Thermal Conductivity of Pyrex Glass

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_ /('App Project reference: 1POIA5O1B1IA
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March 1966

Pioneering Research
Division TC-1


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Lois C. K. Carwile and Harold J. Hoge

Project reference: Series: Thermal

I1P14501B1]A Conductivity-I

March 1966

Pioneering Research Division

Natick, Massachusetts 01760

This report is the first of a series on the thermal conductiv- it

ities of materials of scientific ead engineering interest. The values
selected are based on thorough study and critical evaluation of pub-
lished investigations. In a critice-l survey such as this one, much
depends on the judgment of the surveyors. The care that zhe authors
of the present survey have exercised may be judged from the comments
they have made on the individual papers examined. Their comments on
the more important papers are in the text of the report. In addition,
they have made many brief comments on less important papers; these
comments are given as annotations, immediately following the listing
of the paper in the references.

Pioneering Research Division



Scientific Director
"1U. S. Army Natick Laboratories

W.W. Vaughan
J• Brigadier General., USA


} ,

Selection of Values

Reliability of the Tables 4

Data for Conversion of Units 0




The published literature on the thermal conductivity of Pyrex

glass has been assembled and the results critically evaluated. Best
values of thermal conductivity as a function of temperature have been
selected. These are presented in both graphical and tabular form;
they cover the range 50 to 8500 K. An attempt was made to consult
all work that could significantly affect the choice of best values.
Published papers were located with the aid of Chemical Abstracts,
Fhysics Abstracts, the Thermophysical Properties Retrieval Guide,
and some other general sources. In addition, relevant refex ýnces
in the papers themselves were followed up until a substantially
"closed system" had been generated. as shown by the fact that no
new references were being turned up.

I iv

Pyrex glass has sometimes been used as a standard material for the
"calibration or checking of thermal-conductivity apparatuses, and a
knowledge of its conductivity is often required for the making of cor-
rections. Pyrex is a trade-mark name of the Corning Glass Works, and
is not nece ssarily limited to glasa of a single composition. However.,
there is strong indication that "Pyrex chemical resistant glass, Code
No. 774" is the glass that has been used by many investigators. In
recent years "Code No. 7740" has been adopted as the preferred desig-
nation for the same glass.

The British glass sold under the trade-mark naue "Phoenix" is

stated by the manufacturer (24) to be near in composition to Pyrex.
Thermal conductivities of Phoenix glass have been included in the
survey and in the graphs, because of the lack of data on Pyrex at low
temperatures. All data referring to Phoenix glass are so identified.

Morey (25) gives for the composition of Code No. 774., in weight
[ percent: SiO2 , 80.5; B2 03 , 12.9; Na 2 0, 3.8; K2 0, 0.4; Al2 O3 , 2.2.
Other investigators give compositions that do not differ greatly from
this composition. For example, the B20 content quoted by 5 different
! ~investigators ranged from 11.50 to 12.9.3 Small differences in com-
i • l~~psition are not expected to affect the thermal conductivity ape
exept possibly when
an Impurity is present that affects the
transmission of radiant energy.

For the density of Pyrex, the value found by Stephens (4) is

probably as reliable as any. He found by direct measurement,
P = 2.233 g cm 3 at 21° C. Five other values from the references
quoted in this report range from 2.22 to 2.234.

Selection of the Values

The data were evaluated by graphical methods. Deviation plots

were used, in which an equation represents the data approximately and
departures from the equation are plotted; it was ultimately decided
that the scattering of the data vas so great that deviation plots were
un ecessary, and simple graphs of thermal conductivity versus tempera-
ture were used. The original data of some investigators were given
only in graphical form. In such cases the abscissa and ordinate of
each plotted point were read from the graph and recorded for subsequent

The selected relation between thermal conductivity and temperature

is shown by the master curve in Fig. 1. Table 1.1 represents this
master curve; it was obtained by reading values at uniform intervals
from a large-scale version of the figure. The values were differenced
and when necessary smoothed, but the table and the curve were kept con-
cistent. The data from references (1) to (10) are shown in Fig. 1.
These are considered the more important papers. References (11) to
(19) contain data not plotted in the figure; often they contained only
a single k-value. In one case the data had not been released for pub-

The greatest weight has been given to the data in the first three
references listed. Birch and Clark (1) made absolute measurements
with a guarded hot-plate. Lucks, et al. (2) made measurements relative
to an Armco-iron standard, with the same heat flow in both the standard
and the Pyrex. Challoner, Gundry, and Powell (3) made absolute measure-
ments with radial heat flow in a sample in the form of a tube.

