To Ignore or Not To Ignore Placental Calcifications On Prenatal Ultrasound: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
To Ignore or Not To Ignore Placental Calcifications On Prenatal Ultrasound: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
To Ignore or Not To Ignore Placental Calcifications On Prenatal Ultrasound: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
To cite this article: Fadi G. Mirza, Labib M. Ghulmiyyah, Hani M. Tamim, Maha Makki, Dima
Jeha & Anwar H. Nassar (2017): To Ignore or Not To Ignore Placental Calcifications on Prenatal
Ultrasound: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal
Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2017.1295443
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To Ignore or Not To Ignore Placental Calcifications on Prenatal Ultrasound:
Fadi G. Mirza,1,2 Labib M. Ghulmiyyah,1 Hani M. Tamim,3 Maha Makki,3 Dima Jeha,1
Anwar H. Nassar1
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Columbia
University Medical Center, New York, NY, USA
Biostatistics Unit, Clinical Research Institute, American University of Beirut Medical
Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Objective: The human placenta is known to calcify with advancing gestational age, and, in fact,
the presence of significant calcifications is one of the components of grade III placenta, typical
of late gestation. As such, the presence of significant placental calcifications often prompts
obstetric providers to expedite delivery. This practice has been attributed, in part, to the
presumed association between grade III placenta and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Such
approach, however, can be the source of major anxiety and may lead to unnecessary induction of
labor, with its associated predisposition to cesarean delivery as well as a myriad of maternal and
neonatal morbidities. The objective of this study was to examine the association between grade
Materials and Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed for studies
evaluating the association between grade III placenta and a number of pregnancy outcomes,
including labor induction, fetal distress (abnormal fetal heart tracing), low Apgar score (less than
7 at 5 minutes), need for neonatal resuscitation, admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,
Results: There was a five-fold increase in risk of labor induction with the presence of grade III
placenta (OR 5.41; 95% CI 2.98-9.82). There was no association between grade III placenta and
the incidence of abnormal fetal heart tracing (OR 1.62; 95% CI 0.94-2.78), low Apgar score of
less than 7 at 5 minutes (OR 1.68; 95% CI 0.84-3.36), need for neonatal resuscitation (OR 1.08;
95% CI 0.67-1.75), admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (OR 0.90; 95% CI 0.21-3.74),
and perinatal death (OR 7.41; 95% CI 4.94-11.09). In turn, the incidence of meconium liquor
was higher in the setting of grade III placentae (OR 1.68; 95% CI 1.17 to 2.39). Similarly, a
positive association between grade III placental calcifications and low birth weight (OR 1.63;
calcifications and labor induction, although it demonstrates that these sonographic findings do
not appear to predispose to perinatal death or fetal distress, low Apgar score, need for
Placental calcifications, which result from calcium deposition within the placenta, have intrigued
investigators for decades [1] . In a study published 50 years ago, Tindall and Scott evaluated over
3,000 singleton pregnancies and identified placental calcifications in over 75% of postpartum
placentae [2] . Spirt et al subsequently examined the presence and extent of placental
calcifications using prenatal ultrasound and reported calcifications in over 75% of pregnancies
beyond 33 weeks of gestation [3]. In another study, extensive calcifications were identified in
nearly 40% of parturients at term [4]. In fact, the Grannum classification, a well-established
ultrasound grading system for assessment of placental maturity, depends on the presence and
The human placenta is known to calcify with advancing gestational age, and placental changes
identified on ultrasound have been correlated with fetal maturity. In fact, the presence of
significant basal calcifications is one of the characteristics of a grade III placenta, typical of late
term and post term gestations. Because of this, placental calcifications have traditionally
become synonymous with “post-term”, and their presence often prompts obstetric providers to
expedite delivery. This practice has been attributed, in part, to the presumed association between
significant placental calcifications, which characterize a grade III placenta, and adverse
pregnancy outcomes. As such, these sonographic findings can be the source of major anxiety to
the parturient and her family. More importantly, this mindset can result in unnecessary
induction of labor with its associated predisposition to cesarean delivery in addition to various
maternal and neonatal morbidities. The objective of this study was to examine the association
between grade III placental calcifications and a number of pregnancy outcomes in order to
Study design
This study was carried out as a systematic review and meta-analysis at the Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology at American University of Beirut Medical Center, Beirut, Lebanon
Literature search
We searched the following engines (PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science…) for articles
addressing placental calcifications, using a search strategy that included both text word and
medical subject heading (MeSH) terms. MeSH headings included “(calcification and placenta)
calcifications”, “grade III placenta versus control group”, “pregnancy outcomes”, “fetal growth
and their variants. We also reviewed the references from the extracted articles and we screened
the titles and abstracts to identify the relevant articles related to the objective.
