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THR Critical Failure of Workplace Ethics

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The Ethics of Human

Resources and Industrial


John W. Budd and James G. Scoville

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right © 2005 by Labor and Employment Relations Association. Printed in the United
States of America. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

First Edition

ISBN 0-913447-90-0

Price: $29.95


Proceedings of the Annual Meeting
Annual Research Volume
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University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
121 Labor & Industrial Relations Bldg.
504 East Armory Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820
Telephone: 217/333-0072 Fax: 217/265-5130
Internet: www.irra.uiuc.edu E-mail: irra@uiuc.edu

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PREFACE AND OVERVIEW ...................................................................... v
John W. Budd and James G. Scoville

SECTION I: Ethical Theory

CHAPTER 1— Moral Philosophy, Business Ethics, and the
Employment Relationship ............................................ 1
John W. Budd and James G. Scoville
CHAPTER 2—The Social Welfare Objectives and Ethical Principles
of Industrial Relations .................................................... 23
Bruce E. Kaufman
CHAPTER 3—Kantian Ethical Thought ................................................ 61
Norman E. Bowie
CHAPTER 4—Non-Western Ethical Frameworks: Implications for
Human Resources and Industrial Relations .................. 89
James G. Scoville, John J. Lawler, and Xiang Yi

SECTION II: HRIR Applications

CHAPTER 5—Globalization and Business Ethics in Employment
Relations.......................................................................... 115
Hoyt N. Wheeler
CHAPTER 6—The Technological Assault on Ethics in the Modern
Workplace ...................................................................... 141
Richard S. Rosenberg
CHAPTER 7—The Ethics of Human Resource Management.............. 173
Elizabeth D. Scott
CHAPTER 8—Ethical Challenges in Labor Relations .......................... 203
John T. Delaney

SECTION III: Ethics in Practice

CHAPTER 9—Ethical Practice in a Corporation:
The Allina Case ...................................................................... 229
Jonathan E. Booth, Ronald S. Heinz, and Michael W. Howe
CHAPTER 10—Ethical Practice in a Labor Union:
The UAW Case ...................................................................... 251
Linda Ewing
CHAPTER 11—The Critical Failure of Workplace Ethics.................... 273
Gordon Lafer

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About the Contributors ........................................................................ 299

Index...................................................................................................... 303
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Preface and Overview

In fixing wages, as in other actions, there are men who will not hesi-
tate to gain their ends by deliberate dishonesty and extortion. Others
ignore the moral side of the wage-contract merely because it does not
attract their attention. The greater number, however, of those who
strive to make the best possible bargain, regardless of any formal ethi-
cal standard of wages, seem to think that the contract is fair, inasmuch
as it is free and made under rule of competition.
—John A. Ryan, A Living Wage:
Its Ethical and Economic Aspects, 1912

I’d keep making and selling the product. My job as a businessman is to

be a profit center and to maximize return to the shareholders. It is the
government’s job to step in if a product is dangerous.
—Jeffrey Skilling, former CEO of Enron,
when asked what he would do if his company
was producing a dangerous product

The motivation for this edited volume is simple—ethics are impor-

tant but almost always absent beyond hollow rhetoric in both the schol-
arship and practice of human resources and industrial relations (HRIR).
National and international business leaders, policymakers, advocates,
and critics frequently employ the rhetoric of ethics. There are calls for
more ethical business practices, a more ethical global economy, and
more ethics training for managers. In the business and economic
spheres, many of the most pressing ethical issues involve the employ-
ment relationship, such as the rights of employees versus shareholders,
employee privacy and monitoring, whistle blowing, pay equity, discrimi-
nation, employee safety, anti-union campaigns, and minimum labor stan-
dards. At the same time, there is vibrant scholarship in the field of
business ethics in which ethical theories and moral philosophy are
applied to business issues, but with just a few exceptions, traditional
HRIR scholars are unaware of business ethics scholarship. The subject
of ethics is clearly an underanalyzed area in HRIR. Since HRIR is ulti-
mately about people and quality of life, there is a pressing need to
develop the positive (analytical) and normative (prescriptive) applications

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of business ethics for the employment relationship in the context of

research, practice, and teaching.
We therefore sought out a diverse set of authors to provide a com-
prehensive examination of major ethical theories and their application to
important and wide-ranging HRIR issues. We are extremely proud of
the group of contributors we were able to bring together in this volume.
Some of the authors are familiar to traditional HRIR scholars, but we
explicitly also included scholars from other fields such as business ethics
and computer science to underscore the wide-ranging impact of ethical
issues in HRIR and to demonstrate the vibrant possibilities for HRIR
scholars to reach out to like-minded researchers in other disciplines. We
also cast our net widely across what we define as the full spectrum of
human resources and industrial relations—including not only traditional
industrial relations topics such as labor–management relations, labor
unions, and government regulation, but also human resource manage-
ment topics such as selection, training, and compensation.
Against this backdrop of a diverse set of scholars and an inclusive
vision of the broad domain of human resources and industrial relations,
we organized this volume around four objectives:
1. To demonstrate the importance and power of using rigorous theoreti-
cal frameworks when addressing ethical issues in the employment
relationship in research, practice, and teaching.
2. To reveal the broad nature of HRIR applications that are relevant to
ethical issues.
3. To present both labor and management case studies to blend practi-
tioner issues with the theories and applications.
4. To present all of the material in a fashion accessible to scholars, prac-
titioners, and students who are not familiar with research in ethics.
The result is a balanced, accessible analysis of ethics in the employ-
ment relationship that includes both theory and application, supportive
and critical views, and labor and management perspectives.

Overview of the Volume

We owe it to our readers to provide a quick guide to the subjects and
issues tackled in the various chapters by our disparate team of authors.
The volume itself is divided into three major sections: Ethical Theory,
HRIR Applications, and Ethics in Practice; each section is focused on
the subject of its title.
Section I, Ethical Theory, begins with our general overview of the
importance of philosophical and ethical approaches to the whole field of
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human resources and industrial relations. This first chapter establishes

the benchmark laissez-faire ethos of competition, profit-maximization,
and efficiency that is rooted in utilitarian and libertarian ethical theories
and sketches four alternative Western ethical theories. Chapter 1 also
ties these ethical theories into theological and human rights scholarship
on the employment relationship and introduces the reader to the impor-
tant concepts of cultural relativism and ethical subjectivism. Varying the-
oretical perspectives that take issue with the benchmark utilitarian and
libertarian ethical theories are discussed in more detail in the three
remaining chapters in section I.
Chapter 2 is an extensive review by Bruce Kaufman of the narrow
“scientific” viewpoint of 19th-century American economic orthodoxy and
the range of moral and ethical objections raised by the institutional
economists (exemplified by Ely, Commons, and the Wisconsin School)
who were either forebears or founders of the then-new discipline of
industrial relations. Its unifying ethical precepts were centered around
the implications to be drawn from the conclusion that “labor is not a
commodity.” Kaufman notes that the field included a broad range of
scholars and practitioners from personnel management across the spec-
trum to proponents of unionism and collective bargaining. By the end of
the 20th century, Kaufman claims, this breadth had been replaced by a
redefinition of industrial relations to focus solely on the “preferred
option” of unions and collective bargaining. With this redefinition,
industrial relations has lost sight of the broad ethical approach of the
founders and may account for the crisis the field is confronting.
The next chapter in the Ethical Theory section brings Norman
Bowie’s neo-Kantian view to bear on aspects of the employment rela-
tionship in North America. Even though Kant’s categorical imperative
(developed here in three formulations) would certainly support the con-
tention that labor should not be treated like a commodity—the initial
position of the founders of industrial relations—Bowie’s analysis of a
wide range of contemporary employment practices shows that many of
them are problematic in a Kantian view. Whether one agrees or dis-
agrees with the finding that layoffs, the lack of meaningful work, and
other prevalent practices are unethical, Bowie’s chapter indisputably
demonstrates the applicability of rigorous ethical analysis to central
HRIR issues.
In chapter 4, the final chapter in the Ethical Theory section, James
Scoville, John Lawler, and Xiang Yi outline three non-Western ethical
frameworks—Confucian, Hindu, and Muslim approaches—and apply
them to the employment relationship. The Confucian approach empha-
sizes relationships and connections, the Islamic approach focuses on
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justice, and the Hindu approach introduces the concepts of dharma,

stewardship, and the business ashram. These non-Western frameworks
provide rich contrasts to utilitarianism and libertarianism (and some
other Western approaches) and are also increasingly important to under-
stand because of globalization, especially outsourcing and migration. In a
world where United States companies utilize call centers in India and
Indian telephone companies outsource technical support to Sweden
(Ericcson) and the United States (IBM), understanding major non-
Western frameworks is imperative.
With a strong theoretical foundation established in section I, section
II devotes four chapters to applying ethical theories to two specific top-
ics (globalization and technology) and broader domains (human resource
management and labor relations) within the broad field of HRIR. Hoyt
Wheeler’s chapter 5 on globalization identifies some of the major
impacts of the growth of multinational business organizations that defy
control by any nation-state. Fierce international competition in goods
and services markets has been associated with worldwide pressures on
labor standards and unionization. Wheeler discusses the ethical connec-
tions between these pressures and the push for corporate social respon-
sibility and codes of conduct. While there are concerns with enforcement,
these initiatives clearly underscore the importance of ethics in debates
over globalization.
The tenor of chapter 6 by Richard Rosenberg, which examines the
effects of technology on the workplace, is best summarized by the use of
the word “assault” in his title. The technologies we work with have direct
implications for the deskilling of jobs and loss of privacy rights in the
workplace. Other technologies, especially those related to genetic test-
ing, and pressures on employers to contain medical costs threaten the
employability of whole segments of the labor force. To date, the law has
not made much adjustment to these technological developments, which
makes ethical discourse imperative. Like other key HRIR topics, tech-
nology should not be divorced from ethical analysis.
Ethical issues and practices in human resource management are the
subject of Elizabeth Scott’s chapter 7. She comprehensively addresses
the questions of ethical approaches to the wide range of functional areas
covered by human resource management: recruitment, training and
development, motivation, retention, and termination. Special attention is
paid to the HR manager’s need to be cognizant of the organization’s
interests while treating employees as more than simply productive
In chapter 8, John Delaney develops a similarly comprehensive
analysis of ethical issues across the vast spectrum of important labor rela-
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tions topics. Readers will be reassured to know that Delaney does not
address the oft-beaten horse: is it ethical to bluff in bargaining? Instead,
he addresses a number of more ethically serious issues related to
employee voice, freedom of association, employer opposition to unions,
the rights of strikers and nonstrikers, exclusive representation, and
minority dissenters in majority-rule environments. Delaney’s chapter
explicitly reinforces an important theme that underlies the entire volume—
different ethical theories frequently lead to different evaluations of
HRIR practices, but it is better to confront these ethical debates directly
than to suppress them. In other words, ethical analysis is not a magic
bullet that solves longstanding conflicts, but such analyses can help us
better understand the complex world of HRIR.
Section III of the volume focuses on ethics in practice. Chapter 9 by
Jonathan Booth, Ronald Heinz, and Michael Howe presents a firsthand
examination of key ethical issues in Allina Health System, a $2-billion
health care system with more than 22,000 employees. In parallel fashion,
chapter 10 by Linda Ewing presents a firsthand examination of key ethi-
cal issues in the United Auto Workers. While the authors recognize
some challenges and limitations, these corporate and union case studies
ultimately conclude that explicit ethical expectations—such as Allina’s
published values and the UAW’s published Ethical Practices Codes—can
positively shape individual action within organizations.
The final chapter by Gordon Lafer provocatively argues from a much
more critical perspective that “business ethics” (and its subcomponent,
“HRIR ethics”) is necessarily an oxymoron in a capitalist world. If ethical
behavior is costless, then it is meaningless; when a conflict arises
between ethics and profits, then profits win. Ewing’s chapter on the
United Auto Workers is not a clear refutation of Lafer’s stance, since
unions do not subscribe to the profit orientation of a corporation. Booth,
Heinz, and Howe’s study of Allina Health System possibly comes closer
to being the answer. Allina is a nonprofit organization, but the need to
compete in the market for health care means that controlling costs is a
constant consideration. In Allina’s case, we see some cases where
improved ethical approaches and standards—for example, moving from
a punitive system to a more positive approach to dealing with medical
mistakes—may yield returns to all. But the broad concern advanced by
Lafer with squaring ethical considerations with the profit motive still
lurks in the shadows. Lafer’s closing chapter therefore serves as a sharp
reminder that ethical issues in the employment relationship are complex
and rich with competing perspectives.
In our view, issues of ethics in HRIR have been overlooked for far
too long. These 11 chapters demonstrate that wide-ranging HRIR
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research, practice, and teaching can benefit significantly from increased

positive and normative ethical analyses. Ethical scholarship warrants a
place of prominence in the Labor and Employment Relations Associa-
tion (LERA), and ethically informed debates over both private and pub-
lic policies are needed. Through this volume, we hope to stimulate
scholarly and practical consideration of ethical issues in all aspects of the
employment relationship.

For their help and sacrifices in this endeavor, we are greatly
indebted to the authors—without whom this volume would obviously
not exist, and all of whom produced excellent chapters while meeting
our deadlines in the face of their many other commitments—and to our
families. We want to extend a particular note of thanks to Linda Ewing,
Ron Heinz, and Mike Howe (the labor and management professionals
who authored chapters 9 and 10), who took time from the demands of
their professional lives to candidly share their real-world experiences. If
dialogue on the ethics of human resources and industrial relations
results, we trust all of the contributors will agree that it has been well
worth it.
John W. Budd and James G. Scoville
Minneapolis, Minnesota
February 2005
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Moral Philosophy, Business Ethics,

and the Employment Relationship
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota

Suppose a company is considering implementing a mandatory-

overtime policy, in which workers are fired if they refuse a supervisor’s
order to work overtime. How is this action to be evaluated? Is it accept-
able because it will improve economic efficiency, or because business
owners have a right to establish working conditions as they choose?
Alternatively, is such a policy troubling because it treats workers simply
as factors of production or ignores relationships and communities that
have been established? Or is it unfair because some (shareholders) ben-
efit at the expense of others (workers)? Perhaps it just doesn’t seem like
the right thing to do. Each of these possibilities represents a different
moral standard, or ethical theory.
Using ethical theories to evaluate behavior is an important normative
application, but ethics can also be used for positive analyses. Consider
the hypothetical managers as they wrestle with whether to implement a
mandatory-overtime policy. Do they implement it for efficiency reasons?
Or do they try to avoid it out of a concern for workers as humans, or a
concern for the community, or for other reasons? Used in this way,
ethics can help us understand actions in a positive, or analytical, sense,
rather than judge them in a normative, or prescriptive, sense.
There is a wealth of normative and positive ethical problems in the
field of human resources and industrial relations (HRIR)—the full range
of issues and intellectual perspectives on the employment relationship,
from human resource management policies to industrial relations insti-
tutions, from theories of the labor movement to theories of government
regulation, from property rights to human rights, and from unitarist to
pluralist to critical schools of thought.1 Many examples jump out of the
chapters in this volume: the standards of the employment relationship
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(chapter 2), employee participation (chapter 3), gender issues (chapter 4),
international labor standards (chapter 5), employee monitoring (chapter 6),
compensation (chapter 7), strikes (chapter 8), values-based HR decision
making (chapter 9), union representation on corporate boards of direc-
tors (chapter 10), and the profit motive (chapter 11), to name just one
example from each.
Such issues are sometimes explicitly analyzed in ethical terms. Budd
(2004) and Muirhead (2004) root their standards of the employment
relationship in Aristotelian, Kantian, and Rawlsian ethical theories.
Legge (1998, forthcoming) and Schumann (2001) also analyze a selec-
tion of human resource management problems using these and other
ethical theories, while Bowie (1999) focuses on the Kantian implications
for contemporary employment practices. Provis (2000) explores the ethi-
cal implications of deceptive labor negotiations, and a number of human
resource management issues are analyzed in Winstanley and Woodall
(2000). But echoing the findings of some of these authors (e.g., Winstan-
ley and Woodall 2000; Schumann 2001; Budd 2004), we note that schol-
arship on ethics in HRIR is rare. This is unfortunate.
The lack of attention paid to ethics in HRIR scholarship stems par-
tially from the liberal market ethos of free choice; recall the quote from
Ryan (1912:5) at the start of the preface that an employment outcome is
typically perceived as fair if “it is free and made under rule of competi-
tion.” This deeply ingrained belief that “impersonal market forces . . .
produce efficient and equitable results” undermines the importance of
ethical analysis and has created a “moral vacuum” with respect to
employment issues (Osterman et al. 2001:12). The problem is that this
emphasis on free choice is not ethics-free; rather, it reflects a specific
ethical theory.
One might also be tempted to argue that work is required for survival—
“a necessary response to nature’s stinginess” (Muirhead 2004:4). If work
is natural or in some sense preordained, then there is little basis for dis-
cussing the ethical aspects of work. But this is overly simplistic. “Work of
some sort is necessary for survival, but modern employment—working
for someone else in a limited-liability corporation—was created by soci-
ety to serve human and social ends” (Budd 2004:33). “Work may be nec-
essary, but our organization of it is not; as such it invites evaluation and
justification” (Muirhead 2004:6). The modern employment relationship
should clearly be open to ethical analysis and debate.
In academia, the moral vacuum surrounding employment issues is
reinforced by the allure of value-free scientific analysis. But employ-
ment research is implicitly shaped by our underlying values. Research
that focuses exclusively on whether outcomes are efficient, or whether
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practices and institutions improve productivity, embodies a norma-

tive judgment that efficiency concerns are paramount. Scholarship
that is rooted in narrowly defined utility functions assumes that self-
interest is more important than other motivators. An emphasis on
economic transactions and markets reflects a belief that other types
of relationships are not as important. But even setting aside the criti-
cism that research is not value free, the lack of ethics in HRIR
research misses the potential for ethical theory to help us understand
behavior from an analytical and explanatory perspective. For exam-
ple, variations in the ethical work climate can be hypothesized to
relate to employee decision making and therefore help explain orga-
nizational outcomes (e.g., Barnett and Vaicys 2000). So the omission
of ethics from HRIR scholarship is problematic even in a positivist
In the practice and scholarship of HRIR, it is important to make
the implicit ethical theories explicit. To say that the “one and only one
social responsibility of business [is] to use its resources and engage in
activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the
rules of the game” (Friedman 1962:133) is not amoral—it is very
much a moral conjecture, rooted in specific ethical theories. To
design public policies or research studies from this same perspective
is to embrace specific ethical theories. Ethical perspectives should be
made explicit by the incorporation of business ethics scholarship into
the practice and research of HRIR. Business ethics focuses on the
application of moral philosophy to business institutions, practices, and
decision making. While business ethics partly involves normative
evaluations of specific actions as either right or wrong, moral or
immoral, it also analyzes the underlying bases for decision making
(Solomon 1992). In providing an overview of how moral philosophy
and business ethics can be applied to the employment relationship,
the remainder of this chapter constructs the intellectual foundations
for this volume on The Ethics of Human Resources and Industrial

The Practical Importance of HRIR Ethics

If the field of HRIR does not add serious ethical analyses to its
domain, it risks falling out of step with a significant area of practical
concern. In short, HRIR must keep up with contemporary trends in
business practices and management education. In the wake of recent
corporate scandals—the collapse of Enron, bankruptcy of WorldCom,
arrest of the CEO of Adelphia, charges against the CEO of Tyco Inter-
national, the collapse of the Italian giant Parmalat—business ethics has
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mushroomed into high profile in corporations and business schools.

According to the mainstream magazine BusinessWeek, “corrupted by
the chase for an ever-greater piece of the action, accountants, lawyers,
analysts, and managers have shirked their duty on a scale not seen
since the 1920s” (Nussbaum 2002:32). In response to the multiple
scandals, Congress enacted the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, which
promotes greater transparency in an effort to promote ethical corpo-
rate behavior. Had any HRIR scholars been engaged in this debate,
they could have pointed out that this was the philosophy that the Lan-
drum-Griffin Act applied to unethical union practices in 1959.
Many companies also appear to have bolstered their efforts to portray
themselves as ethical contributors to society. Raytheon has a vice president
for business ethics and compliance, and its website indicates that “we must
do more than be compliant with laws, regulations and policies; we must
work according to our ethical principles and endeavor to conduct our-
selves in a manner beyond reproach” (Raytheon Corporation n.d.). At
ChevronTexaco, a 2002 glossy pamphlet on “The “ChevronTexaco Way”
emphasizes that “[o]ur company’s foundation is built on our Values, which
distinguish us and guide our actions. We conduct our business in a socially
responsible and ethical manner. We respect the law, support universal
human rights, protect the environment, and benefit the communities
where we work.”
The values listed could almost have been created by Aristotle:
integrity, trust, diversity, partnership, high performance, responsibil-
ity, growth. Citigroup issues an annual full-color, 50-page citizenship
report emphasizing its “corporate citizenship accomplishments” with
respect to the community, environment, workplace, and corporate
governance. Its corporate code of conduct is available on its website
in 14 languages; the first item listed is the responsibility of all employ-
ees to maintain ethical standards. The implications for HRIR are
underscored by the fact that one of the suggested contacts when
employees have ethical concerns is “Your Human Resources Repre-
sentative.” Various labor unions also have codes of conduct; the best-
known U.S. example—the United Auto Workers Ethical Practices
Code—is discussed in chapter 10 of this volume.
Various professional associations relevant to HRIR also have codes
of conduct (Scoville 1993). The American Arbitration Association, the
National Academy of Arbitrators, and the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service jointly publish a “Code of Professional Responsi-
bility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes.” The Society for
Human Resource Management (SHRM) has a “SHRM Code of Ethi-
cal and Professional Standards in Human Resource Management.” As
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The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Code of Ethics

The Six Core Principles of the SHRM Code of Ethical and Professional Standards in
Human Resource Management
• Professional responsibility: As HR professionals, we are responsible for adding
value to the organizations we serve and contributing to the ethical success of those
organizations. We accept professional responsibility for our individual decisions and
actions. We are also advocates for the profession by engaging in activities that
enhance its credibility and value.
• Professional development: As professionals we must strive to meet the highest stan-
dards of competence and commit to strengthen our competencies on a continuous
• Ethical leadership: HR professionals are expected to exhibit individual leadership
as a role model for maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct.
• Fairness and justice: As human resource professionals, we are ethically responsible
for promoting and fostering fairness and justice for all employees and their organi-
• Conflicts of interest: As HR professionals, we must maintain a high level of trust
with our stakeholders. We must protect the interests of our stakeholders as well as
our professional integrity and should not engage in activities that create actual,
apparent, or potential conflicts of interest.
• Use of information: HR professionals consider and protect the rights of individuals,
especially in the acquisition and dissemination of information, while ensuring truth-
ful communications and facilitating informed decision making.

Source: http://www.shrm.org/ethics/code-of-ethics.asp (accessed on February 25, 2005).

The full code also includes a description of each principle’s intent and guidelines for imple-

shown in Table 1, this code emphasizes professional responsibility,

professional development, ethical leadership, fairness and justice,
conflicts of interest, and the use of information. From the SHRM
website, HR professionals can even download the code to their Palm
Important questions about the extent to which such initiatives are
intended to shape public opinion rather than actual behavior are cer-
tainly legitimate. But we don’t think that there is much debate that the
initiatives demonstrate that ethics are a high-profile issue, one that
HRIR scholars and professionals ignore at their own peril. To stay rele-
vant in business and other arenas, it is imperative that HRIR expand the
use of ethical analysis into teaching as well as into research, policymak-
ing, and professional practice. In fact, AACSB—the association responsi-
ble for accrediting U.S. business schools—is pushing very hard for
business ethics to be included in management education (e.g., AACSB
One example of a textbook that incorporates ethics into HRIR teach-
ing is Budd’s new Labor Relations: Striking a Balance (2005a). Six rigor-
ous ethical theories are presented in an early chapter, and an ethical
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template is presented to help students work through ethical problems.

In subsequent chapters students are asked to apply the ethical theories
to varied labor relations issues, including bargaining, strike replace-
ments, union shop clauses, globalization, and ethical leadership. Other
HRIR textbooks also include ethical discussion, but they often lack a
foundation rooted in ethical theories. Business ethics, and the direct
connections with many areas of HRIR, are too important for us to ignore
or to trivialize in research, teaching, and practice.

The Ethics of the Laissez-Faire Employment Relationship

Corporate scandals and codes of ethics notwithstanding, the domi-
nant liberal market ethos of the 21st century emphasizes the laissez-faire
employment relationship based on employment-at-will, well-defined
property rights, maximizing individual utility, and maximizing corporate
profits. Government regulation is seen as harmful interference that pre-
vents the optimal allocation of resources. Physical and intellectual prop-
erty rights trump labor rights. Rational, self-interested behavior and
economic incentives are emphasized and celebrated. Inequality is seen
as a motivator and reward for extra effort and ability.
Because of the fundamental emphasis on freedom and consent,
there is a tendency to view this laissez-faire model as amoral. Individual
freedom is seen as a natural right—that is, rooted in a universal law of

Man being born, as has been proved, with a title to perfect

freedom, and an uncontrolled enjoyment of all the rights and
privileges of the law of nature, equally with any other man, or
number of men in the world, hath by nature a power . . . to
preserve his property, that is, his life, liberty and estate, against
the injuries and attempts of other men (Locke 1690:341–2).
As a natural right, freedom is divorced from ethical debate. And
mainstream economists style themselves as value-free scientists studying
the allocation of scarce resources in a non-ethical or non-ideological fash-
ion (Gallaway and Vedder 2003; compare Budd 2005b). But the laissez-
faire employment relationship is not amoral, natural, or value free.
Rather, it is rooted very strongly in two specific ethical theories: utilitari-
anism and libertarianism.
Utilitarianism focuses on maximizing aggregate welfare or utility by
producing the greatest benefits at the least costs (Beauchamp and Bowie
1997). Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill started with hedonistic
utilitarianism—maximizing aggregate pleasure or happiness. Modern
utilitarianism focuses on preference satisfaction. However utility is
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measured, utilitarianism is a teleological ethical theory (from the Greek

word for “ends”) and a consequentialist ethical theory (actions are
judged solely by their consequences). Actions that maximize aggregate
utility are ethical; others are not. The calculation of Freeman and Med-
off (1984) of the social costs and benefits of labor unions is a utilitarian
calculation; if, on net, labor unions are socially harmful, they should not
be allowed, says utilitarianism. In human resource management, design-
ing policies to provide workplace equity and voice solely because of their
instrumental value in increasing efficiency and competitiveness is simi-
larly rooted in utilitarianism.
Libertarianism emphasizes individual freedom—the negative right to
noninterference. Only actions that harm others are unethical. A strong
emphasis on freedom means that the definition of harm to others is
quite narrow while property rights are quite broad. Providing unsafe
working conditions is not considered harmful as long as the dangers are
not hidden from employees and they freely accept employment; taxation
to redistribute resources from the wealthy to the poor is a violation of
private property. Whatever a free exchange between consenting adults
produces is viewed as fair.
The combination of utilitarianism and libertarianism is a powerful
philosophical foundation for the laissez-faire employment relationship.
Utilitarianism supports competitive labor markets because of the belief
that this is the best way to achieve efficiency and to maximize aggregate
welfare. The first fundamental theorem of welfare economics demon-
strates that every perfectly competitive equilibrium is “Pareto optimal,”
meaning that no one can be made better off without someone else being
left worse off. In other words, the utilitarian ideal of “the greatest good
for the greatest number” is achieved in competitive markets through
free exchange. Libertarianism supports competitive labor markets
because of the primacy of liberty. Workers should be free to work for
whomever they choose; companies should have the freedom to hire and
fire whomever they choose. Both utilitarianism and libertarianism there-
fore advocate strong property rights, the freedom to contract, and free
exchange without interference. In fact, in writings on the employment
relationship, it is sometimes difficult to separate the two philosophies
(e.g., Friedman 1962; Epstein 1983; Baird 2000).
The ethical element of the laissez-faire employment relationship is
underscored by the fact that justice has become marginal-productivity
justice (McClelland 1990). Standard economic theory predicts that in
competitive markets with rational agents, each factor of production will
be compensated at the value of its marginal product. The wage rate for
labor, for example, equals the value to the firm generated by hiring the
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last unit of labor. Utilitarianism and libertarianism turn theoretical

assumptions and predictions into normative statements: “one ought to be
rational” (Hausman and McPherson 1996:41, emphasis in original) and
“factors of production ought to be paid the value of their marginal prod-
uct” (McClelland 1990:19, emphasis in original). In other words, “the
enterprise of business harbors a fundamentally utilitarian conception of
the good society” (Beauchamp and Bowie 1997:22). It is worth empha-
sizing that the laissez-faire employment relationship is not devoid of eth-
ical content; it is, in fact, premised on very specific ethical theories.

The Ethics of the Fully Human Employment Relationship

The logic of the utilitarian–libertarian–neoclassical economics nexus
is powerful: free individuals pursuing their self-interests in unregulated
competitive markets create efficient outcomes in which profits and wel-
fare are maximized, each factor is rewarded with its value, and individual
autonomy and freedom are preserved. This view can be criticized, how-
ever, for its narrow conception of freedom. Why does the freedom from
harm to private property always override the freedom to work or the
freedom from hunger (Donnelly 2003)? And in the context of work,
freedom of choice for its own sake is excessively narrow; rather, “work
worthy of free choice requires the kinds of work roles that are fitting for
free, equal, and proud democratic citizens” (Muirhead 2004:94).
Also, industrial relations scholars have long questioned whether
labor markets are sufficiently (yet not overly) competitive to make
workers equal to corporations and therefore free (Commons 1919).
This undermines not only libertarianism but also utilitarianism,
because aggregate welfare is not necessarily maximized if markets are
not perfectly competitive. In fact, with market imperfections and other
inequalities within society, the libertarian–utilitarian nexus reduces to
ethical egoism in which ethical behavior is the unabashed pursuit of
individual self-interest irrespective of the greater good. Ethical egoism,
however, is not accepted as a legitimate ethical theory by moral
philosophers, for it rests on the unsupportable assumption that each of
us possesses interests that are more special than everyone else’s
(Rachels 2003).
But even if markets are competitive (or aggregate welfare is maxi-
mized in other ways) and even if one can measure welfare, especially
troublesome to critics of utilitarianism is that the ends justify the means
(Solomon 1992; Hausman and McPherson 1996; Beauchamp and Bowie
1997; Bowie 1999). Rights and virtues are irrelevant, distributive justice
and minimum living standards are not a concern, and procedural justice,
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communities, and relationships are important only so far as they increase

aggregate welfare. Only the consequences matter.
Other major ethical theories address these criticisms in one way or
another. Chapter 4 in this volume analyzes three non-Western ethical
frameworks that contrast sharply with the ethics of the laissez-faire
employment relationship. To provide a foundation for the remainder of
this volume, four Western theories—the ethics of duty, fairness, virtue,
and care—are discussed here and are summarized in Table 2.2 These
theories can be broadly labeled the ethics of the fully human employ-
ment relationship, because relative to the narrow property rights free-
dom of libertarianism and the “ends justifies the means” consequentialism
of utilitarianism, these theories embrace work as a fully human activity
and emphasize the importance of human dignity. Note further that the
importance of human dignity implies that ethical analyses apply to both
substantive work rules and outcomes on the one hand, and the gover-
nance or formative processes by which they are developed on the other.

Kantian Duty
The most important contrast to utilitarianism is the ethics of duty, in
which normative judgments are based on the character of the action, not
on its consequences. Most literally, people have a duty to act in certain
ways, for example, not to lie, even if it does not produce the best out-
come. The ethics of duty is rooted in Immanuel Kant’s categorical
imperative “Act only on that maxim by which you can at the same time
will that it should become a universal law,” which in turn is rooted in the
belief that humans are rational beings capable of self-determination and
self-governance (Bowie 1999). Every responsible person is therefore
entitled to dignity and respect.
A common example in business ethics is employment discrimination—
discriminatory treatment for arbitrary reasons violates the equal sanctity of
all human life. Treating someone only as a means—for example, to
increase your own or even aggregate wealth or utility—violates the intrin-
sic value and sanctity of human life. To fire a union supporter because you
are afraid a union will increase wages and lower profits treats a worker as a
means and is unethical. We therefore have a duty not to act in such ways.
Kantian moral philosophy has other far-ranging and rich applications to
HRIR ethics and is the focus of chapter 3 in this volume.
Kantian moral philosophy is not without its critics. Common, if over-
simplified and inaccurate (Korsgaard 1996), criticisms of Kantian ethics
attack the emphasis on universal, unwavering, rational rules for ignoring
virtues and the meaning of a good person in everyday life (Solomon
1992). Scenarios like protecting an innocent person by lying are also used


Six Western Ethical Frameworks for Human Resources and Industrial Relations

Ethical framework
(founders) Central element Unethical actions HRIR applications

Utility Welfare or utility maximization through Inefficient or welfare-reducing Using HR policies solely to enhance
(Jeremy Bentham, cost-benefit analysis behavior efficiency; “union-free” strategies based on
John Stuart Mill) a cost-benefit analysis
Liberty Negative right of freedom and liberty Forcing individuals to use themselves or Employer participation in the union
10:20 AM

(John Locke) from noninterference through their property against their will organizing process because of an
strong property rights (including taxation for redistribution) employer’s rights of private property and
free speech
Duty Respect for human dignity through Treating others in ways you would not HR policies and labor standards based on
(Immanuel Kant) the Kantian categorical imperative want to be treated; treating people only employees as human beings and not
Page 10

as means, not also as ends solely as means to an end

Fairness Justice as liberty, equal opportunity, and Placing efficiency above liberty, equal Concerns with inequalities between
(John Rawls) concern for the least well-off through opportunity, and concern for the least workers with respect to income, health
the veil of ignorance and the well-off insurance, and other compensation
difference principle elements

Virtue Moral character to achieve flourishing Actions contrary to virtues (vices), HR policies based on excellence, integrity,
(Aristotle) through virtues and community which prevent flourishing and personal growth
Care Nurturing personal relationships through Failing to develop special relationships; Union initiatives to organize workers by
(Carol Gilligan) caring for people relationships based on exploitation, developing special relationships with the
disrespect, or injustice workers, especially in female-dominated

Source: Adapted from Table 4.1 in Budd (2004:68) and Box 3.4 in Budd (2005a:77).
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to question the validity of ethical duties. Proponents of property rights

and liberty object to the Kantian concern for others in lieu of a focus on
individual liberties. Others note that Kantian moral philosophy ignores
the development of relationships or concerns of distributive justice.

Rawlsian Fairness
John Rawls (1971) famously augmented the Kantian standard of
inherent human equality with concern for the distribution of outcomes
and thereby developed an ethical theory of distributive justice or fair-
ness. Rawlsian justice is based on a veil of ignorance: individuals must
determine the principles of justice behind a veil of ignorance in which
they do not know their own characteristics (such as race, gender, social
status, and abilities). Rawls (1971:83, 250) asserts that under such condi-
tions, rational, self-interested, and equal individuals will agree to the fol-
lowing (ignoring intergenerational concerns):
1. Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total
system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of
liberty for all.
2. Social and economic inequalities are to be arranged so that they are
a. to the greatest benefit of the least advantaged, and
b. attached to offices and positions open to all under conditions of
fair equality of opportunity.
Principle 1 is the highest priority. This liberty principle includes private
property rights, the right to vote, freedom of speech, and freedom from
oppression and arbitrary seizure. Principle 2a is the difference principle,
which allows inequalities in outcomes if these inequalities benefit the least-
well-off members of society. Principle 2b requires equal opportunity—
differential outcomes are acceptable only if they reflect legitimate differences
in ability and effort, not arbitrary or discriminatory factors.
The ethical theory of Rawlsian fairness is very significant for HRIR
ethics because it raises the importance of social justice and the nature of
work (Budd 2004; Muirhead 2004). The veil of ignorance means that
“what counts for the justice of work is not the actual consent we give
when we take a job, but the consent we would give under ideal circum-
stances” (Muirhead 2004:31, emphasis in original). Individuals are
unlikely to agree from behind the veil of ignorance to hierarchical,
authoritarian workplaces, sweatshop working conditions, work that is not
meaningful, and other elements of the modern employment relationship
(unless the alternatives are even worse); hence such practices are difficult
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to justify against the Rawlsian liberty and difference principles. Efficiency

is important, but it does not trump political liberties, equal opportunity,
and concern for the least well-off.

Aristotelian Virtue
Utilitarianism, libertarianism, Kantian ethics, and Rawlsian ethics
rely on outcomes, rights, and duties; missing is a concern with virtue and
character (Solomon 1992). Tracing all the way back to Aristotle, the
ethics of virtue emphasizes the type of person each individual ought to
be—virtues are the characteristics that make a person a good human
being and are necessary to live a good life as part of, and in service to, a
social community (in Aristotle’s lexicon, to flourish). Important virtues
highlighted by Aristotle include courage, temperance, generosity, friend-
liness, truthfulness, and proportionality. This is not an ethical framework
of atomistic individuals, and contemporary definitions of virtues echo
this importance of community and interaction.
In the context of business ethics, virtue ethics sees corporations as
human communities with a vital sense of purpose that both contribute to
and have responsibilities in the larger social community. A corporation
should be a collection of mutually dependent individuals in which indi-
vidual excellence and virtues play a role in community success. Con-
tributing to the community via the provision of quality goods and
services will result in profits if done well, but a blind focus on profits
should not be the sole driving force: profit is “a means of encouraging
and rewarding hard work and investment, building a better business,
and serving society better,” not “an end in itself” (Solomon 1992:47).
Industrial relations scholars might recall that John R. Commons
emphasized forbearance and the interdependence of individuals’ utility
functions (Kaufman 2003). Forbearance is essentially an amalgamation
of Aristotelian virtues, so it should not be surprising that the Aristotelian
emphasis on social purpose and interdependence is consistent with
Commons’s critique of neoclassical economics and its emphasis on prof-
its and individual self-interest. Aristotelian justice also includes a central
industrial relations belief: might does not make right (Solomon 1992).
More generally, virtue ethics implies that employment should be charac-
terized by cooperation, integrity, honesty, fairness, and tolerance. Work
should fit with individuals so as to promote flourishing and self-develop-
ment (Muirhead 2004).

Feminist Caring
Carol Gilligan (1982:79) asserts that the feminine voice consists of
“defining the self and proclaiming its worth on the ability to care for and
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protect others.” This yields an ethical theory rooted in caring—not car-

ing about something, but caring for someone and nurturing that per-
son’s well-being. Ethical judgments are based not on rules or principles
but on each particular situation’s implications for relationships (Gilli-
gan 1982; Noddings 1984). In some respects, the ethics of care is a
special case of the Aristotelian tradition that emphasizes virtues and
community, especially the virtues that are central to personal relation-
ships (Beauchamp and Bowie 1997). In HRIR ethics, then, the appli-
cation of the ethics of care is similar to the application of virtue ethics.
The importance of the community has clear implications for manage-
rial attitudes toward employee; for example, deceiving employees for
personal gain is unethical because of the lack of care demonstrated
(Schumann 2001).
But relative to virtue ethics, the ethics of care places special empha-
sis on particular relationships, such as parents, neighbors, co-workers,
and friends. It is acceptable, even encouraged, to treat those people dif-
ferently. A concrete HRIR application of legitimizing such special treat-
ment would be to give priority to existing relationships with current
workers and the local community when deciding whether to invest in an
existing plant or open a new plant in another location. The strategy to
create support for a union among Harvard University’s largely female
population of clerical and technical workers by developing one-on-one
relationships was inspired by Gilligan’s (1982) feminine voice and the
ethics of care.

Ethics, Theology, and Human Rights

The four Western ethical theories that underline the ethics of the
fully human employment relationship—the ethics of Kantian duty, Rawl-
sian fairness, Aristotelian virtues, and feminist caring—are all ultimately
rooted in varying conceptions of human dignity. They are thus closely
related to other areas of HRIR scholarship that are connected to theol-
ogy and human rights.
Judeo-Christian views on the sanctity of human life and respect for
human dignity often closely resemble secular ethical conceptions of
human dignity. (Recall that non-Western traditions are discussed in
chapter 4.) In the form of papal encyclicals, the Catholic Church has
explicitly linked theology to the ethics of the employment relationship.
Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum (“On the Condition of Workers,”
1891) asserts that “justice demands that the dignity of human personal-
ity be respected in [workers]. . . . It is shameful and inhuman, however,
to use men as things for gain and to put no more value on them that
what they are worth in muscle and energy” (§31). Why? Because “no
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one may with impunity outrage the dignity of man, which God Himself
treats with great reverence, nor impede his course to that level of per-
fection which accords with eternal life in heaven” (§57).
Rerum Novarum therefore explicitly calls for a living wage, a limit on
work hours, health standards, and restrictions on child labor. In Laborem
Exercens (“On Human Work,” 1981), Pope John Paul II also explicitly
affirms the right of workers to a living wage, social insurance, safe work,
and formation of labor unions. In Judaism, “a social justice imperative
appears repeatedly in Talmudic decisions concerning worker rights”
(Perry 1993:1). This yields important standards regarding the payment
of wages, hours of work, and sick and disability pay (Weisfeld 1974;
Perry 1993). Jewish doctrine is also very supportive of labor unions
(Schnall 2001).
Human rights scholarship in employment research (e.g., Gross
1999, 2003; Santoro 2000; Adams 2001; Budd 2004) has also raised the
profile of human rights in the HRIR context. The Judeo-Christian
teachings on work parallel those found in the United Nations’ Univer-
sal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the International Labour
Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work (1998).3 In particular, in the Universal Declaration,
human rights include just and favorable conditions of work, including
pay sufficient for an existence worthy of human dignity, equal pay for
equal work, reasonable working hours, periodic paid holidays, unem-
ployment and disability insurance, and the right to form labor unions.
The eight fundamental ILO conventions specify that freedom of asso-
ciation and collective bargaining, the abolition of forced labor, equal
opportunity and pay, and the elimination of child labor are “fundamen-
tal to the rights of human beings at work.”
Judeo-Christian traditions, the human rights movement, and ethical
theories beyond utilitarianism and libertarianism all “share a universal
interest in addressing the integrity, worth, and dignity of all persons,
and, consequently, the duty toward other people” (Lauren 1998:5). The
common concerns are clearly articulated by principle 4 of the ILO’s
1944 Declaration of Philadelphia: “[A]ll human beings, irrespective of
race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-
being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dig-
nity, of economic security and equal opportunity” (International Labour
Organization 1944).
Underlying this inherent dignity are the common beliefs of the
major religions that humans are created in the image of God and the
common beliefs of the intrinsic value and equality of human beings in
diverse writings on natural law, moral philosophy, and political theory.
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These commonalities have two important implications for ethical

analysis in HRIR. One, through the use of theology and human rights,
ethical analysis implicitly exists in HRIR scholarship. As such, ethical
theory has already been accepted as relevant to HRIR, so it is not mis-
guided to advocate for greater ethical scholarship in the field. Two,
HRIR scholarship on human rights can be strengthened by the explicit
rather than implicit use of ethical theory. Important concepts in moral
philosophy and business ethics can enrich the human rights scholarship
in HRIR, and perhaps give this scholarship broader impact.4 For exam-
ple, human rights scholarship in HRIR often recites the list of interna-
tional human rights instruments (such as the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights) that protect workers’ rights (e.g., Gross 2003), but
what’s missing are careful explorations of the conceptions of human dig-
nity that underlie these instruments. In the meantime, the reader of
this volume is reminded that the ethical issues discussed throughout
often have strong connections with religious thought and the human
rights movement.

Ethical Subjectivism and Cultural Relativism

The ethical theories outlined in this chapter can be used both to ana-
lyze and understand behavior across the diverse span of HRIR and to
make normative evaluations. In making evaluations, if we declare that
someone did something ethically wrong or that a law should prevent cer-
tain actions, we are asserting that there are universal ethical standards
that everyone should follow. Whenever a labor leader argues that busi-
ness leaders should adhere to a Kantian moral philosophy or whenever a
business leader maintains that labor leaders should embrace utilitarian-
ism, an assertion is being made that one ethical standard is superior than
the others.
Ethical subjectivism, however, asserts that moral judgments are
really feelings, not facts, that there are no right and wrong answers and
each person is entitled to his or her own views. Cultural relativism tends
to reach the same conclusion: no single ethical theory is universal, either
because of specific historical or cultural factors or because people’s rea-
sons for differing ethical beliefs are equally valid. The normative use of
ethics through universalism, therefore, must overcome the challenges
posed by ethical subjectivism and cultural relativism.
The apparent diversity in ethical codes over time and across cultures
combined with a desire to be tolerant and respect cultural diversity lends
support to the subjectivist and relativist critiques to universalism. But
these critiques do not stand up under closer scrutiny (Donnelly 2003;
Rachels 2003; Brannigan 2005). The existence of a diversity of views
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does not imply equal validity. Taken to their logical conclusions, subjec-
tivism and relativism prevent condemnation of Nazi Germany’s uncon-
scionable atrocities in the Holocaust, or allow slavery. Moreover,
tolerance is itself an ethical standard—to assert that everyone should be
tolerant of all views, as in the extreme versions of subjectivism and rela-
tivism, is a universalistic view and therefore contradicts the basis of sub-
jectivism and relativism.
Lastly, some alleged cultural differences in ethical standards are
actually differences in implementation (Beauchamp and Bowie 1997).
Consider, as an example, autocratic and high-performance human
resource management systems. At first glance, these two systems appear
to reflect different ethical standards—the autocratic system pays little
attention to how workers are treated while the high-performance one
pays close attention to distributive and procedural justice, employee
voice mechanisms, and other issues. And yet, if both systems are simply
seeking to maximize organizational performance (in particular, if the
high-performance system treats workers with respect only to increase
their performance), then the two in fact share a common ethical frame-
work.5 The differences are not in ethical standards, but in implementa-
Thus, it is widely accepted that at least some universal ethical stan-
dards exist. There is, of course, significant debate over the content of
these universal standards, but we cannot dismiss these debates out of
hand by falling back on arguments of ethical subjectivism or cultural rel-
ativism. Labor and management may have different ethical systems, but
this does not mean that each is right or that it is futile to try to establish a
societal standard. At the same time, there is value in respecting cultural
diversity because implementation of ethical standards can vary, because
not all issues involve ethical standards, and because there is value in con-
sidering new standards. As in other areas of HRIR, one must strike a
balance, in this case between strict universalism and extreme relativism.

Conclusions and Future Directions

This chapter seeks to motivate ethical analyses in the field and prac-
tice of HRIR by sketching the important theories in moral philosophy
that have been profitably applied to business ethics and by connecting
these ethical theories to the employment relationship. Normative evalu-
ations of HRIR issues are nothing new, but the ethical standards under-
lying such evaluations are not always clear. The six ethical frameworks
outlined in this chapter provide a set of rigorous standards.
Consider again the vignette from the opening of the chapter in
which a company implements a mandatory-overtime policy. The six eval-
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uative responses presented there reflect the six theories in this chapter.
Under utilitarianism, a mandatory-overtime policy is ethically acceptable
if it improves economic efficiency and aggregate welfare. Under libertar-
ianism, it is acceptable because business owners have a right to establish
working conditions as they choose. In a Kantian ethical framework, such
a policy is troubling because it treats workers simply as factors of pro-
duction (as means, not ends). In a Rawlsian framework, the policy is
troubling because some (shareholders) benefit at the expense of others
(workers). In Aristotelian ethics, a mandatory-overtime policy might be
unethical because it doesn’t seem virtuous or consistent with human
flourishing. And in the ethics of care, the policy is troubling because it
doesn’t respect the community and the relationships that have been
Ethical theories describe what should be of fundamental importance
in society and provide a rigorous avenue for evaluating specific HRIR
practices and outcomes. It almost goes without saying that there are dif-
fering views of which ethical standards are best, but the underlying theo-
ries provide the basis for debating these standards. Applying moral
philosophy and business ethics to the employment relationship will not
provide easy answers to the difficult debates in HRIR, but it will help us
more fully identify and evaluate the consequences of alternative policies
and practices.
In addition to being applied for such normative, or prescriptive, eval-
uations, ethical analysis in HRIR should also be used for positive, or ana-
lytical, applications. Natural, social, and behavioral research indicates
that humans “will be inclined, conditionally, toward cooperation with
others, toward concern with how we are viewed by others, toward hostil-
ity to those who fail to reciprocate our cooperation, and toward receptiv-
ity to moral reasoning that is consistent with these and other
propensities.” (Ben-Ner and Putterman 1998:5; also see Frank 2004).
Research has shown that ethics are an important determinant of
behavior (Rest and Narváez 1994). The ethical dimensions of an organi-
zation’s work climate moderate the relationship between ethical judg-
ment and intended behavior (Barnett and Vaicys 2000). Ethical climate
is related to forms of organizational governance and control (Wimbush,
Shepard, and Markham 1997).
Since the human resource management wing of the HRIR field is
rooted to a certain extent in industrial and organizational psychology, it often
emphasizes behavioral determinants of decision making. Since the industrial
relations wing is rooted to a certain extent in economics, it often emphasizes
environmental determinants. An integrated model of decision making
should then pair behavioral with environmental determinants (Kaufman
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1989, 1999). Such an integrated model provides a rich opportunity for

HRIR scholars to incorporate ethical analysis (Budd 2004, 2005a). Ethical
climate and social norms are part of the environment; an individual’s ethical
framework is part of the behavioral determinants of decision making.
Finally, consider the words of a prominent contemporary moral
philosopher: “To later generations, much of the moral philosophy of the
twentieth century will look like a struggle to escape from utilitarianism”
(Korsgaard 1996:275). The same might be said of HRIR in that it seeks to
move beyond utilitarianism by imbuing the employment relationship with
a respect for human dignity and justice and by imbuing research with
realism beyond narrow utility-maximizing models. Explicit incorporation
of ethical scholarship into employment research and practice—that is,
recognizing the ethics of the human resources and industrial relations—
therefore provides a rigorous framework for this central feature of the
field and profession of human resources and industrial relations.

In the context of the employment relationship, the terms unitarist and pluralist
are typically attributed to Fox (1974). The unitarist theory of the employment rela-
tionship emphasizes shared interests between employers and employees (as in the
human resources management tradition), the pluralist theory rests on combination of
shared interests and conflicts of interests limited to the employment relationship (as
in mainstream U.S. industrial relations), and critical theories are rooted in broader
assumptions of societal conflicts between labor and capital (or other competing
groups) (as in mainstream British industrial relations) (Budd 2004).
2 This
section draws heavily on Budd (2004, 2005a). Similar, though not identical,
taxonomies of ethical theories for human resource management are developed in
Legge (1998) and Schumann (2001).
3 For more on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at

Work, see http://www.ilo.org/dyn/declaris/. For more on the Universal Declaration of

Human Rights, see http://www.un.org/rights/.
4 We also recognize that human rights are often ultimately rooted in political the-
ory and struggles; therefore, while human rights and ethical theories are closely
linked, they are not one and the same. Human rights pertain to what humans are
entitled to; ethics pertain to how humans should act. Moreover, there is a broader
international consensus on the accepted list of human rights than on accepted theo-
logical and ethical theories (Donnelly 2003).
The common ethical framework in this example is utilitarianism if one assumes
that maximizing organizational performance also maximizes aggregate welfare; other-
wise, the common ethical framework is ethical egoism.

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The Social Welfare Objectives

and Ethical Principles of
Industrial Relations
Georgia State University

The field of industrial relations (or employment relations) is a three-

dimensional project. It represents an intellectual field of inquiry in the
social sciences, an area of applied practice and policy dealing with work
and employment, and a normative value statement about the social
objectives and ethical principles that should guide the structure and
practice of work. Elsewhere (Kaufman 2004a) I have called these three
dimensions the “three faces of industrial relations.”
Of these three faces, the ethical dimension is the least explored and
articulated in the literature of the field. Among modern works, the most
significant and insightful discussion is presented in Budd’s recent book
Employment with a Human Face (2004), while several articles provide
shorter overviews (e.g., Barbash 1991, Scoville 1993). Several other
authors (e.g., Kochan, Katz, and McKersie 1986; Godard and Delaney
2000) have also described in summary form the ideological/normative
premises of modern industrial relations, although generally without
explicitly linking these premises to a foundational set of ethical princi-
ples. Finally, in recent years a small but burgeoning literature has
emerged on the linkage between labor rights and human rights (Compa
1996; Adams 1999; Friedman and Wood 2001; Gross 2003). Beyond
these studies, however, the subject of ethics and industrial relations
largely languishes in neglect. Surprisingly, for example, to the best of my
knowledge no person has surveyed the early literature of industrial rela-
tions to identify the ethical principles that guided the founders of the
field, nor has anyone compared the ethical position taken in these early
writings with the position taken by contemporary authors.
With this lacuna in mind, I use this chapter as an opportunity to can-
vass this early literature and reconstruct and delineate the social objec-
tives and ethical principles upon which the field was founded. My

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primary resource material is the writings of the early institutional econo-

mists, including Ely, Commons, and Slichter, dating from the 1880s to
the 1930s. I conclude that the fundamental normative principle of the
field is that labor is embodied in human beings, and thus should not be
treated as are other inanimate commodities in production and exchange.
Building on this premise, I examine the social welfare objectives of
industrial relations and conclude they encapsulate a trilogy of variables:
efficiency, equity (social justice), and human self-actualization and self-
development. I then move to modern times and survey contemporary
literature with regard to the ethical and ideological principles of the
field, finding both overlap and divergence with respect to the principles
enunciated by the field’s founders. The chapter ends with a brief discus-
sion of implications.

The Ethical Face of Industrial Relations

As a formal institutionalized entity, the field of industrial relations
first emerged in the United States around the year 1920. At this time the
term “industrial relations” was defined broadly and subsumed both
labor–management relations and personnel (human resource) manage-
ment, or what today go by the acronyms IR and HR.
By the early 1930s industrial relations had developed three distinct
“faces,” or dimensions. The first was as an area of scientific inquiry and
scholarly research about the employment relationship. The second was
as an applied area of practice and policy aimed at solving labor problems
in industry.
Early industrial relations also had a third dimension, defined in terms
of ethical values and ideological positions with respect to the performance
of work, the structure of the employment relationship, and the solution of
labor problems. This dimension may be called its ethical/ideological face,
or simply “ethical face” in recognition of the main subject of this chapter. I
note for the sake of clarity, however, that ethics and ideology are distinct
concepts: ethics is a set of moral principles about right and wrong in human
conduct; ideology is a structure of firmly held beliefs and premises about
how the world works and should work. Both are normative constructs and
are generally linked, although perhaps only loosely and implicitly.
One does not have to look far in the early literature of industrial rela-
tions to find evidence of the ethical and ideological dimensions of the
field. That industrial relations had an ethical dimension, for example, is
well illustrated in this statement by Sumner Slichter:

There are two ways of looking at labor problems. One is the

scientific point of view. . . . It is aspired to by the scientist who
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studies trade unions, child labor, unemployment, in order to

find out what is or what might be, without speculating about
what should be. . . . To the vast majority of people, however,
even to the economists and sociologists, the labor problem is
more than this. It is also a matter of ethics, a matter not simply
of what is or what might be, but of what should be. . . . From
the ethical point of view, therefore, the labor problem is con-
cerned with two principal things: with the effect of the prevail-
ing institutions . . . upon the conflict between life and work,
and with the institutional change needed to harmonize men’s
activities as laborers with their interests as men (1928:287,
emphasis in original).

One can also find numerous normative statements of a more ideolog-

ical nature about how industrial relations should be practiced and what
social and political goals it should promote. Commons (1934b), for
example, states that his goal in industrial relations was “to save capitalism
by making it good” (p. 143) and “What I was trying to do, in my aca-
demic way, was to save Wisconsin and the nation from politics, socialism,
or anarchism, in dealing with the momentous conflict of capital and
labor” (p. 170). Commons was clearly staking out a normative position
for industrial relations that was opposed to radical, anticapitalist solu-
tions to labor problems. In a similar vein, industrialist John D. Rocke-
feller Jr., another early participant in the field, writes that the goal of
industrial relations should be “the discovery of some mutual relationship
between Labor and Capital which would afford to Labor the protection
it needs against oppression and exploitation, while at the same time
promoting its efficiency as an instrument of economic production”
(1923:47–48). The ideological position articulated here is one of long
standing in industrial relations—that both greater efficiency and equity
are desirable and the best outcome is a balance of the two.
Given that early industrial relations had an ethical face, the next
question is exactly what principles and premises comprised it. The quo-
tations from Slichter, Commons, and Rockefeller provide hints, but a
more detailed examination is required.
In the academic world the field of industrial relations largely grew
out of the writings of the economists and intellectual allies associated
with the early institutional school of economics. Indeed, I have sug-
gested elsewhere (Kaufman 2004a) that in many respects industrial rela-
tions is the intellectual child of institutional economics and could equally
well be called “institutional labor economics.” To reconstruct the ethical
principles and social welfare objectives of industrial relations, I look in
depth at the writings of early institutional economists, including Commons,
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Slichter, and Richard Ely, and compare their position with that of their
main adversaries—the economists and allies of the classical and neoclas-
sical schools. In places, writers from the personnel management wing of
industrial relations, such as Rockefeller and his industrial relations advi-
sor, William Lyon Mackenzie King, are also introduced to promote an
inclusive and balanced viewpoint.
Institutional economics emerged and grew in America in the first
three decades of the 20th century, although its roots go back to the “new
economics” introduced in America by Ely and others in the mid-1880s.
Many of these men did graduate work in Germany, where opposition to
orthodox economics was intense and dedication to constructing a new
“ethical” type of political economy strong (Koslowski 1995). In addition
to the German historical–social school of economics, the early institu-
tional economists drew inspiration from the British historical/heterodox
school (particularly the work of Sidney and Beatrice Webb), the newly
formed social science disciplines of psychology and sociology, the field of
law and the “legal realist” movement, and the Social Gospel movement
among American Protestants (Fine 1956; Koot 1987; Gonce 1996; Fried
1998). The writings of the early institutionalists spanned a wide variety
of subjects, but none was more important than labor.
The quest for a “new economics” was driven in part by dissatisfaction
with the dominant orthodox school of classical and neoclassical econom-
ics. Consideration of the position of the classical/neoclassical economists
on ethics and the social welfare objectives of economics thus helps to
place the position of the institutionalists in better context. Further
adding value to this discussion is the fact that many of these points of
debate continue to separate modern industrial relations and neoclassical
labor economics.

The Ethical Principles of Early Classical/Neoclassical

The roots of classical and neoclassical economics are found in Adam
Smith’s Wealth of Nations (1776), as to some degree are those of the
institutional school. The main body of classical and neoclassical econom-
ics, however, was developed and formalized by later generations of Eng-
lish economists in the 19th century, including Ricardo, Mill, Jevons, and
Marshall, as well as by continental European economists including Wal-
ras (France and Switzerland) and Menger (Germany). Although Ameri-
can economists of the 19th century did relatively little to develop and
extend the theoretical base of classical/neoclassical economics, most
were adherents of the orthodox school, and a number wholeheartedly
embraced its conservative policy implications.
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General Orientation. Classical economics used deductive logic and a

few canonical laws and assumptions, such as the centrality of self-interest,
the law of diminishing returns, the wage fund theory, and the Malthu-
sian population theory, to derive what were intended to be universalistic
theories concerning the determinants of exchange value (the prices of
goods and the factors of production), long-run economic growth, and the
distribution of income. Neoclassical economics, started in the early
1870s by Jevons, Walras, and others but not fully formed until the publi-
cation of Alfred Marshall’s Principles of Economics in 1890, maintained
the same broad theoretical and methodological orientation but funda-
mentally recast economic theory around the marginal principle and
shifted attention from long-run growth to the microeconomic analysis of
markets, supply/demand, and price determination.
Although many of the classical and neoclassical economists were con-
cerned about social reform and the conditions of labor, their outlook on
these matters was heavily constrained by the conclusions and implica-
tions of their theory and dedication to philosophical and political princi-
ples such as freedom of contract, individualism, political liberalism,
Social Darwinism, and laissez-faire (Coats 1971). Also important was
their desire to make economics a true science, which led them to
exclude as much as possible ethical considerations and model the subject
along the line of the physical sciences, especially physics (Mirowski
1989). All of these considerations led to a reaction in the other direction
by the early institutional economists.
The first point to make about classical/neoclassical economics is that
it defined its subject matter narrowly around the subjects of wealth and
value. Naturally, the focus then becomes generating the maximum
amount of both from society’s scarce resources. Walras’s Elements of
Pure Economics (1874) provides a good illustration. He states that the
object of an economy is the “increase of social wealth” (p. 73) and that
the production and distribution of social wealth “must be equitable” (p.
75) lest the economy and society fall into disorder. Yet Walras then
quickly removes consideration of justice and other ethical standards
from the corpus of economics on the grounds that they introduce a
nonscientific element into the subject. In particular, he argues that sci-
entific cause-and-effect relationships can be deduced only for the por-
tion of economic activity that involves exchange, while the acts of
production and distribution (what he calls “industry” and “institutions”)
are perforce nonscientific because production is essentially a human-
learned art and distribution rests on politics and ethical precepts of
right and wrong. The part of economics that is a genuine science, there-
fore, is the theory of exchange and, in particular, the theory of price
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determination. With this argument in mind, Walras maintains that “this

pure theory of economics is a science which resembles the physico-
mathematical sciences in every respect” (p. 71) and “our task then is to
discover the laws to which these purchases and sales tend to conform
automatically. To this end, we shall suppose that the market is perfectly
competitive, just as in pure mechanics we suppose, to start with, that
machines are perfectly frictionless” (p. 84).
Other classical/neoclassical economists followed along the same
lines, in the process removing ethics from economics and narrowing the
core subject matter to a theoretical analysis of price and value determi-
nation in (largely) competitive markets. For example, an American eco-
nomics textbook popular in the late 19th century was Perry’s Elements of
Political Economy (1878). Perry tells readers that “value . . . is the sole
subject of our science” (p. 82) and that there is “one universal law of
value— . . . the Law of Demand and Supply” (p. 119). He goes on to
give the study of supply and demand a moral justification, noting “the
gratifying conclusion that the laws of exchange are based on nothing less
solid than the will of God” (p. 129). Yet, having erected this ethical
defense, Perry proceeds to deny a place for ethics in economics:

[Economics] has no concern with questions of moral rights. If

it favors morality, it does so because morality favors produc-
tion. It favors honesty because honesty favors exchange. It puts
the seal of the market upon all the virtues. It condemns slav-
ery, not because slavery is morally wrong, but because it is eco-
nomically ruinous. . . . Political economy appeals only to an
enlightened self-interest, and exchanges are made because
they are mutually advantageous, and for no other reason. . . .
The grounds of Economy and morals are independent and
incommensurable (pp. 61–2).

The Perry quotation points up another distinctive feature of the writ-

ings of the classical and early neoclassical economists: their strong
defense of freedom of contract, private property rights, and laissez-faire
in government policy. Illustrative of these commitments is the statement
of American economist Simon Newcomb: “We now see very clearly that
the policy to which individuals were led merely by following their own
interests, and acting as circumstances dictated, was wiser, and tended
more to the public good, than any system which had received the sanc-
tion of government” (1886:190). In a similar vein, Perry states, “the
struggle [for freedom] will certainly never cease until liberty of contract
and delivery, subject only to conditions of morals, health, and revenue
shall be international and universal” (1878:143).
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Perspective on Labor
The discussion now brings us to the subject of labor. In their effort to
establish economics as a science and to develop a general theory of value
and exchange, the classical and early neoclassical writers tended to treat
labor in their writings as no different from other goods and services.
Thus, late-19th-century economist Aaron Chapin states, “If labor and
capital are free, the flow of each under the law of competition towards
an equilibrium is as natural as that of the waters of the ocean under the
action of gravitation” (quoted in Fine 1956:58). Marshall provides a simi-
lar statement: “The normal value of everything, whether it be a particu-
lar kind of labour or capital or anything else, rests, like the keystone of
an arch, balanced in equilibrium between the contending pressures of its
two opposing sides: the forces of demand press on one side, and those of
supply on the other” (1961:526).
Viewing labor as similar to other commodities, and holding that
social welfare is maximized by allowing the laws of supply and demand
free and unfettered play, it was but a short step for the classical and early
neoclassical economists to conclude that the labor market and relations
between capital and labor were also best governed by the doctrine of
laissez-faire. In this vein Perry states,

There is a way in which government may act most benefi-

cially upon the matter of wages. By faithfulness to its pecu-
liar trust, that is to say, by making the rights of person and
property as secure as possible, it gives an impulse to enter-
prise, a spur to industry, makes the desire of accumulation
effective, and thus indirectly but most powerfully con-
tributes to the increase of capital, to the fund out of which
wages are paid. . . . It is not denied that capital takes advan-
tage of the ignorance and immobility of laborers, and some-
times secures their services at a less rate than the just
relations of capital to labor then and there would indicate,
but the remedy for this is not in arbitrary interference of
government in the bargain, but in the intelligence and self-
respect of the laborers which shall fit them to insist on a just
bargain. In this whole sphere of exchange, the just and com-
prehensive rule always will be, that when men exchange
services with each other, each party is bound to look out for
his own interest, to know the market-value of his own serv-
ice, and to make the best terms for himself which he can
make. Capital does this for itself, and laborers ought to do
this for themselves, and if they are persistently cheated in
the exchange, they have nobody to blame but themselves
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The dictum laid out by Perry was widely accepted by American

classical/neoclassical economists in the late 19th century, albeit with cer-
tain caveats. The most important exception was with regard to the pro-
tection of children and (with moderately less unanimity) women as
laborers, for it was widely held that these groups were incapable of pro-
tecting their interests in market exchange. Thus, Arthur Hadley, a future
president of the American Economic Association, states, “We have to
take care of our women and children by special legislation; but any
attempt to apply the same policy to men’s labor is a different matter”
(quoted in Fine 1956:60). Edward Atkinson goes further and limits the
proper role of protective labor legislation to only children, stating, “I am
opposed to any and all statutes which take from adult men and adult
women the liberty to make their own contracts” (quoted in Fine 1956:61).
Not unexpectedly, since the classical and early neoclassical econo-
mists opposed government regulation of wages and labor conditions,
they also saw no good coming from the activities of labor unions. Their
critique of trade unions rested on several grounds.
One criticism was that unions foment conflict and disrupt the other-
wise amicable relations between workers and employers. Newcomb, for
example, refers to them as “a kind of war waged against society” (quoted
in Fine 1956:62), while Perry argues they “embitter relations between
employers and employed which ought to be cordial and free” and the
employment contract “ceases to be a bargain at all, and becomes a sort
of robbery” (1878:204).
A second prong of their critique was that the activities of unions are
at best ineffective in helping workers and are frequently counterproduc-
tive to their best interests. In this regard, Perry (1878:204) claims strikes
“rarely or never are permanently advantageous to the workmen them-
selves,” in part because even if unions win higher wages this only
reduces the gross returns to capital and thus diminishes the ability of
employers to maintain and increase employment and future wages.
A third criticism of unions is that that their activities promoted the
sectional (or class) interests of workers but harmed the larger public wel-
fare. Newcomb states in this regard, “Every kind of action which gives
the public at large a better supply of the necessaries and comforts of life
promotes our prosperity. We have, therefore, only to inquire whether
more or less service is rendered to the public” (1886:41–2). He then
concludes that “I have seldom, if ever, heard of their [unionized work-
men] combining to render better service to the public. Such of their
rules as I have seen are rather in the direction of rendering as little serv-
ice to the community as they conveniently can” (p. 47). Based on this
reasoning (what might be called “Newcomb’s Rule”), trade unions are
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antisocial because they restrict rather than promote the production of

goods and services (wealth). Of course, government labor legislation,
such as a child labor law or workplace safety law, is also in most cases
likely to run afoul of Newcomb’s Rule.
The major thrust of these arguments against trade unions and govern-
ment legislation was that in various ways these institutional interventions
interfere with the efficient operation of the market and conflict with well-
established legal principles such as freedom of contract and the sanctity
of private property. To a significant degree, however, these arguments
sidestepped the most damning indictment made against the regime of
private property and a competitive market system by socialist and hetero-
dox critics. As most forcefully argued by Karl Marx (Feuer 1959) but also
espoused by a variety of social radicals, heterodox economists, and trade
unionists, the fundamental defect of capitalism is not inefficiency but sys-
temic injustice toward labor. Justice, they argued, requires that the pro-
ducers of wealth be paid for the full value of their creation. But, Marx
contended, in capitalism workers are paid only a fraction of the value cre-
ated, and employers skim off the remainder as profits or “surplus value,”
creating a systemic condition of exploitation and injustice. Other critics of
capitalism, although not necessarily subscribing to Marx’s labor theory of
value or other specific parts of his theory, agreed that under the market
wage system workers are underpaid relative to their contribution to the
production of social wealth (Dickman 1987).
The initial tack taken by the defenders of capitalism, as earlier pointed
out, was to either rebut the critics with a counter ethical argument—that
private property is sanctioned by God and the workings of the market sys-
tem reflect divinely given natural law or, alternatively, to argue that the
entire issue of ethics has no place in science. Neither shield was entirely
effective, however, and up to the end of the 19th-century capitalism con-
tinued to be dogged by the critics’ charge that it could reproduce itself
only by exploiting workers. Into the breach stepped American neoclassi-
cal economist John Bates Clark.
In 1900 Clark published The Distribution of Wealth. In the first
chapter he tells readers,
The welfare of the laboring classes depends on whether they
get much or little; but their attitude toward other classes—and,
therefore, the stability of the social state—depends chiefly on
the question, whether the amount that they get, be it large or
small, is what they produce. If they create a small amount of
wealth and get the whole of it, they may not seek to revolution-
ize society; but if it were to appear that they produce an ample
amount and get only a part of it, many of them would become
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revolutionists, and all would have the right to do so. . . . If this

charge were proved, every right-minded man should become a
socialist; and his zeal in transforming the industrial system
would then measure and express his sense of justice (p. 4).
Revolution and socialism, of course, were outcomes that Clark and
fellow neoclassical economists sought to avoid, so much rested on find-
ing a refutation to the socialist charge that capitalism exploited labor.
This is exactly what Clark claimed in his book to have done. He
declares that

[i]t is the purpose of this work to show that the distribution of

the income of society is controlled by a natural law, and that
this law, if it worked without friction, would give to every agent
of production the amount of wealth which the agent creates.
However wages may be adjusted by bargains freely made
between individual men, the rates of pay that result from such
transactions tend, it is here claimed, to equal the part of the
product of industry which is traceable to the labor itself (p. v).
The natural law Clark refers to is now called the marginal productiv-
ity theory. To establish this law, Clark adopts what he calls the “mercan-
tile theory of labor” (all units of labor are like homogeneous commodities)
and a condition of perfect (frictionless) competition in markets. He con-
cludes, “Wages tend to equal the product of marginal labor. . . . All of
these men create a certain amount of wealth. Competition tends to give
them the whole of it; and it also tends to make other laborers accept
what these men create and get” (pp. 106–7).
Clark thus helped close the circle for defenders of a free-market, pri-
vate-property form of economy and society. The principal focus of the
classical/neoclassical economics was to raise the level of material pros-
perity (or “wealth”) in society. Ostensibly a higher standard of living ben-
efits all people in the nation, although a more nuanced view would note
that consumers, higher income groups (being the largest consumers),
owners of property, and the business class are the most favored. As
Adam Smith first propounded, the route to increased wealth, in the clas-
sical/neoclassical view, is to promote free markets and private protection
of property so that the invisible hand of self-interest and competition
can achieve optimal prices, outputs, and resource allocations. In the clas-
sical/neoclassical social welfare function, therefore, pride of place is
given to promoting economic efficiency, for efficiency is a necessary con-
dition for achieving maximum consumer satisfaction and wealth cre-
ation. Labor, in turn, is viewed as a factor input and, largely, an
instrumental means to an end (greater wealth production). In the pur-
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suit of maximum efficiency, the dominant view held that labor markets
should be free and largely unregulated, workers’ wages and working con-
ditions would automatically rise with economic growth, and devices such
as trade unions and government protective legislation were disruptive to
efficiency and counterproductive to workers’ own economic interests.
While justice and other ethical precepts were formally ruled out of eco-
nomics as unscientific, Clark nonetheless claimed to show that as a
happy by-product of competition and free markets, social justice is
indeed served under capitalism because workers as a group receive the
full value of their contribution to production of wealth. Efficiency could
thus be the principal argument in the classical/neoclassical social welfare
function, but with the assuredness that social justice—or at least one
measure of justice, called by McClelland (1990) “marginal productivity
justice”—was simultaneously served.
The Ethical Principles of Early Institutional Economics
The economic viewpoint just described dominated American eco-
nomics and policy toward labor in the last part of the 19th century. As
can be appreciated, it was largely conservative with respect to existing
institutional arrangements and government involvement in economic
and social life. Arrayed against the orthodox position were various move-
ments and schools of thought that sought to change the status quo,
through either reform or revolution. Their chief complaint and object of
attention of the reformers and revolutionaries was the condition of labor
under capitalism, which they regarded as oppressive and unjust and the
source of much conflict and bitterness in society. They typically referred
to this condition as the Labor Problem (Kaufman 2004a). The Labor
Problem emerged in the 1880s and peaked in intensity in the years dur-
ing and immediately after World War I—the peak being marked in the
popular consciousness by the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in late 1917
and the subsequent Red Scare in the United States in 1918 through
1920. Emblematic of the threatening nature of the Labor Problem is the
statement of Commons that “[i]f there is one issue that will destroy our
civilization, it is this issue of labor and capital” (1919b:1).