The data of Stephens (4) appear to be low, but their precision is

high and they bridge the gap between about 90 K and room temperature.
The value of k at 250C accepted by Stephens appears to contain a trans-
position. We have corrected this by using the value 0.00253 instead
of the published value 0.00235. This makes the data of Stephens self-
consistent. A further increase in this reference value would raise
all of Stephens' values proportionally. Plummer, Campbell, and
Comstock (6) measured thermal diffusivities, and used accepted values
of specific heat and density to calculate thermal conductivity.
Their values are the lowest reported in the major investigations.

The only values below 900 K are those of Berman (7) and of
Wilkinson and Wilks (8). In both investigations the glass was Phoenix
rather than Pyrex. The data of Knapp (9), and of Smoke, Wisely, Ruh,
Illyn, and Eichbaum (10) are high. Knapp (26) states that later work
has indicated that his results are in error.

Table 1.2 is identical with Table 1.1 and with the master curve
in Fig. 1 except for tbe change in units. Linear interpolation in a
table will introduce no appreciable error when the second differences

V .000

00i: 10 20 0

--- --- -a -rc -i - -

E.002 ~
U:::tih .4


030 20-0 300 C


* Fig. 1. Experiiiental data on therv

of data, (7) and (8.', rele
similar to Pyrex. The sine
selected values. Low-ten%
the large-scale inset gral
ado not exceed 4. When second differences exceed 4, higher-order in-
• terpolation may be desirable to preserve the internal consistency of
""values taken from the tables. The error introduced by linear inter-
polation in Tables 1.1 and 1.2 will always be small compared to the
uncertainty already present in the values themselves. When values
outside the range of the ibles are desired, they should be read di-
rectly from the master curves. :

Belie _,ý of the Tables

The master curve and the corresponding tabulated values of k are

believed to be correct within ± 7 percent near room temperature.
Where the data are more scarce or the measurements are more difficult,
the uncertainty is &reater; it may reach 15 percent at the upper limit
of the data.

There is some evidence that radiative heat transfer becomes sig-

nifica in Pyrex at temperatures above about 7000 K (26 0 R). Birch
and Clark concluded that radiation would be negligible below 573 K. 4
An upper limit for the error in k that would be caused by radiative
heat transfer may be obtained by assuming the Pyrex to be perfectly
transparent and the hot and cold plates to radiate and absorb as
black bodies. Then. for a sample 1 cm thick, the apparent conduc-
tivity at 300 K would be 6 percent greater than the true conductivity.
At 5060K the difference would be 23 percent; and at 700 K, 53 percent.
These are upper limits, and the actual errors caused by lumping
radiative heat transfer with conduction are probably much less. In a
very thick sample the effect of radiative transfer could of course
exceed the limits given above, because the difference, between the ap-
parent and the true conductivity is proportional to the thickness of
the sample.

The estimated uncrtainty of ± 7 percent near room temperature

could be reduced to 4 or 5 percent except for the possibility that
Pjyrex glass may vary from sample to sample in a way not fully under-
stood. Lucks (13) has recently measured a different sample of Pyrex
in the same apparatus that was used in reference (2). The thermal
conductivities found in the recent measurementsy wivch extended from
323 to 4230K, are about 6 percent lower than those plotted in Fig. I,
which are taken from reference (2). The transmittances of the two
samples were measured, and found to be different in the wavelength

mu iiinlnim
laur m ml nnam u uan iiiniii l ln m u w m un u , , ,,.. .
Table 1. Therml conductivity of Pyrex glass
(Values beloa lO0K ame based almost entirely on data for Phoenix glass.)

Table 1.1 Table 1.2

T k T. k

"" calcm OR Btu In.

