Fiat, Faith, Dyslogistic Families: - Taj Tarik Bey

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(Fiat – A Silent Weapon)
—Taj Tarik Bey

In the course of human affairs, injurious or hurtful circumstances may occur due to inclement whether, as
when a tornado or storm suddenly arises and rages across the land. Often times, people can prepare for the ef-
fects of a storm, since Nature almost always gives a sign or warning. For instance, we can sense when rain or a
storm is coming with the telltale signs of a dark cloud or a sudden acceleration of the wind, etc. These are some
of the notations that foretell of an impending tempest or squall. During the winter seasons, ice and snows may
bring busy activities to a standstill. In spite of the tempestuous conditions that a storm or a rain may bring, from
time to time, we always know that in these events Nature is cleansing and or watering the earth for the supports
of life! Then after the storms – with a balance never-ending goodness – Nature brings the Sun. Would that the
benevolence of Nature were true to the desires of some men, as they ply their pseudo-religious dogmas in a
stark pretence of good! Such trusted hypocrisy, cribbed in foul pretext of promise, bodes ill in persuasion to
men, women and children by such reptitious and blasphemous ‘Fiat’.

Many of the lack of self-esteem problems and social / economic depravations, affecting all Aboriginal and
Indigenous Natural Peoples and their families, has definite and traceable roots into Pseudo-religion, Cannon –
Law, artfully – induced Disassociation, Misprision, and operative Colonial – Demo-politics. Upon closer and
more logistically – oriented inter-social studies, the numerous Moral and Spiritual convolutions and inconsis-
tencies that plague and oppress us in these days, have manifested in the physical and civil realm; multi-faceted
and reflecting as, Social and Economic. So, let us reflect upon a few of the institutionalized factors that have
caused the myriad of unnatural forms of dysfunction and poverty among our people and within our families. A
studied review of world history and political usurpations reveals the ‘Modus Operandi’ of Christendom as the
culprit. Much of these social and economic injuries, suffered by us (the Aboriginals) was initiated by ‘Fiat’ and
authorized by the Catholic Popes and Arch-Bishops of Rome. These self-authorizations declared through
‘Bullas’ or by what is known as, Canonical Decree!
The descent character and human -abuse practices of their Roman forefathers was, and is, the marked and
commonly applied ‘Fiat’ thought process manifestations cherished in the social character of the European Colo-
nists who now occupy the Western Hemisphere (by Fiat, forced illiteracy, and force of arms).

Fiat is a Latin word, meaning, ‘Let it be done’; ‘Let it be made’. It is a word that, alone or in formula, indi-
cates that something is declared to be done by an accepted or competent authority that sanctions the doing of
something. Thus, ‘Fiat’ is a ‘command’ having for its object, the creation of something.

Demo-politics and oppressive slave – making governments go hand in hand. One is an appendage of the
other, because, fakery, fraud, theft, and disingenuousness (by way of artful misrepresentations) is declared by
Fiat. This pseudo-monetary concept was, and is, heavily expressed in the European - Colonial system com-
monly referred to as, ‘Sharecropping’. This pseudo-monetary system of ‘Fiat’ purports (by deceptive and
unfulfilling promise) to empower and economically secure the hard-working natural persons and their fami-
lies. This holds them monopolistically, and under a color – of – authority, to forced servitude, by occupying
European foreign governance and dyslogistic forms of predatory commerce.

Share-cropping is a method of labor-theft, invented by European slave-holders, whereby the ‘hopeful’
and ‘naïve’ natural persons, were kept in poverty and debt, by being led into thinking that they could be-
come economically stable or successful by working and cultivating Land controlled by, or alleged to be
owned by, Feudal - European land-lords and Farm-holders. The ‘dead’ promise was usually a percentage –
return of the produce for the season of work and sacrifice. However, they would systematically corrupt the
record – keeping involving the output of the produce, and jack up the principle demands. Then the Land-
lords would arbitrarily add unconscionable interests and untenable demands. Thus, the Share-croppers or
Laborers would not, and could not ever satisfy the artificially – created debt attached to the adhesion - con-
tract agreements. The outcome of the ‘blind-faith’ agreement was reduced to perpetual servitude for the
Share-croppers and massive amounts of ill-gotten wealth for the European – Colonial Land-lords.

Share-cropping is closely related to the term, ‘Tenant Farmer’. A Tenant Farmer is one who works and
cultivates land owned (or claimed to be owned) by another, and pays rents and leases in cash and / or pro-
duce by percentage share.