Study selection
Eligible studies were restricted to those published in English language between January 1, 1985
and December 31, 2015, and those that examined the effects of placental calcifications and that
included a control group. Moreover, to be eligible for this study, one of the following pregnancy
cardiotocography (CTG), meconium liquor, Apgar score at 5 minutes less than 7, neonatal
resuscitation, low birth weight, admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and
perinatal death. Excluded from this study were those that provided insufficient information to
construct a 2 x 2 contingency table for the calculation of the odds ratio (OR). Our initial search
yielded 183 articles, of which we excluded 149 for the language. Of the remaining articles, 13
reported on perinatal outcomes of interest. We excluded 7 for the following reasons: other
grade of placenta than grade III placenta or no 2 x 2 contingency table between the interaction
Review process
We extracted from the eligible articles the following information and included them in the meta-
analysis: lead author, year of publication, sample size, as well as the number of placental
calcifications, and the pregnancy outcomes as shown in table 1. wo investigators reviewed the
articles and extracted the relevant information. Disagreement was resolved by communication
and consensus. The quality of the studies included in the systematic review was measured by the
number of participants, comparability of control group, completeness and duration of follow up,
Statistical analysis
We used Review Manger (version 5.3) to analyze the data. Data were presented as frequency and
percentage. The Odds Ratio (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) for each individual study
was calculated by the Mantel-Haenszel and then an overall OR was calculated between all
studies. We also performed test of heterogeneity between studies using χ 2 and I2 tests for
The association between presence of grade III placenta and labor induction was reported by two
studies [4, 7]. The meta-analyses carried out provided an OR of 5.41 (95% CI 2.98-9.82) with
references [4, 7] were used to analyze the association between grade III placenta and the
method, we found that, among parturient with a grade III placenta, the incidence was not
increased compared to the controls (OR 1.62; 95% CI 0.94-2.78), and the heterogeneity test was
The relationship between a low Apgar score (less than 7) and grade III placenta was explored by
the three studies [7-9]. There was no statistically significant association between low Apgar
score (less than 7) and grade III placenta (OR 1.68; 95% CI 0.84-3.36; I2=0%; P=0.48), as
shown in Figures 3.
Additionally, for the included studies [4, 7], the analysis demonstrated that there was no
association between grade III placenta and the need for neonatal resuscitation (OR 1.08; 95% CI
0.67-1.75) and admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (OR 0.90; 95% CI 0.21-3.74), and
the heterogeneity test was not significant as illustrated in Figures 4, and 5, respectively.
Three studies [8-10] were combined in a meta-analysis and this result indicated a non-
statistically significant reduction in perinatal death with placenta grade III group compared
to control group (OR 7.41; 95% CI 4.94-11.09; I2=7%; P=0.34), as illustrated in Figures 6.