50 0.00059 100 1.2

75 235
100 .o0013 200 4,.27
51 151
1o50 .00185 300 5.78
39 1114
200 .oo224 400 6.92
30• 83
250 .0o(54 500 7.75
22 60
300 .002%6 600 8.35
i? 50
350 .00293 7OO 8.85

15 43
1400 .00308 800 9.28
13 39
450 .00321 900 9.61
12 33
500 .00333 1000 10.0
,11 11
550 .00344 1100 0.
12 4
600 .00356 10 10.8
13 6
650 .00369 1300 n.4
15 6
OO .00384 140oo 12.o
18 8
750 .xooo2 1500 12.8
800 .004#23
850 .00o51

__ -' _________________________________
-1 --
region of 3 microns. The difference was of the proper sign to account
for the difference in k, but the observed discrepancy of 6 percent
seems rather large to be accounted for by any difference in transmit-

In contrast to the experience of Lucks is that of Bullard and

Niblett (11), who sent one of their measured samples of Pyrex to Birch.
They report that Birch found "no perceptible difference" between the
thermal conductivity of this sample and that of his own sanple of

Data for Conversion of Units

T(*S) = T(OK) x 1.8

T(*x:) = te'c) + 273.15
T(-R) = t(*F) + 459.67

watt ca cal cm, L

= ' cm2 sec x 4.184o

Btu in. Calcm

2~ x 290r2.9
*R fe
hr K cm sec

Btu ft cal cm 241.91

cm sec

in ll ll l lllllnlllll
lllrl• m zml- llllq ~ -lll -ll~ lll 1 11

Containing data plotted in Fig. 1.

1. Francis Birch and Harry Clark, "The thermal conductivity

of rocks and its dependence upon temperature and com-
Part I," Am. J . Sci, 238, 529-58 (1940).

2. C. F. hIcks, G. F. Bing, J. Matolich, H. W. Deem, B. B.

Thompson, "The experinental measurement of thermal con-
ductivities, specific beats, and densities of metallic,
transparent, and protective materials," U. S. Air Force
Tech. Rept. 6145, Part I3 (July 1952), 32 p. (AD-95239).
For description of apparatus, see ref. (27).

3. A. R. Challoner, H. A. Gundry, and R. W. Poueul, "A radial

beat-flow apparatus for liquid thermal conductivity deter-
minations," Proc. Roy. Soc. (London) A24 5, 259-67 (1958).

1.. R. W. B. Stephens, "Mhe temperature variation of the

thermal conductivity of Pyrex glass," Phil. Ming. As,897-
911 1932).

5- W. D. Kinmry, Thermal conductivitr. XIV. Conductivity

of milticomponent systems,'" . Am. Cerm. Soc. 42j, 617-27

6. W. A. Plier, D. E. Campbell, and A. A. Cotock, "Method

of measuremnt of thermal diffusivity to 1000*C," J. Am.
Geras. Soce. 45, 310-6 (1962).

7. R. Berma, "The thermal conductivities of sc dielectric

solids at low temperatures,' Proc. Boy. Soc. Lomdon A208,
90-108 (1951). We have used the data for 'Phoenix' glass.
See text.

8. K. R. Wilkinson and J. Wilks, "Some measuriements of heat

flow along technical materials ix,the region Vo to 20K,*
3. Sci. instr. and mys. in id. 26, 9-20 (U949). Gives
data for "Phoenix' glass.


9. W. J. Knapp, "Thermal conductivity of nonretallic single

crystals," J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 26, 48-55 (1943).

10. E. J. Smoke, H. R. Wisely, Edwin Ruh, A. V. Illyn, B. R.

Eichbaum, Prog. Rept. No. IV, Signal Corps Research
Program, Contract DA-36-039-sc-42577 (Sept. 1 to Dec. 1
1953), 159 P.; AD-29335.

Containing data not plotted in Fig. 1; the less important, incidental,

or unpublished values.

11. E. C. Bullard and E. R. Niblett, "Terrestrial heat flow in

England," Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. Geophys. Suppl.
6, 222-38 (1951). They sent a sample of Pyrex to Birch,
who got a value in good agreement.

12. F. H, Rateliffe, "Preliminary measurements to determine the

effect of composition on the thermal conductivity of glass,"
Pays. Chem. Glasses 1,p 103.4 (1960).one thernml-conductivity
datum is quoted from Chaloner, Gundry, and Powel (3); also,
the composition of the glass designated "A" establishes it
as Pyrex, or something very simila to Pyrex.

13. C.P.Frocks, private comunication, 17 April 1062.

14. J. B. Rersey, "A method of measuring the thermal conductivity

of rock cores," J. Appi. ays. 12, 498-501 (1941). Gives a
k-valve and quotes one from the Corning Glass Works.

15. Edward F. Suidey II, "The measurement of the thermal conduc-

tivity of gases at high temperatures with a shocktube;
exerinmental results in argon at temperatures between
1000*K and 3000"K, Catholic Univ. Ph. D.Tbsis (1957),. 43 P.

