Technical Specification-Power Transformer

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(With Provision for Installation/Adaptation of Sergi System)

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1. SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 5

2. SYSTEM PARAMETERS .......................................................................................................... 5

3. SERVICE CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................... 5

4. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 5

5. EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION AND COLOR CODES .............................................................. 6

6. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 6

6.1 General Design............................................................................................................................. 6
6.2 Windings ....................................................................................................................................... 7
6.3 Magnetic Core .............................................................................................................................. 8
6.4 Transformer Tank ......................................................................................................................... 8
6.5 Terminals .................................................................................................................................... 10
6.6 Current Transformers ................................................................................................................. 12
6.7 Cooling ....................................................................................................................................... 13
6.8 Control of Cooling Units ............................................................................................................ 16

7. TAP CHANGERS ................................................................................................................... 17

8. PARALLEL OPERATION AND VOLTAGE REGULATION ......................................................... 21

9. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF MOTORS ............................................................... 21

10. TRANSFORMER OIL ............................................................................................................. 21

11. OIL CONSERVATOR ............................................................................................................. 21

12. PIPING AND VALVES ........................................................................................................... 22

13. MEASURING AND MONITORING EQUIPMENT ................................................................... 23


15. NAME PLATES AND OTHER DESIGNATION PLATES ............................................................ 26

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16. DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................... 27

17. TESTING AND INSPECTION ................................................................................................. 27

17.1 Factory Tests .............................................................................................................................. 28
17.1.1 Routine Tests ...................................................................................................................... 28
17.2 Type Tests and Special Tests ...................................................................................................... 29
17.3 Tests on Transformer Tank and Accessories .............................................................................. 31
17.4 Site Tests (minimum requirements) ............................................................................................ 31

18. CORROSION PROTECTION .................................................................................................. 32

18.1 Responsibility and Guarantees ................................................................................................... 32
18.2 Test Instruments.......................................................................................................................... 32
18.3 Materials..................................................................................................................................... 33
18.4 Galvanized Steel Surfaces .......................................................................................................... 34
18.4.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................................ 34
18.4.2 Cleaning and Surface Preparation ...................................................................................... 34
18.5 Painting at Manufacturer's Premises ......................................................................................... 35
18.5.1 Painting ............................................................................................................................... 35

19. CAPITALISATION OF LOSSES ............................................................................................... 36

20. GUARANTEED VALUES AND PENALTIES ............................................................................. 36

21. LOSSES ................................................................................................................................ 36

22. RATED POWER AND OUTPUT ............................................................................................. 37

23. NOISE LEVEL........................................................................................................................ 37

24. REJECTION .......................................................................................................................... 37

25. TRANSPORT ........................................................................................................................ 37

26. IMPACT RECORDERS ........................................................................................................... 38

27. SPECIFIC WORKS DATASHEET ............................................................................................. 39

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This part of the Specifications covers the design, manufacture, factory testing, transport, marking,
packing, shipping, delivery to site, unloading and storage at site of power transformers with provision for
installation/adaptation of Sergi system.

 Highest System Voltage : 145 kV
 System Frequency : 50 Hz
 Nominal Voltage : 132 kV
 Short Circuit Level : 40kA for 3.0 seconds
 BIL : 650kV (peak)

a. Peak ambient air temperature 50oC
b. Mean maximum temperature during 24 hours 40oC
c. Minimum temperature 0oC
d. Maximum relative humidity 95% at dry bulb
Temperature of 45oC
e. Altitude Does not exceed 1000m
f. Location Sea-coast
g. Wind speed 160 KM/hr.
h. Rain, condensation and heavy pollution shall be considered while designing

The power transformers shall be designed and arranged in full compliance with all applicable Sections,
Articles, and Specific Works Data Sheets of these Specifications and no deviation would be acceptable.
The supplier/Tenderer/Contractor shall submit with his offer a list of similar transformers already
delivered by the manufacturer proposed. Past supply records of similar ratings of transformers for 15
years shall be submitted in detail with the offer.
The following engineering data shall be submitted with the offer:
(a) Technical schedules, all drawings with all information
(b) Type test certificates, for similar transformers as offered
(c) Type test certificates for different bushings, surge arresters and tap changers
(d) Certificates for short circuit tests and temperature rise tests performed on transformers with similar
transformer as offered.
(e) Quality system certificate
(f) General arrangement of transformer showing all dimensions
(g) Details of all cable boxes and bushings
(h) Details of tap changers, thermometers etc.
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(i) Deviations from Tender Specifications, brochures etc.

(j) Foundation drawings
(k) Necessary drawings of provision for installation/adaptation of Sergi system
(l) Reference list and Customer certificate of successful operation from major utilities.
Please note following:
(i) In case, the Tenderer/Contractor/Supplier is not able to produce Type Test/Special Test Certificates
for similar rating equipment certified from independent international accredited laboratory to the
satisfaction of Engineer/Company then, he has to make arrangement for conducting such tests at an
independent international accredited laboratory in the presence of KE Engineer, as per latest IEC
Publications of IEC-60076 and its relevant/applicable parts on various tests. The total cost of such
tests along with full expenditure of K-ELECTRIC engineer(s) alongwith Third Party inspector for
witnessing these tests has to be borne by the Supplier/Contractor.
The latest issues of Recommendations of the international Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in particular
the IEC 60076,IEC 60137, IEC 60214, IEC 60296 and IEC 60354 shall apply.

For applicable technical standards, tests and general requirements refer to applicable sections of these
Specification Documents.


The color of the transformers shall be RAL7035 and shall be painted to C4 specification for 5-15years.


6.1 General Design

The design of the power transformers shall be based on the following requirements:
a) The transformers shall be designed for operation at ambient shade temperatures up to a maximum
of 50oC.
b) The maximum permissible temperature rise of the transformer oil (top oil) shall not exceed 45 K,
the average temperature rise of the winding is to be limited to 50 K, and the winding hot spot
temperature rise shall not exceed 63 K. The hot spot factor (H) for power transformers with core
form type of core shall be 1.3.
c) The transformers shall be capable of operating continuously within the specified temperature rise
limits at their full rated power (full nameplate ratings) at all tap changer settings and under all
specified site and installation conditions.
d) The transformers, completely assembled with bushings, cable boxes and/or flange connections,
shall be designed and constructed to withstand without damages the effects of short circuits as per
IEC 60076-5 for at least 3 seconds after long-time emergency cyclic loading conditions as specified
in IEC 60354 at 30oC ambient temperature under thermal steady state conditions (to be verified by
thermal short-circuit calculation and steady state heat-run test).
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e) The transformers shall be designed with particular attention to the suppression of harmonic
voltages to eliminate wave form distortion and from any possibility of high frequency disturbances
reaching such a magnitude to cause interference with communication circuits.
f) Neutral points shall be brought out and grounded as specified.
g) The open delta of stabilising winding, if any, shall be brought out by outdoor bushings and shall be
shortened and grounded by solid copper bars rigidly supported and fastened.
h) Provision for installation/adaptation of Sergi system to be made at transformer necessary drawing
to be submitted by supplier for approval.
i) Furthermore, each transformer shall comply with the stipulations of the following Articles.

6.2 Windings
All transformer windings for LI: 650 kV / AC: 275 kV and below shall have uniform insulation. Transformer
windings designed for higher insulation levels may have non-uniform insulation. In these cases the rated
insulation level for neutral points shall be LI: 650 kV / AC: 275 k, Vector group is YNyn0 (d11).
Due to the possibility of high transferred over-voltages LV windings with a rated voltage of 12 kV in power
transformers having HV windings of Um= 110 kV and above shall be designed for not less than LI: 125 kV /
AC: 50 kV, and the same in transformers not having HV windings of Um= 110 kV and above shall be
designed for a rated insulation level of not less than LI: 95 kV / AC: 38 kV. Particular values for all insulation
and test levels shall be obtained from the description of the Scope of Work / Scope of Supply and the Specific
Works Data Sheets of these Specifications.
All windings and their leads shall be designed and arranged such as to withstand all kinds of transferred over-
voltages. Protective capacitors shall not be provided for any of the windings. Non-linear ZnO protective
elements in any windings other than regulation windings will not be accepted.
Windings shall be of best modern design with conductors having constant cross-section along the whole
windings, and the current densities shall not exceed 2.62 A/mm2 in any part of the windings. Electrolytic
copper of a high conductivity and insulation material of high quality (class A, in accordance with IEC 60085)
shall be used. The insulation material of windings and connections shall be free from insulation compounds
subject to softening, shrinking or collapsing during service. Moreover, none of the material used shall
disintegrate, carbonise or become brittle under the action of hot oil, under all specified load conditions.
The coils must be capable of withstanding movement and distortion caused by all operating conditions as
specified in IEC 60354. Adequate barriers shall be provided between windings and core and between the
windings. All leads or bars from the windings to the terminal boxes and bushings shall be rigidly supported.
Stresses on coils and connections must be avoided. To increase the capability of the transformers of
withstanding the stresses under short-circuit conditions modern technology in design and construction shall
be applied (e.g. low current densities as above, and pre-drying and pre-compressing of the windings before
mounting onto the core, etc.).
The values for impedance voltages on extreme tappings shall not deviate from those for principal tappings by
a percentage value of more than two third of the difference in percentage tapping factor between the
concerned tappings and the principal tappings, and the transformers shall have the highest losses at the
highest current taps (lowest voltage taps). At the time of inspection, FAT supplier would need to provide the
certificate of origin/supplies of copper used in windings.
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6.3 Magnetic Core

The magnetic core shall be made of laminations of non-ageing, cold-rolled, grain-oriented, silicon steel of
high permeability (Hi-B-type; W17/50: max. 1.05 W/kg) without burrs. The maximum magnetic flux
density in the legs and yokes of the core shall not exceed 1.6 Tesla at rated voltage and frequency.
Each lamination shall be insulated with high quality insulation coating. The joints of limbs and yokes shall
be designed and constructed to keep the no-load losses and the hot spot temperature in the magnetic core
as well as the noise level as low as possible by application of the step-lap core stacking method.
The core and its clamping plates shall form a rigid unit structure, which shall maintain its form and position
under the severe stresses encountered during shipment, installation and short circuits. Care shall also be
taken to secure uniformly distributed mechanical pressure over all the laminations to prevent setting of
the core and to limit noise and vibrations to a minimum under service conditions.
In order to prevent closed magnetic circuit via the tank, the top main core clamping structure shall not be
connected to the tank cover. The magnetic core shall be earthed to the tank cover at one point only through
removable links in an appropriate terminal box, placed in an accessible position on the tank cover and which,
by disconnection, will enable the insulation between the core and transformer tank, etc., to be tested at
voltages up to 2.5 kV for the purpose of checking deterioration during service.
Magnetic circuits with an insulated sectional construction shall be provided with a separate link for each
individual section. Where oil ducts or insulating barriers parallel to the plane of the laminations divide the
magnetic circuit into two or more electrically separate parts, the ducts or barriers shall be bridged and the
magnetic circuit shall not be regarded as being of sectional construction.
The main earthing connection shall have a cross-sectional area of not less than 80 mm2 but connections
inserted between laminations may have cross-sectional area reduced to a minimum of 20 mm2.

