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F R I D A Y , M A Y 2 0 #  ) ' ( -  ›  E l  ( '


Paro DT to seek
clarification on
tenure of local leaders
In doing so, the DT will write to
Parliament, ECB and DLG
Kinga Dema | Paro

Given inconsistencies in the Acts, Paro

Dzongkhag Tshogdu (DT) will seek
clarification from Parliament, Election
Commission of Bhutan and the Depart-
ment of Local Government (DLG) on the
confusion over local government election
related issues.
The DT yesterday decided to seek
clarification on whether local leaders
are allowed to re-contest while still in
office. The tshogdu will also enquire if
local leaders will have to complete the
five-year term.
Clarification on whether local leaders
would be entitled to their benefits should
Beans from Punakha have replaced imported ones at the Centenary Farmers Market in Thimphu
they resign before their term expires will
following a temporary ban placed on some imported vegetables
also be sought.
Import of cauliflowers BUSINESS
» Banks see subdued
to get internal
and beans suspended growth in credit
| PG.5

Unacceptable levels of pesticide residues have been found on imported

road connection cauliflowers, beans and chillies Weather
Currently, getting to the dungkhag Tshering Palden and Rajesh Rai “Following the recent positive test
results confirmed through use of the test Thimphu
requires travel through Assam
The agriculture and forests ministry has kits for imported fruits and vegetables, Max Min
Yangchen C Rinzin | Jomotsangkha asked the Bhutan Agriculture and Food the samples of selected 10 imported 25 11
Regulatory Authority (BAFRA) to place fruits and vegetables have been tested
In a surprise move that brought relief to a temporary ban on the import of beans in three reference food laboratories in
residents of Jomotsangkha, Prime Minis- and cauliflowers last week. India and Thailand,” a press release from
ter Tshering Tobgay inaugurated a 54km The ministry also asked BAFRA to the ministry said. Max Min
gewog connectivity road on May 16 that introduce an import permit system to The samples were tested against four 26 13
will connect the dungkhag to the rest of streamline and monitor the import of major groups of pesticides.
Samdrupjongkhar. fruits and vegetables. “As per the laboratory report, the
Currently, travelling to Jomotsangkha The order was issued based on the pesticide residues detected in chillies,
requires passing through Assam. Jomot- outcome of laboratory tests conducted beans and cauliflowers are above the
sangkha, earlier known as Daifarm, is a by BAFRA and the findings of a task- maximum residue limits (MRLs) for
190km trip from Samdrupjongkhar via force. Test results of vegetable samples human consumption,”
Assam. showed pesticide residues beyond per- Pg.3
Pg.2 missible limits.
PAGE 2 Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL

Jomotsangkha to get internal road connection

From Pg.1 tance of the road, Lyonchen walk more than five hours to Sam- needs of the gewogs. However, blacktopping of the
The inauguration of the during his visit to Langchenphug rang through thick forests during The farm road was approved farm road will not happen soon
gewog connectivity road comes gewog on May 16 pointed out that emergencies and if there is a strike only after it was proposed several because it will be completed only
after the initial plan to construct because of security reasons the that closes the Assam highway. times in the dzongkhag tshogdu by the 12FYP.
a national highway to the two highway could not be construct- “It’s been ages that we’ve and to the government. Lyonchen assured that
dungkhags was deferred owing ed. However, he said that is why a been requesting for the highway “But during the visit of the construction of the road would
to security reasons. The news of farm road will be constructed to to anyone who visited the dung- works and human settlement begin in about two months from
the deferment had disappointed reduce the connectivity problems khag, but it never came through minister Dorji Choden, she in- Rongchuthang village while from
many who were looking forward being faced by the people. and today’s inauguration was re- formed that a farm road would the other side, it will begin from
to the highway, which would have Nima, 50, from Jampani ally good news for us,” he said. He be constructed after it was found Samrang gewog. Construction
connected the area with the rest said whenever there are strikes added that it might be easier to that travelling on the Assam high- will take place in three different
of the dzongkhag. in Assam, the dungkhag is com- bring in goods like electronics as way was difficult,” the gup said. phases.
The new gewog road will pletely cut off from the dzong- these could have been subjected “Without the internal road it not “We’ll construct the farm
connect Langchenphu gewog khag, sometimes for days. He also to harassment requiring bribes only affected the people but also road in the first phase, put the
in Jomotsangkha and Samrang said there are concerns about to be paid.’ the implementation of devel- base course in the second phase
gewog in Samdrupcholing. security when travelling through Langchenphu Gup Lhadrup opmental activities since every and blacktop in the third phase in
The road will also benefit the Assam. Dorji said after the highway was material had to come using the the 12FYP,” Lyonchoen said. “And
Serthi and Lauri gewogs, the re- “The road will not only short- cancelled they requested if all the Assam highway.” once completed you can use the
motest gewogs in the dzongkhag. en the distance but also enable seven gewogs in two dungkhags The gup also added this road road but the responsibility lies in
This will mean people can travel to other parts of the eastern could come up with the farm road would also improve security the people’s hand to take care of
travel to Samdrupjongkhar at region and to visit the hospital using the Gewog Development along the forest and save the en- the road and communities should
anytime. Many said the internal anytime,” he said. “There is noth- Grant (GDG) budget, but it was vironment because illegal felling come together to maintain the
road would eliminate the ardu- ing like travelling inside our own found not feasible since the GDG of trees for firewood takes place road.”
ous journey required via the internal roads when it comes to budget was important for other and monitoring is a challenge.
Assam highway. safety and security.”
Understanding the impor- Today, villagers sometimes
Paro DT to seek clarification...
Crime From Pg. 1 procedures are unclear,” he said. Citing his own case, he said he