16. Rene Reulos, "Method for the measurement of the thermal

conductivity of glasses," Rev. Optique 10, 266-72 (1931)-

17. P. W. Bridgmm-, "The thermal conductivity and compressibil-

ity of several rocks under high pressures," Am. J. Sci. 7j,
81-102 (1924). Gives k of Pyrex as a function of pressure
to 12,000 kg cm,.

Ow 'fobNm
~ ~
-- -
18. W. W. Shaver. "Recent developments in glass research," in
-mLposium on materials research frontiers (Am. Soc. Test-
ing Materials special Tech. Pub. 243, 1958), p. 43-8.
Tie k-valve for Pyrex appears to be off by a factor of 12.

19. Corning Glass Works, "Pyrex laboratory glassware," Catalog

10-2 11960)v p..
Containing data for which another source is preferred.

20. W. D. Kingery and F. H. Norton, "The. measurement of thermal

conductivity of refractory materials," U. S. Atomic Energy
comm. Rept. woX06416 (Nov. 19514), 6 p. Anpear to contain
V Sthe data on which the results in reference (5) are based,
but does not cover the full temperature range.

21. C. F. Lacks, H. W. Deem, and W. D. Wood, "Thermal properties

of six glasses and two graphites," Bull. Am. Ceram. Soc.
39, 313-9 (1960).

I 22. Edward J. Soke and John H. Koenig, "fT1re l properties of

ceramics," Rutgers Univ. Eng. Res. Ball. 40 (Jan. 1958),
V 53 p.
23. A. J. Croft, "'Materials and methods for the construction of
1ow temerature apparatus," in Exrimtal Crpb
edited by F. E. Hoare, L. 6. Jackson, and N. Kurti; Butter-
I• vorths, London (1961) p. 118-37. Gives data for "Pyrex and
Phoenix glass" attributed to R. Berma. All values except
his value for room temperature appear to have cone from
reference (7).

Containing no therml conductivity data on Pyrex.

21. The British Beat Resisting Glass Co. Ltd., Bilston,

Staffordshire; private cominmcation, 27 June 1962.

25. G. W. Morey, The Rroer s of Glass (Reinhold Pub. Corp.,

2d ed., 1954), p. 78.

26. W. J. Knapp, private counication, 20 December 1961.


7 -"7 o-PIP
27. C. F. Lucks, H. B. Thompson, A. R. Smith, F. P. Curry, H. W.
DeemI, and G. F. Bing, #The experimental measurement of thermal
conductivities, specific heats, and densities of metallic,t

transparent, and protective materials," U. S. Air Force Tech.

Rept. 6145, Part I (Feb. 1951), .27 P- (ATI-u7715). Describes
the apparatus used in reference (2).


4 --. m --wmm mm~mm m mm m n| m- -m~ l | mm -llllm - -mm

- I
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(Securnty clasaificatzon of ttlie, body of abstract and ond&sne annotation must be entered when the ovrtall report is classlfied)



Natick, Massachusetts 01760 12 b OuP


Thermal Conductivity of Pyrex Glass: Selected Values

4 DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates)

S AUTHOR(S) (Last name. first name. initial)

Lois C. K. Carwile and Harold J. Hoge


March io66 0
a6-14 P

C. 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Anny oshernumbers aat may be assidmed

Bibs report)

d , Series: Thermal Conductivity-i


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U. S. Arnc Natick Laboratories

Pioneering Research Division
I Natick. -wassachusets 01760

The publishe literature on the thermal conductivity of Pyrex glass has

been assembled and the results critically evaluated. Best values of thermal
conductivity as a function of temperature hare been selected. These are
presented in both graphical and tabular form; they cover the range 50 to 850 K.
An attempt was made to consult all work that could significantly affect the
choice of best values. Published .papers were located with the aid of Chemical
Abstracts , Abstracts, the Ther2np ical Properties Retrieval Guide
and some other general sources. In addition, relevant references in the papers
themselves were folloved up until a substantially "closed system" had been
generated, as shown by the fact that no new references were being turned up.



DD IA 1473 Unclassified
Security Classification

-ý 7-Z - - - ,
S_ ncl!- ssif ed

Thermal conductivity - R 7T r
Heat transfer 8
heat resistant glass 9 9
Pyrex glass 9 9 9
Transport properties 8
Thermophysical properties
Temperature 4,
Corrections 44"]


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