6.4 Transformer Tank

The transformer tank shall be of the upper flange type with reinforced cover. The completely assembled tank
including radiators, conservators, and associated oil piping shall be fully vacuum proof. The construction shall
be of mild steel and shall be of sufficient strength and rigidity to withstand moving, shipping and handling
without any de-formation. All seams and joints other than those of such tank covers, which may be jointed
to the upper flange of the tank by welding, shall be welded both inside and outside of the tank to secure
strong, leak-proof joints.
The construction shall employ weldable structural steel of an approved grade to BS 7613 and BS EN 10029 or
The minimum thickness of tank walls shall be 6 mm for transformer lengths of less than 2500 mm and 9 mm
for transformer length of 2500 mm and above, and that for tank cover shall be at least 20 mm for transformers
up to 80 MVA per unit and not less than 25 mm for transformers of 100 MVA per unit and above. Any kind of
laminated tank covers are not acceptable.
The tank bottom shall be of one plane and shall be a heavy rigid base structure. The four tank walls shall be
plane and of one piece each and shall be welded directly onto the tank bottom without steps. Any kind of
bell-type tanks are not acceptable.
If heavy steel cross beams are provided as a rigid base structure the thickness of tank bottom shall not be less
than 12 mm. In case of self-supporting tank bottom without heavy steel cross beams the bottom plate shall
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have a minimum thickness of 25 mm for transformers up to 30 MVA per unit, min. 30 mm for transformers
up to 63 MVA per unit, min. 40 mm for transformers up to 100 MVA per unit and at least 50 mm for
transformers above 100 MVA per unit. Laminated tank bottom will not be accepted.
The completely assembled transformer shall be oil and gas tight and shall be capable of withstanding without
damage, under service conditions, the forces arising under pressure conditions of at least 1.0 bar (>14 PSI)
and/or exceeding 25% over the maximum operating pressure, resulting from the system of oil preservation
used (whatever is higher). Tank stiffeners shall be provided as required, and these shall be designed to avoid
water penetration.
The complete tank and its cover shall be designed in such a manner as to leave no external pockets in which
water can accumulate no internal pockets in which oil can remain when draining the tank and/or in which air
can be trapped when filling the tank.
Wherever possible, the transformer tank and its accessories shall be designed without pockets wherein gas
may collect. For this purpose the tank cover shall be especially designed. Where pockets cannot be avoided,
pipes shall be provided to vent any gas into the main expansion pipe.
Vent pipes shall have minimum inside diameter of 25 mm. Both ends of the tank cover shall be connected to
the main expansion pipe.
All connections bolted to the tank shall be fitted with suitable gas and oil resistant gaskets made of such a
material that no serious deterioration occurs under service conditions & must be heat and oil resistant rubber.
All gaskets shall be of closed design (without open ends) and shall be of one piece only. Rubber gaskets used
for flange connections of the various oil compartments shall be laid in grooves or in groove-equivalent
retainers on both sides of the gaskets throughout their total length. Care shall be taken to secure uniformly
distributed mechanical pressure over the gaskets and retainers throughout the total length.
Gaskets of neoprene and/or such material which can be easily damaged by over-pressing (e.g. any kind of
impregnated/bonded or other kind of cork) are not acceptable for any of the equipment. Use of hemp as
gasket material is also prohibited.
Power transformers shall be equipped with manholes and hand-holes of suitable size to facilitate installation
and maintenance (i.e. tap changers, current transformers, bushings etc.). Manholes for tap changers shall
have size of minimum 800 mm in height and 350 mm in width, and shall be arranged in a convenient floor
height. All openings in the cover of the transformer tank for bushings, manholes and terminal boxes shall be
provided with adequate flanges. Covers for inspection openings, hand-holes etc. located on the tank cover
shall be provided with adequate gas stoppers. Tap selector shall be equipped with one inspection window for
observation. All inspection covers etc. shall be provided with two lifting handles each.
It must be possible to remove any bushing completely without removing the tank cover. Easy access shall be
also provided for internal connection of bushings without extensive dismantling any external mounting such
as radiators etc.
The tank cover and all covers for mounting, cleaning, manholes, handholes and inspection openings on tank
and cable boxes etc. shall be earthed by suitable grounding conductors of the flexible type having a cross
section of minimum 95 mm2. Appropriate earthing studs with bolts and washers of stainless steel shall be
In order to prevent tank deformation during operation, spring-loaded pressure relief devices / explosion vents
with trip contact of an approved type shall be mounted through approved elbow turrets onto the tank cover
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for rapid release of any pressure that might be generated within the tank and cause damage to the
equipment. The devices shall operate at a static pressure which shall be less than the test pressure on tank.
The nominal operating pressure of the devices shall not exceed 0.7 bar (or 10 PSI). The related elbow turrets
shall be connected through vent pipes as above to Buchholz relay.
All transformer tanks and radiators with fins shall be subject to oil leak tests as specified in the relevant Articles
for Inspections and Tests.
The following moving and handling facilities shall be provided for each transformer:
a) 4 (four) jacking lugs for raising or lowering the transformers (completely filled with oil) by means of
hydraulic jacks.
b) Lugs for lifting the complete transformer. The minimum length of the base of the lugs shall be 300 mm
for transformers of a weight up to and including 10 tons, and 500 mm for transformers of a weight
above 10 tons.
c) Eyes for lifting the core, coils, tank and/or tank cover.
d) Pulling eyes for moving the transformers in any direction.
e) Bi-directional wheels with blocking facilities for transformers up to 125 MVA per unit. The distance
between the centres of wheels shall be 1746 mm (Standard Railway guage).
f) 1 (one) tank access ladder of zinc-powder coated mild steel with lockable hinged door securely fixed
onto the tank cover and lower parts of the tank (applicable for transformers with ratings of 20 MVA
and above). Ladders shall be provided with hand-rails of min. 100 cm length at the upper end. Hand-
rails shall be rigidly fixed on the ladders and onto the transformer tank. If the distance between the
ladder and tank cover exceeds 4 cm an appropriate platform (e.g. grating securely fixed in a rigid
mounting frame) with hand-rails as specified above shall be provided. Surface preparation and painting
in accordance with relevant article of these Specifications.
g) Filter valves of the slide valve type for oil inlet and outlet arranged diagonally on lower part of tank. A
suitable valve for vacuum application shall also be provided in a convenient floor height. All of these
valves shall have minimum 50 mm inside diameter and shall be equipped with flanges having adapters
with R 1 ½" male thread fitted with screwed cap.
h) Oil sampling valves (top and bottom) with suitable adapters of R ¾" male thread fitted with screwed
cap for direct connection of oil sampling facilities shall be provided and shall be arranged diagonally on
one tank wall at a convenient floor height.
i) Padlocking facilities for all valves including radiator butterfly valves.
j) Two adequate earthing terminals completely made of stainless steel capable of carrying for 5 seconds
the full lower voltage short circuit current of the transformer shall be provided and installed diagonally
at the bottom of the transformer tank.

6.5 Terminals
a) Out door Bushings
Where specified, outdoor bushings shall be provided. Uncovered bushings other than those to be solidly
grounded shall be designed for pollution level “IV” (very heavy) in accordance with IEC 60815, unless
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specified otherwise in the Specific Works Data Sheets. They shall correspond to IEC 60137, shall be free
from defects and shall be thoroughly vitrified. KE requires Trench (France make) or Passoni Villa (Italy make)
Bushings, for any other manufacturer prior approval will be required by contractor.
Insulators shall be of top quality electrical grade porcelain, homogenous and non-porous, and shall be in
one piece. If insulators are composed of several parts jointed together by synthetic resin, this shall be
brought to the attention of K-ELECTRIC. The glaze shall not be depended upon for insulation and shall be
of a uniform shade of brown, completely covering all exposed parts of the insulator.
Bushings for power windings of Um= 72.5 kV and above shall be of the condenser type equipped with test
tap at the bushing flange. Bushings for windings below Um= 72.5 kV shall be preferably oil-filled as per DIN
standard or equivalent equipped with rigidly fixed solid gas stoppers. DIN equivalent bushings for power
windings of rated voltage: 33 kV and above shall be provided with metallised lower part. All bushing
connecting nuts, bolts, washers, rings, caps on the top shall be of non-magnetic material.
Each condenser bushing shall have marked upon it, the manufacturers name or identification mark and
year of manufacture as well as serial number. These marks shall be clearly legible and visible after
assembly of fittings and shall be imprinted and not impressed.
All bushings shall be designed for operation and storage in a horizontal position without any restriction.
All bushings shall be designed for the highest over-current that can flow through the windings.
The bushings shall be arranged on the tank cover in such a manner, that removal of the same is possible
without lowering of the oil to such a level where the windings are exposed to the atmosphere. Bushings
up to Um= 52 kV shall be arranged in an upright position.
Bushing turrets with removable flanged-on covers on the bushing side shall be provided for all bushings.
Removable bushing turrets bolted onto appropriate flanges on the tank cover are also acceptable.
Common bushing turrets of an approved design may be provided for bushings up to Um= 52 kV. Common
bushing turrets shall be provided with two vent plugs each to be arranged at an approved location.
Removable bushing turrets shall be provided with four adequate lifting lugs each. All bushing turrets shall
be equipped with vent pipes on their highest points which shall be connected to main expansion pipe to
route any gas collection through Buchholz relay.
Easy access shall be provided for internal connection of bushings without extensive dismantling any
external mounting such as radiators etc.

b) Cable Termination Boxes

Where specified air insulated terminal boxes on the LV side shall be provided suitable for the connection
by busduct(s).
The transformer Tenderer/Contractor shall co-ordinate with the bus-duct Tenderer/Contractor for the
requirements of the mechanical and electrical transition from the bus-duct to the transformer termination
As far as the bus-duct connection is concerned the scope of supply/works for the transformer
Tenderer/Contractor shall be limited to the termination box incorporated with suitable flanges and
gaskets (as determined by the bus-duct Tenderer/Contractor) and the terminals of the bushings including
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bus-bars, if required. Suitable grounding studs with bolts and washers made of stainless steel shall be
provided as determined by the bus-duct Tenderer/Contractor.
The supply of the bus-duct Tenderer/Contractor shall include the transition from bus-duct housing to
transformer terminal box and the electrical connections (by braided links) between the bus-duct
conductors and the transformer bushings. The bus-duct(s), neither their housing nor their electrical
connections, shall exert any forces on the terminal box or the bushings of the transformer.
The terminal box shall accommodate outdoor bushings as above, and the design shall comply with
protection category IP55. Access openings shall be foreseen for checking of the bushings as well as for
making and checking of the electrical connections.
Ingress of dust and formation of condensate in the termination boxes must be prevented by two parallel
silica gel breathers of min. 2 kg silica gel filling capacity controlled by two-position three-way valves as
specified in Article below.
c) General
All bushings shall be at least of the same insulation level as that for the related windings and/or neutral.
For all terminals of windings undergoing switching impulse tests the clearances in air between life parts
shall exceed those specified in IEC 60076-3 by at least 5 percent.
Each of the bushings shall be designed for a rated current corresponding at least to the current for long-
time emergency cyclic loading of the transformers as specified in IEC 60354.
Support insulators shall be of top quality electrical grade porcelain or cast resin and shall be of a uniform
shade of brown. Insulators shall have the same minimum creepage distances as the related bushings, and
the creepage distances of cable sealing ends shall be co-ordinated accordingly.
All main flange connections, cable boxes and related covers etc. shall be earthed by suitable grounding
conductors of the flexible type each having a cross section of minimum 95 mm2 or as per detail design of
the earthing system.
In case of different Tenderer/Contractor for transformers and HV connections etc. all parties are to co-
operate in order to ensure a proper and complete boundary between these sectors, i.e. the
Tenderer/Contractor for transformers shall provide the specified bushings and/or connection boxes and
all connection parts at the transformer side and/or the complete sealed cable terminating boxes including
the stress cones and all parts for proper connection of the sealing ends, and suitable flanges with oil-/SF6-
bushings (double-flange bushings) for GIS-type surge arresters, if required.
On the other hand, the Tenderer/Contractor for cables, switchgear and all other connections shall provide
the complete pot heads and cable sealing ends, bus-duct and/or SF6 connection boxes including metallic
bellows (if required), surge arresters, adapter pieces and all other equipment required for proper
completion and function of the related work.
It is hereby understood that responsibility of the transformer Tenderer/Contractor covers the oil-

6.6 Current Transformers

Where required, current transformers shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of these
Specifications. They shall be installed in suitable bushing turrets as specified above, and shall be arranged
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and connected in such a manner that easy removal of the same is possible without cutting or removal of
any insulation material of the leads to the bushings required and without lowering of the oil to such a
level where the windings are exposed to the atmosphere.
All of the concerned bushing turrets shall be equipped with appropriate current transformer termination
boxes for direct connection of the related CTs. Separate termination boxes shall be provided for current
transformers for protection and those for used for thermal replica.
The technical data shall also be co-ordinated with the protection requirements and the related switchgear
CTs. If the requirements of protection show that a higher rated output and/or ratio than specified is
necessary, the Tenderer/Contractors shall provide the current transformers for the required ratings
without extra price. Reference is made to the relevant Articles for protection relay and stability with
regard to current transformer's design. The Specifcations of the current transformers including excitation
curves shall be submitted with the offer to K-ELECTRIC for approval. All current transformers shall be
designed for an extended rated current of at least 150% to cover cyclic loading duties as per IEC 60354.
Where built-in current transformers are provided, the related bushings, SF6 connection boxes and cable
terminal boxes shall be arranged to be removed without interfering with the pertinent current
transformer. Removal of any CT must be possible without lowering of the oil to such a level where the
windings are exposed to the atmosphere.

