delovawa na terenu. Jugoslovenski stru~-
waci su pod za{titom vojnih snaga napravili uvid
all the experts engaged in the project was based on
u hri{}ansko nasle|e, a italijanski u islamsku
elaborated methodology and precisely defined pre-set
arhitektonsku ba{tinu. Rad svih anga`ovanih
criteria for information gathering and their processing. stru~waka bio je baziran na razra|enoj me-
The part of the Report on the condition of the monuments todologiji i na unapred utvr|enim kriterijumima
and objects done by the Italian experts was presented in prikupqawa i obrade podataka.
tabular form and incorporated in the Conclusion. Deo Izve{taja o stawu spomenika i
Field research was accompanied by certain objekata koji su izradili italijanski stru~waci
obstacles resulting from movement restrictions and dat je u vidu tabela i kao takav inkorporiran u
problems concerning the safety of Yugoslav experts. Zavr{na razmatrawa.
Condition assessment of the protected natural areas under Tokom rada stru~nih ekipa na terenu, a
the first degree of protection could not be carried out since kao posledica zabrane kretawa i izuzetno te{kih
the researchers didnt get adequate military protection. All bezbedonosnih uslova za jugoslovenske stru~wake,
pojavila su se i odre|ena ograni~ewa. Procena
the assessments are the result of brief expertise and short
stawa za{ti}enih prirodnih podru~ja prvog
visits to the accessible protected objects, or the analysis of
stepena za{tite nije vr{ena, jer terenska ekipa
the existing and recently obtained photo-documentation. nije dobila adekvatnu za{titu od strane
Since the custodians of the protected property are subject to nadle`nih snaga reda. Sve procene su obavqene
movement restriction (which is particularly the case when na osnovu kratkog ekspertskog uvida i brzih
natural property is concerned), it has often been difficult to poseta pristupa~nim za{ti}enim objektima,
get the right and accurate information. odnosno uvidom u postoje}u i novo pribavqenu
The List of natural heritage encompassed by this foto-dokumentaciju. ^esto se do sigurnih i
Report was based on the official lists of the Institute for preciznih podataka nije moglo do}i, jer i
Protection of Nature of Serbia in Belgrade. All the nadzornici za{ti}enih dobara imaju ograni~eno
documentation used in research belongs to this institution. kretawe (to se posebno odnosi na prirodna
Special attention was paid to the protected environment of dobra).
two exquisite monuments, the monasteries of the Lista prirodnih dobara obuhva}enih
Patriarchate of Pe} and De~ani, as well as to the national ovim Izve{tajem izra|ena je na osnovu zvani~ne
parks of ara and Prokletije. liste Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije iz
The List of cultural property encompassed by this Beograda i sva kori{}ena dokumentacija poti~e
iz ove institucije. Posebna pa`wa posve}ena je
Report was based on two official documents of the Republic
za{ti}enoj okolini dva izuzetna spomenika,
of Serbia:
Pe}ke patrijar{ije i De~ana, kao i nacionalnim
• Registered Immovable Cultural Property, current as parkovima, [ara i Prokletije.
Lista kulturnih dobara obuhva}enih
of 31 December 1994, Republic of Serbia,
ovim Izve{tajem izra|ena je na osnovu dva
Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, Bulletin
zvani~na dokumenta Republike Srbije:
372, Belgrade 1995, and
• Monuments of Kosovo and Metohija, Institute for • Nepokretna registrovana kulturna
the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia, dobra, stawe 31. 12 1994. godine,
Belgrade 2002. Republika Srbija, Republi~ki zavod za
statistiku, BILTEN 372, Beograd 1995, i
The list includes all the monuments from the first • Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
category, a selection from the third (made after the existing Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika
documentation), and accessible property categorized as kulture, Beograd 2002.
recognized heritage. The expert teams couldnt inspect two Na listi su se na{la sva kulturna dobra
monuments of the first category: the church of St Nicholas, prve kategorije, izbor iz tre}e (izvr{en na
16th century, in Si}evo, the municipality of Klina, and the osnovu postoje}e dokumentacije) i dostupna
church of St George, 16th century, in Sredska, municipality evidentirana dobra. Samo dva spomenika prve
of Prizren. Since the church of St Nicholas was on the kategorije nisu bila dostupna stru~nim ekipama.
private property, we have good reason to believe that it was To su: crkva Sv. Nikole, XVI vek, Si}evo,
demolished in such an extent that its remains couldnt be op{tina Klina, i crkva Sv. \or|a, XVI vek,
detected in the landscape. The access to the church of St Sredska, op{tina Prizren. Kako je crkva Sv.
Nikole bila sme{tena na privatnom posedu,
George in Sredska, which has, however, been preserved, was
realno je pretpostaviti da je uni{tena do
forbidden because some unexploded mines might be left
nerazaznatqivosti u odnosu na okolinu u kojoj se
over at the site. The fear of unexploded mines was the reason nalazila, a do crkve Sv. \or|a u Srdeskoj
why the expert team didnt get the permission to inspect stru~nim ekipama nije bilo dozvoqeno da pri|u
thoroughly the interior of the chapels in the church of the zbog zaostalih mina. Crkva je ina~e sa~uvana.
Holy Virgin of Ljevika in Prizren, one of the most Strah od zaostalih mina je tako|e razlog za{to
significant medieval Christian monuments in Kosovo and ekipi stru~waka nije bilo dozvoqeno da detaqno
Metohija. pregledaju unutra{wost kapela u crkvi
A few items were added to the list of recognized Bogorodice Qevi{ke u Prizrenu, jednom od
property due to suggestions of the Italian experts. The monumentalnih hri{}anskih sredwovekovnih
inclusion of three monuments of Islamic sacral architecture, spomenika na prostoru Kosova i Metohije.
the mosque in De~ani, Mula Jusuphs mosque in \akovica Lista evidentiranih kulturnih dobara
pro{irena je i predlozima koje su dali
and Kukli bays mosque in Prizren, into the list of
italijanski stru~waci. Kao izraz visokog
recognized heritage, suggested by the Italian experts, was stru~nog poverewa, koje je postojalo izme|u
the result of mutual appreciation of Yugoslav and Italian jugoslovenskih i italijanskih stru~waka,
researchers. These suggestions are subject to verification by prihva}en je predlog italijanskih stru~waka da
the official conservation institutions. se u Izve{taj uvrste i tri evidentirana islamska
For the part of the Report reffering to cultural sakralna objekta: yamija u De~anima, Mula Jusuf
yamija u \akovici i Kukli-begova yamija u
property following documentation was used:
Prizrenu. Predlozi podle`u verifikaciji
Ø the documentation of the Institute for the Protection nadle`nih institucija za{tite.
Za izradu dela Izve{taja koji se odnosi
of Cultural Monuments of Serbia in Belgrade,
na kulturna dobra kori{}ena je i slede}a
Ø the documentation of the Serbian Academy of Arts
and Sciences Board for Kosovo and Metohija,
Ø published works, Ø Republi~kog zavoda za za{titu
spomenika kulture u Beogradu,
Ø private funds.
Ø Odbora za Kosovo Srpske akademije
The Contents of the Report, divided into four nauka i umetnosti (SANU),
separate chapters PROTECTED NATURAL PROPERTY, Ø objavqeni radovi,
Ø privatni fondovi.
DESTROYED CULTURAL PROPERTY AND THE Sadr`aj Izve{taja u ~etiri posebna
CONCLUSION gives the necessary information about the odeqka ZA[TI]ENA PRIRODNA DOBRA,
owner and the elementary cultural and historical data for SA^UVANA KULTURNA DOBRA, O[TE]ENA
each monument; a summarized survey of protection I UNI[TENA KULTURNA DOBRA i
measures undertaken by 1999 and, where it was possible, in
vlasni~ke i kulturno-istorijske podatke o svakom
the following period; available documentation, basic
dobru, sa`et pregled preduzimanih mera za{tite
reference bibliography and the assessment of the do 1999 - i u kasnijem periodu ako su postojali
c o n d i t i o n of cultural (and natural) property or the area uslovi raspolo`ivu dokumentaciju, osnovne
at the moment of inspection. Recommended measures of bibliografske jedinice i s t a w e kulturnog
urgent and long-term protection, and the list of priorities (prirodnog) dobra ili podru~ja u momentu uvida.
with the summary of the draft project are given in the Zavr{na razmatrawa daju i predloge mera
Conclusion. urgentne i dugoro~ne za{tite, kao i listu
Presented material has been arranged in the order of prioriteta sa kratkim predlogom sadr`aja
the Latin alphabet - it refers particularly to the section projekata.
dealing with cultural heritage. We assumed that the Report Redosled izlagawa materijala, posebno u odeqku o
should be articulate and clear to the English speaking experts kulturnim dobrima, prilago|en je abecedi -
smatrali smo da Izve{taj treba da bude jasan i
and motivated readers. This is the explanation of
~itak stru~noj i zainteresovanoj publici
inconsequence in the order of presentation that can be
engleskog govornog podru~ja. Otuda dolaze i mala
noticed in the Cyrillic text. neslagawa u redosledu izlagawa koja se pojavquju
Cultural property belonging to certain municipality
is arranged in alphabetical order, as well as the u }irili~nom tekstu.
municipalities: DE^ANI, \AKOVICA, ISTOK, KLINA, Kulturna dobra po op{tinama pred-
MALIEVO, ORAHOVAC, PE], PRIZREN, SRBICA, stavqena su po abecednom redu, kao i op{tine:
monuments within a single municipality depends on their MALI[EVO, ORAHOVAC, PE], PRIZREN,
category (the 1st, the 3rd, recognized heritage). In cases SRBICA, SUVA REKA, [TRPCE i
where several monuments of the same category appear, they URO[EVAC. U okviru op{tina po kategorijama
are arranged in alphabetical order. (I, III, evidentirano), a u slu~aju gde ima vi{e
kulturnih dobara u istoj kategoriji, opet po
Considerably long period of time preceding the
release of this publication, in which the project has been
Do izlaska ove publikacije relativno dug
realized (one should keep in mind that it has been the first period realizacije Projekta (treba imati na umu
international project undertaken by Yugoslav experts since da se radi o prvom me|unarodnom projektu koji su
the arrival of the UN mission in Kosovo and Metohija), vodili jugoslovenski stru~waci od dolaska misije
Mnemosyne Centre experts used for repeated visits to the UN na prostor Kosova i Metohije), Centar
monuments in order to improve the Project to a maximum MNEMOSYNE je iskoristio za ~itav niz novih
degree. It is particularly true when Velika Ho~a is concerned: odlazaka na teren, radi maksimalnog unapre|ewa
Mnemosyne Centre experts registered eight objects of Projekta. To se posebno odnosi na Veliku Ho~u,
u kojoj su stru~waci Centra MNEMOSYNE
vernacular architecture. For these newly recognized objects,
evidentirali jo{ osam objekata tradicionalnog
integral projects of the present condition were made. These
graditeqstva. Za evidentirane objekte izra|eni su
projects are in accordance with the actual legislation of the kompletni projekti postoje}eg stawa, a u skladu
Republic of Serbia. sa va`e}im zakonodavstvom Republike Srbije.
This publication and technical and photo- Rezultati Projekta Urgentne za{tite
documentation including 3500 photographs and over 1500 nasle|a u Metohiji, tako, nisu samo ova
slides are not the only results of the Project of Urgent publikacija, ve} i tehni~ka i foto-dokumentacija
Protection of Heritage in Metohija. Four actual draft projects koja broji oko 3500 fotografija i preko 1500
for three monuments and one for an area of ambient, cultural slajdova, i na osnovu koje su izra|ena ~etiri
and historical interest, Velika Ho~a, should also be konkretna predloga projekata - za tri spomenika
mentioned. i jednu ambijentalnu kulturno-istorijsku celinu,
Veliku Ho~u.
This publication is accompanied by a CD-ROM,
Ovu publikaciju prati i CD-ROM ~iju
made owing to financial support of the Coordination Centre izradu je finansijski podr`ao Koordinacioni
of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Republic of Serbia centar Savezne Republike Jugoslavije i Republike
for Kosovo and Metohija. Along with the report, CD-ROM Srbije za Kosovo i Metohiju. Na CD-ROM-u je
includes numerous photographs, and, which is to our opinion pored Izve{taja dat ve}i izbor kolor
extremely important, a brief catalogue of all the movable fotografija, kao i - {to smatramo neobi~no
va`nim kratka katalo{ka obrada svih
cultural property from the destroyed churches throughout pokretnih kulturnih dobara iz razru{enih crkava
Metohija that the experts of Mnemosyne Centre found stored {irom Metohije koje su stru~waci Centra
in the Patriarchate of Pe} and the chapel of St Tryphon in MNEMOSYNE zatekli pohrawene u Pe}koj
Velika Ho~a. Scattered and devastated cultural heritage was patrijar{iji i kapeli Sv. Trifuna u Velikoj
gathered by monks and priests of the Diocese of Raka and Ho~i. Rastureno i devastirano kulturno blago
sakupili su monasi i sve{tenici Ra{ko-
Prizren and the Metropolitanate of Montengro and the
prizrenske eparhije i Crnogorsko-primorske
Littoral during 1999 an 2000. Mnemosyne expert teams also mitropolije tokom 1999. i 2000. godine. Stru~ni
protected, as much as possible, some of the icons and timovi Centra MNEMOSYNE, u meri u kojoj je to
iconostases that had been left over. All other movable bilo izvodqivo, tako|e su za{titili neke od
property found in the preserved churches in Velika Ho~a, zaostalih ikona i ikonostasa. Sav ostali
Orahovac, Prizren, Sreda~ka and Sirini}ka @upa was for the pokretni materijal zate~en po o~uvanim crkvama
u Velikoj Ho~i, Orahovcu, Prizrenu, Sreda~koj i
most part registered and catalogued. In order to secure the Sirini}koj `upi u najve}oj meri je popisan i
best possible and professional protection of the heritage, obra|en. Centar MNEMOSYNE }e tokom 2003.
Mnemosyne Centre would proceed, in the course of 2003, godine nastaviti, shodno svojim mogu}nostima, sa
with cataloguing of the material and publishing of special obradom materijala i izdavawem posebnih
publications in the extent it is possible to work out. publikacija, a u ciqu najboqe i profesionalne
The release of the Report was preceded by a za{tite nasle|a.
Centar MNEMOSYNE do pojave
presentation of a part of the Project and lectures given in Izve{taja, tokom februara-juna 2002. godine,
Belgrade, Novi Sad, Podgorica and Kruevac, organized by organizovao je i prezentaciju dela Projekta i
Mnemosyne Centre in the period between February and June stru~na predavawa u Beogradu, Novom Sadu,
2002. Mnemosyne Centre also presented its work on a web Podgorici i Kru{evcu i postavio web site
site www. www.
Predstavnici Centra MNEMOSYNE su
In the period preceding the release of the
tako|e u periodu do izlaska ove publikacije u
publication, representatives of the Mnemosyne Centre on vi{e navrata bili u prilici da na me|unarodnim
several occasions had the opportunity to point to the pressing konferencijama i seminarima sa temom za{tite i
issue of the cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija at the edukacije u Jugoisto~noj Evropi, otvore i
international conferences and seminars. pokrenu goru}e pitawe kulturnog nasle|a na
We will mention only the most important of them: prostoru Kosova i Metohije.
Pomiwemo najva`nije: Konferencija o
Conference on Cultural Heritage and Education in the kulturnom nasle|u i edukaciji u Jugoisto~noj
Southeastern Europe, Tokyo 2001; Cultural Heritage of Evropi, Tokio 2001, Kulturno nasle|e Kosova i
Kosovo and Metohija, High School of Pisa, Pisa 2001; Metohije, Visoka {kola u Pizi, Piza 2001,
Conference of the European Regions, Timisoara 2001; Konferencija evropskih regiona, Temi{var 2001,
General Assembly of EUROPA NOSTRA, with a special Redovna Skup{tina EUROPA NOSTRA-e, sa
posebenim delom posve}enim radu NVO na
section dealing with the activities of NGO in the
prostoru Jugoisto~ne Evrope, Dubrovnik 2002.
Southeastern Europe, Dubrovnik 2002. Centar MNEMOSYNE je sa svojim radom
Mnemosyne Centre presented its work to several upoznao i relevantne me|unarodne organizacije za
international organizations relevant in the field of heritage za{titu nasle|a, ostvario zna~ajne kontakte i u
protection, made some important contacts and initiated some proteklom periodu bio inicijator nekih od
of the most important donations to the cultural institutions najzna~ajnijih donacija za ustanove kulture i
za{titu nasle|a na podru~ju Republike Srbije.
and for protection of heritage in the territory of the Republic
of Serbia realized in the preceding period.
* * *
* * *
Brza procena stawa prirodnih i
Brief condition assessment of natural and cultural property kulturnih vrednosti Metohije, iako izvedena uz
of Metohija, though accompanied by restrictions, clearly ograni~ewa, jasno je pokazala slede}e op{te
showed the following characteristics of the state of odlike stawa za{tite prirodnih i kulturnih
protection of natural and cultural values: vrednosti:
• Numerous natural and cultural monuments, which • Na teritoriji Metohije nalazi se veliki
epitomize the highest values of the European and broj prirodnih i kulturnih dobara koja
predstavqaju vrhunske vrednosti evropskog
national heritage, can be found on the territory of
i nacionalnog nasle|a.
• Upravqa~i i staraoci progla{enih i
• With a few exceptions, managers and custodians of za{ti}enih prirodnih i kulturnih dobara,
recognized and protected natural and cultural sem nekih izuzetaka, onemogu}eni su u
property are obstructed in doing their job. For the vr{ewu svoje funkcije. Za ve}inu
most part of the objects, subjects of protection are objekata subjekti za{tite su suspendovani
suspended by the introduction of public praksom javne uprave, odnosno, za{tita se
management, i.e. no protection is provided. Even ne vr{i. I tamo gde je staralac Srpska
in cases where the Serbian Orthodox Church, acts pravoslavna crkva, kontakti sa stru~nim
as a curator, contacts with the institutions in charge slu`bama su redukovani, tako da su efekti
are so reduced that the effects of curatorship are starawa simboli~ni.
negligible. • Shodno prethodnom, propisani re`imi
za{tite se ne sprovode, mere za{tite se
• In addition to the above-mentioned problems,
ne primewuju, stru~ni i nadzorni
recommended regimes of protection are not being
personalni kapaciteti su redukovani ili
carried out, measures of protection are not put into poni{teni, nema planova za{tite, nema
effect, trained and supervisory personnel was kontrole vi{ih institucija (zavoda,
reduced or eliminated, there are no protection sekretarijata, ministarstava).
plans, no control of the higher rank institutions (the • Stepen uni{tewa kulturnih dobara je
institutes, secretariats and ministries) is being nezampa}en u novijoj evropskoj istoriji.
performed. • Vandalizam nad kulturnim dobrima, kao i
• The extent of destruction of cultural property is bespravno kori{}ewe prirodnih resursa u
za{ti}enim objektima produ`ava se, osim
unprecedented in modern European history.
u uskoj zoni oko malobrojnih hri{}ansko-
• With the exception of a narrow zone around a few
pravoslavnih sakralnih objekata koje
orthodox christian sacral objects protected by the obezbe|uju pripadnici KFOR-a.
KFOR units, cultural property is still being • O{te}ewa na prirodnim dobrima jo{ uvek
vandalized; it has been carried on with the illegal je te{ko, ili nemogu}e procewivati na
use of natural resources in protected objects. {irem prostoru.
• It is still very difficult or impossible to assess the • Posebnu pa`wu skre}emo na za{titu i
damages of natural property in a wider area. konzervaciju ostataka `ivopisa, kao
• We would like to point out protection and izuzetno te`ak i osetqiv problem. U
conservation of the remains of fresco decoration as ru{evinama crkava u Re~anima, \urakov-
a very difficult and delicate problem. Remains of cu, Mle~anima, Dobroj Vodi, Mu{uti{tu,
fresco decoration, which need urgent protection, Dolcu, ^abi}ima, Popovqanima, Gorwem
Nerodimqu, postoje ostaci `ivopisa koje
can be found in the churches in Re~ani, \urakovac,
je neophodno hitno za{titi.
Mle~ane, Dobra Voda, Muutite, Dolac, ^abici,
• Za{tita pokretnog materijala delova
Popovljane and Gornje Nerodimlje.
ikonostasa, ikona, bogoslu`benih kwiga i
• Protection of movable property, parts of sasuda predstavqa poseban problem u
iconostases , icons, liturgical books and eucharistic za{titi kulturnog nasle|a na Kosovu i
vessels is a very complicated problem when the Metohiji.
protection of cultural heritage in Kosovo and • Isto se odnosi i na objekte
Metohija is concerned. tradicionalnog graditeqstva. Dok je
• The same can be said of the objects of vernacular rekonstrukcija kula ve} otpo~ela,
architecture. On one hand the reconstruction of the zaostali primerci narodnog graditeqstva
residential towers, kullas, has already begun, on the u srpskim enklavama su bez ikakvog
other the monuments of vernacular architecture in konzervatorskog nadzora.
Serbian enclaves are left without any conservators • Poseban tretman i zna~aj za kulturu ovog
dela evropskog tla imaju kompleksi sta-
rih gradskih jezgara. Me|utim, kompleks
• Complexes of the old urban nuclei usually get
Potkaqaje u Prizrenu u novonastalim
special treatment and are assigned special prilikama gubi svoj prepoznatqiv izgled.
significance for the culture in this part of Europe. • Usled te{ke bezbedonosne situacije
natural properties and dwelling, including the building privrednih delatnosti i stanovawa,
in tourist purposes. ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu.
wall on the locality Duarinje - Pe}, Ljevo{a (XIII-XIV ogradnim zidom na lokalitetu Duariwe - Pe},
century); Qevo{a (XIII-XIV vek);
8. Church of St. George (now of St. Dimitry) - Pe}, Siga 8. Crkva Sv. \or|a (sada Sv. Dimitrija) - Pe},
(XIV century); Siga (XIV vek);
9. Radava~ke caves, archaeological locality - Pe} 9. Radava~ke pe}ine, arheolo{ki lokalitet -
Radavac, prehistory. Pe}, Radavac, praistorija.
Management: National Park Prokletije, according to Upravqawe: Nacionalni park Prokletije,
legislatives, will be under the management by Public Firm saglasno zakonskim re{ewima, poverava}e se na
National Park Prokletije, which will be formed after the upravqawe Javnom preduze}u "Nacionalni park
Prokletije", koje }e biti formirano po
forming of National Park, according to state and
progla{ewu Nacionalnog parka, saglasno doma}im
international regulations and agreements, considering the i me|unarodnim propisiima i dogovorima, s
present state in the Province. obzirom na trenutno stawe u Pokrajini.
Area suggested for National Park is situated to the Prostor predlo`en za Nacionalni park
south and southwest of Republic of Serbia, on the spot where nalazi se na jugu i jugozapadu Republike Srbije,
borders of Serbia, Montenegro and Albania meet. Most of na trome|i Srbije, Crne Gore i Albanije, a
najve}im delom na podru~ju Metohije. Posle Alpa
the area belongs to Metohija.
u Evropi, najnepristupa~niji i najdivqiji
After the Alps in Europe, the Balkan massif is the wildest planinski masiv Balkana. Samo na metohijskom
and the least accessible. Only in the Metohijan part there are delu se uzdi`e preko 70 vrhova vi{ih od 2000 m,
over 70 peaks over 2000 m, and the dominating is the me|u kojima dominira vulkanski masiv \eravice
volcano massif of \eravice (2665 m). (2665 m). Markantni masiv Prokletija nalazi se
The large massif of Prokletije is situated on the fringe of na obodu mediteranske oblasti kao ″pojedina~no
Mediterranean area as individually the largest mountain najve}a planinska masa Dinarske oblasti″
mass of Dinaride area (Lazarevi} 1975). It is composed of (Lazarevi}, 1975). Sagra|en od oko 40 planinskih
about 40 mountain units and with political borders divided celina, ovaj planinski sistem podeqen je
politi~kom granicom izme|u Jugoslavije (Srbije i
between Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) and Albania.
Crne Gore) i Albanije. Jugoslovenske, odnosno,
Yugoslavian, that is, northwestern Prokletije are composed severozapadne Prokletije, sastoje se od 24
of 24 mountain units with area of over 2000 km2 . In Serbia, planinske grupe, koje se prostiru na povr{ini od
Prokletije represent the high southwestern natural corridor preko 2000 km2. U Srbiji Prokletije predstavqaju
that stretches 90 km from the three-country border to wen visoki jugozapadni prirodni koridor, koji u
Kosovska Mitrovica. It includes about 1000 km2 of du`ini od 90 km od trome|e do Kosovske
Metohijan, mostly high-mountain area. Mitrovice zauzima oko 1000 km2 metohijske,
prete`no visokoplaninske oblasti.
Geological features: Complex and diverse geological build,
Geolo{ke odlike: slo`ena i raznovrsna geolo{ka
Bosnian Pine - Reliktni bor
Relict species Munika
(Pinus heldreishii ) (Pinus heldreishii )
from Paleozoic to Quarternary. Various lithological units gra|a, od paleozoika do kvartara, razli~ite
with numerous varieties and gradual changes. litolo{ke jedinice sa mno{tvom varijeteta i
Hydrogeological complexity, with very interesting water postupnih prelaza. Hidrogeolo{ka kompleksnost,
conditions. Dominant carbonate sediments, although in the sa izuzetno zanimqivim vodnim pojavama.
south part there are also intrusives and metamorphites. Dominantni karbonatni sedimenti, iako su u
ju`nom delu rasprostraweni intruzivi i
Geomorphological properties: Pronounced morphological metamorfiti.
domination, large complexity and diversification of relief,
Geomorfolo{ke vrednosti: markantna
glacial relief as one of main properties of geodiversity, morfolo{ka dominacija, velika slo`enost i
periglacial, high-mountain krast and fluvial relief. ra{~lawenost reqefa, glacijalni reqef kao
jedna od osnovnih vrednosti geodiverziteta,
National geoheritage: Radava~ka cave; waterfall on Beli periglacijalni, visokoplaninski kra{ki i
Drim river; accumulation of bigar in village Sige; canyon of fluvijalni reqef.
Su{ice; Rugovska gorge; gorge Ribnika (Erenika); cirques Nacionalno geonasle|e Srbije: Radava~ka
around \eravice; cirque Ra{ki do - Bogda{; cirques under pe}ina; vodopad Belog Drima; akumulacija bigra u
Ned`inat and @uti Kamen rock; Beloponjski cirque between selu Sige; kawon Su{ice; Rugovska klisura;
Koprivnik and Streo~ki Peak; erratic blocks in the cirque of klisura Ribnika (Erenika); cirkovi oko
spring Ribnika (Erenika); sliding blocks above Plo~ice \eravice; cirk Ra{ki do - Bogda{; cirkovi pod
Neyinatom i @utim kamenom; Belopoqski cirk
(\eravica); high-mountain karst of Rusolija and @njeb;
izme|u Koprivnika i Streo~kog vrha; erati~ni
tufurs frost-induced grass hummocks in the valley Vorove blokovi u cirku izvori{ta Ribnika (Erenika);
on Rusolija; giant windows in karst on the southern side of klize}i blokovi iznad Plo~ice (\eravica);
@uti Kamen, and @abarska gorge of Crna Reka river, with visokoplaninski kras Rusolije i @qeba; tufuri -
Church of St. Archangel Michael in the cave. mrazne travne humke u uvali Vorove na Rusoliji;
yinovski prozorci u kr{u ju`ne strane @utog
Hydrological properties: Isto~ko spring; Bela Voda and Crna kamena i @abarska klisura Crne reke sa crkvom
Sv. arhangela Mihaila u pe}ini.
Voda (White Water and Black Water); Radavac and other
water features that build up Beli Drim and its transparent Hidrolo{ke vrednosti: Isto~ko vrelo; Bela i
tributaries Bistrice - Pe}ka, Lo}anska and De~anska; Crna Voda; Radavac i druge vodne pojave koje grade
Beli Drim i wegove "bistre" pritoke -
intergranular water shield in proluvial accumulations of
Bistrice, Pe}ku, Lo}ansku i De~ansku;
Ljubeni}a; spring of Ribnik (Erenik); springs of Radavac; intergranularna izdan u proluvijalnim naslagama
Isto~ko spring; [koza; De~anski kisenjak; Pe}ka spa. Qubeni}a; izvor Ribnika (Erenik); vrela Radavac;
Isto~ko vrelo; [koza; De~anski kiseqak; Pe}ka
Vegetation: Unique and luxurious - {ibljaks (bush) of bawa.
Oriental Hornbeam, Hornbeam and endemorelict Golden
Vegetacija: jedinstvena i rasko{na - {ibqaci
Ball (Forsitia europaea); forests of Sweet Chestnut belograbi}a, crnog graba, endemoreliktne
(Castanea sativa); mixed forests of Oaks and Beech, often forzicije (Forsitia europaea); {ume pitomog kestena
including also the Mountain Maple, Spruce and Fir; (Castanea sativa); me{ovite {ume hrastova i bukve
coniferous forests of fir, spruce, endemorelict Macedonian uz koju se ~esto javqa gorski javor, smr~a i jela;
Pine (Pinus peuce) and Bosnian Pine (Pinus heldreichii); ~etinarske {ume jele, smr~e, endemoreliktne
shrubby high-mountain communities of Mugo Pine (Pinus molike (Pinus peuce) i munike (Pinus heldreichii);
mugo), Siberian Juniper and Blueberry; high-mountain `bunaste visokoplaninske zajednice bora krivuqa
communities of meadows, pastures, rocks, peatbogs, around (Pinus mugo), sibirske kleke, i borovnice;
snow fields, streams and springs. visokoplaninske zajednice livada, pa{waka,
kamewara, stena, tresava, oko sne`nika, potoka i
Vascular flora: 1900 species, from Mediterranean to Arctic izvora.
on the highest peaks.
Vaskularna flora: 1900 vrsta - od mediteranskih
Tertiary and glacial relicts and endemics: 335 in the Serbian pa do arkti~kih na najvi{im vrhovima.
Tercijarni i glacijalni relikti i endemiti: 335
Local endemics: 17-exclusively in Yugoslav part - endemita na srpskom delu.
Oliveras Campion (Silene oliverae); Ble~i}s Wulfenia Lokalni endemiti: 17 iskqu~ivo na
(Wulfenia blecicii);White Knapweed (Centaurea alba ssp. jugoslovenskom delu - Oliverina silena (Silene
ipecensis); Adamovi}s Hawkweed (Hieracium adamovicii) oliverae); Ble~i}eva vulfenija (Wulfenia blecicii);
etc. bela ze~ina (Centaurea alba ssp. ipecensis);
Adamovi}eva ruwika (Hieracium adamovicii) i dr.
Entomofauna includes 139 species of butterflies.
Entomofauna: 139 vrsta leptira.
Herpetofauna: Black Salamander (S Salamandra atra );
Herpetofauna: crni da`devwak (Salamandra atra);
Slowworm (Angius fragilis); Long-nosed Viper (Vipera slepi} (Angius fragilis); poskok (Vipera ammodytes);
ammodytes); Adder (Vipera berus). {arka (Vipera berus).
Ornithofauna: 180 species: White Stork (Ciconia ciconia); Ornitofauna: 180 vrsta - bela roda (Ciconia
Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus); Short-toed Eagle (Circaetus ciconia); beloglavi sup (Gyps fulvus); orao zmijar
gallicus); Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos); Peregrine (Circaetus gallicus); suri orao (Aquila chrysaetos);
sivi soko (Falco peregrinus); veliki tetreb (Tetrao
Falcon (Falco peregrinus); Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus);
urogallus); troprsti detli} (Picoides tridactylus);
Three-toed Woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus); Red-billed crvenokquna galica (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) i dr.
Chough (Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax) etc.
Teriofauna: beloglavi je` (Erinaceus concolor);
Teriofauna: Eastern European or White-Breasted alpska rov~ica (Sorex alpinus); dinarska voluharica
Hedgehog (Erinaceus concolor); Alpine Shrew (Sorex (Dinaromys bogdanovi); sne`na voluharica
alpinus); Balkan Snow Vole (Dinaromys bogdanovi); Snow (Chionomys nivalis); {umski puh (Dryomys nitedula);
medved (Ursus arctos); ris (Lynx lynx); divokoza
Vole (Chionomys nivalis); Forest Dormouse (Dryomys
(Rupicarpa rupicarpa); srna (Capreolus capreolus);
nitedula); Brown Bear (Ursus arctos); Lynx (Lynx lynx);
divqa sviwa (Sus scrofal) i dr.
Chamois (Rupicarpa rupicarpa); Roe Deer (Capreolus
capreolus); Wild Boar (Sus scrofa) etc. Osnovni ciqevi i kriterijumi progla{ewa
Nacionalnog parka:
Main goals and criteria for founding a National Park:
• Za{tita, unapre|ewe i namensko kori{}ewe
• Protection, improvement and predetermined utilization prirodnih vrednosti kroz nau~ne, stru~ne i
of natural properties through scientific, expert and prostorno-planske mere o~uvawa geo-
spatial-plan measurements of preserving geodiversity diverziteta i biodiverziteta, celovitosti,
and biodiversity, wholeness, autochthonity and stability autohtonosti i stabilnosti ekosistema pod-
of ecosystems in the area; ru~ja;
• Plansko, svrsishodno kori{}ewe flore,
• Planned utilization of flora, vegetation, fauna, soil,
vegetacije, faune, zemqi{ta, vode i vazduha
water and air through aimed utilization of strategy of
kroz delotvornu primenu strategije odr`ivog
sustainable development; razvoja;
• Determination of conditions for rational management of • Utvr|ivawe uslova za racionalno gazdovawe
total natural potential, in accord with ecological ukupnim prirodnim potencijalom u skladu sa
potential of the area; ekolo{kim potencijalima podru~ja;
• Conservation, strengthening and spreading of forest • Ο~uvawe, ja~awe i pro{irewe {umskog fonda,
fund, improvement of all functions of forest ecosystems unapre|ewe svih funkcija {umskih ekosistema
including the industrial ones; ukqu~uju}i i proizvodne;
• Protection and adequate presentation of cultural- • Za{tita i adekvatna prezentacija kulturno-
historical monuments and traditional architectural istrijskih spomenika i izvorne graditewske
heritage; ba{tine;
• Stimulacija i razvoj privrednih delatnosti
• Stimulation and development of industrial activities that
koje su u skladu sa raspolo`ivim prirodnim
are in sync with the available natural resources and
resursima i funkcijom Nacionalnog parka;
function of National Park; • Planirawe i usmeravawe razvoja sportskog,
• Planning and aiming of development of sport, health and zdravstvenog i edukativnog turizma i
educational tourism amd recreation in accord with rekreacije u skladu sa prirodnim vrednostima
natural properties and potentials of the space; i potencijalima prostora;
• Organizing and channeling of traditional ways of work • Organizovawe i kanalisawe tradicionalnih
and industry; vidova delatnosti i proizvodwe;
• Preservation of landscape and ambient values of the • O~uvawe pejza`nih i ambijentalnih vrednosti
area; prostora;
• Development of infrastructure with the goal of • Razvoj infrastrukture u ciqu o~uvawa i
preservation and improvement of functions of National unapre|ewa funkcija Nacionalnog parka, kao
i poboq{awa uslova `ivota i rada
Park, as well as improvement of living and working
• O~uvawa zdrave `ivotne i radne sredine
• Conservation of healthy living and working regulisawem problema otpadnih voda,
environment through regulating the problem of waste komunalnog otpada i ostalih potencijalnih
waters, communal garbage and other potential organic organskih i neorganskih zaga|iva~a;
and inorganic pollutants; • Stimulisawe organizovanih multidisci-
• Stimulation of organized multidisciplinary scientific plinarnih nau~nih istra`ivawa i wihove
research and their practical utilization in the given area; prakti~ne primene na datom prostoru;
• Adequate education of young science cadre, local • Adekvatna edukacija mladog nau~nog kadra,
community and visitors; lokalnog stanovni{tva i posetilaca;
• Presentation and popularization of properties of • Prezentacija i popularizacija vrednosti
National Park, with the goal of education and including Nacionalnog parka radi edukacije i
ukqu~ivawa svih uzrasnih struktura u za{titu
all the age structures in protection and improvement of
i unapre|ewe prostora;
the area;
• Planska za{tita od elementarnih nepogoda i
• Planned protection from weather catastrophes and fires. po`ara.
Estimate of the present state Ocena stawa
From 1999 there are no estimates, so the revision Od 1999. do danas ne postoji uvid u stawe,
of the proposition will be necessary. The general estimate tako da }e biti neophodna revizija predloga.
made with scarce and local data is this: Ograni~enim uvidom informatora, proceweno je
da, generalno, na prostoru planiranog
1. the service of protection of proclaimed natural nacionalnog parka:
properties does not function; 1. ne funkcioni{e slu`ba za{tite progla{enih
2. there is no planned management of natural resources; prirodnih dobara;
2. ne postoji plansko gazdovawe prirodnim
3. the illegal utilization of natural properties is not
3. ne postoji suzbijawe bespravnog kori{}ewa
4. there are indications on huge proportions of damage and prirodnih vrednosti;
losses. 4. postoje indicije o ogromnim razmerama
o{te}ewa i gubitaka.
Suggested activities and measurements
Predlog aktivnosti i mera
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia plans to, Zavod za za{titu prirode Srbije planira
as soon as possible, start the procedure for founding the da u najskorije vreme pokrene postupak za
National Park Prokletije, in the agreement with appropriate progla{ewe Nacionalnog parka Prokletije, u
federal and republic organs, in concord and with help of dogovoru sa nadle`nim saveznim i republi~kim
engaged international community on Kosovo and Metohija, organima, uz saglasnost i pomo} anga`ovane
and with support from international expert institutions. me|unarodne zajednice na Kosovu i Metohiji i uz
After the National park is founded, procedure will podr{ku me|unarodnih stru~nih institucija.
be started to enlist the Park into the List of World Natural Po progla{ewu Nacionalnog parka treba
Heritage (UNESCO) and into the List of Biosphere Reserves pokrenuti postupak za upis Parka u Listu svetske
(MAB). prirodne ba{tine (UNESKO) i u Listu rezervata
The founding of National Park Prokletije would biosfere (MAB).
Progla{ewem Nacionalnog parka
Prokletije, obezbedili bi se:
• the unique system of management, protection and
• jedinstveni sistem upravqawa, za{tite i
improvement within the suggested boundaries, which is unapre|ewa u okviru predlo`enih granica,
an obligation on base of international documents; {to je i obaveza po osnovu me|unarodnih
• carrying out the national and international principles of dokumenta;
protection and improvement of area, in accord to • sprovo|ewe nacionalno i me|unarodno
protection regimes; propisanih principa za{tite i unapre|ewa
• legitimate bases for engaging the means of international prostora u skladu sa re`imima za{tite;
community on protection and development of the area • legitimne osnove za anga`ovawe sredstava
and improvement of settlements; me|unarodne zajednice na za{titi i razvoju
• scientific-expert programs and research, organization of podru~ja, ure|ewu naseqa;
monitoring etc. • nau~no stru~ni programi i istra`ivawa,
organizacija monitoringa i dr.
In the meantime, it is necessary to:
U me|uvremenu je neophodno:
• carry out the conditions for rational management of total
natural resources, in accord with ecological potentials of • stvoriti uslove za racionalno gazdovawe
the area; ukupnim prirodnim resursima u skladu sa
• prevent the illegal activities - logging, uncontrolled ekolo{kim potencijalima podru~ja;
killing of game, wild building, as well as all other • spre~iti nezakonite radwe - se~u {uma,
activities that drastically disturb the biological, nekontrolisano ubijawe divqa~i, divqu
culturological and physically-geographical diversity of gradwu, kao i sve ostale aktivnosti koje
drasti~no naru{avaju biolo{ki, kulturolo{ki
the National Park;
i fizi~ko-geografski diverzitet Nacionalnog
• provide the adequate protection, reconstruction of parka;
destroyed monuments and settlements, revitalization • obezbediti adekvatnu za{titu, rekonstrukciju
and presentation of cultural-historical monuments and uni{tenih spomenika i naseqa, revitalizaciju
traditional architectural heritage in the ambiental i prezentaciju kulturno-istorijskih spo-
surroundings; menika i izvorne graditeqske ba{tine u
• provide the conditions of physical security and wihovim ambijentalnim okru`ewima;
conditions for return of non-Albanian citizens, • obezbediti uslove za povratak, fizi~ku
supervisors and technical service of future National sigurnost nealbanskom stanovni{tvu, nad-
Park; zornoj i tehni~koj slu`bi budu}eg Na-
• provide reconstruction; cionalnog parka;
• urediti prostorne celine oko spomenika
• arrange the space units around the cultural monuments;
• stimulate the industrial activities according the existing • stimulisati privredne delatnosti koje su u
natural resources and the function of National park; skladu sa raspolo`ivim prirodnim resursima
• organize and channeling the traditional activities and i funkcijom Nacionalnog parka;
industry; • organizovati i kanalisawe tradicionalnih
• preserve of landscape and ambiental properties of the vidova delatnosti i proizvodwe;
area; • o~uvati pejza`ne i ambijentalne vrednosti
• develop the infrastructure in order to preserve and prostora;
improve the functions of National Park, as well as • razviti infrastrukturu radi o~uvawa i
improve the living conditions and activities of the unapre|ewa funkcija Nacionalnog parka, kao
community; i poboq{awa uslova `ivota i rada
• permanently regulate the problem of waste waters,
• trajno regulisati problem otpadnih voda,
communal garbage and other potential organic and komunalnog otpada i ostalih potencijalnih
inorganic pollutants; organskih i neorganskih zaga|iva~a;
• take the necessary measurements of protection from • preduzeti prethodne mere za{tite od
weather conditions. elementarnih i drugih nepogoda.
Category: I (first) - natural property of extraordinary Kategorija: I (prva) prirodno dobro od izuzetnog
importance 1 zna~aja.1
IUCN classification: II (second) category - National Park2 Klasifikacija IUCN: II (druga) kategorija -
National Park.2
Area: 39,000,000 ha. Povr{ina: 39.000.000 ha
1 Pravilnik o kategorizaciji zaštiæenih prirodnih dobara (“Slu beni 1 Pravilnik o kategorizaciji za{ti}enih prirodnih
glasnik Republike Srbije”, No 30/92). dobara (“Slu`beni glasnik Republike Srbije”, broj
2 According to “Okvir za klasifikaciju zaštiæenih kopnenih i 30/92).
2 Prema “Okviru za klasifikaciju za{ti}enih kopnenih
morskih podruèja” - IUCN, 1990. i morskih podru~ja” - IUCN, 1990. godine.
Boundaries: Granice:
• Privremene, ura|ene bez prethodne adekvatne
• Temporary, made without the previous adequate valorizacije prirodnih vrednosti i zonirawa
valorization of natural properties and zoning which u skladu sa principima zastite, unapre|ewa i
would be in sync with principles of conservation, razvoja podru~ja, kao i u skladu sa principima
improving and development of the area, as well as the odr`ivog razvoja.
principles of sustainable development; • Izra|ena je Stru~no-nau~na studija - predlog
• There is an Expert Scientific study suggestion of trajnih granica Nacionalnog parka, kojom je
permanent boundaries of National Park, that includes obuhva}eno vrednovawe prostora (85.000,00 ha)
assessing the area (85.000,00 ha) from the aspect of sa aspekta fizi~ko-geografskih i bioloskih
physically-geographical and biological properties, as vrednosti, kao i ukupnog kulturno-istorijskog
nasle|a, posmatranih kroz za{titu,
well as the total cultural and historical heritage,
funkcionalnu organizaciju prostora i
observed through conservation, functional organization
wegovog razvoja u saglasnosti sa Prostornim
of space and its development in accord with Space Plan planom Republike Srbije i brojnim planskim,
of Republic of Serbia and numerous plan, program and programskim i zakonskim dokumentima. Tek
legal documents. Only the permanent boundaries trajne granice odre|uju prostor na kome se
determine the space that includes the natural properties nalaze prirodne vrednosti koje ispuwavaju
fulfilling the criteria for inclusion in rank of Natural kriterijume za za{titu u rangu prirodnog
Property of Extraordinary Importance. dobra od izuzetnog zna~aja.
this Central-Balkan massif includes rocks of diverse age, gra|i ovog centralnobalkanskog masiva su stene
from Paleozoic granites to magmatic Quaternary rocks. razli~ite starosti, od paleozojskih granita do
magmatskih stena kvartara.
Geomorphologic characteristics: numerous cirques that on
highest parts of massifs were dug by massive glaciers during Geomorfolo{ke odlike: brojni cirkovi koje su
na najvi{im delovima masiva izdubili masivni
the Ice Ages; huge rocks and boulders;
lednici formirani tokom Ledenog doba; ogromni
vertical rocks; harsh gorges and canyons with wild currents bedemi kamenih blokova; vertikalne stene; surove
of streams and rivers; glacial lakes known as gorske o~i klisure i kawoni sa divqim slapovitim potocima
(mountain eyes). i rekama; glacijalna jezera poznata kao gorske
Floristic characteristics: About 2000 plant species, about 56
Floristi~ke odlike: oko 2000 biqnih vrsta, oko
% of Serbian flora. Numerous endemic and relict species of
56 % srpske flore. Brojne endemi~ne i reliktne
Tertiary and glacial age. So far 332 endemic species were vrste tercijarne i glacijalne starosti. Do sada
recorded, among them 20 local endemics, present only in registrovane 332 endemi~ne vrste, me|u kojima se
Sara area. For example: nalazi 20 lokalnih endemita, prisutnih samo na
- King Alexanders Yarrow (Achillea alexandri regis), {arskim prostorima. Na primer:
- Bornmullera (Bornmullera dieckii), - hajdu~ica Kraqa Aleksandra (Achillea alexandri
- [ar-planina Pink (Dianthus scardicus), regis),
- [ar-planina Crocus (Crocus scardicus), - bornmilera (Bornmullera dieckii),
- [ara Mullein (Verbascum scardicolum), - {arplaninski karanfili} (Dianthus scardicus),
- {arplaninski {afran (Crocus scardicus),
- [ara Mouse-ear (Cerastium neoscardicum),
- {arska divizma (Verbascum scardicolum),
- Doerflers Cinquefoil (Potentilla doerfleri),
- {arska pti~ja trava (Cerastium neoscardicum),
- [ara Hawkweed (Hieracium scardicolum) etc. - Dorflerov petoprst (Potentilla doerfleri),
- {arska ruwika (Hieracium scardicolum) i dr.
[ar-planina, together with Prokletijama, belongs to one of
[ar-planina sa Prokletijama spada u jedan od
six European centers of endemism and local endemism.
{est evropskih centara endemizma i lokalnog
Vegetation characteristics: There are 112 associations in
various vegetation belts, from submediterranean in the river Vegetacijske odlike: 112 asocijacija razli~itih
valleys to the high-mountain belt of tundra-like vegetation vegetacijskih pojaseva, od submediteranskog u
with the harsh periglacial climate. Especially interesting are: dolinama reka, do visokoplaninskog pojasa tipa
tundre gde vlada surova periglacijalna klima.
- Communities of Serbian Ramonda (Ramonda serbica)
Posebno su interesantne:
in chalkstone gorges,
- zajednice srpske ramonde (Ramonda serbica) u
- Communities of Greek Maple (Acer heldreichii) and kre~wa~kim klisurama,
Beech (Fagus moesiaca), - zajednica gorskog javora (Acer heldreichii) i
- Communities of endemorelict Bosnian Pine (Pinus bukve (Fagus moesiaca),
heldreichii) and Macedonian Pine (Pinus peuce), - zajednice endemoreliktnih borova munike
3 National Park includes part of District of Prizren. The city itself 3 Nacionalni park obuhvata i deo teritorije op{tine
is outside the boundaries, but within the interest zone and protective Prizren. Sam grad je izvan granica, ali u zoni od
/functional zone of Park. interesa i za{titno/funkcionalnoj zoni Parka.
23. Church of St Nicholas, Mila~i}i, Sredska (XIX 23. Crkva Sv. Nikole, Mila~i}i, Sredska (XIX
century); vek);
24. Church of St \ur|ica, Draga{ (XIX century); 24. Crkva Sv.\ur|ice, Draga{ (XIX vek);
25. Fortress above village Kru{evo on the hill Hisari{te, 25. Utvr|ewe iznad sela Kru{evo na brdu
Draga{; Hisari{te, Draga{;
26. Kukli-begs Mosque, Brodosavce, Draga{; 26. Kukli-begova yamija, Brodosavce, Draga{;
27. Church of St. Virgin, Gotovu{a, [trpce (XIX century); 27. Crkva Sv. Bogorodice, Gotovu{a, [trpce
(XIX vek);
28. Remains of shrine Rusenica, Mu{uti{te, Suva Reka
28. Ostaci isposnice Rusenice, Mu{uti{te, Suva
(XIV century); Reka (XIV vek);
29. Remains of Moslem sacral object; 29. Ostaci muslimanskog verskog objekta;
30. Remains of shrine-caves on hill Matos, Mu{uti{te, Suva 30. Ostaci isposnica pe}ina na brdu Matos,
Reka (XIV century); Mu{uti{te, Suva Reka (XIV vek);
31. Selo Sevce - zaselak [ubarini (XIX vek),
31. Village of Sevce (part [ubarini), recognition process
postupak za progla{ewe u toku.
ongoing (XIX century).
Protected natural properties within the National Park Za{ti}ena prirodna dobra u okviru
Nacionalnog parka
Nature Reserves:
Rezervati prirode:
1. Rusenica (on slopes of Kod`a Balkan) 1. Rusenica (padine Koya Balkana)
Area 300 ha; District: Suva Reka; Decision No 313 Povr{ina: 300 ha.
from October 11th, 1955 by Institute for Nature Op{tina: Suva Reka
Protection and Scientific Research of Natural Rarities of Re{ewe: br. 313, od 11.10.1955, Zavoda za
NR Serbia. za{titu prirode i nau~no prou~avawe
prirodnih retkosti NR Srbije.
2. O{ljak 2. O{qak
Area: 30 ha; District: Prizren; Decision No 01-543 from Povr{ina: 30 ha.
Op{tina: Prizren
December 9th, 1960, by Institute for Nature Protection Re{ewe: br. 01-543 od 9. 12.1960. Zavoda za
and Scientific Research of Natural Rarities of NR za{titu prirode i nau~no prou~avawe
Serbia. prirodnih retkosti NR Srbije.
3. Popovo prase
3. Popovo prase Povr{ina: 30 ha.
Op{tina: Prizren, Re{ewe 01-543 od
Area: 30 ha; District: Prizren; Decision No 01-543 from
December 9th, 1960, by Institute for Nature Protection Re{ewe: br. 01-543, od 9.12. 1960, Zavoda za
and Scientific Research of Natural Rarities of NR za{titu prirode i nau~no prou~avawe
Serbia. prirodnih retkosti NR Srbije
4. Golem bor (padine Koya Balkana)
4. Golem bor (slopes of Kod`a Balkan) Povr{ina: 35 ha.
Area: 35 ha; District: Prizren; Decision No 01-545 from Op{tina: Prizren
High-mountain Visokoplaninski
pastures and downs pa{waci i
December 9th, 1960, by Institute for Nature Protection Re{ewe: br. 01-545, od 9.11.1960, Zavoda za
and Scientific Research of Natural Rarities of NR za{titu prirode i nau~no prou~avawe
prirodnih retkosti NR Srbije.
Spomenik prirode
Nature monument Prizrenska Bistrica
Prizrenska Bistrica Povr{ina: 200 ha. Op{tina: Prizren, KO
Area: 200 ha; District: Prizren, KO Prizren, KO Jablanica Prizren, KO Jablanica (221), KO Goncare (3), KO
(221), KO Goncare (3), KO Novo Selo (4), KO Vrbi~ana Novo Selo (4), KO Vrbi~ana (110), KO Re~ane
(124). Re{ewe: br. 633/2 od 25.11.1976. SO Prizren,
(110), KO Re~ane (124). Decision No 633/2 from November
Sl. list SAPK 51/76.
25th, 1976. SO Prizren, Sl. list SAPK 51/76
Ostala podru~ja prve zone za{tite (na osnovu
Other areas of first protection zone, based on a study for Studije za pro{irewe granica NP [ar-
boundary widening NP [ar-planina: Ljuboten; Cirque of planina): Quboten; Cirk Livadi~kog jezera;
Livadi~ko Lake ; Gorge Gradi{te; Cirque of divide of Durlov Klisura Gradi{te; Cirk sliva Durlovog potoka;
Cirk Ja`ina~kog jezera; O{qak; Popovo Prase;
stream; Cirque of Ja`ina~ko Lake; O{ljak; Popovo Prase;
Koya Balkan; Ostrovica; Izvori{te Prizrenske
Kod`a Balkan; Ostrovica; Source of Prizrenska Bistrica;
Bistrice; Kobilica; Jelak; Suteska Du{ke reke;
Kobilica; Jelak; Suteska Du{ke reke ; Trpeznica ^elepino; Trpeznica ^elepino; Rudoka Vraca Mramor
Rudoka Vraca Mramor Beli rid; Veljinbreg; Koritnik. Beli rid; Veqinbreg; Koritnik.
Objects and landscape units of Geo-heritage of Serbia Objekti i prostorne celine geonasle|a Srbije
(1996) for which special protection regimes are predicted (1996) za koje se predvi|aju posebni re`imi
Gorges: Duvska gorge on Prizrenska Bistrica; Suteska Klisure: Duvska klisura Prizrenske Bistrice;
Suteska Du{ke reke iznad Broda.
Du{ke reke above Brod.
Vrhovi: Ostrovica; Quboten.
Peaks: Ostrovica; Ljuboten. Cirkovi: na Koritniku; Male Vrace; Rudoke;
Cirques: on Koritnik; Male Vrace; Rudoke; Kotao between Kotao izme|u Trpeznice i ^elepinskog vrha; u
Trpeznica and ^elepinski peak; in source of Ropot stream, izvori{tu Ropot potoka, ~eone morene Ropot
front moraines of Ropot stream; in source part of Prizrenska potoka; u izvori{nom delu Prizrenske Bistrice;
Bistrica; in source of Durlev stream ; Livadi~ki cirque; u izvori{tu Durlevog potoka; Livadi~ki cirk;
Ja`ina~ki cirk.
Ja`ina~ki cirque.
Klize}i blokovi: ispod Male Vrace; ispod
Sliding blocks: below Mala Vraca; below Rudoka. Rudoke.
Head morrains: in the source part of Prizrenska Bistrica. ^eone morene: u izvori{nom delu Prizrenske
Solifluxional tongue: above the Upper Bukorovacko lake. Bistrice.
Peatbogs: Tija Voda, Veli Beg and Hod`ina mlaka. Soliflukcioni jezik: iznad Gorweg Bukurova~kog
Lakes: about 90, 70 of them are glacial in origin and 20 jezera.
Tresave: Tija voda; Veli beg; Hoyina mlaka.
nivaceous. The largest and most attractive are: Large
Jezera: oko 90, od kojih su 70 glacijalnog i 20
[utmansko lake (2080 m a.s.l.); Small [utmansko lake (2140 nivacionog porekla; najve}a i najatraktivnija:
m a.s.l.); ^elepinska lakes (2250 m a.s.l.); Ginivodna lakes Veliko [utmansko jezero (2080 m); Malo
(2265 m a.s.l.); Upper Bukurova~ko Lake (2415 m a.s.l.); [utmansko jezero (2140 m); ^elepinska jezera
Ja`ina~ko lake; Livadi~ko lake. (2250 m); Ginivodna jezera (2265 m); Gorwe
Bukurova~ko jezero (2415 m); Ja`ina~ko jezero;
Livadi~ko jezero.
Forest fire O{te}ewa
Time: August 2000. Po`ari
Vreme: avgust 2000.
Type of fire: large spotty forest fire in broad area.
Tip po`ara: veliki ta~kasti {umski po`ar na
Causes: not certainly determined.
{irokom prostoru.
Scope: Area of the fire cannot be defined without the field Uzroci: nisu sa sigurno{}u utvr|eni.
research in the area, and the additional problem is the fact Razmere: povr{ina po`ara se ne mo`e utvrditi
that it was a spotted fire. bez terenskog obilaska prostora, a odre|ivawe
Damage: worst damaged was Mugho Pine (Pinus mugo) on povr{ine ote`ava ~iwenica da su u pitawu
O{ljak and Ostrovica (protection of II degree), as well as ta~kasti po`ari.
[tete: najvi{e stradao planinski bor (Pinus
endemorelict Bosnian Pine (Pinus heldreichii) within reserve mugo) na O{qaku i Ostrovici (za{tita II
Popovo prase (protection of I degree). stepena), kao i endemoreliktni bor munika (Pinus
Measurements taken during fire: In spite of effort of both heldreichii) u rezervatu Popovo prase (za{tita I
KFOR and local population, due to inaccessibility of terrain
Preduzete mere za vreme po`ara: i pored
and safety risk, fire was only eradicated by rain after 7 days. poku{aja KFOR-a i lokalnog stanovni{tva, usled
It stopped the even greater damage on forest fund. nepristupa~nosti terena i bezbednosnih rizika,
Measurements taken after the fire: A written report was tek posle 7 dana je po`ar zaustavila ki{a i
presented to Ministry of Environmental Protection of spre~ila jo{ ve}e uni{tewe {umskog fonda.
Preduzete mere posle po`ara: dostavqen
pismeni izve{taj Ministarstvu za za{titu
`ivotne sredine Srbije.
Illegal logging:
Time: year 2000. Nezakonita se~a {ume
Vreme: 2000. godina.
Localities: Northern slopes of Osljak and Ostrovica;
Lokaliteti: severne padine O{qaka i
Popovo prase: Reserve Munika (information gathered from Ostrovice. Popovo prase: rezervat munike
Frank Eibisch, Regional Environmental Officer in Prizren). (informacija dobijena od Franka Eibischa, Regional
Measurements taken: After the numerous interventions, Environmental Officer u Prizrenu).
representatives of UNMIK in Prizren have informed the Preduzete mere: nakon brojnih intervencija,
predstavnici UNMIK-a u Prizrenu su obavestili
representative of Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia
predstavnika Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije da
that protection measurements were taken in Reserve su preduzete mere za za{titu rezervata Popovo
Popovo prase. prase.
Enable Omogu}iti:
• bezbedno odno{ewe sme}a na za to predvi|enu
• taking garbage to specially determined dumping place; deponiju;
• do sanitation of the area: clean the localities where there • o~istiti lokalitete na kojima se sada nalaze
are illegal dumping sites, and plant autochthonous divqe deponije i po{umiti ih autohtonim
species. vrstama.
Develop Sprovoditi:
• conditions for rational management of whole natural • uslove za racionalno gazdovawe ukupnim
potential, according to ecological potential of the area; prirodnim potencijalom u skladu sa
ekolo{kim potencijalima podru~ja;
• arrange the ambient units around cultural monuments. • ure|ewe ambijentalnih celina oko spomenika
Stimulate Stimulisati:
• the industry activities that are in sync with available • privredne delatnosti koje su u skladu sa
natural resources and function of national park. raspolo`ivim prirodnim resursima i
funkcijom Nacionalnog parka.
Organize and channel Organizovati i kanalisti:
• the traditional ways of activities and industry. • tradicionalne vidove delatnosti i
• the landscape and ambient values of the area.
• pejza`ne i ambijentalne vrednosti prostora.
IUCN classification: Culture property nominated for Klasifikacija IUCN: kulturno dobro nomino-
inclusion into the List of World Natural and Cultural vano za upis u Listu svetske prirodne i kultur-
na ba{tine (UNESKO).
Heritage (UNESCO).
Regime: I (first) degree of protection of monument complex; Re`imi: I (prvi) stepen za{tite spomeni~kog
III (third) degree of surrounding protection. kompleksa; III (tre}i) stepen za{tite okoline.
District: De~ani, KO De~ani: 158, 159, 161 (part), 163, 164, Op{tina: De~ani, KO De~ani: 158, 159, 161 (deo),
165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176,
179, 180, 181, 182, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 494, 496/2, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320,
497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502; KO Istini}: 452/1 (part), 474 494, 496/2, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 502; KO Istini}:
(part), 475, 476, 478, 479/4, 2580, 2581, 2582, 2583, 2584, 452/1 (deo), 474 (deo), 475, 476, 478, 479/4,
2585, 2586. 2580,2581,2582, 2583, 2584, 2585, 2586.
Description: on the exit of an attractive gorge of Decanska Op{te odlike: na izlazu iz atraktivne klisure
Bistrica, on a small plato (654 m above sea level), above the De~anske Bistrice, na mawem platou na visini od
right riverbank. Relative height of surrounding hills that 654 m, iznad desne obale reke. Relativna visina
block the view of the monument from north and south is okolnih uzvi{ewa koja sa severa i juga zaklawaju
about 50-100 m from the bottom of the valley, while certain spomenik, u odnosu na dolinsko dno iznosi 50 -
100 m, dok ga pojedini vrhovi na samom izlazu iz
peaks exactly on the gorge exit are up to 350 m high.
klisure nadvisuju i do 350 m.
Geological structure: Relatively homogenous. To the north Geolo{ka gra|a: relativno homogena. Severno i
and west from the monastery there are sediment rocks of zapadno od manastira naslage sedimentnih stena
Triassic age. trijaske starosti.
Hydrological characteristics: De~anska Bistrica: highest Hidrolo{ke odlike: De~anska Bistrica; najvi{a
degree of quality; De~anski kiseljak, spring of mineral water kategorija kvaliteta; De~anski kiseqak, izvor
on the left bank of Bistrica just opposite the monastery itself kisele vode na levoj obali Bistrice preko puta
-two springs within the tourist complex in pine forest - samog manastira; dva izvora u okviru turisti~kog
kompleksa u borovoj {umi - kaptirani za potrebe
capted for water sources; Two springs ephemeral in
vodosnabdevawa; dva potoka povremenog karaktera
character, few hundred meters to the west from the nekoliko stotina metara zapadno od manastira.
Prirodna vegetacija: zona me{ovitih hrastovih
Natural vegetation: zone of mixed oak forests; {uma; autohtone kestenove {ume (Castanea sativa) u
autochthonous chestnut (Castanea sativa) forest in zajednici sa kitwakom (Quercus petraea) prekrivaju
morene De~anskog gle~era iz perioda virmske
association with Oak (Quercus petraea) covers the morrains
glacijacije; autohtone zajednice jove uz De~ansku
of Decani glacier from the period of Wurm glaciation; Bistricu.
autochtonous associations of Alder along Decanska Bistrica.
Modifikovana i sa|ena vegetacija: kulture
Modified and planted vegetation: cultures of Black Pine crnog bora (Pinus nigra var. austriaca) stare oko 150
(Pinus nigra var. austriaca) about 150 (among the oldest (me|u najstarijim kulturama na Kosovu i Metohiji,
cultures in Kosovo and Metohija; the lore says they were po predawu sa|ene u obliku krsta jer se tu
planted in the shape of cross as the monastery hospital was nalazila manastirska bolnica) i 50-60 godina; dva
built there) and 50-60 years; two specimens of Caucasus Fir stabla kavkaske jele (Abies nordmaniana) u porti,
(Abies nordmaniana) in the port, among the first exotic trees me|u prvim egzotama sa|enim na Kosovu i
Metohiji, pre osamdesetak godina; pa{waci,
planted in Kosovo and Metohija, about eighty years ago;
livade i vo}waci.
Pastures, meadows and orchards
Neophodne mere za{tite: o~uvati geomor-
Necessary protection measurements: to preserve the folo{ka obele`ja; spre~iti degradaciju i
geomorphological features; to prevent degradation and zaga|ewe zemqi{ta, vazduha i vode; o~uvati
pollution of soil, air and water; to preserve the authentic look autenti~an izgled De~anske Bistrice i wenih
of Decanska bistrica and its shores; to improve the spring of obala; urediti izvor kisele vode; poboq{ati
mineral water; to improve the state of forest communities stawe {umskih zajednica i spre~iti se~u; ne
and prevent logging; to prevent building of residential, dozvoliti gradwu stambenih, vikend,
weekend, industrial, communal and other objects that would industrijskih, privrednih, komunalnih i drugih
objekata koji bi naru{ili spomeni~ka svojstva
disturb the monument properties of protected surroundings;
za{ti}ene okoline; kontrolisati pro{irewe
to control spreading of existing traffic network; to block
postoje}e saobra}ajne mre`e; manastirsku
monastery buildings from view with protective greenery; to
ekonomiju zakloniti za{titnim zelenilom;
enable reconstruction of wooden bridge and improvement of omogu}iti rekonstrukciju drvenog mosta i
path to there. ure|ewe staze koja do wega vodi.
Estimate of present state Ocena stawa
Security: KFOR - control spots on the entrance and on the Obezbe|ewe: za{tita KFOR-a - kontrolni
road toward Decani Monastery. punktovi na ulazu i na putu ka nasequ De~anima.
Damage: no damage from bombing was detected. There is O{te}ewa: nisu konstatovana o{te}ewa od
estimated pollution due to bombing of Prokletije. Chestnut bombardovawa; pretpostavke o zaga|ewu usled
groves are, according to monks and staff, greatly destroyed bombardovawa Prokletija; kestewaci, po re~ima
through illegal logging. nastojnika i monaha, u velikoj meri o{te}eni
bespravnom se~om.
Founding of a legal act on protection of National Park Dono{ewe pravnog akta o za{titi
Prokletije: Nacionalnog parka Prokletije:
• the appropriate protection status will be determined for • utvrditi odgovaraju}i status za{tite okoline
the surroundings of the monastery, and this will not manastira, {to ne iskqu~uje obavezu da se ovaj
exclude the obligation to additionally protect this area predeo za{titi i po posebnim zakonskim
by special legislatives on protection of Nature odredbama o za{titi spomenika kulture;
• pro{iriti granice - deo klisure u kome se
nalaze isposnice;
• increasing the boundaries - part of the gorge where
• turisti~ki objekt (sada sme{tena jedinica
monks barracks are situated; KFOR-a) i wegova okolina;
• the tourist object (where now the KFOR is placed) and • izvor i za{titna zona vodosnabdevawa iz
its surroundings; kojih se sada Manastir snabdeva vodom i
• spring and protective zone for water industry, which za{titne zone izvora kisele vode;
now supply the monastery with water, as well as • maksimalno spustiti jugoisto~nu granicu
protective zones for spring of mineral water; kompleksa ka nasequ De~anima radi za{tite
• maximal spreading of southeastern boundary of the od mogu}e bespravne izgradwe du` pristupnog
complex toward the De~ani settlement, in order to better puta;
protect from possible illegal building along the road; • utvrditi {ire za{titne zone Manastira -
• determination of a broader protective zone for the slivno podru~je/klisura reke De~anske
Bistrice sa posebnim uslovima za{tite ~ime
Monastery - divide area/gorge of De~anska Bistrica
bi se predupredila mogu}a destrukcija
river, with the special protection conditions (this is in
klisure (regionalni sistem vodosnabdevawa) i
order to prevent the possible destruction of the gorge utvrdili uslovi rekonstrukcije postoje}eg
the regional system of water industry, and determine the puta (varijanta prolaza autoputa od Pri{tine
condition for reconstruction of existing road variant za Crnu Goru).
for highway leading from Pri{tina to Montenegro).
Nove mere:
New measurements: • izraditi urbanisti~ki projekat na osnovu
dogovorenog Programa za{tite, razvoja i
• urbanistic project on base of agreed Program for ure|ewa za{ti}enog kompleksa manastira
Protection, development and management of protected De~ana;
complex of De~ani Monastery; • projekat hortikulturnog ure|ewa neposredne
okoline manastira (porta, prilaz, okolina
• project of horticultural development of immediate
izvan zidova, reka, vada, izvor), sa merama
surroundings of monastery (port, approach,
sanacije postoje}eg stawa;
surroundings outside the walls, river, wadi, spring) • urediti izvor kisele vode;
• management of spring of mineral water; • novu studiju o kapacitetu izvora i kvalitetu
• new study on capacity of spring and quality of mineral kisele vode (pra}ewe stawa i uzimawe
water (monitoring the state and data sampling) and uzoraka) i utvrditi neophodnu za{titnu zonu,
determination of a necessary protective zone, as well as kao i mogu}nost fla{irawa za potrebe
possibility to bottle the water for use in monastery and manastira i neposredne okoline;
immediate surroundings; • izraditi projekat nove sanitarne kapta`e
• project of new sanitary catching of the well. izvora.
Protected surroundings of
Legal status: nature monument of extraordinary importance Pravni status: spomenik kulture izuzetnog
first category. Protected surroundings of an immobile zna~aja prve kategorije - za{ti}ena okolina
cultural property are protected in the same way as the nepokretnog kulturnog dobra u`iva za{titu kao i
cultural property (Decision on determining the immobile kulturno dobro (Odluka o utvr|ivawu
cultural properties of extraordinary and great importance, nepokretnih kulturnih dobara od izuzetnog i
Slu`beni glasnik SRS 14/79, Law on cultural properties, velikog zna~aja, Slu`beni glasnik SRS 14/79);
Slu`beni glasnik SRS 6/90, paragraph 24). (Zakon o kulturnim dobrima, Slu`beni glasnik
SRS 6/90, ~lan 24).
Caretaker: Serbian Orthodox Church
Starateq: Srpska pravoslavna crkva
IUCN classification: culture property nominated for
inclusion into the List of World Natural and Cultural Me|unarodni status: kulturno dobro nominovano
Heritage (UNESCO). za upis u Listu svetske prirodne i kulturne
ba{tine (UNESKO).
Regime of protection: I (first) degree of protection of
Re`imi za{tite: I (prvi) stepen za{tite
monument complex; III (third) degree of surrounding spomeni~kog kompleksa; III (tre}i) stepen za{tite
protection. okoline.
District: Op{tina
Pe}: KO Crni vrh, KO Pe}. KO Crni vrh: 539/1. 539/2, Pe}, KO Crni vrh: 539/1. 539/2, 540/1, 540/2, 540/3,
540/1, 540/2, 540/3, 540/4, 540/7, 541/1, 541/2, 542, 543/1, 540/4, 540/7, 541/1, 541/2, 542, 543/1, 543/2, 555 (deo),
543/2, 555 (deo), 562, 564/1, 564/2, 564/3, 565, 566/1, 562, 564/1, 564/2, 564/3, 565, 566/1, 566/2, 566/3, 567,
566/2, 566/3, 567, 568/2 (deo), 572/1 (deo), 572/2, 572/3, 568/2 (deo), 572/1 (deo), 572/2, 572/3, 572/4, 572/5,
572/4, 572/5, 572/6, 572/10, 614 (deo) 572/6, 572/10, 614 (deo)
KO Pe}: 1837/1, 1837/2, 1837/3, 1841, 1843, 1846, 1847, KO Pe}: 1837/1, 1837/2, 1837/3, 1841, 1843, 1846,
1847, 1848/1, 1848/2, 1849/1, 1849/2, 1849/3, 1849/4,
1848/1, 1848/2, 1849/1, 1849/2, 1849/3, 1849/4, 1851/2,
1851/2, 1852, 1853, 1854, 1858/1, 1858/2, 1859, 1860,
1852, 1853, 1854, 1858/1, 1858/2, 1859, 1860, 5093,
5093, 5096/1, 1835/6, 1842, 1856, 1857, 1861/1, 3440,
5096/1, 1835/6, 1842, 1856, 1857, 1861/1, 3440, 5095, 5095, 5096/2, 5096/3, 5096/4, 5097, 5098, 5099,
5096/2, 5096/3, 5096/4, 5097, 5098, 5099, 5100/1, 5100/2, 5100/1, 5100/2, 5101, 5102, 5103/1, 5103/2, 5104/1,
5101, 5102, 5103/1, 5103/2, 5104/1, 5104/2, 5105, 5169/1 5104/2, 5105, 5169/1 (deo), 5169/2, 5969/3, 5173/1,
(deo), 5169/2, 5969/3, 5173/1, 5173/2, 5745. 5173/2, 5745.
Port with remains of ancient luxurious garden, planted Porta sa ostacima nakada{weg rasko{nog vrta:
between 1263 and 1272, when Patrijarsija was founded and vrt je nastao izme|u 1263. i 1272, u vreme
the eldest temple of St Apostol was erected (it was partially osnivawa Patrijar{ije i podizawa najstarijeg
destroyed during the archaeological activities). hrama Sv. apostola, ali je delimi~no uni{ten
tokom arheolo{kih radova.
Nature characteristics: Prirodne vrednosti: {am dud - zakonom
[am dud (pronounced shum-dood):: legally protected za{ti}eno stablo crnog duda (Morus nigra), kojeg je,
specimen of Black Mulberry (Morus nigra), that was, prema predawu, izme|u 1264. i 1271. zasadio Sava
according to the lore, planted somewhere between 1264 and II, sin Stefana Prvoven~anog (mladica je doneta
1271 by Sava II, son of Stefan Prvoven~ani (the sapling was iz pokrajine [am u dana{woj Siriji); ogromno
brought from province [am in present-day Syria); huge stablo lipe (Tilia argentea); stablo stare smr~e
specimen of Silver Linden (Tilia argentea); specimen of old (Picea excelsa); grupacija crnih borova (Pinus nigra)
Spruce (Picea excelsa),; group of Black Pines (Pinus nigra) i dva velika stabla doma}eg oraha (Juglans regia).
and; two large specimens of Common Walnut (Juglans
regia). ZA[TITA
Neophodne mere:
Necessary protection measurements:
• o~uvati geomorfolo{ka obele`ja okoline
• to preserve the geomorphological features of monastery
manastira i naseqa Qevo{e, a posebno dela
surroundings and settlements of Ljevo{e, especially the
Rugovske klisure;
part of Rugovska gorge;
• spre~iti degradaciju i zaga|ewe zemqi{ta,
• to prevent degradation and pollution of soil, air and
vazduha i vode;
• o~uvati autenti~an tok, dolinu i obale Pe}ke
• to preserve the authentic bed, valley and banks of Pe}ka
• to prevent filling in of the river bed with silt and to • spre~iti zatrpavawe korita re~nim nanosima
ensure the regular cleaning of the bed; i obezbediti stalno ~i{}ewe korita;
• to improve the state of forest and herbaceous • poboq{ati stawe {umskih i zeqastih
communities, prevent logging and introduction of zajednica, spre~iti se~u i uno{ewe alohtonih
alochthonous species; vrsta;
protection measurements for this important part of National posebnim uslovima za{tite ovog izuzetno
park (this is in order to prevent the possible destruction of zna~ajnog dela i nacionalnog parka. Time bi se
the gorge the regional system of water industry, and predupredila mogu}a destrukcija klisure
determine the conditions for reconstruction of existing road (vodosnabdevawe) i utvrdili uslovi
variant for highway leading from Pristina to Montenegro). rekonstrukcije postoje}eg puta (varijanta prolaza
Projects: autoputa od Pri{tine za Crnu Goru).
1. urbanistic project on base of agreed Program for Projekti:
1. urbanisti~ki projekat na osnovu dogovorenog
Protection, development and management of protected
Programa za{tite, razvoja i ure|ewa
complex of Pecka Patrijarsija;
za{ti}enog kompleksa Pe}ke patrijar{ije;
2. project of horticultural development of immediate 2. projekat hortikulturnog ure|ewa neposredne
surroundings of monastery (port, approach, okoline manastira (porta, prilaz, okolina
surroundings outside the walls, river, wadi, spring), with izvan zidova, reka, vada, izvor), sa merama
measurements of sanitation of existing state. sanacije postoje}eg stawa.
Technical measurements:
1. improvement of the fishpond ; Tehni~ke mere:
1. ure|ewe ribwaka;
2. finishing the archaeological research.
2. zavr{avawe arheolo{kih istra`ivawa.
1 The village is approachable under protection of KFOR. When our 1 Do sela se dolazi pod za{titom KFOR-a, a u trenutku
team was on the field, there was an organized bus line to Kosovska boravka ekipe na terenu, postojala je organozovana
Mitrovica (Belgrade) once a week, in both directions. autobuska veza sa Kosovskom Mitrovicom (Beogradom)
jednom nedeqno, u oba pravca.
Geological base: limestone (Mt Milanovac 809 m) and Geolo{ka podloga: kre~waci (planina Milanovac
fragments of serpentinites (Koznik and Ostrozub) are in the 809 m) i fragmenti serpentinita (Koznik i
lower parts of the area covered by heterogeneous Ostrozub), koje u dowim delovima podru~ja
pedological substrate (sandstones, red earth and smonica). prekriva heterogen pedolo{ki supstrat (pe{~ari,
crvenica i smonica).
Hydrographic characteristics
Hidrografske odlike
Rivulets: Ribnik (Erenik); Orahova~ka; Zo~i{ka; Opteru{ka; Re~ice: Ribnik (Erenik), Orahova~ka, Zo~i{ka,
Studeni~ka and; Velikoho~ka river, flowing at the edge of Opteru{ka, Studeni~ka i Velikoho~ka reka, koja
village Velika Ho~a. Several springs, most important being prolazi obodom sela Velike Ho~e i ve}i broj
Vrelo. izvora, najzna~ajniji je Vrelo.
Climate: temperate-continental, but the close proximity of Klima: umereno kontinentalna, ali blizina
Adriatic Sea (130 km away) and influx of Mediterranean Jadranskog mora (130 km) i prodor mediteranskih
uticaja dolinom Belog Drima, stvaraju blagu,
influences through the Valley of Beli Drim River create a
`upnu klimu.
mild, valley climate.
Najhladniji meseci: januar i februar.
Coldest months: January and February.
Najtopliji meseci: juli i avgust.
Warmest months: July and August.
Absolute temperature maximum: 38,50C. Apsolutni temperaturni maksimum: 38,50C.
Absolute temperature minimum -14,5oC. Apsolutni minimum: -14,5oC.
Average summer temperature: 22,70C. Sredwa letwa temperatura: 22,70C.
Average year-round temperature: 11,80C. Sredwa godi{wa temperatura: 11,80C.
Average yearly sum of precipitation: 765,3 mm. Sredwa godi{wa suma padavina: 765,3 mm.
Maximum of precipitation: in November, December and Maksimum padavina: novembar, decembar i
February. februar.
In vegetation period: average of 335,0 mm of water residue. U vegetacionom periodu: prose~no 335,0 mm vode-
Relative yearly humidity of air: 70-75 %. nog taloga.
Relativna godi{wa vla`nost vazduha: 70-75%.
Primary stem forests and shrub communities of
thermophilous and xerophilous species: Primarne izdana~ke {umske i {ikarske
1. Qurcetum confertae-cerris community of Turkey and zajednicama termofilnih i kserofilnih vrsta:
Italian Oak, which as main indicators includes not only 1. Qurcetum confertae-cerris - zajednica hrastova
Italian Oak (Quercus confertae) and Turkey Oak cera i sladuna u kojoj se pored sladuna
(Quercus cerris) but also Oriental Hornbeam (Carpinus (Quercus confertae), cera (Quercus cerris), kao
osnovni graditeqi u spratu drve}a javqaju
orientalis), Flowering Ash (Fraxinus ornus), Montpelier
grab (Carpinus orientalis), crni jasen (Fraxinus
Maple (Acer monspesulanum), Wild Pear (Pirus
ornus), klen (Acer monspesulanum), divqa kru{ka
piraster), Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia), Wild Service Tree (Pirus piraster), jarebika (Sorbus aucuparia),
(Sorbus torminalis). The bush stratum includes Single- brekiwa (Sorbus torminalis), a u spratu `bunova
seed Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna), Common glog (Crataegus monogyna), kleka (Juniperus
Juniper (Juniperus communis), Smoke Tree (Rus communis), ruj (Rus cottinus), trwina (Prunus
cottinus), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa), Dog-rose (Rosa spinosa), divqa ru`a (Rosa canina);
canina); 2. Querco pubescentis-Carpinetosum orientalis -
2. Querco pubescentis-Carpinetosum orientalis zajednica medunca i belograbi}a gde se kao
community of Downy Oak and Oriental Hornbeam, osnovni edifikatori pored hrasta medunca
where the main indicators are Downy Oak (Qurcus (Qurcus pubescens) i grabi}a (Carpinus orientalis),
pubescens), Oriental Hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis) javqa i crni jasen (Fraxinus ornus), `e{qa (Acer
Flowering Ash (Fraxinus ornus), Tatarian Maple (Acer tataricum), a u spratu `bunova dren (Cornus mas),
tataricum). The bush stratum includes Cornelian cherry udika (Viburnum lantana), trwina (Prunus
dogwood (Cornus mas), Wayfaring Tree (Viburnum spinosa);
lantana), Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa); 3. Juglando-Quercetum frainetto cerris - zajednica
3. Juglando-Quercetum frainetto cerris community of oraha (Juglans regia), sa cerom (Quercus cerris)
Walnut (Juglans regia), with Turkey Oak (Quercus i sladunom (Quercus confertae);
cerris) and Italian Oak (Quercus confertae); 4. Salici - Populetum - zajednica bele vrbe (Salix
4. Salici - Populetum community of White Willow (Salix alba) i topole (Populus nigra) oko re~ica i
alba) and Black Poplar (Populus nigra) around rivulets potoka.
and streams.
Modifikovana vegetacija
Modified vegetation Prirodna vegetacija se o~uvala samo
Natural vegetation was preserved only in fragments as little fragmentarno u obliku malih {umaraka, lugova,
zabrana ili pojedina~nih stabala izme|u
copses, groves or individual trees among the vineyards,
vinograda, wiva, vo}waka i povrtwaka. U samom
fields, orchards and gardens. In the village itself, there are selu su i daqe prisutna brojna stabla oraha koji
still numerous Walnut trees, as they have the optimal je ovde na{ao optimalne uslove za razvoj.
developmental conditions.
Tradicionalno kori{}ewe prirodnih resursa
Traditional utilization of natural resources
Nekada{we stawe
Former state
Sredwi vek: zlatno doba - u vinogradima su
Middle age: Golden Ages: In vineyards, mostly native prevashodno odgajane doma}e sorte, a kasnije i
varieties were grown, and later also varieties brought by sorte koje su donosili Dubrov~ani i Italijani.
Ragusans and Italians. Both black and white grapes were Gajile su se crne i bele sorte gro`|a, a
grown, and both red and white wine was made. Greatest proizvodilo se crno i belo vino. Najvi{e su se
quantity included thick, red cellar wines, and the one with proizvodila gusta, crna podrimska vina, me|u
kojima je najkvalitetnije bilo malvazija. Do skora
the best quality was malvazija. Up to recent times,
se gajilo autohtono starije sortno gro`|e: lalica
autochthonous older sort grapes were grown: lalica and kec
i kec (plovdina), tamwanika, mirisaqka
(plovdina), tamnjanika, mirisaljka (hamburg), ke~un (white (hamburg), ke~un (belo slatko), vrap~etovo gro`|e
sweet), vrap~etovo gro`|e (rizling), dren (elongated, white (rizling), dren (duguqasti, beli i crveni koji se
and red, that was also dried), afusali. i su{io), afusali.
Ottoman Invasion: Stagnation and decrease after 1455. Osvajawe Turaka: stagnacija i propadawe nakon
However, at the end of XVI century, the settlement 1455. Me|utim, krajem XVI veka naseqe ponovo
experiences an increase again. The exile of Serbs at the end do`ivqava uspon, da bi progon Srba tokom XVIII
of XVIII century definitively marked the halt in veka definitivno zaustavio wegov razvoj.
XIX i po~etak XX veka: najve}i deo vinograda
pripadao je bogatim vlasnicima iz Prizrena, koji
XIX century and beginning of XX century: su u Ho~i imali svoje ekonomije i letwe ku}e, od
Most of the vineyard belonged to the rich owners from kojih je i danas odre|en broj sa~uvan.
Prizren, who had their haciendas and bungalows in Ho~a.
Some of these are preserved to present day. 1945: agrarnom reformom, bez ikakve nadoknade,
1945: After the agrarian reform, without any subsidy, 650 ha konfiskovano je 650 ha {uma i 70 ha privatnih
of forests and 70 ha of private vineyards were confiscated, vinograda, a oduzet je i ve}i deo crkvenih poseda.
and most of church land was also taken. According to the Prema podacima iz parohije (stare tapije), crkva
data from old documents kept in parish, church used to own je do rata posedovala 600 ha {ume i 200 ha
600 ha of forest and 200 ha of infertile land before the war. neplodnog zemqi{ta.
Second part of XX century: Partial revival of the settlement. Druga polovina XX veka: delimi~no o`ivqavawe
Development of industry in Orahovac and starting the naseqa, a razvoj industrijske proizvodwe u
section in Velika Ho~a proper led to better employment of Orahovcu i podizawe pogona u samoj Velikoj Ho~i
citizens even in other branches of industry. doveli su do zapo{qavawa stanovni{tva i u
drugim delatnostima.
Just before 1999: 300 households with 1500 person of
Serbian ethnicity and several Romani families. Part of this Neposredno pre 1999: 300 doma}instava sa 1500
stanovnika srpske nacionalnosti i nekoliko
population works in factory 18 novembar, in liquor factory
romskih porodica. Deo zaposlen u fabrici 18
Orvin in Orahovac and folk artifacts section Moda,
novembar, u fabrici pi}a Orvin u Orahovcu i
Veliko Gradi{te. Most of them were farmers, however.
Moda, Veliko Gradi{te. Najve}i deo je `iveo od
Main activity poqoprivrede.
• Vineyard growing. private vineyards, 120 ha. Per 1 ha
Osnovna delatnost
10.000-12.000 stems. It is not necessary to cover them
• Vinogradarstvo: privatni vinogradi: 120 ha.
with earth for preventing frost bite (as winters are Na 1 ha 10.000-12.000 ~okota. Nije potrebno
relatively mild). Most pronounced black grape varieties zagrtawe (relativno blage zime). Najuspe{nije
were prokupac, vranac and game, and white grapes are crne sorte (prokupac, vranac i game), bele
smederevka and rizling). sorte (smederevka i rizling).
• Livestock breeding: additional activity poultry, sheep, • Sto~arstvo: uzgredna delatnost - pernata
swine, cattle and horses. `ivina, ovce, sviwe, krave i kowi.
• Other additional activities: gardening, fruit and cereal • Ostale uzgredne delatnosti: ratarstvo,
farming. Most pronounced cultures are wheat, maize, vo}arstvo i povrtarstvo. Najvi{e su se gajili
walnut, apple, plum, pear, tomato, cabbage, onion, white p{enica, kukuruz, orah, jabuka, {qiva, kru{ka,
beans. paradajz, kupus, luk, pasuq.
have all necessary conditions to be protected as a spatial- sve uslove da budu za{ti}eni kao prostorno-
cultural-historical unit of especial importance, and certain kulturno-istorijska celina od izuzetnog zna~aja, u
objects and parts of settlement and space should enjoy the kojoj pojedini objekti i delovi naseqa i prostora
special protection regimes. The announcement of protection treba da u`ivaju i posebne re`ime za{tite.
of Velika Ho~a will in this moment also depend on Progla{ewe za{tite Velike Ho~e u ovom
agreement with present government, while large help may be momentu zavisi}e i od dogovora sa trenutnom
expected from international organizations. upravom, a velika pomo} se mo`e o~ekivati i od
me|unarodnih organizacija.
Proposition of measurements: Predlog mera za{tite:
• protection of all made and specific natural properties - • za{tita svih stvorenih i specifi~nih
preservation of authenticity of whole settlement in prirodnih vrednosti - o~uvawe autenti~nosti
urbanistic -architectonic and landscape way; celoga naseqa u urbanisti~ko-arhitektonskom
• preservation of remains of climatozonal vegetation and i pejza`nom smislu;
authenticity of whole area; • o~uvawe ostataka klimazonalne vegetacije i
• especial protection should be given to vineyard areas and autenti~nosti ~itavog predela;
groves, vegetation of shores, existing walnut trees; • posebnu za{titu treba da u`ivaju
vinogradarske povr{ine i zasadi, vegetacija
• it should be forbidden to change boundaries of parcels
obala, postoje}a stabla oraha;
and join several small into one large one, as it would
• zabrana preparcelacije u smislu ukrupwavawa
damage the landscape character of the area; parcela kako bi se sa~uvao predeoni karakter
• creation of conditions necessary for development of podru~ja;
settlements and normal life of their inhabitants: • stvarawe uslova za razvoj naseqa i normalan
• physical protection and protection of inhabitants `ivot wegovih stanovnika - fizi~ka za{tita
belongings, as well as insurance of normal and secure i za{tita imovine me{tana i obezbe|ivawe
working conditions on their households; normalnog i sigurnog rada na wihovim
• revitalization and restarting the vineyards in all areas imawima;
where they used to exist but were destroyed after the • revitalizacija i ponovno podizawe vinograda
aggression; na svim povr{inama gde su oni postojali,
• return of rights for belongings the special mechanisms odnosno gde su uni{teni posle agresije;
of the state should ensure that all local people interested • vra}awe vlasni{tva na imovinu, odnosno
posebnim mehanizmima dr`ave obezbediti
in returning or remaining in the existing locality should
me{tanima koji su zainteresovani za
receive the land necessary for agriculture / vineyard
ostanak/povratak potrebno zemqi{te za
growing; poqoprivrednu/vinogradarsku proizvodwu;
• political, financial, expert and other kinds of support • politi~kom, finansijkom, stru~nom i drugom
from the state and international community should podr{kom dr`ave i me|unarodne zajednice
enable starting and improvement of local industry, omogu}iti pokretawe i unapre|ewe lokalne
appropriate for climate and present resources, together proizvodwe, primerene podru~ju i
with ensuring the placement of product on local and evidentiranim resursima, uz obezbe|ivawe
international market; plasmana proizvoda na doma}em i inostranom
• direct industrial activities already have cadre and tr`i{tu;
• neposredne privredne aktivnosti za koje ve}
resources, quickly yield positive socio-economic results
postoje kadrovi i resursi, koje brzo daju
and are compatible with expected protection of pozitivne socioekonomske efekte, a kompati-
settlement and surroundings; bilne su sa o~ekivanom za{titom naseqa i
• restarting the organized activity of folk craft and art, okoline; ponovo pokretawe organizovanovane
with the help of expert design team and ensuring the doma}e radinosti uz pomo} stru~nog
certain placement of products; dizajnerskog tima i obezbe|ivawe sigurnog
• renewal of traditional wine industry, but according to the plasmana proizvoda;
internationally recognized standard, and reconstruction • obnova tradicionalne proizvodwe vina, ali po
standardima koji su me|unarodno priznati, i
of old private wine cellars (each of them may bring jobs
rekonstrukcija starih privatnih vinica (u
to 10-15 local inhabitants); svakoj takvoj vinici se mo`e zaposliti 10-15
• procurement of new technology and redirecting of me{tana);
industry in the sector 18. November that could be • nabavka nove tehnologije i preusmeravawe
based on raw materials from broader area (wine, plum proizvodwe u pogonu 18. novembar koja bi
brandy, grape juice, fruit nectars, local food items and mogla da se zasniva i na sirovinama {ireg
specialties); podru~ja (vino, rakija, {ira, sokovi, lokalni
• finishing the activities on building the fishpond and prehrambeni proizvodi i specijaliteti);
beginning of its work; • zavr{etak radova na ribwaku i wegovo
• acquiring the materials for greenhouse and help in pu{tawe u pogon;
growing the early-season vegetables. • nabavqawe plastenika i pomo} u gajewu ranih
• including the local community: povrtarskih kultura;
• forming of active for local initiatives: • anga`ovawe lokalne zajednice - formirawe
• collecting and preserving old stones and plates useful for aktiva za lokalne inicijative;
• sakupqawe i ~uvawe starog kamewa i plo~a za
future reconstructions, personal engagement on building
budu}e rekonstrukcije, li~no anga`ovawe na
management, repairment of parts of walls, facades etc in
odr`avawu zgrada, popravci delova zidova,
traditional way; fasada i dr, a u tradicionalnom maniru;
• maintaining the communal hygiene and dumping • odr`avawe komunalne higijene i dogovorno
garbage on acceptable locations until the question of odlagawe sme}a na prihvatqivim lokacijama do
garbage dump is resolved; re{ewa problema deponije;
• cleaning the streams and arrangement of the shore; • ~i{}ewe potoka i ure|ewe obala;
• ensuring the emergent expert urbanistic and • Obezbe|ewe hitne stru~ne urbanisti~ke i
architectonic help and control of all activities in the arhitektonske pomo}i i kontrole svih radova
settlement from the aspect of legal protection of u selu sa aspekta za{tite ba{tine, s obzirom
heritage, as the whole financial, urbanistic-architectonic, da je ukupna finansijska, urbanisti~ko-
project and contracting operative is under direct arhitektonska, projektanska i izvo|a~ka
operativa pod direktnom ingerencijom
ingerence of UNMIK;
• arrange the way of approving conditions for taking the • dogovarawe i utvr|ivawe na~ina izdavawa
activities, as well as setting the projects which must be saglasnosti i uslova za izvo|ewe radova, kao i
in compliance with protection conditions given by za izradu projekata koji moraju biti
appropriate expert and competent organizations; usagla{eni sa uslovima za{tite koje izdaju
• ensuring the means, geodetic bases and conditions for nadle`ne stru~ne i kompetentne organizacije;
• obezbe|ewe sredstava, geodetskih podloga i
making of appropriate Urbanistic Plan and Program of
uslova za izradu odgovaraju}eg urbanisti~kog
Development. plana i programa razvoja;
• possible activities on protection and conservation of • mogu}i radovi na za{titi i o~uvawu ba{tine
heritage that do not depend on solving the already koji ne zavise od re{avawa svih napred
mentioned questions, navedenih pitawa;
• starting the action of additional planting of traditional • pokretawe akcije dodatnog sa|ewa
tradicionalnih kultura, a posebno stabala
cultures, especially walnut trees and older varieties of oraha i starih vrste vinove loze po
grape vine in the yards. dvori{tima.
Legal basis: Decision of District of Klina 01-352-4 from Pravna osnova: Odluka SO Klina 01-352-4, od 27.
March 27th, 1985. marta 1985.
