Behavioral Benefits of Camel Milk in Subjects

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Behavioral Benefits of Camel Milk in Subjects

with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Laila Y. Al-Ayadhi1, Dost Muhammad Halepoto2, Abdul M. AL-Dress1, Yasmine Mitwali2 and Rana Zainah2

Objective: To investigate the possible therapeutic effects of camel milk on behavioral characteristics as an interventional
strategy in autistic children.
Study Design: Double-blind, Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT).
Place and Duration of Study: Autism Research and Treatment Center, Al-Amodi Autism Research Chair, Department of
Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, King Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, from October
2012 to May 2013.
Methodology: Changes in behavioral characteristics in 65 (boys=60, girls=5) children with autism (aged from 2 to 12
years) were assessed. The behavioral symptoms were evaluated by Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS), Social
Responsiveness Scale (SRS), and Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) before and after the 2 weeks of camel
milk therapy.
Results: Significant differences were detected on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by CARS, SRS and ATEC scales,
following 2 weeks of camel milk consumption, but not in the placebo group.
Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that camel milk could be very promising therapeutic intervention in ASD.
Further wide scale studies are strongly recommended.

Key Words: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Camel milk. Behavioral symptoms.

INTRODUCTION understood. It is speculated that an autoimmune

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are a wide range of reaction to neurons might be triggered by some cross-
neurodevelopmental conditions that demonstrate reacting antigens in the environment resulting in the
considerable phenotypic heterogeneity, both in terms of release of neuronal antigens. These neuronal antigens
presentation at any one age and across development. may result in induction of autoimmune reactions through
The current classification systems include three the activation of the inflammatory cells in genetically
domains of difficulties: reciprocal social interaction, susceptible individuals. The environmental antigens may
abnormalities in communication, and patterns of include food allergies to certain peptides such as gliadin,
nonfunctional restricted, repetitive and stereotyped cow's milk protein and soy.4
behaviors.1 Although there is no known unique cause of Camel milk has emerged to have potential therapeutic
autism, there is growing evidence that autism can be effects in diseases such as diabetes,5 and hepatitis B,6
caused by a variety of factors including autoimmunity2 as well as cow milk allergy in children.4 Children with
originated by dairy food allergy. While several severe food allergies improved rapidly with camel milk.7
intervention methods for ASDs have been used to treat It contains various 'protective proteins' (Lysozymes,
children with autism spectrum disorders, very few have Immunoglobulins, Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase,
been subjected to careful scientific investigation. Peptidoglycan Recognition Protein (PGRP) and N-
Autoimmunity to CNS was also documented by several acetyl-§-glucosaminidase (NAGase); mainly enzymes
research groups, through the presence of brain specific which have antiviral, antibacterial and immunological
auto-antibodies in the brains of some autistic children.3 properties.7
The reason behind the formation of some brain auto- Recently, Bashir and Al-Ayadhi investigated8 the role of
antibodies in some patients with autism is not fully the effectiveness of camel milk (raw and boiled) on
Thymus and Activation-Regulated Chemokine (TARC)
Department of Physiology1 / Autism Research and Treatment serum levels and CARS score in subjects with autism
Center2, Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, and compared to placebo group (cow milk). The results
Saudi Arabia. suggested that camel milk therapy over the course of
Correspondence: Dr. Dost Muhammad Halepoto, KSU-Autism two weeks, significantly decreases the serum levels of
Research and Treatment Center (99), King Saud University, TARC among the study subjects and also improve
P. O. Box 2925, Riyadh-11461, Saudi Arabia. clinical measurements of ASD severity (CARS score).
E-mail: The above findings initiated the authors' interest to test
Received: June 13, 2014; Accepted: September 04, 2015. the effectiveness of camel milk on behavioral changes in