Three arrested for rape

DT chairman, Lamgong With elections nearing, was elected in 2013 after the
Gup Phub Tshering said the local Gyem Tshering said that proper former mangmi resigned.
leaders had their own interpreta- information would benefit all the “What happens in my case,
Staff reporter the incident occurred when tion of the Acts. Some of them are aspiring candidates. do I get to continue my term or
the woman was returning from of the opinion that they should Explaining the procedure, does my term complete with the
Three men from Silli village in Taksha to Silli village. resign a month early. Others the dzongkhag electoral officer dissolution of the LG?” he asked.
Daga gewog, Wangdue have The mother of five came believe they should resign two said that he had informed the The dzongkhag election of-
been arrested for allegedly home crying and told her hus- months before completing their officials in Thimphu including ficer clarified that his term com-
raping a 42-year-old woman band about the incident. term. the commissioners on the issue. pletes with the dissolution of the
on the night of May 16. The case is under investi- “If the local leaders resign While he agreed that it was local government.
Local sources said the gation. before their term, it could also an issue of lack of clarity of laws, Inconsistencies in the Con-
three were all in their 20s, and mean refunding the election ex- he said elections would be con- stitution, LG and election Acts
penditure as DLG indicated in ducted as per the LG Act 2014 has led to confusion among the
INVITATION OF SEALED QUOTATION the past,” he said. Local leaders which states that elected local local leaders across the country.
resigning for reasons not cited leaders are supposed to con- Article 22, section 21, of the Con-
CABINET SECRETARIAT in the Local Government (LG) vene their respective first sitting stitution prescribes that a local
Act before their term could also within 30 days after the declara- government will continue for five
Gyalyong Tshogkhang contravene the existing Act. tion of election results. years unless dissolved prema-
Gup Phub Tshering said that “Those who wish to re-con- turely. The election Act, however,
Cabinet Secretariat is pleased to invite sealed bids even if the upcoming election is test have to resign after the ECB states that a Local Government
from the interested and eligible national fi rms and conducted based on the LG Act issues the notification calling should be reconstituted on the
suppliers having valid trade licence for the following which states that elected local elections,” he said, reading out date of expiry.
supplies, Financial Year 2016-2017. leaders are supposed to con- ECB’s May 16 notification. In such a case, should a
1. Supply of office stationery vene their respective first sitting Paro Dzongrab Kinley dispute arise given such incon-
2. Printing work within 30 days after the declara- Gyeltshen said resignation pro- sistencies, the provisions of the
3. Books tion of election results, it was still cedures were clearly stated in the Constitution will prevail. Any
4. Servicing of office equipment (Electronic) confusing. LG Act. He said the tshogpa and provision of a law that is incon-
5. Vehicle spare parts and maintenance For instance, he said for mangmis submit their resigna- sistent with the Constitution is
6. Tyres and tubes Lamgong gewog the first sitting tion to their gups while the gups null and void.
7. Catering services of the geowg tshogde was held in submit their resignation to the The LG entitlement Act
8. Workshops and seminar September 2011. “Similarly, the DT chairman. Should the DT states that a member retiring on
Complete set of bidding documents with detailed first sitting dates differ for every chairman resign, he submits his completion of his or her term of
specification/terms and conditions can be downloaded gewog,” he said. resignation to the deputy chair- office shall be entitled to gratu-
from the Cabinet Secretariat website.www.cabinet. Lamgong Mangmi Gyem man. ity. However, no gratuity shall
gov.bt w.e.f May 19, 2016 till June 20, 2016 (11:00 Tshering said lack of clarity on “With regard to benefits, the be payable if a member retires
am) and will be opened on the same day at 2:30 pm. the procedures has left many DLG should be consulted,” he before the completion of his or
Please contact Procurement Section 336667 (Ext- local leaders vying for a second said. her term or if his or her service is
133) for detail enquiry during office hours. term clueless. Naja gewog’s mangmi high- terminated, it states.
Director “Should incumbent mem- lighted the issue of local leaders
bers re-contest, the resignation elected through bye-elections.
Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL


Australian, UK visa application centre opens in Thimphu

Tenzin Namgyel for biometrics, logistics and cou-
rier charges.
Bhutanese will no longer have For the UK, the charges
to go to New Delhi in India to range from Nu 3,150 to 17,010
process Australian and UK visas depending on the duration of
as it is now available from a Visa stay. If the purpose is for settle-
Application Centre in Thimphu, ment it would cost more than Nu
that was launched yesterday. 200,000.
The Australian Ambassador Besides reducing the finan-
to Bhutan, Harinder Sidhu, and cial burden the centre could
the Honorary Consul for the UK prevent Bhutanese from falling
in Bhutan, Michael Rutland, victim to agents, which operate
formally opened Etho Metho illegally.
Visa Application Centre, which One such agency operated
is located below the cinema hall jointly by a Bhutanese national Australian Ambassador to Bhutan, Harinder Sidhu opens the visa centre
on Norzin Lam. and an Indian national collected
Earlier Bhutanese travelled more than Ngultrum nine mil- prove access for applicants from nese students to Australia, who cation centre will make it much
to New Delhi to apply for a visa lion from 20 Bhutanese and Bhutan seeking to visit Australia return to make an important and easier for Bhutanese visitors to
for either country as other re- provided them with visas, which for study, work or leisure. influential contribution to their get their visas and I hope it will
quirements such as biometric were later found to be fake. “Australia and Bhutan are homeland.” encourage more visitors to come
information is required. The Australian Ambassador long-time friends and we are Currently there are around to the UK,” he said.
The opening of the centre is to Bhutan, Harinder Sidhu, said pleased to have been able to 1,200 to 1,400 Bhutanese in Aus- “Their Royal Highnesses
expected to reduce expenses in- as the centre is authorised to re- make a major contribution by tralia. thoroughly enjoyed their visit
curred in obtaining the visa and ceive applications for Australian assisting Bhutan’s development The centre is a joint venture to this beautiful country and
hassles faced. visas it is a legitimate place to over many years. Education is between Australia, UK Visas and were overwhelmed by the
Earlier, both civil servants submit their applications. the backbone of this connec- Immigration and VFS Global, warm welcome they received.
and private individuals spent at “As the centre has stand- tion,” she said. their commercial partner. I am sure that Bhutanese visi-
least Nu 60,000 to travel to India ard approval from the Austral- “We are very fortunate in the In a joint press release the tors coming to the UK will also
on airfare, food, lodging and ian government so we would Australia-Bhutan relationship British High Commissioner receive a warm welcome and
other travel expenses. For civil encourage people to go there,” even though the two countries to India, Sir Dominic Asquith have a fantastic time exploring
servants, the government had Hariner Sidhu said. She also said are very distinct. We are joined KCMG said: “I was delighted to our country.”
to provide a daily sustenance the new facility will help stream- by enormous goodwill. Austral- announce the opening of the The centre also deals with
allowance and travel allowance. line the visa process for those ians highly value and respect UK’s first Visa Application Cen- Schengen visas for Germany,
Now with the centre, a Bhu- students and others planning to Bhutanese and we welcome tre during the successful visit of Austria, Switzerland, Denmark
tanese will get an Australian visa visit Australia. Bhutanese to Australia,” the Aus- the Duke and Duchess of Cam- and Sweden.
for Nu 34,380 of which Nu 27,100 Sidhu said she was pleased tralian ambassador said. bridge to Bhutan last month.”
is the visa charge and Nu 7,280 that the new centre would im- “We welcome many Bhuta- He added: “This new appli-

Import of cauliflowers and beans suspended

From Pg.1 non-Bhutanese vendors have fetched from Falakatta in India, cally dropped in the stalls these would be issued.
agriculture minister Yeshey Dorji stopped selling beans and cauli- some 60km away from Jaigaon. days, vegetable vendors pointed Vendors will also have to
said yesterday. flower. It has been about five days Since cauliflowers and beans are out to this paper. bring in the requested or specified
The agriculture ministry has since they stopped selling the two prone to pests from early stages, Non-Bhutanese vegetable amount and the types of vegeta-
been carrying out regular sur- vegetables. growers use carbide to kill the vendors were also worried about bles that they receive a permit for.
veillance of pesticide residues in On the other hand, BAFRA pests. the permit system that BAFRA has Given the fluctuation in demand
fruits and vegetables through use officials are inspecting the veg- One non-Bhutanese vendor put in place recently. According from the people, non-Bhutanese
of test kits and laboratory testing etable market in Phuentsholing said that produces were gathered to them, vendors now have to vendors worry that the system
to ensure food safety. twice a day. in huge masses and carbide gas provide details of the volume of may affect their sales.
“To address the issue of high One non-Bhutanese ven- was used to kill pests. vegetables and types they plan to
contents of pesticide residues dor said that BAFRA officials Meanwhile, sales have drasti- import, following which permits
confirmed through laboratory must also consider checking
testing, the ministry immediately Bhutanese who may buy these
formed a technical task-force to vegetables from the border town
study the report submitted by of Jaigaon. At present only local
BAFRA and propose possible beans and cauliflowers are avail-
remedial measures,” Lyonpo able in the vegetable market in
Yeshey Dorji said. town. State Mining Corporation Limited would like to re-announce the position of
The ministry discussed and “BAFRA must also monitor Geologist. Interested candidates who meet the required eligibility criteria are invited
created awareness amongst pesticide residue in mangoes,” to apply for the said post to the General Manager, HRAD, SMCL.
wholesale importers and vendors one vendor, requesting anonym- The last date for submission of application shall be on June 10, 2016 before 1700
on the issue of high contents of ity, said. “Mangoes during this hours.
pesticide residues in chillies, time could have high chemical For further information on documents required, please refer at www.smcl.bt or
beans and cauliflowers, he said. content.” contact General Manager, HRAD at 05-365883/17665626.
Meanwhile, vegetable ven- Vegetables and fruits that
General Manager
dors in Phuentsholing, especially people in the country import are
PAGE 4 KUENSEL | Friday, May 20, 2016