General Orientation
The early field of industrial relations was essentially the labor branch
of institutional economics, and both could trace their American roots to
Richard Ely and his book The Labor Movement in America (1886). The
object of Ely and other early institutionalists was to vent the pent-up
steam created by the Labor Problem through progressive reform—a
problem-solving program and ideology that crystallized as the new field
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of industrial relations around 1920. The ideology of institutional eco-

nomics and industrial relations was thus opposed to orthodox economics
and its laissez-faire labor policy, since the latter largely justified and pro-
tected the status quo while the former sought to fundamentally change
the system and the position of workers in it.
To promote the cause of reform, the institutionalists sought to create
an alternative body of economic theory that would challenge the doc-
trine of laissez-faire and provide a public interest rationale for pro-labor
resource redistribution and greater government protection of labor. One
of their points of reconstruction of economics was to broaden and
enlarge its ethical and social welfare criteria. This aspect I now turn to.
Institutional economics did not coalesce into a formally recognized
entity of this name until the late 1910s. But, as earlier noted, its roots go
back to the 1880s when Ely, Henry Carter Adams, and a number of
other young scholars returned from graduate study in Germany and
launched the “new economics.” Under the direction of a later generation
of economists, such as Thorstein Veblen, Wesley Mitchell, John R. Com-
mons, John M. Clark, and Walton Hamilton, the new economics meta-
morphosized into institutional economics—the term I henceforth use as
a shorthand to describe both groups.
Ethical concerns ranked high with the institutionalists and provided
a major impetus and guide to their reconstruction work in economics.
Ely and Commons, for example, were very active in the Social Gospel
movement and in their early years considered themselves Christian
socialists (Gonce 1996), while Henry Carter Adams had trained for the
ministry. Rather than disavow a place for ethics in economics, the new
economists and their institutional successors claimed that economics as a
science can never be disassociated from ethical concerns and, indeed,
economics must openly avow and incorporate an ethical program if it is
to provide useful policy guidance. Ely, for example, referred to the new
economics as “sound Christian political economy” (quoted in Rader
1966:36), and Commons (1934a) later stated that the task of institutional
economics is to “correlate economics, law and ethics.” Their criticism of
orthodox economics, in turn, was that it made a virtue of egoism, selfish-
ness, and personal conquest and aggrandizement—practices that if fully
adopted and without the restraint and modification of other ethical
virtues would quickly lead to the unraveling of a market economy and
civilization itself.
For the institutionalists, the starting point in economic analysis is this
normative question: what is the end purpose of an economy? As they
saw it, the answer of orthodox economics was to maximize human wel-
fare by producing as efficiently as possible the goods and services
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desired by people in their role as consumers. The institutionalists saw

this answer as too narrow and biased toward the interests of certain
social groups (consumers, the wealthy) at the expense of others (work-
ers, the poor and marginalized). They also concluded that even on these
narrow grounds the American economy of the late 19th and early 20th
centuries noticeably failed to perform. Out of this narrowness of objec-
tives and failure of performance grew considerable social unrest and
hardship, manifested most ominously by the Labor Problem.
Writing retrospectively in his autobiography, Ely (1938) provides this
statement of the institutional diagnosis of the social problems con-
fronting America and other industrial countries in this period:
All important social movements have their crises; in the last
quarter of the nineteenth century the American people wit-
nessed a crisis in the labor movement. It was marked by a deep
stirring of the masses—not a local stirring, not merely a
national stirring, but an international, world-wide stirring of
the masses. The manner of producing material goods was
examined critically and pronounced faulty. The distribution of
these goods among the various members of the social organism
was also critically examined and pronounced iniquitous. Pro-
posals were made for new modes of production and distribu-
tion of economic goods. The masses desired changes, not
merely in surface phenomena, but in the very foundations of
the social order (p. 66).

Ely then goes on to make an important observation about the social

welfare objective of institutional economics. The objective of an econ-
omy, he states, is not merely more goods and services—although these
are important—but the full development of each person’s character and
personality. Thus, he says,

What was the labor movement of the nineteenth century? . . .

The labor movement, in its broadest terms, is the effort of men
to live the life of men. It is the systematic, organized struggle
of the masses to attain, primarily more leisure and larger eco-
nomic resources. The end and purpose of all is the true growth
of mankind; namely, the full and harmonious development in
each individual of all human faculties—the faculties of work-
ing, perceiving, knowing, loving—the development, in short,
of whatever capabilities of good there may be within us

Ely then ends with this further observation. In it he ties the quest for
human self-development to the attainment of a just and equitable society
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(“a righteous social order”), an ethical code that balances self-interest

with a genuine regard for the welfare of others, and abolition of eco-
nomic relations where a subordinate group or class is used as an instru-
mental means to promote the material ends of a superior group or class.
In this regard he states,

And this development of human powers in the individual is not

to be entirely for self, but it is to be for the sake of their benef-
icent use in the service of one’s fellows in a Christian civiliza-
tion. It is for self and for others; it is the realization of the
ethical aim expressed in that command which contains the
secret of all true progress, ‘Thou shalt love they neighbor as
thyself.’ It is directed against oppression in every form,
because oppression carries with it the idea that persons or
classes live not to fulfill a destiny of their own, but primarily
and chiefly, for the sake of the welfare of other persons or
classes. Men’s interests are inextricably intertwined, and we
shall never become truly prosperous so long as any class of the
population is materially and morally wretched (1938:67).

Similar thoughts were voiced by other people from both the institu-
tional economics and business management sides of what became the
field of industrial relations. Representing business management, for
example, William Lyon Mackenzie King (1918) observed that “the path
of Industry is beset with human tragedy, for it is there that too often the
workers are mistaken as means to an end, instead of being regarded as
ends in themselves” (p. 62). Commons (quoted in Gonce 1996) claimed
that the end goal of economic activity should be “[to] gradually develop
all that is highest in every son of man.” Elsewhere Commons stated that
in the neoclassical view, workers are treated “as commodities to be
bought and sold according to demand and supply,” while in the institu-
tional perspective “they are treated as citizens with rights against others
on account of their value to the nation as a whole” (1919a:33). In a simi-
lar vein, Slichter remarked that “it is vitally important that the methods
of production shall be planned not only to turn out goods at low costs
but to provide the kind of jobs which develop the desirable capacities of
the workers” (1931:651–2).

Labor: More Than a Commodity

These quotations call attention to the two most fundamental princi-
ples that distinguish the ethical face of industrial relations. The first and
bedrock idea is the ethical precept that the labor of human beings
should not be treated in law or practice as a commodity. The second is
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that the social welfare goal of higher efficiency must be balanced by con-
cerns for equity/social justice and opportunities for individual human
self-actualization and self-development. I start with the former.
The central fact about labor, as seen by the institutionalists, is that
unlike other factor inputs (capital, land), it is embodied in human beings
and thus brings to the workplace and labor market a much higher moral
significance. The social interest may well be promoted by having inani-
mate objects such as steel, coal, and computers traded in competitive
markets and their price and conditions of use determined by the imper-
sonal forces of demand, supply, and maximum profit. But from an insti-
tutional point of view, social welfare is likely to be seriously harmed if
labor is utilized and traded in such a manner.
Because coal and computers are inanimate objects, no compelling
social interest exists concerning whether the price they command is high
or low, the working conditions are good or bad, or the treatment by the
owners is sensitive or harsh. Rather, they are used in production as an
instrumental means to an end and have value only to the degree that
they efficiently satisfy the wants of consumers. Labor is different, how-
ever, because a low wage may put workers and their families in dire
poverty—a condition society cannot be indifferent to if it puts value on
human life. Likewise, even if 16-hour workdays and child labor in mills
and factories are efficient outcomes of demand and supply, from an ethi-
cal perspective the hardships these conditions impose on flesh-and-
blood people are an affront to a civilized, progressive society. And,
finally, while it may be efficient to have business owners make unilateral
and unchecked decisions about the treatment of their coal and comput-
ers and how long and under what conditions they are used, to allow the
same with respect to their employees violates widely shared ethical prin-
ciples of justice and democracy. Thus, labor is not only a means to an
end (production of goods and services) but also an end in itself, since the
process and outcomes of work so directly and intimately affect the life
and well-being of the people providing the labor. By similar reasoning,
since people’s well-being in life comes not only from the satisfaction of
consuming more goods and services but also from the experience and
outcomes of work, a public interest rationale exists for a certain degree
of protection and regulation of labor conditions in order to achieve a bal-
ance between the interests of people as consumers and their interests as
A major impetus for the founding of the “new economics” by Ely and
other early institutionalists was to challenge what they saw as the amoral
and harmful doctrine of “labor as a commodity.” At an intellectual level,
this led them to try to construct a new body of theory to supplant the
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classical/neoclassical school, given that it implicitly and to some degree

explicitly sanctions this practice through its narrow focus on efficiency
and advocacy of unregulated labor markets (Kaufman 2004b). At a level
of policy, this led the institutionalists to favor a wide range of reforms
and institutional interventions in labor markets that would collectively
“humanize” (or “socialize”) the workplace and work experience.
One reform method was to establish a floor of minimum socially
acceptable conditions in labor markets, called by Sidney and Beatrice
Webb (1897) the “Method of the Common Rule” and the “Standard
Rate.” Then, with the passage of time, this floor was to be gradually
raised in line with economic and cultural advance, an idea Adams (1886)
referred to as elevating “the plane of competition.” An example that they
favored is a minimum wage law (to provide a “living wage”); another is
an unemployment insurance program (to prevent destitution and a bid-
ding-down of wages to sweatshop levels). A second reform method was
to increase the bargaining power of workers so they could negotiate with
employers more reasonable and fair wages and work conditions. For this
reason, the early institutionalists favored legal protection and encourage-
ment of trade unions and adoption of government countercyclical full
employment fiscal and monetary policies. A third reform method was to
democratize the workplace, replacing industrial autocracy with industrial
democracy, or what Commons (1905) called “constitutional government
in industry.” Thus, while the classical/neoclassical economists con-
demned trade unions as labor monopolies, the institutionalists favored
them as a means to provide collective voice and due process of law in the
workplace—objectives that also led them to later favor well-run employer-
created plans of representation (Leiserson 1929; Kaufman 2000). A
fourth industrial reform the institutionalists advocated was the adoption
of progressive labor management methods—tools that according to
Commons (1921b) represented the “opportunity of management” to
“self-cure” the labor problem by using employment practices that
replaced adversarialism and bitterness with cooperation and unity of
interest. And, finally, ranked above all the other reform proposals were
methods to stabilize the macroeconomy at full employment, given the
institutionalists’ view that the hardship, insecurity, and waste from large-
scale unemployment and the “boom and bust” of the business cycle were
the single greatest cause of labor problems (Commons 1921a, Kaufman
In the years surrounding World War I the campaign to reform labor
conditions reached a peak, witnessed by the birth of the field of indus-
trial relations and the creation under the League of Nations of the
International Labour Organization (ILO). A battle cry of the reformers
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was “labor shall not be treated as a commodity.” This principle first

appeared in American law when Congress enacted the Clayton Act of
1914. Its purpose was to promote fair trade in product and labor mar-
kets, and to further that objective, the act sought to exempt labor
unions from the legal ban on monopoly contained in the Sherman Anti-
Trust Act. To do so, a provision was inserted in the act that stated, “The
labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce”
(Schwochau 2000).
The second and more far-reaching example is provided in the Ver-
sailles Peace Treaty of 1919 that created the ILO. The ILO was head-
quartered in Europe while the field of industrial relations was American
in origin, but the two were tightly linked in purpose and philosophy
(Kaufman 2004a). The treaty outlines nine principles that form the core
of the ILO’s mission (Solano 1920:273–4). They also represent a concise
statement of the policy goals and normative principles of the new field of
industrial relations:
• labor should not be regarded as a commodity or article of commerce
• the right of association
• payment of a reasonable wage to maintain a reasonable standard of
• an eight-hour day or 48-hour week
• a weekly rest of at least 24 hours
• abolition of child labor
• equal pay for equal work
• equitable treatment of all workers in a country
• enforcement of laws for worker protection

The Trilogy of Social Welfare Objectives

The premise “labor shall not be treated as a commodity” was the
foundational ethical principle of early industrial relations. On this foun-
dation was then erected a second fundamental ethical precept. In neo-
classical economics the purpose of work and the employment
relationship is to promote maximum efficiency. The early institutionalists
rejected this proposition and substituted a trilogy of social welfare objec-
tives: efficiency, equity (social justice), and opportunities for individual
self-actualization and development.
Classical and neoclassical economics seeks to maximize the utility
consumers derive from the economy’s output of goods and services. Neo-
classical theory shows, in turn, that consumer satisfaction is maximized
when an economy achieves efficiency in production and exchange—that
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is, when it is impossible to reallocate resources so as to increase the

utility of one person without at the same time reducing the utility of
another. In this schema, work and the people who perform it inevitably
become an instrumental means to an end—a “factor input” to be bought
as cheaply as possible, utilized to its maximum, and then discarded when
no longer needed.
As suggested by the quotations from Ely and others cited earlier,
the early institutionalists took a broader and more humanistic per-
spective on the social purpose of work and employment. Satisfaction
of material needs is important and antecedent to all others, since oth-
erwise the human organism will perish. It is thus important that work
and employment be performed efficiently. But by itself this social
welfare objective makes people servants of the economy rather than
the economy the servant of people. Thus, efficiency and the satisfac-
tion of consumers’ material needs is a necessary condition for social
welfare, according to the institutionalists, but not a sufficient condi-
tion. In this regard the institutionalists adhere to the biblical dictum
that “man does not live by bread alone.” Also important to social wel-
fare, they believed, are two other objectives. The first is that work
and employment satisfy the ethical criteria of fairness, equity, and
justice; the second is that they provide individuals the opportunity to
realize their full human potential. Translated into modern terms, the
classical/neoclassical social welfare objective is equivalent to the bot-
tom level of Maslow’s five-step hierarchy of human needs, while the
social welfare objectives of institutional economics and industrial rela-
tions include all levels of Maslow’s hierarchy (Lutz and Lux 1988).
Modest elaboration will flesh out and make clearer the institutional
perspective on the important ethical role played by equity and self-
actualization and development in the operation of a modern economy.
I start with equity and its relationship to efficiency.
Commons observes in his theoretical magnum opus Institutional
Economics (1934a) that the foundational fact upon which all of eco-
nomic science is built is the existence of material scarcity. He then
states, “It is for this reason of scarcity that I make efficiency also a uni-
versal principal, because it overcomes scarcity by cooperation. But coop-
eration does not arise from a presupposed harmony of interests, as the
older [classical/neoclassical] economists believed. It arises from the
necessity of creating a new harmony of interests—or at least order, if
harmony is impossible—out of the conflict of interests among the
hoped-for cooperators” (p. 6, emphasis in original). The meaning of this
passage, as I interpret it, is that efficiency is a desired objective for
improving social welfare since it helps overcome scarcity. Efficiency,
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then, can be taken as the first and antecedent argument in the institu-
tional social welfare function.
But Commons also stresses that efficiency does not arise automati-
cally from a God-given, Invisible Hand type of competitive market sys-
tem but must be socially constructed by getting people to cooperate in a
world where conflicts of interest are endemic and people, markets, laws,
and property rights are all highly imperfect. In other words, cooperation
is encouraged by “goal alignment” (creating a “harmony of interests”),
and both must be socially engineered. Fundamental to engendering and
maintaining cooperation and social order, in turn, is that the economy’s
“rules of the game” (e.g., laws, distribution of endowments, access to
markets) and “outcomes of the game” (e.g., wages, incomes, job opportu-
nities) be judged by participants as falling within the bounds of “reason-
ableness,” or what Commons (1934a) calls reasonable value. Reasonable
value thus imposes an ethical constraint on the market system—that it
generate not only efficient outcomes but also reasonable outcomes if
participants are to be induced to continue their cooperation and not
rebel against the existing system. Other closely allied terms for “reason-
able” are “just” and “fair.” In modern language (Shepphard, Lewicki, and
Minton 1992), for example, the concept of reasonable rules of the game
goes under the term procedural justice, reasonable outcomes are called
distributive justice, and “reasonable value” may be translated into the
concept of social justice. The second variable in the institutional social
welfare function may thus be specified as equity (justice, reasonable-
ness), introduced in a quasi-lexicographic ordering such that it serves as
both a constraint on the range of socially acceptable efficient outcomes
(efficiency being the antecedent social welfare objective) and as a
higher-order social goal valued for its own sake.
Thus, institutional economics holds as normative propositions that
both the procedural rules and the realized outcomes of the economy
must pass the dual test of efficiency and equity and that efficiency out-
comes that fail the equity test are against the social interest (Budd,
Gomez, and Meltz 2004). In part this is judged to be true because injus-
tice is an affront to basic human rights and universally accepted moral
principles. But inequitable outcomes are also against the social interest
because they produce dysfunctional forms of behavior that undermine
not only efficiency but also the very legitimacy of the economic and
social order. Although neoclassical economic theory, by the nature of its
assumptions, holds that economic efficiency can be separated from eco-
nomic justice (Stiglitz 2001), institutional economics and industrial rela-
tions claim the two are indissolubly connected. The Versailles Peace
Treaty clearly illustrates this principle in its first section: “Whereas the
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League of Nations has for its objective the establishment of universal

peace, and such peace can be established only if it is based upon social
justice. . . ” Although the language of the treaty speaks of “social justice,”
one can just as well substitute Commons’s term “reasonable value” and
get the same implication.
It is important to point out that the personnel management wing of
the early industrial relations field also subscribed to the institutional
position on efficiency and equity. An important precursor movement to
industrial relations, for example, was scientific management. Taylor
(1911), in his Principles of Scientific Management, claims that his system
increases productivity because it “has for its very foundation the firm
conviction that the true interests of the two [employers and employees]
are one and the same” (p. 10) and achieves this unity of interest because
it promotes “justice for all parties through impartial scientific investiga-
tion of all the elements of a problem” (p. 139). Likewise, the “dean of
industrial relations men” in industry was Clarence Hicks, an executive in
charge of industrial relations at Standard Oil of New Jersey. He writes in
his autobiography, “A barren ground for developing real co-operation,
autocracy breeds resentment in those who come under its domination.
This resentment may not be apparent, and at times may not be fully rec-
ognized by the worker himself, but it is inevitably reflected in lowered
morale and efficiency” (Hicks 1941:67). Without exception the early
writers on personnel management maintained that a necessary condition
for high productivity is that workers feel they are getting a “square deal.”
Balderston (1935), for example, examined the personnel programs of 25
advanced companies in the early 1930s and concluded that “fair wages
and fair dealing” are the “prerequisite” (p. 252).
Efficiency and equity are two of the fundamental arguments in the
institutional social welfare function, but there is yet a third and higher
argument: the objective of promoting maximum self-actualization and
self-development for each human being. Efficiency and equity are in
this regard necessary conditions for attainment of the ultimate objective
which, according to Ely is “the true growth of mankind; namely, the full
and harmonious development in each individual of all human faculties”
Self-actualization and self-development are themselves rather broad
and open-ended goals, and for some purposes it is useful to further
delineate them. One point of departure is suggested by Commons, who
states that “the three most fundamental wishes of all mankind [are]:
security, liberty, and equality” (1934a:706). The terms “liberty” and
“equality,” in turn, may for expository purposes be collapsed into one
composite term, “democracy,” partly on the interpretation that Com-
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mons uses “equality” to connote due process or “equal protection of the

law.” An alternative approach used by Budd (2004) in his theory of the
employment relationship, largely equivalent in its analytical implications,
is to telescope the various items in self-actualization and democracy into
the concept of employee “voice.”
Without security, posits Commons, human beings revert to a more
primitive state of behavior where fear is the dominant motive and coop-
eration and social order are undercut by brutishness, fraud, coercion,
and aggression. With security, on the other hand, people have sufficient
material and emotional resources to cope with life and can thus expand
and develop the higher side of human existence, such as love, peace,
honesty, and artistic and cultural creativity. Commons states, for exam-
ple, “Not until the capitalistic system, not until the great financial inter-
ests that control this country have learned that it is just as important to
furnish security for the job as it is to furnish security for the investment
will we have a permanent provision for industrial peace” (1921a:8–9).
For this reason, the institutionalists promoted a variety of programs and
laws to provide greater security to workers, such as unemployment and
old age insurance laws, public works programs in times of depression,
and protections against arbitrary and unfair dismissal.
Similar considerations apply to democracy. Autocracy places people
in a servile and dependent state, exposes them to the insecurity of arbi-
trary and capricious harm to body and livelihood, blunts personal self-
expression, and breeds feelings of resentment and injustice. Democracy,
on the other hand, promotes self-actualization and self-development by
giving people independence and autonomy, an opportunity for voice and
participation in the polity, the protection of due process of law, and the
development of positive emotions such as pride, commitment, and love.
Commons, for example, says that an elemental part of democracy is giv-
ing workers “power enough to command respect” (1921b:69). Similarly,
Rockefeller (quoted in Survey magazine, October 25, 1919, p. 36) said at
the 1919 Industrial Conference, “Representation is a principle which is
fundamentally just and vital to the conduct of industry. This is the princi-
ple upon which the democratic government of our country is founded.
Surely it is not consistent for us as Americans to demand democracy in
government and to practice autocracy in industry.” To promote greater
democracy in industry, the institutionalists and progressive business
allies both advocated more widespread forms of worker voice in industry
(Kaufman 2003b). Although the need and desirability for more worker
voice was a central normative proposition in early industrial relations,
opinions differed as to the best form of voice. Some of the institutional-
ists favored independent worker voice through trade unions, the progressive
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businessmen tended to oppose trade unions and instead favored

employer-created shop committees and other forms of nonunion repre-
sentation, while most in the field took the normative position that it
should be left to the workers to decide what form of representation (if
any) they wanted.
Let me summarize the discussion to this point. The normative social
welfare position of institutional economists is that the end goal of an
economy should be to provide the opportunities and conditions that
allow each person to grow and develop their full range of human capa-
bilities and emotions. Essential ingredients are efficiency, equity, and
self-actualization and self-development, with the final two variables
decomposable into objectives such as security and industrial democracy.
To some significant degree these arguments in the social welfare func-
tion are complements—more of one promotes accomplishment of the
others, such as when more security, justice, and voice promote greater
efficiency in production (Meltz 1989). Inevitably, however, in a world of
scarcity these social “goods” are also at times substitutes, and thus a
trade-off is unavoidable. Whereas classical/neoclassical economics tends
to give all the weight in the social welfare function to efficiency and
thereby is led to oppose any sacrifice of efficiency for other social goals,
institutional economics gives explicit weight to a broader range of
human values and is thus willing to countenance trading off, if required,
a certain decrement of efficiency for additional social justice, economic
security, and industrial democracy.
As seen by the institutional economists in the late 19th and early
20th centuries, the American economy and labor market were prone to
considerable inefficiency in production, inequity in the distribution of
social and economic benefits and costs, and abridgement or nonfulfill-
ment of fundamental human values. The classical/neoclassical strategy of
laissez-faire was thus seen by institutional economists as socially harmful
and dangerous because it propped up and defended a system that not
only failed the tests of efficiency, equity, and human self-development
but did so in a way so egregiously flawed that American capitalism and
representative democracy were under growing threat from socialist and
anarcho-syndicalist revolutionaries.

The Early Institutionalists on Ethics and the Legal Framework

of Industrial Relations
The institutional strategy to solve the Labor Problem was to abandon
laissez-faire and instead promote a wide-ranging but largely conservative
program of political and economic reform through new institutional
innovations, additional government regulation of labor markets, and a
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rebalancing of power and rights in the workplace. It was in this spirit

that Wisconsin institutional labor economists Thomas Adams and Helen
Sumner remarked, “The true ideal of society is not laissez-faire, but eco-
nomic freedom, and freedom is the child, not the enemy, of law and reg-
ulation” (1911:15).
As the Adams and Sumner quotation suggests, the institutional attack
on laissez-faire was inevitably a movement not only for economic reform
but also legal reform and, indeed, the legal had to precede the eco-
nomic. For this reason, the early institutionalists sought to justify their
humanized social welfare objectives not only on principles of economics
but also on principles of law (Fried 1998). This led them to found the
“first great law and economics movement” in the early part of the 20th
century (Hovenkamp 1990). But the study of law inevitably leads back to
the subject of ethics, for law is itself a reflection and codification of a
society’s moral values and ethical principles.
The emphasis given by the institutionalists to the law arose from
their conviction that the Labor Problem and, indeed, the behavior of the
entire economy rested on the fulcrum of property rights—specifically
the form, distribution, enforcement, and exchange of property rights.
Similarly, a reason they believed that the science of economics always
contains an ethical dimension is because law is inherently based on ethi-
cal precepts of right and wrong and the law, in turn, determines the
entire structure and operation of markets and supply and demand. Thus,
as expounded by Adams (1897) in his presidential address to the Ameri-
can Economic Association, and later amplified and extended by Com-
mons (1924) in The Legal Foundations of Capitalism, property rights
and laws of contract define each person’s endowment of resources, liber-
ties, and duties with respect to economic resources (including the physi-
cal self) and political participation, and conditions for the exchange of
resources. Commons noted that the classical/neoclassical economists
tend to take property rights, contract law, and the resulting distribution
of resources as a “given” and then analyze via the workings of a competi-
tive market the level of production and distribution of income. But this
procedure, he and the other institutionalists argued, hides the underly-
ing causes of the Labor Problem and malperformance of the economy.
The problem, in a nutshell, is that property rights and the “rules of the
game” are created by the rich and powerful in society and inevitably are
structured to promote their interests, thus marginalizing and putting at a
disadvantage “outsider” groups.
Several examples will make this argument more tangible and trans-
parent. Neoclassical theory, for example, maintains that in a competitive
labor market both the firm and individual workers are “wage takers” and
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thus have no bargaining power and, hence, ability to exploit the other.
The institutionalists argued, however, that in reality workers in this time
period often faced a marked inequality of bargaining power and, for this
reason, suffered from exploitative and unjust wages. The law, for exam-
ple, allows investors to combine together and form a corporation and
then treats this amalgamation of capital as a fictitious “legal person” who
then as the “employer” bargains the labor contract with the worker.
While in legal and neoclassical eyes it is a case of an individual employer
competitively bargaining with an individual worker, from an institutional
perspective the bargaining is often quite unequal since in actuality the
employer is a huge corporation that because of its size and resources
needs the worker much less than the individual worker needs the job.
Also, employers used their political power to obtain legislation that per-
mitted unrestricted immigration into the United States. Such a law
greatly expands the supply of labor in the market, shifting the labor–supply
curve to the right and leading to a low wage for workers. Neoclassical
theory, by taking the law as a “given” and focusing only on workers as
individuals, sees an equality of bargaining power and a socially desirable
competitive wage; institutional theory on the other hand looks at the
effect of the law on labor as a group (or class) and sees that unrestricted
immigration greatly undercuts labor’s bargaining power and thus forces
down the wage to a socially undesirable “cutthroat” or “distress sale”
level. With these results in mind, Commons and Andrews ([1916]
1936:532) declare, “Thus it may be affirmed that the equality of bargain-
ing power toward which the law of employer and employee is directed is
a principle so important for the public benefit that it becomes in itself a
public purpose.” To achieve a greater equality of bargaining power, in
turn, Commons and the other institutionalists recommended reforms
such as greater trade unionism, child labor and minimum wage laws, and
expanded social insurance programs.
A second example concerns work hours and conditions. Neoclassical
theory assumes that the length of the workday and the speed and pace of
work are bargained in a competitive labor market and thus are voluntar-
ily chosen, efficient outcomes that therefore merit no government or
union regulation. From an institutional perspective, however, a feature
of the property rights regime in labor markets is likely to cause both the
length of the workday and the speed and pace of work to be excessive
and injurious. This feature is that the firm cannot own labor (because
slavery is illegal) but can only rent it (by the hour, day, week, year, etc.),
and as is well known, a buyer who rents an asset (relative to owning) has
a much greater incentive to “overwork” it (or neglect its maintenance
and repair). The result in early-20th-century labor markets was that
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many workers were “used up” and “put on the scrap heap” by the age of
40. Working conditions, such as workplace safety conditions and acci-
dents, provide another example. Neoclassical theory presumes competi-
tive markets will provide, via Adam Smith’s theory of compensating wage
differentials, the socially efficient amount of safety and injuries. The
problem, from an institutional perspective, is that many such workplace
“bads” have a public goods aspect and thus will be overproduced relative
to the social optimum (because workplace “bads” have ill-defined prop-
erty rights, individual workers will free-ride and not fully reveal their
preferences to the employer). For this reason, the institutionalists advo-
cated abandoning laissez-faire in the realm of industrial work conditions
and instead promoted a variety of protective labor laws (e.g., a maximum
hour law), an accident insurance program, and institutionalized forms of
collective voice.
A final example concerns democracy and voice in the workplace. A
firm will only provide democracy and voice in the workplace to the
extent it adds to profit, say in the form of an employee involvement
program or dispute resolution program. If workers want still more
democracy and voice, then the free market gives them a way to get it—
by “buying” it from the employer in the form of a lower wage offer.
From an institutional perspective, however, this mechanism is inher-
ently defective. Democracy and voice in the workplace, at least at
some minimum level, are basic human rights that all firms should pro-
vide and respect. Viewed this way, it is illegitimate to ask workers to
“buy” them in the market or allow firms to offer only the amount that
“pays,” suggesting that a non-market method is needed to guarantee a
sufficient supply of these social goods. One method is collective bar-
gaining. Thus, Commons (1919a:108) states of the union contract,
“Like the Constitution of the United States, the agreement has become
a ‘government of law and not men.’ A man is not deprived of his job
without ‘due process of law.’ This is the difference between democracy
and autocracy.”
America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was thus presented
with three alternative legal policy regimes to solve the Labor Problem.
At the right end of the spectrum was the legal regime of free market
capitalism espoused by the classical/neoclassical economists and their
conservative colleagues; on the left end was the legal regime of social-
ism, state ownership, and/or worker cooperatives espoused by the social-
ists and anarcho-syndicalists; and in the middle was the legal regime of
humanized and regulated capitalism espoused by the institutional econo-
mists. The latter program sought to balance the social “good” of effi-
ciency and wealth creation with the equally valuable social “good” of
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justice, security, democracy, and opportunities for human self-develop-

ment and self-actualization.
To advocates of free markets, the program of the institutionalists
appeared to be overly interventionist and destructive of personal lib-
erties and economic opportunities; to advocates of socialism it looked
like a doomed effort to fix the systemic contradictions and flaws of
capitalism with a set of band-aid solutions. But to the institutionalists
it promised to save capitalism and representative democracy by
humanizing, stabilizing, professionalizing, democratizing, and balanc-
ing an otherwise skewed, unjust, and inhumane system through a lim-
ited but far-reaching program of reform. The field of industrial
relations was born in the early 1920s to develop and implement this
reform program. As previously described, the concrete elements of
this reform program included greater trade unionism, expanded pro-
tective labor law and social insurance programs, the spread of progres-
sive labor management methods, and government full-employment
fiscal and monetary policies. These normative policy positions were, in
turn, based on a well-articulated set of moral values and ethical prin-
ciples. In particular, the institutionalists believed that labor is embod-
ied in human beings and thus cannot be regarded in either theory or
practice as merely a commodity factor input and intangible means to
an end; rather, labor is a human essence, and thus the quality of the
work experience is a vital determinant of human welfare that theory
and practice must give due consideration. This insight, I believe, is
the ethical touchstone of industrial relations as espoused by the
founders of the field.

The Ethical Principles of Modern Industrial Relations

After reviewing the writings of the founders of the field of industrial
relations on ethical values, I searched the modern literature for works on
the same subject, finding only a smattering of contributions in addition
to Budd’s recent book. The person who has written perhaps the most
since 1970 on the ethical values and ideology of American industrial
relations is Jack Barbash. Thomas Kochan has also written on the norma-
tive principles of the field in a number of places. Also relevant are the
three papers published in the 1993 Industrial Relations Research Associ-
ation (IRRA) proceedings on “Teaching Ethics and Values in the IR
Curriculum.” In general, however, the modern industrial relations litera-
ture is relatively slim when it comes to explicit attention to the ethical
foundation of the field. In certain respects it also paints a different pic-
ture of the field’s normative values relative to the position staked out by
the founders eight decades ago.
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Modern writers clearly recognize that the field of industrial relations

has a normative value statement. States Barbash, for example, “If we are
not bound by one theory it is just possible that common values inform
our work” (1989:3). Likewise, Kochan states, “I believe the primary fea-
ture that distinguishes the field from its counterparts lies in the norma-
tive assumptions and perspectives that underlie our conceptualization of
the employment relationship” (1998:37).
The question then becomes this: what is this normative value state-
ment, and to what degree is it based on an underlying set of ethical prin-
ciples? Here one finds both an interesting normative bifurcation and an
ideological shift relative to the early founding period of the field.
The key development in modern industrial relations, as I have
described in detail elsewhere (Kaufman 1993, 2004a), is that the coali-
tion of progressive labor reformers from the institutional labor econom-
ics and personnel management wings of the field gradually splintered
and broke apart. From the founding of the field in the early 1920s to the
early 1960s, the field was generally defined broadly to cover the entire
employment relationship, the union and nonunion sectors, and the sub-
jects of personnel/human resource management (HRM) and labor–
management relations. The normative value statement of the field was
sufficiently broad that it could include such diverse people as John Com-
mons and Elton Mayo, give balanced weight to all methods to solve
labor problems, and accept both independent and employer-created
forms of collective worker voice. As time passed, however, the perceived
domain of the field tended to narrow, until in the 1980s most partici-
pants considered the term “industrial relations” to be largely (but not
completely) synonymous with labor–management relations and collec-
tive bargaining, while the management side dropped out and became
the separate and competing field of HRM (Strauss and Whitfield 1998;
Budd 2004). Illustrative of this trend is the title of Kochan’s popular text-
book, Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining (1980), and his
observation that “in practice researchers in this field have focused most
of their attention on the role of unions, collective bargaining, and related
institutions and policies” (1998:31). As the perceived subject matter of
the field shifted toward labor–management relations, so too did the
field’s normative value statement, resulting in a more critical stance
toward management and more favorable stance toward unions and inde-
pendent forms of employee voice.
A search of the modern literature reveals normative value statements
that are quite similar to those from the early 1920s, which is to say broad
enough to include both the institutional economics and progressive per-
sonnel management wings of the field. The emphasis is on labor’s human
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essence, the importance of balancing efficiency with equity, and provid-

ing employees with voice and due process. In this respect normative
statements about ideology and policy continue to be linked to ethical
principles. One such example is provided by Barbash: “Industrial rela-
tions’ underlying value . . . is the human essence of labor as a commodity
or factor of production and, in consequence, labor’s right to equity in the
employment relationship” (1991:91). He goes on to say that
[t]he duality between labor as a factor of production and labor’s
human condition . . . becomes the moral premise which justifies
(a) why the labor factor is entitled to equity, (b) why the mar-
ket, left to its own devices, falls short of equity, (c) how trade
unions and collective bargaining, public policy and manage-
ment “human relations” can variously compensate for the mar-
ket’s equity deficiencies, (d) why equity is indispensable to the
stability of an industrial order and (e) why industrial relations
came into being as a field of study and practice primarily con-
cerned with equity in the employment relationship (p. 108).
An example of a broad, relatively inclusive, and ethically based value
statement in the modern literature of industrial relations is made by
Osterman et al. (2001):
The institutional perspective recognizes a set of moral values,
which individuals seek to realize through work. These values
are distinct from economic efficiency and are not necessarily
promoted by the market. They include equity and due process
in the management of the workplace, equal employment
opportunity, work as a creative and dignifying activity, and the
right of workers to a voice in the organization and governance
of the workplace. An institutional perspective understands the
economy as embedded in the social structure and as depending
on that structure for its capacity to operate effectively (p. 3).

A third example in this spirit is provided by Budd (2004):

My conclusion can then be restated by saying that property
interests must be balanced with labor interests. In either case,
the critical task is seeking a balance. In broader terms, this bal-
ancing paradigm for the employment relationship is addition-
ally reminiscent of the old institutional labor economics, or
Wisconsin, school’s belief in reforming and refining market-
oriented capitalism, not discarding it (p. 45).

But a number of American IR scholars, including Barbash and

Kochan, soon pass on to a more narrow ideological perspective. This
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perspective is narrower in giving normative preference to one particular

form of workplace governance and worker representation—trade union-
ism, collective bargaining, and independent worker voice—rather than
to all methods that solve labor problems in an efficient and equitable
manner. It is also narrower in the sense that this normative position is gen-
erally stated without reference to any deeper underlying ethical values—
perhaps on the assumption these are already widely shared and
understood, or perhaps because modern social science is not comfort-
able with explicit value statements.
According to Kochan, Katz, and McKersie, the normative tilt in mod-
ern industrial relations toward unions and independent employee voice
originated with the Wagner Act (1935), which, in their words, made col-
lective bargaining the “preferred institutional mechanism” (1986:24).
This preference given to collective bargaining, I note, is not actually
stated in the language of the Wagner Act—the purpose is said to be to
“encourage and protect” collective bargaining, but it was taken on as a
widely held ideological position by supporters of the act and the scholars
most active in the field of industrial relations after World War II.
Illustrative of this new and narrower normative position in industrial
relations are a number of quotations from well-known scholars. Gerald
Somers, for example, describes the normative value statement of Ameri-
can industrial relations as “the uniqueness and value of the free collec-
tive bargaining system, voluntarism, liberal pluralism [and] consent”
(1975:1). Barbash expresses a similar opinion, declaring, “As I see it, two
leading principles govern the American ideology of American industrial
relations: the adversarial principle and the principle of voluntarism”
(1979:453). Barbash’s emphasis on the presumed adversarial nature of
the employment relationship is echoed by Kochan: “Industrial relations
theory starts from an assumption that an enduring conflict of interests
exists between workers and employers in employment relationships”
(1998:37–8). Yet another indicator is a statement by Walter Franke: “It is
probably fair to say that the distinctive character of many [IR] programs
has been the study of trade unionism and collective bargaining and the
value system that supported these institutions” (1987:479). And, finally,
in a recent article Godard and Delaney offer this statement of the sub-
ject content and normative perspective of industrial relations:

The field of IR has historically been distinguished by its con-

cern to balance the competing interests of labor and manage-
ment, and its recognition that the labor–management
relationship is at least partly distributive. Accompanying this
concern has been a belief that conflict will arise in organizations
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and that labor institutions such as unions and collective bar-

gaining provide an effective system of conflict resolution. In
such systems, the two parties confront each other on relatively
equal terms, and an effective system of workplace jurispru-
dence exists—one in which workers enjoy basic democratic
rights and protections (2000:497).

That the majority of industrial relations academics actually subscribe

to the positions just quoted is suggested by Godard’s findings from a
large-scale opinion survey. He states, “In general, the findings for the
U.S. sample indicate that, despite U.S. economic and political realities
over the past decade, the majority of [industrial relations] scholars
evince considerable support and sympathy both for the plight of workers
and their unions and for selected institutional reforms” (1995:143).
These statements seem to focus on three “-isms” as the central nor-
mative premises of modern American industrial relations: pluralism
(divergence of interests between workers and employers and their com-
promise through representative voice and organized negotiation), volun-
tarism (government establishment of fair and balanced rules of the game
and leaving employers and workers maximum space to negotiate accept-
able terms and conditions), and collectivism in employment relationships
(independent representation of workers’ interests, typically through
trade unions). At the center of this normative trilogy stands free collec-
tive bargaining, arguably the concept that over the last half century has
defined both the positive and normative center of gravity for the field.
If modern industrial relations has a normative predisposition in favor
of unions and collective worker representation, what does this imply
about the field’s normative stance toward nonunion firms and the practice
of “unitarist” HRM? The evidence on this matter—admittedly slim and
not entirely consistent—suggests as a broad generalization that both tend
to be less favorably viewed, but perhaps with some diminished degree of
skepticism and antipathy in recent years. Providing evidence of a positive
attitude, for example, is the survey by Godard that finds a majority of
industrial relations academics favor “cooperative” forms of employee rela-
tions and believe HRM practices promote improved economic perform-
ance (1995). Also on the positive side, many industrial relations academics
(e.g., Kochan and Osterman 1994; Appelbaum, Berg, Kalleberg, and Bai-
ley 2000) have studied and promoted the high performance work system
(HPWS) model—a model based on intensive use of HRM practices and a
unitarist strategy of cooperation and goal alignment.
But there is also evidence of a negative attitude toward HRM and
nonunion employers, evidenced in part by a general belief that these
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subjects are not part of the industrial relations field and should not be.
Regarding the unitarist model, for example, Godard and Delaney argue
that industrial relations scholars (p. 493) “must adopt a critical and ana-
lytical posture toward the new [HRM/high performance] paradigm”
(2000:493) and “at minimum adhere to a perspective and research
agenda that distinguishes their work from the management-centered
perspective associated with the human relations tradition” (2000:497).
The existence of this type of critical attitude is also spoken of by Strauss
et al. (1974) when they noted in the preface to the IRRA research vol-
ume Organizational Behavior: Research and Issues that “the question of
whether to publish a book devoted to Organizational Behavior (OB)
caused strenuous debate within the Executive Board. There was one
group which felt that OB did not really belong within Industrial Rela-
tions. Another group was willing to provide an opportunity to test OB’s
relevance.” Although Kochan (1998) does not explicitly state it, one also
infers that he does not believe HRM/OB is a part of industrial relations,
given his statement that normative assumptions about conflict in the
employment relationship divide the field into two different schools of
thought: the pluralists and the radical/neo-Marxists, with HRM omitted
by implication. That HRM is outside (modern) industrial relations is also
maintained by Budd (2004), who divides the employment field into HR
and IR (unitarist versus pluralist/radical).
Regarding the field’s less favorable attitude toward nonunion
employers, Cappelli observes that

[a]lthough it is hard to quantify, there is a clear sense among

some faculty in IR that the WWII generation of scholars, who
dominated both the field and the IRRA as an organization
almost until the 1990s, saw the traditional union–management
model of employment relations as the preferred form and
resisted efforts to study alternative models. They saw non-
union systems, for example, not as emerging approaches but as
the old-fashion models (e.g., “Welfare Capitalism” of the
1930s) that were tried and rejected once industrial unionism
came along (1991:7).

In a similar vein, Jacoby describes the normative bias against

nonunion employers in the industrial relations field following World War
II in these words: “Liberal academics inevitably treated nonunion com-
panies as socially retrograde and thus undeserving of scrutiny” (1997:8).
Strauss says of unions and collective bargaining, “Except for the extreme
right and left, these hallowed institutions were not questioned for almost
forty years” (1994:3).
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Different observers may well come to different conclusions on the

details, but I suspect that most would agree with this broad conclusion:
the modern field of industrial relations has had in the post–World War
II period a normative preference for a pluralist, collective-bargaining-
centered form of workforce governance. Most often this normative
position has been asserted in the academic literature without explicit
grounding on underlying ethical precepts.
In recent years, however, a discernible reemergence of an ethics-
based discourse on labor policy has been evident. This movement was
initiated by the ILO in the 1990s and has since been taken up by a num-
ber of participants in American industrial relations. The impetus for the
ILO’s involvement was its desire to gain broader government and public
backing for observance of certain fundamental labor standards, particu-
larly in the context of international trade agreements. To promote this
goal, the ILO selected four areas of work as “core labor principles” and
declared them to be fundamental human rights. As outlined in its 1998
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the four
core labor areas are freedom of association and the effective right to col-
lective bargaining, the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory
labor, effective abolition of child labor, and elimination of discrimination
in employment and occupation (Kellerson 1998).
The ILO’s strategy of equating core labor rights with fundamental
human rights has found strong advocates in the United States and
Canada, particularly among proponents of trade unionism and inde-
pendent worker representation. Two recent reports, one by the ILO
(2000) and another by the New York–based Human Rights Watch
(2000), have been very influential in this regard. Friedman and Wood
(2001) observe, for example, that “The Report [Unfair Advantage]
points to the human rights perspective as the solution to the problems of
the US system. Its foundation is the reformulation of collective bargain-
ing as a basic right of all human beings” (p. 588). Also of note is this
observation of Roy Adams: “Perhaps the most significant aspect of the
appearance of these two reports is the intermingling of industrial rela-
tions and human rights dialogue. Until recently the two communities
had pursued their agendas separately and in isolation from one another”
The emergence of this rights-based advocacy for collective bargain-
ing is, in part, a response to the long-term decline of the union sector in
the United States, the accompanying loss of public support for the New
Deal labor policy that encourages collective bargaining, and the search
for a more effective and compelling normative argument for unionism
vis à vis the increasingly dominant neoliberal agenda of deregulated
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labor markets. The decline of unionism and the New Deal model has
also negatively impacted the field of industrial relations, given its close
intellectual and normative ties to labor–management relations in recent
decades. Thus, a field that gives normative pride of place to pluralist
employment relations and collective bargaining finds itself in an increas-
ingly tenuous and somewhat marginalized position, evident in the sub-
stantial decline in LERA (IRRA) membership, the closing of numerous
university industrial relations programs, and shrinking student and aca-
demic interest in traditional labor–management relations. No doubt with
these events in mind, former IRRA president Thomas Kochan described
the field as being in “a state of profound crisis” (1998:31).
Inevitably, when caught in crisis, institutions and the people who
comprise them are forced to reexamine and perhaps readjust long-held,
often deeply felt values and normative commitments—a process now
under way in industrial relations but rarely explicitly discussed because
of the uncomfortable and potentially divisive nature of the subject.
Should the position of the field continue to decline, however, the subject
of “values” may require more explicit attention and, perhaps, further
A range of responses is possible. One option is to hold tight to the field’s
normative value statement. This option, however, could spell the further
decline of industrial relations and possibly even its demise as a going con-
cern, at least absent a rebound in the labor movement. My impression is
that a portion of the field—often coming from the ranks of political leftists,
trade unionists, and their intellectual allies—favors this option. A second
option is an intermediate position—to maintain fidelity to the basic princi-
ples of the pluralist model but broaden the field’s normative value state-
ment so it includes not only traditional collective bargaining but also new
forms of work organization and labor market intermediaries and a broader
array of methods for providing workers with protection, due process, and
participation. This seems to me to be the position broadly espoused by
Kochan (2000) in his recent IRRA presidential address and expounded on
in more detail in the book Working in America (Osterman et al. 2001). A
third and more far-reaching option is to further open up the field’s norma-
tive domain so it makes a balanced increase in efficiency, equity, and
human self-actualization and self-development the principal objective of
practice and policy and gives preference in a fairly pragmatic way to any
and all methods and institutions that singly or in combination promote this
goal. Thus, in some situations and time periods this objective may be best
accomplished by trade unions and collective bargaining, in others by a uni-
tarist HRM strategy, and yet in others by government legislation, macro-
economic policy, or greater reliance on market forces.
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Hopefully the historical analysis provided in this chapter will help

inform the debate and provide fruitful food for thought. Greater atten-
tion to core ethical principles, as Budd (2004) suggests, is an essential
part of this process; indeed, it is crucial if ideology and ethics are to be
closely aligned and mutually supportive.

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Kantian Ethical Thought

University of Minnesota

Kantian ethics is often viewed as extremely intimidating and as too

abstract and austere to apply to everyday life. Moreover, some might
question why ethical theory is even needed in discussions of human
resources and industrial relations. However, I believe that ethical theory
has a valuable role to play. Moreover, as I shall demonstrate throughout
this paper, Kantian moral theory coheres extremely well with a pluralist
theory of industrial relations (Budd, Gomez, and Meltz 2004).
One of the main functions of ethical theory is to provide justification
for ethical positions. It is one thing to say that we should treat employees
fairly. It is quite another to show what fairness would require in any
given context. One of the strengths of Kantian ethics is its justificatory
power. Kant tries to show that making an exception of oneself and failing
to treat people with respect is self-contradictory or irrational. Showing
that reason itself requires doing or not doing something is powerful jus-
tification. After all, the only remaining question is “Why be rational?”
But that question is a strange one; it asks for a reason for the very thing
that is being questioned. As we shall see, Kant’s rational approach to
ethics provides a justification for two of the most basic principles of
ethics: the golden rule and a respect-for-persons principle.
Ethical theory also provides a test for proposed practice and can help
industrial relations practitioners shape policies that will be ethical. Con-
sider drug testing. If respect for employees is a fundamental moral prin-
ciple, then a drug testing policy will take a certain shape. Issues of
consent, voice in formulating the policy, guaranteeing the integrity of the
results, and protecting privacy as much as possible all become central
concerns. There will be many opportunities in this chapter to show how
Kantian ethical theory would shape industrial relations policy.
In this chapter I provide a concise workable statement of the three
formulations of Kant’s categorical imperative, then show how that cate-
gorical imperative can be applied to human resources and industrial
relations so that the treatment of employees can be considered ethical as

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well as efficient. The strategy will be very familiar to the pluralists. A Kant-
ian business enterprise organized as a moral community would require a
balance among the competing interests of different stakeholders—the
central tenet of pluralist theory. Although a Kantian theory of ethical
industrial relations is compatible with efficiency, or so I argue, it justifies
the pluralist contention that employees should not be treated as mere
commodities and that the workplace should be more democratic. (Budd,
Gomez, and Meltz 2004).

Kant’s Categorical Imperative

The First Formulation
Some years ago the book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in
Kindergarten was very popular (Fulghum 1988). Many of Fulghum’s
examples focused on ethical behavior. Kantian ethics is not quite that
simple, but close. Kant started with the assumption that we normally
know right from wrong and that we want to do what is right. The pur-
pose of philosophical ethics was to help people who wanted to be ethi-
cal but were perplexed in difficult situations, where the right choice
was not obvious. For example, Kant believed that everyone knows that
lying is generally wrong. However, would it be wrong to make a lying
promise when you were in desperate financial straits? To answer
questions like that, Kant argued, we need to appeal to the categorical
The tradition in Kantian scholarship is to point out that there are
three formulations of the categorical imperative. The first formulation
is a philosophical version of the golden rule: you should do to others
what you want others to do to you. The problem with that statement of
the golden rule is that sometimes people have weird desires and
beliefs. A sadomasochist willing to have pain inflicted on him would be
able to inflict pain on others. A business executive who looked at the
business world as a jungle and was willing to have people try to cheat
her would, under the traditional formulation of the golden rule, be
able to cheat others.
Kant would identify the problem in the traditional formulation
with stating the rule in terms of wants. Kant built his ethics on rea-
son, not on wants and desires. Kant’s first formulation of the categori-
cal imperative said, “Always act on the maxim which one can will to
be a universal law.” A maxim for Kant was a principle of action. If the
principle of your action cannot be willed universally, then it is not
moral. Consider the question of whether a person in dire financial
straits is morally permitted to make a lying promise—say, to promise
to repay a loan while having no intention of doing so. The maxim for
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that action would be “It is ok for a person in desperate financial

straits to promise to repay a loan with no intention of doing so.”
Could such a maxim be universally willed? No, because if it were uni-
versally willed no one would lend money. It is not simply the fact that
there would be bad consequences because no one would lend money.
Kant is not a utilitarian. Rather, the lying promise cannot be consis-
tently willed. The person making a lying promise and permitting the
universalization of lying promises undercuts himself. The only reason
a lying promise could succeed is because there is no universal maxim
permitting lying promises. Unethical behavior often involves making
an exception of yourself, permitting yourself to do something that
you could not permit everyone else to do. If you did, you could not
succeed in your aim. A universal maxim permitting lying promises
would undercut your attempt to make a lying promise. Kant put it
this way:
Would I be content that my maxim of extricating myself from
difficulty by a false promise should hold as a universal law for
myself as well as for others? And could I say to myself that
everyone may make a false promise when he is in difficulty
from which he otherwise cannot escape? Immediately I see
that I could will the lie but not a universal law to lie. For with
such a law there would be no promises at all, inasmuch as it
would be futile to make a pretense of my intention in regard to
future actions to those who would not believe the pretense
or—if they overhastily did so—would pay me back in my own
coin. Thus my maxim would necessarily destroy itself as soon
as it was made a universal law ([1785] 1990:19).

Using this formulation of the categorical imperative, it is easy to

show that stealing and cheating are wrong. A maxim that would univer-
salize stealing is inconsistent with the notion of private property; it
would necessarily destroy itself. A maxim that permitted universalized
cheating would make testing impossible—logically impossible. What
Kant has done is to show why certain activities are considered wrong.
When the maxim permitting those activities is universalized, the maxim
becomes self-defeating.
Kant’s point can be generalized so that it covers a wide range of
human activity. A person can use this first formulation of the categorical
imperative to show that whenever someone, including someone in busi-
ness, agrees to follow the rules of cooperative behavior and then violates
the rules for personal gain, she is acting immorally. A maxim that permit-
ted universal violation of the rules is self-defeating. A universally violated
rule is not a rule.
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This kind of analysis shows that free-loading is morally wrong. A

freeloader is one who accepts the rules for cooperative behavior but
then either violates the rules or fails to contribute his share in supporting
them. This analysis shows how ethical theory can establish that some-
thing normally considered to be wrong, such as free-loading, really is
In more contemporary language, the first formulation shows how
much unethical behavior involves making an exception of oneself. The
unethical person does what she could not agree to having done univer-
sally. Once one works with the categorical imperative, one can see why
transparency is an essential moral value. Lack of transparency under-
mines those very institutions that depend on it. A Kantian is not sur-
prised to see the stock price of a company plunge when accounting
irregularities are revealed. The virtue most often associated with the first
formulation is integrity—transparency in thought and action.

The Second Formulation

The second formulation of the categorical imperative states that
“one should always treat the humanity in a person as an end and never
as a means merely.” Just as the first formulation can be seen as a version
of the golden rule, the second formulation is a version of the principle
that we should respect people. This principle is woven into the very fab-
ric of American moral thought and is a foundation of American civil
society. Any moral disagreement about the principle is disagreement
about how it should be applied and not with the principle itself. (I rec-
ognize, of course, that despite the acceptance of this moral principle,
respect for people is not always fully practiced in the economic and
business arenas.)
Since the principle is so well accepted in moral discourse, there is
seldom much demand that it be justified. But Kantian moral theory has
a justification, and that justification assists us in applying the principle
even in economic and business arenas, where it is frequently ignored.
Kant asks what it is that distinguishes humans from other things on the
planet. Humans are free. For Kant they are free in two senses. They
have what is called “negative freedom,” when they are free from causal
necessity. People are not like billiard balls, whose movement is deter-
mined and whose actions can be explained solely by the velocity and
angle of impact. People make decisions; billiard balls do not. But in
Kant’s view, negative freedom is not freedom in its fullest sense. Some
events cannot be given a causal explanation because they are random,
but these events are not truly free. William James thought he could
explain human freedom by showing how a person who always went
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home a certain way suddenly made a decision to take an alternative

route home. ([1884] 1962). For James that random change in the pattern
of behavior showed that the event was free. Not for Kant. There was no
reason for the change in pattern, for positive freedom actions must be
done for a reason. For Kant, humans are positively free because they can
conform to laws they give themselves. A free act, then, is one that is
done not out of causal necessity but on the basis of a law (or reason) that
the agent gives himself.
The fact that we are free in this sense is what gives us dignity—a dig-
nity that is beyond price. We are aware of our freedom, and we all have a
sense of dignity. Of course, what I ascribe to myself as a human being, I
must logically ascribe to others who are human beings. A reason in one
case is a reason in all similar cases. Hence, when I act from a law of my
own making, it must be a law that other human beings could accept. It is
a law that can be universalized. But that law is the categorical imperative
in its first formulation. Thus humans are free because we are not bound
by causal necessity and we can act from the moral law. That is what
makes us special and why the humanity in a person should be respected.
Violating the humanity in a person is a great moral wrong in Kantian
ethics. One violates a person’s humanity when one violates her negative
or positive freedom. The two basic means of violating negative freedom
are coercion and deception. As the contemporary Kantian Christine
Korsgaard has put it:

According to the Formula of Humanity, coercion and deception

are the most fundamental forms of wrongdoing to others—the
roots of all evil. Coercion and deception violate the conditions
of possible assent, and all actions which depend for their nature
and efficacy on their coercive or deceptive character are ones
that others cannot assent to. . . . Physical coercion treats some-
one’s person as a tool; lying treats someone’s reason as a tool.
That is why Kant finds it so horrifying; it is a direct violation of
autonomy (1996:140, 141).

Kant’s point is accepted by persons of nearly all political persuasions.

Coercion and deception are a violation of negative freedom because they
block a person from choosing ends he would have chosen had the coer-
cion or deception not occurred.
Lack of coercion and deception is not sufficient to treat persons with
respect. We have positive obligations to further the humanity of people;
we have obligations to take positive action to help people. Thomas Hill,
Jr. has argued that in particular there is a positive obligation to help
humans develop the following capacities:
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1. the capacity and disposition to act on the basis of reasons

2. the capacity to act on principles of prudence and efficiency so long
as these principles do not violate the categorical imperative
3. the power to set any end whatsoever which includes the ability to
see future consequences, adopt long range goals, resist immediate
temptation, and even to commit oneself to ends for which one has
no sensuous desire
4. the capacity to accept categorical imperatives
5. some ability to understand the world and to reason abstractly (1992:

For Hill, respecting and supporting the development of these capaci-

ties are what Kant means by respecting the humanity in a person.
Although I accept Hill’s account, I think respecting the humanity in a
person requires some additional things. In both the Foundations and
The Metaphysics of Morals, Kant is clear that we have duties to develop
our talents and to give aid to the needy. We also cannot be indifferent to
people. To be indifferent is not to treat the humanity in a person with
respect. Thus, in addition to supporting the development of the capaci-
ties identified by Hill, respecting the humanity in people requires that
we support the development of their talents and provide aid when they
are in need. By doing these things we show that we are not indifferent to
It is important to note here that some duties in respecting the
humanity in a person are more stringent than others. Kant distinguishes
perfect duties from imperfect duties. Perfect duties are duties that are
always required, such as the duty not to coerce and the duty not to
deceive. Imperfect duties are duties that one must honor on some occa-
sions but can ignore on others, such as the duties to develop one’s talents
and to aid. You do not need to aid people whenever aid is required, but
there is some requirement to aid. In terms of the discussion here, the
duties not to violate negative freedom are perfect duties, and the duties
to aid positive freedom are imperfect duties.

The Third Formulation

The third formulation of the categorical imperative is sometimes
called the “kingdom of ends” formulation. Loosely put, this formulation
says that you should act as if you were a member of an ideal kingdom of
ends in which you were both subject and sovereign at the same time.
What did Kant mean here? Kant recognized that human beings interact
with other human beings (ends). This arena of interaction is the king-
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dom of ends. A business, like any other organization, is composed of

individual persons; since persons are moral creatures, the interactions of
persons in an organization are constrained by the categorical imperative.
Any organization, whatever its purpose, must be governed by morality.
In that sense an organization should be a moral community.
How are the relations in a moral community to be governed? They
must be governed by laws that all can accept. Only those laws are consis-
tent with human freedom. Since all members of the community in some
sense create the laws that govern them, all members are sovereign.
However, all members of the community are subject to the law. That is
how you can be subject and sovereign at the same time. Strictly speak-
ing, in any organizational context any rule proposed for governing the
organization must be acceptable to all. Since this may not be possible as
a practical matter, Kant’s requirement might best be changed to the
requirement that an organization be governed by a process that can be
acceptable to all.
What Kant suggests is that we ask moral beings to act from rules that
are publicly acceptable in the sense that they seem reasonable to any
rational person. Let us apply this to business. Since all persons in eco-
nomic affairs are moral agents, they are equal with respect to possessing
dignity and intrinsic value. Thus, morally, the interests of any one mem-
ber in a business community are equal to the interests of any other
member. What is needed are specific suggestions for principles and
processes that can gain the assent of all, even when individual interests
may be in conflict.
A note on duty: Students of Kant realize that I have not said anything
about Kant’s insistence that an action must be done from a moral motive
if it is to be a truly moral act. In other words, an action must be done
because it is right and not for some other reason. The Foundations open
with this central notion: “Nothing in the world—indeed nothing even
beyond the world—can possibly be conceived which could be called
good without qualification except a Good Will” (Kant 1990:9). In the
minds of many, this would mean that even the benevolent actions of cor-
porations would not be truly moral, because they are usually done on the
grounds that they are right and because they are right they will be prof-
itable in the long run. But doesn’t the appeal to profit in the long run
contaminate the motive? Not if seeking profit is one of the moral duties
that managers have. The tendency in the public is to see profit-seeking
as purely a prudential or even a selfish motive. But given U.S. law
regarding the duties of the officers of a firm— the notion that the man-
agement is in a contractual relationship with the stockholders and that
managers are fiduciary agents for the stockholders—it is clear that one
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of the duties of management is to seek profits for stockholders. And that

duty is a moral duty (Bowie 1999).
On this point I am in partial agreement with Milton Friedman, who
has maintained that the only proper function of business is to maximize
profit consistent with law and ordinary morality. At one point Friedman
put it this way:

In such an economy [free], there is one and only one social

responsibility of business—to use its resources and engage in
activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays
within the rules of the game, which is to say, engages in open
and free competition, without deception or fraud (1962:133).

What distinguishes the Kantian approach is an expanded notion of

“rules of the game” based on a coherent moral theory. For example, a
human resource manager ought not to gain profit by treating the
humanity of a person merely as a means. However, the duty to seek a
profit for shareholders is surely one of the duties that a human resource
manager has.
And equally important, because there is a managerial duty to seek a
profit, none of the attempts in this essay to show that Kantian ethics in
human resource management is good business run afoul of Kant’s cen-
tral belief that an act can only be truly moral if it is done from the right
motive—because it is right. Of course to be right, any action that leads
to profitability must also be consistent with the three formulations of the
categorical imperative.

