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The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book

The story
A wolf family finds a young boy wandering in the jungle and adopts him,
giving him the name Mowgli. He becomes part of the wolf pack, and Baloo,
the old bear and Bagheera, the panther, teach him the Law of the Jungle.
However, Shere Khan, the tiger, doesn’t like having a child who will become
a man living in the jungle, and wants to kill him.
One day Mowgli is taken prisoner by the monkeys who live in an
abandoned city in the jungle. Baloo and Bagheera get help from Kaa, the
python, and rescue him.
As Mowgli gets older he is in great danger from Shere Khan. The one thing
that all animals are afraid of is fire, so he goes to a nearby village and
steals a pot with fire in it. He uses the fire to fight Shere Khan, but he knows
that he will have to kill Shere Khan to be safe.
As Mowgli gets older, the animals begin to realize that he can’t live with
them in the jungle when he is a grown man. He returns to the village
where he is adopted by a family. But Shere Khan finds him. This time
Mowgli kills Shere Khan. But the villagers are now afraid of Mowgli, so
they chase him away and he returns to live in the jungle.

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Introducing the book The contents page

The cover

• Ask the children to turn to the contents page.

• Explain that the story is a classic (famous)
• Hold up the book and point to the cover.
story by the writer Rudyard Kipling. Point to his
Read the title to the class. Read it again and
name. Explain that the story has been retold by
encourage the children to repeat it after you.
another writer. Point to her name.
• Ask What is a jungle? and elicit from the class
• Ask if any of the class are familiar with the
anything that they know about jungles or
story, perhaps through the cartoon version.
• Explain that the Contents list tells us what is in
• Point to the picture again. Ask What sort of
the book.
animals are these? Elicit the words panther and
bear. Elicit from the class anything they know • Ask How many chapters are there?
about these animals. • Read the chapter titles to and with the class.
• Ask What is the boy doing? and elicit from Briefly explain any unfamiliar words.
the children that he is playing with the two • Read the last two sections of the contents page
animals. The Law of the Jungle and Animal fact file.
• Ask What do you think the story is going to be • Explain that The Law of the Jungle is the law by
about? which animals live in the jungle, and that the
Animal fact file section gives information about
some of the animals that appear in the story
• Read the chapter titles again and ask questions
about them to stimulate the children’s interest,
for example:
• Chapter 2: What is a Pack? What do you think
happens at a Pack Meeting?
• Chapter 4: Why do you think the monkeys take
Mowgli. Do you think Mowgli wants to go with
• Chapter 8: The Red Flower is not a real flower,
but something that men have and animals do not.
What do you think it is?
• You can play the audio download of the
story at any time you choose. See http://

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 1 During reading

• Read page 3 (or play the audio). Do not stop
A new wolf cub to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
Pages 3 to 7
• Read page 3 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 4, 5, 6 and 7.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 What did Tabaqui the Jackal want?
2 What news did Tabaqui give?
3 What did the wolves do when the boy appeared?
4 Why did Shere Khan come to the cave and what
did he want?
5 How did Mother Wolf answer Shere Khan?
6 What do Mother and Father Wolf have to do if
they want to keep Mowgli?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.

After reading
Active vocabulary Stage 2 comprehension
bone bush catch cave cow cub deer Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
frog hunt jackal kill law pack tiger activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
village wolf their suggestions.
Passive vocabulary 1 Why was Mowgli alone in the forest?
awake hill laugh leader moon  2 Why did Mother Wolf want to keep Mowgli?
moonlight roar yawn
3 Why does the Law of the Jungle say that an
animal must never kill a man?
Before reading • Write some animals from the chapter on the
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. board and check that the children understand
• Look at page 3. Ask the children what animals
they can see in the two pictures. • Ask What do you think will happen next? What will
happen when Mother and Father Wolf tell the other
• Look at page 5. Ask Where is the boy? Who is he
wolves about Mowgli?
playing with?
• Look at page 6. Ask What can you see at the
mouth of the cave? How do the other animals feel
about it?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 2 During reading

• Read pages 8 (or play the audio). Do not stop
The Pack Meeting to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
Pages 8 to 12
• Read pages 8 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 Why do cubs have to go to the Pack Meeting?
2 Why did Shere Khan speak at the meeting?
3 Why was Mother Wolf afraid?
4 Why did Baloo speak at the meeting?
5 Why did Bagheera speak at the meeting?
6 What did the meeting agree?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.