Moreover, the incidence of meconium liquor (amniotic fluid meconium) that was reported by three
studies [4, 7, 9] was higher in the placenta grade III group compared to control group (OR
1.68; 95% CI 1.17 to 2.39) and the heterogeneity test was considered not significant
calcifications and low birth weight (OR 1.63; 95% CI 1.19-2.22) was identified by five studies
This study has showed a number of important findings that pertains to the practice of all
obstetrics health care providers. The study alerts us to a significant association between grade
3 placental calcifications and labor induction (more than five-fold increase), although it
demonstrates that these sonographic findings do not appear to predispose to perinatal death or
fetal distress as evidenced by abnormal fetal heart tracing, low Apgar score, need for neonatal
resuscitation, or admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. It is noteworthy that grade 3
placental calcifications were associated with low birth weight and meconium-stained amniotic
The well-established ultrasound grading system for the placenta, referred to as the Grannum
classification, is based on the maturity of the placenta and depends on the presence as well as
extent of calcifications [5, 6]. According to this system, a placenta can be classified into one of
four grades. A grade 0 placenta, typically seen before 18 weeks, is characterized by uniform
echogenicity and a smooth chorionic plate. In a grade I placenta, typical of 18-29 weeks,
occasional parenchymal calcification/hyperechoic areas are seen, along with subtle indentations
of the chorionic plate. In turn, a grade II placenta, typically seen beyond 30 weeks, has
occasional basal calcification areas with deeper indentations of the chorionic plate yet not
reaching up to the basal plate. Finally, a grade III placenta, generally seen during late term and
post term, is marked by significant basal calcifications and chorionic plate interruption by
indentations that reach up to the basal plate. Although ultrasonically detectable placental changes
have been correlated with fetal maturity, the relative incidence of each placental grade at various
gestational ages has not been well established. In the above-mentioned study by Spirt et al [3],
only 18% of term placentae met the criteria for grade III. These results were reproduced by
another study by Hill et al [12] that evaluated placental grading in 1709 third-trimester
sonograms. In this study, even at 40 weeks or beyond, fewer than 20% of placentas showed
sonographic evidence of calcifications consistent with grade III. Hence, the authors
concluded that the latter findings could not be used to predict post-maturity. It is not
surprising then that reporting placental grading does not represent standard obstetric care at
Because grade III placentae are marked by extensive placental calcifications, the latter have
gradually become synonymous with “post-term”. Thus, the presence of placental calcifications has
often prompted obstetric providers to expedite delivery, regardless of gestational age. The rationale
for this approach stems from concerns for underlying placental insufficiency and predisposition to
adverse pregnancy outcomes. This potential link between placental calcifications and placental
insufficiency derives from the observation that calcifications are more commonly seen in the setting
of tobacco smoking, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, diabetes, and vasculopathies [13-15]. One
of the earliest studies that pertain to this topic has demonstrated that pregnancies complicated by
preeclampsia or intrauterine growth retardation are characterized by faster placental maturation than
normal [16]. This study recommended that pregnancies, in which grade III changes are seen prior to
34 weeks, be followed closely for possible complications. However, the association between grade
III placental changes and/or placental calcifications per se and adverse perinatal outcome in low risk
pregnancies with none of the above-mentioned risk factors is less clear. The association between
adverse pregnancy outcomes and premature appearance of placental calcifications has been
examined in low risk populations, although most of the pertinent studies were limited by the small
sample size and the presence of multiple confounding factors. These outcomes included intrapartum
fetal distress
(non-reassuring fetal heart rate), low Apgar score, fetal growth restriction, low birth
characterized by premature appearance of grade III placental changes, suggesting that these
sonographic findings reflect placental senescence and dysfunction [22]. In the study by Hill et al
[12], the incidence of intrapartum fetal distress was noted to be higher in the setting of post-maturity
and other conditions that give rise to premature placental senescence yet not with the presence of a
grade III placenta per se. In other pioneering prospective study, Vosmar et al [16] examined the
usefulness of placental grading in predicting fetal growth restriction. A total of 137 parturients who
had an ultrasound scan within one week of delivery were enrolled, and grade III was reached in 42%
of placentae. The author did not find any association between grade III placenta and fetal growth