A Share means a ‘fair’ portion. A substance for substance, fair promise was offered by the European
Colonial Land-lords and exploiters. Those Share-croppers who were burdened to till and cultivate the land,
thought that the Land-lord’s promises were valid and real; but the alleged ‘fair’ return for service and labor
was never to be satisfied. This artfully – crafted, fraudulent and miscreant system of exploiting servitude
laborers became the main source of influence and inter-social exercises for developing the ‘Credit System’
now in operation in North America. This ‘Credit-tool, used for economic conquest, was there-from exported
onto an unsuspecting world! Thus, Fiat is associated with counterfeiting; swindling; large – scale cheating
by abuse of confidence; and misplaced ‘Faith’. Blind Faith! Pseudo-religion was freely propagated and
taught to the forlorn and near – hopeless slaves, and became the mental - opiate used to sooth their pains,
poverty and sorrows. This is the advent of ‘Blind – Faith pseudo-religion among the aboriginal natural peo-
ples of North America.

Fiat Faith and Credit

In the broader realm of economic trade and interfacings, ‘Fiat’ in its inter-social, economic usages,
came to be closely related to the words, ‘Trust’ and ‘Faith’. Faith is a firm belief in something for which
there is no proof; but yet accepted with strong conviction. This blind practice of unquestioned belief, trust
and loyalty to dogmatic pseudo-religious doctrines, have traditionally been propagated amongst the op-
pressed and the poor – prompting naïve trust. Trust means confidence and reliance on some quality, charac-
ter, substance or attribute of a person or thing, or truth to a statement or presentment of ‘specie’ of a thing.
Upon this credible account of honor and integrity, the European Bankers, politicians, and slave-holders de-
vised their plans for theft by Credit. Thus, the corporate state / guilds (by fiat of their legislatures) began to
issue ‘Bills of Credit”. Keep in mind that Fiat implies Trust, and that Trust is the implied basis for Credit.
This relates to the implied honor and integrity (supposedly) inherent in the trading of ‘Substance for Sub-
stance’ in monetary exchange and in Labor Compensation; and that the ‘Specie’ of thing is, in fact, what it is
claimed, represented, or charged to be! And so it would follow, by ‘Faith’ that such ‘Specie’ would be con-
vertible into ‘Specie’. Thus, again, the concept of “value for value” in compensation and monetary ex-
So now we are groomed to, and by ‘Government Decree’, coerced into, using Fiat Money in place of
our stolen Gold and Silver. The said Gold and Silver Coins being confiscated by the Fiat Ecclesiastical Au-
thority declared by the Popes of Rome, and embodied in the ‘Inter Caetera Divina’ Church Bull of 1493
A.D. This Edict set the course of actions for European social / economic policies in North America through
Fiat Law, Fiat Religion, Fiat Government, and Fiat Money!

So what is Fiat Money? Fiat Money is an oxymoron because it constitutes a rhetorical figure, in that
Fiat and Money is conjoined to imply that they are synonymous. The fact is that Fiat is bookkeeping and
an abstract in nature, due to the fact that is based on faith and trust. Money is actual Gold and Silver Coins;
has actual value, and is substantive. Fiat is irredeemable (quasi-money); is not physical; is issued and de-
clared legal by ‘Fiat Order’ but is not, and was never intended to be, secured by Gold, or Silver, or any
other legitimate or adequate reserve of actual value. Fiat is usually paper (quasi-money) but may also con-
sist of ‘slug - coins’ made of baser or near valueless metals, whose actual metallic value and content is
worth far, far, less that the assumed face value. By instituting and using the Fiat (counterfeit) instruments,
as a method to subvert the Constitution, the corrupt politicians and bankers (in partnership) can commit
grant – theft against the natural people. Fiat has enabled the Colonial politicians to systematically steal land
and property, and deceptively transfer that stolen wealth for themselves. The same method is used to rob
people of their labor and disguise the weapon (Fiat).

Credit is derived from the Latin word, credere, and means belief, confidence, faith, and trust. In the
misrepresented and degenerated financial system of adhesion – contract thievery, Credit is that abstract and
intangible influence connected with certain social positions created to encourage ‘Faith’ in a thing, an act,
or a promise. It is the pseudo-monetary process by which the ability for a businessman or woman is pur-
ported to ‘borrow’ the abstract ‘Credit’ in place of real or substantive Gold or Silver Coin (real Money).
The downside is that the Creditor demands a return of substance (money) or some other thing of value, such
as, land, for the alleged ‘Loan’ of Credit. Compound interests are artfully attached to the ‘Loan’ of ‘Credit’
and the scenario of politically – perfected ‘Share-cropping’ continues in and institutionalized format. Thus,
perpetual Debt upon the borrower, and the contrived inability to satisfy that (less than honorable) Debt!