Ethical Human Resource Management in the Kantian Tradition

Respecting the Humanity of a Person
Many of the moral objections to human resource management
amount to the fact that employees are treated as merely a means to
increase profits for stockholders. If enlightened human resource man-
agement techniques lead to greater profit, then they should be adopted.
If they do not lead to greater profit then they should not be adopted.
This was the view allegedly held by Jack Welch. In his early days at GE,
he was known as “neutron Jack” because he left the buildings but fired
so many employees. Later he discovered enlightened human resource
management and became convinced that GE could be more profitable
with that approach. Welch was asked, If later evidence nullified the
greater profitability of the enlightened approach, would he give it up?
“Of course” was his answer. Welch’s view regarding human resource
management is purely instrumental.
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The Kantian argues that employees must not be treated in certain

ways even if profitability could be increased by doing so. For example,
the use of coercion or deception is wrong. The charge that employees
are routinely lied to in the business context is a serious indictment of the
morality of management. Retirees have been promised health benefits
only to have them denied. Employees have been promised a certain
level of pension contribution only to have management renege. Enron
management urged employees not to sell Enron stock even though they
knew that Enron was in serious financial trouble and even though they
sold their own stock. The list of companies that have engaged in such
conduct is seemingly endless. From a Kantian perspective that conduct
is wrong. These actions violate not only the second formulation of the
categorical imperative but the first formulation as well. Since all the
actions involve lying or deception, they cannot be consistently universal-
ized. Thus one of the ways to treat the humanity in a person with respect
is to be transparent in word and deed.
One goal of Kantian human resource management should be an
increase in transparency, for it is transparency that provides the proper
antidote to deception. One of the most transparent management prac-
tices is open book management. Developed by Jack Stack at the
Springfield Manufacturing Company (Stack 1992), open book manage-
ment won a prestigious business ethics award. The goal of open book
management is to make everyone a mini-CFO; employees are given all
the financial information about the company. Needless to say, open
book management is not soft. Imagine a business in which everyone in
the organization focused on the profitability of the firm. Thus, open
book management is supposed to be good business. With complete
information and the proper incentives, employees behave responsibly
without the usual layers of supervision. The success of open book man-
agement can be dramatically increased when it is combined with a
profit-sharing program. As one foreman put it, where there is a profit-
sharing plan and complete sharing of information, no one is likely to
order extra inventory or make other choices that will undercut the
profitability of the firm.
However, the case for open book management is not just profit
related. In a video exploring the practice, employees speak of their
increased freedom and responsibility. One woman sums it up: “I’m not
just a name on a time card. I am somebody. I am a person.” That is just
the kind of statement a Kantian wants to hear. Obviously the employees
under open book management do not feel that they are treated as a
means merely. They feel treated as autonomous responsible adults—as
persons (Case 1995).
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Though much has been written about profit sharing, few have recog-
nized that profit sharing throughout the business could be a means for
reducing coercion and deception. Profit-sharing plans that extend to the
entire workforce could allow everyone to share in the gains that result
from increasing productivity. Since everyone would have an interest in
the success of the firm, there would be demands for access to informa-
tion to make sure that the profit-sharing plan is handled fairly (Ben-Ner
and Jones 1995).
In theory, companywide profit-sharing plans also allow everyone to
share the risks of an economic downturn—specifically, by avoiding lay-
offs. Many critics of capitalism argue that layoffs are coercive. Defenders
of layoffs argue that they are often an economic necessity, one that every
employee understands when agreeing to employment, and that an
employee who freely accepts an employment contract cannot complain
of coercion when a layoff occurs. That response raises an interesting
philosophical issue about the nature of coercion.
The overwhelming number of people need to work to survive, at
least for a large portion of their lives. There is a sense in which people
are forced to work. When an assailant says, “Your wallet or your life,”
you technically have a choice. However, for many this situation is the
paradigm of coercion. How close is the analogy between the assailant
and the requirements of the employer? Admittedly, in good times the
balance of power shifts somewhat, but in hard times the balance of
power is with the employer. Most people have to take the terms of
employment as they get them (Manning 2003). Someone wanting
employment does not negotiate about whether or not to be tested for
drugs, for example. If drug testing is the company policy, you either
submit to the test or forfeit the job. If you want a job, you agree to
employment at will and to layoffs if management believes they are nec-
essary. Survival for yourself and any dependents requires it. As with
the assailant, you technically have a choice, but most employees argue
they have little choice about multiple important terms of employment.
A Kantian, in common with the pluralist school of industrial relations,
maintains that the imbalance between employer and employee ought
to be addressed. Otherwise, industrial relations rests on an unethical
Layoffs are psychologically devastating to most employees. You can
lose many of the goods you purchase with your salary without feeling a
loss of respect. However, in Kantian terms, a layoff damages self-respect.
The person who loses a job feels herself diminished and someone who is
not fully worthy. I suspect that some of this results because the person
who loses a job also loses some of her freedom or autonomy, and auton-
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omy is a central human value. Thus a Kantian would argue on moral

grounds that there is a prima facie case against layoffs. Layoffs are some-
what coercive and are damaging to employee self-respect, so unless they
are absolutely necessary, they are wrong.
Profit sharing is a way of avoiding layoffs. If profits fall, everyone suf-
fers a diminished paycheck. However, unless the fall-off in profits is
incredibly severe, no one need lose a job. Indeed, if there were no prof-
its to be shared, there still are alternatives to layoffs. Rather than anyone
being laid off, everyone can take a cut in pay. In other words, in troubled
economic times, the pain can be spread rather than fall completely on
those who are laid off.
Sometimes layoffs are an economic necessity, and the moral pre-
sumption against them is overridden. However, a Kantian does not like
to fire people and seeks alternatives to layoffs wherever possible. More-
over, the Kantian approach makes sound business sense. Research,
including that by Jeffrey Pfeffer and Frederick F. Reichheld, has doc-
umented the payoffs that result when management seeks alternatives
to layoffs (Pfeffer 1994, 1998; Reichheld 1996). Another study shows
that the stock prices of companies that downsize do more poorly than
those that don’t (Dorfman 1991). Companies that do not downsize
have also been found to have a productivity advantage (Pfeffer 1998).
Managers also often overlook the cost of training. Reichheld (1996)
has demonstrated the cost savings that result from a stable and loyal
Sometimes a negative case tells as much as a positive one. Apple
Computer serves as a poignant example. Under Steve Jobs, Apple had a
unique culture that was characterized by high employee morale. Apple
was known for employee accessibility to management, recognition of
employee milestones, and bagels and cream cheese on Fridays. Employ-
ment was stable. The employee handbook celebrated the importance of
people to the firm’s success.
But Apple was under extreme competitive pressure from Microsoft.
How should management handle this pressure? The company behaved
in a traditional and destructive manner. John Scully replaced Steve Jobs
and introduced a new management philosophy that traditionally pleases
Wall Street. Scully saw employees as costs, not as responsible moral
beings deserving of respect. Layoffs were made in 1985, with a second
round in 1991. By then Apple had eliminated 10% of its workforce. But
Apple’s competitive position did not improve, and Scully was fired. The
approach to employees remained the same, however; they were viewed
as costs and the layoffs continued. By 1997 Apple had less than half of its
original workforce.
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Treating people as costs had the unpleasant effect of treating them

without respect. Pfeffer describes the dismissal process as follows:

The dismissal process occurred on a single day. Each employee

was told to be at their desk at 9:00 a.m. in the morning. Those
who received early calls into their managers’ offices were laid
off. They were given pink slips, final checks and severance
information. They were then escorted to the door. The remain-
ing employees were gathered into a room at 11:00 a.m. to dis-
cuss their new jobs, since restructuring began immediately

Naturally the bagels and cream cheese had long disappeared as well.
They were a cost that could be eliminated. Presumably the cost-
obsessed management could not justify what they could not quantify—
namely, the benefits of people getting together periodically over free
food to discuss and resolve issues. Needless to say, employee morale at
Apple was terrible. It continued to lose ground to Microsoft, and many
predicted Apple’s demise.
In desperation, Apple convinced Steve Jobs to return as CEO. He
reversed course, focusing on improved quality and new products and
competing on quality rather than reduced costs. Recently the company’s
iPod and iTunes have been great commercial successes. So have the
Apple stores opened in major urban centers, including Manhattan and
the Mall of America near Minneapolis–St. Paul. In February 2004 Steve
Jobs was once again on the cover of BusinessWeek. The story of the
decline and resurrection of Apple has much to tell us about corporate
strategy, the importance of job stability, and the ethics of respecting peo-
ple. Indeed, it casts light on a philosophical debate that is raging about
the very purpose of the firm.

A Note on Stakeholder Theory Versus Stockholder Theory

MBA students are told again and again that the purpose of the firm
is to contribute to (i.e., maximize) stockholder wealth. The managers are
agents of the stockholders, and what the stockholder–owners want is
more return for their investment. MBA students also learn that there are
other constituencies—stakeholders—whose support is needed if the
firm is to be profitable. A manager cannot make money for stockholders
if there are no customers. However, these other stakeholders are treated
instrumentally, merely as a means to stockholder wealth, rather than as
ends in themselves, as a Kantian ethic would demand.
Management from the perspective of Kantian ethics takes a very dif-
ferent noninstrumental approach to the other stakeholders. Kantians
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argue that everyone affected by the firm has a moral claim to be treated
with respect, though they realize that not all those affected by firm
behavior stand in the same relationship to the firm. As William Evan and
R. Edward Freeman have pointed out, some stakeholder groups are
essential to the very survival of the firm (Evan and Freeman 1988). In
addition to stockholders, those stakeholder groups traditionally include
customers, employees, managers, suppliers, and the local community.
Given the centrality of these groups to the success of the corporation,
management has special obligations to them. Kantian moral philosophy
requires that all those affected by the firm be treated with respect. Kant-
ian business ethicists have spelled out in more detail what treating the
humanity in a person requires when managers interact with these six
essential stakeholder groups. This paper, of course, is outlining what is
required when managers treat the humanity in employees with respect.
A full-blown Kantian theory of business ethics would outline those obli-
gations for all the stakeholder groups.

Building a Business as a Moral Community

If managers were to treat the employment relationship in the context
of a moral community (a “kingdom of ends,” in Kant’s language), human
resource policy would look very different. Corporate America’s standard
mode of organization is hierarchical. To see who reports to whom, you
look at the organization chart, and in most organizations the reporting
lines are pretty clear. The employer–employee relationship also is often
covered by the doctrine of employment at will. An at-will employee can
be fired for any reason—good, bad, or immoral— and may resign for any
good, bad, or immoral reason. Certain exceptions do or may apply, how-
ever: One, employees have been given statutory protection against being
fired on the basis of religion, race, sex, old age, or disability. An explicit
employer–employee contract also can constrain the at-will relationship,
as does employee membership in a labor union. Finally, a public policy
exception protects employees from being fired when they are ordered to
do something in violation of the law (but courts have interpreted this
exception very narrowly). What is clear is that hierarchical organization
combined with even a constrained employment at-will labor contract is
not conducive to the exercise of employee autonomy or to employee par-
ticipation. Kant requires that members of the kingdom of ends agree to
the rules that govern them. Hierarchical management typically gives
orders; it does not seek agreement.
A Kantian is a moral critic of the standard employer–employee rela-
tionship. What would a Kantian manager put in its place? Recall that for
Kant, human autonomy is the central feature of humanity. Freedom is
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required for both our rational and ethical decision making. As the Kant-
ian scholar Onora O’Neill points out:

[Kant] argues not from reason to autonomy but from auton-

omy to reason. Only autonomous self-disciplining beings can
act on principles that we have grounds to call principles of rea-
son. . . . [I]t [the categorical imperative] is a fundamental strat-
egy not just of morality but of all activity that counts as
reasoned. The supreme principle of reason is merely the prin-
ciple of thinking and acting on principles that can (not do!)
hold for all (1989:57, 59).

Since autonomy is the foundation for both rationality and morality,

autonomy is the central value for Kant. The most direct way to show
respect for the humanity in a person is to respect or support the devel-
opment of autonomy. Contrast what Kant says about reason and author-
ity with the hierarchical view:

Reason depends on this freedom for its very existence. For

reason has no dictatorial authority, its verdict is always the
agreement of free citizens, of whom each one must be permit-
ted to express, without let or hindrance, his objections or even
his veto ([1781] 1963:593).

The most obvious way to support autonomy is to support employee

participation in the workplace. Kantian ethics demands that the work-
place be more democratic, consistent with a main contention of pluralist
human relations.
The traditional way for employees to obtain voice is through unioniz-
ing. The right to unionize is considered a universal one. It is endorsed in
the United Nations (1948) Declaration on Human Rights and in all sub-
sequent UN treaties and declarations relating to the workplace. It is
endorsed by the Caux Round Table (1994) Principles for Business and
by the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work (1998).
Despite the normative endorsement of unions, union membership
has declined steadily in the United States during the last 40 years, and in
the U.S. business context, “union” has become a dirty word. Union
membership in other industrial countries, such as Canada, Japan, Aus-
tralia, the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, and Italy, was under 50% at
the end of the 20th century (Katz and Darbishire 2000). But a Kantian
can endorse a union, so long as it is not corrupt and is governed by dem-
ocratic principles. Since unions provide for voice and participation in the
workplace and can protect workers from unjust and arbitrary dismissal, I
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believe their decline, especially in America, is tragic. And in North

America, there is no more effective antidote to arbitrary at-will decisions
than a union contract.
Fortunately, however, unions are not the only way to provide voice
and participation in business organizations. An alternative that might be
considered is one advanced by William Evan and R. Edward Freeman: a
stakeholder board of directors (1988). Under this proposal the board of
directors of a publicly traded firm would comprise representatives from
five stakeholder groups: employees, customers, suppliers, stockholders,
and the local community. There would also be a person who represented
the corporation as an entity. The function of this kind of board is to man-
age the corporation for the benefit of all the stakeholders and to make
sure that no one stakeholder group is unduly harmed. Since the interests
of stakeholder groups often conflict, the stakeholder board would have
to convince the various groups that its policies were in the interest of the
long-term health of the corporation, even if a particular stakeholder
group might suffer in the short run.
The deliberations of such a stakeholder board would also serve trans-
parency. For example, the employee representative would see financial
information, hear about planned mergers, and see executive compensa-
tion packages. In Kantian terms, the stakeholder board of directors
would meet a minimum condition for the democratization of the busi-
ness firm: that each person in the firm be represented by the stake-
holder group to which she belongs and that the various stakeholder
groups consent to the rules and practices that govern the organization.
These stakeholder groups would also need to consent to the procedures
for changing the rules. Under a Kantian regime, a contractual, coopera-
tive, representative model of management would replace the hierarchi-
cal model.
Ideally, however, democratization should go further. Teams should
replace some hierarchical layers of management. Decisions made in
teams should be consensual or at least a product of the majority. The
persons in a firm organized in a Kantian model would share the goals of
the firm. Since its rules and procedures would have the approval of the
various stakeholder groups, the firm would have the look of a represen-
tative democracy. To that extent the employees would be both subject
and sovereign with respect to the rules and procedures that govern
them, as required by the kingdom-of-ends formulation of the categorical
imperative. Democracy at the team level would approach direct democ-
racy, and an ideal for team decisions would be unanimous consent.
Business executives normally are very critical of calls for a more
democratic workplace. Williamson (1985) thinks that hierarchical firms
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are the most efficient and that, in a competitive economy, hierarchical

structures would win out in the end. Getting consensus—even when that
consensus is limited to stakeholder groups—is time consuming. In addi-
tion, corporate executives like to be seen as “in command.” Power in an
organization is not easily shared. Thus, it might seem as if more demo-
cratic business organizations are doomed from the start.
I think such conventional wisdom is mistaken, however. First, there
are business advocates for more democratic workplaces, and there are
many anecdotal success stories. German law, for example, requires that
employees are entitled to be one third of the representatives on the
supervisory board of companies with more than 500 employees and to
nominally equal parity consisting of one half of the representatives in
companies with more than 2,000 employees. That means that managers
are required to meet regularly with employees for purposes of dialogue
and decision making. Cadbury’s in the United Kingdom has a long tradi-
tion of participative management. The airline with the greatest customer
satisfaction is Singapore Airlines. Joseph Pillay, the chairman in 1988,
described his management philosophy as follows:

First, we are above all, a democratic organization. . . . We are

not authoritarian, autocratic or paternalistic. There has to be
delegation of authority down the line. . . . We endeavor to cre-
ate an environment in which responsibility . . . can be exer-
cised effectively at all levels (quoted in Stewart 1998:112).

Sometimes financial exigency can turn traditionalists into democrats.

In Maine a Pratt and Whitney plant was threatened with closure because
of inefficiency and quality control problems. The new plant manager,
Roger Ponchak, adopted a profit-sharing plan and imposed a program of
extensive worker retraining. Though both of those reforms are consistent
with Kantian ethics, neither was adopted democratically, and workers
resisted. Then Ponchak had difficulty introducing a new production
scheme. At that point he opted for workplace democracy. He appointed
22 representatives from both factory and clerical employees to leave
their jobs and come up with a new pay and job classification scheme that
linked pay to learning the new techniques. (Kantians would argue that it
would have been better had the representatives been elected. In addi-
tion, the National Labor Relations Board, in its 1992 Electromation and
other decisions, has developed standards to prevent the manipulation of
workplace democracy plans.) The group succeeded, with the result that
the plant was saved from closure (White 1996).
Authoritative research likewise documents the success of a participa-
tive environment. Studies documenting the adverse effects of hierarchi-
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cal authoritarian management stretch back over a 50-year period. Rensis

Likert of the University of Michigan distinguished four types of organi-
zations: the exploitative authoritative, the benevolent authoritative, the
consultative, and the participative group (Likert 1967). The participative
group form of organization is highly democratic, with employee involve-
ment in setting the goals of the organization and meeting them. Com-
pensation plans are decided by group participation. Communication is
initiated at all points in the organization, and the flow of information is
multidirectional. There is a high level of teamwork in a participative
group organization.
Which of the four Likert types of organization was the most produc-
tive? The participative group had lower absenteeism; produced less
scrap, loss, and waste; had more interaction among its members; and had
more accurate information. These factors are of course tied to greater
productivity and profitability (Likert 1967). The extensive research litera-
ture in human resources and industrial relations that has come since Lik-
ert’s work often concludes that high performance work practices can
increase organizational performance. (For example, see Huselid 1995;
Ichniowski, Shaw, and Prennushi 1997; and Batt 1999.) At the same time,
it must be admitted that these conclusions are not universal (Cappelli and
Neumark 2001). Should the less optimistic research concerning the con-
nection between high performance work practices and increased organi-
zational performance prevail, then a Kantian organization has a moral
obligation to try to figure out how to make high performance work prac-
tices effective and therefore good for both firms and workers.
The late W. Edwards Deming is widely regarded as authoritative on
developing processes to deliver quality. Most people emphasize the
quantitative side of Deming’s “14 points.” What is often overlooked is
Deming’s strong advocacy for a more democratic workplace. He thought
that workers were often unfairly blamed for the mistakes of management
(Gabor 1990). Calls for a more participative democratic workplace may
not be utopian after all; indeed, corporations that embody these charac-
teristics might be more competitive rather than less so.

Kantian Leadership
One might wonder about the implications of this emphasis on
employee autonomy for leadership. Doesn’t effective leadership require
someone who makes decisions and then successfully gets everyone on
board to achieve the organization’s goals? And if that is leadership, then
doesn’t an emphasis on autonomy undermine the stature of the leader?
I think not. What would Kantian leadership look like? Since Kant is
committed to a view where respecting the humanity in a person is tied to
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respecting his or her autonomy I have argued that Kantian leadership

involves driving decision making down the organization so that followers
learn to become leaders (Bowie 2000). In that way a Kantian leader sup-
ports the development of autonomy among followers.
As with the discussion on a democratic workplace, the third formula-
tion of the categorical imperative—the kingdom of ends—seems most
relevant here. First, it acts as a significant restraint on leadership as lead-
ership is traditionally understood. Most people think of a leader as “the
boss,” but a Kantian does not accept this view. To be consistent with the
kingdom-of-ends formulation, the leader is a decision proposer rather
than a decision imposer. A leader can propose ends as well as means for
reaching those ends; he or she can propose decision-making rules as
well. But the leader should not order these things or impose them on the
basis of power. A Kantian is committed to reason, not power, as the basis
for decisions.
In management terms the Kantian leader creates the conditions for
participative management. Practitioners would say that the Kantian
leader gets buy-in. However, this buy-in is not based on power or posi-
tion. Nor should it be based on charisma. Rather it should be based on
the merits of the proposal, on reasons that can be defended.
Kantian leadership would transform the traditional adversarial
union–management relationship. The Kantian leader would be commit-
ted to cooperative attempts to resolve issues in the firm and find win-win
solutions to problems. The Kantian is committed to integrative bargain-
ing such as that described in Getting to Yes (Fisher and Ury 1981).
Again the Kantian needs to engage the critic who finds such notions
as turning leaders into followers to be muddle-headed and inconsistent
with running a successful, profitable company. However, the Kantian can
appeal to solid research and to successful examples of such leadership to
buttress the moral case.
Students of organizational behavior are familiar with the phenome-
non of group-think, in which members identify so strongly with the posi-
tion of the group—a position often inspired by the leader—that there is
little critical discussion. As a result, strategic and/or moral disasters can
occur. An excellent training film analyzes the Challenger space-shuttle
disaster as an instance of group-think. The film vividly shows how the
concerns of the engineers at Morton Thiokol got marginalized and then
eliminated. At one poignant moment, engineer/manager Bob Lund is
told, “Bob, take off your engineer’s hat and put on your management
What is the cure for group-think? In organizational behavior lan-
guage, it is the appointment of “critical evaluators”—people charged
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with challenging the dominant idea of the group. In the Kantian model,
critical evaluators occur naturally because people in the organization are
encouraged to speak up and provide reasons for decisions—reasons that
in principle could appeal to all. Simply put, in a firm where the task of
the leader is to encourage others to be leaders, it is hard to imagine
group-think getting a hold.
It seems easier to find examples of successful Kantian leaders in
Europe than in the United States. One example is Jan Carlzon, former
head of SAS Airlines. When Carlzon took over as CEO, the company
had lost its way and was floundering. He undertook a number of steps
that brought popularity and profitability to the airline. A characteristic of
his leadership style was to empower others in the organization to make
decisions. For example, persons checking in passengers could make
decisions about upgrades, canceling penalties, and the like.
One anecdote in particular reflects Carlzon’s leadership style. Carlzon
realized he had not provided successful leadership the first time he went
on vacation and got constant phone calls asking him to make decisions.
Carlzon realized that he would only succeed when he went on vacation
and no one called to seek his advice. He believed that his job as a leader
was to encourage subordinates to make decisions on their own, and in
that way he increased their autonomy on the job. Carlzon knew he had
succeeded when eventually he went on vacation and nobody called.
Carlzon’s experience illustrates the central thesis of a Kantian theory
of leadership. Contrary to the popular stereotype of leadership, a Kant-
ian leader is not the one to whom you look for a decision. Rather, the
Kantian leader empowers others in the organization to take responsibil-
ity for making decisions. A central task of the leader is to respect and
enhance the autonomy of followers. I have argued that one respects
employee freedom by not coercing or deceiving them. Neither does one
simply use authority or power to get employees to do the leader’s bid-
ding. That is what is wrong with hierarchical management from the
Kantian perspective. Leadership that respects negative freedom (free-
dom from causal necessity) is leadership that increases an employee’s
autonomy in the organization. Kantian leadership empowers employees
to make decisions rather than wait for orders. Indeed, its purpose is to
turn followers into leaders. In addition to being required by the second
and third formulations of the categorical imperative, that style of leader-
ship simply makes good business sense.

Meaningful Work
In addition to respecting negative freedom, employers have an obliga-
tion to respect positive freedom, or the autonomy to follow laws people
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have made themselves. Employees who are positively free are as free from
compulsions as they are from coercion. To honor positive freedom is to
enlarge the realm of obligations. Treating the humanity of a person as an
end in itself may require doing more than merely refraining from coercion
and deception. Sometimes it requires taking positive action to help.
One positive action that a business can take to honor positive free-
dom is to provide meaningful work. Using Kantian texts as a guide, I
have proposed that employers are obliged to meet the following condi-
tions with respect to employees and that honoring them all is what is
involved in providing meaningful work:
1. Meaningful work is work that is freely chosen and provides oppor-
tunities for the worker to exercise autonomy on the job.
2. The work relationship must support the autonomy and rationality of
human beings. Work that unnecessarily deadens autonomy or that
undermines rationality is immoral.
3. Meaningful work is work that provides a salary sufficient for the
worker to exercise her independence and provides for her physical
well-being and the satisfaction of some of her desires.
4. Meaningful work is work that enables a person to develop her
rational capacities.
5. Meaningful work is work that does not interfere with a person’s
moral development.
6. Meaningful work is work that is not paternalistic in the sense of
interfering with the worker’s conception of how she wishes to
obtain happiness (Bowie 1999:70–71).
Let us evaluate current human resource practices against these
requirements to provide meaningful work. Condition 1 is a straightfor-
ward requirement: that work be freely chosen and that employees be
given some autonomy on the job. Respect for negative freedom is suffi-
cient here.
Condition 2 has a lot more bite because it challenges the morality of
Taylorism, or the extreme division of labor. The classic case of division of
labor is Adam Smith’s pin factory, where the act of making a pin comprises
18 separate operations. Smith noted that without the division of labor, the
individual output of pins would be somewhere between one and 20 pins a
day. With the division of labor, hundreds of pins would be produced.
Fukuyama describes Taylorism as follows:

[Taylor] tried to codify the “laws” of mass production by rec-

ommending a very high degree of specialization that deliber-
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ately avoided the need for individual assembly workers to

demonstrate innovative judgment or even skill. Maintenance
of the assembly line and its fine-tuning was given to a separate
maintenance department and the controlling intelligence
behind the design itself was the province of white collar engi-
neering. . . . The goal of scientific management was to struc-
ture the workplace in such a way that the only quality required
of a worker was obedience. . . . A factory organized according
to Taylorite principles broadcasts to its workers the message
that they are not going to be trusted with significant responsi-
bilities and that their duties will be laid out for them in a
highly detailed and legalistic form (1995:225–6).

This form of Taylorism violates in a number of ways the Kantian

injunction to respect the humanity of a person. Condition 1 is obviously
violated. So is condition 2, because work done according to Taylor’s prin-
ciples of scientific management deadens autonomy and undermines
rationality. Even the founder of specialization, Adam Smith, recognized
the damaging effects of the pin factory:

The man whose life is spent performing a few simple opera-

tions, of which the effects are, perhaps, always the same, has
no occasion to exert his understanding, or to exercise his inven-
tion in finding out expedients for removing difficulties that
never occur. He naturally loses, therefore, the habit of such
exertion, and generally becomes as stupid and ignorant as it is
possible for a human creature to become. The torpor of his
mind renders him not only incapable of relishing or bearing
any part of rational conversation, but of conceiving any gener-
ous, noble, or tender sentiment, and consequently of forming
any just judgment concerning many even of the ordinary
duties of public life ([1776] 1976:part ii 303).

Most readers of Smith never get to book V, Of the Expense of the

Institutions for the Education of Youth, where Smith makes these very
provocative remarks. Both the autonomy and the rationality of the work-
ers in the pin factory and in factories like the pin factory are impaired
and indeed even deadened, violating condition 2.
Obviously some specialization in business is required to achieve effi-
ciency and increased productivity. But surely it need not go as far as Tay-
lor’s scientific management. On that score the auto industry in the
United States had something to learn from the teamwork of the Japan-
ese. In general, teamwork both enhances autonomy and overcomes
some of the deadening effects of specialization.
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Condition 3 speaks to the issue of a minimum or living wage. In both

of his major ethical works, Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals and
the second part of Metaphysics of Morals, popularly called Metaphysical
Principles of Virtue, Kant argues that we have an obligation of benefi-
cence, or a duty to aid others. This duty is an imperfect one in the sense
that one does not have to help everyone all the time. That of course
would be too demanding. But the obligation to help others must be
taken seriously.
When taken to the business context, the most obvious way to be
beneficent is to pay a living wage. In line with Kant’s commitment to
autonomy, a living wage is defined by its ability to allow a person to live
independently. One cannot live independently if basic needs for food,
clothing, shelter, and health care are not met. In addition to sufficient
pay to cover these needs, there should be a bit left over for discretionary
items. A wage that provides for basic needs plus a bit of discretionary
income could be classified as minimally adequate.
In many cases business firms are clearly not providing living wages.
It was recently pointed out that the $8 per hour earned by the average
nonsupervisory employee at Wal-Mart would not meet the U.S. standard
for a living wage—and the U.S. standard is below that required by Kant-
ian ethics (Bianco and Zellner, 2000). Given the competitive power of
Wal-Mart, its wage policy tends to bring down wages in the entire retail
sector. As premiums for health insurance rise, more and more compa-
nies are dropping health insurance for their employees or, like Wal-
Mart, are asking employees to pay a large part of the premium. Prima
facie, American companies are adopting wage policies that move us away
from what Kantian ethics requires rather than toward it.
I say prima facie because U.S. companies argue that they cannot pay
the kind of wages for low-skilled or entry-level jobs that Kantian morality
requires. If they did, they argue, they would go out of business. They are
constrained by low-wage competition, both domestically and interna-
tionally. After all, it is a fundamental principle of ethics that “ought”
implies “can,” meaning that you can only be held responsible for events
that are in your power. If so, then a business has an obligation to pay a
living wage only if it has the capability to do so.
Though the adherents to this argument have a point, their case is
hardly airtight. Pleading poverty seems disingenuous given the recent
trend in executive pay. The ratio of average executive pay to the pay of
the average factory worker went from 40 to 1 in 1990 to 400 to 1 in
2002 before falling back to 200 to 1 in 2003. I know of no ethical theory
that can justify the skyrocketing executive pay of the 1990s. I recognize
that lowering executive pay will not solve the living wage problem for
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everyone. However, such overinflated ratios stand as an affront to the

hard-working Americans who are one paycheck from the street or are
without health insurance and hope that no one in their family becomes
seriously ill.
Suppose, however, that executive compensation was reasonable.
What then? As I explained, Kantian morality requires that there is an
imperfect obligation to help people attain a living wage. That obligation
falls upon business, government, or both. It seems reasonable to hope
that the economic system would enable businesses to pay living wages
and that where they cannot, the government could serve a supplemen-
tary function. Business increasingly argues that competitive pressures
prevent paying employees a living wage. If that is true, then it seems that
business is morally required to urge government to take up the slack.
Unfortunately, business owners often do just the opposite: they neither
pay a living wage nor do they argue for the taxes on business that would
provide for an adequate welfare policy. Such action, or inaction, runs
contrary to Kantian ethics.
Conditions 4 and 5 for meaningful work require that employers try
to structure the workplace so that both the rational and the moral capac-
ities of employees are respected and indeed enhanced. As much has
been said regarding the protection of the rational capacities of employ-
ees, let us focus on the moral capacities.
It goes without saying that employers should not order or request
that employees do anything illegal or immoral. Despite the obvious
immorality of such orders or requests, they are largely the source of
business scandals. For decades I have asked my undergraduate business
ethics students if they have ever been asked by an employer to do some-
thing illegal or immoral. I usually get around half the class to admit that
such requests have been made. When asked if they complied, nearly
100% of the students indicate that they did, out of fear of losing their
jobs—that despite the fact that nearly half of these requests to commit
illegal acts involved felonies. Of course students have usually been only
in entry-level positions and often in fields where borderline behavior is
common, so we cannot generalize to the workplace at large. However,
employers should note what kinds of introductory work experiences such
students have had. Is it any wonder that there is such skepticism about
business ethics?
Even if employees are not asked to act unethically, their moral capac-
ity is threatened if they observe unethical conduct on the part of a supe-
rior. It is well known that employees take their cues on ethical conduct
from their superiors. An employee with a developed conscience can find
personal ethical standards eroded in an organization where superiors
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engage in unethical conduct. Employers have an obligation not only to

themselves but also to others to behave in a highly ethical way. The unre-
lenting series of scandals that have been coming to light for more than two
years is a serious indictment of employers. What can we expect of employ-
ees when they have witnessed such large measures of misconduct—if not
in their own companies then in the business community in general?
Employers can have a negative effect on the moral capacities of
employees by demanding so much overtime that employees cannot ade-
quately meet other responsibilities. Overwork has become a serious
problem in the United States (Schor 1991, Bailyn 1993). Harvard Busi-
ness School case studies and articles in the business press provide many
examples of employees forced to work late into the evening and/or on
weekends. Spouses and children are neglected. Parents miss crucial
events in the lives of their children (birthdays, graduations, major sports
events). Few deny that there are serious social costs when family
responsibilities are neglected because of the demands of the job. The
40-hour week should be considered a moral norm, and work in excess of
that amount should be considered morally problematic. An employee’s
obligations to the job do not trump all of his or her other obligations.
The final condition for meaningful work is that the employer cannot
be paternalistic regarding the employee. Managers should allow employ-
ees the latitude to pursue their individual conceptions of happiness in
accord with their own desires. Insisting that employees do something
they do not want to do on the grounds that it is for their own good is
paternalistic, and paternalism with respect to adults is usually wrong.
For example, there is nothing wrong with a company having fitness facil-
ities for employees’ use during lunch time or after work, but it is going
too far to require that employees work out there so they can be more
healthy. Many would consider such a practice enlightened, but a Kantian
would reject it on moral grounds. Likewise she would normally consider
it wrong for employers to forbid employees to smoke off the job or to
avoid skydiving, race car driving, or other dangerous sports.
When activities away from the job have a serious impact on the cost
of doing business, the issue of paternalism becomes more complicated.
For example, the more employees a company has who smoke, the more
expensive health insurance premiums become. Although a Kantian
would argue that it is usually wrong to forbid employees to smoke off the
job, he might accept charging employees who smoke more for their
health insurance. In that way the employer could respect both the
employees who choose to smoke and those who think it unfair to pay
higher health insurance costs because of the habits of fellow employees.
In situations where the desires of employees conflict, respecting the
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humanity in a person in all of them requires an exercise in moral imagi-

nation. Nonetheless that is what an employer is obligated to do.
In applying Kantian moral philosophy, I have rather severely critiqued
American human resource management. Hierarchical organizations,
extreme divisions of labor, lack of meaningful work, lack of voice, low
regard for unions, and excessive time on the job have all come in for criti-
cism. But the analysis is not all negative. I also asked what human resource
and industrial relations would look like if they were governed by the three
formulations of Kant’s categorical imperative. Alternative human resource
management practices have been suggested—practices that are accept-
able both morally from a Kantian perspective and as practical business
practices. Examples include teamwork, open book management, partici-
pative management, and shared responsibility. A Kantian perspective also
shares with a pluralist theory of industrial relations a view of the business
firm as a cooperative moral enterprise as well as an economic one. From
one point of view, there is nothing new in these suggestions: human
resource scholars have long known of their efficacy. This essay shows that
such practices are morally sound as well as economically sound.
Note: Portions of this chapter are based on material in Business Ethics:
A Kantian Perspective (Blackwell, 1999) and chapter 7 in Employment
and Employee Rights (Patricia H. Werhane and Tara J. Radin, Blackwell,
2004). Some paragraphs on Kantian leadership are from “A Kantian The-
ory of Leadership” in the journal Leadership and Organization Develop-
ment (2000; Vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 185–93).
Bailyn, Lotte. 1993. Breaking the Mold: Women, Men, and Time in the New Corpo-
rate World. New York: Free Press.
Batt, Rosemary. 1999. “Work Organization, Technology, and Performance in Cus-
tomer Service and Sales.” Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 52, no. 4
(July) pp. 539–64.
Ben-Ner Avner, and Derek C. Jones. 1995. “Employee Participation, Ownership, and
Productivity: A Theoretical Framework.” Industrial Relations, Vol. 34, no. 4
(October) pp. 532–54.
Bianco, Anthony, and Wendy Zellner. 2000. “Is Wal-Mart Too Powerful?” BusinessWeek,
October 6.
Bowie, Norman E. 1999. Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective. Malden, MA, and
Oxford, UK: Blackwell.
______. 2000. “A Kantian Theory of Leadership.” Leadership and Organization
Development. Vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 185–93.
Budd, John W., Rafael Gomez, and Noah Meltz. 2004. “Why Balance Is Best:
The Pluralist Industrial Relations Paradigm of Balancing Competing Inter-
ests.” In Bruce E. Kaufman, ed., Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the
LERA05.chap03.qxd 8/1/05 10:22 AM Page 86


Employment Relationship. Champaign, IL: Industrial Relations Research

Association, pp. 195–228.
Cappelli, Peter, and David Neumark. 2001. “Do High-Performance Work Practices
Improve Establishment-Level Outcomes?” Industrial and Labor Relations
Review, Vol. 54, no. 4 (July), pp. 737–75.
Case, John. 1995. Open-Book Management. New York: HarperBusiness.
Caux Round Table. (1994). Principles for Business. <http://www.cauxroundtable
Dorfman, J.R. 1991. “Stocks of Companies Announcing Layoffs Fire Up Investors,
But Prices Often Wilt.” The Wall Street Journal, December 10, pp. C1–2.
Evan, William, and R. Edward Freeman. 1988. “A Stakeholder Theory of the Mod-
ern Corporation: Kantian Capitalism.” In Tom L. Beauchamp and Norman E.
Bowie, eds., Ethical Theory and Business. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Fisher, Roger, and William Ury. 1981. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without
Giving In. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Friedman, Milton. 1962. Capitalism and Freedom. Chicago: University of Chicago
Fukuyama, Francis. 1995. Trust. New York: Free Press.
Fulghum, Robert. 1988. All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. New
York: Villard Books.
Gabor, Andrea. 1990. The Man Who Discovered Quality: How W. Edwards Deming
Brought the Quality Revolution to America. New York: Random House.
Hill, Thomas E., Jr. 1992. Dignity and Practical Reason in Kant’s Moral Theory.
Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
Huselid, Mark A. 1995. “The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on
Turnover, Productivity, and Corporate Financial Performance.” Academy of
Management Journal, Vol. 38, no. 3 (June), pp. 635–72.
Ichniowski, Casey, Kathryn Shaw, and Giovanna Prennushi. 1997. “The Effects of
Human Resource Management Practices on Productivity: A Study of Steel Fin-
ishing Lines.” American Economic Review, Vol. 87, no. 3 (June), pp. 291–313.
International Labour Organization. 1998. Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work.
James, William. [1884] 1962. “The Dilemma of Determinism.” In William James, ed.,
Essays on Faith and Morals. Cleveland and New York: Meridian Books.
Kant, Immanuel. [1781] 1963. Critique of Pure Reason. London: Macmillan.
______. [1785] 1990. Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals, 2nd ed. Lewis White
Beck, trans. New York: Macmillan, Library of Liberal Arts.
Katz, Harry C., and Owen Darbishire. 2000. Converging Divergences: Worldwide
Changes in Employment Systems. Ithaca, NY: ILR Press.
Korsgaard, Christine. 1996. Creating the Kingdom of Ends. New York: Cambridge
University Press.
Likert, Rensis. 1967. The Human Organization: Its Management and Value. New
York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.
Manning, Alan. 2003. Monopsony in Motion: Imperfect Competition in Labor Mar-
kets. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
O’Neill, Onora. 1989. Constructions of Reason. New York: Cambridge University
Pfeffer, Jeffrey. 1994. Competitive Advantage Through People. Boston: Harvard Busi-
ness School Press.
______. 1998. The Human Equation. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
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Reichheld, Frederick F. 1996. The Loyalty Effect. Boston: Harvard Business School
Schor, Juliet B. 1991. Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of Leisure.
New York: Basic Books.
Smith, Adam. [1776] 1976. The Wealth of Nations. Edwin Cannan, ed. Chicago: Uni-
versity of Chicago Press.
Stack, Jack. 1992. The Great Game of Business. New York: Doubleday Currency.
Stewart, Thomas A. 1998. “Why Leadership Matters,” Fortune, March 2, p. 72.
United Nations. 1948. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. General Assembly
Resolution 217 A (III).
White, Joseph B. 1996. “Dodging Doom: How a Creaky Factory Got Off the Hit List,
Won Respect at Last.” The Wall Street Journal, December 26, p. A1–2.
Williamson, Oliver E. 1985. The Economic Institutions of Capitalism. New York: Free
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Non-Western Ethical Frameworks:

Implications for Human Resources
and Industrial Relations
University of Minnesota

University of Illinois

Western Illinois University

In the course of 2003, U.S. General William Boykin gave saliency to

the subjects of this chapter. Readers will recall that Boykin delighted
Christian Right audiences with the story of how “his God” defeated a
Somali warlord’s god, because the warlord’s god was an “idol.” Many
Muslims took offense (Council on American-Islamic Relations 2003):
Islam does not permit idols of any kind—even photographs of human
beings may be suspect. For example, in 1980, one of the first actions of
the new rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran was to replace the tradi-
tional Red Lion and Sun with the less idol-like Red Crescent used else-
where in the Muslim world to title and symbolize their “Red Cross
Societies.” Eventually, Boykin claimed that what he meant was that the
warlord’s real god was power, but serious damage had been done to
Americans’ claim to have even a vague grasp of key elements of one of
the world’s great religions.
More prosaically, the recent growth of immigrant Hindu and Muslim
populations in the United States has led to the appearance of HRIR
practitioner–oriented research and practical recommendations (Carroll
1997; Minehan 1998; Cash and Gray 2000; Ball and Haque 2003; Bouma
et al. 2003; Garcia-Zamor 2003). We begin by exploring in some detail
the workplace ethical views that draw upon the Muslim and Hindu reli-
gious traditions.1 We take a quick look at India’s best-known “ethical
business group,” which, oddly enough, grows out of neither major Indian

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tradition. We next explore the Confucian philosophical tradition and its

implications for an ethical workplace, followed by a synoptic section on
gender issues in the three traditions. In the concluding part, we put the
three non-Western approaches into the context of the three tests of a
good workplace (efficiency, equity, and voice) and the standards of the
International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work (1998).
As Hwang (2001) observes, various conceptions of destiny are
reflected in different philosophical and religious traditions. The Judeo-
Christian-Islamic tradition is based on the notion of a single, all-power-
ful god to whom humans are personally accountable. A second, largely
Western view, which can be largely devoid of the metaphysical, is that
humanity’s destiny is caught up in laws of nature that can be discerned
through scientific inquiry; moreover, those laws can be utilized to con-
trol and exploit nature. Ethical behavior derives from nonreligious tradi-
tions such as humanism. A third, largely Eastern view is that there are
metaphysical forces controlling the universe giving rise to recurring
cycles of birth, life, and death. Humans have little control over these,
and human behavior is best directed at transcending worldly existence
and seeking release, or nirvana (as in Buddhism and Hinduism). Finally,
the Confucian view is that humanity is subject to metaphysical forces
(“Heaven”), but Confucius intentionally avoided talking about the nature
of these forces, gods, next lives, or any unexplainable phenomena (guuai,
li, luan, shen). Rather, Confucianism focuses on life in the here and now
and the behaviors conducive to a moral and ethical life that can be con-
trolled by individuals themselves. Therefore, “humans must actively put
into practice moral principles that exceed personal interest, in order to
fulfill their heavenly ordained mission or responsibility” (Hwang
2001:181). These diverse views of human destiny and accountability per-
colate through to influence workplace ethical standards.

Islam is the third major religion to have sprung up in the Middle
East, and it does in fact share a number of ancient stories and characters
with Judaism and Christianity. Its holy book is the Qur’an (variously
spelled as Koran, Quran, etc.), which was dictated by God (through the
Angel Gabriel) to Mohammad in the seventh century CE. While recog-
nizing Abraham as the ancestor of all, and Moses, John the Baptist, and
Jesus (among others) as prophets, Islam teaches that Mohammad heard
and recorded the final and definitive voice of divine revelation. The core
of the faith is simple: “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is his
prophet.” There is also a set of hadith, or sayings of and stories about the
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Prophet, which are a major source of Islam’s ethical teachings as they

relate to business practices, including human resources and industrial
relations (HRIR). The word Islam means submission, submission to the
absolute power, mercy, and will of God.
Muslim HRIR Ethics
As noted, the text of the Qur’an and the collected hadith are the cen-
tral sources for Muslim rules of behavior (although Fakhry 1991 notes
the importance of Aristotle and other classical Greek philosophers to the
development of Islamic philosophical ethics). With much of this material
dating from the seventh to 13th centuries CE, there is little direct refer-
ence to workplace ethics. Nevertheless, it is possible to draw some
HRIR ethical inferences from nontechnical works for the general Mus-
lim reader. For example, Sialkoti stresses the importance of justice and
injustice to correct behavior: “Justice is the cause of righteousness and
peace and of the existence of all forms of life in the world. Injustice is
the cause of discord, dispeace, destruction and ruin” (1984:78). The cen-
trality of justice is further stressed: “Ibn Umar narrates that the Prophet
(S) said: ‘Keep off from injustice, for injustice will be the cause of the
darkness on the Day of Judgment’ ” (1984:80). When he lists specific
forms of injustice, several are directly relevant to HRIR:

It should be remembered that the commands are of two kinds,

positive and negative. The positive ones are those that are com-
manded to be performed. Thus all the positive commands are
just. The nagative [sic] commands are those whose performance
has been forbidden by sharia [religious law]. Thus all the nagative
acts imply disobedience of Allah and of the Prophet (S) and are
unjust. This also means that . . . nepotism, wrong recommenda-
tion, going back upon one’s words, . . . forgery, violation of trusts,
. . . all kinds of injury caused by hands and tongue, cheating in
business and transaction, . . . are injustice (Sialkoti 1984:80, a
variety of mostly religious transgressions omitted. The “S” appar-
ently stands for salaam, “peace,” short for “peace be unto him,” a
benediction associated with mention of the Prophet).

Sialkoti goes on to discuss the “Duty of Right Livelihood”:

After the duty of five times of obligatory worships the point on

which Islam has given the greatest stress is earning one’s living
through right means (1984:92).

The employees should ensure that the purity of their salaries is

not defiled by the filth of bribe. Traders, merchants, dealers,
shopkeepers, and men of transactions must remember that
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cheating and fraud in business affairs, swearing false oaths,

selling goods by hiding their defects, weighing and measuring
less than what it should be are all strictly interdicted. If car-
penters, masons and other artisans take three weeks to com-
plete a work which should normally have taken one week, then
such an ear[n]ing is haraam [forbidden] (1984:94).

But this is about all that could be construed to impinge on workplace

or employment ethics, rather little in a practical handbook of nearly 200
pages. In a volume that deals with issues ranging from prohibitions on
eating with the left hand to restrictions on undesirable laughter, this
seems slim. And only if we were to infer something about workplace
governance from admonitions to respect those senior in age to you, and
to be kind to those younger, would we have anything on that broad topic.
But consider the context: although large enterprises and bureaucra-
cies certainly exist in the Urdu-language (from which Sialkoti’s book is
translated) areas of India and Pakistan, a more familiar business model
to its readers may be the sort of home industry typified by the sari mak-
ers of Varanasi (where the book was published). In Varanasi, these are
Muslim households where the father and his sons weave on hand looms,
while the women and girls dye yarn, pick nits out of the fabric, do block
printing, and perform other less strenuous and supporting activities.
“Workplace issues” are family issues and governed by family ethics. Cen-
tral among these would be children’s respect for their elders and for
those elders to be considerate toward their children.
Hence, when the context changes from Varanasi to Western coun-
tries in the 21st century, the attention paid to HRIR ethics also changes.
This is illustrated by an examination of Islamic Business Ethics (Beekun
1997). Written by a U.S. management professor, this book is a clear
application of Islamic HRIR ethics to a context that Western readers will
find familiar. The arguments are, however, strikingly similar in nature to
those of Sialkoti—they are generally based in the Qur’an, the hadith, or
the writings of a cited Islamic sage. Here is a sample (Beekun 1997:22):

Based on the . . . discussion of the unity axiom, a Muslim busi-

nessman will not:

Discriminate among his employees, suppliers, buyers, or any

other stake-holder on the basis of race, color, sex, or religion.
This is consistent with Allah’s purpose for creating mankind:

O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female, and

have made you nations and tribes, that you may know one
another (Qur’an 49:13).
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The conclusion just reached, that Islamic business ethics permit no

discrimination, is modified quite sharply later on:
Deal with Muslims before dealing with non-Muslims. In a
sound hadith, the Prophet (saaw) hired a polytheist as a guide
at the time of his migration from Makkah to Madinah, thus
entrusting him with his life and money. . . . In a hadith
reported by Sa’d, the Prophet (saaw) asked Muslims to seek
medical treatment from Harith ibn Kaldah, who was a disbe-
liever. However, as As Sayyid Sabiq pointed out, if a Muslim
physician is present, one should seek his or her treatment and
not turn to anyone else. The same applies when one has to
entrust a person with funds or deal with him in business
(Beekun 1997:66, citations omitted; the interjection “(saaw)” is
another benediction on the Prophet).
Summarizing much of his arguments, Beekun advances a “Sample
Code of Ethics for Muslim Businesses,” the human resources–related
elements of which appear in Table 1. While a reference to “dignity” may
seem to have a certain Kantian flavor, the sample code is clearly imbued
with the Islamic emphasis on justice—it is even a duty to stockholders
that the employees be equitably compensated. Choice of location and
technology would be constrained by the commitments to the environ-
ment and to safe and clean jobs. The separate sections of the sample
code devoted to various stakeholders (and indeed the reference to
“stakeholders,” a staple of American MBA programs) make it clear that
the various groups have interests in how the company is operated. Aside
from the reference to employees’ rights to “make suggestions, criticize
and complain” (to be sure, rights not available to employees in many
U.S. business organizations!), issues of the mechanics of governance are
not addressed by Beekun. Other observers, however, have contended
that the centrality of justice to Islamic ethics might justify not only trade
union activity but even strikes in situations where the employer has not
behaved justly (Bouma et al. 2003:55).

The relentless monotheism of Islam finds its polar opposite in Hin-
duism, the ancient religion of India (but which today is home to some
200 million non-Hindus, mostly Muslims, but also Christians, Jews,
Parsees, and others). Hinduism has its oldest roots, several thousand
years BCE, in ancient stories (the Vedas) about the gods, the creation of
the world, and much in the way of mythical battles and other great
events. The Western viewer first looking at the Hindu religious scene is
struck by the plethora of gods—some quite curious in appearance (e.g.,
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Beekun’s Sample Ethics Code—HRIR Aspects

Insha Allah [God willing], we will behave Islamically towards:

• Our Customers. . . .
• Our Suppliers and Distributors. . . .
We will work with our suppliers and distributors to maintain consistency in quality and
service. We shall neither offer nor accept any premium, prize or other un-Islamic
inducement in our transactions with out suppliers and distributors or any other stake-
• Our Employees.
Every employee will work in safe and clean conditions. They will receive fair and ade-
quate compensation. They will have ample opportunities to develop their skills. They
must feel free to make suggestions, criticize or complain. We will safeguard their rights
to privacy, protect them from any type of harassment, and respect their dignity at all
times. The company will clearly communicate to all employees what is expected of
them in all negotiations. We will act in good faith. Every employee shall take responsi-
bility to ensure that their actions are in agreement with Islamic values and the code of
ethics of this company.
• Our Competitors. . . .
• Our Stockholders.
We will only engage in what is halal [permitted] and stay away from the haram [forbid-
den]. We will manage our research and development projects wisely. We will compen-
sate our employees equitably.
• Our Community.
We support the community we live in as well as the world ummah [community of
believers]. We will be good citizens, paying our fair share of taxes and contributing to
the welfare of the needy and destitute. We will protect our environment and natural

Source: Beekun (1997:60–61). Ellipses indicate text omitted from the original.

Ganesh, who has the head of an elephant and the body of a man)—and
the fact is that almost anything can be revered as holy. You will see shiva
lingams, idols of all sorts, even pictures of Jesus. But the core ideas of
Hinduism lie behind this scene. These core religious ideas have perme-
ated and given long-term stability to the Hindu social structure. As such,
we expect them to be important in the ethics of business and HRIR.
We start with a list of key ideas: the cycle of rebirth and the ultimate
objective to escape it, the concept of a hierarchical set of castes into one
of which you are born and that have associated duties (the usual transla-
tion of dharma), and the concepts of pollution and impurity. All these
matters are interlinked and maintain the overall system. If you perform
the duties of the occupation(s) associated with your caste and can avoid
being polluted (which interferes with being clean enough to perform rit-
uals), you may over a sequence of lifetimes work your soul up the ladder
of hierarchical castes and eventually escape the cycle of rebirth, at which
point your soul will become one with Brahma, the soul of the universe.
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Some castes’ occupations are exceptionally polluting, especially occupa-

tions dealing with dead animals (tanning, leatherwork), dead people
(cremation workers on the ghats in Varanasi), feces (lavatory cleaners),
or blood, particularly menstrual (dhobis). These latter castes are among
those referred to as “untouchables,” although Gandhi tried to put a dif-
ferent spin to the labeling by calling them harijan, children of god.

Hindu HRIR Ethics

In its classic form, Hinduism envisions four stages in a man’s life
(gender specificity intended): as a child and a student, then a mature
producer–earner and progenitor, then a retired and wise man, and
finally a turn to a simpler and even renunciatory life, perhaps as a men-
dicant and/or wanderer.2 It is in this life cycle model and the obligations
of one’s caste that a man’s dharma is played out. This would in turn be
the most direct source of Hindu business and HRIR ethics, directly
generating a non-Kantian (and strictly speaking, nontheological) form
of ethical duty. This is exemplified in Krishna, even though his most rel-
evant example deals with “hawking poor quality product”: “This ought
to be against any businessman’s dharma. It is the duty of every entre-
preneur to ensure that he gives products of the highest quality to his
customers” (1999:130). We can carry the concept of dharma over to
HRIR ethics by noting how the concept corresponds with Mathias’s
straightforward expression of the scope of ethics: “fair play towards oth-
ers and a certain degree of altruistic concern”3 (1997:75).
Business dharma is especially relevant in the area of business and
HRIR decisions’ impacts on the environment. Gandhi’s views on the
environment draw intensely on Hindu precepts, including the life cycle
of man sketched earlier (consistent with the last step of the life cycle, the
mature Gandhi renounced power and position for a simple loincloth).
Ramachandra Guha writes:

Gandhi’s critique of modern industrialization has, of course,

profound implications for the way we live and relate to the
environment today. For him, “the distinguishing characteristic
of modern civilization is an infinite multiplicity of wants”;
whereas ancient civilizations were marked by an “imperative
restriction upon, and a strict regulating of these wants.” In
uncharacteristically intemperate tones, he spoke of his “whole-
heartedly detest[ing] this mad desire to destroy distance and
time, to increase animal appetites, and go to the ends of the
earth in search of their satisfaction. If modern civilization
stands for all this, and I have understood it to do so, I call it
satanic” (2002:12, emphasis in original).
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The human and social costs of enterprise are also stressed by S. K.

Chakraborty in the context of governance. Governance involves “steer-
ing” or “disciplining,” but since corporations exist “to serve human
beings,” they are not to be viewed simply as “rational-economic” but as
involving the “emotional-ethical model of the human, at the very least”
(2000:507). The Anglo-American model of a single board of directors is
criticized for serving only one group of stakeholders (shareholders);
could an Indian model serve all stakeholders? This is pretty straightfor-
ward stuff that you could get in any U.S. or British MBA program, but it
is followed by something more Gandhian:

From the standpoint of values-ethics, an important issue for

corporate governance to consider: should it be envisaged
against a scenario of competitive adversarialness or one of
cooperative trust? . . . Should interfirm competition be only
one minimal condition under a wider umbrella of trust and
honor? Can a society move towards a healthier and nobler
state of faithful mutuality amongst members while its principal
economic outfits continue to ignore this inspiration in a dereg-
ulated regime? (Chakraborty 2000:509)4

The summation of these ideas comes in Chakraborty’s reiteration of his

earlier proposal that the model of business enterprise be replaced by the
model of “business ashram.” An ashram is marked by “simplicity, frugality,
humbleness, gentleness, quality work, inward and upward growth of con-
sciousness, love and care of all beings and things, purity, serenity, etc.”
(2003:47). These characteristics of an ashram would reflect the ethical val-
ues of the organization. Chakraborty offers in support of what might be
thought a hopelessly idealistic proposal arguments advanced by J. N. Tata
(founder of the Tata group in the latter 19th century CE) for work-oriented
“monasteries” where the “ascetic spirit” would govern, as well as Gandhi’s
view of “trusteeship” in which a person’s wealth above and beyond some
basic needs “belongs to the community and must be used for the welfare of
the community” (2003:48). As Chakraborty observes, “This then is the
Eastern response to the Western free-market gladiatorism which is now on
the rampage in the garb of globalization” (2003:48).
What sorts of HRIR practices would prevail and be considered ethi-
cal in such a business ashram? We would clearly expect a reduced level
of differentiation in compensation; moreover, no one would be lavishly
paid. We might expect gentler practices as related to recruitment, reten-
tion and termination of “members.” An emphasis on personal growth
would be the likely response to problems of motivation or discipline. A
managerial style that would focus on inspiration from the guru without
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being rigidly hierarchical or authoritarian is probable. A more sensitive

awareness of environmental impacts and resource wastefulness would be
obvious. Whether the “love and care of all beings” would banish the per-
nicious forces of caste and gender discrimination (including sexual
harassment) is open to some question, as these have been persistent
characteristics of Hindu society. Overall, we would find an organization
with a number of bottom lines, not just a statement of profit or loss.

Neither Hindu Nor Muslim: India’s Best-Known

Case Study—Tata Companies
It is perhaps ironic that India’s longest-lived ethically renowned busi-
ness organization was founded by neither Muslims nor Hindus but by
Parsees (members of a smaller sect, descended from a Zoroastrian tradi-
tion originally from the Iranian province of Pars). Jamsetji N. Tata, born to
a family of Parsee priests in 1839 (Lala 1992), founded an immense set of
businesses, expanding from trading to textiles to steel, from chemicals to
publishing to consulting. It was during the creation of Tata Steel around
the turn of the 20th century CE that Tata delivered his basic philosophy:

We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous or more

philanthropic than other people. But we think we started on
sound and straightforward business principles, considering the
interests of the shareholders our own, and the health and wel-
fare of the employees the sure foundation of our prosperity
(Lala 1992:139).

Whether being born into a Parsee priestly family helped make these
business principles so “sound and straightforward” to J. N. Tata is not
clear. For his part, Lala tends to stress Tata’s nationalist views and com-
mitment to India’s social and economic advancement. But for sure, Tata
was a well-educated and well-traveled man (in Europe, Britain, and
America), aware of the more brutal aspects of British and American
industrialization. When putting together a new and unfamiliar enter-
prise, such as Tata Steel, he made extensive use of foreign engineers and
other experts.5
Given Chakraborty’s support for J. N. Tata’s ideas, a look at some of
Tata Companies’ specific rules may provide a Hindu/Parsee parallel to
Beekun’s prescriptions and proscriptions for the Islamic workplace.
Although earlier formulations may have existed at the company level
(e.g., for Tata Steel in Jamshedpur), in 1999 a Tata Code of Conduct was
adopted covering all companies in the group. Some of the key provisions
of this code follow (Chopra 2003):
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• Discrimination is barred on the basis of race, caste, religion, color, ances-

try, marital status, sex, age, nationality, disability and veteran’s status.
• Employees are to be treated with dignity.
• The working environment shall be free of “sexual harassment,
whether physical, verbal or psychological.”
• Bribery and corruption are forbidden.
• A safe and healthy working environment is required.
• Processes and products will be managed to minimize damage to the
“ecological environment.”
• Employees shall “deal on behalf of the company with professional-
ism, honesty, integrity as well as high moral and ethical standards”
There is nothing very startling here: the list of prohibited forms of
discrimination says “This is India!” loud and clear, but the rest of the
code could have been written in London, Paris, or Minneapolis. The
requirement “to deal . . . with professionalism, honesty, integrity and
with high moral and ethical standards” is at best an implicit commitment
to some form of participatory governance. Where Tata does claim dis-
tinction, however, is in developing metrics and processes to evaluate the
degree to which a culture of ethical awareness and compliance has per-
meated a company in the group. They are beginning this process with a
survey of more than 5,000 managers worldwide; preliminary results
would suggest they are on track (Chopra 2003, 2004).

Confucianism is a highly developed philosophy that has evolved over
2,500 years and is the product of the contributions of many thinkers,
although its fundamental notions are still to be found in Confucius’s
seminal work. Confucius (the romanized name of Kung Fu-tzu) lived
from roughly 551 to 479 BCE. Concerned by what he saw as an abandon-
ment of traditional Chinese values and social practices, he endeavored to
capture these in the Analects, his principal philosophical work. Confu-
cian values and social practices have remained pervasive and are widely
seen by the philosophy’s supporters as responsible for the ascendancy of
the East Asian economy in the past several decades (Chen 2001). Today,
despite well over a century of concerted challenges by Asian intellectu-
als, when we speak of Asian values, we are very often referring to the
values and ethical imperatives of the Confucian framework.
Confucianism is profoundly hierarchical and collectivist. A person’s
position in society is defined within dyadic, hierarchical relationships. A
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fundamental distinction between most Western and Eastern ethical sys-

tems relates to the centrality of the individual (in the West) and the
group (in the East), what Erez and Earley (1993) discuss as self-construal
(i.e., the independent self of the West versus the interdependent self of
the East). Confucian philosophy is centered in the belief that social har-
mony and peace are the foundations of society. In order to achieve social
harmony, individual behavior should be regulated by the duties and
responsibilities defined by one’s roles in society rather than laws and
legal systems. There are five “cardinal relationships” (wu lun) that are
the foundations of the Confucian social order. The wu lun regulate the
attitudes and behaviors between emperor and subject (i.e., government
and citizen), father and son, husband and wife, older and younger sib-
lings, and friends (e.g., Hui and Graen 1997; Tsui and Farh 1997). The
Chinese concept of guanxi (Tsui and Farh 1997), which is also an inte-
gral aspect more generally of East Asian culture, is rooted in Confucian-
ism. Guanxi, literally “connections,” suggests the notion that identity is
defined by one’s roles in broader social networks. It is only through
social connections that others can be trusted, as such connections define
rights and obligations in the relationship. Social networks and the trust
and reciprocal obligations embedded within thus serve largely as an
alternative to legally enforceable contracts. One’s social obligations are
far more compelling than any contract, which in any case would provide
scant protection. This of course has implications for the nature of the
employment relationship and the characteristics of employment prac-
tices. Although the wu lun establish the bases for guanxi, few are
absolute (except those related to close family members). Relationships
are built and maintained over time. For example, the widespread Asian
practice of gift giving serves to maintain and strengthen guanxi and
serves to establish mutual obligations.
Confucian ethical judgments are highly particularistic. Whether or
not a behavior is ethical depends heavily on context and the relation-
ship between the parties. One’s most significant obligations are to fam-
ily members—the closer the relationship, the more compelling the
obligation. Thus filial piety (xiao)—deference and obedience to one’s
parents—is perhaps the most fundamental ethical obligation. In fact,
to treat those with high guanxi in precisely the same way as those with
little or no guanxi—as would be expected under Western universalistic
standards—would be viewed as unethical. Thus what Westerners
would dismiss as nepotism in, say, hiring or promotion processes would
be seen as fulfilling familial obligations in Confucian cultures. And
since family members are inherently more trustworthy than strangers,
hiring relatives or favoring them in promotions is a very rational choice.
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Guanxi relationships can form with those outside the family as well.
In general, one’s ethical obligations depend on the closeness of this
Hwang (2001) observes that the Confucian ethical system can be
summarized by two fundamental rules: honor the superior and favor the
intimate. That is, in Confucian society, one first must determine his or
her relationship to the other person involved in an interaction, particu-
larly who is the superior and who is the inferior. Although the wu lun
cover very specific relationships, by extension they can apply to others.
For example, business organizations are often equated to families so that
the employer–employee relationship would have similarities to the
father–child relationship, though other relationships might be relevant
as well. The relationship with the owner may be the same as with one’s
father, while the relationship with a manager or senior employee might
be more akin to that of an older sibling (indeed, a boss may be addressed
as “older brother” or “older sister”). The determination of hierarchy
establishes who will be dominant in the relationship and thus the princi-
pal actor and resource allocator. Specific obligations in a relationship
depend on the degree of intimacy or closeness, so the number and types
of connections to the other person are quite relevant. The closer the
relationship, the greater the obligation.
Five virtues (ren, yi, li, zhi, xin) guide social behaviors in Confucian
societies, which are all related to ethical expectations. First, regardless of
the relationship, there is the expectation of treating others with some
level of benevolence or kindheartedness (ren). It is benevolence that dis-
tinguishes the moral and ethical human from one driven only by self-
interest. However, the required degree and form of benevolence depend
on the closeness and nature of the relationship.
Second, there is the notion of righteousness (yi), which refers to the
rules that will be invoked in carrying out one’s ethical obligations. In
general, Hwang (2001) observes that the exchange rules governing a
relationship (and thus the foundations for ethical behavior) depend on
the degree to which the relationship involves expressive versus instru-
mental ties. In the expressive case, the relationship is very close, affect-
based, and personal, while the instrumental relationship is relatively
distant and based on the sort of cost–benefit calculus integral to Western
notions of social exchange. In Korea, the term yon-go, meaning “blood,
alumni, regional relations,” similarly captures the bases along which rela-
tionships evolve. Finally, in quite distant relationships where there is no
guanxi, behavior toward others might be governed primarily by expected
gains and losses. Here it is clear that ethical obligations depend on the
closeness of the relationship and are thus particularistic.
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Third, there are notions of propriety or etiquette (li) related to social

exchanges, and ethical behavior means acting appropriately in this way
as well. Fourth, an important virtue for the “Confucian gentleman” is zhi
(wisdom), which represents knowledge and resourcefulness. It also indi-
cates that one should not rigidly interact with others in the society but
rather should use creativity to maintain harmony and avoid conflict.
Lastly, people should trust each other, and a person is bound to honor
his or her word (xin). Since social interactions are based on interpersonal
trust, written contracts are not considered necessary. Contracts have
never played an important role in Chinese business history, and frequent
use of contracts indicates mistrust and tension between the parties. This
view is also commonplace elsewhere in Asia.7

Confucian HRIR Ethics

The Confucian ethical system has very direct applicability to most
aspects of HRIR practice, some of which we have already suggested. In
seeking to explain the Confucian ethical system as applicable to HRIR,
we focus primarily on Chinese culture (including the Taiwan and the
overseas Chinese communities of Southeast Asia), although we supple-
ment this discussion with references to other Asian cultures and soci-
eties that are either Confucian or where values and ethics parallel
Paternalism. The cardinal relationships and the “Five Virtues” that
govern interpersonal relationships in Chinese culture are, of course,
applicable to the employee–employer relationship. The Chinese have a
long tradition of regarding government as a parent and, at least in China,
still use the term “parent officials” to refer to local government func-
tionaries. Business organizations and their leaders are seen in similar
roles. Therefore, the “good” organization and “good” leader are expected
to be paternalistic. Organizations and leaders should treat their employ-
ees like their children—with ren (benevolence)—and employees in
return should exhibit zhong (loyalty) and yi (righteousness or appropri-
ate behavior) to the organization and its leaders.
Hierarchy and deference to authority (i.e., “honor the superior,”
Hwang 2001) are integral to Confucian values; Confucian organizations
are not only paternalistic but patriarchal (i.e., authoritarian), with clear
division of authority even though most have only vague formal structures
that would be difficult to depict in a traditional organizational chart.
Harmony and Face. Shame and loss of face represent the principal
means of social control within the Confucian system. Individuals who fall
short of the mark are sanctioned mainly by public humiliation, whereas
in Western cultures a personal (and largely internalized) sense of guilt
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plays a similar role. Conversely, the accomplishment of goals that

enhance the group serve to “give face” to the individual involved (i.e.,
enhance status within the group). Chinese and other Asian languages are
filled with numerous expressions relating to both giving and losing face
(Earley 1997).
The potential for loss of face serves to promote harmonious relation-
ships within groups. Individuals not only strive to avoid loss of face
themselves but, to maintain harmony, also help others avoid loss of face.
Forms of conflict and methods of conflict resolution are also shaped by
these considerations. In the interest of harmony, individuals are
expected to subordinate their personal goals to those of the group, which
would largely be defined by the group’s superior members (as estab-
lished through the wu lun). Overt conflict is thus limited. Of course,
subordinate members of the group might still wish to pursue personal
goals that conflict with group goals. Confronting superiors directly is
problematic, as it creates disharmony and carries the potential for loss of
face. Hwang (2001) notes that one common means by which individuals
pursue personal goals that conflict with group goals is to “publicly obey
and privately defy”—subordinate members of the group avoid any direct
challenge to authority while pursuing personal goals privately when pos-
sible. So employees who feel work requirements are too demanding may
never raise objections directly, but they reduce effort when unobserved
by superiors. Of course, “work withdrawal” behaviors are not uncommon
in Western societies, though these might be a last resort after complaints
have been raised with superiors. One reason for not directly complaining
to superiors regarding working conditions or treatment on the job is that
this creates the potential for loss of face for the superior. Thus employ-
ees might endure distressful working conditions for fear of generating
disharmony by raising the issue but avoid aversive work conditions when
not observed.
Although directly confronting a superior or even a peer may be
uncommon, an alternative means of handling conflict often utilized in
Asian societies is to work through an intermediary. Thus, if one is upset
by the behavior of a co-worker, a mutual friend or trusted fellow
employee might be used to help mediate the dispute. This method
avoids the potential for one party or the other to lose face, as most likely
would occur in a direct confrontation. The same is true in superior–
subordinate relationships, where a subordinate employee may ask a
trusted senior employee to approach the superior to help resolve a dis-
pute. If the superior denies a request, then the employee does not suffer
loss of face by being told no directly by the superior. And if the superior
accedes to the request, this can be done indirectly and without the supe-
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rior appearing to the group to be in the wrong, which would cause loss
of face for the superior.
Organizational citizenship behaviors have long been advertised as a
face-gaining honor, and the pursuit of this honor sometimes goes beyond
the desire for monetary reward, which is also influenced by the Confu-
cian emphasis on social contribution and low regard for financial aspira-
tion. In addition, publicly losing face is an extremely severe punishment
that would normally not be a good option for leaders in the organization
if the purpose is to motivate employees to work hard. Thus it has been
noted that harsh criticisms tend to be avoided in performance evalua-
tions in Asian organizations and “central tendency” is often a convenient
means for the evaluator to try to avoid upsetting relationships.
Benevolence and Loyalty in the Workplace. The expectations associ-
ated with ren often mean that employers are obligated to take care of a
wide variety of things for employees, far beyond what would be expected
in the United States or Western Europe. The state-owned enterprises
(SOEs) in China, although largely a product of China’s post-1949 social-
ist system, operated through much of this period in such a manner. A
typical large-scale SOE was like a local community. Stores, hospitals, and
schools were run by the SOEs, housing was provided to employees, and
job security was permanent. Employees enjoyed lifelong benefits, and
their children could assume their positions after they retired. In return,
zhong and yi were expected from employees in that they worked for
minimal wages, showed reverence to superiors, and engaged in what the
Western organizational behavioral scientists might term “organization
citizenship behaviors” (Su, Zhang, and Hulpke 1998). Confucian beliefs
hold that ethical individuals will do more than simply follow job require-
ments (Su, Zhang, and Hulpke 1998). Thus, those selected to work over-
time would feel honored, as this was recognition of their contributions
and would bring “face” to them and their families. While certainly the
system was inspired in many ways by socialist thought and was modeled
after the Soviet system, and it would not at all have been linked to the
officially suppressed Confucian framework, it is clear that many aspects
of Confucian values, the foundation of Chinese culture for more than
2,500 years, persisted in what came to be known as the “iron rice bowl”
There are many other variations of what would be considered ren in
the workplace. For example, consistent with the organization-as-family
metaphor, employers would not normally discharge employees, even if
economic conditions warranted (Wah 2001). “Lifetime employment” is a
well-known aspect of Japanese management, but it was until quite
recently commonplace throughout much of East Asia. A person’s job is
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not only a source of income but also integrally related to face. A job
might be seen as a means of bringing prestige to the family as a whole,
and the money earned by an individual might be shared with extended
family members as needed. Thus to lose one’s job can be a great source
of dishonor. Employers would traditionally seek to avoid causing
employees such loss of face and, indeed, discharging employees would
reflect badly on the employer as well. Moreover, traditional Asian com-
panies do little in the way of performance evaluation and, if they did,
they focused more on an employee’s loyalty and commitment to the
organization than on task performance (Hui and Graen 1997). Thus,
employees were generally not in danger of losing their jobs, at least for
economic reasons or poor task performance. And corresponding to this,
employees would be committed to their employers (often in a highly
personal matter), so voluntary turnover would be very low as well.
Age and Seniority. The need to be increasingly competitive in the
global economy has created organizational stresses throughout East Asia,
as resulting changes in management processes often contradict tradi-
tional values and certainly many Confucian notions of ethical or appro-
priate behavior. Reverence for age and seniority is a fundamental aspect
of Confucianism, and even slight differences in seniority can be impor-
tant in determining status in an organization. Thus it is not surprising
that seniority is a very important determinant of both pay and authority
in traditional organizations. Important leadership roles are reserved for
those who have reached a certain age. A retired owner or high-level
manager of a company may still exert considerable influence behind the
scenes because of his (or, very rarely, her) age and presumed wisdom.
Contemporary efforts in East Asia to introduce merit-based employ-
ment systems and assess organizations in terms of measurable financial
goals, such as stockholder equity (Bae et al. 2003), are at odds with
advancement and pay based on seniority. Many Asian-owned companies,
following the lead of Western multinationals, are endeavoring to become
more merit driven, which has immense implications for both HR and IR
(see, for example, Kim and Bae 2004, who describe these efforts in
Korea). Employees, and in some countries unions (e.g., Korea), have
often reacted negatively to the substitution of merit for age in pay and
promotion decisions, though not surprisingly this has generally been
more widely accepted by younger workers (who are often more West-
ernized and less wedded to traditional values, as well as beneficiaries of
these changes). Older workers who are passed over by younger workers,
or even more humiliatingly, who become subordinates of younger work-
ers, might well leave the company as a result. In Korea, for example, lan-
guage issues can make transformation to a merit-based system difficult.
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The honorifics that are used for organizational leaders and superiors
often implicitly convey the notion that such individuals are senior to all
of their subordinates. A manager of an Internet portal in Thailand
shared an example of how her company shed its “older” workers (i.e.,
over 40), who the owner felt were too old to understand the needs of an
Internet-based company. However, the owner felt uncomfortable firing
them, as this would be considered inappropriate. Most were simply
assigned to work groups with managers in their late 20s and early 30s.
Virtually all of the older workers experienced loss of face by this affront
and quit. Thus it can be problematic (though not apparently impossible)
to introduce employment systems that stress merit over age or seniority.
The Role of Guanxi. Confucian societies, with perhaps the exception
of Japan, operate through social networks in which family is the focal
point. It is not uncommon that hiring, promotion, and pay are influ-
enced by guanxi—that is, on the closeness of the employee and the deci-
sion maker (such as the supervisor) or someone who can influence the
decision maker (such as an important government official who has the
authority to create hardships for the business). This is also a process of
fulfilling responsibilities and/or exchanging favors (renching), which
could easily result in nepotism or favoritism. Although family-based con-
nections are the strongest basis of guanxi, we have noted that other con-
nections (such as having graduated from the same school, coming from
the same town or region, or just simple friendship) can also establish
relationships and impact significant employment-related decisions.
Given what Hwang (2001) observed as one of the defining characteris-
tics of Confucianism—“favor the intimate”—it is clear how employment
decisions are particularistic, as individuals have the ethical obligation to
act benevolently toward others in proportion to the strength of the rela-
tionship. Guanxi functions in many ways in lieu of the legal system as a
means of enforcing interpersonal obligations.