Need to iron
things out

s local government elec-
tions approach, local lead-
ers are faced with a dilem-
ma, a quandary that needs
to be solved as quickly as
we can. Blaming each other will not do
anyone any good. What is vitally necessary
is that the offices that are involved should
have the courage to iron out creases in the
We could have missed to see conflicts
Plastic protection: One may decry its preponderance but one can’t deny its
when we drafted rules and regulations. usefulness. Photo by Choidup Zangpo, ICS, MoAF
But it is now incumbent on us to straighten
things out. ‘Going by the rules’ will create
more complications than solve the prob-
lems. MY SAY
The serving local leaders who wish to
contest again are left largely baffled. And
they are told that governing laws must be
respected. Most of the gups, mangmis and
tshogpas complete their term only by the
Recycling plastic waste
end of July. Sir, fuels like Diesel oil, carbon water bottles because of
It has been long Bhutan has black, and hydrocarbon gas. the following reasons: The
The Section 21 of Article 22 of the Con-
been considering plastic as Diesel fuel made from the majority of the water bottles
stitution says that Dzongkhag Tshogdu, unhygienic waste. But now, it thermal cracking of plastic is are made of plastic type # 1
Gewog Tshogde and Thromde Tshogde, is increasingly becoming an more susceptible to oxidation found in the recycling trian-
unless sooner dissolved, shall continue for important resource because and polymerization than re- gle at the bottom of all plas-
five years from the date of the first sitting of the numerous products finery made diesel fuels. tics or PET. These types of
of the respective bodies. But the Election like plastic molded products, Moreover, plastic be plastic are intended for single
plastic extruded products, used in food packaging. use purposes only because
Act says that local governments should be
electrical plastic products, Plastic keeps the food fresh after multiple uses plastic
reconstituted on the date of expiry. medical plastic products and by protecting it from air and will leach into the water they
But then, should the local leaders resign plastic office products. preventing dry foods from contain.
before they complete their term, they must We must now grab the absorbing moisture. It also I would like to suggest
forego their entitlements. A member retir- idea of plastic mold use for has the advantage of being that special care and best
ing before completion of his or her term in the production of windows transparent and has been management practices of
and doors that are lighter and used for packaging early as plastic usage be worked out.
the office will not be entitled to gratuity.
best for such usage in the 1924.But then, we also need Presently, National Envi-
The real danger is with the possibility long run. It can be designed to weigh drawbacks and ronmental Commission is
of people undermining the Laws. Well, it to provide an aesthetically precautionary measures just applying their stringent
is as if nothing of this sort happened in the pleasing and functional so- must be taken. For example, norms that are drawn from
past. The former thrompons and tshogpas lution to the problem of plastic food wraps cannot the other countries.
of Thimphu, Phuentsholing and Gelephu creating light and visibility be reused and the other A system has to be devel-
through doors and walls. We concern is the possibility that oped for the better manage-
resigned a month before the completion of
can make the plastic win- exposure to contain plasticiz- ment and collection of the
their term. Some lawmakers even called it dows and doors incredibly ers in plastic wrap could be plastic waste and enforce
unconstitutional. easy to install. harmful. These chemicals are penalties for the default-
What such confusions could have us in UPVC doors and win- absorbed from plastic wrap ers. Appreciation or reward
the end is that we will not have the right dows are totally customizable into hot and fatty foods. Plas- system for the best collection
candidates vying for the posts. In any form according to your sizes and ticizers have been proven to systems could work wonders.
style, like you can ask for the cause cancer when fed large
of government, that is a rueful thing to
number of eyes and tracks. amounts to lab animals. Tshering,
happen. Plastic waste could also be It is important that we Thimphu
Laws are clear and right individually, converted into industrial must avoid using plastic
but the mess is made by the conflicts that
occur when many Laws come in together.
It is imperative that we remove the creases Send your letters and pictures to
in the laws and make them respectable. editor@kuensel.com.bt
Letters will be edited for space and clarity
MANAGING DIRECTOR - Bachu Phub Dorji, EDITOR IN-CHARGE - Gyalsten K Dorji,
Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 5