6.7 Cooling
a) ONAN Cooled Transformers
Transformers of a rated power up to 15 MVA per unit shall be provided with a self-cooled type of cooling
system (ONAN) provided by at least two groups of detachable radiators flanged directly onto the tank
and/or external headers at the transformer tank, mainly in the vicinity of the core-/coil-arrangement at
the two along sides of the transformer.
Radiators shall be of the DIN type or equivalent provided with six cooling channels in each radiator fin.
Accumulation of air in the radiator heads must be avoided. Radiators of the multi-tube type or similar
arrangements are not acceptable.
The cooling fins of the radiators shall have nominal width of 470 - 520 mm, and their height shall not
exceed 3.0 m. The nominal sheet steel thickness of the radiator walls shall be not less than 1.2 mm.
The radiator fins shall be welded with approved stiffening rods (horizontally and diagonally) to prevent
vibration during operation of the transformers. The distance between horizontally arranged bracing straps
shall not exceed 100 cm. Radiators shall be fully vacuum proof and pressure tested and shall be liquid
The radiators shall be fitted with suitable drain and vent plugs so that they can be completely drained and
vented. No radiators shall be fitted underneath of air-filled cable boxes.
The radiators shall be connected to the tank or external headers by butterfly valves in such a manner that
each radiator can be removed without taking the transformer out of service, and without draining any oil
from the tank and/or common headers (if any). The mechanical tolerance of the arrangement shall be
minimised to allow the exchange of all radiators of the same type without additional fitting. The lower
radiator headers shall be connected to the transformer tank or common headers in a height of not less
than 80 cm above floor level.
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All butterfly valves shall be arranged in a vertical position and in such a manner that their position
indications are clearly and freely visible and legible directly from tank cover and from ground level. Valve
position indicators must not be arranged underneath the flange of the tank cover.
Flanged on common headers, if any shall be connected each to the tank via slide valves mounted directly
onto the transformer tank or cover. Common headers shall not be connected to bushing turrets.
Accumulation of air within the radiators and headers must be avoided. Upper common headers for
connection of radiators shall be connected through isolation valves and vent pipes to the main expansion
pipe. Radiator banks mounted onto the tank or separately shall not be provided.
The radiators shall be assembled and fitted to the tank in such a manner as to provide mechanical
protection to themselves and to prevent vibrations. Suitable stiffening bars of stainless steel shall be fitted
along the radiators on top and bottom. Stiffening bars shall not be arranged cross-wise on top and bottom
of the radiator groups.
All parts of the equipment shall be accessible for inspection and cleaning. Hot-dip galvanised radiators
shall not be provided.
Where applicable, the following accessories shall be provided:
 1 (one) butterfly valve each for inlet and outlet for each radiator, directly accessible from ground
level and tank cover
 2 (two) isolation valves for connecting of each common header (if any) with the transformer tank
and/or cover
 1 (one) drain plug with screwed cap at the outlets of each lower common header (min. two lower
common headers, if provided) suitable for temporary installation of temperature sensors directly
in the oil-flow during heat-run tests
 1 (one) air vent plug with screwed cap at the inlets of each upper common header (min. two air for
upper common headers, if provided) suitable for temporary installation of temperature sensors
directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests
 Additional air vent plugs and drain plugs on common headers, as required
 1 (one) drain plug for each radiator at the outlet of each radiator suitable for temporary installation
of temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests in case of radiators directly
flanged onto the tank
 1 (one) air vent plugs each at the inlet of each radiator header suitable for temporary installation
of temperature sensors directly in the oil-flow during heat-run tests in case of radiators directly
flanged onto the tank. For radiators with upper headers of the elbow type ("swan-neck" type) air
release plugs shall be provided at both ends of these headers
 Numbered identification plates for all butterfly valves and other valves, so as to comply with the
plate for valve arrangement and piping. Particular details for all plates are specified below.
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b) ONAN / ONAF Cooled Transformers

Transformers with a rated power above 15 MVA and up to 250 MVA per unit shall be equipped with a self
cooled / forced air cooled type of cooling (ONAN / ONAF). Unless specified otherwise in the Specific Works
Data Sheets, the self cooled capacity (ONAN) shall be at least 75% of the forced cooled rating.
The ONAN cooling capacity shall be provided in accordance with all applicable requirements as specified,
but by means of three separately mounted banks of detachable radiators as above arranged in three
closed rows of three equal groups in a distance of not less than 1.5 m from each other and flanged on to
common headers by butterfly valves in such a manner that each radiator can be removed without draining
any oil from the tank and headers. The height of the individual radiators shall not exceed 3.5 m.
Accumulation of air within the headers must be avoided. The radiator banks shall be assembled and fitted
to the and in such a manner as to provide mechanical protection to themselves and to prevent vibrations
as specified. Approved expansion pieces shall be provided in each oil pipe connection between the
transformer and each cooler bank. Appropriate supporting structure shall be provided at both ends of
each cooler bank as a minimum requirement.
The upper common headers of each of the cooler banks shall be connected directly to the tank cover at
three points. Additional common headers shall not be provided. The upper common headers connected
to the tank cover shall also be provided with by-pass vent pipes to main expansion pipe(s) to route any
gas collection to Buchholz relay when the related shut-off valves are closed. Upper common headers must
not be connected to bushing turrets and/or to the centre of the tank cover. Upper common headers shall
be connected through vent pipes to the main expansion pipe. Vent pipes other than by-pass vent pipes
for isolation valves from upper common headers to Buchholz relay shall be provided with shut-
off/isolating valves each on header side to avoid back-flow from conservators when the cooler bank is
under maintenance.
The lower common headers shall be installed in a height of not less than 1.8 m and not exceeding 2.1 m
above floor level. Lower common headers in addition to those coming from the individual radiator banks
shall not be provided.
The ONAF cooling shall be provided by means of single phase fan units mounted underneath the radiators
in such a manner as to avoid any hot air circulation when the transformer is installed in the transformer
bay. Fans must be provided from well reputed and at least 20 years experienced manufacturer. Prior
approval must be taken from KE engineer for the manufacturer of fan. Minimum two more fans than
required for continuous operation of full rated power within specified temperature rise limits shall be
included and shall be completely wired up to the starter.
The fan units shall be fitted in an accessible position in a height of not less than 100 cm onto suitable non-
corrosive steel structure/framework, which shall be bolted rigidly onto the radiator groups. The fan units
attached to radiators shall be mounted in a height not exceeding 2.0 m above floor level.
The fan units shall be arranged in such a manner as not to protrude beyond the fins of maximum one pair
of radiators. The overall diameter of the fan units shall not exceed 85 cm. Overlapped arrangement of the
fans with any fan(s) of other radiators must be avoided.
Each fan unit shall be individually removable without dismantling of any structure and without having to
interfere with the operation of other fans. No fan units shall be attached to radiators arranged underneath
the air-filled cable boxes.
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The propellers shall be made of sea-water proof aluminium alloy or stainless steel. Propellers made of any
kind of plastics are not acceptable. Mechanical protection against touching of the fan blades shall be
provided by galvanised round wire mesh guards on both sides of the fan blades.
The fan motors shall be arranged at an easily accessible position, and their terminal boxes shall be
accessible without removing the guard. A nameplate made of stainless steel of top quality for each fan
motor shall be provided clearly visible and legible on the outer housing of each fan unit at an accessible
Starting from the hot condition (100% load at rated excitation) the transformer shall be capable of
remaining in operation without exceeding hot spot temperature (windings) of 125oC at specified
maximum ambient temperature after failure of forced cooling for not less than 60 minutes after outage
of all forced cooling.
The control equipment for the cooling plant and all auxiliary devices shall be accommodated in a
weatherproof cabinet (protection class IP55W) mounted onto the transformer.

6.8 Control of Cooling Units

The electrical supply for the control of the cooling units and for motor drive of OLTC shall be provided by
means of two independent feeders protected by circuit breakers installed in the fan control cabinet
and/or marshalling box as specified. To cover the event of an electrical supply failure, automatic
switchover from the first feeder to the second feeder is required. Automatic transfer equipment shall
include a time delay relay to prevent immediate transfer from normal to emergency source.
Circuit breakers shall be installed for manual switching of each cooling group. Fuses will not be accepted.
a) ONAN / ONAF Cooling
The fan motors or groups of motors shall be automatically controlled by a relay combination taking into
consideration the winding and oil temperature. The criteria for automatic "on/off" switching operations
shall be the winding temperature (ON) and the oil temperature (OFF), respectively. Control shall be such
that frequent start/stop operation for small temperature differences must be avoided. A time delay relay
shall be provided to prevent switching "off" the fans for at least five minutes after starting of the same.
The fan motors shall be connected to the starting contactors by groups. The first group shall come into
operation at lower temperature (i.e. at 75oC hot spot temperature) and next group(s) at higher
temperature (i.e. at 85oC hot spot temperature).
The control shall be such that, if the first group fails to come into operation on winding temperature
reaching the set value on the contacts of winding temperature indicator, next group(s) when it comes into
operation, consequently to winding temperature reaching higher set value, shall bring the first group of
fans also into operation.
The fan groups shall not switch "off" on winding temperature falling to values set on winding temperature
indicator for switching "on" of the groups, but they shall switch "off" when the top oil temperature falls
below set values to switch "off" the groups. That is, the starting impulse for the groups shall be given by
the winding temperature indicators and stopping impulse by the contacts of the top oil temperature
All motor contactors and their associated apparatus shall be designed for the specified control voltage
and shall be capable of holding in and operating satisfactorily and without over-heating for a period of ten
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minutes if the supply voltage falls for that period to 85% of normal control voltage. Auxiliary transformers
for control voltage shall not be provided.
The contactors shall be protected by means of thermal and magnetising tripping elements. However,
motor protection switches with adjustable setting range (approx. 120 - 150% of rated motor current) are
to be provided for each of the fan motors. A group alarm shall be initiated if any fan fails, however,
switching off of any further motor of the same group must be avoided.
Electrical isolation of motor circuits shall be provided to facilitate replacement or repair of individual units
during operation of the others. Voltage relays of the three-phase type shall be installed for supervision of
the voltage supply circuits.
Change-over-switches with three positions, i.e. for automatic, off and manual control, shall be provided
for each of the fan groups.
The following alarm initiating devices having N.O. contacts shall be provided:
 Auxiliary supply - auto change-over
 Cooling fan's failure for each fan group.
The following signal initiating devices having N.O. contacts shall be included:
 Cooling fans start for each fan group
 Cooling system on automatic control
 Cooling system on manual control.