Gender Issues
The chapters of this volume focusing on the several Western ap-
proaches to HRIR ethics deal with critical interpersonal behaviors, in
particular those relating to sexual harassment and discrimination. Histor-
ically, however, neither Islam nor Hinduism has addressed these con-
cerns, since women are not really supposed to be in the workplace (at
least in mixed company): a family-centered purdah system is the Islamic
model, and a gender-based division of labor the Hindu one. (Neither of
these systems serves to spare women from arduous agricultural labor.)
Philosophically, the Islamic view is based in a demotion of women
beneath the qualities of men. Summarizing the views of the philosopher
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al-Tusi (who died in 1274 CE), Fakhry writes that the woman’s beauty
“should not be the chief incentive for marrying her, rather the contrary.
Due to her weak intelligence, the beauty of a woman is often a snare and
a cross” (1991:135). Wives’ attention should be kept focused on the fam-
ily. Islamic traditionalists can appeal to verse 34 of the sura (a chapter of
the Qur’an) on women: “Men have authority over women because Allah
has made the one superior to the other, and they spend their wealth to
maintain them.” As Shahidian (2002:2) notes, this verse has been given
legal status in the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
A much more recent and perhaps less negative view (although cer-
tainly equally paternalistic) has been expressed by Maulana Khan:

What Islamic law lays down with regard to women is protective

of their true nature, and is in no way cruel or repressive, as has
been suggested by the uninitiated. When, after experimenting
with a life and a career in the outside world, a woman finally
realizes that her place is in the home, she has reached the
point which Islam encourages every woman of marriageable
age to reach at the very outset by way of following her natural
womanly inclinations. Islamic law is designed to steer women
away from the ordeals of the crassly competitive and brazenly
immoral world in which only men can successfully make their
way (1995:86).

On the Hindu side, women are seen as very polluting, perhaps

largely due to the connection with blood, and hence it is good to keep
them at a distance.8 It is significant that, in a rather startling Internet
report on the appearance of women in the Hindu priesthood, all three
women mentioned by name are well beyond the age of menopause
(Radhika 2002).
Of course, women do work outside the home (and in mixed company
often) to a greater or lesser degree throughout the Muslim and Hindu
worlds. Even in Taliban-run Afghanistan, there were some occupations
for women. Kabeer (1994:176ff.) has described four “cultural strategies”
by which Muslim women are able to “de-sexualize the factory floor”: co-
workers are brothers and sisters, the boss is an old uncle, and so on.
Thus, the conflicts between the principles of purdah and mixed-gender
factory work are eased. But there appears to be little Islamic or Hindu
management literature about the possible problems of sexual harass-
ment. As shown in Table 1, Beekun’s (1997) code of ethics for Muslim
businesses explicitly states that employees should be protected from any
type of harassment; that sexual harassment is included is made clear in
the text.
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Our research has found one practitioner-oriented article on sexual

harassment by a female Indian plant manager. Here is how it begins:
“Sexual harassment is a social problem, involving a very real issue in the
work place and which is crying out for proactive HRM intervention. It is,
in sum, an offence against the dignity of a human being” (Jayashree
1999:202, emphasis added). Could Immanuel Kant have put it better?
We are smack in the middle of Western thought; indeed, dignity has been
a recurring theme in this chapter. Make no mistake, however: this is
important subject matter for managers. Kanekar and Dhir state flatly that
“sexual harassment of women appears to be more blatant and endemic in
India than in Western countries, probably because of the very low status
of Indian women, the high dominance of Indian men, and the relative
lack of free interaction (e.g., dating, dancing, and other Western forms of
courtship) between the sexes” (1993:119). Their study of the reactions of
540 Bombay undergraduates regarding sexual harassment found that
male students attributed more blame to the victim and recommended
milder punishment for the harasser than did female students.
Gender also enters the Confucian picture, with women cast in a gen-
erally subordinate role in those societies. Of course, one of the five car-
dinal relationships states that wives should be subordinate to their
husbands. However, the extent to which women confront discrimination
and a lack of equality of opportunity varies across Asia: women in Korea
and particularly Japan seemingly are in the least favored position, while
opportunities for women in the workplace are far greater in those coun-
tries where Chinese culture dominates.
Despite laws prohibiting discrimination based on gender in both
Korea and Japan, women in both countries are clearly at a disadvantage
in the labor market. In Japan, for example, more educated women often
seek employment in subsidiaries of Western multinationals, where
mobility opportunities for women are normally much higher. Employ-
ment discrimination against women is seemingly far less extensive in the
Chinese societies of East Asia, as well as countries where Confucianism
is less significant than other moral and ethical traditions, such as Thai-
land and the Philippines. The reasons for this are complex. In mainland
China, the impact of Maoism certainly was important, as reflected, for
example, in the “unisex” clothing styles common during the Cultural
Revolution and the general expectation that both men and women
would work (coupled with a social support system to care for children
and elderly parents). But it is also true that Chinese intellectuals have
been questioning many aspects of Confucianism since the late 19th cen-
tury, and Chinese society underwent considerable modernization and
liberalization (unlike Korea and Japan) after the establishment of the
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Chinese Republic in 1911. In comparison to Japan and Korea, women in

almost all other parts of East and Southeast Asia have far higher labor
force participation rates and also are more apt to have higher status jobs,
including high-level management positions (for example, both the
Philippines and Indonesia have had female presidents in recent years).
Taiwan passed legislation in 2002 prohibiting gender-based discrimina-
tion. The national constitution of Thailand that was adopted in 1997
included an antidiscrimination clause (although to date, it has only been
implemented for public sector jobs).
It is still commonplace in many parts of Asia for job postings in news-
papers to specify gender restrictions. A study by Lawler and Bae (1998)
on such advertisements in Thailand found quite significant variations
across occupations with respect to gender-based restrictions, with “male
only” restrictions most common in management and engineering jobs,
while “female only” restrictions were common in selected professional
jobs (e.g., bookkeeper) and clerical–secretarial jobs. In addition, they
found substantial variation across companies as a function of a company’s
country of origin. Subsidiaries of Japanese multinationals had by far the
highest likelihood of imposing such restrictions, while subsidiaries of
American multinationals virtually never included such gender-restrictive
language. Both subsidiaries of European multinationals and locally
owned Thai companies had discrimination rates higher than American
subsidiaries but far lower than Japanese. Wu, Yi, and Lawler (2000)
extended this work to Taiwan and found similar results. In addition, the
ILO has expressed concern that one negative consequence of China’s
economic reforms and the growth of a largely unregulated private sector
has been an increase in employment discrimination toward women in
these private sector companies (as well as increased discrimination
against China’s many minority groups).

Concluding Observations: Universalism Challenged?

This chapter has described the central tenets of the Muslim, Hindu,
and Confucian traditions and their implications for HRIR ethics. Such
descriptions are important because of the need to understand other cul-
tures in a globalizing world and the growth of Hindu and Muslim popu-
lations in Western countries. Moving beyond descriptions into cross-
cultural evaluations raises difficult and important questions surrounding
the metrics for such analyses and the extent to which such metrics are
We can certainly ask how the Muslim, Hindu, and Confucian tradi-
tions (and Tata’s practice) address the basic dimensions on which work-
places and their quality are commonly judged. Budd (2004), for example,
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argues that the three basic dimensions are efficiency, equity, and voice.
Efficiency is for the most part assumed, although we should recall
Sialkoti’s strictures against loafing or, worse, featherbedding. In the Con-
fucian view, where wisdom and order are the ultimate goals, efficiency is
less clearly a principal objective. Efficiency would appear to be at least
partially offset by equity considerations in the interests of clean, safe
workplaces and the natural environment in the Hindu and Muslim tradi-
tions and in the Tata Code. Islam’s strong emphasis on justice (and its
close relative, dignity) yields a commitment to equitable and adequate
compensation. Equity is less strongly emphasized in Hindu traditions,
although clearly present in the Gandhian stewardship concept as regards
wealth. Equity has its own peculiar meaning in the Confucian frame-
work, deriving from neither meritorious work nor equality but from age
and other status variables. Voice is the topic least well developed. Only
Beekun’s sample code of ethics for Islamic business gives employees
explicit rights to some form of voice. In the Tata code, voice in gover-
nance is at most implicit. In Chakraborty’s Hindu vision, we are left
unclear about how, precisely, the members of the business ashram par-
ticipate in its governance. Voice is not an important element in the Con-
fucian view, centered as it is in authoritarian hierarchicalism.
As a second set of standards, the four core human rights in the work-
place according to the ILO Solemn Declaration of 1998 are the right to
organize and bargain collectively, abolition of forced labor, elimination of
all forms of discrimination, and abolition of the worst forms of child
labor. The three traditions examined in this chapter only partially fulfill
these four standards. Both the Tata code and the Islamic sample code
(with a somewhat mixed voice, however) are clear on avoiding discrimi-
nation, while Hindu traditionalism is built on it, however much change is
under way in present-day India. The Confucian view, at least classically,
embraces important elements of age and gender discrimination. The use
of forced labor and the worst forms of child labor are probably incom-
patible with all four patterns: the Tata and sample Islamic codes provide
for equitable or adequate compensation; Chakraborty’s business ashram
is presumably composed of consenting adults. The duties of benevolence
and paternalism in Confucian thought would likely preclude these prac-
tices. The right to organize and bargain collectively is explicitly recog-
nized nowhere, although we do note that Tata has had a long and
generally harmonious relationship with labor organizations representing
its employees (Lala 1992).
By these two sets of standards, therefore, the Muslim, Hindu, and
Confucian traditions have important shortcomings—for example, in the
areas of employee voice and nondiscrimination.9 We have noted earlier
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that the three traditions traditionally have had problems with full equality
for women. We know that some Islamic regimes (Saudi Arabia, for exam-
ple) have serious restrictions on women’s rights to work, to drive, and to
move about outside the home. We know that independent labor unions do
not exist in China and various Muslim states like Syria, Iran, and Turkey.
But are the standards of the ILO declaration and of efficiency,
equity, and voice applicable only to Western societies, or are they univer-
sal standards that can and should be applied to all? The ILO declaration
asserts that some workplace rights are human rights and are therefore
universal. Ignatieff, however, observes that “the cultural challenge to the
universality of human rights arises from three distinct sources—from
resurgent Islam, from within the West itself, and from East Asia. Each of
these challenges is independent of the others, but taken together, they
have raised substantial questions about the cross-cultural validity—and
hence the legitimacy—of human rights norms” (2001:102). In 1947 and
1948, Saudi Arabia did not accept the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights because of articles providing for freedom in marriage and of reli-
gion. “In Islamic eyes, universalizing rights discourse implies a sovereign
and discrete individual, which is blasphemous from the perspective of the
Koran” (Ignatieff 2001:103–4). It seems that we face—unsurprisingly—a
world where not all human rights are universally recognized.
Thus, recalling the story of General Boykin, we are generally correct
to stress the importance of culture and ethical values in shaping behav-
iors and attitudes in the workplace. This is particularly true with regard
to appropriate gender roles. The especially troublesome area of voice in
workplace governance reveals a gulf between universal best practice and
non-Western traditions that is wide and challenging. In the other key
areas of efficiency and equity (including “fairness” to the environment),
all non-Western traditions seem to see the trade-offs involved, although
in different ways and for differing reasons.

Scoville acknowledges the helpful assistance of David Faust (Ames
Library of South Asia), Ying Liu (graduate assistant), and Zuleqa Husain
(undergraduate assistant), all of the University of Minnesota. Lawler and
Yi acknowledge the research assistance of Bing Bai (graduate assistant,
University of Illinois) and the comments of Shyh-jer Chen (National Sun
Yat-Sen University, Taiwan).

1 The thumbnail sketches of Islam, Hinduism, and Confucianism that follow are

undertaken with some trepidation. There must surely be as many strains of Islam
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and Confucianism as there are of Christianity, and Hinduism is probably even more
variegated. Some will quarrel with the very idea of making the attempt. But, since
ethical teachings derive at least in part from the core religious or philosophical
teachings, it seems essential that we seek to identify some of them, much as other
authors in this volume have dealt with those stemming from other philosophical or
religious traditions.
2 Women are seen as pursuing traditional family roles throughout their lives.
3 Going beyond the Indian context, Perrett (1998) has even contended that some
of the concepts that may initially seem to render Hindu ethical thought useless for
Western thinkers—dharma, karma (rebirth in a status at least partially dependent on
how one’s previous life was lived), moksa (freedom in one’s life, contrasted with good-
ness)—may pose more apparent than real obstacles. Perrett concludes that principles
of Hindu ethical thought may be useful to modern-day Westerners, presumably to
deal with modern-day Western ethical issues.
4 There appear to be parallels between Chakraborty’s position and Aristotelian

virtue ethics. See Solomon (1992) for a virtue ethics exposition of the roles coopera-
tion and community ought to play in business.
5 It was in this tradition that one of J. N. Tata’s sons, Sir Dorab Tata, in 1917

invited Sidney and Beatrice Webb to “write a memorandum on Medical Services in

the Welfare Work at Sakch’” (Lala 1992:140). In industrial relations mythology (at
least in the United States), the Webbs’ role has been expanded to developing the
whole Tata code of ethics and social responsibility, but this seems inaccurate. The
Webbs did know the Tatas and other Indian notables reasonably well and reported
that they spent some time with them during their trip through India in 1911 (Webb
and Webb 1987).
6 There is some parallel with the Western ethics of care. See Gilligan (1982) and

Noddings (1984), in which moral principles rely on the deeper context of each partic-
ular situation—especially the implications for relationships.
7 In the market economy that modern China is trying to adopt, in which the use of

contract is the common practice, violation of contract is also a common phenomenon.

People are yet learning to honor contracts, and the making of professional contracts
in most situations is still at a fledgling stage. Even in Asian countries with more devel-
oped institutions for handling commercial relationships (with perhaps the exception
of Japan), contracts are often seen as little more than a general framework for a busi-
ness relationship that should be open to change as conditions warrant. The ability to
enforce contracts in court is quite limited for this reason in many Asian countries.
8 For a review of patriarchal control and its “interplay with culture and religion” as

related to schooling, see Chanana (2001).

9 Of course, not all Western countries necessarily fulfill these standards—the

United States, for example, has been criticized for an excessive emphasis on effi-
ciency (Budd 2004) and a failure to conform to international standards on freedom of
association and collective bargaining (Human Rights Watch 2000).

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Globalization and Business Ethics in

Employment Relations
University of South Carolina

In the absence of mandates of law, a community must rely on ethical

norms, supported by moral suasion, to induce those behaviors that are
necessary for the welfare of the community. In national systems, ethical
norms on moral rights can become enforceable legal rights. Since in the
global setting there is no body of enforceable law on employment rela-
tions to provide legal entitlement to moral rights, ethical norms are more
important. It is not surprising, therefore, that there is a rather intensive
ongoing effort to identify and codify norms for business ethics pertaining
to employment relations in the world community. These norms create
moral rights, which are those rights that persons ought to have. They
carry with them moral obligations on the part of others to respect them
(Santoro 2000).
To proceed with an analysis of business ethics in employment rela-
tions in an international setting, it is helpful to first think in general
terms about the nature and effects of globalization in order to get a han-
dle on the context of the problem. Next, I will consider some conceptu-
alizations of business ethics. Finally, I will move on to identify and
analyze the various sources of ethical standards for international employ-
ment relations and discuss their implementation.

Stated most simply, globalization represents a “world without
walls” (Friedman 2000:133) in which information, capital, and goods
move easily across national boundaries. More formally, it has been
defined as “the inexorable integration of markets, nation-states and
technologies to a degree never witnessed before” (Friedman 2000:9).
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) has defined the phenomenon in economic terms as “an
evolving pattern of cross-border activities of firms involving interna-
tional investment, trade and collaboration for purposes of product
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development, production and sourcing, and marketing” (Leisink

1999:4). It can be seen as a qualitatively new system in which multi-
national corporations are the main actors, which neither national nor
transnational governmental mechanisms can effectively regulate.
Logistic chains, which run from raw materials to the distribution of
finished products to the ultimate consumers, have come to have links
in multiple countries. Although a brand name attaches to the goods,
the ultimate seller to the retailer or consumer may do little more
than market goods made and transported by others (Beukema and
Coenen 1999). In the most extreme form, this means that the com-
pany whose name goods are identified with may be a mere virtual
The global or “new” economy is seen as involving “financially ori-
ented capitalism” in place of the old “production-oriented capitalism”
and is characterized by a “global economic division of production” (Vil-
rokx 1999:58). Under this regimen, financial considerations and share-
holder interests become increasingly important. Capital flows seamlessly
around the world, landing where it produces the maximum return.

Effects of Globalization
Many observers believe that globalization is a totally new and over-
whelmingly powerful force. It is said to be “the dominant international
system” and a “worldwide shaping force” (Friedman 2000:9, xxi).
There is, however, a minority view that globalization is really nothing
new and that the global nature of corporations has been wildly exag-
gerated (Hirst and Thompson 1999). The weight of the evidence
appears to favor the view that globalization is a very powerful new phe-
nomenon. It has created a situation in which we are all influenced in
our day-to-day lives by events elsewhere in the world (Leisink 1999).
The cost of labor in China may affect the price of the shirt that we buy
at Wal-Mart or our very job security. A protest in Seattle may improve
working conditions in India.
One feature of globalization is an extraordinary increase in the
mobility of production facilities. When a company locates a plant in a
place where labor costs are low and regulations are lax, a firm with
higher costs for labor and regulatory compliance can be placed at a com-
petitive disadvantage. With the liberalizing of the international trading
system, there are fewer and fewer barriers to firms’ moving their pro-
duction facilities around the world on this basis. The danger of this
movement is, of course, a race to the bottom—what the Europeans call
“social dumping.” A recent report by the World Bank recognizes that the
need to “find solutions that cut poverty through both growth and better
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distribution of income is becoming increasingly urgent in an era of glob-

alization” (2003:2).
One critic of globalization says that its “most unsavory companion is
the fast-widening divide between rich and poor, not only within nations
but also between rich nations and poor” (Gates 2001). This is shown by
the fact that in 1999, 80 countries reported lower per capita incomes
than a decade before. In 1960, the fifth of the world’s population living
in the world’s richest nations had incomes 30 times greater than the fifth
in the world’s poorest nations; by 1998, the gap had widened to 74 to 1
(Gates 2001). It is rather clear that the “polarization in the distribution
[of wealth] between states has increased” (Leisink 1999:20). Within both
advanced and developing countries, “income inequality has increased
and poverty has grown everywhere” (Leisink 1999:20). A report by the
World Bank (2003) reaches the same conclusion. One Global Union
Federation (GUF, formerly called International Trade Secretariats)
claims that globalization is “skewed in its effects and in fact generates
conflict, poverty and social injustice over the greater part of the globe”
(International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General
Workers’ Unions [ICEM] 1996:5).
A World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization was
established by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in 2002. In
its 2004 report, the commission stated that “the current path of global-
ization must change. Too few share in its benefits. Too many have no
voice in its design and no influence on its course” (World Commission
on the Social Dimension of Globalization 2004:2). It produced an exten-
sive report that, while recognizing the many positive benefits of global-
ization, documented in some detail its negative effects.
There is some concern in the developed countries that less devel-
oped countries (LDCs) will attract all of the manufacturing capacity,
leaving the developed countries with nothing to sell abroad. In this sce-
nario, the developing countries are only sellers, since their workers can-
not afford to buy what they, or others, produce. Hirst and Thompson
(1999:43) call this “madhouse economics” that would lead inevitably to a
massive shortage of demand for goods on a world basis as well as defla-
tion. In their view, the more likely long-term result is a rise in living stan-
dards in LDCs, turning them into buyers as well as sellers. Yet this may
not prevent a transfer of manufacturing to LDCs from causing short-
term economic and social turmoil in the West.
As the service sectors of the Western economies have grown, a new
threat to their jobs has arisen, namely, the competition mounted by
firms in LDCs, particularly India. Everything from computer program-
ming to telephone call center operations have moved from the United
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States and Britain to India—where employees are English speaking and

well educated and can perform these services at much lower cost.
The new competitive environment has had dramatic impact on
employment relations in the developed countries (Cappelli et al.
1997). Firms in LDCs can produce goods that compete effectively in
price-sensitive markets, given their much lower labor costs. Also,
because of the degree of customization made possible by computer-
based technology, the historic advantages of American mass production
methods are no longer important (Appelbaum and Batt 1994). Even
relatively sophisticated products such as automobiles can be manufac-
tured in LDCs at a level of quality equal to those produced in the
United States In this environment, firms in the United States and
Europe have adopted all or part of the techniques of Japanese lean
production, which is “a sophisticated cost-cutting philosophy” (Cooke
1993:81) that produces high quality goods at low cost. Although lean
production’s egalitarian style and increased degree of participation
appeal to many workers, the management by stress involved in lean
production puts considerable pressure on them.
In many countries, governments “favor a neo-liberal redesign of
labour relations without corporatist participation of collective actors
involving deregulation, decentralization and curbing labor costs” (Leisink
1999:16). What Thomas Friedman (2000:105) has called the “Golden
Straitjacket” that countries have to don in the globalized environment
includes deregulation and privatization, both of which place downward
pressure on wages and working conditions.
The effects on trade unions are very powerful. Unions are forced to
restrain wage demands to keep labor costs competitive with those in
other countries. This decreases the incentive for workers to belong to or
otherwise support unions. In Western Europe, unions have to some
degree accepted employers’ calls for more management flexibility by,
among other things, agreeing to decentralization of collective bargaining
from the national level to the firm level. The European movement to
performance-related pay has been a part of this emphasis on manage-
ment flexibility. Union density has declined virtually all over the world
(Leisink 1999).
On the other hand, most economists continue to hold the view that
globalization is a positive force in the world economy. They base their
arguments on the fundamentals of neoclassical economic theory and on
some rather penetrating analyses of the practical positive effects of free
trade. The relatively high wages paid by multinational enterprises and
the resulting effects on the prosperity of LDCs are cited as beneficial
effects of globalization (Irwin 2002).
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A more nuanced argument for the benefits of free trade, and in par-
ticular foreign direct investment in developing countries, holds that
whether these lead to benefits, such as increasing democratization of a
society, depends on the strategic orientation of the firm operating in the
country. Economic prosperity, which the operations of a multinational
enterprise often bring about, is strongly associated with democracy.
Western multinational enterprises’ notions of rewarding individual
merit, giving importance to information sharing and teamwork, encour-
aging workers to take initiative and assume leadership roles, and recog-
nizing the need for continuous change are all useful in bringing a
developing country into the modern world. These practices have the
effect of producing a “human rights spin-off” (Santoro 2000:43). How-
ever, this can occur only where the strategic orientation of the multina-
tional enterprise is toward the building of markets in the developing
country, and not simply minimizing costs.
So it is in a highly disturbed and complex environment, about which
there is much disagreement, that ethical questions are arising. But what
do we mean when we speak of the ethics with which this paper deals—
business ethics?

Business Ethics?
One might argue that the term business ethics is an oxymoron, in
that it makes no sense to talk about business and ethics as being related.
Most business, particularly international business, is done by corpora-
tions. The traditional view of a corporation is that it is a legal fiction
(Paine 2003), having only those characteristics that are given to it by the
human beings who form it. It is argued that, since the character of the
modern corporation is that it is put together, and chartered by govern-
ment, for the purpose of earning money for its owners, the shareholders,
this is all that can be expected of it. It has no “soul to damn” (Paine
2003:83). It is a golem—an artificial being that has no moral compass.
Within this view, therefore, any attempt to assign moral responsibilities
to it is fundamentally misguided.
This “realist” view of corporations (Donaldson 1989:11) is deeply
embedded in the American law of corporations (Paine 2003). It is sup-
ported by the thinking of neoclassical economists, such as Milton Fried-
man. According to Friedman (1962), the only social responsibility of a
corporation is to make a profit. The very idea that it has moral responsi-
bilities to employees, customers, or the society at large is anathema. A
corporation is simply not “a proper subject for moral assessment,” since
“moral responsibilities attach only to human beings” (Paine 2003:87).
The role of the corporation in society is seen as being “to maximize
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profits and financial value for the primary benefit of its shareholders”
(Clarkson 1998:1).
The realist view has been under attack for a number of years, and
it is not shared by most modern scholars in business ethics. An espe-
cially popular alternative is “stakeholder theory” (Clarkson 1998),
built upon the idea that the traditional view states an undesirable
“economics of irresponsibility” (Clark 1916:216). Stakeholder theory
in its place asserts a positive economics of responsibility where the
corporation is seen as obligated to serve interests in addition to those
of its stockholders. However, the theory does not tell us how to weight
the interests of the various stakeholders (Donaldson 1989). More
importantly, it does not speak to the idea that when economic inter-
ests are weighed against fundamental human rights, rights should
always trump interests (Werhane 1985). So the shareholder interest in
maximizing returns, for example, must necessarily yield to the funda-
mental human right to free expression or to freedom of association (as
in a labor union).
Ethics has to do with “rules without laws” (Donaldson 1989:149). If
we are willing to accept the proposition that corporations, as well as their
managers, are “moral actors—responsible agents that carry out their
business within a moral framework” (Paine 2003:x), then our inquiry
turns to the question of what their moral obligations are. The obverse of
this is the question of what the rights are of others to whom these duties
are owed (Donaldson 1989).
It is argued that the problems of corporate ethics can be solved by
hiring ethical individuals. After all, it is the individuals who do the act-
ing. The problem with this is that in a private corporation there are
duties owed to the corporation, which is itself lacking in any inherent
moral compass. A moral individual can be placed in a situation where
the pressures to do immoral things are irresistible.
What are the moral duties of a corporation? A useful description is
provided by Paine (2003), who distinguishes between basic and full com-
mitments to the values of justice and humanity. Under the heading of
obligations relating to justice, those reflecting only a basic commitment
include avoiding wrong, fulfilling contracts, avoiding theft, avoiding
fraud, and obeying the letter of the law. A full commitment to justice
includes doing right, keeping promises, being fair, being honest, and
obeying the spirit of the law.
Paine (2003) places under the heading of obligations relating to
humanity, at the basic level, maintaining oneself, not harming others,
respecting human rights, avoiding damage to the community, and being
considerate. A full commitment to humanity involves developing one-
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self, actively helping others, promoting human dignity, contributing to

community improvement, and being courageous.
In its 2004 report, the International Labour Organization (ILO)
World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization argues for
a stronger ethical framework for globalization. It proclaims that “[g]lob-
alization has developed in an ethical vacuum” and that “[t]here is today a
deep-seated desire by people to reaffirm basic ethical values in public
life, as seen, for example, in calls for a more ‘ethical globalization’ ”
(World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization 2004:7).

Ethical Standards in a Globalized World

It would appear, then, that globalization creates a challenging envi-
ronment for the application of business ethics. What are the standards
for ethical behavior in employment relations in global business? Where
do they come from? What efforts are being made to cause them to influ-
ence corporate behavior?
What has been labeled a “ ‘fair share’ theory of moral responsibility
for human rights” (Santoro 2000:143) provides a useful framework for
identifying the moral rights for which multinational enterprises should
be held responsible. The theory holds that “human rights are special
kinds of moral rights because they create duties throughout the interna-
tional community” (Santoro 2000:147). The duty to respect human rights
attaches to individuals, but it is “most effectively discharged through col-
lective enterprises” (Santoro 2000:151). Corporations are among the
most powerful of these enterprises. Multinational enterprises “are in a
potent position to uphold human rights, particularly the labor rights of
workers, because they can control and direct their own personnel actions
and those of their business partners” (Santoro 2000:156). Because these
rights are under the control of the multinational enterprise, their fair
share of responsibility includes a duty to ensure them. Basic worker
rights are human rights, and are recognized by numerous international
bodies to be such. They deserve this status primarily because they are
necessary to human dignity (Wheeler 1994).
One ethical question that one does not find in the scholarly litera-
ture is whether it is morally wrong for a corporation headquartered in
a country to ignore the national interests of its homeland. For example,
is it wrong for a U.S. corporation to move jobs out of the United States
when this works to the detriment of the American economy? Is there a
patriotic duty to serve the interests of the corporation’s home country?
What if moving jobs overseas involves propping up a Communist dicta-
torship (e.g., China)? In political discourse in the United States, it seems
to be assumed that it is wrong to move jobs from the United States
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abroad. Is this simply a question of national interest, or are moral

rights and duties involved?

Corporate Social Responsibility

The broadest heading for an inquiry into the ethical responsibilities
of business is the notion of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which
arises from stakeholder theory (Justice 2003a). CSR has been defined as
having to do with the corporation’s role in society being to “exceed all
laws, set a higher ethical standard, and help build a better society for all”
(Environics International, Ltd. 2003:1; emphasis added). This stands in
sharp contrast with the “realist” view that companies are in business
solely to generate a profit for the benefit of shareholders. CSR has
become a much discussed topic in the media and in international organi-
zations of various kinds. It is a popular idea.
The European Community Economic and Social Committee’s 2001
Green Paper on CSR declared it a “key theme” for the committee
(Commission of the European Communities 2002:9). The report makes
clear that the committee sees CSR as requiring companies to “go beyond
simple compliance with existing laws” (Commission of the European
Communities 2002:4). Business consulting groups and research founda-
tions have spoken out in favor of the business and moral cases for CSR
(Arthur D. Little, Ltd. and Business in the Community 2003; Environics
International, Ltd. 2003; Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private
Enterprise 2003).
Socially Responsible Investing and CSR. Socially responsible invest-
ing (SRI) is one strategy for ensuring socially responsible performance
on the part of a firm. It does this by either denying a company access to
capital unless it establishes that it is conducting itself ethically or by
influencing it to do so by shareholder activism.
SRI shareholder activism is the strategy adopted by the new Watch-
dog Fund as well as other funds with similar goals (Lens Fund, Rela-
tional Investors fund, and the California Public Employees Retirement
System [CalPERS]; Baue 2003). Most groups involved in SRI take a less
direct approach by simply screening out investments in companies that
they deem to be socially irresponsible. A radical approach suggested by
one academic is to give tax incentives to shareholders to encourage them
to transfer the ownership of their company to citizen stakeholders over a
period of 20 years (Turnbull 2003). As will be discussed, trade unions
have a strong interest in SRI.
Unions and CSR. Both the International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions (ICFTU) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) of
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
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appear to have CSR high on their agendas as they respond to the chal-
lenges to labor posed by multinational corporations. Dwight Justice of the
ICFTU Multinational Companies Department has cogently described
the confederation’s approach to CSR in the context of globalization.
According to Justice, it is necessary to keep clearly in mind the difference
between, on the one hand, “CSR as a form of business ethics or fad and
[on the other hand] how society defines, sets and enforces socially
responsible behavior by business” (Justice 2003a:1). CSR, which is gener-
ally seen as being voluntary for corporations, cannot replace the corpo-
rate accountability enforced by government regulation. Businesses should
not be allowed to use CSR to redefine standards downward by seeking to
have voluntary standards take the place of regulation.
As Justice notes, a stakeholder approach is not an unmitigated bless-
ing for unions. Not all stakeholders should have the same status. Trade
unionists argue that the worker interest is more akin to that of a share-
holder, given that workers, unlike non-governmental organizations
(NGOs), suppliers, and customers, have invested their lives and labor in
the corporation. In addition, workers have a claim that is rooted in soci-
ety’s general interest in the dignity of its citizens and the general level of
welfare. According to Justice, NGOs are, at best, surrogates for interests
and are not truly representative organizations, whereas unions are. In
Europe, management has utilized stakeholder analysis to escape treating
unions as social partners, instead viewing unions as only one among
many stakeholders rather than as an equal partner (Justice 2003a).
According to John Evans of TUAC (2002), unions have seen that
consumer pressure and brand-damage concerns can be important in
influencing corporate behavior. Issues involving supply chains of multi-
nationals have risen to a new level of importance. The moral accounta-
bility of global corporations for their own actions and those of their
suppliers has become a major theme of union actions.
U.S. and British unions have supported most of the attempts to build
international labor standards through codes of conduct written by
NGOs. Also, the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) has declared
itself in favor of social benchmarking within the European Community.
It has produced a document (Benchmarking Working Europe) that pro-
vides extensive analysis of information relevant to benchmarking (Euro-
pean Trade Union Institute 2003).
Socially responsible investing is an area of considerable trade union
interest and activity (Fung et al. 2001). Dwight Justice (2003b:6) of the
ICFTU describes socially responsible investing as “part of the CSR phe-
nomenon.” As Justice argues (2003b), workers can pressure companies
to behave in a socially responsible manner even where there is not a
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business case for it. This can be in the interests of workers because they
may have a stronger interest in the sustainability of the society than do
managers and some other investors. Sustainability is of greater concern
to rank-and-file workers because they generally have stronger ties to the
communities in which they live. Managers tend to be more geographi-
cally mobile. Particularly in the global economy, capital seems to fixate
solely on profits without regard for where they are made.
The Trade Union Committee on Workers’ Capital was formed by
various national and international union groups to encourage socially
responsible investing (Evans 2002). This group is supported by the
AFL-CIO, the British Trades Union Congress (TUC), TUAC, and
ICFTU, among others. It is headquartered in the TUC offices in Lon-
don. The AFL-CIO has taken the lead in this collaboration, perhaps
because in the United States there is more employee share ownership,
particularly through pension funds, than in other countries. However, as
private pension funds have come into existence in some countries (Ger-
many and Italy) or become more important in others (France), Euro-
pean trade union movements have become more interested in using the
power of these funds to influence corporate policy. In France, four of
the five major trade union groups (all but the Force Ouvrière) have
formed a consortium to review financial products (e.g., mutual funds
and the like) for social responsibility, with the hope that company pen-
sion funds will more likely be invested in products that meet with union
American labor has been active in using the power of pension funds
to influence corporate policies (Wheeler 2002). Through its corporate
affairs office, directed by Ron Blackwell, the AFL-CIO has adopted a
strategy of educating pension fund trustees in socially responsible invest-
ing. The International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and other
craft unions have moved beyond involvement during corporate share-
holder meetings to even picket companies in which they own shares.
This is in addition to efforts by the AFL-CIO Office of Investments to
make labor the leading voice in the United States for reforms in corpo-
rate governance (BusinessWeek 2003).

Particular International Standards for Corporate Ethical Conduct

Where do we look to define ethical conduct for an international busi-
ness as it relates to its workers? There have been a number of efforts to
articulate the social responsibilities of corporations and their agents in
this globalized world, ranging from standards laid down by the UN to
declarations of principles developed by NGOs to codes of conduct
adopted by individual corporations.
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UN Initiatives. Immediately after World War II, the UN began to

specify principles to guide corporate behavior. Its 1948 Universal Decla-
ration of Human Rights says that “recognition of the inherent dignity
and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human
family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world”
(United Nations 2003a:1). Article 20 of the declaration states that
“[e]veryone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and associa-
tion” (United Nations 2003a:2). Article 23 declares that everyone has
“(1) the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favor-
able conditions of work and to protection against unemployment, (2)
“without any discrimination . . . the right to equal pay for equal work, (3)
. . . just and favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his family
an existence worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary,
by other means of social protection, (4) . . . the right to form and join
trade unions for the protection of his interests” (United Nations
At the turn of the 21st century, the UN adopted its Millennium Dec-
laration, which included an item on freeing “our fellow men, women and
children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme
poverty” (United Nations 2003b:4). Also in 2000, the UN created the
Global Compact, with several of its nine principles dealing with labor
rights. Principle 3 states that “businesses should uphold the freedom of
association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bar-
gaining” (United Nations 2003c:1). Principles 4, 5, and 6, respectively,
declare that firms should support the elimination of forced labor, child
labor, and employment discrimination.
“Sustainable development” is a term that the UN defines to include
both labor and environmental standards. The UN World Summit for
Sustainable Development (WSSD) was held in Johannesburg, South
Africa, in 2002. Among the summit’s many conclusions was an agree-
ment that states should take into account the ILO Declaration on Fun-
damental Principles and Rights at Work when pursuing policies aimed at
generating employment. It also agreed to the need for corporate
accountability but said that it should be “enforced by private sector cor-
porations” (United Nations 2002:10). (In response, I would note that it is
difficult to understand how corporations could enforce accountability
upon themselves.)
In connection with the 2003 meeting of the UN Commission on Sus-
tainable Development, ICFTU, TUAC, and the GUFs published a doc-
ument setting out their priorities for implementation of the WSSD
principles. They strongly emphasized the joint labor–management
process of workplace assessments as the preferred method of meeting
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the workplace-related goals of the WSSD. In addition to the UN confer-

ences, the ILO reports that there were about 25 regional or other con-
ferences during 2003 that addressed globalization and its social
consequences (International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Trade
Union Advisory Committee to the OECD, and Global Union Federa-
tions 2003).
The most recent UN attempt to set standards of conduct for multi-
national enterprises was an August 2003 draft statement of “Norms on
the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business
Enterprises with Regard to Human Rights” (United Nations Sub-
Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 2003).
The sub-commission starts out with the premise that states have the pri-
mary responsibility for protecting human rights but that business enter-
prises, both national and transnational, share this duty. Among the rights
to be protected are the right to equality of opportunity and treatment as
set out in national and international law. The rights of workers include
having their employers do the following: (1) refrain from using forced
labor; (2) protect the rights of children against “economic exploitation”;
(3) provide a safe and healthy work environment; (4) provide “remunera-
tion that ensures an adequate standard of living for them and their fami-
lies” that takes “due account of their needs for adequate living conditions
with a view towards progressive improvement”; and, (5) “ensure freedom
of association and effective recognition of the right to collective bargain-
ing,” including the right to establish and join labor organizations for “pro-
tection of their employment interests and for other collective bargaining
purposes,” as provided by national laws and “relevant conventions of the
International Labour Organization” (United Nations Sub-Commission on
the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 2003:5).
Although supported by NGOs, and generally viewed favorably by
labor organizations (but see International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions 2004), the norms have been vigorously attacked by employers
and their associations (Chandler 2004). They criticize the norms for
shifting the responsibility in international law from governments to
employers, holding employers responsible for the actions of subcontrac-
tors, and requiring remuneration according to a standard that is overly
vague (Gow 2004).
ILO Core Labor Standards. The ILO, a tripartite organization that
includes representatives of governments, labor, and management, has
long been the principal source of international labor standards. In gen-
eral it has operated by adopting conventions, urging nations to adopt
them, and reporting on the progress, or lack thereof, by nations in apply-
ing or adopting particular conventions.
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In 1998 the ILO took the unprecedented step, in its Declaration on

Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, of stating that member
countries subscribe to certain core labor standards by virtue of their
membership in the ILO (International Labour Organization 2003).
Before this declaration, countries were bound to meet a standard only if
they adopted the particular convention that propounded it. The declara-
tion was adopted without a dissenting vote, although a number of mem-
ber countries or their labor and employer delegations abstained. The
United States was one of the countries voting in favor of the declaration.
The core labor standards are “(a) freedom of association and the effec-
tive recognition of the right to collective bargaining; (b) the elimination
of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; (c) the effective abolition of
child labour; and (d) the elimination of discrimination in respect of
employment and occupation” (International Labour Organization
2003:2). There had earlier been an ILO Tripartite Declaration of Princi-
ples on Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy adopted in 1977
(Jordan 2003).
The ILO core labor standards form the foundation for numerous lists
of principles for socially responsible corporate behavior. These have
been distinguished from “cash standards” that “mandate particular out-
comes—such as minimum wages, working hours, and health and safety
conditions—that directly affect labor costs, and thus also potentially
affect trade competitiveness” (Elliott and Freeman 2003:13). Yet without
provisions for a living wage and a safe and healthful workplace (provi-
sions in the 2003 UN norms), the standards seem to fall short of the con-
ditions for human survival, let alone a basic level of human dignity.
The ILO has expanded its activities in the field of labor standards
under the heading of an initiative for “decent work” that includes the core
labor standards, job creation, and social safety nets. The initiative calls for
social dialogue among the social partners—government, labor, and employ-
ers. The ILO has also expanded its efforts against child labor through its
International Program on the Elimination of Child Labor (Elliott and
Freeman 2003).
OECD Guidelines. In 1976 the OECD, which comprises the govern-
ments of industrialized nations, first adopted Guidelines for Multina-
tional Corporations. Due to renewed interest in the conduct of global
corporations in the 1990s, the OECD’s 30 member countries approved
revised guidelines in 2000. With respect to employment and industrial
relations, the guidelines provide a broad set of rights for union and other
employee representatives. Among other things, they prohibit a company
from threatening to leave a country in order to impede union organiza-
tion (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 2003a).
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NGO Codes of Conduct. There has been a spate of standards being

issued by NGOs, focused either solely on workers’ concerns or on “triple
bottom line accounting,” which involves corporations’ reporting on social
and environmental as well as financial performance. Much of the ration-
ale comes from a stakeholder approach to corporate responsibility, hold-
ing the corporation accountable to stakeholders other than shareholders.
Social Accountability International (SAI) is a U.S.-based nonprofit
organization that develops, implements, and oversees voluntary, but veri-
fiable, standards for social accountability. Its advisory board consists of
representatives of business, unions, and NGOs. It certifies corporations
that meet its standards, labeled SA8000. They are based on the ILO con-
ventions, the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the
Convention on the Rights of the Child. SAI standards constrain child
labor, prohibit forced labor, require a healthy and safe work environ-
ment, require respect for freedom of association in trade unions (where
national law does not permit unions, a company is required to seek out
“parallel means of association and bargaining”), prohibit abusive punish-
ments, constrain working hours, require pay that is “sufficient to meet
the basic needs of workers and their families,” and go “beyond simple
compliance to integrate the standard into their management systems and
policies” (Social Accountability International 2004:4).
Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production (WRAP) is a nonprofit
association formed by American apparel companies. Like SAI, it has a
set of standards and certifies compliance with them (Worldwide Respon-
sible Apparel Production 2004). Another U.S. group issuing standards is
the Worker Rights Consortium (WRC), a nonprofit organization of uni-
versity administrators, students, and labor rights experts that attempts to
ensure that goods bearing the names of universities are made under con-
ditions of respect for worker rights (Worker Rights Consortium 2004). In
1998, a subgroup of the White House Apparel Industry Partnership, cre-
ated by Secretary of Labor Robert Reich and President Bill Clinton,
formed the Fair Labor Association (FLA). The two unions that had been
part of the original partnership—UNITE and the Retail, Wholesale and
Department Store Union—as well as the Interfaith Center for Corpo-
rate Responsibility refused to join the FLA because of weaknesses in its
code and compliance system (Sweatshop Watch 2003). Another U.S.
group that has been active in the campaign for worker rights in the gar-
ment industry is Sweatshop Watch (Sweatshop Watch 2003).
Based in the United Kingdom, the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) is
an alliance of corporations, NGOs, and union organizations that aims to
promote best practices and implement labor practice codes. ETI does
not issue certificates or audit performance. Rather, it focuses on helping
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companies learn about best practices. It does have a “base code” that is
agreed to by participating companies, unions, and NGOs (Ethical Trad-
ing Initiative 2003). The Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), headquar-
tered in the Netherlands, aims at improving labor conditions in the
global apparel industry. Its code is very similar to that of ETI, although it
goes beyond with respect to the right to collective bargaining (Clean
Clothes Campaign 2004).
An important source of standards and pressure for compliance with
them is the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), whose “sustainability
reporting guidelines” are standards similar to many of those described
above. GRI, an official collaborating center with the UN, works in coop-
eration with the UN Global Compact and seeks to “harmonize and inte-
grate” efforts to set standards and ensure compliance (Global Reporting
Initiative 2004).
Benchmarking. A diverse coalition of religious and advocacy groups
has come up with yet another method of influencing corporations to
behave in an ethical, socially responsible manner. In 2003, “Principles
for Corporate Responsibility: Bench Marks for Measuring Business
Performance” were released by groups including the Interfaith Center
on Corporate Responsibility in the United States and similar organiza-
tions in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Canada, and other coun-
tries. Delegates from 22 countries were involved in the process of
benchmarking over a period of about 10 years. The Bench Marks doc-
ument calls for, among other things, “corporate governance policies
that balance the sometimes competing interests of managers, employ-
ees, shareholders and communities; and that are based on ethical val-
ues, including inclusivity, integrity, honesty, justice and transparency”
(Bench-Marks 2003:1).
What is unique about Bench-Marks is its explicit basis in religious
beliefs. It declares that, on the basis of religious faith, it views the global
economy in terms of “its impact on the environment, how it touches
human life, and whether it protects the dignity of the human person”
(Bench-Marks 2003:2).
Corporate Codes of Conduct. Since at least the early 1990s, it has
become increasingly common for large corporations, both domestic and
multinational, to adopt their own codes of conduct. It has been esti-
mated that some 60% to 70% of major American companies have these
codes (Sethi 1999). Several hundred were identified by studies per-
formed in the 1990s (Elliott and Freeman 2003). These are generally
seen as being voluntary, but it has been argued that all of the companies
with these codes have been “dragged kicking and screaming” into having
them (Maquila Solidarity Network 2004:1).
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Implementation and Enforcement of Standards

Although there is no lack of statements of the ethical standards that
should be met by multinational enterprises, implementation and
enforcement remain problematic. For example, the 2003 UN norms
obligate enterprises to compensate those harmed by their violations.
However, it is not clear what the mechanism for enforcing this remedy
would be. The UN Global Compact has been accused of lacking any real
power to enforce its principles, yet several prestigious human rights
groups, unions, and union federations have supported it. It is said to be a
“learning community” in which dialogue can take place among NGOs,
firms, and government officials (Social Issues Reporter 2002:8). The
organizers of the compact claim to have made discussions of labor and
human rights less divisive and to have made possible “a truly global,
multi-stakeholder dialogue” on these issues (Social Issues Reporter
2002:8). Under the compact, companies make submissions with respect
to practices that are consistent with the principles. In its first two years it
received 30 submissions. Examples include Nike’s identifying and con-
structing plans to eradicate violations of the Global Compact’s principles
in its operations in Indonesia and Royal Dutch Shell’s being recognized
by the Brazilian government for discouraging child labor (Social Issues
Reporter 2002).
OECD standards represent a body of principles to which member
governments subscribe. The 2000 guidelines contain an interesting new
set of implementation procedures. Countries are required to establish
organizations to serve as “national contact points (NCPs). NCPs are obli-
gated to promote the guidelines and make them known and available to
investors. If a violation of the guidelines by a company is alleged by a
trade union or other party, the NCP must attempt to resolve the issue. If
the matter is not resolved, the NCP must make a public statement on
the case (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Corporate codes have been criticized on a number of grounds
related to their enforcement. First, they are said to involve the “fox
guarding the chicken coop” (Compa 2001). Second, they seldom state
how they will be monitored to secure compliance (Elliott and Freeman
2003). Third, they often consist of little more than “public statements of
lofty intent” (Sethi 1999:9). Fourth, they generally fail to provide for
communicating to the public the results they have achieved or failed to
achieve (Sethi 1999). Last, they often fail to guarantee freedom of asso-
ciation and collective bargaining (Elliott and Freeman 2003).
Yet for all their failings, it appears that the corporate codes have
been of some use. Publicly declaring a set of principles exposes a corpo-
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ration to criticism for not living up to them. Those whom Elliott and
Freeman call “human rights vigilantes” (2003:59) have been able to pres-
sure firms to hold common standards and accept independent monitor-
ing. While some firms have utilized international accounting firms as
monitors, others have accepted monitoring by FLA, WRAP, SAI, WRC,
and other NGOs that exist for this purpose. A number of groups, includ-
ing women’s organizations in Asia and Central America, have been able
to use corporate codes in their efforts to improve labor standards
(Maquila Solidarity Network 2004). A number of the more recent codes
have included provisions for independent verification of compliance
(Maquila Solidarity Network 2004).

Labor Standards and Trade

It has long seemed obvious to proponents of labor standards that the
most effective way to enforce them internationally is to link them to the
privilege of trading with developed countries. Since no hard interna-
tional law carries penalties against a firm or a country that fails to meet
labor standards, there is no clear remedy for workers whose rights have
been abused, and therefore little incentive for employers to comply with
labor standards. The prospect of losing access to desirable markets such
as the United States and Western Europe, on the other hand, could be a
powerful incentive for compliance. Not surprisingly, this idea has been
met with accusations of protectionism from the developing world. LDCs
argue that developed countries did not comply with such standards
when they were industrializing and that it is unfair to insist that LDCs
be denied the freedom to develop in the same manner. From the stand-
point of developed countries, many economists argue that trade restric-
tions are always to the disadvantage of the country imposing them (Irwin
A good argument has been made by Elliott and Freeman (2003)
for distinguishing between labor standards that affect foreign trade
and those that do not. There would certainly seem to be a stronger
case for standards on goods and services that are traded internation-
ally. As is stated in the ILO’s founding documents, “the failure of any
nation to adopt humane conditions of labor is an obstacle in the way
of other nations which desire to improve conditions in their own
countries”(quoted in Elliott and Freeman 2003:4).
Since 1984 the United States has had labor standards as part of its
Generalized System of Preferences, which permits duty-free access to
the American market for selected goods from selected LDCs. The North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has a side agreement, the
North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation, requiring each
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country in the pact to enforce its own labor laws. The free trade agree-
ments of the United States with Jordan, Chile, and Singapore all have
labor standards in the main text of the agreement (Elliott and Freeman
2003). Most recently (May 28, 2004), the U.S. trade representative
signed the United States–Central American Free Trade Agreement
(CAFTA) and announced plans to sign a similar agreement with the
Dominican Republic. This agreement contains an obligation for the
countries to enforce their own laws but no other labor protections. U.S.
Senator John Kerry, during his Democratic candidacy for president,
opposed the pact because of its inadequate labor and environmental
protections (Bureau of National Affairs 2004b). Whether obtaining the
agreement of a country to enforce its own laws meets the moral obliga-
tion of the United States to enforce human rights depends on the con-
tent of that country’s laws. In the case of NAFTA, it appears that, in
principle, this would be sufficient. However, there is the further ques-
tion of whether this obligation is enforceable as a practical matter. It is
here that such agreements pose real difficulty.
A number of protests at World Trade Organization (WTO) and
World Bank meetings have aimed at the various effects of globalization.
A great deal of the impetus behind these protests comes from concerns
over the effects of globalization on labor conditions and rights. The
United States has unsuccessfully attempted to place labor and environ-
mental standards on the agenda of the WTO (Irwin 2002).
Critics of the idea of enforcing labor standards through trade sanc-
tions argue that (1) low labor standards do not give countries an unfair
advantage in international trade (it is low productivity that determines
wage levels, so their low productivity compensates for their wage advan-
tage); (2) standards such as limitations on child labor will only harm
workers in developing countries, and the problems of child labor are
best solved by eradicating poverty and improving educational opportuni-
ties; and (3) forcing a raising of standards by WTO action would cost
workers in developing countries their jobs or would, at best, create an
elite of workers in the export sectors of their national economies (Irwin
2002). It is argued that linking trade and labor standards is impractical
because of a lack of international consensus on the meaning of the stan-
dards and on how to decide whether the standards have been violated
(Bureau of National Affairs 2004a). However, as suggested by labor
unionists, the need for rules exists in the global society, just as in national
societies (Bureau of National Affairs 2004b). Indeed, the logic of the
international antilabor standards argument could be applied at the
national level as well. Yet, except for some extreme neoclassical econo-
mists, few students of employment relations issues would seriously argue
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that no regulation of the employment relationship at the national level is

There are two separate sets of questions to consider with respect to
labor standards and trade. First, do labor standards involve human
rights, and, if so, which labor standards rise to this level of importance? I
have noted my belief that, as stated by numerous international organiza-
tions, the standards do involve human rights (see also Wheeler 1994).
The UN norms adopted in 2003 are probably the most complete list.
Perhaps the most controversial standard is the right to freedom of asso-
ciation as it relates to unions and collective bargaining. As I have argued
elsewhere (Wheeler 2001), this is a basic human right necessary to
assure human dignity in a setting where it is likely to be under attack.
The second inquiry is whether trade sanctions, certainly a blunt
instrument, are the best method of enforcing these rights. In principle,
free trade has many advantages, and unnecessary impediments are gen-
erally to be avoided. However, given the absence of hard international
law, there appears to be little alternative to trade sanctions for imposing
a real cost on companies or nations that fail to respect human rights. So
there is a dilemma posed by attempting to have the benefits of free trade
and yet guarantee human rights. But if we truly believe that we are deal-
ing with fundamental human rights, there seems to be no choice but to
use the means available to enforce them, even at some cost to free trade.
Human rights trump other considerations (Werhane 1985). Until the
dream of a world government is fulfilled, we must make do with what we
have—trade sanctions.

What has been the result of the great deal of recent activity regard-
ing ethical norms in employment relations for corporations operating
globally? There does appear to be consensus among the UN, other inter-
national agencies, NGOs, and the many corporations that have adopted
codes that companies face moral obligations in their international opera-
tions. It is important to note that this consensus is not limited to govern-
ments. The ILO, for example, consists of representatives of employers
and trade unions as well as governments. Some NGOs have corporate
representatives on their governing bodies. Corporate codes have been
set out by companies themselves.
The obligations included in this consensus exceed those imposed by
the laws of any particular country. Indeed, one of the ideas underlying
corporate social responsibility is that a common body of ethical princi-
ples exists transcending national cultures. It is this idea, however, that is
called into question by the LDCs, who argue that the standards are not
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only Western ones but that they are being applied to LDCs only after no
longer affecting the countries now insisting on them. This is a funda-
mental philosophical question, long familiar to scholars of jurisprudence
debating the existence of universal natural law.
Assuming that it makes sense to have universal standards, it is rea-
sonably clear what they should be, at least in the most general terms.
The ILO core labor standards state minimum worker rights; there would
appear to be little argument that the worst forms of child labor, forced
labor, and discrimination on grounds of race, sex, and other characteris-
tics should be prohibited. I believe it equally clear that freedom of asso-
ciation in unions and collective bargaining is also a fundamental and
unalienable human right (Ogle and Wheeler 2001; Wheeler 2001).
Other statements go further than the ILO standards. As to collective
bargaining rights, the OECD guidelines include the obligation of
employers to engage in “constructive negotiations” with worker repre-
sentatives, make company facilities available to them, provide them with
information, “promote consultation and co-operation” with them, and
“provide information to employees and their representatives.” SAI
requires employers to find “parallel means of association and bargaining”
where national law interferes with the employees’ right to have a union.
The WRC model code requires a company not to cooperate with gov-
ernment prohibitions of collective bargaining, to give union organizers
free access to employees, and to recognize a union selected by employ-
ees. The CCC requires employers to “adopt a positive approach” and
have an “open attitude” toward trade unions. In my view the right to
freedom of association is so fundamental to the guarantee of a free and
democratic society, and to other rights in the workplace, that the
expanded version of collective bargaining rights contained in these docu-
ments is the one that should be adopted. In Paine’s (2003) terminology,
it is deserving of employers’ full, rather than merely basic, commitment.
There are at least two other areas in which the ILO standards appear
to be lacking. The first is pay. The UN norms require pay at a level that
ensures an “adequate standard of living” (United Nations Sub-Commis-
sion on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights 2003:5). A num-
ber of other sets of standards address pay, with references to a living
wage (Bench-Marks 2003; Ethical Trading Initiative 2003); “just and
favorable remuneration ensuring for [the worker] and [his or her] family
an existence worthy of human dignity” (United Nations 2003a:5); pay
“sufficient to meet the basic needs of workers and their families” (Social
Accountability International 2004:4); pay that “provides for essential
needs and establish[es] a dignified living wage for workers and their
families (Worker Rights Consortium 2004:2); and wages that “meet basic
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needs of workers and their families and . . . provide some discretionary

income” (Clean Clothes Campaign 2004:5). Here again, the expanded
version of the employer obligation is required.
Of equal or greater importance is the requirement for a safe and
healthful workplace, which is not included in the ILO Standards but is
in the UN norms and a number of NGO codes. Also crucial are hours of
work and overtime pay, which are directly connected to pay and affect
workers’ quality of life.
To what degree should these rights be respected? I suggest that
worker protections against child and forced labor and discrimination and
the rights to freedom of association, a living wage, and a safe workplace
are fundamental human rights. Accordingly, these rights are entitled to a
full commitment on the part of employers and should not be balanced
against an employer’s economic interests (see Wheeler 1994; Wheeler
2001; Ogle and Wheeler 2001). That is to say, where an employer cannot
provide these conditions to employees, society is better off for that
employer to go out of business and for the capital invested in it to be
invested elsewhere.
As argued by Dwight Justice of the ICFTU, a stakeholder approach
is of only limited help to workers. In Europe, where unions have been
social partners, it is a step backward to be only one of a number of stake-
holders. Elsewhere, being a stakeholder is perhaps better than being
irrelevant to the goals of the firm, but unless a nuanced approach to
stakeholder theory is taken, the special claim of workers as investors of
their lives in a firm can be lost by being placed in the same category with
suppliers and customers.
How are the ethical obligations of corporations and their agents to be
enforced? By definition these obligations are beyond the law. Therefore,
they exist independently of legal sanctions such as criminal punishments
or the requirement of compensating those who are damaged by a corpo-
ration’s failure to meet them. In practice, the primary enforcement
device has been public opinion, which works best in the realm of con-
sumer goods, where there is a valuable identifiable brand such as Nike, a
retail store such as Wal-Mart, or a public figure such as Kathy Lee Gif-
ford. Nation-states appear to be only weakly responsive to concerns
about their national image around the world. Connecting violations of
norms of socially responsible behavior to trade sanctions is making some
halting progress as public protests have an effect on governments. Inter-
national trade union pressure on a multinational enterprise has some
potential where unions are in a position to impose costs on a company.
Given the difficulty of making ethical norms operate so as to effect a
real difference in corporations’ activities in their global operations, is it
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worthwhile to direct attention to them? Is this just a diversion from the

real issues? Is the idea of corporate social responsibility just a scam
being used by firms as an alternative to regulation that would force them
to do what they say they want to do voluntarily?
All things considered, it appears that the activity with respect to cor-
porate social responsibility is valuable. First, as is often the case in
human societies, norms eventually become laws. Second, corporations’
recognizing that they have obligations subjects them to criticism for not
behaving accordingly. Third, socially responsible investing backed by
shareholder activism by unions controlling substantial blocks of shares
has real potential for change. Fourth, the fear of regulation may cause
corporations to behave in a socially responsible manner. An example of
how this can work is the European Community (EC) Social Dialogue,
where such things as parental leave, fair treatment of part-time workers,
Europe-wide works councils, and regulation of fixed-term contracts have
resulted from the prospect of regulation by the EC government
(Wheeler 2002). Extending the social dialogue beyond the European
Community would, of course, require a very different structure of inter-
national governance than we have at present.
On the other hand, it would be unwise to expect too much of efforts
pushing for corporate social responsibility. I believe that the nature of
the corporate beast remains unchanged in both law and reality. It is a
golem that is called into existence for the purpose of making money for
its owners. If it fails in its charge, it ceases to exist. Serving other stake-
holders may feed the need to make a profit, but if serving them inter-
feres unduly with this basic goal, their interests will inevitably be
ignored. To the contrary, no matter how well the corporation serves
other stakeholders, if it fails to serve the interests of capital it will fail.
As can be seen from the discussion of globalization, the tendency of
corporations to avidly pursue profits is accentuated in the global envi-
ronment, and there is no effective international legal framework to
constrain them. This combination bodes ill for those who would like to
tame this beast to make it serve public, and other, purposes. The
answer for national societies has been to regulate corporate behavior
by laws and to encourage the growth of countervailing power in the
form of trade unions. The greatest difficulty with both governments
and trade unions is that they have remained largely national while cor-
porations have become international. Also, it remains true that regula-
tion is more likely to make a difference in the daily lives of workers
than voluntary social-responsibility initiatives of any kind. The corpo-
rate lust for profits may be too powerful to be overcome by voluntary
codes (Justice 2003a).
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There is some hope for both government and trade union action to
deal with this problem. The norms that are becoming more widely
accepted are beginning to resemble a body of international law. The
more that this is true, the more corporations are susceptible to being
influenced by world public opinion. The authority of the UN, the ILO,
and the various NGOs can serve as a basis for public pressure. If their
standards are flaunted too shamelessly, the demand for international
regulation will likely grow. Also, it should not be forgotten that human
beings control corporations. They, unlike the corporation itself, have
“souls to damn.” Perhaps they can be made more sensitive to avoiding
actions that are condemned by the international community—to avoid
doing wrong.
As for trade union action, it appears that international labor organi-
zations have taken on new life. In recent years, five of the Global
Union Federations have entered into some 26 framework agreements
with multinational firms (International Confederation of Free Trade
Unions 2004). So for the first time we have a significant amount of
something very similar to international collective bargaining going on.
There had already been a start on this on a regional basis in Europe
(Wheeler 2002). The work of the ICFTU and TUAC on corporate
social responsibility has given them new visibility in global policy mak-
ing. The international union action on socially responsible investing
taps a source of real power within corporations—shareholder voting
rights. To the extent that workers can add the power of their capital to
the power of their labor, they may be able to change the basic nature
of the corporation.
Change in international institutions comes slowly. They do appear to
be moving in the direction of dealing with the phenomenon of globaliza-
tion. As they do so, ethical concepts have assumed increasing importance
in the discourse on globalization. This surely is a positive development.

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The Technological Assault on Ethics

in the Modern Workplace
University of British Columbia

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, about one-third

of the nation’s nearly 40,000 private investigators work for cor-
porate employers. In addition to using Web search engines like
Google to do background checks, some corporate PIs excel at
“social engineering.” By worming information out of customer
service departments and other trusted contacts, PIs obtain
confidential data—including credit card, phone, and medical
records—on unsuspecting employees (“Examples of Employee
Surveillance” 2003:no page).