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2015, Vol. 25 (11): 819-823 819
Laila Y. Al-Ayadhi, Dost Muhammad Halepoto, Abdul M. AL-Dress, Yasmine Mitwali and Rana Zainah

subjects with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The hypo- study period. It was also instructed to drink cold milk,
thesis tested in the present study was that autism can be beginning with small quantities and increase gradually
caused by food allergy.9 It has been believed that normal until 500 ml per day to avoid any risk of diarrhea.
diary food is harmful to the immune system, brain and ARTC psychologist assessed the disease severity
bodies of children with ASD10 and have a significant through baseline psychology scales including Childhood
impact on behavior, cognition, socialization, and Autism Rating Scale (CARS),11 Social Responsiveness
health/physical traits associated with an ASD diagnosis. Scale (SRS)12 and Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist
The present prospective, double-blind, placebo (ATEC).13
controlled trial has evaluated whether a standardized
treatment of camel milk administered to patients Medical history of the child and family was obtained
diagnosed with ASD on a daily basis for 2 weeks would through a structured questionnaire interview conducted
result in improved behavior, cognition, socialization, and with the parents/legal guardians. Height and weight of
health/physical traits associated with an ASD diagnosis. the patients were recorded. During the study period, the
patients’ progress were monitored by phone calls. After
METHODOLOGY 2 weeks, the participants returned for a follow-up where
all psychology scales were conducted. All observations
The study was a double-blinded, Randomized Clinical by parents were also noted. Safety evaluations including
Trial (RCT) conducted at Autism Research and physical examinations were carried out by the prime
Treatment Center, Al-Amodi Autism Research Chair, investigator for patients who showed any negative
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, King symptoms.
Khalid University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia, from October 2012 to May 2013. Fresh camel milk was obtained by ARTC from a trusted
camel farm who ran regular routine veterinary checkups
Autistic children with typical symptoms, especially those on the camels. After receiving the milk, microbiological
with known allergies or food intolerances, were screening tests were conducted on all milk batches to
randomly recruited in this study. The patients were ensure that it was free of pathogens commonly found in
referred by neuropediatric clinics from all around the raw camel milk.14 The pathological screenings were
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This study protocol received conducted to detect Campylobacter, Bacillus cereus
the ethical approval from the Institutional Review Board enterotoxin, E. coli O157:H7, Listeria, Salmonella by
of King Saud University, Faculty of Medicine. Participants GLISA rapid testing using the kits Singlepath
were given a complete description of the study and a Campylobacter, Doupath Cereus Enterotoxin (EMD
written informed consent was obtained from all chemicals), Reveal E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria
parents/guardians before they were enrolled in the (Neogen) and B. Brucela (Anigen). Any batch tested
study. positive for the above mentioned pathogens was
The inclusion criterion for the autism group was meeting immediately excluded from the above study. Camel milk
the cut-off score of the Autistic Disorder based on the supplied to Group I was pasteurized by heating to 65°C
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders for 15 seconds, then removed, cooled in a ice pot initially
(DSM-IV) criteria.1 All participants were screened via and then stored in the freezer at -80°C. Milk supplied to
parental interview for current and past physical illnesses. Group II was not heated to avoid losing beneficial
Subjects were excluded from the investigation, if they nutrients and proteins.15 Frozen milk was supplied to
had dysmorphic features or diagnosis of fragile x or other patients using BPA-free freezer bottles and thawed on
serious neurological (e.g., seizures), psychiatric (e.g., countertops as needed.
bipolar disorder) or known medical conditions. Children The data were prospectively collected, analyzed and
with known endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and liver results were presented as mean ± SD (standard
or kidney disease were also excluded from the study. deviation). Statistical differences in scores in each scale
The participants were randomly divided into three CARS, SRS, and ATEC before and 2 weeks after milk
groups: Group I (n=25) received pasteurized camel milk; therapy were determined by means of paired sample
Group II unpasteurized camel milk (n=22) and Group III t-test with p ≤ 0.05 considered as significant.
received cow milk as a placebo (n= 18). All groups
received the same instructions, volume of milk and RESULTS
containers to preserve the blinding of the study. There were a total of 65 children including 60 males and
Parents were instructed to include an average of 500 ml 5 females. Changes in behavioral characteristics in 65
of camel milk in their children's regular daily diet for a (n=65) subjects with autism aged 2 - 12 years, mean =
period of 2 weeks. Parents were asked to continue with 7.8 years, were assessed. The behavioral symptoms
the children's daily routines. They were not allowed to were evaluated before and after 2 weeks of milk
add or remove any interventions such as diet plans, consumption period, by the CARS, SRS and ATEC in
supplements or pharmacotherapies throughout the three groups of autistic children having a clinical