a) On-load Tap Changers
Where required, on-load tap changers (OLTC), as per specifications, for manual control and electrical
remote control shall be provided. The OLTC shall be based on the principle "Dr. Jansen", comprising a tap
selector with change-over switch and a rotary type diverter switch of high speed transition resistor type,
and their transition contacts shall be made of copper-tungsten. OLTC of only MR Germany make is
For windings up to Um= 52 kV (up to 170 kV is acceptable only if all the other particular requirements of
the tender specifications are fulfilled accordingly) the two-vacuum-switch principle or the on-load tap
selector switch principle with transition contacts made of copper tungsten is also acceptable provided
that all other particular requirements of the Specifications are fulfilled.
The OLTC shall be in conformity with IEC 60214 and IEC 60542. OLTC shall have been type tested by a
recognised independent testing authority. Only designs which have been type tested in accordance with
the relevant IEC standards will be accepted. All equipment related to the OLTC shall be supplied by the
original OLTC manufacturer. This is also applicable for tie-in resistors, if provided. Licence products etc.
are not acceptable.
The OLTC shall withstand all kinds of through-fault currents without damage. In all cases of delta
connected windings for Um= 36 kV and above the OLTC shall be provided in mid-winding arrangement
exclusively. All OLTC connected to uniformly insulated windings shall have at least same LI and AC voltage
withstand levels as the related windings. For all applications where OLTC are connected directly to line
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terminals of any of the windings , they shall be insulated for minimum one basic lightning impulse
withstand level higher than that as specified for the related line terminals.
The power of the transformers shall remain constant at all tap positions, and the OLTC shall be capable of
successful tap changes for the maximum current to which the transformer can be loaded. The OLTC shall
be designed for rated through currents of not less than 350 A, and the permissible continuous through-
current of each tap changer unit at rated switching capacity shall cover all cyclic loading duties as per IEC
60354 at highest current tap and at rated system operation voltage applied on the transformer terminals.
Any parallel connection of tap changers is not acceptable.
In case of tie-in resistors being provided they shall be connected via potential switches to the take-off
terminal of the tap changer so that power dissipation only occurs during the short potential switch
operation time, and these resistors shall be designed under consideration of 10 (ten) percent over-
excitation applied to the transformer. Any resistors being of graphite elements will not be accepted.
In case of any non-linear protective elements and/or tie-in resistors being provided, this shall be indicated
in the connection diagram as per relevant Article.
The OLTC(s) shall be mounted from the cover into the transformer at narrow side(s) of the tank. Tap
changers related to the same winding shall be arranged at the same end of the tank. Metal covers for
drive shafts shall be provided on tank cover. The diverter switches and/or selector / vacuum switches shall
have oil compartments separate from the transformer oil as well as their own closed sub-sections in the
oil conservator.
Each diverter or selector switch shall be equipped with an internal suction pipe led to the ground of the
compartment and to be connected to an external drain, filter and sampling valve mounted at a convenient
floor height. The tap changer head shall be equipped with a bleeding duct to be connected to Buchholz
relay of main tank to avoid any gas collection underneath the tap changer head outside the switching
No piping or other equipment shall be arranged beyond the tap changer head to allow lifting of the
diverter switches and/or selector (vacuum) switches without any restriction and without removing
(dismantling) of any other equipment.
An oil-flow operated protection relay shall be provided for internal failure protection. This oil-flow relay
shall be provided on elbow pipe on tap changer head and shall have slide valve on side of piping to OLTC
conservator. In addition a spring-loaded pressure relief device with trip contact and pin-type operation
indicator shall be mounted directly onto the tap changer head.
The motor drive, plus all auxiliary equipment for operation of the tap changer, shall be incorporated in a
rigid control cabinet, protection class IP56 or better, and shall be mounted onto the transformer tank in
a convenient floor height. The driving gear shall be of the belt-type or equivalent dry-type gear. Oil filled
driving gears are not acceptable.
The protection housing shall be of min. 4 mm thick aluminium alloy and shall be of an extra large size to
prevent impermissible heat and to allow accommodation of especially supplementary equipment.
Cleaning and surface preparation of the equipment shall be in accordance with relevant Article of these
Specifications. However one primer coat may be omitted for aluminium.
In case of swing-frames being installed in the cabinet the hinges of the outer door shall be arranged on
the side opposite to those of the swing-frames.
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The complete wiring shall be of highly flexible stranded copper and furnished with slip-over ferrules at
both ends. Wiring shall also have crimped termination. The minimum cross section of the wiring other
than for step position transmitters shall be 2.5 mm2.
The AC supply of the motor drive cabinet shall occur via the control cabinet for cooling equipment or
marshalling box, and an appropriate MCB with trip contact shall be provided in the concerned cabinet for
the outgoing auxiliary supply cable.
The instrument compartment shall be of protection category IP56. Sight glasses shall be of sand-storm
proof laminated security glass. No sight glasses of transparent plastics shall be provided.
The cabinet shall be mounted on a narrow side of the transformer and the following main equipment
shall be installed:
 Driving motor with adjustable motor protection equipment (setting range: approx. 120% - 150% of
rated motor current)
 Main switch for emergency stop (load break switch min. 40 A)
 Operation counter
 Control switch or push buttons for local raise/lower operations (inside of the cabinet)
 All electrical control switches and local manual operating gear shall be clearly labelled in an
approved manner to indicate the direction of tap changing, i.e. raise and lower tap operation
 Electrical limit switches
 Mechanical stops in end positions
 Step position indicator with engraved position numbers, easily legible from ground floor ("1"
related to the position with the maximum high voltage, all windings in circuit)
 Local/remote switch
 Voltage supervisory relays for phases of supply voltage and main circuits of control voltage
 MCBs for each auxiliary supply circuit
 Hand lamp (controlled via door contact)
 One permanent heater
 One heater, thermostatically controlled
 Min. two conventional position transmitter of the resistor type
 One additional position transmitter of the resistor type with tap position transducer, output: 4-20
mA, with individual MCB being provided in the motor drive cubicle
 Min. two conventional position transmitter of the contact type
 One additional contact type position transmitter with diode-matrix for digital remote position
 Additional end position contacts
 Spare plug (standard universal socket)
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 Terminal blocks with terminals of single insertion type with isolating facilities and test connectors
and being universally suitable for connection of solid conductors from 1 mm2 up to a cross-section
of at least 6 mm2, with ten percent spare terminals
 A metal plate showing the control circuits and all terminal blocks to be rigidly fixed directly onto
the inner side of the front door
 Crank handle for manual operation
 Padlock facilities for front door.
All equipment installed in the cabinet shall be designed for a cubicle inside temperature of at least 70oC.
A rigid pocket for storing the concerned circuit diagram shall be securely fixed on the inner side of the
front door, besides plates showing the control circuits and terminal blocks.
The requirements to be met by the motor drive are summarised below:
 Mechanical indication of step position at the motor drive cabinet
 Transmission of step positions of the transformers to the load dispatch centre and to the local
control room
 Manual operation in the case of a failure in the electrical supply system
 Push button remote operation via the local control room and/or via the load dispatch centre and
remote tap position indication
 Step-by-step operation with automatic stop after each step
 No interference of the running tap changing procedure by permanent control switch/push button
 Operation from local or remote control switch shall cause one tap movement only unless the
control switch is returned to the “off” position between successful operations
 Automatic passage control for central taps
 Automatic restart of tap changing operation after a failure in the electrical supply system,
interlocking to be provided against simultaneous raise/lower operation
 Blocking of end positions by means of limit switches
 Protection to prevent over-running of any tap position
 Provisions to be made for parallel running and automatic operation controlled by a voltage
regulating device and parallel control unit
 Motor operation via push buttons or lower-/raise-switch
 Hand operation by means of a crank handle
 It must not be possible to operate the electrical drive when the manual operating gear is in use.
All apparatus and instruments required for remote control as well as the connections and control cables
running from the transformers towards the external and internal circuits of the substation are to be
provided as specified in the Scope of Work / Scope of Supply.
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The power transformers of each station shall be able to be operated in parallel. Suitable automatic
paralleling equipment shall be provided which can be operated by selector switches mounted on the
transformer, control panel at the control room and via the load dispatch centre.
The equipment required for automatic voltage regulation such as the voltage regulating relay, auxiliary
relays, meters, switches, overload blocking facilities, signal lamps, test terminals and other accessories
necessary for operation such as connections and control cables running from the transformer towards the
external and internal circuits of the substation are to be provided as specified in the Scope of Work/ Scope
of Supply.


a) The motor shall be capable of giving rated output without reduction in the expected life span when
operated continuously under the following supply conditions:
 Variation of supply voltage from rated motor voltage ±10%
 Variation of frequency ±5%
 Combined over- or under-excitation ±10%.
b) The motor shall be suitable for full voltage direct on line starting.
c) The motor shall be capable of starting and maintaining the load exceeding acceptable winding
temperature when the supply voltage is in the range of 85% of the rated supply voltage.
d) AC motors shall be of the three-phase squirrel-cage rotor type.
e) Insulation shall be given tropical and fungicidal treatment suitable for hot, humid climate, and the
protection category of the motors shall be at least IP 55.


The insulation oil shall be new uninhibited naphtenic based mineral oil free from additives. It shall be
acid-refined and pre-treated, and shall have properties complying with
IEC 60296 - class II as well as with DIN 51554 with regard to Baader test values and ageing properties.
However, the kinematics viscosity shall not exceed 9.0 mm2/s at 40oC, and the dielectric dissipation
factor at 90oC shall not exceed 0.0025 after pre-treatment as above. Insulation oil used for all power
transformers and shunt reactors to be delivered for the same substation shall be of the same oil
manufacturer and type.
Before utilisation the dryness (water content in ppm) and all other properties of the oil should be proved
& indicated. The dissolved gases in oil and the dielectric strength of the insulation oil shall also be proved.


Conservator vessels shall be provided in such a position as not to obstruct the electrical connections to
the transformer and it shall have sufficient capacity to allow for oil expansion from 0oC to 120oC.
Conservator vessels shall be sealed against each other and shall not be located directly on (along) the tank
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Main tank conservator vessels shall be of the cylindrical type and shall be equipped with elastic
diaphragms of the air-bag type. They shall also be connected to the tank cover at the end opposite to
OLTC. Magnetic type oil level indicators showing the full level range shall be fitted to all oil vessels, being
clearly marked with the normal level.
Tap changers shall have their own closed sub-sections in the conservator. To avoid unnecessary
permanent stresses from switching compartment(s) of OLTC to that of the transformer main tank all
conservator compartments shall be designed in such a manner that at the same oil temperature all oil
levels are nearly equal, and the installation level of the conservator vessel(s) shall not exceed 3.5 m above
tap changer head(s) to avoid impermissible stresses at any OLTC compartment when the diverter and/or
selector switches are drawn out for maintenance.
The conservator vessels shall be fully vacuum proof and designed in such a way that they can be
completely drained by means of drain valves. Conservator vessels shall be furnished with cleaning
openings in such a manner as to avoid damage of rubber diaphragms, i.e. the front walls of the
conservators shall be completely removable and shall be equipped with two lifting lugs each.
A vacuum application valve and vacuum equalising valves for diaphragm(s) and for OLTC conservator(s),
shall be provided between the air-expansion pipes to the silica gel breathers. The vacuum application
valve and the vacuum equalising valves between the conservators and for diaphragms shall be rigidly fixed
at a convenient floor height.
Each conservator vessel shall be fitted with two parallel breathers in which only blue silica gel (Pink when
wet) in accordance with the newest IEC regulations has been filled as a dehydrating agent. The containers
for the dehydrating agent and the oil trap shall not be of transparent plastics. The parallel breathers shall
be connected to the air-expansion pipes via approved two-position three-way valves with captive screwed
caps. A universal spanner for removing of the cap and operation of the valve shall be fitted to the tank by
a fly-nut on a rigidly fixed bolt of stainless steel at an accessible position in a convenient floor height.
In view of excessive humidity breathers shall be larger in size and shall be provided with oil trap. The silica
gel filling capacity of each breather shall be dependent on the size of the transformers (each having a
minimum filling capacity of 3 kg for the OLTC conservators and 4.5 kg for transformers up to 30 MVA per
unit, 5.5 kg for transformers up to 100 MVA per unit and minimum 7 kg for transformers above 100 MVA
per unit shall be provided).
The silica gel breathers as well as all filling and draining devices shall be rigidly fastened at an accessible
position in a convenient floor height. Furthermore all of the breathers shall be rigidly fixed onto the tank
by appropriate mounting brackets at their lower ends.