As a clear, ethical and verifiable point of honor and ‘Lawful Monetary Reference’, the following is a
Supreme Law of the Land excerpt from Article I of the Constitution for The United States Republic, North
America; and followed by Article VI, establishing the Oaths and Obligations of politicians, government of-
ficials, and legislators, etc.:

Article I Section 10: No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters
of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a
tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obli-
gation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

Article VI: All debts and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall
be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.
This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof;
and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be
the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the
Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.
The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legis-
latures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states,
shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever
be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
Facts and Reality:

1. And so we see, by fact, by law, and by truth, that ‘Fiat’ is not ‘Lawful Money’!

2. We see also that ‘Credit’ is an ‘abstract reliance’ dependant on ‘Faith’ and is not ‘Lawful Money’.
The Lawful, constitutional evidence has shown (and proven) that ‘Lawful Money’ is (in fact and reality)
‘Gold and Silver Coins’; and that no Debts can be satisfied without the said ‘Gold and Silver Coins’.

The reality check and lessons to be learned from this short treatise is that the majority of natural people
have been deliberately deceived about what they have been told is ‘Lawful Money’. This degraded state of
social naivety and ignorance was groomed and promoted by the disingenuous politicians, teachers and in-
structors, administering the institutions controlled by European Colonists operating in North America.

This same ‘dead – culture’ methodology constructed for designed miseducation and family dissolution,
spans the entire public educational arena, held under the iron-handed control of miscreant persons. This
Treatise involves the exposure of a major socio-religious secret of European Demo-operations in America.
Their ‘Fiat’ currency, Fat Law, Fiat Government, and ‘Blind-Faith’ mental-slavery Dictums, are subtly used
to impoverish, break down, and destroy the families of Aboriginal Natural Peoples. It is therefore incum-
bent upon the natural peoples of the world awaken to this silent – weapon strategy, and to shun dogmatism,
naivety, emotionalism, and Demo-state - sponsored ignorance.

Distorted and misrepresented history, human rights violations, color – of – law policies, and the pre-
sent – day disrupted conditions, imposed upon the natural people, are sorely evident. The Colonists have
preserved the ‘Will’ and ‘Fiat’ of their forefathers. The Divine Laws of Nature commands that we (the Abo-
riginals) go back to that superior and progressive ‘state of mind’ of our own forefathers – the founders of

Pain and suffering are great and impassionate teachers (though in this case by default) and should be-
come attentive sources of inspiration for all of us to read more and do serious scholarly studies and re-
search. Divine Fate has left a ‘Charge’ upon those of us who have been misused, misdirected and deceived,
to change our own conditions and false perceptions of the world around us! Honorable principles like ‘fair
exchange’ Constitutional law axioms or ‘substance for substance’ compensations are not a part of Demo-
Colonial character, nor are they germane to the deviant benefactors of its fraud. Every man, woman, and
child must confess their own. Unity, Truth, Nationality and Justice are the call of the day! Remain, now, in
the ‘Light’ of Consciousness!

A More Detailed History of Money

The word, ‘Money’ is derived from the Latin word, ‘Moneta’, the name of a Goddess, after whom a
Temple was named. In this ancient temple, coins were minted and were called ‘Money’, in honor of the
Goddess, Moneta. Thus, the etymology of the derivative word, ‘Money’ means to coin or mint. The origi-
nal, true, denotative, and etymon meaning of Money, was given in honor of the realistic and natural value,
nurturing, sustaining, and substantive nature of the feminine principle, and the economies of life. Therefore,
from the original ‘mother-word’, ‘Moneta’, the word, Money’ is derived, and traced back in history. The
words, Coin, Mint, and Money are synonymous.

Misrepresentations, counterfeiting, theft, and deception have long been a part of a corrupted form of
human social interchange. Such disingenuousness was initiated by way of wars, conquest, subjugation, and
in other forms of negating social / political interfacing. The root motive is ‘Fraud’ and ‘Theft’. It is of vital
interest to note the distinctions made between ‘Denotation’ and ‘Connotation’ in language, as ‘Denotation’
is the basis of Law. Fad meanings and layered connotations do not apply to truth! This is why the ‘Science
of Language’ (Etymology) was, and is, promoted among conscious Moors, and has been diligently adhered
to by Governments, Queens, Kings, Rulers, Master Pedagogues, Social Engineers, Linguists, and legitimate
Educators and Scholars around the world, from ancient times to the present.

“Fiat Money” (oxymoron) relates to the currently distributed financial paper-instruments, constructed
by the Federal Reserve Bank, and feigned as Dollars. ‘Fiat’ is the legal name attributed to an arbitrarily -
authorized ‘counterfeit instrument’ which in itself is an ‘Inconvertible Note’. Inconvertible is a term in Ju-
risprudence which means that such instruments cannot be changed into anything else; cannot be converted
into specie; and is not capable of being redeemed for lawful money. Fiat, which is definitively a ‘tool of
war’, is a misrepresented means of plausibly satisfying a debt, when, in fact it is in itself, a ‘Note of Debt’
sanctioned by some person or governing body, possessing authority, and operating under ‘Color’. Paper
currency is a prime example of ‘fiat’, as produced by the private foreign corporation, ‘The Federal Reserve
Bank’. This anti-constitutional organization was established in the year, 1913 A.D = 1333 M.C.