After reading
Stage 2 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
Active vocabulary activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
bear bull fight harm meat meeting their suggestions.
panther rock 1 Why didn’t the other wolves want Mowgli?
Passive vocabulary 2 Why did they agree to let Mowgli stay?
buffalo elephant honey nut root • Discuss some of the ideas the animals discuss in
shape silent stone the meeting? Is it possible for animals and man
to live together?
Before reading • Ask What will Mowgli have to do now? Who will
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. help him?

• Read the title of Chapter 2. Ask What do you

think this chapter will be about?
• Look at page 8. Ask what are the wolves doing?
Who is the wolf sitting on the big rock?
• Look at page 9 Ask What is Mowgli doing?
• Look at page 10 Ask who is speaking? What
animal is it?
• Look at page 11 Ask who is speaking now? What
animal is it?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 3 • Look at page 15. Ask where is Mowgli? What is he

The Law of the Jungle • Look at page 16. Ask What are the animals up in
the trees? What are they looking at?
Pages 13 to 16
During reading
• Read page 13 (or play the audio). Do not stop
to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
• Read page 13 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 14, 15 and 16.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 What did Mowgli like doing best?
2 What did Mowgli learn from Baloo?
3 How did Mowgli meet the monkeys? What did
they do for him?
4 What did the monkeys plan to do with Mowgli?
5 Why did the monkeys want Mowgli?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
Active vocabulary of the story aloud.
bat bee branch ear eye fur hut
monkey nest noise safe snake teeth After reading
Stage 2 comprehension
Passive vocabulary Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
grass ground howl sound stick swing activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
treetop twig their suggestions.
1 Why was it important for Mowgli to learn things
Before reading quickly?

• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. 2 Why didn’t Baloo like the monkeys?

• Read the title of Chapter 3. Ask What do you • Read the Hunting Song again, and encourage
think this chapter will be about? the children to learn it. They can point to the
different parts of the body as they speak.
• Look at page 13. Ask where are Mowgli and
Bagheera? What are they doing? • Ask What do you think the monkeys will do in the
next chapter?
• Look at page 14. Ask where are Mowgli and Baloo?
What are they doing?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 4 • Look at page 19. Ask Who are Baloo and Bagheera
talking to?
The monkeys take Mowgli • Look at page 21. Ask Who is flying towards Baloo
and Bagheera? What news does he have?
Pages 17 to 21
During reading
• Read pages 17–18 (or play the audio). Do not
stop to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
• Read pages 17–18 again, and encourage the
children to read along with you. Repeat if
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 19 and 20–21.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 Who did Mowgli ask to help him?
2 Who did Baloo and Bagheera ask for help?
3 What did Kaa know about Mowgli?
4 What news did Rann the eagle give them?
5 How did Bagheera and Kaa cross the river?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.
Active vocabulary
eagle follow grab lift skin slide After reading
slip wall Stage 2 comprehension
Passive vocabulary Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
brave broken cleverest mistake plan activity. Encourage the children to give reasons
waste for their suggestions.
1 Why did Kaa the snake agree to help Baloo and
Before reading
2 Why did Kaa and Bagheera travel without
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items.
• Read the title of Chapter 4. Ask What do you
• Repeat the words eagle and snake and revise all
remember about the monkeys? Why do they want to
the other animal words that the children have
take Mowgli?
• Look at page 17. Ask Who are the monkeys
• Ask Now that Kaa and Bagheera have got to
carrying? Who is he talking to?
Monkey City what do you think they will do?
• Look at page 18. Ask Where are Baloo and
Bagheera? Why are they worried?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 5 • Look at page 25. Ask Who is in the battle with the
monkeys now?
Monkey City During reading
Pages 22 to 26 • Read page 22 (or play the audio). Do not stop
to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
• Read page 22 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 23, 24, 25 and 26.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 What was Monkey City before the monkeys
lived there?
2 When did Bagheera attack?
3 Why didn’t Kaa attack at the same time as
4 Where did the monkeys put Mowgli?
5 What did Mowgli tell Bagheera to do?
6 Who came to help Bagheera first?
7 What did Kaa do when he came to the battle?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
Active vocabulary of the story aloud.
attack battle bite cloud ditch
fingers hiss locked pretend python 
roof scratch summer house tank trip
After reading
Stage 2 comprehension
Passive vocabulary
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
crowd foolish ram splash
activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
their suggestions.
Before reading 1 How did they win the battle with the monkeys?
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. • Write the word hiss on the board. How many
other words can the children remember that
• Read the title of Chapter 5. Ask what do you think
describe the noises that animals make. Help
Monkey City is like?
them make a list.
• Look at page 22. Ask What are the monkeys
• Ask What do you think the monkeys will do now?
• Look at page 23. Ask What is Bagheera doing and
how are the monkeys responding?
• Look at page 24. Ask Where is Mowgli? Can he get