Isolation valves shall be provided at the conservator to cut off the supply and to drain the conservator. All
piping required for the connection/filling of the various parts of the transformers as well as the valves
required for oil sampling, draining, filtering, connection of the radiators, drain and vent plugs, etc. are to
be included. All flanges to which the valves are to be connected shall be welded leak-proof onto
transformer tank and piping etc. All piping shall be rigidly supported. The inner diameter of vacuum
application pipes and main expansion pipes to main conservator shall not be less than 50 mm and that for
other piping other than small piping to Buchholz gas testing devices shall not be less than 25 mm. All
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piping on tank cover shall be provided with suitable flanges for removal for transport etc. Flexible oil-pipes
are not acceptable.
Two position three-way cocks of 25 mm inside diameter shall be provided to control the breathers in such
a manner that any one of the two parallel breathers is in service while the other breather is in stand-by
position. Any position other than specified previously shall be mechanically interlocked. All three-way
valves shall have captive screwed caps. Combined spanners for removing the caps and operation of the
valves shall be delivered as mandatory tools.
All valves for draining, oil sampling, filling, filtering, vacuum application and vacuum equalising shall be
mounted at a convenient floor height and shall be equipped with approved rigid padlocking facilities
provided with padlocks for a master key system for each transformer.
All isolation valves and shut-off valves other than butterfly valves for radiators shall be proper slide valves,
i.e. globe and/or gate valves equipped with adequate operation handles and position indicators
(“open”/“shut”). However ball-type valves with single-operation handles may be provided for oil-sampling
valves on main tank and sampling valves on oil-filter units provided that the single-operation handles and
their padlocking facilities are made of stainless steel with embossed position indication (“open”/“shut”).
All filter valves shall have adapters with 1½" male thread fitted with screwed cap. All other drain and
sampling valves shall have the same with ¾" male thread. In addition two suitable adapters 1½" and ¾"
(including oil sampling hoses) for all types of oil-sampling and filter valves shall be delivered for each
transformer as mandatory tools.


The equipment of this item shall be wired up to terminal blocks inside the control kiosk. The complete
wiring shall be of highly flexible stranded copper and shall be furnished with approved slip-over ferrules
at both ends.
All equipment installed in control and marshalling cabinets shall be designed for a cubicle inside
temperature of at least 70oC.
Thermometers and thermostats shall be provided with contact units adjustable to scale and easily
accessible when removing the lid. All monitoring equipment arranged outside the cabinet(s) shall be of
protection category IP55. Sight glasses of thermometers and oil level indicators shall be of sand-storm
proof laminated security glass. No sight glasses of transparent plastics shall be provided for any of these
Thermometers shall be arranged in an approved manner under corrosion-proof covers close to the control
kiosk. Capillaries shall be properly protected throughout the total length by flexible steel conduits. To
avoid damages at the connection points of capillary tubes to temperature detectors all heads of these
sensors shall be covered completely. Thermometer pockets shall be arranged in the vicinity nearest to the
active part.
The following standard accessories shall be provided for each power transformer unit:
a) 1 (one) twin-float Buchholz relay for transformer tank with metal gas sampling and testing device
(gas collector) with sight-glass, and to be operated from the ground at convenient floor height. The
pipes connecting the Buchholz relay shall have slide valves on the conservator and tank side (easily
accessible) to enable dismantling of the relay without oil leakage. Small piping from Buchholz relay
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to gas sampling and testing devices shall be covered throughout the total length by flexible steel
b) 1 (one) twin-float Buchholz relay as before for the oil-filled cable terminal boxes of each winding
commonly (in case of two cable boxes for neutrals: one common twin float Buchholz relay in
c) 1 (one) single-float gas-detector relay for each main conservator connected to the highest point of
front wall of each main conservator as leakage detector for diaphragm.
d) 1 (one) protective relay (oil-flow operated) with trip contact for each OLTC. The pipes connecting
the relay shall have slide valves on the conservator side (easily accessible from tank cover).
e) 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring-loaded type with pin-type operation indicator and trip
contact for each OLTC.
f) 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type with pin-type operation indicator and trip
contact for transformer main tank (for transformers above 63 MVA per unit two pressure relief
valves arranged on opposite ends on the tank cover).
g) 1 (one) pressure relief device of spring loaded type with pin-type operation indicator and trip
contact for each oil-filled cable box.
h) 1 (one) oil-flow monitor with alarm contacts for each cooling pump (forced-oil cooled transformers
i) 1 (one) dial type thermometer for top oil temperature with radial type main and maximum pointer,
remote indicator, and four adjustable contacts for oil temperature alarm and trip (at 95oC and
105oC) and switching OFF the cooling groups (at 65oC and 55oC). The range of temperature
indication shall be from -20oC to 140oC. In addition, a signal conditioner with 4-20 mA output, with
individual MCB, for remote temperature indication shall be provided.
j) 1 (one) thermal replica to be connected to each winding other than the stabilising winding via
current transformer. These current transformers shall be of class 1M, and the rated primary current
shall correspond to the rated current of the related transformer winding. The effective resulting
rated secondary current shall be 2 Amps. Matching units between current transformers and
thermal replicas shall not be provided.
k) 1 (one) dial type thermometer with radial type maximum pointer and heating coil in thermometer
pocket in tank cover for each thermal replica with remote indicator and four adjustable contacts
for winding hot spot temperature alarm and trip (at 115oC and 130oC) and switching ON the cooling
groups (at 75oC and 85oC). The range of temperature indication shall be from 0oC to 160oC. In
addition, a signal conditioner with 4-20 mA output, with individual MCB, for remote temperature
indication shall be provided.
l) 1 (one) magnetic type oil level indicator with alarm contacts (minimum and maximum oil level) for
each main conservator vessel (arranged sloped at the conservator).
m) 1 (one) magnetic type oil level indicator with alarm contacts (min. and max. oil level) for each
conservator vessel of OLTC.
n) 1 (one) ammeter for checking the output of the current transformer of each thermal replica (also
to be used during calibration).
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o) 1 (one) Silica gel breather each for main tank and OLTC (self-regenerating type)


A rigid weather-proof control cabinet (protection class IP55) shall be provided for each transformer for
the accommodation of electrical controls, as well as alarm and trip circuits of the measuring and
monitoring equipment. Control circuits shall be protected by adequate miniature circuit breakers with
alarm contacts, suitably wired and integrated in the overall alarm system of the station. Fuses will not be

The complete wiring shall be of stranded copper and furnished with slip- over ferrules at both ends. Wiring
shall also have crimped termination. The minimum cross-section of the wiring other than for step-position
transmission of OLTC shall be 2.5mm2 and that for oil pumps shall not be less than 6mm2 . Terminations
of two conductors at one terminal point shall be made by suitable bridges and links of the terminals. CT
wiring shall be of 4mm2 in metal conduit. All wiring should be oil resistant.

All wiring of motors, Alarm and trip devices shall include an insulated separate protection earth conductor
of at least the same cross-section as the line conductor. Suitable grounding conductors shall be provided
for all grounding connections of the control cabinets and the terminal boxes with the transformer tank as
well as for protection of earth connections between control cabinets and related doors or covers of
terminal boxes. The cross-section shall not be less than 16mm2. Insulated grounding conductors shall be
“green yellow” coloured.

Electrical connections between accessories and the control cabinet shall be enclosed throughout the total
length. Made in metal raceways of corrosion-proof material or conduit wiring of ample size and be safely
fastened to the transformer tank to prevent mechanical damage or vibrations (to be subjected to
approval). Only steel armouring of cables is not considered to be sufficient protection and therefore, is
not acceptable. All cabling wiring of fan motors, pumps, measuring and monitoring devices etc. shall be
designed for a conductor temperature of not less than 120C.

Control cabinets and/or marshalling boxes, if any, shall be equipped with thermostatically and
hydrostatically controlled heating elements to prevent condensation and moisture.

A gland plate with a suitable fitting for the entrance of multi-core cables shall be installed at the bottom.
They have to be sealed or plugged during transport.

Cleaning, surface preparation and painting shall be in accordance with relevant articles of these

To prevent impermissible temperature rise within the cabinet, arising from sunshine, the fan control
cabinet shall be protected by additional sheet aluminium or non-painted stainless sheet rigidly fixed at a
certain distance around the cabinet and onto the door.

Control cabinets shall be lighted by door-controlled lamps adequately sealed. Hinged doors shall be
equipped with locking facilities. A rigid pocket for storing the concerned circuit diagram shall be installed
on the inner side of the door, besides a metal plate showing all circuit connections terminal blocks. In any
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control cabinet where AC supply voltage is available, a fused spare plug standard universal socket for local
use shall also be provided.

Terminals shall be of single insertion type of ceramic suitable ford conductors up to a cross-section of not
less than 10mm2 .


Plates made of corrosion-proof material rigidly supported shall be supplied as specified hereinafter. Plates
shall be of polished stainless steel of top quality only, such as V4A, INOX A4 or equivalent Cr-Ni-Mo-Ti
alloyed stainless steel (background clear, engraving black, 2 mm thick, and depth of engraving 0.5 mm).
All plates other than those located on tank cover shall be easily and clearly legible from ground level.
a) A rating plate in accordance with IEC 60076. This plate shall also indicate the LI and AC withstand
levels for all windings and, in addition, the switching impulse level for windings of Um = 245 kV and
above. Furthermore, the masses stated on this plate shall include total mass, untanking mass,
transportation mass and insulation liquid mass.
b) A connection diagram showing in detail the internal connections and the voltage vector relationship
of the several windings and, in addition, a plan view of the transformer giving the correct physical
relationship of the terminals.
c) A loading plan plate showing transport dimensions and masses. This plate shall also warn the
erection staff, not to remove any cover before filling the tank with oil to such a level where the
windings are not exposed to the atmosphere.
d) A plate showing the location and function of all valves and air release cocks, plugs and all monitoring
equipment in the plan view and in the different elevations of the transformer. This plate shall also
warn the operator to refer to maintenance instructions before applying vacuum treatment and not
to operate vacuum application and vacuum equalising valves after oil filling under vacuum.
e) Identification plates, alpha-numerical numbered in accordance with the relevant standards, for all
fans, marshalling cabinets, breathers, valves including butterfly valves, cocks, accessories etc.
(minimum size: 110 mm x 50 mm). In addition the function (description) of the related devices shall
be clearly indicated on these plates. The alpha-numerical numbers on the identification plates shall
be of such a size as to be clearly legible from the floor level.
f) A diagram plate indicating the exact oil quantity required in the conservators above minimum level
dependent on the oil temperature.
g) Plates showing in an approved manner all control, measuring and monitoring circuits and terminal
blocks. These plates shall be rigidly fixed at the inner side of the front door of the concerned
marshalling kiosk.
h) Plates showing in an approved manner the control circuits and terminal blocks of the OLTC motor
drive including filter units, if any. These plates shall be rigidly fixed at the inner side of the front
door of the motor drive cubicle.
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The following drawings and documents shall be submitted individually for approval
 General outline arrangement drawing with dimension and details of accessories/components/panels.
 Rating and connection diagram plate
 Schematic diagram of fan controls
 Schematic diagram of tap changer controls
 Drawings of cable boxes and termination arrangement
 Drawings of foundation details
 Indoor Auxiliary control panel drawing
 Specification of the insulation Oil
 Plate for arrangement of Valves and accessories
 Outline of radiator
 Outline of fan unit
 Outline of oil-pump
 Motor drive (circuit diagram plus parts list etc.)
 Construction of globe valves and gate valves.
In addition, 5 (five) complete sets of detailed drawings of transformer, OLTC and operation and maintenance
manuals including spare part lists (if any) shall be submitted prior to the delivery of the equipment.