Banks see subdued growth in credit

Tshering Dorji from interest while non-interest scrutinised. This was to ensure blocking the fund, which oth- loans and advances. The banks
income grew by Nu 39M. that banks lend responsibly. erwise could be loaned out. credit, unlike other banks has
Despite the gaining momentum T-bank has also witnessed Another banker said that Bhutan National Bank, on increased by 13 percent and
of economic activities, most its credit grow by less than a per- revision in cash reserve ratio the other hand was able to fetch deposits grew by about 10 per-
commercial banks in the coun- cent and deposits kept increas- (CRR) and higher requirement Nu 21.87B as deposits while it cent. It earned a net profit of Nu
try saw slow growth in credit ing by more than 11 percent. of capital adequacy ratio is had booked Nu 19.57B for 785M.
and rising cost of deposits. The bank recorded a meager in-
For banks, deposits are crease in profit from Nu 36.02M
considered liability since it has in 2014 to Nu 36.76M last year. SAARC
to payout interests. This means On the other hand, Bank of
that funds lying idle with the
banks could hurt them. So they
Bhutan saw its deposit decline
from Nu 33.3B in 2014 to 32.1B SDF keen to stimulate development
in the region
lend out a certain portion of the last year. However, its credit
money at a higher interest. grew from Nu 20.8B to Nu 22.6B.
Last year, the Druk PNB This was again due to more than
disbursed a credit of Nu 4.45 Nu 1B growth in loans and ad- A consortium of funding agencies are being developed to mobilise large scale fund
billion (B) against a deposit of vances to other banks, the inter-
Nu 6.89B. However, its deposit est rates of which is lower than Tshering Dorji cooperation with the World would enjoy the benefits
has grown by around 20 percent normal lending rates. Bank and UNDP. through SDF. For instance,
compared with 2014 and credit The Bank consequently wit- The SAARC Development (Dr) Sunil Motiwal said the SDF is in talks with AIIB to
has only grown by around 13 nessed its profit decline from Nu Fund (SDF) is preparing to MoU with ADB will allow the enhance ICT connection in
percent. 813 to Nu 795 last year. assume a greater leadership two agencies to collaborate the region. Should this come
The bank, however, man- Some bankers attributed role to take the regional inte- and jointly fund the projects about, Bhutan will benefit with
aged to earn a profit of Nu 128.9 the subdued credit growth to gration among member states in the region. Talks are being improved connection.
million (M), about 29 percent the new guidelines on various to a new horizon. held to enhance regional con- SDF recently signed an
up from 2014. “Credit grew by loans. Although the loan restric- The SDF is consider- nectivity in transport sector. MoU with Small Industries
very little margin,” Druk PNB’s tions were lifted in the last quar- ing forming a consortium of The SDF, he said, is looking Development Bank of India
CEO Mukesh Dave said. ter of 2014, a banker said debt funding agencies to facilitate forward to co-finance the (SIDBI) to strengthen the
He attributed the increase to equity ratio for consumer, strategic growth in the region. BBIN once the Parliament micro small medium enter-
in profit to the non-interest housing and vehicle loans were With a fund of USD 500 ratifies it. prises (MSME) in the SAARC
income such as issue of bank revised through the central million, SDF was not in a posi- Kholongchu Hydropower region. The plan, (Dr) Sunil
guarantee, ATM transaction bank’s guideline. This means tion to finance projects of huge Project is also being consid- Motiwal said, is to gradually
charges and remittance charg- that owner or loan proponent magnitude. ered for co-financing under its convert SDF into a bank and
es. This subsequently resulted has to put in more equity and Chief executive officer economic and infrastructure venture into capital market.
in small increase in income repayment source is thoroughly of SDF (Dr) Sunil Motiwal, funding window. This, how- This will elevate the SDF’s
said: “Now we will be able to ever, will be decided during capital base, which in turn will
mobilise fund for large scale its board meeting next month. help mobilise larger resources.
Notice iNvitiNg projects.” (Dr) Sunil Motiwal said SDF has three funding
One such initiative for co- that until now, SDF could windows for implementing
Sealed QuotatioN financing materialised yester- only provide grants for social projects in the region. The
Royal uNiveRSity of BhutaN day with signing a memoran- funding window. Now on- charter mandates the involve-
dum of understanding (MoU) wards, SDF will co-finance the ment of at least three countries
College of Natural Resources, Lobesa with the Asian Development projects in its social window in the social window. In the
CNR/Acc-07/2015-2016/318 Bank (ADB). through both grant and loan. economic and infrastructure
SDF is also working to col- In the economic and infra- window, at least two countries
Sealed rates are invited from the eligible Bhutanese
laborate with Asian Infrastruc- structure window, SDF will have to be involved.
suppliers for the supply of following items:
ture Bank (AIIB), New Devel- provide long-term soft loans. There are also country-
1. Stationery opment Bank and European Although Bhutan is not a specific programmes like
2. Feeds Investment Bank, among oth- member of AIIB, (Dr) Sunil MSME and social enterprise
3. Maintenance items ers. It has already established Motiwal said the country development.
4. Extension kits
5. Chadi items
6. Games and sports items Notice iNvitiNg Re-teNdeR
7. Laboratory equipment & chemical items
8. Electrical items MiNiStRy of laBouR aNd huMaN ReSouRceS
9. Plumbing items MoLHR/ADM-19/15-16/2704
10. Computer peripherals
11. Furniture The Ministry of Labour and Human Resources would like to invite sealed re-tender
12. Vehicle spare parts from eligible & qualified bidders for the supply of Reference books for Labour Market
13. Air ticketing Information and Research Division.
Last date for tender submission: 20/6/2016 before Sealed tenders should reach this office on or before 11:00 AM of June 2, 2016 and
10:00 am will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM. The complete set of bidding documents
The tender documents can be collected from Finance can be downloaded from www.molhr.gov.bt free of cost.
Section w.e.f 21/5/2016 till 19/6/2016. For further information, contact Procurement Section at 02-333867 (Extn. 2027).
Director General Head, AFD
PAGE 6 Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL

Bhutan power corporation limited
(Registered Office, Thimphu)
Transmission Department, Transmission Maintenance Division, olakha

The is to notify all our valued customers that Bhutan Power Corporation Ltd shall be taking shutdown on the following feeder as detailed below:
Sl.# Name of feeder Date and time Reason Remarks
1 66kV Chumdo- Paro feeder 21/05/2016 and 22/05/2016 08:30- 17:00 hrs (On daily returnable basis) For annual maintenance
There will be interruption of Power in Paro town, Gangtey, Taju, Khangku, Damtsephu, Airport, Nemizampa, PCE, Uma, Changnangka,
Changdungkar, Changjangtona, Bonday, Shaba gewog, Luni gewog, Hospital area, Geptey area, Olathang area, Gorina, Kila Gompa, Nemjo area,
Kitchu area, Lamgong area. However, TMD, BPC, Olakha shall make every efforts to normalize the feeder as early as possible.
Inconvenience caused is highly regretted.
Divisional Manager

short-list announcement Vacancy announcement

state mining corporation ministry of agriculture and forests
limited Department of Livestock
The State Mining Corporation Limited is pleased to Regional Poultry Breeding Centre, Paro
announce that the short-listing of candidates for the 3(6)RPBC/GEN/2015-2016/337
post of Personal Secretary to Chief Executive
Regional Poultry Breeding Centre, Paro would like to announce vacancy for the
Officer has been completed. The shortlisted
post of one Night Guard and five farm attendant (Elementary Service Personnel).
candidates are required to attend written test on
Interested candidates may apply to the Farm Manager, RPBC, Paro latest by June 3,
June 4, 2016 at 11.30am, SMCL Conference Hall,
2016 fulfilling the criteria mentioned below:
Gurung Basti, Samtse.
The date, time and venue for the selection interview 1. Application (mention contact no.) 2. Applicants should be Bhutanese national
will be informed only to those candidates who passed 3. Aged between 18-40 years old 4. Medical fitness certificate
the written test. 5. Security clearance certificate 6. Citizen ID card copy
7. Employment application form (Annexure 4/1)
For further information and shortlisted list please
8. If employed NOC from parent organization
log on to SMCL website : www.smcl.bt or contact
General Manager, HRA at 365885/365886 during For further information please contact: 08-271224 or E-mail: rpbcparo11@gmail.
business hours. com during office hours.
General Manager Farm Manager

available at Damchu cardamom orchard Pasakha. VTI electrical, Resources. Contact
(near the new bridge). 12.28 acres (Argaylee sales person with tally. 17435162 or log into:
Sale: Tucson, petrol Contact 17613708. Baban) at Kuchin, Contact 17110308. blimglobal.com
‘10 end model, thirty Tendu Gewog. Contact
thousand km, price Nu. Sale: Empty space Lost: Class twelve pass
10,50,000. Contact at Olakha Workshop. certificate of Tshering
17116435. Contact 77271879. Sale: Land at Announcement: Choden bearing index:
Phuentsholing near High quality shuttering B/8202/057, year 2005,
Required: We are Sale: Salon at sunday plywood and doors
interested to purchase RIGSS Centre. Contact Drugyal HSS. Please
market, immediately. besides, normal plywood
2 nos tipper. Contact 17600234. contact 17140044.
Contact 17603445. and block boards.
77105607/16929385. Sale: 19 decimal at Available with Bhutan
Rent: Space for
Sale: Tucson ‘04, petrol, Namseling and 23 Ply, Phuentsholing at
showroom/office near nu. per units of foreign currency

engine @ seven lakhs. decimal at Bajo town very reasonable price. as of yesterday
DNP office. Contact
Contact 17608649. (second phase). Contact Contact 17625657. notes
77278121. Buy Sell
Sale: Modified Vigo Sale: 2 storeyed (2 Announcement: US $ 65.95 68.10
Hilux ‘12. Contact unit) house on a 5 Six months courses in PoUnD 95.05 97.70
17605822. decimal below Paro house keeping, cook, EURo 74.30 76.35
Vacancy: Immediate front office, food and
hospital. Contact YEn (100) 60.25 61.95
appointment of an beverages with free food,
17736711. HK $ 8.50 8.75
Rent: Fully furnished experienced accountant lodge and stipend. Class AUS $ 48.00 49.30
apartment at Upper with tally background. nine/ ten/twelve fail or Sing $ 47.85 49.25
Motithang @ 30,000. Contact 17632961. pass may apply. Courses
Contact 17783006. Sale: 62 decimal land Courtesy BnB
with a shop, permanent Vacancy: Factory approved by Ministry
Rent: Restaurant space structure, tendu, workers 6 numbers at of Labour & Human
Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL