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 6 • Look at page 31. Ask What is Mowgli doing?

Where do you think they are going?
Mowgli is rescued During reading
Pages 27 to 31 • Read page 27 (or play the audio). Do not stop
to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
• Read page 27 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 28, 29, 30 and 31.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 How did Mowgli get out of the summer house?
2 Why didn’t Kaa go home with the others?
3 What did Kaa do? What did the monkeys do?
4 Did Baloo and Bagheera watch Kaa? What
happened to them?
5 Did Mowgli watch Kaa? What happened to
6 How did Mowgli get home?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.
Active vocabulary
beast bleed disappear hole hug hurt After reading
jump knock down neck nose power
rescue  smash Stage 2 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
Passive vocabulary
activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
circle dust fool silly soft square
their suggestions.
statue triangle
1 Why did nothing happen to Mowgli when Kaa
Before reading 2 Why was Bagheera angry with Mowgli?
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. • Ask the children if they have ever seen or heard
• Read the title of Chapter 6. Ask How will the other about a snake dancing.
animals rescue Mowgli? • Ask What do you think will happen to Mowgli next?
• Look at page 27. Ask What is Kaa doing in the
first picture, do you think? And what are Baloo and
Bagheera doing in the second picture?
• Look at page 29. Ask What is Kaa doing and who
is watching him?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 7 During reading

• Read page 32 (or play the audio). Do not stop
Bagheera warns Mowgli to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
Pages 32 to 36
• Read page 32 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 32, 33, 34–35 and

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 How long had Mowgli been in the jungle now?
2 Was Mowgli afraid of Shere Khan?
3 What is different about Bagheera’s neck? Why?
4 Why did Bagheera tell Mowgli to go to the
5 What did Mowgli hear as he went to the village?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.

After reading
Stage 2 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
Active vocabulary
activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
cage collar danger enemy escape fire
their suggestions.
flower growl pot proud secret
trouble weak 1 Why is Mowgli in more danger now than
Passive vocabulary
bar gift kick king snap stretch thorn 2 How did Bagheera start his life and how did he
get to the jungle?
• Ask the children if they have ever visited a zoo.
Before reading Is it right or wrong to keep animals in cages (or
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. is there not an easy answer)?
• Read the title of Chapter 7. Ask What do you • Ask What will happen to Mowgli when he goes to
think Bagheera warns Mowgli about? the village?
• Look at page 32. Ask Who can you see in the two
pictures? What are they doing?
• Look at page 33. Ask Is Bagheera happy or not?
How does Mowgli feel?
• Look at page 34. Ask What is in the cage? What is
the man doing?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 8 During reading