Each of the transformers shall be subjected to inspections and witness tests to be performed at the
manufacturer's premises and test shop (recognised and certified at least by ISO 9001) and at site, as
specified hereinafter to verify their conformity with the guaranteed and other design data.
The Tenderers/Contractors is obliged to submit a detailed test program including detailed test
connections for all dielectric tests - for approval in due time, prior to the tests. Detailed test schedules
separately for each unit showing working-day-wise when each of the witness tests will be carried out shall be
submitted for approval along with the test program as above.
Successful witness type and routine tests shall be performed on one unit of each type before application of
routine tests on any other unit of the same type. During all applicable witness tests the applied test frequency
has to be supervised and to be stated in the test reports.
The transformers shall be completely assembled in every respect. All of the tests shall be performed with all
original bushings installed.
The tests shall be performed in accordance with the latest issues of the Recommendations of the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC-standards) supplemented by these Specifications.
The following tests shall be performed in the presence of K-ELECTRIC:
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17.1 Factory Tests

17.1.1 Routine Tests

 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions
 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistances of all phases (phase to neutral, where applicable) and at all
tap positions
 Measurement of no-load losses and current from 90% to 120% of rated voltage in 5% intervals at
rated frequency
 Measurement of load losses and impedance voltages / short-circuit impedances at rated frequency
at principal tap position(s) and all extreme positions
 Switching impulse test for HV windings of Um= 245 kV and above. The test voltage shall be higher
than 80% of the specified LI withstand test level in any case, and shall be selected from the relevant
tables of IEC 60076-3
 Lightning impulse test (full and chopped wave) for all power windings of transformers having
windings of Um= 100 kV and above. The following test sequence shall be applied:
- One reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral)
- One reduced level chopped impulse (1st. phase only)
- One full level full impulse (lines and neutral)
- One reduced level chopped impulse (lines only)
- Two full level chopped impulses (lines only)
- Two full level full impulses (lines and neutral).
The peak value of chopped impulse shall be at least 1.1 times the amplitude of full impulse. Neutral
points of the windings under test shall not be grounded through resistors other than a measuring
shunt. Impulse tests on neutrals shall be applied directly with all line terminals earthed, either
solidly or through adequate resistors. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate voltage
dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/or in oscillographic or digital records.
 Separate-source AC withstand voltage test in accordance with IEC 60076-3, clause 11.
 Induced AC withstand voltage tests with measurement of partial discharge:
- Short-duration induced AC withstand voltage test (ACSD) in accordance with IEC 60076-3, clause
12 for transformers with high-voltage windings up to Um= 170 kV
- Monitoring of partial discharges for all windings of Um= 100 kV and above during short-duration
induced AC withstand voltage test (ACSD) as per IEC 60076-3, clause 12. This test is mandatory
independent of the country of the manufacturer
- Long-duration induced AC withstand voltage test (ACLD) in accordance with IEC 60076-3, clause
12 (symmetrical three-phase test) with measurement of partial discharges for all transformers
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with high-voltage windings of Um= 245 kV and above at all transformer windings of Um= 100 kV
and above.
 Measurement of the capacitance and insulation power factor at min. 10 kV
 Measurement of insulation resistance (R15, R60, R180) at 5000 V DC
 Measurement of the insulation resistance (R60) between the core and tank at 2500 V DC
 Measurement of ratio and polarity check on current transformers
 Determination of efficiencies at 125%, 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% load at power factor 1.0 and 0.8
(documentation only)
 Measurement of the cooling losses at rated supply voltage and frequency, and check of rotation
direction of fans
 Calibration and current injection test (45 minutes) on winding temperature based on results of heat
run tests
 Operation tests on OLTC
 Measurement of zero-sequence impedance (at rated frequency) at principal tap(s) and all extremes,
where applicable (no-load zero-sequence impedances at primary and secondary sides and short circuit
zero-sequence impedance at primary and secondary side)
 Applied over-voltage test at 2000 V, AC, 60 sec. on wiring, control and supervisory equipment (on
motors 1000 V AC plus 2 x Un, and 500 V AC on PT 100).Dielectric routine tests as per IEC 60076-3.
 Tests on on-load tap-changers, and drive mechanism in accordance with IEC 60214.
 Functional test on parallel operation of transformers.
 Measurement of dielectric strength of transformer oil.

17.2 Type Tests and Special Tests

All type test as per relevant IEC shall be performedon the same transformer as offerd.
 Induced AC withstand voltage tests
- Short-duration induced AC withstand voltage test (ACSD) in accordance with IEC 60076-3,
clause 12 for transformers with high-voltage windings above Um= 170 kV
- Monitoring of partial discharges for all windings of Um= 100 kV and above during short-
duration induced AC withstand voltage test (ACSD) as per IEC 60076-3, clause 12. This test is
mandatory independent of the country of the manufacturer.
 Lightning impulse test (full and chopped wave) for all power windings of transformers not having
windings of Um= 100 kV and above. The following test sequence shall be applied:
- One reduced level full impulse (lines and neutral)
- One reduced level chopped impulse (1st. phase only)
- One full level full impulse (lines and neutral)
- One reduced level chopped impulse (lines only)
- Two full level chopped impulses (lines only)
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- Two full level full impulses (lines and neutral).

The peak value of chopped impulse shall be at least 1.1 times the amplitude of full impulse. Neutral
points of the windings under test shall not be grounded through resistors other than a measuring
shunt. Impulse tests on neutrals shall be applied directly with all line terminals earthed, either
solidly or through adequate resistors. The test voltages shall be measured via appropriate voltage
dividers and shall be clearly indicated by peak-voltmeters and/or in oscillographic or digital records.
 Measurement of the acoustic sound level at rated voltage and frequency
 Measurement of the harmonic content of no-load current at 90%, 100% and 110% of rated voltage
at rated frequency
 Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis by chromatography prior to dielectric tests, after completion of
dielectric tests and after each of the heat-run tests
 Steady state temperature rise tests at every cooling method and at all specified loading conditions
at the highest current taps of the windings under test and with the highest applicable total losses
to be applied. During all of the heat-run tests the top and bottom oil shall be measured directly in
the oil-flow in radiators headers by approved temperature sensors at a minimum of four of their
inlets and outlets each connected directly to the transformer tank (in case of common headers on
each inlet and outlet of the common headers). In case of measurements of top oil temperatures
taken in pockets the final top oil temperature shall be corrected by +2 K. Measurements on radiator
and/or tank walls etc. are not acceptable.
 Short-circuit Test in accordance with latest IEC Standard 60076-5 to ascertain both thermal and
dynamic withstand conditions. Clauses 3.2.3 & 4.2.6 mentioned in IEC 60076-5 (2006) shall be
followed to determine the withstand ability of tertiary (stabilizing winding) of YNy0d11 Vector
Group transformer.
 Switching impulse test (SI) for the line terminal,
 Separate source AC withstand voltage test (applied potential test)
 Long-duration induced AC voltage test (ACLD),
 Dielectric type tset and special tests as per IEC 60076-3.
 Determination of capacitances windings-to-earth, and between windings,
 Determination of transient voltage transfer characteristics.
 Measurement of zero-sequence impedance(s) on three-phase transformers (10.7).
 Measurement of the power taken by the fan and oil pump motors.
 Measurement of insulation resistance to earth of the windings, and/or measurement of dissipation
factor (tan 6) of the insulation system capacitances. (These are reference values for comparison
with later measurement in the field. No limitations for the values are given here.) If test methods
are not prescribed in this standard, or if tests other than those listed above are specified in the
contract, such test methods are subject to agreement
 Tests on on-load tap-changers, and drive mechanism in accordance with IEC 60214
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17.3 Tests on Transformer Tank and Accessories

Prior to the acceptance tests, the Tenderer/Contractor shall submit the following test certificates
as a minimum requirement:
 Vacuum test on tank and all other oil-filled compartments (to be applied at 1.5 mbar for at least 5
 Pressure test on tank and all oil-filled compartments at min. 1.0 bar measured on tank bottom for
at least 24 hours.
 Ultra-sonic tests on tank cover and self-supporting tank bottom.
 Insulating oil used during factory tests and at site.
 Bushings: all routine and type test on bushings in accordance with 60137.
 Current transformers.
 Buchholz relays.
 Tap changers and related equipment
 Core losses of laminations (W15/50 and W17/50).
 Pressure Relief Device Test

17.4 Site Tests (minimum requirements)

The following tests shall be performed at site as a minimum requirement:
 Measurement of the excitation current with low voltage (AC, 3-phase) when the transformer is
completely de-magnetised
 Oil tightness test on tank at 0.3 bar over oil level, 24 hours
 Measurement of voltage ratio at all tap positions
 Check of vector group by voltmeter method
 Measurement of winding resistances at all tap positions
 Measurement of the winding insulation resistances (R15, R60, R180, R600) at 5000 V, DC
 Measurement of the insulation resistance (R60) between the core and tank at 2000 V, DC
 Measurement of the insulation resistances on auxiliary wiring at 1000V, DC
 Measurement of the dielectric strength of the insulation oil
 Measurement of tan  value of oil
 Dissolved gas-in-oil analysis
 Check of water content in ppm. for oil
 Re-calibration and current injection test on winding temperature indicators (45 min.)
 Functional test on cooling plant, including check of rotation direction of motors
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 Functional tests on control and supervisory equipment

 Functional tests on OLTC equipment
 Visual checks.


18.1 Responsibility and Guarantees

The Employer/Engineer shall have access at all times for inspection of the work and all pertinent materials
during preparation and progress of the work. Should any work or material be found to be defective or not in
compliance with the Engineer's requirements, correction or replacement by the Contractor at his own cost is
Inspection of coating by the Employer/Engineer will neither relieve the paint manufacturer from his
responsibility for the good quality of his products nor the Contractor from his responsibility for acquiring the
specified quality of materials or the correct performance of the work.
All material shall be protected against corrosion and damage through the influence of the prevailing tropical
conditions including the incidence of dust, sandstorms and seawater spray. The Contractor shall bear the
responsibility for all losses and damages which may occur through inadequate measures against such
influences and shall repair the damaged parts at his cost.
The Contractor shall bear the full responsibility for galvanizing and paint applied by him or by others.
Corrosion protection shall be guaranteed for five years after the Employer's/Engineer's inspection and final
The Contractor shall provide a Guarantee Performance Bond to assure the performance of extended
guarantee obligations for corrosion protection. The Contractor shall carry out during the extended guarantee
period any repair on the corrosion protection applied by him free of cost after being intimated by the
If the necessary repairs are not carried out to the satisfaction of the Employer, the repairs shall be carried out
by others and the costs thereof shall be borne by activating the Performance Bond for these extended
guarantee obligations.

18.2 Test Instruments

The dry film thickness on steel shall be measured by means of an electromagnetic dry film thickness gauge
such as the "Minitector" and a magnetic one such as the "Microtest".
During application of paint the wet film thickness shall be checked continuously by means of an approved wet
film thickness gauge. Also, the dew point has to be controlled continuously by means of approved instruments
and methods.
An approved type of multi-cross cutter for adhesion tests is also required. For the above mentioned tests
which shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer all respective instruments shall be provided by the
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18.3 Materials
All materials of successive coats shall be supplied by the same manufacturer and the Engineer's approval shall
thus be obtained before relevant orders are placed.
Materials shall be used from a manufacturer who has good experience with his products with regard to
corrosion protection in such special areas.
Materials which are to be supplied and used for the surface protection work (e.g. paints, filling cements,
metallic coating materials) must comply with quality regulations and standards, the following provisions and
any special permit conditions and official regulations. If a certain material is stipulated in the Specification, it
shall be possible, with the agreement of the Engineer, to use a material which can be shown to be at least
equal in quality and suitability.
Paint which looks liverish, has gelled or otherwise deteriorated during storage shall not be used. The quality
of the paints should be such that they do not form a solid sediment but, at most, a slight skin in unopened
original containers over a period of six months calculated from the manufacturer's delivery date. A paint
which has formed a solid sediment or more than just a slight skin in the unopened original containers by the
time of use or which cannot be processed satisfactorily may not be used. A sediment shall be regarded as
solid if it cannot be dispelled again quickly and completely by stirring with an adequate electric driven mixer
(maximum speed 350 to 400 rpm).
Paints which do not have to be prepared by mixing several constituents just prior to use should be brought
to the building site in such a state of readiness that they need only be adjusted to brushing or spraying
consistency to meet the relevant working conditions (e.g. temperature) by adding the particular thinners in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
In the case of paints which are only prepared for use immediately before application by mixing several
constituents (e.g. multiconstituent types), the various constituents should be of such a kind that mixing at the
building site is restricted to the necessary extent.
If the Contractor selects, for the protection of steel or aluminium alloys against corrosion, paints and filling
cements for which no regulations, permit conditions or technical conditions of delivery exist, they may be
used if the Contractor can prove their suitability for the necessary degree of protection against corrosion, and
after approval of the Engineer
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18.4 Galvanized Steel Surfaces