Keep in mind that President Woodrow Wilson, a member of (Skull and Bones) sanctioned this private
meeting of Congressmen, Bankers and other European elites on Jekyll Island – manifesting with the pri-
vate-law, Federal Reserve and Fiat. These unconstitutional acts were clear political counter-measures to the
activities which were initiated by ‘Noble Drew Ali’, and the establishing of the ‘Old Canaanite Temple’ in
the year 1913 A.D. = 1333 M.C. This Aboriginal-oriented Moorish Movement of North America was
founded for the Redemption of, and the Nationalization of, the true ‘Heirs Apparent’ (Moors) of North
America – “The Vast Estate” (North Gate), held under the iron – handed oppression of European-Colonial
social and political occupation.

In spite of the untoward occupation of the Land, the ‘Fee Simple’ fact remains that the Gold, the Sil-
ver, and the Commerce belong to the true citizens alone! The ‘Heirs Apparent’ are the true and rightful
Inheritors of the Land, and of all other Hereditaments, corporeal and incorporeal. This Land (The North
Gate), and all that is contained therein, is the Birthright of all Moorish American Aboriginals, etc.

Therefore, note that the Constitutional Delegated Authority Order (D.O.A.O.) to coin and regulate
the money, was delegated only to a duly-elected Congress of the United States Republic (The Legislative
Branch). This strictly limited government-only power was unlawfully transferred (sold and granted) to the
private-owned, ‘Federal Reserve Bankers’ (Inquisition Knights) by the unclean hands of a corrupted Con-
gress. Thus, the rise of the ‘Democracy Codes for Rogue Government’, and the systematic usurpation of
the Constitution – sanctioned Republic (See Article IV, Section 4).

Many of these less than honorable Congressmen were then, and are now, secret – society members of
various Masonic Orders, who, initially, under the colorable - authority of President Woodrow Wilson, met
in secret on Jekyll Island, off the coast of Georgia. Their mission was to sell or rent out – for a funding fee-
the lawfully limited, delegated monetary coining power, which was assigned only to the Congress of the
Republic. These associates (European men in secret meetings) formed agreements among themselves, sepa-
rate from the People of the Land and adverse to the Authority of the Constitution. The will and intent of
their actions amounts to a transfer of these great monetary powers into private corporate interests, and into
the hands of monopolizing corporate persons. Thusly, with a compromised Congress, and with the con-
trolled possession of the ‘Seats of Government’, the ‘Supremacy – Boys Network’ were enabled to under-
mine and subvert the legitimate Republic, and to neutralize the ‘rights-securing’ and ‘checking’ nature of
the Constitution.

The art and cunning of creating these negotiable-instruments (Fiat) and pseudo-legal documents
(Symbolaeography) were primed and perfected for publication and production. The aims, purpose and de-
sign of the Federal Reserve was constructed to facilitate misprision, and legal-tender Fiat. The outcome is
the application of a ‘Color-of-Office’, manifesting in a ‘Color-of-Authority’ which was deceptively legal-
ized by manifesting legislation in the nature of a ‘Color-of-Law’, to effectively (but not lawfully) impose a
non-existent ‘Debt’ upon the people of the Republic. Fiat thusly, perpetuates an accelerating and insatiable
burden of accrued pseudo-debt. This scheme, and the ensuing negotiable fiat-instruments of reverse wealth,
deceptively robs the Natural People of land and wealth, and yet, systematically amasses great wealth for the
corrupted politicians, the Congressmen, and for the private, foreign corporations and persons to whom the
corrupted Congress politically committed their Official Seats. Now the secret-society Congress legislates
on behalf of corporate interests and bankers, and in direct contradiction to, the Natural People; the Constitu-
tion; and contrary to their Official Oaths. Modus Operandi: Conquest by Counterfeit - Fiat.

See the United States Republic Constitution, Article I, Section 10; Article III, Sections I and II; and
Article VI. Read all of these Articles of the Constitution and draw your own conclusion.

b). What is the ‘Lawful’ money (of and for) the United States Republic of North America?

The ‘lawful’ money of and for the United States Republic of North America is ‘Gold and Silver
Coins’, as prescribed in Article I, Section 10, of the Constitution: “No debts of the United States can be sat-
isfied except with gold or silver coin”. All Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Officers of the United
States are ‘bound’ by ‘Official Oath’ to uphold and to Support the Constitution, Any laws of any State, to
the contrary, notwithstanding. See Article VI.

United States lawful money shall be ‘minted’ in accord with the weights and measures determined by
the Congress, as delegated to them by the established Supreme ‘Law of the Land’ (Constitution). “ Any
laws of any State, to the contrary, notwithstanding”.

- Taj Tarik Bey

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