Vrsta: Spomenik prirode (botani~ki) hrast
Type: Nature monument (botanical) Pedunculate Oak
lu`wak (Quercus robur L.).
(Quercus robur L.).
Kategorija: III (tre}a) kategorija zna~ajno
Category: III (third) category important natural property. prirodno dobro.
IUCN classification: III (third) category Natural Klasifikacija IUCN: III (tre}a) kategorija -
Monument. Natural Monument.
Protection regime: III (third) degree of protection. Re`imi za{tite: III (tre}i) stepen za{tite.
District: Klina, KO Berkovo: 361 whole (Orthodox Op{tina: Klina, KO Berkovo: 361 u celini
cemetery, belonging to Serbian Orthodox Church), on the (pravoslavno grobqe, vlasni{tvo Srpske
right side of the road Klina - \urakovac. pravoslavne crkve), sa desne strane puta Klina -
Surface: 0,42,80 ha \urakovac.
Main characteristics: Group of trees Breg in the valley of Povr{ina: 0,42,80 ha.
Beli Drim river, remains of former forests of Oak region in Osnovne karakteristike: Grupa stabala Breg u
climatogenous community Quercetum Farnetto - cerris dolini Belog Drima, ostatak nekada{wih {uma
scardicum, which used to cover much larger areas hrastovog regiona klimatogene zajednice
(degraded by logging and formation of new cultivated areas Quercetum Farnetto - cerris scardicum, koja je
pokrivala mnogo ve}e povr{ine (degradirane
and settlements).
kr~ewem, stvarawem novih obradivih povr{ina i
Number of protected trees: 22. Struktura
Distribution: all over the areas with higher concentration on Broj za{ti}enih stabala: 22.
the fringes. Raspored: po celoj parceli, najvi{e uz ivicu.
Composition: Sastav:
• 11 specimens of Turkey Oak (Quercus cerris L.), • 11 stabala cera (Quercus cerris L.),
• 6 specimens of Downy Oak (Quercus pubescens • 6 stabla medunca (Quercus pubescens Willd.),
Willd.), • 2 stabla sladuna (Quercus farnetto Ten.),
• 2 specimens of Italian Oak (Quercus farnetto Ten.), • 1 stablo lu`waka (Quercus robur L.),
• 1 specimen of Pedunculate Oak (Quercus robur L.), • 1 stablo kitwaka (Quercus petraea (Matt.)
• 1 specimen of Sessile Oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Lieblein),
Lieblein), • 1 stablo klena (Acer campestre L.).
• 1 specimen of Field Maple (Acer campestre L.). Starost: 200-250 godina.
Age: 200-250 years. Visina: 10-17 m.
Height: 10-17 m. Pre~nik kruna: 7-20 m.
Diameter of crown: 7-20 m. Kro{we: uglavnom nepravilnog oblika (rast u
Crowns are mostly irregular in shape, due to group growth. grupi).
Dendrometric data (species, circumference, diameter at 1,3 Dendromertrijski podaci (vrsta, obim stabla i
m) pre~nik na 1,3 m):
1. Turkey Oak 2,55 0,81 1. Hrast cer 2,55 0,81
2. Downy Oak 1,66 0,53 2. Hrast medunac 1,66 0,53
3. Turkey Oak 2,57 0,81 3. Hrast cer 2,57 0,81
4. Turkey Oak 2,51 081 4. Hrast cer 2,51 081
5. Downy Oak 2,20 0,70 5. Hrast medunac 2,20 0,70
6. Sessile Oak 1,82 0,58 6. Hrast kitwak 1,82 0,58
7. Italian Oak 2,40 0,76 7. Hrast sladun 2,40 0,76
8. Downy Oak 2,44 0,77 8. Hrast medunac 2,44 0,77
9. Italian Oak 3,40 1,08 9. Hrast sladun 3,40 1,08
10. Downy Oak 1,56 0,49
10. Hrast medunac 1,56 0,49
11. Turkey Oak 1,66 0,52
12. Turkey Oak 1,85 0,58 11. Hrast cer 1,66 0,52
13. Turkey Oak 1,84 0,58 12. Hrast cer 1,85 0,58
14. Turkey Oak 1,98 0,63 13. Hrast cer 1,84 0,58
15. Field Maple 1,68 0,59 14. Hrast cer 1,98 0,63
16. Turkey Oak 2,10 0,66 15. Klen 1,68 0,59
17. Turkey Oak 3,15 1,00 16. Hrast cer 2,10 0,66
18. Turkey Oak 2,05 0,65 17. Hrast cer 3,15 1,00
19. Turkey Oak 1,92 0,61 18. Hrast cer 2,05 0,65
20. Downy Oak 2h 1,50 2h 0,44 19. Hrast cer 1,92 0,61
21. Downy Oak 2,30 0,73 20. Hrast medunac 1,50 0,44
22. Italian Oak 1,80 0,57
21. Hrast medunac 2,30 0,73
22. Hrast sladun 1,80 0,57
Properties that are not protected:
• a large number of also older trees, but not fulfilling the Neza{ti}ene vrednosti:
• znatan broj tako|e starih stabala, koja ne
criteria for protection;
ispuwavaju kriterijume za za{titu;
• young trees of negligible dimensions;
• mlada stabla bezna~ajnih dimenzija;
• seven specimens of Field maple (Acer campestre L.), of • sedam stabala klena (Acer campestre L.), osredwe
medium age, with strong damage; starosti, sa ja~im o{te}ewima;
• eleven young specimens of Cherry (Cerasus avium L. • jedanaest mladih stabala tre{we (Cerasus
Moench.); avium L. Moench.);
• other woody and shrubby species: Viburnum lantana, • ostale drvenaste i `bunaste vrste: Viburnum
Clematis vitalba, Ulmus laevis, Carpinus betulus, lantana, Clematis vitalba, Ulmus laevis, Carpinus
Cornus mas, C. sanguineum, Rosa canina, Crategus betulus, Cornus mas, C. sanguineum, Rosa canina,
monogyna, Lonicera caprifolia, L. alpigena, Pyrus Crategus monogyna, Lonicera caprifolia, L. alpigena,
Pyrus amygdaloides, P. comunis, Juglans regia,
amygdaloides, P. comunis, Juglans regia, Fraxinus
Fraxinus excelsior, Rubus discolor, Sorbus aria,
excelsior, Rubus discolor, Sorbus aria, Juniperus
Juniperus communis.
Re`im za{tite: selektivno i ograni~eno
kori{}ewe prirodnih bogatstava, kontrolisane
Protection regime: Selective and restrictive utilization of intervencije i aktivnosti u prostoru ukoliko su
natural properties, controlled interventions and activities in uskla|ene sa funkcijama za{ti}enog prirodnog
the area, if they are matched with functions of protected dobra ili su vezane za nasle|ene tradicionalne
natural property or connected to inherited traditional means oblike obavqawa privrednih delatnosti i
of doing industrial activities and dwelling, including the stanovawa, ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu.
tourist objects. Zabrawuje se:
It is forbidden to: • za{ti}ena stabla se}i, lomiti grane, kidati
• cut protected trees, break the branches and leaves, take li{}e ili preduzimati ma kakve radwe koje
any activities that would change the present state or pose bi izmenile wihov dana{wi izgled ili dovele
u pitawe biolo{ki opstanak;
a threat to the biological survival of the specimen;
• sadwa bilo kakvog dekorativnog zelenila na
• plant any decorative greenery in the area; pripadaju}em prostoru;
• change the utilization of protected area; • promena namene za{ti}ene povr{ine;
• introduce the alochthonous decorative plant species; • uno{ewe alohtonih dekorativnih biqnih
• put out tables and other anouncements on protected vrsta;
trees; • postavqawe tabli i drugih obave{tewa na
za{ti}enim stablima;
• dump garbage or soil; • deponovawe sme}a i zemqe;
• discharge communal and polluted waters. • ispu{tawe otpadnih i zaga|enih voda.
It is allowed to: Dozvoqava se:
• mow grass on protected area and remove weeds and • ko{ewe trave na za{ti}enoj povr{ini i
garbage; uklawawe korova i sme}a;
• protect the trees with all biologically-technical • sve biolo{ko-tehni~ke mere za{tite stabala
measurements under the conditions and monitoring by pod uslovima i nadzorom Zavoda za za{titu
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia; remove prirode Srbije; otklawawe mladica oko
saplings around the trees. debla.
Ure|ewe cele povr{ine mo`e se vr{iti na
Arrange the whole area under a special project plan under
osnovu posebnog projekta/plana pod navedenim
the set regime, and with respect to the conditions set by
re`imom i uz po{tovawe uslova nadle`nog zavoda
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia. za za{titu prirode Srbije.
Caretaker: Serbian Orthodox Church in Klina. Staralac: Srpska pravoslavna crkva u Klini.
Conditions estimate: not done. Ocena stawa: nije vr{ena.
Legal basis: Decision of Province Institute for Protection of Pravna osnova: Re{ewe Pokrajinskog zavoda za
za{titu prirode u Pri{tini 01-352-8 od 27. marta
Nature in Pri{tina 01-352-8 from March 27th, 1985. 1985.
Type: Nature monument (botanical) Pedunculate Oak Vrsta: Spomenik prirode (botani~ki) hrast
(Quercus robur L.). lu`wak (Quercus robur L.).
Category: III (third) category important natural property Kategorija: III (tre}a) kategorija zna~ajno
IUCN classification: III (third) category Natural prirodno dobro.
Klasifikacija IUCN: III (tre}a) kategorija -
Monument. spomenik prirode.
Protection regime: III (third) degree of protection. Re`imi za{tite: III (tre}i) stepen za{tite.
District: Klina, village Zloku}ane, KO Zloku}ane 400/1. Op{tina: Klina, selo Zloku}ane, KO Zloku}ane,
Yard of Catholic Church along the road Klina-\urakovac, katastarska parcela 400/1, na kojoj je dvori{te
owned by society Vode. Katoli~ke crkve, pored puta Klina-\urakovac,
posednik, dru{tvena svojina Vode.
Area: 0,21,00 ha.
Povr{ina: 0,21,00 ha.
Main characteristics: Remains of Oak-Ash communities Osnovne karakteristike: Ostatak hrastovo-
(Querceto - fraxinetum serbicum Rud.) that used to cover jasenovih zajednica (Querceto - fraxinetum serbicum
large areas in this region in the valleys of rivers and streams. Rud.), koje su nekada na ovom prostoru zauzimale
velike povr{ine uz doline reka i potoka, sa~uvan
It is preserved due to the fact that it is situated in the zahvaquju}i ~iwenici da se nalazi u crkvenom
churchyard. dvori{tu.
Natural values Prirodne vrednosti
Pronounced aesthetic values: large and regularly shaped Izra`ene estetske vrednosti: velika i pravilno
crown dominates with its dimensions and gives an especial uobli~ena kruna svojim izra`enim dimenzijama
charm to the area. dominira i daje posebnu ~ar prostoru.
Dendrometric data: Dendromertrijski podaci:
tree height: 13.00 m; visina stabla: 13,00 m;
pre~nik kro{we: 23,00 m;
crown diameter: 23.00 m;
obim debla na 1,3 m: 5,05 m;
trunk circumference at 1.3 m: 5.05 m;
pre~nik debla na 1,3 m: 1,61 m.
trunk diameter at 1.3 m: 1.61 m.
Re`im za{tite
Protection regime Selektivno i ograni~eno kori{}ewe
Selective and restrictive utilization of natural prirodnih bogatstava, kontrolisane intervencije
properties, controlled interventions and activities in the area, i aktivnosti u prostoru ukoliko su uskla|ene sa
if they are matched with functions of protected natural funkcijama za{ti}enog prirodnog dobra ili su
property or connected to inherited traditional means of doing vezane za nasle|ene tradicionalne oblike
obavqawa privrednih delatnosti i stanovawa,
industrial activities and dwelling, including the tourist
ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu.
Zabrawuje se:
It is forbidden to: • se}i za{ti}eno stablo, lomiti grane, kidati
• cut the protected tree, break the branches and leaves, li{}e ili preduzimati bilo kakve radwe koje
take any activities that would change the present state or bi mu izmenile dana{wi izgled ili dovele u
pose a threat to the biological survival of the specimen; pitawe wegov biolo{ki opstanak;
• plant any decorative greenery in the area; • sadwa bilo kakvog dekorativnog zelenila na
• change the utilization of protected area; pripadaju}em prostoru;
• introduce the alochthonous decorative plant species; • promena namene za{ti}ene povr{ine;
• put out tables and other anouncements on the protected • uno{ewe alohtonih dekorativnih biqnih
tree; vrsta;
• dump garbage or soil. • postavqawe tabli i drugih obave{tewa na
za{ti}enim stablima;
It is allowed to:
• deponovawe sme}a i zemqe.
• mow grass on protected area and remove weeds and
Dozvoqava se:
garbage; • ko{ewe trave na za{ti}enoj povr{ini i
• protect the tree with all biologically-technical uklawawe korova i sme}a;
measurements under the conditions and monitoring by • sve biolo{ko-tehni~ke mere za{tite stabla
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia; pod uslovima i nadzorom Zavoda za za{titu
• remove saplings around the tree. prirode Srbije;
• otklawawe mladica oko debla.
Caretaker: Catholic Church Zloku}ane Klina.
Staralac: Katoli~ka crkva Zloku}ane - Klina.
Conditions estimate: not done. Ocena stawa: nije vr{ena.
Legal basis: Decision of District of Klina 01-352-9 from Pravna osnova: Odluka SO Klina 01-352-9, od 27.
marta 1985 (Slu`beni list SAPK br 17/85).
March 27th, 1985 (Slu`beni list SAPK br 17/85).
Type: Nature monument (botanical) Pedunculate Oak Vrsta: spomenik prirode (botani~ki) hrast
lu`wak (Quercus robur L.).
(Quercus robur L.).
Kategorija: III (tre}a) kategorija zna~ajno
Category: III (third) category important natural property
prirodno dobro.
IUCN classification: III (third) category Natural Klasifikacija IUCN: III (tre}a) kategorija -
Monument Natural Monument.
Protection regime: III (third) degree of protection Re`imi za{tite: III (tre}i) stepen za{tite.
District: Klina, KO Donji Petri}, catastar area 17/2, owned Op{tina: Klina, KO Dowi Petri}, katastarska
by Serbian Orthodox Church parcela 17/2, vlasnik Srpska pravoslavna crkva.
Area: 0,08,03 ha. Povr{ina: 0,08,03 ha.
Main characteristics: Remains of previously well distributed Osnovne karakteristike: ostatak nekada
climazonal communities of Oak and Ash (Querceto - rasprostrawenih klimazonalnih zajednica
fraxinetum serbicum Rud.). hrastova sa jasenom (Querceto - Fraxinetum serbicum
Natural values Rud.).
Prirodne vrednosti
Pronounced aesthetic values: large and regularly shaped
Izra`ene estetske vrednosti: velika i pravilno
crown dominates with its dimensions and gives an especial
uobli~ena kruna svojim izra`enim dimenzijama
charm to the area. dominira i daje posebnu ~ar prostoru.
Dendrometric data:
tree height: 20 m; Dendromertrijski podaci:
crown diameter: 27 m; visina stabla: 20 m;
pre~nik kro{we: 27 m;
trunk circumference: 3.33 m;, obim debla: 3,33 m;
trunk diameter: 1.06 m; pre~nik debla: 1,06 m;
age: over 250 years. starost: preko 250 godina.
• protect the trees with all biologically-technical • sve biolo{ko-tehni~ke mere za{tite stabala
measurements under the conditions and monitoring by pod uslovima i nadzorom Zavoda za za{titu
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia; prirode Srbije;
• remove saplings around the trees; • otklawawe mladica oko debla.
• arrange the whole area under a special project plan • ure|ewe cele povr{ine mo`e se vr{iti na
osnovi posebnog projekta/plana pod navedenim
under the set regime, and with respect to the conditions
re`imom i uz po{tovawe uslova nadle`nog
set by Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia. zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije
Caretaker: Serbian Orthodox Church in Klina. Staralac: Srpska pravoslavna crkva u Klini.
Conditions estimate: not done. Ocena stawa: nije vr{ena.
Re`im za{tite
Protection regime
Selektivno i ograni~eno kori{}ewe
Selective and restrictive utilization of natural prirodnih bogatstava, kontrolisane intervencije
properties, controlled interventions and activities in the area, i aktivnosti u prostoru ukoliko su uskla|ene sa
if they are matched with functions of protected natural funkcijama za{ti}enog prirodnog dobra ili su
property or connected to inherited traditional means of doing vezane za nasle|ene tradicionalne oblike
industrial activities and dwelling, including the tourist obavqawa privrednih delatnosti i stanovawa,
ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu.
Zabrawuje se:
It is forbidden to: • se}i za{ti}ena stabla, lomiti grane, kidati
• cut the protected trees, break the branches and leaves, li{}e ili preduzimati bilo kakve radwe koje
take any activities that would change the present state or bi mu izmenile dana{wi izgled ili dovele u
pose a threat to the biological survival of the specimen; pitawe biolo{ki opstanak;
• open the new graves or erect tombstones in the area • otvarawe novih grobova ili podizawe
where trees are situated and in area covered by nadgrobnih spomenika na pripadaju}em
projection of the crown; prostoru stabala, odnosno na prostoru koji
pokriva projekcija kro{we;
• plant any decorative greenery in the area;
• sadwa bilo kakvog dekorativnog zelenila na
• change the utilization of protected area;
pripadaju}em prostoru;
• introduce the alochthonous decorative plant species; • promena namene za{ti}ene povr{ine;
• put out tables and other announcements on the protected • uno{ewe alohtonih dekorativnih biqnih
tree; vrsta;
• dump garbage or soil; • postavqawe tabli i drugih obave{tewa na
• bring in domestic animals, especially for grazing; za{ti}enim stablima;
• starting fire, as well as other activities that disturb • deponovawe sme}a i zemqe;
survival of the trees; • ispa{a i uvo|ewe doma}ih `ivotiwa;
• discharge waste and polluted water. • lo`ewe vatre i ostale radwe koje remete
opstanak stabala;
It is allowed to: • ispu{tawe otpadnih i zaga|enih voda.
• mow grass on protected area and remove weeds and Dozvoqava se:
garbage; • ko{ewe trave na za{ti}enoj povr{ini i
• protect the trees with all biologically-technical uklawawe korova i sme}a;
measurements under the conditions and monitoring by • sve biolo{ko-tehni~ke mere za{tite stabala
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia; pod uslovima i nadzorom Zavoda za za{titu
prirode Srbije;
• remove saplings around the trees. • otklawawe mladica oko debla.
Caretaker: District of De~ani. Staralac: Skup{tina op{tine De~ani.
Conditions estimate: not done. Ocena stawa: nije vr{ena.
Legal basis: By Decision of District De~ani 05-1874/2 from Pravna osnova: Re{ewe SO De~ani 05 - 1874/2, od
September 16th, 1968, as a Nature Monument. 16. septembra 1968, kao prirodni spomenik.
Type: Nature monument (botanical) specimen of Silver Vrsta: spomenik prirode (botani~ki) stablo
srebrnaste lipe (Tilia tomentosa Moench.)
Linden (Tilia tomentosa Moench).
Kategorija: III (tre}a) kategorija zna~ajno
Category: III (third) category important natural property.
prirodno dobro.
IUCN classification: III (third) category Natural Klasifikacija IUCN: III (tre}a) kategorija -
Monument. spomenik prirode.
Protection regime: III (third) degree of protection Re`imi za{tite: III (tre}i) stepen za{tite.
District: De~ani, Village Istini}, KO Istini}: 760, whole, on the Op{tina: De~ani, KO Istini}: 760, obuhva}ena u
village crossroads at the locality By the tree. celini, na seoskom raskr{}u na mestu zvanom
Area: 0,12,11 ha. Kod stabla.
Main characteristics: remains of ancient Linden Povr{ina: 0,02,11 ha.
communities that in alluvium used to cover much larger Osnovne karakteristike: ostatak prastarih
area. lipovih zajednica koje su na aluvijumu zauzimale
Natural values: Not only of exceptional age but also of great znatno ve}e povr{ine.
aesthetic value. Imposing both because of size and because Prirodne vrednosti: pored znatne starosti i
izrazite estetske vrednosti. Impozantnosti pored
of a nice habitus, the well-branched crown of egg-like shape,
veli~ine doprinose lep habitus, razgranata kruna
vitality and the thick growth of branches (especially in the
jajastog oblika, vitalnost i gusti splet grana,
lower part of crown). posebno u dowem delu krune.
Dendrometric data: Dendromertrijski podaci:
tree height: 23 m; visina stabla: 26 m;
tree height to the first branch: 3 m; visina debla do prve grane: 3 m;
trunk circumference at 1.3 m: 6 m; obim debla na 1,3 m: 6 m;
trunk diameter at 1.3 m : 1.91 m; pre~nik debla na 1,3 m: 1,91 m;
crown diameter : 14.5 m. pre~nik kro{we: 14,5 m;
age: over 400 years. starost: preko 400 godina.
Re`im za{tite
Protection regime Selektivno i ograni~eno kori{}ewe
Selective and restrictive utilization of natural prirodnih bogatstava, kontrolisane intervencije
properties, controlled interventions and activities in the area, i aktivnosti u prostoru ukoliko su uskla|ene sa
if they are matched with functions of protected natural funkcijama za{ti}enog prirodnog dobra ili su
property or connected to inherited traditional means of doing vezane za nasle|ene tradicionalne oblike
obavqawa privrednih delatnosti i stanovawa,
industrial activities and dwelling, including the tourist
ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu
Zabrawuje se:
It is forbidden to: • se}i za{ti}eno stablo, lomiti grane, kidati
• cut the protected trees, break the branches and leaves, li{}e ili preduzimati bilo kakve radwe koje
bi mu izmenile dana{wi izgled ili dovele u
take any activities that would change the present state or
pitawe biolo{ki opstanak;
pose a threat to the biological survival of the specimen; • sadwa bilo kakvog dekorativnog zelenila na
• plant any decorative greenery in the area; pripadaju}em prostoru;
• change the utilization of protected area; • promena namene za{ti}ene povr{ine;
• introduce the alochthonous decorative plant species; • uno{ewe alohtonih dekorativnih biqnih
• put out tables and other announcements on the protected vrsta;
• postavqawe tabli i drugih obave{tewa na
za{ti}enim stablima;
• dump garbage or soil; • deponovawe sme}a i zemqe;
• bring in domestic animals, especially for grazing; • ispa{a i uvo|ewe doma}ih `ivotiwa;
• starting fire, as well as other activities that disturb • lo`ewe vatre i ostale radwe koje poreme}uju
survival of the trees; opstanak stabala;
• discharge waste and polluted water. • ispu{tawe otpadnih i zaga|enih voda.
property or connected to inherited traditional means of doing vezane za nasle|ene tradicionalne oblike
industrial activities and dwelling, including the tourist obavqawa privrednih delatnosti i stanovawa,
objects. ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu
Legal basis: Decision of Institute for Protection of Nature Pravna osnova: Re{ewe Zavoda za za{titu
and Scientific Research on Natural rarities of NR Serbia, 01- prirode i nau~no prou~avawe prirodnih retkosti
569 from October 30th, 1959. NR Srbije 01-569, od 30. oktobra 1959.
Type: Nature monument (botanical) specimen of Plane Vrsta: spomenik prirode (botani~ki) stablo
(Platanus orientalis L.). platana (Platanus orientalis L.)
Category: I (first) category natural property of Kategorija: I (prva) kategorija prirodno dobro
extraordinary importance. od izuzetnog zna~aja.
Klasifikacija IUCN: III (tre}a) kategorija -
IUCN classification: III(third) category Natural
spomenik prirode.
Re`imi za{tite: III (tre}i) stepen za{tite.
Protection regime: III (third) degree of protection. Op{tina: Prizren, naseqe Prizren, lokalitet
District: Prizren, settlement Prizren, locality Mara{, KO Mara{, KO Prizren: 4840 u celini.
Prizren: 4840 whole. Povr{ina: 0,50,00 ha.
Area: 0,50,00 ha
Osnovne karakteristike: u Prizrenu, na
Main characteristics: In Prizren, on locality Mara{, 2 m from lokalitetu Mara{, udaqen 2 m od levog korita
left bank of Prizrenska Bistrica river. Prizrenske Bistrice.
Natural values: characteristic species for mild Mediterranean Prirodne vrednosti: karakteristi~na vrsta za
climate in Serbia is rarely met in natural habitats, while in blagu mediteransku klimu u Srbiji se retko sre}e
Macedonia it may be found on sandy river terraces. Plane na prirodnim stani{tima, dok se u Makedoniji
tree on Mara{ is, in spite of numerous legends on its origin, mo`e na}i na peskovitim re~nim terasama. Platan
probably the remain of former abundant association of this na Mara{u je, i pored mnogih legendi o poreklu,
species in Metohija. najverovatnije, ostatak nakada{we prirodne
Dendrometric data: sastojine ove vrste u Metohiji.
tree height: 18.00 m; Dendromertrijski podaci:
tree height to the first branch: 2.50 m; visina stabla: 18,00 m;
trunk circumference at 1.3 m: 9.00 m; visina debla do prve grane: 2,50 m;
trunk diameter at 1.3 m: 2.86 m; obim debla na 1,3 m: 9,00 m;
crown diameter: 25.00 m; pre~nik debla na 1,3 m: 2,86 m;
pre~nik kro{we: 25,00 m;
age: about 200 years.
starost: oko 200 godina.
Protection regime
Re`im za{tite
Selective and restrictive utilization of natural Selektivno i ograni~eno kori{}ewe
properties, controlled interventions and activities in the prirodnih bogatstava, kontrolisane intervencije
area, if they are matched with functions of protected natural i aktivnosti u prostoru ukoliko su uskla|ene sa
property or connected to inherited traditional means of funkcijama za{ti}enog prirodnog dobra ili su
doing industrial activities and dwelling, including the vezane za nasle|ene tradicionalne oblike
obavqawa privrednih delatnosti i stanovawa,
tourist objects. ukqu~uju}i i turisti~ku izgradwu.
Legal basis: Decision of Institute for Protection and Pravna osnova: Re{ewe Zavoda za za{titu i
Scientific Research of natural Rarities of NR Serbia, No nau~no prou~avawe prirodnih retkosti NR Srbije
709 from December 28th, 1957; Decision on Protection of 709, od 28. decembra 1957; Odluka o za{titi
Nature Monument [am dud (Slu`beni glasnik RS
spomenika prirode [am dud (Slu`beni
glasnik RS 16/95).
Type: Nature monument (botanical) specimen of Black
Vrsta: spomenik prirode (botani~ki) crni dud
Mulberry (Morus nigra L.) (Morus nigra L.).
Category: I (first) category natural property of Kategorija: I (prva) kategorija prirodno dobro
extraordinary importance. od izuzetnog zna~aja.
IUCN classification: III(third) category Natural Klasifikacija IUCN: III (tre}a) kategorija -
Monument . spomenik prirode.
Protection regime: I (first) degree of protection. Re`imi za{tite: I (prvog) stepen.
District: Pe}, settlement Pe}, Ko Pe}: 1847, in yard of Pe}ka Op{tina: Pe}, naseqe Pe}, KO Pe}: 1847 u
Patrijar{ija. dvori{tu Pe}ke Parijar{ije.
Povr{ina: 55.55 ha.
Area: 55.55 ha
Main characteristics Osnovne karakteristike
One of eldest Mulberry trees in Kosovo and Jedno od najstarijih stabala duda na
Metohija. Great historical value, planted by Serbian Kosovu i Metohiji, ogromna istorijske vrednosti.
Archbishop Sava II, son of Stefan Prvoven~ani, between Zasadio ga je srpski arhiepiskop Sava II, sin
1263 and 1272. It was brought from Province [am on Stefana Prvoven~anog, izme|u 1263. i 1272,
territory of present-day Syria. It is situated in the yard of donev{i ga iz pokrajine [am, koja se nalazila na
Pe}ka Patrijar{ija. teritoriji dana{we Sirije. Nalazi se u
dvori{tu Pe}ke patrijar{ije.
Prirodne vrednosti
Natural values
Zbog velike starosti deblo je pocepano,
Due to great age, trunk is torn, the branches are in
grane su se spustile na zemqu odakle su naknadno
the contact with ground, and the roots started growing from izrasle `ile koje odr`avaju dud u `ivotu. Osim
there, keeping the mulberry alive. Beside the main trunk that glavnog debla koje je pocepano na dva dela i
is torn into two parts and crawling, there are three new poleglo, razvila su se jo{ tri izbojka sa
shoots with well-developed crowns merging into one. razvijenim kro{wama koje se spajaju u jednu.
Dendrometric data: Dendromertrijski podaci:
tree height: 8.00 m; visina stabla: 8,00 m;
tree height to the first branch: 1.90 m; visina debla do prve grane: 1,90 m;
trunk circumference at 1.3 m: 5.77 m; obim debla na 1,3 m: 5,77 m;
trunk diameter at 1.3 m: 1.83 m; pre~nik debla na 1,3 m: 1,83 m;
circumference of shoots: 1.43 m, 1.32 m and 0.59 m; obim izbojaka: 1,43, 1,32 i 0,59 m;
starost: oko 600 godina.
age: about 600 years.
Re`im za{tite: zabrana kori{}ewa prirodnih
Protection regime: ban on utilization of natural property and bogatstava i iskqu~ivawe drugih oblika
exclusion of othr means of utilization of area and activities, kori{}ewa prostora i aktivnosti osim nau~nih
except for scientific research and controlled education. istra`ivawa i kontrolisane edukacije.
Zabrawuje se:
It is forbidden to: • se}i za{ti}eno stablo, lomiti grane, kidati
• cut the protected tree, break the branches and leaves, li{}e ili preduzimati bilo kakve radwe koje
take any activities that would change the present state or bi mu izmenile dana{wi izgled ili dovele u
pose a threat to the biological survival of the specimen; pitawe biolo{ki opstanak;
• put out tables and other announcements on protected • postavqawe tabli i drugih obave{tewa na
trees; za{ti}enim stablima;
• plant any decorative greenery in the area; • sadwa bilo kakvog dekorativnog zelenila na
pripadaju}em prostoru;
• set fire, and other activities that disturb the survival of • lo`ewe vatre i ostale radwe koje remete
the specimen; opstanak stabala;
• do any soil-related activities near the tree; • izvo|ewe bilo kakvih zemqanih radova u
• utilize any protective chemicals on the protected area; blizini stabla;
• change the utilization of protected area. • upotreba za{titnih hemijskih sredstava na
za{ti}enoj povr{ini;
• promena namene za{ti}ene povr{ine.
It is allowed to:
• mow grass on protected area and remove weeds and Dozvoqava se:
garbage; • ko{ewe trave;
• protect the trees with all biologically-technical • sve biolo{ko-tehni~ke mere za{tite stabla
measurements under the conditions and monitoring by pod uslovima koje utvr|uje Zavod za za{titu
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia. prirode Srbije.
za{titu prirode Srbije, Beograd. Pravilnik o sadr`ini i obimu prethodne studije oprav-
Jastrebov, I. S. (1904): Stara Srbija, NIP Novi svet, danosti i studije opravdanosti (Slu`beni glasnik
Narodna i univerzitetska biblioteka, Pri{tina, 1995. RS, br39/99).
Krasulja, S. \or|evi}, Z., Milin~i}, O. (1995): Velika Ho~a, Prostorni plan Republike Srbije
Prethodna istra`ivanja, Arhiv Zavoda za za{titu (Slu`beni glasnik RS 13/95).
prirode Srbije, Beograd. Registar za{ti}enih prirodnih dobara Kosova i Metohije,
Krasunja, S. \or|evi}, Z. (1999): Spomeni~ko nasle|e. In: Arhiv Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije, Beograd
Nacionalni park Prokletije- nau~ne i stru~ne Rezolucija o politici o~uvanja biodiverziteta u SR
osnove za za{titu planinskog masiva Prokletija na Jugoslaviji (Sl. list SRJ, 22/94).
teritoriji Republike Srbije kao nacionalnog parka. Rezolucija o politici za{tite i unapre|enja `ivotne sredine u
Studija. Arhiv Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije, SR Jugoslaviji (Sl. list SRJ, 31/93).
Beograd. Rezolucija o za{titi i unapre|enju `ivotne sredine
Krizmani}, I. (1996): Herpetofauna. U studiji Nacionalni (Slu`beni glasnik SRS 16/86).
park [ar-planina- osnova za progla{enje. Arhiv Sekuli}, N. (2001): Ihtiofauna. U studiji Nacionalni park
Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije, Beograd. [ar-planina- osnova za Grupa autora (1987):
Markovi}, J. (1966): Geografske oblasti SFRJ, Zavod za Zadu`bine Kosova, Bogoslovski fakultet, Prizren
izdavanje ud`benika SRS, Beograd. - Beograd.
Mijovi}, D. (1999): In: Nacionalni park Prokletije- nau~ne Spiskovi nepokretnih kulturnih dobara od izuzetnog i
i stru~ne osnove za za{titu planinskog masiva velikog zna~aja (Slu`beni glasnici SRS i RS
Prokletija na teritoriji Republike Srbije kao 14/79, 28/83, 47/87, 16/90, 25/90, ...)
nacionalnog parka. Studija. Arhiv zavoda za za{titu Stevanovi} V., Vasi}, V. (eds) (1995): Biodiverzitet
prirode Srbije, Beograd. Jugoslavije sa pregledom vrsta od me|unarodnog
Mijovi}, D. (2001): Hidrogeolo{ke odlike. U studiji zna~aja, Biolo{ki fakultet Univerziteta u
Nacionalni park [ar-planina- osnova za Beogradu, Ekolibri, Beograd
progla{enje. Arhiv Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije. [ehovac, E. (1999): Geolo{ke odlike. In: Nacionalni park
Beograd. Prokletije- nau~ne i stru~ne osnove za za{titu
Model Act on the protection of the environment, Council of planinskog masiva Prokletija na teritoriji
Europe/ Conseil de lEurope, Strasbourg,1994. Republike Srbije kao nacionalnog parka. Studija.
Naredba o kontroli prometa i kori{}enja divljih biljnih i Arhiv zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije, Beograd.
`ivotinjskih vrsta (Slu`beni glasnik RS, 16/96, [PO GJ Orahovac - Milanovac, Biro za ure|ivanje
17/99)) Instituta za {umarstvo i drvnu industriju,
Pajki}, P. (1963): Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, p. o. Starine Beograd, 1984-1993. godina
Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina UNESCOS Man and Biosphere Programme MAB,
Panjkovi}, B. (1999): Flora {umskog prostora. In: Pariz 1997.
Nacionalni park Prokletije- nau~ne i stru~ne United Nations List of National Parks and Protected
osnove za za{titu planinskog masiva Prokletija na Areas. IUCN, Gland,Switzerland and Cambrigde,
teritoriji Republike Srbije kao nacionalnog parka. UK, 1990.
Studija. Arhiv Zavoda za za{titu prirode Srbije, Uredba o za{titi prirodnih retkosti (Sl. glasnik RS, 50/93)
Beograd. Zakon o gra|evinskom zemlji{tu (Slu`beni glasnik RS,
Popovi}, D. (1982): Vinogradarstvo u srednjevekovnoj 44/95).
Srbiji (1100-1459), Doktorska disertacija, Zakon o izgradnji objekata (Slu`beni glasnik RS ,44/95,
Poljoprivredni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. 24/96, i 16/97).
Pravilnik o kategorizaciji za{ti}enih prirodnih dobara Zakon o komunalnim delatnostima (Slu`beni glasnik
RS, 16/97, 42/98).
(Slu`beni glasnik RS 30/92)
Zakon o kulturnim dobrima (Slu`beni glasnik RS
Pravilnik o analizi uticaja objekata, odnosno radova na 71/94)
`ivotnu sredinu (Slu`beni glasnik RS 61/92) Zakon o lovstvu (Sl. glasnik RS, 39/93, 44/93, 60/93)
Pravilnik o kategorizaciji za{ti}enih prirodnih dobara Zakon o nacionalnim parkovima (Sl. glasnik RS, 39/93,
(Sl. glasnik RS, br 30/92). 53/93, 67/93, 48/94).
Pravilnik o na~inu izdavanja urbanisti~ke dozvole i urba- Zakon o planiranju i ure|enju prostora i naselja
nisti~ke saglasnosti i obrascu urbanisti~ke dozvole (Slu`beni glasnik RS 44/95,24/96, i 16/97).
(Slu`beni glasnik RS, 24/97). Zakon o ribarstvu (Sl. glasnik RS, 35/94, 38/94).
Pravilnik o op{tim pravilima urbanisti~ke regulacije i Zakon o stanovanju (Slu`beni glasnik RS, br.50/92,
parcelacije (Slu`beni glasnik RS, br.37/98). 76/92, 33/93, 49/95, 16/97).
Pravilnik o sadr`ini i izradi prostornog plana (Slu`beni Zakon o {umama (Sl. glasnik RS, 49/91, 83/92, 53/93,
67/93, 48/94).
glasnik RS 1/99).
Zakon o za{titi `ivotne sredine (Sl. glasnik RS, 66/91,
Pravilnik o sadr`ini i izradi urbanisti~kog plana (Slu`beni 61/92, 83/92, 53/93, 67/93, 68/93, 46/94, 48/94,
glasnik RS, 33/99). 53/95).
A/I-0.01 A/I-0.01
SK 1368 SK 1368
1947/1990 1947/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Pe}, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Pe}, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of the Crkva Veznesewa
Ascension of the Hristovog i
Lord and the Arhimandrija,
archimandry, view pogled sa
from the southwest jugozapada
Position Polo`aj
King Stefan Uro{ III chose a plateau on the right U oblasti Hvosna, u podno`ju planina
bank of the River Bistrica, at the place called De~ani, in the Koprivnika i Prokletija, na mestu zvanom
region of Hvosno, at the foot of Koprivnik and Prokletije De~ani, odabrao je kraq Stefan Uro{ III zaravan
na desnoj obali reke Bistrice da na woj, kao svoj
mountains, as a building site for his mausoleum: a monastery
mauzolej, podigne manastir sa sabornom crkvom
with the katholikon dedicated to Christ Pantokrator (the
posve}enom Hristu Pantokratoru (Vaznesewu
Ascension of the Lord). Hristovom).
Protected environment of Za{ti}ena okolina
the Monastery of De~ani manastira De~ana
History Istorija
The earliest history of the monastery is known due Istorija de~anskog manastira poznata je
to three charters. Two of them were granted to the monastery na osnovu tri hrisovuqe, od kojih je dve izdao
by king Stephen Uro{ III in 1330 and 1331. The third one De~anima kraq Stefan Uro{ III, 1330. i 1331.
was granted by his son, king Stephen Du{an. It was written godine, a tre}u wegov sin kraq Stefan Du{an,
after May 1343, i.e. it is posterior to the inscription on the posle maja 1343. godine, i natpisa na nadvratniku
lintel of the south porch, saying that the church was built by ju`nog portala iz kojeg se saznalo da je crkvu
a Franciscan, Fra Vita from Kotor, between 1327 and 1335. sagradio frawevac fra Vita iz Kotora, u
The works on the fresco decoration were begun in razdobqu od 1327 do 1335. godine.
the spring of 1939 and it took long time before they were U prole}e 1339. godine zapo~eto je
completed - probably in the autumn of 1347 or the summer slikawe fresaka u unutra{wosti hrama. Ono je
of 1348. dugo trajalo i smatra se da je zavr{eno u jesen
The fortified gate and the refectory are 1347. ili u leto 1348. godine.
contemporary to the katholikon. A part of the original Iz vremena gra|ewa katolikona su i
enclosing wall was also preserved. The original dormitory ulazna kula i trpezarija, sa~uvan je i deo spoqnog
and the other buildings were ruined, mostly during the first obzi|a. Mona{ke kelije i ekonomske zgrade iz
military mission of the Turks, as was witnessed by princess doba osnivawa manastira su uni{tene, ve}im
delom jo{ u prvom naletu Turaka. O tome svedo~i
Milica, who visited the monastery after the Battle of
knegiwa Milica, koja je prilikom boravka u
Kosovo: everything was burnt and ruined by the evil
De~anima posle Kosovske bitke videla da je "sve
Ismaelians. Some of the destroyed buildings were rebuilt, od zlih izmailskih naroda spaqeno i oboreno".
as it was shown on an engraving by Grigorije Stojanovi} Neke od uni{tenih zgrada su obnovqene, kako
from 1745. The situation changed in the second half of the pokazuje crte` za bakrorez Grigorija Stojanovi}a
18th century, when iz 1745. godine.
hegumen Haji Danilo The west Zapadna Stawe se ponovo
had the archimadry built, façade of the fasada bitnije promenilo u
between 1786 and 1788.
church crkve drugoj polovini sto-
It w a s c o n s t r u c t e d le}a. Tada je na
against the east side of mestu stare igumane-
the refectory, where the rije podignuta zgrada
arhimandrije, koja se
original h e g u m e n e r y
nadovezuje na trpe-
once stood. The archi-
zariju u pravcu is-
mandry got one more toka. Wu je izgradio
story b y o r d e r o f de~anski iguman Ha-
hegumen Antim, not yi Danilo od 1786.
before 1851. The next do 1788. godine, a
building to the east, the posle 1851. zidao je
dormitory commissioned jo{ jedan sprat igu-
man Antim. Slede}a
by prince Milo{ in 1836, was also built against the original gra|evina u pravcu istoka, konak kneza Milo{a
perimeter wall, upon remains of medieval buildings. iz 1836, sagra|ena je, tako|e, na ostacima
So-called Leontijes dormitory, to the east of the sredwovekovnih zgrada i uz prvobitno obzi|e.
fortified gate, belongs to more recent times. Large Prizren Iz novijeg doba poti~e takozvani
dormitory built in 1834 between the gate and the refectory Leontijev konak podignut isto~no od ulazne kule.
was destroyed after the World War II. Postojao je i veliki Prizrenski konak iz 1834,
koji se nalazio izme|u kule i trpezarije, ali je
Monastery complex poru{en posle Drugog svetskog rata.
Manastirska celina
Monastery has an irregular ellipse in its plan,
Manastir ima shemu osnove u obliku
defined by the enclosing wall. Monastic cells and refectory nepravilnog ovala, obele`enu obzi|em uz koje su
are ranged around the perimeter wall. The church of Christ sa unutra{we strane izgra|ene manastirske
Pantokrator is at the centre of the enclosure. The church, kelije i trpezarija, dok je po sredini ogra|enog
fortified gate and the refectory belong to the original prostora hram Hrista Pantokratora. Od
complex, while the remains of the medieval enclosing wall prvobitne manastirske celine sa~uvani su, pored
can be seen in the lower zones of the present perimeter wall. crkve, ulazna kula i trpezarija, a u dowem pojasu
Only the ground floor of the fortified gate, which according nekih delova sada{weg ogradnog zida i
to the sources used to reach the height of the churchs dome, sredwovekovno obzi|e. Od ulazne kule, za koju
was preserved. Originally it had several stories and stari pisci bele`e da se ravnala sa kupolom
sonorous bells at its top, also mentioned in early crkve, sa~uvano je samo prizemqe. Imala je vi{e
spratova, a na posledwem su stajala "dobroglasna
descriptions of the monastery. According to the biographer
zvona", pomenuta, tako|e, u starim opisima. Za
of king Stephen Uro{ III, the refectory, the most important
trpezariju, najva`niju gra|evinu posle sabornoga
object in the complex hrama, biograf
after the katholikon, Christ Pantokrator, Freska Hrista ktitora manastira
was a pleasing sight the fresco Pantokratora kraqa Stefana
to those watching it. Uro{a Tre}eg za-
It had been consi- bele`io je da je
derably remodelled "divno onima koji
on several occasions je gledaju". Znatno
before it was de- je prepravqana to-
stroyed in the fire in kom svoga trajawa,
1949. The remains of a 1949. godine je i
izgorela. Ostatke
the refectory were
trpezarije pa`qi-
thoroughly investi-
vo je prou~io Slo-
gated by Slobodan bodan Nenadovi} i
Nenadovi}. On the na osnovu ishoda
basis of this research svojih istra`i-
he had made an ideal vawa predlo`io
The south portal of Ju`ni portal
the church, The crkve, Kr{tewe
Baptism of Christ Hristovo, u
with the inscription podno`ju natpis
of the Franciscan Fra Vite iz
Vito from Kotor Kotora
(at the bottom)
reconstruction of its original appearance. The refectory was idealnu rekonstrukdiju wenih spoqnih oblika, po
restored after that project. kojoj je gra|evina obnovqena.
The monastery complex is dominated by the church Dominanta mona{kog naseqa je crkva
of the Ascension of the Lord (Christ Pantokrator). It is a Vaznesewa Hristovog (Pantokratora). To je
petobrodna kupolna bazilika ~iji su krajwi
five-aisled basilica, with shorter outer aisles, and a dome.
brodovi kra}i. Na isto~noj strani svi se brodovi
Each of five aisles has an apse at its east end. Those apses zavr{avaju apsidama nejednakih raspona, a na
vary in diameter. The western part of the church is occupied zapadnom kraju postoji trobrodni odvojen prostor
by a three-bayed narthex separated from the nave. The - priprata. Crkva je koncipovana po programu i
church was designed according to the needs of the Eastern za potrebe isto~nohri{}anskih obreda, ali je
Orthodox rite, but its construction and approach to exterior dobila strukturni sistem i spoqnu obradu u duhu
zapadwa~ke arhitekture. Ima rasko{no skulp-
decoration belong to Western tradition. Its portals and turalno ukra{ene portale i prozore romani~kog
Romanesque and Gothic windows got lavish sculptural i goti~kog stila, a isklesanim figuralnim i
decoration. Carved figural and floral motives can also be floralnim motivima ukra{ene su i mnoge konzole
found on many corbels supporting the frieze of blind arcades u podno`ju frizova slepih arkadica u
under the eaves. Facades made of precisely cut and polished podstre{jima fasada. Lepoti i upe~atqivosti
spoqa{nosti hrama doprinosi i precizno
stone are very significant feature of its exterior.
obra|eno i do sjaja bru{eno skupoceno gradivo,
The katholikon of De~ani shows the richest and the kojim su izvedene sve wegove fasade.
most representative sculptural decoration in Serbian De~anska saborna crkva sadr`i najras-
medieval art. In the same time, it houses the largest ko{niji i najbogatiji klesani ukras srpske
assemblage of painted decorations in medieval Serbia, sredwovekovne umetnosti, ali i najve}u srpsku
almost completely preserved, consisting of more than 1000 sredwovekovnu galeriju fresaka, sa~uvanih gotovo
u celini, sa preko 1000 pojedina~nih figura i
figures and scenes organized in more than 20 cycles, making scena razvrstanih u preko dvadeset ciklusa, tako
thus the richest source for the study of Byzantine da predstavqaju i najve}i izvor podataka o
iconography. vizantijskoj ikonografiji.
begun as early as the 19th century, when many important u XIX veku zabele`eni su mnogi podaci iz
facts concerning history of this church centre were recorded, istorije ovog crkvenog sredi{ta i popisani svi
and the inventories of Eucharistic vessels and other liturgical va`niji liturgijski predmeti i sve{tene stvari.
Ve} po~etkom XX veka manastir je u{ao u sve
objects were made. The monastery was comprised in all
preglede stare srpske arhitekture i slikarstva.
surveys of Serbian medieval architecture and painting as
Zbog velike nau~ne va`nosti rano su preduzeta
early as the beginning of the 20th century. Due to great
sveobuhvatna istra`ivawa arhitekture i
scientific significance of the monastery, the architecture and slikarstva sabornog hrama, okon~ana jednom od
mural decoration of its katholikon became subject of najpotpunijih monografija o jednom na{em
thorough investigation very early, which resulted in one of graditeqskom i umetni~kom spomeniku sredweg
the most comprehensive monographs about a monument of veka. Napisali su je Vladimir Petkovi} i \ur}e
Serbian medieval art ever written. It was written by Vladimir Bo{kovi}, a izdata je 1941. godine. Posle wihovih
Petkovi} and \ur|e Bo{kovi}, and published in 1941. These studija napisano je vi{e pojedina~nih rasprava o
studies were followed by a series of papers dealing with nekim pitawima arhitekture i slikarstva
particular problems concerning the architecture and fresco katolikona ili manastirskih zgrada, a izdate su i
decoration of the katholikon or the conventual buildings. dve kapitalne kwige u kojima su razmatrana ista
Two major collections of papers were published: De~ani and pitawa: zbornik radova sa nau~nog skupa De~ani
i vizantijska umetnost sredinom XIV veka, i,
the Byzantine Art of the Mid-fourteenth Century, conference
tako|e zbornik radova, Zidno slikarstvo
proceedings, and the collection of essays Wall Painting of
manastira De~ana, gra|a i studije. Kwiga
the Monastery of De~ani: resources and studies. The book De~anska riznica, Mirjane [akote isto tako je
The Treasury of De~ani by Mirjana [akota is one of the kapitalno delo o umetni~kim vrednostima
major works dealing with objects of artistic interest in the manastira.
monastery. Uporedo sa prou~avawem manastira
Sanation and conservation work in De~ani were De~ana, rano su preduzeti sanacioni i konzer-
undertaken very early and they had to go along with the vatorski radovi na wemu. To je bilo nu`no, jer su
researches since the monastery had been deserted for a few De~ani nekoliko godina pre oslobo|ewa zemqe
years before the liberation in 1918. Because of the poor 1918. bili pusti. Zbog lo{eg stawa sabornog
condition of the katholikon and dilapidation of the hrama i zapu{tenosti celog manastira,
monastery complex the Ministry of Building of the Kingdom Ministarstvo gra|evina Kraqevine Jugoslavije
pokrenulo je opse`ne sanacione radove u
of Yugoslavia organized extensive sanation works in De~ani
De~anima 1935. godine. Oni su trajali sve do
in 1935. The project was accomplished in 1941. Major
1941.godine. Glavni radovi obavqeni su na crkvi,
interventions were done in the church, in whose lower zones, na kojoj su se videle mnoge jake pukotine pri tlu,
vaults and arches, big cracks could be found, especially in ali i na svodovima i lukovima. Najvi{e ih je bilo
the middle and southern aisles of the narthex. The u sredwem i ju`nom brodu priprate. Sprovedena je
foundations of the church were consolidated with armoured tada konsolidacija gra|evine ugradwom oja~awa od
concrete retaining structure, while the walls got cerclages armiranog betona uz temeqe kao i serkla`a i
and bracing in the upper parts. The outer side of the walls zatega ispod krovne konstrukcije, a sanirane su na
underwent considerable repairs. vi{e mesta znatne povr{ine spoqnog lica zida.
Shortly after World War II, in 1949, the original Ubrzo posle zavr{etka Drugog svetskog rata,
medieval refectory was destroyed in the fire. So-called 1949, izgorela je stara sredwovekovna trpezarija,
Prizren dormitory was pulled down in 1953 since it was a 1953. poru{en je takozvani Prizrenski konak,
jer je bio veoma o{te}en usled po`ara na
considerably destroyed in the fire of 1949. In 1952, when the
obli`woj trpezariji. Godinu dana ranije, kada su
institutions for the protection of architectural and artistic
ve} postojale institucije za o~uvawe graditeqske
heritage had already been founded, architects Slobodan i umetni~ke ba{tine, upu}en je u De~ane arh.
Nenadovi} and Vera Toma{evi} were appointed to make Slobodan Nenadovi} da u saradwi sa arh. Verom
necessary repairs in the Dormitory of Prince Milo{, and to do Toma{evi} izvr{i najnu`nije popravke na konaku
a series of interventions on the surface of the perimeter wall, kneza Milo{a i da obavi vi{e spoqnih radova na
on the bridge over Bistrica, and in the area in front of the obzi|ima, na mostu na Bistrici i prostoru pred
fortified gate. On the same occasion minor repairs of the ulaznom kulom. Ponovo su tada morale da se
katholikons walls were made and cracks in the vaults of its obezbe|uju pukotine na svodovima priprate i da se
narthex were stabilized once again. mestimi~no popravqaju zidovi sabornog hrama.
Extensive sanation project was undertaken a few Temeqno sre|ivawe hrama Vaznesewa
years later and it was accomplished within the period Hristovog preduzeto je nekoliko godina kasnije i
trajalo je od 1956. do 1964. godine. Stru~no
between 1956 and 1964. Architect Dobrosav Pavlovi} was rukovodstvo povereno je arh. Dobrosavu Pavlovi}u
the appointed supervisor of the project in which many i tada su, uz saradwu stru~waka razli~itih
specialists from different branches took part. The façades of specijalnosti o~i{}ene i popravqene fasadne
the church, seriously damaged and exposed to deteriorating povr{ine hrama, jer su bile veoma o{te}ene i
activity of the microorganisms especially when sculptural ugro`ene dejstvom raznih mikroorganizama,
decoration was concerned were cleaned and repaired. The posebno spoqna skulpturalna dekoracija. U toku
interventions included the treatment of all the outer surfaces te kampawe fungicidirane su i hidrofobirane
savremenim hemijskim sredstvima sve spoqne
of the walls with modern fungicides and hydrophobes.
zidne povr{ine, a neki o{te}eni kvaderi
Several damaged ashlars were replaced with new ones.
zameweni novim.
Twenty years later the church was again in poor Dvadeset godina kasnije stawe saborne
condition. Since the covering was damaged in several crkve bilo je ponovo r|avo. Na vi{e mesta
places, rainwater penetrated into the church especially into popustio je krovni pokriva~, te su padavine
prodirale u unutra{wost hrama, a najvi{e u
the diaconicon that used to house the monasterys treasury. |akonikon, gde je bila manastirska riznica. Lo{e
The facades were also in bad condition, showing numerous je bilo i stawe svih fasadnih povr{ina. Na
damages of the ashlars and sculptural decoration. New mnogo mesta bili su o{te}eni fasadni blokovi i
restoration campaign was undertaken under the supervision arhitektonska skulpturalna dekoracija. Sanacioni
radovi ponovo su pokrenuti pod rukovodstvom arh.
of Milka ^anak-Medi}, the architect, in 1984. The church Milke ^anak-Medi} 1984. da bi se crkva pokrila
was provided with new lead-plate roofing and lead-work novim olovnim plo~ama, izradile nove okapnice
covering the cornices, while all the outer surfaces of the na zavr{nim vencima i o~istile, fungicidirale i
hidrofobirale sve spoqne zidne povr{ine.
walls were cleaned and treated with fungicides and
Ugra|ena je savremena elekti~na instalacija i
hydrophobes. The church was equipped with wiring crkva snabdevena potrebnim liturgijskim
providing the electricity, as well as with necessary liturgical name{tajem, a osiguravani su i neki kapiteli koji
furniture. Several damaged capitals were consolidated. The su bili veoma o{te}eni. Stara trpezarija je
obnovqena 1987. i u woj po muzeolo{kim
old refectory was rebuilt in 1987 to house the exhibition of principima postavqena manastirska riznica.
objects from the monasterys treasury, organized in Posle kra}eg prekida, radovi su
accordance with museological principles. nastavqeni 1995. pod rukovodstvom arh. Bosiqke
Having been interrupted for a short period of time, Toma{evi}. Do 1998. ponovo su ~i{}ene i
osiguravane fasade hrama, a ugra|enim
the sanation works were continued in 1995 under mo`danicima obezbe|ivane su i slobodne
supervision of architect Bosiljka Toma{evi}. By 1998 the skulpture na zapadnoj fasadi. Nastavqena je
facades of the church were cleaned and consolidated once izrada kopija, zapo~eta u razdobqu do 1964, sada
sa ciqem da se izrade studijske rekonstrukcije i
again. The projecting sculptures on the western façade were
izvr{e pripreme za eventualno zamewivawe
stabilized with dowels. The work on making the copies of o{te}enih skulpturalnih delova kopijama.
the sculptures, begun before 1964, was taken up again, in Konsolidacija o{te}enih kamenih skulptura nije
order to provide material for the reconstruction of the vr{ena.
original settings and prepare the grounds for possible BIBLIOGRAFIJA
replacement of the damaged pieces. Damaged stone 1. V. Petkovi}, \. Bo{kovi}, Manastir De~ani
sculptures were not consolidated. I-II, Beograd 1941. (V. Petkovi}, \. Bo{kovi},
Monastère de De~ani I-II, Beograd 1941).
BIBLIOGRAPHY 2. M. [akota, De~anska riznica, Beograd 1984.
(M. [akota, Tresor du monastère de Detchani,
1. V. Petkovi}, \. Bo{kovi}, Manastir De~ani I-II, Beograd 1984).
Beograd 1941. 3. De~ani i vizantijska umetnost sredinom
2. M. [akota, De~anska riznica, Beograd 1984. XIV veka, Beograd 1989. De~ani et l 'art
byzantine au millieu du XIV e siècle, Beograd
3. De~ani i vizantijska umetnost sredinom 1989).
XIV veka, Beograd 1989. 4. Zidno slikarstvo manastira De~ana, Gra|a
4. Zidno slikarstvo manastira De~ana, Gra|a i studije, i studije, Beograd 1995. (Mural Painting of
Beograd 1995. Monastery De~ani, Material and Studies, Beograd
5. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 5. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
Zadu`bine Kosova, Pri{tina Beograd 1987, 129-158. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Pri{tina Beograd
6. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 178. 1987, 129-158.
6. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 178.
7. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999, 7. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
70-71. Beograd 1999, 70-71.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Belgrade (Resolution providing the protection of the state, Republike Srbije (Re{ewe o stavqawu pod
za{titu dr`ave, Situacija manastira u razmeri
Situation plan, scale 1 : 2500 and 1 : 500,, photographs taken 1 : 2500 i 1 : 500, fotografije iz 1965, 1966, 1970,
in 1965, 1966, 1970,, and 1973); i 1973 godine)
Institute for Protection of Nature of Serbia Zavod za za{titu prirode Republike Srbije;
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina u Pri{tini
MNEMOSYNE Centre, photo-archive 2001. Centar MNEMOSYNE, foto dokumentacija 2001.
Condition of the monastery and conventual buildings Od prilaza manastirskoj ulaznoj kuli do
dolaska pred sabornu crkvu iznena|uje
Having seen the path approaching the fortified gate besprekoran red u manastiru i oko wega. Crkva
and the area in front of the katholikon, one gets surprised blista, jer su sa wenih o{te}enih fasada skinute
with the perfect order in the monastery and its surroundings. sve kolonije migroorganizama pa je jo{ vi{e
The church makes a resplendent sight since all the colonies do{la do izraza dvobojnost wenih fasada.
of microorganisms were removed from the surface of Spojnice izme|u kvadera nanovo su izvedene
damaged walls, bringing in relief the bands of two different prikladnim malterom, ~ini da fasade deluju
colours alternating on its façades. Joints between the ashlars kompaktno i besprekorno ~isto, a tome doprinosi
i o~i{}eni klesani ukras na portalima i
were renewed with adequately toned mortar. The sculptures
prozorima. Odli~no su odr`avani manastirski
and carvings on the portals and windows were also cleaned,
which makes the façades look well-balanced and perfectly Crkva Vaznesewa Hristovog detaqno je
clean. The residential part of the monastery is well pregledana. Tokom istorije, najvi{e je poreme}aja
maintained. bilo na priprati hrama. Najvi{i deo ju`ne
The church of the Ascension of the Lord was fasade, sa frizom slepih arkadica, sru{io se sve
thoroughly inspected. During the course of history the do konzola 1735, {to je zabele`eno u jednom
narthex have suffered the most serious damages. The upper de~anskom pomeniku. Pale komade vratio je i
part of its southern façade, including the frieze of blind u~vrstio tada{wi de~anski iguman Misailo. Te`a
o{te}ewa nastala su kasnije na severnoj strani,
arcades, above the corbels, collapsed in 1735, as it was
kada je usled prodora otpadnih voda iz kuhiwe u
recorded in a memorial. Hegumen Misailo had it repaired. temeqe priprate, do{lo do slegawa severnog zida
Penetration of the liquid waste from the kitchen towards the i pojave ja~ih potklobu~ewa wegovog spoqnog
foundations of the narthex resulted in major damages on its lica. Na tom delu su kvaderi morali biti
northern side: the settlement of the northern wall and pova|eni i ponovo vra}eni, {to je sve u~iweno
swelling of its outer side. The ashlars from that zone had to tokom sanacionih radova od 1935 do 1941. godine.
be removed and put back again, as it was done during the Deformacije i promene na freskama u unutra{-
sanation campaign of 1935-1941. Deformations and certain wosti priprate, konstatovane su i ranije. Po-
changes on the frescoes of the narthex have already been reme}aj strukturnog sistema priprate je
recorded. The decay of original wooden beams acting as posledica truqewa pojedinih zatega ugra|enih
bracing, put above the capitals of the columns, resulted in iznad kapitela stubova koji nose gorwu
disturbances of the structural system of the narthex. As it konstrukciju. To je izazvalo pomerawe stubova iz
was found out during 1960s, that made the columns go out vertikale, {to je utvr|eno {ezdesetih godina XX
of vertical line. Strong iron bracing was put above the veka. Tada su iznad drvenih greda ugra|ene jake
wooden beams, in order to consolidate columns and vaults in `elezne zatege, kojima su stubovi i svodovi
the position they happened to be found. Southwestern capital stabilizovani u polo`aju u kojem su zate~eni.
was damaged due to some earlier disturbances of the Zbog prethodnih pomerawa jugozapadni kapitel je
o{te}en, a izvajane predstave ptica u podno`ju
construction: carved birds at the foot of the abacus got
abakusa odvojile su se od jezgra ~a{e kapitela.
detached from the capitals core. To prevent them from Po{to je postojala opasnost da padnu, kapitel je
falling off, in 1990, the dowels were used to fasten them to 1990. saniran mo`danicima, kojima su one
the core. u~vr{}ene.
The inspection of the narthex and its walls proved Pregledom stawa priprate i wenih zidova
that they were stable and that there were no changes or new konstatovano je da su stabilni i da na wima nema
cracks. The condition of the carvings on the capitals, promena niti novih pukotina. Stawe izvajanih
predstava na kapitelima, ukqu~uju}i i kapitel
including the one repaired in 1990, could not be inspected
koji je 1990 u~vr{}ivan, nije moglo biti
since no scaffolding was available. The condition of the provereno zbog nedostaka skela. Nije provereno
griffin on the west portal leading to the nave, which has not ni stawe grifona na zapadnom portalu pred
been fastened well, could not be inspected for the same naosom, za koji je ve} ranije prime}no da nije
reason. dobro u~vr{}en.
The other parts of the church show no changes. U ostalim delovima crkve nema promena.
Only in the chapel of St Nicholas, on the vault surmounting Samo je u paraklisu Svetog Nikole na svodu iznad
the central pillar, a considerably big dark stain can be sredweg stupca prime}ena ve}a tamna povr{ina,
noticed, probably caused by leaking. Major damages were kao da na tom mestu proki{wava. Na uspravnom
recorded on the outer side of the upright part of the wall delu zida izme|u naosa i paraklisa, iznad sredweg
separating the chapel from the nave, which surmounts the stuba, postoje spoqa ve}a o{te}ewa na fasadnim
central column, but they have been repaired. It is possible blokovima, ali ona su plombirana. Mogu}e je da je
that water used to penetrate there before the latest repair of tu proki{wavalo pre posledwih popravki
damaged ashlars and mortar joints between them, and that spojnica i o{te}ewa na kamenu, a da se tu deo
dark stain appeared because the vault has not been properly svoda nije u potpunosti isu{io.
dried. Promena u naosu nastala je time {to su
All the thrones from the 16th and 17th centuries, izneti svi stari "stolovi" iz XVI i XVII veka,
which were in poor condition, were replaced with new ones koji su bili u lo{em stawu, i zameweni novim.
Izra|eni su po ugledu na one koje su crkvi
featuring those donated by King Alexander and Queen Maria poklonili kraq Aleksandar i kraqica Marija
Kara|or|evi} before World War II. An old inlay analogion, Kara|or|evi}, pre Drugog svetskog rata. Od
which is in good condition, is the only piece of the old liturgijskog name{taja u upotrebi je samo jedan
liturgical furnishings that is still being used, while big intarzirani nalow, koji je u dobrom stawu, dok se
Nestors cross shows the signs of verminousness. na velikom krstu Starca Nestora vide o{te}ewa
usled crvoto~ewa.
Special attention was paid to the condition of Najvi{e pa`we posve}eno je fasadama i
façades. The condition of mortar joints between ashlars was wihovom stawu. Na vi{e mesta proveravan je
tested in several places. The examination has shown that the malter u spojnicama. On je vrlo ~vrst i dobro je
mortar is solid and well attached to the ashlars. The prionuo uz kamene kvadere. Blagodare}i tome,
condition of façades is satisfactory due to recent cleaning ranijem ~i{}ewu i popuwavawu pukotina na
and filling of the cracks in the ashlars. The western façade is kamenim kvaderima, fasade su u vrlo dobrom
also in god condition regardless the fact that the sculptures stawu, ukqu~uju}i i zapadnu, uprkos tome {to
were not treated with consolidants. No decision about filling kamen slobodih skulptura na woj nije obra|ivan
the cracks that appeared on the surface of the sculptures nekim konsolidantima. Ostalo je otvoreno pitawe
fixed with dowels was made. Only the cracks on the lowest zaptivawa pukotina koje su se pojavile u pravcu
pru`awa ugra|enih mo`danika na gorwoj
free-standing sculptures of the western portal, at the foot of
povr{ini skulptura. Moglo je da se proveri samo
its archivolts, were inspected. Only narrow cracks, stawe pukotina na dve najni`e slobodne skulpture
resembling tiny veins were found, without ravages in the u podno`ju arhivolti zapadnog portala. Utvr|eno
stone. New cracks appeared on the flank of the lioness to the je da su sasvim uzane, poput tankih vlasi, i da oko
south, in the same place where an earlier crack was once wih nije do{lo do razarawa kamena. Nove
filled - between the stone and mortar filling. These cracks pukotine otvorile su se na bo~noj strani ju`ne
dont endanger the stability of the sculpture. Despite the skulpture (lavice), na mestu gde je popuwavana
satisfactory condition of the western façade and its starija pukotina, izme|u kamena i novog maltera,
sculptural decoration, it is necessary to keep on with the ali one ne utro`avaju stabilnost skulpture. I
conservation treatment: the sculptures demand treatment pored dobrog op{teg izgleda zapadne fasade i
with consolidants and filling of the recorded cracks. wene skulpturalne dekoracije neophodno je
nastaviti zapo~ete konzervatorske radove i
The fortified gate was covered with new terracotta
skulpturu obraditi odgovaraju}im konsolidantima
roofing tiles during the latest conservation campaign. All the i zatisnuti prime}ene pukotine.
damaged parts of its roof construction were replaced on the Ulazna kula je tokom posledwih
same occasion. A few rafters were replaced, as well as all the konzervatorskih radova prepokrivena novim
laths supporting roof tiles. The gate is now well protected. }eramidama, a tada je izmewen i sav oslabeli deo
All the conventual buildings, with the exception of krovne konstrukcije. Promeweni su neki rogovi i
Leontijes dormitory, are in satisfactory condition. The sve letve pod }eramidom. Sada je dobro za{ti}ena.
dormitory of prince Milo{, the archimandry and the refectory Manastirske zgrade su sve, izuzev tzv.
Leontijevog konaka, u dobrom stawu. Nedavno
are well protected since they recently got new covering. It is prepokriveni Milo{ev konak, arhimandrija i
only in the lowest zone of the northern wall of the refectory trpezarija dobro su obezbe|eni. Jedino u
that dampness can be noticed. The archimandry and the trpezariji ima vlage u severnom zidu pri dnu.
Dormitory of prince Milo{ are well maintained. The sanitary Veoma se dobro odr`avaju arhimandrija i
section and the dining room of Milo{ dormitory underwent Milo{ev konak, u kojem su konzervatorski
sre|eni sanitarni prostori, mona{ka trpezarija,
conservation treatment. The monks themselves painted
a nedavno su monasi prebojili drvenariju i pod na
joinery and the floor of the terrace. Great attention is being tremu Milo{evog konaka i lakirali. Sve se sa
paid to the maintenance of these buildings. velikom brigom odr`ava.
Leontijes dormitory is in poor condition. The Leontijev konak je u vrlo lo{em stawu.
urgent repairs of the mortar coat on its facades were done in Najnu`nije popravke maltera na fasadama
1986. Not long after that, the sanitary section was fixed. izvr{ene su 1986. godine, a ne{to kasnije je
However, in the meantime the dormitory got dilapidated. sre|en i sanitarni blok, ali konak je u
Wooden construction of the terrace is damaged. The sanation me|uvremenu veoma oronuo i drvena konstrukcija
of the building is urgent. trema popustila na vi{e mesta, tako da se
sanacioni radovi moraju {to pre preduzeti.
atmosphere, which hide certain parts of the images, making taloga, koji prekriva delove slikanih prikaza,
thus an unfavourable scene. Extensive assemblage of the zaklawa ih, i na taj na~in ru`i. Ogroman
frescoes covers about 4 5000 m2, which means that the work kompleks zidnog slikarstva u crkvi prostire se
on its conservation would take long time and would have to na povr{ini od oko 4 500 m2, tako da se
slikarsko-konzervatorski radovi moraju pred-
be divided into several stages.
videti u etapama.
The frescoes in the outer aisles northern and Destrukcije na strukturama `ivopisa
southern aisles of the narthex and the nave are more posebno su vidqive na zidovima svih spoqa{wih
brodova - ju`nih i severnih brodova priprate i
severely damaged. Certain parts of the ribbed vaults naosa. Kao o{te}ene celine javqaju se pojedini
covering those bays are also damaged. All the other delovi krstastih svodova sa rebrima u istim
deteriorations can be described as partial damages, as prostorima hrama. Ostala o{te}ewa mogu se
definisati samo kao delimi~na, a ne kao
opposed to predominantly deteriorated areas. dominantno ugro`ene celine.
The frescoes in the Freske na svodu
vault of the crkve, karakte-
church, typical risti~na
damages caused by o{te}ewa od
dampness vlage
The most serious damages that can be seen from the Najugro`eniji delovi `ivopisa koji se sa
level of the ground are located in the chapel of St Nicholas. poda mogu promatrati nalaze se u paraklisu
Its western wall with depictions of the Parable of the Rich Svetog Nikole. Dominantno o{te}ena celina je
Man and Beggar Lazarus, Parable of the Good Samaritan, svakako zapadni zid sa slikanim predstavama:
Parabola o bogata{u i siroma{nom Lazaru,
Christ and a Woman Taken in Adultery, and the portraits of
Parabola o milosrdnom Samarjaninu, Hristos
young king Uro{, queen Jelena, and Simeon Sini{a (?), can opravdava prequbnicu, Mladi Kraq Uro{,
certainly be described as predominantly deteriorated area. Kraqica Jelena i Simeon Sini{a (?). Ova celina
This area shows very serious damages, including je izuzetno o{te}ena i procesi podvajawa
delamination (separation of different layers of mortar acting strukture (raslojavawe maltera i slikanih
as ground for the frescoes), which could get worse. In certain slojeva) mogu se nastaviti. Na nekim mestima
mo`e do}i i do obru{avawa delova.
areas mortar may fall off.
Na ju`nom zidu u istom traveju, izme|u
On the soutern wall of the same bay, between
prozora, na mestu gde je naslikan Hristov
windows, where Christs conversation with the centurion in
razgovor sa satnikom u Kapernaumu, neki delovi
Capernaum was depicted, delaminated mortar might fall off,
struktura su podvojeni i pomeraju se na blagi
since it moves when touched with hand. Areas exposed to
dodir rukom pa im preti obru{avawe. Posebno su
penetreting water are especially endangered. Repeated
ugro`eni delovi zidnih slika kroz koje je
wetting and drying have partly or totally destoyed the
prodirala voda. Cikli~no vla`ewe i su{ewe
structure of fresco ground. These parts of fresco decoration
delimi~no su ili potpuno razorili gra|u
demand urgent condition assesment, and adequate
slikanih slojeva na tim mestima. U ovom delu
preventive protection.
hrama neophodna je hitna analiza realne
Modes of deterioration of the fresco decoration postojanosti slikane gra|e i preventivni radovi.
Major part of the fresco decoration was exposed to Oblici destrukcije `ivopisa
deterioration caused by raids and taking away of the S obzirom na ~esta stradawa hrama, na
material, long-term exposure to unfavourable conditions of pohare i razno{ewe gra|e, dugovremeno izlagawe
the atmosphere, and destructive impact of water. The fact klimatskim promenama i svim oblicima
that water used to penetrate through the damaged roof deep destruktivnog dejstva vode, ve}i deo strukture je
into the structure of the wall, and that it remained in the wall pretrpeo o{te}ewa. Duboki i trajni prodori
and mortar ground of the frescoes for a long term, resulted in vode, posle o{te}ivawa krovnog pokriva~a u
ranijim vremenima, i weno dugo zadr`avawe u
wide variety of damages of the fresco decoration. The most zidovima i malteru, nosiocu slikanih slojeva,
widespread are petrification, calcination and presence of izazvali su na mnogo mesta najrazli~itije
different kinds of atmospheric and water deposit on the destrukcije. O~igledni su petrifikacija,
surface of the frescoes. Long-term exposure to the kalcinacija, ali i talo`ewe drugih materija na
destructive impact of water weakened adhesion between licu zidnih slika. Dugotrajna dejstva vode
oslabila su vezu maltera i zida, i zato su se na
mortar and wall which resulted in major structural damages:
nekim delovima zidnih slika pojavila i ve}a
detaching of mortar from the wall, networks of cracks, holes, strukturalna o{te}ewa - potklobu~ewa, mre`e
etc. The efflorescence can be seen on the surface of many pukotina, krateri... Evidentna je pojava soli na
frescoes. That process can permanently destroy the povr{inama fresaka a to je proces koji mo`e
adhesives used in the making of frescoes. The most striking trajno o{tetiti vezivo slikanih slojeva. Vi{e
example is the difference between the photo on the picture nego o~igledan primer je pore|ewe snimka
Arhan|ela Gavrila na razglednici ~ijom se
postcard printed during campaign aiming to provide funds kupovinom poma`e zidawe nove zgrade
for the new building of the Faculty of Theology, showing Bogoslovskog fakulteta i snimka koji je letos
Archangel Gabriel (from the west wall of the narthex) and a na~iwen jer je pove}ano prisustvo beli~astog
photo taken last summer: the latter shows increase in the materijala na povr{ini te predstave (zapadni zid
quantity of the whitish material on the surface of the fresco. priprate). Ve}e naslage deponovanih materijala
(beli~asta {alitra) drasti~no naru{avaju
Increased presence of the deposit (whitish salts) covering the
dostojanstvo svetih likova i prikaza. Na nekim
images of the saints and religious scenes makes an mestima su posredi neodgovaraju}a slikarsko-
unfavourable scene. Traces of an earlier inadequate approach konzervatorska re{ewa u prezentaciji iz ranijih
to conservation and presentation of the frescoes can also be vremena.
found. Pored o~iglednih pojava velikih
Along with evident presence of efflorescence, a beli~astih mrqa na delovima zidnih slika, koje
svedo~e o uspostavqenim destruktivnim
result of long-lasting destructive processes, there are also procesima, postoje delovi `ivopisa sa te{kim
frescoes on which severe damages can be found. The most of o{te}ewima. Ona su evidentirana u svodovima
them are recorded in the vaults. Having in mind war hrama. Opasnost da se delovi zidnih slika obru{e
operations in the vicinity of the monastery, there is reason to znatno je pove}ana posle ratnih operacija, koje su
fear that some pieces of fresco mortar may simply fall down. se odvijale u neposrednoj blizini manastira. S
obzirom na veliku povr{inu zidnih slika,
Having seen such a large assemblage of frescoes, one gets
prividni utisak o stawu fresaka je pozitivan.
the impression that they are, generally speaking, in good Me|utim, u nekim ranijim ikonografskim,
condition. Earlier iconographic, historic and art historical istorijskim i umetni~kim istra`ivawima,
studies, however, pointed out the existence of damages prime}ena su dubinska o{te}ewa, odnosno
under the surface, i.e. the fact that mortar was detached from odvojenost fresko maltera od zida. Sada su
the wall. The condition of those parts of fresco decoration sigurno pogor{ana, jer stru~nih intervencija nije
bilo. Stepen o~uvanosti u ovom trenutku je te{ko
must have worsened, since they were not subject to odrediti bez temeqitog uvida.
conservation treatment. No precise condition assessment can Osnovne akcije koje bi se morale sprovesti su
be made without thorough inspection. Fresco decoration sistemetska slikarsko-konzervatorska i hemijsko-
needs systematic scientific analysis and technical tehnolo{ka ispitivawa, kojima bi se izvr{ili
examination that would give full insight into the condition of egzaktni uvidi i izradila temeqna dokumentacija.
paintings and provide material for a detailed documentation. Predlog radova na `ivopisu po fazama:
Recommended interventions (stage by stage): • Montirawe odgovaraju}e gra|evinske skele,
• the use of scaffolding in visual inspection, in stages;
• hitni i preventivni radovi na `ivopisu
• urgent preventive interventions on the parts of fresco (delovi `ivopisa kojima preti obru{avawe),
decoration that may fall off, in the chapel of St Nicholas, paraklis Svetog Nikole, delovi ju`nog zida
and in the narthex (certain parts of the south wall, parts ju`nog broda priprate, delovi severnog zida
of the north wall of the northern aisle, eastern wall of the severnog broda priprate, isto~ni zid severnog
north aisle); broda priprate;
• sukcesivni pregled svih delova zidova i
• sucessive inspection of the all the surfaces covered with svodova sa naslikanim kompozicijama, opis
frescoes; detailed description and condition assessment; stawa sa stepenom o{te}ewa;
• taking photographs, digital and video recording, • fotografisawe, digitalno i video snimawe,
blueprinting; izrada {ematskih crte`a;
• scientific analyses and technical examination in order to • slikarsko-konzervatorska i hemijsko-
discover the causes of deterioration and provide tehnolo{ka ispitivawa radi egzaktnog uvida
material for a detailed documentation; u uzrok destrukcije i izrade temeqne
• computer data processing; dokumentacije;
• kompjuterska obrada podataka;
• conservation treatment of the frescoes.
• sistematski slikarsko-konzervatorski radovi.
Iconostases and furniture Ikonostasi i crkveni name{taj
A/III-0.02 A/III-0.02
Protected in 1982 za{ti}ena 1982.
Junik, De~ani, the District of Pe} Junik, De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Residential towers (kullas) preserved in Junik are Me|u najlep{e primere specifi~nih
among the most beautiful examples of this type of residential stambenih ku}a ubrajaju se kule sa~uvane u Juniku.
objects. Residential tower is a peculiar type of fortified Kule su poseban tip utvr|enog stana u kojima je
house providing accommodation for the whole, often pod jednim krovom - u sklopu pravougaonog
numerous, family under the same roof within a single gabarita - sme{tena cela, ponekad vrlo brojna
rectangular block. The towers usually have three levels, porodica. Imaju naj~e{}e tri eta`e, a re|e samo
exceptionally only two of them. The ground-floor is usually dve. U prizemqu su prostorije za stoku, a na
occupied by stables, while the upper story houses the rooms spratu su sobe - }ileri - po jedna za svaku
(}ileri) one for each family unit. The uppermost floor is porodicu. Na najvi{em spratu su sobe za goste.
occupied by guest-rooms. Kula ima dvoja vrata, od kojih su jedna u
The tower is entered through two doors: one in the prizemqu, a druga na spratu, i do wih vodi
ground-floor, the other in the first story, accessed by an outer spoqa{we stepeni{te. Unutra{we stepeni{te iz
staircase. The second floor is accessed by an inner staircase, jednog malog pretprostora, vodi daqe do drugog
starting from a small entree. In such a way guests can reach sprata i odaja na wemu. Time je omogu}eno da
their rooms without disturbing the family living in the house. gosti ne ometaju uku}ane.
Sve ove kule gra|ene su lomqenim
These towers were built in coursed rubble. Ashlar
kamenom, a od pravilno isklesanih komada,
(commonly sandstone ashlar) is used only for the framing of
naj~e{}e pe{~ara, izvedeni su okviri vrata i
the apertures. Hip roof is covered with terracotta roofing prozora. Krovna konstrukcija je ~etvorovodna i
pokrivena }eramidom.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII , Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-70. Beograd 1958, 47-70.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovawe,
1994, 106-108. Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-0.03 A/III-0.03
Protected za{ti}ena
Junik, De~ani, the District of Pe} Junik, De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
The façade of the Crte`i fasada
tower, drawings kule
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII , Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII ,
47-70. Beograd 1958, 47-70.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo,
1994, 106-108. Stanovawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/E-0.04 A/E-0.04
Recognized heritage evidentiran
Ljubu{a, De~ani, the District of Pe} Qubu{a, De~ani, Pe}ki
Azem Hamz Ahmetaj Azem Hamz Ahmetaj
The house (~ardak) is known for its architectural
Ku}a - ~ardak - isti~e se svojim arhi-
and ambient qualities. It was built at the end of the 18th
century. tektonskim i ambijentalnim vrednostima. Gra|ena
je krajem XVIII veka.
The house is rectangular in plan; it has hip roof
Kvadratne je osnove, krov je ~etvo-
covered with terracotta roofing tiles. The ground-floor is
roslivni pokriven }eramidom. U prizemqu su
occupied by a stable and a kitchen, organized as separate staja i kuhiwa, me|usobno odvojene. Na spratu su
units. The upper story houses bedrooms, a guest-room, and a spava}e odaje i glavna soba za goste. Na spratu se
timber terrace (~ardak), after which this type of object got its nalazi i ~ardak, po kome je objekat i dobio
name. naziv.
^ardak is a house with an open portico in the ^ardak predstavqa tip gra|evine sa
ground-floor, and an open projecting gallery (~ardak) otvorenim tremom u prizemqu. Na spratu je
covering the façade of the upper story in its whole width. izba~ena otvorena galerija - ~ardak, koji obuhvata
The house has timber floor construction. All the apertures celu povr{inu glavne fasade. Me|uspratna
are rectangular. Stone and timber are the chief materials used konstrukcija je drvena. Vrata i prozori su
in the construction of this country house. pravougaoni. Za gradwu ovog seoskog ~ardaka
upotrebqeni su kamen i drvo.
1. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 1. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1994. vawe, Sirogojno 1994.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
V/I-0.05 V/I-0.05
SK 1372 SK 1372
1962/1990. 1962/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
\akovica, the District of Pe} \akovica, Pe}ki
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
V/III-0.06 V/III-0.06
Protected in 1962 za{ti}en 1962.
\akovica, the District of Pe} \akovica, Pe}ki
Taba~ki most je, po predawu, dobio ime po
The tradition says that Taba~ki Bridge, on the
jednoj taba~koj porodici iz ovog kraja koja je
road from \akovica to the Albanian border, got its name finansirala wegovu izgradwu. Nalazi se na
after a local tanners family that sponsored its construction. saobra}ajnici koja od \akovice vodi za Albaniju.
The dating of Taba~ki Bridge is disputable, in the O vremenu gra|ewa Taba~kog mosta
same manner as the dating of more famous Terzijski postoje iste nedoumice kao za daleko ~uveniji
Bridge. The basic system of spanning, which is evident Terzijski most. Na osnovu primarnog koncepta
regardless subsequent interventions, and the fact that the premo{}avawa, ~ije je konture mogu}e prepoznati,
kao i ~iwenice da je ovaj saobra}ajni pravac
road must have existed in the Middle Ages, indicate that the morao i ranije da postoji, nije daleko od istine
bridge might have been built at the end of the 15th or at the da je most sagra|en znatno ranije - mo`da krajem
beginning of the 16th century (in the same time as XV ili po~etkom HVI veka (kao i Terzijski
most). Na mostu se sre}u i reqefni ukrasi -
Terzijski Bridge). The bridge is decorated with reliefs dekorativna plastika, sa tematikom iz orijentalne
showing the motives from Oriental mythology and mitologije i isto~wa~ke simbolike.
symbolics. Zna se za popravke mosta koje su izvedene
The bridge was restored in 1919/1920, as well as 1919/1920. i 1925/1926. godine.
in 1925/1926.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. M. Gojkovi}-B.Stevanovi}, Stari kameni
1. M. Gojkovi}-B.Stevanovi}, Stari kameni mostovi mostovi Kosova i Metohije, Starine Kosova
i Metohije 10 Pri{tina 1997, 56-57.
Kosova i Metohije, Starine Kosova i Metohije 10,
2. N. Katani}, M. Gojkovi}, Gra|a za prou~avawe
Pri{tina 1997, 56-57.
starih kamenih mostova i akvadukata u
2. N. Katani}, M. Gojkovi}, Gra|a za prou~avanje starih Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori, Beograd
kamenih mostova i akvadukata u Srbiji, Makedoniji i 1961.
Crnoj Gori, Beograd 1961.
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
V/III-0.07 V/III-0.07
\akovica, the District of Pe} \akovica, Pe}ki
1. M. Gojkovi}-B.Stevanovi}, Stari kameni mostovi 1. M. Gojkovi}-B.Stevanovi}, Stari kameni
Kosova i Metohije, Starine Kosova i Metohije 10, mostovi Kosova i Metohije, Starine Kosova
Pri{tina 1997. i Metohije 10, Pri{tina 1997.
2. N. Katani}, M. Gojkovi}, Gra|a za prou~avanje starih 2. N. Katani}, M. Gojkovi}, Gra|a za prou~avawe
kamenih mostova i akvadukata u Srbiji, Makedoniji i starih kamenih mostova i akvadukata u
Srbiji, Makedoniji i Crnoj Gori, Beograd
Crnoj Gori, Beograd 1961.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
V/III-0.08 V/III-0.08
Protected in 1998 za{ti}ena 1998.
Nivokaz, \akovica, the District of Pe} Nivokaz, \akovica, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Kula je sagra|ena krajem XVIII veka, u
The tower was built at the end of the 18th century,
vreme anarhije nastale slabqewem turske vlasti,
in the period of anarchy caused by the crisis in the Ottoman
kao jedna od najstarijih nivokaskih kula.
Empire. It is one of the oldest towers in Nivokaz. Gra|ena je od re~nog kamena u kre~nom
It was built of pebble-stone bound with lime mortar. malteru sa tesanicima po uglovima, vratima i
The quoins, the framing of the apertures and the part of the prozorima, kao i na delu drugog sprata na kojem
second floor that is covered by a timber gallery, are built of je drvena galerija. Krov je ~etvoroslivni,
ashlars. Hip roof, with overhanging eaves, is covered with prepu{tene strehe, pokriven }eramidom. U
unutra{wosti kule posebna pa`wa je posve}ena
terracotta roofing tiles. Special attention was paid to the
ure|ewu gostinske sobe, koja ima oyak, dolape,
furnishing of the guest-room, which has a fire-place, closets, rafove, tavanicu od {a{ovaca i bogato
shelves, ceiling made of interlocked boards and lavishly dekorisana vrata.
decorated door. Kula Arifaj je starija varijanta
Residential tower Arifaj belongs to the older type metohijske ku}e sagra|ena kombinacijom kamena i
of Metochian house built of stone and timber. drveta.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII, Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-66. Beograd 1958, 47-66.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
V/E-0.09 V/E-0.09
Recognized heritage evidentirana
\akovica, The District of Pe} \akovica, Pe}ki
Vakuf - \akovica Vakuf-\akovica
Minaret Minare
S/I-0.10 S/I-0.10
SK 1380 SK 1380
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Istok, the Basin f Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Istok, pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The west façade of the Zapadna fasada crkve
divided by a transverse arch into a nave and a narthex. Two naos i pripratu. U bo~nim zidovima narteksa
arched niches are contained within lateral walls of the postoje dve polukru`no presvedene ni{e
narthex. The altar apse is semicircular inside and five-sided pravougaonih osnova. Apsida je spoqa petostrana,
in the exterior. The western portal is surmounted by a niche a iznutra polukru`na. Iznad zapadnog ulaza su
and a cross. To the left and to the right, on a level with the ni{a i krst, a levo i desno su skromne rozete
wall, two modest rosettes in brick can be seen. Double- izvedene u ravni zida od opeke. Krov je dvoslivan
pitched roof has stone-slate roofing. Façades were built of i pokriven kamenim plo~ama. Fasade su od
pritesane sige, a dovratnici od mermera iz sela
dressed limestone, while the jambs were made of marble
from the village of Banja.
Ispred crkve je zvonik izgra|en u novije
In the churchyard, beside the latter-day belfry vreme. Pored zvonika u porti se nalazi dud star
positioned in front of the church, one can see several nekoliko vekova, kalemqen granom {am-duda iz
centuries old mulberry-tree, upon which a branch taken from Pe}ke patrijar{ije.
the Syrian mulberry-tree from the monastery of Patriarchate U crkvi su sa~uvani mawi fragmenti
of Pe} was grafted. slikarstva iz XIV veka. Dobro su o~uvane freske
Minor fragments of the 14th century frescoes are iz 1672-1673. godine, rad majstora Radula. O autoru
preserved in the church. Frescoes painted by Radul in 1672- i ktitoru, patrijarhu Maksimu, svedo~i fresko-
1673 are well preserved. Fresco inscription in the south natpis u ju`nom prozoru s autenti~nim potpisom
window, with the authentic signature of the painter, provides slikara. Natpisi su na srpskom narodnom jeziku
information both about the donor, patriarch Maxim, and the {to predstavqa posebnu vrednost. Ikonostas je
sastavqen od starih ikona i carskih dveri sa
painter. The peculiarity of the frescoes is the use of
starog ikonostasa koje su rad slikara Radula.
vernacular Serbian in the titles. The iconostasis is compiled
Izuzetno vredna zbirka rukopisa na
of icons and the Royal Doors, painted by Radul, taken from pergamentu preme{tena je 1952. godine u De~ansku
the old iconostasis. riznicu.
Valuable collection of parchment manuscripts was Sada je u crkvi zate~eno nekoliko ikona
in 1952 stored in the treasury of the monastery of De~ani. iz obli`wih razorenih crkava, donetih posle
A few icons from the destroyed churches in the 1999. godine, me|u kojima su najvrednije carske
surroundings of the monastery were stored in the church dveri (XVII vek) iz crkve u @akovu.
after 1999. The most significant among them are the 17th Za vreme Drugog svetskog rata crkva i
century Royal Doors from the church in @akovo. srpske ku}e u selu su spaqene. Od 1970 do 1973.
During World War II the church and houses sanirana je crkvena gra|evina i konzervirani
belonging to Serbs were burnt down. The sanation of the ostaci `ivopisa.
church and conservation treatment of the frescoes were
undertaken in the period between 1970 and 1973. BIBLIOGRAFIJA
1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar
1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 258-260.
Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
258-260. Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke 178-179.
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 178179. 3. R. Petrovi}, Konzervacija i restauracija
3. R. Petrovi}, Konzervacija i restauracija `ivopisa crkve `ivopisa crkve svetog Jovana Krstiteqa u
svetog Jovana Krstitelja u Crkolezu, Starine Kosova i Crkolezu, Starine Kosova i Metohije VI-VII,
Metohije VI-VII, Pri{tina 1972-73, 207-213 + 5 Pri{tina 1972-73, 207-213 + 5 slika.
illustrations. 4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka, veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 541-542. 1987, 541-542.
5. Z. Raki}, Radul, srpski slikar XVII veka, Novi Sad 5. Z. Raki}, Radul, srpski slikar XVII veka,
1998, 112,113, 138-143. Novi Sad 1998, 112,113, 138-143.
6. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999, 6. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
39-40 Beograd 1999, 39-40
7. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 428. 7. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 428.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika klture -
- Pri{tina Pri{tina
S/I-0.11 S/I-0.11
SK 1378 SK 1378
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Istok, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Istok, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church- The Monastery of De~ani Srpska pravoslavna crkva - Manastir De~ani
The monastery of Gorio~, also called Gorio~a or
Ogorio~a, is situated on Bela stena, 2 km to the northeast Manastir Gorio~, Gorio~a, ili Ogorio~a,
kako ga narod zove, nalazi se na Beloj steni, na
from Istok. It is a metochy of the monastery of De~ani. The
oko dva i po kilometra severoisto~no od Istoka.
time of its foundation and construction cannot be precisely
Metoh je manastira De~ana. Ta~no vreme izgradwe
established. Its foundation is traditionally attributed to king i osnivawa nije pouzdano utvr|eno, ali se na
in Pri{tina. High enclosing wall is in good condition. kulture iz Pri{tine. Kompleks je ogra|en
During World War II the monastery was used by visokim zidom i zate~en u dobrom stawu.
Albanian fascists as a prison for arrested Serbs and U toku Drugog svetskog rata manastir je
slu`io albanskim fa{istima kao zatvor za
masovno hap{ene Srbe i Crnogorce.
1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz
Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933 1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar
VIII-IX. Beograd 1933, 256-258.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka, 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 450. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
3. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva, 1987, 450.
Novi Sad 1991, 56. 3. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
4. S. Mileusni}, Svetinje Kosova i Metohije, Beograd - graditeqstva, Novi Sad 1991, 56.
Novi Sad 2000, 82. 4. S. Mileusni}, Svetiwe Kosova i Metohije,
5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999. Beograd - Novi Sad 2000, 82.
6. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998. 5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 1999.
6. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
The monastery is being protected by a Spanish
Manastir ~uvaju {panske jedinice KFOR-
KFOR unit, housed in the dormitory, as well as by monks
a, stalno stacionirane u konacima, i monasi
from the monastery of De~ani.
manastira De~ana.
It is accessed by an asphalted road from the
Prilazi mu se asfaltnim putem sa
direction of southeast. It has constant running water and
jugoisto~ne strane. Snabdeven je vodom i strujom.
electricity supply.
Manastir je dobro ~uvan, u posledwim
The monastery is well-preserved, undamaged in
zbivawima nije stradao.
recent war operations.
C/0.12 C/0.12
Protected in 1965 za{ti}ena 1965.