• Read page 37 (or play the audio). Do not stop
The Red Flower to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books.
Pages 37 to 41
• Read page 37 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 38–39 and 40–41.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 How did Mowgli get the Red Flower?
2 What did Mowgli do to keep the Red Flower
3 Who told Mowgli to go to the Pack Meeting?
4 Why was Akela not on the rock?
5 What did Mowgli do with the pot of fire at the
Pack Meeting?
6 Where did Mowgli go at the end of the chapter?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.

After reading
Active vocabulary Stage 2 comprehension
burn fear flame miss pain stick Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
striped throw wood activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
their suggestions.
Passive vocabulary
1 Why is Mowgli not afraid of fire?
blow pile
2 What will happen to Akela now he is not the
Before reading • Ask Why did the young wolves hate Mowgli?
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. Discuss with the children how people (the
• Read the title of Chapter 8. Ask What is the Red wolves) can be influenced by others (like Shere
Flower? What will Mowgli do with it? Khan). Can they think of similar examples?

• Look at page 37. Ask Where is Mowgli? What is he • Ask Do you think Mowgli will be happy in the
looking at? village?

• Look at page 38. Ask What has Mowgli done?

• Look at page 40. Ask What is Mowgli doing with
the fire?
• Look at page 41. Ask What is Mowgli doing?


Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 9 During reading

• Read pages 42–43 (or play the audio). Do not
In the village stop to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books
Pages 42 to 46
• Read pages 42–43 again, and encourage the
children to read along with you. Repeat if
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 44–45 and 46.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 What did the people of the village do the first
time they saw Mowgli?
2 Who took Mowgli into her hut? Why did she do
3 What did Mowgli have to learn?
4 Where did Mowgli work every day?
5 Who came to visit Mowgli from the jungle?
6 How did Shere Khan plan to kill Mowgli?
7 How did Mowgli plan to defend himself?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.
Active vocabulary
block farm fig gate goat handsome
After reading
herd promise rag rude strong valley Stage 2 comprehension
Passive vocabulary Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
clap donkey kite milk
their suggestions.
1 How was Mowgli different to the people of the
Before reading village?
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. 2 What sort of stories do you think Buldeo told?
• Read the title of Chapter 9. Ask What do you Why did Mowgli laugh behind his hand?
think Mowgli will do in the village? • Ask What do you think will happen if Shere Khan
• Look at page 42. Ask Who are these people? comes to the village?

• Look at page 44. Look at the first picture. Ask

What is Mowgli doing? Look at the second picture.
Ask What is the man doing?
• Look at page 45. Ask Who is Mowgli talking to? Is
he happy to see him?


Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

Chapter 10 During reading

• Read page 47 (or play the audio). Do not stop
Tiger, tiger! to explain or ask questions. Ensure that the
children are following in their books
Pages 47 to 51
• Read page 47 again, and encourage the children
to read along with you. Repeat if necessary.
• Read again, a paragraph at a time. Explain any
difficulties. Encourage the children to use the
pictures to help with understanding.
• Repeat these steps with pages 48, 49, 50 and 51.

Stage 1 comprehension
Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
1 Who knocked Shere Khan to the ground?
2 What did Buldeo want?
3 What did Buldeo tell the people in the village?
4 What did the people do when Mowgli came
back to the village after killing Shere Khan?
5 Where did Mowgli go when he left the village?
6 What did the wolves want Mowgli to do?
• Finally, ask the children to re-read short sections
of the story aloud.