Hist ry LIFE and WORKS

isdom wise
Jamgon Ngawang Gyeltshen

Tricks and treachery s the conflict now worsened in the Lingzhi region, Ngawang Rabten was
are the practice of fools, immediately summoned back from Bumthang. His superior leadership
that don't have brains during the battle in Bumthang had earned him a great reputation. The
enough to be honest. Desi expressed his extreme appreciation and gratitude to Ngawang
Rabten for bringing peace to the central region, and instructed him to
A WORD a day Benjamin Franklin
now go to Lingzhi and confront the invaders there. It was hoped that he would be
Poised. able to do better in the fight than the previous commander. Th e Desi promised
to repay him later as a sign of gratitude, and we find that when Ngawang Rabten
adj. 1. Having a self-assured manner; 2. Having a
returned from Lingzhi the post of State Minister (nang blon) was bestowed upon
graceful and elegant bearing.
Not every day you saw that poised, competent kid
Fungi of Bhutan Daily Living
Bjishi ruru Good and Evil
On cloud nine

Scientific name:
Lyophyllum aggregatum
Remaining silent in the face of injustice is the same as
t *TFEJCMF supporting it.

• མིག་ཤེལ། Eye glass

Tech Tricks
Photoshop CS3 • མིག་རྫིམ། Eye lash
Layer Locking Options • མིག་པགས། Eye lid
How to play Click the checkered square icon to lock

Fill in the grid so that

Transparency; click the brush icon to lock
the Image; click the arrow icon to lock
• མིག་སྨྱུག། Eye liner
every row, every col- the Position; click the lock icon to lock all
umn, and every 3 X 3 options. • མིག་སྨན། Eye ointment
box contains the num-
bers 1 through 9.
To be continued...

Recycle newspaper

here are 63 million newspapers
printed each day in the U.S. Of these,
44 million, or about 69%, of them will
be thrown away. Recycling just the
Sunday papers would save more than
half a million trees every week.
PAGE 8 Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL


cORPORATION OF BhuTAN Kurichhu Hydropower Plant, Gyelpozhing, Mongar
LImITed DGPC/KHP/ADM/28/2016/413

RICB/HO/IT/2016/4481 This is to inform the general public that with the onset of monsoon, the gates for
The Royal Insurance Corporation of Bhutan Limited the diversion dam of Kurichhu Hydropower Plant (KHP) on Kurichhu river shall
invites sealed proposals from registered and relevant be operated to discharge excess water downstream of the dam. There shall also
consulting fi rms for Submission of Proposals for be release of water from the dam gates when the machines are shutdown for the
Consultancy Services for Development of: periodic inspection or during grid failure.
r *$50QFSBUJPOT.BOVBM1SPDFEVSFT Therefore, to avoid any untoward accident to people and domestic animals,
r *OGPSNBUJPO4FDVSJUZ1PMJDZ the general public is requested to refrain from going near or along the riverbanks
downstream of KHP dam. Kurichhu Hydropower Plant or Druk Green Power
The Terms of reference documents can be obtained Corporation Limited shall not be held responsible for any mishaps arising from non-
from IT Division, Head Office, Thimphu XFG.BZ compliance to this notification.
   or can be requested at JDU@PGàDFS!SJDC
DPNCU during office hours. -Sd-
Superintending Engineer, KHP
The last date for submission of proposals is +VOF 
 CFGPSF  ". (BST). Any late proposals
submitted thereafter shall not be entertained. The NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL
proposals will be opened at /PPO on the same
day. For clarifications, interested bidders may contact PuBLIc ANNOuNcemeNT
IT Division, Head Office, Thimphu.


ThImPhu INSTITuTe FOR ZORIG The management of NRDCL is pleased to inform all our valued customers
that NRDCL has around   DGUT of Oak timber (log and sawn form) for
chuSum immediate sale from its depot at Ramtokto, Wang Region. These timbers are
(Traditional Arts and Crafts) air seasoned and transported from Lhonchu depot in Haa.
NIZC/ADM-23/2015-16/789 Interested customers may contact Wang Region or Business Development &
National Institute for Zorig Chusum invites application Marketing Division, Thimphu at &YU
from Bhutanese National for recruitment of DPPL TMPU). &YU

The application should be submitted along with Management
following documents to the Principal’s Office, National NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL NRDCL
Institute for Zorig Chusum, Kawangjangsa, Thimphu
latest by 
1. Security clearance 2. CID card copy NOTIce INVITING TeNdeR
3. Medical certificate
4. NOC from parent organization (in case employed) mINISTRy OF wORkS & humAN SeTTLemeNT
5. Attach if any certificate 6. Age limit 25-50
Department of Roads, Regional Office, Samdrup jongkhar
The shortlisted candidates will be announced in the
institute website XXXOJ[DHPWCU. For further
details please contact telephone no. 322302 during 1. Regional Office, DoR, Samdrup Jongkhar now invites sealed bids from eligible
office hours. and qualified bidders for the following works.
Principal a. Hiring of machinery & equipment for FY 2016-2017
b. Supply of hardware items for FY 2016-2017.
c. Supply of office stationery for FY 2016-2017
NOTIce INVITING QuOTATION d. Supply of local construction materials for FY 2016-2017.
BhuTAN cOuNcIL FOR 2. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding procedures
specified in the RGoB Procurement Manual 2009.
3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the office of the
ASSeSSmeNT Chief Engineer, Regional Office, DoR, Samdrup Jongkhar during office hours at
BCSEA/AFS/Advertisment-(5)/2014-2015/9462 Tel. No.PS
Bhutan Council for School Examinations and 4. A complete set of bidding documents in English can be downloaded from www.
Assessment would like to invite the eligible license NPXITHPWCU form .BZ .
holders/bidders for the supply of computers and
5. Bids must be delivered to the address below at or before BN on +VOF 
peripheral items.
. Late bids shall be rejected. Bids will be opened physically in the presence of
Interested bidders may kindly visit XXXCDTFBCU the bidder’s representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below
for further details. For further information you may atBN on the same day.
contact the following number during office hours.
6. The bid security must be in the form of demand draft/cash warrant/bank
1. 02-322724 guarantee drawn in the favour of Chief Engineer, Regional Office, DoR, Samdrup
2. 17747814 Jongkhar.
Administration & Finance Section
BCSEA Chief Engineer
DZONGKHAG Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 9


Zhemgang’s un-utilised
vegetable market sheds
13 years have gone by since its construction
Nima Wangdi | Zhemgang They said farmers did not have
time to wait in the shed to sell
It has been about 13 years their produce and preferred
since Zhemgang’s Sunday selling the vegetables in bulk
vegetable market sheds has re- to the shopkeepers in the
mained unutilised with none town.
of the farmers bringing their Assistant dzongkhag agri-
farm produce there. culture officer Jambay Ugyen
Constructed in 2003 under said people did not grow many
the East Central Region Agri- vegetables and most of what
cultural Development Project they grew went to the insti-
aimed at socio-economic tutes and schools.
development by increasing He said there were not
income for farmers, about Nu many people buying vegetable
2.4 million was spent on the in the town. “Given the high
construction of the six sheds. cost of locally grown vegeta-
The dzongkhag agriculture bles, it could not compete with
sector attempted to reinstate imported vegetables,” he said.
the Sunday vegetable market However, Jambay Ugyen
in November 2014. However, it said that the shed would not The sheds were constructed at a cost of Nu 2.4 million
only lasted for about a month. remain idle as it lies today. It
The dzongkhag administra- will come under the thromde commodate some 50 farmers vendors. tion over the years. Zhemgang
tion has rented out some space once the thromde is estab- and it is equipped with elec- He also said that the Khen- grew 976 metric tones (MT) of
to a meat vendor who also sells lished. “The thromde would tricity and toilet facilities. grig Namsum Cooperatives go vegetables in 2015 from about
imported and local vegetables. have to look for ways to utilise A resident of Zhemgang, around the villages collecting 705 MT in 2014. As per the an-
Agriculture officials the space,” he said. “And we Tshering Penjore said that vegetables to be sent to Thim- nual performance agreement,
pointed out several reasons will continue facilitating farm- many people living in the town phu. the dzongkhag requires to
for farmers not bringing their ers to grow vegetables,” he said. have their own kitchen garden, Records indicate an in- produce 1,297 metric tones of
farm produce at the market. The vegetable shed can ac- as there are no local vegetable crease in vegetable produc- vegetables this year.