Istok, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Istok, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church
Srpska pravoslavna crkva
DESCRIPTION The west façade of Zapadna fasada DESKRIPCIJA
The church the church crkve
of St George in Crkva sve-
Belica, upon the left tog \or|a u
bank of the river Belici, na levoj
having the same strani istoimene
name, is situated re~ice, nalazi se
about 13 km to the na oko 13 km jugo-
southeast of Istok. isto~no od Istoka
People used to gather i kod we se oku-
there on the feast of pqao narod svake
St Vitus, Vidovdan. godine na Vidov-
Popular name of the dan. U narodu je
church is Lazarica. prozvana Lazari-
Remains of an old ca. Oko crkve su
graveyard, possibly ostaci starog
dating from the 17th century, can be seen around the church. grobqa, najverovatnije iz XVII veka. Smatra se da
It has been believed that the original church, erected in the je prvobitna crkva bila podignuta u XIV veku, pa
14th century, was subsequently destroyed and rebuilt after je potom razorena i obnovqena posle obnove
the renewal of the Patriarchate of Pe}, at the end of the 16th Pe}ke patrijar{ije, krajem XVI veka. U razdobqu
century. In the period of Ottoman rule the church was turske vlasti je vi{e puta razarana i obnavqana
destroyed and rebuilt on several occasions during the 17th u XVII i XVIII veku. Posledwe razarawe je bilo
and 18th centuries. Its last destruction took place in the za vreme Drugog svetskog rata. U posledwim
World War II. It has not been damaged during recent events zbivawima na Kosovu 1999-2001. nije o{te}ena.
in Kosovo. Sada{wa crkva je mala jednobrodna
The existing church is a small single-naved gra|evina, sa tri polukru`ne ni{e u oltarskom
building with three semicircular niches in the sanctuary. prostoru. Sredi{wa oltarska ni{a je iznutra
Central, altar apse, is five-sided in the exterior. The church is polukru`na, a spoqa petostrana. Crkva je
barrel-vaulted, with stone-slate roofing, while the apse has poluobli~asto zasvedena i pokrivena kamenim
lead-plate covering. It was built of dressed limestone. The plo~ama, apsida je pokrivena olovnim limom.
church is entered through a door on the western front. It has Zidana je pritesanom sigom. Ima ulaz na zapadnom
three small apertures in the apse and two windows in the zidu, tri mala prozora na apsidi i po jedan na
north and south walls, respectively. Well-proportioned and severnom i ju`nom zidu naosa. Skladno je
simple in design, it is close to the architectural style of Ra{ka proporcionisana, jednostavne arhitektonske
School. koncepcije ra{ke stilske grupe spomenika.
The church was thoroughly restored during Prilikom konzervatorskih radova, kojima
conservation campaign conducted by the Regional Institute je rukovodili Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu
for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Pri{tina, under spomenika kulture iz Pri{tine i arh. tehn.
supervision of architect Milosav Luki} in the period between Milosav Luki} 1966-1968, crkva je u potpunosti
1966 and 1968. Until the beginning of the conservation obnovqena. Neposredno pre po~etka konzer-
treatment it was in ruins. The archaeological investigation vatorskih radova bila je u ru{evinama. Preduzeta
su arheolo{ka istra`ivawa kada je utvr|eno da
was undertaken after the remains of a narthex had been
postoje ostaci priprate koja nije rekonstruisana.
discovered. The narthex was not reconstructed. To the east of
Isto~no od hrama su na|eni ostaci starijeg
the church remains of an earlier building possibly a belfry objekta, mogu}e zvonika, dok je novi dana{wi
- were found. The construction of the existing belfry, zvonik ura|en nestru~no posle konzervatorskih
unprofessionally built after the restoration campaign, was radova na crkvi, sredstvima me{tana i pod
organized and sponsored by the inhabitants of the village. wihovim nadzorom.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 396. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd
1987, 396.
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999.
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 1999.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
- Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Board for Kosovo Pri{tina
and Metohija Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU
D/0.13 D/0.13
SK 1396 SK 1396
1952/1990. 1952/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church - The Monastery of the Srpska pravoslavna crkva - Manastir Pe}ka
Patriarchate of Pe} patrijar{ija
eastern façade indicate that the church might have been built pretpostavci da je crkva nastala u Milutinovo
in the time of king Milutin. It is a cross-shaped building with vreme govore i oblik crkve i na~in ukrasnog
an eastern apse and projecting side bays. The church was zidawa tankim opekama na isto~nom delu
subsequently restored by order of patriarch Makarije gra|evine. To je krstoobrazna gra|evina sa
apsidom i nagla{enim ispadom pevnica. O{te}enu
Sokolovi}. The upper part of its construction, including the
crkvu je obnovio patrijarh Makarije Sokolovi}.
octagonal dome decorated with niches and moulded Tom prilikom su ponovo izgra|eni gorwi delovi
colonettes, was rebuilt on that occasion. Patriarch Sokolovi} crkve sa osmostranim kubetom ukra{enim ni{ama
had the church painted in 1568. The frescoes were probably i profilisanim kolonetama. Ktitorstvom
painted by the artist, or a group of them, who had worked in patrijarha Sokolovi}a, 1568. godine crkvu je
the church in Dubo~ica in 1565. kompletno oslikao `ivopisac ili grupa
The east side of the church with the Isto~na strana crkve sa
dormitories: the new one to the konacima, novi - levo i
left, the old one to the right stari desno
Several building campaigns were recorded during `ivopisaca koja je oslikala crkvu u Dubo~ici
the 17th century, when the church got new lead plate 1565. godine.
covering, and when the new refectory and residential unit Manastir je obnavqan u nekoliko navrata
were built. In 1872 a new narthex, higher and longer then the u XVII veku, kada je crkva prepokrivana i
original one, was built against the west wall of the church. izgra|eni konaci i trpezarija. Godine 1872. uz
zapadni zid crkve dozidana je nova priprata, koja
Certain minor repairs of the church and conventual buildings je vi{a i du`a od prvobitne a obnavqani su i
were also done. The church got a new iconostasis. drugi delovi crkvene gra|evine i manastirska
Representation of the Holy Virgin of the Sign was painted in zdawa. Tada je izra|en i novi ikonostas, kao i
the conch of the apse. kompozicija Bogorodice Znamewa u konhi
The lintel above the Royal Doors, bearing the inscription and oltarske apside.
Od starijeg ikonostasa sa~uvano je samo
signature of painter Maxim, dating from 1732, is the only
nadverje Carskih dveri sa zapisom i potpisom
remain of the old iconostasis. The present one, painted by ikonopisca Maksima iz 1732. godine. Sada{wi
Vasilije and Alexandar Krsti} Daskalovi} \inovski, icon ikonostas, rad zografa Vasilija i Aleksandra
painters from Glamo~nik near Debar, is designed upon a Krsti}a Daskalovi}a \inovskog iz Glamo~nika
very simple scheme, probably featuring the iconostasis from kod Debra, ima jednostavnu {emu, koja verovatno
the 16th century. It has a Sovereign Row with the Royal ponavqa onu iz XVI veka - prestonu zonu sa
Carskim i Gorwim, severnim, dverima i
Doors and the Upper, north, door; the Crucifixion with the neposredno iznad toga grupu Raspe}a sa
depiction of the Gospel to the north, and Moses Testament Jevan|eqem, sa severne, i Zavetnim plo~ama
tablets to the south. Mojsijevim, sa ju`ne strane.
Church underwent conservation treatment in the Konzervatorski radovi izvedeni su 90-ih
nineties. Its major result was the sanation of the roof, which godina XX veka, kada je popravkom krovnog
pokriva~a spre~en prodor atmosferske vlage.
prevented the penetration of atmospheric humidity.
1. V. Petkovi}, Zapisi i natpisi u starim
1. V. Petkovi}, Zapisi i natpisi u starim crkvama srpskim
crkvama srpskim, Starinar, III ser. X-XI,
Starinar, III ser. X-XI, Beograd 1935-1936, 38. Beograd 1935-1936, 38.
impact of capillary dampness in the lower parts of the kapilarne vlage. Velike povr{ine fresaka na
church. Large areas of fresco decoration in the upper parts of gorwim delovima zidova i svodovima nedostaju.
the walls and the vaults are missing. Wide cracks can be Postoje {iroke pukotine u severoisto~nom uglu
noticed in the northeastern corner and on the south wall of naosa i na ju`nom zidu oltarske apside. U dowem
the altar apse. At the foot of the zone of standing figures in delu zone stoje}ih figura u oltarskoj apsidi, na
the altar apse, between the figures of officiating archbishops, pozadinama izme|u figura liturgi~ara, u fresko
malter urezani su mnogobrojni zapisi, od kojih
in the background, numerous inscriptions can be seen. The
th century.
ve}ina poti~e iz XVIII veka.
majority of them date back to the 18
O{te}ewa `ivopisa na kojima nedostaje
The cracks and areas where fresco mortar was
fresko-malter i pukotine plombirani su kre~nim
missing have been filled with lime mortar. However, the malterom, koji nije nanet dovoqno pedantno tako
intervention has not been properly done: fillings are rough, da je grbav i na pojedinim mestima prelazi nivo
and in certain places not level with the surface of the original originalnog fresko-maltera. Bojeni sloj nije
fresco mortar. Cleaning of the paint layer was not carefully pa`qivo o~i{}en, tako da su pojedina mesta
done while in certain areas cleaning affected the paint pre~i{}ena, dok su druga ostala nedo~i{}ena.
layer, the others remained unclean. The walls are still Kapilarna vlaga je i daqe prisutna u zidovima,
contaminated by capillary humidity, in the lower zone of the naro~ito u dowem delu na severnoj strani
northern part of the sanctuary in particular. Efflorescence oltarskog prostora. Isoqavawe je vidqivo gotovo
po celoj povr{ini bojenog sloja, naro~ito na
can be noticed almost all over the fresco layer, especially on
severnom zidu, gorwim zonama ju`nog i u
the north wall, in the upper zones of the south wall, and in
oltarskom prostoru. Fresko-malter je na vi{e
the sanctuary. In several places fresco mortar detached from
mesta odvojen od zidanog nosa~a.
the wall. Uqane zidne slike, ra|ene 1874, dobro su
Oil paintings dating from 1874 are well preserved o~uvane i postojane.
and stable.
Ikonostas, izra|en 1874, u relativno
Iconostasis, made in 1874, is in considerably good
stabilnom je stawu i na wemu nema tragova
condition. There are no indications of subsequent retouches
ranijih retu{a i konzervacija. Bojeni sloj je
and conservation interventions. The colour coat is covered
pokriven potamnelim lakovima i ~a|i.
with darkened varnish and soot.
D/0.14 D/0.14
SK 1389 SK 1389
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Municipality of Klina Op{tina Klina
The church dedicated to Holy Doctors Cosmas and Crkva posve}ena svetim vra~ima Kuzmanu
i Damjanu nalazi se u sredi{tu starog srpskog
Damian is situated in the centre of the old Serbian graveyard
grobqa, ~iji najstariji nadgrobni spomenici
its earliest tombstones date back to the th 16and 17th
datiraju iz XVI i XVII veka. Crkva je verovatno
run into weed. The uncontrolled growth of vegetation could Ostaci fresaka datovanih u drugu
damage the church. polovinu XVI veka konzervirani su posle
The remains of the frescoes dated to the second half zavr{ene rekonstrukcije zaru{ene crkve. Op{ivi
of the 16th century underwent conservation treatment fresaka, ura|eni kre~nim malterom, i danas
immediately after the reconstruction of the church. The postoje na gotovo svim rubovima o~uvanih
borders of the frescoes, done in lime mortar, still outline fragmenata. Na pojedinim mestima fresko-malter
preserved fragments. In certain places fresco mortar is je odvojen od zidanog nosa~a. Na osnovu dve
detached from the wall. Two photographs taken before the fotografije, snimqene pre konzervacije, vidi se
conservation treatment prove that the major damages of the da su zna~ajna o{te}ewa bojenog sloja nastala
fresco layer are posterior to conservation interventions. posle konzervacije. Ova o{te}ewa napravila je
These damages are caused by capillary dampness. The kapilarna vlaga, stalno prisutna u zidovima
presence of efflorescence is particularly conspicuous on the crkve. Jako isoqavawe prisutno je na fresci
fresco of St Nicholas on the south wall, to the east of the Svetog Nikole na ju`nom zidu, isto~no od
window. The fragment of the Resurrection of Lazarus, prozora. Fragment scene Vaskrsewa Lazarevog,
clearly visible on a photograph taken in 1964, is now hardly jasno ~itqiv na fotografiji iz 1964. godine, sada
discernible. The surroundings of the church have run into je skoro neprepoznatqiv. Okolina crkve je zarasla
weed. The vegetation growing by the walls of the church u korov, koji raste i uza same zidove i doprinosi
stimulates the penetration of capillary humidity. Weed prodoru kapilarne vlage. Iz krova apside raste
growing from the roof may destroy both the roofing and the korov, koji preti da razori krov i svod.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a, Srpska
Church Community of Velika Ho~a, Serbian Orthodox pravoslavna crkva
The church and the Crkva i konak,
dormitory, view pogled sa
from the jugozapada
The church of St John has a dominant position Crkva Svetog Jovana ima dominantan
among the churches of Velika Ho~a. It is situated on the top polo`aj me|u ostalim crkvama u Velikoj Ho~i.
of the hill, not far from the village well, wherefrom a creek Nalazi se na vrhu brega, nedaleko od seoskog
springs, filling the village channel. Different hypotheses Vrela, iz koga isti~e potok i puni seoski jaz.
concerning the time of its construction date it within the Pretpostavke o vremenu nastanka ove crkve kre}u
period between the end of the 12th and the second half of the se od kraja XII do druge polovine XIV veka.
14th century. Hram je ima pripratu pravougaone osnove
The church has a rectangular narthex and a i naos u obliku tetrakonhosa, svod je
tetraconch nave, both barrel-vaulted. The eastern, altar apse poluobli~ast. Oltarska apsida, na isto~noj
and the lateral ones are semicircular inside and three-sided in strani, kao i bo~ne, spoqa je trostrana, a
the exterior. The roofs of the narthex and the apses are lower iznutra polukru`na. Krov priprate i svih apsida
than the roof of the nave. All of them are covered with stone je ni`i u odnosu na krov naosa i svi su
pokriveni kamenim plo~ama. Priprata je ni`a od
slates. The narthex is lower than the nave. It used to have
naosa i prvobitno je imala dva ulaza, zapadni i
two entrances, the western and the northern, but the latter has
severni, a sada je severni zazidan.
been walled in. Pritesani kamen i siga u kre~nom
Massive walls of the church were built of dressed malteru osnovni su materijal masivnih zidova.
stone and limestone bound with lime-mortar. The whole Ceo hram je pod poluobli~astim svodom. Fasada
church is covered with a barrel vault. The façades of the hrama je delimi~no omalterisana na ju`noj strani.
church are partly coated with mortar on the southern side. U okviru nekada{we porte, sa severne
The belfry, the dormitory, on the northern side of strane su zvonik i konak, koji sa hramom ~ine
the former churchyard and the church are parts of the same celinu.
complex. Na zidovima naosa sa~uvani su fragmenti
Fragments of the 14th century frescoes are `ivopisa iz XIV veka, u oltarskoj apsidi i na
preserved on the southern wall of the nave and in the altar ju`nom zidu. Ostale povr{ine zidova i delovi
svoda oslikani su osamdesetih godina XVI veka.
apse. The decoration of the remaining parts dates from
Na zidovima priprate je sa~uvana razvijena
1580s. An elaborate composition of the Last Judgment has
predstava Stra{nog suda, koja ukqu~uje i figure
been preserved on the walls of the narthex; it includes the praroditeqa Adama i Eve na stranama lu~no
Frescoes in the western Freske u zapadnoj
apse of the nave apsidi naosa
figures of the progenitors, Adam and Eve, flanking the zasvedenog ulaza. U prvoj zoni sa~uvane su samo
arched entrance. In the first zone, only the figures of the figure svetiteqa na ju`nom i isto~nom zidu, dok
saints have been preserved on the southern and the eastern je na severnom ostala samo figura Svetog
walls, whereas on the northern wall only the figure of St Antonija. Iznad ulaza u naos, u ni{i je naslikana
Anthony remained. Half-figure icon of St John Kefaloforos dopojasna ikona Svetog Jovana kefaloforosa. Na
stranama svoda priprate su o~uvani samo dowi
occupies the niche above the entrance into the nave. Only the
delovi scena @itija Svetog Jovana Prete~e.
lower parts of the scenes from the Life of St John the Baptist
U naosu su u prvoj zoni sa~uvane stoje}e
are preserved on the sides of the vault in the narthex.
Apart from the southern apse, standing figures of figure svetiteqa, osim u ju`noj pevnici. Iznad
the saints were preserved in the first zone of the narthex. prve zone je pojas medaqona sa dopojasnim
Above the first zone runs a belt of medallions with the predstavama svetiteqa. U drugoj zoni zapadnog
saints busts. The scenes from the Acathiste of the Holy zida i tre}oj zoni severnog i ju`nog zida su scene
Virgin are depicted in the second zone of the western wall iz Bogorodi~inog akatista. U drugoj zoni
and in the third zone of the northern and southern walls. The oltarskog prostora je Pri~e{}e apostola sa
Communion of the Apostles and the Annunciation occupy Blagovestima. U konhi zapadne apside je te{ko
the second zone of the sanctuary. Severely damaged scene of o{te}ena scena Preobra`ewa Hristovog, u konhi
the Transfiguration can be seen in the conch of the western severne Tri mladi}a u u`arenoj pe}i, u oltaru
apse. The Three Young Jews in a Fiery Furnace are depicted Bogorodica, a scena u ju`noj apsidi nije sa~uvana.
in the conch of the northern apse, while the Holy Virgin
U ~etvrtoj zoni su Stradawa Hristova, koja
occupies the conch of the altar apse. The fresco in the
po~iwu na isto~noj strani ju`nog zida. Peta zona
southern apse has not been preserved. The scenes from the
je veoma o{te}ena, a pretpostavqa se da je u woj
Passion of Christ, beginning on the eastern side of the
southern wall, occupy the fourth zone. The fifth zone is bio ciklus Velikih praznika. Od slikarstva u
much damaged and it is assumed that it was occupied by the temenu svoda sa~uvani su samo fragmenti u ju`nom
Cycle of the Feasts. Fragments in the southern part of the delu svoda.
vault are the only Konzervator sko-
The Royal Doors of Carske dveri sa r e s t au r a t o r s k i
remains of the fres-
the iconostasis ikonostasa radovi na fres-
coes once covering
the vault. kama delimi~no su
Partial con- izvedeni 1974-1975.
servation and resto- godine.
ration treatment of the I ko n o s t as
frescoes was under- u crkvi Svetog
taken in 1974 1975. Jovana u Velikoj
The iconos- Ho~i komponovan
tasis of the church of je od nekoliko
St John in Velika delova iz razli-
Ho~a is composed of ~itih perioda.
several parts dating Carske dveri su s
from different epochs. kraja XVI veka i
The 16th century imaju uobi~ajenu
Royal Doors are, as usual, occupied by the Annunciation. predstavu. Na mestima prestonih ikona doskora su
Longins icons of the Holy Virgin with the Child and Christ, se nalazile Longinove ikone Bogorodice sa
which are presently in the church of St Stephen, until Hristom i Hrista, koje su sada u crkvi Svetog
recently stood in the Sovereign Row of the iconostasis. The Stefana. Mesto hramovne ikone je prazno. Iznad
place usually occupied by the icon of the patron saint is severnih dveri je ikona Svetih Georgija i
empty. The icon of St George and Demetrius on horses, a Dimitrija na kowima, naivni rad, verovatno, iz
naive work from the XIX veka. Mesto
19th century, oc- The north apse of Severna apsida
deizisnog ~ina je
the nave, naosa, tipi~na
cupies the place prazno, jer se
typical damages o{te}ewa od
above the northern ikona koja je ovde
caused by vlage
door. The icon de- dampness donedavno stajala,
picting Deesis, the rad nekog slikara
work of a painter iz kruga pe}ko-
trained in one of the de~anskih radio-
workshops active in nica iz druge polo-
the surroundings of vine XVI veka, sada
Pe} and De~ani in nalazi u kapeli
the 16th century, has Svetog Trifuna u
been recently mo- De~anskom metohu.
ved to the chapel of Kosmitis sa Raspe-
St Tryphon in the }em i ikonama
metochy of the mo- Bogorodice i Jo-
nastery of De~ani. The architrave, bearing the Crucifix and vana Bogoslova je dosta neve{to sklopqen, a delo
the icons of the Holy Virgin and St John was unskillfully je istog majstora koji je oslikao i nadverje
executed by the author of the icons above the northern door, severnih dveri, verovatno u XIX veku.
probably in the 19th century.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine
Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-
in the appendix. 196 + 26 slika u prilogu.
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 186-187. Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad
3. R. Petrovi}, Tragom novih otkri}a u crkvi Svetog 1965, 186-187.
Jovana Krstitelja u Velikoj Ho~i, Sveske DIUS 18 3. R. Petrovi}, Tragom novih otkri}a u crkvi
Svetog Jovana Krstiteqa u Velikoj Ho~i,
Beograd 1987, 86-87.
Sveske DIUS 18, Beograd 1987, 86-87.
4. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995. 4. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia
Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Belgrade - Beograd
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
The church has been preserved. There are no traces
of devastation caused by military operations. Crkva je o~uvana. Tragova ratnih
Fresco decoration underwent conservation o{te}ewa nema.
treatment in 1975. Mortar fillings and borders around @ivopis je konzerviran 1975. i iz tog
perioda poti~u plombe i op{ivi ra|eni kre~nim
frescoes date from that period. The conservation treatment,
malterom. Prilikom konzervacije nije re{en
however, did not solve the problem of dampness. The walls
problem vlage, tako da je i daqe ima u zidovima,
are still contaminated by humidity, especially in the lower naro~ito u dowim zonama, gde kapilarno prodire
zones, where it penetrates capillary. Atmospheric humidity is iz zemqe. U gorwim zonama, zbog zaki{wavawa
present in the upper zones: it penetrates through the walls, spoqa neomalterisanih zidova, prisutna je
since the façades have not been coated with mortar. This is atmosferska vlaga, {to je naro~ito izra`eno u
especially conspicuous in the northern apse of and on its severnoj pevni~koj apsidi i isto~nom zidu oko we.
eastern wall. The efflorescence, caused by increased Isoqavawe zidova, izazvano vlagom, prisutno je u
humidity, is present in almost all zones. The surface of the gotovo svim zonama, tako da je bojeni sloj
frescoes is covered with a layer of salt - in the first zone of prekriven slojem {alitre, naro~ito u prvoj zoni
the altar apse, on the walls of the northern apse, in the first oltarske apside, celom povr{inom severne
zone of the narthex and in the niche above the door in the pevni~ke apside, u prvoj zoni priprate, u ni{i
iznad vrata na isto~nom zidu priprate. U zoni
eastern wall of the narthex in particular. In the zone of
stoje}ih figura, u oltarskoj apsidi, na isto~noj
standing figures, in the altar apse, on the eastern side of the
strani severne pevni~ke apside i na ju`nom zidu
northern apse and on the south wall of the narthex, severe priprate, zbog velike koncentracije vlage u
contamination of the walls by humidity resulted in zidovima do{lo je do slabqewa veziva i u
deterioration of the adhesive in the fresco layer and in mortar fresko-malteru, i u kre~nom malteru plombi, a
fillings, especially in the joints between them, where fresco naro~ito na wihovom spoju, gde je fresko-malter
mortar is so ruinous that it started to crumble and fall off. ponegde toliko tro{an da je po~eo da se kruni i
Partial detaching of fresco mortar from the wall was otpada sa bojenim slojem. Ispitivawem dowih
recorded during the examination of the lower zones, in the zona ustanovqeno je mestimi~no odvajawe fresko-
altar apse in particular. In addition to that, a layer of soot was maltera od zidanog nosa~a, naro~ito u oltarskoj
detected on the western wall of the narthex on the frescoes apsidi. Na zapadnom zidu priprate, na freskama
of the Holy Virgin and Christ on the throne, flanking the Bogorodice i Hrista na prestolu oko vrata, koje
su o~uvane do pojasa, kao i na dekorativnoj
door (preserved in half-figure), as well as on the decorative
ornamentici dovratka, osim isoqavawa vidi se i
moulding of the door-post. The lower border of the darkened
sloj ~a|i, ~ija dowa granica odgovara visini
area corresponds to the height of the chandeliers, which were sve}waka zate~enih u priprati.
found in the narthex. Konstrukcija ikonostasa napravqena je u
The construction of the iconostasis dates from the XIX veku tako da na sebe primi ve} postoje}e
19th century. It was designed to carry already existing icons. prestone ikone Bogorodice i Hrista, dve mawe
The Sovereign Row is occupied by the icons of the Holy ikone postavqene jedna iznad druge u prestonoj
Virgin and Christ, and two smaller icons set one above the zoni, desno izme|u ikone Hrista i ju`nog zida,
other, to the right, between the icon of Christ and the Deizisni ~in u drugoj zoni i carske dveri.
southern wall. It is surmounted by Deesis. The Royal Doors Carske dveri slikane su temperom sa
have also been preserved. polimentnom pozlatom na duborezanoj lipovoj
The Royal Doors were painted in tempera on dasci, dimenzija: 119 h 31,5 sm severno krilo i 119
carved linden-boards (north wing: 119×31.3 cm; south wing: h 31 sm ju`no krilo. Drveni nosilac je
119×31 cm) with boliment gilding. The wooden support was impregniran i na mestima gde je bilo potrebno
oja~an novim drvetom. Pukotina drvenog nosioca
impregnated and braced where it was necessary. The crack in
u gorwem delu ju`nog krila bila je sanirana
the panel on the upper part of the south wing was braced by
ubacivawem leptira, koji se u me|uvremenu
a dovetailed strip, which detached and fell off in the razlepio i ispao. Bojeni sloj je ispucao sa
meantime. Small fragments of the colour coat and the chalk kredno-tutkalnom osnovom i mestimi~no u
ground, being crackled, started to chip off. These damages sitnim fragmentima otpao, verovatno pre
must be anterior to conservation treatment, when they were konzervacije, kad je verovatno fiksiran i
probably fixed and coated with glossy varnish. The Royal za{ti}en sjajnim lakom. Dveri su i daqe na
Doors are still in situ. ikonostasu.
According to the priest, two smaller icons from the Po re~ima nadle`nog sve{tenika, dve
Sovereign Row have been taken to the Regional Institute for mawe ikone iz prestone zone odnete su na
the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Pri{tina for a konzervaciju u Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu
conservation treatment. Nothing has been known about their spomenika kulture u Pri{tini. Posle ulaska
whereabouts since 1999, when KFOR entered the territory of KFOR-a na teritoriju Kosova i Metohije 1999. o
Kosovo and Metohija. ovim ikonama ne zna se ni{ta.
The northern door and the icon above them are Severne dveri i ikona iznad wih ra|ene
probably contemporary to the construction of the su najverovatnije kad i konstrukcija ikonostasa.
F/I-0.016 F/I-0.016
SK 1394 SK 1394
1958/1990 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Municipality of Orahovac DSSO Orahovac
The Church of St Nicolas, surrounded by the
graveyard, is situated to west from the centre of the village Crkva Svetog Nikole u Velikoj Ho~i
nalazi se zapadno od centra sela, pri dnu padine
of Velika Ho~a, at the foot of a slope. It was built in the 14th
brda, okru`ena grobqem. Izgra|ena je u XIV veku
century as a single-naved building with a narthex to the west,
kao jednobrodna gra|evina sa pripratom na
separated by a massive stonewall from the nave, and a zapadnoj strani, naosom odvojenim masivnim
sanctuary ending in an apse, to the east. It is believed that it kamenim zidom, i oltarskim prostorom sa
was built during the reign of the king Stephen De~anski, and apsidom na istoku. Pretpostavqa se da je
that the parents of tchelnik Gradislav Su{enica were its podignuta za vladavine kraqa Stefana De~anskog,
donors. The church is barrel-vaulted in its whole length. The a da su ktitori bili roditeqi ~elnika Gradislava
altar apse is considerably lower than the nave. It is Su{enice. Ceo hram je pod poluobli~astim
semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The roofs svodom. Oltarska apsida je znatno ni`a od naosa,
are covered with stone slates. The side-walk made of stone spoqa je trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na.
slabs around the church is considerably higher in the north Krovovi su od kamenih plo~a. Oko hrama je
side since it follows the slope of the terrain. trotoar od kamenih plo~a, koji je sa severne
strane znatno vi{i i prati nagib terena.
The church got its fresco decoration soon after it
Crkva je nedugo posle izgradwe prvi put
had been built. Only the fragments of the frescoes have been
`ivopisana, od ~ega su sa~uvani fragmenti
preserved on the south and west walls of the narthex, at the `ivopisa na zapadnom i ju`nom zidu priprate,
foot of the altar table and on the northern wall of the nave. postoqu ~asne trpeze i na severnom zidu naosa.
The church lost its vaults and the upper parts of the Crkvu su krajem XV veka spalili Turci,
walls in the fire set by the Turks at the end of the 15th te je ostala bez gorwih delova i svoda. Obnovqena
century. It was restored in the second half of the 16th century, je u drugoj polovini XVI veka, kada su dogra|ene
The interior of the nave Unutra{wost naosa sa
with the fresco freskama i
decoration and the ikonostasom
Prestona ikona
The icon of St Nicholas Sv. Nikole, sada u
from the Sovereign crkvi Sv. Stefana
Row of the iconostasis,
presently in the church
of St Stephen
when the upper zones of the walls and the vaults were built. gorwe zone zidova i svodovi. Posle gra|evinske
After the restoration it was adorned with frescos and it got a obnove, crkva je nanovo u celini `ivopisana i
new iconostasis in 1577. Three icons from the Sovereign dobila je novi ikonostas 1577. godine, od koga su
Row, painted by Longin, have been preserved. The Deesis, tri Longinove prestone ikone sa~uvane do danas.
the work of a painter trained in one of the workshops active Sa~uvana je i ikona Deizisnog ~ina iz istog
in the surroundings of Pe} and De~ani in the 16th century, vremena, rad nekog od slikara pe}ko-de~anskog
has also been preserved. The conservation campaign was kruga iz XVI veka. U periodu 1970-1973. izvr{eni
su gra|evinski konzervatorski radovi u
conducted by the Regional Institute for Protection of
organizaciji Pokrajinskog zavoda za za{titu
Cultural Monuments of Kosovo in the period between 1970
spomenika kulture Kosova. Istom prilikom (1970-
and 1973. The damages of the frescos were repaired. The 1975) sanirana su o{te}ewa na `ivopisu i
14th century frescoes preserved on the western wall, which otkriveni i konzervirani ostaci `ivopisa iz XIV
were uncovered on that occasion, also underwent veka na zapadnom zidu. Tokom tih obimnih radova
conservation treatment (1970-1975). During those extensive skinut je dowi deo prve zone `ivopisa iz XVI
works the lower part of the first fresco zone, dating from the veka, koji je preba~en na novu podlogu i
16th century, was removed, mounted on a new support and preme{ten u muzej u De~anskoj vinici u Velikoj
transferred to the museum in the winery metochy of the Ho~i.
monastery of De~ani in Velika Ho~a. Sloj fresko-slikarstva iz vremena obnove
The 16th century frescoes, dated in the period of u XVI veku, oko 1577. godine, radila su dva
restoration, around 1577, were executed by two painters, majstora nejednakih sposobnosti, koji su uzore i
unequal in skill, both following the style and the neposredne ikonografske predlo{ke na{li u
iconographic models of the painters of the frescoes in the majstorima koji su 1561. godine oslikali
renovated narthex of the Patriarchate of Pe} (painted in obnovqenu pripratu u Pe}koj patrijar{iji.
1561). Sada{wi ikonostas u crkvi Svetog
Present iconostasis in the church of St Nicolas was Nikole rezbario je i slikao 1825. Petar iz Debra,
carved and adorned with icons in 1825, by Petar from Debar, koji se potpisao na gredi {to deli gorwe zone
who left his signature on the architrave separating the upper ikonostasa.
zones of the iconostasis.
1. S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
1. S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa,
Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 268.
2. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine
Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-
2. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i
196 + 26 slika u prilogu.
Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations 3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
in the appendix. Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad
3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke 1965, 177-178.
patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965,177-178. 4. R. D. Petrovi}, Freske XIV veka iz crkve
4. R. D. Petrovi}, Freske XIV veka iz crkve Sv. Nikole u Sv. Nikole u Velikoj Ho~i, Zbornik za
Velikoj Ho~i, Zbornik za likovne umetnosti Matice likovne umetnosti Matice srpske 22, Novi
srpske 22, Novi Sad 1986, 61-83. Sad 1986, 61-83.
5. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avanjeto na tvore{tvoto od 5. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avaweto na
makedonskite zografi vo Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo
X-XI, Skopje 1987, 115-119. Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI, Skopje
1987, 115-119.
6. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35.
6. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995,
southeastern part of the roof, and they may result in na jugozapadnom delu. Mogu}i su prodori
penetration of atmospheric humidity, moistening of the vault atmosferske vode, vla`ewe svoda i gorwih zona
and the upper zones of the walls, as well as in temperature zidova, a tako|e i termi~ki uticaji i pojava
fluctuations, and the appearance of condensation humidity. kondenzovane vlage. U delu sevenog i
The northern and northwestern walls are affected by severe severozapadnog zida sa unutra{we strane su ve}e
capillary action and percolated water. povr{ine jakog dejstva procedne i kapilarne
The contamination of the walls by capillary vlage.
Kapilarna vlaga u zidanom nosa~u izazvala
dampness resulted in development of the efflorescence and
je jako isoqavawe i nova o{te}ewa na `ivopisu
new damages of the frescoes in the lower zones, particularly
u dowim zonama, naro~ito na gorwoj granici
along the upper border of the damp area. Atmospheric prodora vlage. Atmosferska vlaga koja je
humidity, which has been penetrating through the roof, has prodirala kroz krovni pokriva~ izavala je znatno
caused much stronger efflorescence and more severe ja~e isoqavawe i mnogo ve}a o{te}ewa bojenog
damages of the paint layer in the upper zones. These sloja u gorwim zonama. Ova o{te}ewa su izrazita
damages are typical of the lower border of the damp area, u dowem delu pojasa stalno prisutne vlage, koji se
whose width ranges between 2 and 3 meters, and spreads na razli~itim visinama, u {irini izme|u 2 i 3
through the third, the fourth and the fifth zones all over the metra, prote`e tre}om, ~etvrtom i petom zonom
walls of the church. The examination of the first fresco zone, du` cele crkve. Ispitivawem dowe zone
up to the level of about 2 m in height, showed that fresco `ivopisa, u visini od oko 2 m, ustanovqeno je da
mortar detached from the wall in several places. These je na vi{e mesta fresko-malter odvojen od
zidanog nosa~a, {to je naro~ito izra`eno u
detaches are mostly located in the in the altar apse and in the
oltarskoj apsidi i isto~nom delu severnog zida
eastern part of the north wall of the nave. A layer of soot,
naosa. Na bojenom sloju, na ju`nom zidu zapadno
from the height of about 1 m upwards, covers the fresco od ulaznih vrata, od oko 1m pa navi{e prisutan je
layer on the southern wall, to the west from the entrance. sloj ~a|i.
The 16th century iconostasis was replaced by a new Ikonostas iz XVI veka, zamewen je 1825.
one in 1825. The new iconostasis was constructed in such a novim ikonostasom, ~ija je konstrucija
manner that it could carry the icon of the churchs patron napravqena tako da primi postoje}u ikonu
saint, St Nicolas. The icon is now stored in the church of St hramovnog sveca Nikole, koja je trenutno
izme{tena u crkvu Svetog Stefana u Velikoj
Stephen in Velika Ho~a. Ho~i.
The icons that can presently be seen on the Sada{we prestone ikone slikane su uqem
iconostasis were painted in oil on canvas mounted on na platnu {panovanom na drvenu plo~u. Na
wooden panel. Two tears of the canvas were recorded on the prestonoj ikoni Bogorodice sa Hristom postoje
icon of the Holy Virgin with the Child - they spread over the dve pukotine tkane podloge koje zahvataju levu
Bogorodi~inu {aku, dowi deo Hristovog lika i
left hand of the Holy Virgin, the lower part of the face of
draperije ispod wega. Ostali slikani delovi
Christ and the drapery beneath it. All the other parts of the ikonostasa ra|eni su uqem na dasci. Krst u tre}oj
iconostasis were painted in oil on panel. The foot of the cross zoni, sa naslikanim Raspe}em, u korenu je
in the third zone, on which the Crucifixion was painted, has polomqen, a gorwi deo nagnut je ka oltaru i
been broken. Its upper part, leaning towards the sanctuary ~eli~nom `icom privezan za konstrukciju
has been tied to the iconostasis with a steel wire. It is not ikonostasa, tako da nema trenutne opasnosi da
padne. Bojeni sloj je relativno postojan, ali
likely to fall off. The paint layer is quite stable, but it is prekriven potamnelim lakom i slojem ~a|i i
covered with darkened varnish and tarnished with soot and prqav{tine.
F/III-0.17 F/III-0.17
Protected in 1966 za{ti}ena 1966.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and
Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 405.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 405.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
F/III-0.18 F/III-0.18
Protected za{ti}ena
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Municipality of Orahovac
Op{tina Orahovac
After the Turkish conquest in 1455, Velika Ho~a Padom pod tursku vlast 1455, Velika Ho~a
began to lose its trading and administrative significance. The po~ela je da gubi zna~aj. Turci su dali prednost
Turks gave the preference to the nearby Orahovac, which obli`wem Orahovcu, koji je vrlo brzo postao
soon became an important administrative, political, cultural sredi{te vlasti i politi~kog, kulturnog i
ekonomskog `ivota. Kao redak primer profanog
and commercial centre. The clock tower, still dominating the
graditeqstva stare orahova~ke ~ar{ije, gradom i
city, is a rare example of secular architecture in the old
danas dominira Sahat-kula.
market-place (~ar{ija) in Orahovac.
Podigao je 1815. godine Mahmud-pa{a
The clock tower was built in 1815 by Mahmud- Rotulovi}, koji je sa turskom vojskom i albanskim
pasha Rotulovi}, who, together with the Turkish army and dobrovoqcima ratovao protiv Kara|or|a u Prvom
the Albanian volunteers, organized military operations, srpskom ustanku. Posle osvajawa Beograda i
against Kara|or|e in the First Serbian Uprising. After the Smedereva opqa~kao je tri zvona iz tamo{wih
conquest of Belgrade and Smederevo he took three bells crkava i doneo ih u Prizren, Orahovac i selo
from the local churches and mounted them on the clock Mamu{u kod Prizrena, gde ih je postavio na svoje
towers that he got built in Prizren, Orahovac and the village novopodigute sahat-kule.
of Mamu{a near Prizren. Na orahova~ku sahat-kulu preneto je zvono
In 1908 the original bell was replaced with the bell sa velikoho~ke sahat-kule 1908. godine. Wega je,
taken from the clock tower in Velika Ho~a. A tradition says prema predawu darovala Velikoj Ho~i knegiwa
that the bell from Velika Ho~a was donated by princess Milica. Ono je i danas na objektu.
Milica. That bell can still be seen in the clock tower in Sahat kula u Orahovcu gra|ena je u
Orahovac. orijentalnom stilu. To je masivna gra|evina
The clock tower in Orahovac was designed in sagra|ena od kamena nepravilnog oblika osim na
Oriental style. This massive edifice, square in plan, built in ivicama fasada gde je kamen klesan. Visoka je
coursed rubble with ashlar quoins, is 14 m high, while its 14 m, a zidovi su joj debeli oko 1 metar. Osnova
walls are about one metre thick. Inner timber staircase kule je kvadratna. Drvene stepenice u
leading to the clock mechanism was destroyed. The tower unutra{wosti, koje su vodile do satnog
was entered through arched doors. The year of the mehanizma, sru{ene su. U kulu se ulazilo kroz
construction of the clock tower is incised, in Arabic script, in vrata sa polukru`nim kamenim nadvratnikom, na
the stone arch of the door. The hip roof of the clock tower kome je uklesana godina gradwe kule na arapskom
presently has tin-plate covering. The tower is topped by a jeziku. Krov je na ~etiri vode i danas je pokriven
turret supported by four colonettes, which used to house the limom. Kula se zavr{ava torwem na ~etiri
clock mechanism. stubi}a u kome se nekada nalazio satni mehanizam.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX vek, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX vek,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 413, 493- Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987,
494. 413, 493-494.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
The clock tower is situated in so called Sahat-
Sahat kula se nalazi se u tzv. Sahat-
mahala (meaning Clock district), now in the demarcation
zone between the Albanian and the Serbian parts of the city. mahali, danas na granici izme|u srpskog i
A KFOR control point, which used to be in its immediate albanskog dela grada. Punkt KFOR-a, koji se
surroundings, was removed in October. The road leading to nalazio u wenoj neposrednoj blizini, uklowen je
the clock tower was barricaded with barbed-wire put at a few oktobra meseca i put do kule zatvoren je
metres distance from the tower. bodqikavom `icom na nekoliko metara od we.
The tower was inspected from the roof of the Posmatrawem kule sa krova obli`we ku}e
nearby house. No major damages were noticed. nije bilo mogu}e konstatovati neka ve}a, vidqiva
During visit to Orahovac the Lodgings of the o{te}ewa.
Patriarchate of Pe} monastery, built in 1848, were listed as Prilikom obilaska Orahovca evidenitran
je konak Pe}ke patrijar{ije podignut 1848.
recognized heritage.
F/III-0.19 F/III-0.19
Protected in 1967 za{ti}ena 1967.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, the Diocese of Ra{ka and
Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community of Velika Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina
Ho~a Velika Ho~a
According to certain assumptions, the church of St Crkva Svetog Luke u Velikoj Ho~i, po
Luke in Velika Ho~a could be dated in the 14th century. Its nekim pretpostavkama, mogla bi poticati iz XIV
vault was preventively protected in 1957. In the same time veka. Kao preventivna za{tita na spomeniku
certain parts of the walls were rebuilt. On that occasion the 1957. godine rekonstruisani su svod i deo zidova.
experts of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Tom prilikom su stru~waci zavoda za za{titu
Monuments strapped the fragments of the frescoes and strapirali i prenosili fragmente fresko-
moved them to the workshops of the Regional Institute for `ivopisa u radne prostorije Pokrajinskog
the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Pri{tina. zavoda u Pri{tini.
The church is single-naved, rectangular in plan, and Hram je u osnovi jednobrodna pravougaona
gra|evina, sa oltarskom apsidom na isto~noj
has an eastern apse. It was built of dressed stone and lime-
strani. Gra|en je tesanim kamenom i
stone, bound with thick lime mortar joints. The church has
sigom sa {irokim spojnicama kre~nog maltera,
an arched porch, encompassing the door, and a recessed lu~no zasvedenim zapadnim portalom i lunetom u
lunette above it. The church is covered with a barrel vault. ni{i iznad vrata. Svod je poluobli~ast.
The altar apse is lower than the nave. The apse is semi- Oltarska apsida je ni`a od naosa, spoqa je
circular inside and three-sided in the exterior. It is flanked by trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na. Levo i desno
1. S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz 1. S. Smirnov - \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII - IX, bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa,
Beograd,1933-34, 272. Starinar VIII - IX, Beograd 1933-34 272.
2. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine
2. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i
Kosova i Metohije II - III, Pri{tina, 1963
Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 illustrations
157-196 + 26 slika u prilogu.
in the appendix. 3. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995,
3. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 35.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina Pri{tina
The church has been preserved. There are no traces
of devastation. The objective of earlier conservation Crkva je o~uvana. Tragova o{te}ewa nema.
campaigns was to prevent penetration of humidity into the Ranijim konzervatorskim radovima je poku{ano da
lower zones of the walls. Since the terrain is gently sloping se spre~i prodor vlage u dowu zonu zidova. Kako
from the northeast to the southwest, the flow of water from je ceo teren u blagom padu od severoistoka ka
the small trench on the north side could cause additional jugozapadu, a posebnu vlagu mo`e da uzrokuje
moistening. That is the reason why these interventions slivawe vode sa severnog rigola, neophodno je da
should be followed by permanent monitoring of relative se, i pored ranijih radova, stalno proverava
humidity and the condition of the frescoes. Setting of the vla`nost i stawe `ivopisa. Postavqawem
drainage system would dry wider zone around the church. drena`e isu{ila bi se {ira zona spomenika.
The church has been rebuilt. Remains of the older Crkva je prezidana, nivo starih zidova
walls are visible on the northwest side. The inner sides of the jasno se vidi sa severozapada. Zidovi su unutra
walls have been coated with mortar, except the eastern one, malterisani, osim isto~nog sa oltarskom ni{om.
with the altar apse. Two fragments of fresco decoration have Postoje dva o~uvana fragmenta `ivopisa. Jedan na
been preserved. One can be seen on the eastern wall, to the isto~nom zidu, ju`no od oltarske ni{e, koji
south from the altar apse - it is the lower border of the fresco. predstavqa dowu borduru freske, a drugi,
The other, of unidentifiable content, has been preserved in ne~itqiv, u ju`nom uglu zapadnog zida.
the south corner of the western wall.
F/III-0.20 F/III-0.20
za{ti}en 1997.
Protected in 1997
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva, manastir De~ani
Serbian Orthodox Church, the Monastery of De~ani
The main entrance into the metochy of the U centru Velike Ho~e, u De~anskoj mahali,
monastery of De~ani is situated in the centre of Velika Ho~a, naspram parohijskog doma crkve Svetog Stefana,
in De~anska mahala (De~ani quarter), opposite the parish nalazi se glavni ulaz u metoh manastira Visokih
house of the church of St Stephen. This is the only remaining De~ana. To je sada jedina postoje}a celina koja
complex, which belongs to a monastery, though there used to pripada nekom manastiru, iako ih je u pro{losti
be many of them in the past. bilo mnogo.
Velika Ho~a and its vineyards were mentioned in Velika Ho~a i weni vinogradi pomiwu se
the sources as early as the 12th century, when Stephen u istorijskim izvorima jo{ u XII veku, kad je
Nemanja granted Ho~a as a metochy to the monastery of Stefan Nemawa poveqom izdatom 1198/1199.
Chilandar in the charter issued in 1198/1199. The grant was godine prilo`io Ho~u kao metoh svome manastiru
confirmed by charters issued in the course of subsequent Hilandaru. Poveqe koje potvr|uju ovaj dar poznate
centuries. su i iz potowih vremena.
The Monastery of De~ani had its vineyards in Manastir Visoki De~ani u Velikoj Ho~i
Velika Ho~a since the times of Emperor Du{an. In the period ima svoje vinograde jo{ iz doba cara Du{ana.
between the World Wars, about 20 hectares of vineyards Izme|u dva svetska rata u posedu manastira bilo
were the property of the monastery. je oko 20 hektara vinograda.
The complex, which is enclosed by a high stone U kompleksu koji pripada metohu
wall, encompasses the Lodgings, the winery, and the old manastira De~ana, opasanom visokom kamenom
Lodgings, which was turned into the chapel of St Tryphon. ogradom, nalaze se konak, vinica i stari konak,
According to an inscription preserved in the ground danas kapela Svetog Trifuna.
floor, the Lodgings was built in 1851, by order of Kiril Konak je sagra|en, prema o~uvanom natpisu
Andrejevi}, hieromonach of De~ani. It is rectangular in plan u prizemqu, 1851. trudom de~anskog jeromonaha
and consists of a ground-floor and an upper story. Ground - Kirila Andrejevi}a. Pravougaone je osnove, sa
floor porch (ajat) leads to two rooms - storages for spirits and prizemqem i spratom. U prizemqu je ajat, iz koga
toolkits. Wooden staircase starting from the porch leads to a se ulazi u dve prostorije za odlagawe pi}a i
The Lodgings, the Konak, ikonostas u
iconostasis in the "jerusalimskoj"
Jerusalem Chamber sobi
timber terrace (~ardak) on the upper story. The room facing pribora za rad. Iz ajata drvene stepenice vode na
the courtyard and the kitchen could originally be accessed ~ardak. Nekada se iz ~ardaka ulazilo direktno u
from the terrace. The guest-room and the bedroom were sobu prema dvori{tu i kuhiwu, a iz kuhiwe u
accessed through the kitchen. Nowadays, only the kitchen is gostinsku sobu i sobu za spavawe. Danas se iz
entered from the terrace. The kitchen leads to a small entrée ~ardaka ulazi u kuhiwu, a iz we, levo, u malo
to the left, in front of the rooms, and to the guest-room so predsobqe, iz kojeg vode vrata u obe sobe, i,
called Jerusalem chamber, to the right. An iconostasis desno, u gostinsku tzv. "jerusalimsku" sobu. U woj
ikonluk, a wooden rail carrying icons, can be seen in je ikonostas ili ikonluk, drvena pregrada na koju
Jerusalem Chamber. su oka~ene ikone.
The ground floor of the Lodgings is built of stone Prizemqe konaka zidano je kamenom i
bound with lime mortar. The outer walls of the upper story kre~nim malterom, a na spratu su spoqni zidovi
are built of stone and braced with bond-timbers, while the zidani kamenom oja~anim santra~om, dok su
pregradni zidovi i dvori{na fasada bondru~ni.
partition-walls and the courtyard façade are timber-framed.
Plafoni sprata su od dasaka prikovanih na
The ceilings of the upper story are made of planks nailed to
tavanske grede. U "jerusalimskoj" sobi
the ceiling beams. Jerusalem Chamber has chestnut coffered postavqena je kasetirana tavanica od kestenovog
ceiling. Hip roof was originally covered with terracotta drveta. ^etvoroslivni krov nekada je bio
roofing tiles. The doors and windows are made of wood. pokriven }eramidom. Vrata i prozori su od
Wooden grates (mu{ebaci) can be seen on the small window drveta. Na malom kuhiwskom prozoru nalaze se
in the kitchen. All the posts in the porch and timber terrace drvene re{etke mu{ebaci. Svi stubovi u ajatu i
have plain decoration. Simple decorative mouldings can be na ~ardaku imaju jednostavnu dekoraciju.
seen in the staircase and terrace fence parapets. Jednostavna profilacija izvedena je i u parapetu
ograda ~ardaka i stepeni{ta.
The old Lodgings dates from the 16th century. It
Stari de~anski konak poti~e iz XVI veka.
was built of stone, and it probably had stone-slate roofing. Zidan je od kamena i nekada je, verovatno, bio
The main entrance to the estate is situated between the right pokriven kamenim plo~ama. Izme|u levog i desnog
and left wings of the building, which is rectangular in plan. krila zgrade pravougaone osnove nalazi se glavni
Until a few years ago, the monks of De~ani monastery lived uzlaz u metoh. Sa desne strane konaka je }elija u
in the cell in the right section of the Lodgings. The left wing kojoj su monasi manastira De~ana `iveli do pre
nekoliko godina. Levo krilo zgrade je adaptirano
of the building was remodelled in order to house the chapel
u kapelu posve}enu Svetom Trifunu.
dedicated to St Tryphon. Zgrada vinarije, vinica, zidana je od
The winery (vinica) is built of stone and covered kamena i pokrivena }eramidom. Celom du`inom je
with terracotta roofing tiles. A porch supported by massive trem sa masivnim kamenim stubovima. Unutra{wi
prostor je jedinstven i u wemu se danas ~uvaju,
stone columns encompasses the building in its whole length.
pored presa za ce|ewe gro`|a, raznih priru~nih
The interior of the winery is undivided. Apart from the wine- alatki, buradi i ba~vi, i dve drvene ba~ve velike
press, various tools, barrels and casks, two very old woods starine, dok je tre}a rasklopqena i wena se gra|a
for wine are kept there, whereas the third has been ~uva za boqa vremena. Ba~ve su visoke 5 m, a
pre~nika 4 m, i u wih staje 10-15 hiqada
dissembled and its parts were stored, awaiting better times. kilograma gro`|a.
Woods are 5 m high, they have 4 m in diameter, and they can Ovaj kompleks je obnovqen 1995. godine.
store 10 to 15 tones of grapes. Umesto pomo}nog ulaza na ju`noj strani
The complex was restored in 1995. The auxiliary postavqena je lepa ulazna kapija zidana od
entrance on the south side was replaced by a nice masonry kamena, ~ime je stara na severnoj strani prestala
gate. The old gate on the north side is out of use. A part of da se koristi. Deo starijeg konaka je preude{en u
the older Lodgings was turned into the chapel of St Tryphon. kapelu posve}enu Svetom Trifunu. U kapeli se
Objects brought from the demolished church of the danas ~uvaju predmeti iz poru{ene crkve
manastira Zo~i{ta.
monastery of Zo~i{te are stored in the chapel.
1. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995. 1. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka,
veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412-413.
1987, 412-413.
3. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz 3. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933- bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar
34, 268. VIII-IX, Beograd 1933-34, 268.
4. B.K., Velika Ho~a, Orahovac, Spomeni~ko nasle|e 4. B.K. Velika Ho~a, Orahovac, Spomeni~ko
Srbije, Beograd 1998, 138. nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 138.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Belgrade - Beograd
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
construction and restoration stages should be marked on the }e se nazna~iti sve faze gra|ewa i
ground plans. rekonstrukcije.
- A board, which would present the processing of grapes, - Na prigodnom mestu u vinici postaviti tablu,
fabrication and storage of wine in drawings and ground na kojoj }e se u osnovi i crte`ima prikazati
plans, should be hung on appropriate place. postupak obrade gro`|a, prerade i skladi{tewa
- Both, the objects, which are kept in the winery and those vina.
brought there for creating the museum collection, should be - Predmete koji se ~uvaju u objektu i koji se
registered and provided with documentation. donose radi formirawa muzejske zbirke treba
inventarisati i obraditi.
The categorization of the metochy of the monastery U okviru sada{wih zakonskih mogu}nosti
of De~ani as a monument of extraordinary importance treba utvrditi kategorizaciju De~anskog metoha
should be considered within existing legislative framework. kao spomenika kulture od izuzetnog zna~aja.
F/III-0.21 F/III-0.21
Protected in 2001 za{ti}ena 2001.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Milo{ Had`ispasi} Milo{ Hayispasi}
The yard façade of the Dvori{na fasada
house with the timber ku}e sa ~ardakom
Katastarski plan
Cadastre extract
The house of the Haji family of the Spasi}s is the
Ku}a hayijske porodice Spasi}a je
most representative object of residential architecture in
najreprezentativniji objekat stambene arhitekture
Velika Ho~a.
u Velikoj Ho~i.
It is situated in the centre of Velika Ho~a and Nalazi se u centru Velike Ho~e i
attracts attention by its appearance. It was built in the first privla~i pa`wu svojim izgledom. Podignuta je u
half of the 19th century, between 1830 and 1835 and the prvoj polovini XIX veka, izme|u 1830 i 1835, a
family tradition links it to its ancestors pilgrimage to porodi~no predawe to vezuje za odlazak svog
Jerusalem. The house was renovated in 1860, as it could pretka na hayiluk u Jerusalim. Ku}a je renovirana
until recently be read in the Old Slavic inscription above the 1860, {to je donedavno stajalo u natpisu na
window on the front façade of the house. The latest staroslovenskom jeziku iznad prozora na predwoj
remodellings date back to 1968, when the stable (izba) in fasadi ku}e. Posledwe izmene na objektu izvedene
the ground floor was The interior of the Enterijer su 1968, kada je
adapted into a dwel- timber terrace ~ardaka {talski prostor,
ling room. The rest of izba, u prizemqu
the ground- floor was adaptiran za sta-
occupied by the wi- novawe. U ostatku
nery. A timber stair- prizemqa bila je
case leads from the vinarija. Iz pri-
zemqa drvene ste-
ground level to the
penice vode na
timber terrace. The
~ardak, a iz ~ar-
guest-room and two daka se ulazi u
other rooms are acces- gostinsku sobu i
sed from the terrace. dve prostorije za
The Jewishor Jeru- stanovawe. "Jev-
salem Chamber is the rejska" ili "jeru-
most representative salimska" soba je
part of the house. All the male visitors were welcomed in it. najreprezentativniji prostor ku}e i u woj su
It houses an iconostasis with the family icon, brought from boravili svi mu{ki posetioci porodice. U woj se
the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and the family relics: crosses, nalazi ikonostas, u kome se ~uvaju velika
texts of the prayers written on scrolls and the candles porodi~na ikona doneta iz Jerusalima sa hayiluka
i porodi~ne relikvije: krstovi, tekstovi
brought from the pilgrimage. Rich decoration of the walls
molitava ispisani na svicima papira i sve}e
and the ceiling was executed in chestnut. Closets in the wall
donete sa hayiluka. Bogata dekoracija zidova i
for tableware and coffee sets, and a closet for bed-clothes plafona izvedena je u kestenovom drvetu. Lepoti
contribute to a charming effect of the room. The room was prostora doprinose dolapi u zidu u kojima se
heated by stove, fueled in the neighboring kitchen. A ~uvalo posu|e, pribor za kafu, tu je i du{erkluk
bathroom (amamd`ik) was attached to the guest-room. The (dolap za posteqinu). Sobu zagreva pe} na
central part of the house was originally occupied by the lon~i}e, koja se lo`ila iz susedne kuhiwe. Uz
kitchen, housing a fire-place. The other room, the bedroom gostinsku sobu je i amamyik, prostorija za
used by the members of the family, also had an attached odr`avawe higijene. Sredi{wa prostorija je
bathroom. According to the owner, all these elements were nekada bila kuhiwa, i u woj oyaklija. Druga soba
removed twenty years ago. je tako|e imala nekada amamyik i u woj su spavali
Overhanging eaves, the design of the windows and ~lanovi porodice. Sve je to ukloweno pre
dvadesetak godina, prema re~ima sada{wih
the timber terrace contribute to the charming effect of the
building. An image of a pigeon, originally wrapped by a Lepoti zgrade i utisku koji ostavqa na
snake, which have faded in the course of time, can still be prolaznike doprinose duboko napu{tena streha,
seen under the eaves on the street façade. obrada prozora i ~ardak. Ispod strehe, na
Small windows can be seen on the front façade in dvori{noj fasadi, i danas se nalazi predstava
the ground floor and in the upper story. They are looking goluba, a zmija koja je goluba obavijala s
vremenom je nestala.
towards the gate, so that the one could supervise the entry Na spoqnoj fasadi su u prizemqu i na
into the object. spratu, a prema ulaznoj kapiji, mawi prozori kroz
The house was designed upon typical scheme adopted koje se mogao nadgledati ulazak u objekat.
for houses from Prizren suburban zone. It is an example of Ku}a je gra|ena po uzoru na ku}e iz
vernacular architecture, which reaches the standards of prizrenskog podgra|a i predstavqa primer
urban architecture and reflects the uniform cultural pattern narodnog graditeqstva istog standarda kao i
gradskog, odra`avaju}i ujedna~en kulturni obrazac
of the Serbian population in Prizren and Velika Ho~a in the
starog srpskog stanovni{tva Prizrena i Velike
first half of the 19th century.
Ho~e u prvoj polovini XIX veka.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
- Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
The house of the Spasi} family has to be envisaged
Op{ti utisak spomeni~ke celine ku}e
in the context of the monument complex of the metochy of
Spasi}a neposredno je povezan sa kompleksom
De~ani monastery, a smallish square, the parish house and spomeni~ke celine de~anskog metoha, maweg trga,
the church of St Stephen. It attracts attention by its exterior parohijske ku}e i hrama Svetog Stefana i svojim
features: pronounced façades, the upper-floor with its spoqa{wim elementima - nagla{enim platnima
cantilevered elements, large gate with separate doors for fasada, sprata sa konzolnim delovima, ve}om
pedestrians and vehicles, old-fashioned lock-coverings, kapijom sa odvojeni pe{a~kim i kolskim vratima,
hinges, locks, and the decorative shelters above the doors, starinskim okovom, {arkama i bravama,
covered with stone slates. dekorativnim elementima drvenih nadvoja vrata
pokrivenih kamenim plo~ama - privla~i pa`wu
Recommended measures of techincal protection: prolaznika.
1. replacing of pantiles with plain terracotta roofing tiles; Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite:
2. replacing of ruinous and adding of the missing parts of
1. mediteran crep zameniti }eramidom;
the round posts in the fence; the fillings should be made 2. zameniti i dopuniti dotrajale delove ograde
of adequate material, the same as the original chestnut; od trakslovanih stubova sa ispunom
the posts should be protected from worms and moisture; materijalom po ugledu na postoje}i (kesten) i
3. repair of the cover above the staircase; za{titi od crvoto~ewa i vlage;
4. all the concrete elements in the ground floor, in the 3. popraviti poklopac nad stepeni{tem;
4. u prizemqu objekta, u ajatu i na stepeni{tu,
vestibule and on the staircase, as well as the trough on
obojiti sve betonske elemente, kao i valove za
the façade under the drinking fountain, should be either vodu na fasadi ispod ~esme, u belo ili
painted in white or plated with stone; postaviti kamene plo~e;
5. along with consolidation of decayed wooden parts on 5. ulaznu kapiju, uz mawu konsolidaciju otrulelih
the outer cornice, in particular, the restoration of the drvenih delova, naro~ito na spoqnom
entrance gate should be undertaken in the first stage of potkrovnom vencu, trebalo bi obnoviti u
the preservation campaign; prvoj etapi za{tite;
6. robust, recently built objects in the neighbouring 6. u dvori{nom prostoru prema susedu, ~iji
courtyard, which are in discord with the appearance of objekti svojom robusnom novogradwom kvare
the monument, should be either hidden by a green utisak spomenika kulture, podi}i zelene
perforated fence set in the yard of the old house, or tranzene ili obijiti sve te fasade u belo.
painted in white.
F/III-0.22 F/III-0.22
Protected in 1998 za{ti}ena 1998.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Municipality of Orahovac Op{tina Orahovac
The front of the tower Ulazna fasada kule
The mausoleum in Velika Ho~a, where the famous U Velikoj Ho~i je za spomenik kulture
komitadji of this region, Lazar Kijund`i} and his progla{en mauzolej u kome po~ivaju ~uvene komite
companions were buried, was nominated as cultural ovoga kraja - Lazar Kujunyi} i wegovi saborci.
monument. The memorial tower is situated in a small square, Spomen-kula se nalazi na malom trgu u koji se
where the streets from the direction of the centre of the slivaju ulice koje vode iz centra naseqa.
village meet. Doga|aj koji je predhodio pogibiji ~ete
The event, which preceded the death of the squad of Lazara Kujunyi}a odigrao se verovatno 24. ili 25.
Lazar Kujund`i}, probably happened on May 24 or 25, 1905 maja 1905. godine po starom, odnosno 7. juna po
novom kalendaru. U te{kim prilikama koje su
according to the old style calendar or on June 7 according to
potresale Tursko carstvo po~etkom XX veka,
Gregorian calendar. During the crisis in the Ottoman Empire
organizovane su male ~ete komita, koji su se
at the beginning of the 20th century, little squads of borili za slobodu. Vo|a jedne od takvih ~eta bio
komitadji, fighting for freedom, were organized. Lazar je Lazar Kujunyi}, u~iteq rodom iz Orahovca.
Kujund`i}, a teacher born in Orahovac, was the leader of Navedenog dana Lazar Kujunyi} je sa svojim
such a squad. On the above mentioned day Lazar Kujund`i} saborcima Savatijem Milo{evi}em, ~inovnikom
and his companions Savatije Milo{evi}, a clerk from the ministarstva inostranih dela iz Ra{ke, Kostom
Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Ra{ka, Kosta Karaperi} from Karaperi}em iz Kowuha na Kosovu, @ivojinom
Konjuh in Kosovo, @ivojin Rafajlovi} from Kru{evac, Tasa Rafajlovi}em iz Kru{evca, Tasom Milovanovi}em
Milovanovi} from Drajkovac, Stani{a [eli} from Gotovu{a iz Drajkovca, Stani{om [eli}em iz Gotovu{e i
and Stanoje Miki}, travelling from Kur{umlija to Stanojem Miki}em, na putu iz Kur{umlije ka
Makedoniji, zano}io u kuli Qam Ukina u Velikoj
Macedonia, decided to spend the night in Velika Ho~a, in the
Ho~i, koji im je dao besu da ih ne}e predati
tower of Lam Uka, who had promised that he would not turn
turskim vlastima. I pored toga, oni su izdani i
them over to the Turks. In spite of that, they were betrayed u no}i izme|u 24. i 25. maja, dok su komite spavale
in the night between the 24th and 25th of May. While the na spratu, turska vojska i ve}a grupa Albanaca je
komitadji were sleeping upstairs, the Turkish soldiers and opkolila kulu i uvukla se u prizemqe. Pucali su
quite a large group of the Albanians surrounded the building kroz drvenu me|uspratnu konstrukciju, ubiv{i
and sneaked into the ground-floor. They were shooting petoricu komita, dok su dvojica ubijena dok su
between the beams of timber floor construction. Five of the iskakala iz kule. Nakon toga je kula zapaqena i u
komitadji where killed in the tower, while the two of them woj su izgorela tela ubijenih.
were shot while trying to jump out through the window. Ovaj doga|aj je ostao u se}awu Metohijaca
After that, the tower was set on fire and the bodies were te je 1936. godine podiguta na mestu stare, nova
burnt in it. spomen-kula. U wenoj unutra{wosti, u kameni
This event lived in the memory of the population of sarkofag polo`eni su zemni ostaci hrabrih
komita. Na mermernoj plo~i na poklopcu
Metohija and on the site of the old tower a new memorial
sarkofaga uklesano je:
tower was built in 1936. The remains of the brave komitadji
"Ovu spomen-kulu podi`e 1936. godine svojim
were placed in the stone sarcophagus, kept in the interior of drugovima
The ossuary with Kosturnica sa
memorial tablets nadgrobnim plo~ama
the tower. The following text was incised into the marble poginulim na ovom mestu
covering of the sarcophagus: na Spasovdan 1905. godine JOVAN
This memorial tower was built in 1936 by Jovan MIHAILOVI]
Mihailovi}, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in na~elnik min. inostranih dela u penziji,
retirement, ex-member of the Executive Committee of the biv{i ~lan Izvr{nog odbora narodne
National Revolutionary Organization for Liberation of revolucionarne ogranizacije
Southern Serbia, in Vranja, in the memory of his comrades, za oslobo|ewe Ju`ne Srbije u Vrawi."
who were killed here, on the Ascension-day in 1905. Spomen-kula je sagra|ena od lomqenog
The memorial tower is built of rubble bound with kamena u kre~nom malteru. Pravougaone je osnove.
lime mortar. It is rectangular in plan. The stone sarcophagus U prizemqu je kameni sarkofag sa posmrtnim
with the remains of the komitadji is placed in the ground- ostacima poginulih, a u gorwem delu sa tri
floor. The gallery in the upper story encompasses three inner strane galerija. Do we se dolazi kamenim
walls. It is reached by a masonry staircase on the south side, stepeni{tem na ju`noj strani, do kojeg vodi
accessed through a separate entrance. The gallery is poseban ulaz. Sama galerija je poduhva}ena trima
supported by three semicircular arches. Arched windows can polukru`nim lukovima. U gorwem delu galerije su
be seen in the upper part of the gallery. Such windows lu~ni prozori, kakvi su na metohijskim kulama
slu`ili kao pu{karnice.
usually acted as loop-holes in the towers of Metohija.
Kameni sarkofag je postavqen ~elom uza
The front of the stone sarcophagus is positioned
sam zid, na kome je crna mermerna plo~a sa
against the wall, into which a board made of black marble,
uklesanim mawim vencem, a iznad we je druga
with an incised wreath, was mortared. It is surmounted by
mermerna plo~a sa imenima poginulih.
another board with the incised names of the killed komitadji.
Sa ju`ne i zapadne strane kule nalazi se
The southern and western sides of the tower were
dvori{te, koje je nakada bilo ogra|eno kamenim
encompassed by a courtyard, which once had stone
zidovim. U dvori{te se ulazilo kroz kamenom
enclosing wall. The yard was entered through a masonry
uzidanu kapiju.
1. Lazar Kujund`i}, Narodna enciklopedija srpsko- 1. Lazar Kujunyi}, Narodna enciklopedija
hrvatsko-slovena~ka, priredio S. Stanojevi}, II, Zagreb srpsko-hrvatsko-slovena~ka, priredio S.
1928, 485. Stanojevi}, II, Zagreb 1928, 485.
2. Pravda, 1936/11343 2. Pravda, 1936/11343
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
Since the tower is located in the small square close
Kako se spomen kula nalazi na malom trgu
to the centre of the village, all the roads leading to it are in
u neposrednoj blizini centra naseqa, putevi
good condition. The object lacks the infrastructure.
Yearlong neglecting of the interior and the kojima se do we sti`e su dobri. Na samom objektu
surroundings of this monument gave the impression of nema izgra|ene infrastrukture.
certain lack of concern. The tombstones have been moved Dugogodi{we neodr`avawe unutra{wosti
and damaged, the chandelier destroyed, while the candelabra i neposredne okoline ovog spomenika kulture
were broken. The water from the roof pours down into the stvorilo je utisak o izvesnoj nebrizi. Pomerene
grass and, since the area around the tower is not paved, su i o{te}ene nadgrobne plo~e, sru{en luster i
penetrates into the foundations and walls causing damages izlomqeni sve}waci. Voda sa krova kule se sada
on the surface of the wall up to 1.5 m in height. nekontrolisano sliva i bez za{titnog trotoara,
kroz travnatu zonu ponovo se vra}a u temeqe i
Recommended Measures of Technical Protection: zidove degradiraju}i zidni sloj do 1, 5 m u visinu.
1. restitution of the original roofing plain terracotta Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite:
roofing tiles;
2. replacing of the damaged wings of the door; they should 1. Vratiti stari krovni pokriva~ - }eramidu;
be painted and equipped with adequate lock and other 2. zameniti o{te}ena krila vrata, obojiti ih i
metal-work; postaviti adekvatnu bravariju;
3. in order to protect the interior, nets should be put on the 3. postaviti mre`e sa unutra{we strane
inner sides of the windows (to be less noticeable from prozora (mawe vidqive spoqa) radi o~uvawa
the outside); enterijera;
4. draining is the most urgent measure to be undertaken. 4. izvesti drena`u, kao prvu za{titu, rigolu i
Little trenches and side-walk should be made around the trotoar oko objekta sa ju`ne i zapadne strane,
south and west sides of the object; the draining of water a prema susedu i prema ulici, sa severne i
coming from the adjacent objects and the fence - to the isto~ne strane, regulisati odvod vode sa
north (facing the neighbour) and to the east (facing the prislowenih objekata i ograde;
street), should be regulated; 5. izraditi projekat ure|ewa dvori{ta
5. the project of interventions in the courtyard (postavqawe ograde i kapije sa rasvetnim
(construction of a fence with a gate, with lights set on telima u zoni zida; ure|ewe prilaznog
the wall; construction of the staircase leading to the stepeni{ta);
tower); 6. postaviti vizulne komunikacije na prilazu
6. providing of visual communication on the way to the objektu kao i tablu u samom objektu gde bi se
object and setting a board with the appropriate text in prigodnim tekstom i fotografijama na vi{e
several languages and photographs, explaining the jezika obrazlo`io istorijat i zna~aj
history and importance of the monument, in the object spomenika kulture.
F/III-0.023 F/III-0.023
Protected in 1998 za{ti}ena 1998.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Church Community of Velika Ho~a Crkvena op{tina Velika Ho~a K.O 2589
The parish church in Velika Ho~a is dedicated to St Sredi{na parohijska crkva u Velikoj Ho~i
Stephen. The parish house is in its vicinity. The whole posve}ena je svetom Stefanu. U wenom
complex is enclosed by a high stone wall. The main entrance neposrednom okru`ewu je parohijski dom, a ceo
kompleks je okru`en visokim kamenim zidom. Sa
into the churchyard is on the lower, southwestern side.
dowe, jugozapadne strane, crkve je glavni ulaz u
Slightly downhill from the entrance, by the road, another portu, a neposredno ispod wega, pored samog puta,
object belonging to the church can be seen the winery of St jo{ jedan objekat vezan za crkvu - vinica Svetog
Stephen. Stefana.
The winery, which belonged to the church of St Vinica koja je pripadala crkvi Svetog
Stephen, certainly existed in the 15th or the 16th century. It Stefana sigurno je postojala u XV ili XVI veku.
has been restored several times in its history. Present object Vi{e puta je obnavqana i smatra se da je dana{wi
is believed to have been built in the 18th century. objekat podignut krajem XVIII stole}a.
The building is square in plan. Due to sloping Zgrada je kvadratne osnove. Unutra{wi
terrain and the requirements of process of wine production, prostor je zbog terena koji je u padu i tehnologije
the interior is cascading. The entrance section was used for prerade gro`|a re{en kaskadno. Ulazni deo
unloading, the second one for pressing and processing of kori{}en je za istovar gro`|a, u drugom se
grapes, while the third, the lowest level, acted as storage for muqalo i prera|ivalo gro`|e, tre}i, najni`i
nivo slu`io je za sme{taj buradi za vino.
wine barrels.
Dowi deo vinice je zidan od kamena u
The lower part of the winery was built of stone
kre~nom malteru, dok su gorwi delovi obnavqani
bound with lime mortar, while the upper parts are the result
}erpi~em. Drvena krovna konstrukcija se po obodu
of a restoration and they are built of adobe. The winery has
naslawa na zidove, a u sredi{nom delu je
timber roof construction. Rafter bottoms are leaning on the
poduhva}ena drvenim gredama. Dowi deo
walls, while the central part of the construction is supported
~etvoroslivnog krova pokriven je kamenim
by trussed beams. The lower parts of the hip roof are covered
plo~ama, a gorwi }eramidom. U vinariju se ulazi
with stone slates, the upper with terracotta roofing tiles. The
kroz troje vrata, jedna sa dowe strane zgrade,
winery has three entrances: one on the lower side of the
pored puta, do kojih se dolazi stepenicama, i
building, by the road, accessed by a staircase, and the other
dvoja sa gorwe strane objekta.
two on the upper side.
Isto~no od vinice je dvori{te u koje je
To the east of the winery a courtyard into which pristizala kola sa tovarima gro`|a.
wagons carrying grapes used to arrive, can be seen.
Vinarija crkve Svetog Stefana za{ti}ena
The winery of St Stephens church is protected as a
je kao spomenik kulture, jer svedo~i o
cultural monument, because it testifies of a centuries-long
tradition of wine-growing and production of wine, which is vi{evekovnoj tradiciji gajewa vinove loze i
a special feature of the village in which it was built. It also proizvodwe vina, posebno karakteristi~noj za
points to the role of the church as a landowner and selo u kome se nalazi, ukazuju}i i na ulogu crkve
manufacturer of this important agricultural product kao krupnog posednika i proizvo|a~a ovog va`nog
eversince the Middle Ages. poqoprivrednog artikla od sredweg veka do danas.
1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
Beograd 2003. (in print) u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003. (u {tampi)
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
F/E-0.24 F/E-0.24
Recognized heritage evidentirano
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, prizrenski, ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
The church has very good position: it is situated in Crkva je izgra|ena u sredi{tu naseqa, na
the centre of the village, on the slope of the hill, uphill from padini brda, iznad obli`weg raskr{}a sa ~etiri
uli~na pravca i ima veoma dobar polo`aj. Od uli-
the nearby junction. It is enclosed by a fence mounted on a
ce je odvojena kamenim podzidom sa ogradom. Do
low stonewall. Churchyard has two gates accessed by
porte vode dva ulaza sa pristupnim stepeni{tem.
staircases. According to the inscription on a tablet above the Sazidana je 1859, po zapisu na plo~i postavqenoj
portal, put in 1909, probably after the reconstruction of the iznad portala 1909, mogu}e u godini kada je
church, the church was built in 1859. izvedena obnova hrama.
It is a three-aisled building, with an apse, Crkva je u osnovi trobrodna, sa
semicircular inside, and eight-sided in the exterior. The nave osmougaonom apsidom sa spoqne strane i
and the sanctuary are surmounted by two identical domes, polukru`nom sa unutra{we. Nad sredwim brodom
hidden under the roof. Timber construction of the choir i oltarskim prostorom, prikrivene krovom,
nalaze se dve identi~ne kupole, dok je iznad
gallery, to the west, is covered with cloister vault. The aisles
drvene galerije, u zapadnom delu hrama, svod u
are barrel-vaulted. In the nave and sanctuary, the springing obliku polukalote spojen sa zapadnim zidom. Nad
of the dome, just above the capitals of cylindrical columns, bo~nim brodovima su poluobli~asti svodovi.
was braced by wooden beams. The capitals of the western Stubovi su povezani drvenim gredama iznad
pair of columns are adorned with an ornament featuring kapitela stubova. Na kapitelima zapadnog para
leaves. Timber gallery is accessed by a narrow timber stubova su ornamenti u obliku listova. Prilaz na
drvenu galeriju omogu}en je preko uzanog drvenog
The floor is paved with large stone slabs. The walls
Pod crkve je od kamenih plo~a ve}ih
are coated with mortar and whitewashed, with the exception dimenzija. Povr{ine zidova su ravno malterisane
of the dome, built of limestone, which remained uncovered i okre~ene belo, osim kupole, gra|ene sigom, koja
only the mortar joints were smoothened down. There are je ostala vidqiva i samo dersovana. Nema
no indications that the walls have ever been covered with vidqivih tragova zidnog slikarstva.
mural paintings. Osmougaona apsida i zidovi broda crkve
Eight-sided apse and the aisles walls were built of gra|eni su od kamenih kvadera razli~itih
ashlars cut in different manner, varying in dimensions. The dimenzija, raznovrsno klesanih. Kamen je `u}kast,
toplog tona. Spojnice su ispuwene kre~nim
stone has warm yellowish tone. Mortar joints were filled
malterom, dersovane. U novije vreme, uz crkvu je
with lime mortar, smoothened down. The belfry attached to sa zapadne strane podignut toraw kvadratne
the west front of the church belongs to recent times. Square osnove, sa u prizemqu tri duboke arkade oslowene
in plan, it has three deep arcades supported by two columns na dva stuba, dok je spratni deo gra|en u punom
in the ground floor. The upper story, covered with octagonal zidu sa tri uzana pravougaona prozorska otvora i
dome, has solid walls fenestrated with three narrow presvo|en je osmostranim kubetom. Nad wim je
plitka kalota od lima. Uzano ugaono stepeni{te
rectangular windows. The dome is covered with shallow
vodi do do zvonare. Krov nad brodom crkve je
lead -plate calotte. The upper story, with bells, is accessed by
dvoslivan i pokriven falcovanim crepom, a nad
a narrow bent staircase. The church has double-pitched roof apsidom izrazito plitak i pokriven kamenim
covered with double-through roofing tiles. The roof of the plo~ama. Na apsidalnom zidu vidqiv je venac
apse is extremely shallow and covered with stone slates. On prethodne ravni krova, {to jasno ukazuje da je
the wall of the apse, traces of an earlier wall-plate can be prilikom posledweg prepokrivawa krova
seen, indicating that the angle of the pitch was changed. A korigovan wegov nagib. Upe~atqiv dekorativni
element je friz arkada na kamenim konzolicama
frieze of blind arcades supported by corbels under the eaves
uz gorwi rub apsidalnog zida.
of the apse is a conspicuous decorative detail.
The apertures two windows in the south wall, one Dva prozora na ju`nom, jedan na severnom
on the north and one in the apse, are outlined by precisely cut i jedan na apsidalnom zidu formirani su
ashlars and covered with iron grids. The construction of the pravilnim kamenim tesanicima i zatvoreni
south portal consists of a stone archivolt and massive stone gvozdenim re{etkama. Polukru`nim kamenim
jambs. Its door is heavy, wooden, with metal plating. The nadvratnikom i masivnim kamenim dovratnicima
main portal, in the western wall, also has stone arcuated izgra|en je portal na ju`nom zidu. Krilo je
te{ko, drveno i oblo`eno limom. Glavni portal,
construction. Its doors are, however, simple, made of
na zapadnom zidu, tako|e je izveden od kamena u
vertically laid planks. On the western wall, under the eaves,
polukru`noj konstrukciji, dok su krila
a projecting zoomorphic terracotta ornament can be seen. In
jednostavna, sa vertikalnim slogom talpi. Na
certain places on the facades slabs or spoils with the zapadnom zidu, na visini strehe, u zid je ugra|en
inscriptions and dates were found. The inscriptions are not figuralni zoomorfni ornament od terakote. Na
always clear and legible. Text on a tablet from the south wall nekoliko mesta po fasadnim zidovima crkve
reads: This temple was built in 1859 (inscribed on na|ene su plo~e ili spolije sa zapisima i
February 20, 1909). In a spoil inbuilt above the southern godinama, ne uvek ~itqive. Tekst sa plo~e na
portal, the year of 1871 has been inscribed. A slab with three ju`nom zidu glasi: Ovaj hram sazidan je 1859
figures and a bird is also above the southern portal. On the (napisano 20. februara 1909.). Iznad ju`nog
north window the year of 1842 (?) has been inscribed. On the portala ugra|ena je kamena spolija sa uklesanom
colonettes in the apse incised dates can be noticed. 1871. godinom. Tu je i plo~a sa tri figure i
jednom pticom. Na prozoru severnog zida uklesana
By south wall, near the portal a monument made of
je 1842. godina (?). Na apsidalnim kolonetama
white stone, with vertically positioned gravestone (36×55
vidqivi su urezi sa godinama.
cm), can be seen. One face of the gravestone shows the Uz ju`ni zid, blizu portala, je i spomenik
portrait of the deceased, the other bears a votive inscription: od belog kamena sa vertikalno postavqenom
Passenger, do not spare trouble to read the following words: plo~om (36 x 55 cm) Na jednoj strani je lik
here lyeth the body of the persevering and hard-working in pokojnika, a na drugoj votivni tekst: Putni~e ne
the field of enlightment, Mr Blagoje Kujund`i}, a teacher po`alite truda pro~itati slede}ih redova ovde
born on March 21, 1869 in Orahovac. Deceased in the prime le`i telo neumrlog i vrednog radenika
of life on July 31, 1898. God forgive him. prosvetnog poqa g. Blagoja Kujunyi}a u~iteqa
Compared to contemporary pieces, the iconostasis ro|en 1869 g. 21 marta u Orahovcu prestavio se u
seems to belong to a more monumental type. The chancel cvetu svoje mladosti 1898 g. 31 jula. Bog da ga
screen was not organized in a line: its central part is slightly prosti .
S obzirom na vreme nastanka crkve
recessed towards the apse the depth of the recess being
ikonostas pripada ne{to monumentalnijem tipu.
equal to the diameter of columns. The work of three groups
Ikonostasna pregrada nije gra|ena i postavqena
of painters or three individual painters can be distinguished.
u ravnoj liniji, ve} je na sredini oltarskog
Large-scale icons of the Sovereign Row, with many details,
rich draperies, skilled drawing, rich colour and delicately prostora povu~ena prema apsidi za debqinu
treated physiognomies, must have been painted by a trained stubova. Prepoznatqive su tri grupe slikara ili
painter. The painter of the second zone of icons is less skilled pojedinaca. Rasko{no slikane prestone ikone,
and somewhat blunt when the quality of presentation of the prepune detaqa, razmahnute draperije, dobre u
saints and scenes is concerned. The painter of the crte`u i koloristici, pa`qivo obra|enih
Resurrection of Lazarus stands out for his individual style fizionomija, rad su {kolovanog slikara. Slikar
druge zone neve{tiji je i grubqi u kvalitetu pre-
characterized by gentle, slender figures, and reduced
zentacije svetiteqskih likova i kompozicija, dok
drawing and colour. In the lower right corner of the icon an
je onaj koji je radio Lazarevu subotu, ne`nim,
illegible inscription mentioning the year of 1896 can be seen.
vitkim likovima, svedenim crte`om i bojom, po
It is not clear whether it has been the signature of the painter
individualnom pe~atu rada sasvim izdvojen. U
or the donor. wenom dowem desnom uglu je ne~itak zapis sa
In the socle of the iconostasis vases with flowers 1896. godinom, tako da je ostalo nejasno da li je
were painted. The Sovereign Row shows the icons of ovde potpisan slikar ili donator.
Archangel Michael, St Nicholas, St Stephen, The Dormition Na soklu, u prvoj zoni, slikane su vaze sa
of the Virgin, Archangel Gabriel, St George, The cve}em. U drugoj zoni prestonih ikona su: Sveti
Resurrection of Lazarus. The second zone consists of a row Arhan|eo Mihailo, Sveti Nikola, Sveti Stefan,
Uspewe Bogorodice, Sveti Arhan|eo Gavrilo,
of icons showing figures of the saints or compositions: St
Sveti Georgije, Lazareva subota. U drugoj zoni su
Theodore Tyron and St Demetrius, Crucifixion,
kompozicije: sveti ratnici - Sveti Teodor Tiron
Annunciation, The Infant Jesus Presented at the Temple, i Sveti Dimitrije; Hristovo Raspe}e; Blagovesti;
Three Hierarchs, Serbian archbishops Ss Sava and Arsenije, Sretewe; tri Sveta jerarha; arhiepiskopi srpski
two standing figures of saints (illegible titles). In the Sveti Sava i Sveti Arsenije; Dva svetiteqa,
following row The Virgin and the twelve apostles are shown stoje}e figure (ne pro~itane signature); sledi
in half-figure. It is surmounted by The Baptism of Christ, niz sa dopojasnim likovima 12 apostola i
Bogorodicom; a zatim Hristovo Kr{tewe; Cveti;
Palm Sunday, The Resurrection of Christ, Ascension, Holy
Hristovo Vaskrsewe, Hristovo Vaznesewe; Sveti
Doctors Cosmas and Damian, Crucifixion and an icon with Besrebrenici Kozma i Damjan; Raspe}e Hristovo;
totally destroyed paint layer. The iconostasis is topped by a i ikona na kojoj je potpuno uni{ten bojeni sloj.
cross in complicated woodcarving, with painted Crucifixion. Na vrhu ikonostasa je veoma slo`eno rezan Krst
sa slikanom kompozicijom Hristovog Raspe}a.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 493-494. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 493-494.
Since there were no military operations in the U toku rata nad Orahovcem nije bilo
surroundings of Orahovac, the church is, generally speaking, ratnih dejstava tako da je op{te gra|evinsko
in good condition. stawe crkve dobro.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina
Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community Velika Ho~a Velika Ho~a
The church of St Anne was built in 1912, in a Crkva Svete Ane izgra|ena je 1912. u
schoolyard, on the site of an earlier church. According to the {kolskom dvori{tu, na mestu starijeg hrama. Po
local tradition, the Turks have destroyed the earlier church of mesnom predawu, staru crkvu Svete Ane sru{ili
su Turci sredinom XIX veka da bi na wenom mestu
St Anne in the middle of the 19th century in order to build a
podigli yamiju. Posle 1912. yamija je sru{ena, a
mosque in its place. After 1912 the mosque was demolished crkva ponovo podignuta na istom mestu,
and the church was rebuilt in the same place with the ktitorstvom Vanke, supruge Janka Zivgarevi}a iz
donations of Vanka, wife of Janko Zivgarevi} from Velika Velike Ho~e. Crkva je obnovqena krajem XX veka.
Ho~a. The church was restored at the end of 20th century. It To je jednobrodna gra|evina sa ulazom na zapadu i
is single-naved, with the main entrance on its west side and oltarskom apsidom na istoku. Prilikom posledwe
obnove, raniji slagani svod zamewen je livenim
an eastern apse. During the latest restoration campaign
betonskim. Na zapadnoj fasadi je polukru`no
masonry vault was replaced with the new one, cast in zavr{en ulaz. Iznad ulaza je plitka slepa ni{a sa
concrete. The entrance on the west façade is arched. It is sedlastim lukom na vrhu. Ispod temena krova na
F/E-0.26 F/E-0.26
Recognized heritage
Orhovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and
Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Srpska pravoslavna crkva, Crkvena op{tina
Serbian Orthodox Church, Church Community of Velika
Velika Ho~a
The church was built in the 19th century upon Crkva je izgra|ena u XIX veku na
remains of an earlier church, which, according to the temeqima starije bogomoqe, koja, po nekim
sources, was built in the 13th century. It was destroyed in the izvorima, poti~e iz XIII veka. Prvi put je spaqena
u XVII veku, a posle obnove i u XVIII stole}u.
fire twice in the 17th and again, after the restoration, in the
Crkva je iz temeqa obnovqena posle 1912. godine.
18th century. The church was completely rebuilt after 1912.
To je jednobrodna gra|evina malih dimenzija, sa
It is a small, single-naved building, with an eastern altar
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku
Beograd 1928, 99. (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 99.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412. Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 412.
3. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35. 3. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995,
F/E-0.27 F/E-0.27
Recognized heritage
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and POLO@AJ
Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church, (on a private property) Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu)
The church of St Paraskeve is in ruins. It is situated to the U ru{evinama, crkva Svete Petke nalazi se
northwest from the centre of the village, on a private estate. severozapadno od centra sela, u ataru.
It is inaccessible. Nedostupna je.
F/E-0.28 F/E-0.28
The church dedicated to the Holy Archdeacon
Crkva posve}ena svetom arhi|akonu
Stephen is situated in the centre of the village of Velika
Stefanu nalazi se u centru sela Velike Ho~e.
Ho~a. It is a single-naved, elongated building, rectangular in
Hram je u osnovi velika podu`na jednobrodna
plan, with an eastern apse. Massive walls are built of dressed gra|evina, pravougaonog oblika, sa oltarskom
stone and limestone, bound with lime mortar. A lot of spoils apsidom na isto~noj strani. Masivni zidovi su od
and decorative crosses made of slim bricks can be seen on its tesanog kamena i sige u kre~nom malteru, sa
facades, particularly on the southern one. Different types of dosta spolijskih detaqa i postavqawa tanke
masonry work on the north façade belong to different opeke u obliku krsta, pogotovo na ju`noj fasadi.
rebuilding campaigns. Razli~iti na~ini gra|ewa i sloga kamena na
The church is barrel-vaulted. The altar apse is lower severnoj fasadi ukazuju na slojeve nadgradwe i
than the nave. It is semicircular inside and three-sided in the dogradwe hrama.
exterior. Semicircular niche of the prothesis is to the left Ceo hram je pod poluobli~astim svodom.
from the altar. The altar apse is off the churchs axis, shifted Oltarska apsida je ni`a od naosa, spoqa je
to the south; it is in the axis of the Royal Doors. trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na. Levo od oltara
The original stone-slate roofing was replaced with je polukru`na ni{a proskomidije. U odnosu na
double-through roofing tiles. The western wall of the church osovinu hrama, oltarska apsida je pomaknuta
is topped by a belfry. Pilasters and an arch, which follows the prema jugu i u osovini je carskih dveri.
vault line, are the only remains of the old west wall and the Krovovi su sada pokriveni falcovanim
portal leading to the nave. A stone cross was mortared into crepom, koje su zamenile prvobitni pokriva~ od
the wall above the altar apse, beneath the eaves. kamenih plo~a. Nad zapadnim zidom je zvonik "na
A side-walk made of stone slabs runs around the preslicu". Od nekada{weg zapadnog zida naosa i
church. The floor of the church, made of new stone slabs, has portala ostali su pilastri i luk koji prati
been leveled with the sidewalk. liniju svoda. Spoqa nad oltarskom apsidom, pod
Differences in masonry work indicate the existence strehom, utisnut je kameni krst.
of two distinct phases in the construction of the church: the Oko hrama je trotoar od kamenih plo~a.
earlier nave, which got its present form in the 16th century, Pod u hramu je od novih kamenih plo~a i
and the latter-day narthex with the belfry, dating from the postavqen je u nivou trotoara.
second half of the 19th century. In the 1960s the church still Na crkvi se zbog razlika u na~inu zidawa
had stone-slate roofing, which was recently replaced by jasno prepoznaju dve faze nastanka - stariji naos,
double-through roofing tiles. koji je svoj sada{wi oblik dobio u XVI veku, i
A fresco of the Holy Virgin with the Child on the novija priprata sa zvonikom "na preslicu", iz
throne and two Archangels, from the second half of the 19th druge polovine XIX veka. Crkva je jo{ {ezdesetih
century, has been preserved in the altar apse. The rest of the godina ovog veka bila pokrivena kamenim
fresco ensemble dates from 1864, when the whole church plo~ama, ali je u novije vreme krovni pokriva~
was painted by Joseph from Lazaropolis, as it is reads in the zamewen falcovanim crepom.
inscription on the western wall, to the right from the churchs U oltarskoj apsidi je sa~uvana freska
entrance. Bogorodice sa Hristom na prestolu i dva
The models for the iconographic programme of the arhan|ela iz druge polovine XVI veka. Ostatak
large fresco ensemble painted by Joseph from Lazaropolis, `ivopisa u crkvi poti~e iz 1864, kad je celokupnu
must have been found in the fresco decoration of the crkvu oslikao Josif iz Lazaropoqa, o ~emu
churches of St Nicholas and St John, both in the village of svedo~i i natpis na zapadnom zidu, desno od ulaza
Velika Ho~a. u crkvu.
The iconostasis is contemporary to the fresco Josif iz Lazaropoqa je u ho~koj crkvi
naslikao obiman ikonografski ansambl, u kome se
decoration. It was undoubtedly designed and carved in a
workshop that was under the strong influence of Debar kao uzori u izboru tema prepoznaju ikonografske
wood-carving workshop. The icon of Archangel Michael celine crkava Svetog Nikole i Svetog Jovana iz
occupies the northern upper door. Next to it, to the right, istog mesta.
the icon of the Holy Virgin with the Child can be seen. The Ikonostas je iz vremena `ivopisawa
crkve, sigurno delo radionice bliske debarskoj.