After reading
Stage 2 comprehension
Active vocabulary Ask questions orally, or set them as a written
activity. Encourage the children to give reasons for
bell bright dark forgive group reward
spring stone
their suggestions.
1 Why did Buldeo tell the villagers that Mowgli
Passive vocabulary
was a danger? Was Mowgli really a danger?
barn bundle greet hide ring
2 Why did the wolves want Mowgli to lead the
pack? And why did he not want to?
Before reading 3 In the future, what sort of life do you think
• Pre-teach vocabulary, and practise new items. Mowgli will have?
• Read the title of Chapter 10. Ask What will
happen with Shere Khan in this chapter?
• Look at page 47. Ask Where is Mowgli? What is
the bull doing to Shere Khan?
• Look at page 48. Ask Who is on the ground? Who
is holding him?
• Look at page 49. Ask What are the people of the
village doing?
• Look at page 51. Ask Where is Mowgli?
What are the wolves doing?

Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

The Law of the Jungle Animal fact file

Pages 52 and 53 Pages 54 and 55

Before reading Before reading

• Read the title of the poem and look at the first • Ask Which of these animals did you meet in the
picture. Ask the children what they think the story?
poem will be about. • Ask What do they do in the story? How do they
behave with Mowgli?
During reading
• Read the poem (or play the audio). Ensure that During reading
the children are following in their books. • Look at the different animals with the children,
• Read the poem again – this time the children and read out the words for them to repeat.
should read along with you.
• Read again. Get individual students or groups of After reading
students to read each verse. • Game: Ask the students questions about each of
the types of animal, for them to answer with the
After reading correct word, for example:
• Ask questions to check understanding. – ‘This animal is good at climbing trees.’ ‘The
• Ask children to give (and explain) their opinion black panther.’
of the poem. – ‘This animal likes to cool itself in rivers and
• Ask about the features of the poem. There are lakes.’ ‘The Bengal tiger.’
words that rhyme, and there is a rhythm and – ‘This animal can be over 7 metres long.’ ‘The
verse structure. rock python.’
• The children can play the same game in pairs
or in small groups. To make the game more
challenging they could cover the text and use
the pictures.


Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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The Jungle Book

After reading the book

These questions are intended for oral use in class but you may ask children for written responses if you
feel it is appropriate.

Response to the story Moral issues and themes

• Ask Did you like the story? Why? Why not? Did you Use any of these themes from the story as a basis
think it was interesting or boring? Was it exciting or for a class discussion:
too predictable? Which part of the story did you like • Law of the Jungle. Ask Why is there a Law of the
best? Were there any parts of the story that surprised Jungle? Is it useful? Do all the animals keep the law?
you? What did you think of the ending? What happens if they don’t?
• Talk about the way each chapter ended. Ask Did • Jungle and village. Ask For Mowgli, what are the
the end of the chapters make you want to read on? differences between the jungle and the village? Why
Talk about how this technique is often used in does he choose to stay in the jungle at the end of the
stories and other media such as TV. story?

Characters • Animals and people. Ask What sort of person do

the different animals represent? Akela and Baloo,
• Ask the children about the main story
for example.
characters. Did you like Mowgli? What did you
think of Baloo and Bagheera? What did you think of
Shere Khan?
• Pick out one or more words from the active
Plot vocabulary list for each chapter. Ask the
children if they can remember the meanings.
• Encourage the children to retell the basic story
in their own words. They can use the pictures as • Ask the children to show their understanding of
a framework for doing this. the vocabulary by using the words in sentences.

Settings Follow-up ideas

• Ask Where did the story take place? Talk about • As a class compose a story sequel using this
the main setting of the book in India. Then go story as a model.
through the book with the class and ask them to • Jungle alphabet. There are a lot of different
identify each of the story settings. animals and other things from the jungle in the
story. Ask the class to put together an alphabet
using as many of these words as possible.
• Drama. Get the children to act out the story of
The Jungle Book. Give each child a part to play
and they can act out the story as you read it.


Explorers 4: The Jungle Book Teacher’s Notes

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