With the aid of information and communication technology (ICT),

the modern office has evolved into a structure with great promise but
with much stress as well. In this chapter, some of the factors contribut-
ing to this stress will be explored and located within the contexts of
workplace ethics and long-term conflicts between management and
employees. As the factory has continued to decline as a source of
employment, the office as well as the service industries have taken up
the slack. In a relatively short period the office has been transformed
from an environment in which the typewriter and telephone rule into
one in which the computer and the Internet are pervasive. A number of
important questions have arisen as a result, including the following:
• Has productivity increased?
• Has the office environment been improved?
• Are workers encouraged to employ the new technologies in creative
and interesting ways?
• What ethical challenges, if any, have accompanied the introduction
of new pervasive technologies into the workplace?
A full answer to these questions is beyond both my resources and
the scope of this chapter; I will emphasize the final question, related to

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“ethical challenges.” Of primary interest is the assault on privacy in the

workplace, a study of employee expectations and employers’ responses,
mediated by the use of technology to enforce management policies.
Among the ethical issues and controversies to be presented are typical
current office practices, existing and predicted technologies of surveil-
lance, state and federal laws with respect to surveillance in the work-
place, pre-employment testing, major legal cases explicating workers’
rights (or rather lack of rights), and examples of office policies.
It is important at the outset to recognize that management’s drive to
control the workplace is frequently justified by the need to ensure that it
is not subject to legal action because of questionable behavior by
employees. Such behavior could include downloading material protected
by copyright (for example, music and movies using peer-to-peer soft-
ware), using instant messaging and e-mail to threaten individuals from
the workplace, surfing sexually oriented websites, and inadvertently
downloading viruses and spyware, thus threatening company security.
Another area of interest to be briefly discussed is deskilling, or
reducing the scope of worker skills by parallel expansion in the complex-
ity of work organization and the employment of sufficiently complex
technologies. As Braverman (1974) has written, it is the long-term goal
of management to extract the skills of workers and embed them in the
work process, where they can be controlled. Since such challenges are
global, it is not surprising that the International Labour Organization has
developed recommendations on respecting the ethical autonomy of
workers. Such principles should play an important role as surveillance
technologies spread.
I have compared (Rosenberg 1999) the state of the office at the end
of the 20th century with predictions made some 10 years earlier by the
now defunct Office of Technology Assessment (1987). Many of the prac-
tices and threats discussed in 1987 are expanded upon and new issues
introduced. From the early practice of monitoring keystrokes to the cur-
rent tracking of websites visited, the office has become as controlled and
controlling as the factory floor from the days of the first assembly line. It
may have been naïve to assume that the computer and its associated tech-
nologies would liberate workers to contribute more fully of their talents
and expertise. In some areas of work such liberation is in fact taking
place, but for many workers the workplace offers little in the way of exer-
cising individual creativity but much in the way of creating ethical con-
cerns and challenges. In her book White Collar Sweatshop, author Jill
Andreskey Fraser (2001:76) writes that “technological developments,
meanwhile, have permitted corporations to extend their control over
employees to an oppressive degree: all in the interest of keeping men and
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women at maximum productive efficiency, whether they find themselves

in their cars or commuter trains, hotel rooms, or even master bedrooms.”
Among the more recent challenges, the use of global positioning technol-
ogy to monitor the locations of mobile workers and even teleworkers now
extends the employer’s reach beyond the traditional workplace.

Cases and Reports of Workplace Conditions

Hundreds of McDonald’s workers in Winnipeg now begin

each shift by placing their hand on a scanner that confirms
their identity and records the exact moment when they arrived
at work. They finish each day with another scan (Smith

As a context for the discussion to follow, I will present a few examples

and illustrative legal cases to help show what employers want from their
office employees and what employees might expect. The simple thesis to
be substantiated is that in the modern workplace workers have almost no
rights, and clearly this situation is ethically unacceptable. Civil liberties are
shed as the worker enters the workplace, largely devoid of basic protec-
tions. Telephone conversations are monitored, website visits are logged
and stored, e-mail messages are tracked and catalogued, and instant mes-
saging contributions are recorded. Closed circuit television monitors are
pervasive, “active” badges as well as global positioning devices embedded
in cell phones reveal workers’ locations, drug tests are performed both
randomly and on a schedule, psychological tests are given to determine
stability, genetic tests are administered to predict the possibility of terrible
diseases, background checks are carried out prior to employment, and
skills are gradually identified and extracted. And the intrusions all began
with keystroke monitoring, shortly after computers were introduced.
I will briefly describe a series of legal cases, beginning in 1993 and
ending in 2003, and evaluate their implications for privacy rights in the
workplace. My purpose is not to provide legal guidelines to worker rights,
or better lack of rights, nor to imply that what is legal is necessarily ethi-
cal. Rather, I want to roughly characterize the current legal situation with
respect to the imbalance of employer powers and employee rights.

Bonita P. Bourke et al. v. Nissan Motor Corporation

The facts of the case are taken from the decision rendered by the
Court of Appeal of the State of California on July 26, 1993 (Bonita P.
Bourke et al. v. Nissan Motor Corporation 1993). Note that this decision,
as well as others, is labeled “Not to be published” in its Internet source
and is referenced here for educational purposes only. The Court of
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Appeal upheld the original decision of the trial court in favor of the
defendant, Nissan Motor Corporation in USA, against the charge of the
plaintiffs, “alleging wrongful termination, invasion of privacy and viola-
tion of their constitutional right to privacy in connection with Nissan’s
retrieval, printing and reading of E-mail messages authored by plaintiffs”
(no page).
This case is important because it occurred early in the use of e-mail
for office business practices. Apparently, in a training session, one of the
plaintiffs’ co-workers used as an example of e-mail an unfortunately
highly personal message sent by Bourke. The message was reported to
management, and many other messages containing personal content
involving Bourke and her colleague Hall were discovered. After receiv-
ing rather low performance ratings on periodic evaluations, Bourke and
Hall filed grievances against Nissan’s human resources department. Sub-
sequently, they sued Nissan for “common law invasion of privacy, viola-
tion of their constitutional right to privacy, and violation of the criminal
wiretapping and eavesdropping statutes” (no page). The trial court found
in favor of Nissan on two grounds, of which one is substantive: “Based
on the undisputed facts, plaintiffs had no reasonable expectation of pri-
vacy in their e-mail messages” (no page). Nissan presented additional
arguments that have by now become familiar in the workplace, namely
that only company business should be carried out on company comput-
ers and that if warnings of lack of privacy are made generally available,
workers have little to complain about.

Alana Shoars v. Epson America, Inc.

Again, a State of California Appeals Court upheld a decision in
favor of the employer. The employer apparently assured the plaintiff,
in her role as an instructor in the use of Epson’s e-mail system, that
“their [employees’] e-mail was private and confidential” (Alana Shoars
v. Epson America, Inc. 1994:no page). However, Shoars claimed that
“beginning in August 1989 her supervisor at Epson, Hillseth, acting
on Epson’s behalf tapped the e-mail, printed it, and read it” (no page).
Finally, the plaintiff maintained that she had been fired because of
“refusal to go along with Hillseth and Epson’s intercepting the e-mail,
which in turn violated the public policy [etc.]” (no page). Although
the case is somewhat more complicated than the present description,
the point continues to be clear that management reserves the right to
set the rules in the workplace and to punish employees for violating
them. However, it was with the next case, probably the most influen-
tial in this area, that workplace control was firmly set within manage-
ment’s grasp.
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Bill McLaren Jr. v. Microsoft Corporation

The Court of Appeals of Dallas, Texas, upheld the trial court’s deci-
sion against Bill McLaren Jr. in May 1999. In brief, the circumstances of
the case follow:

McLaren was an employee of Microsoft Corporation. In

December 1996, Microsoft suspended McLaren’s employment
pending an investigation into accusations of sexual harassment
and “inventory questions.” McLaren requested access to his
electronic mail to disprove the allegations against him. Accord-
ing to McLaren, he was told he could access his e-mail only by
requesting it through company officials and telling them the
location of a particular message. By memorandum, McLaren
requested that no one tamper with his Microsoft office work-
station or his e-mail. McLaren’s employment was terminated
on December 11, 1996 (Bill McLaren Jr. v. Microsoft Corpora-
tion 1999:no page).

McLaren’s suit involved an invasion claim against Microsoft’s “break-

ing” into his computer files. However, among Microsoft’s argument in
defense was that “[t]he common law of Texas does not recognize any
right of privacy in the contents of electronic mail systems and storage
that are provided to employees by the employer as part of the employ-
ment relationship” (Bill McLaren Jr. v. Microsoft Corporation 1999:no
page). So once again, the control of the workplace by management pre-
cludes any claim for individual privacy, a legal result outweighing ethical

Recent Surveys Related to Workplace Issues

A recent privacy poll found that 81 percent of the public believe
employers have no right to monitor phone calls at work. How-
ever, employers do have a right to monitor phone calls as long as
it is within “the ordinary course of business.” A 2001 survey by
American Management Association estimated that 12 percent of
major U.S. corporations periodically record and review tele-
phone calls, 8 percent store and review voice mail messages and
43 percent monitor the amount of time employees spend on the
phone and check the numbers that have been dialed (“Examples
of Employee Surveillance” 2003:no page).

Based on a review of surveys published in the past few years, an argu-

ment can be made that surveillance in the workplace has become the nor-
mal state of affairs and that most employees should probably assume that
this condition exists as part of their jobs. Probably the most publicized
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series of surveys is that carried out by the American Management Associ-

ation (AMA). In its 2001 survey of workplace monitoring and surveillance
among a wide range of companies, AMA found the overall percentage of
companies engaged in all forms of electronic monitoring and/or surveil-
lance to be 82.2, up from 67.3 two years earlier (2001 AMA Survey 2001).
The following types of surveillance and monitoring were included:
“recording and review of telephone conversations, storage and review of
voice mail messages, storage and review of computer files, storage and
review of e-mail messages, monitoring Internet connections, video
recording of employee job performance, telephone use (time spent, num-
bers called), computer use (time logged on, keystroke counts, etc.), and
video surveillance for security purposes” (no page).
Although new full surveys in this series have not been carried out by
the AMA, other results have been reported, in particular with respect to
e-mail practices. Consider the following sample of results of a 2003 sur-
vey in which the AMA participated; this survey included over 1,100 com-
panies and organizations (2003 E-Mail Rules, Policies and Practices
Survey 2003).
• 52% of the organizations carried out some form of e-mail monitor-
ing, 35% did not, and 13% did not know.
• Of those that did carry out some form of e-mail monitoring, 51%
monitored incoming mail, 39% monitored outgoing mail, and 19%
monitored internal e-mail between employees.
• 75% had written policies concerning e-mail, 48% trained their
employees on those policies, and 34% had written e-mail retention
and deletion policies.
• 59% used some form of enforcement of their e-mail rules and poli-
cies. Of these, 50% used discipline, 25% performance reviews, 22%
termination, 18% removal of e-mail privileges, and 4% legal action.
In 2004, the AMA again cooperated with the ePolicy Institute to
explore the use of e-mail as well as instant messaging in the workplace.
The resulting survey of 840 U.S. businesses (2004 Workplace E-Mail
and Instant Messaging Survey 2004) revealed that the continuous diffu-
sion of technological innovation generates an ongoing stream of associ-
ated problems because the technologies are frequently misused, from
the employer’s point of view at least. Results of the 2004 survey include
some interesting findings. The use of software to monitor ingoing or out-
going e-mail has increased to 60%, but internal e-mail among employees
is monitored by only 27% of companies surveyed. Of particular interest
is the increasing use of instant messaging in the workplace, as shown in
the following results:
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When it comes to fast and loose content, nothing tops instant

messaging. The majority (58%) of workplace users engage in
personal IM chat. Survey respondents report sending and
receiving the following types of inappropriate and potentially
damaging IM content: attachments (19%); jokes, gossip,
rumors, or disparaging remarks (16%); confidential informa-
tion about the company, a coworker, or client (9%); sexual,
romantic, or pornographic content (6%). From the standpoint
of content and retention, employers should view IM as a form
of turbocharged e-mail, creating a written business record that
must be monitored and managed. Employers are advised to
take control of instant messaging risks today, or face potentially
costly consequences tomorrow (2004 Workplace E-Mail and
Instant Messaging Survey 2004:2).

Furthermore, “90% of respondents spend up to 90 minutes per work-

day on IM” (2004:2). The actions of employers in response to lack of
compliance with existing polices are becoming increasingly severe, as this
survey reveals, “with 25% of 2004 respondents terminating an employee
for violating e-mail policy, versus 22% in 2003 and 17% in 2001” (2004:2).
In late 2003, Wired magazine surveyed a panel of privacy experts to
determine which companies were the best (and the worst) in respecting
their employees’ privacy rights (“Ranking Privacy at Work,” 2003). The
top three companies were IBM, Hewlett-Packard, and Ford (“uses strin-
gent European Union privacy laws as the basis for its global policies”; no
page); the worst were Eli Lilly, Wal-Mart (“wiring managers to tape con-
versations with coworkers”; no page), and the New York Times Com-
pany. That a company would seek to protect its employees’ privacy as a
matter of course has become a rare and special event.
Finally, a recent survey of 1,240 British businesses reported the fol-
lowing striking results (Thomson 2004:no page):

• Employee misuse of technology top[ped] the reasons for security

breaches, with 50 per cent of businesses having problems.
• The second highest cause, at 45 per cent, was poorly updated
antivirus software.
• Only 18 per cent of organisations attributed problems to their own
security policies.

The many consistent results of comprehensive surveys seem to pro-

vide ample reasons for management to institute monitoring and surveil-
lance technologies. Nevertheless, there is no one best way to accomplish
the aims of concerned employers. Establishing policies that carefully
describe management expectations within a framework that also respects
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employees’ basic rights is a necessary and ultimately rewarding action.

Taking an ethical point of view in managing the workplace is not a for-
mula for losing control. Treating employees with respect and creating an
environment that encourages commitment, resourcefulness, and respon-
sibility can be equated with capital investment to improve productivity.
Establishing ethical ground rules and enforcing them fairly demonstrate a
commitment of management to respect its workers and their efforts.

Privacy in the Workplace: Expectations and Practices

A software program called Investigator which has sold more
than 200,000 copies allows employers to monitor every single
keystroke an employee makes. It also maintains a record of
dialogue boxes and takes periodic screen shots of what’s being
displayed on the computer. If the PC is equipped with a Web
cam, the program can also be configured to take secret photos
of the computer user (“Examples of Employee Surveillance”
2003:no page).
The cases discussed in the previous sections reveal an incorrect
assumption prevalent among many, if not most, employees: that they
enjoy certain basic privacy privileges in the workplace. In reality, work-
ers enjoy almost no workplace privacy protection. The simple fact is that
employees have virtually no rights and should behave as if every action is
being observed. The psychological impact of constant observation is seri-
ous and represents a major assault on the ethical rights of workers. Fur-
thermore, productivity may also be compromised as a by-product of the
growth of surveillance in the workplace. So what should employers do?
A brief survey of advice for employers, in part consisting of reminders of
both their powers and their responsibilities over the past few years, may
be informative.

Employer Concerns and Responsibilities

Prison sentences could await business bosses who do not do
enough to stop the most serious abuse of computer networks
by employees (Ward 2004:no page).
The control of the workplace has a long tradition in industrial, and,
yes, postindustrial, societies. From a Marxist perspective, it is the long-
term goal of owners to extract from workers even the smallest amount of
their specialized knowledge of the work process. As work becomes rou-
tinized, workers become interchangeable and replaceable and unworthy
of being treated ethically. Of course information technology, or informa-
tion and communication technology, facilitates this process. It has
become clear that there is a price to pay for this supposed control,
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namely responsibility for the actions of the employees. The substantial

increase in the use of e-mail and instant messaging in the office means
that there must be an associated increase in cases of harassment, upload-
ing of company secrets, and trafficking in sexually explicit material,
including child pornography. For managers, only an active surveillance
environment can alleviate criminal responsibility. So there is a vicious
cycle of employees’ potentially using information and communication
technology for possibly criminal purposes, obliging managers to imple-
ment and extend online surveillance procedures.
It is useful to explore in somewhat more detail the specific powers
and responsibilities of owners and managers. The simple question posed
in the lead of a piece in Transform Magazine—“Should You Read
Employee Email?”—receives the following answer (Lunt 2003):

The surprising answer is yes. The risks of e-mail abuse include

litigation, business interruptions, viruses and lost productivity.
Companies need to establish written e-mail policies and then
educate employees on the use and misuse of e-mail. E-mail
monitoring software adds an extra proactive measure in
enforcing corporate policy.

In November 2003, The Wall Street Journal featured an article titled

“Big Employer Is Watching” (Mahler 2003). The first two sentences set
the tone: “It’s 9 a.m. Do you know where your workers are?” (no page).
Of course the answer is increasingly yes, especially as surveillance soft-
ware and hardware continue to pervade the workplace. The general
tenor seems to be that unless employees are regularly monitored with
respect to their comings and goings using fingerprint or online technolo-
gies, they will not act responsibly. The model of punching a time card
when entering and leaving the workplace is obviously alive and well and
being extended to salaried workers.
In a subsequent section, I will discuss existing laws that do protect
employees even to a limited degree; for the present, consider the follow-
ing summary paragraph from an article written by a lawyer concerned
with advising managers confronting a post–September 11, 2001 world.

The use of advanced technologies to monitor employees and

collect PII [personally identifiable information] can serve a
variety of legitimate business objectives. In order to mitigate
privacy law-related liability exposure, a company should deter-
mine the specific business objectives it seeks to accomplish by
its use of such technologies in the workplace, adopt a compre-
hensive corporate privacy policy regarding the use, security
and storage of PII, and appoint an individual accountable for
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compliance. These steps should ensure that the use of such

technologies in and of itself does not interfere with the larger
business objectives of the enterprise (Martin 2003:2).
The purposes of collecting personally identifiable information
through monitoring technologies include “employee training and evalua-
tion, facilities management, and security-related objectives such as pro-
tection of tangible and intangible business assets and personnel” (Martin

Employee Expectations and Rights in the Workplace

What do employees want? Given that they are aware of existing sur-
veillance technologies available to management, most presumably want
to know the rules of the game. No one wants to be surprised by a new
and unanticipated rule just announced by management to deal with a
given situation. Thus, at the very least, management should design
guidelines that accurately reflect its concerns and expectations as well as
what is being monitored and measured. Employees certainly would like
to be treated ethically. There should be few surprises. Ideally, the guide-
lines should be a product of an employer–employee team, responsible
for the initial design and regular updates as well as for evaluating effec-
tiveness and fairness. In the United States, this should be done in a way
that is also consistent with section 8(a)(2) of the National Labor Rela-
tions Act.
The assault on assumed workers’ rights has been described by Judge
James M. Rosenbaum in the somewhat offbeat “Entertaining Journal of
Law,” The Green Bag. The opening sentence sets the tone: “A new ‘legal
principle’ has emerged. It holds that if a corporation, business, or gov-
ernment entity owns a computer, and if an employee puts personal mat-
ter onto that computer, the author has neither a right nor an expectation
of privacy in the computer stored material” (Rosenbaum 2001:169).
Judge Rosenbaum is very concerned about challenges to individual pri-
vacy; in his commentary on a specific case of employees at the New York
Times being punished for storing offending material on company com-
puters, he clearly sympathizes with the punished: “The employees had
no rights in the face of this electronic rummage though their lives. They
had no rights, because an employee should not expect privacy on mate-
rial residing in a company-owned computer” (2001:170).
The trend in the workplace is for more surveillance, more loss of pri-
vacy, more restrictions, more control by management, and necessarily
less concern with ethical treatment, all of which seem simply wrong to
Judge Rosenbaum. He concludes his rather short piece with the follow-
ing, somewhat wistful, remarks:
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The present regime, giving employers a near-Orwellian power

to spy and snoop into the lives of their employees, is not ten-
able. The use of an employer’s computer should not be
equated with the loss of its operator’s rights. A society which
values individual freedom cannot function this way. It seems to
me a simple notice, coupled with a short cooling off period,
can go a long way to protecting a citizen’s essential right to
think without fear (Rosenbaum 2001:171).

A Selection of Relevant Privacy Laws

The basic question to be addressed relates to the existence of laws
that protect individual privacy in the workplace. The simple answer is
that, in general, there are no such laws. Nevertheless, it is necessary to
describe, even briefly, what minimal protections do exist and what the
prospects for the future are. If we turn to the National Workrights Insti-
tute and the question “Does the common law or the ECPA [Electronic
Communications Privacy Act of 1986] protect employees who are sub-
ject to electronic monitoring in the workplace?” we find the simple
response to be generally no. The somewhat more detailed answer is that
the act gives the power to an employer who makes available “electronic
communication service, whose facilities are used in the transmission of a
wire or electronic communication, to intercept, disclose, or use that
communication in the normal course of his employment while engaged
in any activity which is a necessary incident to the rendition of his serv-
ice or to the protection of the rights or property of the provider of that
service” (“Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace: Common Law and
Federal Statutory Protection” n.d.:no page).
It is important to note that the ECPA applies to the protection of
messages only in transit, not in storage. Hence, the bottom line is that in
the workplace, the ECPA plays almost no role. Managers and adminis-
trators have legal access to all messages residing on the systems used by
employees in the workplace. In general, as has been discussed previ-
ously, the law basically protects the interests of the employer:

In the vast majority of such invasion of privacy cases [electronic

monitoring], courts have ruled in favor of employer-defendants,
finding a reduced expectation of privacy in the workplace and
that an employer’s business interests outweigh an employee’s
privacy interest. Courts have upheld claims of invasion of pri-
vacy only where the employer’s monitoring has been physically
invasive and has had no legitimate business purpose, such as
conducting video surveillance inside of a bathroom or locker
room in the workplace. Otherwise, state common law tort claims
concerning electronic monitoring in the workplace virtually
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always fail. Similarly, when assessing a claim under ECPA, an

employee’s privacy interest in any electronic communications
will fail when construed alongside any legitimate business pur-
pose of her employer (“Electronic Monitoring in the Workplace:
Common Law and Federal Statutory Protection” n.d.:no page).

Smyth v. Pillsbury
One case has become exemplary in illustrating the power of manage-
ment, even when an employee appears to be following company policy
with respect to monitoring. The following discussion is taken from
Rosenberg (1999: 6–7). Michael A. Smyth sued the Pillsbury Company
for being wrongfully discharged, based on information obtained from
Smyth’s supposedly protected e-mail in spite of the fact that the com-
pany “repeatedly assured its employees, including plaintiff, that all
e-mail communications would remain confidential and privileged. . . .
Defendant further assured its employees, including plaintiff, that e-mail
communications could not be intercepted and used by defendant against
its employees as grounds for termination or reprimand” (Michael A.
Smyth v. The Pillsbury Company 1996:no page).
The judge found for the plaintiff, and his reasons are revealing, par-
ticularly in the context of the accepted wisdom that well-defined and
publicized e-mail policies are an absolute necessity for management to
create an equitable and predictable environment. Consider the final
paragraph of his decision:

In the second instance, even if we found that an employee had a

reasonable expectation of privacy in the contents of his e-mail
communications over the company e-mail system, we do not find
that a reasonable person would consider the defendant’s intercep-
tion of these communications to be a substantial and highly offen-
sive invasion of his privacy. Again, we note that by intercepting
such communications, the company is not, as in the case of urinal-
ysis or personal property searches, requiring the employee to dis-
close any personal information about himself or invading the
employee’s person or personal effects. Moreover, the company’s
interest in preventing inappropriate and unprofessional com-
ments or even illegal activity over its e-mail system outweighs any
privacy interest the employee may have in those comments
(Michael A. Smyth v. The Pillsbury Company 1996:no page).

This decision has been disputed, however. “The determination in

Smyth that employees should have no expectation of privacy in the con-
tents of their e-mail communications in an employer’s network is clearly
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erroneous” (Dixon 1997:no page). In the end, the safest use of e-mail is
to treat it as the equivalent of a postcard; anyone who has any interest in
the contents can read them with no difficulty and no moral equivocation.
The worker must recognize, and for most this is only a confirmation of
long-held beliefs, that in the workplace, many civil liberties must be
temporarily abandoned.
One final point also worth considering is taken from an analysis of
the decision by the National Workrights Institute (“Electronic Monitor-
ing in the Workplace: Common Law and Federal Statutory Protection”
n.d.:no page):

The court in Smyth also engaged in a balancing test, noting that

even if it were willing to recognize a privacy interest in e-mail
communications (which it was not,) such an interest could not
rise to the level where a “reasonable person would consider
the defendant’s interception of these communications to be a
substantial and highly offensive invasion of his privacy.” 914 F.
Supp. at 101. The defendant in Smyth had alleged that the e-
mails “concerned sales management and contained threats to
‘kill the backstabbing bastards’ and referred to the planned
Holiday party as the ‘Jim Jones Koolaid affair’ ” [The 1978
“Jonestown Massacre,” in which over 900 members of a reli-
gious group led by the Reverend Jim Jones died in an apparent
mass suicide].1 Id. at 99 n.1. The court declared that:
once plaintiff communicated the alleged unprofessional
comments to a second person (his supervisor) over an
e-mail system which was apparently utilized by the entire
company, any reasonable expectation of privacy was lost.
[T]he company’s interest in preventing inappropriate and
unprofessional comments or even illegal activity over its
e-mail system outweighs any privacy interest the employee
might have in those comments.

Overall Review of Privacy Rights in the Workplace

At this point it is worthwhile reviewing the status of privacy rights in
the workplace by considering the following comment:

Employer monitoring of electronic mail constitutes an emerg-

ing area of the law that is clearly unsettled at this point in time.
This iBrief [online legal brief] demonstrates that the privacy
rights of non public-sector employees are relatively unpro-
tected by the federal and state constitutions, broad judicial
interpretations of enacted privacy legislation favor legitimate
employer-monitoring practices, and many of the elements of
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common law claims are difficult for employees to prove

(“Monitoring Employee E-mail: Efficient Workplaces vs.
Employee Privacy” 2001:no page).

For the immediate future, therefore, workers would be well advised

to assume that all their communications in the workplace are readily
available to their employers. Both employers and employees have
responsibilities, but employers of course have by far more power under
existing laws. The following excerpt briefly describes what employers
and employees should be aware of to minimize liability and to maximize
responsibility and flexibility:

Employers desiring to avoid liability for monitoring employee

e-mail usage should “take all necessary steps to eliminate any
reasonable expectation of privacy that employees may have con-
cerning their use of company e-mail . . . systems” (Lewis 2000).
This can be done through a detailed and clearly written elec-
tronic communications policy that is distributed regularly to as
many employees as practicable before any monitoring begins.
Employees, on the other hand, need to understand that cur-
rent laws governing workplace e-mail will not protect them from
excessive personal use. Most employers seem willing to tolerate
some personal e-mail use and will police violations by looking
more at employee work product and ability to meet deadlines.
In fact, employees will be safer using a personal e-mail account
from work, as opposed to an employer-provided account,
although employees must remember that excessive personal
e-mail may still raise employer scrutiny as it will likely translate
into a lower overall performance. However, employees should
feel secure that excessive monitoring or other employer abuses
of their monitoring privileges will almost certainly violate fed-
eral and state statutes and also create tort liability (“Monitoring
Employee E-mail: Efficient Workplaces vs. Employee Privacy”
2001:no page).

Fraser v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.

Finally, an important case, Fraser v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance
Co., appeared after my 1999 review that further consolidates the power
of employers and the lack of privacy protection in the workplace for
employees. For our purposes, it is the privacy issues in this case that are
of interest. Judge Ambro of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Cir-
cuit in his opinion delivered on December 10, 2004, states that

Richard Fraser, an independent insurance agent for Nationwide

Mutual Insurance Company, was terminated by Nationwide as
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an agent. We decide whether: he has stated a viable claim for

wrongful termination under Pennsylvania law; he is entitled to
damages under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and
parallel Pennsylvania law for Nationwide’s alleged unauthorized
access to his e-mail account (Richard Fraser v. Nationwide
Mutual Insurance Co. 2003:2).

Fraser lost on almost all the issues, however. In analyzing the find-
ings related to privacy concerns, the lawyer Shannon P. Duffy reports
the following results:
An employer’s decision to dig through an employee’s e-mails in
computer storage does not violate any provisions of the Elec-
tronic Communications Privacy Act since the law bans an
“interception” only if it occurs at the time of transmission and
exempts the owner of an e-mail system from any claim alleging
an illegal “seizure” of stored e-mails, a federal appeals court
has ruled.
In Fraser v. Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co., the 3rd
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that since Richard Fraser’s
e-mails were stored on Nationwide’s system, any search by the
company was authorized by an express exemption in the fed-
eral ECPA for e-mail service providers (Duffy 2003:no page).

The legal system currently does little to protect the privacy of work-
ers, and this situation is unlikely to change. Adherence to basic ethical
principles regarding the importance of individual privacy in human
affairs has been abandoned at the entrance to the workplace. The imple-
mentation of privacy policy guidelines with respect to what employees
can expect in regard to their personal communications and other infor-
mation rests solely on the good will of their employers, hardly a recipe
for an equitable working environment.

Model Corporate Privacy Standards

Is there any hope that current trends will be reversed, to think that
just because it is possible to monitor most workplace activities, they will
not necessarily be monitored? As long as employees are viewed as con-
tributing to increased liability, the advice to management is to monitor
and control. A lawyer at a New York firm writing on the responsibilities
of both employees and employers characterizes the current situation in
this way:

The problem facing employers is how to balance the obvious

benefits of online access for their employees with the risks
inherent in providing those tools to employees. Many employers
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have sought to achieve this balance by monitoring the use that

their employees make of e-mail and Internet access. Monitor-
ing however, brings into conflict the employer’s legitimate
interest in protecting against the risks associated with online
access for employees and the privacy interests of the employ-
ees. The conflict between employers’ need to monitor and
employees’ right to privacy is, of course, not limited to elec-
tronic communication; but certain characteristics of e-mail and
the Internet such as the use of passwords to access communi-
cations and the apparent ability to delete files may create an
illusion of a higher level of privacy than is actually the case
with electronic communication. The most effective and sim-
plest way for an employer to protect its ability to monitor
employees’ online activities and avoid legal challenges to that
monitoring is to put in place a policy which clearly informs
employees that their use of e-mail and the Internet will be
monitored and ensure that all employees are aware of the pol-
icy (Bassett 2002:no page).

Policies and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The National Workrights Institute has produced a “Model Policy on
Electronic Monitoring” that enunciates a concern for workers’ rights.
Such a policy must stand on a basic ethical foundation with a solid
respect for worker autonomy. Unless workers are respected and their
basic humanity valued, as reflected by the embedding of basic ethical
principles in working policy, the workplace environment will be oppres-
sive. Some highlights of the Model Policy are excerpted here (“Model
Policy on Electronic Monitoring” n.d.:no page):
1. Personal Use of Equipment
Workers can use company equipment for incidental purposes such
as checking up on a sick child but not on a regular basis.
2. No Secret Monitoring
Except for investigations into serious misconduct, there will be no
secret monitoring.
3. No Personal Monitoring
No personal communications will be monitored nor will non-work
areas be monitored for other than safety issues.
4. Notice of Monitoring
If monitoring takes place, notification must be made. If documents
stored on an individual’s computer are needed, the individual must
be asked to retrieve it unless he or she is not available.
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5. No Monitoring in Private Areas

No video monitoring in bathrooms, locker rooms, etc. will take place.
6. Personal Information
Personal information about employees is collected only for legal
requirements or essential business operations.
A privacy organization in the United States, the Privacy Council,
issued Top Ten Guidelines to Workplace Privacy in late 2001. Beyond the
rights addressed by the National Workrights Institute, the Privacy Coun-
cil guidelines include the following points (Sigvartsen 2001:no page):
• Identify an individual or group of individuals within your organiza-
tion to proactively manage workplace issues.
• Distribute the policy to everyone, and have them acknowledge
receipt in writing or through electronic verification.
• If misconduct is discovered, conduct an immediate factual investiga-
tion and take prompt remedial action if appropriate.
It is not surprising that these policies stress the humane treatment of
employees—with respect to, and presumption of, innocence. Adherence
to basic ethical principles would demand no less. It is therefore surpris-
ing that any meaningful workplace policy would not be rooted in such
Even the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO, until recently
known as the General Accounting Office) has explored some of these
issues. After a review of existing research literature, the GAO conducted
interviews with executives from 14 Fortune 1,000 private sector compa-
nies. Although no generalizations can be made from the results of this sur-
vey, “all 14 companies we reviewed store their employees’ electronic
transactions: e-mail messages, information of Internet sites visited, and
computer file activity. These companies reported they collect this informa-
tion to create duplicate or backup files in case of system disruptions; to
manage computer resources such as system capacity to handle routine
e-mail and Internet traffic; and to hold employees accountable for com-
pany policies” (Employee Privacy: Computer-Use Monitoring Practices
and Policies of Selected Companies 2002:3).
Table 1, taken from this report, summarizes the “key elements” of a
computer use policy that is probably quite representative of those cur-
rently in use in American businesses. The policy elements are blunt and
make quite clear the power that management exercises over its employ-
ees. Computer use policies incorporating such elements should leave lit-
tle doubt in workers’ minds about what is permitted and what is not, but
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Key Elements of a Computer-Use Policy

Policy element Type of statement

Monitoring use of proprietary assets Statements that company computing systems
are provided as tools for business and all
information created, accessed, or stored
using these systems is the property of the
company and subject to monitoring, auditing,
and review.
Establishing no expectation of privacy Statements about the extent or limitations of
privacy protections for employee use of
e-mail, the Internet, and computer files.
Improper employee use Statements that some uses of company com-
puters are inappropriate—including specific
notice banning offensive material (e.g.,
obscenity, sexual content, racial slurs, deroga-
tion of people’s personal characteristics) and
language relating e-mail and Internet use to
general prohibitions of harassment.
Allowable employee uses Statements explaining proper or acceptable
uses of the company systems, including
whether or not personal use is permitted.
Protecting sensitive company information Statements providing instructions for han-
dling proprietary information on company
Disciplinary action Statements that there are penalties and disci-
plinary actions for violations of company
usage policy.
Employee acknowledgment of policy A statement requiring that employees
demonstrate they understand the company
policy and acknowledge their responsibility to
adhere to the policy.

Source: Employee Privacy: Computer-Use Monitoring Practices and Policies of Selected

Companies 2002:10.

just in case, some companies include such statements as the following in

their policies (Employee Privacy: Computer-Use Monitoring Practices
and Policies of Selected Companies 2002:12, emphasis added):
• All users should understand that there is no right or reasonable expec-
tation of privacy in any e-mail messages on the company’s system.
• Our personal privacy is not protected on these systems, and we
shouldn’t expect it to be.
• [company] reserves the right to audit, access, and inspect electronic
communications and data stored or transmitted on its Computer
The GAO report concludes with this sentence: “Such actions [moni-
toring unsolicited e-mail] reflect the widespread belief among the com-
pany officials we interviewed that the worst nuisance and most likely
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threat to company computer systems comes from outside trespassers with

a capacity to paralyze a company’s Internet infrastructure or disrupt busi-
ness, rather than the company’s own employees” (Employee Privacy:
Computer-Use Monitoring Practices and Policies of Selected Companies
2002:14). As I will outline in the next section, surprises may still lurk with
respect to the efficacy of computer use policies and the responsibilities of
management to uphold and enforce those policies. Often, the necessity to
adhere to relevant laws may result in a compromise or even an abandon-
ment of a policy rooted in ethical principles, whether or not the laws
require such an approach. Too many companies seem ready to use the
excuse that existing laws require a narrow approach to the development
of workplace policies with respect to worker privacy and autonomy.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) produced the report
Protection of Workers’ Personal Data (1997) as one of a series of ILO
Codes of Practice in 1997. Such a code has no force in law but can be
used in the enactment of legislation or the development of work rules.
Workers’ personal data consist of information supplied at the time of hir-
ing as well as information gathered in the course of employment, includ-
ing that obtained during surveillance of Internet activity. This code is
firmly based on ethical principles, as can be seen in the following high-
lights (the numbers refer to specific sections of the report):
5.2. Personal data should, in principle, be used only for the pur-
poses for which they were originally collected. . . .
5.4. Personal data collected in connection with technical or organi-
zational measures to ensure the security and proper operation
of automated information systems should not be used to con-
trol the behavior of workers. . . .
5.6. Personal data collected by electronic monitoring should not be
the only factor in evaluating worker performance. . . .
5.8. Workers and their representatives should be kept informed of
any data collection process, the rules that govern that process,
and their rights. . . .
5.11. Employers, workers and their representatives should cooperate
in protecting personal data and in developing policies on work-
ers’ privacy consistent with the principles in this code. . . .
1.14.1 (1) If workers are monitored they should be informed in
advance of the reasons for monitoring, the time schedule,
the methods and techniques used and the data to be col-
lected, and the employer must minimize the intrusion on
the privacy of workers.
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(2) Secret monitoring should be permitted only:

(a) if it is in conformity with national legislation; or
(b) if there is suspicion on reasonable grounds of criminal
activity or other serious wrongdoing.
(3) Continuous monitoring should be permitted only if required
for health and safety or the protection of property.
The adoption by companies of this ILO code would be a significant
step in ensuring workers’ rights in the technological workplace, based on
a firm ethical foundation.

Workplace Testing: Polygraph, Genetic, and Drug

Although thus far I have focused on the role of electronic surveil-
lance in the assault on individual privacy in the workplace, many other
technologies are employed to evaluate potential employees for suitability
as well as current employees for continuing employment. No one would
argue against the employer’s right to undertake measures to determine
the accuracy of a job application, including references and experience.
Presumably such a determination could include hiring private investiga-
tors as well as requiring that all prospective employees submit to poly-
graph and drug testing. Indeed, such tests have been incorporated as
part of the ongoing conditions of employment at many companies. It is
necessary, therefore, to explore procedures generally used by manage-
ment for these purposes as well as any relevant laws.
Polygraph (lie detector machine) testing, drug testing, and genetic
testing are intrusive workplace technologies that raise important ethical
issues. The motivation for employing these technologies is a mixture of
necessity—for most jobs, honesty, reliability, and consistency are
mandatory and the legal requirements for quality work. Testing for the
presence of genetically possible diseases would seem to raise obvious
privacy concerns, and the motivations for carrying out such tests, with
associated limitations, will be discussed later.

Polygraph Testing
Lie detecting machines, or polygraphs, have become commonplace
in television dramas, where they are typically used to “prove” someone’s
innocence or guilt. However, as we are often told, the results are not
admissible in court. How do they work? A polygraph machine records
the body’s involuntary responses to an examiner’s questions in order to
ascertain deceptive behavior. The test measures physiological data from
three or more systems of the human body—generally the respiratory,
cardiovascular, and sweat gland systems—but not the voice. There are
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other tests that test the voice for deception (Polygraph Testing: no date).
Of course, polygraphs are subject to a variety of false positives and nega-
tives as a result of artificially altering body responses through the use of
sedatives, antiperspirants, and self-inflicted injuries.
To protect against the misuse of polygraphs, the Employee Poly-
graph Protection Act of 1988 (EPPA) was passed. The American Civil
Liberties Union describes the benefits of EPPA as follows:

The EPPA, with some exceptions, prohibits the use of “lie

detectors” by private sector employers involved in or affecting
interstate commerce. In the law, the term “lie detector”
includes polygraphs, deceptographs, voice stress analyzers and
“any other similar device that is used . . . for the purpose of
rendering a diagnostic opinion regarding the honesty or dis-
honesty of an individual.” The ban applies to all random, and
most pre-employment, testing and will eliminate about 80 per-
cent of the testing done in the private sector in the past. The
EPPA does not prohibit drug tests or written honesty tests.
Under the EPPA, employers may not require, request, sug-
gest or cause any employee or applicant to submit to a “lie
detector” test, nor may they discharge, discipline or discrimi-
nate against any employee or job applicant for refusing to take
such a test, for “failing” such a test, or for filing a complaint or
exercising any other rights conferred by the legislation. The
EPPA also requires employers to post a notice informing
employees of the Act’s provisions in a conspicuous place at the
work site (“Lie Detector Testing” 1996:no page).

However, there are many situations in which lie detector testing is per-
mitted, primarily for government officials and for national security–related
activities (”Lie Detector Testing” 1996):

• The Act permits “lie detector” testing of federal, state, and local
government employees.
• The federal government may administer “lie detector” tests to certain
government contractors engaged in national security–related activities.
• Private security firms and companies that manufacture and distrib-
ute pharmaceuticals are permitted to test certain job applicants.
• Any employer may administer “lie detector” tests in connection
with an ongoing investigation of an economic loss or injury to
his/her business on these conditions: The employee under suspi-
cion must have had access to the property, and the employer must
state in writing the basis for a reasonable suspicion that the
employee was guilty.
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It is important to note that the current state of polygraph technology

is highly suspect with respect to accuracy and therefore is also clearly
ethically suspect. A report from a panel of the National Academy of Sci-
ences specifically charged “to conduct a scientific review of the research
on polygraph examinations that pertains to their reliability” was released
in 2002 (The Polygraph and Lie Detection 2003).
Among the conclusions is the following with respect to the use of
countermeasures to defeat the accuracy of the test: “Basic science and
polygraph research give reason for concern that polygraph test accuracy
may be degraded by countermeasures, particularly when used by major
security threats which have a strong incentive and sufficient resources to
use them effectively. If these measures are effective, they could seriously
undermine any value of polygraph security screening” (The Polygraph
and Lie Detection 2003:no page).
Drug Testing
Given that drug use is a general societal problem, it is no surprise
that the workplace is afflicted. The U.S. Department of Labor describes
the situation regarding drug testing, very similar to the use of poly-
graphs, as follows:
Drug testing is NOT required under the Drug-Free Work-
place Act of 1988. The majority of employers across the United
States are NOT required to test and many state and local gov-
ernments have statutes that limit or prohibit workplace testing,
unless required by state or Federal regulations for certain jobs.
On the other hand, most private employers have the right to
test for a wide variety of substances (“Drug Testing” n.d.:no
page; emphasis in original).

The reasons for employing drug tests are not surprising but are
worth listing:
• Deter employees from abusing drugs and alcohol
• Prevent hiring individuals who use illegal drugs
• Provide early identification and referral of employees who have
drug and/or alcohol problems
• Provide a safe workplace for other employees
• Ensure general public safety and instill consumer confidence that
employees are working safely
It is obvious that drug tests are intrusive, and the American Civil
Liberties Union has pointed out three examples (“Privacy in America:
Workplace Drug Testing” 1997:no page):
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However routine drug tests have become, they’re still intru-

sive. Often, another person is there to observe the employee to
ensure there is no specimen tampering. Even indirect observa-
tion can be degrading; typically, workers must remove their
outer garments and urinate in a bathroom in which the water
supply has been turned off.
The lab procedure is a second invasion of privacy. Urinalysis
reveals not only the presence of illegal drugs, but also the exis-
tence of many other physical and medical conditions, including
genetic predisposition to disease—or pregnancy. In 1988, the
Washington, D.C. Police Department admitted it used urine
samples collected for drug tests to screen female employees for
pregnancy—without their knowledge or consent.
Furthermore, human error in the lab, or the test’s failure to
distinguish between legal and illegal substances, can make
even a small margin of error add up to a huge potential for
false positive results. In 1992, an estimated 22 million tests
were administered. If five percent yielded false positive results
(a conservative estimate of false positive rates) that means 1.1
million people who could have been fired, or denied jobs—
because of a mistake.

In January 2004, the Washington Post reported that “federal workers

who submit to drug screening soon may have their saliva, sweat or hair
tested as the Bush administration increases efforts to deter and detect
illegal drug use among 1.6 million civilian employees” (Lee 2004:no
page). For almost twenty years, drug testing consisted of urine testing;
this extension was seen as yet another blow in the ongoing assault against
workplace privacy. Although most of the discussion has focused on the
United States, I will end this section with the conclusions of a report
released by the ILO:

To sum up, workplace drug testing is an issue beset with tech-

nical, legal and ethical controversies. WDT policies may be
unclear about the motivation for testing, which however deter-
mines what type of testing programme should be used. The
most serious challenges to testing are based on privacy and
data protection arguments. Employers however face a legal
responsibility to provide a safe workplace and meet obligations
to their shareholders which may not be possible if drug use is
rife. How far should they go to meet these obligations? Do
such obligations represent adequate grounds for employers to
determine what employees do in their free time? What kind of
sanctions should be in place and how should these relate to
health care initiatives which may also be part of a drugs and
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alcohol policy? Should employers’ policies distinguish clearly

between the consequences for the use of different drugs?
Should policies distinguish more clearly between users,
abusers and people with chemical dependencies? (Shahandeh
and Caborn 2003:9).

Genetic Testing
DNA has become a valuable tool to identify potential criminals and
to free wrongfully accused or imprisoned individuals. What role might it
play in the workplace?

Employers, either current or prospective, could have an interest

in the results of such genetic screening in so far as these might
be a predictor of the future health of an employee, particularly if
they were to imply possible levels of future absenteeism or low
work rate which might impact on profitability. An employee who
develops heart disease, for example, would certainly be likely to
require periods of absence from work and, in certain occupa-
tions, might not be able to sustain a normal work rate. There is
also the possibility that sudden onset of a disease condition
might result in a hazard for the employee, other employees or
the public. An employer could use the results of such tests to
exclude job applicants on the basis of predicted future health.
This type of genetic testing, where there is no reason to suspect
that the employee might possess any particular genetic constitu-
tion, is generally referred to as genetic screening (“Ethical
Aspects of Genetic Testing in the Workplace” 2003:5).

The health insurance reason demonstrates the complex relationship

between general societal situations and ethical workplace issues. In the
United States, there are no universal heath care systems such as those in
Europe and Canada. Thus, many companies must contract with private
health providers to ensure that their employees have medical coverage. If it
turns out that an employee has a genetic status with a reasonable probabil-
ity of developing into a condition requiring expensive and long-term care,
insurance premiums may become prohibitive, resulting in a possible loss of
coverage for the company. Thus genetic testing in the workplace may
become a necessary requirement to guarantee affordable medical cover-
age; those exhibiting possibly serious genetic defects may be dismissed or
not even hired. Furthermore, genetic testing creates new sources of private
information, whose disclosure could create serious problems for future
Several attempts have been made in the U.S. Congress to deal with
such possibilities. Late in 2003, the Senate unanimously passed S. 1053,
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the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2003: “To prohibit

discrimination on the basis of genetic information with respect to health
insurance and employment.” No action seems to have been taken in the
House, so this act would have to be reintroduced if its proponents are
still interested in the issues. It would be an important legislative step in
recognizing the ethical implications of genetic information. In this act,
genetic monitoring is defined as follows (Definition (5) under Title II,
Sec. 201. Definitions):

The term “genetic monitoring” means the periodic examination

of employees to evaluate acquired modifications to their genetic
material, such as chromosomal damage or evidence of increased
occurrence of mutations, that may have developed in the course
of employment due to exposure to toxic substances in the work-
place, in order to identify, evaluate, and respond to the effects of
or control adverse environmental exposures in the workplace.
To indicate the concern that lawmakers have for the detri-
mental impact of improper uses of genetic information, con-
sider the following section of the Act (Section 202. Employer
Practices):(a) USE OF GENETIC INFORMATION.—It shall
be an unlawful employment practice for an employer—(1) to
fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any employee, or other-
wise to discriminate against any employee with respect to the
compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment
of the employee, because of genetic information with respect
to the employee (or information about a request for or the
receipt of genetic services by such employee or family member
of such employee); or
(2) to limit, segregate, or classify the employees of the
employer in any way that would deprive or tend to deprive any
employee of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely
affect the status of the employee as an employee, because of
genetic information with respect to the employee (or informa-
tion about a request for or the receipt of genetic services by
such employee or family member of such employee) (page 1).

Whether or not this act will become law remains to be seen, but it is
clear that a consensus exists that constraints must be put in place to limit
the power of management to require genetic testing as well as to limit
how the results can be used. Several states have already responded with
their own laws limiting the use of genetic testing. For example, consider
the following brief descriptions of laws in Oregon and Texas:

Oregon state law prohibits employers from using genetic

information to distinguish between or discriminate against
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applicants and employees and prohibits employers from sub-

jecting applicants and employees to genetic testing. A recently
enacted Texas law prohibits employers, labor organizations,
licensing agencies, and employment agencies from discrimi-
nating against any individual on the basis of the results of a
genetic test or because of the individual’s refusal to submit
to genetic testing (Genetic Information and the Workplace
1998:no page).
A McDonald’s outlet is a machine that produces, with the help
of unskilled machine attendants, a highly polished product
(Cohon 1988:14).

Although not apparently related directly to the assault on privacy, the

movement toward the “McDonald’s-ization” of work does create an envi-
ronment that facilitates close monitoring of the work process and hence
raises all the issues related to surveillance. As computers were first intro-
duced into the workplace, the immediate impact was to reduce the typi-
cal range of activities for employees, in a manner similar to the process
involved in moving from craftsmanship to the assembly line in the early
production of automobiles. One way to summarize some of the ethical
issues related to deskilling follows:

Somewhat more abstract but obviously of concern is the grow-

ing uncomfortable relation between people and machines,
especially when these machines may pose a challenge to
human dignity. Thus it is all the more important that the intro-
duction of sophisticated computers into the workplace be
accompanied by proper training, which stresses the long term
benefits of computer-aided work and assures employees of
their on-going value. Part of the fear is that they will ultimately
be replaced by the computer. Even though there is little likeli-
hood of this occurring in the short run, sufficient evidence
exists to warrant some apprehension. A more realistic concern
is that an increasing number and variety of jobs will be
deskilled—they will consist of nothing more than “tending”
machines (Rosenberg 2004:571).

Thus monitoring can be seen not only as a threat to individual auton-

omy but as a sophisticated means to ascertain employee knowledge of
the work process, a necessary step in increasing the level of automation
to reduce the labor components of costs.
The workplace is rapidly changing as the impact of technology con-
tinues to grow in many unpredictable directions, but what is predictable
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is that for many workers the environment is increasingly hostile. Cross-

ing the threshold to the workplace often means surrendering basic civil
liberties, specifically the right to privacy. For a variety of reasons—some
valid, it must be admitted—management has introduced an array of sur-
veillance technologies. This phenomenon shows no signs of lessening,
and for employees the stress levels associated with the abrogation of
basic ethical principles continue to increase.
Ethical concerns require that management at the very least construct
a well-defined and well-managed policy on workplace surveillance. Such
a policy should ensure that all employees are informed about the rules of
the workplace, sign off on their having been informed, and are involved
in the evolution of these rules. However, the case of Smyth v. Pillsbury
discussed earlier is sobering, as it shows that even with a surveillance
policy in place, management’s actions, contrary to its policies, prevail.
Recall that a promise that no repercussions will follow from the inter-
ception of internal employee e-mails, although broken, was judged in
management’s favor.
In general, U.S. laws support the power of management to abro-
gate the privacy rights of employees for a variety of reasons, including
the need to ensure that company computer systems are not used to
harass, to threaten, to download illegal material, or to upload propri-
etary information. The range of surveillance includes storing and moni-
toring e-mails and instant messages, polygraph testing, drug testing,
genetic testing, and more. It would not seem easy to be an employee in
today’s workplace, where the ethical rights of employees are regularly
One small hopeful note was raised in August 2004, when the Califor-
nia Assembly passed Senate Bill No. 1841, which declares that “employ-
ers will be required to inform employees if job site e-mail and Internet
activities are being monitored” (“California Assembly Approves
Employee E-mail Protection” 2004). The bill “requires employers to
give employees a one-time written notice if they plan to read e-mail,
track Internet use, or use other electronic devices to monitor employees
on or off the job.” The bill went back to the Senate and then to Gover-
nor Schwarzenegger.
Unfortunately for California workers, on September 29 Schwarzeneg-
ger vetoed the bill, saying that “for business purposes, employers should
have the ability to monitor employee activity in order to ensure (internet
and e-mail) access is not being abused” (Sullivan 2004:no page).
Schwarzenegger was also reported to have said that “the legislation was
too broad and did not define clearly enough the notification employers
would have to give to their employees before electronically monitoring
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them” (Sullivan 2004:no page). Not surprisingly, the sponsor of the bill,
Rep. Debra Bowen (D-Redondo Beach), disagreed: “The bill simply
required companies that want to monitor their employees’ e-mail or
internet use to give them a one-time notice saying, ‘Your computer use
may be monitored at any time.’ ” (Sullivan 2004:no page). It is currently
against California state law to monitor employees’ telephone calls with-
out giving them notice. It seems fair to ask why the newer technology,
with its greater power to monitor, should not be governed by a similar
law. Lawmakers, judges, companies, and employees all need to pay
greater attention to the ethical ramifications of new technologies in the
modern office. Passage of the California bill would have been a signifi-
cant first step.

1 From the website “The Jonestown Massacre”: No date. Jonestown: Examining the

Peoples Temple. On November 18, 1978, over 900 members of a religious group led by
the Reverend Jim Jones were killed in an apparent mass suicide. The megalomaniac
Jones convinced most of his followers to drink a cyanide mixture. Some, including
Jones, were shot, either in suicide or murder. <http://www.boogieonline.com/revolution/
express/religion/jonestown.html>. [December 29, 2004].

2001 AMA Survey. 2001. Workplace Monitoring and Surveillance: Summary of Key
Findings. American Management Association. <http://www.amanet.org/research/
pdfs/ems_short2001.pdf>. [February 1, 2004].
2003 E-Mail Rules, Policies and Practices Survey. 2003. American Management Associ-
ation, The ePolicy Institute, and Clearswift. May 14. <http://www.epolicyinstitute
.com/survey/survey.pdf>. [February 1, 2004].
2004 Workplace E-Mail and Instant Messaging Survey Summary. 2004. AMA/ePolicy
Institute Research. <http://www.epolicyinstitute.com/survey/survey04.pdf>.
[February 2, 2004].
Alana Shoars v. Epson America, Inc. 1994. No. B073234. In the Court of Appeal of
the State of California, Second Appellate District, Division Two, April 14.
<http://www.law.seattleu.edu/fachome/chonm/CASES/shoars.html>. [January 10,
Bassett, Morgan J., 2002. An Overview of E-Mail and Internet Monitoring in the
Workplace. New York: Ford Marrin Esposito Witmeyer & Gleser, LLP.
<http://www.fmew.com/archive/monitoring/>. [January 3, 2004].
Bill McLaren Jr. v. Microsoft Corporation. 1999. No. 05-97-00824-CV. On Appeal from
the 116th Judicial District Court, Dallas County, Texas, Trial Court Cause No. 97-
00095-F, May 28. <http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/privacy/McLaren_v_Microsoft
.html>. [January 10, 2004].
Bonita P. Bourke et al. v. Nissan Motor Corporation in USA. 1993. No. B068705. In
the Court of Appeal of the State of California, Second Appellate District, Divi-
sion Five. July 26. <http://www.loundy.com/CASES/Bourke_v_Nissan.html>.
short [January 10, 2004].
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The Ethics of Human Resource

Eastern Connecticut State University

In a time when most organizations claim that “our employees are our
most important [most valuable, greatest] asset,” the ethical challenge to
human resource (HR) managers is clear: How do we avoid treating
employees merely as means? The term “human resources” may be rela-
tively new, but viewing employees as something to be used is as old as
the Roman days, when the tools of production were classified as “dumb
tools” (used of plows, shovels), “semi-speaking tools” (used of animals),
and “speaking tools” (used of slaves). While many employees would pre-
fer to be referred to as an asset rather than as an expense or liability, the
phrase “human resources” still rankles among those who see it as evi-
dence that employers have not changed over the millennia. Assuming,
arguendo, that we are discussing HR managers who wish to be ethical,
one of their main challenges is to belie their titles. That is, they must
manage humans not as resources but as autonomous individuals with
legitimate rights and interests.

Ethical Theories
Elsewhere in this volume, others describe ethical theories in depth. I
will not repeat those theories, save to suggest that each has something to
say about how HR managers do their jobs. HR managers face the Kant-
ian ethical question of how to ensure that their treatment of employees,
applicants, and former employees respects the autonomy of those con-
stituents. Stakeholder ethics also requires that the HR manager consider
the interests of employees, applicants, and former employees, at least if
we are to accept Clarkson’s definition that “stakeholders are persons or
groups that have or claim ownership, rights, or interests in a corporation
and its activities, past, present, or future” (1995:106). HR managers who
judge ethics by fairness or justice must apply them to employees, appli-
cants, and former employees, and they may even be required by Rawls’s

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(1971) conception of justice to ensure that the least well off are not disad-
vantaged by the policies they implement and also have a voice in decision-
making processes.
Utilitarian HR managers must consider the outcomes of their decisions
on everyone, including employees, applicants, and former employees. And
virtue ethics would recommend developing habits that contribute to the
flourishing of humans, as individuals and in community. While there
might be special situations in which a particular ethical theory would
prescribe behavior different from that prescribed by other theories, my
interest is not in ferreting out those exceptions but in illustrating the
claims these theories make on HR managers desiring to be ethical in
performing their functions. Therefore, where I use such words as “fair-
ness,” “stakeholder,” and “duty,” I intend to invoke principles of ethics
derived from the theories discussed elsewhere.
Types of Ethical Issues Addressed
Three different types of ethical problems face HR managers. The
first type is the need for discernment—determining the right thing to do
in very complex situations. The HR manager has both authority and the
support of management to make and implement decisions, but he or she
still must weigh options and make decisions with incomplete informa-
tion. The second type of problem is a conflict between the HR man-
ager’s professional judgment of what is right and the responsibility as an
agent of the employer to do what the employer asks. The third type of
problem involves conflict of interest—or appearance of conflict of inter-
est—when the HR manager’s personal interest differs from the responsi-
bility as an agent of the employer. The first type of problem has the
potential to turn into the second or third type once the HR manager
determines the appropriate course of action.
The common challenge with all three problems is recognizing them
(Rest 1976). Often, in the day-to-day requirements of running a human
resources operation, the manager does not have time to reflect on the
ethical implications of an action (Moberg 2000). The more obviously
“ethical” situations involve virtue or moral courage—the HR manager
simply has to refuse to do that which is not right and choose to do what
is. For example, an HR manager who looks the other way or even helps
falsify the paperwork when a hiring manager uses slave labor is not fac-
ing an ethical issue but rather simply failing to do right. There are many
cases, though, where HR managers do not know all of the facts, do not
think about the implications of a decision, or do not see themselves as
moral agents in the decision and thus do not recognize it as a moral
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One challenge, then, to HR managers who wish to behave ethically,

is to find ways to increase their abilities to recognize moral issues. They
can do this by setting time aside to reflect, by talking with other man-
agers about issues, by reading journals and newspaper columns devoted
to discussion of ethics, and by listening carefully to employees who voice
concerns. The allocation of resources to this effort becomes an ethical
issue in itself. How much time can an HR manager devote to better rec-
ognizing ethical issues before being guilty of neglecting other duties? Is
once a year enough? Is every day too often? The more HR managers
develop their moral sensitivities, though, the more difficult it may be to
learn of ethical issues, because other employees in the organization may
go out of their way to hide information. There may be a counterbalanc-
ing tendency of wronged individuals to seek out the HR manager known
to be ethical (Trevino, Hartman, and Brown 2000), but since many of
those wronged may be outside of the organization, they may never learn
of the HR manager’s reputation. HR managers wishing to behave ethi-
cally thus must also increase their abilities to discover hidden motives
and activities.
Even after recognizing a moral issue, obtaining facts and determin-
ing right action is still difficult. Not all facts are available, and many that
are cannot be obtained in a timely (or fiscally responsible) manner. Tak-
ing incomplete information, considering it, and making decisions are
what managers do. Some decisions are just more difficult to make than
others, especially when several different duties or interests are opposed
and the information gap is large.
Problems related to fetal protection can fall in this category. While
adults may be able to evaluate incomplete scientific data and deter-
mine whether the risks of working in a particular environment are
worth the other benefits of engaging in that work, they may not be in a
position to make those decisions for their future offspring. The HR
manager must consider both interests as well as the interests of the
firm and its stockholders and the firm’s ability to mitigate potential
harms, all in an environment where data are incomplete and the HR
manager’s power is limited. Knowing the history of industries where
scientists withheld information about harm to consumers, such as the
tobacco industry, the HR manager may be very skeptical of the scien-
tific data that are available.
“Right action,” once discerned by the HR manager, is sometimes
translated into policy and procedure, to provide guidance to other man-
agers and information to employees. Policies and procedures help HR
managers ensure fairness by making the decision-making process more
consistent and transparent. However, policies and procedures can also
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detract from HR managers’ recognizing some ethical issues, because

policy may be applied without regard for changes over time or for indi-
vidual situations. One approach to that dilemma is to set up systems
whereby employees review HR policies and practices regularly (Kochan
HR managers can also turn to their professional associations for
guidance. Codes of ethics established by professional associations of
human resource managers require certain levels of integrity, obedience
to the letter and spirit of the law, contribution to the organization and
the profession, loyalty, and confidentiality (Wiley 2000). A more skepti-
cal view of these codes’ usefulness has been expressed by Scoville
This chapter does not address the ethical issues faced by HR man-
agers as managers dealing with their subordinates. Instead, it addresses
their responsibilities with respect to the organization’s policies and pro-
cedures and the special role of HR manager. This chapter also does not
discuss the legal requirements affecting HR managers. It assumes that
the HR manager has an obligation to obey the law unless the law itself is
immoral. The chapter does address, however, ethical issues faced by HR
managers when others violate laws, when laws are immoral, and when
the letter and spirit of the law do not coincide.