Annunciation occupies the central part of the Royal Doors,
Na severnim - gorwim dverima je Arhan|eo
while the four Evangelists, encompassed by carved arcades
Mihailo, sledi prestona ikona Bogorodice sa
were depicted beneath it. The medallions with the images of
Hristom. Na carskim dverima su prikazane
the prophets David and Solomon are placed in the upper part Blagovesti u sredi{wem delu, ispod wih ~etiri
of the rich and beautifully carved stem. On the top of the jevan|elista u rezbarenim arkadama, a u gorwem u
Royal Doors - the place usually occupied by a cross, the icon bogatoj, izvanredno rezanoj vre`i su medaqoni sa
of the God the Father encompassed by a carved frame, predstavama proroka Davida i Solomona. U vrhu
ornate with floral motives, can be seen. The rest of the dveri, na mestu gde je obi~no krst, nalazi se
Sovereign Row, to the right, is occupied by icons of Christ ikona Boga Oca u floralnom duboreznom okviru.
and St Stephen, the archdeacon. The Sovereign Row is Slede prestone ikone Hrista i Svetog Stefana
surmounted by richly decorated ungilded grates carved à arhi|akona. Iznad prestone zone su bogate
jour. The medallions with the prophets busts in gilt carved dekorativne re{etke u a`uriranom duborezu, bez
frames and the row of icons depicting the Apostles in the pozlate. Na {irokoj gredi iznad duboreznih poqa
su medaqoni proroka u pozla}enoj rezbi i niz
Deesis, encompassed by arcades supported by small twisted
apostola u Deizisnom ~inu u arkadama sa
colonettes, occupy the wide beam above carved fields. The
tordiranim stubi}ima. Centralni deo kosmitisa
central part of the architrave is occupied by carved dragons
je u obliku a`daja koje na ukr{tenim repovima
with crossed tails, which carry a cross with the Crucifixion nose Krst sa Raspe}em i heruvimima, a na
and cherubs. Carved flame tongues breathed out by the vatrenim mlazevima iz wihovih ~equsti su ikone
dragons, support the icons of the Holy Virgin and St John. Bogorodice i Jovana Bogoslova. Krajevi
The ends of the architrave are decorated with carved floral kosmitisa su floralne vre`e. U vrhu krsta je
stems. The cross is topped by an eagle, carrying a hanging orao iz ~ijeg kquna visi kandilo.
lamp in its beak.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Velikoj Ho~i, Starine Kosova i Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-
Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 157-196 + 26 196 + 26 slika u prilogu.
illustrations in the appendix. 2. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avaweto na
2. R. Petrovi}, Prilog kon prou~avaweto na tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo
tvore{tvoto od makedonskite zografi vo Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI (Skopje
Kosovo, Kulturno nasledstvo X-XI, Skopje 1987, 117. 1987) 117.
3. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995,
3. K. Vito{evi}, Velika Ho~a, Pri{tina 1995, 35.
Iconostasis Ikonostas
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
panel. The joint of panels making the support for the icons of Na prestonim ikonama Bogorodice sa Hristom i
the Holy Virgin and Christ unglued, which resulted in a Hrista drveni nosa~ je razlepqen na spoju dasaka,
vertical detached area, about 0.5 cm wide, between the {to je sa lica obe ikone dovelo do vertikanog
ground and the colour coat. The icons of the Royal Doors, razdvajawa osnove i bojenog sloja u {irini od oko
carved and gilded, were painted in oil on panel. The Doors 0,5 sm. Carske dveri ra|ene uqem na dasci sa
are divided into three zones; they are in good condition, pozlatom i duborezom, imaju tri zone i u dobrom
apart from the icons of the Evangelists, which have been su stawu, sem {to su ikone Jevan|elista o{te}ene
po dowim rubovima. Sve je prekriveno po`utelim
damaged on their lower borders. Everything is covered with
lakom. Severne dveri, uqe na platnu ka{iranom
yellowed varnish. The icon of the northern door, oil on
na dasku, vertikalno su pukle, a u dowem delu
canvas mounted on panel, shows a vertical crack, while the preti opasnost od otpadawa bojenog sloja.
colour coat in its lower zone is likely to chip off. Druga zona podeqena je u dva reda. Ikone
The second zone is divided in two rows. The icons
su u relativno je dobrom stawu, prekrivene
are in quite good condition, but they are covered with
po`utelim lakom.
yellowed varnish.
The third zone is occupied by the Crucifix and the U tre}oj zoni su Raspe}e i prate}e ikone
icons accompanying it, painted in oil on carved and gilt slikane uqem na dasci, sa pozlatom i duborezom.
panel. Colour coat, gilding and painted carvings are stable, Bojeni sloj, pozlata i kolorisani duborez su
but they are covered with yellowed varnish. stabilni, prekriveni po`utelim lakom.
F/E-0.29 F/E-0.29
evidentiran 2001.
Recognized heritage since 2001
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Vladimir, Dobrivoje and Mom~ilo Luki} Vladimir, Dobrivoje i Mom~ilo Luki}
The gate of the complex belonging to the
monastery of Marko Kori{ki opens towards one of the streets U ulici koja vodi na trg na kome je kula
leading to the Tower of Lazar Kujund`i}. The gate leads to Kujunyi}a nalazi se porta kroz koju se ulazi u
the yard in which the Lodgings occupies prominent place oku}nicu u kojoj, pored novih stambenih objekata,
among recently built houses. centralno mesto zauzima konak sa vinicom.
There is no information when the estate in Velika Nema podataka kada je svoj metoh u Velikoj
Ho~a became a metochy of the monastery of St Marko Ho~i stekao manastir Svetog Marka Kori{kog iz
Kori{ki from Kori{a. The impressive Lodgings with the Kori{e, ali je sve do sedamdesetih godina XIX
winery belonged to the monastery up to the 1870s. It is now veka manastiru pripadala impozantna zgrada
the property of three brothers from the Luki} family. konaka sa vinicom. Danas je konak u vlasni{tvu
Since the Lodgings with the winery was built on a trojice bra}e iz porodice Luki}a.
sloping terrain, it can be envisaged in its entirety from a Konak sa vinicom sagra|en je na padini
distance from the courtyard, just after it is entered through tako da denivelacija terena omogu}ava da se u
the gate. Its ground floor is divided into two wine-cellars. celini sagleda prilikom ulaska kroz portu u
The smaller wine-cellar is reached by a little staircase dvori{te. Dowi prostor zgrade podeqen je na dva
accessed through the opening in the floor of one of the vinska podruma, od kojih se u mawi silazi
rooms. The bigger one is entered from the porch in the stepenicama kroz otvor u podu jedne od soba, dok
central part of the ground-floor. The porch (ajat) is se u ve}i ulazi iz ajata u prizemqu sredi{weg
surmounted by a timber terrace (~ardak), which is now dela zgrada. Iznad ajata je ~ardak koji je danas
walled in. The interior of the residential area has been partly zatvoren. Unutra{wost stambenog dela je mes-
remodelled, and the final word about it can be said only after timi~no izmewena i za weno potpuno sagledavawe
the analysis of the function of its spatial units. potrebna je analiza namena prostorija.
The front of the building was built of stone braced Prilazna strana zgrade sagra|ena je od
with bond-timbers. The lower zones of the remaining three kamena s atulama, ostale tri fasade gra|ene su u
sides are built of stone, while their upper parts are timber- dowem delu od kamena, a u gorwem delu zidovi su
framed. Low-pitched hip roof is partly covered with od bondruka. ^etvoroslivni kameni krov blagog
terracotta roofing tiles. nagiba mestimi~no je prepokriven }eramidom.
MNEMOSYNE Centre 2001 Centar MNEMOSYNE 2001.
F/E-0.30 F/E-0.30
Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Slobodan Mici}, Velika Ho~a Slobodan Mici}, Velika Ho~a
The house of the Mici} family, one of the largest
families in Velika Ho~a, has been preserved in a village lane U Dowoj mahali, u seoskom soka~etu,
in Donja mahala. The house with the winery, probably dating sa~uvana je ku}a jedne od najbrojnijih ho~anskih
from the second half of the 19th century, was bought by porodica - porodice Mici}a. Nakon deobe
Stanoje \or|evi}, the father of the present owner after the porodice, ku}u sa vinicom, verovatno iz druge
polovine XX veka, otkupio je Stanoje \or|evi},
family commune had split, from a rich man, remembered by
otac sada{weg vlasnika od nekog lokalnog
his name Spasa Ni{lija. The family descendants lived in the
bogata{a upam}enog po imenu Spasa Ni{lija.
house until they built a new, modern house in the same Potomci porodice `iveli su u woj dok u istom
courtyard. dvori{tu nisu sagradili novu modernu ku}u.
The Mici} family house lot, with the objects built Oku}nica Mici}a je pravougaone osnove,
along the borders of the courtyard and a free central unit, is sa objektima pore|anim du` strana dvori{ta i
rectangular in plan. It is entered from the street side through slobodnim sredi{wim prostorom. Sa ulice se
a massive gate built in brick, with separate entrances for ulazi kroz masivnu zidanu kapiju sa odvojenim
vehicles and pedestrians. The winery is to the left from the kolskim i pe{a~kim ulazom. Levo od kapije je
gate, while the remains of the former barn, are to the right. vinica, a desno je zidno platno, ostatak
Behind the wall, which remained of the barn, a barn-shovel nekada{weg ambara za `ito, iza koga se nastavqa
can be seen. The house is situated behind the winery, along i ko{ za kukuruz. Iza vinice, uz ivicu parcele,
the border of the yard. nalazi se ku}a.
The house is rectangular in plan. Owing to sloping Ku}a je pravougaone osnove i, zahvaquju}i
nejednakom nivou zemqi{ta u dvori{tu, sagra|ena
terrain of the yard, it has three levels. Its basement is
je u tri nivoa. U wenom suterenu, neposredno iz
occupied by a lofty stable, which could house ten head of
dvori{ta ulazi se sa leve strane stepeni{ta u
cattle (cows, oxen, pigs), and a pantry. The stable is entered veliku {talu, u kojoj je moglo da se dr`i po deset
directly from the yard, through the door to the left from the grla stoke (krave, volovi, sviwe), a sa desne je
staircase, while the door leading to the pantry is to the right. izba.
Spacious, stone staircase leads from the yard to the Prostranim kamenim stepeni{tem iz
corridor. The corridor leads to the kitchen with an open fire- dvori{ta se ulazi u hodnik, a iz wega, u nivou
place, which is on the same floor level as the corridor. On the poda, u ku}u, tj. kuhiwu sa otvorenim ogwi{tem.
left side of the corridor starts the staircase, which through a Sa leve strane hodnika stepenice vode u mali
small passage leads towards two rooms. The backroom acted prolaz, a iz wega se ulazi u dve prostorije, od
as a bedroom, while the front one was used as a living room. kojih je zadwa soba kori{}ena za spavawe, a
There corridor and the kitchen have no ceilings. The rooms predwa za dnevni boravak. S desne strane hodnika
je jo{ jedna soba. U ulaznom hodniku i kuhiwi
have ceilings made of interlocked boards ({a{ovci).
nema tavanica, a u sobama su od {a{ovaca.
The northern part of the house was built of stone
Severna strana ku}e je gra|ena od kamena
bound with daub and braced by bond-timbers, while the u blatnom malteru s atulama, a ostale strane ku}e
masonry work of three other walls is the combination of u kombinaciji kamena sa }erpi~em.
stone and adobe. Hip roof is covered with stone slates and ^etvoroslivni krov je pokriven kamenim plo~ama
plain terracotta roofing tiles. All the floors are of beaten i }eramidom. Pod je svuda od nabijene zemqe.
earth. The windows are wooden, single, two-winged without Prozori su drveni, jednostruki, dvokrilni, bez
window frames, varying in size. The doors are also made of prozorskog rama, razli~ite veli~ine. Vrata su
wood. The chains, dough tray, cupboards, and a sink for drvena. U kuhiwi su i danas verige, na}ve, dolapi,
carrying away dirty water (vodova~a) can still be seen in the vodova~a (otvor za izlivawe prqave vode).
kitchen. Vinica, koja dominira celom oku}nicom,
The winery, which dominates the yard, is pravougaone je osnove. U unutra{wosti vinice,
kao i kod ostalih objakata ove namene, izdvajaju se
rectangular in plan. Similar to all such objects, two units can
dve celine: prva u nivou poda i druga ukopana, u
be distinguished in its interior: the one in the floor level and
kojoj su dr`ane ba~ve sa gro`|em. Porodica
the other, which is dug in the ground, acting as storage for Mici}a posedovala je dve velike ba~ve, u koje je
the casks with grapes. The Mici} family owned two large moglo da stane 2 500 i 7 000 kg gro`|a. Iznad
casks, in which 2 500 and 7 000 kg of grapes could be stored. svake od wih, na uli~noj fasadi zgrade postojali
Above the casks, on the street façade of the building two su otvori u zidu, svetlarnici, izvedeni od uzanih
openings in the wall were made in order to provide lighting drvenih grednih okvira postavqenih na sredwoj
and ventilation. The apertures, framed with thin wooden atuli zbog osvetqavawa, ali i provetravawa
joists are set on one of the bond-timbers. The winery was prostorije. Zidana je kamenom u kre~nom malteru
built of stone bound with lime mortar, braced with bond- s atulama. Zavr{ni deo zida ispod krovnog venca
timbers. The highest section of the walls, beneath the cornice je od }erpi~a. Zgrada je pokrivena kamenim
was built of adobe. The building has stone-slate roofing. A plo~ama. U centralnom delu krova postavqen je
dormer window acting as ventilation hole (bad`a) is placed ventilacioni otvor - baya.
U vinici se pekla i rakija. Levo od ulaza
in the central part of the roof.
i danas se nalazi stari zidani kazan, kazawa~a.
The winery was also used for brandy distillation.
Iza wega je i otvor u zidu, slivnik, kroz koji se
An old masonry distillery section (kazanja~a) can still be komina izbacivala napoqe.
seen to the left of the door. There is an opening in the wall Prema pri~i vlasnika, ambar za `ito je
behind it - a sink carrying away the marc. bio veliki za ho~ke prilike i u wega je stajalo i
According to the information got from the owner, po 50 metara `ita. Ispred ambara nalazio se
the barn was one of the biggest in Velika Ho~a - it could ~ardak na kome se sedelo.
store 50 metres of grain. In front of the barn there is a timber Ko{ za kukuruz je star i on je kupqen i
terrace used in leisure hours. prenet u ovu oku}nicu tridesetih godina XX veka.
The barn-shovel is old; it was bought and brought Postavqen je na uli~ni ogradni zid od kamena.
to the yard in the 1930s. It was set against the perimeter wall Sagra|en je uvrnutim pleterom, koji ispuwava
on the street side. The space between the wooden posts, prostor izme|u drvenih stubova, kosnika i
binders and beams, making the construction of the shovel, horizontalnih greda.
was filled with twisted wattle.
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine
seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26,
konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154. Beograd 2002, 154.
2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije 2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
Beograd 2003 (in print). u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( u {tampi).
The house and the winery are out of use; they are Ku}a i vinica se ne koriste te su
dilapidated and used mostly for disposal of old things. zapu{tene i slu`e uglavnom za odlagawe starih
Behind them, in the lower part of the yard, a new house and stvari. Pored wih, u dnu dvori{ta, sagra|ena je
a well have been built. nova stambena zgrada i napravqen nov bunar.
Recommended Measures of Technical Protection Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite
The house demands: the restoration of the terrace Na ku}i je potrebno: obnoviti ~ardak;
and the roof, including thorough examination of the roof obnoviti krov, uz detaqan pregled i zamenu
construction; covering of the roof with stone-slates; krovne konstrukcije, prepokriti krov kamenim
plo~ama; sve zidove obiti, ponovo malterisati i
removing of the mortar coat from the walls and replacing it
okre~iti; svu stolariju zameniti novom; ulazno
with the new one, after which the walls should be white
stepeni{te prezidati u svemu prema postoje}em.
washed; replacing of the old joinery.
Unutra{wost vinice treba o~istiti od
The interior of the winery should be cleaned from naslaga {uta, rastresene ulazne kamene stepenike
the layers of rubble; ruinous stone stairs need to be rebuilt. neophodno je prezidati, a drvena dvokrilna vrata
Wooden double-door should be replaced with the new one. zameniti novim.
Wooden floor of the terrace on the barn should be Na ko{u treba zameniti da{~anu podnu
replaced. Double-through roofing tiles covering the barn oplatu na tremu novom, a krov od falcovanog
should be replaced with plain terracotta roofing tiles. crepa zameniti }eramidom.
In order to stress the air of authenticity, asbestos Da bi ceo utisak bio upotpuwen, trebalo
boards roofing of the shed between the gate for vehicles and bi ukloniti krovni pokriva~ od salonita na
barn-shovel, and the double-through roofing tiles covering {upi izme|u kolskog ulaza i ko{a i falcovani
the gate should be replaced by stone-slates or plain terracotta crep na kolskom ulazu i umesto wih postaviti
kamene plo~e ili }eramidu.
roofing tiles.
F/E-0.31 F/E-0.31
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Jova Sta{i}, Velika Ho~a Jova Sta{i}, Velika Ho~a
Sta{i}s House is situated in the lane just opposite Ku}a Sta{i}a nalazi se u sokaku naspram
the main entrance of the complex of St Stephens church, in glavnih ulaznih vrata u kompleks crkve Svetog
the centre of Velika Ho~a. Before the new house was built on Stefana u centru Velike Ho~e. Do gradwe novije
the same lot, it used to be the only residential object in the ku}e na istoj parceli to je bio prvi stambeni
line towards the lower road, which connects the Tower of objekat u nizu prema dowem putu koji povezuje
Lazar Kujund`i} and the Brki}s water-mill. kulu Kujunyi}a i vodenicu Brki}a.
By the type of masonry work and the articulation of Ku}a Jove Sta{i}a po na~inu gradwe i po
space, the house of Jova Sta{i} is a typical example of a ogranizaciji prostora predstavqa tipi~nu
single-storied house in Velika Ho~a. It was probably built in spratnu ku}u u Velikoj Ho~i. Gra|ena je verovatno
the 19th century. The house is rectangular in plan. The u XIX veku. Pravougaone je osnove. U prizemqu se
kitchen and the little pantry in the ground-floor are preceded nalazi ajat, ispred kuhiwe i mawe ostave. Na
by a porch (ajat). Three rooms of the upper story were spratu je otvoreni drveni ~ardak, iz koga se
accessed through the timber terrace (~ardak), the upper ulazilo u tri sobe. U ~ardaku su drveni stubovi.
construction of which is supported by wooden posts. The Gostinska soba je bila u uglu.
guest-room was in the corner of the upper story. Krovni pokriva~ je od kamenih plo~a sa
The house has stone-slate roofing, while the hips of }eramidom na grbama. Na krovu je i drvena baya
the roof are covered by terracotta roofing tiles. A wooden kroz koju je izlazio dim iz oyaklije. Uli~ni zid
chimney (bad`a) conveying the smoke from the fire-place, je od kamena sa drvenim oja~awima na rastojawu
can be seen on the roof. The wall facing the street is built of od 1,2 m, ostala tri dvori{na zida su gra|ena u
stone braced with bond-timbers set at a distance of 1.2 m. dowim zonama od kamena, a u gorwim od }erpi~a.
The lower parts of the three walls facing the yard are built of I oni su oja~ani santra~ima (atulama). Prva zona
stone, while the upper zones are made of adobe. All of them santra~a, gledano od ven~anice, ide do gorwe zone
are braced with bond-timbers (atule). The first row of bond- prozora, druga u parapetu prozora, a dowa se
timbers, from the wall-plate downward, is set at the height of oslawa na grede koje nose ~ardak i tavanicu u
the top of the windows; the second reaches the height of the prizemqu objekta. Dvori{ne fasade ku}e
windows parapets, while the lowest row is laid upon the oblepqene su blatnim malterom, na kome se jo{
beams, which support the terrace and the ceiling of the vide tragovi kre~a. Bile su obojene belo. Uli~na
ground-floor. The yard facades are coated with daub, which kamena fasada bila je okre~ena bez prethodnog
still shows the traces of lime wash. They used to be white- malterisawa.
washed. The street stone façade was whitewashed without Dvori{te je okrenuto prema istoku i sa
being coated with mortar. ~ardaklijom ispred ku}e i ni{ama u zidu ~ini
The yard, facing the East, with details like the autenti~an ambijent ho~anskog dvori{ta.
timber terrace in front of the house and the niches in the S obzirom da je dvori{te u razli~itim
wall, shows an authentic ambience of a courtyard in Velika nivoima, odnosno da teren pada od severa ka jugu,
Ho~a. prostor ispred ku}e je zaravwen i u wega se
Since the yard is sloping from the north towards the ulazi sa dowe, ju`ne, strane kamenim stepenicima.
south, the area in front of the house had to be levelled. The Prostor uz ku}u bio je sa ju`ne strane ogra|en
house is accessed from the lower, southern side, by a stone ambarom za `ito. Ambar je danas sru{en. Prema
staircase. A barn used to be attached to the south side of the susednom objektu, sa zapadwe strane, u zidu od
house. It has been pulled down. Remains of an open fire- }erpi~a nalaze se ostaci otvorenog oyaka, gde se
place can be seen in the adobe wall to the west of the house, preko leta spremala hrana, odnosno grejala voda
towards the adjacent object. It was used for cooking and za prawe.
heating of water for washing during summer.
1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( u {tampi).
Beograd 2003 (in print).
F/E-0.32 F/E-0.32
Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Mirko Stoli}, now living in Ra{ka Mirko Stoli}, danas `ivi u Ra{koj
The Stoli} family was one of the oldest and the Jedna od najstarijih i najuglednijih
most respected families in Velika Ho~a. The house in Micina ho~anskih porodica bila je i porodica Stoli}.
mahala, where priest Ilija Stoli} (1883 - 1967) used to live, Ku}a u Micinoj mahali u kojoj je `iveo pop Ilija
Stoli} (1883-1967) i danas je sa~uvana.
is still preserved.
Ku}a je gra|ena kao dvojna zgrada,
It was built as a semi-detached house, for two
verovatno krajem XIX veka, za stanovawe dvojice
brothers, probably at the end of the 19th century. The street
wing, symmetrical in plan, has been preserved. Its ground- bra}e. Uli~no krilo, simetri~ne osnove, sa~uvano
floor houses a storage (andrak) for barrels and casks. The je i u wegovom prizemqu se nalazi andrak -
storage used to be preceded by an open porch (ajat), which prostorija za sme{taj buradi i ba~vi. Ispred
was subsequently walled in. A large wooden door used to wega je nekada bio otvoreni trem - ajat - koji je
open from the vestibule towards the storage. Through that danas zatvoren. Nekada su u ajatu bila velika
door hazel baskets with grapes were brought into the storage drvena vrata, kroz koja se unosilo gro`|e u
and emptied into the casks. All the parts of the house can be ko{evina od leske i u andraku direktno sipalo u
accessed from the porch: the staircase leads to the timber ba~ve. Iz ajata se stepenicama odlazilo u svako
terrace (~ardak) through which the rooms on the upper story krilo ku}e, najpre na ~ardak, a iz wega u sobe.
are entered. The corner of the upper story is occupied by the Soba u uglu je gostinska i u woj su sa~uvani
guest-room, the furnishings of which indicate the good elementi koju su ukazivali na visoki ugled
reputation of its owner. A little iconostasis (ikonluk) on the vlasnika. Tu su mali drveni ikonluk, postavqen
narrow partition wall by the door, the bathroom (amamd`ik), na uskom pregradnom zidu pored vrata, amamyik,
closets in the wall (dolapi), closet for bed-clothes dolapi, du{ekluk, raf za odlagawe posuda na
(du{ekluk), a shelf for tableware set at a height of 1.8 m, visini od oko 1,8 metra.
have been preserved. Ku}a je gra|ena od kamena i }erpi~a,
The house was built of stone and adobe; the walls zidovi su debeli preko 70 sm. Ranije je bila
are over 70 cm thick. It used to have stone-slate roofing. The pokrivena kamenim plo~ama. Pod je od gredica
floor was made of beams covered with daub. The wooden koje su bile premazane blatom. Drvena vrata i
doors and door-posts are coffered and carved. nadvratnici su ukra{eni kasetirawem i rezawem.
U ku}i su sa~uvane slike sve{tenika
The photographs of priest Ilija Stoli} and his wife Ilije Stoli}a i wegove `ene Jovanke snimqene
Jovanka, taken in 1917, are preserved in the house. 1917. godine.
Guest-room with the Gostinska soba sa
bathroom amamyikom
1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije 1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
Beograd 2003 ( in print). u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 ( u {tampi).
F/E-0.33 F/E-0.33
Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Andrija Simi} Andrija Simi}
There used to be several towers in Velika Ho~a. U Velikoj Ho~i nekada je bilo vi{e kula.
Only one of them has been preserved in Potok-mala, and it Danas postoji samo jedna u Potok-mali,
vlasni{tvo Andrije Simi}a.
is the property of Andrija Simi}.
Nema ta~nih podataka kada je kula gra|ena.
There is no precise information about the time of its
Predak sada{weg vlasnika, Krsta Simi}, koji je
construction. Krsta Simi}, the ancestor of the present owner, kao grani~ar do{ao u Veliku Ho~u, otkupio je za
a border ward who came to Velika Ho~a, bought it as a stanovawe svoje porodice od nekog arbanizovanog
residence for his family from some Albanized Serb from the Srbina iz porodice Filipovi}a nakon
Filipovi} family, after Velika Ho~a had been liberated from oslobo|ewa Velike Ho~e od Turaka.
the Turks. Kula je neposredno pored potoka, glavnom
The tower is situated by the creek, with its main fasadom okrenutom prema dvori{tu, pravougaone
façade facing the yard. It is rectangular in plan, and has a je osnove sa prizemqem i spratom. Spoqa se u
ground-floor and and an upper story. It is accessed by two kulu ulazi kroz dvoja vrata, sa lu~nim
doors with decorative, arched stone frames. An arched dekorativno obra|enim kamenim nadvratnicima.
window, also decorated with geometrical elements carved in Na istoj fasadi u prizemqu je i prozor~i} lu~no
zasveden, tako|e ukra{en u kamenu urezanim
stone, can be seen on the same façade of the ground-floor.
geometrijskim ornamentima. [est ovakvih
Six such windows could be seen on the upper story of the
prozor~i}a postojalo je nekada i na spratu iste
façade all of them acting as loop-holes. fasade ku}e i svi su imali funkciju pu{karnica.
Each door leads to one of the wings, which were Svaka od ovih vrata vodila su u po jedno
also connected by a door. The right door leads to a lofty krilo ku}e, me|usobno povezano vratima. Desna
kitchen with a fire-place against the outer wall, opposite the vrata vode u veliku kuhiwu sa oyakom na
door. A staircase leading to the upper story was also in the spoqnom, suprotnom zidu, i tu su sada stepenice
kitchen. The kitchen of the left wing is accessed directly za sprat. Sa leve strane spoqa se najpre ulazi u
from the outside, too. It also has a fire-place. The stable kuhiwu, u kojoj se tako|e nalazi oyak, a iz we u
housing all the cattle possessed by the family is entered {talu, u kojoj boravi sva stoka koju porodica
through the kitchen. For security reasons both doors can be poseduje. Radi za{tite, i jedna i druga vrata se sa
locked from the inside with a wooden bolt, which goes into unutra{we strane zatvaraju {uqem, drvenom
pre~kom koja se uvla~i u kameni zid.
the socket in the stone wall.
Na spratu je prostrani ~ardak, iz koga se
A lofty timber terrace (~ardak) on the upper story odlazi u sobe. Pored soba na spratu se nekada
leads to the rooms. Apart from the rooms, the upper story nalazila i }enifa. Tavanice u ~ardaku nema, te se
used to house a latrine (}enifa). The terrace has no ceiling, so vide masivne nepravilne pritesane grede,
the massive, rough beams, ceiling joists and the rafters raspiwa~a i kosnici koji nose ~etvoroslivni
making the construction of the hip roof are uncovered. The krov. U ostalim prostorijama tavanica je od
rooms have ceilings made of interlocked wooden boards.
U gostinskoj sobi u kuli sa~uvan je trow
A tronj, a specific type of a wooden bed, which - specifi~na vrsta drvenog kreveta kakvi su
could be seen in the towers belonging to rich owners of this postojali u bogatim kulama na ovom podru~ju,
region, has been preserved in the guest-room. There used to nekada su bila dva ovakva le`aja, levo i desno od
be two such beds in the guest-room - to the left and to right ulaznih vrata. Spoqni zidovi kule zidani su od
from the door. The outer walls of the tower were built of kamena sa nagla{enom lu~nom obradom
stone. Very conspicuous details on its facades are arched nadvratnika i natprozornika. Kameni
frames of the apertures. The horizontal stone cornice, horizontalni venac ispod prozora sprata je ne{to
beneath the windows of the upper story is slightly damaged smaknut iznad ulaza u desno krilo ku}e.
above the entrance to the right wing of the house. Krov objekta je pokriven falcovanim
The roof of the object is covered with double- crepom. Svi unutra{wi zidovi su malterisani i
okre~eni belo.
through roofing tiles. All the interior walls are coated with
Uz ku}u i danas postoji vinica.
mortar and whitewashed.
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine
seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26,
Beograd 2002, 154.
konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154. 2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi).
Beograd 2003 (in print).
Kula Simi}a je najudaqeniji stambeni
The Simi}s Tower is the most remote object in the objekat u mahali i do we vodi lo{ zemqani put.
I danas koristi za stanovawe te je u
quarter. It is accessed by a bad earthen road.
celini u dobrom stawu, tj. na zgradi nema ve}ih
The tower is still being used as a residential object.
vidqivih o{te}ewa.
It is in good condition. There are no visible traces of
deterioration. Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite
F/E-0.34 F/E-0.34
Recognized heritage evidentirani
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and
Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church (on a private property) Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu)
The church of Holy Archangels was built in the 16th Crkva Svetih arhan|ela izgra|ena je u
century, to the north from the cemetery. A copper paten, once XVI veku, severno od grobqa. Bakarni diskos iz
belonging to this church, with an inscription dating from ove crkve, sa natpisom iz 1601, sada je u crkvi
1601, can be seen is in the church of St Stephen. Svetog Stefana.
F/E-0.35 F/E-0.35
Recognized heritage evidentirani
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu)
Serbian Orthodox Church, (on a private property)
The old church of St Elias is situated by the south Stara crkva Svetog Ilije nalazi se na
exit from the village, near the new church dedicated to the ju`nom izlazu iz sela, u blizini nove crkve
same patron. posve}ene istom patronu.
F/E-0.36 F/E-0.36
Recognized heritage evidentirani
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu)
Serbian Orthodox Church (on a private property)
The church of St Peter was built in the 16th century in the Crkva Svetog Petra izgra|ena je u XVI veku, u
northeastern part of the village. severoisto~nom delu sela.
F/E-0.37 F/E-0.37
Recognized heritage evidentirani
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva (na privatnom posedu)
Serbian Orthodox Church (on a private property)
Remains of the eastern Ostatak isto~nog
part of the church dela crkve sa
with the improvizovanim
improvized altar oltarom
Remains of the church of the Holy Virgin, Ostaci crkve Svete Pre~iste, po
predawu najstarije bogomoqe u Ho~i, nalaze se u
according to a local tradition, the oldest church in Velika
centru sela.
Ho~a, are situated in the centre of the village.
F/E-0.38 F/E-0.38
Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentiran 2001.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Municipality of Velika Ho~a Mesna zajednica Velika Ho~a
The Serai is one of the buildings, dominating the Saraj je jedna od zgrada koje dominiraju
centre of Velika Ho~a. According to a local tradition, it centrom Velike Ho~e. Prema kazivawima
existed in the 19th century. However, subsequent research me{tana, postojala je u XIX veku, a da li je
might prove that it was built before the 19th century. The starija, to bi mogla da poka`u neka budu}a
inhabitants of Velika Ho~a recollect that it was built by istra`ivawa. Po se}awu Ho~ana, wu je za svoje
Effendi Shane the owner of the feudal property in Velika potrebe gradio [ane-efendija, vlasnik ~ifluka
Ho~a, for his own needs. He was a Serb by origin and his u Velikoj Ho~i. On je poreklom bio Srbin i zvao
Christian name was Du{an. The building used to house the se Du{an. U saraju bila je i Ho~ka op{tina od
oslobo|ewa od Turaka do Drugog svetskog rata.
seat of the Municipality of Velika Ho~a since the liberation
Neposredno ispod saraja do po~etka XX veka
from the Ottoman rule, until the World War II. Downhill the
postojala je sahat-kula, a do {ezdesetih godina i
Serai a clock tower could be seen until the beginning of the nekoliko ~if~ijskih ku}a. Naziv saraj za ovaj
20th century, while several tenants houses stood there until objekat u Velikoj Ho~i poti~e od lokalnog naziva
the 1960s. In this case the name Serai was derived from the sa gospodarsku ku}u.
local word designating a manor. Saraj je spratna zgrada velikih
The Serai is rather big, single-storied edifice, built proporcija, sagra|ena od kamena sa drvenim
of stone braced by bond-timbers (santa~i, atule). The main oja~awima, santra~ima ili atulama, osim dela
part of the upper-story façade is, however, timber-framed glavne fasade sprata koji je u bondruku sa
the frame is filled with adobe. Hip roof with overhanging ispunom od }erpi~a. ^etvoroslivni krov, koji
eaves is covered with plain terracotta roofing tiles. The Serai karakteri{e duboko prepu{tena nastre{nica,
is irregular in plan, without the porch or the timber terrace. pokriven je }eramidom. Nepravilne je osnove,
nema ajata ni ~ardaka. Razvijene je prostorne
The inner space is well articulated.
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo
seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva
Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine
konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 153. [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26,
2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije Beograd 2002, 153.
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, 2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
Beograd 2003 (in print). Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi).
The Serai is abandoned. Tenants, unable to Saraj je zapu{ten. U zgradi `ive stanari
maintain the building, have been living in it. The object koji nemaju mogu}nosti da vode brigu o wemu.
could not be inspected, because during our visit to Velika Kako prilikom obilaska Velike Ho~e u zgradi
Ho~a there was no one in the building. The damage of the nije bilo nikoga, unutra se nije moglo u}i.
roof is noticeable - the damages of the eaves over the front Vidqivo je o{te}ewe krova, a posebno je
of the building are particularly severe. o{te}ena nastre{nica sa predwe strane.
F/E-0.39 F/E-0.39
Recognized heritage since 2001 evidentirana 2001.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren Orahovac, Prizrenski
Several Mici} families, Velika Ho~a vi{e porodica Mici}a, Velika Ho~a
The Mici}s are one of the oldest families in Velika Jedna od najstarijih ho~kih porodica je
Ho~a. Their old house in Micina mahala, from which they porodica Mici}a. Wihova stara ku}a u Micinoj
moved out after the family commune split, has been mahali, iz koje su se svi nakon deobe porodi~ne
preserved. In the mid - 20th century three brothers and zadruge iselili sa~uvana je do danas. U ku}i su
nineteen members of their families used to live in the house. polovinom XX veka `ivela trojica bra}e sa
Each of the families had its own room, where they slept and devetnaest ~lanova porodice. Svaka porodica je
kept the trunk with wifes dowry. They prepared food imala je svoju sobu, u kojoj su weni ~lanovi
spavali i gde je stajao drveni sanduk sa mekim
together in the kitchen. All the women wove together in the
stvarima koje je `ena donosila u miraz. Kuvalo se
The house was built on the sloping terrain, which zajedno u kuhiwi. Sve `ene su zajedno tkale u
determined the disposition of the rooms. The ground-floor hodniku.
was occupied by rooms used in domestic economy and Sagra|ena je na kosom terenu i raspored
agricultural affairs, while the residential part was on the prostorija je uslovqen wime. U prizemqu su bile
upper-story. The house is almost square in plan. The ground- ekonomske prostorije, a na spratu stambene. Ku}a
floor and the larger part of the upper story are built of stone je gotovo kvadratne osnove, prizemqe i ve}i deo
braced with bond-timbers (atule) set in almost regular sprata sagra|eni su od kamena s atulama na gotovo
identi~nim razmacima, dok je levo uli~no krilo,
intervals. The left wing, facing the street, with the entrance,
u kome je ulaz, napravqeno u bondru~ku sa ispunom
is timber-framed the frame is filled with adobe. Hip roof is
od }erpi~a. ^etvoroslivni krov je pokriven
covered with stone slates. kamenim plo~ama.
The main entrance, on the left side of the object, Glavni ulaz je sa leve strane objekta, a iz
leads to a corridor opening towards the kitchen and the wega je hodnik vodio do kuhiwe i soba za
rooms. Many traditional architectural details can still be seen stanovawe. Na ku}i je do danas sa~uvan ve}i broj
in the house. The original windows, the size and design of starih graditeqskih elemenata: u prvom redu
which were determined by the building material of the walls originalni stari prozori, ~ija su veli~ina i
and the function of the rooms, should be pointed out. izgled uslovqeni materijalom zidova u kojima su
Charming and decorative effect of the building was stressed postavqeni, i namenom prostorije. Lepoti i
by the colour of its whitewashed wattle-and-daub walls. The dekorativnosti zgrade doprinosio je jednostavan
walls built of stone were not coated with mortar. kolorit pristekao iz bojewa zidova od ~atme
The winery of this family was not within the house belom bojom, dok su kameni zidovi ostajali
lot; it was situated in the other quarter of Velika Ho~a. neobra|eni.
The other houses in the quarter, belonging to the Vinicu ova porodica nije imala uz ku}u,
Mici} family have been preserved. On a small square, ve} u drugom kraju Ho~e.
downhill from the house, a well, used by all the members of U istoj mahali sa~uvane su i ostale ku}e
the Mici} family can be seen. Mici}a. Na malom trgu ispod ove ku}e nalazi se
bunar koji su koristili svi Mici}i.
The house is accessed by a bad cobble-paved road.
The house is not equipped with electrical wiring. Do ku}e vodi lo{ kaldrmisan put, u woj
The object is ruinous. It could not be entered. nema elekti~nih instalacija. Objekat je zaru{en
i u wega se nije moglo u}i.
Recommended measures of technical protection
In order to register all the types of complex Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite
residential buildings existing in Velika Ho~a, the Mici}s Potrebno bi bilo, zbog utvr|ivawa svih
house should be described in detail and provided with tipova razvijenih stambenih zgrada koji postoje u
documentation. Ho~i, zgradu detaqno opisati i dokumentovati.
F/E-0.40 F/E-0.40
evidentirani 2001.
Recognized heritage since 2001
Orahovac, Prizrenski
Orahovac, the District of Prizren
OWNER naslednici porodice Patrnogi}
Inheritors of the family of Patrnogi}
The winery and the Lodgings (konak) of Ljubomir U mahali Dola{evi}a u Velikoj Ho~i
Patrnogi}, a banker from Prizren, the monumental complex sa~uvana je izuzetno vredna spomeni~ka celina
of extraordinary value, which shows the skills of local kojom se iskazuju sva ume{nost narodnih
masons and testifies of rich, century-long winery tradition, graditeqa ovog podnebqa i bogata vi{evekovna
has been preserved in Dola{evi} mahala (Dola{evi} quarter) vinarska tradicija - vinica sa konakom
in Velika Ho~a. prizrenskog bankara Qubomira Patrnogi}a.
Vinica je po povr{ini jedan od najve}ih
By the surface it covers, the winery is one of the
objekata u Velikoj Ho~i. Pravougaone je osnove.
biggest edifices in Velika Ho~a. It is rectangular in plan.
Kao centralni objekat, zauzima najve}i deo
Being the central object, it covers the largest area of the oku}nice, odre|uju}i polo`aj ostalih zgrada.
house lot and dictates the position of other buildings. Prema zate~enom stawu vinica je imala
According to the condition in which it was found, dva nivoa: ni`i, u kome su bile velike ba~ve koje
the winery had two levels: the lower, where large barrels, su mogle da prime i po sto tovara gro`|a, i vi{i,
which could store up to a hundred loads of grapes, were kept, gde su stajala burad sa vinom i potrebne alatke i
and the elevated one, where barrels with wine were stored, pribor za proizvodwu vina.
along with tools and equipment for production of wine. U zgradi su bile i prostorije druge
The edifice has been housing the rooms serving namene. U desnom krilu sa predwe strane
purposes other than manufacturing of wine. The front of the nalazila se kuhiwa sa otvorenim ogwi{tem, iza
right wing was occupied by a kitchen with an open fire- we otvoren trem ispred stambene jedinice - sobe.
place, behind which was a porch preceding the residental Sa tri strane vinica je sagra|ena od kamena sa
unit consisting of a room. Three sides of the winery were oja~awima od drveta - atulama, ~etvrta strana je
built of stone, braced by bond-timbers (atule). The lowest od nivoa podruma do nivoa poda, tj. terena,
zone of the fourth side from the level of basement to the gra|ena od kamena, a iznad toga je zid od }erpi~a
floor level, i.e. the level of the terrain, was built of stone. The s atulama. Krovna konstrukcije je masivna, od
remaining part of the wall was built of adobe braced by kestenove gra|e, a nose je stubovi tako|e od
bond-timbers. The roof construction is massive, made of kestenovine. Kolona sredwih drvenih stubova je
chestnut, supported by chestnut posts. A row of posts postavqena na ne{to izdignutom zidu u odnosu na
supporting the ridge is set on a wall, slightly elevated from nivo poda radnog prostora i oni su me|usobno
the floor of the working area. They are connected by double povezani udvojenim gredama i popre~nim drvenim
beams and transverse wooden imposts. The roof is covered jastecima. Krovni pokriva~ su kamene plo~e. U
with stone slates. Massive wooden double-door leads to the vinicu se ulazilo kroz dvokrilna masivna drvena
winery. There was a well in front of the winery. vrata. Ispred vinice nalazio se bunar.
The Lodgings was used as a summer residence of Konak je slu`io za letwi boravak
the Patrnogi} family. It is situated by the street, opposite the porodice Patrnogi}a. Nalazi se na samoj uli~noj
winery. The front side of the house is facing the yard. Left liniji, naspram vinice. Predwa strana konaka
part of the upper story is occupied by a dwelling room. Lofty okrenuta je ka dvori{tu. Gorwa prostorija je
timber terrace (~ardak) in front of the room is supported by soba, ispred we je prostrani ~ardak oslowen na
cantilevers. Another dwelling room can be seen in the kosnike. U prizemqu je, ispod sobe jo{ jedna
ground-floor. The right wing, as an integral part undivided prostorija za stanovawe, a u desnom krilu, od
by floor construction, acts a storage for stock-feed poda do krovne konstrukcija, kao jedinstven
(plemnja). prostor javqa se plemwa.
The house was built of stone and adobe. It used to Konak je gra|en u kombinaciji kamena i
have stone-slate roofing, but it is presently covered with }erpi~a. Nekada je bio pokriven kamenim plo~ama,
double-through roofing tiles. The original appearance of the danas je krovni pokriva~ falcovani crep. Do
interior has been preserved: ceiling made of interlocked danas je sa~uvan prvobitni enterijer: tavanice od
wooden boards, wooden floors in the upper story and earthen {a{ovaca, drveni podovi na spratu i zemqani u
ones in the ground floor, old doors, windows with grates, prizemqu, stara vrata, prozori sa re{etkama,
closets for tableware and a closet for bed-clothes (du{ekluk). dolapi za posu|e i du{ekluk za posteqinu. Tu su
Old beds, paintings, chairs, tableware and trunks have also i stari kreveti, slike, stolice, posu|e, sanduci.
been preserved. U okviru celine nalaze se kazawa~a za
The complex encompasses a brandy distillery, and pe~ewe rakije i bunar sa ~ekrkom u obliku
a well with windlass. The neighboring lot, which used to motovila. Patrnogi}ima pripada i susedni plac
house farm buildings, also belongs to the Patronogi} family. na kome su se nekada nalazile ekonomske zgrade. U
The courtyard (dvor) has separate entrances for pedestrians dvori{te - dvor - ulazi se kroz portu - kolski
and vehicles: kapid`ik, the pedestrian entrance, and ulaz - i pe{a~ki prolaz - kapiyik. Iznad
porta, gate for vehicles. Shallow relief in stone above the kapiyika je plitka dekoracija u kamenu, koja
pedestrian entrance attracts the attention of the passers-by. A privla~i pa`wu prolaznika. Levo od ulazne kapije
latrine (}enifa) is situated to the left of the gate. je }enifa.
1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeljstvo Velike Ho~e i 1. B. Krstanovi}, Narodno graditeqstvo
seoskih naselja op{tine [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva Velike Ho~e i seoskih naseqa op{tine
konzervatora 26, Beograd 2002, 154-155. [trpci, Glasnik dru{tva konzervatora 26,
2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije Beograd 2002, 154,155.
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije, 2. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
Beograd 2003 (in press). Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi).
The objects have been out of use for years. Objekti se ne koriste vi{e godina.
Electrical installations have been out of order and there is no Elektri~ne instalacije su propale i danas nema
electricity in either of the objects. struje ni u jednom objektu.
The street façade of the house shows traces of daub Na uli~noj fasadi konaka postoje tragovi
and fragments of lime mortar. The mortar on the yard façade blatnog maltera i zaostali fragmenti kre~nog
is less damaged. The rooms on the ground-floor and the sloja. Fasadni malter na dvori{noj strani je
upper storey have been coated with mortar and white- mawe o{te}en. Prostorije u prizemqu i na spratu
washed. iznutra su malterisane i okre~ene.
The wooden fence of the terrace, made of vertical Drvena ograda od vertikalnih dasaka na
~ardaku je iskrivqena, a drvo ispo{}eno i krto.
planks, is warped and the wood is dry and brittle. Wooden
Dowi pojas - drveni veza~ iznad kosnika koji nosi
beam above cantilevers, which support the terrace, is
~ardak je deformisan, a stepenice i stepeni{na
deformed, while the stairs and their fence are ruinous. The ograda za prilaz na ~ardak su potpuno dotrajali.
wooden floors in the house are dry and occasionally Drveni podovi u konaku su mestimi~no
deformed. izvitopereni i rasu{eni.
All the joinery is worn out. The door of the Sva stolarija je dotrajala. Ulazna drvena
dwelling room in the ground-floor and that of the storage for vrata za prizemni boravak i vrata za plemwu ne
stock-feed should be replaced, since they are inadequate. odgovaraju po obliku te ih je neophodno zameniti.
Parts of the roof construction of the winery, its
roofing and a part of the gable facing the adjacent yard are Deo krovne konstrukcije vinice, krovnog
torn down. The storage for the barrels is partly chocked up. pokriva~a i deo kamenog kalkanskog zida prema
The object is dilapidated and it is used as a repository of old susednom dvori{tu su uru{eni. Prostor za burad
delimi~no je zatrpan. Objekat je zapu{ten,
things. The edifice used to be coated with mortar and white-
koristi se kao skladi{te starih stvari. Objekat
washed, which can still be seen on the yard façade.
je nekad spoqa bio malterisan i kre~en, {to se
The door of the winery is ruinous and it cannot be danas uo~ava uglavnom na zidovima dvori{ne
closed. The ancillary rooms of the winery are also fasade.
dilapidated. Ulazna vrata vinice su dotrajala su i ne
A part of the roof of the distillery is covered with mogu se zatvoriti. Pomo}ne prostorije u sklopu
stone slates, while on the rest of it double-through roofing vinice su tako|e zapu{tene i neure|ene.
tiles were used. Only the frame of the door can be seen the Samo deo krova kazawa~e pokriven je
wings are missing. The earthen floor is covered with straw kamenim plo~ama, na preostaloj krovnoj povr{ini
and maize-stalks. je falcovani crep. Drveni {tok vrata je bez
At the moment distillery is used as a stable. krila. Zemqani pod je pokriven slamom i
The entrance for vehicles and the covered porch ogrizinom (kukuruzovinom).
have wooden double-door. The porch is paved with bricks, Kazawa~a se trenutno koristi kao {tala.
Kolski ulaz (porta) u natkriveni
which are damaged. Its roof is covered with stone-slates.
pretprostor ima dvokrilnu drvenu kapiju.
The courtyard is dilapidated and the traces of a
Pretprostor je poplo~an opekom, koja je
former path are not visible. o{te}ena, a krov je pokriven kamenim plo~ama.
The street façade of the complex has been Dvori{te je zapu{teno, a delovi
preserved and it makes a whole with the façades of the nekada{we staze nisu vidqivi.
nearby buildings, which also preserved their original Uli~ni front celog ovog kompleksa je
appearance. sa~uvan u potpunosti, a upotpuwavaju ga i sa~uvane
fasade zgrada u neposrednoj okolini.
Recommended Measures of Technical Protection Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite:
All the joinery of the Lodgings i.e. doors and Na konaku je neophodno obnoviti svu
windows, should be restored. A part of vertical wooden stolariju, tj. prozore, vrata, a deo vertikalne
fence of the terrace should be repaired. Certain parts of the drvene ograde na ~ardaku popraviti; podove
floors need to be replaced, after which a finish should be delimi~no zameniti novim i zavr{no obraditi;
applied. The staircase leading to the timber terrace needs to prilazno stepeni{te sa ogradom koje vodi na
be thoroughly restored. Present roofing should be replaced ~ardak u celini obnoviti; krovni pokriva~
with plain terracotta roofing tiles. Daub coating should be zameniti novim od }eramide; sve zidne povr{ine
applied to all the facades, after which they should be white- omalterisati blatnim malterom i okre~iti.
washed. Na vinici treba sve uru{ene zidove
All the ruinous walls of the winery should be rebuilt ozidati kamenom; obnoviti krov i ponovo pokriti
in stone. The roof should be restored and covered with stone kamenim plo~ama; u sobi stambenog dela
slates. The dwelling room should be provided with a new napraviti novu tavanicu od {a{ovaca, a u kuhiwi
ceiling made of interlocked wooden boards. The old fire- oyakliju.
place in the kitchen should be replaced with a new one. U kazawa~i treba napraviti novi kazan za
The distillery should be provided with a new still rakiju i otvoreno ogwi{te.
for brandy and an open fire-place. Celo dvori{te je potrebno o~istiti od
The yard demands cleaning from rubble and weed. {uta i korova i flasterisati staze pored objekta.
All the paths in the area around the object should be paved. ]enifu treba kompletno obnoviti.
The latrine demands thorough restoration.
G/I-0.41 G/I-0.41
SK 1398 SK 1398
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Pe}, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka-and Prizren Pe}, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The village of Gora`devac is situated on the right Selo Gora`devac se nalazi severoisto~no
bank of Pe}ka Bistrica, to the southeast of Pe}, the old city od stare metohijske varo{i Pe}i, na desnoj obali
in Metohija. The first record of the village can be found in Pe}ke Bistrice. Prvi put se pomiwe jo{ u
medieval sources. In the charter granted by Stephen sredwovekovnim izvorima. U poveqi Stefana
Prvoven~ani to the monastery of @i~a around 1220, it Prvoven~anog izdatoj manastiru @i~i oko 1220.
appears as Gora`da Vas. The settlement named Goro`devci godine, navodi se kao Gora`da Vas. Naseqe je pod
was recorded in the Turkish census from 1485. According to nazivom Goro`devci zabele`eno u turskom popisu
that source the village consisted of 28 Serbs houses, iz 1485. godine. U to vreme u wemu je prema istom
including the one belonging to priest Nikola. The names of izvoru bilo 28 srpskih ku}a me|u kojima dom
Serb contributors from Gora`devac were recorded in "popa Nikole". U Devi~kom katastigu su 1765. i
Katastihos of Devi~ in 1765 and 1772. 1772. upisani Srbi prilo`nici iz Gora`devca.
According to the dating of the Royal Doors of the Crkva brvnara posve}ena svetom Jeremiji
iconostasis, the cottage church dedicated to St Jeremiah was sagra|ena je, prema starini Carskih dveri, krajem
built at the end of the 16th or at the beginning of the 17
th XVI ili po~etkom XVII veka. Prema predawu koje
century. According to the tradition, it was built by Srbljaks jo{ uvek `ivi u ovom srpskom selu, crkvu su
(Srbljaci). That term was used to designate the population podigli Srbqaci. Kako se tim imenom nazivalo
originating from the regions up the river of Lim, inhabiting stanovni{tvo iz gorweg toka Lima naseqeno
1737/1738. godine u Metohiju, ukoliko je predawe
Metohija since 1737 and 1738. If the tradition got proved to
ta~no, onda se datirawe crkve pomera u prvu
be authentic, the church would have to be dated in the first
polovinu XVIII veka.
half of the 18th century. Crkva brvnara u Gora`devcu bila je
Dobrosav Pavlovi}, who specialized in the predmet posebnog interesovawa Dobrosava
architecture of cottage churches, paid special interest to the Pavlovi}a, koji se bavio prou~avawem ovog tipa
The church has been repaired on several occasions. Crkva je u vi{e navrata popravqana.
In 1968 an extensive sanation and conservation campaign Tokom 1968. godine izvedeni su temeqni sanacioni
was undertaken. In 1997 the roof was covered with new i konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi, a 1997.
stone slates. godine je prepokriven krov kamenim plo~ama.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII - XX veka , veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 421-422. 1987, 421-422.
2. D. St. Pavlovi}, Crkve brvnare u Srbiji
, Saop{tenja V, 2. D. St. Pavlovi}, Crkve brvnare u Srbiji,
Beograd, 1962, 130-132. Saop{tewa V, Beograd 1962, 130-132.
3. B. K., Gora`devac, crkva brvnara Sv. Jeremije , 3. B. K., Gora`devac, crkva brvnara Sv. Jeremije,
Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 166. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998,
4. M. Radan-Jovin, Obnova crkve Svetog Jeremije u 166.
Gora`devcu, Glasnik DKS 22, 1998 85-88. 4. M. Radan-Jovin, Obnova crkve Svetog Jeremije
u Gora`devcu, Glasnik DKS 22, 1998, 85-88.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
surroundings of the church, which could have damaged it. A dejstava koja bi je o{tetila; na samom objektu deo
part of its roofing has fallen down. Certain ceiling beams are kamenih plo~a na krovu je smaknut; deo tavawa~a
je potpuno truo i ugro`ava stabilnost krovnog
completely rotten, endangering thus the stability of the roof.
pokriva~a; crvoto~ina se pojavila na svim
All the parts of the building show signs of verminousness. delovima gra|evine; drveni elementi koji su
Shelves supporting the icons detached from the iconostasis slu`ili kao nosa~i prestonih ikona na
construction. Altar table is broken. The icons from the ikonostasu pali su iz svojih le`i{ta; ~asna
cottage church have been stored in the new church. trpeza je razbijena; ikone iz crkve Svetog
According to the numeration of the icons (numerated by Jeremije ~uvaju se u novoj crkvi. Prema brojevima
upisanim na samim ikonama (numeracija
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinskog zavoda za za{titu spomenika
in Pri{tina) the church possessed at least eighteen icons. kulture - Pri{tina), u crkvi je nekada bilo
Only fifteen of them are stored in the new church. Icons No najmawe 18 ikona, a danas se ~uva 15. Nedostaju
15, 16 and 17 are missing. ikone ozna~ene brojevima 15, 16 i 17.
G/I-0.42 G/I-0.42
SK 1397 SK 1397
1957/1990. 1957/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
Vakuf - Pe} Vakuf - Pe}
Bayrakli mosque is situated in the core of the city Bajrakli yamija se nalazi u sklopu gradske
market-place (~ar{ija). Although the precise date of its ~ar{ije. Nije poznato ta~no vreme wenog
construction has not been recorded, it is believed that the nastanka, ali se pretpostavqa da je sagra|ena
mosque must have been built immediately after the Turkish neposredno posle turskih osvajawa, u XV ili
najkasnije u XVI veku, kada je u Pe}i ve} postojalo
conquest, in the 15th or not later then the 16
th century. At that
znatnije naseqe i administrativno sredi{te.
time Pe} had already become a rather big city and an
Smatra se glavnom yamijom u gradu, po{to
important administrative centre. It is considered to be the isticawem barjaka na minaretu odre|uje po~etak
chief mosque in the city, since the hoisting of the flag on its molitve u drugim yamijama.
minaret marks the beginning of the prayer in the other Yamija je sagra|ena po tipu usvojenom za
mosques. islamske bogomoqe. Ima visoko zasvedeno
The mosque was designed upon standard scheme predvorje sa tri kupole i prostran glavni deo
adopted for the islamic sacral objects. It consists of a high zasveden kupolom pre~nika 11,65 m. Visina yamije
porch covered with three domes, and a lofty central domed do temena glavne kupole iznosi 13,5 m. Iznad
unit (the diameter of the dome reaches 11.65 m). The ulaza postoji galerija (mahvil) sa bogato
ukra{enom ogradom. Uz glavno telo gra|evine
mosque is 13.5 metres high (up to the apex of the dome). The
izgra|eno je minare.
gallery (mahvil), above the entrance, has lavishly decorated
Unutra{wi prostor glavnog dela yamije je
fence. A minaret was attached to the main corpus of the
ukra{en zidnim slikama sa floralnim motivima
na lukovima. Ima neophodne obredne delove kao
The interor of the central unit is decorated with
mihrab, u vidu plitke ni{e, i upe~atqiv mimbar
mural paintings, while the vaults are adorned with floral
u jugoisto~nom delu unutra{weg prostora izveden
motives. All the elements necessary for the ritual have been
od mermera.
preserved: a shallow niche of mihrab, and a conspicuous
mimbar, made of marble, in the southeastern part of the Celinu sa yamijom ~ini i ~esma ukra{ena
interior. floralnim motivima i simboli~nim predstavama
The fountain adorned with floral decoration, u vidu meseca i zvezda i plo~ama sa arapskim
symbolic representations of the moon and the stars, and the natpisima. Oko yamije se sahrawivalo i tu su
tablets bearing Arabic inscriptions, is a part of the sa~uvani stari nadgrobni spomenici, me|u kojima
arhitectural ensemble of the mosque. The area around the je i sarkofag Hajri-bega Miralaja ukra{en
mosque was used as a graveyard. Among preserved reqefima razli~itih zna~ewa (heraldi~kog,
The entrance and the Ulazni deo i
decoration of the window dekoracija oko
after conservation prozora posle
treatment konzervatorskih
tombstones, the sarcophagus of Hayri-bay Miralay, adorned predstave oru`ja, floralni motivi i neka
with relief representing heraldic devices, arms, floral znamewa).
motives or certain symbolic images, should be pointed out .
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998,
1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije,Beograd 1998, 308.. 308.
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 1999, 2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
45 -47. Beograd 1999, 45 -47.
3. Medioevo e rinascimento in Kosovo, Monumenti 3. Medioevo e rinascimento in Kosovo, Monumenti
ortodossi e ottomani sulla riva del Bistrica,a cura di ortodossi e ottomani sulla riva del Bistrica, a cura di
Carlo Bertelli, Milano, Skira editore, 2001. Carlo Bertelli, Milano, Skira editore, 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Belgrade - Beograd
G/I-0.42 G/I-0.43
SK 1370 SK 1370
1947/1990 1947/1990
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Pe}, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Pe}, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Position Polo`aj
In the place where picturesque Rugova gorge meets
Na mestu gde se `ivopisna Rugovska
gentle plain of Metohija, near the city of Pe}, upon a rather klisura spaja s pitomom metohijskom ravnicom,
small plateau on the left bank of the Bistrica River, at the nadomak grada Pe}i, iskori{}ena je nevelika
foot of the slopes of Paklen and Koprivnik a monastery was prirodna zaravan za izgradwu manastira na levoj
built. The monastery turned into one of the most important obali Bistrice, u podno`ju ogranaka Paklena i
1. The Church of
Holy Apostles 1. Crkva
2. The Church of Sv. apostola
St Demetrius 2. Crkva
3. The Church of the Sv. Dimitrija
Virgin Hodegetria 4. Priprata
4. The narthex of Danila II
Danilo II 5. Crkva Sv. Nikole
5. The Church of
St Nicholas
Serbian church centres after the seat of the archbishopric had Koprivnika. Taj manastir je postao jedan od
been removed there, and especially after it had become the najzna~ajnijih srpskih crkvenih sredi{ta kad je u
seat of the Patriarchate. wega sme{teno sedi{te najpre Srpske
arhiepiskopije, a zatim Patrijar{ije.
History and the description of the monastery
Istorija i opis manastirske celine
The main church in the monastery is dedicated to Glavna manastirska crkva posve}ena je
Holy Apostles and due to that this monastic settlement is Svetim apostolima: po woj se u nekim
referred to, in some historic sources, as the House of Holy istorijskim izvorima ta mona{ka naseobina
Apostles. It was built upon remains of an old church that naziva Dom Svetih apostola. Podignuta je na
can be hypothetically identified with the church of Sveti starijoj crkvenoj gra|evini, za koju se
Petar pod @drelom (St Peter at the foot of the mountain of pretpostavqa da je Sveti Petar pod @drelom,
@drelo), mentioned in the sources. According to some later poznat iz istorijskih izvora. Prema nekim poznim
sources, the church of Holy Apostles was built in the time of istorijskim izvorima, crkva Svetih apostola
archbishop Sava I, by his order, which was executed by his sagra|ena je u vreme arhiepiskopa Save I, i po
wegovom nalogu, koji je izvr{io wegov naslednik
successor at the archbishops seat, Arsenije, while he was
na arhiepiskopskom polo`aju Arsenije dok je bio
still the ecclesiarch of the church of St Savior in @i~a.
eklisijarh `i~ke Spasove crkve. Prema toj vesti,
According to the same source, the construction of the church crkva je sagra|ena do 1235. godine. Podignuta je sa
was finished by 1235 AD. It was planned to be the mi{qu da bude mauzolej srpskih crkvenih prelata.
mausoleum of the Serbian prelates. Uz bokove Svetih apostola izgra|ene su u
During the 14th century the church of Holy XIV veku dve crkve na mestu starijih paraklisa:
Apostles was flanked by two churches, replacing the original Sveti Dimitrije na severnoj i Sveta Bogorodice
parecclesia: St Demetruis attached to the north, and the na ju`noj strani. Istovremeno sa Bogorodi~inom
Virgin Hodegetria attached to its south side. Contemporary crkvom izgra|ene su priprata, zajedni~ka za sve
to the church of the Virgin Hodegetria are the narthex, tri crkve, i kapela Svetog Nikole. U vreme ovih
occupying the front of all three churches, and the small pro{irewa, uz hram Svetih apostola bilo je
chapel of St Nicholas. In the same time the seat of the head preneto sedi{te poglavara srpske autokefalne
crkve, koje je ostalo u rangu arhiepiskopije do
of Serbian autocephalous church (which remained in the
sredine stole}a kada je uzdignuto u rang
rank of the archbishopric by the middle of the 14th century,
when it became the patriarchate) was transferred to this
Crkve Pe}ke patrijar{ije su vi{e puta
monastery. tokom svoje istorije pretrpele velika o{te}ewa.
The churches of the Patriarchate of Pe} have been Stradale su ve} u prvom naletu Turaka krajem XIV
severely damaged several times during their history. The veka i ponovo posle mawe od jednog stole}a.
earliest damages coincide with the first military mission of Veliku obnovu preduzeo je na crkvama i na delom
th century, the subsequent ones
the Turks, at the end of the 14 poru{enoj priprati patrijarh Makarije u drugoj
with the new run that took place less than a century later. In polovini XVI veka. Tada su prostrane arkade na
the second half of the 16th century, Patriarch Makarije took fasadama priprate zazidane, a poru{eni svodovi
over serious restoration interventions on the churches and obnovqeni. Ve}a o{te}ewa nastala su i u XVII
partly destroyed narthex. Wide arcades on the façade of the veku, i tada je morao biti prezidan isto~ni deo
narthex were walled in; ruined vaults were rebuilt. Because severne fasade paraklisa Svetog Dimitrija, a u
of certain major damages, the eastern part of the north façade tom stole}u je prezidana i kapela Svetog Nikole.
of the church of St Demetrius had to be rebuilt during the Crkve Pe}ke patrijar{ije su u
17th century. The chapel dedicated to St Nicholas was also unutra{wosti bile pokrivene freskama, od kojih
rebuilt during the 17th century. su preostali znatni delovi. Poti~u iz razli~itih
The inner walls of the churches of the Patriarchate epoha tako da se ~itava istorija sredwovekovnog
of Pe} monastery were covered with fresco decoration, srpskog zidnog slikarstva mo`e videti na
which is preserved in considerable extent. The frescoes were zidovima ovih crkava. Zaslugom arhiepiskopa
painted in different epochs, so that the whole history of the Arsenija, Sveti apostoli su dobili freske oko
Serbian medieval wall painting can be seen on the walls of 1260. godine, posle ~ega se u wima ponovo slikalo
these churches. Owing to the efforts of archbishop Arsenije, 1300, zatim oko 1350, pa oko 1375. godine i, u dva
the church of Holy Apostles got its fresco decoration around navrata, u XVII veku. Crkva Svetog Dimitrija
1260. Subsequent works on its frescoes took place in 1300, oslikana je prvi put u vreme patrijarha Joanikija
around 1350, c. 1375, and, on two occasions, in the 17 th 1345, a novi sloj fresaka slikao je u toj kapeli
century. The church of St Demetrius was decorated in the Georgije Mitrofanovi} 1619/1620. godine.
time of Patriarch Joanikije, in 1345, while a new layer of Bogorodi~ina crkva dobila je freske pre 1337,
frescoes was painted by Georgije Mitrofanovi} in 1619/20. priprata je oslikana u XIV i XVI veku, dok je
The church of the Virgin Hodegetria got its frescoes before Svetog Nikolu `ivopisao slikar Radul 1673/1674.
1337, the narthex was decorated in the 14th and 16th godine.
centuries, while the frescoes in St Nicholas chapel were Crkve Pe}ke patrijar{ije su oslobo|ewe
painted by Radul in 1673/74. od turske vlasti do~ekale u r|avom stawu. Mawi
The churches of the monastery of the Patriarchate radovi sa nu`nim popravkama obavqeni su 1920, a
of Pe} reached the time of liberation from the Ottoman rule temeqnu popravku i konstruktivno obezbe|ewe
in very bad condition. Minor restoration work including only crkava i restauraciju wihovih prvobitnih oblika
necesary repairs took place in 1920, while the detailed izveo je tek 1931. i 1932. godine arh. \ur|e
reconstruction, structural consolidation and restoration of its Bo{kovi}. Na ponovnom osiguravawu crkava
original appearance was done as late as 1931 and 1932, by Pe}ke patrijar{ije ra|eno je 1960. i 1981-1984.
architect \ur|e Bo{kovi}. Subsequent conservation and godine pod rukovodstvom dr. arh. Milke ^anak-
restoration works in 1960 and 1981-84 were conducted by Medi}.
architect Milka ^anak-Medi}, PhD. Arheolo{ka iskopavawa {ireg prostora
Archaeological excavations in the wider area oko crkve obavqena su od 1964. do 1972. godine (R.
around the church were performed in the period between Findrik, B. Vulovi}), a ostaci sekularnih
1964 and 1972 (R. Findrik, B. Vulovi}), and the remains of manastirskih zgrada koji su otkriveni
secular buildings that were then found underwent konzervatorski su obra|eni kako bi ostali
conservation treatment, so that they could remain visible, vidqivi.
above the ground. U sklopu manastira, na zapadnoj strani i
Latter-day residential buildings on the west side u severozapadnom uglu ogra|enog prostora, stoje
and in the northwest corner of the enclosure also belong to mona{ke stambene zgrade iz novijeg vremena.
the monastery. The oldest among them was erected in 1850. Najstarija me|u wima podignuta je 1850, a samo
Only three years before that a water mill was built against tri godine ranije gra|ena je vodenica na istoj
the perimeter wall, on the same side, somewhat more to the strani, uz obimni zid, ali ne{to ju`nije. Veliki
south. In 1895 archimandrite Sofronije Simi} had a large konak, lepe kamene fasade, sagradio je
dormitory with beautiful façade built. Both dormitories and arhimandrit Sofronije Simi} 1895. godine. Oba
the water-mill were destroyed in the fire in 1981. All the konaka i vodenica stradali su u po`aru 1981.
other residential buildings with the exception of the godine. Ostale zgrade - sem severozapadnog konaka
northwest dormitory built in the period between 1975 and podignutog od 1975. do 1980, na prostoru nekog
1980, on the site where an earlier dormitory existed were starijeg - izgra}ene su 1982. umesto onih koje su
built in 1982 in order to replace those destroyed in the uni{tene u pomenutom po`aru. Tada su obnovqena
above-mentioned fire. In the same time both dormitories i oba konaka iz XIX veka, sve po projektu arh.
dating from the 19th century were restored. All that work was Marije Radan-Jovin.
done after the project of the architect Marija Radan-Jovin.
Dosada{wa istra`ivawa
Research work
Mauzolej srpskih crkvenih prelata, pe}ki
The mausoleum of Serbian prelates, the house of apostolion, postao je jedno od najzna~ajnijih
the Apostles in Pe}, turned into one of the most important crkvenih sredi{ta kad je uz wega sme{teno
church centres after the seat of the archbishopric, and sedi{te najpre arhiepiskopije, a zatim
subsequently of the patriarchate, had been attached to it. The patrijar{ije. Zna~aj manastira, uslovqen tim
importance of the monastery, which it got owing to these okolnostima, podstakao je wegovo rano
circumstances, made it a subject of investigation and ispitivawe i prou~avawe. Saznawa o pe}kim
research very early. The greatest contribution to our crkvama u najve}oj meri su uve}ana istra`ivawima
knowledge about the churches of the Patriarchate of Pe} was koje je vr{io \ur|e Bo{kovi} 1931. i 1932.
the research of \ur|e Bo{kovi}, which took place in 1931 godine. Napisane su posle toga mnoge studije o
and 1932. Many studies about particular topics concerning pojedinim pitawima iz wihove istorije,
history, architecture and painting of these churches have arhitekture i slikarstva, a odr`an je i nau~ni
been written, and all the important matters concerning these skup na kojem se raspravqalo o svim bitnim
monuments of art were discussed on a conference organized pitawima ovih umetni~kih spomenika. Ta su
in 1987. Conference proceedings were published in their izlagawa u celini {tampana. Objavqena je i
integral version. A comprehensive monograph about history, sveobuhvatna monografija o istoriji, arhitekturi
architecture and painting of the churches of the Patriarchate i slikarstvu pe}kih crkava, a u sklopu korpusa
of Pe} was also published, while the complete crkvenih gra|evina srpske arhitekture sredweg
documentation about the research of their architecture was veka obajavqen je celokupan inventar arhitekture
published as a part of the Corpus of sacral edifices in istih crkava. Obim i stepen istra`enosti Pe}ke
medieval Serbia. The idea about rate and level of patrijar{ije mo`e se sagledati iz bibliografije
investigation one can get from the bibliography published in objavqene u pomenutom korpusu. Ona je sre|ena
the above-mentioned corpus. It is organized chronologically, hronolo{ki kako bi se ujedno mogao pratiti
so that complete development of the investigation can be celokupan tok dosada{wih istra`ivawa.
1. Arhiepiskop Danilo II I wegovo doba,
1. Arhiepiskop Danilo II i njegovo doba,Zbornik radova, Zbornik radova, Beograd 1991.
Beograd 1991. 2. V. J. \uri} - S. ]irkovi} - V. Kora}, Pe}ka
2. V. J. \uri} - S. ]irkovi} - V. Kora},Pe}ka patrijar{ija, patrijar{ija, Beograd 1990.
Beograd 1990. 3. M. ^anak-Medi}, Arhitektura prve polovine
3. M. ^anak-Medi},Arhitektura prve polovine XIV veka H[ veka II, Spomenici srpske arhitekture
II, Spomenici srpske arhitekture srednjeg veka, Beograd sredweg veka, Beograd 1995 (M. ^anak-Medi},
1995 (M. ^anak-Medi}, L architecture medievale L’ architecture medievale serbe, Beograd 1995).
serbe, Beograd 1995).
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture -
- Belgrade Beograd
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
Institute for the Protection of Nature of Serbia Zavod za za{titu prirode Republike Srbije
MNEMOSYNE Centre, photo-archive Centar MNEMOSYNE, foto-dokumentacija
where the sarcophagus of Patriarch Maksim is positioned pokazuje da je pukotina stabilna. Jedino je
against its outer side, is damp, which is probably caused by prime}ena gusta mre`a uspravnih sitnih pukotina
rainwater detaining in the manhole beside the patriarchs na severozapadnom stupcu pod kupolom, koje su
grave. mo`da posledica slegawa. Na ju`nom zidu, na
The narthex was thoroughly investigated, with mestu gde je spoqa sarkofag patrijarha Maksima,
special regard to the fact that the first disturbances in the ima vlage u najni`em pojasu. Verovatno je
structure of its walls appeared as early as the th 16century, posledica skupqawa padavina u {ahtu uz grobnicu
patrijarha Maksima.
when it was ruined, and that remains of the original walls
Priprata je podrobno ispitana, naro~ito
and those parts built during the restoration in theth16 stoga {to su se na wenim zidovima ve} prilikom
century have never been properly bound together. There are ru{ewa u XVI veku pojavili mnogi poreme}aji i
cracks throughout that joint. They are recorded in the north {to se delovi dogra|eni u toku wene obnove u
half of the western façade: the one on the lintel of the portal, XVI stole}u nisu dobro gra|evinski povezali sa
spreading to the wall above it, the one by the next pilaster to preostalim starijim delovima. Gotovo svugde na
spojevima delova iz te dve epohe postoje pukotine.
the north, and that one close to the pillar in the northwest Spoqa, na severnoj polovini zapadne fasade ima
corner. Those cracks appeared after the restoration treatment pukotina, po~ev od pukotine na arhitravu portala
of 1930/1931, they existed during the eight decade of the i na delu iznad wega, zatim uz slede}i pilastar
20th century, and they can be seen on the photos from that prema severu i najzad uz severozapadni ugaoni
time. Cracks are also recorded on the north wall beside the stubac. Na tim mestima su se pukotine otvorile
posle restauracije 1930/1931, a postojale su i u
corner pillar, and in addition to that, a slight deformation of
osmoj deceniji XX veka i vide se na
the pavement and cracks on one of the pavement slabs near fotografijama iz toga vremena. Uz ugaoni stubac,
it were noticed. It suggests that all those cracks might be the pukotine postoje i na severnoj strani, a zapa`aju
result of slight settlement of the above-mentioned pillar. The se i mala deformacija plo~nika i pukotine na
above-mentioned fillings in the frescoes of the northwest jednoj od plo~a u wegovoj blizini, kao da je u
corner in the interior prove that any moving of the walls was pitawu neko blago slegawe tog stupca. Ako su u
tom delu postojala pomerawa, ona su posle 1997.
eliminated after 1997. Increased humidity is recorded in the stabilizovana, zakqu~uju}i po pomenutim
lower zones of the north wall of the narthex. Dark stains slikarskim plombama u unutra{wosti u
were also recorded on the north façade of the church of St severozapadnom uglu. Vlage ima u dowim zonama
Demetrius, where wet stone was a ground for the growth of severnog zida priprate, a tamne mrqe na fasadama
microorganisms. It is possible that they spread due to postoje i na severnom zidu crkve Svetog
Dimitrija, gde su se na vla`noj kamenoj podlozi
hygroscopic salts existing in that zone since the time when
razmno`ili mikroorganizmi. Postoji mogu}nost
the outer walls of the church were covered with deposit up da su oni posledica higroskopnih soli u tom
to one meter in height. That layer of deposit was removed pojasu, preostalih iz vremena kada je crkva spoqa
during the restoration treatment in 1930/1931. It is also bila zasuta zemqom preko jedan metar, sve dok
possible that the increased humidity was caused by nasip nije uklowen tokom radova 1930/1931. Isto
rainwater. je tako mogu}e da usled otprskavawa ki{e u tom
pojasu prodire vlaga u unutra{wost.
Dark stains caused by microorganisms were
Spoqa su se na vi{e mesta na severnoj
recorded on wet stone near the ground in several places on strani pri tlu pojavile iste takve tamne mrqe od
the outer side of the north wall, since it hasnt been enough mikroorganizama na vla`nom kamenu u tom
exposed to sun. That part of the wall should be treated with nedovoqno osun~anom delu crkve. Potrebno je
fungicides and hydrophobes. Such dark stains can also be fungicidirati i hidrofobirati taj deo. Sli~ne
noticed in the lowest part of the south wall of the church of tamne mrqe postoje i pri dnu ju`nog zida
the Virgin Hodegetria, below the gutter. Plants growing from Bogorodi~ine crkve, ispod horizontalnog oluka.
the gutter suggest that it is filled with deposit. Since the Iz oluka se vidi neko rastiwe, {to govori da je
drain-pipe is also obturated, the water overflows, leaving the oluk ispuwen. Zapu{en je i vertikalan deo oluka,
trace on the façade. The cleaning of both, gutter and the pa se voda preko wega preliva ostavqaju}i trag na
drain-pipe, is necessary. fasadi crkve. Oba oluka je neophodno o~istiti.
Krovni pokriva~ crkava je pa`qivo
The lead plating of the roof was thoroughly
pregledan. Konstatovano je da je na vi{e mesta
examined. Since adhesive power of mortar fixing lead plates
op{ivka oko iksni popustila i da se olovni
decreased, vertical parts of the plating detached for a few vertikalni deo iksni odvojio nekoliko
millimetres from the wall. Those mortar joints should be milimetara od podloge. Te bi op{ivke trebalo
fixed with adequately toned mortar. Adhesive power of popraviti odgovaraju}im toniranim malterom.
silicone isolation put in folds in the valleys has also Popustio je i silikon postavqen na preklopima
decreased, which should also be fixed. u uvalama, {to je tako|e nu`no popraviti.
The narthex of Danilo II, frecoes in the Priprata Danila II, freske u
southeastern part of the church jugoisto~nom delu
in the apse and reaching the eaves was recorded. It can be a krupnijih pomerawa, a samim tim i za podvajawa
sign of the existence of some serious disturbances in the delova struktura maltera na kojem je izobra`en
walls structure, which could cause the delamination of the `ivopis. Malo belo o{te}ewe na Hristovoj
mortar making the ground for frescoes. Little damage on haqini (kod kolena) mo`e biti povod za takvu
Christs robe, a white spot by his knee, could have lead to pretpostavku.
such a supposition. Ostali delovi `ivopisa pregledani su
The other frescoes were inspected in the extent it koliko je to bilo mogu}e, imaju}i u vidu da nije
was possible to do without scaffolding. No serious damages kori{}ena skela. Ve}ih vidqivih o{te}ewa nema.
Neki delovi zidnih slika prekriveni su
were recorded. Some parts of the frescoes are covered with o~vrslom pra{inom, koja u upadqivim
layers of solidified dust covering in strips the images of the pramenovima ru`i likove svetaca. Na nekim
saints. There are indications that certain parts of fresco delovima `ivopisa izvesni pokazateqi sugeri{u
decoration demand closer examination since the potrebu za detaqnim pregledom, jer se mora uzeti
conservation treatment of the frescoes in the church of Holy u obzir da je u tom hramu konzervacija `ivopisa
izvedena davno. To je posebno va`no kada su
Apostles was done long time ago. It is especially important
dubinska o{te}ewa u pitawu, ali i sitnija
when depth damages are concerned, as well as lesser o{te}ewa koja se ne vide iz daqine. Sistematski
damages that cannot be perceived from a bigger distance. pregled svih delova zidnih slika pokazao bi
Only a thorough investigation of all the parts of fresco objektivno stawe.
decoration could lead to an objective assessment of its
Crkva Svetog Dimitrija
which blur or totally cover certain parts of the images. pregledati i intervenisati na mestima u zapadnom
Fresco decoration of the church of St Demetrius demands delu hrama, koja su odranije su preventivno
thorough investigation. The areas in the western part of the za{ti}ena.
church that were preventively protected during previous
Crkva Bogorodice Odigitrije
restorations need further interventions.
@ivopis u ovom hramu pokriva oko 460m2.
The Church of the Virgin Hodegetria Opservacijom i upore|ivawem sa ranijim
2 of the walls. slikarsko-konzervatorskim izve{tajima zakqu~uje
The frescoes cover about 460 m
se da se u oltarskom delu hrama nalaze naj-
Visual inspection and comparison with previous
komplikovanija o{te}ewa zidnih slika u celom
conservation reports about painting lead to the conclusion kompleksu Pe}ke patrijar{ije, nastala usled
that the most complicated damages in the fresco decoration sistematskog i dugotrajnog delovawa des-
of the Patriarchate of Pe} are located in the sanctuary of the truktivnih procesa. Na delu `ivopisa je ve}
church of the Virgin Hodegetria, and that they are the result ura|ena preventivna za{tita, ali nedostatak
of permanent exposure to destructive processes. A part of sredstava za nastavak radova, kao i tra`ewe
fresco decoration was preventively protected, but odgovaraju|ih re{ewa, odlo`ili su konzerva-
insufficient funds and search for adequate solutions torsku realizaciju na du`e vreme. O{te}ewa su
postponed the accomplishment of the conservation treatment nastala u dubinskim delovima struktura. Na to
for a long term. Big cracks and unlevelled walls, which can ukazuju i veoma velike pukotine i denivelacija
be observed under protective strips, prove that the delova, koje se mogu videti ispod za{titnih
flastera. Tako|e, vaqanost lepka koji je
deteriorations are caused by damages in the depth of the wall
upotrebqen za ovaj vid privremene za{tite
structure. In addition to that, the adhesive power of the glue
sigurno je opala, te je neophodno hitno pregledati
that was used to fix the protective strips decreased, which taj deo hrama i konstatovati ~iweni~no stawe. Na
makes the examination of that part of the church urgent. mnogo delova zidnih slika vide se parcijalna
Many parts of fresco decoration show partial damages of the o{te}ewa struktura. Upadqiva je pojava
structures. The existence of atmosphere deposit, dirt and natalo`enih ~estica prqav{tina i ~a|i iz
soot, as well as materials brought by water penetrating vazduha, kao i deponovanih materijala koje je voda
through the wall structure, dissolved and brought to the prodiru}i u strukture rastvarala i prenosila na
surface of frescoes, to which it stuck due to process of povr{inu `ivopisa, gde su se kroz procese
repeated wetting and drying, must be pointed out. The su{ewa i ponovnog vla`ewa zadr`avali.
conservation treatment of the frescoes needs to be continued Neophodan je sistematski nastavak slikarsko-
in a planned and systematic manner . In several places the konzervatorskih radova. Na vi{e mesta izmerena
je vlaga na `ivopisu i u malteru i weno ve}e
increased humidity of the fresco layers and mortar was
prisustvo konstatovano je u ju`nom zidu
recorded, and it was also noticed in the socle of the south
Bogorodi~ine crkve u soklu. Po{to se sa spoqne
wall of the church. Since the outer side of the walls strane pri temequ nalazi kripta, uzro~nici su
foundation is attached to the crypt, the causes of the me{oviti: delimi~no je to nesolidno odvo|ewe
increased humidity are complex: on one hand it is caused by vode koja se sliva, a delimi~no inkorporacija
inadequate drainage, on the other by incorporation of the higroskopnih soli u strukturu zida, jer i zidne
hygroscopic salts into the walls structure - since mural slike mogu biti dobri prenosioci kapilarne
paintings can transmit capillary humidity well. vlage.
The narthex of Archbishop Danilo II Priprata Arhiepiskopa Danila II
Fresco decoration covers about 550 m 2 of the walls.
@ivopis pokriva oko 550m2. U ovom delu
The greatest part of the restoration works done during past kompleksa, na zidnim slikama je u posledwih deset
ten years in the monastery was done in this part of the godina izvedeno najvi{e slikarsko-
complex. It was so due to serious damages caused by recent konzervatorskih radova. To su pre svega uslovila
earthquakes. Although the greatest part of the frescoes krupna o{te}ewa izazvana skora{wim
underwent conservation treatment, big cracks can still be zemqotresima. Iako je ve}i deo `ivopisa
konzervatorski zbrinut, velike pukotine se mogu
seen on the west and north walls of the western bay of the
i sada videti na zapadnom i severnom zidu
narthex. The damages caused by disturbances in different zapadnog broda priprate. Pomerawe delova zidova
parts of the walls can also be observed on the façade. The i o{te}ewa nastala zbog toga mogu se videti i
fresco decoration in the south part of the western bay has not spoqa. Na `ivopisu u ju`nom delu zapadnog broda
been subject to conservation treatment so far. Only some jo{ nije konzervatorski delovano. Samo je
parts of the frescoes got temporary gauze protection strips. ura|ena privremena za{tita delova zidnih slika
flasterima gaze. I u ovom delu kompleksa se na
Efflorescence, calcic salts and other deposited materials that
delovima `ivopisa mogu videti {alitra,
cover and in some places hide the images, can be seen on the kalcinati i drugi natalo`eni materijali, koji
surface of some parts of the fresco decoration. Frescoes in prekrivaju i delimi~no zaklawaju slikane
the northwest part of the narthex are in good condition, predstave. Zidne slike u severozapadnom delu
without recent damages. Fixed cracks are stable, showing no priprate su u dobrom stawu i bez novih
subsequent setting apart. o{te}ewa. Popuwene pukotine su stabilne i nema
naknadnih odvajawa.
The contrast between the restored parts and the rest
Neujedna~eno stawe zavr{enih i
of the fresco decoration stresses the need to finish the nezavr{enih delova zidnih slika name}e potrebu
restoration works in that part of the complex. da se okon~aju zapo~eti slikarsko-konzervatorski
radovi u tom delu hrama kako bi se dobila celina.
The Church f St Nicholas
Crkva Svetog Nikole
The fresco decoration of the church underwent
conservation treatment in 1980/1981. It is in good condition. Na `ivopisu ove crkve izvedeni su
Systematic and thorough examination of the complete fresco slikarsko-konzervatorski radovi 1980/1981. i u
decoration is necessary, since it is the only way to get exact dobrom je stawu. Sistematski i temeqan pregled
kompletnog `ivopisa je neophodan, jer se jedino
and full knowledge about it.
tako mo`e do}i do potpunih i egzaktnih saznawa.
Iconostasis and mobiliary artefacts
Ikonostas i mobilijar
Visual inspection of the iconostasis proved the
Pregledom je ustanovqena aktivnost
activity of the xylophagae. The traces of verminousness ksilofagnih insekata. Na mnogo mesta prime}ene
Syrian (Shum) - [am-dud
Mulbery (Morus nigra L.)
(Morus nigra L.)
were noticed in many places. Since some parts of the su gomilice crvoto~ewa. S obzirom da su neki
iconostasis were already treated, thorough examination is delovi ikonostasa ranije konzervatorski
necessary. Disinsectization must follow the investigation and obra|ivani, neophodan je detaqan pregled, a posle
wega i ispitiva~kih radova mora se izvr{iti
the analyses. Wooden parts of the throne of the Miraculous dezinsekcija. Tako|e, na drvenim delovima trona
Virgin in the church of the Virgin Hodegetria, made in 1863, Bogorodice ~udotvorne, u crkvi Bogorodice
also show traces of the activity of xylophagae, the worm- Odigitrije, koji je izra|en 1863, mogu se videti i
posledice aktivnosti ksilofagnih insekata,
holes. Since such insects procreate and move fast, one can
crvoto~ina. S obzirom da se ovaj insekt brzo
expect them to spread to the other parts of the iconostasis razmno`ava i brzo mewa stani{ta, mogu}e je da }e
and the mobiliary sculpture. Their condition can be thus pre}i i na druge delove crkvenog mobilijara i
described as seriously endangered. ikonostasa. Zato se wihovo stawe mo`e
okarakterisati kao veoma ugro`eno.
A lot of Eucharistic vessels and icons evacuated U naosu crkve Svetog Dimitrija odlo`eni
from Metohija after the arrival of KFOR in June 1999, when su mnogi bogoslu`beni predmeti i ikone
many Orthodox churches were destroyed, burnt down, evakuisani sa podru~ja Metohije posle ulaska
blown up or damaged, were stored in the nave of the church KFOR-a u junu 1999, kada je veliki broj
pravoslavnih hramova razoren, spaqen, miniran
of St Demetrius. ili o{te}en.
G/III-0.44 G/III-0.44
Protected in 1971 za{ti}en 1971.
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
Municipality of Pe} Op{tina Pe}
No information available Bez bli`ih podataka.
1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Kosova i Metohije
, Beograd 2002, 1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Kosova i Metohije,
49-55. Beograd 2002, 49-55.
Interior Enterijer
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina - Pri{tina
G/III-0.44 G/III-0.45
Protected in 1967 za{ti}ena 1967
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Jashar-pashas tower is one of the most Ja{ar-pa{ina kula spada me|u
representative examples of this type of residential objects. reprezentativnije primerke stambenih ku}a ovoga
The tower consists of a ground-floor and two stories; it is tipa. Ima kvadratnu {emu osnove veli~ine 11,48
×12.65 m), and it has massive
almost square in plan (11.48 h 12,65 m, masivne zidove koji se nepromewenom
walls of the same thickness in the ground-floor and in the debqinom uzdi`u tvore}i prizemqe i dva sprata.
upper stories. The ground-floor is occupied by rooms used in U prizemqu su ekonomski deo i pomo}ne
domestic economy and agricultural affairs, as well as by prostorije, a spratovi su predvi|eni za
ancillary rooms, while the residential block occupies the stanovawe. Na svim spratovima su mali prozorski
upper part of the house the two stories. The house is otvori, samo je na drugom spratu obrazovana
prostrana lo|a otvorena nizom prozora u vidu
fenestrated with small windows. The second floor has a lofty
erkera. Zidana je lomqenim kamenom, a okviri
oriel window. The house was built of dressed stone with
prozora i vrata isklesani su od pravilno
ashlar framing of the apertures. The hip roof is covered with obra|enog kamena. Ima ~etvorovodan krov
barrel tiles. pokriven kanalicama.
1. M. Krasni}i,Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII , Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-70. Beograd 1958, 47-70.
2. R. Findrik,Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje , Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1994, 106-108. vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
53. Beograd 2002, 53.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare
, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
G/III-0.46 G/III-0.46
Protected in 1955 za{ti}en 1955.
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
Municipality of Pe}
SO Pe}
Tahir-bays Lodgings is a nice example of Tahir-begov konak predstavqa lep
functionally organized city house of asymmetric type. It was primerak stare gradske ku}e asimetri~nog tipa i
skladnog prostornog re{ewa. Podignut je oko
built around 1880. The house consists of a ground-floor and
1880. i ima prizemqe i sprat.
the upper story. U prizemqu su u jednom kraku zgrade
One wing of the ground-floor used to house stores nekada bile sme{tene magaze i {tale, u drugom
and stables, while the rooms for the servants occupied the sobe za poslugu. Na spratu postoji ve}i broj odaja.
other. The upper story houses several chambers: the Tu su istureni deo divanhane, gorwi hol sa
smoking-room enclosed in an oriel (divan), the upper stepeni{tem i tri sobe, od kojih su dve slu`ile
za spavawe, jedna za ku}ne poslove, i kuhiwa. Sem
vestibule with the staircase, three rooms (two bedrooms and
kuhiwe, sve ostale prostorije na spratu imaju
a working room), and a kitchen. With the exception of the bogato rezbarene tavanice. Sobe su ukra{ene
kitchen, all the chambers have wood-carved ceilings. The dolapima (prostorima u zidu za odlagawe
rooms are equipped with closets, within the wall, in which posteqine i drugih ku}evnih predmeta), od kojih
bed-clothes and other household-stuff were stored. Some of su neki, tako|e, sa rezbarenim ukrasnim delovima.
those closets are adorned with carved elements. Kako je na mestu na kome je bio podignut
Tahir-begov konak urbanisti~kim planom
Since the town-planning project suggested the
predvi|ena izgradwa {kole, konak je preme{ten
construction of a school at the site of Tahir-bays Lodgings, na novu lokaciju - na levu obalu Bistrice, na
the house was dislocated to the left bank of the Bistrica mesto zvano Stara `itna pijaca. Posle
River, to the location called The Old Grain Market. After the preme{tawa dobio je novu namenu i sada slu`i
dislocation, the house was turned into the museum. kao Muzej.
1. M. Luki}, Demontiranje, prenos i rekonstrukcija Tahir- 1. M. Luki}, Demontirawe, prenos i
begovog konaka u Pe}i, Starine Kosova i Metohije I, rekonstrukcija Tahir-begovog konaka u Pe}i,
Pri{tina 1961, 311-329. Starine Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961,
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002,
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 2002, 53.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
H/I-0.47 H/I-0.47
SK 1407
SK 1407
1956/1990. 1956/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St Nicholas in Bogo{evci was built at
the end of the 16th or the beginning of the 17th century. It is Crkva Svetog Nikole u Bogo{evcima
a small building, rectangular in plan, with a projecting podignuta je krajem XVI ili po~etkom XVII veka.
semicircular apse. The church is barrel-vaulted with a stone- Malih je dimenzija, sa pravougaonom osnovom iz
slate roofing. The floor is paved with stone slabs varying in koje se izdvaja polukru`na apsida. Svod crkve je
dimensions. A timber portico with a belfry in front of the poluobli~ast, a pokrivena je kamenim plo~ama.
west façade is a latter-day construction. It has solid siding Pod je od nejednakih kamenih plo~a. U novije
and is covered with asbestos boards. Immediately after the vreme je sa zapadne strane crkve dodat zatvoreni
construction of the church had been completed, its walls got drveni trem sa zvonikom, pokriven salonit
fresco decoration, organized upon an iconographic scheme plo~ama. Crkva je iznutra `ivopisana neposredno
typical of the epoch to which it belongs. The first zone shows posle zavr{etka gradwe. Ikonografska {ema je
standing figures of the saints, while in the second they are uobi~ajena za period u kome su freske nastale. U
depicted in half-figure. The scenes from the Passion of prvoj zoni su stoje}e figure svetiteqa, u drugoj
Christ are painted in the third zone, while the Cycle of the poprsja svetiteqa, u tre}oj ciklus Muka
Feasts occupies the fourth. The Transfiguration, depicted in Hristovih, u ~etvrtoj zoni su Praznici, a na
the vault, is flanked by the representation of Christ and the svodovima Preobra`ewe, a sa strane predstave
Ascension with the prophets busts. Hrista i Vaznesewa sa poprsjima proroka.