Falling ginger prices leave farmers worried

The price continued to drop further this year despite the good yield

Nirmala Pokhrel | Gelephu for farmers.” gram, which is fourfold less than yield would double next year,” he from China had also entered the
Yengjay Lhamo doesn’t what he fetched last year. said. “Should the price improve, Indian market.
Aum Yengjay Lhamo of have a choice but to transport Chuzagang gewog produces farmers will be able to recover As of yesterday 101MT of
Dzombabi village in Sarpang last year’s yield to the Food the maximum ginger yield with the loss next year.” ginger from Tsirang, Dagana,
is relieved of a daunting task in Corporation of Bhutan (FCB) each household planting ginger At the Gelephu FCB auction Sarpang and Zhemgang was
the fields this year with ginger auction yard in Gelephu. She in about 10 to 15 decimal of land. yard, the highest price that gin- sold through open auction in
plantation completed in her could have planted more this The gewog agriculture ex- ger fetched so far this year stood Gelephu. Sarpang produced
one-acre land. year but unpredictable price tension officer, Tashi Dawa said at Nu 27 a kilogram and the low- about 465MT of ginger as stated
However, Yengjay Lhamo is next year prompted her to be that about 80 percent of the est at Nu 10. Last Sunday the during the 11th Plan midterm
worried about last year’s yield. more cautious. farmers grow ginger in about price stood at Nu 19 a kilogram. review. Sarpang’s target to pro-
More than three metric tonnes Another farmer in Chuza- 80 acres of land in Chuzagang. Auction yard manager duce 541MT ginger keeping the
(MT) of ginger is buried in her gang, Tashi, 48, said that ginger Assuming that at least five MT Norbu Wangdi said that ginger baseline at 390MT in 2010 could
backyard. Despite the good always fetched a good price until of ginger are harvested from an price dropped further this year not be achieved.
harvest, the price that it fetched last year. “People were interest- acre of land, the gewog alone compared to last year. FCB sold only about 57MT
was disappointing. Hoping for ed in planting more each year could produce 400MT of ginger Concerned about the dras- of ginger last year. “Compared
the price to improve, Yengjay given the good price,” he said. in a year. tic drop in price, FCB officials to the previous year, ginger har-
Lhamo waited until now. “The falling price would lead He said despite good har- said they went to India to find vest is better this time,” Norbu
“You can’t even recover to farmers opting for a different vest this year, the low price out the reason. It was learnt Wangdi said.
the labour charges from the crop over ginger soon.” discouraged farmers to bring that this year India, Nepal and Meanwhile, farmers remain
existing selling price,” she said. Tashi harvested about one their produce to market. “Most Sikkim produced ginger in hopeful that the price would
“Falling prices despite im- MT of ginger last year, half of farmers have planted more than abundance that lead the price increase next year that would
proved production is a worry which he sold for Nu 13 a kilo- what they planted last year. The to drop. Officials said that ginger boost production in future.
PAGE 10 Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL

Final notiFication
Gelephu thromde

In continuation to our earlier notification dated 11/3/2016, the Thromde would like to remind the plot owners under Samdrupling and Rabdeyling
Demthongs, who have not yet reported to takeover the newly demarcated plots at Local Area Plans (i.e LAP III and LAP IV), to kindly complete
the plot handing taking formalities within May 30, 2016. Thromde shall not be responsible for any inconvenience caused at a later stage and to avoid
inconvenience, we urge the plot owners who have failed to complete the plot handing taking on or before May 30, 2016.
The failure to report shall be deemed as the plot owners has no objection on the work Thromde has done and Thromde will not entertain any land/
planning issues and claim of compensation payments after the date line as the budget for compensation will be proposed based on the cash crops and
structures affected after consultation with plot owners and development of public service infrastructures shall be already underway.
Therefore, the following plot owners listed below are required to report immediately to complete the handing taking formalities