Functions of an HR Manager
HR managers are taught that they have four basic functions with
respect to employees: to recruit, to train, to motivate, and to retain. A
fifth function, terminating, is also performed by HR managers, albeit
usually after failing somehow at one of the other four functions. All of
these functions are aimed at achieving the goals of the organization, and
each has the potential for all three kinds of ethical issues. Some respon-
sibilities (e.g., compensation, benefits, labor relations, record-keeping)
cross several functions. For example, compensation is used to recruit
applicants and to motivate and retain employees. Labor relations
(addressed in another chapter) affect recruiting, training, motivating,
retaining, and terminating employees. Practices in organizations vary
widely, so not all of the descriptions of issues here will apply to every

HR managers know all too well that, despite organizational rhetoric,
they are not looking for the best qualified person for each job. They are
looking for someone who can do the job well and, in some cases, for
someone who shows promise for being promoted. To this end, HR man-
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agers are expected to outline minimum qualifications, set an entry salary

range, advertise the position, refer applicants to hiring managers, and
review selection decisions in a way that balances the organization’s
resources with the likelihood of finding a well-qualified person. The eth-
ical challenge is to balance individuals’ expectations of (and rights to)
equal opportunities with the organization’s obligation of resource stew-
Minimum Qualifications. To recruit employees, an HR manager
needs a clear idea of qualifications needed to perform job duties. Before
advertising a vacancy, the HR manager usually establishes the minimum
knowledge, skills, and abilities a person must have to be considered for
the position. Setting minimum qualifications is an ethical decision, but it
is often approached as merely a strategic one. The strategic decision is
certainly important. Setting the minimum qualifications too high will
result in applicants unwilling to accept either the position or the salary
offered. Setting the minimum qualifications too low will result, at best,
in applications from so many people that extensive secondary screening
procedures will be required and, at worst, in signaling to the most desir-
able applicants that they need not apply because they will be judged
In addition, however, the HR manager is often faced with special
requests—such as ensuring that the qualifications don’t exclude the hir-
ing manager’s preselected favorite candidate—that further complicate
the process of determining what qualifications to require. Ever since the
days of (Griggs v. Duke Power 1971:424), it has been evident that man-
agers can use minimum qualifications to exclude people who are per-
fectly capable of doing a job. While the Griggs decision outlawed these
exclusions where they distinguish on the basis of race, sex, or other
legally defined classification, there is no similar protection when the
minimum qualifications exclude individuals who cannot claim “adverse
impact” under Griggs. However, ethical principles would still require
It is sometimes difficult for the HR manager to discern why a hiring
manager insists on a particular qualification that does not seem neces-
sary for performance of the job duties. Sometimes the HR manager does
not fully understand the job duties, but other times the hiring manager
wants to avoid having to consider a particular employee. The hiring
manager may have good reason not to want this employee, but manipu-
lating the minimum qualifications is not the way to achieve that end.
The HR manager has an ethical obligation to try to eliminate such mana-
gerial behavior—both because it can be disastrous for the employer and
because it singles out individuals for unfair treatment. A typical example
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occurs when a hiring manager prefers a relatively new employee over

more senior candidates. Observing that the more senior candidates have
no college degrees, the hiring manager requests that a degree be one of
the minimum qualifications—erroneously believing that in the end this
will appear to be an “objective” reason why the junior person obtained
the job and thus head off internal bickering. Unfortunately for the man-
ager, the other internal applicants are not usually so easily fooled.
Depending on the HR manager’s authority within the situation, he or
she may be able to refuse the hiring manager’s request outright or may
have to pursue another avenue (e.g., internal whistleblowing) to elimi-
nate this kind of behavior.
Entry Salary Range. HR managers must balance several considera-
tions in setting appropriate salary ranges. First, there is the question of
what the current labor market demands. This is mainly a practical con-
sideration. If the labor market demands more than the employer is will-
ing to pay, it may be foolish to spend resources to recruit applicants.
However, there are also ethical considerations associated with internal
equity. If the current labor market demands more than it once did,
employers may find themselves paying new employees more than long-
term employees doing the same job. This fact may not always be appar-
ent to the existing employees, who may not realize that they could
command higher salaries elsewhere and may not have direct contact
with other employees doing the same work. The ethical consideration
for the HR manager then becomes whether to take steps to increase the
salaries of the existing employees or change the job classifications of the
new employees. If there are real differences between the skills and abili-
ties of those in the external labor market and the existing employees,
changing the job classification of the vacant position may be the appro-
priate action. The change may take the form of a higher classification for
people with greater skills and abilities or of a lower classification to
attract trainees who do not yet have the skills and abilities necessary. If
there are no real differences, the ethical HR manager will address the
question of internal equity before advertising the job, developing a plan
to ensure that existing employees are not penalized with lower salaries
for failing to seek jobs elsewhere.
The second question regarding entry salary levels relates to what
has been called “comparable worth.” If applicants would be hireable
at lower salaries due to generalized discrimination against members
of the labor market, does the employer have an ethical obligation to
pay on the basis of the contribution made to the organization? An
HR manager with limited resources is unlikely to conduct studies
assessing the “worth” of jobs, but failing to do so because one wants to
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avoid legal liability would be, in Kantian terms, not produced by a

“good will.”
The third question is whether to advertise the salary range for the
position and, if so what portion. Omitting a salary or salary range may
simply be an effort to save on advertising costs. However, when it is
done to enable employers to negotiate lower salaries for those most des-
perate for work, it violates the Rawlsian principle of setting up systems
that protect the least advantaged. Similarly, advertising just the top of
the salary range when most employees achieve only a small percentage
of it is dishonest. When the vast majority of employees in a particular job
make minimum wage, advertisements that claim employees can earn
huge bonuses and commissions, even if true, mislead potential appli-
cants to believe they will earn significantly more than is true.
Advertising. A position can be advertised very narrowly, such as by
handing a vacancy announcement to one person, or very broadly, by put-
ting a sign in the window, a link on a web page, an ad in the paper, or a
commercial on television. The decision about how broadly to advertise
has both strategic and ethical components. When the position would
represent a promotion (or even a more desirable career path) for current
employees, the strategic component involves considering the costs and
benefits of going outside the organization. Possible costs include mone-
tary expense for ads, lost productivity during the recruiting period, and
turnover by disappointed employees. There also may be adverse effects
caused by creating new vacancies and encouraging complacency by pro-
moting from within. Organizations wishing to encourage employee loy-
alty often require posting positions internally first and going outside the
organization only after all internal candidates have been rejected. Other
organizations, hoping to encourage creativity and internal competition,
routinely recruit outside. This assessment of costs and benefits remains
in the strategic realm as long as the HR manager’s concern is to maxi-
mize the welfare of the organization, but as the concern broadens to
include maximizing the welfare of society, the analysis enters the realm
of utilitarian ethics.
One of the ethical balancing acts an HR manager must perform
regarding advertising is between fulfilling promises (or psychological
contracts) regarding career advancement and providing legitimate
opportunities for those outside the organization to obtain employment.
Hiring managers sometimes request advertisements with no intention of
considering anyone beyond a particular individual. Such pro forma
advertisements waste applicants’ time, energy, money, and hope, and
they either encourage favored candidates to believe it is acceptable to
mislead others or they cause favored candidates to feel insecure about
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jobs they have already been promised. Often the advertisement is placed
at the behest of the HR manager, who insists that the position be adver-
tised to provide equal employment opportunities. But since advertising
does not ensure that the hiring manager will be any more open to con-
sidering all applicants, the HR manager’s goal would be better served by
establishing a procedure under which hiring managers can request
exemption from any requirement to advertise vacancies by providing evi-
dence that forgoing advertisement is appropriate in the particular case.
With a decision to advertise outside the organization made, the HR
manager should consider the organization’s stated values and choose
methods that reflect them. Word-of-mouth advertising, for example, is
most likely to generate applicants similar to current employees. If the
organization claims to value diversity but is not already diverse, this form
of recruitment would call into question the truth of the organization’s
claim. Similarly, website advertising may create a bias in favor of wealth-
ier and younger applicants. If computer skills are not important to the
job, such advertising diminishes the integrity of the process. The HR
manager’s job is to consider cost-effective outlets where qualified candi-
dates are most likely to see or hear a vacancy announcement. In choos-
ing among those outlets, the HR manager’s ethical obligation is,
foremost, not to bias the pool unfairly and, second, not to bias it in ways
that conflict with the organization’s stated values. (If the values them-
selves are unfair, the HR manager has no obligation to ensure that they
are enacted in advertising positions.)
Adhering to the organization’s stated values is, in ethical terms,
promise keeping. If the organization promises in its stated values to pro-
mote from within, an initial advertisement beyond the bounds of the
organization would violate that promise. The more difficult problem for
the HR manager is determining when the inevitable bias caused by the
choice of advertisements is significant enough to render the process
unfair. One important consideration is the intentionality of the bias
(Kant’s notion of a “good will”). For example, it is impossible to ensure
that no employee is on leave when a vacancy is announced, but if a hir-
ing manager waits until a particular employee’s vacation week to adver-
tise a vacancy because the manager wants to avoid considering the
person, that bias is unfair. A second important consideration is the
potential effect of the choice of advertisement on society. Ethical theo-
ries put varying degrees of emphasis on the outcomes of an action, but
they would suggest considering whether the bias caused by the advertis-
ing benefited those least well off in society, whether there was more
good than harm done by the bias, and whether important stakeholders
were considered in the decision. The advertisement of any particular
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vacancy is probably unlikely to affect society in an appreciable way, but a

policy or practice of a large corporation to, for example, post all entry-
level vacancies with the local employment service office or in shelters for
battered women has the potential to affect local economies.
The HR manager sometimes faces the question of whether to recruit
applicants from competitors, suppliers, customers, or regulators. HR
managers should not encourage among potential or actual employees
disloyalty, dishonesty, or violation of “noncompete” agreements that have
been legitimately negotiated (i.e., by knowledgeable participants with
relatively equal power). But they should also respect the autonomy of
potential employees to choose to leave another employer. Whether an
applicant has slighted, or even breached a duty to, a current employer is
difficult for the HR manager to monitor, because such information is not
always available. HR managers have a duty to scrutinize any decisions to
hire people who have had prior dealings with the organization as
employees of another organization, especially if the prior dealings
resulted in unusually advantageous decisions for the hiring organization.
And, since violations are so hard to find, those that are found should be
punished sufficiently harshly to transmit the message that the behavior is
contrary to any employer’s values.
An issue currently in the forefront of business ethics is outsourcing.
In order to determine the ethical stance in this discussion, an HR man-
ager must clearly understand the anticipated outcomes regarding all of
the stakeholders: employees, potential employees, local communities,
external communities, and stockholders (Arnold and Bowie 2003). The
manager also needs to clearly understand all of the contracts, both
actual and psychological, surrounding the relationships with current
Selection. The final step in the recruitment process is to select from
among the applicants for a position. Selection is so important that it is
sometimes listed as a separate function of HR managers. However, it is
often performed by the hiring manager, after the HR department has
collected applications and eliminated the people who clearly don’t qual-
ify. The HR manager establishes policies and procedures to be followed
but may have little control over what occurs in the actual selection
Screening of applicants can be performed by HR staff. They may add
a set of preferred qualifications that are more stringent than the mini-
mum qualifications posted in the advertisement. They may use written
or performance tests. In both of these cases, the HR manager has to
worry not only about being fair but also about appearing fair. Tests or
screening criteria that do not have face validity appear unfair to applicants,
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even when the employer knows that they are valid through extensive
studies linking test scores with job success. One threat to test validity
exists if applicants who take a test multiple times can do better on that
specific test, but not necessarily on the job, just because they have prac-
ticed the test (Huasknecht, Trevor, and Farr 2002). If there are practice
effects that are not related to on-the-job performance, to preserve fair-
ness HR managers should consider whether to implement rules limiting
the number of times an applicant can take the same test.
HR staff may conduct recruiting or screening interviews, and surely
every HR manager has experienced having a CEO or other senior staff
member send people to be interviewed “as a favor.” In these cases, HR’s
role is to represent the organization well and to become familiar enough
with the applicant’s qualifications to help locate vacancies in the organi-
zation that might prove fruitful. The ethical HR representative must be
careful not to overpromise to the applicant or to misread the degree of
assistance promised by the senior staff member.
After the applicant pool is narrowed through evaluating preferred
qualifications and testing, there is often a small set of applicants pre-
sented to the hiring manager for interviews and the selection decision.
The HR manager bears some responsibility for training the hiring man-
ager in interviewing technique and for reviewing the process to ensure
that interviews are conducted and evaluated fairly. Many organizations
are moving toward establishing work teams, with the team empowered
to select its members. There is some evidence that teams are more likely
to pick people like themselves, demographically, and thus engage in
unlawful discrimination as agents of the employer (Goins and Mannix
1999). The HR manager has an obligation to create mechanisms that
reduce this tendency.
An ethical issue associated with the interviewing process is the
amount of privacy protection due applicants. Depending on the appli-
cant’s power in the situation, various ethicists have recommended elimi-
nating all questions aimed at determining attitudes, motivations, and
beliefs, arguing that applicants have a right to keep this information to
themselves. Others see this position as paternalistic (Nye 2002). The HR
manager’s job is to discern the appropriate amount of privacy protection
due applicants and convey this to hiring managers.
As genetic screening tests become available, employers face the pos-
sibility of having information that could be relevant to long-term
employment decisions. Knowing that a particular employee has a greater
likelihood of developing a serious disease can tempt an employer to pass
over that person for promotions or for training requiring long-term
investment. HR managers have a responsibility to ensure that these
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records are not available to anyone but the employee and that such data
are not collected without the employee’s knowledge and consent.
Many HR managers in industries with very low-wage jobs find
themselves in the position of not knowing whether their employees
are legally allowed to work—for example, because they are aliens,
because they are below a minimum age, or because they have not
obtained required licenses. In some cases, line managers obtain
forged supporting documents (birth certificates, passports, etc.) prov-
ing eligibility to work. While lack of participating in the forgery may
exempt the HR manager from legal liability, he or she still has an ethi-
cal obligation to take reasonable steps to ensure that neither line man-
agers nor new employees violate laws that are themselves ethical.
Random checks of original documents may eliminate widespread vio-
lations, but there may be no way to thwart the determined violator.
Internal whistleblowing by the HR manager may be necessary to
bring violations to the attention of someone with the power to enact
sanctions. Clear and relatively harsh consequences for employees who
are complicit in hiring illegally may be the only way to convey the
organization’s lack of support for such behavior.
Violating hiring laws would generally fall in the area of unethical
behavior. However, HR managers sometimes must discern whether the
law, various regulations, or court decisions are ethical. For example,
organizations considering employing persons with disabilities whose con-
ditions pose a threat to their own health and safety on the job but not
the health and safety of others faced conflicting Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission (EEOC) regulations and court decisions. The
EEOC allowed employers to refuse employment on this basis, but the
9th Circuit Court of Appeals did not. While this controversy has been
resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court, in favor of the EEOC regulations,
it illustrates a case where the HR manager must balance concern for the
health and welfare of the prospective employee against employees’
rights to make decisions about their own health and welfare (Reed
2003). Similarly, HR managers of multinational corporations during
apartheid in South Africa made decisions to violate local laws requiring
separation of the races.
A common complaint from applicants is that they submitted applica-
tions and “never heard back” from the employer. This contributes to a
perception of unfairness, and it may actually inhibit the freedom of an
applicant who waits to hear about an employment application rather
than go on vacation or accept other employment. At the conclusion of
the selection process, the ethical HR manager will ensure that unsuc-
cessful applicants are notified promptly and kindly of rejection decisions.
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Successful Applicants. Having identified successful applicants, HR

managers face several ethical challenges. The HR manager must care-
fully explain the employment contract. Some ethicists argue that “at will”
contracts are not morally permissible (Werhane 1983; Radin and Wer-
hane 2003; McCall 2003), while others argue simply that the employer
should not sugarcoat the nature of the relationship (Roehling 2003). If a
union represents the prospective employee’s position, the collective bar-
gaining contract must be provided to the applicant. While there is pres-
sure on the HR manager to “woo” successful applicants, the ethical
manager will provide an accurate picture of the job and the organization.
There may also be pressure to negotiate the lowest possible salary, but
ethics require that the manager not take advantage of applicants’ vulner-
abilities (Brenkert 1998), and fairness requires equal pay for equal work.
Determining the point at which to check references requires bal-
ancing the need to protect applicants’ privacy against the need to
obtain relevant information. In many industries, employees are fired if
their employers learn they are even applying for other jobs. Reference
checking is especially important in jobs where the incumbent will have
unsupervised responsibility for children or elderly persons or access to
large quantities of cash. If the applicant is internal, the HR manager
must decide what information gained from within is appropriate to
transmit to the hiring manager and what information is irrelevant to
the hiring decision. If the applicant is external, an HR manager often
draws upon personal or professional contacts to obtain reference infor-
mation about an applicant. In this case, the HR manager has an obliga-
tion to balance the discretion due the informant and the fair hearing
due the applicant.
Conflict of Interest. The recruitment function is not fraught with
large conflicts of interest for HR managers. There may be a temptation
to use the power of the position to provide jobs to friends or relatives or
to ensure that recruiting trips include the HR manager’s alma mater, but
since there is usually a separation between functions of the HR and the
hiring managers, the HR manager may find efforts to place family and
friends thwarted.

Training and Development

Typically, training is divided into two types: general training, which
will make an employee more flexible and adaptable within the organiza-
tion and more marketable outside it, and specific training, which is
unique to the organization or even the position. Employee development
involves examining an employee’s career prospects and offering support
in his or her career path. The ethical challenge to HR managers is to
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devise systems of providing training and development opportunities that

are fair to all employees.
General Training. Organizations are often reluctant to provide gen-
eral training, because they see themselves as paying for training that an
employee can then take to a competitor and use against them. There is
no ethical obligation to promote general training programs, but doing so
is one way to treat employees as more than a means to an end. One finan-
cial safeguard used by some employers is to require employees to sign
agreements to repay the cost of their training if they leave within a cer-
tain period. The ethical issue facing the HR manager drafting such an
agreement is to ensure that it is clearly explained and does not take unfair
advantage of the employee.
Safety Training. While HR managers may have no ethical obligation to
provide general training, they are obliged to ensure that all employees are
aware of any safety hazards associated with their jobs or their work envi-
ronments. Beyond simply providing safety warnings, HR managers have
an ethical obligation to ensure that the warnings are clearly understood by
employees, particularly those who may not be able to read the language of
the warning or who otherwise may not understand the danger being iden-
tified in the warning. Literacy training may be a necessary precursor to
safety training.
A special case of safety training involves protection against poten-
tially contagious diseases, such as AIDS and hepatitis. When possible,
safety training should be designed to prevent or reduce transmission of
disease, whether or not the infection status of a person is known. Glov-
ing, hand washing, and proper instrument disposal are all techniques
that can be taught to employees. However, employees understandably
want to be informed whenever their risk level increases. They expect
employers to provide them with the identities of infected co-workers,
clients, or customers. The HR manager must balance the likelihood that
an employee will become infected against the infected person’s right to
privacy. In this balancing, the HR manager must consider that knowing
the identities of some but not all people who are infected may actually
put employees at a higher risk, because it will give them a false sense of
security with any others who are infected but not known to be.
A second special case of safety training is balancing an employee’s right
to make decisions about undertaking risk and the employer’s responsibility
to protect others from harm. When an employee’s job involves risk to
bystanders if done incorrectly, an employer cannot stop after providing
training and assume that the employee will bear the ethical burden of keep-
ing others safe. The employer has an obligation to ensure that the job is per-
formed as taught and that the employee is not provided with incentives to
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take unnecessary risks. Again, while the burden of legal liability may be on
someone else, an ethical HR manager will implement systems to monitor
the transfer of the training to the workplace and will build incentive systems
that encourage safety.
Values Training. Some employees resent being required to attend values
training because they see it as an attempt to indoctrinate them into a partic-
ular religion or to brainwash them. The HR manager, who presumably
shares the organization’s values, should ensure clear consistency both
between values addressed in training and those supported by the organiza-
tion and between these values and the organization’s reward and discipline
systems. The training should also recognize that new employees may intend
to be ethical but may be less sophisticated than experienced employees in
evaluating the implications of various behaviors (Stevens 2001).
There should also be some provision for employees to opt out of
training they consider morally objectionable. However, enough such
requests should give the HR manager pause. It could be simply the
method of training and not the core value that is in question, but it could
also be time to reexamine the underlying values or the employee selec-
tion methods. Ever since Weber (1930) described how religious beliefs
can fuel corporate profits, employers have sought to select employees
with some set of religious or quasireligious beliefs or to create it in them.
The Kantian idea of a categorical imperative can guide HR managers
trying to ensure that all employees accept certain values. Some values,
such as participative management, tolerance, and diversity, create inter-
nal inconsistencies when organizations attempt to require them as “rules
for all.” Requiring all managers to use participative management, for
example, does not allow managers to participate in the decision to use it.
Requiring tolerance of all employees is intolerant of those who are
themselves intolerant. Embracing diversity means embracing even those
who do not embrace diversity. Rules that the HR manager either does
not want applied universally or cannot imagine applying universally
should not be implemented. The HR manager should periodically
review values-training programs to ensure that they are consistent with
all of the organization’s values, not simply the one or ones being addressed
in that particular session.
Employers have occasionally been required by law or court order to
train employees in certain values, such as diversity. In these cases, the
HR manager is faced with following the law, advocating for a change in
the law, breaking the law, or resigning. Deciding among these options
requires considering one’s personal position and the organization’s posi-
tion. If they are not in concert, and neither party is convinced by the
other to change, an ethical HR manager will resign. This is because ethi-
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cal HR managers cannot abrogate their responsibilities to their employ-

ers by acting on behalf of an employer to violate a law the employer
would have them follow or to follow a law the employer would have
them violate. However, ethical HR managers also cannot abrogate
responsibility to themselves by following a law they believe to be
immoral or violating one they believe to be moral. If the HR manager
and the organization are in concert, they can devise an approach
together. Where the organization, the HR manager, and the law are all in
concert, the decision-making process is relatively simple: the law is fol-
lowed. Decision making becomes complex where the law differs from
what the HR manager and organization believe. An organization should
not take lightly the decision to violate a law or court order. Avenues of
appeal and legislative influence should be exhausted first, but where the
law is immoral (not simply inconvenient or costly for the employer to
implement), the organization can ethically engage in civil disobedience.
Laws or court orders that require employers to trample on employees’
freedoms should give HR managers great pause. Some managers who
have been too quick to follow such laws or too enthusiastic in sanction-
ing employees who object to the training have found that courts subse-
quently overturned the laws in question.
Conflict of Interest. Building a training staff large enough to pro-
vide any kind of training for the organization can contribute to the HR
manager’s personal influence and even compensation level. Being able
to select from among consultants can give HR managers opportunities
to assist friends or family in the consulting firm or to receive gifts or
favors from the consultants. Both situations represent conflicts of
interest that the ethical HR manager will avoid. Decisions should be
made on the basis of the HR manager’s professional judgment, not
personal interests.
Career Development. Many organizations use mentoring programs to
foster career development, pairing new (or at least junior) employees
one-on-one with employees with significant experience. What was once
an informal practice has become much more formal in many organiza-
tions. Mentors can take advantage of their positions of power with
respect to the employees they are mentoring, so the HR manager’s ethi-
cal responsibility is to ensure that abuses of power are minimized
(Moberg and Velasquez 2004).
A typical career development program includes succession planning,
in which the organization identifies employees who are prepared (or
have the potential to be prepared) to step into vacancies as key staff
retire, are promoted, or otherwise leave their positions. The organization
provides training to prepare the designated employees for eventual
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vacancies and does not provide such training to those deemed not pro-
motable. To ensure that such planning does not treat employees unfairly,
HR managers should develop procedures that, at a very minimum, allow
employees to indicate their interests in being promoted and notify those
deemed not promotable of the decision. Employees remain with organi-
zations with the belief that they will have a chance to compete for future
vacancies on a level playing field. If a determination is made to give the
inside track to certain employees, in terms of both training offered and
preference for assignments, then the employees deemed not promotable
should not be deceived into thinking that, if they are loyal employees,
their tenure will be rewarded with promotions. They should be provided
with clear feedback that enables them to consider whether they want to
remain with the current organization without being promoted or to try
their chances at another. If current trends continue, such that employees
have reduced expectations that they will remain with the same employer
for life, this may become less of an ethical issue (Cappelli 1999).

In designing motivation systems, HR managers seek to align
employees’ goals with those of the organization. This can be done
coercively or by convincing employees of the worthiness of the orga-
nization’s goals and the value of employee contributions to them.
Designing effective motivation systems is difficult; ensuring that they
have no coercive element is almost impossible. The HR manager’s
ethical challenge is to consider the amount of coercion used and dis-
cern whether it is reasonably balanced against the employee’s power
in the situation and whether it serves the goals and values articulated
by the employee. Taking the car keys away from a drunk would-be
driver is coercive, but it properly considers other stakeholders as well
as the values the driver has when sober. Similarly, docking the salary
of an employee who fails to follow safety regulations is a coercive way
to change behavior, but it can also be an ethical way to motivate a
recalcitrant employee. On the other hand, offering huge sums of
money to employees to work in dangerous environments may be an
unethical form of coercion, especially if the technology exists to make
the environment less dangerous. The problem of discernment for an
HR manager wishing to behave ethically is determining the point at
which “hazardous duty pay” stops being a reasonable recognition of
risk freely undertaken by an employee and becomes an offer the
employee truly couldn’t refuse. Coercion removes the employee’s
freedom to choose, thus abridging the right to liberty (Greenwood
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Systems to motivate employees are developed both by HR managers

and by direct supervisors. While supervisory intervention may have the
most significant effect on employee motivation, tools that the HR man-
ager provides can make supervisors more effective. These tools can
include compensation systems, performance appraisal systems,
employee monitoring systems, organizational climate, charitable contri-
bution campaigns, job design, work teams, progressive disciplinary sys-
tems, and others. Line supervisors can use the tools ethically or
unethically; the HR manager’s ethical responsibility is to design tools
that are not easily used unethically and to develop procedures to moni-
tor their use.
Compensation. Though compensation systems are designed to align
the interests of employee and employer, they can also create conflicts of
interest. Commission compensation systems can provide incentives to
salespeople to disregard the interests of customers in order to obtain the
highest commission (Robertson and Anderson 1993; Kurland 1999).
Insurance agents, stock brokers, and real estate buyers’ agents, for exam-
ple, may urge clients to purchase a more expensive product to increase
commissions. Supervisors who receive bonuses for number of days with-
out a lost-time accident may pressure employees not to seek treatment
for injuries. Managers whose performance is measured by staff produc-
tivity may require subordinate employees to work “off the clock” or to
skip their breaks. In each of these cases, the organization motivates
employees to perform well using some proxy (seniority, supervisor’s
assessment, hours worked, quantity of output) to estimate the value of
the employee’s contribution. There is nothing inherently unethical about
any of these compensation systems, but other parts of the organization
must be operated ethically in order for the compensation systems not to
create conflicts of interest. Using seniority as a method of determining
pay, for example, is often criticized as unfair. However, this criticism may
arise because seniority no longer operates as a proxy for performance on
the job. This could occur for one or a number of reasons: because
employees who should have been fired were not, because technology has
changed and long-term employees were not trained, because the selec-
tion system used in the past was faulty, because the cumulative effect of
a number of years of working for the employer decreases employees’
abilities. The HR manager has the responsibility to ensure that every
compensation system contains effective mechanisms to reduce conflicts
of interest.
HR managers face a personal conflict of interest in implementing and
administering compensation systems. They might be tempted to imple-
ment systems that benefit them financially. For example, if the system
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establishes pay caps for jobs based on market analysis, the manager may
be tempted to recommend eliminating caps as he or she approaches the
limit, based on the desire to earn more money rather than professional
judgment about the caps. The ethical obligation is to ignore such tempta-
tion and instead continue to develop a system that is best for the
employer, administer it impartially, and build in checks and balances.
HR managers’ problem of discernment requires determining a com-
pensation system that is fair and just, and this may differ within and
between organizations. Issues include the appropriate difference
between pay for the CEO and for rank-and-file employees, systems for
paying line versus staff employees, comparable worth, merit-based pay,
team-based pay, power differences in salary negotiations, coercively high
pay, unpaid work, paid breaks, travel pay, overtime pay, vacation pay, hol-
iday pay, and sick pay, among many others. In some jurisdictions, local
and national laws govern the treatment of some of these issues, and the
problem becomes more complex in multistate and multinational organi-
zations (Graham and Trevor 2000; Donaldson 2001).
Much of the current controversy regarding compensation addresses
executive compensation, especially for CEOs in publicly held firms
(Hannafey 2003). Decisions on executive compensation are almost
always outside of the HR manager’s job, though the manager may be
able to use informal influence and earned authority to affect these deci-
sions. In cases where the HR manager cannot create a fair compensation
system because of decisions made by senior managers or the board of
directors, the only ethical recourse may be to resign.
Performance Appraisal Systems. Performance appraisals are almost
universally dreaded. Despite this, HR managers argue, at least publicly,
that appraisals are valuable because they know that feedback is impor-
tant to smooth organizational functioning and that informal feedback,
while essential, is not remembered the same by both parties. At their
best, performance appraisals motivate employees to continue the things
they are doing well, to improve at things they are doing poorly, and to
cease things they should not be doing at all. At their worst, they are
used to attack or protect employees based on managers’ likes and dis-
likes. Ethics dictate that the HR manager not create a system so com-
plex, cumbersome, or unmonitored that supervisors ignore it or use it
Employee Monitoring. Many employers have systems of monitoring
employees—to measure productivity, to prevent theft, or to protect oth-
ers (Hoffman and Hartman 2003)—through videotaping, capturing key-
strokes, reviewing e-mail, tapping telephones, collecting specimens for
drug testing, or tracking locations (Mishra 1998). In all cases, the HR
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manager must weigh the employee’s right to privacy against the reason
for the monitoring. Some ethicists argue that monitoring systems offend
against employees’ freedoms and that the legitimate ends of monitoring
can be achieved in less intrusive ways (Mishra 1998).
Climate and Culture. There is evidence that the organizational cli-
mate and subunit climate can motivate employees to engage in ethical or
unethical behavior (VanSandt 2003; Weber, Kurke, and Pentico 2003).
Insofar as the HR manager has control over climate, there is an ethical
obligation to ensure that it is ethical. However, even when the HR man-
ager cannot control climate, especially in subunits, he or she may set up
systems to monitor climate and provide training or advice to managers
on how to improve it.
Charitable Contribution Campaigns. Many employers seek to moti-
vate employees by projecting an image as a caring, socially responsible
organization. Some sponsor campaigns to encourage employees to con-
tribute to charitable organizations, including, in the cases of qualified
organizations, the employer itself. This practice, when carried out with-
out coercion, can contribute to employees’ sense that their employer
does good, especially when the employer matches employee contribu-
tions. However, some employers pressure employees for contributions,
eliminating the strategic purpose of motivation and reducing the overall
good done by the organization. HR managers are usually removed from
the solicitation activity, giving them freedom to lessen pressure on
employees by reminding both solicitors and those solicited that contri-
butions are truly voluntary. They should remind management, in partic-
ular, to discourage campaigns seeking 100% participation and to
recognize employee charitable activities not connected with the organi-
zation’s campaign.
Job Design. The HR literature argues that jobs need to be intrinsi-
cally rewarding to be motivating. Hackman and Oldham’s classic set of
factors is still used today (Hackman, Oldham, Janson, and Purdy 1975).
Jobs must have skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy,
and feedback to have the potential to be motivating. Some ethicists sug-
gest that employers have an obligation to ensure that jobs are intrinsi-
cally rewarding. Others suggest that it is an obligation to design jobs in
a way that makes them more accessible to people with disabilities. HR
managers should consider such arguments in writing job descriptions.
Similarly, there is considerable debate over the number of hours a week
a person is expected to work. Flexibility in hours worked makes jobs
more accessible to people with lower levels of stamina, with competing
home responsibilities, or with restrictions on the income they can earn.
Determining that a job is “part-time” has significant implications for
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most benefits contracts. Many organizations provide reduced or no ben-

efits to people in part-time positions.
Teams and Quality Circles. Teams can make employees happier with
their jobs and more likely to stay (Hunter, Macduffie, and Doucet 2002),
and they have been used to motivate employees by giving them more
control over their jobs. However, teams have also been shown to be
related to increases in injuries (Brenner and Fairris 2004). HR managers
have an ethical obligation to monitor the behavior of teams to ensure
that the increased motivation is not misdirected toward activities that
endanger team members.
Progressive Discipline. HR policies usually include a range of disci-
plinary actions that can be taken to motivate employees when more posi-
tive reinforcement fails, including such things as warnings, reprimands,
docking pay, demotion, suspension, and firing. The HR manager’s ethical
challenge is to ensure internal equity in the selection of appropriate dis-
ciplinary action and to ensure that the person disciplined is treated with
respect. For example, the Minnesota Department of Corrections failed
to ensure internal equity when it reprimanded some employees for read-
ing religious texts during training but did not reprimand others for read-
ing magazines, doing paperwork, or sleeping (Altman v Minnesota
Department of Corrections 2001).
Disciplinary action is often taken without consultation with the
HR manager. An ethical manager will use mechanisms such as
employee handbooks, training, and newsletters to provide notice of
policies and performance requirements. It is especially important to
provide such notice when it is not obvious that a behavior is pro-
scribed. An HR manager need not provide notice to employees
regarding the employer’s objection to punching a supervisor, but
organizations with rules against accepting tips or holding secondary
employment have an obligation to put employees on notice. Conse-
quently, much of the mechanism to ensure fairness must be incorpo-
rated in policy and supervisory training. If disciplinary actions are
regularly overturned by arbitration panels or courts, HR managers
should take steps to correct problems quickly. Otherwise, some
actions warranting discipline may go unchecked because a supervisor
does not want to go through the process of a disciplinary action only
to be overturned. This would result in inequities in implementing
discipline (and therefore even more decisions overturned) and might
also result in employees suffering harassment or other abuse at the
hands of co-workers because supervisors believe it is impossible to
discipline anyone successfully. Some supervisors are very concerned
about the effects of their actions on subordinates and their families,
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to the point where HR managers should be alert to instances where

employees without families receive harsher discipline than those with
families (Butterfield, Trevino, and Ball 1996).

The origin of many HR departments can be traced to Henry Ford’s
efforts to maintain a stable, trained workforce. He paid employees more
money and offered them long-term benefits, such as retirement, that
made it very difficult for them to quit. The first ethical challenge for HR
managers is to examine the measures used to retain employees and to
ensure that they do not make it so difficult to quit that employees will
not leave or confront the organization even when put in untenable ethi-
cal positions. Do the on-site child care, company-subsidized mortgage,
stock-option incentive pay, and family-friendly health plan tie employees
so closely to the company that they are afraid to quit or to report irregu-
larities? Even if the HR manager determines that the benefits offered
have enough portability not to bind employees too closely, there are eth-
ical issues surrounding the specific programs implemented and the
amount of choice given employees.
Benefits. The negotiating power that a large employer has in pro-
viding benefits for employees helps drive the costs lower than they
would be if they were purchased individually by the employees. How-
ever, HR managers must consider the ethical implications of reducing
costs for their own full-time employees while increasing them for their
part-time employees, the unemployed, and persons employed in the
secondary labor market. This is probably irrelevant for some of the
more trendy benefits, such as on-site dry cleaning and fitness centers,
but for retirement and health insurance, the reflective HR manager
whose ethical concern goes beyond the organization’s boundaries must
consider these implications. I do not mean to suggest that any individ-
ual HR manager has the power to reverse the dominant U.S. model for
providing health benefits to employees. In fact, were any organization
to cut its benefits significantly, it might be violating its duty to keep
promises to employees unless it made arrangements for the same ben-
efits to be provided through another source. HR managers in multina-
tional firms, however, would do well to consider whether adding
U.S.-style benefits might begin a trend to undermine functioning
national systems.
The most common method of providing benefits to employees of
large organizations is to offer them an array from which they can choose.
In some cases, employees are given a fixed sum of benefit dollars to
spend; in others, they are given the option to use part of their salary to
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purchase the benefit. Many benefits are available through salary reduc-
tion, which shields part of the employee’s salary from income taxes.
Even where there is a choice in benefits, the HR manager must
decide which benefits will be included and, usually, which carrier will
provide them. An ethical issue facing HR managers in this arena is the
potential for conflict of interest. It can take two forms. First, the HR
manager, as an employee, can be tempted to select programs for the
benefit smorgasbord that are personally appealing. Second, since large
revenues hinge upon these decisions, insurance carriers can be tempted
to offer kickbacks or other incentives for the HR manager to select
them. In both cases, the HR manager has a clear ethical obligation not
to allow personal considerations to affect professional choices.
HR managers also have to balance the welfare of employees against
the cost of benefit plans, and they have to make decisions about the
amount of choice employees can reasonably be given. Obviously, com-
panies could go bankrupt offering employee benefits. The strategy of
offering benefits thus must take into account the likelihood that offer-
ing a particular benefit will help the employer attract better employ-
ees, retain desirable employees at lower overall cost, and motivate
employees to devote more hours to productive work. The strategic
question is not easily answered by a formula. Some benefits have a
very short half-life on the employee-motivation scale, after which they
become minimum requirements. By offering “cafeteria” plans of bene-
fit choice, employers reduce the need to up the benefit ante every
year, but they also increase administrative costs and decrease their pur-
chasing power. So even within their obligation to be good stewards of
employer resources, HR managers have real choices to make that have
ethical implications.
Over the past half century, the costs of benefits have skyrocketed,
with health insurance costs accounting for a large portion of the
increase. The introduction of health maintenance organizations
(HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) to the mix slowed
the rise for some time, but some of the limitations imposed by these
plans created very real problems for employees. HR managers were
faced with angry employees, who felt that their psychological contract
with the employer had been violated (Lucero and Allen 1994). As
demand for lifting the restrictions increased, so did costs. In response,
some companies are cutting benefits or increasing the portion of the
costs paid by employees. The ethical implications of cutting benefits or
increasing co-payments mean that even when employers offer benefits,
many lower-paid employees (Rawls’s “least advantaged”) are unable to
purchase them.
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The amount of choice provided to employees can be overwhelming.

HR managers can provide a real service by examining plans carefully
and providing information to employees making choices. The problem of
discernment the HR manager faces is determining when the restriction
of choice infringes on employee freedoms.
Balance. There is considerable current research on the effects on
workers of trying to balance work with “family” or “life” or “nonwork”
activities. Organizations seeking to retain employees have instituted
“work–family” benefits, including such things as on-site day care,
work–family training, day-care referral programs, elder care assistance,
and flexible schedules (Osterman 1995). These programs have generally
been hailed by the business ethics literature as virtuous (Marchese,
Bassham, and Ryan 2002), but the HR manager must address the issue
of fairness, as employees with fewer dependents may begin to complain
that they are shouldering more than their share of the work or receiving
disproportionately fewer benefits.
Compensation Systems. Compensation systems are also important to
retention (Gerhart and Trevor 1996). HR managers must ensure that
employees perceive their jobs as being worth at least as much as any alter-
native employment available to them. Some ethicists suggest that employ-
ers who receive higher-than-average profits in an industry have a moral
obligation to pay their employees higher-than-average wages for that
industry (Koys 2001). Turnover is related not only to the amount of com-
pensation but also to the growth of compensation over time (Trevor, Ger-
hart, and Boudreau 1997). Certain compensation systems are designed as
“golden handcuffs” that force employees to stay even when they wish to
leave. Stock options that don’t mature for years, longevity salary increases,
and other devices intended to link the long-term interests of the organiza-
tion with the employee’s interests can become coercive if they represent a
sufficient percentage of the employee’s compensation.
Employee Complaint Mechanisms. Hirschman (1970) suggests that
people given the opportunity to voice complaints will be less likely to
choose “exit” as their strategy. Many organizations have employee com-
plaint procedures, administered through the HR department. Typically,
they allow an employee to bring a formal complaint first to the supervi-
sor or manager accused of wrongdoing, then to successively higher levels
of management. One of the challenges facing HR managers is to ensure
that the power differential between managers and employees does not
quash complaints that should be heard. Unfortunately, one of the few
ways to ensure this is to allow the expression of complaints that shouldn’t
be heard, taking up valuable staff time. An independent complaint inves-
tigator may lend credibility to the procedure. There is some evidence
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that having decision makers who are not part of management increases
the number of grievances (Colvin 2003). However, even if the typical
system is used, it is important for managers to receive training that
enables them to see the employees’ side of issues (Moberg 2003). An
ethical HR manager will encourage legitimate grievances, will have them
heard in a just platform, and will seek meaningful resolutions.

Not mentioned in the core responsibilities of HR managers but still a
very real part of their jobs are employee dismissals, layoffs, resignations,
and retirements. Employees who violate the organization’s rules or fail to
meet the standards established for their employment are dismissed.
Those whose jobs are no longer needed, due to changes in organiza-
tional structure, goals, or finances, are laid off. The main difference
between the two is that dismissal is person specific while layoff is job
specific. In either case, the person affected is often devastated, and the
HR manager has the ability to make the process less distressing. While
the law in some places allows an employer to fire an employee for “a
good reason, a bad reason, or no reason at all,” Kant ([1785] 1981) would
suggest that only actions done for good reasons can be good.
Dismissal. Dismissals for rule violations are different from dismissals
for poor performance; the first is willful, while the second may not be. The
distinction has implications for how an HR manager addresses dismissals.
“Fault” and “blame” should not be ascribed to people who are unable to
achieve the standards of the organization, especially if they have been able
to achieve those standards for years or are new employees. In the first
case, it is likely declining capabilities that cause the inability to meet stan-
dards, and blaming a person for a natural process is cruel. In the second
case, the HR manager is perhaps more blameworthy, having assessed the
person’s qualifications and determined that he or she could perform the
job duties. However, in cases where the employee has chosen not to meet
standards or has intentionally violated a rule, the HR manager may take
pains to explain that the dismissal was within the employee’s control.
HR managers have an obligation to make sure that systems of dis-
missing employees for rule violations are fairly designed and adminis-
tered and clearly articulated. While employees whose productivity is
high may be given special dispensation to violate rules (for example, to
come to work late), it is important for HR managers to ascertain that all
similarly situated employees receive the same dispensation. It is easy to
look at an individual’s record and say, “Of course that person deserves to
be fired,” but fairness cannot be determined until the HR manager has
compared that record to the records of those who are not being consid-
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ered for firing. The manner in which the employee is informed of the
dismissal, as well as treatment after the notice has been provided, must
respect the dignity of the employee and the safety of co-workers. Cases
where disgruntled people take up arms and attack former supervisors or
co-workers are rare enough to make front-page news, but the HR man-
ager’s ethical responsibility is to take steps to make sure they stay rare.
Layoffs. When there are insufficient funds or orders to justify the
size of the workforce, workers are laid off, either temporarily (until busi-
ness picks up) or permanently. Layoffs are sometimes conducted under
very strict rules, requiring people to be dismissed in reverse order from
their hiring and providing “bumping rights” to people to return to previ-
ously held positions, forcing the incumbents to be laid off instead. The
first job of the ethical HR manager is to provide alternatives to layoffs,
outsourcing, or downsizing to the other managers considering the action.
This requires clearly understanding the anticipated outcomes in terms of
what might happen to all of the stakeholders: employees, potential
employees, local communities, external communities, and stockholders
(Arnold and Bowie 2003). The HR manager must also clearly under-
stand all of the contracts, both actual and psychological, surrounding the
relationships with current employees.
Assuming that a layoff does occur, the second job of the ethical HR
manager is to provide notice, placement assistance, and recommenda-
tions for those being laid off. The specifics for each of these depend on
the situation. The ethical HR manager should focus on looking out for
those least advantaged by the decision. The third job is to provide for the
emotional reactions of the “survivors,” both rank-and-file co-workers and
managers in the affected unit (Dewitt, Trevino, and Mollica 2003).
Resignation. Employees who quit their jobs sometimes leave because
they haven’t found an outlet where they can voice their complaints. One
way an HR manager can help these employees is to provide exit inter-
views, which, though not completely satisfying, may at least help the
employees to feel as if their departure could help those left behind.
Assuming the HR manager investigates and acts on complaints voiced in
these interviews, other employees can be helped by subsequent reforms.
One practice prevalent in some industries is to process all resignations
immediately, despite any employee attempts to give notice. Unless there
is a compelling reason to do otherwise, HR managers should encourage
practices that reward giving notice rather than punish it.
Death. Employees who die while employed leave family members in
vulnerable positions with respect to the employer. The ethical HR man-
ager can smooth the way for survivors by providing prompt and clear
information on final paychecks, life insurance, continuation of health
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coverage, and other benefits that might be useful. Similarly, the HR

manager can provide support for co-workers, including notices of the
death and funeral arrangements and time off to attend the funeral, and
can work with the direct supervisor to ensure smooth transitions.

Having been an HR practitioner for more than a decade, I have spe-
cial sympathy for the pressures HR managers live under. It is rare that
they can sit back and reflect on the many ethical issues involved in every
decision they make. It is even rarer that they find other managers in the
organization who are attuned to HR issues from an ethical perspective.
While it may be easy for those removed from the situation to point to all
of the ethical lapses of HR managers, I would hope that industrial rela-
tions and HR faculty would recognize their great potential to assist cur-
rent practitioners and influence the behavior of future practitioners.
Teaching faculty can stress strategic or ethical considerations in
their HR courses. Stressing ethical considerations would be one way to
help develop an ethical sense among future practitioners. Faculty can
make a course in ethics a prerequisite for their own HR courses and
then address ethics regularly in relation to the topics they cover. They
can invite ethicists to give guest lectures and local HR managers to talk
about ethical issues they face. A few of the available HR textbooks
address ethics in almost every chapter—choosing those over textbooks
that ignore ethics or relegate it to a paragraph or two would be one
way to underscore that students should consider ethics in all that they
do. In “HR for the non–HR manager” courses, faculty can give other
managers an appreciation for the multiplicity of ethical issues involved
in their interactions with employees and with the HR department.
Research faculty have the opportunity to do considerably more work
in the area of HR ethics. They have examined HR practices alone and in
“bundles” to determine whether there are any that characterize more
productive organizations. The consensus seems to be that there are “bun-
dles” of best practices, but they are industry- or organization-specific
(Macduffie 1995; Hunter 2000). That is, HR practices must work
together toward the achievement of the organizational goal. How the
ethics of human resources fits into this picture is not clearly understood.
Researchers have yet to add what they know about ethics to what they
know about bundles of practices. Similarly, researchers could examine the
human costs of various HR practices.
In the end, though, the burden is on each individual HR manager to
be reflective, always alert to the potential that what appears to be a rou-
tine decision may actually be a chance to do right.
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Ethical Challenges in Labor Relations

Michigan State University

In the United States, life revolves around work. Over the past 25
years, average annual hours worked in the United States have increased
about 2%, while declining 12% in other OECD (Organisation for Eco-
nomic Co-operation and Development) countries (Mishel, Bernstein,
and Boushey 2003:425). People work for many reasons—to secure
money, to achieve self-actualization, even to escape problems of family
life. As Alan Wolfe noted, however, “in a capitalist society, we value work
to the degree that we establish a value for work” (1997:566). And in the
establishment of work’s value, society creates an intersection where
ethics and workplace issues collide.
The field of labor relations, in particular, includes many issues with sig-
nificant ethical dimensions. Today, for a variety of reasons, the resulting
collision between ethics and labor relations is less audible, albeit more
noteworthy. The nation’s general devotion to capitalism has served both to
discourage reflection on the equity of market-generated outcomes and to
treat as heretical ethical questions raised about the economic system. At
the same time, globalization has increased competition for jobs, especially
for workers with limited education and skills. In combination with the
decline in union density and employers’ victories in labor–management
battles, arguments for efficiency generally dominate concerns for equity.
There exists no widely accepted way to measure ethics in labor rela-
tions. The persistent struggle between unions and employers allows the
ethical character of most labor relations outcomes to be challenged. At
the heart of such challenges is disagreement over the extent to which a
measure of efficiency or equity or voice or freedom or human rights or
something else adequately captures all aspects of the interaction between
employees and managers (see Budd 2004). Even if the parties agreed on
common benchmarks for evaluating ethics, they would likely dispute
their application.
In addition, in labor relations one side’s gain is often perceived as the
other’s loss. Either side may complain that a situation or outcome is

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unfair when it does not achieve its preferred position. Any projection of
ethical considerations into labor relations thus appears to be contextual,
as each side strongly adheres to its objectives as moral and right while
rejecting the other party’s position as partisan and self-interested. The
persistence of this “holy war” (see Delaney, Lewin, and Sockell 1985:46)
virtually ensures that one side or the other will dispute any conclusion
that some labor relations approach or outcome is ethical.

Identifying Benchmarks from Ethical and Economic Theories

Management has prevailed in its struggle with unions partly because
the American people have generally accepted a narrow application of
economic theory as the guarantor of prosperity. Prominent economists,
such as Milton Friedman, have advanced a perspective that favors Adam
Smith’s ideal world of competition and equilibrium over competing
views. In that world, the general good is advanced when every individual
actively seeks his or her self-interest, which then serves the markets fre-
quented by others. Friedman, in his classic book Capitalism and Freedom,
noted that “there is one and only one social responsibility of business—
to use its resources and engage in activities designed to increase its prof-
its, so long as it . . . engages in open and free competition, without
deception or fraud” (1982:133).
As Joseph Stiglitz has argued, however, the perspective of neoclassi-
cal economics is powerfully one-sided:

One of the great “tricks” (some might say “insights”) of neo-

classical economics is to treat labour like any other factor of
production. Output is written as a function of inputs—steel,
machines, and labour. The mathematics treats labour like a
commodity, lulling one into thinking of labour like an ordinary
commodity, such as steel or plastic. But labour is unlike any
other commodity. The work environment is of no concern for
steel; we do not care about steel’s well-being (2002:10).

By ignoring human nature, economic theory provides elegant theo-

retical models and mathematical tests. Stiglitz is correct, however, that it
is a stretch to assume that people are like any other input.
Ethical theorists accepted centuries ago the unique nature of people
and have attempted to build theories accordingly. As a result, although
economists and ethicists study similar issues, they do not speak the same
language. This is one reason why economists have not viewed positively
the writings of Catholic theologians and papal encyclicals on work and
workers’ rights (see McGurn 2002). Indeed, economists have typically
argued that the views advanced in such works harm more people than
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they help because their implementation would reduce the efficiency of

the free market.
It is deceptively seductive to take economists’ lead and focus prima-
rily on efficiency. Such an approach seems to apply a veneer of “truth”
onto a world of shadows. As Wolfe concluded,

Workers, particularly in unionized sectors, rightly have their

suspicions about moral language—you don’t strike against
someone with whom you have close moral ties. But it is also
true that capitalists share some of those suspicions, for you do
not cut the benefits or fire without notice your moral partners
either. Both those who speak for labor and those who speak for
capital will not likely find themselves urging a return to the
moral dimension of work (1997:569).

Wolfe’s point reinforces the reality that just as union and manage-
ment supporters take different perspectives, so do philosophers studying
ethics. Readers might interpret the numerous and divergent perspec-
tives as suggesting that morality is subjective. For example, philosophers
have advocated both deontological perspectives (focusing on duties) and
teleological ones (focusing on ends). Moreover, ethical discourse is often
abstract and difficult to understand, making it easy to ignore in favor of
arguments of a more primal nature.
Today, economic theory serves as a primal approach by providing an
accepted way to categorize actions. Its unchecked dominance provides
an imprimatur of ethics in a capitalist society. This view is best reflected
in the words of character Gordon Gekko in the movie Wall Street
(1987): “Greed is good.” Economists are somewhat more pious, arguing
the point with the word self-interest. In America and many other parts
of the world today, it’s widely accepted that free markets are good, that
they create efficiency and promote the self-interested behavior of indi-
viduals that generates optimal economic outcomes. It is seen as wrong to
advocate anything other than efficiency, such as equity or voice. In the
best case, advocates of voice or equity are called liberals; in the typical
case they are called much worse. As a result, there is little common
ground across the disputing camps and little reason to develop a com-
mon measure of ethics in labor relations.
Advocates have staked their claims squarely in each of the theoretical
camps (see Friedman 1982 and McGurn 2002, on the one hand, and
Adams 1992, 2001, on the other). Each camp embraces and promotes its
perspective and ignores or rejects the contrary view. Ultimately, this cre-
ates a battle of principles in which contradictory assertions are leveled as
gospel by the disputing sides. Such battles cannot be won. Accordingly,
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no universally accepted metric is available to guide an analysis of ethics

in labor relations.
Recognizing this, I examine selected labor relations issues using two
general ethical benchmarks: the extent to which a society’s freedom is
aided or hindered and the extent to which fundamental human rights
are protected by the actions of the parties. These benchmarks are not
new or unique, though they differ from other approaches (see Budd
2004). Although the benchmarks do not overcome the inherent dis-
agreements I have noted, they permit an examination of ethics in labor
relations using consistent criteria. After providing some background on
the criteria, I will apply them to selected labor relations issues.
The doctrine of utilitarianism provides strong support for the use of
a freedom benchmark to examine ethics. Shaped by Jeremy Bentham
and John Stuart Mill, utilitarianism holds that actions are judged right or
wrong solely by their consequences, that consequences are measured
according to the happiness or unhappiness they create, and that happi-
ness is judged in the aggregate (i.e., no person’s happiness is more
important than another’s; see Rachels 1999:107–8). Because of its exami-
nation of costs and benefits and its support for the notion of efficiency,
utilitarianism has greatly influenced neoclassical economists. For exam-
ple, Friedman advocates that freedom is the “ultimate goal” in society
(1982:5). He believes it essential for government to promote freedom, as
the “fundamental threat to freedom is the power to coerce” (1982:15).
As Budd noted, “the logic of the utilitarian-neoclassical economics nexus
is powerful: Individuals pursuing their self-interests in competitive mar-
kets create efficient outcomes in which profits and welfare are maxi-
mized” (2004:70).
Utilitarianism has often been questioned on the ground that it ignores
that certain actions are right or wrong regardless of the outcomes they
may produce. More importantly, utilitarianism does not capture or reflect
humanity. People deserve certain respect and treatment simply because
of the intrinsic worth or dignity that accrues because they are human.
This has led some observers to suggest that certain labor rights are funda-
mental human rights. The work of philosophers and theologians supports
that view.
Immanuel Kant’s work supports the use of human rights as a bench-
mark for examining ethics in labor relations. Kant believed that humans
should never be used as means to an end (Rachels 1999:132). Moreover,
according to Kant, the moral worth of an action is derived not from its
purpose but in the “maxim by which it is determined” ([1785]1959:16).
This leads to his categorical imperative: “Act only according to that
maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a
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universal law” ([1785]1959:39). Critical to derivation of the categorical

imperative is recognition of the dignity of “human nature and every
rational nature” ([1785]1959:54).
The Catholic Church and the International Labour Organization
(ILO) have strongly promoted the human rights view. In Rerum Novarum
(“On the Condition of the Working Classes”), Pope Leo XIII’s encycli-
cal letter (1891), obligations for employers and workers were clearly
delineated. Workers were obligated to “perform entirely and conscien-
tiously whatever work has been voluntarily and equitably agreed upon,”
cooperate with the employer, and protect the employer’s property
(Pope Leo XIII 1891:¶30). Employers were admonished not to treat
workers as slaves or to corrupt them but to offer them the respect and
dignity that they deserve as human beings (1891:¶31). Cooperation
between workers and employers was encouraged to achieve better out-
comes for all.
Forty years later, Pope Pius XI issued Quadragesimo Anno (“The
Fortieth Year: On Reconstruction of the Social Order”), which pro-
claimed the need to treat workers justly. In addition to reinforcing
Rerum Novarum, this encyclical asserted that workers should be paid a
just wage and have the right to band together and enter into agreements
with employers (Pope Pius XI 1931:¶92). Subsequently, Pope John Paul
II issued two encyclicals on work and workers’ rights (Laborem Exercens
[“On Human Work”] 1981; Centesimus Annus [“The Hundredth Year”;
1991), and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops published Economic
Justice for All (1986), a pastoral letter on Catholic social teaching and
the economy. These documents assert that workers are entitled to cer-
tain economic rights, fair treatment, state protection of efforts to organ-
ize, and just wages. The basis for these entitlements lies in Christian
scripture and in the dignity of human life.
In June 1998 the International Labour Conference unanimously
adopted the “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at
Work.” That document identified four basic rights, which all ILO
members were bound to respect: “(a) freedom of association and the
effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; (b) the elimi-
nation of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; (c) the effective
abolition of child labour; and (d) the elimination of discrimination in
respect of employment and occupation.” These rights were held as
essential to the development of “universal and lasting peace,” “social
progress and the eradication of poverty,” and “justice and democratic
institutions” (ILO 1998). While not based in religion, this view inher-
ently recognizes that people, by their birth, are entitled to basic rights
and considerations in society, at home, and at work. Governments are
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expected to respect these rights, which cannot be granted or withheld

by rulers or law. As asserted by the United Nations (UN) Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948), “all human beings are born free
and equal in dignity and rights” (Article 1), and “everyone who works
has the right to just and favorable remuneration ensuring for himself
and his family an existence worthy of human dignity … [and] everyone
has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his
interests” (Article 23). In essence, both the Catholic Church and the
UN effectively argued that the inherent nature of humanity requires
special status and consideration.
Although the benchmarks of freedom and human rights do not cover
all aspects of ethics in labor relations, they permit a wide-ranging analy-
sis. For example, to understand some of the links among these subjects,
I empirically compared measures of economic freedom, political rights,
civil liberties, human rights abuses, and union density. The measures
were created and published by several organizations. (An appendix
describing the analyses is available upon request.) In general, the results
indicated strong positive correlations among measures of economic free-
dom, political rights, and civil liberties (each correlation was greater than
.57 and statistically significant at the 1% level). Human rights abuses
were negatively related to economic freedom (r = –.56; p < .01), political
rights (r = –.63; p < .01), and civil liberties (r = –.70; p < .01). Union
density was positively related to the economic and political freedom
measures (two correlations were significant at the 10% level) and nega-
tively associated with human rights abuses (r = –.41; p < .05). Because of
measurement, causality, and other issues, these results should not be
overinterpreted. However, they reinforce that the benchmarks are
appropriate in an analysis of ethical challenges in labor relations. I will
go on to identify some labor relations issues and their associated ethical

Free Association Rights, Self-Organization,

and Labor Relations
In the United States, the notion that people have the right to associ-
ate with whomever they choose is almost universally accepted. Free
association promotes freedom and honors an individual’s human dignity.
The principle of free association is seldom in dispute. Liberals and con-
servatives, workers and managers, union and employer organizations
advocate the virtue of free association. Ethical challenges to the concept
arise when people exercise their freedom to associate, especially when
they choose to organize a union. In practice, association rights can
impose costs on another’s property or prosperity. This leads people and
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groups to oppose some free association activities and to seek to influence

governmental regulations covering association rights. When individuals
seek union representation, ethical questions may arise regarding the
form of association or self-organization rights available, the mechanisms
and metrics used to determine if the individuals have chosen to exercise
their association rights, the activities available to those who organize, the
rights of those who dissent, the governance principles followed by the
organizations representing people, and the rights of individuals facing a
group of people exercising free association. In this chapter I examine
these issues.

Giving Workers a Voice at Work

A critical assumption of labor relations is that workers seek a voice at
work. Data support the assumption, showing that a large percentage of
nonunion U.S. workers desire a voice in the workplace (Freeman and
Rogers 1999). Managers do not oppose giving employees voice—data
suggest that employers believe benefits accrue when employee involve-
ment programs are adopted (Kaufman 1999, Kaufman and Taras, 1999).
Recent research also suggests that use of various employee-voice mecha-
nisms (e.g., employee involvement programs, information sharing, due
process procedures) is associated with better organizational performance
(see Kleiner and Bouillon 1988, Cooke 1994, Huselid 1995, Appelbaum
et al. 2000). Unfortunately, while few would disagree in principle with
the idea that employees should have a voice at work, acrimonious con-
flicts arise as the precise nature of “voice” is defined.
In the United States, the traditional method for achieving worker
voice is collective bargaining, as delineated and supported by law.
Employers are required to bargain with the duly selected representative
of employees, and workers cannot be legally fired for engaging in con-
certed activities. Historically, when workers banded together in groups
at work, they sought to bargain collectively with their employer. One
purpose of unionizing was to negotiate a contract that distributes
resources in ways that employers may not prefer. In such instances, the
contract dictates how workplace matters are handled, not the employer.
Few employers like such situations. Even when unions were at the
peak of their strength in the United States, strong opposition to collective
bargaining existed among private and public employers. As unions over-
came the resistance of public employers in the 1960s and 1970s, organiz-
ing gains in the public sector masked the deunionization of the private
sector. Over the past 30 years, private employers have aggressively sought
to defeat unions, even if it was necessary to use illegal tactics (see Kleiner
2001). Public employers, by contrast, were less able to resist so strongly.
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Instead, public employers relied on government bargaining laws that gen-

erally allowed negotiation over a narrower set of issues than was man-
dated in the private sector. The public sector is likely to remain the
center of unionization in the United States, in part because the right of
free association is enshrined in state constitutions.
Strong employer opposition to bargaining has created moral gray
areas in labor relations. It has encouraged both sides to use any action—
legal or otherwise—that might defeat the other side. It has also fueled
general opposition to unions and has encouraged both labor and man-
agement to use political tactics to bolster their respective situations.
In efforts to fight unions and bargaining, employers have argued that
bargaining is inefficient and bad for the economy. By allowing unions to
extract monopoly rents, bargaining is allegedly associated with higher
costs, lower profits, and decreased competitiveness (Freeman and Med-
off 1984). Management arguments ignore the fact that bargaining pro-
duces higher wages for workers, which allow them to maintain a better
standard of living, purchase more goods, and participate more vigorously
in the economy (Mishel, Bernstein, and Boushey 2003). Employers rely
on economic theory to oppose unions. Stiglitz (2002) asserted that eco-
nomic theory effectively defends policies that favor the small number of
wealthy people over policies aiding the large number of working people.
Seemingly, economic theory has been accepted as religion, and employ-
ers have encouraged everyone to embrace the faith.
From the perspective of freedom, employers and employees legiti-
mately have different feelings about the value of collective bargaining.
Employers have used an appeal to economic theory, coupled with sub-
stantial political lobbying, to promote their view. It apparently does not
matter to many employers or politicians that this view treats human
workers as just another factor of production. The view that the owners of
capital should have more rights or say than other people diverges sub-
stantially from perspectives holding to the sanctity of humans.
In turn, this is one reason why papal encyclicals and bishops’ state-
ments on work have advocated that “every economic decision and insti-
tution must be judged in light of whether it protects or undermines the
dignity of the human person” (U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
1986:13). The ILO takes the religious element out of this argument sim-
ply by advocating that all people are entitled to certain fundamental
human rights. For individuals accepting these views, wealthy people can-
not be entitled to greater voice than other people. As I will articulate,
the conflict arising from collective bargaining is magnified in questions
involving workers’ right to strike and engage in concerted activities and
employers’ right to oppose unions aggressively.
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Although conventional wisdom suggests that relations between

employers and unionized workers are usually adversarial, many exam-
ples exist of cooperative relationships that have benefited both sides
(e.g., Southwest Airlines, Saturn Corporation, General Motors’ Lans-
ing Grand River Assembly Plant, Deere and Company). Indeed, once
employers discovered that a little bit of voice goes a long way, they
devised a variety of ways to give that voice to nonunion employees (see
Jacoby 1997). Over time, scholars have shown that programs giving
workers a voice provide tangible benefits to organizations (see Kauf-
man and Taras 1999).
Employers appear to prefer cooperative approaches that can be con-
trolled. They do not desire to bargain with workers’ representatives over
wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. In unor-
ganized settings, employers can give employees input without having to
bargain over anything. Managers can even use voice mechanisms to help
shape the situation at work. This situation troubled New York Senator
Robert F. Wagner when he drafted the National Labor Relations Act
(NLRA) in the 1930s. To overcome the possibility that workers could be
forced to accept a representative more supportive of the employer than
the worker, Senator Wagner wrote precise safeguards into the law. Labor
organizations were defined broadly—“any organization of any kind, or
any agency or employee representation committee or plan” (NLRA
§2[5])—and it was deemed an unfair labor practice for an employer “to
dominate or interfere with the formation or administration of any labor
organization or to contribute financial or other support to it” (NLRA
§8[a][2]). This statutory language effectively made unions the participa-
tion program legally available to employees.
Recently, this situation has encouraged employers to lobby Congress
to enact the “Team Act,” a law that would amend the NLRA, giving
employers wider latitude to engage in cooperation programs with their
nonunion workers (for a history, see Kaufman 1999). The Act was
passed by Congress but vetoed by President Clinton. That employers
have aggressively pushed for the Team Act while relentlessly fighting
union organizing and collective bargaining (e.g., by refusing to negoti-
ate contracts; see Cooke 1985) raises another ethical issue. Specifically,
collective bargaining, as promoted by U.S. law, is simply one means by
which workers secure a voice at work. Admittedly, it is a means that
guarantees employees an independent representative, not a company-
sponsored one. Why do employers oppose independent voice so
adamantly while advocating other forms? The answer likely involves
consideration of the strength of voice employees secure through bar-
gaining and other mechanisms.
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In short, employers seem to enact a contradiction by fighting collec-

tive bargaining while advocating other ways to give employees voice at
work. Interest in creating voice opportunities likely occurs because evi-
dence indicates that worker involvement creates beneficial organiza-
tional outcomes (see Cooke 1994). Managers desire those outcomes, but
they do not want to surrender control over work. This is self-interest,
pure and simple. From the perspective of freedom, both employers and
unions rightly seek an ability to shape activities in their workplaces. Such
conflicting desires do not violate the freedom benchmark, though they
generate an ethically indeterminate outcome. On the other hand, the
human dignity metric is clear. Employer efforts to create participation
mechanisms favoring management undermine the dignity of workers.

Employers’ Right to Oppose Unions

Many people in the business community seem to hate unions. Man-
agers generally prefer not to deal with unionized workers, and the sub-
ject of unionization provokes strong emotions. This opposition has been
cited as a reason for the decline in the American labor movement (Fior-
ito and Maranto 1987) and has generated strong feelings on the part of
union supporters (see Adams 2001). Interestingly, however, in some
ways this perspective is one-sided. Unions don’t hate employers in the
way that employers hate unions because unions need employers and the
jobs they provide for workers. This likely magnifies employers’ disdain,
as they see unions as outside third parties.
The manner in which an employer exercises opposition, however, is
open to abuse. This has fueled intense debate about the extent to which
employers oppose unions and whether it is moral to do so (see Adler and
Bigoness 1992; Higgins 1996). Employers have many means available to
them under U.S. law to oppose unions (Gould 2004). They can fight
organizing campaigns aggressively and bargain hard for contracts serving
management’s interests. They may close unionized facilities and relocate
operations as long as economic reasons serve as the basis for the decision
(and they must bargain over the effects of the decision for affected
employees). Managers may make comments to workers opposing unions
and pointing out the faults of organized labor. Firms sometimes engage
in sophisticated anti-union campaigns that subtly provoke workers to
reject a union.
Using the benchmark of freedom, employers have considerable lati-
tude to oppose unions and union activities. Where employers’ methods
of opposition impose difficulties on workers or others, the boundary of
acceptable union-hating behaviors would seem to be delineated. Unfor-
tunately, that boundary is not clear, and many employers have used the
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lack of clarity to infringe on workers’ rights to select a representative for

collective bargaining (Greer and Martin 1978; Kleiner 1984). From the
perspective of human dignity, aggressive tactics followed by employers
to oppose unions—such as illegally firing union supporters to teach
other employees a lesson or using thugs to intimidate workers—must
come under ethical scrutiny. To the extent that ILO conventions define
the free association and collective bargaining as fundamental human
rights, employer efforts to deny them would seem to be improper. From
the perspective of the Catholic Church and inherent human dignity, it is
likely that the actions taken by employers to oppose unions must be eval-
uated before it is possible to reach a conclusion about the morality of the
opposition effort. But some employer tactics would surely be unethical.
Current employer resistance and government aversion to unions
seem to be inconsistent with the ILO conventions on workers’ rights.
Although it might be speculated that this reality bodes poorly for the
possibility of the United States ratifying ILO Conventions 87 or 98 any
time soon, the free association and unionization rights enumerated in
those conventions will be promoted as principles for the purpose of
making judgments (see Gross 2001). In addition, “by virtue of US mem-
bership in the ILO, US worker rights policy on a formal and agreed basis
will be measured by whether it meets the goals and objectives of the
fundamental worker rights treaties” (Potter 2001:378–9). Debate will
continue to swirl around this issue. Some observers have suggested that
“debate over freedom of association and collective bargaining could gal-
vanize the diverse forces opposing corporate led globalization” (McIn-
tyre and Bodah 2002:25). In its extreme form, such galvanization could
spawn visions of ILO sanctions against U.S. policies or labor law reforms
consistent with ILO conventions. In reality, neither is likely any time
soon. The current U.S. administration surely has no plans to enact laws
or ratify treaties favoring what some will view as union rights. Absent
that kind of jump-start, it will take many years of data gathering and
analysis for substantive questions to be raised about U.S. performance
on metrics of free association, organization, and collective bargaining.
The ILO conventions will become a priority only if they are seen as fun-
damental to American economic interests. In this regard, the concerns
of U.S. employers for achieving balanced competition in global markets
could ironically propel the country in the direction of the conventions.

The Right to Strike or Engage in Concerted Activities

The principle of free association becomes meaningful when individu-
als take action to support their associational choices. In such instances,
action often generates conflict because outcomes favor one group over
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another. In labor relations, a primary self-help mechanism used by

employees and unions is concerted activity. Workers can strike or take
other job actions designed to pressure employers to accede to their
demands. But the strike is a double-edged weapon. Because a shutdown
means the loss of production and profits, strikes are fearsome to employ-
ers. Because stoppages mean the loss of income (and potentially jobs),
strikes are fearsome to employees. And because of divisive social con-
flict, as well as the loss of goods and services, strikes are fearsome to
Strikes typically cause collateral damage, and for this reason work
stoppages and lockouts generate a variety of subsidiary ethical concerns.
Some of the concerns are related to the employers and workers involved
in a stoppage. Will the business suffer seriously from the action? Could
it result in employees losing jobs? Will nonstriking workers face sanc-
tions from colleagues after the strike? A second and potentially more
serious set of concerns arises because of other potential strike effects.
Will the cessation of business harm the community? Will the stoppage
generate violence? Will safety issues arise during the strike because
replacement workers (supervisors or others) are unfamiliar with jobs?
Will the community be divided between strikers and nonstrikers if the
employer chooses to hire replacements? The controversy of strikes is
greatly magnified because their reach extends beyond the parties
directly involved in a dispute. This makes the ethical issues inherent in
strike actions complex.
The strike has always been controversial. For example, Rerum
Novarum argued that peace and order should prevail in relations
between workers and employers (Pope Leo XIII 1891:¶¶53–6). Quadra-
gesimo Anno was unequivocal: “strikes and lock-outs are forbidden”
(Pope Pius XI 1931:¶94). Given the problems associated with a strike,
the Catholic encyclicals have preferred that some form of dispute reso-
lution be mandated. Ironically, in the U.S. public sector, many states
have done just that to protect the public from the disruptions of public
employee strikes. In disputes over interests in the private sector, how-
ever, few efforts to replace strikes with other dispute resolution mecha-
nisms have been successful.
Strikes are effective when they impose costs. The freedom bench-
mark makes it morally acceptable for employees or employers to take a
hard line in a dispute. Given the potential consequences of stoppages, it
is unlikely that such actions are initiated unless the situation is serious
and the issue important to the parties. In such instances, the parties may
freely act until the pressure of the situation generates an outcome—
which may or may not be in the favor of either side. Although a stoppage
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may infringe on the freedom of others to avoid the dispute (e.g., workers
idled in other firms, consumers who temporarily lose access to a product
or service, communities that lose tax revenues because of idle facilities),
this concern is not typically dominant. Statutes limit or prohibit strikes
deemed to be harmful to the public (e.g., strikes by police or firefighters
or that threaten national health or safety). Strikes in violation of such
statutes may or may not be ethical. A strike that truly endangered the
population would be ethically unacceptable. In other situations, strikes
are an unfortunate but necessary by-product of a free society.
The human dignity benchmark provides a similarly murky perspec-
tive on the morality of strikes. While free persons have the right to with-
hold their labor, they could choose to do so by quitting their jobs rather
than by imposing costs on their employer and others. If a strike harms
bystanders, observers are forced to analyze whether one group’s inherent
human rights are more important than another’s—a no-win situation. It
is clear, however, that incidents of violence cannot be justified in strike
situations. Even when violence is precipitated by employers’ actions, it is
morally wrong. Deliberate employer efforts to incite violence are simi-
larly wrong. A problem here is the need to hinge ethical conclusions on
an assessment of the motivations of a party engaging in a stoppage. For
example, if an employer precipitates a strike solely to hire replacement
workers and eliminate the union, the action is immoral. If a union initi-
ates a strike to force small nonunion employers in a local industry out of
business, the action is unethical. In reality, it is impossible to know moti-
vations with certainty, and there is an inevitable intertwining of legiti-
mate and illegitimate objectives (e.g., an employer forces a strike to gain
concessions but ends up replacing the workforce). Short of embracing a
teleological approach to ethics (ends justify the means), which obviates
the need to analyze motivations, strike actions will never lend them-
selves to an easy general assignment of ethical implications. It will be
necessary to examine specific circumstances to make moral judgments.
That some workers inevitably choose not to strike almost always
ensures that hard feelings develop among workers. Whether some work-
ers disagree with the union in the first place, have a need to maintain
their job and income, or have legitimate reasons for not striking, when
they cross a picket line they subject themselves to potential retaliation
and repudiation by their co-workers. The situation degenerates into one
in which the right of one group to strike is valued more than the right of
another group not to strike—or the reverse. And yet pragmatically, to
enforce solidarity, unions have imposed penalties on workers who cross
picket lines, and union members regularly impose social sanctions on
their strikebreaking neighbors. From the perspectives of freedom and
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human dignity, there is not an easy way to overcome this problem.

Moreover, this fact of life—that some workers will strike and others will
not—ensures hard feelings across workers and between workers and
managers during a walkout.

The Permanent Replacement of Striking Workers

Much attention has been directed at employers’ decisions to hire
permanent replacements for striking workers in the United States. This
possibility exists because of the Supreme Court’s Mackay decision
(NLRB v. Mackay Radio 1938), which made it illegal for an employer to
fire a worker for engaging in concerted activities, such as a strike, but
legal to permanently replace the same worker (LeRoy 1995). As the
court’s theoretical and legal distinction between discharge and replace-
ment is irrelevant to any of the workers losing their jobs for striking, the
morality of this situation has been questioned.
For example, strike activity in the United States has declined dra-
matically in recent years (Delaney 2003), in part because of the belief
that strikes are less effective now than they were in the past, primarily
because of aggressive employer efforts to replace striking workers.
Regardless of one’s view on the morality of this issue, management’s use
of permanent replacements precipitated a bitter and ultimately unsuc-
cessful effort from 1988 through 1996 to amend U.S. labor law to pro-
hibit this tactic (for a review, see Logan 2004). Few other nations permit
the permanent replacement of strikers (Budd 2005), as the policy is seen
as undermining unions and employees’ free association rights.
The permission to hire permanent replacements during strikes yields
a mixed assessment on the freedom benchmark. The policy absolutely
protects employers’ freedom to operate without explicitly denying work-
ers’ right to strike. But it offers little freedom to workers wishing to exer-
cise their rights. Indeed, the policy seems to negate the workers’ ability
to engage in protected concerted activities. From a human dignity per-
spective, the policy seems to fail. Although it provides dignity to replace-
ments who otherwise would not have strikers’ jobs, it ignores the dignity
of the striking workers and exposes replacements to safety issues (e.g.,
because of inadequate training or prolonged working hours or both) and
social sanctions by strikers during and potentially after a strike.