The pictures on the iconostasis are modern prints, Na ikonostasu su reprodukovane ikone,
with the exception of the Royal Doors, which were painted osim carskih dveri koje su slikane temperom na
in tempera on panel. drvetu.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve sreda~ke `upe iz turskog perioda , 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve sreda~ke `upe iz turskog
Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, perioda, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije
51-106. III, Pri{tina 1958, 51-106.
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 195-196. 1965, 195-196.
3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na Kosovu , 3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na
Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII - XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 134- Kosovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII - XIV,
135. Pri{tina 1984, 134-135.
4. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva 4. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 31. 31.
5. R. Timotijevi},Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena
, Ba{tina 1, 5. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 260-266. Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 260-
6. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore, Opolja i Sreda~ke 266.
6. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore,
`upe, [arplaninske `upe Gora, Opolje i Sredska, Opoqa i Sreda~ke `upe, [arplaninske `upe
Posebna izdanja SANU, Beograd 1995, 489-491. Gora, Opoqe i Sredska, Posebna izdawa
SANU, Beograd 1995, 489-491.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture -
Belgrade Beograd
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
settlement of the ground and the walls resulted in large pukotina u zidovima i fresko-malteru. Naj{ire
detaches and a series of cracks in the walls and fresco od ovih pukotina su neadekvatno plombirane
mortar. The widest of those cracks got inadequate mortar malterom. Kapilarna vlaga iz zemqe i
fillings. Capillary dampness and atmospheric humidity atmosferska vlaga koja prodire kroz krovni
pokriva~ dovele su do jakog isoqavawa na
penetrating through the roof resulted in increased povr{ini bojenog sloja. Sokl i dowi deo prve
efflorescence on the surface of frescoes. The socle and a part zone su potpuno uni{teni kapilarnom vlagom u
of the first zone are totally destroyed by capillary action up visini do 1,1 m. Ovaj pojas prekriven je novim
to 1.1 m in height. This area got new mortar coating, also malterom, koji je tako|e o{te}en vlagom. Na
contaminated by dampness. Fresco layer on the north half of zapadnom zidu naosa, severno od ulaznih vrata,
bojeni sloj je veoma o{te}en pulverzacijom.
the west wall has been pulverized. Efflorescence and dark
Celom povr{inom bojeni sloj je prekriven
layer of soot cover complete fresco decoration. Permanent {alitrom i tamnim slojem ~a|i. Zbog delovawa
contamination by humidity and detaches are likely to cause vlage i jakih potklobu~ewa fresko-maltera
further deterioration. `ivopisu preti izuzetna opasnost od daqeg
Two niches can be seen on the north facade. The propadawa.
Na severnoj strani fasade postoje dve
eastern niche houses a fresco of a holy woman in half-figure,
ni{e. U isto~noj je naslikana dopojasna figura
while the western one shows half-figure of St Michael. The svetiteqke, a u zapadnoj dopojasna figura Svetog
left side of the fresco in the eastern niche has been damaged, Mihajla. Freska u isto~noj ni{i o{te}ena je u
as well as its lower border. The fresco of St Michael shows levom delu i du` dowe ivice. Freska Svetog
damages only along the lower border. All those damages are Mihaila je o{te}ena samo du` dowe ivice. Sva
caused by dampness. o{te}ewa su nastala dejstvom vlage.
The iconostasis has wooden panelling and simple wood- Oplata ikonostasa je drvena, sa
carvings. With the exception of the Royal Doors, painted in jednostavnim duborezom. Osim Carskih dveri
tempera on panel, all the icons are prints mounted directly on slikanih temperom na dasci, sve ikone su
the iconostasis. The Royal Doors, which have never grafike ka{irane direktno na ikonostas. Carske
undergone conservation treatment, are in poor condition. dveri nisu ranije konzervirane i nalaze se u
Poor adhesion between the ground and support resulted in veoma r|avom stawu. Zbog izuzetno lo{e veze
peeling of the paint layer. There is a threat of further izme|u osnove i drvenog nosa~a do{lo je do
otpadawa delova bojenog sloja. Opasnost od daqeg
propadawa jo{ je prisutna.
H/I-0.48 H/I-0.48
SK 1408 SK 1408
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
th century.
The church was built at the end of the 16 Crkva je izgra|ena krajem XVI veka. To je
It is a single-naved building with an apse, semicircular both jednobrodna gra|evina sa oltarskom apsidom, koja
inside and outside. Its present appearance is the result of a je i spoqa i iznutra polukru`na. Sada{wi izgled
mid-nineteenth century remodelling, when the church got a duguje pregradwi izvedenoj oko polovine XIX veka,
large narthex with a timber belfry. Fresco decoration dates kada je prizidana velika priprata sa drvenom
from the mid-seventeenth century. Frescoes of feeble quality kulom-zvonarom. @ivopis u crkvi nastao je oko
have been completely preserved, with the exception of those polovine XVII veka. Fresko-dekoracija skromnih
once covering the west wall, which was pulled down. The kvaliteta sa~uvana je na svim zidovima, osim na
pick and disposition of the saints, shown as standing figures zapadnom, koji je uklowen prilikom dozi|ivawa
in the first zone of frescoes, is in accordance with the priprate. U prvoj zoni su stoje}e figure
standard schemes. Scenes from the Passion of Christ occupy svetiteqa, ~iji izbor i raspored ne odstupa od
the second zone, while the third shows the Cycle of the utvr|enih {ema. Drugu zonu zauzimaju Muke
Feasts. The prophets busts can be seen in the fourth zone. Hristove, a tre}u Praznici. Iznad Praznika je
The arrangement of the scenes in the sanctuary is also usual: zona poprsja proroka. U oltaru su uobi~ajene
Holy Mother Wider than the Sky in the conch of the apse, predstave sa Bogorodicom [irom od nebesa u
just above the Service of the Archbishops; parts of the gorwem delu apside, iznad Poklowewa, deo scene
Annunciation flanking the apse, the Holy Trinity depicted as Blagovesti sa strane, Sveta Trojica -
the the Hospitality of Abraham, and the lower part of the Gostoqubqe Avramovo - i dowi deo Vaznesewa sa
Ascension, showing the Virgin and the apostles. The vault Bogorodicom i apostolima. U svodu su na istoku
shows the upper part of the Ascension - Christ on the cloud scene Vaznesewa (gorwi deo - Hristos na oblaku
carried by angels (to the east), Christ Pantokrator (in the koji nose an|eli), u sredi{tu je Pantokrator, a
middle), and Christ Angel of the Great Council (to the west). na zapadu Hristos An|eo Velikog saveta.
The iconostasis, with the plating that is not anterior Ikonostas, ~ija je oplata sigurno nastala
to the narthex, has been composed of icons dating from najranije u vreme izgradwe priprate, komponovan
different epochs. P. Pajki} provides a catalogue of the icons je od ikona iz razli~itog perioda. P. Pajki}
on the iconostasis, with detailed descriptions, transcriptions popisuje ikone na ikonostasu i daje detaqan opis
of titles and inscriptions, and expertise. sa ~itawem natpisa i ekspertizu.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog perioda , 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog
Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, perioda, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije
62-64, 95-100. III, Pri{tina 1958, 62-64, 95-100.
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad, 1965, 213. 1965, 213.
3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na Kosovu , 3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na
Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII - XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 135- Kosovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII - XIV,
136. Pri{tina 1984, 135-136.
4. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
4. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva
graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 34. 34.
5. R. Timotijevi},Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena
, Ba{tina 1, 5. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 262-263. Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 262-
6. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog perioda , 263.
Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Prva grupa 6. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog
slikara - Mu{nikovo, Nikola i Bogorodica u Sredskoj, perioda, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije
III, Prva grupa slikara - Mu{nikovo, Nikola
Tiron u Donjoj Bitinji i Runovi} u Prizrenu, Pri{tina
i Bogorodica u Sredskoj, Tiron u Dowoj
1958, 62-64.
Bitiwi i Runovi} u Prizrenu, Pri{tina
1958, 62-64.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
damages were not filled in, nor retouched. Treated icons lakirane nepotrebno debelim slojem izuzetno
were coated with excessively thick layer of lacquer, which is sjajnog laka. Ikona Svetog Nikole nije
too glossy. The icon of St Nicholas, which has not been konzervirana, veoma je o{te}ena, i zbog lo{e veze
treated, shows severe damages. Poor adhesion between the izme|u osnove i drvenog nosioca preti opasnost
ground and support is likely to result in further damages of od daqeg o{te}ivawa bojenog sloja.
the colour coat.
H/I-0.49 H/I-0.49
SK 1408 SK 1408
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St George in Gornje Selo was built in Crkva Svetog \or|a u Gorwem Selu
the period between the end of the 16th and the middle of the izgra|ena je u periodu od kraja XVI do polovine
17th century. Frescoes in the church date from the same XVII veka, kada je `ivopisana. Prvobitna crkva je
period. The original church was constructed upon bila pravougaone osnove sa ni{om apside iznutra
polukru`nom, a spoqa trostranom. Svod je bio
rectangular plan, with a projecting apse, semicircular inside
poluobli~ast, pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a. Crkvi
and three-sided in the exterior. The church is barrel-vaulted,
je polovinom XIX veka dodata priprata, koja je
with a stone-slate roofing. A narthex of the same length and iste du`ine kao prvobitna crkva, a ne{to {ira
somewhat wider than the original church, was attached to it od we. I priprata je sa poluobli~astim svodom i
around the middle of the 19 th century. The narthex is also
pokrivena kamenim plo~ama. Prilikom ove
barrel-vaulted and covered with a stone-slate roof. The west prepravke uklowen je zapadni zid prvobitne crkve
wall of the original church was pulled down during this koja je sada postala naos. Nad ju`nim ulazom u
building campaign. The west portal of the narthex is pripratu nalaze se dve ptice i reqefna plo~a sa
surmounted by two carved birds and a relief showing a razlistalim krstom. Reqef je plitko rezan i
foliaged cross. This shallow relief is probably made in a verovatno je rad lokalne radionice koja je i
local workshop engaged in the construction of the church. zidala crkvu. U isto vreme sagra|en je i zvonik
During the same building campaign a tower with a timber sa drvenom kulom-zvonarom. Ovaj zvonik je sru{en
belfry was erected. It was subsequently pulled down in 1945 1945. godine i zamewen sada{wim, ~iji je dowi deo
and replaced with the new one. Present belfry consists of a ozidan ~vrstim materijalom i malterisan, a gorwe
masonry ground floor, coated with mortar, and a timber konstrukcije tavanice, krova i {estostrane
upper construction: ceiling, roof and hexagonal turret kulice-zvonare izra|ene su od drveta i pokrivene
Interior with the frescoes Enterijer sa
in the sanctuary and freskama u oltaru i
the iconostasis ikonostasom
housing bells are made of wood and covered with metal @ivopis je sa~uvan, osim na sru{enom
plating. zapadnom zidu, i verovatno je delo istih majstora
Complete fresco decoration has been preserved, koji su radili u Bogo{evcima i Gotovu{i, ~ije se
with the exception of frescoes on the west wall, which was slikarstvo odlikuje narativno{}u i `ivim
pulled down. Frescoes in Gornje Selo, Bogo{evci and koloritom. Raspored scena je uobi~ajen za vreme
Gotovu{a were probably painted by the same group of kada su nastale - u prvoj zoni su stoje}e figure
painters. Their work is caracterized by narrative aproach to svetiteqa, u drugoj dopojasne figure, u tre}oj
compositions and lively colours. The disposition of the Muke Hristove, Praznici su u ~etvrtoj zoni.
scenes is typical of the epoch in which these frescoes were Iznad Praznika su, na stranama svoda, dopojasne
painted: standing figures of the saints in the first zone, half- figure proroka. U svodu su Vaznesewe Hristovo,
figures in the second, scenes from the Passion of Christ in na istoku, Pantokrator u sredini i Preobra`ewe
the third and the Cycle of the Feasts in the fourth zone. Half-
na zapadu. U oltarskom prostoru je uobi~ajen
figures of prophets are depicted on the sides of the vault. The
raspored scena, osim {to se u ~etvrtoj zoni
vault is covered with the Ascension of Christ (to the east),
Crist Pantokrator (in the centre) and Transfiguration (to the isto~nog zida nalaze poprsja Isaka, Avrama i
west). Sanctuary shows the usual arrangement of scenes, Jakova.
with the exception of the fourth zone of the eastern wall, U crkvi se ~uvaju i ruske ikone iz XIX
where busts of Isaak, Abraham, and Jacob were depicted. veka.
The church houses several Russian 19 th century
of mortar from the wall support, on the other. Two standing maltera od zidanog nosa~a. Na severnom zidu, u
figures in the first zone of the north wall, those closest to the prvoj zoni, prve dve stoje}e figure do ikonostasa
iconostasis, are particularly endangered by detaches. In this izuzetno su ugro`ene zbog potklobu~ewa. U ovom
area, minor fragments of mortar have already fallen off from delu, mawi fragmenti maltera su ve} otpali sa
the wall, and the process of falling off is likely to go on. zidanog nosa~a i preti velika opasnost da
The iconostasis has wooden plating, coated with otpadaju i daqe.
industrial oil paint. The only painted icons on the iconostasis Oplata ikonostasa je drvena i premazana
are two icons in the Sovereign Row, probably from the th 19 je industrijskom uqanom bojom. Na ikonostasu se
nalaze dve prestone ikone, verovatno iz XIX veka.
century, painted in oil on panel. They are in considerably
Ikone su slikane uqem na dasci i trenutno su u
good condition. All the other icons are prints mounted on
dosta dobrom stawu. Ostale ikone na ikonostasu
panel and framed. su ka{irane i uramqene reprodukcije.
The icon of St Nicholas, painted in oil on canvas, Desno od ulaznih vrata na podu crkve
was found on the ground, to the right of the door. The icon zate~ena je ikona Svetog Nikole ra|ena uqem na
was unmounted from the strecher and crumpled, while its platnu. Ikona je ra{panovana, izgu`vana, a dowi
bottom part was torn. deo iscepan.
H/I-0.50 H/I-0.50
SK 1406 SK 1406
1956/1990. 1956/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church and municipality of Prizren Srpska pravoslavna crkva i SO Prizren
Crkva Svete Petke, ranije Svetih
The church of St Paraskeve, originally dedicated to apostola Petra i Pavla, izgra|ena je i
Holy Apostles SS Peter and Paul, was built and painted in `ivopisana 1563/1564. o ~emu je, do izgradwe
1563/1564. These facts were provided by an inscription on spoqa{ne priprate, svedo~io sada uni{teni
the west wall of the church, subsequently destroyed during natpis na zapadnom zidu crkve. To je jednobrodna
construction of the narthex. The church is small and single- gra|evina mawih dimenzija sa spoqa trostranom
naved with an apse, which is three-sided in the exterior, and oltarskom apsidom i docnije prizidanom
a latter-day narthex. Only the fragments of the original pripratom. Od prvobitnog fresko-slikarstva
fresco decoration have been preserved: SS Peter and Paul sa~uvani su samo fragmenti: zagrqeni Petar i
embracing one another and St Theodore on the south wall, Pavle i sveti Teodor na ju`nom zidu uz ikonostas,
by the iconostasis, four archbishops from the scene of the ~etiri arhijereja iz Poklowewa Agnecu, sveti
Service of the Archbishops, saint archdeacons Stephen and arhi|akoni Stefan i Roman u |akonikonu i
Roman in the prothesis and diaconicon, Holy Mother Wider proskomidiji, Bogorodica [ira od nebesa iznad
Poklowewa i Blagovesti sa strana, te fragmenti
than the Sky above the Service of the Archbishops, the
Vaznesewa i Nerukotovorenog obraza na isto~nom
Annunciation flanking the apse, and fragments of the
Ascension and the Holy Mandylion on the east wall. U crkvi se nalazi ikonostas komponovan
The icons on the iconostasis are a compilation of od reprodukcija, osim carskih dveri, koje su
prints, with the exception of the older Royal Doors, which starije i u dosta lo{em stawu. U crkvi se ~uvaju
are in considerably bad condition. Three more icons, jo{ tri ikone koje je popisala R. Timotijevi}.
catalogued by R. Timotijevi}, are stored in the church.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkva Sv. Apostola Petra i
1. P. Pajki}, Crkva Sv. Apostola Petra i Pavla u Pavla u Mu{nikovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i
Mu{nikovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije I, Metohije I, Pri{tina 1956, 25-36.
Pri{tina 1956, 25-36. 2. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe, Glasnik
2. P. Pajki},Crkve Sreda~ke `upe , Glasnik muzeja Kosova muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958,
i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, 51-106. 51-106.
3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke 3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 163-164. Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 163-164.
Zadu`bine Kosova , Prizren-Beograd 1987, 486. 4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
5. R. Timotijevi},Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena
, Ba{tina I, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 486.
5. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 262.
Prizrena, Ba{tina I, Pri{tina 1991, 262.
6. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva
6. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog gra-
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,165. diteqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 165.
7. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore, Opolja i Sreda~ke 7. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore,
`upe, [arplaninske `upe Gora, Opolje i Sredska, Opoqa i Sreda~ke `upe, [arplaninske `upe
Posebna izdanja SANU, Beograd 1995, 497-498. Gora, Opoqe i Sredska, Posebna izdawa
SANU, Beograd 1995, 497-498.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments -
Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
fragment on the north wall. On the south wall of the figure. Crkva je u vi{e navrata kre~ena, tako da
sanctuary, two standing figures, both severely damaged, can postoji mogu}nost da su neki fragmenti zidnog
be seen. Since the church was whitewashed on several slikarstva prekre~eni.
occasions, it is possible that certain parts of fresco Postoje}i i neprekre~eni fragmenti
decoration are covered with paint. fresaka su u dosta lo{em stawu. Kapilarna vlaga
Existing uncovered fragments are in considerably je u zidovima crkve. Krovni pokriva~ u mawoj
bad condition. The walls are contaminated by capillary meri proki{wava, tako da vlaga ugro`ava
dampness. Roof is slightly leaking, which is a threat to eventualno postoje}e fragmente `ivopisa na
possible remains of frescoes in the vault. Fresco mortar is svodu. Fresko-malter je delimi~no odvojen od
partly detached from the wall, but for the time being it is not zidanog nosa~a, ali mu zasad ne preti opasnost da
likely to fall off. The surface of the frescoes is covered with otpadne. Bojeni sloj je prekriven {alitrom i
soot and efflorescence.
The iconostasis has wooden plating. With the
Oplata ikonostasa je drvena. Osim
exception of the Royal Doors, all the icons are prints,
carskih dveri, sve ikone su ka{irane ili
mounted on panel or framed. The Royal Doors, which have
uramqene reprodukcije. Carske dveri nisu
never undergone conservation treatment, are in poor
konzervirane i u izuzetno lo{em su stawu.
condition. Deterioration of the adhesive in the chalk- ground
Propadawe veziva u kredno-tutkalnoj osnovi
caused the detaching of almost complete colour coat of the
dovelo je do toga da gotovo sav bojeni sloj otpadne
north wing, as well as of considerable part of south wings
sa severnog krila i velikog dela ju`nog.
colour coat.
H/I-0.51 H/I-0.51
SK 1409 SK 1409
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church and the Municipality of Prizren Srpska pravoslavna crkva i SO Prizren
The church of St Nicholas in Mu{nikovo was built Crkva Svetog Nikole u Mu{nikovu
in the second half of the 16th century, when it also got its izgra|ena je u drugoj polovini XVI veka, kada je i
have been preserved in the fourth zone of the north wall. zoni o~uvani su dowi delovi scena ciklusa
Only the frames of compositions and fragments of the Praznika na severnom zidu. U svodu su samo
Ascension, as well as prophets busts have been preserved in okviri poqa i fragmenti Vaznesewa i poprsja
the vault. proroka sa strane.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkva Sv. Apostola Petra i
1. P. Pajki}, Crkva Sv. Apostola Petra i Pavla u Pavla u Mu{nikovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i
Mu{nikovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije I, Metohije I, Pri{tina 1956, 25-34.
Pri{tina 1956, 25-34. 2. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe, Glasnik
2. P. Pajki},Crkve Sreda~ke `upe , Glasnik muzeja Kosova muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958,
i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, 51-106. 51-106.
3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 163,164. 163-164.
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 486. Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 486.
5. R. Timotijevi},Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena
, Ba{tina I, 5. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 262. Prizrena, Ba{tina I, Pri{tina 1991, 262.
6. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva 6. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog gra-
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,165. diteqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 165.
7. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore,
7. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore, Opolja i Sreda~ke
Opoqa i Sreda~ke `upe, [arplaninske `upe
`upe, [arplaninske `upe Gora, Opolje i Sredska,
Gora, Opoqe i Sredska, Posebna izdawa
Posebna izdanja SANU, Beograd 1995, 497-498. SANU, Beograd 1995, 497-498.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments -
Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
properly mortared, water penetrates, drips and pours down i sliva niz zapadni zid hrama.
the west wall of the church. Usled temperaturnih promena koje uti~u na
The dampness rate of the south wall depends on stepen vla`nosti i u ju`nom zidu, u svodu gde
fluctuations of temperature. In the vault, which is exposed to prodire ve}a koli~ina kapilarne vlage iz
increased capillary humidity coming from the elevated nadvi{enog terena, dolazi do isoqavawa i
ground, efflorescence and damages of the fresco ground can o{te}ewa podloge `ivopisa.
be noticed. @ivopis je ranije konzerviran, o ~emu
Fresco decoration have already undergone svedo~e op{ivi o{te}enih fresaka i nove fuge
conservation treatment, as it is witnessed by mortar borders na kamenom svodu na mestima sa kojih je otpao
of the damaged frescoes and repaired mortar joints between fresko-malter. I pored toga freske su u veoma
the stones in the vault, in the places where fresco mortar had lo{em stawu. Kapilarna vlaga i daqe dovodi do
already fallen off. Despite these interventions, frescoes are in jakog isoqavawa dowih zona `ivopisa i
poor condition. Capillary dampness causes increased pulverzacije bojenog sloja na gorwoj liniji stalno
efflorescence in the lower zone of the fresco decoration, and prisutne vlage, gde su mikroklimatske oscilacije
pulverization of the fresco layer around the upper border of u zidanom nosa~u najve}e. U gorwem delu zapadnog
the damp area, which is the most exposed to microclimatic zida naosa jak prodor atmosferske vlage isoqava
fluctuations in the structure of the wall. In the upper part of povr{inu `ivopisa i dovodi do pulverzacije
the western wall, penetration of atmospheric humidity bojenog sloja du` dowe linije stalno prisutne
results in efflorescence and pulverization of fresco layer vlage. Na svodu naosa i oltarskog prostora
along the lower border of the damp area. Only the fragments `ivopis je o~uvan samo u fragmentima, i to
of frescoes have been preserved in the vault over the nave najvi{e u korenu svoda na severnoj strani.
and sanctuary the most of them in the springing of the vault O{te}ewa na svodu nastala su pre konzervacije
on the north side. The damages of the vault are anterior to `ivopisa. U dowoj zoni na ju`nom zidu `ivopis
conservation treatment of the frescoes. In the lower zone of je o{te}en zakucavawem ~eli~nih klinova o koje
the south wall, the damages were made by wedges on which su oka~ene ikone. Svi o~uvani delovi `ivopisa
icons were hung. All the preserved parts of the fresco prekriveni su tamnim slojem ~a|i. Fresko-malter
decoration are covered with dark layer of soot. Since fresco je prilikom konzervacije uglavnom dobro
mortar was properly fixed to the wall support during fiksiran za zidani nosa~, tako da trenutno nema
conservation campaign, with the exception of an air cushion opasnijih potklobu~ewa osim iznad ulaznih vrata.
above the entrance, no serious detaches can be seen. U prizidanoj priprati na zapadnom zidu
Major part of fresco mortar, prepared with the o~uvana je ve}a povr{ina fresko-maltera koji u
addition of chaff, coating the west wall of the latter-day sebi sadr`i plevu. Na ovim povr{inama bojeni
narthex, has been preserved. The deterioration rate of the sloj je toliko o{te}en da nije mogu}e ra{~itati
paint layer covering it makes the identification of scenes ikonografski sadr`aj zidnog slikarstva. Na
impossible. Fresco mortar shows only the remains of fresko-malteru su ostali samo crveni okeri
underpaiting done in red ochre. In the arched niche above the podslika. Na isto~nom zidu priprate, u
door in the east wall of the narthex a fragment of fresco polukru`no zasvedenoj ni{i, iznad vrata je
mortar with severely deteriorated paint layer can be seen. In fresko-malter sa veoma o{te}enim bojenim
the arch of the niche, a fragment of fresco layer showing slojem. Na luku ni{e o~uvan je bojeni sloj
decorative ornaments has been preserved. Wainscot ceiling dekorativne ornamentike. Lamperija koja ~ini
of the narthex hides its vault. There is, however, a narrow slit plafon priprate onemogu}ava sagledavawe wenog
between the hanging ceiling and east wall, which allows svoda. Na spoju "spu{tenog plafona" i isto~nog
inspection of the upper zones of the west churchs façade and zida postoji uzan prostor kroz koji se mo`e
its cornice. In the apex of the cornice a fragment of fresco videti potkrovni venac zapadnog portala crkve
mortar with preserved paint layer can be seen. pre dozi|ivawa priprate. Na ovom mestu, u samom
In the niche on the north façade remains of fresco temenu venca, postoji fragment fresko-maltera sa
mortar have been preserved. No remains of paint layer have o~uvanim bojenim slojem.
U ni{i na severnoj fasadi ima ostataka
been preserved, with the exception of bordure fragments on
fresko-maltera bez bojenog sloja osim fragmenata
the wall of the niche. In the niche on the south façade neither bordure po zidovima ni{e. U ni{i na ju`noj
paint layer, nor fresco mortar have been preserved. fasadi nije preostao ni fresko-malter.
The iconostasis has wooden paneling. The Royal Oplata ikonostasa je drvena. Carske
Doors, Deesis from the second row, and the Crucifixion from dveri, Deizisni ~in u drugoj zoni i Raspe}e u
the third were painted in tempera on twood panel, with tre}oj slikani su temperom sa pozlatom na dasci.
gilded background. All the remaining icons are prints Sve ostale ikone su grafike ka{irane direktno
mounted directly upon plating. The Royal Doors, which na oplatu ikonostasa. Carske dveri su u dosta
have never undergone conservation treatment, are in poor lo{em stawu, nisu ranije konzervirane. Deizisni
condition. Neither Deesis, nor Crucifixion was subject to ~in i Raspe}e tako|e nisu konzervirani. Veoma je
conservation treatment. The central icon of Deesis, o{te}ena centralna ikona Hrista u drugoj zoni.
representing Christ, is most severely damaged.
H/I-0.52 H/I-0.52
SK 1369 SK 1369
1948/1990 1948/1990
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren
Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{koprizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church
Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The west façade of the Zapadna fasada
narthex with the belfry priprate sa torwem
The church of the Holy Virgin of Ljevi{ka is the Polo`aj
oldest building of medieval town of Prizren, which was U sredwovekovnom Prizrenu, zasnovanom
founded on the steep, terraced slopes of the northwestern na strmim terasastim padinama severozapadnih
spurs of the Mountain of [ara. During the Middle Ages, ogranaka [ar-planine, najstarija gra|evina je
important roads passed through the town, connecting it with Bogorodica Qevi{ka. Kroz grad su u sredwem
both the West and the East. Owing to its extraordinary veku prolazili va`ni putevi, koji su ga spajali i
position the town was populated ever since the ancient times. sa Zapadom i sa Istokom, te je zahvaquju}i svom
It has been assumed that the ancient Roman town of izvanrednom polo`aju bio od davnina naseqen.
Theranda existed on the site of the present town. Numerous Pretpostavqa se da je na istom mestu bio rimski
fragments of ancient Roman sacrificial altars and grad Teranda (Theranda), ~emu u prilog idu na|eni
tombstones found there are the arguments in favour of this mnogobrojni ulomci `rtvenika i nadgrobnih
hypothesis. spomenika iz rimskoga doba.
History Istorija
Historical data from the time of the Byzantine rule Istorijski podaci iz vremena vizantijske
confirm the continuity of life in Prizren. The first document vlasti potvr|uju da je `ivot u Prizrenu postojao
to offer a testimony to this is the charter of the Emperor Basil bez prekida. Prva isprava koja o tome svedo~i je
II, issued in 1019, which defined the jurisdiction of the hrisovuqa cara Vasilija II izdata 1019, u kojoj se
Archbishopric of Ohrid, mentioning, in this context, Prizren. odre|uje jurisdikciono podru~je Ohridske
This is an important source because it gives us the arhiepiskopije i tim povodom pomiwe i grad
Prizren. Taj izvor je va`an, jer se iz wega
information that at that time Prizren was the seat of the
saznalo da je u Prizrenu tada bila episkopska
bishopric. Remains of the contemporary cathedral were
stolica. Ostaci tada{we katedrale otkriveni su
discovered under the present church, which was restored by ispod postoje}e crkve, koju je obnovio srpski
the Serbian king Milutin in 1306/1307. The earlier, kraq Milutin 1306/1307. godine. I starija
Byzantine, basilica was also founded on remains of an even vizantijska bazilika je le`ala na ostacima jo{
older, Early Christian church. However, the history of that starijeg hrama iz ranohri{}anskog doba. Istorija
church building is even more complex, since one more te crkvene gra|evine je vrlo slo`ena, jer se na
building stage, dating from the 13 th century, can be woj prepoznaje i jedna etapa gra|ewa iz H[ veka.
recognized. It has been dated in the times of Stephen Ona je pripisana vremenu Stefana Prvoven~anog
Prvoven~ani and brought into relation with the church i dovedena u vezu sa crkvenom reformom koju je
reform conducted by Archbishop Sava I. sproveo arhiepiskop Sava I.
The fact that Prizren became one of the most Za istoriju prizrenske katedrale va`na je
important towns in the medieval Serbia in the beginning, and bila okolnost da je po~etkom XIV veka Prizren
postao jedan od najva`nijih gradova sredwovekovne
one of the capitals of the Empire about the middle of theth14
Srbije, a oko sredine toga stole}a i jedna od
century, is important for the history of the cathedral of prestonica carevine. Tada{wi uspon grada nije
Prizren. The progress of the city lasted less than seven trajao vi{e od sedam decenija. Sa raspadom
decades. The importance of Prizren was diminished after the carstva zna~aj Prizrena je opao, a 1455. zaposela
fall of the Empire. It was occupied by the Turkish army in ga je turska vojska. Bogorodica Qevi{ka je
1455. The church of the Holy Virgin of Ljevi{ka was opustela verovatno odmah posle seobe Arsenija
probably deserted either right after the migration under ^arnojevi}a, a najkasnije po odlasku Arsenija
[akabente 1737. godine. Ubrzo, a pre 1756,
Arsenije ^arnojevi}, or after the departure of Arsenije
pretvorena je u yamiju i tada je na wenom zvoniku
[akabenta, in 1737, at the latest. Soon after that, but before
izgra|eno minare, a u unutra{wosti hrama
1756, it was turned into a mosque. On that occasion a poru{en jedan va`an nosa~ kupole da bi se
minaret was built on its belfry, while in the interior of the smestio mihrab. Preko fresaka iz XIV veka,
church an important element supporting the dome was torn izubijanih ~eki}em, postavqen je nov malter, a
down in order to make room for a mihrab. Theth14century malterom su pokrivene i sve fasadne povr{ine
frescoes were beaten with hammer and covered with mortar. crkve. Posle oslobo|ewa Prizrena 1912.
All the facades of the church were also coated with mortar. Bogorodica Qevi{ka je ponovo postala
After the liberation of Prizren in 1912, the Holy Virgin of hri{}anski hram, 1923. ukloweno je i dozidano
Ljevi{ka was turned into a Christian church once again. In minare, a temeqni istra`iva~ki i restauratorski
1923, the minaret was torn down. However, thorough radovi obavqeni su na woj tek izme|u 1950. i 1953.
research and restoration works were undertaken as late as the godine.
1950s, between 1950 and 1953. Dosada{wa prou~avawa i restauratorski
Research and restoration works radovi
his research, the analysis of the architecture of the church Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu 1962. godine.
and its sources in his doctoral thesis, defended at the Faculty U to vreme napisane su i objavqene mnoge studije
of Philosophy in Belgrade in 1962. In the same time o freskama Bogorodice Qevi{ke. Posle vi{e od
numerous studies on the frescoes of the Holy Virgin of dve decenije, ishode svih dotada{wih istra`ivawa
Ljevi{ka were published. More than two decades later, sabrale su i dopunile temeqnom analizom
Draga Pani} and Gordana Babi} gave the summary of the arhitekture i slikarstva Draga Pani} i Gordana
results of previous research, as well as a thorough analysis of
Radovi na restauraciji fresaka
architecture and mural decoration of the church. nastavqeni su 1968. godine. Zakqu~eno je da je
The restoration of the frescoes was resumed in neophodno plombirati sva o{te}ewa nastala
1968. The platform of the campaign was that all the damages udarcima ~eki}a radi boqe za{tite preostalih
made by hammering of the frescoes should be filled in order fresaka i potom te plombe restauracijom tonski
to provide better protection of the remaining frescoes. These uskladiti sa okolnim freskama. Ti su radovi
trajali do 1976, sa prekidom 1972. i 1973. godine.
fillings were supposed to be adequately toned, in harmony
with the frescoes around them. The campaign lasted until Crkvena gra|evina
1976, with breaks in 1972 and 1973.
Prvobitna gra|evina imala je oblik
The church trobrodne bazilike, ~iji se brodovi zavr{avaju
The original building was built as three-aisled na isto~noj strani trima apsidama, a na zapadnoj
basilica, with aisles ending in three apses on the eastern side. imaju zajedni~ku pripratu. Sredwi, {iri, brod
On the west side, the aisles were encompassed by a narthex. odeqen je nizom stubaca od dva bo~na, u`a, broda,
The nave, wider than the aisles, was separated from them by koja su verovatno bila ni`a od sredweg. Ispred
rows of pillars. The isles were probably lower than the nave. priprate je bio i trem na stupcima. Na severnoj
i zapadnoj strani trema i priprate na|eni su
In front of the narthex, a portico supported by columns could
ostaci zidova pravougaonih prostora, ~ija namena
be seen. On the north and west side of the portico and
nije mogla biti utvr|ena.
narthex, remains of walls defining longitudinal spatial units U slede}oj etapi gra|ewa, datovanoj u prve
were found. Nothing could be said about their function. decenije XIII veka, najve}u promenu donelo je
In the next stage of construction, dated to the first oslikavawe crkve i promena wene krovne
decade of the 13th century, major changes were brought in by konstrukcije. Pretpostavqeno je da je to bila
the accomplishment of fresco decoration of the church and jednostavna drvena konstrukcija sa dvovodnim
krovom, kojom je ceo prostor hrama bio pokriven.
the change of the roof construction. It is assumed that the Stole}e kasnije, kraq Milutin je izvr{io
whole church was covered with a simple wooden radikalne izmene time {to je sredwi brod
construction of a double-pitched roof. A century later, king nekada{we bazilike pretvorio u petokupolnu
Milutin made a radical change by having the nave of the gra|evinu ugradwom dva reda zidanih stubaca koji
former basilica turned into a five-domed building: two rows nose poluobli~aste svodove, i pored sredi{ne,
jo{ ~etiri male ugaone kupole. Time je
of pillars supporting barrel vaults were added, while, on the
obrazovana crkva ~ija je shema osnove u obliku
other hand a central dome, as well as four small side domes upisanog krsta. Tribelon koji je u prethodnoj
were constructed above them. The result was a church etapi vodio iz priprate u sredwi brod zamewen
designed on cross-in-square scheme. Tribelon that formerly je punim zidom, a iznad oltarskog prostora
led from the narthex to the nave was replaced by a solid wall, izgra|ena je slepa kalota, po{to je
while the sanctuary was covered by a calotte. The central preoblikovana i sama sredi{na apsida. Stari
apse was also remodelled. Buttresses attached to the pillars stupci izme|u brodova bazilike dobili su u ovoj
on the side facing the aisles belong to this building stage. etapi oja~awa na strani prema bo~nim brodovima.
Ponovo kori{}eni bo~ni brodovi stare bazilike
Aisles that were still in use were lower than the central five- ostali su ni`i od sredi{nog petokupolnog dela;
domed structure. Together with the restored narthex, they oni sa obnovqenom pripratom ~ine jedinstven
made an ambulatory that encompassed three sides of the obimni ambulatorijum, koji obuhvata centralni
central unit. deo sa tri strane.
the greatest part of the campaign was carried out owing to III. Obojica su sa ktitorom kraqem Milutinom
the efforts of his successor, bishop Sava III. Both of them are pomenuti u natpisu na spoqnom zidu oltarske
mentioned together with king Milutin, in the inscription on apside.
the outer wall of the altar apse. Unutra{wost crkve bila je nekada u
The interior of the church used to be covered with celini pokrivena freskama, a do na{ih dana
2 is preserved. The ostalo je sa~uvano svega oko 2000 m2. Najstarije
frescoes in its entirety. Only ca. 2000 m
o~uvane freske nastale su u tre}oj deceniji XIII
earliest preserved frescoes are dated in therd3decade of the veka. Od slikarstva su o~uvani delovi scena ^uda
13th century: these are the parts of the scenes of the Miracles Hristovih i Bogorodice Eleuse sa Hristom
of Christ and Virgin Eleousa with Christ the Sustainer. The Krmiteqem. Prema ikonografskim i stilskim
iconographic and morphological features indicate that these osobenostima, ovo slikarstvo pripada nekoj od
paintings are the work of a local Balkan workshop keeping lokalnih balkanskih radionica koje su o~uvale
to tradition of the Comnene style. Scholars relate them to the tradicije komninskog stila, a istra`iva~i ih
frescoes in the church of St Nicholas in Studenica. Interest in povezuju sa freskama u crkvi Svetog Nikole u
narration, as opposed to monumentality and pompous tone Studenici. Radove ovih majstora odlikuje
sklonost ka narativnosti, nasuprot dvorskih
preferred in the court workshops, was the distinctive feature
radionica koje su negovale monumentalnost i
of these paintings. sve~ani ton.
All the other preserved frescoes are the work of a Ostale o~uvane freske rad su grupe
group of painters, led by master Astrapa. They are painted in majstora koji su, vo|eni protomajstorom
the period between 1307 and 1313. Despite the fact that Astrapom, oslikali hram od 1307. do 1313. godine.
during Ottoman rule the church was turned into a mosque Iako su u vreme turske vlasti, kada je crkva
pretvorena u yamiju, freske sa mnogih zidnih
and that numerous frescoes were completely destroyed or
povr{ina uni{tene, a tamo gde su ostale
picked in order to provide better adhesion between the wall izubijane su ~eki}em da bi se boqe vezao
and the new coat of mortar, almost the third of the entire novonaneti malter, posle konzervatorskih radova
fresco decoration dating from the time of king Milutin, vr{enih od 1950. do 1953. otkrivena je oko tre}ina
uncovered during conservation campaign between 1950 and zidnih slika koje su ukra{avale zidove
1953, has been preserved. The exquisite quality of paintings Bogorodice Qevi{ke od vremena obnove kraqa
Milutina. Taj preostali deo, svojim izuzetnim
and their extraordinary iconography make this remaining kvalitetom i izuzetnim ikonografskim
part an important source for the study of the Serbian re{ewima, veoma je va`an umetni~ki spomenik za
medieval painting. After several decades of research in the izu~avawe srpskog sredwovekovnog slikarstva.
iconology of these frescoes, crowned by the above- Posle vi{edecenijskog rada istra`iva~a na
mentioned monograph by Draga Pani} and Gordana Babi}, ikonolo{koj analizi, krunisanog pomenutom
monografijom, slikarstvo Bogorodice Qevi{ke
fresco decoration of the Holy Virgin of Ljevi{ka is highly
se vrlo visoko vrednuje. Skupina slikara
valued. A group of painters led by Astrapa managed to predvo|ena Astrapom ostvarila je izuzetnu
created an extraordinary assemblage of frescoes, in which celinu, na kojoj se svojstva najvrednijeg
the qualities of the best monumental painting of the th 13 monumentalnog slikarstva XIII veka pro`imaju sa
century meet with the tendencies induced by the court strujawima koja su dopirala iz dvorskih
workshops in the 14th century. The iconography of these radionica slede}eg stole}a. Ikonografska
re{ewa ukazuju i na visoku teolo{ku
frescoes indicates that the painters and their advisers were obrazovanost slikara i wihovih predvodnika, a
familiar with theology. The harmony and sense of a whole ispoqile su se i razli~ite sposobnosti i
were not affected by the fact that differences in skill and sklonosti slikara, {to ne naru{ava vrednost i
approach could come into relief. skladnost zami{qene celine.
1. M. Vasi}, Crkva Sv. Bogorodice na Ljevi{i u Prizrenu i
1. M. Vasi}, Crkva Sv. Bogorodice na Qevi{i
prizrenski episkop Damjan,Prilozi za knji`evnost,
u Prizrenu i prizrenski episkop Damjan,
jezik, istoriju i folklor I, Beograd 1921, 95.
Prilozi za kwi`evnost, jezik, istoriju i
2. S. Nenadovi}, Bogorodica Ljevi{ka, Beograd 1963.
folklor kw. I, sv. 1, Beograd 1921, 93-101.
3. D. Pani}, G. Babi}, Bogorodica Ljevi{ka. Beograd
2. S. Nenadovi}, Bogorodica Qevi{ka, Beograd
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka ,
3. D. Pani}, G. Babi}, Bogorodica Qevi{ka.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 71-88.
5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,Beograd 1999, Beograd 1988.
97-98. 4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987,
5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia Beograd 1999, 97-98.
- Belgrade
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments -Prizren DOKUMENTACIJA
Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Republike Srbije - Beograd
Condition of the roads leading to the church Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
interventions. The scaffolding in the southwestern part of the restauraciju ve} i mawe za{titne radove. O
nave, and another, smaller, wooden one, in the narthex, prekidu radova na freskama svedo~i preostala
witness that the works were suddenly interrupted. skela u jugozapadnom delu naosa i mawa drvena u
The frescoes have been fixed and cleaned, while the priprati.
damaged areas were covered with new mortar. The damages Freske su fiksirane i o~i{}ene, a
of the paint layer and the fresco ground caused by picking povr{ine na kojima nedostaju pokrivene su novim
were for the most part filled and, in the most important malterom. O{te}ewa bojenog sloja i fresko-
compositions, retouched. On the composition of the maltera, nastala pikovawem, u najve}oj meri su
Dormition of the Virgin, on the western wall of the nave, plombirana, a na najzna~ajnijim kompozicijama i
these retouches should be restored since they have darkened retu{irana. Na kompoziciji Uspewa Bogorodice,
na zapadnom zidu naosa, ovi retu{i su potamneli
and got yellowish tone. The most of the damaged areas that
i dobili `u}kast ton te bi ih trebalo obnoviti.
have not been filled are located on the vaults of the Najvi{e neplombiranih o{te}ewa ostalo je na
exonarthex. svodovima spoqne priprate.
The contamination of the lower zones of the walls U dowim zonama, naro~ito na isto~noj i
by capillary humidity, particularly on the eastern and the severnoj strani crkve, vidqiv je prodor kapilarne
northern sides of the church, resulted in the development of vlage, {to je uzrokovalo nova isoqavawa na
efflorescence on the paint layer of the frescoes. In the bojenom sloju tih zona. U |akonikonu, oltarskoj
apsidi i na isto~nom zidu protezisa prodor vlage
diaconicon, altar apse the and on the eastern wall of the je posebno izra`en tako da pri dnu zidova novi
prothesis, contamination with humidity is so severe that the malter plombi ve} vrlo tro{an. Ispitivawem
fillings in the lowest zone of these walls are already pojasa dostupnog sa zemqe, kao i gorwih zona do
crumbling. The inspection of the walls up to the level that kojih se moglo pri}i sa skele, ustanovqeno je da
can be reached from the ground, as well as the examination se fresko-malter mestimi~no odvojio od zidne
podloge. Ipak, ne preti opasnost da se sa tih
of the upper zones approached from the scaffolding, showed
mesta potpuno odvoji i otpadne.
that the fresco mortar has partly detached from the wall. U paraklisima, uz eksonarteks, jo{ se
However, it is not likely to fall off in these areas. nalaze konzervatorski materijal, delovi iko-
Materials used for conservation, the parts of the nostasa i ikone zapakovane u kartonske kutije.
iconostasis as well as the icons packed in the cardboard Zbog nedostatka osvetqewa, kao i zbog
boxes are still stored in the chapels of the exonarthex. mogu}nosti da je taj materijal miniran i zabrane
KFOR-a da se tu ulazi, nismo mogli da ih
Because of insufficient light, the possibility that the area was detaqnije pregledamo. Na prozore otvorene
mined and the KFORs ban, thorough inspection of these priprate, sa unutra{we strane, razapeta je
chapels was not possible. The windows of the open narthex ~eli~na `ica i prikovana ekserima kroz bojeni
were covered by steel wire, nailed from the inside, through sloj i fresko-malter.
the paint layer and fresco mortar.
Predlog mera tehni~ke za{tite
Recommended Measures of Technical Protection
1. Neophodno je najhitnije razminirati okolinu
1. It is necessary to clear the surrounding of the church of crkve, ra{~istiti je od rastiwa i korova i
mines, and remove the bushes, weeds, rubble and soil. ukloniti nanos od {uta i zemqe.
2. Side-walks and drainage trenches for the water pouring 2. Potrebno je obnoviti i srediti trotoare i
down the roof should be restored. obodne kanale (rigole) za odvod atmosfer-
3. The roofing should be inspected and repaired. skih padavina sa krovova.
4. The belfry should be provided with iron bracing, fixed 3. Treba izvr{iti pregled krovnog pokriva~a i
in the holes made by special power-drills in the zones popraviti o{te}ewa.
where the cracks appeared. 4. Neophodno je utezawe korpusa zvonika u zoni
5. The missing colonette of the biforine window should be gde su vidqive pukotine provla~ewem `e-
replaced by the new one. leznih zatega uz pomo} posebnih burgija.
5. Postaviti stup~i} bifore koji nedostaje.
6. The damages of the mortar that was directly exposed to
6. Popraviti o{te}ewa na malteru koji je bio
moisture should be fixed.
izlo`en neposrednom dejstvu vlage.
7. It is necessary to continue with the restoration and 7. Neophodno je nastaviti zapo~ete konzer-
conservation treatment of the fresco decoration, in vatorsko-restauratorske radove na `ivopisu u
accordance with the project after which previous skladu sa projektom o do sada ura|enim ra-
interventions were made. dovima te vrste.
8. The icons and other material should be urgently removed 8. Hitno premestiti ikone i ostali materijal iz
from the chapels of the exonarthex in order to provide paraklisa eksonatreksa i nastaviti restau-
conditions for further conservation works in them. ratorske radove.
H/I-0.53 H/I-0.53
SK 1402 SK 1402
1962/1990. 1962/1990.
izuzetan zna~aj
Extraordinary importance
Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren
The Monastery of De~ani Manastir De~ani
The church of St Nicholas was built as the Crkva Svetog Nikole podignuta je
endowment of Dragoslav Tuti} and his wife Bjela in ktitorstvom Dragoslava Tuti}a i wegove `ene
1331/1332. That is why it got the title Tuti}s Church. It Bjele 1331/1332. godine, pa je poznata pod imenom
is a small single-naved, domed building, with a tripartite "Tuti}eva crkva". To je jednobrodna gra|evina
sanctuary to the east. Its oblong plan is emphasized by a malih dimenzija, sa kupolom i tro~lanim
oltarskim prostorom na istoku. Izdu`enost
western bay and slight elongation of the eastern one. The
osnove postignuta je dodavawem zapadnog i
eastern bay was covered with a barrel vault. Stone and brick dubqeg isto~nog traveja, sa poluobli~astim
courses alternate on the churchs facades: regular bond of the svodom ~iji je oblik vidqiv i spoqa. Crkva je
northern and eastern façades is replaced with irregular zidana naizmeni~no kamenom i opekom, koji su na
courses on the west front. pojedinim delovima severnog i isto~nog zida
The earliest conservation works on the church date izvedeni u pravilnim dekorativnim nizovima, dok
back to 1967-1970, when the dome was reconstructed and je na zapadnom zidu zidawe nepravilno. Prvi
konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na crkvi su
sanated. During subsequent restoration campaigns (in the
iz perioda 1967-1970. i tada je izvedena
1980s and 1990s), the shops built against the north and
rekonstrukcija i sanacija kubeta. Do konzer-
south sides of the church were removed. Present appearance vatorskih radova (osamdesetih i devedesetih
of those façades is the result of reconstruction undertaken on godina XX veka), oko crkve su se sa severne i
that occasion. ju`ne strane nalazili prizidani du}ani, tako da
The remains of the original fresco decoration are su izgledi severne i ju`ne fasade rezultat
preserved in the upper parts of the walls. The most of it can rekonstrukcije.
be seen on the western wall, in the vault covering western Od fresko-dekoracije crkve do danas su
bay, and in the sanctuary. Severely damaged fresco sa~uvani uglavnom fragmenti u gorwim zonama.
representing St Constantine and St Helene occupies the wall Najboqe je o~uvana fresko dekoracija zapadnog
surface to the north of the door. The remains of the zida i svodova iznad wega i oltarskog prostora.
Dormition of the Virgin can be seen just above it, while the Severno od ulaznih vrata nalazi se veoma
highest zone of the western wall is occupied with the o{te}ena freska Svetog Konstantina i Jelene, a
Transfiguration. The vault of the western bay is occupied iznad we ostaci Uspewa Bogorodice. U najvi{oj
zoni je o{te}ena freska Preobra`ewa Hristovog.
with the depiction of Christ the Angel of the Great Council,
U svodu iznad zapadnog zida je Hristos An|eo
to the north, and the Baptism of Christ, to the south.
Velikog saveta, a ju`no od wega scena Kr{tewa
The vault of the eastern bay is occupied by the Hristovog.
Ascension. In the conch of the apse Virgin Mary is depicted U svodu iznad oltara je o{te}ena scena
as Holy Mother Wider than the Sky. North part of the eastern Vaznesewa Hristovog, u kaloti apside ostatak
wall is occupied by the representation of St Stephen. Bogorodice [ire od nebesa, a na isto~nom zidu,
Style and iconography of these frescoes is in close severno od apside, Arhi|akon Stefan.
Stilski i ikonografski ovo slikarstvo
relation with the oldest frescoes from the church of St
se vezuje za slikare koji su radili prvu fazu u
Saviour in Prizren and those from the church of St George in Svetom Spasu u Prizrenu i u Svetom \or|u u
Re~ani. Re~anima.
The dome and the Kube i freske na
frescoes in the lucima naosa
vaults over the
1. V. J. \uri}, Vizantijske freske u Jugoslaviji
, Beograd 1. V. J. \uri}, Vizantijske freske u Jugoslaviji,
1975, 61, 211. Beograd 1975, 61, 211.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka ,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 510-
Zadu`bine Kosova , Prizren-Beograd 1987, 510-511. 511.
3. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima Metohije, 3. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima
Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke i Nik{i}ke `upe , Metohije, Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke
Saop{tenja XV, Beograd 1983, 214. i Nik{i}ke `upe, Saop{tewa XV, Beograd
4. J. Radovanovi},Tuti}eva crkva sv. Nikole u Prizrenu , 1983, 214.
4. J. Radovanovi}, Tuti}eva crkva sv. Nikole u
Ikonografska istra`ivanja srpskog slikarstva XIII i XIV Prizrenu, Ikonografska istra`ivawa srpskog
veka, Beograd 1988, 109-116. slikarstva XIII i XIV veka, Beograd 1988, 109-
5. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske vlastele u doba 116.
Nemanji}a, Beograd 1994, 134. 5. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske
vlastele u doba Nemawi}a, Beograd 1994, 134.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture Prizren
Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences` Board for Kosovo Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU
and Metohija
Crkva se nalazi izme|u stambenih zgrada
The church is surrounded with houses and shops, i lokala, a obezbe|ena je samo bodqikavom `icom
and its only protection consists of a barbed-wire fence and i metalnom ogradom sa katancem. Sa spoqne
locked metallic gate. On the outer side of the fence, a heap strane vidi se mawa deponija otpada. Hram nije
of garbage can be seen. The church has not been demolished. demoliran, jedino su u unutra{wosti vidqiva
There are, however, certain damages in its interior caused by o{te}ewa od preloma nadvratne grede iznad
zapadnih vrata i nestru~ne obnove zidne mase oko
the breaking of the western door lintel and inadequate
vrata, gde su i vidqive pukotine. Vide se i
restoration of the wall around the door, where cracks
pukotine na plo~i oltara i proskomidije. Prozor
appeared. Cracks can also be seen on the altar and prothesis nad oltarom je zatvoren plo~om i poduprt iznutra
tables. The sanctuary window was covered with a slab and radi obezbe|ewa. U hramu je ve}a koli~ina alata
supported from the inside. Tools and materials used in an i materijala od ranije gra|evinske sanacije.
earlier sanation campaign are left in the church, and they can Ikone su slo`ene na oltarskoj apsidi i u kutijama
still be found there. The icons are removed and stored in the uza zid. Krovni pokriva~ od olovnog lima je
altar apse, or in the boxes put by the wall. Lead-plate o~uvan, jedino mu preti o{te}ewe od
covering is in good condition, without damages. It is, nepri~vr{}ene konzole sa TT provodnikom, koja
however, feared that a detached console carrying telephone je naslowena na kube i lim na krovu isto~nog
wire, which touches the dome and the covering of the eastern traveja.
bay, could damage it. Ostaci `ivopisa su konzervirani, a
The remains of frescoes underwent conservation izvedeni konzervatorski radovi i danas imaju
treatment, and for the time being they do not need new potreban kvalitet. U polukru`no zasvedenoj ni{i
interventions. In the left corner of the recessed lunette above iznad ulaznih vrata na zapadnom pro~equ u
the entrance, on the west façade, remains of fresco mortar gorwem levom uglu stoje ostaci fresko-maltera i
and paint can be seen. These are probably remains of the bojenog sloja, najverovatnije freske Svetog
fresco of St Nicholas. Two haloes can be discerned the Nikole. Uo~qiva su dva oreola, jedan o{te}en,
bigger one in the centre, and a smaller one to the left, a bit ve}i, u sredini i levo, ni`e od wega, mawi.
H/I-0.54 H/I-0.54
SK 1401 SK 1401
1948/1990. 1948/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St Savior in Prizren is the endow- Crkva Svetog Spasa u Prizrenu,
ment of nobleman Mladen Vladojevi}, a contemporary of zadu`bina vlastelina cara Du{ana, Mladena Vla-
dojevi}a i wegovih roditeqa, izgra|ena je oko
Emperor Du{an, and his parents. It was built around 1330. In
1330. godine. Crkva je 1348. godine poklowena
1348, it was granted to the monastery of Holy Archangels.
manastiru Svetih arhan|ela. To je gra|evina sa
The church was built on atrophied Greek-cross scheme. The osnovom sa`etog upisanog krsta sa osmostranom
drum of the dome is octagonal, while the outer wall of the kupolom i spoqa trostranom apsidom. Crkva je
The conservation and restoration of the architecture of the crkvenoj gra|evini izvr{eni su 1953-1963. godine.
church was undertaken in the period between 1953 and Konzervacija `ivopisa je ra|ena, a najnoviji
1963. The frescoes underwent conservation treatment, too, radovi su prekinuti ratom, tako da je u crkvi i
but the latest campaign was interrupted by the war. sada skela.
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i
Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca) , (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928.
Beograd 1928. 2. V. J. \uri}, Vizantijske freske u Jugoslaviji,
2. V. J. \uri}, Vizantijske freske u Jugoslaviji
, Beograd Beograd 1974, 62, 211.
1974, 62, 211. 3. R. Timotijevi}, Crkva sv. Spasa u Prizrenu,
3. R. Timotijevi}, Crkva sv. Spasa u Prizrenu , Starine Starine Kosova VI-VII, Pri{tina 1972-1973,
65-78 + 6 slika u prilogu.
Kosova VI-VII, Pri{tina 1972-1973, 65-78 + 6 4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
illustrations in the appendix Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 505-
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 506.
Zadu`bine Kosova , Prizren-Beograd 1987, 505-506. 5. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske
5. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske vlastele u doba vlastele u doba Nemawi}a, Beograd 1994,
Nemanji}a, Beograd 1994,138-157.
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU
Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Board for Kosovo
and Metohija STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 U crkvi su prekinuti konzervatorsko-
restauratorski radovi na fragmentima o~uvanog
The conservation and restoration of the preserved `ivopisa. Dokumentacija o ovim radovima
fragments of fresco decoration had to be interrupted. The trenutno nam je nedostupna. U naosu jo{ stoji
~eli~na skela sa fosnama u kupoli. U fuge
record of interventions is not available. Steel scaffolding
izme|u kamene gra|e zidova uba~en je nov malter.
with a platform raised to the level of dome is still in the nave. Rubovi fresaka op{iveni su kre~nim malterom.
Joints between stones were filled with new mortar. The Dowe zone `ivopisa u priprati i na zapadnom
frescoes were bordered with lime mortar. The lower zones of zidu naosa su o~i{}ene, dok su ostali delovi
fresco decoration in the narthex and on the western wall of prekriveni slojem ~a|i. Na zapadnim zidovima
the nave were cleaned, while the other parts of the walls are naosa i priprate o~i{}eni bojeni sloj je veoma
o{te}en i delimi~no o~uvan na nivou crte`a i
still covered with layers of soot. Fresco layers on the western
walls of narthex and nave are severely damaged: only the Kapilarna vlaga je i daqe prisutna u
traces of drawing and underpainting are preserved. zidovima, {to je u dowim zonama dovelo do
The contamination of walls by capillary humidity isoqavawa, naro~ito izra`enog u oltarskoj ni{i
resulted in efflorescence, which appeared in the lower zones (do nivoa gorwe ivice zone stoje}ih figura), na
of the walls, especially in the altar apse (up to the level of the uglu severnog i zapadnog zida naosa i na severnoj
upper border of the zone of standing figures), in the strani isto~nog zida priprate (freska
northwestern corner of the nave, and on the northern part of Bogorodice). Atmosferska vlaga prodire i kroz
the eastern wall of the narthex (the representation of The fasadu, {to je dovelo do jakog isoqavawa i
pulverzacije bojenog sloja u polukaloti oltarske
Virgin Mary). Atmospheric dampness penetrates through the
ni{e, u gorwim zonama naosa ispod kupole i u
walls, which results in efflorescence and pulverization of the
temenu zapadnog luka krstastog svoda u priprati.
paint layer in the conch of the altar apse, in the upper zones Fresko-malter je mestimi~no odvojen od zidane
of the nave, under the dome, and in the apex of the western podloge, a najugro`eniji deo, gde preti opasnost
arch of the groin vault in the narthex. Fresco mortar is partly od potpunog otpadawa, nalazi se na fresci
detached from the wall. The most imperiled area, which Bogorodice na isto~nom zidu priprate, na visini
might completely fall off, can be seen on the fresco of the oko 2 metra.
Virgin Mary, some two metres from the ground, on the east Na zapadnom pro~equ crkve, u plitkoj
wall of the narthex. {irokoj ni{i oko prozora, o~uvan je deo fasadnog
In the shallow niche enclosing the window on the maltera sa ostacima bojenog sloja u gorwem delu.
western façade, a fragment of fresco mortar with traces of Ovaj fragment je desno od ivice prozora odvojen
paint in its upper part was preserved. A part of it, to the right od zidanog nosa~a i preti opasnost da }e potpuno
of the window, is detached from the wall, and it may fall off. otpasti u ovom delu.
H/I-0.55 H/I-0.55
SK 1411 SK 1411
1954/1990. 1954/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski
Vakuf - Prizren Vakuf - Prizren
The exterior Spoqa{wi izgled
The double bath, with separate units for male and Gazi Mehmed-pa{a izgradio je u XVII veku
female visitors, was built by Gazi Mehmed-pasha in the th
17 dvojni hamam, sa odvojenim mu{kim i `enskim
century. Both units are designed in accordance with their delom. Oba dela imaju potpuno razvijena
function. The bath was built in alternating courses of stone funkcionalna re{ewa. Zidan alternacijom kamena
and brick. i opeke.
The bath underwent conservation treatment in Konzervatorski radovi izvedeni su 1968.
1968. U hamamu je sme{ten muzej.
It presently houses the museum.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Spomenici kulture Kosova i
1. M. Ivanovi}, Spomenici kulture Kosova i Metohije i
Metohije i problematika wihove za{tite
problematika njihove za{tite i egzistencije,Problemi
i egzistencije, Problemi za{tite i
za{tite i egzistencije spomenika kulture na Kosovu i
egzistencije spomenika kulture na Kosovu i
Metohiji, Pri{tina-Beograd 1968, 1-19.
Metohiji, Pri{tina-Beograd 1968, 1-19.
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 2002,
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 2002, 114.
3. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije , Beograd 1999, 319.
3. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1999, 319.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia
Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Belgrade
- Beograd
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Prizren
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
H/I-0.56 H/I-0.56
SK 1366 SK 1366
1948/1990. 1948/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Situation Situacija
Position Polo`aj
The monastery of Holy Archangels is situated in U klisuri reke Bistrice, na tri
the gorge of the River Bistrica, 3 km from Prizren, by the kilometra od Prizrena u pravcu jugoistoka, kraj
road connecting Prizren and Tetovo, which in the Middle puta koji vodi od Prizrena prema Tetovu i koji
ages provided communication between Prizren and Sreda~ka je u sredwem veku spajao Prizren sa Sreda~kom
and Sirini}ka `upa. It was founded on a plateau upon the the i Sirini}kom `upom, nalazi se manastir Svetih
left bank of the river, at the foot of the hill on which the arhan|ela. Zasnovan je na ste{wenom proplanku
medieval fortress Vi{egrad was built. uz levu obalu reke, u podno`ju visoravni na kojoj
History je podignuto sredwovekovno utvr|ewe Vi{egrad.
The monastery was built upon remains of an Istorija
earlier sacral object, in the period between 1343 and 1352. It Manastir je podignut na starijem kultnom
is the endowment of king Du{an (the Emperor from 1346). mestu izme|u 1343. i 1352. godine. Zadu`bina je
The text of the foundation charter, granted by the donor kraqa Du{ana, od 1346. cara. Ktitor je izme|u
between 1348 and 1353, was preserved in a copy 1348. i 1353. izdao manastiru povequ poznatu po
contemporary to the charter. The emperor provided his jednom savremenom prepisu. Wom je svojoj
endowment with a very high rank in the Serbian church zadu`bini odredio vrlo visok rang u hijerarhiji
hierarchy, as well as with large estates including meadows, srpskih crkava i dodelio vlastelinstvo sa
vineyards and woods, with 93 villages, with peasants and dovoqno plodnog zemqi{ta, vinograda i {uma, sa
artisans, with a mine and many other privileges. 93 sela i brojnim ratarima i zanatlijama, jedan
We dont know when exactly its construction was rudnik `eleza i mnoge druge privilegije.
Po~etak gra|ewa manastira nije utvr|en,
begun. It is believed that the preliminary arrangements were
ali se veruje da su pripreme zapo~ete 1343, kad
made as early as 1343, during king Du{ans visit to Prizren.
je kraq Du{an do{ao u Prizren. Mo`da je do
The construction of the monastery might have been 1349. bio gra|evinski zavr{en, jer tada je
completed by 1349, when, according to the sources, lead for dobavqano olovo za pokrivawe crkve, ali radovi
the roof was obtained. The works in the church, however, nisu potpuno okon~ani pre 1352. godine. O
were finished as late as 1352. The construction of the podizawu manastira starao se iguman Jakov,
monastery was supervised by hegumen Jakov, who potowi mitropolit u Seru, postavqen za
subsequently became the metropolitan of Ser. Five masons stare{inu manastira na samom po~etku wegovog
appointed by the king, originating from the estates given to gra|ewa. Posao mu je bio olak{an okolno{}u da
the monastery, were permanently engaged on the je car Du{an obezbedio pet stalnih zidara
monasterys construction. Due to these facts the building of vezanih za rad u manastiru dodeqenim imawima.
such a big monastery complex, consisting of two churches Blagodare}i tome, manastir je brzo sagra|en, iako
je bio prostran, sa mnogim mona{kim kelijama i
and large conventual buildings, was completed in quite a
sa dve crkve.
short time.
Dobro utvr|en i brawen manastir Svetih
Fortified and well protected, monastery of Holy arhan|ela bio je uto~i{te prido{lica iz
Archangels hosted the refugees from Prizren in 1372, but it Prizrena 1372, ali nije zadugo sa~uvao svoja
could not protect its estates. Many of them seem to have imawa. Izgleda da je mnoga izgubio ve} u drugoj
been lost as early as the second decade of the 15 th century. deceniji XV veka. @ivot u manastiru nije trajao
The life and activity within its walls lasted only one century. vi{e od jednog stole}a. Kada su 1455. godine Turci
After the sack of Prizren in 1455, the Turks must have osvojili Prizren, zauzeli su, po svoj prilici, i
captured and demolished the monastery. The unfavourable manastir Svetih arhan|ela i verovatno ga tom
circumstances during following years resulted in clumsy prilikom u znatnoj meri razorili. Te{ko stawe
repairs of the katholikon, and unskillfully built narthex of the posle toga ostavilo je traga u neukom zazi|ivawu
nekih delova saborne crkve i isto tako lo{oj
church of St Nicholas. An inscription from 1519, about
gradwi priprate uz crkvu Svetog Nikole. Prema
selling a book that once belonged to the monastery, suggests
zapisu iz 1519, u kojem se govori o prodaji kwige
that the monastery might have already been deserted at that iz manastira Svetih arhan|ela, izgleda da je tada
time. There is no doubt that in 1542 nobody lived in the ve} bio zapusteo, a svakako 1542, kada su laici
monastery, since certain laymen inscribed their names on the zapisivali svoja imena na zidovima saborne crkve.
walls of the main church at that time. The katholikon and Izme|u ove posledwe godine i 1615. sru{ene su
conventual buildings were pulled down between 1542 and saborna crkva i okolne manastirske zgrade, {to
1615. In 1615, by order of Sinan-pasha, the material of se vidi iz naredbe Sinan - pa{ine da se iz wenih
which the church had been built was used for the ru{evina vadi gradivo za zidawe wegove yamije u
construction of his endowment, Sinan-pashas mosque Prizrenu, podignute navedene godine. Otad je obe
erected in Prizren. The remains of the churches and crkve, a ne{to br`e hram Svetog Nikole, koji je
conventual buildings were subsequently covered with podignut uz liticu, kao i ostatke svih
manastirskih zgrada, zasipala plavina sa brda.
deposit brought by water from the slopes of the hill. No
Sravwen je sa zemqom, posle ~ega je mesto na
traces of the monastery could be seen, and only the tradition
kojem je bio ostalo poznato samo blagodare}i
that made people from the nearby villages gather twice a predawu i okupqawima me{tana okolnih naseqa i
year on the feasts of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, iz Prizrena dva puta godi{we o praznicima
saved it from sinking into complete oblivion. Those svetog Mihaila i Gavrila. ^uvali su time
gatherings were evoking the memory of the fairs that used to uspomenu na stara vremena, kad su se kod
be organized in the monasterys immediate surroundings. manastira Svetih arhan|ela odr`avali sajmovi. U
Three centuries had passed before the archaeological takvom stawu bili su Sveti arhan|eli puna tri
excavations were begun in 1927. stole}a, sve do 1927, kada su zapo~eta arheolo{ka
iskopavawa na wima.
Monastery complex Manastirska celina
The monastery has an irregular triangle in its plan, Manastir je opasan odbrambenim zidom,
defined by a fortified enclosing wall, and dictated by the kojim je ome|en prostor nepravilnog trougaonog
shape of the plateau and the river band. Having in mind the oblika, saobra`en proplanku na kojem je zasnovan
i okuci koju obrazuje Bistrica. Odbrambeni
information from the sources that perimeter wall used to
zidovi bili su zavr{eni zupcima i {etnom
house guard, one comes to the conclusion that the enclosing stazom, zakqu~uju}i po podatku da se na wima
wall must have been finished in a battlement hiding a wall- stra`arilo. Uz obzi|e su izgra|ene mona{ke
walk. The dormitory, monastery library, infirmary and other kelije, zgrada biblioteke, bolnica i zdawa drugih
conventual buildings were built against the perimeter wall. namena. U prostoru koji ogra|uju podignuti su
The enceinte was occupied by the main church, i.e. the glavna crkva posve}ena svetim arhan|elima, koja
Emperors mausoleum, dedicated to Holy Archangels, little je ujedno carev mauzolej, i mali hram ~iji je
church dedicated to St Nicholas, and the refectory, built as a patron sveti Nikola. Odvojeno, u slobodnom
prostoru, podignuta je zgrada trpezarije.
free-standing object.
Remains of the Ostaci crkve Sv.
church of Holy Arhan|ela, pogled
Archangels, view sa juga
from the south
The katholikon dedicated to the Holy Archangels, Saborna crkva , posve}ena arhan|elima Mihailu i
Michael and Gabriel, dominated the monastery complex. Gavrilu, bila je dominanta celog mona{kog
Large, made of costly materials, lavishly ornate with naseqa. Velikih razmera, izvedena u skupocenom
sculptures and relieves, it excited the admiration of medieval gradivu i sa sekundarnim delovima ukra{enim
chroniclers. One of them wrote:by its beauty and bogatim klesanim ukrasom, izazivala je divqewe
adornment it surpassed the church of De~ani . The church starih letopisaca, a jedan od wih je zapisao da
"dobrotoju i hudo`estvom prevashodit de~an-
had a tripartite sanctuary to the east and a narthex to the
sku cerkov, krome mramora"... Crkva ima trodelni
west. It was designed on a cross-in-square scheme. The
oltarski prostor na isto~noj strani i predvorje
remains of two domes one bigger in diameter than the na zapadnoj. Shema osnove hrama je u obliku
other - indicates that the church must have had five domes, upisanog krsta, a po ostacima tambura jedne
and that its oblong corner bays were similar to those in kupole velikog raspona i jedne mawe pret-
Gra~anica with domes positioned in their corners. postavqeno je da je imala pet kupola i krajwe
The narthex was designed as an open portico with traveje, ina~e pravougaonog oblika, re{ene kao
three apertures on its front, and one on the north and south starija saborna crkva manastira Gra~anice, koja
wall, respectively. Shape and size of the pilasters supporting nad tim prostorima ima ugaone kupole.
transverse arches indicate that all of the three bays of the Narteks je otvoren, sa tri otvora na
narthex must have been vaulted: those on the flanks ~eonoj i po jednim sa bo~nih strana. Zakqu~uju}i
surmounted by groin vaults, the central one domed. The po pilastrima koji su nosili popre~ne lukove,
sva tri traveja narteksa bila su zasvedena, dva
façades of the church were made of reddish and white
bo~na verovatno krstastim svodovima, a sredi{ni
marble ashlars. They must have been decorated with several
kupolom. Fasade crkve izvedene su od belog i
blind arches and divided into several zones by horizontal crvenog mermera, a bile su izdeqene slepim
cornices. The windows and portals must have had lavish lukovima na vi{e poqa, a po vertikali, vero-
sculptural decoration featuring Romanesque and Gothic vatno, podeonim vencima. Lepoti spoqa{nosti
reliefs. The mausoleum of Emperor Du{an showed doprinosio je bogat klesani ukras na prozorima
symbiosis of Byzantine concept of churchs interior and i portalima, koncipovan u duhu romani~ko-
Western treatment of the façades, already seen on the goti~ke umetnosti. Time su i na mauzoleju cara
mausolea of the members of Nemanji} dynasty. The church Du{ana, kao i na starijim grobnim crkvama
was equipped with marble liturgical furnishings. In addition Nemawi}a, zastupqeni ne samo vizantijska
to that, it was famous for its mosaique floor, comprised by a zamisao prostora ve} i spoqna obrada u duhu
medieval chronicler among masterpieces of Serbian art. zapadwa~kog graditeqstva. U unutra{wosti crkve
bio je potreban kameni liturgijski nime{taj, a
Façades of the church dedicated toSt Nicholas
nadaleko je bio ~uven wen pod, koji je jedan od
were decorated in the same manner as those of the
katholikon. It was designed as single-naved, domed church, starih pisaca uvrstio me|u remek-dela stare
with an eastern apse, and an open portico, narthex, to the srpske umetnosti.
west. The narthex might have also been domed. Crkva Svetog Nikole spoqa je obra|ena
The refectory was a monumental, free-standing, na isti na~in kao manastirska saborna crkva, ali
je znatno mawa. To je jednobrodan kupolni hram s
cross-shaped object. One of its shorter arms was finished in apsidom na isto~noj strani i otvorenim
an apse. narteksom na zapadnoj. Pretpostavqeno je da je
kupola postojala i nad narteksom.
Research and conservation work Crkvama se monumentalno{}u prikqu~ila
The research of the monastery began with the study manastirska trpezarija, koncipovana kao
samostalna gra|evina krstoobrazne osnove, s
of the sources, in the 19th century. The excavation of the apsidom na jednoj od kra}ih strana.
remains and subsequent investigation of the site was begun Dosada{wa istra`ivawa i konzervatorski
as late as 1927. That campaign was restricted to the radovi
excavation of the remains of the two churches. The other Istra`ivawa Svetih arhan|ela po~ela su
objects belonging to the monastery complex were excavated u XIX veku prou~avawem istorijskih izvora.
th century. The remains of the Otkrivawe ostataka i ispitivawe preostalih
in the seventh decade of the 20 gra|evinskih delova zapo~eto je tek 1927. godine.
monastery underwent a conservation treatment on the same Istra`ivawa su bila usredsre|ena na otkopavawe
occasion. Since no permanent guard could have been saborne crkve i crkve Svetog Nikole, a tek su u
provided, Albanian population from the nearby villages used sedmoj deceniji XX veka otkopani ostali delovi
manastirske celine i konzervatorski obra|eni
to treat the site as a pasture-ground for its cattle. The idea to svi otkriveni gra|evinski ostaci. Po{to nije
revitalize the monastery by rebuilding conventual buildings postojala stalna ~uvarska slu`ba, okolno
and re-establishing brotherhood appeared as a solution to albansko stanovni{tvo uvodilo je stoku u
this problem. It was realized in the ninth decade of theth20 manastir i wene crkve, zbog ~ega su se pokazali
century. neophodnim ponovno uspostavqawe manastira i
izgradwa konaka za monahe koji }e ~uvati Svete
The investigation of the remains of the monastery arhan|ele, {to je ostvareno tek u devetoj deceniji
went along with archeological excavations. A concise report XX veka.
about campaign of 1927 was written by its supervisor, Uporedo sa arheolo{kim i
Radoslav Gruji}, PhD. A more comprehensive study about konzervatorskim radovima teklo je prou~avawe
the monastery was written by professor Slobodan otkopanih ostataka. O prvim iskopavawima
ukratko je izvestio rukovodilac tada{wih radova
Nenadovi}, as a result of investigation and restoration
dr Radoslav Gruji}, a potpuniju studiju o
campaign taken up in the seventh decade of the th20century. manastirskoj celini i crkvama napisao je prof.
In his monograph about the monastery of Holy Archangels Slobodan Nenadovi}, koji je rukovodio radovima
Nenadovi} presented the complete corpus of historical data preduzetim od sedme decenije XX veka. U svojoj
related to the Emperor Du{ans endowment. He paid special monografiji o manastiru Svetih arhan|ela
attention to the analysis of the remains of the churches and sakupio je ne samo sve istorijske podatke {to se
na zadu`binu cara Du{ana odnose ve} je podrobno
stone fragments, in order to make ideal reconstructions of analizovao gra|evinske ostatke i kamene ulomke,
their original appearance. It was a special contribution to the na osnovu kojih je na~inio studijske
idea of beauty and splendour of the Emperors mausoleum. rekonstrukcije nekada{wih prostornih celina
obeju manastirskih crkava. Time je najvi{e
BIBLIOGRAPHY doprineo da slika o celini, upe~atqivosti i
lepoti zadu`bine cara Du{ana bude potpunija.
1. V. Markovi}, Pravoslavno mona{tvo i manastiri u BIBLIOGRAFIJA
srednjevekovnoj Srbiji,Sremski Karlovci 1920, 104-
1. V. Markovi}, Pravoslavno mona{tvo i
106. manastiri u sredwevekovnoj Srbiji, Sremski
2. R. M. Gruji}, Otkopavanje Svetiih arhan|ela kod Karlovci 1920, 104-106.
Prizrena, Glasnik Skopskog nau~nog dru{tva III, 2. R. M. Gruji}, Otkopavawe Svetih arhan|ela
Skoplje 1928, 239-274. kod Prizrena, Glasnik Skopskog nau~nog
3. S. Nenadovi}, Du{anova zadu`bina manastir Svetih dru{tva III, Skopqe, 1928, 239-274.
3. S. Nenadovi}, Du{anova zadu`bina mana-
arhan|ela kod Prizrena,Spomenik CXVI, Odeljenje stir Svetih arhan|ela kod Prizrena,
dru{tvenih nauka 18, Beograd 1967. Spomenik CXVI, Odeq. dru{tvenih nauka 18,
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, Beograd 1967.
Zadu`bine Kosova,Prizren - Beograd 1987, 161-164. 4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,Beograd 1999, veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd
1987,161 - 164.
104-106. 5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 1999, 104-106.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia DOKUMENTACIJA
- Belgrade Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika
kulture - Beograd
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Przren
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
MNEMOSYNE Centre, photo-archive 2001 Centar MNEMOSYNE
H/I-0.57 H/I-0.57
SK 1410 SK 1410
1948/1990. 1948/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski
Vakuf - Prizren Vakuf - Prizren
Gallery Galerija
The mosque was built by Sinan-pasha in 1615. One Yamiju je izgradio 1615. Sinan-pa{a. U
of its inner walls bears the inscription like paradise. unutra{wosti, na zidu, stoji zapis:"sli~na raju".
Stone and the sculptured elements of the U gradwi je upotrebqen kamen i kamena
demolished monastery of Holy Archangels were used in its plastika iz sru{enog manastira Svetih arhan|ela.
construction. The mosque is an example of the classical style Pripada klasi~nom stilu osmanske umetnosti.
of the Ottoman art. It was built of precisely cut ashlars, and Zidana je od pravilno klesanih kamenih blokova,
it has a slender polygonal minaret. sa visokim i vitkim poligonalnim minaretom.
The most conspicuous features of its interor are the U dekoraciji entarijera dominiraju ukras
adornment of the gallery and mural decoration. Several galerije i slikana dekoracija iz vi{e slojeva.
strata can be distinguished in the mural decoration of the Najstariji sloj u kaloti kupole poti~e iz 1628.
mosque. The earliest of them, in the calotte of the dome, godine.
dates from 1628.
1. M. Mujezinovi}, Islamsko osmanlijski
1. M. Mujezinovi}, Islamsko osmanlijski spomenici spomenici Kosova i Metohije, Problemi
Kosova i Metohije, Problemi za{tite i egzistencije za{tite i egzistencije spomenika kulture na
spomenika kulture na Kosovu i Metohiji, VII Kosovu i Metohiji, VII Savetovawe
Savetovanje konzervatora (zbornik radova), Pe}- konzervatora (zbornik radova), Pe}-Prizren-
Prizren-Pri{tina 1967, 101. Pri{tina 1967, 101.
2. A. Andrejevi}, Spomenici islamske umetnosti
, Beograd 2. A. Andrejevi}, Spomenici islamske
1983, 108-112. umetnosti, Beograd 1983, 108-112.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
H/I-0.58 H/I-0.58
SK 1399 SK 1399
1948/1990. 1948/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Municipality of Prizren Skup{tina op{tine Prizren
The fortress Kaljaja is situated on the hill near Na zna~ajnom strate{kom mestu, brdu
11th century, remodelled and enlarged in the th 12 and 13th je u XI vuku, prepravqana i dozi|ivana u XII i
centuries, was additionally fortified during the rule of XIII, oja~ana i dozidana za vreme cara Du{ana u
Emperor Du{an in the 14 th century. In the Turkish period of XIV stole}u. Prepravqana je u pet faza u turskom
periodu, najvi{e u XVII veku. Delimi~no
its history, five distinct phases can be traced the most
th century. The fortress arheolo{ki istra`ena i konzervirana.
important of them belong to the 17
underwent partial archaeological investigation and BIBLIOGRAFIJA
conservation treatment.
1. I. Zdravkovi}, Sredwovekovni dvorci i gra-
BIBLIOGRAPHY dovi na Kosovu, Beograd 1975, 83-86.
1. I. Zdravkovi}, Srednjovekovni dvorci i gradovi na 2. V. Jovanovi}, Kosovski gradovi i dvorci XI-
XV veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
Kosovu, Beograd 1975, 83-86.
1987, 380.
2. V. Jovanovi}, Kosovski gradovi i dvorci XI-XV veka
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 380. DOKUMENTACIJA
DOCUMENTATION Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture Prizren
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
Utvr|ewe obezbe|uje KFOR. Zidani os-
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 taci svodnih konstrukcija kazamata, delimi~no
o~uvani i zaru{eni, ukazuju da se ve} decenijama
The fortress is guarded by KFOR. Partly ruined
nije vr{ila konzervacija i plansko ure|ewe.
remains of the vaults in prison cells show that the last
Neravne povr{ine platoa uslovqavaju arheolo{ke
conservation project was taken long time ago. Uneven radove: ras~i{}avawe {uta i otkrivawe
terrain of the plateau demands archaeological interventions: prilaznih puteva i komunikacija i ostataka
removing of the rubble, putting into function the existing ranijih gra|evina u sastavu utvr|ewa. Instalacije
roads and communications, excavation of the remains of vodovoda su neispravne, jer se kroz ulaznu kapiju
objects belonging to earlier phases in the history of fortress. sliva voda. Sa spoqne strane, svi bedemi su u
Water pours through the main gate since the plumbing korovu i visokom rastiwu. Spoqna rasveta, koja
system is out of order. The outer side of the curtain wall has obasjava bedeme no}u, na visokim drvenim
run into weed. Lights put on the posts around the monastery stubovima, nije re{ewe za puno osvetqewe.
do not provide proper illumination. The complete surface of Neophodno je da se, po uklawawu {ibqa i visokog
the curtain wall should be lighted with reflectors put by the rastiwa, osvetqava puna povr{ina bedema nisko
postavqenim reflektorima.
ground, after the weed and brushwood gets removed.
Ceo kompleks utvr|ewa se posle
After thorough archaeological investigation the
arheolo{kih istra`nih radova mo`e predlo`iti
revitalization of the fortress should be recommended: it
za vi{enamensko kori{}ewe u kona~noj kulturno-
should be turned into multi-functional object in the context
prirodnoj celini grada Prizrena.
of natural and cultural environment of the city of Prizren.
H/I-0.59 H/I-0.59
SK 1404 SK 1404
1950/1990. 1950/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church and the municipality of Prizren Srpska pravoslavna crkva i SO Prizren
The church in Pej~i}i, dedicated to the Dormition of Crkva Uspewa Bogorodice u Pej~i}ima
the Virgin was built in the first half of the 17th century. It is
izgra|ena je u prvoj polovini XVII veka kao
an oblong, single-naved, barrel-vaulted building, with an jednobrodna pravougaona gra|evina sa spoqa
apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The trostranom, a iznutra polukru`nom oltarskom
narthex surmounted by a timber belfry was built in theth19 apsidom, i poluobli~astim svodom. Crkva je u XIX
century. According to an inscription above the door, on the veku dobila spoqnu spratnu pripratu sa lakom
west wall of the nave, the church got fresco decoration in drvenom zvonarom iznad we. Po natpisu sa~uvanom
1646/1647, sponsored by donations of the inhabitants of iznad ulaznih vrata na zapadnom zidu naosa vidi
Sredska. The disposition of frescoes is in accordance with se da je freskopisana 1646/1647. godine prilozima
me{tana Sredske. Raspored fresaka ne odstupa od
iconographic schemes typical of the epoch: standing figures
obrazaca epohe, sa prvom zonom stoje}ih figura
of the saints in the first zone, a belt of medallions with
svetiteqa, poprsjima u medaqonima iznad wih,
saints busts above it, scenes from the Passion of Christ in Mukama Hristovim u drugoj i Praznicima u tre}oj
the second, and the Cycle of the Feasts in the third zone. The zoni, te karakteristi~nim repertoarom svoda sa
pick of scenes in the vault is also typical - the Ascension and Vaznesewem i Pantokratorom i uobi~ajenim
Christ Pantokrator, as well as the repertoire of the sanctuary. scenama u oltaru.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog perioda, 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog
Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, perioda, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III,
51-106. Pri{tina 1958, 51-106.
2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na Kosovu , 2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na
Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 134. Kosovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV,
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Pri{tina 1984, 134.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 529. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 529.
4. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore, Opolja i Sreda~ke
4. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore,
`upe, [arplaninske `upe Gora, Opolje i Sredska, Opoqa i Sreda~ke `upe, [arplaninske `upe
posebna izdanja SANU knjiga 40/II, Beograd 1995, Gora, Opoqe i Sredska, posebna izdawa
503. SANU kwiga 40/II, Beograd 1995, 503.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
Facades of the church were coated with mortar and
white-washed. A crack can be noticed in the joint between Spoqa je hram omalterisan i okre~en.
the church and the belfry, probably due to difference in Uo~ava se pukotina na mestu gde se spajaju hram i
weight of their structures, and settlement of the foundations zvonik, verovatno usled nejednakog optere}ewa i
of the belfry. The church has stone-slate roofing. The lower kao posledica slegawa temeqa zvonika. Krovni
zone of façades of the eastern part of the church is hidden pokriva~ je od kamenih plo~a. Na isto~nom delu
behind the layers of deposit. je hram znatno utonuo u nanos zemqe.
Fresco decoration is in extremely bad condition, @ivopis je izuzetno lo{em stawu i preti
and there is a threat of further deterioration. The walls have mu opasnost od daqeg propadawa. U zidovima je
been contaminated by capillary humidity, which resulted in prisutna kapilarna vlaga, koja je veoma o{tetila
severe damages of the first zone and the socle in the nave prvu zonu i soklu u naosu i oltarskom prostoru.
and sanctuary. Penetration of the atmospheric humidity Prodor atmosferske vlage kroz krovni pokriva~
through the roof caused damages in the vault, in whose north izazvao je o{te}ewa na svodu, na ~ijoj severnoj
part frescoes have been almost completely destroyed. Two strani `ivopis gotovo potpuno nedostaje. Na
major damages can be seen on the south half of the vault, ju`noj strani svoda postoje dva ve}a o{te}ewa
recently filled with inadequate mortar, probably containing `ivopisa, plombirana novim neadekvatnim
malterom, koji u sebi najverovatnije sadr`i i
cement. Fresco decoration of the vault is severely damaged
cement. Celom du`inom temena svoda `ivopis je
all along its apex, but it is preserved. Fresco mortar is
veoma o{te}en, ali o~uvan, fresko-malter je
crackled, and it has been falling off, which resulted in new ispucao i postoje nova o{te}ewa nastala wegovim
damages in the vault, especially on its west side. Almost otpadawem sa svoda naro~ito na zapadnoj strani.
complete surface of the preserved frescoes is covered with Gotovo na celoj povr{ini o~uvanog `ivopisa
efflorescence. Paint layer is covered with soot. do{lo je do jakog isoqavawa. Bojeni sloj je
In the niche above the door in the east wall of the prekriven ~a|i.
latter-day narthex, a fresco depicting the Holy Virgin with U ni{i iznad vrata na isto~nom zidu
the Child can be seen. Its paint layer has been severely prizidane priprate stoji freska Bogorodice sa
damaged. In the lower right corner fresco mortar came off Hristom. Bojeni sloj je veoma o{te}en celom
uncovering a fragment of an earlier fresco. Feet, ends of povr{inom. U dowem desnom delu fresko-malter
hanging robes worn by small figures belonging to a je otpao i otkrio fragment starijeg bojenog sloja.
composition, probably the Dormition of the Virgin, a feast to Vide se noge i dowi delovi draperija, mawih
figura neke kompozicije, najverovatnije Uspewa
which the church was originally dedicated, and a bordure Bogorodice, kojoj je crkva posve}ena, i bordura
identical to the bordure separating frescoes in the nave, can indenti~na sa bordurama izme|u fresaka u naosu
be seen. crkve.
The iconostasis has wooden plating. The Sovereign Oplata ikonostasa je drvena i na sebi
Row, and the second row consist of prints and popular prints nosi grafike i ka{irane reprodukcije ikona u
prestonoj i drugoj zoni, dok je u tre|oj zoni
mounted on panel, while the Crucifixion from the third zone
kompozicija Raspe}a slikana uqem na duborezanoj
was painted in oil on carved wood panel. dasci.
H/III-0.60 H/III-0.60
Protected in 1974 za{ti}ena 1974.
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
DESCRIPTION The interior with the Enterijer sa DESKRIPCIJA
The church iconostasis ikonostasom Crkva Ro|ewa Bo-
of the Nativity of the gorodice u Plawa-
Virgin in Planjane was nima podignuta je
built in 1868 on the 1868. na mestu sta-
site of an earlier rije crkve Svete
church dedicated to Trojice. To je jedno-
the Holy Trinity. It is a brodna crkva pravo-
ugaone osnove, iz
single-naved building,
koje se na istoku
rectangular in plan, izdvaja spoqa tros-
with an apse, semi- trana, a iznutra po-
circular inside and lukru`na apsida.
three-sided in the Pored oltarske ap-
exterior. The apse is side su polukru`ne
flanked by semi- ni{e |akonikona i
circular niches of proskomidije. Svod
prothesis and diaco- je poluobli~ast.
nicon. The church is barrel-vaulted. A plain coat of mortar Fasade su ravno malterisane, a jedini ukras na
has been applied to its facades, adorned with semicircular fasadama predstavqaju polukru`ne ni{e na
stranama apside i iznad ulaznih vrata. Zidovi
niches on the sides of the apse and above the entrance.
crkve nisu oslikani, a od ikonostasa iz XIX veka
There are no mural paintings in the church. The u crkvi su sada samo oplata i dve prestone ikone.
only remains of the 19th century iconostasis are the plating U crkvi se nalaze i 8 ikona i dva krsta, kao i
and two icons of the Sovereign Row. Eight icons, two metalna zve~ka sa natpisom. Sa zapadne strane uz
crosses and a metallic rattle bearing an inscription can be crkvu je {ezdesetih godina dozidana spoqna
found in the church. During 1960s a narthex with a belfry priprata sa zvonikom. Crkva je sada pokrivena
was attached to the west front of the church. The roof of the limom.
church is covered with metal plates.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 499-501. 499-501.
original parts. Icons are in good condition: ground and sloj su stabilni, za{titni lak je delimi~no
colour coat are stable, while the varnish has partly yellowed po`uteo i prekriven je tankim slojem ~a|i.
and is covered with thin layer of soot. Royal and north doors, Carske i severne dveri, ikone iz druge zone i
kompozicija Raspe}a iz tre}e, trenutno nisu u
the icons from the second row and Crucifixion from the third
crkvi, a ekipi u trenutku obilaska nije bilo
are not in the church. At the moment of inspection we did not
poznato gde se nalaze i da li uop{te postoje.
know their whereabouts, and, what is more, we didnt know Druga zona, ~ija se oplata sastoji iz dva
whether they still existed. The icons occupying the second horizontalna dela i ima polukru`no zavr{ena
zone (with plating made of two horizontal pieces and le`i{ta za ikone, popuwena je ikonama
semicircular shelves for the icons), varying in dimensions, razli~itih formata, ve}inom reprodukcija,
are mostly prints arranged without any intention of pore|anih bez ikakvog ikonografskog reda.
submitting to an iconographic scheme.
H/III-0.61 H/III-0.61
Protected in 1956 za{ti}ena 1956
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church to the south of the cathedral, in the
Crkva Svetog \or|a u porti, ju`no od
churchyard, is dedicated to St George. It has also been called
Saborne crkve, poznata je kao Runovi}eva, ili
the church of Runovi}, or the church of St George Runovi}, Svetog \or|a Runovi}a po prezimenu ktitora
after the family name of the donors, brothers from the family bra}e Runovi}. Crkva se razli~ito datuje od XIV
of Runovi}. Since the church was remodelled several times, do XVI veka, budu}i da wen arhitektonski sklop,
its appearance does not provide sufficient information about mewan tokom vremena, ne daje dovoqno podataka o
the time of its construction. Several hypotheses concerning dobu u kome je nastala. To je jednobrodna crkva
that matter were made, dating it within the period between bez kupole, poluobli~astog svoda, sa oltarskom
the 14th and 16th centuries. It is barrel-vaulted, single-naved, apsidom, iznutra polukru`nom, spoqa trostranom,
without dome. The church has an eastern apse, semicircular na istoku. Crkva je zidana kamenom, a sada je
inside and three-sided in the exterior. It was built of stone pokrivena limom. Posebnost arhitekture ove
and it has lead-plate covering. The most significant feature crkve predstavqaju {iroki lu~ni otvori na
severnoj strani, sada zastakqeni, a pre
of its architecture is the use of wide arches on the north
konzervatorsko-restauratorskih radova i u ranijoj
facade. Those arches used to be walled in until conservation
istoriji crkve zazidani. Zapadna fasada je tako|e
and restoration campaign. They are now glazed. The design neobi~no re{ena: kalkan, koji je vi{i od krova
of the western façade is also untypical: the gable is higher crkve, u centru ima {iroku i visoku ni{u, ~iji
than the roof, and it has a wide and tall niche in its centre; luk prati luk svoda. U ni{i je lu~no zavr{eni
the arch of the niche outlines the ending of the vault. The portal sa kamenim okvirom, a zidno platno
niche encloses arched stone portal. The wall between the izme|u portala i luka kalkana zidano je pravilno
portal and the gable is filled with patterned stone and brick postavqenim kamenom i opekom, {to navodi na
bond, which suggests that the church, or at least a part of it, pretpostavku da je re~ o gra|evini, ili bar delu
dates back to the 14th century. The portal is surmounted by a gra|evine, koja poti~e iz XIV veka. Iznad portala
deep arched niche containing a stone slab with a carved je duboka lu~no zavr{ena ni{a, u kojoj je kamena
soleil tournantornament. plo~a sa plitko rezanim ukrasom u obliku soleil
Regardless the problems concerning the dating of tournant. Obnova novijeg vremena je u velikoj meri
the church, it is clear that it must have been built before the rekonstrukcija.
second half of the 16th century, when it got fresco Bez obzira na odre|ene nesigurnosti u
decoration. The frescoes were painted by a group of painters datovawu crkvene gra|evine, jasno je da je ona
postojala u drugoj polovini XVI veka, kada je
working in Sreda~ka `upa. The same workshop worked in
oslikana. To je rad grupe majstora koji su u
the churches in Mu{nikovo, Sredska (the churches of St Sreda~koj `upi `ivopisali crkve u Mu{nikovu,
Nicholas, and of the Holy Virgin), and Donja Bitinja (church Svetog Nikolu i Bogorodicu u Sredskoj i crkvu
of St Theodore Tyron). The decoration scheme of the Teodora Tirona u Dowoj Bitiwi. U prilog
preserved parts of fresco ensemble in the vaults and in the datovawu u period posle obnove Pe}ke
upper parts of the walls, indicates that the frescoes must have patrijar{ije govori i ikonografska {ema svodova
i gorwih zona, na kojima je o~uvan `ivopis.
been painted after the renewal of the Patriarhate of Pe}.