Local Area Plan IV, Samdrupling Demkhong 50 106 Gyem Dorji 11701000928 GT1-120
Sl/ Thram 51 109 Dorji Drukpa 10503001528 GT1-121
Owner Name CID No. Plot No.
No No. 52 190 Yeshey Dorji 11510002857 GT1-1802
1 86 Sherab Dorji 11306000382 GT1-1405 53 380 Bhagi Maya Karki 10205002381 GT1-1230
2 89 Choki Dema 11804001011 GT1-1838 54 426 Kelzang Phuntsho 11503003835 GT1-953
3 176 Tashi Gyeltshen 10901001542 GT1-1413 55 549 Tsheten Dorji 11302002670 GT1-124
4 385 Dorji Pelzom 11106003803 GT1-670 56 626 Dhak Tshering 11214001601 GT1-1229
5 387 Chenga Dawa 10906001736 GT1-672 57 826 Dhan Maya Dhimal 11306001346 GT1-656
6 420 Jigme Choden 10709002886 GT1-686 58 914 Tshelthrimla 10605002070 GT1-1206
7 542 Harilal Sharma Suberi 11308003882 GT1-603 59 938 Choki Dorji 11503002335 GT1-645
8 547 Tshering Zangmo 11312000785 GT1-986 60 1064 Rinzin Lhamo 11411000097 GT1-2005
9 754 Ugyen Lhaden 10702000479 GT1-684 61 1115 Nirpa Kumar Chhetri 21214000497 GT1-1666
10 813 Samir Mothey 21811000093 GT1-606 62 1660 Karma Wangdi 10103001351 GT1-2155
11 42 Chandra Bdr. Chhetri 11811000352 GT1-1668 63 1862 Laxuman Rai 11202001951 GT1-2424
12 1992 Tshering Tashi 10102001684 GT1-2587 64 90 Sonam Tobgay 10807000562 GT1-1839
13 2231 Loday Jamtsho 11512005178 GT1-2779 65 297 Pema Choden 10716001381 GT1-1867
14 2237 Pema Tshomo 11512005177 GT1-2791 66 473 Tuku Delma 11104003571 GT1-787
15 2238 Sangay Dorji 11512005176 GT1-2792 67 525 Indra Maya Rai 11308003368 GT1-788
16 2356 Kelzang 11510002855 GT1-2929 68 793 Guman Singh Thapa 11812001718 GT1-792
17 10 Hari Prasad Chhetri 10304002103 GT1-1844 69 794 Yeshey Euden 10716002546 GT1-963
18 87 Sangay Wangmo 11005001922 GT1-631 70 871 Chimi 12007001281 GT1-1222
19 88 Tshering Pelmo 11008000067 GT1-1837 71 892 Tshering Tshamshey 11411001155 GT1-1223
20 99 Jampel Dorji 12004000298 GT1-1417 72 1077 Sherab Jamtsho 10701001198 GT1-1645
21 573 Ugyen Yuden 11107008101 GT1-1313 73 1506 Ugyen Chewang 10702000925 GT1-1333
22 780 Tshering Penjor 10307000388 GT1-535 74 1507 Sangay Dem 10709003038 GT1-677
23 782 Passang Dorji 10807001324 GT1-537 75 1886 Choki Tashi 11509002161 GT1-2458
24 784 Sanga Dorji 11704000046 GT1-539 76 2058 Ugyen Tshering 11608002051 GT1-2654
25 827 Devi Maya Dhimal 11306001345 GT1-657 77 141 Yeshi Dema 11606000872 GT1-929
26 886 Jurminla 10607001152 GT1-958 78 153 Sonam Jigme 11608002230 GT1-932
27 913 Khenpo Karpo 10607002304 GT1-1205 79 160 Tshering Phuntsho 10204000107 GT1-930
28 947 Karma Jamtsho 11308000881 GT1-543 80 164 Rinzin 11312001455 GT1-933
29 961 Tshewang Dorji 10811001504 GT1-1211 81 186 Seldon 11512004790 GT1-934
30 981 Tshering Lhamo 11410003474 GT1-1185 82 250 Chimi Dorji 11811001401 GT1-941
31 1016 Tashi Dorji 11914001470 GT1-1188 83 327 Ram Kumar Ghalley 21301000225 GT1-786
32 1113 Tshering Tobgay 11302002122 GT1-1657 84 350 Yeshi Wangdi 10906001673 GT1-862
33 1756 Pema Chodeb 12004000682 GT1-2303 85 476 Pema Dorji 11201003094 GT1-1921
34 1744 Jigmi Tenzin 10906000689 GT1-2290 86 765 Chang Dung Tshewang 11606000764 GT1-1922
35 1968 Sonam Topgyel 10101002538 GT1-2554 87 768 Kinga Dakpa 10905001560 GT1-940
36 2383 Chimi Dema 11704001781 GT1-3019 88 795 Ratna Bdr. Gurung 11803001468 GT1-964
37 2411 Thinley Dorji 10705002933 GT1-3072 89 859 Norzom 10101002172 GT1-1854
38 342 Sonam Zangpo 11606001572 GT1-1468 90 910 Sri Narayan Gazmer 11803001853 GT1-1923
39 609 Tshering Wangchuk 11510002065 GT1-1228 91 1010 Tandin Wangdi 11312002186 GT1-1194
40 900 Karma 11503003520 GT1-646 92 1169 Rinzin Seldon 10716001735 GT1-961
41 919 Pema Dorji 11602001240 GT1-647 Local Area Plan III, Rabdeyling Demkhong
42 920 Thinley Jamtsho 10605002308 GT1-637 Sl/ Thram
Owner Name CID No. Plot No.
43 923 Dawamo 11302002758 GT1-648 No No.
44 1039 Yeshi Tshomo 11312002286 GT1-1640 1 845 Tshering Dolma 12001000713 GT1-1236
45 1039 Yeshi Tshomo 11312002286 GT1-1641 2 956 Lobzang Tshering 11509001868 GT1-1773
46 1869 Karma Choki 10101000460 GT1-2434 3 1470 Sonam 11306002325 GT1-1250
47 2106 Karma Choki 12008001973 GT1-2712 4 2329 Bhutan Telecom GT1-2926
48 2278 Kinley 11606002098 GT1-2837 Limited
49 2676 Jigme Zangpo 10704000336 GT1-4960 5 289 Indra Kumar Kharka 11311000392 GT1-369
ADVERTISEMENT Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL PAGE 11

6 320 Dechen Tshering 12008002315 GT1-2184 37 2396 Yonten Gayntsho 10606000543 GT1-3033
7 320 Dechen Tshering 12008002315 GT1-2185 38 909 Thinley 12008002316 GT1-377
8 641 Phuntsho Tobgay 11410003866 GT1-1301 39 147 Ngawang Namgyel 11606001794 GT1-378
9 926 Namgay Wangmo 10904000336 GT1-1780 40 535 Tshering Lhamo 11306002164 GT1-1927
10 1208 Sonam Lhamo 11306002384 GT1- 41 604 Tshering Lhamo 11306002164 GT1-1611
2946/1094 42 604 Tshering Lhamo 11306002164 GT1-2189
11 2124 Omu Tshering 10808000085 GT1-2739 43 604 Tshering Lhamo 11306002164 GT1-
12 2245 Dina Nath AdhiKari 11808000156 GT1-2877 1927/2190
13 536 Wangchuk Namgyel 11812001707 GT1-997 44 935 Sangay Thinley 12008003283 GT1-376
14 642 Gyaltshen 11510003087 GT1-875 45 1215 Kesang Dukpa 10702000163 GT1-1996
15 750 Kezang Dorji 11410008811 GT1-504/505 46 1013 Dechen Tshering 12008002315 GT1-2186
16 751 Pelden 11509003165 GT1-506/507 47 1395 Gembo 10716003075 GT1-492
17 1326 Thinley Choden 11005000971 GT1-323 48 1425 Sangden 11410002573 GT1-529
18 1326 Thinley Choden 11005000971 GT1-324 49 1425 Sangden 11410002573 GT1-530
19 1398 Chumith Lepcha 10211000294 GT1-494 50 1446 Kuenzang Jigmi 10710000583 GT1-1758
20 1413 Pema Choden 12004000682 GT1-511 51 1491 Zangla Namgyel 10101001674 GT1-1934
21 1511 Gem Lham 1100900342 GT1-1526 52 1491 Zangla Namgyel 10101001674 GT1-1016
22 435 Chencho Wangmo 10810001679 GT1-1070 53 1493 Passang Dorji 11911000952 GT1-2136
23 451 Tashi Yuden 1151000033 GT1-1050 54 2118 Namgay Wangchuk 11514001538 GT1-2727
24 460 Tauchu Dukpa 11902000409 GT1-1071 55 2119 Tshering Norbu 11306002161 GT1-2728
25 482 Tshewang Gempo 11501003306 GT1-1073 56 2200 Deki Dema 11306002162 GT1-2732
26 798 Meto 11910002198 GT1-1063 57 2232 Pelki Gyeltshen 11410005845 GT1-2781
27 865 Ngawang Dorji 11512003402 GT1-1080 58 15 Tshewang Jigme 10709003104 GT1-1726
28 865 Ngawang Dorji 11512003402 GT1-1081 59 354 Jigme Yangzom 11806001082 GT1-1716
29 891 Dechen Choden 10101003804 GT1-2201 60 416 Damanti Kararia 11312001315 GT1-2093
30 891 Dechen Choden 10101003804 GT1-2200 61 744 Damanti Kararia 11810000335 GT1-353
31 894 Yeshi Sydon 10704001119 GT1-1077 62 771 Tanka Nath Phuyel 11308000429 GT1-1729
32 1040 Dechen Wangmo 11410002677 GT1-558 63 1057 Tanka Nath Phuyel 11306002072 GT1-872 &
33 1225 Pema Namgay 11306001665 GT1-1111 GT1-871
34 1996 Tshering Lham Dorji 11410005692 GT1-2591 64 1479 Sonam Phuntsho 11004001532 GT1-1275
35 1824 Kinley Wangmo 11410008742 GT1-2386 65 2435 Tashi Choki 11004001536 GT1-4139
36 2373 Tashi 10104001261 GT1-2973 Executive Secretary

corriGendum aBridGed notice inVitinG tender

ministry oF Works & human druk Green poWer corporation limited
settlement Kurichhu Hydropower Plant, Gyelpozhing, Mongar:
Department of Engineering Services Bhutan
No.DGPC/KHP/TSU/ /PHOUSE-02/2016/7014