18.4.1 General Requirements

This Article defines the minimum requirements for galvanizing as well as for surface cleaning and preparation
for the protective coating of galvanized steel surfaces.
All steel for outdoor use is to be galvanized and further painted if specified.
The galvanizing procedure shall be started only after having finished all chipping, trimming, fitting and
bending. Also, all drilling, punching, cutting and welding shall have been completed and all burns removed.
All steel, including bolts, nuts and washers, shall be galvanized at the manufacturer's premises by means of
hot-dipping in accordance with internationally recognized standards such as ASTM A 239 or equivalent, and
the zinc coat applied shall have the following thicknesses:
- Minimum 80 micron/approximately 600 g/m2;
- Maximum 120 micron/approximately 900 g/m2.
Where members are of such length that they cannot be dipped in one operation, great care shall be exercised
to prevent warping. All holes in material shall be free of excess spelter after galvanizing. All material shall be
safe-guarded against embrittlement during galvanizing. The zinc coating shall be uniform in thickness and so
applied that it will adhere to the surface of the steel.
Major damage to galvanizing shall be cause for rejection. Material on which galvanizing has been damaged
shall be re-dipped unless the damage is minor and local and can be repaired by applying galvanizing repair
paint, to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
If particularly specified for protection during transport and erection, all galvanized steel members shall be
coated with a suitable pre-primer with minimum thickness of 40 micron and matching the primer to be
applied after erection.
If not otherwise specified, galvanized steel surfaces shall be chromated with approximately 3 micron
Single items such a cable trays, fences, etc. may be galvanized and PVC covered if so approved by the

18.4.2 Cleaning and Surface Preparation

Prior to painting the galvanized steel surfaces shall be carefully brushed with fresh water in order to remove
all foreign matters such as salt, white rust and zinc corrosion products, dust, sand and dirt.
After erection and prior to the painting at site, the surfaces shall be cleaned thoroughly by the use of
mechanical steel brushes and fresh water to remove all foreign matter.
After cleaning, all surfaces shall be checked for any damage caused to the galvanizing. Minor damage shall be
carefully freed from dust and shall be touched up with a zinc-chromate primer as specified. Major damages
and welding seams shall be sand-blasted in accordance with SA 3 (SIS 055900) and painted with a zinc rich
primer, in specific cases re-galvanizing may be required.
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18.5 Painting at Manufacturer's Premises

All metal surfaces such as for switchgear, cubicles and panels, structures and supports, casings, enclosures,
frames and subframes, etc. i.e. all equipment or parts thereof incorporated in the work, shall be chemically

- Steel: zinc-phosphate
- Aluminium: chromating
- Other materials: adequately treated

Followed by a coating system (preferably powder coating).

The painting of the panel should conform to specification C3 for indoor and C4 for out door panels.

Extra amounts of paint sufficient for all repairs shall be made available and shall be applied to all surfaces
after erection and before commissioning of equipment, if so required.

The final coat shall preferably comply with code RAL 7035 " Light grey", " or as directed or approved otherwise
by the Engineer.

In any case, at an early stage the Contractor shall explain in great detail all corrosion protection measures he
intends to take, indicate the relevant standards for testing the applied measures, and apply for the Engineer's
approval of the above mentioned steps.

18.5.1 Painting
Due to the unfavorable atmospheric conditions particular attention should be given to the protection of
all iron/ metal work. The methods proposed and the means adopted should be fully described in the Bid.
All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, seale, grease and dirt and other foreign matter and all
imperfections shall be removed by means of approved methods.
The following treatments shall be applied:
a) External surfaces

All steel surfaces shall be sand blasted in accordance with DIN 5598, Part 4(equivalent to SIS 055900) and
shall then be painted in the following sequence:
 two (2) primer coats 2 x 35 µm
Binder: epoxy resin hardened with polyamide
Pigment: titanium dioxide. Zinc oxide. Zinc phosphate, tinting additives

 one ( 1) intermediate coat 35µm

Binder: epoxy resin hardened with polyamide
Pigment: titanium dioxide, micaceous iron oxide, tinting additives
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 two (2) top coats (polyurethane base)

Binder: polyurethane hardened with isocyanate.
Pigment: titanium dioxide, micaceous iron oxide, tinting additives

Coating thickness Total 150 µm

The colour code shall be RAL 7001.

If hot-dip galvanized radiators etc. will be provided the same painting method shall be applied,
however, instead of two primer coats one adhesive coat and one coat shall be applied.

In this case, the mean thickness of galvanizing shall be 55 µm.

Mechanical damage shall be repaired at site.

b) Internal Surfaces.

Inside the transformer/reactor vessel, sand-blasting shall be performed in accordance with DIN 55928.
Part 4. (equivalent to SIS 055900). After that, a solvent-free, oil-resistant coating shall be applied.

The minimum dry film thickness shall be 40 µm.


When evaluating the individual tenders received from the various tenderers the transformer losses will
be capitalised as follows:
a) No-load losses US$ 6,000.00 per kW
b) Load losses US$ 3,000.00 per kW
The auxiliary power losses will be added to the load losses.


The guaranteed values tendered by the Tenderers/Contractors in the Specific Works Data Sheets will be
strictly observed by both the Tenderers/Contractors and the Employer.
For the guarantee data not mentioned hereinafter tolerances in accordance with IEC 60076 shall apply.

If the no-load losses of a power transformer exceed the guaranteed value, an amount of
US$ 6,000 per kW for each full kW in excess of the guaranteed value will be deducted from the Contract
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If the load losses (plus auxiliary power losses) of a power transformer exceed the value guaranteed, an
amount of US$ 3,000 per kW for each full kW in excess of the guaranteed value will be deducted from the
Contract Price.
It is thereby understood that values of 0.5 kW and above will be rounded up to the next full kW.


If the test of temperature rise carried out on any transformer should reveal that the temperature rise of
the transformer exceeds the values guaranteed, the rated power and output of the transformer at
operation conditions as specified above will have to be down-rated to such a degree as to obtain the
temperature rise guaranteed. For each kVA of the actual transformer rating below the guaranteed rated
power and output as specified previously, an amount of US$ 25.00 will be deducted from the Contract
Price of this transformer and all those transformers of the same design unless the Tenderers/Contractors,
at his own expense, gives evidence that those transformers fulfil the guaranteed values.


Should the noise level measured at the specified distance exceed the required values for power
transformers, K-ELECTRIC will penalise the excess at a rate of US$ 5,000.00 per dB (A). Hereby is
understood that values of 0.5 dB (A) and above will be rounded up to the next full dB (A).

K-ELECTRIC shall have the right to reject any transformer if the actual values are in excess of the
guaranteed values by more than the margins specified hereunder (including the tolerances):

 No-load losses + 15%

 Load losses (forced cooling) + 10%
 Total losses + 10%
 Noise level + 3 dB(A)
 Temperature rise limit + 2.0 K
 Impedance ±5%

For all of the other values the margins stated in IEC standards are applicable, unless specified otherwise
elsewhere in these Specifications.

The core and coils shall be completely dried before shipment and shall be assembled with the transformer
In order to facilitate safe handling and shipping of power transformers, as many external accessories as
possible, including the bushings, shall be removed and replaced with special shipping covers. Transport of
completely assembled power transformers is not acceptable.
Butterfly valves and/or other isolating valves mounted directly on the tank shall not be removed for
transport in order to avoid ingress of humidity during installation at site. All of those parts dismantled for
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shipment shall be fitted again only after filling the tank with oil to such a level where windings will not be
exposed to the atmosphere.
Bushings, radiators and other accessories which may be affected by moisture shall be moisture-proof
packed in seaworthy packing. Packing material, including oil drums, shall not be returned.
As far as is practicable the power transformers shall be supplied and shipped with their initial oil filling in
the main tank.
If the transportation of the power transformers with oil filling is not practicable, they shall be despatched
with automatic dry nitrogen or dried air filling arrangement. During transport, each transformer shall be
equipped with devices maintaining a constant pressure in the equipment concerned and facilitating
tapping-up by suitable automatic facilities from reserve bottles. In this case, drained oil of at least the
same quality as used during factory tests shall be delivered in drums or containers in a sufficient quantity
to refill the transformers and to replenish losses during subsequent processing at site.


Electronic transport monitors (impact recorders with electronic data storage), capable of indicating all
horizontal and vertical impacts, shall be rigidly attached to each power transformer.
Provisions must be made to ensure that these indicators are sealed, that they will be completely functional
without interruption of indicated records during the entire period of shipment, including loading and
unloading, and to ensure that K-ELECTRIC will receive clearly indicated data by breaking the seal.
Instructions for interpretation of the recorded data and a user manual for the equipment shall be provided
prior to shipment.


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PID/TS/PTR/1.0 Page 39


Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


1.01 Manufacturer name
1.01.1 type designation
1.01.2 country of manufacturer
1.02.1 Manufacturer's authorization letter attached yes

1.02.2 Customer's certificates on satisfactory

experience attached yes

1.03 Kind of installation outdoor

1.04 Applicable standards IEC 60076, 60354

1.05 Single or Three-Phase unit three-phase

1.06 Magnetic core

1.06.1 type of core core type

1.06.2 type of stacking step-lap

1.06.3 three or five-limb core three

1.07 Type of tank upper flange type

1.08 Tank fully vacuum proof yes

1.09 Number of windings No. two plus stabilising

1.10 Insulation oil

1.10.1 manufacturer
1.10.2 type
1.10.3 specification of oil (general) IEC 60296, class II

1.11 For parallel operation with existing transformer yes

parameters to be suitably coordinated

2.01 Rated power
2.01.1 at ONAN cooling MVA 31.5 / 31.5 / 10.5

2.01.2 at ONAF cooling MVA 40 / 40 / 13.3

2.02 Rated frequency Hz 50

2.03 0
Maximum ambient temperature C 50

2.04 Maximum service altitude m 1000

2.05 Temperature rise limits at all tap changer settings

2.05.1 oil / top K 45

2.05.2 windings / average K 50

2.05.3 windings / hot spot K 63

2.05.4 hot spot factor (H) core of core-form type H 1.3

2.06 Rated voltages (no-load) for tranformation ratio

2.06.1 primary kV 132
2.06.2 secondary (in case of parallel operation with kV 12

already existing transformers to be suitably co-

2.06.3 tertiary kV 12

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


2.07 Rated Voltages for insulation class: E124

2.07.1 Primary kV 145

2.07.2 Secondary kV 24

2.07.3 Tertiary kV 24

2.08 Rated current

2.08.1 primary at tap -1- A at tap -13 - A at tap -25- A

2.08.2 secondary A

2.08.3 tertiary A

2.09 Voltage variation range ± kV 20

2.10 Tapping range ±% 15

2.11 Number of steps ± steps 12 x 1.25

2.12 Principle tapping kV 132

2.13 Tapped winding HV

2.14 Continuous power at all taps yes

2.15 Permissible load of neutral point % 100

2.16 Vector group symbol YNyn0(d11)

2.17 Magnetic flux density at rated voltage & frequency TESLA max. 1.6

2.18 No-load losses kW

2.19 No-load current (Io/In) %

2.20 Core losses (W17/50) W/kg max. 1.05

2.21 Impedance voltage-primary/secondary

(31.5/40MVA basis)
2.21.1 tap changer position -1- %

2.21.2 tap changer position -13- % 16/20.4

2.21.3 tap changer position -25- % 18

2.22 Load losses (40MVA basis)

2.22.1 tap changer position -1- kW

2.22.2 tap changer position -13- kW

2.22.3 tap changer position -25- kW

2.23 Power consumption of cooling plant kW

2.24 Winding insulation design:

2.24.1 primary winding uniform

2.24.2 secondary winding uniform

2.24.3 tertiary winding (stabilising) uniform

2.25 Insulation Level / Primary winding

2.25.1 power frequency withstand voltage (line/neutral) kV 275/275

2.25.2 lightning impulse level (line/neutral) kV 650/650

2.26 Insulation Level / Secondary winding

2.26.1 power frequency withstand voltage (line/neutral) kV 50/50

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2.26.2 lightning impulse level (line/neutral) kV 125/125