O~i{}eni fragmenti `ivopisa govore o vaqanim
Cleaned fragments show that the frescoes were painted by majstorima, sa smislom za komponovawe i
good painters, having the feeling for composition, and able sposobno{}u da sa`imawem naracije postignu
to make the impression of monumentality regardless small monumentalnost, uprkos malim dimenzijama scena.
dimensions of the scene, by means of restricted naration. Tokom 1994. i 1995. u crkvi su zapo~eti
konzervatorsko-restauratorski radovi na
Conservation and restoration of the frescoes was
`ivopisu. Posle radova ostali su flasteri gaze
undertaken in 1994 and 1995. Gauze strips (now
(trenutno mestimi~no rezlepqeni) na kriti~nim
occasionally detached) put in the places where detached mestima, gde je fresko-malter odvojen od zidane
fresco mortar is likely to fall off, are still on the walls, as podloge i preti mu opasnost da potpuno otpadne
well as the cleaning probes, which have removed the soot, sa bojenim slojem, kao i sonde za ~i{}ewa, koje
discovering severely damaged fresco layer of a very high ispod tamnog sloja ~a|i otkrivaju dosta o{te}en
artistic quality. Missing fragments of fresco mortar were bojeni sloj visokih likovnih kvaliteta. Od
konzervatorskih radova izvr{eno je i
replaced with mortar fillings. In 1995, remains of frescoes
plombirawe o{te}ewa sa kojih nedostaje fresko-
were found under the layer of paint in the lower zones of the malter sa bojenim slojem. Godine 1995. ispod kre~a
walls and on the northern part of the western arch na dowim zonama zidova i na severnom delu luka
surmounting the portal. The work on conservation na zapadnoj strani iznad portala prona|eni su
documentation the identification of iconography, and fragmenti o~uvanog `ivopisa. Tada je zapo~et rad
blueprinting was begun on the same occasion. na izradi konzervatorske dokumentacije -
ikonografsko ~itawe i iscrtavawe o~i{}enog
The iconostasis was painted by Petar Filipovi} from
Gara, in 1829. Certain icons from the period between the Ikonostas je radio Petar Filipovi} iz
14th and the 19th centuries were also found in the church. A Gare, 1829. godine. U crkvi se ~uvao i odre|en
part of them, as well as the iconostasis, underwent broj ikona nastalih od XIV do XIX veka. Deo ikona
conservation treatment in 1995. i ikonostasa je konzerviran 1995. godine.
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca) , Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku
(sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 80-81.
Beograd 1928, 80-81.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 507-
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 507-509. 509.
3. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog perioda , 3. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe iz turskog
Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, perioda, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije III,
51-106. Pri{tina 1958, 51-106.
4. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na tritoriji
4. R. Timotijevi},Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena
, Ba{tina 1,
Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 265-266.
Pri{tina 1991, 265-266. 5. N. [utakovi}-Andri}, Konzervatorsko-
5. N. [utakovi}-Andri}, Konzervatorsko-restauratorski restauratorski radovi Prizrenskog zavoda
radovi Prizrenskog zavoda 1994. godine , Glasnik DKS 1994. godine, Glasnik DKS 19, Beograd 1995,
19, Beograd 1995, 120-121. 120-121.
6. R. Petrovi}, Crkva Sv. \or|a Runovi}a u Prizrenu, 6. R. Petrovi}, Crkva Sv. \or|a Runovi}a u
Prizrenu, istra`iva~ki i slikarsko
istra`iva~ki i slikarsko konzervatorski radovi 1995.
konzervatorski radovi 1995. godine, Glasnik
godine, Glasnik DKS 20, Beograd 1996, 129-131. DKS 20, Beograd 1996, 129-131.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
frescoes show numerous cracks in the vault and in the `ivopis je fiksiran trakama gaze, sav u
arches. Some of these cracks have been covered with gauze pukotinama, kako u zoni svoda, tako i lukova,
strips. neophodno je hitno izneti sav deponovan
The level of the pavement, made of stone slabs, is materijal i ogrev i spre~iti dodatno isparavawe
for a few steps lower than the level of the churchyard. i ugro`avawe fresaka.
Pod od kamenih plo~a je za nekoliko
Wooden construction of the iconostasis and its parapet slabs
stepenika ni`i od porte. Od oltarske pregrade
were retained in their original position, while the icons have zadr`ane su drvena konstrukcija i parapetne
been removed. The traces of the increased humidity in the plo~e. Ikone su demontirane. U unutra{wosti
churchs interior are obvious especially in its southwestern hrama primetna je znatna vla`nost u zidovima,
part, where the dampness is a result of penetrating posebno u jugozapadnom delu, kao posledica
precipitations. prodora atmosferskih padavina sa susednog ju`nog
zida porte.
The fact that the level of the churchs floor is under
Dugotrajno delovawe kapilarne vlage,
the level of the ground have provided favorable conditions veoma nagla{eno zbog toga {to je crkva
for long-term capillary action, which resulted in delimi~no ukopana dovelo je do potpunog otpadawa
deterioration of frescoes in the lowest zone of the walls. velikog dela `ivopisa u dowim zonama naosa.
Although severely damaged and covered with layer of soot, Iako mnogo o{te}en, prekriven tamnim slojem
the frescoes are preserved in the sanctuary, on the vault and ~a|i, `ivopis je ostao o~uvan u oltarskom
prostoru, na celom svodu i gorwoj zoni severnog
in the upper zone of the northern wall of the nave. Lower zida naosa. Dowe zone naosa, zbog naslaganog
zones of the nave are hidden by the material stored in the materijala u crkvi, nije mogu}e u potpunosti
church and thus cannot be inspected. Numerous cracks, sagledati. Na o~uvanom `ivopisu prisutan je
varying in dimensions, can be noticed on the frescoes: the velik broj pukotina razli~itih dimenzija, od
biggest of them are located along the apex of the vault and kojih su najve}e u temenu svoda i po rubovima
isto~nog zida. Te pukotine su plombirane kad su
on the borders of the eastern wall. All the cracks got mortar
zapo~eti konzervatorski radovi. Fresko-malter je
fillings at the beginning of the latest conservation campaign. na vi{e mesta odvojen od zidanog nosa~a i ima
Fresco mortar is in several places detached from the wall and tendenciju da potpuno otpadne sa bojenim slojem.
is likely to fall off. Capillary dampness of the walls resulted Kapilarna vlaga je i daqe prisutna u zidovima,
in pulverization of the fresco layer and development of {to dovodi do pulverzacije bojenog sloja i
efflorescence on its surface. Efflorescence is particularly isoqavawa na wegovoj povr{ini. Isoqavawe je
naro~ito nagla{eno u oltarskom prostoru na
noticeable in the sanctuary, on the south side of the vault, ju`noj strani svoda i u uglu zapadnog zida i
and in the upper northwestern corner. severnog dela svoda.
With the exception of two decorated wood parapets Ikonostas je, osim dve dekorisane drvene
in the socle, the iconostasis was removed from the church plo~e u soklu ispod prestonih ikona, demontiran
probably when the conservation of frescoes was undertaken. i izme{ten iz crkve verovatno na po~etku
In the niche surmounting the entrance, fragments of konzervatorskih radova na `ivopisu.
mortar, fresco layer and traces of a carved ornament can be U ni{i iznad ulaznih vrata postoje
noticed. No explanation of these remains can be given at the ostaci maltera, bojenog sloja kao i tragovi
moment. urezanog ornamenta, {to u ovom momentu nije
mogu}e protuma~iti.
H/III-0.62 H/III-0.62
Protected in 1966 za{ti}ena 1966.
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The entrance into the churchyard and Ulaz u portu i kupola crkve
the dome of the church
The church of Sveta Nedelja, dedicated to the Crkva Svete Nedeqe, Vavedewa
Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, was founded in Bogorodice, podignuta je 1371. godine kao
zadu`bina mladog kraqa Marka Mrwav~evi}a. Ta
1371 as the endowment of young king Marko Mrnjav~evi}.
prva crkva bila je posve}ena Vavedewu
The remains of this original church, upon which the church Bogorodice, a weni ostaci otkriveni su 1966.
of Sveta Nedelja was subsequently erected, were discovered godine ispod docnije crkve na tom mestu
in 1966. Among archaeological remains that were found, a posve}ene Svetoj Nedeqi. Me|u arheolo{kim
completely preserved calotte of the dome should be pointed ostacima posebno je zna~ajno otkri}e cele kalote
out. The tablet with the donors inscription and the kubeta. U crkvi su na|ene i plo~e sa napisima
ktitora i nadgrobna plo~a Marine Struje iz iste
sepulchral slab of Marina Struja, both dating from 1371, godine. Na zidovima crkve na|eni su i ostaci
were also found, as well as remains of the original fresco `ivopisa iz vremena izgradwe.
decoration. Po zavr{etku istra`ivawa i konzervacije
The research and conservation of the remains were nalaza, crkva je rekonstruisana u prvobitnom
obliku, kao gra|evina sa osnovom sa`etog
followed by restitution of the churchs original appearance:
upisanog krsta sa pripratom, osmostranim
an atrophied Greek-cross building, with a narthex, octagonal kubetom i polukru`nom apsidom.
drum of the dome and a semicircular apse.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. M. Foli}, M. Luki}, Informativni pregled
1. M. Foli}, M. Luki}, Informativni pregled konzervatorskih radova na spomenicima
konzervatorskih radova na spomenicima kulture kulture Kosova od 1962. do 1972. godine,
Kosova od 1962. do 1972. godine, Starine Kosova VI- Starine Kosova VI-VII, Pri{tina 1972-1973,
VII, Pri{tina 1972-1973, 246.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 511-
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 511-512. 512.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
The walls are still contaminated by capillary Kapilarna vlaga je i daqe prisutna u
humidity: the south wall and the northwestern corner in zidovima, naro~ito ju`nom i u uglu severnog i
zapadnog zida. Fresko-malter je mestimi~no
particular. Fresco mortar is here and there detached from the
odvojen od zidanog nosa~a, ali mu trenutno ne
wall, but for the time being it is not likely to fall off. preti opasnost da otpadne.
H/III-0.63 H/III-0.63
Protected in 1955 za{ti}ena 1955.
Prizren, the District of Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski
Built in the 19th century Poti~e iz XIX veka.
The exterior Spoqa{wi izgled
1. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,Beograd 2002, 1. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
128. Beograd 2002, 128.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
H/III-0.64 H/III-0.64
Protected in 1974 za{ti}ena 1974.
Prizren, the District of Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski
Street view Ulaz sa ulice
1. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,Beograd 2002, 1. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
128. Beograd 2002, 128.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
H/III-0.65 H/III-0.65
Protected in 1977. za{ti}eno 1977.
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St Nicholas in Sredska is composed Crkva Svetog Nikole u Sredskoj sastoji
of three units dating from different epochs. The earliest of se od tri gra|evine nastale u razli~itim
them is the nave with the sanctuary rectangular in plan vremenima. Najstariji je, verovatno, sada{wi naos
with an apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the sa oltarom, pravougaone osnove, sa iznutra
exterior. On the south façade of this unit, by southwest polukru`nom, a spoqa trostranom oltarskom
The entrance into the graveyard and the Ulaz u grobqe i crkva sa istoka
church viewed from the east
corner, three arched niches san be seen. Two of them, to the apsidom. Na ju`noj fasadi ovog dela hrama, pri
west, have equal dimensions, while the third one, with a jugozapadnom uglu, nalaze se tri polukru`no
window in its upper part, is narrower and shorter. This part zavr{ene slepe ni{e od koje su dve prema zapadu
of the church was, up to the level of the apex of the niches istovetnih dimenzija, a tre}a, sa prozorom u
arch, built of ashlars laid in regular courses. From the level gorwem delu, u`a je i ni`a od prve dve. Ovaj deo
of the niches apex upwards, masonry work becomes sada{we crkve je do temena lukova slepih ni{a
zidan tesanicima postavqenim u pravilne nizove.
irregular, identical with the masonry work of the narthex,
Od temena ni{a navi{e zidawe je nepravilno,
belonging to a different phase of construction. This part of
istovetno sa na~inom zidawa sada{we priprate -
the complex is barrel-vaulted. Its floor is paved with stone druge gra|evinske faze. Svod ovog dela je
slabs. Present narthex, somewhat wider than the nave, is poluobli~ast, a pod pokriven kamenim plo~ama.
rectangular in plan. Its walls are composed of irregular Sada{wa priprata je pravougaone osnove i
courses of stone and limestone. The narthex was covered by neznatno je {ira od naosa. Zidana je nepravilnim
a barrel vault and paved with stone. The level of the nizovima sige i kamena. I ovde je podni pokriva~
pavement and the level of the vault are higher than their od kamena, a svod poluobli~ast. Pod i svod
counterparts in the nave. The higher part with the four-sided priprate vi{i su od naosa. Zapadno od priprate
belfry, probably the most recent part of the complex, dating je vi{i deo sa ~etvorostanom kulom-zvonarom,
from 1875, when the church was restored, is situated to the verovatno najnoviji deo crkve, iz vremena obnove
west of the narthex. iz 1875. godine.
The walls of the nave and sanctuary have been Naos i oltar sada su prekriveni uqanim
`ivopisom, koji je, prema natpisu u proskomidiji,
covered with oil mural paintings, which were, according to
nastao 1887. i rad je "zugrava Jakova Radeva".
an inscription in the prothesis, painted by Jakov Radev in
Ikonostas je delimi~no sa~uvan u crkvi, a
1887. The iconostasis is only partly preserved. Its icons were
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve Sreda~ke `upe, Glasnik
muzeja Kosova i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958,
1. P. Pajki},Crkve Sreda~ke `upe , Glasnik muzeja Kosova 51-106.
i Metohije III, Pri{tina 1958, 51-106. 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 529.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 529. 3. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Prizrena, Ba{tina I, Pri{tina 1991, 263.
3. R. Timotijevi},Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena
, Ba{tina I,
4. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore,
Pri{tina 1991, 263. Opoqa i Sreda~ke `upe, [arplaninske `upe
4. M. Ivanovi}, Kulturna ba{tina Gore, Opolja i Sreda~ke Gora, Opoqe i Sredska, Posebna izdawa
`upe, [arplaninske `upe Gora, Opolje i Sredska, SANU, Beograd 1995, 503.
Posebna izdanja SANU, Beograd 1995, 503.
Osnovni materijal od kojeg je hram gra|en
As can be seen on the facades, stone and limestone su kamen i siga, koji se vide na fasadi, a
are prevailing materials used in the construction of the verovatno da je od istog gradiva i poluobli~asti
church. The same materials are probably used for the svod. Podu`na gra|evina je iz dva dela, stariji
construction of the vault. Longitudinal building consists of isto~ni, koji je i `ivopisan, i noviji, dogra|en
two parts; the earlier to the east, adorned with frescoes, and prema zapadu. Od nekada{weg zapadnog zida
subsequently built western part. The only remaining part of starije gra|evine sada se zadr`ao samo luk. Pod
the western wall of the original building got the form of an je od kamenih plo~a, a pod u zapadnom delu -
arch. The floor is paved with stone slabs. The floor of the priprati - je vi{i. Oba hrama imaju
poluobli~aste svodove, isto~ni ni`i, a zapadni
western part, the narthex, is elevated. Both units are barrel-
vi{i. Ulaz u hram je sa juga u pripratu, a pred
vaulted the vault of the narthex being higher than that of
zapadnim masivnim vratima je zvonik. Hram je
the nave. The narthex is entered through a door in the south osvetqen sa juga dvama prozorima, sa severa
wall. Massive western portal is covered by the belfry. The jednim u isto~nom delu, a na delu priprate
church is fenestrated with two windows on the south side vratima i prozorom prema jugu, dok je prozor
and a window in the north wall of the eastern part. The prema severu zazidan. Oltarska apsida je spoqa
narthex has a door and a window in the south wall, while the trostrana, a iznutra polukru`na, sa prozorom u
window of the north wall was walled in. The window in the ni{i od sige posebno profilisanoj sa spodne
apse, which is semicircular inside and three-sided in the strane. Na ju`nom zidu isto~ne crkve su u sigi
exterior, is enclosed in a profiled niche made of limestone. profilisane ni{e.
South façade of the eastern part is also adorned with profiled Uqano zidno slikarstvo postoji u naosu i
oltarskom prostoru, ali u izuzetno lo{em stawu.
niches made of limestone.
Oil mural paintings, preserved in the nave and Kapilarna vlaga u zidovima ugro`ava dowe zone
sanctuary, are in poor condition. Capillary dampness threats slikarstva, dok je sokla potpuno uni{tena.
the lower zones of mural decoration, while those in the socle Prodor atmosferske vlage kroz krovni pokriva~
have been completely destroyed. Major damages of the vault napravio je velike {tete na oslikanim svodovima,
decoration were caused by penetration of atmospheric naro~ito u oltarskom prostoru, gde je na severnoj
humidity. In the north side of the sanctuary, it resulted in strani do{lo do jake pulverzacije bojenog sloja,
increased pulverization of the paint layer, much of which has koji je u velikoj meri otpao. Slegawe tla i zidova
dovelo je do stvarawa pukotina i potklobu~ewa
already come off. The settlement of walls and ground
maltera. Iznad ikonostasa je otpao mawi
produced cracks and detaches in the mortar. In the zone fragment maltera. Po rubovima ovog o{te}ewa
above the iconostasis a minor fragment of mortar has already malter je oko 1sm odvojen od zida i preti
fallen off. Efflorescence can be seen all over mural opasnost od daqeg otpadawa. Na celoj povr{ini
decoration. Murals are covered with dark layer of soot and oslikanih zidova do{lo je do isoqavawa.
dirt. @ivopis je prekriven tamnim slojem ~a|i i
The iconostasis is divided into three-zones. Icons prqav{tine.
were painted in oil on panel. The icons of the Sovereign Row Ikonostas se sastoji iz tri zone. Ikone
have been removed. No information about their whereabouts su ra|ene uqem na dasci. Prestone ikone su
is available. Colour coat of the Royal Doors is severely demontirane i nema informacija gde se trenutno
damaged, and in many places missing, together with the nalaze. Bojeni sloj na carskim dverima je veoma
o{te}en i u velikoj meri nedostaje sa osnovom.
ground. The figure of the Virgin on the south wing is the
Otpadawe osnove najvi{e je o{tetilo figuru
most affected by deterioration of the ground. Colour coat Bogorodice na ju`nom krilu. Na severnim
and the ground of the icon on the north door - standing figure dverima, sa stoje}om figurom Svetog Nikole,
of St Nicholas - are in considerably better condition. There bojeni sloj i osnova su u znatno boqem stawu.
is, however a crack caused by detaching of two boards Postoji samo vertikalna pukotina nastala
making the door. In the extent they can be inspected from the rezlepqivawem dveju dasaka od kojih su dveri
level of ground, icons of the second and the third zones seem sastavqene. Koliko je mogu}e sagledati sa zemqe,
to be stable. Colour coat of all the icons has yellowed and druga i tre}a zona su postojane. Bojeni sloj na
darkened. svim ikonama je po`uteo i potamneo.
H/E-0.66 H/E-0.66
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Prizren, Prizrenski
Prizren, the District of Prizren
Vakuf - Prizren
Napomena: evidentirali italijanski stru~waci
Note: Recognized by the Italian experts in 2002. 2002. godine.
The exterior Spoqa{wi izgled
H/E-0.67 H/E-0.67
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The cathedral of St George was constructed and
Saborna crkva Svetog \or|a u Prizrenu
decorated in the period between 1856 and 1887. It is gra|ena je i opremana od 1856. do 1887. godine. To
designed on a cross-in-square scheme. Its western part is je gra|evina razvijenog tipa upisanog krsta. Na
occupied by a narthex with a choir gallery and a belfry. It has zapadnom delu je priprata sa horom i kulom
a tripartite sanctuary to the east, with three projecting apses. zvonarom, a na isto~nom tro~lani oltarski
The dome at the crossing of the nave and transept is prostor s apsidama koje se izdvajaju iz mase zida.
supported by pillars. Gables on the lateral facades outline the Kube se izdi`e na stupcima nad presekom
shape of transept. The arms of the transept are covered with transepta i glavnog broda. Transept se izdvaja
double-pitched roofs emerging from the slopes of the zabatima na bo~nim fasadama i ima dvoslivne
longitudinal double-pitched roof, which cover the nave and krovove, koji se vide iznad podu`nog dvoslivnog
the corner bays. The church is built of ashlars. It used to have krova crkve koji obuhvata i ugaone prostore.
an open portico encompassing its north, south and west Crkva je zidana pravilno tesanim kamenom. Oko
sides. zapadnog, severnog i ju`nog krila bio je trem na
The icons on the iconostasis and on the thrones, as stubovima.
well as mural painting depicting Christ Pantokrator, and the Ikonostas, tronove i zidnu sliku
representations of the Evangelists in the dome, were painted Pantokratora i jevan|eliste u kubetu slikao je
by Kuzman Fr~kovski from Gali~nik. Woodcarvings on Kuzman Fr~kovski iz Gali~nika. Rezba pojedinih
certain parts of the thrones and the iconostasis can be detaqa tronova i ikonostasa predstavqa vrhunska
compared to the masterpieces of the workshops from Debar. dostignu}a debarskih radionica. Ikonostas ima
All the icons from the iconostasis were painted in oil on veliki broj ikona slikanih uqem na platnu
canvas mounted on panel, with the exception of the Royal prilepqenom na dasci, osim dveri i Raspe}a koji
Doors and the Crucifixion, which were painted directly on su slikani uqem neposredno na dasci. Na ogradi
panel. The choir fence carries numerous icons representing hora nalazi se veliki broj ikona pojedina~nih
the saints, painted in oil on the panel. svetiteqa ra|enih uqem na dasci.
Numerous icons from the other churches in Prizren U crkvi se ~uva veliki broj ikona iz
ostalih prizrenskih i crkava u okolini.
and its surroundings are stored in the cathedral.
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku
Beograd 1928, 84-87. (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 84-87.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
The church is protected by German KFOR units. Crkva se nalazi pod za{titom nema~kih
jedinica KFOR-a.
No traces of damages can be seen on the churchs
Pregledom sa spoqne strane nisu uo~qiva
façades. In its interior, a minor crack on the western wall,
o{te}ewa na gra|evini. Sa unutra{we strane
probably caused by dampness, can be noticed. All the vidi se mawa pukotina na zapadnom zidu,
interior walls are plated with onyx slads up to 2 m in height. verovatno nastala zbog vlage. Ceo hram je u
Columns and pillars are made of ashlars. The floor is paved unutra{wosti do visine od 2 m oblo`en kamenim
with polished marble slabs arranged in regular courses. The plo~ama od oniksa. Pilastri i stubovi su od
dominating tone is that of pale gray stone, while the edging kamenih tesanika. Podne povr{ine su od
and the pattern are dark made of black slabs. The level of mermernih poliranih kamenih plo~a u pravilnom
the sanctuary is for the height of two steps elevated from the slogu. Osnovni ton daje svetao sivi kamen, a
naves floor. Cylindrical columns have composite capitals bordura i podela su tamne crne kamene plo~e.
made of rosy stone. Oltarski prostor je za dva stepenika uzdignut u
Window parapets have polished onyx paneling, the odnosu na naos. Stubovi su okrugli u preseku i
same as the paneling of the walls. The traces of efflorescence zavr{avaju se dekorativnim kompozitnim
kapitelima od ru`i~astog kamena.
can be noticed on mortar joints between stone slabs. This
Parapeti prozora su oblo`eni poliranim
might be a symptom of capillary humidity in the zone of
kamenim plo~ama od oniksa kao i zidovi.
foundations, which rises to the level of paneling causing the Prime}uje se prisustvo {alitre na malteru du`
development of efflorescence. On the south wall, by the ivi~nog spoja sa kamenim plo~ama. Ova pojava
window, a rather wide crack can be seen. Since the window- ukazuje na prisustvo, najverovatnije, kapilarne
sill is missing, the rainwater penetrates into the church and vlage iz zone temeqa, koja se u zidu "pewe" do
pours down the inner side of the wall. visine obloge i potom dolazi do isoqavawa. Na
In one part of the diaconicon water penetrating ju`nom zidu, kod prozora, vidi se ve}a pukotina,
through the upper and the lower windows pours down the a tako|e i usled nedostatka "klup~ice" sa spoqne
wall. strane prodire ki{nica i sliva se niz
Oil mural paintings, covered with dark layer of unutra{wi zid.
U delu ni{e |akonikona sliva se voda sa
soot, have a warm tone of yellowed old varnish. The walls in
vi{eg i ni`eg prozora.
the drum of the dome are decorated with painted imitation of Uqane zidne slike prekrivene su tamnim
pale gray marble. All the other surfaces of the wall are slojem ~a|i i imaju topao ton po`utelog starog
painted with modern polymer-based paint. The vaults are laka. U tamburu su zidovi dekorisani svetlom
painted in pale blue, while the combination of white and two sivom marmorizacijom. Ostale zidne povr{ine
tones of ochre can be seen on the walls and in the arches. The prekre~ene su savremenim polu disperzivnim
bojama. Svodovi su svetloplavi. Zidovi, svodovi i
columns, made of stone, are not coated with mortar. Under
lukovi okre~eni su kombinacijom bele sa dva tona
the layer of polymeric paint the original mural paintings svetlog okera. Stubovi su kameni, nemalterisani.
might be preserved. Those paintings should be examined and Ispod poludisperzivne boje verovatno postoji
restored. o~uvana zidna dekoracija, koju bi trebalo potpuno
The iconostasis dates back to the end of the 19 th ispitati i zatim obnoviti.
century. The wood-carving on the Royal Doors have been Ikonostas je izra|en krajem XIX veka.
Duborez na dverima je u vi{e navrata premazivan
covered with several layers of paint imitating silver or gold
bojama koje podra`avaju srebro i zlato. Ispod
gilding. These layers might be covering the original ovih slojeva trebalo bi da se nalazi polimentna
boliment gilding. The icons on the Royal Doors and the pozlata. Ikone na carskim dverima i kompozcija
Crucifixion were painted in oil on panel, while all the other Raspe}a slikane su uqem na dasci, dok su ostale
icons on the iconostasis were painted on canvas. The paint ikone na ikonostasu ra|ene uqem na platnu.
layer and the ground seem to be stable, but since the icons of Bojeni sloj i osnova deluju stabilno. Ikone
prestone zone su ispod stakla, tako da nije mogu}e
the Sovereign Row are covered with glass, thorough
detaqnije analizirati bojeni sloj i osnovu. U
examination is not possible. There is a cleaning probe in the gorwem desnom uglu ikone Bogorodice sa Hristom
upper right corner of the icon representing Virgin with Child, postoji sonda za ~i{}ewe, koja jasno pokazuje
indicating the quantity of dirt covering the paint. The choir stepen zaprqanosti bojenog sloja. Ograda hora
fence consists of a row of icons with wooden frames. All of sastavqena je od niza ikona u drvenim ramovima.
them were painted in oil on panel. Both, the paint layer and Ove ikone su slikane uqem na dasci, a bojeni sloj
i osnova deluju postojano.
the ground seem to be stable.
H/E-0.68 H/E-0.68
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orhodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
A small barrel-vaulted church was built in 1936. Its Crkva je izgra|ena 1936, mawih je
altar apse is semicircular inside, flanked by niches of dimenzija, sa poluobli~astim svodom. Oltarska
prothesis and diaconicon. The floor is paved with bricks. apsida je polukru`na iznutra, a pored we su dve
The inner side of the walls is coated with mortar bo~ne ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Pod je
and whitewashed. The central part of the church is poplo~an opekom.
Zidovi su iznutra omalterisani i
fenestrated with two windows, while the lateral walls are okre~eni belo. U sredi{wem delu su dva prozora,
relieved by recessed lunettes. Arched portal is surmounted a bo~ni zidovi su rastere}eni upu{tenim
by a recessed lunette and the inscription 1936. lunetama. Ulazna vrata su lu~no nadvi{ena, sa
Both ends of the double-pitched roof, covered with spoqa upu{tenom ni{om lunete i zapisom "1936.
double-through roofing tiles, are surmounted by metal god".
crosses with arms made of tin plate. The apse is covered with Na oba kraja dvoslivnog krova sa
pokriva~em od falcovanog crepa su metalni
galvanized tin plates. The façades are coated with mortar and
krstovi sa zracima od lima. Oltarska apsida je
whitewashed after which a painted imitation of stone plating
pokrivena cinkovanim limom. Spoqa je hram
was applied: dark lines imitate mortar joints of stone plating. omalterisan i okre~en belo, sa nazna~enim crnim
The outer walls of the apse are not coated with fugama koje podra`avaju kamenu oblogu.
mortar. The treatment of the stone suggests that the façades Oltarska apsida je spoqa neomalterisana,
of the church originally were not coated with mortar. The a {tokovan kamen ukazuje na mogu}nost da i
vault is probably made of limestone. povr{ine hrama ranije nisu bile spoqa
The iconostasis has Royal and north doors, and malterisane. Svod je verovatno od sige.
Ikonostas sa carskim i severnim bo~nim
prints featuring icons. The Genealogical Tree of @ivinjane,
dverima, ikone - reprodukcije. U crkvi se ~uva
recording all the important families once living in the village
porodi~no stablo @iviwana, sa svim va`nijim
and directions of their migration, can be seen in the church. porodicama koje su `ivele u @iviwanima i
A latter-day belfry is situated to the northwest of the church pravcima wihovog iseqavawa.
entrance. The churchyard is enclosed by wire fence Severozapadno od ulaza u hram je noviji
supported by posts. zvonik. Porta je ogra|ena `i~anom ogradom sa
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka ,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 445. 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 445.
The church is in god condition, but without
protection, since the village has been deserted. Crkva je u dobrom stawu, ali
neobezbe|ena, jer je selo pusto.
F/E-0.40 I/I-0.69
SK 1413 SK 1413
1948/1990. 1948/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Srbica, the District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Diocese of Srbica, Kosovsko - mitrova~ki,
Ra{ka and Prizren Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The monastery of Devi~, with the church dedicated Na oko 5 km ju`no od Srbice nalazi se
to the Presentation of the Virgin in the Temple, is situated manastir Devi~ sa crkvom posve}enom Vavedewu
about 5km to the south of Srbica. Its present appearance is Bogorodice. Dana{wi izgled crkve i manastira
the result of numerous remodellings, destructions and rezultat je mnogobrojnih promena, ru{ewa i
rebuildings in the course of its five centuries long history. dogradwi tokom pet vekova postojawa.
The first donor of the monastery was holy hermit Prvi ktitor manastira bio je sveti
Joanikije of Devi~, born in the 15 th century. The foundation pustino`iteq Joanikije Devi~ki, ro|en u XV
of the monastery has been attributed to despot \ura| veku. Osnivawe manastira pripisuje se despotu
Brankovi}, who, according to tradition, erected the church in \ur|u Brankovi}u koji je, prema predawu, podigao
crkvu oko 1434. u spomen i za ozdravqewe svoje
1434, as a votive for the healing of his virgin daughter
k}eri device, po ~emu je manastir prozvan
herefrom the name Devi~. Despot Grgur, despot \ura|s
"Devi~ki". Despot Grgur, sin despota \ur|a,
son, donated a bell to the monastery in 1458. A 19 th century
poklonio je zvono manastiru 1458. godine. U
fresco cycle representing standing figures of the holy paraklisu crkve sa~uvan je ciklus zidnih slika iz
members of the Brankovi} family has been preserved in the XIX veka sa stoje}im figurama svetih Brankovi}a.
chapel. The monastery was destroyed by the Turks at the end Turci su razorili manastir krajem XV veka, a
of the 15th century. It was restored in the time of Patriarch obnovqen je u vreme patrijarha Makarija
Makarije Sokolovi}, as it is witnessed by a fresco inscription Sokolovi}a, o ~emu svedo~i natpis na fresci iz
from 1587. During restoration campaign oil paintings from 1587. godine. Najnovije uqane zidne slike iz 1863.
1863 were strapped, removed from the wall and mounted on godine su prilikom konzervatorskih radova 1966,
the walls in the old churchs nave and the narthex. The Royal strapirane i preme{tene na prazne zidove naosa
Doors are the only remain of the old iconostasis. Their stare crkve i dana{we priprate. Od starog
design, woodcarving and icons indicate that they must have ikonostasa postoje samo carske dveri, koje se
been made in the second half of the 16 th century. The other prema obliku, duborezu i slikarstvu mogu
parts of the present iconostasis were made in 1974. datovati u drugu polovinu XVI veka. Ostali deo
The church has been destroyed, rebuilt and ikonostasa je iz 1974. godine.
remodelled several times in its history. Each time the same Crkva je vi{e puta razarana, dogra|ivana
type of material was used dressed stone and lime mortar, i prepravqana, uvek istim materijalom -
pritesanim kamenom i kre~nim malterom, tako da
which makes precise dating impossible. The earliest building
ne pru`a dovoqno podataka za preciznije
in the complex is the church. A parekklesion and a small
datovawe. Najstarija gra|evina je crkva, uz koju su
chapel, square in plan, with relics of Holy Joanikije were na severnom delu prizidani paraklis i mala
subsequently attached to its north side. The church is single- kapela kvadratne osnove, u kojoj je kivot svetog
naved, rectangular in plan, barrel-vaulted, with three niches Joanikija. Crkva je jednobrodna, pravougaone
acting as a sanctuary. The apse, containing the altar, is osnove, podu`no poluobli~asto presvedena, sa tri
semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. It has a ni{e u funkciji oltarskog prostora. Sredwa,
window contemporary to the construction of the church, oltarska, ni{a je iznutra polukru`na, a spoqa
which is the only original aperture. trostrana. Prozor na apsidi, postavqen u vreme
After the renewal of the Patriarchate of Pe} the izgradwe, jedini je autenti~an otvor, dok su svi
church was restored and painted. The church and ostali iz kasnijeg vremena.
parekklesion got their fresco decoration on that occasion. Nakon obnove Pe}ke patrijar{ije crkva je
obnovqena i `ivopisana. Tada su oslikani crkva
Fragments of these frescoes are preserved in the churchs
i paraklis. Fragmenti ovog `ivopisa su sa~uvani
sanctuary and above Joanikijes coffin.
u oltaru crkve i nad Joanikijevim kivotom.
The monastery was famous for the cult of St Velikom ugledu manastira doprinosio je
Joanikije, a hermit and healer, and the activities of its kult svetog Joanikija, pustino`iteqa i lekara,
scriptorium in the 16th and 17th centuries.
kao i obimna prepisiva~ka delatnost u XVI i
During the World Wars the monastery was exposed XVII veku.
to plunders and destructions. In 1915 it was robbed by Manastir je pretrpeo velike pohare i
treasure-hunting Austrian soldiers. Marble coffin of Holy razarawa u Prvom i Drugom svetskom ratu. U
Joanikije was broken with pick, while conventual buildings potrazi za skrivenim blagom, 1915. opqa~kala ga
were destroyed. In the period between the two World Wars je austrijska vojska, a pijukom je razbijen
valuable manuscripts from the period between the th13and mermerni kivot sa mo{tima svetog Joanikija i
16th centuries were taken away. At the beginning of the razorene manastirske zgrade. Izme|u dva svetska
World War II, the Albanians destroyed the church, burnt rata odnesene su vredne rukopisne kwige iz XIII-
down the iconostasis and killed Hegumen Damaskin XVI veka. U Drugom svetskom ratu Albanci su ve}
Bo{kovi}. Partly ruined chapel and a part of the church were na po~etku rata razorili crkvu, zapalili
the only parts of the monastery complex, which survived ikonostas i ubili igumana Damaskina Bo{kovi}a.
these destructions. Church bells were taken away by Italian Od kompleksa je ostala samo zaru{ena kapela i
soldiers. deo crkve. Italijanska vojska je odnela zvona.
Rebuilding of the monastery was begun in 1947. Obnova je zapo~eta 1947. godine, freske su
Frescoes underwent cleaning and conservation treatment in ~i{}ene i konzervirane 1966. Tada je dislociran
1966. Oil mural paintings made in one of the restoration noviji `ivopis, uqano zidno slikarstvo nastalo u
campaigns after 1863 were dislocated. jednoj od obnova nakon 1863. godine.
In recent war operations the monastery was ravaged U najnovijim zbivawima ponovo je
once again. The slab covering the coffin of Holy Joanikije opqa~kan, razbijena je plo~a na kivotu svetog
was broken, while the icons and mural paintings were Joanikija, skrnavqene ikone i freske.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke
1. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz Metohije iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar VIII-IX,
i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 263- Beograd 1933, 263-264.
264. 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke patri Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
jar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 178-179. 178-179.
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX. veka , 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 479-481. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
1987, 479-481.
I/III-0.70 I/III-0.70
Protected in 1958 za{ti}ena 1958.
Srbica, the District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Diocese of Srbica, Kosovsko-mitrova~ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Ra{ka and Prizren
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St Nicholas in Banja Rudni~ka is Crkva svetog Nikole u Bawi Rudni~koj
situated about 2 km to the northwest of Rudnik, by the road nalazi se na oko 2 km severozapadno od Rudnika
connecting Kosovska Mitrovica and Pe}. na putu Kosovska Mitrovica - Pe}.
Rana istorija ove crkve vezana je za
The earliest history of the church is related to
~elnika, protovestijara i poznatog livca zvona
tchelnik, protovestiary and famous bell-caster Rodop, buried
Rodopa, koji je tu sahrawen 1436. godine. U crkvi
in it in 1436. Rodops sepulchral slab has been preserved in se ~uva Rodopova nadgrobna plo~a, koja spada u
the church. It is one of the most significant monuments of najlep{e i najve}e srpske epigrafske spomenike,
Serbian epigraphy, famous for poetic qualities of the incised kako po poeti~nosti uklesanog zapisa, tako i po
text, its epigraphic features and the artistic value of its epigrafskim i estetskim vrednostima ornamenata.
ornaments. Prism-shaped sarcophagus with slanting lateral Sarkofag je ra|en od belog mermera u obliku
sides was made of white marble. It is bordered with frieze kvadera sa zako{enim bo~nim stranama. Ivicom
composed of floral ornaments. Under the text, Rodops sarkofaga ide friz sa floralnim ornamentom.
monogram, featuring a rosette can be seen. Rodops bell Ispod teksta je stilizovana rozeta sa Rodopovim
made in 1432, once belonging to the church, can be seen in potpisom. U crkvi se ~uvalo i Rodopovo zvono iz
the treasury of the monastery of the Patriarchate of Pe}. 1432. godine, koje se danas nalazi u riznici Pe}ke
th century. It patrijar{ije.
The church was destroyed in the 17
Crkva je bila sru{ena u XVII veku, ali je
was reconstructed shortly before the World War II, 1936-
obnovqena neposredno pred Drugi svetski rat
1941. During the war, it was ravaged by Albanian fascists, 1936-1941. godine. Tokom Drugog svetskog rata
who also destroyed the iconostasis. The conservation was albanski fa{isti su je opqa~kali i sru{ili
undertaken in 1971, when the church was reconstructed once ikonostas. Konzervatorski radovi zapo~eti su
again. 1971. godine kada je crkva ponovo opravqena.
The old church is single-naved, barrel-vaulted with Stara crkva je jednobrodna gra|evina,
an altar apse - semicircular inside and seven-sided in the poluobli~asto presvedena, sa polukru`nom
exterior, flanked by two semicircular niches, diaconicon and oltarskom apsidom, spoqa sedmostranom, i dve
prothesis. It is entered through the doors in the west and bo~ne polukru`ne ni{e |akonikona i
south walls. Western door is surmounted by an oculus. The proskomidije. Ulazna vrata su na zapadnom i
church was built of stone up to the level of windows: these ju`nom zidu. Iznad zapadnih vrata je okulus.
are the authentic walls of the original church. The remaining Zidana je kamenom do visine prozora, to su
parts of the walls were also built in stone, while the vaults autenti~ni zidovi prvobitnog hrama, daqe zidawe
were built in brick. The walls are coated with mortar and nastavqeno je tako|e kamenom, a svodovi opekom.
Crkva je glatko malterisana i okre~ena belo.
white-washed. The cornice consists of a simple profile and
Potkrovni venac je nagla{en jednostavnom
blind arcades moulded in mortar.
profilacijom i arkadicama izvedenim u malternoj
The church is entered through a masonry portico plastici.
with the upper construction supported by six polygonal Ispred ulaza u hram je zidani trem na
columns. A belfry was attached to the north side of the {est poligonalnih stubova. Uz trem sa severne
portico. strane sazidan je visoki zvonik.
1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz 1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
Metohije i Prekoruplja
, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar
261-262. VIII-IX, Beograd 1933, 261-262.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX vek , 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX vek,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 392. Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 392.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 1999. 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 1999.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments DOKUMENTACIJA
- Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
The village populated with ethnic Serbs and the
church in Banja are being protected by Spanish KFOR units, Srpsko selo i crkvu u Bawi ~uvaju
settled in the immediate surroundings of the church. The {panske jedinice KFOR-a, stalno stacionirane u
church is connected with the village by an asphalted road, neposrednoj blizini crkve. Do sela postoji tvrdi
which is in poor condition. It has neither running water, nor asfaltni put, ali u lo{em stawu. Nema ni vode
electricity supply. The church is not officiating. ni struje. Hram nije u funkciji.
The mortar coating of the façades has almost Malter na fasadama je otpao na skoro
completely fallen off: from the zone under the eaves, as well svim povr{inama, podjednako i pod krovnim
as from the columns, gable and lower zones of the walls. The vencem i na stubovima, zabatu i dowim delovima
roof has been covered with new pantiles. Due to inadequate zidova crkve. Krov je pokriven novim mediteran
size of the gutters, rainwater, however, pours down the walls, crepom, ali oluci nisu dobro dimenzionisani te
deteriorating them. Since the paving of the ground around atmosferska voda kvasi fasadu i o{te}uje zidove.
the church has not been finished, the consequences of the Nisu dovr{eni ophodi oko crkve pa su vidqivi
penetration of humidity into the foundations can be noticed. tragovi kva{ewa temeqa.
I/III-0.71 I/III-0.71
Protected in 1965 za{ti}ena 1965.
Srbica, the District of Kosovska Mitrovica, Diocese of Srbica, Kosovsko-mitrova~ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Ra{ka and Prizren
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church, surrounded by the old graveyard, is Crkva u selu Leo~ini nalazi se izvan
situated at the outskirts of the village Leo~ina, to the south naseqa, oko we je staro grobqe, ju`no od puta
of the road Pe} - Kosovska Mitrovica, about 4 km to the east Pe} - Kosovska Mitrovica, na oko 4 km isto~no
of the village of Rako{a. od sela Rako{a.
Only scanty historic data about the monastery can Za sada su poznati samo neznatni
be provided. It was mentioned in king Milutins charter istorijski podaci. Pomiwe se u poveqi kraqa
issued in 1314, as well as in certain Turkish documents from
Milutina 1314. i u turskim dokumentima 1485.
1485, and, subsequently, on several occasions in the
godine, a potom u Devi~kom katastigu od 1761. pa
Katastihos of Devi~ beginning with 1761, towards the end of
the 18th century. do kraja XVIII veka.
The existing church was built on a sloping ridge Sada{wa crkva je izgra|ena na kosom
uphill from the graveyard, on the foundations of a th14 grebenu iznad grobqa, na temeqima starije crkve
century church. According to the sources it used to be iz XIV veka. Po ranijim podacima, bila je
dedicated to St Nicholas. The existing building was posve}ena svetom Nikoli. Sada{wa crkva je
constructed after the renewal of the Patriarchate of Pe}, in izgra|ena posle obnove Pe}ke patrijar{ije, u
the second half of the 16th century. It is a single-naved, drugoj polovini XVI veka. To je jednobrodna
barrel-vaulted building, divided by a thick wall into a gra|evina sa pripratom odvojenom od naosa
narthex and a nave. The two units are connected by a narrow debelim zidom i malim prolazom, sa polukru`nom
passage in the wall. To the east, the church terminates in an apsidom unutra, a spoqa trostranom.
apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. Proskomidija i |akonikon su ugra|eni u zid kao
Prothesis and diaconicon are merely arched niches in the polukru`ne ni{e. Poluobli~asto je presvedena.
wall. The church was built of dressed limestone. The Gra|ena je pritesanom sigom. Ulazna vrata su
position of the main door is unusual: the church is entered neuobi~ajeno postavqena, na ju`nom zidu
through a door in the south wall of the narthex. The narthex priprate, a prozorski otvori jedan u priprati
has one window in the south wall, by the door. All the other pored vrata, tri u naosu i jedan na apsidi.
apertures are in the nave (three of them), and in the sanctuary U crkvi su sa~uvani ostaci fresaka iz
(a window in the apse). XVI veka na svodu, zapadnom zidu i isto~noj
Fragments of the 16th century fresco decoration strani priprate, zapadnom zidu naosa, dowoj zoni
have been preserved in the vault, on the west and east walls apside, kaloti glavne apside i ni{ama |akonikona
of the narthex, as well as on the west wall of the nave, in the i proskomidije. Freske je radio boqi majstor iz
lowest zone and in the conch of the apse, and in the druge polovine XVI veka, verovatno pridvorni
sanctuary niches diaconicon and prothesis. They were slikar obnovqene Pe}ke patrijar{ije.
painted in the second half of the 16 th century by an
Oko crkve je veliko staro srpsko grobqe
anonymous painter of considerable workmanship, who sa oko 200 o~uvanih starih spomenika, koji se na
might have been trained in the court workshop of the osnovu oblika i natpisa datiraju u XVII, XVIII
renewed monastery of the Patriarchate of Pe}.
i XIX vek. Neki od spomenika su retki primerci
The church is surrounded by a large Serbian
narodne tradicije klesarstva i vajarske ve{tine.
cemetery, with about 200 tombs, which can be dated,
Grobqe sa velikim brojem starih nadgrobnih
according to their shape and type of inscriptions, in theth17
th th
18 and 19 centuries. Some of them are outstanding spomenika i crkva iz XVI veka ~ine skladnu
examples of vernacular sculpture and stone-carving. The celinu izuzetne istorijske i ambijentalne
graveyard with such a large number of tombs dating from vrednosti.
past centuries, and the 16th century church make a complex Konzervatorski radovi su okon~ani 1967.
of exquisite historic significance and environmental godine.
Conservation campaign was completed in 1967.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 468.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 468. Beograd 1999.
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije
, Beograd 1999.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences Board for Kosovo Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU
and Metohija
Nema prilaznog puta, struje, ni vode.
There is no road leading to the monastery. It has Crkva je razvaqena, opqa~kana i sru{enog krova.
neither running water, nor electricity supply. The church has Crkva je van funkcije, obrasla u korov i gustu
been demolished and ravaged. Its roof has been ruined. The {ikaru. U pripratu je uba~en jedan stari
church has run into weed, while the terrain on which it was nadgrobni spomenik i u woj je paqena vatra, tako
built has been overgrown with underwood. An old da su svi zidovi po~a|aveli. Nalazi se u
tombstone was brought into the narthex. Since somebody
albanskom okru`ewu i nema nikakvu za{titu.
used to make fire in the narthex, its walls are covered with
soot. The church is situated in the region populated by ethnic
Albanians, and has neither protection, nor appointed guard.
K/I-0.72 K/I-0.72
SK 1421 SK 1421
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church was built in the second half of theth
Crkva je sagra|ena u drugoj poloviniXVI
century. It is a small oblong, single-naved building, with an
veka. To je jednobrodna podu`na gra|evina mawih
eastern apse, semicircular inside and three-sided in the dimenzija sa iznutra polukru`nom, a spoqa
exterior. The level of the floor, paved with stone, is trostranom apsidom na istoku. Nivo poda
considerably lower than the level of the terrain around the poplo~anog kamenom znatno je ni`i od okolnog
church. The church was built of stone and limestone. The terena. Gra|evina je zidana kamenom i sigom, a
only decorative elements on the façades are double-stepped jedini ukrasi na skromnoj fasadi su dvostruko
shallow niches above the western portal and above the use~ene plitke ni{e iznad zapadnog ulaza i iznad
window on the south façade. Stone slates, which used to prozora na ju`noj fasadi. Krovni pokriva~ je
cover the roof, have been recently replaced by double- promewen u novije vreme, kada su kamene plo~e
through roofing tiles. Up to the 1970s the church was zamewene falcovanim crepom. Crkva je do
covered with plain terracotta tiles. sedamdesetih godina XX veka bila pokrivena
The complex consisting of the church and the
Oko kompleksa grobqa i hrama je visoka
graveyard is enclosed by a fence. It is entered through a big
zidana ograda sa velikom drvenom kapijom na ulazu
wooden gate to the north, at the entrance to the graveyard, u grobqe na severu i mawom metalnom kapijom na
and a minor metal one to the west. The dormitory and the zapadu. Konak i zvonik su noviji. O~uvano je
belfry are latter-day constructions. An old fire-place has staro ogwi{te u keliji.
been preserved in one of the monastic cells. @ivopis je nastao neposredno po
The church got mural decoration immediately after zavr{etku zidawa i o~uvan je na zapadnom i
its construction had been completed. The murals are isto~nom zidu, dok se na bo~nim zidovima zadr`ao
preserved on the west and east walls, while on the lateral u neznatnim fragmentima, a sa svodova je potpuno
walls only scanty fragment remained. The paintings of the nestao. Na zapadnom zidu sa~uvane su scene Svetog
vault are destroyed. Murals depicting SS Sava and Simeon Save i Svetog Simeona i Svetog Konstantina i
and SS Constantine and Helene can be seen on the west wall, Jelene u zoni stoje}ih figura oko vrata, i Uspewe
in the zone of standing figures, flanking the door. The Bogorodice u drugoj zoni. U oltarskom delu,
Dormition of the Virgin occupies the second zone of the west sa~uvane su scene u |akonikonu i proskomidiji -
wall. St Stephen and St Roman are depicted in the prothesis Sveti Stefan i Sveti Roman, Poklowewe Agnecu
and diaconicon, while the apse is occupied by the Service of i Bogorodica [ira od nebesa u oltarskoj apsidi,
the Archbishops and the Holy Mother Wider than the Sky. delovi Blagovesti u drugoj zoni i fragmenti
Vaznesewa u tre}oj zoni isto~nog zida.
The Annunciation and fragments of the Ascension occupy
U crkvi je na oplati ikonostasa ve}i broj
the second and the third zone of the eastern wall,
razli~itih ikona, me|u kojima su najbrojnije
respectively. reprodukcije, a od ikona na drvetu izdvajaju se
The icons of the iconostasis are a compilation of Sveti Ilija, tempera na drvetu, 60 h 91,5 h 3 sm,
various icons, mostly prints. Among the icons painted on sa ktitorskim natpisom iz 1637. godine,
panel, St Elias (tempera on panel, 60×91.5×3 cm) bearing Smolenska Bogorodica, Sveti Sava Prvoosve}eni,
the donors inscription from 1637; the Virgin of Smolensk, Sveti Sava Srpski i Sveti Nikola, ^udo svetog
St Sabbas the Sanctified, St Sava the Serb and St Nicholas, Arhan|ela Mihaila i Raspe}e.
as well as the Miracle of the Archangel Michael and the
Crucifixion, should be pointed out. BIBLIOGRAFIJA
K/I-0.73 K/I-0.73
A 14th Century Stone Cross with an inscription from 1592 Kameni krst iz XIV veka sa zapisom iz 1592.
Protected in 1958 za{ti}en posebno 1958.
SK 1421 SK 1421
1958/1990 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Extensive restoration of the church of St George in Crkva Svetog \or|a u Gorwoj Bitiwi u
Gornja Bitinja was undertaken in 1920. Its eastern part, velikoj meri je obnovqena 1920, kada je pro-
dating from the 16th century, was remodelled during that mewen i izgled isto~nog dela koji poti~e iz XVI
restoration. Present condition and appearance of the church veka. Sada{we stawe i izgled crkvene gra|evine
do not provide ne omogu}avaju
information about The frescoes in the Freske u ni{i precizniji zak-
the extent in which altar apse oltara qu~ak o tome
the original building koliko je sa~u-
vano od prvobitne
has been preserved.
crkve, ali je na
The frescoes in the
osnovu fresaka
sanc-tuary, however, sa~uvanih u ol-
indi-cate that the tarskom delu pri-
eastern part of the li~no sigurno da
church is original. je isto~ni deo
The existing narthex originalan. Vero-
probably has the vatno sada{wi
same width as the naos prati {iri-
original church, but nu prvobitne crk-
it may be higher. The ve, ali je mo`da
representations of the Service of the Archbishops and the Od prvobitnog `ivopisa sa~uvane su samo
Holy Mother Wider than the Sky, both in the apse, are the scene Poklowewe Agnecu i Bogorodica [ira od
only remains of the original fresco decoration. In the south nebesa u oltarskoj ni{i. U ju`nom uglu freske u
corner of the fresco in the apse, an extensive donors apsidi je op{iran ktitorski natpis "rabe
inscription of Gods slave Jelena has been preserved.
U podu crkve su sa~uvane dve kamene plo~e
Two round stone slabs are preserved in the kru`nog oblika. Plo~a od belog mermera u ~ijem
pavement of the church. The first is made of white marble, je sredi{tu ornament u obliku"soleil tournant" sa
and has a soleil tournantornament in its centre, encircled osam dvostrukih krugova sa upisanim trouglovima
with eight triangles inscribed into fields composed of two oko wega i dvostukim obimnim okvirom
concentric circles. It has double bordure, reaching 126 cm in polupre~nika 63 sm, zalivena je u cementnu
diameter. The slab has been mortared into cement floor in ko{uqicu poda ispred ikonostasa, na mestu
front of the iconostasis, as an ambo. The other marble slab amvona. Druga plo~a, ulivena u pod priprate,
has been mortared into the floor of the narthex. It is tako|e mermerna, ima komplikovaniji
decorated with a more complicated ornament: two geometrijski ukras u obliku dva trougla
intersected triangles form Davids star; the intersections postavqena u obliku "Davidove zvezde" sa
krugovima na seci{tima i u centru {estougla, te
and the centre of the hexagram are adorned with circles,
kopqima u kracima. "Davidova zvezda" okru`ena
while the arms of the star are filled with dart-like ornaments.
je trouglovima postavqenim po kru`noj liniji
Davids star is encircled by triangles pointed towards it. spoqnog okvira. Na plo~i je sa jedne strane
On one side of the damaged outer border an inscription about o{te}enog spoqnog oboda i natpis o Stojanu
Stojan (to whom) sprouted in mire... can be found. Both
th century. It is believed that both
(kome) proklija u kalu... Obe plo~e datuju se u
slabs are dated to the 14 XIV vek i misli se da poti~u iz radionice
originated from the carving workshop in Holy Archangels prizrenskih Svetih arhan|ela, odakle su
near Prizren, and that they were probably brought to Gornja verovatno donete u vreme gra|ewa crkve Svetog
Bitinja during construction of the church of St George. \or|a.
Another stone monument related to the church of St Jo{ jedan kameni spomen je vezan za crkvu
Svetog \or|a, a nalazi se oko pet stotina metara
George can be found about 500 m to the southwest of the
jugozapadno od crkve, u wivi sa druge strane
church, in a meadow on the opposite bank of the brook. In
potoka. U vreme obilaska terena, u oktobru 2001,
October of 2001, when the inspection was undertaken, only kamena plo~a je iz zemqe virila oko 50 sm i bila
about 50 cm of the stone was uncovered, jutting beyond the je potpuno obrasla rastiwem na zaparlo`enoj
ground, run into weed on the abandoned meadow. This may wivi. Verovatno je i ovo sekundarno upotrebqen
also be a secondarily used monument originating from the spomenik, donesen iz Svetih arhan|ela.
monastery of Holy Archangels. The stone with an encircled Centralni motiv razlistalog krsta u krugu, sa
foliaged cross, Christs monogram and the inscription Hristovim monogramom i natpisom "NIKA",
NIKA was subsequently used as a kind of land-registry docnije je upotrebqen za svojevrsnu tapiju tako
certificate, since in 1592 an extensive inscription about {to je u wemu 1592. godine urezan op{iran zapis
bequeathing of a meadow, a watermill, a pasture and a wood o zave{tawu wive, vodenice, livade i {ume crkvi
to the church of St George, with a curse against anybody Svetog \or|a, sa kletvom na onoga ko se usudi da
daring to oust it, was incised upon it. to otme.
1. P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i
Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971,
Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 351-366 + 8 slika u 351-366 + 8 slika u prilogu.
prilogu. 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 422-
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 422-423. 423.
3. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima Metohije, 3. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima
Metohije, Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke
Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke i Nik{i}ke `upe , i Nik{i}ke `upe, Saop{tewa XV, Beograd
Saop{tenja XV, Beograd 1983, 210-213. 1983, 210-213.
4. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava 4. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa)
, Ba{tina 1, istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 252. op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 252.
5. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe,Pri{tina 1995.
5. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe,
Pri{tina 1995.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments DOKUMENTACIJA
- Pri{tina
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
The church is covered with barrel roofing tiles, STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
while the apse still has the old stone-slate roof covering the Hram je pokriven kanalicom, dok je nad
vault. Metal gutters put under concrete cornice, under the oltarskom apsidom stari krov od kamenih plo~a
eaves, concrete side-walk and socle are the results of recent preko svodne konstrukcije. Limeni oluci, ispod
restoration. betonskih potkrovnih venaca, sa betonskim
Two cracks can be noticed on the east wall of the trotoarima i soklom ukazuju na noviju obnovu.
Na isto~nom zidu u oltaru je mawa
sanctuary: minor closer to the north, and major closer to the
pukotina prema severnom, a ve}a preme ju`nom
south wall. The nave and the sanctuary used to have fresco zidu. Naos i oltarski prostor nekada su bili
decoration. Since the church is whitewashed, there is a `ivopisani. Crkva je okre~ena belo i postoji
possibility that minor fragments of fresco decoration can be mogu}nost da su prekre~eni i mawi fragmenti
found under the paint. The only uncovered part of mural `ivopisa. Trenutno je od `ivopisa ostala
decoration can be seen in the apse: the fresco of the Holy otkrivena samo oltarska ni{a sa freskom
Bogorodice [ire od nebesa u drugoj zoni i
Mother Wider than the Sky in the second zone and the
crkvenim ocima u prvoj. O~uvani `ivopis je u
Church Fathers in the first. Preserved frescoes are in poor izuzetno lo{em stawu. Vertikalna pukotina
condition. Vertical crack in the fresco mortar runs down the fresko-maltera prostire se celom visinom druge
second zone in its entire height. On the image of Christ and zone. Na liku Hrista i iznad wega, na
above it, on the Virgins neck and her left shoulder fragments Bogorodi~inom vratu i levom ramenu, uo~ava se
of fresco mortar are detached and falling off in great extent. veliki procenat potklobu~ewa kao i otpadawe
fragmenata fresko maltera. Kapilarna vlaga je
Lower zones are contaminated by capillary humidity up to
prisutna u dowoj zoni do visine oko 10 sm ispod
10 cm under the beginning of the first zone. Increased linije razgrani~ewa dve zone. Isoqavawe je
efflorescence can be seen all over the lower zone, as well as nagla{eno celom povr{inom dowe i u dowem delu
in the lower parts of the upper zone. Paint layer is covered gorwe zone. Bojeni sloj je prekriven tamnim
with dark layer of soot. nanosom ~a|i.
K/I-0.74 K/I-0.74
SK 1422
SK 1422
1955/1990. 1955/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and
Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church is situated in the graveyard, uphill from Crkva se nalazi na seoskom grobqu, iznad
th century,
the village. It was built in the second half of the16 sela. Izgra|ena je u drugoj poloviniXVI veka i
do danas je sa~uvana u izvornom obliku. Ima
and it has been preserved in its original form. The church is
pravougaonu osnovu sa spoqa trostranom, a
rectangular in plan, with an eastern apse, semicircular inside iznutra polukru`nom apsidom na isto~noj strani.
and three-sided in the exterior. Masonry work can clearly be Gra|ena je grubo tesanim kvaderima sige i
seen since the façades are not coated: the church was built of lomqenim kamenom, sa malternim spojnicama.
roughly cut limestone and rubble, bound with mortar. The Fasadne povr{ine su ogoqene i dobro se vidi
design of the eastern wall is untypical of the churches from tehnika gradwe. Izgled isto~nog zida nije tipi~an
za crkve sirini}kog kraja. U temenu je dvo~lana
the region of Sirini}: a semicircular niche with a narrow
polukru`na ni{a sa malim uzanim prozorskim
aperture, flanked with two smaller niches, identical in shape. otvorom, a desno i levo od we jo{ po jedna ni{a,
The portal on the west façade, ending in low-pitched ne{to mawa, identi~nih kontura. Portal na
segmented arch and topped by a narrow segmented pediment zapadnom zidu, zavr{en plitkim segmentom,
and a semicircular niche, has been covered by a latter-day nadvi{en uzanim segmentnim frontonom i
narthex. Low-pitched roof has been covered with pantiles. polukru`nom ni{om, zaklowen je po{to je sa te
strane hrama u novije vreme dozidana mawa
The width of subsequently built nartex and the height of its
priprata. Pli}i krov pokriven je mediteran
roof are equal to corresponding dimensions of the church. crepom. [irina dozidane priprate i visina
The floor of the church is lower than the ground for about 50 wenog krova izjedna~eni su sa onim na crkvi.
cm. The nave is barrel-vaulted. Three wooden beams Nivo poda crkve ni`i je u odnosu na okolni teren
(adorned with ornaments) act as bracing. Three niches of the za oko 50 sm. Brod ima poluobli~ast svod sa
sanctuary, the apse and those flanking it, acting as prothesis dodatkom tri drvene grede (oslikane dekorativnim
which they worked, we can say that those painters showed seoskim crkvama, za ono vreme i uslove, pokazali
considerable workmanship. solidno znawe i ve{tinu.
Existing iconostasis made of plain wood panels has Postoje}i ikonostas, koji je izveden od
jednostavno obra|enih dasaka, nema nikakvu
no artistic value. A little collection of kissing icons is stored vrednost. U crkvi postoji mali fond celivaju}ih
in the church. The most of them are painted in tempera on ikona. Najbrojnije su one sa predstavom
panel, and depict the Virgin with the Child. Bogorodice sa Hristom, slikane temperom na
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i
Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 359-364. 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi,
Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina
2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava 1968-1971, 359-364.
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
Pri{tina 1991 249. istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu , op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136- Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 249.
3. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na
137. Kosovu, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV,
4. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke Pri{tina 1984, 136-137.
patrijar{ije 1557-1614,Novi Sad 1965, 183. 4. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
- Pri{tina Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
The cracks are very conspicuous, especially in the Veoma su izra`ene pukotine po zidovima,
upper parts of the walls and in the vault. Big crack running naro~ito u gorwim delovima zidova i svoda.
along the apex of the vault and descending to the eastern Posebno je sporna pukotina koja se prote`e
wall is particularly problematic. podu`no po temenu svoda i spu{ta na isto~ni zid.
The frescoes are in considerably good condition, Freske su u srazmerno dobrom stawu, ali
but they demand a thorough investigation. ih je potrebno detaqno ispitati.
K/I-0.75 K/I-0.75
SK 1423 SK 1423
1967/1990. 1967/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
DESCRIPTION Crkva se nalazi u samom nasequ. Po sada
uni{tenom zapisu koji se nalazio nad zapadnim
The church is situated in the inhabited zone of the portalom, crkva je podignuta 1576/1577. godine,
municipality. According to the destroyed inscription that zaslugom grupe ktitora. Na crkvi se, uz osnovni
once stood just above the west portal, the church was built in arhitektonski korpus, jasno prepoznaju jo{ dve
1576/1577, by contributions of group of donors. Three graditeqske faze: izgradwa spoqa{we priprate i
phases of construction can be distinguished in the corpus of masivnog zvonika uz weno zapadno pro~eqe.
the present building: the original core, and subsequent Crkva Svetog Nikole je jednobrodna
constructions of an exonarthex, and a massive belfry gra|evina pravougaone osnove sa petostranom
attached to the west front. apsidom na isto~noj strani. Gra|ena je sigom i
The church of St Nicholas is a single-naved, barrel re~nim kamenom u kre~nom malteru. Krov apside
vault, rectangular in plan, with a five-sided apse to the east. je od kamenih plo~a. Svod je poluobli~ast, a krov
It was built of limestone and sandstone bound with lime dvoslivan, sada pokriven mediteran crepom. U
oltarskom prostoru je u sredini ni{a oltara, a sa
mortar. The apse has stone-slate roofing. The barrel vault is
strana ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Pod, koji
covered by a double-pitched roof, which is now covered
je prvobitno bio od kamenih plo~a, a kasnije kera-
with pantiles. The sanctuary consists of a central apse mi~kih, sada je presvu~en ko{uqicom od teraca.
flanked by two niches, prothesis and diaconicon. The floor, Krov dogra|ene spoqne priprate je ni`i od
originally paved with stone slabs, subsequently replaced by crkve, a materijal i tehnika gradwe su identi~ni.
tiles, now has terrazzo pavement. The roof of the latter-day Vertikale zidova ispod strehe zavr{avaju se
narthex is lower than the roof of the church, though the profilisanim kvaderima sige.
material and masonry work are the same. The walls finish in Zidno slikarstvo nastajalo je u dve faze.
a frieze of profiled limestone ashlars under the eaves. Prvobitni sloj iz XVI veka sa~uvan je pri dnu
Results of two painting campaigns can be severnog zida u oltarskom prostoru.U apsidalnoj
distinguished in the remains of mural decoration. Remains of konhi, usled delovawa ~a|i, povr{ina je potpuno
the original 16th century murals are preserved in the potamnela. Na trijumfalnom luku je, ispred
sanctuary at the foot of the north wall. The murals in the apside, slikarstvo iz XIX veka: stoje}e figure
conch of the apse are completely covered with dark layer of Svete Velikomu~enice Varvare sa kwigom u levoj
soot. The 19th century paintings are preserved on the ruci i Svete Petke sa brojanicama i krstom u
triumphal arch: standing figures of St Barbara carrying a rukama.
book in the left hand, Ikonostas
The interior with the Enterijer sa
and St Paraskeve ima ~etiri zone i
iconostasis ikonostasom
carrying a cross and sokl. Ikone su
prayer beads. slikane temperom
The icono- na dasci. U prvoj
stasis consists of a zoni su ~etiri
socle and four zones prestone ikone:
of icons. The icons Svetu arhan|eo
were painted in Mihailo, Bogoro-
tempera on panel. dica sa Hristom,
The first zone, the Isus Hristos i
Sovereign Row, is Sveti Jovan. U
occupied by four drugoj zoni je Dei-
icons: Archangel zisni ~in, a u
Michael, the Virgin tre}oj likovi po-
with the Child, Christ and St John. The second zone is jedinih svetiteqa i kompozicije iz Hristovog
occupied by Deesis, while the third shows the saints figures `ivota. Na vrhu je Krst sa Raspe}em i dve mawe
and the scenes from the life of Christ. The iconostasis is ikone svetiteqa sa krunama na glavama. Na
topped by a Crucifixion and two smaller icons depicting carskim dverima su uobi~ajene Blagovesti i
crowned saints. As usual, the Royal Doors are occupied by ~etiri jevan|elista sa atributima.
the Annunciation and the Four Evangelists with their Zvonik je zidan kamenom u cementnom
attributes. malteru i pokriven mediteran crepom. Na wemu je
The belfry was built of stone bound with cement spomen-plo~a sa ktitorskim zapisom i 1962. kao
mortar. It has pantiled roofing. It bears a memorial tablet godinom izgradwe.
with donors inscription and the date of its construction Neposredno pred rat krov hrama je
1962. prepokriven mediteran crepom, za{ti}eni su
zidovi betonskim trotoarima i zamewene sve
Not long before the war, the church got new
olu~ne vertikale i horizontale novim od
pantiled roofing, while the walls were protected by concrete
pocinkovanog lima.
side-walk. All the gutters and drain-pipes were replaced by
new ones, made of galvanized tin-plates. BIBLIOGRAFIJA
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
1. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke 82, 138, 170-171.
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 82, 138, 170- 2. P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine
171. Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971,
2. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i 356-359.
Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 356-359. 3. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 435.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 435. 4. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
4. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1,
Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991 254.
Pri{tina 1991, 254.
5. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe,
5. P. Pajki}, B. Todi},Crkve Sirini}ke `upe,Pri{tina 1995,
Pri{tina 1995, 14-19.
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
- Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
S obzirom na sve do sada izvedene radove,
With regard to all the interventions done up to this
gra|evinsko stawe crkve Svetog Nikole je dobro.
moment, we can say that the church of St Nicholas is in good
Mo`e se zapaziti da su tokom proteklog
vremena zidne kompozicije premazivane lakom,
The frescoes were coated with lacquer; tarnished
potamnele od ~a|i, pojedine partije su uni{tene.
with soot, while certain areas are missing.
Ikonostas je ugro`en crvoto~inom, a na
The iconostasis is affected with verminousness,
ikonama postoje pukotine na nosa~u i bojenom
while the support and the colour coat of the icons have been
K/E-0.76 K/E-0.76
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Berevci is the largest village of Sirini}ka `upa. Its Berevci su najve}e selo Sirini}ke `upe i
earliest record has been preserved in the three inscriptions on prvi put se pomiwu u tri zapisa na srpskom
the 13th century Serbian Gospel Book from the National jevan|equ iz XIII veka, koje se ~uva u pariskoj
Library in Paris. The village had two churches since theth16 Nacionalnoj biblioteci. U selu su jo{ od XVI
century. The church of St Demetrius has not been preserved. veka postojale dve crkve. Crkva Svetog Dimitrija
The site on which it was built is called Crkvica. The church nije sa~uvana, a mesto na kome je postojala zove
of St Paraskeve is very close to the houses at the border of se Crkvica. Crkva Svete Petke neznatno je
the village. In the course of time uphill from the church, the udaqena od prvih ku}a. S vremenom je iznad we
graveyard took shape. According to the sources, the church formirano seosko grobqe. Izgleda da je u ovom
of the same dedication must have existed as early as the th14 selu jo{ u XIV veku postojala istoimena crkva,
jer se navodi da je u woj 1353 pisan Oktoih.
century: an Octoich was copied in the church of St Paraskeve
Mawa jednobrodna crkva pravougaone
in 1353.
osnove sa trostranom apsidom, dogra|enom
It is a small single-naved church, rectangular in pripratom velikih dimenzija. Crkva je zidana
plan, with a three-sided apse to the east, and a large, kamenom, krov je dvoslivan i prokriven
subsequently built narthex. The church was built of stone. It falcovanim crepom, dok je nad apsidom sa~uvan
has double-pitched roof covered with double-through autenti~ni pokriva~ od {kriqca.
roofing tiles. The apse has the original stone-slate roofing. Brod je presveden poluobli~asto, sa~uvani
The nave is barrel-vaulted. The original pavement su stari podni pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a i
of stone slabs and elevated stone solea have been preserved, kamena soleja. Oja~awa su izvedena vidqivim drve-
as well as the uncovered wooden beams acting as bracing. nim gredama. Ulaz u crkvu omogu}en je kroz
The church is accessed through two doors in the south wall dogra|enu pripratu sa dvoja vrata na ju`nom zidu.
of the narthex, which covered the original west portal. One Tako je zapadni portal crkve ostao zaklowen. Na
wemu je sa~uvano jedno autenti~no krilo sa
of its door wings is original: it has an iron door-knocker and
gvozdenom alkom i bravnim mehanizmom. Priprata
a lock. The narthex is barrel-vaulted. Its floor is covered with je presvedena poluobli~asto, pod grubo betoniran,
rough poured concrete pavement. Along with two doors, the neravan. Na wenom ju`nom zidu je, uz dvoja vrata,
south wall of the narthex is fenestrated with a square window i jedan kvadratni prozor oja~an drvenim talpama.
reinforced by wooden boards. Na jugozapadnoj strani izgra|en je zvonik
A belfry, octagonal in plan, covered with hip tin- osmougaone osnove, koji je pokriven piramidalnim
plate roof, was built to the southwest of the church. The limenim krovom. Zidovi zvonika, gra|eni od
outer side of its walls, built of stone, is coated with mortar kamena, spoqa su malterisani i okre~eni belo.
and whitewashed. Na spoqnoj strani zapadnog zida naosa su
Figures of two military saints can be seen on the figure dva sveta ratnika, a iznad wih natpis u
outer side of the western wall of the nave. They are kome je, pored ostalog, ime slikara iz sela
surmounted by an inscription in which the name of the Gali~nika kod Debra. U naosu iznad portala je
painter, originating from the village of Gali~nik near Debar, natpis sa imenima ktitora i 1858. godinom.
was mentioned. In another inscription, in the nave, above the Povr{ine zidova prekrivene su zidnim slikama u
portal, the names of the donors and the year of 1858 were horizontalnim nizovima. U prvoj zoni su stoje}e
recorded. The inner walls are covered with mural paintings figure, ali su {estorici svetiteqa na severnom
arranged in horizontal strips. The first zone shows standing zidu sa~uvana samo poprsja. Iznad wih su
figures of the saints. However, the first zone of the north
medaqoni sa dopojasnim likovima svetiteqa, a
wall is damaged only the busts of the six saints represented
iznad ovih scene Velikih praznika. Povr{ina
there have been preserved. The next belt is occupied by
severne strana svoda je veoma o{te}ena i
medallions with saints represented in half-figure, while the
second zone shows the scenes from the Feast Cycle. The potamnela, vide se tragovi figura dva svetiteqa.
frescoes in the north half of the vault are severely damaged U apsidi je Bogorodica Znamewa sa likom Hrista
and tarnished only the traces of two saints figures can be u medaqonu na grudima, ispod we su Sveti Jovan
discerned. The Holy Virgin of the Sign, carrying the Zlatousti i Sveti Vasilije, a u severnoj ni{i
medallion with the representation of Christ on her breasts, Vaznesewe Hristovo.
was depicted in the apse, as well as St John Chrisostome and U dowoj zoni naosa, ispod prve zone
St Basil (in the lower zone of the apse). The Ascension fresaka, sa~uvana je geometrijska dekoracija od
occupies the north niche. In the lower zone of the walls in raznobojnih slikanih spiralnim traka. Re~ je o
the nave, under the first zone of frescoes, painted geometric kvalitetnom slikarstvu, posebno ume{no i sa
decoration composed of variegated spiral ribbons has been pa`wom obra|enim svetiteqskim likovima, koje
preserved. In this high-quality fresco ensemble special karakteri{e produhovqen izraz i individu-
attention was paid to the representations of saints, marked by
sophisticated expressions and strong individualization.
Ikonostas je slikan temperom na drvetu. U
The icons on the iconostasis are painted in tempera
soklu su elipsasti medaqoni sa cve}em u vazama.
on panel. The socle shows oval medallions with flowers in
Iznad wih su prestone ikone Svetog arhan|ela
the vases. It is surmounted with the icons of the Sovereign
Mihaila (na severnim dverima), Bogorodice sa
K/E-0.77 K/E-0.77
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St Demetrius in Gornja Bitinja
Crkva Svetog Dimitrija u Dowoj
was built in the 16th century. It is a single-naved building
Bitiwi izgra|ena je u XVI veku kao jednobrodna
with an eastern apse. It has a barrel-vault and a double- gra|evina sa oltarskom apsidom na istoku.
pitched roof. The roof was originally covered with stone Zasvedena je poluobli~asto svodom sa dvoslivnim
slates, now replaced with metal plates. The exterior of the krovom, koji je prvobitno bio od kamenih plo~a,
apse was relieved with five semicircular niches having a sada je pokriven limom. Oltarska apsida je
double archivolts. Two semicircular niches, prothesis and spoqa ukra{ena sa pet polukru`no zavr{enih
diaconicon, can be seen in the sanctuary. Consoles under the ni{a, koje imaju dvostruke arhivolte polukru`nog
frieze in the apse are merely decorative, without any preseka. U oltarskom prostoru su i polukru`ne
structural function. The archivolt of the western portal is ni{e |akonikona i proskomidije. Venac apside
supported by cone-shaped corbels. Above the narrow "nose" dekorativne, a ne konstruktivne konzole.
rectangular window on the south façade a deep blind niche Iznad luka zapadnog ulaza je arhivolta, koja
po~iva na dekorativnim konzolama u obliku
can be seen. The church was restored at the end of the
{i{arke. Na ju`noj fasadi je dubokalepa
s ni{a,
1990s, when its façades were coated with mortar and
ispod koje je uzani pravougaoni prozor. Krajem
sprayed with ground stone.
devedesetih godina XX veka crkva je obnovqena i
The interior walls of the church were completely
tada je nanovo omalterisana spoqa, a fasade su
covered in frescoes. Few damaged fragments are the only
prskane granulatom.
remains of the original fresco decoration: the fragments of
Crkva je bila u potpunosti `ivopisana, a
the socle decoration on the eastern wall, under the altar; sada su preostali samo veoma o{te}eni fragmenti
deteriorated fragments of robes worn by two saints on the u soklu na isto~nom zidu ispod ^asne trpeze,
west wall, to the south of the door, and the accompanying o{te}eni dowi delovi draperija dva svetiteqa na
part of the socle. zapadnom zidu, ju`no od vrata, i sokl ipod wih.
1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na Kosovu , 1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI i XVII veka na
Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. Kosovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV,
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Pri{tina 1984, 136.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 355. 2. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
3. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 355.
3. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1,
istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 253-254.
op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 253-254.
Due to recent restoration, the building is in good
condition. Gra|evina je, zahvaquju}i nedavnoj obnovi,
Fresco mortar of the preserved fragments has been u dobrom stawu.
partly detached from the wall and is likely to fall off, Fresko-malter o~uvanih fragmenata
especially in the socle of the eastern wall. The church was delimi~no je odvojen od zidanog nosa~a i preti mu
opasnost od daqeg otpadawa, naro~ito u soklu
restored. The covering of the roof was replaced with modern
isto~nog zida. Crkva je obnovqena. Krovni
roofing tiles. The walls and the vault are coated with mortar
pokriva~ je zamewen savremenim crepom. Zidovi i
and white-washed. There is only a slight possibility that
svod crkve su omalterisani i okre~eni belo.
under the layer of paint more fragments of the original fresco Mogu}nost da ispod sloja kre~a postoje delovi
decoration can be found. The walls are still contaminated o~uvanog `ivopisa je mala. Prodor kapilarne
with capillary dampness. vlage iz zemqe u zidove jo{ traje.
The plating of the iconostasis is modern, made of Oplata ikonostasa je nova, izra|ena od
conifer boards. The prints, acting as icons are mounted on ~amovog drveta. Na sebi nosi reprodukcije ikona
the iconostasis regardless any iconographic scheme. oka~enih bez ikonografskog reda.
K/E-0.78 K/E-0.78
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
The village of Drajkovci is at about 4-5 kms Selo Drajkovci je oko 4-5 km udaqeno od
[trpca, sa desne strane Lepenca. Crkva Svetih
distance from [trpce, on the right bank of the river of
^etrdeset mu~enika nalazi se sa leve strane puta
Lepenac. The church of St Forty Martyrs is situated on the
koji od [trpca vodi ka Uro{evcu. Izgra|ena je
left side of the road connecting [trpce and Uro{evac. It was na malo podignutom terenu u odnosu na put. U
constructed on a slightly elevated terrain. There are no wenoj neposrednoj blizini nema seoskih ku}a, a sa
houses in its immediate surroundings. Village graveyard is zapadne strane je seosko grobqe.
situated to the west of the church. Crkva je izgra|ena {ezdesetih godinaXVI
The church was built in the seventh decade of the veka, ali je posle 1690. stradala od Tatara, da bi
16th century, but it was demolished in the Tatar raid, after kasnije bila obnovqena. Radikalnim obnovama
1690. It was subsequently restored. Radical restorations koje su u pro{losti preduzimane autenti~ni
considerably changed the original appearance of the church. izgled crkve znatno je izmewen. Velika "sala"
Large hall was built in 1976. A large-scale building dogra|ena je 1976, a i 2000. godine izvedeni su
campaign was undertaken in 2000. prili~no obimni gra|evinski radovi.
The church is small, rectangular in plan, with a Crkva je mala i ima pravougaonu osnovu sa
three-sided eastern apse. Double-pitched roof is covered trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani.
Dvoslivni krov pokriven je falcovanim crepom.
with double-through roofing tiles. The apse was covered
Nad apsidom je 1990. bio pokriva~ od kamenih
with stone slates until 1990, when it got new copper-plate
plo~a, ali je zamewen novim od bakarnog lima.
covering. The latter-day hall is rectangular in plan and its Dogra|ena "sala" ima pravougaonu osnovu i
highest point is considerably higher than the ridge of the znatno vi{u kotu slemena krova. Na isto~nom
roof. Its eastern part is covered by a dome consisting of a delu krova izgra|ena je kupola sa kru`nim
cylindrical drum and a calotte made of copper plates. A tamburom i poluloptastom kalotom od bakarnog
belfry was attached to the west façade of the hall lima. Uz zapadnu fasadu "sale" dozidana je kula-
rectangular in plan, also topped by a copper-plate calotte. All zvonik kvadratne osnove, koja je tako|e natkriven
these rebuildins annihilated the original architectural and bakarnom kalotom. Svim ovim dogradwama uz
ambient values of the church. There are, however, reasons to crkvu znatno je poni{ten wen arhitektonsko-
believe that present church is not the one built in the second ambijentalni korpus. Ima indicija da ni sada{wa
half of the 16th century. It is possible that it was constructed crkva nije onaj objekat ~ija je izgradwa utvr|ena
at the beginning of the 20th century on the site of the original u drugoj polovini XVI veka, ve} da je navodno u
pitawu hram koji je izgra|en po~etkomXX veka na
mestu prvobitne crkve.
The nave is barrel-vaulted, with a conch covering
Brod crkve presveden je poluobli~astim
the apse. The apse is flanked by two semicircular niches svodom sa polukru`nim apsidalnim delom. Desno
prothesis and diaconicon. The floor is paved with the old i levo od apside su polukru`ne ni{e |akonikona
standard bricks (30 ×16 cm). The walls are coated with i proskomidije. Pod je od opeka starog formata
mortar and whitewashed. The north and south walls are 30 h 16 sm. Svi zidovi su malterisani i okre~eni
fenestrated with one window each. Those apertures are belo. Na ju`nom i severnom zidu je po jedan otvor,
different in shape and size, resembling loop-holes. Another nejednakog oblika i dimenzija, kao pu{karnice, a
narrow aperture can be seen in the apse. na apsidalnim zidu jo{ jedan sasvim uzan otvor.
The hall has a poured concrete floor. Each of the Pod "sale" izliven je u betonu. Na
longitudinal walls is decorated with a row of five podu`nim zidovima, na oko 2, 40 metra visine,
semicircular apses, set at about 2.4 m in height. The hall is izvedeno je po pet plitkih polukru`nih ni{a.
Svod je poluobli~ast.
also barrel-vaulted.
Ikonostas je jednostavan, od dasaka, bez
The iconostasis is plain, made of wood boards, and
ikakve vrednosti. Po wemu su oka~ene
has no artistic value. All the icons are prints. reprodukcije.
1. D. Tan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava 1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
The church has been regularly maintained. There STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
are no indications of recent damages. Crkva se redovno odr`ava i nema tragova
novijih o{te}ewa.
K/E-0.79 K/E-0.79
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Stojan Popovi}, a doctor from Gornja Bitinja Stojan Popovi}, lekar iz Gorwe Bitiwe
Under current political circumstances Sirini}ka
`upa, at the foot of the mountain of [ara, acts as an important Sirini}ka `upa podno [ar-planine
Serbian centre in Metohija. This large enclave encompasses predstavqa u dana{wim politi~kim prilikama
va`no sredi{te srpskog naroda u Metohiji. Ova
twelve settlements populated by Serbs. In the situation when
velika enklava obuhvata dvanaest naseqa koja
the major part of Serbian population from Metohija is in
naseqavaju Srbi. U uslovima kada je ve}i deo
exile, while their houses are razed to the ground, preserved srpske populacije u Metohiji napustio svoja
villages in Sirini}ka `upa act as an important source for the stani{ta i kada su netragom nestali wihovi
study of vernacular architecture. Although many research domovi, sa~uvana sela Sirini}ke `upe predstvqaju
workers tried to point out variety of forms and aesthetic va`an izvor za prou~avawe na{eg narodnog
value of vernacular buildings in this region, not a single graditeqstva. Iako su mnogi istra`iva~i
example of vernacular architecture has been nominated a ukazivali na bogatstvo i lepotu graditeqskih
cultural monument. formi na ovom prostoru, nijedno delo narodnog
One of the masterpieces of vernacular architecture graditeqstva u Sirini}koj `upi nije progla{eno
has been preserved in the hamlet Popovci in the village of za spomenik kulture.
Gornja Bitinja. It is owned by the family of Stojan Popovi}, Jedan od bisera narodnog graditeqstva
whose great-grandfather was a priest, and after whom this sa~uvan je u zaseoku Popovci u selu Gorwa
object got the name Priests house. There is no information Bitiwa. Danas pripada porodici Stojana
when it was constructed. However, family tradition has Popovi}a ~iji je pradeda bio sve{tenik i po kome
je ovaj objekat poznat kao popova ku}a. Nema
dated it in the 19th century.
podataka kada je sagra|en, ali ga porodi~no
It is a single-storied building, almost square in plan,
predawe datira u XIX vek.
with well articulated structure of both ground-floor and the
To je spratni objekat gotovo kvadratne
upper story. Since the house belongs to asymmetric type, the
osnove sa razvijenom strukturom osnove prizemqa
porch (ajat) is situated in the depth of the right wing of the
i sprata. Kako je ovo ku}a asimetri~nog tipa, ajat
ground-floor. A staircase leads from porch to the upper story.
se nalazi u dubini desnog krila prizemqa i iz
Under the staircase, to the right from the porch is a barn,
wega se ide stepenicama na sprat. Ispod
while at the outer right side a dairy can be seen, both made
stepenica, sa desne strane ajata je ambar za `ito
of boards. The porch leads to a rather small chamber. The
od unizanih dasaka, a sa desne spoqne strane
right door of the chamber opens towards a large room in
sagra|en je mlekar, tako|e od dasaka. Iz ajata se
which Popovi}, the priest used to welcome his guests. A fire-
pravo ulazi u mawu prostoriju, a iz we desno vode
place has been preserved in this room. The kitchen, which is
vrata u veliku sobu, u kojoj je sve{tenik Popovi}
in front of the large room, is accessed directly from the yard.
nekada primao svoje posetioce. U ovoj prostoriji
Another fire-place has been preserved in the kitchen.
je o~uvana oyaklija. U kuhiwu, prostoriju ispred
The upper floor has a large projecting timber
ove sobe, ulazi se direktno iz dvori{ta i tu je
terrace (~ardak) supported by posts, and a narrow corridor
sa~uvana jo{ jedna oyaklija za kuvawe.
dividing the residential area into two parts. A part of the Na spratu je prostrani ~ardak i uzani
original furnishing has been preserved in the rooms. Old hodnik, koji razdvaja stambeni prostor na dva
photographs can still be seen on the walls, while the old dela. U prostorijama je sa~uvan deo name{taja i
books are still stored in the closets. poku}stva. Na zidovima se jo{ nalaze stare
fotografije, a u dolapima kwige.
Present owner of the Priests House in Gornja
Bitinja takes great care about his heritage. He wants the Sada{wi vlasnik popove ku}e u Gorwoj
house to be restored and preserved for future generations. Bitiwi uzorno ~uva svoju ba{tinu. @eli da se
The idea of converting the house into catering object, where ku}a obnovi i sa~uva za budu}e generacije. Ideja
o pretvarawu ku}e u gostinski objekat, u koji bi
foreign tourists could take traditional meals has not been
se strani gosti dovodili na tradicionalni ru~ak,
realized yet, though it was discussed with the representatives
jo{ nije ostvarena, mada je o tome bilo re~i sa
of the international community. predstavnicima me|unarodne zajednice.
Technical drawings of the ground plan and the plan Prilikom obilaska terena septembra 2001,
of the upper story were taken during the inspection of the tehni~ki je snimqena osnova prizemqa i sprata
object in September of 2001. They should provide basic ku}e da bi se mogla predlo`iti wena
information in considering the problem of the revitalization revitalizacija. Za izradu konzervatorsko-
of the building. However, making of conservation and restauratorskog projekta potrebno je pripremiti
restoration project demands complete technical and photo - kompletnu tehni~ku i foto-dokumentaciju.
documentation. The experts from the Institute for the Stru~waci Republi~kog zavoda za za{titu
Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia have already spomenika kulture iz Beograda evidentirali ovaj
listed this object as recognized heritage, which according to objekat u ranijem periodu, ~ime on, po Zakonu o
za{titi kulturnih dobara, ima tretman kulturnog
the Law on the Protection of Cultural Property has provided
dobra pod prethodnom za{titom.
it with the status of cultural property, under preliminary
Prilikom izlaska na teren trebalo bi
protection. popisati i pokretni materijal koji se jo{ nalazi
During next inspection the inventory of the u ku}i, kao i staru p~elarsku radionicu u istom
movable property, existing in the house and in the old bee- dvori{tu.
keeping workshop should be made.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. M. \eki},Spomenici narodnog graditeqstva
Metohije danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija
1. M. \eki}, Spomenici narodnog graditeljstva Metohije
u svetlu etnologije, Beograd 2003 (u {tampi).
danas, Zbornik Kosovo i Metohija u svetlu etnologije,
Beograd 2003 (in print). DOKUMENTACIJA
K/E-0.80 K/E-0.80
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
Selo se nalazi na desnoj strani Lepenca,
The village is situated on the right bank of the river 3 - 4 km udaqeno od [trpca, i pomiwe se 1455. u
of Lepenac, at a 3-4 kms distance from [trpce. It was turskom popisu oblasti Brankovi}a kao veliko
mentioned in 1455 in the Turkish census the of the selo sa 64 srpske ku}e i popom Bogi{om.
Brankovi} Region as a large village with 64 Serbs houses Crkva, posve}ena Uspewu Bogorodice,
and priest Bogi{a. nalazi se na grobqu, u dowem delu sela. Izgra|ena
The church, dedicated to the Dormition of the je u drugoj polovini XVI veka. Bila je u
Virgin, is situated in the graveyard, in the lower part of the ru{evinama do 1886, kada je obnovqena.
village. It was built in the second half of the 17th century. Jednobrodna je, izdu`ene pravougaone osnove, sa
{irokom polukru`nom apsidom, u ~ijem je temenu
The church had been in ruins until 1886, when it was
uzan pravougaoni, vertikalno postavqen
restored. It is an oblong, single-naved building, with a wide
prozorski otvor. Zidana je tesanicima i
apse having a narrow, rectangular, vertically positioned pritesanom sigom ali su zidovi sa spoqne strane
window in its apex. On the outer side of the walls, built in dersovani i okre~eni, a sa unutra{we mal-
combination of ashlar and coursed-rubble, the joints of terisani. Na apsidalnim i podu`nim zidovima je
mortar were smoothened down, after which façades were jednostavno profilisan potkrovni venac od
and St John Chrisostome. The representation of the Service a predstava Hrista Agneca dopuwena je, po ugledu
of the Archbishops was, in accordance with earlier models, na starije predlo{ke, likovima dva an|ela
complemented with two angels acting as deacons. Of the two |akona. U bo~nim apsidama, od uobi~ajenih likova
deacons, usually depicted in the side niches, only half figure dva |akona sa~uvan je do pojasa samo onaj u levoj
of the left one was preserved. The saints are represented as ni{i. Fizionomije svetiteqa su mladala~ke,
gentle, young men, with ornamented robes. blagog izraza, a na ode}i je nagla{ena
The wood part of the iconostasis was mounted on a ornamentika.
masonry lintel. According to the inscription on the lower Drvena pregrada ikonostasa podignuta je
border of the icon of the Virgin, from the Sovereign Row, na zidani grednik. Ikonostas je zavr{en 1888,
signed by painter Jevgenije, born in Gali~nik Debarski, the {to se saznaje iz zapisa na dowem rubu prestone
iconostasis was completed in 1888. ikone Bogorodice, gde se potpisao Jevgenije
The disposition of the icons is typical of the zograf, rodom iz Gali~nika Debarskog.