restriction. However, when a grade III placenta was first seen before
36 weeks, a growth-restricted neonate was born in 3 out of 5 cases. Research interest in placental
calcifications and their clinical significance was resumed during the last decade. In 2005, McKenna
et al prospectively examined 1,802 low risk patients [4]. Ultrasound scans were performed at 36
weeks and grade III placental calcifications were reported in only 4% of patients at that time. These
subjects were at increased risk of induction of labor for fetal compromise (RR 4.7; 95% CI 2.6-8.4),
low birth weight (RR 3.1; 95% CI 1.8-5.4), and preeclampsia (RR 4.7;
95% CI 1.9, 11.8). In turn, the finding of grade III placenta was not associated with adverse fetal
and neonatal outcomes. More recently, Chen et al [8] also examined the significance of grade III
placental calcifications in low risk patients. Subjects were classified into 1 of 3 groups: patients
with placental calcifications diagnosed before 32 weeks; patients with placental calcifications
diagnosed between 32 and 36 weeks; and a control group at 28 to 36 weeks with no evidence of
placental calcifications. The authors reported a statistically significant difference in maternal
outcomes, including postpartum hemorrhage (OR, 3.4; 95% CI, 1.3–9.4), placental abruption
(OR, 6.5; 95% CI, 1.4–31.4) and maternal transfer to the intensive care unit (OR, 9.8; 95% CI,
1.8–52.2). They also reported a statistically significant difference in fetal outcomes, namely
preterm birth (OR, 4.2; 95% CI, 1.8–9.9), low birth weight (OR, 4.6; 95% CI, 2.2–9.5), low
Apgar score (OR, 6.5; 95% CI, 2.1–20.1) and neonatal death (OR, 9.0; 95% CI, 1.7–47.4). The
differences persisted even after adjusting for potential confounders. Finally, a study by Cooley
et al [23] reported that placental calcification was associated a 40-fold increase in the incidence
While there appears to be a correlation between Grannum grade III placentas and increased
perinatal risk, it is mandatory to discuss the grading system itself. Although the classification is
well established and grades zero to III are well defined, it is a rather subjective and operator-
dependent grading system. A study by Sau et al [24] took six participants, all of which well
experienced in Grannum grading and gave each 55 placental images to grade; and four to six
weeks later gave the six participants the same 55 images to grade again. Only one image
received the same grade by all the participants. Not only was complete agreement difficult to
come by, but there was also a wide variation among the grades. For example out of 55 images,
participant C labeled 15 images as grade III, while participant A only found two out of 55 images
to be considered grade III. Another study by Moran et al [25] reported similar findings. In this
study, five experienced ultrasound operators were exposed to 90 placental images, of which
complete agreement among all operators was found for only nine images. Both studies
demonstrate the subjectivity of Grannum grading and suggest that this field might require further
training and possible involvement of digital analysis. The inconsistency among the graders not
just with each other but also among their own grades (after having re-graded the same images
four to six weeks later) does question the reliability of Grannum grading and should always be
In conclusion, grade III placenta and significant placental calcifications are typical of the late
term and post term periods, and hence their identification often raises concern for placental
dysmaturity. Previous reports have linked these findings to a myriad of maternal and fetal
adverse outcomes that include intrapartum fetal distress, low Apgar score, fetal growth
restriction, low birth weight, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, abruptio placenta, and
postpartum hemorrhage. However, this association has not been established with certainty and it
is thus not surprising that the reporting of placental grading does not represent standard obstetric
care during prenatal visits, even during the third trimester. In fact, serious concerns have been
raised regarding the subjectivity of reporting placental calcification and the Grannum
classification per se. According to our study, the presence of grade III placental calcifications
appears to be a risk factor for labor induction for concern for fetal well being, although these
sonographic findings did not appear to be associated with abnormal fetal heart tracing, low
Apgar score, need for resuscitation, admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, and perinatal
death. Based on the available evidence, the practice of expediting delivery solely on the basis of
significant placental calcifications does not appear to be indicted at this time. Instead, close
The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Ahmad Abdul Wahed for inspiring this study.
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n of placental
Author Year calcifications / Outcomes
n of study
Miller et al.[11] 1988 97 / 246 Low birth weight
Meconium liquor
Apgar Score at 5 minutes Less than 7
Proud et al.[9] 1987 223 / 1468 Low birth weight
Perinatal death