2.27 Insulation Level / Tertiary winding

2.27.1 power frequency withstand voltage kV 50

2.27.2 Lightining impulse level kV 125

2.27.3 insulation levels to be coordinated yes

with actual transferred over-voltages
2.28 Rated duration of short circuit s 3

2.29 Symmetrical short circuit withstand current

2.29.1 HV winding kA

2.29.2 LV winding kA

2.29.3 tertiary winding kA

3.00 TESTS

3.01 Lightning impulse test on each unit

3.02 Full wave

3.02.1 primary (neutral/lines) kV 650/650

3.02.2 secondary (lines/neutral) kV 125/125

3.03 Chopped wave (lines only) on each unit

3.03.1 primary kV 715

3.03.2 secondary kV 140

3.04 Separate source AC voltage withstand test on each unit

3.04.1 primary kV 275

3.04.2 secondary kV 50

3.04.3 tertiary kV 50

3.05 Induced AC voltage withstand test, acc. to on each unit

IEC 60076-3, clause 12.2 and monitoring of
partial discharges
3.05.1 test voltage / primary kV 275

3.05.2 test voltage / secondary kV 24

3.05.3 permissible partial discharges at U2 = 1.3xUm/√3 pC max. 300

3.05.4 test frequency Hz

3.06 Test of temperature rise (at all kinds of cooling) on one unit

3.07 Test of noise level (special test) on one unit

3.08 All other type, routine, and special tests yes

according to the specifications
3.09 Short circuit test
3.09.1 name of independent testing laboratory
who carried out the short circuit test on
similar transformer
3.09.2 test certificate attached yes

3.09.3 validity of quality control certificates

3.09.4 name of issuing authority


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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


4.01 Cooling method ONAN/ONAF

4.02.1 Number of groups

4.02.2 Number of fans Number of fans in each group Number of spare fans Number of standby fans for emergency loading
in case of outage of all forced cooling
4.02.3 Single phase or Three phase Fans Single

4.03 Mode of connection of fans by groups

4.04 Sequential starting of two fan groups yes

4.05 Air-blow direction of fans vertical

4.06 Noise level at a measuring distance dB(A) max. 65

of 2.0 m (all forced cooling in operation)
4.07 Permissible over-load and duration
(in minutes) as per IEC

4.07.1 20 % over-load at 30 0C min. at 40 0C min. 0 min.
at 50 C
4.07.2 30 % over-load at 30 0C min. 0 min.
at 40 C 0 min.
at 50 C
4.07.3 40 % over-load at 30 0C min. at 40 0C min. 0 min.
at 50 C
4.07.4 50 % over-load at 30 0C min. 0 min.
at 40 C 0 min.
at 50 C


5.01 Current densities at rated power

5.01.1 2
primary A/mm max. 2.62

5.01.2 regulation windings A/mm2 max. 2.62

5.01.3 2
secondary A/mm max. 2.62

5.01.4 2
tertiary A/mm max. 2.62

5.02 Winding resistances at 75 0C

5.02.1 primary Ω / Phase

5.02.2 regulation windings Ω / Phase

5.02.3 secondary Ω / Phase

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


5.02.4 tertiary Ω / Phase

5.03 Type of windings

5.03.1 primary
5.03.2 regulation windings
5.03.3 secondary
5.03.4 stabilising windings
5.04 Winding conductor material (all windings) copper

5.05 Winding connections braced or crimped

5.06 Branded or core bolt construction

5.07 Thermal class of insulation A

5.08 Insulation material

5.08.1 primary
5.08.2 secondary
5.08.3 tertiary
5.08.4 tapping leads
5.08.5 core lamination
5.09 Radiators
5.09.1 wall thickness mm min 1.2

5.09.2 width mm 470 - 520

5.10 Type of valves

5.10.1 radiator valves butterfly valves

5.10.2 valves for silicagel breathers three-way valves

5.10.3 on tank and conservator globe or gate valves

5.10.4 oil sampling valves globe or gate valves

5.11 Cooling fans

5.11.1 total weight, incl. motor kg

5.11.2 overall diameter mm

5.12 Efficiencies
5.12.1 at 25 % of rated power %

5.12.2 at 50 % of rated power %

5.12.3 at 75 % of rated power %

5.12.4 at 100 % of rated power %

5.12.5 at 125 % of rated power %

5.12.6 at 150 % of rated power %

5.13 Voltage regulation at 75 0C and rated power

5.13.1 at power factor 0.80 %

5.13.2 at power factor 0.85 %

5.13.3 at power factor 0.90 %

5.13.4 at power factor 0.95 %

5.14 Thickness of tank cover, walls and bottom

5.14.1 cover mm min. 25

5.14.2 walls mm

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


5.14.3 length of transformer less than 2500 mm mm min. 6

5.14.4 length of transformer more than 2500 mm mm min. 9

5.14.5 bottom mm

5.14.6 self-supporting tank bottom mm min. 30

5.14.7 cross-beam supported tank bottom mm min. 12

5.14.8 nominal internal pressure at full load max. bar

5.14.9 internal withstand test pressure at full load bar


6.01 Primary (Lines and Neutral)

6.01.1 Manufacturer
Trench (France) or Passoni Villa (Italy)
6.01.2 country of manufacturer
6.01.3 Type oil/Air

6.01.4 Applicable Standard IEC 60137

6.01.5 Rated current A(min) 1250

6.01.6 Power frequency test voltage kV 275

6.01.7 Lightning impulse level kV 650

6.01.8 Minimum creepage distance mm 6525

6.01.9 Bushing insulator manufacturer country of manufacturing material type length mm weight kg electrostatic capability

6.02 Secondary (Lines and Neutral)

6.02.1 Manufacturer
Trench (France) or Passoni Villa (Italy)
6.02.2 country of manufacturer
6.02.3 Type oil/air

6.02.4 Applicable Standard IEC 60137

6.02.5 Rated current A 2500

6.02.6 Power frequency test voltage kV 50

6.02.7 Lightning impulse level kV 125

6.02.8 Minimum creepage distance mm 600

6.02.9 Bushing insulator manufacturer country of manufacturing material type length mm

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV

Sr. No. REQUIRED TENDERED weight kg electrostatic capability

6.02.10 Provision of testing cables yes

6.03 Tertiary (Stabilising)

6.03.1 Manufacturer
6.03.2 country of manufacturer
6.03.3 Type oil/air

6.03.4 Applicable Standard IEC 60137

6.03.5 Rated current A 1000

6.03.6 Power frequency test voltage kV 50

6.03.7 Lightning impulse level kV 125

6.03.8 Minimum creepage distance mm 600

6.03.9 Bushing insulator manufacturer country of manufacturing material type length mm weight kg electrostatic capability


(to be filled-in for each type of C.T.)
(C.T. data are subject to separate approval)
(C.T. Parameter to be coordinated with the
switchgear CTs and Protection requirement) yes

7.01 For Protection Purposes, HV Side

7.01.1 Rated output (at lowest lap) VA 30

7.01.2 Ratio primary A 200 secondary A 1

7.01.3 Class steady state 5P20

7.01.4 Class transient TPS

7.01.5 Technical data to be co-ordinated with yes

switchgear C.T.
7.02 For Protection Purposes, LV Side
7.02.1 Rated output (at lowest tap) VA 30

7.02.2 Ratio primary A 2500 secondary A 5

7.02.3 Class steady state 5P20

7.02.4 Class transient TPS

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


7.02.5 Technical data to be co-ordinated with yes

switchgear C.T.

7.03 For Protection Purposes, TER Side

7.03.1 Rated output (at lowest tap) VA 30

7.03.2 Ratio primary A 100 secondary A 5

7.03.3 Class steady state 5P20

7.03.4 Class transient TPS

7.03.5 Technical data to be co-ordinated with yes

switchgear C.T.

7.04 For Protection Purposes, Tertiary Neutral N.A.

7.04.1 Rated output (at lowest tap) VA 30

7.04.2 Ratio primary A secondary A

7.04.3 Class steady state 5P20

7.04.4 Class transient TPS

7.04.5 Technical data to be co-ordinated with yes

switchgear C.T.

7.05 For Protection Purposes N.A.

7.05.1 Rated output (at lowest tap) VA

7.05.2 Ratio primary A secondary A

7.05.3 Class steady state 5P20

7.05.4 Class transient TPS

7.05.5 Technical data to be co-ordinated with yes

switchgear C.T.


8.01 Manufacturer MR

8.02 country of manufacturer Germany

8.02 Type
8.02a Applicable Standards IEC 60214

8.03 Rated through current A 350

8.04 Rated switching capacity kVA 1000

8.05 Lightning impulse level (1.2 / 50 µs) kV 750

8.06 Power frequency withstand test voltage kV 325

8.07 Short-time current

8.07.1 2 s value kA 6

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


8.07.2 peak value kA 15

8.08 Type of connection neutral point

8.09 Type of switching diverter switch, Dr. Jansen

8.10 Type of regulation winding coarse and fine

8.11 Contact life (operations) min. 200,000

8.12 Auxiliary supply voltage V, AC 400/230

8.13 Number of tap position transmitters:

8.13.1 contact type transmitters No. min. two
8.13.2 additional contact type transmitter with diode- No. one
matrix for digital remote position indication
8.13.3 resistor type transmitters No. min. two
8.13.4 additional position transmitter of the No. one
resistor type with tap position transducer,
output: 4-20 mA


9.01 Transformer masses

9.01.1 total mass kg

9.01.2 transportation mass kg

9.01.3 untanking mass kg

9.01.4 mass of core kg

9.01.5 mass of windings kg

9.01.6 mass of tank and fittings kg

9.01.7 mass of insulation liquid kg

9.01.8 Weight of Copper kg

9.02 Overall dimensions including bushings:

9.02.1 height mm

9.02.2 depth mm

9.02.3 width mm

9.03 Shipping dimensions

9.03.1 height mm

9.03.2 depth mm

9.03.3 width mm

9.04 Descriptions
9.04.1 dimensional drawings No.

9.04.2 connection diagram No.

9.04.3 pamphlet No.

9.05 Size of winding conductor

9.05.1 Primary mm2
9.05.2 Secondary mm2
9.06 Number of Parallel conductors No.

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV




Nitrogen Injection Type

a) Depressurisation Equipment
Manufacturer's name
2 Type designation
3 Country of manufacture
Activation Detector
5 Size range, mm
6 Pressure range, bar
Body material
8 Blow over pressure is detected:
8.1 By pressure sensors (Yes/No).
8.2 By buchholz relay (Yes/No).
9 Type of pressure sensors.
9.1 Spring type (Yes/No).
9.2 Membrane type (Yes/No).
10 Does the system operate with transformer tank
internal pressure or bypressure sensors (Yes/No).
11 Does the system operate with buchholz relay (Yes/No).
12 Is the offered system a transformer explosion
preventation type (Yes/no).
13 Is the offered system fire extinguishing type (Yes/No)
14 Does vessel internal presure sonsors activate a fast
depressurisation device (Yes/No).
15 Is explosion vent equipment with intergrated sensors

b) Temprature Detectors
1 Manufacturer's name
2 Type designation
3 Country of manufacture
4 Size, mm
5 Temprature, range, deg.C.
6 Body material

c) Explosion Venting Equipment

1 Manufacturer's name
2 Type designation
3 Country of manufacture
4 Size, mm
5 Rated flow
6 Body material

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Power Transformers, 31.5/40 MVA, 132 ± 15%/12 kV


d) Shutter
1 Manufacturer's name
2 Type designation
3 Country of manufacture
4 Size, mm
5 Opening time, sec
6 Closing time, sec
7 Body material

e) Nitrogen
1 Bottle size
2 Quantity of nitrogen, bar
3 Pressure of nitrogen, kg
4 Material of gaskets for values.
5 Is Nitrogen injected in closed vessel in order to stop
flammable gas generation (Yes/No)
6 Is Nitrogen injected in closed vessel in order to stop
expel the explosion flammable gases outside
the transformer (Yes/No)

f) Control Box
1 Manufacturer's name
2 Type designation
3 Country of manufacture
4 Size, mm
5 Body material
6 Mounting arrangemet
7 Manual,electric and automatic operation

g) Remote Control Panel

1 Manufacturer's name
2 Type designation
3 Country of manufacture
4 Dimentions, mm*mm*mm
5 mass.Kg
6 Mounting arrangement
7 Manual, electric and automatic operation


a) Fire Extinguishers
1 Manufacturer's name
2 Model
3 Type
4 Size

b) Mobile CO2 Fire Extingusher Cart

1 Manufacturer's name
2 Model
3 Type
4 Mass of CO2 in the steelbottle, kg.


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