Raspored ikona je uobi~ajen za crkve iz
churches dating from the same period. The central part of the
ovog perioda. Na sredini su niske carske dveri sa
iconostasis is occupied by the Royal Doors with the
Blagovestima. Iznad Blagovesti su, u malim
representation of the Annunciation. Half-figures of Solomon kru`nim medaqonima, dopojasni likovi careva
and David can be seen in small round fields on the doors, Solomona i Davida. Prestone ikone su: Arhan|eo
above the Annunciation. The Sovereign Row is occupied by Mihailo (na severnim dverima), Bogorodica sa
the icons of Archangel Michael (the north door), the Virgin Hristom, Isus Hristos i Sveti Jovan Prete~a.
with the Child, Christ and St John the Baptist. In the second Iznad prestonih ikona je niz ikona sa Hristom i
zone, a row of icons (20×35 cm) representing Christ and dvanaest apostola 20 h 35 sm sa ~itko ispisanim
twelve apostles can be seen. All of them have legible titles. signaturama, a iznad wih krst sa Raspe}em i
The iconostasis is topped by the Crucifixion with four ~etiri jeva|elista u medaqonima na kracima krs-
evangelists in the round fields at the ends of the arms of the ta. Desno i levo od krsta su ikone Bogorodice i
cross. The cross is flanked with icons representing the Holy Jovana Bogoslova. Prestone ikone ra|ene su uqem
na platnu, a sve ostale na dasci. Na soklu su
Virgin and St John. The icons of the Sovereign Row were
elipsasti medaqoni u kojima su slikane vaze sa
painted in oil on canvas, while all the other icons were
painted on panel. The socle is decorated with oval fields in Posebnu pa`wu treba obratiti na
which vases with flowers were depicted. sa~uvane zapise sa imenima mogu}ih donatora za
Special attention should be paid to the inscribed izradu ikonostasa, koji su uo~eni na povr{inama
names of possible donors of the iconostasis, preserved in the ispod tre}e zone.
areas under the third zone. Zgrada konaka izgra|ena je severozapadno
od hrama tako da se naslawa na wegov ugaoni deo.
The dormitory is situated to the northwest of the
Konak je pravougaone osnove, sa dubokim tremom
church, touching its corner. It is rectangular in plan, with na ju`noj strani. Deo dominantnog ~etvoroslivnog
deep vestibule to the south. A part of conspicuous hip roof is krova prihvata pet stubaca, koji su nekada bili
supported by five concrete pillars, which replaced the drveni, a danas su zameweni betonskim. Krovni
original timber posts. The original roofing was replaced with pokriva~ zamewen je falcovanim crepom, ali je
double-through roofing tiles. However, the original massive sa~uvan prvobitni masivan oyak. Na podu`nom
ju`nom zidu su dva niska lu~na ulaza i prozori sa
chimney has been preserved. The longitudinal south wall has
drvenim re{etkama, ~iji su elementi ukr{teni
two low arched entrances and windows with wood grids pod pravim uglom i na spojevima u~vr{}eni
made of elements intersecting at a right angle, tied at the trakslovanim prstenovima. U unutra{wosti su
intersections with round, wooden rings. There are two dva odeqewa. U mawem, na zapadnoj strani, sa~uvan
chambers in the interior. In the minor one, to the west, a fire- je "oyak". Uz pregradni zid, u obe prostorije
place has been preserved. In both chambers, authentic postoje autenti~ne rezbarene drvene konzole. U
drugoj prostoriji, koja je pravougaone osnove i
carved wood consoles are attached to partition wall. In the
znatno ve}a od prethodne, du` svih zidova
other chamber, rectangular in plan and considerably bigger izgra|ena je niska kamena klupa. Donedavno je pod
than the minor one, low stone bench was built along the u obe prostorije bio zemqani, sada je pokriven
walls. Earthen floor has been recently covered with concrete. betonom.
The walls of the dormitory are built of stone bound Konak je gra|en kamenom sa malternim
with mortar, and reinforced with massive bond-timbers. spojnicama, a oja~an monolitnim, masivnim
Since the facades have been coated with mortar, the structure drvenim talpama. Po{to su fasade objekta sada
of the wall remained uncovered only on the south wall, malterisane, tehnika gradwe ostala je vidqiva
which has not been restored. samo na ju`nom zidu, koji nije obnavqan.
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi , Starine Kosova i 1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi,
Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 359-364. Starine Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina
2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava 1968-1971, 359-364.
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
Pri{tina 1991, 249. istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka ,
Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 249.
Zadu`bine Kosova,Prizren-Beograd 1987, 428.
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
1987, 428.
The structure of the building is stable. The roof is in
bad condition, while the façades have darkened. Dampness STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
has been recorded in the lower zones of the walls. A crack
was noticed in the wall of the apse. Gra|evinsko stawe crkve nije ugro`eno.
Two distinct phases can be distinguished in the Krov je dotrajao, a zidovi spoqa potamneli. Na
fresco decoration. Frescoes in the sanctuary belong to the zidnoj masi, pri dnu, vidi se vlaga. Registrovana
earlier phase, dated in the period immediately after the je i pukotina na apsidalnom zidu.
construction of the church. Due to both conspicuous and Slikarstvo u crkvi poti~e iz dva perioda.
imperceptible cracks, the paint layer of those frescoes has Vremenu neposredno posle izgradwe crkve
been considerably damaged. Certain areas, like the face of pripadaju sa~uvane freske u oltaru. Zbog
the Virgin, or certain saints, as well as the whole figures, are vidqivih i mawe vidqivih pukotina bojeni sloj
destroyed. The colour faded, as if it had been washed out. na wima je znatno o{te}en. Pojedine partije kao
Since no traces of soot have been found, it is possible that lica Bogorodice i nekih svetiteqa ili ~itave
the frescoes were renovated by washing and rubbing in one figure, potpuno su uni{teni, boja je u znatnijem
of the attempts of restoration. procentu izbledela, deluje kao isprana. Mogu}e je,
The most endangered parts of the iconostasis are po{to nisu prime}eni tragovi ~a|i, da su u nekoj
the icons of the Sovereign Row. The colour coat of all those od poku{aja obnove, ove freske "renovirane"
icons shows numerous detaches. Large areas of colour coat postupkom prawa i ribawa.
are missing together with the ground. The colour coats of the Na ikonostasu su najugro`enije prestone
ikone. Na svim ikonama bojeni sloj je podquspan
Crucifixion and the icons representing the apostles are
i nedostaju veliki delovi sa podlogom. Po
stable. However, all those icons show minor damages, with
povr{inama niza ikona sa likovima apostola i
the exception of the icon of St Thomas, whose lower corners Raspe}a, bojeni sloj je stabilan ali su primetna
are severely damaged, while the colour coat has been sitnija o{te}ewa, sa izuzetkom ikone Svetog
destroyed. Tome na kojoj su dva dowa ugla veoma o{te}ena, a
The restoration of the dormitory was unprofes- boja uni{tena.
sionally done. Konak je nestru~no obnovqen.
K/E-0.81 K/E-0.81
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The village of Ja`ince is situated on the right bank Selo Ja`ince nalazi se na desnoj strani
of the river of Lepenac. It was mentioned under that name in Lepenca. Pomiwe se pod istim imenom 1455. u
the Turkish census of 1455, as a village having 29 Serbs turskom popisu sa 29 srpskih ku}a. Danas u selu
houses. Nowadays, the village encompasses about 200 ima oko dvesta ku}a.
houses. Kod {kole postoji mesto koje seqaci zovu
There is a place near school, which the inhabitants Crkvine, jer tu je nekada bila stara crkva Svete
call Crkvine, because there once stood the old church of St Petke, ~ije su razvaline bile vidqive jo{
Paraskeve. Its ruins could be seen until the beginning of the po~etkom XX veka. Po legendi, iz we je stara
ikona "preletela" na mesto gde su, potom, podigli
20th century. A legend says that an old icon from the church
hram od borovih stabala. Na tom mestu je
of St Paraskeve flew over to the place on which a church
tridesetih godina XX veka podignuta sada{wa
made of pine logs was subsequently built. Present church of crkva od nepe~ene zemqe. Nalazi se na grobqu.
adobe was built in the 20th century, during thirties. It is Crkva je mawih dimenzija, pravougaone
situated in the graveyard. osnove sa dubokom polukru`nom apsidom, na
The church is small, rectangular in plan, with deep isto~noj, i jednostavnim plitko segmentno
semicircular apse to the east, and a simple masonry portal zidanim portalom, na zapadnoj strani. Krov na dve
vode pokriven je savremenim falcovanim crepom,
ending in low-pitched segmented arch, to the west. Double-
a wegova kosina sa zapadne strane oblo`ena je
pitched roof is covered with modern double-through roofing daskama, koje su postavqene vertikalno. Nad
tiles, while on the west front its pitch has been covered with apsidom je sa~uvan autenti~an pokriva~ od {kriq-
vertically positioned planks. The authentic stone-slate ca. Fasadna poqa su ravno malterisana, bez
covering was preserved on the apse. The façades are covered tragova venaca i bilo kakve ornamentike. U brodu
with plain coat of mortar, without traces of friezes or other je jednostavan drveni ikonostas, bez ikakvih
vrednosti. Pod je pokriven starim kamenim plo-
ornaments. Plain iconostasis in the nave has no artistic value. ~ama. Autenti~ni poluobli~asti svod je, nakon
The floor has been paved with old stone slabs. In the obnove, osamdesetih godina izmewen u
restoration undertaken during 1980s, the authentic barrel neuobi~ajeni trapezast.
vault was converted into an unusual trapezoid vault.
1. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 452.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 452. 2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
2. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 255-256.
Pri{tina 1991 255-256. 3. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
3. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 96. veku, Beograd 1928, 96.
K/E-0.82 K/E-0.82
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church is situated on the hill, uphill from the
Crkva se nalazi se visoko na brdu, iznad
village, with a graveyard behind it. It was built in 1921 on
sela, sa grobqem u pozadini. Izgra|ena je 1921. na
the site of an earlier, bigger church. During Turkish mestu starijeg hrama, koji je imao ve}i gabarit. U
occupation, it was dedicated to St Athanasius. vreme turske okupacije nosila je ime Svetog
The church is oblong, single-naved, with a three- Atanasija.
sided apse to the east. A narrow aperture can be seen on the Jednobrodna crkva je izdu`ene pravougaone
apse, an arched portal and a window enclosed in a osnove, sa trostranom apsidom na isto~noj
semicircular niche on the west wall. The north wall has a strani. Na apsidi je uzan pravougaoni prozorski
otvor, a na zapadnom zidu polukru`ni portal, nad
simple portal, smallish, low window and a buttress. A small,
kojim je prozor u polukru`noj ni{i. Na severnom
low window, and an aperture that was probably subsequently zidu su jednostavan portal, mawi nisko postavqen
perforated can be seen on the south wall. The church was prozor i oja~awe zida u obliku pli}eg
built of limestone ashlars. All the wall surfaces were coated kontrafora, a na ju`nom mali nisko postavqen
with mortar. Double-pitched roof has been covered with prozor i jo{ jedan otvor, izgleda naknadno
double-through roofing tiles, while the covering of the apse probijen. Crkva je zidana kvaderima od sige i
povr{ine svih zidova su premalterisane.
has been cast in concrete. In the restoration campaign of
Dvoslivni krov pokriven je falcovanim crepom,
2000, the church was equipped with gutters, its facades were dok je nad apsidom pokriva~ sada izliven u
restored, and it was surrounded with a concrete pavement. betonu. Za{titne betonske staze, svi limarski
The floor of the nave has two levels, while its radovi i fasadna obrada izvedeni su u obnovi
covering got the shape of a deep barrel-vault. The floor is 2000. godine.
paved with inadequate dark, modern tiles. The walls are Brod crkve je u dva nivoa, a svod je re{en
dubokom poluoblicom. Pod je pokriven
covered with plain mortar coat and whitewashed. There are
neodgovaraju}im savremenim mrkim kerami~kim
K/E-0.83 K/E-0.83
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church is situated on the right side of the road
Crkva se nalazi sa desne strane puta koji
leading to the village. Sevce is the northernmost village of vodi u selo. To je najsevernije sirini}ko selo koje
Sirini}ka `upa, granted by emperor Du{an in 1355 to the car Du{an 1355. potvr|uje manastiru Hilandaru. U
monastery of Chilandar. In the Turkish census of Brankovi} turskom popisu Oblasti Brankovi}a 1455, u Sevcu
Region 86 Serbs houses were recorded in Sevce. River je upisano 86 srpskih ku}a. Sa severne strane, u
Lepenac flows through the immediate neighbourhood of the neposrednoj blizini crkve, proti~e Lepenac.
church, to its north. The precise year of the construction of Ta~na godina nastanka nije utvr|ena, ali se po
the church is not known. The type of masonry work, its na~inu gradwe, dimenzijama i obliku mo`e
dimensions and its design indicate that it may have been pretpostaviti da je podignuta krajemXVI ili
built at the end of the 16 th or at the beginning of the 17
th po~etkom XVII veka. Uz crkvu su naknadno, sa
century. A narthex, which is too large and a belfry were zapadne strane, dozidani predimenzionirana
subsequently attached to the west front of the church. priprata i zvonik.
It is a small single-naved building, rectangular in Mawa jednobrodna crkva je pravougaone
plan, with an eastern, three-sided apse. On the eastern osnove sa trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani.
Na licu tog zida, iznad apside, vidi se ne{to ni-
façade, above the apse the outline of an earlier roof can be
`a linija ranijeg krova, jer je verovatno
seen. The original roof had somewhat lower pitch, more
prvobitni krovni pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a
suitable for its stone-slate covering. The present double- odgovarao tom nagibu krovnih ravni. Dvoslivni
pitched roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles. krov je sada pokriven falcovanim crepom.
Western façade, with a decorative niche and an arched stone Pa`qivo izgra|eno zapadno pro~eqe hrama sa
portal, was in the subsequent reconstruction turned into an ni{om i polukru`no zasvo|enim portalom od
inner wall of the narthex. Another portal, with massive stone kamena, zatvoreno je kasnijom dogradwom. Na
door-step, and a small and narrow window to the right of it, ju`nom zidu je jo{ jedan portal sa masivnim
can be seen in the south wall. All the outer surfaces of the kamenim pragom, a desno od wega uzan mali
walls have mortar coating, with the exception of the apse, prozorski otvor. Svi spoqni zidovi su
where the masonry work remained uncovered. malterisani osim apsidalnog, na kome se, po{to
The church was built of stone bound with lime je ogoqen, vidi tehnika gradwe, kamenim slogom sa
mortar. The interior of the church is divided into two units by spojnicama kre~nog maltera.
Unutra{wost hrama podeqena je
a partition wall perforated by two arched passages
pregradnim zidom na kome su dva polukru`na
surmounted by a moulded frieze. The church is barrel-
prolaza. Iznad wih je profilisanienac.
v Svod je
vaulted. The sanctuary consists of a central apse flanked by poluobli~ast. Na isto~nom zidu su oltarska ni{a
the niches of prothesis and diaconicon. The church has been u sredini, a bo~no ni{e |akonikona i
consolidated by iron bracing, while on the level of two thirds proskomidije. Crkva je obezbe|ena gvozdenim
of its height painted wooden beam acting as bracing can be zategama, a na dve tre}ine visine broda je
seen. The floor is paved with square stone slabs. oslikana drvena greda. Pod je od kamenih
An older high-quality chandelier is a present of kvadratnih plo~a.
Nedeljko Ajdar, an emigrant who brought it from the United Kvalitetan stariji polijelej crkvi je
States. poklonio, donev{i ga iz Amerike, iseqenik
Subsequently constructed oblong hall, the Nedeqko Ajdar.
narthex, somewhat wider than the church, covered its west Podizawem "sale", izdu`ene pravougaone
osnove, ne{to {ire od crkve, zakloweno je weno
front. Its double-pitched roof, covering the barrel-vault, is
zapadno pro~eqe. Krov "sale" je dvoslivan i
covered with double-through roofing tiles. Façades of the
pokriven falcovanim crepom, spoqni zidovi su
narthex are coated with mortar. A little chamber, square in malterisani, a konstrukcija poluobli~asta. Sa
plan and covered with a triple-pitched roof, attached to the zapadne strane, kao tre}i graditeqski sloj,
west side of the narthex, belongs to the third phase of podignuta je jo{ jedna prostorija kvadratne
construction. During feasts and fairs this object turns into a osnove sa troslivnim krovom. Ona slu`i kao
little shop. It is surmounted by a belfry roofed with prodavnica u vreme ve}ih praznika i slava. Nad
pyramidal cap covered with galvanized tin plates. wom je mali zvonik sa ~etvoroslivnim krovom
The inner walls are covered with fresco decoration pokriven pocinkovanim limom.
dating from 1861. The inscription of the painter Joseph from Povr{ine zidova pokrivene su `ivopisom
Lazaropolis in the surroundings of Debar has been ra|enim 1861. godine. Na jednom mestu ugreban je
preserved. The compositions are arranged into regular belts. zapis zografa Josifa iz Lazaropoqa u Debarskom
The first zone is occupied by extremely elongated, stout kraju. Raspored kompozicija je u pravilnim
figures of the saints. The most important scenes from the trakastim zonama. U prvoj su veoma izdu`ene i
lives of the Virgin and Christ can be seen in the vault. The sna`ne svetiteqske figure, a na povr{inama
domination of warm colours, vigorous drawing and dynamic svoda najzna~ajnije kompozicije iz Bogorodi~inog
1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm
1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Pri{tina 1991, 256-257. Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 256-257.
2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i 2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 10, 95. Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX
veku, Beograd 1928, 10,95.
A wide crack along the vault indicates that
thorough sanation of the foundations is necessary. The Sna`no izra`ena pukotina po sredini
foundations demand protection that would imply total poluobli~astog svoda ukazuje da je neophodno u
elimination of the impact of weathering factors. celini sanirati temeqe i potpuno ih za{tititi
Certain parts of the fresco decoration are covered od delovawa atmosferilija.
with dark layer of soot. The frescoes are damaged around the Neki delovi `ivopisa su potamneli od
cracks, and around holes into which new bracing was fitted. ~a|i, a o{te}en je na mestima gde su zidne
pukotine i gde su naknadno uglavqivane zatege.
The frescoes that used to cover the eastern part of the vault,
@ivopis je nestao na povr{inama svoda nad
over the sanctuary, are destroyed. There are no frescoes on oltarskim prostorom, a nedostaje i na pregradnom
the partition wall, which is probably a latterday zidu, koji je verovatno postavqen kasnije.
construction. Ikonostas je ugro`en crvoto~inom, a
The iconostasis is affected by verminousness. The bojeni sloj na ikonama je potamneo i mestimi~no
colour coat of the icons has darkened and crackled. ispucao.
K/E-0.84 K/E-0.84
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
DESCRIPTION Crkva Svetog Jovana se nalazi sa desne
strane puta, na ulazu u [trpce. U drugoj polovini
The church of St John is situated on the right side XVI veka na istom mestu postojala je crkva.
of the road, at the entrance to [trpce. In the second half of Utvr|eno je da je ona tokom proteklih vekova
zamewena novom, koja je obnovqena 1911. godine.
the 16th century a church used to stand on the same site. It O toj obnovi svedo~i natpis na tabli iznad
has been established that a new church was subsequently zapadnog portala.
built upon remains of the 16th century one. That new church Crkva je skromna, malih dimenzija,
was restored in 1911. An inscription on a tablet above the jednobrodna, pravougaone osnove sa dubokom
west portal provides the information about this restoration. trostranom apsidom na isto~noj strani. Zidno
The church is small, single-naved, rectangular in platno malterisano je opona{aju}i kamene
plan, with a deep three-sided apse to the east. The mortar kvadere. Krovni venac je stepenasto pro filisan.
coat is moulded as an imitation of ashlar-work. The cornice Krov je nizak i pokriven falcovanim crepom. Uz
plitko segmentno zasvo|en zapadni portal
has step-like profile. Low-pitched roof is covered with
sa~uvana su dva polo`ena masivna kamena kvadera.
double-through roofing tiles. Two massive ashlars have been
U osi portala je polukru`na ni{a, a iznad we
preserved at the foot of the portal, finished in low-pitched pravougaona tabla sa tekstom o obnovi crkve. Na
segmented arch. The portal is surmounted by a semicircular slemenu krova je mali gvozdeni zvonik. Na ju`nom
niche, and a rectangular tablet with the inscription about the zidu je prozor sa gorwim rubom u plitkom
restoration, above it. A little iron belfry is mounted on the segmentu. Pod broda je od opeka ve}eg formata.
ridge of the roof. The window on the south wall is finished Svod je re{en dubokom poluoblicom. Krila
in low-pitched segmented arch. The floor is paved with big portala su nova, od lima.
bricks. The church is covered with high barrel-vault. The Zidno slikarstvo nije sa~uvano, a
wings of the door are new, made of tin-plate. ikonostas je jednostavan, od dasaka, bez vrednosti.
Fresco decoration has not been preserved. Plain U poqu, u neposrednoj blizini crkve sa
iconostasis, made of wood boards has no artistic value. zapadne strane, nalazi se spomenik svim
In the immediate surroundings of the church, in the poginulim, pomrlim i nestalim iz Sirini}ke
field to the west, a monument to those inhabitants of `upe u ratu 1912 1918, u obliku obeliska,
Sirini}ka `upa who were killed, died or disappeared in the izliven u betonu i postavqen na trostepenu bazu.
wars between 1912 and 1918 was erected. It is an obelisk,
Ogra|en je sa osam stubova koji nose te`ak
cast in concrete, mounted on a triple-stepped basis. It is
gvozdeni lanac.
enclosed by eight columns carrying heavy iron chain.
1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava na istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),Ba{tina 1, op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Pri{tina 1991 257. Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 257.
2. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i 2. P. Kosti},Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku, Beograd 1928, 105. u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku,
Beograd 1928, 105.
Since the church has no gutters, the frieze under the Na krovnom vencu crkve vide se o{te}ewa
eaves has been damaged by water pouring down the roof. zbog slivawa vode, jer nedostaju oluci. Vlaga je
There is no protective pavement around the church, nor the veoma izra`ena u temeqnoj zoni zbog nedostatka
za{titnog trotoara kao i nere{enog odliva
drainage system. Due to these facts, the dampness of the
foundations and zones around them is increased. Ikonostas je ugro`en crvoto~inom, a
The iconostasis is affected by verminousness. The bojeni sloj na ikonama je ispucao i delimi~no
colour coat of the icons is crackled and partly fallen off. otpao.
K/E-0.85 K/E-0.85
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
and two other flanking it, acting as prothesis and diaconicon. hrama je za jedna stepenik ni`i od poda priprate
The floor of the nave, for the height of a step lower than the i doskora je bio pokriven kamenim plo~ama, sada
floor of the narthex, used to be paved with stone slabs. It je zaliven betonom. Sve povr{ine zidova su
presently has poured concrete paving. All the wall surfaces malterisane i okre~ene belo, osim apsidalne
are coated with mortar and whitewashed, except the conch of konhe, u kojoj je sa~uvana kompozicija Bogorodica
the apse which is occupied by the preserved representation [ira od nebesa.
of the Holy Mother Wider then the Sky. Stari ikonostas je nestao, novi je od
dasaka sa oka~enim reprodukcijama i nema nikakvu
There are no traces of the old iconostasis. The
present one, made of wood boards, with prints acting as
icons, has no artistic value. BIBLIOGRAFIJA
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom
istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
1. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskom istra`ivanju crkava op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 247.
Pri{tina 1991, 247. 2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na
2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu , Kosovu, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV,
Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 136. Pri{tina 1984, 136.
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 397. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
1987, 397.
The church and a little village graveyard, now
surrounded by Albanian population, are completely Crkva i malo seosko grobqe, okru`eni
dilapidated, run into weed. In the past, the church was albanskim me{tanima, sada su potpuno zapu{teni.
subject to certain unprofessionally done restoration Obrasli su u korov i {ibqe. U pro{losti na
interventions. The conch of the apse shows wide crack in the hramu su vr{ene nestru~ne obnove. Na apsidalnoj
wall. The coating of the walls with mortar was not preceded konhi vidi se jaka zidna pukotina. Zidovi su
with sanation of the damp areas. The original roofing was malterisani bez prethodnog sanirawa vlage.
replaced with the new one, the mortar coat covered the Izmewen je prvobitni krovni pokriva~,
remains of the mural decoration, while the building malterisawem je poni{ten zidni `ivopis, a ve}im
interventions on the west side of the church annihilated the dogradwama uza zapadni zid izgubqena je
authentic qualities of the original design. autenti~nost prvobitnog arhitektonskog sloja.
The monument demands investigation, which Potrebni su istra`ivawe i izrada
would result in a conservation project after which the konzervatorskog projekta, na osnovu koga bi bila
restoration would be executed. The restoration should imply sprovedena obnova, koja bi podrazumevala vra}awe
recovering of the original elements in authentic materials svih autenti~nih elemenata i materijala, od
starting with the recovery of the original design of the prvobitnog izgleda crkve do poku{aja obnove
building, and aiming to the restore the frescoes, if they are `ivopisa, ako je uop{te sa~uvan ispod nanetog
preserved under new layer of paint. sloja kre~a.
K/E-0.86 K/E-0.86
Recognized heritage evidentirana
[trpce, The District ofKosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren [trpce, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Vrbe{tica is a small, scattered village upon the left Selo Vrbe{tica je malo, razbijeno, na
bank of the river of Lepenac. According to the Turkish levoj obali Lepenca. U turskom popisu Oblasti
census of the Brankovi} Region from 1455, it had 53 Serbs Brankovi}a 1455. imalo je 53 srpske ku}e. U selu
houses. The village used to have two churches: one su bile crkva Svetog Petra, na ~ijem mestu se na
dedicated to St Peter on the site where it used to stand the Petrovdan okupqa sabor, i jo{ jedna ~ije mesto
fair is being kept on the feast of St Peter; and the other once zovu Crkvi{te. Crkva Svetog Ilije, tako|e
izgra|ena na mestu starije, nalazi se sa desne
standing in the place now called Crkvi{te. The church of St
strane puta i u wenoj okolini nema ku}a. S ob-
Elias, also built on the site of an earlier church, is situated on
zirom da je u wenoj neposrednoj blizini sa
the right side of the road. There are no houses in its severne strane vertikala kamene stene (vrsta
surroundings. A vertical rock (serpentinite) in its immediate serpentinit), bilo je neophodno da se teren
surroundings suggests that it must have been necessary to zaravni kako bi se osvojio prostor za wenu
make an artificial plateau in order to prepare site for the gradwu. Od puta levo proti~e planinska re~ica.
construction of the church. To the left of the road a mountain Me{tani svedo~e da je u selu nekada bila "golema
river can be seen. There is a tradition among the inhabitants crkva sa 13 vrata" i da je wu odnela voda
about huge church with 13 doors once existing in the prilikom davne poplave. Smatra se da su crkve u
village, which was many years ago carried away by flood. It ovom selu nastajale, kao i mnoge druge u
is believed that the churches in this village, as well as Sirini}koj `upi, neposredno posle obnove Pe}ke
elsewhere in Sirini}ka `upa, were built after the renewal of patrijar{ije 1577. godine
Crkva je mawa, jednobrodna, izdu`ene
the Patriarchate of Pe} in 1577.
pravougaone osnove sa dubqom, spoqa
The church is small single-naved, oblong, with a
petostranom, iznutra polukru`nom apsidom.
deep apse, which is semicircular inside and five-sided in the Zidana je kamenom, a u obnovi novijeg datuma
exterior. It was built of stone. During recent restoration its u~vr{}ena je betonskim serkla`ima. Nose}i
walls were consolidated with concrete cerclages. Bearing zidovi su debeli 1 metar. Fasadni zidovi su ravno
walls are 1 m thick. The façades are covered with plain coat malterisani i {pricani sitnim kamenom.
of mortar and sprayed with ground stone. Double-pitched Dvoslivni krov pokriven je falcovanim crepom,
roof is covered with double-through roofing tiles, while the dok je nad apsidom izliven u betonu. Nad
roofing of the apse was cast in concrete. The ridge of the roof slemenom krova je mawi zvonik savremene
is topped by a smallish belfry of a modern iron construction, gvozdene konstrukcije, natkriven ~etvorovodnom
covered with tin pyramidal cap. Semicircular niche above limenom kapom. Iznad zapadnog portala je
the portal is topped by a cross, moulded in mortar, now polukru`na ni{a, a nad wom je bio jednokraki
krst izveden u malteru, kome sada nedostaje
missing the vertical arm. Another door can be found in the
vertikalni krak. Na ju`nom zidu su jo{ jedna vra-
south wall, as well as a small window with iron grid. The
ta i mali prozor sa gvozdenom re{etkom, a na
apse has a vertically positioned aperture. apsidi uzan vertikalno postavqen otvor.
The church used to have pavement made of stone Pod je bio od kamenih plo~a, sada je
slabs, but it has been replaced by a concrete floor. In the altar zamewen betonskim. U oltarskoj apsidi,
apse, which is clumsy in appearance, a masonry altar can be oblikovno neve{to izvedenoj, izidana je ~asna
found. Wall surfaces are covered with plain coat of mortar trpeza. Povr{ine zidova su ravno malterisane i
and whitewashed. The church is barrel-vaulted. okre~ene belo. Svod je poluobli~ast.
A latter-day iconostasis, made of wood boards, has Ikonostas je novijeg datuma, od dasaka,
no artistic value. vez ikakve vrednosti.
1. P. Pajki},Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi, Starine
1. P. Pajki}, Crkve u Sirini}koj `upi
, Starine Kosova i Kosova i MetohijeIV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971,
Metohije IV-V, Pri{tina 1968-1971, 355. 355.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 2. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 418. Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 418.
3. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm istra`ivanju 3. D. Stan~i}, Izve{taj o topografskonm
crkava na teritoriji op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa), istra`ivawu crkava na teritoriji
Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 248. op{tine [trpce (Sirini}ka `upa),
Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 248.
The church has been regularly maintained. During Crkva je redovno odr`avana. Prilikom
recent conservation campaign the church got new roofing, its posledwe obnove zamewen je krovni pokriva~,
façades were restored, the area around it was paved with obnovqene fasade, ura|en za{titni betonski
concrete side-walk; the roof was equipped with gutters. trotoar oko crkve, kao i kompletna limarija na
L/E-0.87 L/E-0.87
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Uro{evac, the District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Uro{evac, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
OWNER Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
The church in Uro{evac was built in the period Crkva u Uro{evcu izgra|ena je 1926-1933.
between 1926 and 1933 after the project of Josif Marinkovi}. po projektu Josifa Marinkovi}a. To je
It is a monumental, five-domed building, whose construction petokupolna crkva monumentalnih dimenzija, ~iji
was inspired by Gra~anica. Its plan is a combination of a je sklop inspirisan Gra~anicom. Osnova je
cross-in-square and triconchos. It has a narthex, lower than kombinacija razvijenog tipa upisanog krsta sa
trikonhosom. Na zapadu je priprata koja je ni`a
the nave, to the west. Its construction was conceived as a
od hrama. Celo arhitektonsko re{ewe je
combination of the style of king Milutins endowments and kombinacija stila Milutinovih gra|evina i
architectural features of the Morava School. The church was moravske {kole. Zidana je opekom i malterisana
built in brick. Its walls were coated with mortar both inside spoqa i iznutra. Centralno kube po~iva na
and outside. Central dome is supported by solid pillars plated masivnim stupcima oblo`enim mermerom, sa
with marble ashlars, and surmounted with massive capitals. masivnim kapitelima.
U spoqa{wem ukrasu dominiraju
The façades are dominated by horizontal grooves in horizontalne fuge u malteru, koje podra`avaju
the mortar, featuring cloisonné technique, archivolts zidawe opekom i kamenom, arhivolte ukra{ene
decorated with dog tooth friezes and imitations of terracotta zup~astim frizovima po lukovima i imitacije
elements and chessboard ornament. keramoplastike i {ahovskih poqa izvedene u
The church used to have iconostasis of considerable malteru.
U crkvi se nalazio i ikonostas velikih
dimensions, with the icons contemporary to the construction
dimenzija, sa ikonama slikanim u vreme izgradwe
of the church. crkve.
It also used to house a collection of 19th century icons. U hramu se ~uvala i zbirka ikona iz XIX
1. M.Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 538. Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 538.
2. A. Kadijevi}, Jedan vek tra`enja nacionalnog stila u 2. A. Kadijevi}, Jedan vek tra`ewa nacionalnog
srpskoj arhitekturi (sredina XIX - sredina XX veka), stila u srpskoj arhitekturi (sredina XIX -
Beograd 1997, 166, 167. sredina XX veka), Beograd 1997, 166, 167.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
The church, situated in the city centre, is being Hram se nalazi u centru grada i ~uvaju ga
protected by Greek KFOR units. In several places on the gr~ke jedinice KFOR-a. Sa spoqne strane, na
northwest part of the façade, mortar has fallen off, severozapadnom delu malter je otpao te je
uncovering the structure of the wall: the church was built in sagledivo od ~ega je hram gra|en - opeka u
brick bound with thick mortar joints. The two tones of paint produ`nom malteru. Objekat je prskan u dva tona,
were sprayed onto facades: the darker one in the socle, and sokla tamnija, a crkva svetlija. Na oltarskoj
the pale one on the remaining wall surfaces. Water pouring apsidi su o{te}ewa od prelivawa vode iz le`e}ih
from the gutter damaged the mortar on the apse. The wall on oluka, malter otpada. Na delu prema istoku
the eastern side is wet because a part of the gutter is missing. nedostaje deo oluka te zid vla`i. Na ju`nom zidu
Stains can be seen on the south wall and the part surrounding i delu oko ulaza sa zapada zaprqana je fasada
the entrance. They are made by pieces of garbage thrown bacawem otpadaka preko ograde.
into the churchyard. Na ju`noj pevnici vidqiva je mawa fleka
Minor stain caused by leaking can be noticed on the od proki{wavawa. U konhama ugaonih kupola
inner wall of the south conch. Minor damages are recorded postoje mawa o{te}ewa. Od poku{aja paqewa
in the calottes of the corner domes. An attempt to put the nagoreli su unura{wi delovi vrata i ograde
church on fire resulted in damages of the inner side of the stepeni{ta za hor. Krov je pokriven bakarnim
door and the fence of the staircase leading to the choir limom, a oluci su od pocinkovanog lima.
gallery. The roof is covered with copper plates. The gutters U crkvi su sada samo ikone Svetog cara
are made of galvanized tin plates. Uro{a i Jovana Prete~e. Na oplati ikonostasa i
The only icons left in the church are those -tronovima su mawa o{te}ewa.
representing Holy King Uro{ and St John the Baptist. Minor
damages of the thrones and iconostasis plating have been
A/I-00.01 A/I-00.01
SK 1386 SK 1386
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, pe}ki
Branko Danilovi} Branko Danilovi}
The village of Lo}ane is mentioned in the Charter
Selo Lo}ane pomiwe se jo{ u darovnoj
granted to the monastery of De~ani, issued in 1330.
poveqi manastiru De~anima 1330. godine. Po
According to a legend, Danilovi}s log cabin is older than
predawu, brvnara Danilovi}a je starija od samog
the monastery since the fire lit in the monastery for the first manastira, jer je sa wenog ogwi{ta preneta vatra
time was taken from its fire-place. The insight into historical u manastir. Prou~avawe istorijskih prilika na
circumstances in Kosovo and Metohija, and the analysis of Kosovu i Metohiji, kao i graditeqskih vrednosti
the architectural features of the cabin, showed that it was same brvnare, dovelo je do zakqu~ka da je nastala
probably built after the monastic life was re-established in verovatno posle jedne od obnova mona{kog `ivota
the monastery in the first half of the 18th century. Stages of u manastiru, u prvoj polovini XVIII veka. Faze
its subsequent remodellings are the testimony about the wene dogradwe ukazuju na proces pretvarawa
process of transformation of Serbian rayah (rightless srpske raje u ~if~ije.
Christian Turkish subjects) into feudal tenants. Ku}a Danilovi}a je velika prizemna
The Danilovi}s log cabin was a large, ground- gra|evina, sagra|ena od kestenovih brvana,
floored edifice, made of chestnut tree planks, with hip roof ~etvoroslivnog krova pokrivenog }eramidom.
covered by plain terracotta roofing tiles. Originally, its Prvobitno je bila jednodelne osnove, da bi s
interior was not partitioned. In the course of time, a wattle vremenom wena unutra{wost bila podeqena
partition wall was made in order to divide the room into two pletenom pregradom na prostoriju za stanovawe
sections - one for the people and the other for cattle. qudi i prostor za sme{taj stoke. Dogradwa sobe
i ostave, koje su povezane tremom, ukazuju na
Subsequent shift from the lowland type of cabin toward
promenu tipa ove stambene zgrade iz ravni~arske
tenants house was indicated by the addition of a room and a
brvnare u ku}u ~if~ijskog tipa.
pantry connected by the porch. Ovaj izuzetno vredan spomenik kulture
This exceptionally valuable cultural monument privukao je pa`wu stru~ne javnosti jo{ pedesetih
attracted the attention of the experts as early as the 1950s, godina XX veka, kada je arhitekta Branislav Koji}
when architect Branislav Koji} pointed out to the istakao wen zna~aj kao stare seoske ku}e u
significance of this old type of house, found in Metochian Metohiji i wenu vezanost za manastir De~ane.
villages, and its relation to the monastery of De~ani. In his Isti autor je u svojoj kwizi "Seoska arhitektura
book Village Architecture and Rurality, the author referred i rurizam" lo}ansku brvnaru tretirao kao "tip
to this cabin as the type of house dictated by the social ku}e uslovqen socijalnim polo`ajem wenih
position of its owners. The significance of Danilovi}s log vlasnika". O wenom zna~aju pisali su Ranko
cabin was pointed out by Ranko Findrik and Nade`da Pe{i}- Findrik, Nade`da Pe{i}-Maksimovi}, a posebnu
monografiju, koja je istakla sve aspekte
Maksimovi}. The monograph, which threw light upon all the
istra`ivawa i tretmana jednog izuzetnog
aspects of research and treatment of this monument from the
spomenika pro{losti, napisao je Bo`idar
past centuries, was written by Bo`idar Krstanovi}. Krstanovi}.
1. B. Krstanovi}, Brvnara Danilovi}a u selu Lo}ane. 1. B. Krstanovi}, Brvnara Danilovi}a u selu
Ogled o vrednosti predanja, Beograd 1994. Lo}ane. Ogled o vrednosti predawa, Beograd
2. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998. 1994.
3. N. Pe{i}-Maksimovi}, Brvnara u selu Lo}ane kod 2. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998.
De~ana, Neizvesnost jednog spomenika kulture, 3. N. Pe{i}-Maksimovi}, Brvnara u selu Lo}ane
Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik 1, Beograd 1990, 155- kod De~ana, Neizvesnost jednog spomenika
161. kulture, Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik 1,
4. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno Beograd 1990, 155-161.
1994, 67-68. 4. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 67-68.
5. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 2002, 80-81.
Republic Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments - Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Belgrade - Beograd
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments - Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-00.02 A/III-00.02
Protected in 1982 za{ti}ena 1982.
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
All the protected residential towers (kullas) belong Za{ti}ene stambene kule pripadaju istom
to the same type of fortified house: rectangular in plan, with tipu utvr|ene ku}e, pravougaone osnove jakih
massive walls, which have the same thickness from the zidova, koji se u nepromewenoj debqini uzdi`u do
ground to the top, usually consisting of a ground-floor and najvi{eg sprata. Pored prizemqa imaju jedan ili
one or two stories. Generally speaking, all of them were built
dva sprata. Shema osnove i raspored prostora u
upon the same scheme, with similar ground plan and the
svim kulama su u na~elu isti, a ista je i wihova
organization of space. The ground-floor was occupied by
namena. Prizemqa su slu`ila kao staje, a u nekim
stables. In some towers it also housed a kitchen. The first
floor was occupied by chambers used by members of the kulama je tu bila i kuhiwa. Na prvom spratu su,
household, while the second was reserved for the guests. In po pravilu, sobe za porodice koje u kuli `ive, a
one of the corners in the second floor an oriel window was posledwi sprat, tamo gde postoji, rezervisan je za
built a deep projecting loggia fenestrated with windows goste. Tu je, u jednom uglu nizom prozora i u vidu
arranged in a strip. Musa Iber Hisays tower was built in the erkera obrazovana duboka lo|a. Kula Musa Ibera
19th century. Hisaja je iz XIX veka.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII , Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-70. Beograd 1958, 47-70.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1994, 106-108. vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-00.03 A/III-00.03
Protected in 1980 za{ti}ena 1980.
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
All the protected residential towers (kullas) belong Za{ti}ene stambene kule pripadaju istom
to the same type of fortified house: rectangular in plan, with tipu utvr|ene ku}e, pravougaone osnove jakih
massive walls, which have the same thickness from the zidova, koji se u nepromewenoj debqini uzdi`u
ground to the top, usually consisting of a ground-floor and sve do najvi{eg sprata. Pored prizemqa imaju
one or two stories. Generally speaking, all of them were built jedan, ili dva sprata. Shema osnove i raspored
upon the same scheme, with similar ground plan and the prostora u svim kulama su u na~elu isti, a ista
organization of space. The ground-floor was occupied by je i wihova namena. Prizemqa su slu`ila kao
stables. In some towers it also housed a kitchen. The first staje, a u nekim kulama je tu bila i kuhiwa. Na
floor was occupied by chambers used by members of the prvom spratu, su po pravilu, sobe za porodicu, a
posledwi sprat rezervisan je za goste. Tu je, u
household, while the second was reserved for the guests. In
jednom uglu, nizom prozora i u vidu erkera
one of the corners in the second floor an oriel window was
obrazovana duboka lo|a. Kula je iz XIX veka.
built a deep projecting loggia fenestrated with windows
arranged in a strip. The tower was built in the 19th century. BIBLIOGRAFIJA
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII , Beograd 1958, Beograd 1958, 47-70.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno
1994, 106-108. vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-00.04 A/III-00.04
Protected in 1980 za{ti}ena 1980.
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
All the protected residential towers (kullas) belong
Za{ti}ene stambene kule pripadaju istom
to the same type of fortified house: rectangular in plan, with
tipu utvr|ene ku}e, pravougaone osnove jakih
massive walls, which have the same thickness from the
zidova, koji se u nepromewenoj debqini uzdi`u do
ground to the top, usually consisting of a ground-floor and
najvi{eg sprata. Pored prizemqa imaju jedan ili
one or two stories. Generally speaking, all of them were built
dva sprata. Shema osnove i raspored prostora u
upon the same scheme, with similar ground plan and the
svim kulama su u na~elu isti, a ista je i wihova
organization of space. The ground-floor was occupied by
namena. Prizemqa su slu`ila kao staje, a u nekim
stables. In some towers it also housed a kitchen. The first
kulama je tu bila i kuhiwa. Na prvom spratu su,
floor was occupied by chambers used by members of the
po pravilu, sobe za porodice koje u kuli `ive, a
household, while the second was reserved for the guests. In
posledwi sprat, tamo gde postoji, rezervisan je za
one of the corners in the second floor an oriel window was
goste. Tu je, u jednom uglu nizom prozora i u vidu
built a deep projecting loggia fenestrated with windows
erkera obrazovana duboka lo|a. Kula Reya Aqije
arranged in a strip. Rexha Alijas tower was built in the 19th
je iz XIX veka.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII, Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-70. Beograd 1958, 47-70.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1994, 106-108. vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-00.05 A/III-00.05
za{ti}ena 1982.
Protected in 1982
POSITION Gorwi Crnobreg, De~ani, Pe}ki
Gornji Crnobreg, De~ani, the District of Pe}
Privatno vlasni{tvo
Private property
Street façade before the Crte` uli~ne fasade pre
destruction, a drawing ru{ewa
The tower of the Loshaj family is an example of the
Kula porodice Qo{aj pripada primercima
late 18th century country house a tower (kulla). It belongs stare seoske ku}e, kule, s kraja XVIII veka.
to the type of towers with timber gallery, projecting, like an Pripada varijanti sa drvenom galerijom, koja je
oriel window, from the main, south, façade. The house had izba~ena u obliku erkera iz perimetralnog zida,
two minor galleries projecting from the eastern and western i to na glavnoj fasadi, sa ju`ne strane objekta.
façades (the western one is missing). Those galleries are Mawe galerije se nalaze na isto~noj i zapadnoj
adorned with conspicuously decorated profiles. Special fasadi (danas je nema). Galerije se isti~u svojom
attention was paid to the decoration of the main, guest-room. dekorisanom profilacijom. Dekoracijom se
It was equipped with decorated fire-place, closets, shelves, isti~e i glavna odaja, gostinska soba.
door and ceiling made of interlocked boards. Karakteri{u je slede}i elementi: oyak, dolapi,
Two-story tower is rectangular in plan, while its hip rafovi, vrata i tavan od {a{ovca.
roof is covered with terracotta roofing tiles. The structure Dvospratna kula ima pravougaonu osnovu, a
and the organization of space are identical with those of the ~etvoroslivni krov pokriven je }eramidom.
other towers of this type. Although it lost certain original Kompoziciona {ema je identi~na sa ostalim
kulama pomenute varijante. Iako su s vremenom
architectural features, its structure and function have not
izgubqeni neki elementi, na kuli su sa~uvane
been affected by subsequent interventions.
konstruktivno-arhitektonske odlike i prvobitna
The tower is entered through two doors - in the namena.
ground-floor and in the first story. The outer side of the door Ulazna vrata se nalaze u prizemqu i na
and the windows has arcuated ashlar framing. The tower has spratu. Spoqna strana vrata i prozora je
ashlar quoins those of the main façade are a very zasvedena lukovima od tesanog kamena. Sli~no su
conspicuous feature of its architecture. Stone and timber are konstruisani uglovi kule. Posebno se isti~u
the chief materials used in the construction of the tower. Its uglovi glavne fasade. Spratovi su povezani
clear architectural forms make both the tower and its drvenom konstrukcijom. Za gra|ewe kule
surroundings a very pleasing sight. upotrebqeni su kamen i drvo, ~ime su postignute
~iste arhitektonske forme, koje daju dra` ne samo
BIBLIOGRAPHY objektu nego i okolnom ambijentu.
A/III-00.06 A/III-00.06
Protected in 1982 za{ti}ena 1982.
Gornji Streoc, De~ani, the District of Pe} Gorwi Streoc, De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Residential tower (kulla) is a peculiar type of Kule su poseban tip utvr|enog stana u
fortified house providing accommodation for the whole, kojima je pod jednim krovom - u sklopu
often numerous, family under the same roof within a single pravougaonog gabarita - sme{tena cela, ponekad
rectangular block. The towers usually have three levels, vrlo brojna porodica. Imaju naj~e{}e tri eta`e,
exceptionally only two of them. The ground-floor is usually a re|e samo dve. U prizemqu su prostorije za
occupied by stables, while the upper story houses the rooms stoku, a na spratu su sobe - }ileri - po jedna za
(}ileri) one for each family unit. The uppermost floor is svaku porodicu. Na najvi{em spratu su sobe za
occupied by guestrooms. goste.
The tower is entered through two doors: one in the Kula ima dvoja vrata, od kojih su jedna u
ground-floor, the other in the first story, accessed by an outer prizemqu, a druga na spratu i do wih vodi
spoqa{we stepeni{te. Unutra{we stepeni{te iz
staircase. The second floor is accessed by an inner staircase,
jednog malog pretprostora, vodi daqe do drugog
starting from a small entrée. In such a way guests can reach
sprata i odaja na wemu. Time je omogu}eno da
their rooms without disturbing the family living in the house. gosti ne ometaju uku}ane.
These towers were built in coursed rubble. Ashlar Sve ove kule gra|ene su lomqenim
(commonly sandstone ashlar) is used only for the framing of kamenom, a od pravilno isklesanih komada,
the apertures. Hip roof is covered with terracotta roofing naj~e{}e pe{~ara, izvedeni su okviri vrata i
tiles. prozora. Krovna konstrukcija je ~etvorovodna i
pokrivena }eramidom.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII, Beograd 1958,
47-70. 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno Beograd 1958, 47-70.
1994, 106-108. 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
81. 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
A/III-00.07 A/III-00.07
Protected za{ti}ena
Junik, De~ani, the District of Pe} Junik, De~ani, Pe}ki
Vakuf Vakuf
1. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno
vawe, Sirogojno 1994.
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
2. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, Beograd 2002, 81.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-00.08 A/III-00.08
Protected in 1982 za{ti}ena 1982.
Junik, De~ani, the District of Pe} Junik, De~ani, pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Residential towers (kullas) preserved in Junik are Me|u najlep{e primere specifi~nih
among the most beautiful examples of this type of residential stambenih ku}a ubrajaju se kule sa~uvane u Juniku.
The main façade before the Glavna fasada pre
destruction ru{ewa
objects. Residential tower is a peculiar type of fortified Kule su poseban tip utvr|enog stana u kojima je
house providing accommodation for the whole, often pod jednim krovom - u sklopu pravougaonog
numerous, family under the same roof within a single gabarita - sme{tena cela, ponekad vrlo brojna
rectangular block. The towers usually have three levels, porodica. Imaju naj~e{}e tri eta`e, a re|e samo
exceptionally only two of them. The ground-floor is usually dve. U prizemqu su prostorije za stoku, a na
occupied by stables, while the upper story houses the rooms spratu su sobe - }ileri - po jedna za svaku
(}ileri) one for each family unit. The uppermost floor is porodicu. Na najvi{em spratu su sobe za goste.
Kula ima dvoja vrata, od kojih su jedna u
occupied by guestrooms.
prizemqu, a druga na spratu, i do wih vodi
The tower is entered through two doors: one in the
spoqa{we stepeni{te. Unutra{we stepeni{te iz
ground-floor, the other in the first story, accessed by an outer jednog malog pretprostora, vodi daqe do drugog
staircase. The second floor is accessed by an inner staircase, sprata i odaja na wemu. Time je omogu}eno da
starting from a small entrée. In such a way guests can reach gosti ne ometaju uku}ane.
their rooms without disturbing the family living in the house. Sve ove kule gra|ene su lomqenim
These towers were built in coursed rubble. Ashlar kamenom, a od pravilno isklesanih komada,
(commonly sandstone ashlar) is used only for the framing of naj~e{}e pe{~ara, izvedeni su okviri vrata i
the apertures. Hip roof is covered with terracotta roofing prozora. Krovna konstrukcija je ~etvorovodna i
tiles. pokrivena }eramidom.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII, Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-66. Beograd 1958, 47-66.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1994, 106-108. vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Monuments - Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/III-00.09 A/III-00.09
Protected in 1982 za{ti}eno 1982.
Junik, De~ani, the District of Pe} Junik, De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Me|u najlep{e primere specifi~nih
Residential towers (kullas) preserved in Junik are
stambenih ku}a ubrajaju se kule sa~uvane u Juniku.
among the most beautiful examples of this type of residential
Kule su poseban tip utvr|enog stana u kojima je
objects. Residential tower is a peculiar type of fortified pod jednim krovom - u sklopu pravougaonog
house providing accommodation for the whole, often gabarita - sme{tena cela, ponekad vrlo brojna
numerous, family under the same roof within a single porodica. Imaju naj~e{}e tri eta`e, a re|e samo
rectangular block. The towers usually have three levels, dve. U prizemqu su prostorije za stoku, a na
exceptionally only two of them. The ground-floor is usually spratu su sobe - }ileri - po jedna za svaku
occupied by stables, while the upper story houses the rooms porodicu. Na najvi{em spratu su sobe za goste.
(}ileri) one for each family unit. The uppermost floor is Kula ima dvoja vrata, od kojih su jedna u
occupied by guestrooms. prizemqu, a druga na spratu, i do wih vodi
The tower is entered through two doors: one in the spoqa{we stepeni{te. Unutra{we stepeni{te iz
ground-floor, the other in the first story, accessed by an outer jednog malog pretprostora, vodi daqe do drugog
staircase. The second floor is accessed by an inner staircase, sprata i odaja na wemu. Time je omogu}eno da
gosti ne ometaju uku}ane.
starting from a small entrée. In such a way guests can reach
Sve ove kule gra|ene su lomqenim
their rooms without disturbing the family living in the house.
kamenom, a od pravilno isklesanih komada,
These towers were built in coursed rubble. Ashlar naj~e{}e pe{~ara, izvedeni su okviri vrata i
(commonly sandstone ashlar) is used only for the framing of prozora. Krovna konstrukcija je ~etvorovodna i
the apertures. Hip roof is covered with terracotta roofing pokrivena }eramidom.
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII, Beograd 1958, Beograd 1958, 47-70.
47-70. 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
1994, 106-108. 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, Beograd 2002, 81.
81. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/E-00.10 A/E-00.10
Recognized heritage evidentirana
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, Pe}ki
Vakuf - De~ani Vakuf-De~ani
Note: Recognized by the Italian experts in 2002. Napomena: evidentirali italijanski stru~waci
2002. godine.
A/E-00.11 A/E-00.11
Recognized heritage evidentirana
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Jedan od vrednih o~uvanih primeraka
Two-story residential tower (kulla) of Avdul narodnog graditeqstva u starom kompleksu De~ana
Demukaj is a very significant example of vernacular je dvospratna stambena kula Avduqa Demukaja.
architecture in the old complex of De~ani. It has projecting Pomenuta kula sa kamenim galerijama, koje su
cantilevered stone galleries at the corners of the izba~ene u obliku konzola na uglovima jugozapadne
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII, Beograd 1958, 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
47-66. Beograd 1958, 47-66.
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
1994, 106-108. vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/E-00.12 A/E-00.12
Recognized heritage evidentirana
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Two-story residential tower (kulla) of Kamer
Dvospratna stambena kula Kamera
Gjikokaj is situated in the old complex of De~ani. It has
\ikokaja nalazi se u kompleksu starog dela
cantilevered timber gallery, projecting from the perimeter De~ana. Kula je sa drvenom galerijom koja je
wall and encompassing the south façade in its whole width izba~ena iz perimetralnog zida u obliku konzole.
as well as the parts of the lateral facades (eastern and western Drvena galerija obuhvata celu ju`nu fasadu i deo
ones). The tower was built at the end of the 18th century. bo~nih (isto~nih i zapadnih). Kula je izgra|ena
Regardless certain remodellings, the authentic elements, the krajem XVIII veka. Bez obzira na promene,
design and the original function of the tower have been gra|evina uglavnom ~uva svoje autenti~ne
preserved. elemente, kompozicionu {emu i pvobitnu namenu.
The residential tower is quadrangular in plan, Stambena kula je pravougaone osnove sa
with hip roof covered with terracotta roofing tiles. Each level ~etvoroslivnim krovom pokrivenim }eramidom.
has different function. The ground-floor is occupied by a Svaki sprat ima odre|enu funkciju - u prizemqu
je staja, na prvom spratu spava}e odaje i kuhiwa,
stable; the first floor houses a kitchen and bedrooms, while
a na drugom spratu gostinske sobe. Ovaj deo ku}e
the second floor is occupied by guestrooms. Various
karakteri{u dekorativni elementi kao {to su
decorative elements, like fire-place, doors, shelves and oyak, vrata, rafovi i tavanica od {a{ovaca.
ceiling made of interlocked wooden boards can be seen in Profilisanom dekoracijom isti~e se drvena
the second floor. Conspicuous decorative profiles can be galerija, koja se nalazi na najvi{em spratu kule.
seen on the timber gallery, in the second floor. Spratovi kule su povezani drvenom
The upper stories are accessed by a timber konstrukcijom. Vrata i prozori sa spoqa{we
staircase. The outer side of the doors and the windows has strane su lu~ni, od tesanog kamena. Za zidawe
arcuated ashlar framing. The tower has ashlar quoins. uglova kule tako|e je kori{}en tesani kamen.
Loopholes can be seen all over the facades. Kula ima i pu{karnice raspore|ene po svim
1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII , Beograd 1958,
47-66. 1. M. Krasni}i, Kula u Metohiji, GEI VII,
2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stanovanje, Sirogojno Beograd 1958, 47-66.
1994, 106-108. 2. R. Findrik, Narodno neimarstvo, Stano-
vawe, Sirogojno 1994, 106-108.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002,
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
81. Beograd 2002, 81.
4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001. 4. F. Drancolli, Kulla shqiptare, Pristina 2001.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
A/E-00.13 A/E-00.13
Recognized heritage evidentirana
De~ani, the District of Pe} De~ani, Pe}ki
Municipality of De~ani SO De~ani
Water-mill Shabanaj is one of the most significant Jedan od vrednih o~uvanih primeraka
preserved examples of vernacular architecture. It was built narodnog neimarstva je i vodenica "[abanaj" u
B/I-00.14 B/I-00.14
SK 1377 SK 1377
1955/1990. 1955/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
\akovica, the District of Pe} \akovica, Pe}ki
Vakuf - \akovica Vakuf - \akovica
The mosque was built in 1592/1593 by Hadum Yamiju je podigao 1592/1593. Hadum
Suleyman-agha Biseban, a servant in the imperial harem in Sulejman-aga Bizeban, rodom iz sela Guske kod
the time of sultan Murat III, born in the village of Guska near \akovice, sluga carskog harema u vreme sultana
\akovica. Well-proportioned, domed mosque, with a portico Murata III. Gra|evina skladnih proporcija sa
and a minaret used to dominate the old market-place of kubetima, tremom i minaretom, dominirala je
starom |akova~kom ~ar{ijom.
The mosque had ashlar facades, while the upper Fasade yamije su zidane kamenim blokovi-
part of the minaret was built of smaller sandstone ashlars. ma, gorwi deo minareta mawim kvaderima
The inner walls of the mosque used to be decorated pe{~ara.
with representations featuring landscapes and cypress trees. Zidovi su bili ukra{eni motivima stili-
zovanih pejza`a i ~empresa. Konzervatorski
Conservation works were undertaken in 1968. radovi obavqeni su 1968. godine.
The mosque and the old market-place were Yamija i stara ~ar{ija sru{ene su i
destroyed and burnt down in the bombing of 1999. izgorele tokom bombardovawa 1999.
1. M. Ivanovi}, \akovica, problemi za{tite urbanisti~kog 1. M. Ivanovi}, \akovica, problemi za{tite urbanisti~kog
kompleksa stare ~ar{ije sa Hadum d`amijom, Problemi kompleksa stare ~ar{ije sa Hadum d`amijom,
Problemi za{tite i egzistencije spomenika kulture na
za{tite i egzistencije spomenika kulture na Kosovu i
Kosovu i Metohiji, VII Savetovanje kon-zervatora,
Metohiji, VII Savetovanje konzervatora, Pri{tina-
Beograd 1968, 73. Pri{tina-Beograd 1968, 73.
2. A. Andrejevi}, Islamska monumentalna umet-
2. A. Andrejevi}, Islamska monumentalna umetnost XVI
nost XVI veka u Jugoslaviji, Beograd 1984, 44-
veka u Jugoslaviji, Beograd 1984, 44-45.
3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999, 3. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
82. Beograd 1999, 82.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
C/I-00.15 C/I-00.15
SK 1381 SK 1381
1955/1990. 1955/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Istok, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Istok, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Crkva u \urakovcu se nalazi na oko 18 km
The church in \urakovac is situated about 18 km to isto~no od Pe}i. Prilazi joj se sa glavnog puta
the east of Pe}. It is accessed from the main Pe} -Kosovska Pe} - Kosovska Mitrovica skretawem levo.
Mitrovica road, after a left turn. Grobqanska crkva pravougaone osnove, sa
This cemetery church, rectangular in plan, barrel- poluobli~astim svodom, malom apsidom i
vaulted, with a small apse and a narthex made of oak planks pripratom od hrastovih brvana, pokrivena
and stone-slate roofing, was erected upon remains of an kamenim plo~ama, podignuta je na ostacima starije
older, 14th century church. That fact is documented by a crkve iz XIV veka, o ~emu svedo~i nadgrobna
tombstone preserved in the sanctuary, bearing an inscription plo~a u oltaru sa natpisom iz 1362, gde se pomiwe
from 1362, in which a man called Danilo, a feudal lord and Danilo, vlastelin i ~elnik, verovatno ktitor
tchelnik, most probably the donor of the first church, was prve crkve. U turskim dokumentima izXVI veka
mentioned. In the 16th century Turkish documents, the crkva je zabele`ena kao "manastir \urko" sa
church was registered as the Monastery of \urko, with its imawima i prihodima. UXVI veku obnovili su je
estates and revenue. Thanks to the efforts of the local people me{tani na ~elu sa popom Cvetkom. Zapis o
headed by priest Cvetko, it was restored in the th
16century. obnovi i `ivopisawu crkve 1592. nalazi se nad
The inscription documenting the restoration and painting of ulazom u naos, a ispisao ga je sam slikar -
the church, carried out in 1592, can be seen above the "gre{ni Milija zugraf". Slikarstvo, prose~nih
entrance into the nave. It was written by the artist himself, vrednosti, sa~uvano na oko desetak kvadratnih
the sinful Milija zograph. Mural decoration of average metara, obnovqeno je 1863. Na predwoj strani
value, preserved on some 10 m 2, was restored in 1863. dovratnika zapadnih vrata narteksa je drugi
Another inscription about the restoration, which is not natpis o obnovi crkve, sa imenima ktitora popa
entirely decipherable, was carved into the front of the door- Radoja i duborezca iz susednog sela Tomanaca, ali
post of the western door of the narthex. The names of the nije ~itqiv u celini. U crkvi su zapisani
donor, priest Radoje, and the wood-carver from a nearby Andrija, brat patrijarha ArsenijaIV Jovanovi}a,
village of Tomanci, were mentioned in the inscription. The 1734, i vladika Teodosije, rodom iz \urakovca
names of Andrija, brother of Patriarch Arsenije IV 1768. godine. U Katastigu manastira De~ana crkva
Jovanovi}, and bishop Teodosije, from the village of se pomiwe vi{e puta do krajaXVIII veka. U crkvi
\urakovac, were also mentioned in the inscriptions je bio niski ikonostas, na kome su bile stare
preserved in the church, dating from 1734 and 1768 carske dveri sa prelaza iz XVI u XVII vek, i
respectively. Several records of the church, anterior to the ~etiri prestone ikone iz 1630. godine -
end of the 18th century, were preserved in the De~ani Bogorodica, Hrist, sveti Nikola i sveti Jovan.
Katastihos. The church had a low iconostasis, with an old Oko crkve su staro i novo grobqe, sa
Royal Doors dating back to the end of the 16th and the dosta starih nadgrobnih kamenova i krstova, na
beginning of the 17th century, and four icons of the kome se isticao stari ornamentisani ste}ak sa
Sovereign Row, dating from 1630: the Holy Virgin, Christ, predstavom jelena, kopqa, luka i {ake, datiran u
St Nicholas and St John. kraj XIV veka.
The church is surrounded by the old and the new Konzervatorski radovi na arhitekturi,
cemeteries. Many old tombstones and crosses have been `ivopisu i ikonostasu vr{eni su od 1968. godine.
preserved in the old graveyard. The most interesting
example is, however, an old ornamented ste}ak (a type of
medieval tombstone) with the motives of a deer, spear, bow 1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke
th century.
and hand, dated to the end of the 14 bele{ke iz Metohije i Prekorupqa, Starinar
Conservation interventions on the architecture, VIII-IX, Beograd 1933-34, 289-290.
icons and the iconostasis have been done since 1968. 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
1. S. Smirnov, \. Bo{kovi}, Arheolo{ke bele{ke iz 3. S. Petkovi}, Srpska umetnost XVI i XVII
Metohije i Prekoruplja, Starinar VIII-IX, Beograd 1933- veka, Beograd 1995, 62-63, 90-91.
34, 289-290. 4. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke Zadu`bine kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987,
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 178-179. 443-444.
3. S. Petkovi}, Srpska umetnost XVI i XVII veka , Beograd 5. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
1995, 62-63, 90-91. graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd - Novi
4. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Sad 1991, 77.
Zadu`bine kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 443-444. 6. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
5. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva Beograd 1999.
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd - Novi Sad 1991, 77. 7. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998.
6. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije , Beograd 1999.
7. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije , Beograd 1998. DOKUMENTACIJA
DOCUMENTATION Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Crkva je minirana i razorena nakon
dolaska jedinica italijanskog KFOR-a u julu
The church was mined and destroyed after the
1999. Pored razru{ene crkve stoje zvonik,
arrival of the Italian KFOR units in July 1999. A belfry, of
rastresen, sa vidqivim vertikalnim pukotinama, i
considerably shattered structure, with visible vertical cracks, ostaci parohijskog doma bez krova, prozora i
and the remains of the roofless parish house, without doors vrata. Miniran je i stari hrast, ali je glavno
and windows can be seen by the church. An old oak tree was stablo sa~uvano.
also mined but its trunk has been preserved. Ru{evine crkve su obrasle u visok korov.
The ruins are run into weed. Underneath the rubble Ispod zaru{enog kamena, {uta i drvene
and the wooden roof construction of the church and the konstrukcije krova crkve i priprate, nazire se
narthex, only the apse section with 1.5 m high conch, samo deo gra|evine prema apsidi, sa zidom kalote
showing the traces of fresco decoration, can be seen. The visine oko 1,5 m, na kome su vidqivi tragovi
Royal Doors and two icons of the Sovereign Row, as well as fresaka. Carske dveri i dve prestone ikone
a carved door-post, have been taken out from the rubble and izva|ene su iz ru{evina i prenete u Pe}ku
taken to the monastery of the Patriarchate of Pe}. patrijar{iju sa delom duboreznog dovratnika.
Nadgrobni spomenici su razru{eni, a
Tombstones have been demolished, but the above-
ste}ak sa jelenom nije prime}en ispod ru{evina.
mentioned ste}ak was not found in the rubble.
C/I-00.16 C/E-00.16
Protected in 1967 za{ti}ena 1967.
Ko{, Istok, the District of Pe} Ko{, Istok, Pe}ki
Private property Privatno vlasni{tvo
Monumental residential tower, built at the end of Monumentalana stambena kula sa krajaXIX
19th century. It was built of stone and red brick, in patterned veka. Gra|ena je kamenom i crvenom opekom uz
dekorativnu upotrebu sloga i maltera. Spratna i
bond, with decorative use of mortar joints. Floor and roof
krovna konstrukcija su izra|ene od drveta.
construction were made of wood.
Delimi~no je konzervirana u novije vreme.
It underwent a partial conservation treatment
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Mesto je napu{teno, a kula sru{ena
krajem 1999. U potpunosti su uni{tene spratna
The village has been deserted. The tower was
i krovna konstrukcija. Neobezbe|eno.
pulled down at the end of 1999. Floor and roof construction
are completely destroyed. Unprotected.
D/I-00.17 D/I-00.17
SK 1386 SK 1386
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Municipality of Klina Op{tina Klina
Crkva se nalazila na uzvi{ewu u centru
The church used to stand on an elevated plateau in sela. Datuje se u kraj XV i po~etak XVI veka. To
the village centre. It was dated to the end of the 15th and the je bila jednobrodna mawa gra|evina
beginning of the 16th century. It used to be a small, single- pravougaone osnove, sa kasnije dogra|enom
naved building, rectangular in plan, with a subsequently pripratom. Hram je imao podu`no postavqen
built narthex. It was covered by a longitudinal barrel vault, poluobli~asti svod od pritesanog kamena u
built of dressed stone bound with lime mortar. The church kre~nom malteru i pokriven kamenim plo~ama, a
had stone-slate roofing. The apse, to the east, was na isto~noj strani je bila oltarska apsida,
semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The altar polukru`na iznutra, a spoqa trostrana. U
table was flanked by semicircular niches of prothesis and isto~nom zidu oltarskog prostora su levo i desno
diaconicon. The western door was surmounted by a od ~asne trpeze postojale polukru`ne ni{e
semicircular lunette. Rustic façades, which were not white- proskomidije i |akonikona. Nad zapadnim ulaz-
washed, made of rubble bound with lime mortar, stone-slate nim vratima je bila polukru`no zavr{ena luneta.
Fasade su spoqa bile neokre~ene i rusti~nost
roofing, and the simple profile of the cornice made of stone
zida od lomqenog kamena u kre~nom malteru, sa
and limestone, were the main features of the churchs
pokriva~em od kamenih plo~a i potkrovnim
architecture. vencem od jednostavno profilisanog kamena i
The churchyard was enclosed by a wall, and partly sige, bile su osnovne odlike arhitekture hrama
paved with stone. Porta je bila ogra|ena bedemom i delom
During the restoration campaign of 1968, the vault poplo~ana kamenom.
and the roof were restored and reinforced with armoured Zna~ajnim radovima iz 1968. obnovqeni su
concrete cerclages. svod i krov hrama i oja~ani serkla`ima od
The church housed an extensive fresco ensemble armiranog betona.
dating from the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 16th U unutra{wosti crkve bio je sa~uvan
century. The first zone was occupied by standing figures of obiman ikonografski program fresaka sa kraja
saints SS Sava and Simeon, Holy Doctors, military saints, XV i po~etka XVI veka. U prvoj zoni bile su
stoje}e figure svetiteqa - Svetog Save i
great martyrs, archbishops; St Stephen was depicted in the
Simeona, Svetih Vra~a, ratnika, velikomu~enika,
niche of the prothesis, the Service of the Archbishops could
arhijereja, Svetog Stefana u ni{i proskomidije,
be seen in the apse, while the diaconicon was occupied by a scena Poklowewa Agnecu u oltarskoj apsidi, deo
representation of St Roman. Scenes from the Life of St Svetog Romana u ni{i |akonikona. U drugoj zoni
Nicholas were depicted in the second zone, on the walls of na zidovima naosa je bilo @itije svetog Nikole.
the nave, while the conch of the apse was occupied by the U konhi apside bila je Bogorodica [ira od
Holy Mother Wider than the Sky, flanked by Archangels. nebesa sa arhan|elima. Oko apside na isto~nom
The parts of the Annunciation were depicted on the eastern zidu bila je podeqena scena Blagovesti.
wall, flanking the apse. U crkvi se nalazilo i desetak ikona, koje
The church possessed ten icons painted by the su radili isti majstori koji su slikali freske u
authors of the frescoes in the churches in ^abi}i and Dolac. ^abi}ima i Dolcu.
1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog Drima, Starine 1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog
Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46 Drima, Starine Kosova i Metohije I,
illustrations in the appendix. Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46 slika u prilogu.
2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI - XVII veka na Kosovu, 2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI - XVII veka na
Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII - XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 123- Kosovu, Glasnik muzeja Kosova XIII - XIV,
Pri{tina 1984, 123-143.
143. 3. G. Suboti}, Bele{ke iz Doca, Glasnik DKS
3. G. Suboti}, Bele{ke iz Doca, Glasnik DKS 12, Beograd 12, Beograd 1988, 54-59.
1988, 54-59. 4. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
4. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 279. 279.
5. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
5. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965,
patrijar{ije 1557-1614, Novi Sad 1965, 213. 213.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments - Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina - Pri{tina
There were no visible traces of fresco decoration. sme}em. Nikakav ostatak fresaka nije se mogao
The Church of St Nicholas in ^abici was levelled videti.
with the ground. The ruins are run into weed and covered Crkva Svetog Nikole u ^abi}ima sru{ena
with litter. Building material, which obviously was not that je do temeqa. Ru{evina je zarasla u korov, na woj
je prisutan raznorazni otpad, izme|u ostalog i
of the church, was added to the rubbish heap..
gra|evinskog materijala koji o~igledno nije
Judging by the appearance of the church site, where pripadao samoj gra|evini.
dried weed was also found, it could be supposed that the Na osnovu izgleda crkvi{ta, na
church has been in ruins for at least two years. No traces of kojem ima i sasu{enog pro{logodi{weg korova,
fresco decoration, dated to the end of the 15th or the mo`e se zakqu~iti da je ru{evina stara najmawe
dve godine. Od nekada{weg `ivopisa, datovanog u
beginning of the 16th century, were found. There is a
kraj XV ili po~etak XVI veka, u ru{evini nije
possibility that some fragments are still among the rubble prona|eno ni{ta. Postoji mogu}nost da se
that has been left after the church had been demolished, and pojedini fragmenti nalaze u {utu nastalom
that they have been exposed to all kinds of weathering ru{ewem crkve, mesecima izlo`eni
factors for months. atmosferskim nepogodama.
D/I-00.18 D/I-00.18
SK 1382 SK 1382
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Public Company Srbija {ume - Belgrade JP Srbija {ume - Beograd
The church, dedicated to holy apostles Peter and
Crkva posve}ena svetim apostolima
Paul, is situated uphill from the village of Dobre Vode, on Petru i Pavlu nalazi se iznad sela Dobra Voda,
the plateau called Petrovica, overlooking Devi~ka River, a na uzvi{ewu Petrovica, iznad toka Devi~ke reke,
feeder of the River Klina. It is accessed by steep, narrow pritoke reke Kline. Pristup je mogu} strmim
The west wall of the nave with the Zapadni zid naosa sa ostacima
remains of fresco decoration fresaka
bridle paths. The nearest communication is the Pe}-Klina- neure|enim uskim stazama. Najbli`a komunikacija
Pri{tina railroad, which runs at the foot of the hill, about je pruga Pe} - Klina- Pri{tina, koja se nalazi
1 km to east of the church. zapadno ispod brda na oko 1 km od hrama.
The ruins of the church of SS Peter and Paul, once Ostaci crkve Svetog Petra i Pavla,
the church of the monastery of Petrovica (Unjimira, Ujmira), nekada crkve manastira Petrovice (Uwimira,
are situated uphill from the River Klina, near the spring, after Ujmira), nalaze se na nad rekom Klinom, nedaleko
od vrela po kome je mesto verovatno dobilo ime.
which the place must have got its name. St Peter of Kori{a
U manastiru se svojevremeno postrigao i sveti
was ordained in this church. The monastery was a metochy
Petar Kori{ki. Manastir je bio metoh De~ana.
of De~ani. Prva crkva na ovom mestu izgra|ena je u
The original church was built in the 13th century. XIII veku, a sada{wa je rezultat prepravki i
The present one is the result of remodellings and rebuildings dozi|ivawa u nekoliko faza, po~ev od druge
undertaken on several occasions since the second half of the polovine XIV veka, kada je nastao najstariji deo
14th century, when the earliest part of the present church dana{we crkve - sada{wa unutra{wa priprata.
the narthex, was built. It is believed that the church was built Pretpostavqa se da su je zidali majstori iz
by masons from Kotor, close to those working in De~ani. Kotora, bliski graditeqima De~ana.
Only the fragments of the original fresco decoration Od prvobitnog `ivopisa sa~uvani su samo
have been preserved in the narthex. The frescoes from the fragmenti u unutra{woj priprati. I freske iz
second half of the 14th century have also been preserved in druge polovine XIV veka sa~uvane su samo
fragments. In the 1960s, the largest preserved composition fragmentarno. [ezdesetih godina ovog veka,
najve}a sa~uvana kompozicija bila je predstava
was the depiction of Joachim the Righteous, situated in the
Pravednog Joakima, u luku biv{eg {irokog ulaza
arch of the old, wide entrance leading from the narthex into iz unutra{we priprate u naos. Freska je
the nave. The fresco, which underwent conservation konzervirana i kopirana, ali je kasnije dodatno
treatment and was copied, was subsequently damaged. Only o{te}ena te je sa~uvan samo lik svetiteqa, koji je
the face of the saint survived, and it can be seen in the op{iven novim malterom. Od posledwe
church, bordered with new mortar. Since those times, the konzervacije do danas, lik svetog Joakima je
image of St Joachim was exposed to additional mechanical dodatno mehani~ki o{te}en. Ispod wegove figure
sa~uvan je fragment freske svetiteqa golih nogu
damages. Beneath the figure of St Joachim a fragment of the u sandalama, verovatno svetog Jovana Prete~e. Na
fresco showing a saint wearing sandals, with bare legs isto~noj strani pilastra bila je veoma o{te}ena
probably St John the Baptist, was preserved. The eastern figura nekog |akona, verovatno svetog Romana.U
side of the pilaster was occupied by a badly damaged ni{ama na ju`nom zidu ve} krajem 50-tih godina
depiction of a deacon, probably St Roman. As early as the ovog veka bile su veoma o{te}ene i te{ko
~itqive figure, od kojih se samo ona u desnoj
end of the 1950s, the images in the niches of the southern
ni{i mo`e prepoznati na osnovu fotografija kao
wall were severely damaged and hardly decipherable. Only Bogorodica Znamewa, dok svetiteqa na levoj
the image in the right niche can, according to the strani nije mogu}e identifikovati. Verovatno su
photographs, be identified with the representation of the u pitawu freske iz XIV veka.
Holy Virgin of the Sign, while the saint to the left is Crkva je krajem XV veka zapustela, a
unidentifiable. These are probably the frescoes from the 14th obnovqena je posle 1557. godine. Tada je stara
century. crkva pretvorena u pripratu, pri ~emu je umesto
The church was deserted at the end of the 15th nekada{weg oltarskog dela dozidan novi naos
century and reinstated after 1557. The old church was then pravougaonog oblika sa oltarskom apsidom, a
converted into a narthex, while a new rectangular nave, with zazidan luk koji nose pilastri. Crkva iz XIV veka
an altar apse, replaced the old sanctuary. The arch, supported je tada pokrivena poluobli~astim svodom, a
by pilasters, was walled in. The 14th century church was prezi|ivawa i prepravke do`iveli su i zidovi, na
covered by a barrel vault. The walls also underwent {ta ukazuje oblik ju`nog prozora koji se su`ava
alterations, as witnessed by the shape of the southern prema spoqnom licu zida. Istom prilikom je
window, which becomes narrower towards the outer face of otvoren i ju`ni ulaz u pripratu. U to vreme crkva
the wall. A new entrance was opened in the south wall of the je dobila i veliku spoqnu pripratu na dva sprata.
narthex. In the same time, the church got a large, storied Priprata i novi naos zidani su sitnim lomqenim
exonarthex. Walls of the exonarthex and the new nave, kamenom, {to ih jasno izdvaja od korpusa ranije
which are built in rubble, are clearly distinguished from crkve, koja je pravilnije zidana pritesanim
dressed stone and limestone bond of the corpus of the earlier kamenom i sigom.
church. Izgleda da je `ivopisawe pri obnovi
It seems that during the 1557 restoration fresco posle 1557. godine svedeno samo na naju`i izbor
ensemble was restricted to a limited choice of necessary neophodnih scena. Od slikarstva iz druge
scenes. A fresco representing the Virgin with the Child, in polovine XVI veka sa~uvane su scene Bogorodice
the niche above the entrance to the nave, is the only remain sa Hristom u ni{i iznad ulaza u naos.
of the frescoes painted in the second half of the 16th century. Prilikom skromnih konzervatorsko-
During small-scale conservation and restoration restauratorskih radova 1966-1967. godine, naos i
campaign in the 1966-1967, the nave and the apse got stone- apsida su dobili krovni pokriva~ od kamenih
slate roofing. The eastern part of the vault and the wall of the plo~a. Tada je iznova ozidan i isto~ni deo svoda
nave were rebuilt on the same occasion. A fresco depicting i zida naosa. Prilikom ovih radova otkrivena je
St Joachim and the sepulchral slab of Gods slave Stepan freska svetog Joakima i prona|ena je nadgrobna
were discovered in the course of the restoration works. plo~a raba Stepana, koja je, na `alost, ve} do
Unfortunately, the sepulchral slab was broken, and its slede}e, 1968. godine potpuno razbijena i
remains were scattered by the next year, 1968. Stone-slate razbacana. Krovni pokriva~ od kamenih plo~a
roofing was removed before 1997. skinut je pre 1997. godine.
na spomenicima kulture Kosova od 1962. do 1972. god, torskih radova na spomenicima kulture
Starine Kosova i Metohije VI-VII, Pri{tina 1973, 237- Kosova od 1962. do 1972. god. , Starine Kosova
260 + 11 illustrations + 4 sketches. i Metohije VI-VII, Pri{tina 1973, 237-260 +
5. B. Todi}, Crkva Sv. Petra kod Unjemira, Starine Kosova 11 slika + 4 skice.
9, Pri{tina 1990, 5-34. 5. B. Todi}, Crkva Sv. Petra kod Uwemira,
6. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima Metohije, Starine Kosova 9, Pri{tina 1990, 5-34.
Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke i Nik{i}ke `upe, 6. M. Ivanovi}, Prilozi o spomenicima
Metohije, Novobrdske Krive Reke, Sirini}ke
Saop{tewa XV, Beograd 1983, 204-205.
i Nik{i}ke `upe, Saop{tewa XV, Beograd
1983, 204-205.
The Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Monuments - Pri{tina - Pri{tina
the altar apse, leaving the vault unprotected. There is not a Sa krova nad svodom naosa i iznad
single door left on the entire building, and the nave is being oltarske apside skinute su kamene plo~e, tako da
used as a shelter for cattle. The interior of both nartheces is je svod potpuno neza{ti}en. Na celoj gra|evini ne
run into weed and shrubs. The exonarthex is buried under postoje ni jedna vrata, a naos se koristi kao
pieces of collapsed wall. Only one column base in the skloni{te za stoku. Cela unutra{wost obe
exonarthex remained of all formerly found bases and priprate gusto je obrasla travom i niskim
capitals, belonging to the original building. rastiwem. Spoqa{wa priprata zatrpana je
The border of the recent damage beneath the head zaru{enim delovima zida, a od ranije prona|enih
of St Joachim shows that fresco mortar detached from the stopa i kapitela prvobitne gra|evine, ostala je
samo jedna stopa u spoqa{woj priprati.
wall. It is feared that preserved part of the fresco may fall
Po rubu novonastalog o{te}ewa ispod
off. A copy of the fresco was made during restoration works glave svetog Joakima vidi se da je fresko-malter
and is kept in the Fresco Gallery in Belgrade. odvojen od zida pa postoji bojazan da }e sa~uvani
At the foot of the southern pilaster, on the eastern deo freske i daqe otpadati. Kopija freske
wall of the narthex, a fresco fragment showing the lower part na~iwena za vreme konzervatorskih radova, ~uva
of the legs (the section from above the knee downward) of se u Galeriji fresaka u Beogradu.
U samom korenu ju`nog pilastra, na
an unknown saint has been preserved.. The very feet are isto~nom zidu priprate, sa~uvan je fragment
hidden from view by pieces of the collapsed wall. That wall
was built during the 16th century restoration, when the altar freske sa dowim delom nogu (ne{to iznad kolena
apse was pulled down and the opening in the eastern wall of pa nani`e) nepoznatog svetiteqa. Sama stopala
the former church was walled in. The apse was replaced by zatrpana su kamenom gra|om zaru{enog zida, kojim
je prilikom obnove manastira u XVI veku zazidana
the new nave. The above-mentioned wall, i.e. the fill-up of
poru{ena oltarska apsida, a wen prostor
the eastern wall of the former nave, covers the north pilaster pretvoren u naos novosagra|ene crkve. Pomenuti
and the intrados of the arch, hiding the uncovered fragments zid, ili ispuna nekada isto~nog zida naosa,
of the 14th century fresco decoration. pokriva severni pilastar i potrbu{je luka
The fresco from the second half of the 16th century, severnog pilastra, na kojima postoje neotkriveni
situated in the semi-round arched niche above the door in the delovi `ivopisa iz XIV veka.
Freska iz druge polovine XVI veka, u
eastern wall of the narthex, has been badly damaged. Paint
polukru`no zasvedenoj ni{i iznad vrata na
layer has been partly preserved in the upper section of the
isto~nom zidu priprate, veoma je o{te}ena, bojeni
fresco, showing the upper part of the halo, slightly shifted to sloj sa~uvan je delimi~no u gorwem delu, gde se
the left. It might be the halo of the Virgin from the vidi gorwi deo oreola kompozicijski pomerenog
representation of the Holy Virgin with the Child. Fresco malo ulevo, {to bi mogao biti oreol Bogorodice
mortar, preserved in greater extent, has been damaged due to sa Hristom. Fresko-malter, sa~uvan na ne{to
long-term deteriorating impact of dampness. Since there are ve}oj povr{ini, veoma je o{te}en dugotrajnim
no traces of efflorescence, one comes to the conclusion that dejstvom vlage. Isoqavawe nije prisutno, {to
the damages were caused by atmospheric humidity govori da je u pitawu atmosferska vlaga koja je sa
penetrating from the surface of the fresco into the depth of lica freske prodirala u malter. Na luku ni{e,
wall. Fresco mortar and paint layer in the arch of the niche, fresko-malter i bojeni sloj sa dekorativnom
showing decorative pattern, are in considerably better ornamentikom znatno su boqe o~uvani.
D/I-00.19 D/I-00.19
SK 1383 SK 1383
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Sspska pravoslavna crkva
The church, the old Crkva i stari
dormitory and a fresco, konak sa izgledom
before the destruction, freske, pre
view from the northeast ru{ewa, pogled sa
The monastery is situated on an elevated plateau Manastir se nalazi na dominantnom
overlooking the village of Dolac, by the trunk road Pe}- uzvi{ewu iznad sela Dolca, neposredno uz
Klina-Pri{tina. magistralni put Pe} - Klina - Pri{tina.
The first record of the monastery of Dolac can be Manastir Dolac pomiwe se u turskim
found in the Turkish census of 1455. At that time, the village defterima prvi put 1455. godine. Mesto Dolac je
was the administrative centre of the county (nahija). The u to vreme bilo sedi{te nahije. Manastirski
monastery complex consisted of an enclosing wall, which kompleks sastojao se od obimnog zida, koji ne
did not follow the line of the earlier fortification, the church prati linije ranijeg utvr|ewa, crkve Vavedewa
of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin in the Temple, in the Bogorodice u centru utvrde, sada poru{enog
centre of the enclosed area; a tower, which is now pirga na isto~noj strani, izvan zidina, ostatka
demolished, to the east, outside the enclosed area; remains of starijeg konaka, koji je bio prizidan uz ju`ni deo
the old dormitory built against the southern part of the utvrde, novijeg konaka sa prizemqem zidanim
perimeter wall; the new dormitory with the ground floor kamenom, a spratom u drvenoj konstrukciji,
built of stone and the timber-framed upper story to the jugozapadno od crkve, i novosazidanih kule-
southwest of the church; recently built belfry, to the zvonare, severoisto~no od crkve, i prizemqa
southeast of the church, and the ground-floor of the new konaka ju`no od starijeg.
dormitory, to the south of the old one. Prvobitna crkva je verovatno sagra|ena
The original church was probably built at the end of krajem XIV veka, a obnavqana je u XV i po~etkom
the 14th century. It was restored in the 15th and, again, at the XVII veka. To je bila jednobrodna mawa gra|evina
beginning of the 17th century. It was single-naved, pravougaone osnove, sa poluobli~astim svodom od
rectangular in plan, with a barrel vault built of dressed stone pritesanog kamena i opeke u kre~nom malteru,
and bricks bound with lime mortar. It had stone-slate pokrivena kamenim plo~ama, a sa isto~ne strane
roofing. The church had a semicircular apse on its eastern bila je polukru`na oltarska apsida. U isto~nom
side. Remains of two semicircular niches, which used to zidu oltarskog prostora su levo i desno od ~asne
flank the altar table prothesis and diaconicon, can still be trpeze ostaci polukru`nih ni{a proskomidije
seen in the eastern wall of the sanctuary. The façades were i |akonikona. Fasade su bile spoqa okre~ene i
white-washed. Very conspicuous details on the façades were posebno su se izdvajali polukru`no nadvi{eni
semicircular gables outlining the shape of the vault, above lukovi potkrovnog venca iznad zapadnih vrata i
the west door and the eastern apse. isto~ne oltarske apside koji prate liniju svoda.
Iz vremena obnove su delovi ogradnog
Parts of the enclosing wall, belfry, the main gate zida, kule, ulazne kapije i ~esme.
and the drinking fountain date from the time of restoration. Najstarije freske u crkvi nalazile su se
The earliest frescoes, from the first zone of the u prvoj zoni severnog i zapadnog zida i mogle bi
northern and western walls, could be dated to the end of the se datovati u kraj XIV ili po~etak XV veka. Ovaj
14th or the beginning of the 15th century. Their style is sloj najstarijeg `ivopisa stilski se jasno vezuje
similar to that of the workshop of hieromonach Makarije, za radionicu jeromonaha Makarija, brata
brother of metropolitan Jovan from Zrze, which indicates mitropolita Jovana iz Zrza, {to zna~i da je mogao
that the frescoes in Dolac might have been painted around nastati ili oko 1395. ili izme|u 1402. i 1405.
1395 or between 1402 and 1405. godine.
The church was restored in the 15th century after it Posle stradawa crkve polovinom XV veka,
had been demolished around the middle of the same century. usledila je obnova krajem istog stole}a. Tada su
The entire wall surfaces, with the exception of the parts of oslikane sve povr{ine izuzev o~uvanih likova na
the northern and western walls covered with earlier, severnom i zapadnom zidu. Pretpostavqa se da su
preserved images, were decorated with frescoes at that time. autori bili iz zapadne Makedonije. Stilske
It is assumed that the painters came from western osobenosti i ikonografska re{ewa pokazuju da je
ista radionica `ivopisala i crkvu u ^abi}ima.
Macedonia. Morphological and iconographic features
Godine 1619-1620. crkva je ponovo
indicate that the same workshop was engaged in the church
obnavqana, i oslikani su delovi severnog i ceo
in ^abi}i. isto~ni zid, o ~emu je postojao natpis u ni{i
The church was restored once again between 1619 proskomidije.
and 1620, which was documented by an inscription in the U periodu 1993-1995. vr{ena su
niche of the prothesis. Fresco decoration of certain parts of arheolo{ka istra`ivawa maweg obima.
the northern wall and of the entire eastern wall dates from
Small-scale archaeological excavations were
carried out between 1993 and 1995. 1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog
Drima, Starine Kosova i Metohije I,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Pri{tina 1961, 149-145-173 + 46 slika u
1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog Drima, Starine prilogu.
Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961, 149-145-173 + 46 2. G. Suboti}, Bele{ke iz Doca, Glasnik DKS
illustrations in the appendix. 12, Beograd 1988, 54-59.
2. G. Suboti}, Bele{ke iz Doca, Glasnik DKS 12, Beograd 3. S. Mileusni}, Svetiwe Kosova i Metohije,
1988, 54-59. Beograd - Novi Sad 2000, 166-170.
3. S. Mileusni}, Svetinje Kosova i Metohije, Beograd -
Novi Sad 2000, 166-170.
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments
- Pri{tina STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT Hram je sru{en eksplozivnim i
mehani~kim sredstvima (prema usmenim podacima,
The church was demolished by the explosive and u vreme povla~ewa Jugoslovenske armije i
with mechanical devices (according to oral testimony) dolaska italijanskih vojnih snaga KFOR-a 1999).
during the withdrawal of the Yugoslav army in 1999, in the Na samom mestu zadr`ali su se ostaci
time when the Italian KFOR units arrived in Kosovo. obimnih zidova hrama sa apsidom do visine od oko
Parts of the church walls and the apse, reaching 1,20 m. Istim postupkom su sru{eni zvonik i
konaci, koji su zarasli u korov, kao i neposredna
1.20 m in height are still in their original position. The belfry okolina.
and the dormitories were destroyed in the same way. Their Iako je deo gra|evinskog materijala
remains and the area around them are run into weed. odnesen sa lokaliteta, ostaci krovnog pokriva~a
Although a part of the building material has been od kamenih plo~a, blokovi zidne mase od kamena,
taken from the site, the remains of stone slate roofing, blocks sige i opeke u kre~nom malteru i deformisani
of wall made of stone, limestone and bricks bound with lime ostaci serkla`a od armiranog betona ukazuju na
mortar, and deformed remains of reinforced concrete
snagu detonacije. Ta~no stawe i stepen o{te}ewa
cerclages indicate that the explosion must have been strong.
mo`e se detaqnije utvrditi tek nakon uklawawa
Precise condition assessment and establishing of
deterioration rate would be possible only after the rubble is {uta.
cleared away. U unutra{wosti crkve, zahvaquju}i spu{-
Owing to the fact that the floor of the church was tenom podu, zidovi su o~uvani u visini od oko 1
lower than the level of the ground, the inner walls have been m i trenutno su zatrpani {utom. U ovoj zoni
preserved up to about 1m in height but are currently covered postoji mogu}nost da je sa~uvan deo `ivopisa na
with rubble. It is possible that a part of the fresco decoration zidovima.
has been preserved in this zone.
D/I-00.20 D/I-00.20
SK 1384 SK 1384
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church dedicated to St Paraskeve is situated in
Crkva posve}ena svetoj Petki nalazi se
the centre of the village of Drsnik, the municipality of Klina.
u centru sela Drsnika, u op{tini Klina. Ova
This old cemetery church was probably originally dedicated
stara grobqanska crkva, nekada je verovatno bila
to St Nicholas. Longitudinal barrel vault, built of dressed posve}ena svetom Nikoli. Poluobli~asti svod od
stone bound with lime mortar, used to be covered with stone pritesanog kamena u kre~nom malteru podu`no je
slates, which were subsequently replaced by galvanized tin postavqen i nekada je bio pokriven kamenim
plates. The altar apse, to the east, is semicircular both inside plo~ama, a sada pocinkovanim limom. Na isto~noj
The south wall of the nave, Ju`ni zid naosa, freske posle
frescoes after the fire spaqivawa
and outside. The altar table is flanked by two semicircular strani je oltarska apsida, polukru`na iznutra i
niches in the east wall prothesis and diaconicon. Facades spoqa. U isto~nom zidu oltarskog prostora su,
are covered with plain coat of mortar and whitewashed. levo i desno od ~asne trpeze, polukru`ne ni{e
Semicircular recessed lunette above the western door, which proskomidije i |akonikona. Fasade su spoqa
was also arched, is the most conspicuous detail on the ravno malterisane i okre~ene. Posebno je
façade. A Roman sacrificial altar, brought from the nearby nagla{ena polukru`no nadvi{ena ni{a lunete
iznad zapadnih vrata, sa tako|e lu~nim nadvojem
hill, was dug in the ground in front of the main entrance to
i okvirom vrata. Ispred ulaznog portala ukopan
the church.
je rimski `rtvenik prenet sa obli`weg brda.
Fresco decoration dating from the 1570s used to @ivopis iz 70-tih godina XVI veka
cover all the walls of the church. Until destruction, frescoes prekrivao je sve zidove crkve i bio je relativno
were in relatively good condition. dobro o~uvan.