Majority-Rule Unionism
Most nations permit workers to form and join unions to advance
members’ interests. Wide national differences exist in the rights
afforded unions and the protections offered to individuals. In the
United States, unions organizing a majority of workers in a specific
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bargaining unit must represent all workers in the unit for purposes of
collective bargaining. This notion of “exclusive representation” and its
derivative duty of fair representation compel unions to gain the sup-
port of a majority of people in a bargaining unit defined by a govern-
mental unit, typically in an election, and to represent all bargaining
unit employees fairly and equally. Exclusive representation generally
ensures that employers potentially need not deal with many small
groups of workers seeking minority representation rights (for a con-
trasting view, see Morris 2005). Such groups could be fragmented
across social, religious, class, or other lines.
The approach has fundamental consequences for the nature of labor
relations in the United States. It restricts workers’ free association rights
by subjecting labor relations to majority rule. This helps ensure that
employees do not use free association rights to form whatever groups
they prefer (e.g., the Christian workers group, the machinists, the Irish
workers group) and to seek special privileges for that group from
employers. Even in small workplaces, employers would be disadvan-
taged if they needed to deal with each group formed by employees, both
because of time costs and the reality that the groups would not have uni-
form preferences regarding outcomes. The result could be an adminis-
trative nightmare, especially if the employer were required to deal with
the issues raised by each group. Whereas an approach advocating pure
free association is akin to a parliamentary system of government, U.S.
labor law mirrors our national political system, which elects officials
based on their receiving a majority of the votes in their district. The sys-
tem avoids the problems associated with multiple minority groups and
multiple conflicting interests by subjugating those interests to the will of
the majority. It assumes that responsiveness to a majority of the people is
important, not responsiveness to each interest and issue of every small
group (or person).
Significant ethical issues arise from the requirement of majority rule.
The system restricts free association rights, and in so doing it ensures
opposition within a group that achieves majority rule because it is
unlikely that every member desires the same thing in a group defined by
bargaining unit rather than by class, religion, or a narrow interest.
Although it has been argued that the NLRA preserves the right of
“members-only unions” (Morris 2005), such unions are rare. In reality,
majority rule creates difficulties for unions, forcing them to organize a
unit of workers rather than an interested group of employees. It creates
a situation in which disputes are inevitable between the majority and
minority groups. And labor organizations must represent all workers,
whether or not they join the union.
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Majority rule in union organizing in the United States is typically

determined by a formal election. This differs from the procedures
used in other nations, such as Canada (see Godard 2002), where card
checks may be used to determine the preferences of employees (see
also Eaton and Kriesky 2001; Johnson 2004; Riddell 2004). It is well
known that the U.S. election procedure is subject to lengthy delays,
electioneering, and intimidation campaigns designed to convince
workers to reject union representation (Freeman and Kleiner 1990;
Kleiner 2001). Observers have assumed that unionization rates in the
United States are lower today than they would be if some other form
of certification mechanism for bargaining units were in effect (see
Freeman and Rogers 1999).
Given majority-rule requirements, it is interesting that employers
fight unionization so aggressively. For example, in the hospital industry,
employers for many years argued for large and inclusive units, essentially
because they believed unions could not organize such groups. Once
unions had success in those units, employers made contrary arguments
(see Delaney and Sockell 1988). The real issue here is that employers
have opposed unionization in virtually all instances, despite the fact that
U.S. law advocates collective bargaining. Some employers have blatantly
disregarded the law and fired workers who sought to unionize or closed
plants that were organizing (Freeman and Kleiner 1990). Such actions
promote neither freedom (they are intended to ensure that workers do
not freely choose a representative) nor human dignity (workers are sub-
jected to economic sanctions such as job loss for exercising their legal
rights). They reveal a devotion to economic self-interest in its basest
form, which undermines moral action.

Compulsory Unionism
The system of majority rule and exclusive representation often cre-
ates situations in which some key concerns of one group may not be
addressed, giving certain employees economic incentives to refuse to
join the union. Why pay dues for services that must be provided equally
to all members of a bargaining unit? This free-rider problem is one rea-
son unions have engaged, where legally permitted to do so, in negotiat-
ing contract provisions requiring all members of the bargaining unit to
pay dues or representation fees to the union. While unions see this as an
issue of fairness—people paying for the services they receive—many
individuals see it as being forced to support outcomes, views, and politi-
cal perspectives with which they disagree (Haggard 1990). This situation
has extended the debate about majority representation into another
about compulsory unionism.
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Legitimate concerns arise when people are required to support—

through their payments—an organization that they chose not to join.
When the organization is a union, the concerns are magnified, in part
because employees need their jobs, because employers openly discredit
unions, and because of past union practices. There is evidence that
unions have at times favored members over nonmembers. Unions have
also been guilty of racial discrimination. The courts were so concerned
about discrimination by unions that they imposed on labor organizations
a “duty of fair representation” toward all individuals in a bargaining unit
(see Steele v. Louisville & Nashville Railroad 1944, Brotherhood of Rail-
road Trainmen v. Howard 1952).
Union efforts to require represented workers to join the union—
compulsory unionism—raise other moral questions. Once again, ethical
perspectives differ depending on the individual’s view. Union explana-
tions of compulsory unionism are not convincing. The primary argument
is that because the union must represent all workers in a bargaining unit,
all workers should pay for that representation. Otherwise, some individ-
uals will act like “economic man” and accept the benefits of representa-
tion without paying for it. This public-good argument is flawed, however,
as it ignores the fact that nonmembers do not have the opportunity to
vote for union officers, provide input into negotiations, or vote to ratify
contracts with an employer.
Moreover, compulsory unionism puts unions in an awful public posi-
tion of needing to argue that workers should be forced to pay for union
representation. Anti-union individuals rightly ask why covered workers
refuse to join if union representation is so good. After all, during repre-
sentation campaigns, union organizers argue that everyone will be much
better off if they join the union than if they reject it. If that is the case,
the benefits do not disappear when an organizing campaign is over.
Moreover, in settings with many pro-union workers, social norms make it
difficult for people to refuse to join. The problems of compulsory union-
ism have even led unionists to argue that the labor movement lost its
moral high ground when it advocated contract provisions requiring
workers to pay union dues to retain their jobs (Brooks 1976). Ethically,
unions are in a vulnerable position when arguing that everyone in a unit
covered by bargaining should be forced to pay union dues (Delaney
Compulsory unionism makes unions more prosperous, but it pro-
duces a two-tier system. Individuals in the minority are forced to pro-
vide financial support to a union that responds to the views of the
majority in the unit—even if those views will never reflect the will of
the minority.
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Compulsory unionism combined with majority rule is ethically

ambiguous on the freedom criterion. It promotes freedom of the major-
ity but imposes costs on the minority. Covered individuals are likely to
assess this system differently depending on whether they are in the
majority or the minority. The approach is ethically acceptable—and
appealing—to individuals who value efficiency outcomes (and the pri-
macy of business organizations) and ethically unacceptable to the people
whose views are discounted (or who are required to pay union dues
against their wishes). To the extent that the dignity of the person is
viewed as paramount, decisions to adopt compulsory unionism are prob-
lematic. Not only do they create an environment in which some people’s
dearly held views are subjugated, they force some people to support
financially perspectives they do not accept. This in turn generates con-
siderable concern and anger.
Inconsistent Member Views and Political Action
Because labor law greatly influences the success of unions, both
employers and unions have reason to be politically active. The involve-
ment of unions and businesses in the political process, however, has long
been controversial (see Sabato 1984). Although political action is often a
form of free speech, Congress has restricted some union and business
political activities. In general, the regulations focus on participation in
electoral activities rather than on involvement in lobbying activities.
Since the early 1970s, unions and other organizations have been allowed
to establish political action committees (PACs) to raise money donated
voluntarily and contribute PAC funds to federal candidates. In addition,
unions are permitted to use treasury (dues) money for properly reported
lobbying activities (for a description of the regulations, see Masters and
Delaney 2005).
Unions regularly use political tactics to support bargaining activity.
Involvement in the political process, however, raises a number of con-
cerns. The issue is not that unions should be prevented from participat-
ing in the political system. Rather it is the problem arising when union
members lack a uniform political view, a situation that occurs regularly.
This means that some members will support and others oppose specific
union political activities. Because unions are legally permitted to use
dues money to fund lobbying efforts, the dues of some members may be
spent supporting political positions they oppose.
Policymakers and the courts have imposed restrictions to protect the
interests of members who object to union political spending. The restric-
tions are intended to protect the freedom of individual members—at the
expense of their union. In its most recent incarnation, conservative legis-
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lators have proposed a “Paycheck Protection Act” to address this issue

(Hogler 1998; Clark 1999). The proposed law would require unions to
get permission from members before spending money on political pur-
poses. This is an interesting concept given that it applies only to unions
and union members and not to corporations or nonprofit groups, which
could spend money lobbying for legislation opposed by some sharehold-
ers or members. A majority of legislators apparently see no double stan-
dard in laws that restrict union political efforts but provide corporations
with political carte blanche. This blind spot is probably created by the
fact that corporations donate significant sums to political candidates (see
Masters and Delaney 2005). Restrictions on unions serve corporate
donors by reducing the campaign accounts of office seekers who may be
sympathetic to unions or workers.
It is difficult from the freedom benchmark to justify any restrictions on
political expenditures that are voluntarily contributed. As U.S. law has
long required that expenditures on electoral activities be voluntary, such
union and employer contributions to political candidates would seem to be
ethical. From the human dignity benchmark, the issue is less clear. Since
many political efforts are aimed at securing outcomes viewed as beneficial
to corporations or unions, it is possible that the interests of employees are
not considered. To the extent that large sums are spent opposing positions
that are relevant to workers (e.g., safety and health regulations, wage and
overtime regulations), some restrictions seem ethical. Congress appears to
have little interest in regulating these donations, except in instances
involving unions. Treating corporations differently raises ethical questions.
Employers are the single most powerful political force in the United
States today, contributing a disproportionate share of campaign contri-
butions to candidates for public office. In 2002, according to the Center
for Responsive Politics, businesses gave more than $800 million, or
about 64% of total contributions, to candidates for federal office; during
that same election cycle, unions contributed $97 million (about 8% of
the total) to candidates (Masters and Delaney 2005). The amount of
money spent to lubricate the electoral process in the United States is
troublesome. Notwithstanding politicians’ denials that contributions buy
votes, the cost of running for office requires candidates to spend time
with and listen to contributors—especially big contributors. Whether the
contributions are from labor or management, serious ethical considera-
tions arise from this donation free-for-all.

Role of Democratic Union Structures

It is necessary to consider the organizational structure of unions
before reaching final conclusions about the ethical challenges in labor
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relations. Specifically, because unions are democracies by law, they must

follow internal procedures designed to protect the rights of members.
Although some of the majority-rule issues mentioned earlier may be rel-
evant here, the most important aspect for purposes of this analysis is
whether unions’ democratic structure warrants special consideration rel-
ative to other organizations. Are unions inherently more ethical because
they tend to be democratic organizations? There is no unequivocal
answer to the question, as democratic organizations can act in ways that
treat members or nonmembers unethically. Certain differences in treat-
ment may promote the dignity of union members at the expense of non-
members. Although unions are organized in a manner that differs from
private-sector organizations, their organizational form does not immu-
nize them from questions about ethical matters that can be legitimately
raised with for-profit corporations. In addition, because unions grant
rights to members but are required to represent all workers in a bargain-
ing unit, there are instances in which represented nonmembers may
have fewer privileges than members.
Labor history has provided many examples of democratic union
rules being used to promote the interests of certain members or offi-
cials over the interests of others. In some cases, the “democratic”
rules selected by unions serve to protect entrenched interests—for
example, for many years the Teamsters union did not grant individual
members the right to vote directly for their national leaders. The
enacted rules were democratic, but they also served the entrenched
union leadership. Thus, democratic structures do not protect organi-
zations from confrontations with ethical issues. An examination of
union constitutions and conventions provides evidence of democratic
rules that serve multiple purposes (Jarley, Fiorito, and Delaney 2000).
To my knowledge, although a similar examination of company bylaws
and annual meetings has not been conducted, firms regularly impose
rules that give corporate officers wide discretion in their decisions.
Hence, various organizational structures can support unethical

The Problem of Labor Law

As noted above, U.S. labor law governs worker–management interac-
tions. But the NLRA was enacted in a different era. Although §1 of the
act indicates that collective bargaining and the protection of workers’
exercise of their “full freedom of association” are “hereby declared to be
the policy of the United States,” observers have suggested that the law is
interpreted in ways that protect neither (see Adams 1992). This shapes
and reflects numerous ethical issues. Because the law seeks to balance
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the rights of unions, employees, and employers, it was inevitable that

ethical questions would arise from legal interpretations.
The lack of consensus on workers’ rights has fueled a persistent battle
among forces advocating employees’ rights, union representation rights,
and employers’ rights at the workplace. American employers seem never
to have accepted the legitimacy of employees’ self-organization rights
(see Wolters 1980; Kochan, Katz, and McKersie 1986; Freeman and
Kleiner 1990). This has fueled countless battles in legislatures, courts,
and labor tribunals to reinterpret labor law (see Adler and Bigoness
1992; Gould 2000, 2004) and has raised questions about the underlying
fairness of U.S. labor law (Gould 2000), the seeming political partisan-
ship inherent in decisions interpreting labor law (Cooke and Gautschi
1982; Cooke, Mishra, Spreitzer, and Tschirhart 1995), and the willing-
ness of parties—especially employers—to violate the law and evade its
requirements (Greer and Martin 1978; Kleiner 1984, 2001).
The existence of disagreement between unions and managers is not
new or surprising. While the debate over labor law has always been
highly charged and emotional, it has generated great bitterness and ani-
mosity in recent years. Throughout, however, little attention has been
paid to the morality of rules imposed by Congress, tactics chosen by the
parties, ethical dimensions of the objectives sought, or the implications
of the opportunistic labor relations culture that such approaches have
created. Thus, unlike the contemporaneous business ethics scandals, the
situation has not precipitated substantial discussion of ethical and moral
lapses that seem to pervade the labor relations system.

It follows from the examination of selected labor relations issues that
no single ethical standard or approach will be acceptable to union and
management proponents on all issues. Each observer’s perspective colors
significantly the evaluation of the ethics of various issues, strategies, and
actions. Moreover, when freedom is used as an ethical benchmark, an
overall unambiguous answer to ethical queries is often not possible. Since
the perspective of freedom, as preached by economic theory, dominates
the political landscape in the United States today, labor relations will con-
tinue to be controversial in the near future. The growth of global markets
will probably worsen this situation, given that the quest for efficiency often
requires more exertion (or attention) from workers with no guarantee of
extra rewards—establishing a classic zero-sum game. When efficiency is
favored, it is easy to adopt legal strategies (such as closing high-cost plants)
and illegal ones (such as firing union sympathizers) that follow an ethically
ambiguous path to a preferred organizational objective.
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In recent years, across the globe, unions have been on the defensive.
Businesses and institutions of capital have been celebrated. As a result,
unions have lost protections in some nations, and employees’ support for
unions at the workplace level has not been sufficient to stem the decline
in union density. The main reason for the changed perspective is a con-
cern about improving the state of the economy and the reality of the
brutal nature of global markets and competition. Unions have been
viewed negatively in this light because of the assumptions that efficiency
is the primary objective in an economy and that labor organizations
reduce efficiency. More important, the perspective presents itself as
objective and nonpartisan, while allowing the real interests and concerns
of working people to be subjugated to the theorized interests of labor in
an economy. Because these real and theoretical interests do not neces-
sarily match, the interests of workers, especially those with low skill lev-
els, are given less consideration than the interests of institutions (and
wealthy individuals) holding capital (Stiglitz 2002). Devotion to eco-
nomic orthodoxy provides a mechanism and theory to reduce the rights
of some so that those of others can be protected. It allows those who
benefit from the current situation to argue that the concept of human
dignity is irrelevant, as promotion of a capitalist system will provide the
greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.
All this means that ethical issues are inherent in labor relations across
the legal systems used by governments to regulate worker–management
relationships. No system is more or less ethical than another. Depending
on the specifics of the systems, either unions or employers are advan-
taged. Only in instances of strong adherence to social democratic institu-
tions, as is the case in Scandinavian countries, do managers and union
officials seem to have similar views. And even in those nations, pressure
from globalization is forcing consideration of the idea that efficiency is
more important than equity in society.
The issue of ethics in labor relations boils down to the question of
whether it is necessary to achieve morally correct actions and outcomes
at work. This question is unanswered in practice. Ironically, because so
much is at stake, competing groups (including unions and employers)
engage in political and other activities to secure self-interested out-
comes. This has reduced the amount of ethical reflection and increased
the use of self-interested justifications for preferred positions, outcomes,
and decisions. No labor relations legal system can remove the moral
issues that arise when competing interests exist at work and in society.
This means that nations increasingly seem to assume that economic effi-
ciency promotes social equality and that government laissez faire is the
precursor to efficiency in markets. Put differently, evidence of increasing
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inequality in society is seen as a good thing. In such an environment, the

ethical challenges in labor relations are likely to grow.

I wish to thank John Budd, Jim Scoville, and Susan Schwochau for
the helpful comments, insights, and advice they provided as this chapter
was being written.

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Ethical Practice in a Corporation:

The Allina Case
University of Minnesota

Allina Health System

Allina Health System

Corporations and other organizations increasingly are having to

address human resource issues within an ethical framework. As organi-
zations deal with ethical decision making, they face a major dilemma in
terms of the need to consider and reconcile the many different ethical
perspectives used by interested parties in viewing and evaluating deci-
sions made by the organization.
The organization certainly has its own framework, which originates
from delivering on its corporate mission to shareholders, customers,
employees, and other stakeholders; from prudent use of financial
resources; from production of high-quality, reliable products or services;
and so on. The employees in the organization have their own framework,
often somewhat different from one employee to the next. The employ-
ees’ framework is likely to be based on what they consider to be fair and
considerate treatment of themselves and their families. The community
has yet another framework, based on how the organization functions
from a legal and regulatory standpoint, how the organization contributes
to (or detracts from) society, and how the organization treats its various
One such organization is Allina Health System in Minneapolis, Min-
nesota. Allina is a nonprofit system of hospitals, clinics, and other health-
care services, providing care throughout Minnesota and western
Wisconsin. At the present time, Allina owns and operates 11 hospitals,
more than 40 clinics, hospice services, pharmacies, medical equipment

LERA05.chap09.qxd 8/1/05 11:58 AM Page 230


providers, and emergency medical transportation services. In 2004 the

organization had net revenues of $2.0 billion and has more than 22,000
In 2000 Allina, which at that time also included a large million-
member health plan/insurer called Medica, was notified that it was
being investigated by the Minnesota attorney general. As a nonprofit
organization, Allina fell under the attorney general’s responsibility for
overseeing charitable organizations. The original reason for the investi-
gation arose out of a media inquiry and focused on allegations that
Medica had provided excessive sales incentives to customers and holi-
day gifts to board members.
As the attorney general’s audit continued, the investigation broad-
ened under allegations that Allina had misused public money and chari-
table contributions. The allegations suggested that Allina/Medica had
excessive travel and entertainment expenses, had provided lavish gifts to
employees, had utilized high-paid consultants and contractors for long
periods, and had established programs and practices that had resulted in
excessive compensation to senior executives. The attorney general held
numerous press conferences and television and radio interviews to detail
the allegations of abuse.
The investigation culminated in the summer of 2001. Following an
agreement with the attorney general, Allina undertook a complete
change in control. The CEO and COO agreed to resign their positions,
and the board of directors was disbanded and reconstituted with mem-
bers who were personally approved by the attorney general. Allina also
spun off its health plan subsidiary, Medica, an action that the company
had already been contemplating. In addition, the new Allina board and
the attorney general agreed to a formal “memorandum of understand-
ing” (MOU), under which the organization agreed to certain policies and
practices that would guide its business actions going forward.
Under the MOU, Allina could no longer pay for or reimburse club
memberships for employees. No out-of-state travel or purchases of gifts
at company expense were allowed without the approval of the chairman
of the board. Allina was required to significantly restrict its use of out-
side consultants, and significant constraints were established regarding
the development and approval of executive compensation programs.
With the new board being given oversight responsibility to put the
MOU into practice, the company was required to periodically report to
the attorney general on its progress and actions. After Allina had oper-
ated under the MOU for about a year, the attorney general lifted the
sanctions with the assurance that the board would provide ongoing over-
sight. This action brought to a close a publicly embarrassing period in
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Allina’s history. It ended a tumultuous time during which the company

was quite vulnerable and its leadership was distracted from focusing on
its core purpose—providing excellent health care to patients and fami-
lies. The experience reiterated to Allina the importance of promoting
and ensuring the use of ethical policies and practices by all of its employees.
Had ethical and transparent practices and decision-making processes
been effectively instituted, Allina might have avoided some of the
embarrassment and negative press associated with the investigation.
Most importantly, Allina’s leadership would have been more likely to
have full knowledge about credibility issues and mishandling of
resources and would have been more prepared to proactively remedy
these situations had an ethical framework already been in place. By not
having particular ethical standards, consistently monitored and executed,
Allina’s board and management were forced to shift their focus from
providing consistent, quality health care and had to focus more on
answering the attorney general’s inquiries and making dramatic changes
internally within a rather short time frame.

Allina’s Ethical Strategy

In addition to assuring the economic sustainability of the organiza-
tion, one of the first orders of business for the new board of directors
was to rebuild Allina’s credibility and reputation, both internally and
externally. This rebuilding process began with the development of a new
mission, vision, and values through a very thoughtful, deliberate, and
comprehensive collaboration between the board and management. The
process covered many months and included input from the full spec-
trum of stakeholders: the board, upper management, physicians,
employees, unions, and the community.
A central theme that emerged while developing the mission, vision,
and values was ethics and integrity. The organization recognized that
rebuilding needed to start with the foundation of an ethical framework.
Table 1 highlights the result of this work and articulates Allina’s mission,
vision, and values (Allina Health System 2004b).
The newly created values emphasize integrity, trust, respect, compas-
sion, and stewardship. In the context of Allina’s mission and vision, these
values stimulate ethical discussions within the everyday work life of each
employee. The mission and vision clearly guide employees toward
Allina’s desired end result with every stakeholder interaction. As a frame
of reference, the values signal behavioral expectations enabling employ-
ees to support Allina’s mission and vision. Allina expects all employees to
act consistently with the company’s values and encourages them to dis-
cuss any individual or organizational action that appears to conflict with
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Allina’s Mission, Vision, and Values

Mission We serve our communities by providing exceptional care, as we prevent illness,

restore health and provide comfort to all who entrust us with their care.
Vision We will:
• Put the patient first;
• Make a difference in people’s lives by providing exceptional care and service;
• Create a healing environment where passionate people thrive and excel; and
• Lead collaborative efforts that solve our community’s health care challenges.
Values Integrity—we match our actions with our words.
Respect—we treat everyone with honor, dignity and courtesy.
Trust—we act in the best interests of our patients, physicians, communities and
one another.
Compassion—we create a caring environment for our patients and one another.
Stewardship—we use our resources wisely.

the implications of the values. At Allina, actions should not deviate from
what is promised (integrity); honor, dignity, and courtesy should occur in
every stakeholder interaction (respect); care is at the forefront of every
decision and action (compassion); and individuals should monitor, prop-
erly use, and distribute capital, human capital, and other intangible or
tangible resources (stewardship). These values provide an ethical check
to ensure that behaviors are appropriate and align with Allina’s goals.
The mission/vision/values process had just been completed when the
board of directors hired a new CEO. At that point, Allina turned its
attention to a comprehensive effort to share the mission, vision, and val-
ues with every one of its 22,000 employees. All leaders conducted dis-
cussions with their work teams and solicited input about the values that
were demonstrated when employees performed at their best. In addi-
tion, managers led meetings with their staffs to uncover situations and
conditions in which Allina and its employees were not embracing and
following the values. In many cases, these employee meetings served as
a significant catharsis for the organization as a whole. Many discussions
were intensely emotional, with employees expressing anger, sadness,
guilt, or embarrassment over the experiences of the past. The meetings
facilitated and developed a commitment by most to behave in an honest
and ethical way moving forward. In addition to facilitating employees’
reception of the new mission, vision, and values, Allina instituted new
tools specifically to ensure ethical practices.

Implementing Ethics: Allina’s Ethical Tools

Allina developed a very deliberate strategy to fulfill its new ethical
framework, starting with creating a culture of transparency. To achieve
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transparency, Allina opened up many decision processes to employees,

provided full disclosure of major decisions to the workforce, and intro-
duced decision-making processes that always contemplate the workforce
as an interested stakeholder.
Secondly, Allina leadership developed a process to systematically
ensure that major organizational decisions are thoroughly evaluated
against the Allina values. This values-based decision-making process aids
the decision-maker in determining the most effective and ethical solu-
tion for each business decision or issue, where there may not be a clear
right or wrong choice. The process provides a framework to explore the
implications of a decision on each of the values. It also provides guid-
ance to think thoroughly through situations in which values come into
conflict with a particular decision. A cadre of leaders has been trained to
guide decision-makers through the use of the process.
A third part of the strategy was to develop a “just culture” through-
out the organization. Just culture introduced a new mindset and tools
that encourage employees to report and deal openly with errors, espe-
cially medical errors. Moving away from blame and punishment when
responding to errors, Allina has focused on reporting, systemic analysis,
and process improvement. The organization believes and continues to
stress that a “blaming” culture inhibits transparency.

Transparency and Leadership Style

Once Allina’s new board had entered into the MOU commitments,
met with stakeholders throughout the organization, and created a new
mission, values, and vision, they determined that they should begin to
rebuild the company’s reputation and credibility by striving to be trans-
parent both internally and externally. They had experienced the conse-
quences of a culture in which the business strategy and leadership style
prevented the organization from fulfilling its community mission. Dur-
ing the earlier period, Allina had lost the confidence of its core stake-
holders: management, employees, unions, physicians, and community
leaders. The new board was determined to create a new culture based
on increased transparency. Their reasoning was that in closed cultures
people look out for themselves, whereas in open cultures, they make
decisions by considering other’s perspectives as well as their own.
The seriousness with which the board undertook this effort was evi-
dent in the specifications used for the CEO search, in their openness in
communicating their intentions during the search, and ultimately in the
selection of the new CEO. Once on board, the CEO had a mandate
from the board to transform and reinvent the corporation in service of
the newly created mission, vision, and values. Under the new CEO’s
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leadership, Allina implemented several steps to ensure the creation of

this culture of transparency.
A group of approximately 75 senior leaders and board members par-
ticipated in a three-day meeting in 2003 to develop a new strategic plan.
This became a transparent exercise when the strategic plan was shared
with all employees. The employee unions had varying interests in the
plan and its implementation, so employee representatives were informed
about the changes to ensure a smoother, open transition. Obviously, not
all employees were directly involved in executing the strategy, but great
care was taken to illustrate how it aligned with the mission and vision
and connected, at least indirectly, with every employee. This trans-
parency continues to be reinforced by sharing with all Allina employees
quarterly updates of organizational progress against the strategic plan.
Another action that underscored the culture of transparency was the
creation of the Physician Leadership Team (PLT). As in many healthcare
organizations, nonphysician businesspeople constituted Allina’s leader-
ship. Allina’s staff physicians and the independent physicians are critical
to mission delivery, but they were not part of the senior decision-making
process. The creation of the PLT rectified this missing influence, placing
physicians at the leadership table. The PLT is part of the Allina Leader-
ship Team (ALT), the company’s top leadership group, led by the CEO
and comprising key staff and line officers. The PLT offers a physician’s
perspective on each major issue and decision being considered by the
ALT. The PLT is considered an equal and integral member of the ALT
and is required to contribute to and maintain ownership of assigned
business issues and decisions. An additional PLT responsibility is to be
informational ambassadors, sharing the team’s experiences and observa-
tions throughout the medical community. The establishment of the PLT
has done much to open up Allina’s decision making to a much broader
set of stakeholders.
To eliminate redundancies and productivity problems that result in
communication breakdowns and limited visibility into organizational
issues, Allina has decided to move its corporate and shared services staff
from various sites to one location. Enhancing communication, increas-
ing productivity, and reducing costs will be achieved by integrating
these groups at a single, central headquarters site. To further trans-
parency, an employee advisory team was created to represent and edu-
cate all of Allina’s staff about the facilities move and to provide
perspective and suggestions to those charged with selecting and design-
ing the new headquarters.
Additionally, the CEO created an internal website called “On My
Mind” that is accessible to all employees, physicians, and directors. The
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site allows the CEO to share the direction of the organization and inter-
act with all of Allina’s stakeholders, to respond publicly to concerns and
questions submitted by employees and other stakeholders, to educate
everyone about key challenges, and to communicate what’s keeping him
up at night. The site has been used to solicit employee input into key
issues and to inform everyone of prospective changes in a way that
allows all to anticipate implications and react to issues if they so choose.
The CEO made an ultimate demonstration of transparency in post-
ing on his “On My Mind” website a summary of the performance review
he received from the board of directors. He essentially shared with all
employees what, in the estimation of the board, he was doing well and
not so well and what he needed to improve. This level of self-disclosure
did much to assure the entire organization that no secrets were being
withheld from stakeholders.
Allina recognized that it was necessary to ensure that the company’s
leadership broadly understood the new expectations and developed the
competencies required to lead a more transparent organization. As a result,
a set of leadership commitments and supporting competencies necessary to
fulfill the commitments was established and communicated to all manage-
ment. The Leadership Commitments and Competencies have been incor-
porated into a patterned interview selection methodology used for each
vice-president hire, have been incorporated into the CEO performance
review format and used for 360-degree feedback in the process, have
served as the core component in the leadership talent review and develop-
ment process for all management (i.e., used for the business directors up to
the CEO), and have been central in the recent Leadership Cornerstone
Program that brought all 1,400 managers together to better understand
expectations and learn essential skills to support the expectations.
Figure 1 illustrates Allina’s Leadership Commitments and Competen-
cies (Allina Health System 2003), which set high expectations for leaders to
demonstrate a responsive, transparent, and engaging organizational culture.
The wheel’s core identifies Allina’s expectation of all managers: performance
excellence. Arising from the company’s mission, the commitments, dis-
played in the inner circle, lead to performance excellence and articulate the
principal components that Allina’s leaders must pledge to uphold.
Leaders are expected to act courageously to inspire high performance,
build a collaborative culture, convey passion to the mission, foster joy and
optimism in the workplace, and enable a caring community to inspire
exceptional care. However, the decisive commitment that should guide a
manager ethically is “live the values.” The competencies, identified on the
wheel’s outer circle, align with a commitment and provide behavioral,
defining dimensions and a skill set for each commitment. Table 2 defines
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Allina’s Leadership Commitments and Competencies Wheel

the competencies for “live the values” and specifies for leaders the behav-
ioral expectations to which they should hold themselves and their team
accountable (Allina Health System 2003). The value commitments and
competencies are the cornerstone for ethical action within Allina; they are
required for appropriate decision-making, use of Allina’s ethical tools, and
interaction with every stakeholder. Together, the commitments and com-
petencies set the stage for demonstrating a leadership style that encour-
ages an ethical culture and results in the discretionary employee effort
necessary to provide exceptional patient care and service.

Values-Based Decision-Making
Allina has created a tool to help leaders and teams make better ethi-
cal and business decisions. The Values-Based Decision-Making (VBDM)
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Allina’s “Live the Values” Competency Definitions

Commitment: Live the Values and Challenge Others to Live Them

Integrity Explicitly uses the values in decision-making; follows through and delivers
on promises; takes accountability for decisions; works with others in an open
and honest fashion; pursues and acts on feedback about his/her impact on
others; knows own strengths and weaknesses and pursues personal growth.
Respect Treats others with dignity and courtesy; respects and values the beliefs, tra-
ditions and cultures of others; recognizes and utilizes the skills and talents of
others; values the opinions of others; supports opportunities for all.
Trust Speaks openly about beliefs, values and intentions; matches actions with
words; addresses problems in a consistent and fair manner; earns the confi-
dence of co-workers; provides relevant information to others so they can
make informed decisions.
Compassion Offers help and conveys concern for others; has empathy for other’s needs
and feelings; supports the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of
Stewardship Uses organizational resources wisely; practices sound financial management;
nurtures the energy and talent of coworkers; shares credit with others; mon-
itors demands on self and others and creates opportunities for renewal.

tool is intended to instill Allina’s mission, values, and vision within each
and every decision that is made throughout the organization. Allina
believes that by incorporating the mission, values, and vision into every-
day decision-making, they will create a more stable, secure, and honest
environment. Figure 2 outlines the steps that Allina takes in its VBDM
assessments (Allina Health System 2004a).
The first step of the VBDM tool is to determine if the decision has
value-based implications. The leader or team must deliberately question
the proposed decision to ensure that it does not affect patient care; does
not compromise Allina’s commitments to employees, physicians, and the
communities that the company serves; does not affect the reputation of
the organization; does not impede organizational goals and strategies;
does not require exorbitant funding; or does not conflict with one’s indi-
vidual conscience or the group’s collective conscience. If any one of
these questions is answered yes, the manager or team must approach
step two.
Step two utilizes one or more resource options that assure values-
based reflection: using the values checklist, seeking a values-based con-
sultation, or using the structured discussion format. With the values
checklist, the leader or the team simply assesses the potential decision to
see if it mirrors and achieves Allina’s mission, values, and vision.
Values-based consultation asks that the leader or team locate a confi-
dential in-house consultant who is trained and has experience with the
appropriate application of Allina’s values and healthcare ethical principles.
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Allina’s Values-Based Decision-Making Tool

Determine if your decision

has values-based implications.

Work through the Seek a values Use the structured

values checklist. consultation. discussion format.

Seek feedback and/or Present your preliminary

approval on your decision to leadership and
preliminary decision. seek approval.

Make, communicate and

implement your decision.

Allina has identified and trained consultative support staff (“value

experts”) to assist the manager with collecting needed information, creat-
ing a framework that accounts for crucial decision factors, and assisting
with reflective discourse among all stakeholders.
According to Allina, decisions that significantly impact patient care,
employees, and Allina’s community commitments require a more com-
prehensive and disciplined decision analysis that should include all
stakeholder perspectives; this element is called the structured discussion
format. The format requires all stakeholders to be gathered for a dia-
logue and advises managers or teams to also involve Allina’s in-house
“value experts.” Allina believes that multiple views and backgrounds are
required at the table when values are being considered for a difficult and
multifaceted decision. The structured discussion format is a deliberative
approach that enables purposeful, unambiguous, and concise discourse.
In addition, it is designed to facilitate prioritization of Allina’s values for
the particular decision in question. If values are in conflict or if consen-
sus is not instantaneous, value prioritization tends to be useful. Identifi-
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cation of the more applicable values can assist further with developing a
resolution or a consensus. The steps for the structured discussion format
are outlined in Table 3 (Allina Health System 2004a).
After the completion of step two in the VBDM tool, Allina requires
the decision-maker to seek feedback and/or approval on the preliminary
decision. If the decision-maker used the values checklist or the values-
based consultation, the leader or team must thoroughly examine the
decision privately with trusted, knowledgeable peers who may provide
thoughtful insight on how the decision may be perceived by or affect all
key stakeholders. If the structured discussion format is used for decision
assessment, the recommended decision must be presented and
approved by leadership.
Finally, step four involves finalizing the decision and communicating
and implementing it. Throughout the implementation, the decision-
maker or team should always educate and conduct discussions with the
stakeholders using values-based justifications.

Just Culture
Many healthcare providers function under a traditional punitive sys-
tem: a staff member who makes a mistake pays for it. The individual may

Allina’s Values-Based Decision-Making Structured Discussion Format

1. Identify the preliminary decision and state the facts.

Ensure that everyone understands the issue and the goal of the conversation. Clarify the
issues, concerns, and challenges arising from the decision. Share the results of the Val-
ues Checklist process and name the values that may be in tension. State or represent
the preferred outcomes and rationale for each stakeholder, attempting to preserve the
“best interests” of stakeholders who are not present by thoughtfully weighing the bene-
fits and burdens of each option.
2. Invite and identify options for consideration.
Thoroughly discuss how the mission and vision statements and each value may inform
the options. Invite reflective dialogue, honoring each person’s perspective. Seek to build
consensus among all participants, noting how the values can shape either consensus or
3. Prioritize the values.
If necessary, ask the group which values seem most important to guide this decision.
Have each participant openly vote for their top two preferred values, giving two points
for the first choice and one point for the second choice. Use this point process to rank
the top values.
4. Make the decision.
Carefully reconsider the options in light of how you prioritized the values, building a
consensus for the one option that most reflects the top value.
5. Create an action plan for communicating the decision.
The plan should include the rationale that explicitly acknowledges how the mission,
vision, and values played a role in your decision-making process, and strategies for
informing all stakeholders of the decision.
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be reprimanded, placed on probation, or fired immediately based on the

severity of the error.
Healthcare professionals place a huge importance on conducting
themselves professionally and providing patients with the best service
and utmost respect. Often professionals self-inflict a lot of pressure to do
their best jobs. They expect their peers to do the same and actually place
added pressure on each other to perform.
The irony of this pressure is that healthcare professionals often
believe that they are incapable of making medical errors and mistakes.
Many believe that they are so dedicated that they are infallible. In fact,
many think that an employee found to have committed an unintentional
mistake should be fired immediately. At Allina, for example, a nursing
manager stated that she would not bring her family to a hospital that did
not enact punitive actions against personnel determined to have com-
mitted errors (even for first occurrences).
However, the pressures that healthcare providers place on them-
selves and each other in a punitive system can result in underreporting
or covering up errors. A provider who self-reports an error fears losing
his or her job and being ostracized by peers. Though healthcare profes-
sionals pressure each other, a sense of camaraderie does exist. A provider
does not desire to be labeled a whistleblower within an organization or
known as the one who “eliminated a friend’s position” by reporting
another for committing a violation. Thus, healthcare personnel may have
a tendency to overlook errors that are not blatant.
Additionally, all employees understand the red tape, bureaucracy,
and procedures involved when mistakes are identified. The individual
potentially must go through an intensive investigation process with an
extensive paper trail. Depending on the circumstances, a human
resources department normally has an obligation to report the provider
to his or her licensing board for further investigation. These processes
take time and often remove affected individuals from their obvious
passion—providing quality health care. Removing an employee who
consistently provides exceptional care but may have made a minor
error also can be costly to the organization. If management has to
relieve an employee of duties, the likely result will be understaffing;
the manager will have to either ask the other staff to fulfill the duties
of the absent staff member or find a replacement. The staff member
likely views these processes as obstacles and perhaps would rather
ignore carelessness than undergo scrutiny.
These facets of the traditional system discourage expeditious and
thorough reporting of errors, which is very problematic with respect to
patient safety. Management cannot address errors quickly and appropri-
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ately train and educate staff to avoid further errors if errors are never
reported. Late notice of errors does not just place patients in potential
jeopardy; it also jeopardizes the facility and staff because the hospital is
unable to mitigate issues in a timely fashion to stop or avoid further
damage, such as lawsuits or investigations by governmental agencies.
These struggles and the nature of the healthcare culture prompted
Allina to look for alternatives to the punitive system. Realizing that the
system does not foster the reporting of errors and inherently hurts
patients, Allina wanted to find a program that enables individuals to act
ethically by reporting themselves or their colleagues while remaining
confident that their jobs will be protected. However, the new program
still needed to instill accountability and distinguish between the provider
who gives consistent health care but due to human error makes a rare
mistake and the repeat offender who has utter disregard for the oath to
protect patients’ interests (such as someone who consistently reports to
work under the influence of drugs or alcohol). Ultimately, Allina needed
a system that its employees and patients could trust and that would work
seamlessly and effectively.
After thoroughly investigating the situation and inquiring how other
hospital systems handle error reporting, Allina determined that a “just
culture” would foster its core values of creating a safe environment for
patients and employees. As well, just culture blends well with Allina’s
long-term organizational goal to implement a “blameless” culture. Just
culture facilitates an environment in which it is safe to report and learn
from mistakes; the organization as a whole is allowed further openness
and mandates that errors be reported while ensuring that reported
errors are dealt with in an environment of learning and continuous
improvement. In addition, Allina received support for the implementa-
tion of “just culture” from the nurses’ union. The union has concluded
that the change is in the best interest of its membership and has encour-
aged immediate implementation of “just culture” throughout Allina’s
hospital network. Additionally, the union has been instrumental in noti-
fying, educating, and supporting its membership throughout this cultural
Though the public’s support of “just culture” is not fully known,
some idea of the likely receptivity can be inferred from a recent event
that occurred at a non-Allina hospital. Several weeks after surgery, a
patient “discovered what looked like a tiny piece of metal poking out of
her abdomen” (Lerner 2005). The patient visited her doctor to investi-
gate her concern, and the physician found a “5 1/4-inch metal clamp
inside [the patient’s] abdomen” (Lerner 2005). The physician immedi-
ately informed the patient and her spouse and profusely apologized for
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such an oversight. Throughout the hospital’s investigation of the error,

the physician kept the patient informed of the investigative process and
the steps the hospital was taking to ensure that this event would not
occur again. The hospital also held a meeting with everyone involved in
the surgery to conduct an analysis to determine exactly what went
wrong. In addition, the hospital adopted a new policy to X-ray patients
after all lengthy surgeries to verify that foreign objects are not left inside
the body.
The patient chose not to sue the hospital and the physician because
the hospital and staff were so forthright and apologetic about the med-
ical error, included her in the investigative details and process, and pro-
vided her reassurance through a policy change that this mistake would
not be repeated. Although this incident did not occur at an Allina hospi-
tal, the implications hold for Allina and all other hospitals. Patients value
honesty and require immediate and detailed information about their sit-
uations. A simple apology and explanation with added assurance that
faulty systems and processes have been remedied and improved can be
adequate to please and comfort the patient. Though Minnesota hospitals
are now required by state law to report all medical errors to the public
via the Minnesota Department of Health, hospitals are realizing the ben-
efits of an open and learning environment where errors can be reported.
As noted in the newspaper account of this event, “For a long time, the
idea of confessing medical mistakes was seen as professional suicide”
(Lerner 2005). By breaking the silence, hospitals are enabled to treat
their patients and staff more ethically and to decrease the risks of hurt-
ing other patients and of incurring financial damage to the institution.
In keeping with a new commitment to “just culture,” Allina was one
of several healthcare organizations in Minnesota to convince the state
legislature to create the nation’s first Patient Safety Registry that publicly
reports medical errors. The first report issued by the Minnesota Depart-
ment of Health was released on January 19, 2005. Through being instru-
mental in the creation of the registry, Allina has reiterated its goal of
high reliability. By definition, to be a high-reliability organization a facil-
ity must be committed to reporting, learning, accountability, and justice.
In essence, a high-reliability organization is one where learning and
blame cannot coexist. Punitive cultures do not work in a high-reliability
organization because the organization cannot reach the reliability level
necessary to deliver consistent outcomes. If errors are not consistently
and accurately reported, the healthcare facility will not be able to pro-
vide consistent safety of care. The key to achieving this new culture is
understanding systems and understanding how they can fail and how
they can maintain their reliability. Proper error reporting aids in this
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understanding; however, to ensure that reporting occurs, personnel must

understand that they will not be held responsible for unsafe and unreli-
able systems. Thus, it has become Allina’s goal to readjust its internal
In August 2004, the Just Culture Implementation Team presented
to the ALT key principles that are essential to carrying a just culture
Allina must be committed to a learning environment that
encourages reporting of all mistakes, errors, adverse events
and system weaknesses. The organization must reveal its com-
mitment to continuous improvement of work processes and
systems to ensure the highest level of patient and staff safety.
Allina must encourage and expect its staff to report all types of
adverse events and good catches (an error being “caught” prior
to harm or for any other reason). Reporting system weaknesses
as a means to assess and improve processes that provide a safe
environment for patients and employees must also be encour-
aged. A punitive culture inhibits reporting; thus, management
must not intend to generate fear, impose punishment or retali-
ate when employees make or report errors. Finally, leadership
must encourage the use of non-disciplinary actions (including
coaching, non-disciplinary counseling, additional education or
training, demonstration of competency or additional supervi-
sion) to address performance issues, correct skill or knowledge
deficits, and prevent future errors (Balik, Peterson, and Wat-
son 2004:1).

Critics of just culture may argue that a supposedly blameless or

blame-free environment has no accountability element and is inherently
more injurious to the patient base than a punitive system. But the report
presented to the Allina management notes that accountability is key to
successful implementation and survival of just culture. Thus, Allina
holds its management accountable for the following activities:
• Set high performance standards, enable employees to achieve the
standards, and coach employees to improve performance,
• Fully assess all errors and good catches,
• Correct work conditions and improve policies/procedures to reduce
the chance that a patient might be harmed,
• Communicate to the employees frequently about safety concerns,
issues and improvement plans,
• Implement appropriate staff recommendations for error prevention
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• Train and educate individuals and provide equipment and resources

so that each person’s responsibilities can be completed safely and
• Promote a “just culture” of non-punitive error reporting and contin-
uous safety (Balik, Peterson, and Watson 2004:1–2).

In addition, Allina has standards for which it holds all nonmanagerial

employees accountable. Employees must notify their supervisors imme-
diately of any adverse events, errors, and near-misses. They must com-
prehend and pursue all policies and procedures applicable to their jobs
and perform duties properly to ensure that no harm to any patient
occurs. Employee involvement is key in the just culture because employ-
ees are expected to share personal knowledge of what went wrong when
an error occurs and to aid in improving systems to decrease the chances
that an error will reoccur (Balik, Peterson, and Watson 2004).
To a critic, a just culture may sound like a free ride with no repercus-
sions for intentional mistakes, repeated mistakes, or incompetence. It is
important to remember that just culture hinges on nonpunitive reconcil-
iation in the case of errors made when personnel are correctly following
policy and processes or when policy and processes do not exist or are
ambiguous. Gray areas and exceptions do exist, and they may merit
punitive actions.
Borrowing from the Missouri Baptist Medical Center in St. Louis,
Missouri, and from the work of James Reason, professor emeritus of psy-
chology, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Allina has modified
a measuring instrument for assessing errors in a nonpunitive culture. The
tool, “Assessing Unsafe Acts in a Non-Punitive Culture,” is a linear spec-
trum; nonpunitive actions fall on the right of the spectrum, exceptions on
the left, and gray areas at the midpoint. Allina defines a gray area as a lax
compliance, an unintentional mistake with policy and processes, or stray-
ing from policy and processes. When approaching a gray-area mistake,
leadership must ask if the act or omission was intentional, was a repeated
occurrence, was knowingly a violation, and/or was due to personnel
incompetence. An exception that receives immediate punitive action is
one deemed reckless, intentional, a repeated violation of policy, related to
drug or alcohol abuse, and/or a criminal act. In the new system, an indi-
vidual found to have not reported an error is more likely to receive a rep-
rimand than had he or she reported the mistake initially.

Ethics in Action at Allina

These three tools—transparency, the VBDM tool, and just culture—
better enable Allina to act ethically. Transparency provides Allina the
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ability to exemplify that it is an open and truthful organization with all of

its stakeholders. The VBDM tool is a standard for any Allina decision-
maker to determine ethical choices that consider all perspectives.
Finally, the change from a punitive system to a just culture allows Allina
to better protect its patients, its employees, and itself. The tools are used
in many ways, but to better reveal the tool applications, we will discuss
three examples.

Error in Judgment: Using Just-Culture Practices

The application of just culture can result in gray areas, as we have dis-
cussed. However, by using the “Assessing Unsafe Acts in a Non-Punitive
Culture” tool, Allina has reaped benefits in handling these gray-area sce-
narios. Consider an actual example that occurred in 2004.
A night nurse recommended that a family member leave an elderly
relative in her room for the night. The nurse reminded the family mem-
ber that it was the nurse’s role to keep watch on the patient. Given the
nurses on duty, the nurse insisted that the elderly patient would have no
risk of climbing out of bed and potentially breaking a hip. The nurse sent
the family member home to sleep.
Concerned that the patient needed quiet to sleep and not thinking of
hospital policy, the nurse closed the door to the patient’s room. During
the night between patient checks, the patient climbed out of her bed
and fell, breaking her hip. Because the door was shut, the nurses on the
wing were unable to hear the alarm triggered by the patient’s getting out
of bed.
The nurse reported the situation immediately. In a punitive culture,
the nurse would have been severely reprimanded and potentially placed
on probation. However, by using the company’s new error assessment
tool, management was able to analyze the error and treat the nurse in a
more ethical manner.
Management determined that the nurse did violate hospital policy by
closing the door; however, the nurse’s actions were not intended to harm
the patient and had not occurred before. The nurse’s actions were based
on her thinking she was following correct procedure for the best interest
of the patient. In this more ethical framework, management reviewed
hospital policy with the nurse to reiterate the nurse’s obligations and
duties and verified that the nurse understood her error and the appro-
priate measures to follow if confronted with a similar decision in the
future. The nurse was trained accordingly by management and allowed
to continue working.
The treatment of the nurse was conducted in a transparent nature so
that other employees could witness the truthfulness and dedication of
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management behind just culture. Due to the transparency, other nurses

were able to learn from the mistake of this nurse. In addition, the values
of Allina were upheld in treating the nurse ethically and reiterated to
Allina personnel that the company does foster its mission, vision, and

Social Responsibility: Headquarters Relocation

Another example of ethical application within Allina is the process
for deciding where to locate corporate headquarters. Allina’s corpo-
rate, administrative, and operational services were housed in 13 build-
ings spread across eight different communities in the Minneapolis/St.
Paul area. These facilities accommodated 1,450 employees in 432,000
square feet of space. Some locations were owned while others were
Management presented a strategic plan to the Allina board of direc-
tors that recommended consolidating nine of the 13 sites into a cen-
trally located facility. The other four sites were excluded because of
minimal interdependencies with the consolidated functions and services
and the financial implications associated with their co-location.
Through consolidations and implementation of workplace standards,
the space plan for the consolidated employees represented a reduction
of approximately 90,000 square feet from currently used space.
Over a 10-month period, management conducted a comprehensive
study of potential sites and evaluated them with an employee task force
and a board subcommittee. From more than 80 possibilities, three sites
were identified as being most viable.
Although it was a very difficult task, the board made a mission- and
values-based decision highly influenced by the amount of stakeholder
involvement and transparent communication practices established
within the values-based decision-making process. The “Allina Commons
Employee Advisory Team” was established to ensure that employee per-
spectives and input guided the design and implementation of the facility.
Allina did not have consistent space standards or office practices prior to
beginning this process. The drivers set by the team included cost, flexi-
bility, and operational efficiency.
The advisory team focused on assuring that employee feedback
mechanisms existed to ensure broad input into space design. The team
implemented an internal communications plan that engaged affected
employees and built understanding and support for relocation. Team-
building activities were designed and put into practice that supported a
positive, collaborative culture and reinforced the Allina mission and
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Employees were surveyed about their interests and suggestions

regarding overall objectives, location, space design, aesthetics, and office
standards. Focus groups were conducted with employees to better
understand brand issues, messages with stakeholders, motivations for
working at Allina, expectations of the new space, and images they would
like Allina to represent.
Management determined that five objectives were important to cre-
ating a new culture: embedding the mission, vision, and values into daily
actions, behaviors, and decisions; implementing a philosophy of “system-
ness”; reflecting a common transparent style of leadership; supporting
culture with symbols, rituals, and celebrations; and ensuring alignment
of internal incentives. Allina consistently followed these objectives in
making decisions related to the relocation.
The board valued the work of the employee advisory committee and
weighted the VBDM process heavily as it received management’s rec-
ommendations. In thoughtful but sometimes conflicting deliberations,
the board ultimately chose a site based on Allina’s mission and values.
First, they selected one best site based on the desire to serve Allina’s
charitable objective of creating a positive impact on its neighborhood. In
addition, the board wanted to meet corporate staff needs by locating the
headquarters near a significant healthcare delivery site. Finally, the
board was able to negotiate a long-term third-party lease that was finan-
cially advantageous to Allina.
Ultimately, the Allina Commons will be completely open space with
no offices—even for the CEO. The headquarters will be located in the
Minneapolis inner city, within an urban renewal area next to a major
healthcare site. This extensive process included not only the Allina board
but also major involvement with city, county, and state officials. While
Allina’s predominant financial responsibility to this project will be the
construction of its corporate office building and parking facility, the
company’s commitment as a base tenant has facilitated further invest-
ment in the neighborhood by other corporations, and a much larger
neighborhood revitalization program has been created. As a result, a
freestanding 126-room hotel, 350 units of housing, 110,000 square feet
of speculative office space, and 60,000 square feet of retail space will be
located adjacent to the new Allina Commons area. The corporation has
demonstrated leadership by aligning its interests with the communities it

Redesign of Benefit Plans

In early 2004 Allina undertook an effort to redesign its benefit plans
with a need to remove $100 million in projected cost increases over a
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five-year period. Cost management on this scale requires either signifi-

cant benefit reductions or cost shifting to employees; both involve a
number of ethical issues. Several of the aforementioned tools were uti-
lized during the benefit redesign process to ensure an alignment of the
decisions with the values framework.
At the beginning of the process, the CEO and business unit presi-
dents created design principles that ultimately were approved by the
Allina board. These principles, closely tied to the organizational values,
included themes such as providing employees affordable choices and
protecting them from financial catastrophe. An employee engagement
survey and a specifically designed employee benefits survey were used
to obtain feedback from both union and non-union employees and to
assess employee readiness for the considerable change that was being
introduced. Labor management committees that support bargaining
units were consulted by Allina’s leadership about the benefit changes. In
all cases, union representatives were notified of the prospective designs.
Though the unions were not keen about benefit changes, Allina’s leader-
ship did value their opinions and considered their reactions as input to
the redesign decisions. In addition, Allina honored the union contracts
that prohibited benefit changes during the contract period. Finally, the
CEO used the “On My Mind” website to share his point of view and
some very honest messages with employees about the coming changes
and to solicit employee questions.
The final design recommendations were subjected to a values-based
decision-making process with a group of senior managers, who consid-
ered the trade-offs of the recommendations with respect to values includ-
ing stewardship, compassion, and integrity. The results of this process
along with some associated advice were shared with all senior leadership
as part of the final review and approval of the design recommendations.
At the end of the process, Allina believed that the benefit changes,
although not popular with employees, were thoroughly rooted in the
organizational values and had gone through an ethics “filter.” Though
the policies and practices guide Allina to act and make decisions in a
more ethical manner, the ethical framework does not eliminate differ-
ences of opinion, nor does it dilute dispute resolution processes. A num-
ber of issues with ethical implications did surface and were considered
during the benefit redesign process; they will continue to be studied and
discussed during future benefit decision making. For example, the
impact of changes for low-income versus high-income earners led to dis-
cussion of the percentage of take-home pay that medical benefits should
cost Allina employees. Another question that was addressed is the differ-
ential impact between employees who are covered by a union contract
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and employees who are not covered (employees who are not covered by
a union contract often pay more for the same benefits).
Allina’s leadership believes that the process allowed these issues to
be identified and provided for sufficient consideration. In spite of the
many efforts to include all parties in the process and discourse, Allina
realizes that it may receive future grievances from the unions. However,
given the transparency and values-based tools, senior leaders are com-
fortable standing behind the benefit changes. In addition, these ethical
tools will continue to guide Allina in its future benefit considerations and
in discussions with all stakeholders, both union and nonunion.

As a result of the initial investigation by the Minnesota attorney gen-
eral’s office, Allina determined that it had to reevaluate its ethical presence
and the inclusion of all of its stakeholders. This reevaluation has provided
a rebirth and restructuring of the company’s mission, vision, values, and
culture and the tools that it applies to ensure its ethical soundness. From
the frontline employee to the CEO, Allina has created strategy and tools,
including a new mission, vision, and values; transparency; leadership com-
mitments and competencies; values-based decision-making; and just cul-
ture, with the goal of enabling each of its employees to act, behave, and
decide in a more ethical manner. Allina’s leadership continually is learning
and demonstrating the business value of becoming a more ethical enter-
prise by following and building policies and practices that reinforce its eth-
ical framework. By being more explicit and transparent about its internal
ethical practices, Allina also has become a better citizen to the external
Given the nature of health care and care delivery, Allina’s employees,
management, and board undoubtedly will continue to face daily ethical
dilemmas. Breakthrough technologies and the pressures for increased
organizational efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery processes will
continue to challenge all healthcare organizations. The strategies and
tools this chapter has discussed, when hardwired into the organization,
will better equip Allina to address future ethical issues in a transparent
businesslike manner. Though growing pains are inevitable, Allina has
learned from its former unfortunate experiences that it has the capacity
to change and is positioned to adapt, take control, and proactively lead in
the face of future adversarial conditions.
Allina’s experiences could be encountered by any organization. Organi-
zations must realize that they are not immune to ethical dilemmas and
probably face ethical decisions daily. However, they should not become dis-
couraged when confronted with ethical issues, because change is feasible.
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As demonstrated by Allina, ethical transformations can be achieved through

organizational perseverance, forethought, humility, creativity, accountabil-
ity, and adequate funding commitments, as well as a “change” commit-
ment and mindset that is fostered and embraced by all employees and

Allina Health System. 2003. Allina Leadership Commitments and Competencies.
Minneapolis: Allina Health System.
————. 2004a. A Guide to Making Values-Based Decisions. Minneapolis: Allina
Health System.
————. 2004b. Allina’s Good to Great Journey: 2004 Strategy Overview. Min-
neapolis: Allina Health System.
Balik, Barbara, Lori Peterson, and Nancy Watson. 2004. Just Culture Principles. Min-
neapolis: Allina Health System, pp. i–5.
Lerner, Maura. 2005. “When Words Help to Heal a Medical Error.” The Star Tri-
bune, January 23. <http://www.startribune.com/stories/1556/5199521.html>.
[January 30, 2005].
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Ethical Practice in a Labor Union:

The UAW Case
United Auto Workers

Within the labor movement, discussions of ethical practice invariably

return to the idea of union leadership as a “sacred trust.” There are good
reasons for that. The individuals whom union leaders report to aren’t
anonymous, as a corporation’s shareholders generally are. They—the
union members—aren’t called brothers and sisters lightly. They have
names and faces; they work hard, in jobs the union’s leaders know very
well; they share certain core values and life experiences. When members
entrust their dues to the union, moreover, those dollars carry hopes and
expectations very different from those of investors purchasing shares of
company stock. Investors expect honest financial statements, while hop-
ing for a decent return on their investments. They don’t (generally) hope
for that investment to transform their lives—much less the world.
The growth of industrial unions, in contrast, arose from a movement
that had as its aim nothing less than the transformation of workers’ lives
and of the society in which they lived them. Those aims continue to shape
the hopes and expectations of union members today. Members expect their
representatives to advocate for them in the workplace. They also expect
opportunities to voice opinions, set the union’s priorities, and shape their
own future. They hope for a rising standard of living and for better working
conditions. In many cases, they also draw satisfaction and inspiration from
being part of something—a movement—bigger than themselves.
These basic distinctions shape the way unions approach ethics, and
they create unique issues and institutional dilemmas. In part, they sim-
ply raise the ethical bar. As Walter Reuther, the UAW’s much-revered
late president, once remarked, conduct accepted as perfectly proper for
a business executive—say, using personal connections to “make a fast
million dollars”—qualifies as corruption in a labor leader (Reuther
1957:66). Historically, the UAW has responded by creating clear ethical
standards, with an emphasis on bright lines that must not be crossed.
The goal is to preclude (drawing again on Reuther’s perceptive words)
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the “process of little compromises that lead to big compromises . . . cut-

ting corners here and cutting corners there until finally the values are so
confused that people are going down the wrong road” (1957:66).
But the difference between the union and business contexts is not
just a matter of a higher ethical bar. As institutions that are also part of a
social movement, unions face unique ethical dilemmas. What happens,
for instance, when the imperative to build a different, more just set of
economic institutions runs up against ethical principles developed within
the context of existing, flawed institutions? That is, in effect, the
dilemma unions face when they seek to build economic justice by inter-
vening more directly in corporate governance—not only at the bargain-
ing table but in the board room and at the shareholders’ meeting. Where
traditional approaches to ethics emphasize bright lines, advancing the
movement in a changed economic and social environment may well call
for new—and more complicated—forms of engagement.
Though this dilemma arises out of the unique position and concerns
of the labor movement, the way in which it is addressed may well offer
broader lessons for other institutions, including the business community.
This chapter opens with an overview of the UAW’s approach to ethics,
beginning in the 1950s (when the ethical shortcomings of some U.S.
unions were headline news, much as corporate scandals are today—lead-
ing, then as now, to congressional action) and culminating in the adoption
of the union’s Ethical Practices Codes in 1970. I then use the example of
former UAW president Doug Fraser’s service on the board of directors of
the Chrysler Corporation to explore how traditional approaches—with
their emphasis on arm’s length relationships and avoidance of outside
business and financial entanglements—translated into practice in a new
era, as the UAW confronted a radically different political and economic
landscape and new ethical dilemmas. The discussion then circles back to
the 1950s, to what was arguably the most important ethical innovation in
the UAW’s history: the creation of the union’s Public Review Board. I
argue that the significance of the board lies less in its role as enforcer of
the UAW’s Ethical Practices Codes than in the democratic safeguards it
provides members at all levels of the union. While written codes of ethi-
cal behavior are important for the tone they set, democracy and trans-
parency are ultimately the best guarantors of ethical conduct within a
labor union—or, for that matter, any other institution.

Setting the Stage: Origins of the UAW’s Ethical Practices Codes

At the time of the UAW’s 16th Constitutional Convention, held in
Atlantic City in 1957, the U.S. labor movement was at a high-water
mark. The rival American Federation of Labor (AFL) and Congress of
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Industrial Organizations (CIO) had recently merged to become the

AFL-CIO. Union density in U.S. industry stood at 26% of the wage and
salary workforce, just under its historical peak. The UAW itself had 1.3
million dues-paying members. When retirees, strikers, and workers on
layoff were factored in, the proud banner at the front of the convention
hall that proclaimed the UAW to be “1-1/2 Million Strong” was no idle
But if the mid-1950s were a high-water mark of sorts, they were also
a time of increased scrutiny that was putting unions on the defensive.
For a decade, the Taft-Hartley Act had allowed individual states to adopt
“right to work” laws, an option that many conservative legislatures were
pursuing with alacrity. In the U.S. Senate, a select committee chaired by
Arkansas Democrat John McClellan was making headlines with its reve-
lations about union corruption and labor racketeering.
Such was the backdrop to the UAW’s 1957 gathering. Delegates who
glanced at the Sunday New York Times before hurrying to the conven-
tion’s opening session on the morning of April 7 would have seen both
aspects of their time play out across the paper’s pages. On the one hand,
attesting to the importance of the labor movement’s role in postwar
economy and society, the convention itself was front-page news. On the
other hand, large sections of the business community had never recon-
ciled themselves to collective bargaining, and they seized on every tool
at their disposal to avoid it. And so Times readers that morning were
informed of the disastrous impact that revelations about union corrup-
tion were having on union organizing efforts, particularly in the right-to-
work South.1
If this was troubling for rank-and-file members, it was doubly so for
those in leadership roles. The leaders of the UAW and other industrial
unions began as revolutionaries, and they continued to view the groups
they had helped to build as movements for social change; still, by the
1950s, those unions had become significant economic institutions in
their own right. Some union leaders, including the UAW’s Walter
Reuther, responded to this development with a heightened attention to
ethical issues. It was increasingly clear that the manner in which an
insurgent social movement approached ethics—with a not-unreasonable
faith that anyone who was willing to put his or her life on the line for a
cause was not after personal gain—no longer sufficed. There was,
accordingly, a growing emphasis among CIO unions on formal codes of
ethical behavior.
Ethical concerns had, in fact, been a stumbling block on the way to the
CIO’s merger with the AFL. CIO leaders including Reuther drew an
unflattering contrast between the CIO’s tough response to its “Communist
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problem” and the AFL’s failure to take on corruption within its ranks.
Reuther and other CIO leaders called for the united body not only to
declare its ethical principles but also to establish internal mechanisms to
enforce them—leading to the creation of a Committee on Ethical Prac-
tices for the new federation.
In light of this history, it’s not surprising that the need for unions to
uphold the highest ethical standards was a recurring topic over the six
days of the 1957 UAW convention. To provide a sense of the time, it’s
worth quoting from the proceedings at length. Reuther himself set the
tone in his keynote address:

American labor had better roll up its sleeves, it had better get
the stiffest broom and brush it can find and the strongest soap
and disinfectant, and it had better take on the job of cleaning
its own house from top to bottom and drive out every crook
and gangster and racketeer it finds, because if we don’t clean
our own house, then the reactionaries will clean it for us, but
they won’t use a broom, they’ll use an axe and they’ll try to
destroy the labor movement in the process (UAW 1957:13).
Other speakers elaborated on Reuther’s challenge. As Monsignor
George Higgins cautioned the assembled UAW delegates on the second
morning of the convention,
The labor movement at the present moment is confronted
with a very serious crisis—perhaps the most serious crisis in its
entire history. It is basically a moral and spiritual crisis and one
which has its roots within the labor movement itself. Generally
speaking, in the past the labor movement could, with a certain
amount of justification, blame its troubles on real or alleged
enemies outside its own ranks—unfriendly legislators, anti-
union employers, or a biased and prejudiced press. At the
present time, however, it must be said in all candor that labor’s
principal enemies are dues-paying members and elected offi-
cers of its own affiliated organizations (UAW 1957:77).

The internal enemies to which Higgins alluded weren’t only, or even

primarily, racketeers like those identified by the McClellan Committee.
Higgins’s critique went beyond these flamboyant examples—people who
could and hopefully would be caught, convicted, and brought to justice—
and led him to counsel the delegates against resting complacently on the
UAW’s reputation as a clean union. The “moral and spiritual crisis” of
which he warned went beyond a handful of corrupt individuals. He saw
traces of it in the movement’s defensive mentality, in self-imposed limits
on debate and criticism, and above all in members’ apathy.
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While past conventions had also acknowledged the importance of

ethical practices, the theme of a crisis in union ethics—partly real, partly
perceived, partly a pressing moral issue, partly a weapon in the hands of
labor’s enemies—permeated the 1957 gathering. The ethics resolution
passed by the assembled delegates differed from past resolutions not
only in its length (it runs five dense pages in the convention’s printed
proceedings) but also in its tone. In the place of ritual celebration of the
UAW as a “clean” union and of easy applause for leadership initiatives,
the 1957 resolution takes a rambling tour through U.S. history, juxta-
poses examples of union corruption against corruption within the busi-
ness and political worlds, and looks critically at its own movement. It is
at once introspective and defensive; in its unevenness of tone, it demon-
strates the uncomfortable position of the convention delegates—and the
labor movement as a whole—at a time when the ethical failings of some
union leaders were front-page news. How much self-criticism can a
movement afford when it is surrounded by enemies all too eager to mag-
nify its flaws? Should it first demand a balanced accounting? Or should it
accept revelations of its own shortcomings, the better to correct them?
In the end, the resolution unanimously adopted by convention dele-
gates came down on the side of open and honest criticism. Even as they
decried the biased reporting that damned “labor racketeers” but left cor-
rupt management off the hook, delegates acknowledged that it was
appropriate to set a higher ethical bar for the labor movement. As the
resolution put it, “We restate our belief that it is not sufficient to require
officers of unions merely to act within the law. Labor leaders must reject
the ‘business ethic’ which justifies the use of position and influence for
self-enrichment. Like Caesar’s wife, the labor leader must be above sus-
picion; his [sic] standards of morality and ethics must be higher than the
average in our society” (UAW 1957:95).2
Despite the spotlight on ethical practices, the 1957 gathering did not
adopt specific rules for ethical conduct; the most important ethical ini-
tiative to come out of that convention—the creation of a Public Review
Board to act as an independent watchdog over the union—is discussed
later in this chapter. Instead of adopting an ethics code of its own, the
UAW relied on statements adopted, at its urging, first by the CIO and
later by the merged AFL-CIO. While these general statements of princi-
ple were no doubt taken more seriously by some affiliated unions than
by others—and enforcement was largely left to individual affiliates—
they did, for a time, provide the UAW with a set of ethical guidelines
(UAW 1955, 1957).
After the UAW’s 1968 break with the AFL-CIO, however, the newly
independent union chose to adopt its own code of ethics, and to do so in
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a way that raised the profile of ethical issues within the institution.
Accordingly, delegates to the union’s next constitutional convention
approved new Ethical Practices Codes to stand alongside (and with the
same weight as) the union’s governing constitution. Although the initial
action was presented as a technical matter of housekeeping following the
UAW’s disaffiliation from the AFL-CIO, the resulting document has
become an enduring point of institutional pride (UAW 1970:187).
The UAW’s Ethical Practices Codes are actually four codes, covering
democratic practices; internal financial practices; the special issues
posed by health, welfare and retirement funds; and the business and
financial activities of union officials. (The full text can be found in the
appendix to this chapter.) The code begins not with a list of prohibited
practices or a discussion of conflicts of interest but with what amounts to
a bill of rights for members. Freedom of speech, due process, freedom
from discrimination, and democratic procedures are spelled out first,
before the code addresses what are more commonly viewed as ethical
practices—maintaining integrity and transparency in the union’s finan-
cial dealings, avoiding real or apparent conflicts of interest by officers
and representatives, and, of course, not using union positions for per-
sonal gain. The codes apply to all levels of the union, from its interna-
tional executive board to headquarters and regional staff to individual
To a considerable extent, the UAW’s Ethical Practices Codes echo
the legal requirements of the Landrum-Griffin Act. That statute’s “bill of
rights of members of labor organizations” also guarantees free speech,
due process, and the right to participate in democratic decision-making,
in terms similar to those used in the UAW code on democratic practices.
While there are areas in which the UAW code goes further—the right to
due process, for example, includes not only adequate notice of charges
and the right to a fair hearing but also opportunities to appeal an initial
finding—its real significance is its role in the institution’s internal gover-
nance. Guaranteeing the democratic rights of UAW members in an
internal document has value both symbolic (including them in the
union’s constitution means that they are widely known and understood)
and practical (creating additional avenues of enforcement).
The same applies to the UAW codes’ treatment of conflicts of inter-
est and financial malfeasance. The UAW codes’ treatment of conflicts of
interest and outright financial malfeasance also overlaps with Landrum-
Griffin in many ways, while going beyond it in others—by, for example,
banning the outside use of union mailing lists. As with the codes’ guaran-
tees of democracy and due process, the existence of an institution-
specific code of conduct—even one that largely parallels statutory
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requirements—provides both an additional touchstone for ethical behav-

ior and an additional enforcement mechanism.
Subsequent administrative letters—communications from the UAW
president to local unions on internal policy matters—have restated, clari-
fied, and, on occasion, strengthened the codes’ basic provisions. In
recent years, such letters have stressed the need for arm’s length rela-
tionships with outside vendors, both those with which the union itself
does business as well as those that provide (or would like to provide)
goods and services to members. Officers and representatives at every
level of the union are strictly prohibited from accepting meals, tickets,
and other items of value from either type of vendor, nor may they
endorse outside businesses. Vendors doing business with the UAW may
not make contributions to the union or offer it special discounts not
available to other purchasers (UAW 2003a, 2003b).
Across the decades, one enduring theme in the UAW’s approach to
ethics has been an insistence on keeping a proper distance from outside
commercial interests. “Caesar’s wife”2—cited more than once by speak-
ers during the debate at the 1957 convention—remains the model. By
avoiding outside financial entanglements, entering into business transac-
tions at arm’s length, and generally steering clear of any activity that
could create the appearance of a conflict of interest, the union’s repre-
sentatives, too, can remain above any suspicion of impropriety.