820 Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2015, Vol. 25 (11): 819-823
Behavioral benefits of camel milk in subjects with autism spectrum disorder

diagnosis by (DSM-IV).1 The lower the scores are, the social cognitions subcategory (p= 0.0001). No significant
less severe the symptoms are. Changes in all measures change in placebo group was observed.
of symptoms of autism over the course of the study are The ATEC (mean ± SD) scores of different categories of
shown in Tables I - III. camel milk (raw and boiled) and placebo groups are
Table I shows the CARS evaluations scoring system shown in Table III. The ATEC evaluations showed that
which illustrates statistically significant changes in the ATEC total and subscale scores in different categories
raw camel milk group (mean score before = 37.6 ±6.3, do not show significant changes in camel milk groups
after = 34.5 ±5.2, p=0.004), and the boiled camel milk (raw and boiled) compared to the placebo group except
group (mean score before =37.1 ±3.6, after = 33.8 ±4.9, speech/language/communication in boiled camel milk
p=0.0001). Furthermore, there were no significant group (p=0.0001).
changes in the placebo group (mean score before = 34.2
±3.3, after = 33.8 ±3.5, p=0.41). These changes DISCUSSION
represented reductions of 8% and 9% in each raw and Upto date there is no known effective approved
boiled camel milk . However, no significant change was intervention method for autism spectrum disorders.
observed in cow milk as far as CARS score is Consequently, this creates many challenging issues and
concerned. it has become an area of a major controversy. Over the
SRS mean score for all groups along with each subscale last few years, a number of research groups suggested
was calculated (Table II). The SRS evaluations showed possible autoimmunity as a significant etiological factor
statistically significant changes in mean SRS subscale in autism.16
scores in social cognition (p=0.002), social communication
This study represents the first prospective study on the
(p=0.018) and social awareness (p=0.050), for the raw
use of camel milk as potential therapeutic intervention
camel milk group. On the other hand, the boiled camel
strategy for children with autism. In this study, camel milk
milk group demonstrated a significant change only in
(both boiled and raw) demonstrated significant effect on
Table I: Change in clinical outcome measures in CARS scores in some autistic behaviors, through improvement in social
autistic children. cognition, social communication, and social awareness
Score before therapy Score after therapy p-value (SRS). Furthermore, boiled camel milk produced significant
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD improvement in speech/language/ communication
Raw camel milk 37.6 ± 6.3 34.5 ± 5.2 0.004* (ATEC). This was supported by the significant changes
Boiled camel milk 37.1 ± 3.6 33.8 ± 4.9 0.0001* in the CARS scoring results. Camel milk with its unique
Placebo (cow milk) 34.2 ± 3.3 33.8 ± 3.5 0.41
characters could be a promising therapeutic intervention
strategy in autism spectrum disorders.
Table II: Change in clinical outcome measures in SRS scores in the autistic children.
Sub Scales Raw camel milk Boiled camel milk Placebo (cow milk)
Score before Score after p-value Score before Score after p-value Score before Score after p-value
therapy therapy therapy therapy therapy therapy
Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD)
Social cognition 75 (4.3) 70 (5.3) 0.002* 75 (3.8) 70 (4.1) 0.0001* 78 (7.2) 72 (7.5) 0.437
Social communication 72 (5.7) 70 (6.6) 0.018* 71 (5.5) 68 (5.5) 0.076 75 (9.0) 73 (5.3) 0.722
Social motivation 74 (6.5) 73 (4.0) 0.301 73 (4.9) 72 (19) 0.482 75 (6.1) 74 (5.1) 0.225
Autistic mannerism 78 (7.1) 78 (7.4) 0.219 78 (6.4) 75 (20) 0.073 82 (8.0) 79 (9.8) 0.423
Social awareness 71 (5.4) 70 (5.4) 0.050* 72 (5.1) 72 (5.8) 0.650 79 (8.3) 67 (5.0) 0.113
Average 75 (6.2) 74 (6.3) 0.037* 75 (5.0) 73 (5.0) 0.033* 81 (8.5) 75 (8.1) 0.104