Fresco decoration of the vault had been destroyed. @ivopis na svodu je propao i vide se samo
Only the fragments of prophets busts could be discerned. fragmenti poprsja proroka.
1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog Drima, Starine 1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog
Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46 Drima, Starine Kosova i Metohije I,
illustrations in the appendix. Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46 slika u prilogu.
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad
patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 183.
1965, 183.
3 M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva
3 M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 73. graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 73.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments -
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
The church was preserved as an architectural Hram je o~uvan kao gra|evinska celina.
whole. Its interior was destroyed in the fire all the wooden Unutra{wost je spaqena, tako da su svi drveni
bracing elements and the wall-plates against which they elementi razupornih greda i ven~anice na koje su
were leaning were completely burnt down. Metal crosses bile oslowene sasvim izgoreli. Metalni krstovi
that used to be mounted on the church and the belfry were na hramu i zvonik su demolirani i sru{eni.
vandalized and torn down. U unutra{wosti crkve vide se tragovi
Consequences of the fire, which destroyed the po`ara, u kojem su izgoreli ikonostas, drvena
iconostasis, wooden beams and all the inflammable gra|a i sav zapaqivi mobilijar. Termi~ka
The south wall of the nave, frescoes Ju`ni zid naosa, freske posle
after the fire and burned wooden spaqivawa i izgorele grede u
beams in the wall zidu
furnishings, can be seen in the interior of the church. o{te}ewa `ivopisa izazvana su veoma visokim
Damages of fresco decoration, caused by high temperature temperaturama, koje nije moglo proizvesti samo
indicate that the furnishings of the church were not the only paqewe raspolo`ivog materijala u crkvi. Ispred
burning agent, since their combustion could not produce ulaza u crkvu zate~ena je izvesna koli~ina suvog
such a high temperature. A large heap of dry twigs was found grawa, kojom je o~igledno namerno izazvani
in front of the church entrance, which had obviously been po`ar potpomagan.
used to fuel the arson. Visoke temperature izazvane po`arom
High temperatures, caused by the fire, completely potpuno su uni{tile kolorit `ivopisa, ~ije su
destroyed the paint layer, the upper zones of which are now gorwe zone prekrivene slojem ~a|i, dok na
covered with a layer of soot, while the general tone of the ostalim delovima prevla|uju crvenomrki tonovi
other parts was shifted toward reddish and brownish hues of zemqanih pigmenata, koji u sebi sadr`e gvo`|e-
earth pigments, rich in iron-trioxide. When exposed to high trioksid koji na visokim temperaturama prelazi
temperatures, iron-trioxide changes into iron-dioxide and u gvo`|e-dioksid i dobija boju r|e. Pleva u
acquires the colour of rust. Husks contained by fresco mortar fresko-malteru najve}im delom je izgorela tako da
mostly burnt, leaving holes in the mortar. Fresco mortar is je sada {upqikav i lako se kruni. Drvena gra|a
now crumbly. There are hollows in the walls left after the u zidovima je izgorela pa su sada {upqine iza
burnt bond-timbers. In these places, the support of the fresco fresko-maltera, koji je na ovim mestima ostao bez
mortar was destroyed, which resulted in falling off of the nosa~a i najve}im delom otpao. Ikonostas je
fresco layer. The iconostasis was completely destroyed in the potpuno izgoreo.
E/I-00.21 E/I-00.21
SK 1385 SK 1385
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church, dedicated to St Nicholas, is situated by Crkva posve}ena svetom Nikoli nalazi se
the local road, just opposite the Orthodox cemetery in the uz lokalni put, a preko puta pravoslavnog grobqa
village of Kijevo, the municipality of Klina. sela Kijeva u op{tini Klina.
The church was single-naved, rectangular in plan, To je bila jednobrodna gra|evina pravo-
with a somewhat lower subsequently built narthex. The ugaone osnove, sa ne{to ni`om i naknadno dozi-
danom pripratom. Poluobli~asti svod hrama bio
barrel vault covering the church was built of dressed stone
and bricks bound with lime mortar, and covered with stone je od pritesanog kamena i opeke u kre~nom
slates. The altar apse, to the east, was semicircular both malteru, pokriven kamenim plo~ama, a sa isto~ne
inside and outside. The altar table was flanked by two strane je oltarska apsida, polukru`na iznutra i
semicircular niches in the eastern wall of the sanctuary spoqa. U isto~nom zidu oltarskog prostora su,
prothesis and diaconicon. A massive belfry was erected in levo i desno od ~asne trapeze, polukru`ne ni{e
front of the western door of the narthex in the 19th century. proskomidije i |akonikona. Pred zapadnim vra-
Façades were whitewashed. The churchyard was enclosed tima priprate je u XIX veku podignuta masivna
kula-zvonara. Fasade su bile okre~ene. Porta je
by a masonry wall, coated with mortar. It was entered
ogra|ena zidanim i malterisanim bedemom sa
through a metal gate.
metalnom kapijom .
During the 1968 reconstruction works, the vault U rekonstrukciji iz 1968. godine
and the roof of the church were restored with traditional obnovqeni su svod i krov hrama tradicionalnim
materials, such as dressed stone, limestone and bricks, but materijalima - pritesanim kamenom, sigom i
they were reinforced by armoured concrete cerclages. opekom i oja~ani armiranim betonskim serkla-
The exact date of the construction of the church is `ima.
not known. It is, however, assumed that the nave could have Crkva nije pouzdano datovana, ali bi se
been built in the 14th century, while the narthex was dated to moglo pretpostaviti da je naos sagra|en u XIV
the end of the 16th or the beginning of the 17th century. The veku, dok priprata poti~e s kraja XVI ili po~etka
belfry is obviously a latter-day construction probably built XVII stole}a. Zvonik je mnogo mla|i i verovatno
at the end of the 19th century. je nastao krajem XIX veka.
@ivopis u priprati je, prema sa~uvanom
Frescoes in the narthex, according to a preserved
natpisu, bio slikan 1603. godine.
inscription, were painted in 1603.
U priprati su bile sa~uvane freske u
The frescoes in the lower zone of the western wall, ni`im zonama na zapadnom zidu i delovima
and the parts of the northern, southern and eastern walls of severnog, ju`nog i isto~nog zida. Delimi~no su
the narthex were preserved. The compositions in the third bile sa~uvane i scene u tre}oj zoni isto~nog zida
zone of the eastern wall and in the vault of the narthex were i na svodovima priprate.
partly preserved. U crkvi su se ~uvale i ikone i sasudi iz
The 16th and 17th century icons and liturgical XVI i XVII veka.
vessels were kept at the church.
1. P.Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog Drima,
1. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog Drima, Starine Starine Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961,
Kosova Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46 145-173 + 46 slika u prilogu.
illustrations n the appendix. 2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
2. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad
1965, 197.
patrijar{ije 157 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 197.
3. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
3. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva
graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,
XV-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 107-108. 107-108.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments - Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina - Pri{tina
The church was mined and levelled with the ground Crkva je minirawem sru{ena do temeqa od
strane albanskih ekstremista, nakon ulaska
by the Albanian extremists, after the arrival of KFOR. The
KFOR-a. Sa~uvan je jedino isto~ni zid naosa sa
only preserved part is the eastern wall of the nave with the
oltarskom ni{om. Ostao je uspravan, iako je u
altar niche. It remained in vertical position, though a korenu horizontalnom pukotinom odvojen od
horizontal crack detached it from the foundations, shifting it temeqa i oko 30 cm izmaknut ka istoku.
for about 30 cm eastward. Priprata je sru{ena do temeqa. Prilikom
The narthex was destroyed. While visiting the site, boravka na terenu 18.7. 2001. godine nije prona|en
on July 18, 2001, not a single fresco fragment was found. It nijedan fragment `ivopisa. Postoji verovatno}a
is possible that some fragments of the smashed fresco da u {utu ru{evine ima delova izlomqenog
decoration can be found in the rubble. `ivopisa.
A piece of fresco mortar uncovered by paint was Na zapadnom zidu naosa, ~iji je dowi
found on the preserved, lower, southern section of the ju`ni deo sa~uvan, postoji ne{to ne`ivopisanog
western wall of the nave. It was probably reinforced by fresko maltera, koji u sebi sadr`i verovatno
sviwsku ~ekiwu kao armaturu. Sa ovog zida uzet
bristle. A sample of it was taken for analysis.
je uzorak fresko maltera za eventualne analize.
E/I-00.22 E/I-00.22
SK 1385 SK 1385
1958/1990. 1958/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Klina, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Klina, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Municipality of Klina SO Klina
The church dedicated to St Nicholas is situated in Crkva posve}ena svetom Nikoli nalazi
the village of Mle~ane, the municipality of Klina. se u ataru sela Mle~ana, u op{tini Klina.
The church was built in the central part of an old Crkva je bila u sredini starog grobqa na
cemetery, on a plateau uphill from the village. It was built of uzvi{ewu iznad sela Mle~ana. Gra|ena je od sige
limestone bound with mortar. In 1961, the original walls i maltera, a originalni zidovi su 1961. bili
were preserved up to about 1.70 m in height. The church was o~uvani u visini do 1,70 m. To je bila jednobrodna
gra|evina izdu`ene pravougaone osnove,
oblong, single-naved, divided into a narthex, to the west, and
podeqena na pripratu na zapadnoj strani i naos
a nave, to the east. It had an eastern apse, semicircular, both
na isto~noj, sa oltarskom apsidom polukru`nom
inside and outside. The thickness of the outer walls of the spoqa i iznutra. Masivni kameni zidovi od
church and the partition wall between the narthex and the pritesanog kamena i sige bili su iste debqine u
nave were the same. These massive walls were built of obimnim i u pregradnom zidu izme|u priprate i
dressed stone and limestone. The door leading into the nave naosa. Ulazna vrata u naos iz priprate su bila
was encompassed by an arch containing a lunette. The nadvi{ena lu~nim nadvojem i lunetom. Podu`no
longitudinal barrel vault, built of dressed stone and postavqen poluobli~ast svod hrama od
limestone bound with lime mortar, was covered with stone- pritesanog kamena i sige u kre~nom malteru
slate roofing. Two semicircular niches of prothesis and pokriven je kamenim plo~ama. U isto~nom zidu
diaconicon, flanking the altar table, can be seen in the oltarskog prostora su, levo i desno od ~asne
eastern wall of the sanctuary. The sanctuary was defined by trpeze, polukru`ne ni{e proskomidije i
|akonikona. Prostor oltara je bio posebno
pilasters and an arch outlining the shape of the vault.
nagla{en pilastrima i lukom koji je pratio
Façades were not whitewashed. A semi-round recessed
liniju svoda. Fasade nisu bile okre~ene i uz
lunette above the western door was a very conspicuous detail rusti~nost zida od lomqenog kamena u kre~nom
on the rustic walls made of dressed stone bound with lime malteru, posebno se izdvajala polukru`na ni{a
mortar. Double-pitched roof was covered with stone slates. lunete iznad zapadnih vrata. Dvoslivni krov
The western narthex was built at the same time as hrama i oltarske apside bio je od kamenih plo~a.
the church. Icons are dated to 1601-1602, after an Priprata na zapadnom delu zidana je u
inscription, still decipherable in the 1930s, saying that the isto vreme kad i crkva. @ivopis se datuje u 1601-
church was founded by all villagers headed by priest Nikola. 1602. godinu, prema natpisu koji je bio ~itqiv 30-
Compositions preserved on the south, north and ih godina XX veka, u kome su kao ktitori
western walls of the narthex were painted at the beginning of nazna~eni svi me{tani na ~elu sa popom Nikolom.
the 17th century. Od `ivopisa s po~etka XVII veka sa~uvane
su bile scene u priprati na ju`nom severnom i
The niche of the prothesis, in the eastern wall of the
zapadnom zidu.
sanctuary, was occupied by a bust of Christ, while the
U naosu je u ni{i proskomidije, na
Archdeacon Stephen was depicted in the diaconicon. The isto~nom zidu, bilo poprsje Hrista, desno
Service of the Archbishops, with four archbishops, was arhi|akon Stefan. U oltarskoj konhi je bilo
depicted in the altar apse. To the right of the apse, an Poklowewe Agnecu sa ~etiri svetiteqa. Desno od
ornamental strip was preserved. Fragments of the konhe je bio niz ornamenata. Levo i desno od
Annunciation, in the second zone, flanked the apse. apside, u drugoj zoni su bili fragmenti scene
Figures of three saints were preserved on the Blagovesti.
pilaster separating the sanctuary from the nave, in the Na severnom zidu naosa bile su figure
northern wall of the nave. Compositions like the Vision of St tri svetiteqa na pilastru koji odvaja oltar od
Peter of Alexandria and Imago Pietatis could be seen in the naosa. U oltarskom delu su bile kompozicije
sanctuary. Images of St Roman and John the Merciful, St Vizija svetog Petra Aleksandrijskog i Imago
Pietatis. Na ju`nom zidu bile su o~uvane predstave
Sylvester (both on pilasters), St Nicholas, Stephen De~anski,
Svetog Romana i Jovana Milostivoga, te Svetog
and the archangels were preserved in the first zone of the
Silvestera (oba na pilastru), Svetog Nikola i
south wall of the nave. The second zone of the same wall Stefana De~anskog, te arhan|ela u prvoj zoni. U
was occupied by the Last Supper and Washing of the Feet, drugoj zoni su bile scene Tajne ve~ere i Prawa
scenes from the Passion of Christ. Fragments of a depiction nogu iz ciklusa Stradawa. Na zapadnom zidu bili
of an Archangel, Emperor Constantine and Empress Helena su fragmenti figure arhan|ela, Car Konstantin
could be seen on the western wall. i carica Jelena.
The reconstruction of partly ruined church was Godine 1968. izvr{ena je rekonstrucija
undertaken in 1968. Its structure was reinforced by armoured zaru{ene crkve, oja~ana je serkla`ima od
concrete cerclages. Remains of 1601/1602 fresco decoration armiranog betona i konzervirani ostaci
underwent conservation treatment. `ivopisa iz 1601/1602.godine
1. \. Bo{kovi}, SKA XLII, Beograd 1934, 300.
1. \. Bo{kovi}, SKA XLII, Beograd 1934, 300.
2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog
2. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve u dolini Belog Drima, Starine
Drima, Starine Kosova i Metohije I,
Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46
Pri{tina 1961, 145-173 + 46 slika u prilogu.
illustrations in the appendix. 3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju
3. S. Petkovi}, Zidno slikarstvo na podru~ju Pe}ke Pe}ke patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad
patrijar{ije 1557 - 1614, Novi Sad 1965, 196. 1965, 196.
4. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na Kosovu, 4. P. Pajki}, Seoske crkve XVI-XVII veka na
Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV, Pri{tina 1984, 123- Kosovu, Glasnik Muzeja Kosova XIII-XIV,
143. Pri{tina 1984, 123-143.
5. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog graditeljstva 5. M. [uput, Spomenici srpskog crkvenog
XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991, 153-154. graditeqstva XVI-XVII veka, Beograd 1991,
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments -
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Pri{tina - Pri{tina
Escorted by the Italian KFOR unit, Mnemosyne U pratwi italijanskih jedinica KFOR-a,
Centre team of experts visited the site on July 18, 2001. It stru~na ekipa Mnemosyne centra iza{la je na
teren 18.7. 2001. i ustanovila da je crkva sru{ena,
has been established that the church was demolished,
po re~ima vojnika iz pratwe, verovatno
according to the soldiers, most probably by grenading. A
granatirawem. Granata je pogodila zapadni deo
grenade crashed into the western part of the church, but the crkve, po{to detonacija nije sru{ila isto~ni zid
explosion failed to destroy the eastern wall with the altar sa oltarskom apsidom i isto~ne dowe delove
apse, and lower sections of southern and northern walls of ju`nog i severnog zida naosa. Na ovim zidovima
the nave. Severely damaged fragments of fresco decoration (delovima severnog i ju`nog) nalaze se veoma
that underwent conservation treatment can be seen on the o{te}eni fragmenti konzerviranog `ivopisa,
northern and southern walls. The lower parts of the walls are, ~iji su dowi delovi zatrpani kamenom gra|om
however, covered with rubble. poru{enih zidova.
The other parts of fresco decoration, on the walls Preostali delovi `ivopisa ispucali su
that were shattered by a detonation show numerous cracks. na ostacima zidova rastre{enih detonacijom.
Fresko-malter je u velikoj meri oko pukotina
Fresco mortar around the cracks has mostly fallen off. potpuno otpao, mestimi~no je u dosta dobroj vezi
Although there are areas in which fresco mortar is still fairly sa zidanim nosa~em, dok je na ve}ini povr{ina
well attached to the support, the major part of it is detached odvojen od wega, naro~ito po rubovima
and likely to fall off along the borders of the recent novonastalih o{te}ewa i preti mu opasnost od
damages in particular. Lime mortar fillings applied in 1968 daqeg otpadawa. Op{ivi iz 1968. godine, ra|eni
on the borders of damages are still well attached to the fresco kre~nim malterom po rubovima tada postoje}ih
o{te}ewa, i danas su u relativno dobroj vezi sa
mortar, which enables us to make a clear distinction between
fresko-malterom, {to jasno defini{e rubove
the old damages and the recent ones.
novonastalih o{te}ewa.
No evidence of the cemetery, mentioned in earlier Ni traga nije bilo od grobqa koje se
literature about the church, was found. pomiwe u ranije objavqenim tekstovima.
F/III-00.23 F/III-00.23
Protected in 1954 za{ti}eno 1954.
Orahovac, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Orahovac, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
Monastery church, Manastirska crkva
view from the southeast pogled sa
before the destruction jugoistoka, pre
The Monastery of the Holy Doctors Cosmas and Manastir Svetih Vra~a Kuzmana i Damjana
Damian in Zo~i{te was probably the endowment of a feudal u Zo~i{tu verovatno je zadu`bina nekog
lord from the time of the Nemanji} dynasty. There is no vlastelina iz nemawi}ke Srbije. Pouzdanih
reliable evidence that the monastery existed in the Middle podataka o postojawu manastira u sredwem veku
Ages, unless the church of the monastery in Zo~i{te is not nema, osim ako crkva Svetih Vra~a koju Stefan
the Church of Holy Doctors, granted by Stephen De~anski to De~anski poveqom iz 1327. godine poklawa
the Monastery of Chilandar, by the charter issued in 1327. manastiru Hilandaru nije crkva manastira
The monastery was remodelled in the 16 th century, after the Zo~i{ta. Manastir je prepravqan uXVI veku,
posle obnove Pe}ke patrijar{ije, a prvi pomen o
restoration of the Patriarchate of Pe}. The first record of the
th century, when it
wemu daje dubrova~ki trgovac Nikola Bo{kovi}
monastery dates back to the end of the 17
krajem XVII veka.
was mentioned by Nikola Bo{kovi}, a merchant from U oltaru crkve bio je zapis prizrenskog
Dubrovnik. episkopa Joanikija o slu`ewu svete liturgije
An inscription of the bishop of Prizren, Joanikije, 1. jula 1781. Giqferding svedo~i da je manastir
mentioning the Liturgy celebrated on July 1, 1871 in the sredinom XIX veka u razvalinama, ali dobro
church, was preserved in the sanctuary. Giljferding o~uvanim; pomiwe i prekre~eni `ivopis.
documented that in the mid-19th century the monastery was Manastir je, zahvaquju}i pro{irenom
in ruins, well preserved though. He also mentioned frescoes kultu lekovite vode koja je izvirala u porti, bio
being whitewashed. izuzetno popularno hodo~asni~ko sredi{te. Tokom
Thanks to the spreading cult of the healing water svoje duge istorije imao je bogatu biblioteku i
whose spring was in the churchyard, the monastery was an riznicu, a u XIX veku u wemu je radila i {kola.
extremely popular pilgrimage site. During its long history, it Crkva se sastojala od naosa pravougaone
had a rich library and a treasury, while in the 19th century it
osnove, sa spoqa trostranom oltarskom apsidom i
also housed a school.
The church was single-naved, rectangular in plan, {irom i vi{om pripratom na zapadu. Naos i
with three-sided altar apse and a somewhat wider and taller priprata bili su zidani od kamena, a svodovi
western narthex. The nave and the narthex, built of stone, poluobli~asti. Sve do posledwe obnove crkva je
were barrel-vaulted. Until the latest restoration campaign, bila spoqa malterisana i kre~ena. Skroman ukras
the facades of the church were coated with mortar and white- svodio se na istaknut krovni venac, dvostruko
washed. Modest decoration was restricted to a protruding use~enu polukru`nu ni{u iznad zapadnog ulaza u
roof cornice, a double-stepped semicircular niche above the pripratu i kamene krstove na krajevima slemena
krova priprate. Do obnove crkva je bila
western entrance, and stone crosses mounted on the ends of
pokrivena kamenim plo~ama, koje su zamewene
the ridge of the narthex roof. Until restoration, the church
was covered with stone slates, subsequently replaced with
Od `ivopisa u crkvi je bio o~uvan friz
metal plates.
proroka u svodu koje M. Ivanovi} vezuje za
Remains of the fresco decoration include a frieze of
monumentalno slikarstvo XII-XIV veka. Iznad
prophets, in the vault, which M. Ivanovi} brings into relation
zapadnog ulaza u pripratu, u ni{i je bila zidna
with the monumental style of fresco decoration, typical of
slika patrona Svetih vra~a Kuzmana i Damjana.
the period between the 12 th and the 14th centuries. The
Ikone sa ikonostasa i carske dveri iznete
patrons, Holy Doctors Cosmas and Damian were depicted in
su iz ru{evina i prenete u Veliku Ho~u i
the niche above the western entrance to the narthex.
Icons from the iconostasis and the Royal Doors
Manastir je imao veliki broj zgrada koje
were rescued from the rubble and taken to Velika Ho~a and
su okru`ivale crkvu sa svih strana, osim sa
The monastery used to be surrounded by numerous
buildings, ranging around in all the directions. Only the BIBLIOGRAFIJA
southern side was free.
1. M. Ivanovi},Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
BIBLIOGRAPHY Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 448.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 2. S. Mileusni}, Vodi~ kroz manastire u
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 448. Srbiji, Beograd 1995, 169,170.
2. S. Mileusni}, Vodi~ kroz manastire u Srbiji
, Beograd
3. Kulturna riznica Srbije, Beograd 1998, 516.
1995, 169-170.
3. Kulturna riznica Srbije
, Beograd 1998, 516. 4. S. Mileusni}, Svetiwe Kosova i Metohije,
4. S. Mileusni}, Svetinje Kosova i Metohije, second drugo dopuweno izdawe, Novi Sad 2000, 172-
edition, Novi Sad 2000, 172-174. 174.
Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Monuments - Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
wing with winter chapel and the belfry. All these buildings, sve gra|eno u novije vreme, sada spaqeno i
erected in recent times, are now burnt down and vandalized. demolirano. Konaci se pru`aju i sa ju`ne strane,
The southern side is also occupied by residential buildings. a kako je teren u padu, to se prizemqe od severa
Since the terrain is sloping downward, the ground floor of preko zapadne strane konaka, nadovezuje u sprat
the northern section is connected, via the western side of the ju`nog krila. Drvena krovna konstrukcija je
building, to the first floor of the southern wing. The wooden izgorela, a krovni pokriva~ na konacima je bio od
roof construction was destroyed in the fire. The residential falcovanog crepa.
buildings were covered with double-trough roofing tiles. Hram je miniran i sru{en. Ostaci zidova
The church was mined and destroyed. The remains do visine 1,5 m zatrpani palom tavanicom -
of the walls are buried under a 1.5 m high pile of rubble left armiranom betonskom plo~om sa ankerima za lim,
after the ceiling collapsed. The ceiling was made of a koji je odnesen. U porti je deo metalne
reinforced concrete slab and anchorages for metal plates that konstrukcije i lima. Osnovni materijali za
had been taken away. Parts of the metal construction and gradwu crkve su kamen u zidovima i siga u svodu.
metal plates can be found in the yard. Stone was the chief U ru{evini se nalazi fragment potkrovnog venca
material used for the construction of the walls, while the
od tesanog i bosiranog kamena.
vault was built of limestone. Fragments of a cornice, made
of cut and bossed stone, can be seen in the rubble.
G/III-00.24 G/III-00.24
Protected in 1964 za{ti}eno 1964.
Pe}, the District of Pe}, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Pe}, Pe}ki, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of the Presentation of the Holy Virgin in Crkva Vavedewa Bogorodice nalazi se u
the Temple, surrounded by the old and the new cemeteries, selu Belo Poqe, ju`no od Pe}i, u podno`ju
is situated in the village of Belo Polje, to the south of Pe}, at planinskog venca Ple{-Koprivnik, na desnoj
the foot of the Ple{-Koprivnik mountain range, on the right strani re~ice Kamenice-Su{ice - okru`ena sta-
bank of the River Kamenica-Su{ica. An old church site on rim i novim grobqem. Pored crkve Vavedewa, u
Belom Poqu postoje staro crkvi{te na brdu
the hill Krst (Cross), to the northeast of the village, and a
Krstu, severozapadno, i pe}ina severno od sela,
cave called Careva stolica (Emperors chair) or Razboj (The
nazivana Careva stolica ili Razboj.
Loom), to its north, can be seen in the surroundings of the Najstarija poznata vest o Belom Poqu je u
village. poveqi kraqa Stefana De~anskog iz 1327. godine.
The earliest record of Belo Polje is to be found in Pretpostavqa se da je postoje}a crkva
the charter issued by king Stephen De~anski in 1327. podignuta 1866-1868, uz materijalnu pomo} ruske
It is believed that the present church was built carice Marije Aleksandrovne i trudom de~anskog
between 1866 and 1868, thanks to the efforts of the arhimandrita Kirila Andrejevi}a. Oko crkve je
archimandrite of De~ani, Kiril Andrejevi}, and that its staro grobqe sa nekoliko kamenih krstova sa
construction was sponsored by the Russian tsarina Maria natpisima i ornamentima ili bez wih.
Alexandrovna. The church is surrounded by the old Crkva je pravougaone osnove, podeqena sa
cemetery, with several stone crosses bearing inscriptions and ~etiri masivna stupca na tri broda. Na isto~noj
ornaments. strani ima oltarsku apsidu iznutra polukru`nu, a
The church is rectangular in plan, divided by four spoqa trostranu. Glavni portal je na zapadnoj
massive pillars into three aisles. The eastern, altar apse is strani, a ulaz postoji i na sredini severnog zida.
semicircular inside and three-sided in the exterior. The main Crkva je ukopana i u wu se silazi nekolikim
portal is on the western side. Another entrance can be seen in stepenicima.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 397. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd
1987, 397.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkva Vavedenja u Belom Polju kod Pe}i 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkva Vavedewa u Belom Poqu
i udeo skadarskih Srba u njenom oslikavanju, Sveti knez kod Pe}i i udeo skadarskih Srba u wenom
Lazar, Spomenica o {estoj stogodi{njici Kosovskog boja oslikavawu, Sveti knez Lazar, Spomenica o
1389 - 1989, Beograd 1989, 349 - 360. {estoj stogodi{wici Kosovskog boja 1389 -
3. M. Ivanovi}, Belo Polje kod Pe}i, Hvosno 8, Istok 1989, Beograd 1989, 349 - 360.
septembar-oktobar 1997, 6-7. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Belo Poqe kod Pe}i, Hvosno 8,
4. M. Ivanovi}, Natpisi i ornamenti na nadgrobnim Istok septembar-oktobar 1997, 6-7.
plo~ama, ikonama i zvonima srpskih crkava na Kosovu 4. M. Ivanovi}, Natpisi i ornamenti na
i Metohiji XIV - XIX/XX vek, Kosovsko-metohijski nadgrobnim plo~ama, ikonama i zvonima
zbornik 2, Beograd 1998, 13-14,, ill. 1. srpskih crkava na Kosovu i Metohiji XIV -
5. D. Bojani}, Transliteracija i prevod na srpski jezik devet XIX/XX vek, Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik 2,
zapisa i natpisa sa tla Kosova i Metohije, pisanih Beograd 1998, 13-14, sl. 1.
arapskim pismom, Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik 2, 5. D. Bojani}, Transliteracija i prevod na
Beograd 1998, 44, no. 3. srpski jezik devet zapisa i natpisa sa tla
6. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 1999, Kosova i Metohije, pisanih arapskim
48. pismom, Kosovsko-metohijski zbornik 2,
Beograd 1998, 44, br. 3.
DOCUMENTATION 6. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
Beograd 1999, 48.
Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences
Board for Kosovo and Metohija DOKUMENTACIJA
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Odbor za Kosovo i Metohiju SANU
A winding field road, branching off from the STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
asphalted Pe}-De~ani road, leads to the church of the
Od asfaltnog puta koji od Pe}i vodi u
Presentation of the Holy Virgin, erected on a plateau
De~ane, odvaja se poqski krivudavi put do crkve
opposite the settlement. The road is in bad condition. The Vavedewa Bogorodice, podignute na proplanku
church is not provided with electrical connection or the nasuprot nasequ. Put je u lo{em stawu.
plumbing-line. Prikqu~ak za vodu i elektri~nu struju ne postoji.
After the arrival of KFOR, and the mass departure Posle dolaska KFOR-a i iseqavawa
of predominantly Serb population, the church was prete`no srpskog stanovni{tva hram su 1999.
vandalski opusto{ili albanski ekstremisti.
vandalized by Albanian extremists in 1999. Crkva je oskrnavqena podmetawem po`ara
The interior of the church interior was damaged by u wenoj unutra{wosti. Na spoqa{wim zidovima
fire. Numerous damages made by bullets can be seen on the pre-poznaju se mnoga o{te}ewa od ispaqenih
facades. Similar traces can be noticed inside the church, as metaka. Sli~nih tragova ima i u unutra{wosti
well. The most severe damages were caused by arson, which hrama. Najve}u {tetu naneo je podmetnuti po`ar,
zbog koga su sve zidne slike prekrivene debelim
left a very thick layer of soot on the mural paintings. Parts of
slojem ~a|i i gare`i. Delovi `ivopisa su
frescoes lost their authentic colouring due to high izgubili autenti~ni kolorit usled visoke
temperature. Mechanical damages of the frescoes, visible in temperature, a od metaka i {rapnela nastala su
many places, were caused by bullets and shrapnel. mnogobrojna mehani~ka o{te}ewa.
The upper construction remained stable. Only Gorwa konstrukcija je ostala stabilna,
occasional damages of the mortar, caused by fire, can be osim {to je mestimi~no od po`ara o{te}en
found. The pavement of the church was exposed to the most malter na woj. Najvi{e je o{te}en plo~nik u
serious damages. Windows were also severely damaged. The crkvi, a nisu ostali celi ni prozori. Razvaqena
su i o{te}ena ulazna vrata na obe strane, tako da
front door was vandalized and damaged on both sides, which
`ivotiwe nesmetano ulaze u hram.
allows cattle to go in and out freely.
Ikonostas u hramu tako|e je o{te}en.
The iconostasis was damaged, too. The cross,
Nedostaju krst, 13 ikona iz tre}eg reda i
thirteen icons from the third zone and parapet slabs from the
parapetne plo~e iz prvog reda. Na ikonostasu se
first row are missing. Two icons of the Sovereign Row, and
nalaze dve prestone ikone i dve pored wih, ~ije
two other next to them, with figures unrecognizable due to
se figure ne prepoznaju usled o{te}ewa od vatre,
damages caused by fire and, judging by the holes, by bullets,
a, zakqu~uju}i po rupama na wima i od metaka.
can still be seen on the iconostasis. Traces of resinous
Vide se i tragovi smolaste smese nejasnog porekla
mixture of indistinct origin, which dripped over them, were
koja je curila preko wih.
also noticed. Na podu crkve zate~eno je mno{tvo
Broken pieces of furniture, iconostasis and metal slomqenih delova name{taja i ikonostasa, kao i
vessels were found on the church floor. metalnih posuda.
It is necessary to repair the damaged roofing, Neophodno je popraviti o{te}eni krovni
windows and the doors. The church should be closed. pokriva~, popraviti prozore i vrata i zatvoriti
Partly damaged mortar covering the inner walls and crkvu.
the floor also need repair. The church must be cleaned. Wall Potrebno je popraviti mestimi~no
surfaces that are not covered with frescoes ought to be o{te}en malter na zidovima u unutra{wosti i
cleaned and whitewashed. plo~nik i o~istiti crkvu. Zidne povr{ine gde
Two icons of the Sovereign Row ought to be nema fresaka trebalo bi o~istiti i prebojiti.
Neophodno je skinuti dve prestone ikone
dismantled from the iconostasis and transferred to the
sa ikonostasa i preneti u Pe}ku patrijar{iju.
Patriarchate of Pe}.
G/III-00.25 G/III-00.25
Protected in 1981 za{ti}ena 1981.
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
Private property* (Municipality of Pe}) Privatno vlasni{tvo* (Op{tina Pe})
No information available. Bez bli`ih podataka.
1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Kosova i Metohije,
53. Beograd 2002, 53.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina -Pri{tina
G/III-00.26 G/III-00.26
Protected in 1955 za{ti}eno 1955.
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
The inheritors of the Proti} family Naslednici porodice Proti}a
The house of the Proti} family was built around Ku}a Proti}a gra|ena je oko 1860. godine
1860. With symmetrical disposition of spatial units and the i predstavqa prototip gradske ku}e u Pe}i,
cross-shaped hall, it represented a prototype of a Pe} town simetri~ne dispozicije sa krstastim holom. Po
house. The quality of building, the richness of its furnishing, solidnosti gradwe, bogatstvu opreme, ~istoti
the purity of style and its good condition made it a valuable stila i o~uvanosti, predstavqala je dragocen
document of architectural style of the time. dokument stambene arhitekture toga vremena.
Sme{tena je izme|u Bistrice i ulice
The house was situated between the river of
paralelne woj, orjentisana glavnim licem ka
Bistrica and a street running parallel with it. Its main façade
istoku, ali, prema sme{taju i nagla{enosti
was facing east. Judging by the disposition of the main glavnih stambenih prostorija, kao da je data
rooms, it seems, however, that the preference was given to prednost ju`noj strani. Za razliku od tipa zgrada
the southern side. Unlike the G type of buildings, gra|enih na "G" koje su imale izvestan podu`ni
somewhat elongated in appearance, this building was almost karakter, osnove zgrada ove sheme su gotovo
square in plan: 14m x 13m. kvadratne: 14m x 13m.
Both sections of the house had two stories. The Zgrada je dvospratna u oba smera osnove
cross-shaped hall in the ground floor, with solid stone walls, prizemqa i sprata. U prizemqu, ~iji su gotovo svi
was partitioned into smaller rooms - two front dwelling zidovi masivni i od kamena, krstasti hol je
rooms and two storerooms at the back. A hall scheme, in the pregra|en i wegovi horizontalni kraci
shape of a cross with rooms in the corners, was completely pretvoreni u mawe prostorije - sa predwe strane
dve sobe, a sa zadwe dve magaze. Na spratu je
elaborated and could be seen on the first floor. Two arms of
potpuno izgra|ena shema hola u obliku krsta sa
the cross (the northern and the western ones) are occupied by
sobama u ~etiri ugla. U dva kraka krstastog hola
the staircase and a wash-room, while the eastern and su stepeni{te i prostor za prawe (prema severu
southern arms were elongated, with an elevated floor, and i zapadu), a kraci prema istoku i jugu su
turned into oriel windows (}o{ke). The eastern oriel window istaknuti, produ`eni i sa uzdignutim podom
was so elongated that it needed two pillar supports. In that pretvoreni u "}o{ke". "]o{ka" prema istoku je
way, symmetric appearance typical for this type of houses toliko istaknuta da je morala biti poduprta sa
was achieved. dva stuba. Time je dobijena tipi~na simetri~na
masa i silueta ovog tipa ku}e.
1. J. Kruni}, Grad Pe} i njegova stara ku}a, Zbornik za{tite
spomenika kulture, VI-VII, Beograd 1956, 111-124. 1. J. Kruni}, Grad Pe} i wegova stara ku}a,
2. B. Koji}, Stara gradska i seoska arhitektura u Srbiji, Zbornik za{tite spomenika kulture, VI-VII,
Beograd 1949, 84. Beograd 1956, 111-124.
G/III-00.27 G/III-00.27
Protected in 1970
za{ti}ena 1970.
Pe}, the District of Pe}
Pe}, Pe}ki
The city of Pe} is the heart of Metohija. The first
record of its name dates back to 1202. In the Middle Ages Grad Pe} je sredi{te Metohije. Pod
istim imenom pomiwe se prvi put 1202. godine. U
Pe} was the seat of the Serbian archbishopric, as well as an
sredwovekovnom periodu tu je bilo sedi{te
important church and cultural centre. Before long a srpske arhiepiskopije i patrijar{ije i zna~ajan
marketplace, serving the needs of the monastery and the duhovni i kulturni centar srpske dr`ave. Uz
nearby villages, evolved in the surroundings of the arhiepiskopiju se ubrzo razvilo mesto trgova~ke
archbishopric. In the 14th century the settlement had a razmene za potrebe manastira i okolnih naseqa.
developed marketplace and merchants from Kotor among its U XIV veku trg je ve} bio razvijen, a bilo je i
Kotorana me|u stalnim stanovnicima. Naseqe
inhabitants. Pe} was under the Ottoman rule since the Pe} je palo pod tursku vlast kada i Kosovo, 1455,
Turkish conquest of Kosovo in 1455. It became an important posle ~ega je postalo zna~ajan islamski i
Islamic, Ottoman religious, administrative, trade and osmanski verski i administrativni centar i
commercial centre, as well as the seat of the sanjak. Much of sedi{te istoimenog sanyaka sa razvijenim
the architecture from that period has been preserved. zanatstvom i trgova~kim centrom. Pe} je dosta
sa~uvala od svoje stare arhitekture.
One of the most important Islamic sacral objects,
Jedna od najzna~ajnijih islamskih
the 16th century Bayrakli mosque has been preserved within sakralnih gra|evina iz XVI veka, Bajrakli
the architectural complex of the old marketplace. The old yamija, sa~uvana je u okviru kompleksa stare
bath (hamam) dates from the same century. A few 18th and gradske ~ar{ije. U istom stole}u podignut je i
19th century houses, including the residential towers stari pe}ki hamam. U Pe}i postoji i nekoliko
(kullas), have also been preserved. zna~ajnih starih gradskih ku}a iz XVIII i XIX
veka, me|u kojima su i stambene kule.
Protected heritage in Pe}: Proti}s house, Jashar-
Me|u za{ti}enim kulturnim dobrima
pashas and Tahir-bays Lodgings from the 19th century, the
nalaze se i ku}a Proti}a, Ja{ar-pa{in i Tahir-
old tower and the 19th century harem, the houses of Camil begov konak iz XIX veka; stara gradska kula i
Limani (in the Street of Bora Vukumirovi}, nos. 28 and 61), haremluk iz XIX veka; stambene kule ]amila
the house of Jani}ije Joki} (the Street of Boris Kidri~ no. 24) Limanija (ul. Bore Vukmirovi} 28 i 61), Jani}ija
and the house of Mihailo Jovanovi} (the Street of \uro Joki}a (ul. Borisa Kidri~a 24) i Mihaila
Salaj, no. 7), Haxhi-Zekas mill and Atik medresseh, all from Jovanovi}a (ul. \ure Salaja 7) iz XIX veka;
the 19th century, etc. kompleks Hayi-Zekinog mlina iz XIX veka, kao i
Atik medresa iz istog doba itd.
1. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 1. Spomeni~ka ba{tina Kosova i Metohije,
53. Beograd 2002, 53.
Stara ~ar{ija after the Izgled posle ru{ewa
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tina
G/E-00.28 G/E-00.28
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Pe}, the District of Pe} Pe}, Pe}ki
Izgled pre
The mosque before ru{ewa
the destruction
Vakuf Pe} Vakuf - Pe}
No information available Bez dostupnih podataka.
1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Kosova i Metohije, Beograd 2002, 1. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Kosova i Metohije,
49-55. Beograd 2002, 49-55.
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina - Pri{tine
H/III-00.29 H/III-00.29
Protected in 1965 za{ti}eno 1965.
Prizren, The District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The Church of St Nicholas was built in the 16th
Crkva Svetog Nikole sagra|ena je u XVI
century as a single-naved, barrel-vaulted building with a
veku kao jednobrodna gra|evina sa oltarskom
semicircular altar apse. A narthex, somewhat larger that the apsidom koja je i spoqa i iznutra polukru`na, a
church was subsequently added, most probably during the svod poluobli~ast. Priprata, koja je vi{a i {ira
restoration in the 19th century. The narthex is, like the nave od crkve, prizidana je docnije, verovatno
(of the old church), barrel-vaulted and covered with stone prilikom obnove, u XIX veku. Kao i u naosu (stara
slates. The western wall of the original church was pulled crkva), svod je poluobli~ast. Crkva je pokrivena
down during the restoration, in order to unite the nave and kamenim plo~ama. U obnovi je sru{en zapadni zid
the narthex into a single unit. In front of the western entrance prvobitne crkve i spojeni priprata i naos.
into the narthex, a deep masonry porch with a tall, arched Ispred zapadnog ulaza u pripratu je duboki
portal encompassing nearly the entire front can be seen.. The ozidani trem sa visokim lu~nim portalom, koji
western entrance into the narthex is encompassed by a zauzima gotovo celu {irinu fronta. Zapadni ulaz
u pripratu posebno je nagla{en plitkim {irokim
shallow and wide, arched niche. At the springing of the arch,
okvirom oko lu~no zavr{enog ulaza. U visini
the encompassing niche gradually narrows, acting as an
po~etka luka, okvir se stepenasto su`ava i iznad
outline of the arched niche above the door, occupied by the vrata uokviruje polukru`no zavr{enu ni{u sa
icon of St Nicholas on the throne. The lower section of the ikonom Svetog Nikole na tronu. U dowem delu
decorative painted frame of the fresco icon bears the dekorativno oslikanog okvira ikone je natpis
inscription in which the donor, Toma Nedeljkovi}, and the prilo`nika Tome Nedeqkovi}a sa 1867. godinom.
year 1867 were mentioned. Crkva je `ivopisana 1867. godine, o ~emu
The church got its wall paintings in 1867, as it was je u woj postojao natpis, na kome se potpisao
witnessed by an inscription with the authors signature: autor Vasilije Krsti}, "zugraf od Dibarskoj
Vasilije Krtsi}, a painter (zugraph) from the Dibarska nahiji". Petar Kosti} daje bli`e podatke o wemu
county. Petar Kosti} gives a more detailed information - da je iz Gali~nika, iz \inovske porodice, da je
about the painter: he was from Gali~nik, from the \inovski sa bratom Teofilom `ivopisao mnoge crkve u
family; together with his brother Teofil he painted murals in Crnoj Gori, te da su ovi majstori "{arali
numerous churches in Montenegro. They also decorated the unutra{wost Sinan-pa{ine yamije u Prizrenu".
interior of Sinan-pashas mosque in Prizren. The icon of St Od ovog `ivopisa sada su sa~uvani samo ikona
Nicholas, above the western entrance, and the icon of Holy Svetog Nikole iznad zapadnog i ikona Svetog
Archangels, in the niche above the southern entrance, are the arhan|ela u ni{i iznad ju`nog ulaza u crkvu.
only remains of the mural decoration. The rest is covered by Ostali `ivopis je prekriven debelim slojem ~a|i.
a thick layer of soot. Pored ikonostasa iz XIX veka, u hramu se
Along with the 19th century iconostasis, numerous nalazio i ve}i broj ikona i utvari donesenih iz
icons and objects from other churches, as well as two drugih crkava, kao i dva fragmenta mozai~kog
fragments of the mosaic floor from the monastery of Holy poda iz Svetih arhan|ela.
Archangels near Prizren could be seen in the church.
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u XIX veku 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba
(sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 102. u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 1928, 102.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 475. 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
3. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 475.
Pri{tina 1991, 260-266. 3. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 260-266.
Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Monuments - DOKUMENTACIJA
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
A complex consisting of residential buildings, yard,
belfry and the church is situated in the western part of the Na zapadnoj strani naseqa su kompleks
village. konaka, porte, zvonik i hram.
The roofs of the older buildings on the southern Stariji konaci na ju`noj strani sru{eni
side were destroyed, while the timber-framed construction of su u zoni krova i demolirani spratni delovi u
the upper stories was demolished. Latter-day buildings to the bondruku. Noviji na severnoj strani su
north were also demolished; only the walls without the roof demolirani, ostali su zidovi bez krova. Na
survived. The walls of the belfry were damaged at its foot, zvoniku je zidna masa o{te}ena u nivou terena
on the ground level, where the corners had been mehani~kim ru{ewem uglova, ali zvonik jo{ stoji.
mechanically destroyed, but the belfry was not pulled down. Isti poku{aj ru{ewa i na zidu hrama sa ju`ne
The same method of demolition was applied on the southern strane. Unutra{wost hrama je paqena.
Crkva je odolela ru{ewu jer je prethodnim
side of the church. The interior of the church was damaged sanacijama oja~ana armiranim betonskim i
by the fire. ~eli~nim zategama.
The church endured demolition owing to the fact Unutra{wost crkve je gotovo potpuno
that during earlier sanation campaigns its structure had been uni{tena. Zidovi i ikonostas su prekriveni
reinforced by armoured concrete and steel tie-rods. izuzetno tamnim slojem ~a|i, dok je inventar
The interior of the church was destroyed. The walls izlomqen i razbacan po podu. Na sredini crkve i
and the iconostasis are covered with an extremely dark layer u oltarskom prostoru su ostaci zgari{ta, gde je
of soot. Smashed furnishings are lying scattered on the floor. poku{ano paqewe zapaqivog inventara, ali
verovatno zbog nedostatka kiseonika vatra se
In the central part of the church, and in the sanctuary, the
brzo ugasila, tako da ikonostas nije izgoreo, osim
places where attempts to burn flammable furnishings were
doweg dela razvaqenih severnih dveri. Nakon
made, can be seen. Due to lack of oxygen, the fire was soon snimawa zate~enog stawa i op{irnih konsultacija
put out, having left the iconostasis unaffected except for the sa nadle`nima iz jedinica KFOR-a, ikonostas je
lower part of the northern door, which had been vandalized. demontiran i ikone su istog dana preba~ene u
After the inspection, and extensive consultations Veliku Ho~u sa jo{ jednom celivaju}om ikonom
with KFOR personnel in charge, the iconostasis was Svetog Nikole, gde se ~uvaju u kapeli Svetog
dismantled and, together with the kissing icon of St Trifuna sa ikonama i drugim crkvenim
Nicholas, was immediately transferred to Velika Ho~a. The materijalom donesenim iz ru{evina crkava na
iconostasis and the icon were stored in the chapel of St podru~ju Metohije.
Tryphon together with icons and other stuff brought from the Uqano zidno slikarstvo u isto~nom delu
ruins of the other demolished churches in Metohija. naosa, zbog izuzetno tamnog sloja ~a|i, skoro je
Oil mural paintings in the eastern part of the nave, potpuno ne~itqivo i u velikoj meri sa malterom
being covered with an extremely dark layer of soot, are odvojeno od zidanog nosa~a. U temenu svoda
hardly discernible. They are to a great extent detached, postoji o{te}ewe, gde je sa malterom otpao
together with mortar, from the support. The damage in the fragment uqanog slikarstva. Na tom mestu
apex of the vault is also a result of detaching of the ground pojavila se ispikovana povr{ina, {to bi mogao
from the support: a fragment of oil mural fell off together biti stariji sloj maltera koji na sebi nosi i
with the mortar. It uncovered a piece of picked surface, starije slikarstvo, {to trenutno ne mo`emo sa
which indicates that an earlier layer of mural decoration may sigurno{}u tvrditi zbog izrazito tamnog sloja
be covered by present oil paintings. This hypothesis cannot ~a|i.
be confirmed at the moment because the walls are covered Kameni krovni pokriva~ crkve nedostaje
with dark layer of soot. u velikoj meri, tako da }e do}i do prodora
atmosferske vlage koja bi mogla uni{titi zidno
The damages of the stone-slate roofing will result
slikarstvo u gorwim zonama.
in penetration of atmospheric humidity, which could damage
mural decoration of the upper zones.
H/III-00.30 H/III-00.30
protected in 1974 za{ti}ena 1974.
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church of St Nicholas, called Rajkos after its Crkva Svetog Nikole, nazvana Rajkova po
donor Rajko Kirizmi} was built in the first half of the 14th ktitoru Rajku Kirizmi}u, prvobitno je izgra|ena
century. In 1348, it was granted to the monastery of Holy u prvoj polovini XIV veka, a car Du{an ju je 1348.
Archangels by emperor Du{ans charter. Religious service godine svojom poveqom prilo`io manastiru
was performed in this original building till 1795, when it was Svetih arhan|ela. Ova prvobitna crkva bila je u
plundered and damaged in Skadars pasha Mahmud funkciji do 1795, ali je opqa~kana i o{te}ena kad
je skadarski pa{a Mahmud Bu{atlija poharao
Bushatlijas raid on Prizren.
The church was covered with deposit during floods,
Crkva je zatrpana u poplavama krajem
at the end of the 18th century. XVIII veka.
The church was rebuilt on the same site in 1857. Na istom mestu crkva je obnovqena 1857.
Remodelling was so radical that we can speak of a new godine. Obnova je bila u toj meri radikalna da je
church. The church got fresco decoration immediately after u su{tini u pitawu nova crkva, koja je tada i
it had been erected. An inscription on a stone tablet above oslikana. O obnovi govori kameni natpis iznad
the western portal gives the information about the zapadnog ulaza.
restoration. Ova obnovqena crkva imala je veoma
The design of the church is quite unusual. It has an neobi~an arhitektonski sklop. U sredi{tu je
oblong barrel-vaulted structure, with an eastern apse, in its podu`na gra|evina sa poluobli~astim svodom i
centre. North and south walls of this inner church are polukru`nom apsidom na istoku. Ju`ni i severni
zid ove unutra{we crkve imaju po dva {iroka
fenestrated with two wide windows having wooden rails at
prozora sa drvenim ogradicama u dowem delu.
the foot. The only solid walls in this structure were the
Samo su zidovi oko oltara i zapadni zid
western wall and the one enclosing the sanctuary. Three zatvoreni. Oko ovog centralnog dela bio je sa tri
sides of this central structure were enclosed by a latter-date strane - severa, zapada i juga - ambulatorijum,
ambulatory, in whose roof construction concrete beams were novije konstrukcije, sa krovom na betonskim
used. The latest inspection showed that the southern and the gredama. Prilikom obilaska terena, ju`ni i
western parts of the church were ruined, while the roof was zapadni deo su bili sru{eni, a krov poduprt
supported by timber posts. Only the northern wall was drvenim direcima. Samo je na severnom bio pun
preserved. The church is covered with triple-pitched roof. zid od opeke. Cela gra|evina pokrivena je istim
The lead-plate roofing was removed. krovom na tri vode sa koga je skinut lim.
Oil mural paintings of considerable dimensions can be seen Na zidovima, svodovima crkve, kao i na
on the walls and in the vaults, as well as on the outer side of spoqnim stranama ju`nog zida i bokovima
doprozornika su zidne slike velikih dimenzija
the south wall, and by window-jambs. They were probably
slikane uqem na zidu. Ove zidne slike rad su
painted by a workshop originating from Debar, active in
verovatno neke od debarskih radionica, koje su u
Prizren and its surroundings in the second half of the 19th drugoj polovini XIX veka radile u Prizrenu i
century. okolini.
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku
Beograd 1928, 80-81. (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 80-81.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 508. Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 508.
3. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, 3. R. Timotijevi}, Ikonopis na teritoriji
Pri{tina 1991, 263-264. Prizrena, Ba{tina 1, Pri{tina 1991, 263-264.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren
Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
garbage. The traces of undermining and burning are evident. koli~inom raznog otpada. Vide se tragovi
Bearing walls were undermined. The southern and the minirawa i paqewa. Minirani su nosivi zidovi,
western walls collapsed outwards, while the northern one is koji su sa ju`ne i zapadne strane zaru{eni upoqe.
leaning outwards and is prone to collapsing. Inner walls, Severni zid je nagnut upoqe i sklon padu,
though damaged, support reinforced-concrete roof sredi{wi zidovi, iako o{te}eni, zadr`avaju
construction, which is also inclined and prone to falling. armiranu betonsku krovnu konstrukciju, koja je
Mining produced severe disturbances in the structure of the nagnuta i mo`e pasti.
walls on which the 19th century oil murals were painted. Minirawe je potpuno rastreslo zidove
crkve koji na sebi imaju uqano slikarstvo iz XIX
Numerous cracks in the mortar and paint layer are caused by
H/III-00.31 H/III-00.31
Protected in 1970 za{ti}ena 1970.
Prizren, The District of Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski
Residential quarter, artisan and trading place Stambeni i trgova~ko-zanatski deo grada
emerged downhill from the fortress in the 19th century. ispod tvr|ave formiran je u prvoj polovini XIX
Serbian population was exiled in 1999. Numerous veka.
objects were devastated and destroyed in the period between Srpski `ivaq je proteran 1999, a veliki
broj objekata devastiran i uni{ten 1999-2001.
1999 and 2001. godine.
The complex has no military protection. Kompleks nije obezbe|en.
H/E-00.32 H/E-00.32
Recognized heritage evidentirano
Prizren, The District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Remains of the church, the last restoration of which
Ostaci crkve, posledwi put obnavqane u
was undertaken in the 19th century, were situated in the
XIX veku, nalazili su se u centru sela.
centre of the village. The church site was destroyed and Crkvi{te je uni{teno i zaravweno 1999-
levelled during 1999-2000, after the arrival of the KFOR. 2001, posle dolaska KFOR-a.
Heaps of building material taken from the ruins can Gomile materijala iz ru{evine poslagane
be found in the vicinity of the site. u blizini.
The site is in the area populated by ethnic U albanskom je okru`ewu i neobezbe|ena.
Albanians. It is unprotected.
H/E-00.33 H/E-00.33
Recognized heritage evidentirano
Prizren, The District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Upon remains of an old church, probably built Na ru{evinama starije crkve iz
between the middle of the 16th and the end of the 18th nepoznatog vremena - najverovatnije izme|u
century, a small, single-naved church with the entrance on polovine XVI i kraja XVIII veka - izgra|ena je
the west side and an eastern apse flanked by the niches of krajem XIX veka jednobrodna crkva malih
prothesis and diaconicon was built at the end of the 19th dimenzija, sa ulazom na zapadu i oltarskom
century. Place of worship has not, however, been deserted apsidom sa ni{ama proskomidije i |akonikona na
during the decades preceding the restoration of the church. istoku. Kultno mesto nije napu{tano ni pre
There is evidence that fair celebrating the feast of St obnove crkve, jer postoje podaci da su se tu
Parakeve (October 27) was organized on the site of the old dr`ali sabori svake godine na dan Svete Petke
church each year. (27. oktobar).
1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih Srba u Prizrenu i
njegovoj okolini u XIX veku (sa uspomenama pisca), 1. P. Kosti}, Crkveni `ivot pravoslavnih
Beograd 1928, 102. Srba u Prizrenu i wegovoj okolini u XIX veku
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, (sa uspomenama pisca), Beograd 1928, 102.
2. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 475.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 475.
Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Monuments -
Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
H/E-00.34 H/E-00.34
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Prizren, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Prizren Prizren, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church was built at the end of the 19th century Crkva je izgra|ena krajem XIX veka na
upon remains of an earlier church. It is a single naved, temeqima starijeg hrama. To je jednobrodna
barrel-vaulted building, with an altar apse shifted from the gra|evina sa poluobli~astim svodom i
longitudinal axis. The church has a double-pitched roof polukru`nom oltarskom apsidom ekscentri~no
postavqenom u odnosu na podu`nu osu gra|evine.
covered with roofing tiles.
Pokrivena je dvoslivnim krovom sa crepom.
There are no mural paintings in the church. The
U crkvi nema `ivopisa niti vrednijih
church does not possess neither icons of artistic interest, nor ikona i utvari.
valuable liturgical objects.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 507.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 507.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
J/I-00.35 J/I-00.35
SK 1414 SK 1414
1948/1990. 1948/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Suva Reka, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Suva Reka, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The church was built in 1315 by order of the great Crkvu je 1315. godine sagradio veliki
treasurer (kaznac) Jovan Dragoslav, as his family kaznac Jovan Dragoslav, kao porodi~nu zadu`binu.
endowment. It was constructed on cross-in-square scheme, Gra|evina je imala osnovu u obliku razvijenog
upisanog krsta, sa slobodnim stupcima koji su
with a dome supported by free-standing pillars. The altar
nosili kube. Oltarska apsida na istoku bila je
apse was semicircular both inside and outside. The façades, polukru`na spoqa i iznutra. Fasade su u skladu
in accordance with the building style of king Milutins times, sa stilom gra|evina iz Milutinovog vremena,
had regular, decorative stone and brick bond, bound with ukra{ene dekorativnim pravilnim zidawem
lime mortar; they were relieved by archivolts and pilasters. kamenom i opekom u kre~nom malteru i o`ivqene
In the period between the restoration works in the second arhivoltama i pilastrima. Od obnove u drugoj
half of the 19th century and the conservation campaign of polovini XIX veka do konzervatorskih radova
the 1920s, the facades of the church got mortar coating. The devedesetih godina XX stole}a, crkva je spoqa
bila omalterisana. Po skidawu maltera sa zidova
removing of the mortar coat uncovered patterned brickwork
otkriven je ukras koji se sastojao od dekorativno
(slim bricks) in the archivolts above the apertures and in the
re|anih tankih opeka na arhivoltama otvora i na
tympans of the walled in biforine windows. timpanonima zazidanih bifora.
The fragments of mural decoration, painted Zidno slikarstvo, nastalo izme|u 1316. i
between 1316 and 1320, were preserved in the sanctuary and 1320, bilo je sa~uvano u fragmentima u oltaru i
in the northwestern corner of the church . Although few severozapadnom uglu crkve. Iako je ostao
scenes were preserved, styles of two painters could be relativno mali broj scena, jasno su se izdvajale
distinguished the expressive, in the altar, and the dve autorske ruke - jedna, ekspresivnija, u oltaru
sophisticated, in the nave i druga, suptilnija, u naosu.
Icons of the Sovereign Row depicting Christ and U crkvi su ~uvane i prestone ikone
the Holy Virgin, painted in 1603, could be seen in the Hrista i Bogorodice iz 1603. godine.
BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. S. Nenadovi}, Bele{ke sa puta po Kosmetu,
1. S. Nenadovi}, Bele{ke sa puta po Kosmetu , Muzeji 7, Muzeji 7, Beograd 1952, 168-179.
Beograd 1952, 168-179. 2. V. J. \uri}, Nepoznati spomenici srpskog
2. V. J. \uri}, Nepoznati spomenici srpskog srednje- sredwevekovnog slikarstva u Metohiji I,
vekovnog slikarstva u MetohijiI, Starine Kosova i Starine Kosova i Metohije II - III, Pri{tina
Metohije II - III, Pri{tina 1963, 61-89 + 32 illustrations 1963, 61-89 + 32 slike u prilogu.
in the appendix. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 488-490. 488-490.
4. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske vlastele u doba 4. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske
Nemanji}a, Beograd 1994, 131. vlastele u doba Nemawi}a, Beograd 1994, 131.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
remained in one piece after the explosion. The wall could not i deo jugoisto~nog zida odoleli su eksploziji kao
be inspected, for safety reasons, so a more detailed condition kompaktan deo. Pomenutom zidu se, iz
assessment of the preserved fragments, probably the only bezbednosnih razloga, nije moglo pri}i, tako da ne
ones, is not available. It is believed that the explosion mo`emo preciznije opisati stawe u kojem se
affected the adhesion between fresco mortar and the wall, nalazi, verovatno jedini, o~uvani fragment.
which was exposed to intense vibrations. Further O~ekuje se da je detonacija u velikoj meri
deterioration of fresco remains, which are exposed to all naru{ila me|u-molekularne veze izme|u fresko-
maltera i zidanog nosa~a, koji je u momentu
kinds of weathering factors, is expected. Collapsed pieces of
detonacije prenosio izuzetno jake vibracije, i da
stone blocks, combined with bricks, cover the church floor.
}e do}i do daqeg o{te}ewa ostatka freske, koja
Tall pine trees that once grew around the church, je izlo`ena svim vrstama atmosferskih uticaja.
were brought down over the destroyed church and set on Zaru{eni blokovi kamena u slogu sa opekom
fire. The access to the zone of the church, and the ruins, is pokrivaju crkveni pod.
forbidden, because some unexploded mines may be left over. Visoki borovi, koji su bili oko crkve,
A massive stone belfry can be seen to the northeast sru{eni su preko zaru{enog hrama i zapaqeni.
Kretawe u zoni hrama i po zaru{enim
of the church. The traces of demolition are visible at its
fragmentima nije dozvoqeno zbog mogu}eg
corners, but the belfry has not been pulled down. The
prisustva mina.
covering of its roof has been partly preserved. The Severozapadno od hrama je masivan zvonik
churchyard was divided into two sections: the entrance with od kamena. Vidqivi su tragovi zaru{avawa uglova,
the residential quartets, and the area with the church and the ali nije sru{en. Delimi~no je o~uvan krovni
belfry. The remains of the fence dividing the two sections of pokriva~. Porta je bila iz dva dela: prvi, ulazni,
the churchyard have been preserved. sa konacima i drugi deo sa hramom i zvonikom. Od
The earlier, northwestern part of the residential ograde izme|u porti sa~uvani su ostaci.
quarters was mined. The latter-day single-story dormitory, of Severozapadni deo konaka je stariji i
which only the walls and the roof have remained, used to miniran. Sa ju`ne strane bio je nov konak na
stand in the southern part of the yard. The joinery has been sprat, od koga su ostali zidovi i krov. Stolarija
taken away. odnesena.
Ostaci kamenog bedema oko porte
Remains of the enclosing stone wall have collapsed
zaru{eni su oko hrama i zvonika.
in the area around the church and the belfry.
J/I-00.36 J/I-00.36
SK 1414 SK 1414
1966/1990. 1966/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Suva Reka, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and
Suva Reka, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
The church before Crkva pre
the destruction, view ru{ewa, pogled sa
from the southwest jugozapada
The monasterys Pomenik (a kind of register book)
Manastir Svete Trojice iznad
has been kept since 1465, which proves that the monastery Mu{uti{ta sigurno je postojao pre 1465. godine,
of the Holy Trinity, uphill from Mu{uti{te, must have been kad po~iwe da se vodi manastirski Pomenik. O
founded before this year. Records of the monasterys postojawu manastira u kasnijim vremenima postoje
existence in subsequent centuries are scarce and indirect. It sporadi~ni posredni podaci. Zna se da je 1829.
has been recorded that the monastery was deserted in 1829, zapusteo i da je pridodat manastiru Svetog Marka
and that it was granted to the monastery of St Marko Kori{kog, a da je 1837. godine obnovqen
Kori{ki, and that in 1837 its restoration was sponsored by prilozima prizrenskih zanatlija.
Prizren artisans. Crkva je bila relativno malih dimenzija,
The church, rather small, was single-naved, with a jednobrodna, sa pripratom u zapadnom delu i
narthex in its western section and an eastern sanctuary. It oltarom na istoku. Svod je bio poluobli~ast, a
krov dvoslivni od salonitnih plo~a. Razlike u
was barrel-vaulted, with double-pitched roof covered with
zidawu ukazuju na to da je zapadni deo sa
asbestos boards. Differences in masonry work indicate that
pripratom i dva ulaza bio dozidan kasnije uz malu
the western part, with the narthex and two entrances, was crkvu, koja je ostala naos nove gra|evine. Crkva
subsequently added to a small church, which acted as a nave je imala dva polukru`no zavr{ena ulaza, na
in the new structure. The church had two arched entrances, zapadnom i ju`nom zidu priprate. Dovratnici i
in the west and the south walls of the narthex, respectively. arhivolte vrata i prozora bili su upu{teni i
Recessed jambs and archivolts of the doors, as well as izra|eni od kamena. Crkva je u novije vreme
window frames, were made of stone. The church recently stati~ki sanirana i obnovqena.
underwent static sanation and restoration. O prvobitnom `ivopisu nema nikakvih
There are no data about the original frescoes. podataka, a u ru{evinama su u naosu i priprati
Remains of secco murals with rough black drawing have prona|eni fragmenti seko-`ivopisa sa grubim
been found in the ruins of the nave and narthex . A brief crnim crte`om. Na osnovu letimi~ne analize
inspection of the fragments could not provide information fragmenata, bez rekompozicije nije ih mogu}e
for precise dating or expertise. Recomposition is needed. bli`e odrediti, niti izvr{iti ekspertizu.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka
, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 489- veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
490. 1987, 489-490.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments - Prizren Zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture - Prizren
was destroyed. The fragments found in the ruins were taken konzerviran. Prona|eni fragmenti su preneseni u
to Velika Ho~a, and, in containers with sand, stored in the Veliku Ho~u i u posudama sa peskom deponovani u
chapel of St Tryphon. The fragments of the iconostasis were kapeli Svetog Trifuna sa ostalim materijalom
found in the ruins. donesenim sa poru{enih crkvi{ta. Od ikonostasa
su na ru{evini prona|eni samo delovi.
J/I-00.37 J/I-00.37
SK 1415
SK 1415
1953/1990. 1953/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Suva Reka, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and POLO@AJ
Prizren Suva Reka, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The Church of St George in Re~ane was built in the Crkva Svetog \or|a u Re~anima izgra|ena
second half of the 14th century, as the endowment of a noble je u drugoj polovini XIV veka, kao zadu`bina
man, probably an unknown duke buried in the church in nekog velmo`e, mo`da nepoznatog vojvode koji je u
1370. Its morphological and technical features clearly woj sahrawen 1370. godine. O vremenu gra|ewa
indicate the epoch to which it belongs: it was constructed crkve re~ito su govorile i stilske i tehni~ke
upon atrophied Greek-cross scheme, and topped by osobine gra|evine, sa osnovom sa`etog upisanog
octagonal dome mounted on a reduced cubic base. The altar krsta i osmostranim kubetom iznad "zakr-
apse is three-sided in the exterior. The church was built of `qalog" kubi~nog postoqa. Oltarska apsida je
stone: dressed boulder in the lower zones, and ashlar in the spoqa bila trostrana. Crkva je zidana kamenom, u
upper parts of the walls. The dome was built in alternation of dowem delu pritesanim oblucima, a u gorwem
limestone and bricks. The use of terracotta elements small pravilnim tesanikom. Kube je bilo izvedeno u
pots of peculiar shape, mostly discrete, was the most alternaciji kamena (sige) i opeke. Skromna
conspicuous on the south façade, where the decorative keramoplasti~na dekoracija izvedena uzi|ivawem
pattern was executed more elaborately. Good proportions of lon~i}a specijalnog oblika, ne{to je bila
the church stressed the solidity of its structure, despite bogatija i pravilnije izvedena na ju`noj fasadi.
general verticality of the building. Gra|evinu su odlikovale skladne proporcije, koje
The church used to house the original fresco su nagla{avale kompaktnost gra|evine koja
decoration, painted immediately after its construction had stremi u visinu.
been completed. The decoration of the dome and U crkvi je bio sa~uvan `ivopis iz
pendentives was preserved in fragments. The scenes from vremena neposredno posle wene izgradwe.
the Cycle of the Feasts, in the uppermost zone, were severely Dekoracija kubeta i pandantifa bila je sa~uvana
damaged. The fresco of the Holy Virgin in the conch of the samo u fragmentima, a Prazni~ni ciklus najvi{e
zone bio je veoma o{te}en. Posebnu vrednost
apse, with Christ in a medallion on her breasts, flanked by
predstavqala je freska Bogorodice u kaloti
angels, was particularly interesting for the use of the rare
apside, sa Hristom u medaqonu na grudima i
epithets Most Holy and Gods angel in the titles of the an|elima sa strana, zbog retkog epiteta
Holy Virgin and the angels respectively. "Presveta" uz wu i "angel gospodwi" uz an|ele.
The most interesting part of the destroyed fresco Izuzetnu vrednost ovog uni{tenog
ensemble was the cycle of frescoes depicting the scenes fresko-ansambla predstavqao je ciklus posve}en
from the life of the churchs patron St George. The cycle patronu hrama - svetom \or|u, u drugoj zoni
occupied the second zone of the western bay. Out of ten zapadnog traveja crkve, od ~ijih je prvobitnih
compositions, only six were preserved on the northern and deset kompozicija bilo sa~uvano {est na severnom
southern walls. Its story, originating in Serbian medieval i ju`nom zidu. Ovaj ciklus je svojom literarnom
literature, and its complexity, made this cycle an outstanding potkom, zasnovanom na srpskoj sredwovekovnoj
and exquisitely important example of Serbian art at the end literaturi, i razvijeno{}u predstavqao unikatan
i izuzetno va`an primer u srpskom slikarstvu s
of the 14th century. Iconographic features of the cycle of St
kraja XIV veka. Ikonografska re{ewa ciklusa o
George and the compositions in the sanctuary indicate that
svetom \or|u i u kompozicijama oltarskog
the frescoes were painted by a local painter, inspired with prostora ukazivala su na ruku lokalnog majstora,
powerful Serbian tradition of the time. Despite the fact that vo|enog sna`nom tradicijom srpske sredine tog
in the time when the study by V.J. \uri} was published the vremena. Ovaj ansambl bio je, uprkos ~iwenici da
half of the original fresco ensemble was destroyed, fresco je u vreme studije V. J. \uri}a nedostajala
decoration of this church was assessed as one of the most polovina prvobitne fresko-dekoracije, jedno od
extraordinary testimonials of intellectual and spiritual izuzetnih svedo~anstava o intelektualnoj i
climate in the Serbian church in the 14 th century, which duhovnoj klimi u srpskoj crkvi u doba u kome je
inevitably attracted the attention of top experts in Serbian nastala i time je nu`no privukla interesovawe
medieval art. vrhunskih istra`iva~a srpske sredwovekovne
The artistic qualities of the monument, recognized umetnosti.
Rano uo~eni kvaliteti ovog spomenika
very early, necessitated the first conservation works as early uslovili su i prve za{titne radove ve} 1926.
as 1926. Extensive protection and restoration works were godine. Obimni radovi na za{titi i obnovi ovog
carried out between 1956 and 1960 . spomenika izvedeni su 1956-1960. godine.
1. V. J. \uri}, Nepoznati spomenici srpskog sred 1. V. J. \uri}, Nepoznati spomenici srpskog
njevekovnog slikarstva u MetohijiI, Starine Kosova i sredwevekovnog slikarstva u Metohiji I,
Metohije II-III, Pri{tina 1963, 61-89 + 32 illustrations in Starine Kosova i Metohije II-III, Pri{tina
the apendix. 1963, 61-89 + 32 slike u prilogu.
2. S. Vu~enovi}, Arhitektura crkve Sv. \or|a u Re~anu i 2. S. Vu~enovi}, Arhitektura crkve Sv. \or|a
konzervatorski radovi na njoj, Glasnik muzeja Kosova i u Re~anu i konzervatorski radovi na woj,
Metohije I, Pri{tina 1956, 347-355. Glasnik muzeja Kosova i Metohije I, Pri{tina
3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka , 1956, 347-355.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 518-519. 3. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 518-
4. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske vlastele , Beograd
1994, 179-180.
4. I. \or|evi}, Zidno slikarstvo srpske
5. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije , Beograd 1998, 330. vlastele, Beograd 1994, 179-180.
5. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 330.
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia
- Belgrade Republi~ki zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture -
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Beograd
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
- Pri{tina
- Pri{tina
Two posts (those by the road which leads to the Neposredno uz put na ulazu u selo Re~ane,
village of Re~ane) are the only remains of the fence. Only od ograde su ostala samo dva stuba. Od konaka u
the foundations of the dormitory can be seen in the western zapadnom delu porte vide se samo ostaci temeqa.
part of the churchyard. The building material has been taken Materijal je razvu~en, a u porti su ostaci
away; only the reinforced concrete cerclage can be found in serkla`a od armiranog betona.
the churchyard. Severozapadno i severno od hrama, u senci
Pieces of marble tombstones (with the incised stoletnih hrastova, od siline eksplozije
family name Krsti}) lay scattered in the shadow of centuries prilikom ru{ewa hrama polomqeni su i
old oak trees, to the north and northwest from the church. delimi~no odneseni nadgrobni spomenici od
The tombstone was blown up in the explosion that destroyed
mermera (prezimena Krsti}).
the church.
Minirani hram uru{en. Materijal kamen i
The mined church is in ruins. It was built of stone
and limestone. Massive walls and the partition wall between siga. Masivni obodni zidovi i pregradni izme|u
the narthex and the nave are preserved to up 1.20 m in height priprate i naosa o~uvani do visine 1, 20 m u
in the northern and eastern sections, where fragments of severnom i isto~nom delu, gde se kroz zaru{ene
fresco layer can be noticed between collapsed blocks. The blokove naziru fragmenti fresko-sloja. Ju`ni zid
remains of the southern wall are only 0.3 m high. je sru{en do 0,30 m od poda.
J/III-00.38 J/III-00.38
Protected in 1950 za{ti}ena 1950.
Suva Reka, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Suva Reka, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Srpska pravoslavna crkva
Serbian Orthodox Church
Remains of the church, Ostaci crkve,
view from the south pogled sa juga
The fact that the Church of St Nicholas in the
Crkva Svetog Nikole u Popovqanu
village of Popovljane was built in 1626 was documented by izgra|ena je 1626, o ~emu je do ru{ewa svedo~io
a fresco inscription above the southern window. The names fresko-natpis iznad prozora na ju`noj strani, u
of the donors - Voi~, Jovan and Kraguj, the sons of a man kome su bili pomenuti i ktitori Voi~, Jovan i
called Jovan were also mentioned in the inscription. Kraguj, sinovi Jovanovi.
It was a single-naved building with an eastern altar To je bila jednobrodna gra|evina, sa
apse, built of dressed stone and limestone, barrel-vaulted and oltarskom apsidom na istoku, zidana kamenom i
covered with stone slates.
The church got fresco decoration in the first half of sigom, poluobli~asta svoda, pokrivena kamenim
the 17th century. Several 17th and 18th century icons used to plo~ama.
be kept in the church. Crkva je bila oslikana freskama u prvoj
The church was surrounded by a Serbian graveyard. polovini XVII veka, a u woj se ~uvalo i nekoliko
ikona iz XVII i XVIII veka.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Oko crkve je srpsko grobqe.
The church was situated in the centre of the village. STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
It was destroyed with mines. Neighbouring Albanian houses
are recently built. There are no traces of the churchyard Hram se nalazio u centru sela. Sru{en je
minirawem. Susedne albanske ku}e su
fence. Building material, which probably remained after the
novosagra|ene. Od ograde porte nije sa~uvan trag.
destruction of the church and the fence, was stacked by the Uz ulicu je slo`en kameni materijal, mo`da od
street. In the yard, to left of the entrance, stacked logs can be hrama i ograde. Levo od ulaza, u porti su slo`eni
seen. In the area behind them and to the right, in front of the drveni trupci, iza wih i desno pred hramom
church lay knocked down tombstones. oboreni nadgrobni spomenici.
The ruins of the church are covered with piles of Na ostacima i ispred sru{enog hrama su
rubbish and litter, so that the dimensions of the former gomile sme}a i otpada, tako da se ne mogu
church are difficult to establish. Remains of reinforced utvrditi ni wegove nekada{we dimenzije. Uo~avaju
concrete blocks and armature used in earlier sanations, stick se ostaci armiranih betonskih blokova i
armature od ranijih sanacija, koji sada vire iz
out from the heaps of rubble and rubbish.
ru{evina i sme}a.
J/E-00.39 J/E-00.39
Recognized heritage evidentirana
Suva Reka, the District of Prizren, Diocese of Ra{ka and Suva Reka, Prizrenski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Serbian Orthodox Church Srpska pravoslavna crkva
The Church of the Holy Virgin in Suva Reka was
Crkva Svete Bogorodice u Suvoj Reci
built in 1938 and it used to have a dome and a belfry. It was
izgra|ena je 1938. godine i imala je kube i
built of solid material, with the reinforced concrete
zvonik. Bila je od ~vrstog materijala, sa
construction. The churchyard, which was in the vicinity of
armiranom betonskom konstrukcijom. Nalazila se
the Serbian graveyard, was enclosed by a wall.
u ogra|enoj porti u blizini srpskog grobqa.
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka
, 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd 1987, 531. veka, Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren-Beograd
1987, 531.
The church was mined and torn down. Remains of
Hram je miniran i sru{en. Ostaci zida u
the walls in the north and south sides indicate that the church
severnom i ju`nom delu pokazuju da je hram gra|en
was built of bricks. Nothing is left of the roof covering -
od opeke. Od krovnog pokriva~a nije ni{ta
everything was taken away. Only heaps of rubble can be sa~uvano, sve je razneseno. U porti su samo gomile
found in the churchyard. A street runs along the north side of {uta. Sa severne strane je ulica i uz portu su
the churchyard - kiosks are leaning against its wall. A side prisloweni kiosci, a sa ju`ne su sporedni put,
road, a dilapidated graveyard partly enclosed by wire fence, zaru{eno grobqe, delimi~no ogra|eno `i~anom
and two recently built houses without roofs, most likely ogradom, i dve novije ku}e bez krova, verovatno
belonging to the church, can be seen on the south side. crkvene zgrade.
L/I-00.40 L/I-00.40
SK 1420 SK 1420
1966/1990. 1966/1990.
Extraordinary importance izuzetan zna~aj
Uro{evac, the District of Kosovo, Diocese of Ra{ka and Uro{evac, Kosovski, Ra{ko-prizrenska
Municipality of Uro{evac SO Uro{evac
Crkva Svetih arhan|ela u Gorwem
The Church of Holy Archangels in Gornje Nerodimqu izgra|ena je u XIV veku. Nema
Nerodimlje was built in the 14th century. There is no podataka o tome kako je crkva izgledala u vreme
information about its original appearance, since it underwent nastanka, jer je radikalna obnova izvr{ena 1700.
godine. Posle te obnove crkva je bila jednobrodna
a radical remodelling in 1700. It was restored as a rather gra|evina mawih dimenzija, sa pripratom na
small, single-naved building, with a narthex facing west and zapadu i oltarskom apsidom na istoku.
an eastern altar apse. Crkva je odmah po obnovi dobila fresko-
The church got its fresco decoration immediately `ivopis koji je do ru{ewa 1999. bio u velikoj
after the restoration had been completed. Until the meri sa~uvan. Ispod fresaka iz vremena obnove,
demolition in 1999, great part of the fresco decoration was na pojedinim mestima je bio vidqiv prvobitni
sloj fresaka iz XIV-XV veka. U crkvi se ~uvalo
preserved. The original fresco layer, dating from the 14th and
i nekoliko ikona iz XVII i XVIII veka.
15th centuries, could be seen in certain places under the 18th
century frescoes. Several 17th and 18th century icons used to BIBLIOGRAFIJA
be kept in the church. 1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka,
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987,
1. M. Ivanovi}, Crkveni spomenici XIII-XX veka, 2. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 271.
Zadu`bine Kosova, Prizren - Beograd 1987, 423-424.
2. Spomeni~ko nasle|e Srbije, Beograd 1998, 271. DOKUMENTACIJA
Pokrajinski zavod za za{titu spomenika kulture
Regional Institute for the Protection of Cultual Monuments -
Pri{tina STAWE SPOMENIKA 2001.
CONDITION OF THE MONUMENT IN 2001 Crkva je minirana, ali nije sru{ena do
temeqa. Potpuno su sru{eni isto~ni i zapadni
The church was mined but not levelled with the zid, dok su ju`ni i severni, veoma o{te}eni,
ground. The eastern and western walls are destroyed, while ostali i na sebi nose poluobli~asti svod. Na
the southern and northern ones, although severely damaged, zidovima i svodu koji nisu potpuno sru{eni ostao
still support the barrel vault. Severely damaged remains of je jako o{te}en `ivopis. Zbog opasnosti da je
fresco decoration can still be seen on the walls and the vault, teren miniran nije se moglo pri}i ru{evini i
which were not completely demolished. Fearing mines in the izvr{iti detaqniji pregled ostataka `ivopisa.
ground, we could not access the ruins and conduct a Detonacija je rastresla zidani nosa~ tako da je
thorough inspection of the fresco remains. Since the veliki deo `ivopisa otpao.
detonation shattered the wall support, great part of the fresco Da je fresko-malter armiran, verovatno
decoration fell off. ~ekiwom, pokazuje fragment koji je ostao da visi
A fragment hanging from the northern part of the sa severnog dela svoda bli`e oltarskom prostoru.
vault, closer to the sanctuary, shows that fresco mortar was Delovi `ivopisa koji su jo{ na zidovima i svodu
reinforced, most likely with bristle. Parts of frescos that are u velikoj meri su odvojeni od svog nosa~a i preti
still on the walls and the vault are to a great extent detached im opasnost da potpuno otpadnu, naro~ito ako
from their support and are likely to fall off, especially if the ru{evina ostane izlo`ena atmosferskim
ruins remain exposed to the weathering factors. The paint uticajima. Bojeni sloj je prekriven izuzetno
layer is covered with an extremely dark layer of soot, which tamnim slojem ~a|i, koji ga ~ini potpuno
makes the identification of scenes impossible. The interior of ne~itqivim. Unutra{wost crkve je pre minirawa
the church may have been set on fire before being mined. verovatno bila paqena.
Barjaktar Mosque, Junik, Municipality of De~ani, 295 Bajrakli, "Ru`ica" yamija, Pe}, Op{tina Pe}, 164
Bayrakli, Ru`ica Mosque, Pe}, Municipality of Pe}, 164 Barjaktar yamija, Junik, Op{tina De~ani, 295
C Bogorodica Qevi{ka, Prizren, Op{tina Prizren, 198
Brvnara Danilovi}a, Lo}ane, Op{tina De~ani, 287
Cathedral of St George, Prizren, Municipality of Prizren, 236
Church of Archangel Michael, Sevce, Municipality of [trpce, 273 V
Church of Holy Apostles, Mu{nikovo, Municipality of
Prizren, 192 Vinarija i konak porodice Patrnogi}, Velika Ho~a,
Church of Holy Doctors Cosmas and Damian, Pogra|e, Op{tina Orahovac, 155
Municipality of Klina, 98 Vinarija crkve Sv. Stefana, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina
Church of Holy Doctors Cosmas and Damian, Prizren, Orahovac, 126
Municipality of Prizren, 352 Vodenica "[abanaj", De~ani, Op{tina De~ani, 302
Church of Holy King Uro{, Municipality of Uro{evac, 283
Church of St Anne, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Orahovac, 132
Church of St Demetrius, Donja Bitinja, Municipality of De~anski metoh, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina Orahovac, 116
[trpce, 263
Church of St Demetrius, Vi~a, Municipality of [trpce, 278 K
Church of St Elias, Vrbe{tica, Municipality of [trpce, 280
Church of St Forty Martyrs of Sebaste, Drajkovci, Municipality of Kadri tekija, Prizren, Op{tina Prizren, 232
[trpce, 264 Kompleks Potkaqaja, Pantelija i Potok mahala,
Church of St George Runovi}s, Prizren, Municipality of Prizren, Op{tina Prizren, 348
Prizren, 226 Kompleks Hayi-Zekinog mlina, Pe}, Op{tina
Church of St George, Belica, Municipality of Istok, 92 Pe}, 336
Church of St George, Gornja Bitinja, Municipality of [trpce, 252 Konak sa vinicom manastira Marka Kori{kog, Velika
Church of St George, Gornje Selo, Municipality of Prizren, 189 Ho~a, Op{tina Orahovac, 139
Church of St George, Re~ane, Municipality of Suva Reka, 360 Kukli-begova yamija, Prizren, Op{tina Prizren, 235
Church of St Jeremiah, Gora`devac, Municipality of Pe}, 161 Kula Andrije Simi}a, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina
Church of St John the Baptist, Crkolez, Municipality of Istok, 87 Orahovac, 148
Church of St John, Leo~ina, Municipality of Srbica, 247 Kula Lazara Kujunyi}a, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina
Church of St John, [trpce, Municipality of [trpce, 277 Orahovac, 123
Church of St John, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Orahovac, 103 Kur{umli yamija, Pe}, Op{tina Pe}, 341
Church of St Luke, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Orahovac, 114 Ku}a Mire Proti}, Pe}, Op{tina Pe}, 337
Church of St Nicholas Rajkos, Prizren, Municipality of Ku}a sa vinicom Slobodana Mici}a, Velika Ho~a,
Prizren, 346 Op{tina Orahovac, 141
Church of St Nicholas Tuti}s, Prizren, Municipality of Ku}a sve{tenika Ilije Stoli}a, Velika Ho~a,
Prizren, 206 Op{tina Orahovac, 146
Church of St Nicholas, Banja Rudni~ka, Municipality of Ku}a Sta{i}a, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina Orahovac, 144
Srbica, 245 Ku}a Hayispasi}a, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina Orahovac, 120
Church of St Nicholas, Bogo{evci, Municipality of Prizren, 183
Church of St Nicholas, ^abi}i, Municipality of Klina, 311 M
Church of St Nicholas, Draj~i}i, Municipality of Prizren, 186 Manastir Vavedewa Bogorodice, Dolac, Op{tina
Church of St Nicholas, \urakovac, Municipality of Istok, 307 Klina, 317
Church of St Nicholas, Gotovu{a, Municipality of [trpce, 255 Manastir Gorio~, Istok, Op{tina Istok, 89
Church of St Nicholas, Kijevo, Municipality of Mali{evo, 323 Manastir Devi~, Srbica, Op{tina Srbica, 241
Church of St Nicholas, Ljubi`da, Municipality of Prizren, 343 Manastir De~ani, De~ani, Op{tina De~ani,63
Church of St Nicholas, Mle~ane, Municipality of Mali{evo, 325 Manastir Pe}ka patrijar{ija, Pe}, Op{tina Pe}, 166
Church of St Nicholas, Mu{nikovo, Municipality of Prizren, 194 Manastir Sv. arhan|ela, Gorwe Nerodimqe, Op{tina
Church of St Nicholas, Popovljane, Municipality of Uro{evac, 367
Suva Reka, 363 Manastir Sv. arhan|ela, Prizren, Op{tina Prizren, 213
Church of St Nicholas, Sevce, Municipality of [trpce, 274 Manastir Sv. vra~a Kuzmana i Damjana, Zo~i{te,
Church of St Nicholas, Sredska, Municipality of Prizren, 232 Op{tina Orahovac, 329
Church of St Nicholas, [trpce, Municipality of [trpce, 257 Manastir Sv. Petra i Pavla, Dobra Voda, Op{tina
Church of St Nicholas, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Klina, 313
Orahovac, 107 Manastir Sv. Trojice, Mu{uti{te, Op{tina Suva
Church of St Paraskeve, Berevci, Municipality of [trpce, 260 Reka, 358
Church of St Paraskeve, Drsnik, Municipality of Klina, 320 Mula Jusuf yamija, \akovica, Op{tina \akovica, 85
Church of St Paraskeve, Ja`ince, Municipality of [trpce, 271
Residential Tower Arifaj, Nivokaz, Municipality of Crkva Sv. Nikole, Gotovu{a, Op{tina [trpce, 255
\akovica, 84 Crkva Sv. Nikole, Draj~i}i, Op{tina Prizren, 186
Residential Tower Demukaj, De~ani, Municipality of Crkva Sv. Nikole, \urakovac, Op{tina Istok, 307
De~ani, 299 Crkva Sv. Nikole, Kijevo, Op{tina Mali{evo, 323
Residential Tower Gjikokaj, De~ani, Municipality of Crkva Sv. Nikole, Mle~ane, Op{tina Mali{evo, 325
De~ani, 301 Crkva Sv. Nikole, Mu{nikovo, Op{tina Prizren, 194
Residential Tower Pepshi, Junik, Municipality of De~ani, 77 Crkva Sv. Nikole, Popovqane, Op{tina Suva
Rexha Alija′s Residential Tower, De~ani, Municipality of Reka, 363
De~ani, 291 Crkva Sv. Nikole, Sevce, Op{tina [trpce, 274
Crkva Sv. Nikole, Sredska, Op{tina Prizren, 232
Crkva Sv. Nikole, ^abi}i, Op{tina Klina, 311
Sadik Shehu′s Residential Tower, Junik, Municipality of Crkva Sv. Nikole, [trpce, Op{tina [trpce, 257
De~ani, 297 Crkva Sv. Petke, Berevci, Op{tina [trpce, 260
Serai, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Orahovac, 152 Crkva Sv. Petke, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina
Shaban Curis Residential Tower, Gornji Streoc, Municipality of Orahovac, 135
De~ani, 293 Crkva Sv. Petke, Drsnik, Op{tina Klina, 320
Sinan-pashas Mosque, Prizren, Municipality of Prizren, 218 Crkva Sv. Petke, Ja`ince, Op{tina [trpce, 271
Crkva Sv. Petke, Qubi`da, Op{tina Prizren, 350
Sta{i}′s House, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Orahovac, 144
Crkva Sv. Spasa, Prizren, Op{tina Prizren, 209
T Crkva Sv. Stefana, Velika Ho~a, Op{tina
Orahovac, 135
Taba~ki Bridge, \akovica, Municipality of \akovica, 82 Crkva Sv. Teodora Tirona, Dowa Bitiwa, Op{tina
Tali}i Bridge, \akovica, Municipality of \akovica, 83 [trpce, 249
Tahir-bays Lodgings, Pe}, Municipality of Pe}, 180 Crkva Sv. ^etrdeset mu~enika, Drajkovci, Op{tina
Terzijski Bridge, \akovica, Municipality of \akovica, 81 [trpce, 264
Tomi}′s Residential Tower, Ko{, Municipality of Istok, 310 Crkva Uspewa Bogorodice, Gotovu{a, Op{tina
Tower of Andrija Simi}, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of [trpce, 268
Orahovac, 148 Crkva Uspewa Bogorodice, Orahovac, Op{tina
Tower of Lazar Kujund`i}, Velika Ho~a, Municipality of Orahovac, 128
Orahovac, 123
Turkish Bath, Prizren, Municipality of Prizren, 212 ^
The codes of cultural property are introduced for the purpose of this publication. They
are used in order to make the classification and systematization of the material easier.
Letters (A-L) designate the municipalities. Letters were assigned to the municipalities in
accordance with the alphabetical order.
A Dečani G Peć
B Đakovica H Prizren
C Istok I Srbica
D Klina J Suva Reka
E Mališevo K Štrpce
F Orahovac L Uroševac
The other part of the code consisting of Roman numerals I and III or the letter E,
designates the category – legal status of a monument according to the Law on Cultural
Property of the Republic of Serbia.
/I – extraordinary importance
/III - protected
/E – recognized heritage (nominated and to be protected by the law).
The third part of the code consisting of numbers 0.01-0.87 or 00.01-00.40 gives the
elementary information about the condition of a monument: -0. meaning preserved; -
00. meaning damaged/destroyed. The other part of this code designates the number
under which a monument can be found within a group.
Други део шифре означен римским бројевима I, III или словом Е, представља
категорију – правни статус споменика према важећем Закону о културним
добрима Републике Србије:
/I - изузетан значај
/III - заштићено
/E – евидентирано ( предложено и у процесу правне заштите).
Трећи део шифре исказан бројевима 0.01-0.87 или 00.01 – 00.40 даје основну
информацију о стању споменика: -0. очувано; -00. оштећено/срушено. Други део
бројне ознаке је редни број споменика у оквиру групе.
1. The chalice from Zočište, dim: h = 20, R of aperture = 19.7 cm, r of foot
stand= 15. Upper rim holds the note: ”На дар цркви Св. Дам. и Куз.
Прилаже Лука Тунић казанџија. 1. јула 1927 г. Призрен ”[“Gift to the
Church of St. Damjan and Kuzman. Donated by Luka Tunic, boilermaker,
July 1, 1927, Prizren”], the note on the foot stand ”Нацртао Благоје
Чемерикић казан. Призрен ” [Painted by boilermaker Blagoje
Cemerikic, Prizren]
Путир из Зочишта, дим: h = 20, R отвора = 19.7 cm, r стопе = 15. При
горњем рубу запис: ”На дар цркви Св. Дам. и Куз. Прилаже Лука
Тунић казанџија. 1. јула 1927 г. Призрен ”, на стопи запис: ”Нацртао
Благоје Чемерикић казан. Призрен ”
2. The icon “Crucifixion with the Virgin, St. Nicholas, St. arch. Michail and
St. Martyr Georgie”. Tempera on board, dim: 30 x 38.5 cm. The icon has
been moved from the Monastery Zočište after demolishing. On the back is
the inventory number: инв. Бр. 34-4/Зав. Приш.
9. The common Miney from the Monastery Zočište, dim: 32.5 x 32.1 cm.
1. The Throne Icon of Virgin with Jesus Christ, dim: 53 x 85 cm. Golden
Царске двери, сачувано једно крило. Дим: висина 120 cm, ширина
доле 18 cm, на средини 29 cm.
Исток, црква Св. Петра и Павла, икона Св. Ђорђа, дим: 52 x 41.5 x 2.5
60. Istok, Church of St. Peter and Paul, the Last Supper, reproduction on
canvas, dim: 97 x 68 cm.
Исток, црква Св. Петра и Павла, Распеће, дим: 138 x 52 x 2.5 cm.
Димензије крста 64 x 49 x 2.5, Иконе Богородице и Јована 47 x 21.5 cm.
67. Istok, Church of St. Peter and Paul, the Icon of St. Nicholas on the door
dim: 148 x 82 cm.
Исток, црква Св. Петра и Павла, Икона Св. Николе на дверима дим:
148 x 82 cm.
68. Istok, Church of St. Peter and Paul, the reproduction of the Icon of St.
Archangel Mihajlo, dim: 27 x 18.5 cm.
Orthodox Tradition
Islamic Tradition