Thimphu (international competitiVe BiddinG)

The Department of Engineering Services, “supply, FaBrication and installation oF coolinG
Ministry of Works & Human Settlement,
Water pipelines”.
would like to notify prospective bidders that the
SBD related to our NIT Ref MoWHS/DES/ESD/ Kurichhu Hydropower Plant, Druk Green invites sealed Bids from eligible Bidders
STR-07(02)/2015-2016/3324 dated 22nd April meeting the qualification requirements for “Supply, Fabrication and Installation of
2016 of Kuensel issue dated 23rd April 2016 for the Cooling Water Pipelines”. The Bidding Documents shall be on sale from 20.05.2016
Construction of RC Elevated Flyover Bridge to 17.06.2016. Bids shall be received up to 1200 hrs on or before 17.06.2016 and
Deck for Integrated Check Post at Richending, shall be opened on the same day at 1500 hrs.
Phuentsholing has been amended as follows; Interested Bidders may obtain the complete set of Bidding Document upon payment
ITB Clause 19.3(e) and 20.15(a) is amended as; of non-refundable fee of Nu. 1,000.00 (Nu. One thousand only) as cost of Bidding
19.3(e); “DO NOT OPEN BEFORE 2:30 p.m. Document from the following office:-
(BST) on June 1, 2016” Executive Engineer (Mech)
20.1 The deadline for submission of Bids shall be on or Technical Support Office
before 11:00 am (BST) on June 1, 2016. Kurichhu Hydropower Plant, Druk Green
Gyelpozhing, Mongar
Therefore, all the interested bidders are requested to (Telephone # +975-4-744145/17605161)
submit their bids in revised SBD. This corrigendum E-mail: tandin.dorjidhpc@gmail.com
will form the part of the bidding documents and The Bidding Document can also be downloaded from the Druk Green website
bidders are requested to take note of the changes. (www.drukgreen.bt) free of charge. Bidders downloading the Bidding Document
For any further clarifications, please contact the from the website should register themselves by intimating the nodal officer of Druk
Engineering Service Division, DES at Telephone Green, before the deadline for submission of Bid, its intention to submit the Bid on
No. 324358. the basis of downloaded documents. No request for sending the Bidding Document
by post or by courier service shall be entertained.
Director, DES Executive Engineer (Mech)
PAGE 12 Friday, May 20, 2016 | KUENSEL


Contractors want community

contract discontinued
But local leaders favour it being continued 
tives,” a contractor pointed out.
Tempa Wangdi Responding to this allega-
tion, Tashi Pendhen said while
A debate ensued on whether the such instances cannot be ruled
community contract should be out, proper measures however
continued because of possible are in place in the community
adverse effects it could have on contract guidelines to prevent
the agriculture sector during the such malpractices. One such
recent annual general meeting example is the need to route
of Construction Association of the contract through the gewog
Bhutan in Thimphu. tshogde before awarding the
The community contract is works. “As far as I am concerned
a contract worth below Nu 1.5 only little room is left for any
million awarded to villages with- local leader to be able to manip-
out a tender process. The com- ulate the contract works,” Tashi
munity contract was initiated Pendhen said.
in 2011, and is applicable only The contractors however
to villages and not the gewog urged the government to come
as a whole.  The contract works up with a policy, which balances
should directly benefit a village. the contractors’ grievances as
While the community con- A pavilion constructed through the community contract in Trashigang (File Photo) well as protects the benefit of the
tract has benefited villagers, local communities.
contractors said it is detrimental Works and human set-
to agriculture. labour shortage and rural-urban contract has given the villagers an most of the road works on la- tlement secretary, Phuntsho
Though the works and migration,” the contractor said. opportunity to earn cash income bour contract, most small class Wangdi said that the community
human settlement ministry “Quality of contracted works will for which they were earlier going contractors would be left with contract is solely the right of the
deferred the discussion, con- also be affected when the works out of the villages in search of no work. The contractors also local leaders as reflected in the
tractors nevertheless reiterated are given away to villagers with part-time jobs,” the chairperson alleged that local leaders were Local Government Act. “It’s the
its negative impact on agricul- little or no technical skills.” said. “The quality has improved involved in collusion to award power of the local leaders so we
ture. They also highlighted the Local leaders however instead because the villagers take works to their relatives, friends don’t want to intrude,” Phuntsho
negative effect on the 3,200 small maintained that the community extra care from the sense of be- and neighbours. Wangdi said, adding the discus-
class contractors, which makes contract has rather benefited the longingness.” “As far as we have seen the sion should be deferred and
up the majority in the construc- communities than affecting the Tashi Pendhen said commu- community contract has been the issue deliberated with local
tion sector today. agriculture. “We have never faced nity contract has also enabled the awarded to the local leaders’ rela- leaders.
“Awarding contract works a situation where farming was af- local leaders to monitor the works
to the villagers would affect the fected because of the community efficiently to ensure better quality.
agriculture since such practice
would encourage more people
contract,” Drakteng Gup Gayley
Chhophel said. He also pointed
Another contractor also
pointed out that the community
to rely on contract works for cash out that only a handful of activi- contract has already reduced the
income than focusing on agri- ties are awarded annually. work prospects for small class TOMORROW’S • to shift house
culture,” a contractor said during The contract works are also contractors, most of who are Good day • to start new business
• to make daily offerings
the annual general meeting. divided among the chiwogs. youth from villages across the
• to hoist lungdar Bad day
Another contractor from “Therefore, a chiwog is likely to country.
• to light thousands of • to marry
Trongsa said that the commu- get only one community contract “Since the works in the vil- butter lamp • to perform luichoe
nity contract is also going to work in a year so when the works lages are given away to the com- • to consecrate
divert more villagers to take up are completed people return to munity contract, small class con- • to appoint to new post A good day for rituals (laza)
the works in future. “Because farming,” Gayley Chhophel said. tractors are already left jobless,” • to celebrate for those born in the dragon
community contract is finan- Trongsa dzongkhag tshogdu the contractor said. • to enter in a new house year.
cially rewarding it would keep chairperson, Tashi Pendhen said The contractors also said if
attracting more farmers which such initiative has rather helped contracts in the villages are given MAY 20 SUNRISE : 5:11 am
will adversely affect the agricul- in stopping people from leaving under community contract while 2016 SUNSET : 6:45 pm
ture already confronted with their villages. “The community the Department of Roads takes Phuentsholing
Max Min
Gasa 21 10
FLIGHTS Trongsa 22 12

Bhutan Airlines (Tashi Air) Bumthang 21 8

May 21
Bangkok to Paro via Kolkata
Flight No.
09:20 am
12:00 am
31 Sarpang 26 22
May 21 Paro to Bangkok via Kolkata B3700 10:35 am 04:05 pm
Note : All timings in local. Timings are subject to change. Call Bhutan Airlines toll free No. 1234 for latest flight information.
21 Source: Meteorology Division, DHMS, MOEA
For any weather information: Call hotline 339673

Printed and published by Kuensel Corporation Limited, PO Box 204, Tel: 975-2-322483/324688, Fax: 975-2-322975, www.kuenselonline.com BICMA Lic no. 303000005, ISSN 0259 1499

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