Table III: Change in clinical outcome measures in ATEC subscales scores in autistic children.
Sub Scales Raw camel milk Boiled camel milk Placebo (cow milk)
Score before Score after p-value Score before Score after p-value Score before Score after p-value
therapy therapy therapy therapy therapy therapy
Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD) Mean ± (SD)
communication 4.6 (6.1) 3.5 (3.0) 0.200 7.6 (7.9) 6.2 (6.8) 0.012* 10 (7.0) 12 (8.4) 0.548
Sociability 23 (6.3) 21 (3.7) 0.061 21 (6.4) 21 (8.4) 0.790 23 (7.9) 22 (4.9) 0.430
awareness 24 (7.3) 21 (5.5) 0.131 23 (8.8) 21 (12) 0.132 24 (8.3) 24 (6.6) 0.838
behavior 24 (7.3) 22 (5.2) 0.120 21 (9.1) 20 (6.1) 0.405 24 (8.4) 23 (5.4) 0.421
Total 74 (15) 72 (10) 0.566 70 (16) 69 (18) 0.838 80 (14) 76 (13) 0.156

Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan 2015, Vol. 25 (11): 819-823 821
Laila Y. Al-Ayadhi, Dost Muhammad Halepoto, Abdul M. AL-Dress, Yasmine Mitwali and Rana Zainah

Since recent reports demonstrated higher oxidative creation from cow milk consumption is a common
stress statues in ASD subjects compared to normally problem in autism that increases autistic symptoms.25
developing controls17, it makes camel milk an ideal Further studies are needed by other investigators to
antioxidant food. Furthermore, camel milk can certainly confirm these findings; however, in the light of the
play important role in the prevention of diary food positive results of this study and those of several
allergies and has been used to treat children with previous studies,18,19 the use of camel milk appears to
autism.7 However, to date; few studies reported some be a promising treatment for children with autism. Camel
improvements in symptom scores in children who were milk therapy was safe and well-tolerated. None
treated with camel milk.18,19 worsened and no side effects were reported.
A significant therapeutic effect of raw camel milk is
decreased on boiling even on pasteurization.20 Camel CONCLUSION
milk has good bacterial and anti-viral activity thus if is Autism is a severe, lifelong disorder with serious
used raw, there are less chances of transmission of emotional and financial consequences. Its incidence is
infection. This concept is consistent with the historic rapidly increasing, and its etiology is still unclear. The
belief that natural substances play an important role in present study demonstrates that camel milk could be
preventative and therapeutic treatment.20 very promising therapeutic intervention in ASD. Further
Milk protein casein plays important role in the food wide-scale studies are strongly recommended.
allergies related disorders and cause autism.18 Many Acknowledgements: We thank Autism Research and
children with autism may have gastrointestinal difficulties Treatment Centre, Shaik Al-Amodi Autism Research
that make it hard for them to digest milk protein properly. Chair, King Abdul Aziz City for Science and Technology
There are different possibilities for ways in which this (KACST), and National Plan for Science and Technology
could affect children with autism. This could be through (NPST), at Kind Saud University for sponsorship and
the unique immunological properties of camel milk financial support.
immunoglobulins (Igs) including unique subclasses IgG2
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