When “Caesar’s Wife” Steps Out

Sometimes practices that served an institution well under one set of
circumstances become dysfunctional under another. Are the ethical
principles articulated earlier in the UAW’s history adequate today? Or do
new times call for a rethinking of union ethics, as old concerns fade and
new ones arise? What happens when Caesar’s wife leaves the confines of
home and engages with an imperfect world?
Certainly, the circumstances of the U.S. labor movement differ vastly
today from the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s. Union membership as a proportion
of the wage and salary workforce has fallen from more than 25% in the
1950s to under 13% in 2003. The UAW no longer has wall-to-wall cover-
age in the U.S. auto industry, and its membership in other key industrial
sectors—agricultural and construction equipment, aerospace—has
shrunk dramatically. Employers, emboldened by a favorable political cli-
mate, are on the offensive.
Like other unions, the UAW has responded by seeking out new
strategies to advance the interests of its members and further the cause
of economic justice. Some of these new strategies approach capital
markets—and the leverage provided by the labor movement’s collective
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investments—as a way to influence employer behavior. This represents a

departure from traditional approaches to financial matters. The UAW’s
Ethical Practices Codes, with its focus on conflicts of interest held by
individual union representatives, is essentially silent on the topic of the
union’s investments. Is it proper for the union to invest its institutional
resources in the stock of companies with which it bargains? How should
those investments be managed? What are the ethical guideposts on this
new terrain?
There are precedents for such departures from arm’s length relation-
ships. Few things could represent more of a departure, in fact, than a
union official’s service on a corporate board of directors. Although for-
mer UAW president Doug Fraser’s presence on Chrysler’s board did not
prove the harbinger of a new era in U.S. corporate governance, as some
speculated it might, the history of that presence does illustrate both the
limits and the enduring value of the UAW’s ethical code under changing
The context for Fraser’s board service was, of course, Chrysler’s near-
bankruptcy. In 1979—a bargaining year for the UAW and the Big Three
automakers—Chrysler Corporation faced a projected loss of $1 billion.
That was, at the time, the largest loss ever faced by a U.S. company. Any
hope of help from a generally skeptical Congress hinged on cuts by both
the company and the union. In order to preserve jobs, UAW members
made concessions that, for the first time in the history of their bargain-
ing with the major automakers, meant that autoworkers at one company
would not have the same wage increases and cost of living protection as
workers at others.
In exchange, the union sought and won a larger role in nontraditional
areas—from decisions about pension fund investments to, most dramati-
cally, a seat for workers on the company’s board of directors. In May
1980, by previous agreement, Chrysler chairman Lee Iacocca nominated
then–UAW president Doug Fraser to serve on the Chrysler board. It
was the first time in U.S. history that a union leader would serve on the
board of a major corporation with which the union had a collective bar-
gaining relationship.
Although taking a seat on the board was unprecedented, pursuing
one was not. The UAW had long called for a greater voice for workers in
the kinds of decisions that, in the U.S. industrial relations system, are
typically made in board rooms, not at the bargaining table. In its previ-
ous round of auto negotiations, in 1976, the union had specifically
pushed for board representation at Chrysler. The company, which had
itself made such a proposal to unions in the United Kingdom, resisted its
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application on the other side of the Atlantic. It took the extraordinary

event of Chrysler’s near-collapse to bring the idea to fruition.
In public statements, the UAW portrayed its Chrysler board seat as
an advance for industrial democracy and a natural extension of the
union’s advocacy for its members. The announced closure of Chrysler’s
historic Dodge Main plant became a rallying point. As Fraser put it in an
address to UAW political activists shortly after the Chrysler deal was
finalized, “Where the Chrysler Corporation, just with a stroke of a pen
wipes out a plant . . . when they can do that and let you know a half-hour
before the announcement’s made, you have to ask yourself why does the
labor movement have to be in a position where they can only challenge
the positions of the corporation, why can’t they have a voice when these
decisions are made” (Fraser, 1980a). As a board member, Fraser
pledged, he would fight against plant closings and fight for product qual-
ity, better health and safety practices, and a more democratic workplace.
“Being on the board,” he told delegates to the UAW’s 1980 convention,
“means we have one more front on which to fight” (Fraser, 1980b:18).
But while board membership did open up an additional front, it was
not an entirely natural extension of the union’s customary role. The act
of putting a union leader on a corporate board raises thorny questions
for any union, particularly one with the UAW’s ethical traditions. What
does it mean to be a director of an employer with whom one also bar-
gains? Can membership on a board compromise a union in its dealings
with the employer in question (or, alternatively, with competing employ-
ers—a concern that was voiced by Ford and General Motors at the time)?
Are there some discussions from which a union representative should
abstain? And if avoiding a conflict of interest entails silence on key issues,
does board representation still further the cause of industrial democracy,
or is it merely window dressing? Worse, does it implicate the union in a
flawed system, in which the interests of shareholders will invariably take
precedence over the interest of workers and communities?
These are not questions that the UAW’s Ethical Practices Codes
address explicitly. Its focus, as noted earlier, is on individual rather than
institutional conflicts of interest. And so, while it is clear that it would be
unethical for a UAW leader to benefit financially from board service, guid-
ance beyond that is limited. The irony is that concerns about personal gain
would be relatively easy to address even in the absence of a formal code of
ethics. In the case of Fraser’s service on the Chrysler board, he addressed
such concerns before he assumed his seat by committing to donate any
money he received for his board service to labor causes and announcing
that he would not purchase any stock in the corporation (although stock
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contributions to UAW-represented Chrysler employees were part of

Chrysler’s financial rescue package).
On other ethical issues, lacking clear precedents or established
guidelines, the union improvised. Fraser and his UAW colleagues distin-
guished between issues that posed a direct conflict of interest between
his union and his board roles, such as Chrysler’s collective bargaining
strategy, and other issues in which the union held a direct stake. Where
conflicts existed, Fraser promised to abstain from voting, or even to
leave the room when the relevant issues arose. On other issues, includ-
ing such topics as plant closings and Chrysler’s overseas investments, he
vowed to press the union’s case. Despite the corporation’s insistence that
Fraser was being nominated as an individual, he made it clear that he
would be serving as a representative of the union and its members.
To what extent were ethical concerns addressed any more clearly—
or, for that matter, raised at all—in the broader public discussion of
Fraser’s history-making board nomination? Critics fell into two camps.
Within the UAW and the broader labor movement, critics generally
downplayed the significance of the board seat (and thus, implicitly, of
any attendant ethical conflicts). While some grumbled that the board
seat was a payoff to the union’s leadership for delivering a concessionary
agreement, few took that argument very far—probably because Fraser
had made it quite clear up front that he would not gain financially from
his board service. Instead, the critics argued that Fraser would be a
“minority of one,” unable to exert a meaningful influence on the com-
pany’s direction. The union, in this view, had settled for symbolism while
the company pocketed substantive concessions. For the critics on the
political left, it was a perceived lack of militancy by UAW leadership—
evidenced by the concessions made to Chrysler and then, a few years
later, to Ford and General Motors—that was at issue, not the ethics of
union membership on a corporate board per se.3
Critics in the business community and on the political right did use
the language of ethics to attack Fraser’s seat on the Chrysler board. They
were not particularly concerned with the ethics of union leadership, but
they were extremely concerned (in this instance, at least) with the ethi-
cal obligation of a corporate director toward corporate shareholders.
How, they demanded, could Fraser put workers first and still represent
the interests of shareholders? Executives at Ford and General Motors
voiced particular reservations about the propriety of Fraser’s dual role as
union leader and as director of one of their competitors.4
Fraser served on the Chrysler board until 1984.5 To answer those
who charged that the union’s board seat was merely symbolic, Fraser
could point to his role in the creation of a special board committee
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formed to study the social costs of plant closings. On the plant closing
issue, more than any other, Fraser’s considerable persuasive powers had
an impact on other Chrysler directors; one result was a reprieve for the
company’s Detroit glass plant.
The thorniest ethical dilemma faced by the union during Fraser’s
tenure on the board came in 1982, when the UAW and Chrysler entered
into a new round of negotiations. Though the UAW settled with Chrysler
in the United States, UAW members in Canada struck the company’s
Canadian affiliate. Fraser thus found himself on the board of a corpora-
tion that was the target of a UAW strike. While insisting that there was
no real danger of a conflict of interest, Fraser acknowledged that his
board seat could lead to the appearance of one (BusinessWeek 1984). To
avoid any such appearance, he opted to suspend his board service for
two months, resuming it after the strike was settled.
Despite the radical departure from traditional arm’s length approaches
that Fraser’s service on Chrysler’s board represented, it did not result in
an alternative set of ethical guideposts. Instead, Fraser and the UAW
improvised—successfully, by general agreement—to apply traditional
ethical standards to nontraditional forms of engagement and struggle.
One possible gauge of that success: in the years since, other union repre-
sentatives have served on corporate boards in a variety of industries,
with little of the controversy that surrounded Fraser’s 1980 election at
Now as then, labor representation on corporate boards arises out of
extreme circumstances, when a company on the ropes agrees to board
representation as part of a turnaround plan that also typically involves
contract concessions and an ownership stake for employees. In that
sense, Fraser’s board service at Chrysler did not usher in a new era of
co-management, or even mark a sea change in union tactics. Over the
past decade, however, the UAW and other unions have also become
more involved in corporate governance as a day-to-day concern. Histori-
cally, “labor’s capital”—the investments held by unions directly, or by
union-administered health and welfare funds—was passive. As unions
have joined forces with other institutional investors and shareholder
activists to press for reform measures (and, on occasion, to seek leverage
in contract and organizing campaigns), the old arm’s length approach has
evolved into a much more active engagement with the world of capital
This shift has generated very little ethical controversy. Within the
labor movement, discussions have revolved around the effectiveness of
the approach, not its propriety. Outside the labor movement, whatever
controversy has attended union-backed shareholder proposals and other
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initiatives has been on their merits, not on the ethics of a union acting
within a shareholders’ forum. While the labor movement’s agenda may
well be at odds with a short-term stock market focus, unions have argued
forcefully—much as the UAW did at the time of Fraser’s service on the
Chrysler board—that opening corporations to the voices of other stake-
holders is entirely compatible with increased shareholder value over the
long term.

Ethics, Democracy, and Transparency

As the Chrysler board experience demonstrates, there are limits
inherent to any attempt to codify ethical behavior. Spell out dos and
don’ts in exhaustive detail and you risk a code of ethics frozen in time:
well suited to today’s quandaries, not so well suited to issues that may
arise tomorrow. Take the opposite approach, emphasizing broad princi-
ples over hard guidelines, and you risk a code too general to carry real
weight. But while no code of ethics can address every situation now and
in the future, institutional practices and structures can encourage ethical
behavior, even in changing circumstances. That has been the real lesson
of the UAW’s efforts to uphold ethical standards over the years.
The delegates to the UAW’s 1957 convention, facing a platform
heralding the union’s membership of “1-1/2 million strong,” could hardly
have anticipated the challenges the union would face decades later or
the new strategies those challenges would call for. However, they
could—and did—recognize that ethical dilemmas are best addressed in
an environment of democracy and openness. The most enduring legacy
of the 1957 convention wasn’t the passage of a resolution on ethics, how-
ever strongly or eloquently worded. It was the creation of a new body,
the Public Review Board, to safeguard the democratic rights of UAW
members while also keeping watch over the union’s conduct.
The idea of an oversight body composed of distinguished outsiders
had been pioneered by the small Upholsterers’ Union, and it was consid-
ered by UAW leadership for several years before being presented to
convention delegates as an amendment to the union’s constitution.
Reuther made the case for the new body in both his written report to
delegates and his keynote address to the convention. In his words,

More and more the leadership of the labor movement must be

prepared to have their stewardship and conduct of the affairs
of the Union under their leadership subject to public review.
The leadership of the UAW is prepared to have its stewardship
reviewed, and we are proposing the creation of a Public
Review Board for this purpose and to further strengthen and
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refine the internal machinery of our Union to insure that the

justice which comes from the Union’s internal appeal proce-
dures, meets the standards of fairness and honesty consistent
with public standards in a free society (Reuther 1957:70,
emphasis in original).

In addition to providing members an additional avenue of appeal,

the new board would have special authority to monitor and enforce ethi-
cal behavior. Where possible violations of ethical practices were con-
cerned, Reuther and his fellow leaders proposed that the Public Review
Board have the authority to undertake investigations, hold hearings, and
make findings, even in the absence of a formal appeal.
When the proposal to create the Public Review Board was floated in
advance of the 1957 gathering, it was not universally well received. One
anti-labor columnist, writing in Newsweek, mocked the proposed watch-
dog body as a “private, handpicked court” created only to further the
political ambitions of the “unctuous” Walter Reuther (Moley 1957). To
convention delegates, Reuther made precisely the opposite point: this
was to be a watchdog with teeth, with the authority to modify or reverse
decisions of the union’s elected leadership. The Public Review Board’s
decisions, Reuther stressed, would be final and binding, with “no ifs,
ands, buts or loopholes” (UAW 1957:96).
The response from delegates was not universally positive either.
Minutes before the proposal to create the Public Review Board was
presented, the strongly worded resolution on ethical practices had
passed without debate. In contrast, the constitutional amendment to
create the Public Review Board faced opposition from a vocal minority.
One speaker bristled at the thought of non-members “laying down laws
and saying that we have to do this or that.” Another fretted that creating
a public panel would amount to an admission that the union was “rot-
ten” and unable to police itself. Still others cited the expense of main-
taining such a panel (UAW 1957:104–8). Though voiced by a small
minority (in the end, the creation of the Public Review Board passed
overwhelmingly), these views highlight the difficulty of moving from
general statements of ethical principle to concrete changes in organiza-
tional structures.
In its nearly 50-year history, the Public Review Board has functioned
more or less as Reuther and his contemporaries originally envisioned it.
Its members—a total of 25 individuals have served on the seven-member
panel since its inception6—have included law professors, judges, indus-
trial relations scholars, academicians from other fields, and religious fig-
ures. The board’s written decisions are published, and a summary report
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detailing the disposition of each case is provided to the union’s member-

ship. Often these decisions have upheld actions taken by the Interna-
tional Executive Board (some of which, it should be noted, themselves
overturned the actions of UAW locals or other bodies). Less often—
though not infrequently—they have reversed them.
The composition of the nearly 1,500 cases decided by the Public
Review Board over the years is noteworthy. While a full categorization is
difficult, not only because of the sheer number of cases but also because
of the complexity of many of them, relatively few deal explicitly with
financial misconduct, conflicts of interest, or personal enrichment. When
such cases have arisen, the Public Review Board has moved aggressively.
That was the case in the mid-1980s, when the UAW was shaken by a
financial scandal in one of its regions. Asked by the union’s executive
board to investigate the allegations, respond to any wrongdoing, and pro-
pose remedial measures, the Public Review Board spearheaded a multi-
year investigation that untangled a web of loosely monitored funds, used
over a period of years for the personal benefit of the region’s leadership.
While many of the individual transactions were almost laughably petty (a
motor for the director’s boat, veterinary bills for his mother’s dog, football
tickets), they added up to thousands of dollars, and the violation of trust
underlying them was major indeed. The Public Review Board responded
by recommending specific sanctions against individual wrongdoers and
proposing a list of reforms—from the adoption institutionwide of more
rigorous accounting and record-keeping standards to the restructuring of
Region 4’s education center and various special funds to new guidelines
on the employment of family members—that were, with a few minor
adjustments, promptly adopted by the International Executive Board
(UAW Public Review Board, case 640).
The Region 4 case remains the most extensive in the history of the
Public Review Board. Most of the cases before the body are not nearly so
weighty—except to the individual members they involve. That, of course,
is the point. The great majority of board cases, now and in the past, arise
from the basic stuff of union democracy: disputed elections, allegations of
unfair or discriminatory treatment, grievances arbitrarily withdrawn. Its
first several decisions, for example, upheld the political rights of a num-
ber of left-wing UAW members who had refused to “name names” when
subpoenaed by the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Internal Security.
Other early actions dealt with an administratorship, following allegations
of local union election irregularities; a bitter dispute between a member
and her local leadership; and a local president’s right to resume office at
the conclusion of a leave of absence (UAW Public Review Board cases
12, 13, 19). More recently, the Public Review Board has weighed in on
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wide-ranging matters: a local union’s withdrawal of a member’s grievance

(affirmed), a dispute over payment of travel expenses for alternate dele-
gates to the union’s convention (in which the action of the local union to
deny payment, previously sustained by the International Union’s internal
appeals process, was overturned), a charge that a local union health and
safety representative was removed from her position for political reasons.
In the last case, the Public Review Board sharply rebuked the Interna-
tional Union for its previous handling of the matter, and it remanded the
case back for a more thorough investigation (UAW Public Review Board
cases 1468, 1469, 1476).
While the Public Review Board’s jurisdiction does not extend to the
union’s collective bargaining policies, virtually every other aspect of the
union’s operation falls within its purview. It is precisely this close
involvement in the vital, everyday business of the union that makes the
board an important ethical institution. The Public Review Board safe-
guards the two things—democracy and transparency—that make a code
of ethics more than words on paper. The genius of the Public Review
Board, in short, is to foster an ethical environment by holding all levels
of the union to its democratic principles.

Lessons from the UAW’s Experience

The UAW’s approach to ethics was forged in the 1950s, against the
same backdrop of headline-making scandals that led Congress to pass
the Landrum-Griffin Act in 1959. Landrum-Griffin established new
reporting and disclosure requirements for labor organizations, as well as
safeguards for the democratic rights of union members. That dual focus
on transparency and democracy mirrored the approach taken by the
UAW in its own internal initiatives. Did it also render those initiatives
In the wake of Congress’s action, some unions answered in the affir-
mative. For a time—fortunately, past—the AFL-CIO took a similar
stance and allowed its Committee on Ethical Practices to wither, on the
grounds that the committee’s watchdog and enforcement functions had
been taken over by the federal government (Bureau of National Affairs
Obviously, the UAW reacted differently. It not only maintained but,
over the years, strengthened its internal ethics policies. The significance of
that choice lies less in the content of the UAW’s internal policies (which,
though stricter and more specific in some areas, substantially overlap the
legal requirements established by Congress) than in the institutional cul-
ture they furthered. The existence of an internal code of ethics—particularly
one with constitutional weight—raised the visibility of ethical issues within
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the institution and provided internal enforcement mechanisms to police

unethical behavior. Those effects in and of themselves were a meaningful
advance beyond simple compliance with federal law. The UAW went a step
further, though, by maintaining an independent watchdog—the Public
Review Board—with the power to enforce ethical behavior, even to the
extent of overruling decisions by the union’s executive board.
As corporate executives, citizens, and policymakers wrestle with a
succession of scandals in the business world, what lessons might be
drawn from the UAW’s experience? Increasingly, the direction of public
policy in business ethics is to require increased transparency; that, for
example, is the thrust of much of Sarbanes-Oxley. The UAW’s experi-
ence would imply that this is not enough. Financial malfeasance can be
proscribed, conflicts of interest identified and regulated, and more dis-
closure required in an attempt to increase transparency. Violations can
be prosecuted and legal penalties imposed. However, effective enforce-
ment, the kind that creates a truly ethical culture, depends heavily on
the existence of democratic procedures to give shareholders (as well as
more broadly defined stakeholders) the means to hold institutions
accountable. Unfortunately, legislative efforts to make corporations more
transparent have not been accompanied by efforts to make them more
Democracy, transparency, and the means to enforce both—along
with, but not limited to, a strong written code of ethics—are entwined at
the heart of the UAW experience. It’s worth noting that in decades past,
the union challenged corporate America to follow its lead by establishing
independent watchdog bodies similar to the Public Review Board.7
There were no takers at the time. Perhaps, in light of the corporate scan-
dals of the last few years, it’s time to revive that call.

UAW Ethical Practices Codes
Democratic Practices
The UAW is proud of its democratic heritage. Its Constitution is carefully
designed to insure each member her/his full democratic right, both as an individ-
ual and through her/his elected representatives, to express her/himself freely and
to participate at all levels in the decisions governing the Union. Moreover, indi-
vidual rights as a UAW member are protected against infringement and abuse,
for a member may appeal complaints concerning the administration of the
Union, to the Local Union, the International Executive Board and the Constitu-
tional Convention; and has the right to submit her/his appeal to the UAW Public
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Review Board, comprised of citizens with national reputations outside the labor
movement, whose decisions are final and binding.
The democratic principles which have always governed the International
Union, UAW, and its Local Unions are:

1. Each member shall be entitled to a full share in Union self-government.

Each member shall have full freedom of speech and the right to participate
in the democratic decisions of the Union. Subject to reasonable rules and
regulations, each member shall have the right to run for office, to nominate
and to vote in free, fair and honest elections. In a democratic union, as in a
democratic society, every member has certain rights but s/he must also
accept certain corresponding obligations. Each member shall have the right
freely to criticize the policies and personalities of Union officials; however,
this does not include the right to undermine the Union as an institution; to
vilify other members of the Union and its elected officials or to carry on
activities with complete disregard of the rights of other members and the
interests of the Union; to subvert the Union in collective bargaining or to
advocate or engage in dual unionism.
2. Membership meetings shall be held regularly, with proper notice of time
and place and shall be conducted in an atmosphere of fairness.
3. All Union rules and laws must be fairly and uniformly applied and discipli-
nary procedures, including adequate notice, full rights of the accused and
the right to appeal, shall be fair and afford full due process to each member.
4. Each Local Union shall maintain adequate safeguards so that all of its oper-
ations shall be conducted in a democratic and fair manner. No corruption,
discrimination or anti-democratic procedure shall ever be permitted under
any circumstances.

Financial Practices
Union funds are held in sacred trust for the benefit of the membership. The
membership is entitled to assurance that Union funds are not dissipated and are
spent for proper purposes. The membership is also entitled to be reasonably
informed as to how Union funds are invested or used.

1. The International Union and its Local Unions shall conduct their propri-
etary functions, including all contracts for purchase or sale or for rendering
housekeeping services in accordance with the practice of well-run institu-
tions, including the securing of competitive bids for major contracts.
2. The International Union and its Local Unions shall not permit any of their
funds to be invested in a manner which results in the personal profit or
advantage of any officer or representative of the Union.
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3. There shall be no contracts of purchase or sale or for rendering services

which will result in the personal profit or advantage of any officer or repre-
sentative of the Union. Nor shall any officer, representative or employee of
the International Union or any Local Union accept personal profit or spe-
cial advantage from a business with which the Union bargains collectively.
4. Neither the International Union nor any of its Local Unions shall make loans
to its officers, representatives, employees or members, or members of their
families, for the purpose of financing the private business of such persons.

Health, Welfare and Retirement Funds

1. No official, representative or employee of the International Union or a

Local Union shall receive fees or salaries of any kind from a fund estab-
lished for the provision of health, welfare or retirement benefits, except for
reasonable reimbursement provided for in a collective bargaining agree-
ment and expressly approved by the International Executive Board.
2. No official, employee or other person acting as agent or representative of the
International Union or a Local Union, who exercises responsibilities or influ-
ence in the administration of health, welfare and retirement programs or the
place of insurance contracts, shall have any compromising personal ties,
direct or indirect, with outside agencies such as insurance carriers, brokers,
or consultants doing business with the health, welfare and retirement plans.
3. Complete records of the financial operations of all UAW health, welfare
and retirement funds and programs shall be maintained in accordance with
the best accounting practice. Each such fund shall be audited regularly.
4. All such audit reports shall be available to the members of the Union cov-
ered by the fund.
5. The trustees or administrators of such funds shall make a full disclosure
and report to the members covered by the fund at least once each year.

Business and Financial Activities of Union Officials

Any person who represents the UAW and its members, whether elected or
appointed, has a sacred trust to serve the best interests of the members and their
families. Therefore, every officer and representative must avoid any outside
transaction which even gives the appearance of a conflict of interest. The special
fiduciary nature of Union office requires the highest loyalty to the duties of the
1. The mailing lists of the Union are valuable assets. In order to protect the
interests of our entire membership, Union officers and representatives
shall not, under any circumstances, turn over a Union mailing list to an out-
sider for use in the promotion or sale of any goods or services that benefit
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an individual or a private concern. Mailing lists are to be used only to pro-

mote the necessary legitimate functions of the Local Union and for no
other purpose. It is improper for any official or representative of either the
International Union or Local Union to permit the use of any mailing list by
any third party to promote the sale of furniture, appliances, automobiles,
insurance, eyeglasses or any other item, or to enable professionals to solicit
the membership.
2. No officer or representative shall have a personal financial interest which
conflicts with her/his Union duties.
3. No officer or representative shall have any substantial financial interest
(even in the publicly-traded, widely-held stock of a corporation except for
stock-purchase plans, profit sharing or nominal amounts of such stock), in
any business with which the UAW bargains. An officer or representative
shall not have any substantial interest in a business with which the UAW
bargains collectively.
4. No officer or representative shall accept “kickbacks,” under-the-table pay-
ments, valuable gifts, lavish entertainment or any personal payment of any
kind, other than regular pay and benefits for work performed as an
employee from an employer with which the Union bargains or from a busi-
ness or professional enterprise with which the Union does business.
5. The principles of this Code, of course, apply to investments and activities
of third parties, where they amount to a subterfuge to conceal the financial
interests of such officials or representatives.

1 Being “clean” does not immunize a union from corruption charges, of course.

The UAW under Walter Reuther had charges of racketeering hurled against it by the
Kohler Company during a long and bitter strike (Kohler 1957). Similar charges
remain a staple of union opponents, as any number of websites developed by anti-
union committees will attest.
2 References to “Caesar’s wife” abounded at the 1957 convention, and she is still

invoked by UAW leaders. The specific reference is to Julius Caesar’s second wife,
Pompeia, whom he divorced at the merest suspicion of scandal. Her actual guilt or
innocence was immaterial since, as he is traditionally held to have declared, “Caesar’s
wife must be above suspicion.”
3 For Fraser’s thoughts on his board service and those who criticized it, see Fraser

(1982). For the view of his critics, see the special report on Chrysler in Labor Notes
4 For a sampling of typical reactions from business leaders and conservative com-

mentators, see Hayes (1979); Wall Street Journal (1979); BusinessWeek (1980); and
Raskin (1980). For a statement of General Motors’s views, as expressed by then-chair-
man Thomas Murphy, see Hadden (1979).
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5 Chrysler always insisted that the board seat was Fraser’s, based on his personal

qualifications, and not the UAW’s as an institution. In 1982 negotiations, the company
rejected a union proposal to recast Fraser’s seat as a UAW seat, much less to increase
labor’s representation to four board seats. As Fraser’s retirement approached, he and
Chrysler’s Lee Iacocca wrangled over whether Fraser’s successor as UAW president,
Owen Bieber, would be nominated for Fraser’s board seat. In the end, Fraser stayed
on the board, on what was understood to be a transitional basis, for a year after his
retirement from UAW office. In 1984, Owen Bieber was nominated to succeed him
and served until 1991. After a lapse of seven years, the UAW’s governance role
resumed in a different context when Chrysler merged with Daimler-Benz and then-
UAW president Stephen P. Yokich assumed a seat on the supervisory board of the
new German-headquartered company.
6 There was one vacancy as of October 2004, following the death of Professor

Marilyn Yarbrough.
7 See, for example, the resolution on corporate responsibility passed by delegates

to the UAW’s 1970 convention (UAW 1970:250–3).

Bureau of National Affairs. 1981. “UAW President Says Indicted Union Officials
Should Step Down Until Cleared of Charges.” Daily Labor Report 103, May 29,
pp. A7–8.
BusinessWeek. 1980. “The Risk in Putting a Union Chief on the Board.” May 19,
pp. 149–50.
______. 1984. “Labor’s Voice on Corporate Boards: Good or Bad.” May 7, pp. 151–3.
Fraser, Douglas. 1980a. Keynote address to 1980 UAW National Community Action
Program Conference. Text provided in UAW press release, January 13.
______. 1980b. President’s Report to 26th Constitutional Convention, Part One: UAW
in Action. Detroit: UAW.
______. 1982. “Worker Participation in Corporate Government: The UAW-Chrysler
Experience.” Kenneth M. Piper Lecture, Illinois Institute of Technology.
Reprinted in Chicago Kent Law Review, Vol. 58, No. 4.
Hadden, Jeffrey. 1979. “Murphy Sees Problems with Fraser-Chrysler Ties.” Detroit
News, November 8, p. 14d.
Hayes, Thomas. 1979. “Fraser Board Role Riles Critics, Raises Questions.” New York
Times, November 26, p. D1.
Kohler, Herbert. 1957. “Can a Free Economy Tolerate Union Violence? The Menace of
UAW-CIO Coercion.” Address to Detroit Economic Club, delivered February 25.
Reprinted in Kohler Company pamphlet.
Labor Notes. 1979. “Labor Notes Special Report: Substandard Chrysler Contract
Ratified,” November 20, pp. 6–7.
Moley, Raymond. 1957. “The Ultimate Wrong,” Newsweek, April 8, p. 120.
Raskin, A.H. 1980. “The Labor Leader as Company Director,” New York Times, April
27, p. F1.
Reuther, Walter. 1957. President’s Report to 16th Constitutional Convention, United
Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers of America. Detroit:
UAW, International Union. 1955. Proceedings, 15th Constitutional Convention,
United Automobile, Aircraft and Agricultural Implement Workers of America,
Cleveland, OH, March 27–April 1.
LERA05.chap10.qxd 8/1/05 10:27 AM Page 271


______. 1957. Proceedings, 16th Constitutional Convention, United Automobile, Air-

craft and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Atlantic City, NJ, April
______. 1970. Proceedings, 22nd Constitutional Convention, International Union,
United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America,
April 20–24.
______. 2003a. “Ethical Conduct in Dealing with Vendors, Suppliers and Other
Providers of Service.” Administrative Letter, Vol. 49, No. 1 (February 14).
______. 2003b. “UAW Policy Against Endorsement of Outside Businesses.” Adminis-
trative Letter, Vol. 51, No. 2 (November 11).
UAW Public Review Board. Digest of Public Review Board Decisions. Multiple vol-
umes, covering 1957–2002 (case numbers 1–1421). Individual decisions, includ-
ing those not yet compiled in summary volumes, are available free of charge to
UAW members directly from the Public Review Board.
Wall Street Journal. 1979. “Plan to Elect UAW’s Chief to Chrysler’s Board Raises
Issues,” October 26, p. 3.
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The Critical Failure of

Workplace Ethics
University of Oregon

Power concedes nothing without a demand.

—Frederick Douglass

It is unsurprising that, in an era of high-profile corporate scandals,

business ethics has again become a popular topic. Whenever household-
name companies start showing up in stories about graft, corruption, and
securities fraud, we can expect to hear pundits wondering where things
went wrong and calling for more ethics classes in the nation’s business
schools. While such jeremiads have typically focused on the defrauding
of consumers or shareholders, it is understandable that recent debate
has included a greater focus on workplace ethics. We are living through
an economy that is relentlessly downsizing. Notions of job security and
employee loyalty, or corporate commitment to a living wage and afford-
able health care, have been torn asunder. Moreover, the logic of down-
sizing—layoffs, subcontracting, contingent labor, slashed benefits—has
crept slowly up the occupational ladder, coming to affect a growing share
of white-collar and professional jobs. In this context, it is unsurprising
that increased attention is being paid to the ethics of employment rela-
But does the category of “ethics” really add much to our understand-
ing of employment relations? And is there really any way that scholar-
ship or education on this topic can lead to improvements in the actual
behavior of employers?
The body of scholarship that falls under the heading of “workplace
ethics” can be roughly divided into two groups. The issue that divides
these groups is the question of whether ethical education—in business
schools or in the workplace—can be effective. In one group are critics
such as Roy Adams (2001), Lance Compa (2000), and others, who cri-
tique business practices from an outsider’s viewpoint. While such works
voice ethical criticisms of employers, they do not consider the unethical

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treatment of employees an aberration but rather the inevitable logic of

capitalist employment. Thus, these scholars’ conclusions tend to call for
higher ethical standards being forcibly imposed on employers, generally
through either government regulation or collective bargaining. These
scholars are not trying to convince business managers to get in touch
with a softer side of their souls. Instead, their real audiences are those
interested in taking up the work of making such regulations politically
feasible. This group is the minority.
Scholars in the second broad class approach workplace ethics in much
the same way as we might approach the ethics of friendship or marriage,
treating the behavior of employers as the outcome of a series of individ-
ual choices that are ultimately shaped by the personal morality of man-
agers. While it is rarely stated explicitly, these scholars’ field as a whole is
built on the assumption that providing ethical education to managers will
lead them to change their behavior and ultimately to adopt more ethical
corporate policies. Proponents may disagree as to whether virtue, care,
duty, or utility is the best foundation for ethics, but they implicitly agree
on something much more profound. By focusing on a managerial audi-
ence, all of these arguments implicitly advocate a common ontological
view of the world: that the best way to create a more ethical workplace is
by appealing to the ethical proclivities of business managers. It is this lit-
erature—which dominates the field of HR ethics—that I will focus on for
the remainder of this essay. To state my conclusion up front, I believe
that this sort of HR ethics is bankrupt, that it has failed and will continue
to fail to meaningfully improve the real governance of actual workplaces,
and that it functions more as a legitimizing diversion than a genuine field
of social scientific inquiry.

Human Resource Ethics: The State of the Field

If you go by shelf space, the field of human resource (HR) ethics is
not doing too well. Virtually every bookstore has a large section of busi-
ness readings, but only a few of the larger stores contain even small sec-
tions on business ethics, within which may be an even smaller subsection
devoted to HR ethics. Similarly, while many large corporations have a
designated “ethics officer,” the higher-ups don’t seem to take this role
very seriously. In a recent Conference Board (2004) survey of corporate
HR officers, more than two thirds reported that their board of directors
had never taken part in an ethics compliance training. It’s not that there
aren’t any ethical issues to be concerned about; for instance, two thirds
of those surveyed believe that senior executive compensation is “out of
control.” The problem is that even clear ethical violations are not partic-
ularly punished, especially if the culprit has been a good performer in
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terms of the bottom line. A strong majority of HR officers reported that,

even when an executive is forced to resign due to a violation of ethics
codes, he or she is rewarded with a compensating severance package.
Nor are HR officers optimistic about the power of ethics training to
reverse such trends. In 2003, a majority of those surveyed believed that
even if Enron managers had undergone ethics training, it would have
made “little or no difference” in the actions that led to that company’s
demise and the liquidation of its employees’ retirement funds (Confer-
ence Board 2004).
The view from academia is similarly discouraging. While there is
much debate over the correct philosophical approach to HR ethics, the
one thing that most scholars share is the knowledge that their work is
largely ignored by business managers. Winstanley and Woodall, for
instance, introduce their comprehensive review of the field by noting
that “on the whole, ethical issues have been of marginal significance to
the unfolding academic debates around HRM [human resource manage-
ment]” (2000:4). In the papers that follow, authors repeatedly outline a
theoretical case for ethical behavior, only to acknowledge the unlikeli-
hood of its being put into practice in real firms. Liff and Dickens, for
instance, note that stakeholder ethics could be put into practice if only
individual managers were rewarded “on the basis of their contribution to
furthering equality . . . in addition to more traditional business perform-
ance measures” but concede with a graceful understatement that “cur-
rently this is rare” (2000:96).
Indeed, there is a curious disconnect at the heart of what should be
the vital field of workplace ethics. On the one hand, most adults spend
most of their waking hours as employees, and in the normal course of
work they confront a host of questions about ethics and fairness: Are
promotions really based on merit, or on favoritism? What can I do about
a sexist boss? Should I put myself at risk by helping someone who’s
falling behind and in danger of getting fired? Is it fair that the boss
makes so much and they’re raising our health insurance premiums? For
those interested in morality and fairness, the workplace is a forum that
might be termed a “target-rich environment,” rife with moral issues that
are concretely acted out in our everyday lives. The curiosity is that, for
all the relevance these topics would seem to hold, the academic field of
workplace ethics seems to attract few readers and little enthusiasm.
Why is a field that should have so much to offer to so many instead
confined to the margins of relevance? I believe it is because its scholars
are talking to the wrong audience. Overwhelmingly, the assumed audience
for the literature of workplace ethics is management rather than workers.
Furthermore, in addressing current or prospective HR officers—a set of
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people who are simultaneously managers and employees—the literature

overwhelmingly addresses them in their capacity as managers rather than
as employees. Because the singular purpose of business is to generate
shareholder returns, the role of business managers is to shape all their
policies to maximize profits. Even for upstanding citizens (who may con-
duct noble volunteer work in other parts of their lives), the role of busi-
ness manager allows little room for ethical considerations—particularly
when ethics conflicts with profit maximization. By focusing on managers
as their audience, HR scholars have set up the field of ethics to be perma-
nently marginal. Moreover, the scholarship itself becomes distorted by the
assumption that ethical arguments must be framed in terms that appeal to
people whose roles make them structurally disinterested in ethics. In seek-
ing to craft ethical arguments that might be palatable to private sector
managers, scholars have produced a host of tracts that are convoluted and
dreamy. The field is characterized by tepid and speculative theories that
rarely offer critical prescriptions for the real world of work, and that there-
fore have failed to engage much of a readership among either manage-
ment or workers.

What Is Ethics?
To say anything clear about HR ethics, it’s critical to start with an
understanding of what ethics is and is not in this context. Much of the
literature focuses on compliance with legal regulation; thus, a review of
business ethics textbooks found that the single most commonly dis-
cussed HR issue was employment discrimination (Ciulla 1999:271). But
obeying the law is not the same thing as acting ethically: both ethical and
unethical firms presumably obey the law not out of conscience but out of
fear of the consequences of disobedience.
So, too, perhaps the single most common argument about HR
ethics—heard from both the left and the right—is that treating employ-
ees ethically actually serves the long-term interests of shareholders. I
will address later the accuracy of this claim. But for now, what’s critical
to point out is that, to the extent that this view is true, it makes ethics
irrelevant. If acting “ethically”—whatever that may mean—is acting in
the long-term interests of shareholders, then the category of “ethics” is
useless, because it adds nothing to our understanding of the business
world. We already know that smart businesses act in order to maximize
long-term shareholder return; noting that those exact same actions may
also be deemed ethical gives us no new insight into business manage-
ment. Things that are in the selfish interest of shareholders will be pur-
sued by smart managers no matter what their ethical leanings. If it’s true
that paying employees well, for instance, leads to improved customer
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service, increased sales, and ultimately increased returns to sharehold-

ers, you don’t need ethics to tell you to do it. And if an ethically con-
cerned management acts exactly the same as an ethically unconcerned
management, then the discussion of ethics is a waste of time.
For business ethics to mean anything, it must at least sometimes lead
managers to do something that cuts against their otherwise dominant
drive to maximize profits. Only in this way will “ethics” designate some-
thing that has any independent reality to it. If HR ethics never lead man-
agers to insist on some ethical behavior that flies in the face of the profit
motive, it is meaningless. And unfortunately, precious little in the litera-
ture on HR ethics—much less in the practice of actual HR managers—
stands up to this test.

Is It in Business’s Interest to Be Ethical?

Since so much of HR ethics focuses on the overlap between ethics
and the profit motive, it is critical to examine whether, or to what extent,
these two things really do overlap. Does the pursuit of profit lead man-
agers, for selfish reasons, to adopt ethical practices? In some ways it
seems difficult to even debate this proposition with a straight face. To
anyone who looks around at the economy, to anyone who has experi-
enced the labor market, to anyone who as a child was told to “share” or
“be nice” and then grew up to learn how the adult world functions, the
suggestion that the market inherently encourages morality may seem
absurd on its face.
But to walk through the theoretical basis for this intuitive perception,
it is worth examining the two most common foundations of business
ethics: utilitarianism and deontology. The first principle of utilitarianism,
as developed by Bentham ([1789] 1996) and Mill ([1868] 2002), is that
policies must be based on what will produce “the greatest good for the
greatest number.” One look at any normal business, which—without any
illegal behavior, but simply in the normal course of doing what it is sup-
posed to do—seeks to maximize the wealth of its owners and upper
management while paying as little as needed to everyone else, shows
that no business in America can pass this most basic test of utilitarian
Any number of hypotheticals immediately clarify the impossibility of
applying utilitarianism to business practice. Imagine that the employees
who manufacture Nike sneakers asked to be paid the retail value of at
least one pair of sneakers per day—a rate that would still leave the com-
pany comfortably profitable but would vastly increase wages. Alterna-
tively, think of any of the decisions that employees might make in a
worker-owned company, where they are dedicated to the business’s
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financial viability but are otherwise interested in sharing the wealth.

Suppose, for example, that employees in a privately held company pro-
posed that all profits be divided in four, with equal quarters going to the
owners, community organizations, consumer rebates, and a fund for
increased vacation time so employees can spend more time with their
families. This would unquestionably be a superior choice in terms of
utilitarian ethics. And it would unquestionably be rejected out of hand
by every company in America—most likely with whomever suggested it
being tagged a troublemaker and marked for increased surveillance, if
not immediate termination. No business in America can meet the most
simple test of utilitarianism. It is no wonder, then, that the authors of a
recent compendium on HR ethics concede that “these [utilitarian]
approaches have been less useful in HRM” (Winstanley and Woodall
The second most commonly articulated basis for ethics is deontology,
or ethics that springs from one’s duty to treat others correctly. Whether
articulated by Kant, Rawls, or Jesus, deontological ethics boils down to
the Golden Rule of treating others as one would choose to be treated. It
is immediately obvious that business fails to meet this standard. By and
large, few employees would choose to be treated as they are. Everyone
would prefer a bigger share of the profits and greater control over the
work process (hence the ubiquitous late-night infomercials hawking the
allure of self-employment). And virtually no managers would choose to
be treated the same as those working under them; on the contrary, the
purpose of moving up to management is, in part, to escape the condition
of being bossed around and underpaid. If we consider the Kantian ver-
sion of deontological ethics, Kant’s “categorical imperative” requires that
we treat others as ends rather than means, in part by appealing to them
on the basis of reason rather than coercion. As MacIntyre explains, “in
offering [another person] reasons I offer him an impersonal considera-
tion for him to evaluate. . . . By contrast an attempt at non-rational per-
suasion embodies an attempt to make the agent a mere instrument of
my will, without any regard for his rationality” (1984:46). But no busi-
ness functions this way. At the heart of every capitalist employment rela-
tionship is the employer’s coercive power to fire, demote, or discipline
employees. Whatever carrots may also be offered, no employer operates
without this stick. Thus, again, there is no American business that can
meet this first, most basic test of Kantian ethics.
At the broadest level, the ethical nature of business seems painfully
simple to grasp. Is there anyone who believes that if Jesus, Buddha,
Mohammed, or Moses returned to earth and saw Safeway CEO Steve
Burd making $5 million in stock options in the same year he forced
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healthcare cuts on tens of thousands of employees—or saw the richest 1%

of Americans growing dramatically richer over the past decade while the
number of uninsured, pensionless, and contingent workers reached record
heights—that he would say, “Yes, this is how I intended it to be” (Califor-
nia Congressman Challenges Safeway’s Claims, 2003)? If our society is
judged by how we treat the least among us, can anyone think corporate
America would be judged positively? Reasonable people may debate ad
infinitum whether the capitalist employment system is necessary for mate-
rial progress. But even being necessary does not make something ethical.
It is, of course, difficult to translate broad religious or philosophical
principles into concrete policies for the modern workplace—particularly
since Plato and Aristotle, the Bible and the Talmud all contain multiple
and conflicting edicts. But without getting too sophisticated about
things, we might focus on just the simplest of principles that may be
assumed to derive from these sources. Most ethicists, for instance,
believe that it is obligatory to pay employees justly. It is difficult to settle
on a specific definition of “just pay.” However, it is not that hard to iden-
tify a minimal standard. Conservative Christian ethicist Larry Burkett
deems that “a Christian employer has a responsibility to meet the mini-
mum needs of the employees” (1998:160). How does one calculate such
a standard? Burkett reasonably explains that “one of the most helpful
ways I have found to determine other people’s minimum needs is simply
to put myself in their position and see if I could live on what they are
earning” (1998:161). He then concedes that “if employers would do this
with their employees (and be honest about it), most would have to admit
they aren’t paying a fair wage” (1998:161). As economists across the
country have used a version of this same methodology to calculate “living
wage” levels, it has become painfully clear just how right Burkett is. Fur-
thermore, not only do many businesses fail to meet this minimal stan-
dard of workplace ethics, but much of the business community has lined
up to lobby against the adoption of living wage standards. The U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, for instance, has worked to oppose the living
wage movement (“U.S. Chamber Challenges ‘Living Wage’ Law” 2002).
Thus, again, even at the most basic level, business appears to fail the test
of the Golden Rule. It seems self-evident that, whatever else it may be,
business is not an enterprise driven by ethical principles. Business exists
to make money—hopefully within the confines of the law but otherwise
unrestricted by any outside philosophy.
It is critical to note that, if business is an “ethics-free zone,” it is not
due to the moral failings of individual managers. The same people who
fire union activists and raid employee pension funds to enrich already-
wealthy shareholders may be model ethical actors in other areas of their
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lives. But their noble acts as parents, neighbors, or soup-kitchen volun-

teers do not carry over into their roles as managers, precisely because in
the volunteer realm they are acting as individuals and in the work realm
they are embedded in a coercive corporate organization in which think-
ing for yourself can get you fired. The absence of ethics in HR practice
is not a personal failure; it is a systemic failure. This is why ethical
appeals to individual managers have no traction; they are based on a fun-
damental misunderstanding regarding what kind of problem this is.

“Contested Exchange”: Why Employment Ethics

Remains Marginal to Business
Why is business such an ethics-unfriendly environment? The most
obvious barrier to ethical behavior in business is simply the drive to max-
imize profits in the hands of shareholders. Since many of the most
important ethical edicts involve a more equal sharing of the wealth,
there is a simple conflict of interest between this ethical impulse and the
imperative for shareholder return. But beyond the straightforward finan-
cial conflict, there is still a wide range of employment practices that
might be conducted in a more ethical manner. Even if the division of
wages, salaries, and profits was to remain as is, management could make
the workplace less authoritarian and more inclusive. Why do pleas for
movement in this direction so often fall on deaf ears?
To answer this question we must understand the very thing that
euphemistic talk about “associates” and “teams” serves to obscure: the
fundamentally coercive power relations that lie at the heart of capitalist
employment. As discussed by Bowles and Gintis (1990), the fact of
human consciousness makes labor unlike any other factor of production.
If a steel mill buys 100 tons of ore, it gets exactly what it paid for. But if
the same mill hires a worker to work for 100 hours, it’s not clear exactly
what it has bought. Employees may work faster or slower, seeking to
maximize production or maximize rest time. They may take the initiative
to point out defects or may let them slide, may encourage co-workers to
speed up or slow down, may be friendly or surly, may solidify support for
management or foster rebellion against the boss. In the neoclassical
model of economic behavior, rational actors always seek to maximize
their personal utility. To the extent that this is accurate, employees can
be expected to generally work the minimum amount necessary to keep
their jobs, preserving as much as possible of their health, strength,
energy, and time for more freely chosen pursuits.
This fundamental conflict of interest is what makes employment
relations into what Bowles and Gintis (1990) term a “contested exchange.”
Obviously, it is the threat of firing that ultimately undergirds managerial
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control. Termination is to the firm what imprisonment is to the state: the

ultimate enforcement mechanism, rarely invoked, but without which the
whole system crumbles. But the threat of termination is not enough by
itself. If fast-food servers are to project friendliness, if telephone support
staff are to promote upgrades, and if production workers are to reach
their quotas, management must have a sophisticated system of surveil-
lance and control. In early industrial production, Taylorism sought to
solve this problem by prescribing the exact physical movements required
of workers. For most of the current economy, this solution no longer
works. Particularly in the service sector, maximum production requires
controlling what is in employees’ hearts and minds as well as what they
do with their hands. As Edwards notes, the highest and most ambitious
form of management control is fostering the “internalization of the
enterprise’s goals and values”—so that workers become self-driven and
self-policing (1976:58). The variety of employee participation schemes
that stem from this goal may look like ethical practices, and they may
even be described in those terms by upper management. However,
scholars who take such pronouncements at face value and seek to extend
this logic to broader forms of power sharing or workplace democracy
find their fantasies quickly crushed. Because no matter what elevated
language may be used to describe employee participation programs, they
remain first and foremost mechanisms of control (Slaughter and Parker
1994). As Claydon notes, even in “high performance” organizations, “the
fact that management needs to be able to control and dispose of labor as
if it were a commodified object while at the same time requiring the
active cooperation of workers as willing subjects creates a contradiction
at the heart of the employment relationship” (2000:208).
In this context, it is not surprising to discover that even those firms
celebrated for one or another supposedly progressive HR practice are
elsewhere revealed to be callously impoverishing their employees.
Among the companies trumpeted as models in The War for Talent
(Michaels, Handfield-Jones, and Axelrod 2001:49), for instance, is
Enron, whose commitment to hiring and retaining the best apparently
did not prevent it from knowingly destroying their retirement savings
while a handful of top managers made out like bandits. IBM, a firm
often touted as a model employer, similarly engaged in a wholesale raid
on the pension holdings of its most loyal and veteran employees
(“Sanders Hails Federal Court Ruling” 2003). So too is Jack Welch—
whose penchant for mass layoffs earned him the nickname “Neutron
Jack” hailed in The HR Scorecard (Becker, Huselid, and Ulrich 2001:175)
as a visionary proponent of strategic HR. Finally, even Wal-Mart, a com-
pany notorious for, among other things, sex and race discrimination,
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stealing employees’ overtime wages, and vicious anti-unionism, appar-

ently treats some of its professional staff well enough to land it more
than once, most recently in 2002, on Fortune Magazine’s list of The 100
Best Companies to Work For (Great Place to Work Institute 2002).
Wishfully thinking HR ethicists may focus on the one corporate
policy that appears to be driven by ethical concerns and then find
themselves confused by what seems to be contradictory behavior. In
fact, there is no contradiction, because even the “model” policies
should not be read as evidence of a general orientation toward ethical
treatment of workers; they are simply a sign that in that one particular
function, management has found it effective to adopt this practice as a
means of motivating workers. From a management point of view, there
is no contradiction between, for example, holding participatory “town
meetings” and firing union supporters. Again, this is not a critique of
particularly unscrupulous managers. This is what normal managers are
supposed to do in the course of running a normal business. Thus the
oft-repeated call to “banish fear from the workplace” (see, among oth-
ers, Clark and Lattal 1993:106) is literally impossible; it would collapse
the capitalist firm.

The Distorted Ethics of Management-Friendly HR

Because this literature is implicitly restricted to practices that are
consonant with maximizing profits, “HR ethics” has become dis-
torted, producing a host of analyses that seem eccentrically one-
sided. From a disinterested viewpoint, for instance, one might think
that a discussion of whistleblowing would revolve around how strong
the guarantees need to be to enable employees to notify government
regulators about corporate misdeeds. Instead, the literature assumes
that whistleblowing must be limited to protect damage to the corpo-
ration and then probes the circumstances under which it should be
allowed. Thus, in a review of HR textbooks, Ciulla (1999:271) finds
that eight of the nine texts that address the ethics of whistleblowing
do so under the category of “loyalty.” Lewis similarly frames a chap-
ter around the question “Is whistleblowing ethical?” (2000:268). He
notes that the “conventional” view sees whistleblowers as “trouble-
makers who deserve to be punished for disloyalty” (Lewis 2000:269)
and stresses the importance of complaints being raised internally to
one’s supervisors rather than shared with the outside public. Ulti-
mately, he breaks with the conventional view but only for cases in
which whistleblowing may actually serve the company’s long-term
interests by leading management to address mistakes early and avoid
messier problems down the road.
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Similarly, Taylor and Jones’s (2000) concept of an “employee charter”

plays off an analogy with political citizenship, but it fundamentally dis-
torts the analogy to make the proposal fit with a management perspec-
tive. “The stakeholder concept,” they explain, “aims to describe and
emphasize the reciprocal set of rights and responsibilities that exists
between individuals and society. Individuals earn and deserve rights by
recognizing their personal responsibility to make appropriate contribu-
tions to society” (2000:251). Here, the authors seek to legitimize busi-
ness practices by suggesting that they are the same as those of any
human “society.” But in actual political society, “rights” are not earned.
The rights of a citizen—to complain, protest, bring suit, and have a say
in electing one’s rulers—are not a reward for good behavior but are
“endowed by the creator” and inalienable. This fundamental basis of
democracy is twisted in order to legitimize the functioning of actual HR
regimes. Both these cases point to an endemic problem in the literature:
an eccentrically pro-management orientation has come to dominate
ethics discussions to the point of deforming basic ethical concepts in
order to avoid challenging the profit motive.

Anachronistic Ethics
In part, ethicists legitimize business mores by drawing on moral cate-
gories that predate industrial capitalism. In many cases, scholars pro-
mote biblical, Greek, or other ancient sources for lessons about how
people should treat each other in personal relationships, then seek to
apply these lessons to 21st-century workplaces. While there are many
realms of life in which ancient wisdom has much to teach us, it is simply
anachronistic to apply economic ideas from that time to ours. As Polanyi
(1947, 1968) has shown, while trade, employment, and exploitation have
existed for thousands of years, the specific form of capitalist firms—with
monopoly control of the means of production and a ceaseless quest for
ever-growing profits—is qualitatively different from what came before it.
In this sense, it is ironic that MacIntyre’s work (1984) is so often invoked
as the foundation for a form of HR ethics (“virtue ethics”). MacIntyre’s
own argument was not that Aristotelian ethics should be applied to con-
temporary life but the contrary: that virtues are meaningful only in the
context of the social order that created them. To pick an assortment of
virtues from other times and cultures and apply them in our own is to
create an incoherent and unsustainable code of conduct.
This, ultimately, is one of the reasons why the field of “HR ethics” is
so marginal and lifeless: it offers an imagined terrain that is systemati-
cally disconnected from the reality of workplace relations. Thus, Lewis,
for example, invokes “the common law implied duty of fidelity”
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(2000:270) as grounds for limiting whistleblower protections. But com-

mon law fidelity sprang from the economy of feudalism, in which lord
and serf were each bound by a set of reciprocal, if highly unequal, obli-
gations. All of this is changed in a system where the means of production
are monopolized by a few and in which firms recognize no obligation
whatsoever to employees except for employing them to the extent that
they contribute to profit maximization. In the context of capitalist
employment it is anachronistic—and nonsensical—to talk of a virtue of
On the other side, Winstanley and Woodall complain that the poten-
tial for communitarian or partnership ethics in the workplace may be
limited by “greedy employers” (2000:15). Again, while it may have made
sense to characterize an Athenian merchant as “greedy,” it makes no
sense in the contemporary context. In capitalist economies, greed is not
an ethical failure. Greedy is what companies are supposed to be, and
greed is what management is supposed to pursue.

Ethics of Free Individuals Versus Ethics Under Coercion

The single most important anachronism in the literature of HR
ethics is the assumption that workplace relations can be modeled on
relationships between two free and independent actors. As Duska notes,
American HR theorists predominantly view employment as “a contrac-
tual relationship of two self-sufficient individuals, agreeing to engage in
commerce with one another” (1999:262). Indeed, this view fits with the
classic articulation of neoclassical economics, which treats all acts of eco-
nomic exchange as originating in the free choice of independent individ-
uals (see, for example, Menger, 1981:175–90). While many ethicists
doubtless recognize that the workplace involves an imbalance of power
relations, much of ethical theory is nevertheless implicitly premised on
the assumption that employment is a freely chosen exchange.
Take as one example Dubinsky’s explanation for the function of
workplace rules:

Every group of human beings sets rules for how its members
ought to behave. . . . Individuals are expected to learn what is
required of them . . . and to bring their own conduct into line
with these minimum expectations. The setting of conduct rules
by groups occurs in families, communities, civic organizations,
social clubs, schools, and, of course, business organizations

By grouping the workplace with a host of organic or voluntary organ-

izations, this analysis sets up the “ethical” discussion as “What should
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happen to people who don’t follow the rules?” While this may be appro-
priate for children or for freely chosen social clubs, the same question
becomes divorced from reality when applied to a workplace where rules
are not chosen but imposed, and where the central dynamic holding the
organization together is not love or affiliation but coercion and threat of
impoverishment. On this distorted basis, Dubinsky goes on to articulate
an obnoxious psychologization of worker resistance, explaining that “just
as groups feel a need to set rules . . . so do some individuals feel a need
to rebel against those rules. . . . There will always be rule followers, rule
breakers, and those who delight in testing the limits” (1999:386). By tak-
ing ethics that may be appropriate for voluntary organizations and mis-
applying them to a fundamentally different setting, the author renders
them nonsensical.
Burkett (1998:135–6) likewise stresses the importance of workers’
honoring authority, obeying orders, and maintaining loyalty to the firm;
he recommends that employees be financially rewarded for loyalty (a
form of favoritism that others might view as ethically suspect) and fired
for disobedience. Indeed, he goes so far as to call for discipline or termi-
nation as a response to “subtle disobedience” such as that illustrated by a
troublemaking secretary described by one employer:

When any disciplinary action was taken against any hourly

employee for tardiness or absence, this secretary would imme-
diately go to console the person and fill him or her in on what
she perceived to be management’s blatant violation of the Fair
Labor Standards Act governing hourly employees. I found
myself defending my decisions at staff meetings for nonexist-
ent abuses (1998:135).

What Burkett has described is the equivalent of a union steward. That

such behavior is deemed intolerable by some ethicists reflects the extent
to which the field is embedded in a managerial perspective that assumes
employment is freely chosen. But in less extreme forms, this problem
plagues the field of HR ethics as a whole. Virtually all ethics proposed for
the workplace—whether deontological or utilitarian, stakeholder or
virtue, discourse or caring—look very different if we assume that the
workplace is not a freely chosen relationship between independent indi-
viduals but a coercive relationship between those who control the means
of production and those who must sell their labor in order to survive.

HR Managers: An Ethically Unfree Audience

Why does the field of HR ethics focus so disproportionately on
maxims that fit with profit maximization? I believe that, ultimately,
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this reflects the reality of HR managers’ own position within corpo-

rate organizations. Because the HR literature largely speaks to current
or prospective HR managers, it must be cast in terms that are realistic
to their work environments. And at the core of their reality is the fact
that, like all other employees, HR managers will be fired if they act in
ways that conflict with the firm’s goal of maximizing profits. There is a
wide array of ethical choices that HR managers confront at work that
fall outside the bounds of profit-maximizing behavior. Ethically sensi-
tive HR managers might, for instance, feel that it is wrong to facilitate
strikebreaking or to write memos justifying high executive compensa-
tion when rank-and-file health care is being cut. But managers with
such beliefs who choose to follow their consciences will soon find
themselves on the street. Thus, there is a logical self-censorship at the
heart of the HR “ethics” literature, based on understanding the real-
world constraints that HR departments operate under. The field
known as “HR ethics” can more appropriately be understood as “the
ethics of HR management, assuming that HR managers are prohib-
ited from doing anything other than helping management maximize
This reality points to an even more fundamental problem with the
field of HR ethics. The literature focuses on ethical choices, but the sub-
jects are people who are not free to make their own ethical choices. But
if the system as a whole is corrupt, what is the point or function of writ-
ing articles, publishing books, and holding conferences about HR ethics?
We would not, presumably, encourage academics to devote energy to the
field of the “ethics of dictatorial rule,” even though much of the world is
ruled by undemocratic regimes. The suggestion that we take seriously
the dilemmas of how to ethically dispense justice or levy taxes in a dicta-
torial state seems oxymoronic at best. At worst, it seems like an attempt
to mask the offensiveness of the state structure by focusing on marginal
decisions and imbuing the bureaucrats of repression with the air of deep
moral thinkers.

New Ethics for a Coerced Workforce

If the field of HR ethics were not artificially bounded by the need
to get along with upper management, it would confront much more
lively and critical issues. To begin with, we would consider the defini-
tion of ethical behavior for employees from a much broader perspective
than the themes of loyalty, hard work, and cooperation that dominate
management-based ethics. Consider, for instance, the following
description of how one group of employees balanced their own goals
against those of their employer:
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While working as a coil winder in a big transformer factory, we

workers faced the dehumanizing “science” known as Minutes
Times Motion, which is where a computer estimates how long
it should take to complete a task such as building a trans-
former. Every day, we would check the number and type of
transformers built, and at the end of the week we would get a
computer-generated analysis of our efficiency rate. If we “beat
the clock,” we would get a happy face on our evaluation report.
A frown face would mean that we were just not up to par, as
far as our computer was concerned.
To get a grip on this bad situation, especially in a non-union
plant, we required a total conspiracy amongst workers. Starting
with the guy I knew the best, we each agreed to slow down
production on one of the transformer types. We each handed
in approximately the same number of units as our co-workers.
After a few frowning faces on our monthly reports and a talk-
ing-to by the supervisor, the management had to readjust their
computer time accordingly. It makes management look bad to
have a product constantly come in under production goals.
Adjusting to our new time made them come out around 100
percent again. This victory encouraged other assemblers to do
the same, with equally good results.
As we became faster at winding, we would overproduce and
thus we would have to store some units in our lockers. We soon
saw the wisdom of having a bank of units, in case we didn’t
want to work as hard one day, or a friend needed one because
they messed one up. We earned more free time at work, and
were still working at 100 percent, as far as management was
concerned (Sprouse 1992:112).

Is this behavior ethical? It certainly violates a number of principles

frequently articulated by business ethics theorists. From an alternative
viewpoint, however, it is arguable that these employees are doing the
morally correct thing. They are conserving their own energy, strength,
and safety. They are enriching their lives by winning themselves more
free time. And they have created a system of solidarity, where one
worker can help out another who may fall behind due to error, illness, or
fatigue. They are clearly misleading their superiors, although the evi-
dence suggests that the company remained profitable. Yet in the context
of understanding capitalist employment as a coerced exchange—particu-
larly in the context of a Taylorized speedup—it’s not clear that these
workers “owe” their employer any more than they’ve given. My point
here is not to prove that this behavior is ethically correct—that’s a sub-
ject that may be open to prolonged debate—but rather to point out that
such debate is almost entirely missing from the existing literature on
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workplace ethics, because it has confined itself to what is acceptable to

upper management.

An Irrational Commitment to a Win-Win View of the World

Despite the seemingly clear-cut divide between ethics and the profit
motive, the literature on HR ethics remains preoccupied with arguments
about how the two coincide. Thus, Sillanpaa and Jackson’s review of The
Body Shop—one of the foremost champions of progressive employment
relations—concludes that

companies which are run with a view to the long-term inter-

ests of their key stakeholders are more likely to prosper
than those which take a short-term “shareholder first”
approach. . . . Put simply, companies need to listen, to
process and to respond constructively to the values and
needs of their stakeholders, most especially their employ-
ees, customers and investors. Failure to do this will reduce
long-term commercial viability and increase the risk of cor-
porate demise (2000:227).

On the other end of the political spectrum, conservative corporate

advocate Elaine Sternberg voices a nearly identical argument:

The business that treats its customers contemptuously, or its

staff unjustly, or its suppliers dishonestly, will often find
them hard to retain. In a free market, the most productive
staff, the finest suppliers and the cheapest and most flexible
sources of finance can do better than to stay with a business
that cheats or treats them unfairly. . . . In the long run,
unethical business is less likely to succeed (2000:19).

It is striking that authors who disagree so broadly on the role of

ethics in business nevertheless share this central conviction: that the
drive to maximize long-term profits naturally overlaps with the impera-
tive to treat employees justly. It is, in fact, more than striking. It is a fact
that begs for explanation, because the shared conviction is so palpably at
odds with actual evidence from the business world.
For anyone who has lived a little, who has seen a little of tragedy or
injustice, the theory seems preposterous. Who can believe that this is the
way the world works: that the pursuit of selfish power and gain leads
automatically to ethical treatment of others, while those who exploit
employees and customers are inevitably driven out of business? Have
these ethicists never read the biblical book of Job, a man who bitterly
rebukes God for creating a world in which
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the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power. . . .
Their houses are safe from fear. . . . Their bull breeds without
fail; their cow calves. . . . [The wicked man] dies in full pros-
perity, being wholly at ease and secure, his body full of fat and
the marrow of his bones moist (Job 21:7–24).
Is it really possible that learned scholars believe that someplace in
the world exists a mechanism that naturally aligns greed with good? For
that matter, to take Sternberg’s conclusion, do serious students of indus-
trial capitalism really believe that the natural function of a laissez-faire
market is to drive out unethical businesses? Should we expect that the
maquiladoras employing 16-year-old girls kept on a regimen of barbitu-
rates and birth-control pills will be driven out of business by those who
employ higher-wage adults and observe stricter environmental stan-
dards? Should we consider it a temporary market irregularity that Wal-
Mart—a company whose employees have filed class-action suits in more
than 30 states charging sex discrimination and theft of overtime wages—
tops the Fortune 500? Or that garment and toy manufacturers who rely
on sweated and child labor around the world are turning handsome prof-
its? One wonders how to explain why, after 150 years of a market econ-
omy, exploitation still appears so common.
In reality, the area of overlap between the profit motive and the ethi-
cal treatment of employees seems extremely limited. To begin with,
much of the literature really applies only to professional and managerial
employees. Tracts such as Harvard Business School’s The War for Talent
(Michaels, Handfield-Jones, and Axelrod 2001), warning of the competi-
tive imperative to retain valued employees, are not much concerned with
the two thirds of Americans in jobs that do not require a college degree.
Indeed, there is great evidence that even white-collar professionals,
rather than being wooed with perks and participation, are seeing their
benefits cut and hours increased, on the assumption that they have no
choice but to run faster to stay in place (see, for example, Fraser 2002).
But to whatever extent the logic of profit maximization leads to careful
treatment of professional employees, this logic is largely absent for those
further down the food chain. It is not hard to imagine, for instance, that
Nike could be a great place to work for Portland-area marketing profes-
sionals and a hellish place to work for Malaysian production staff.
It is doubtless true that, even for nonprofessional employees, there
are certain occupations in which owners’ interests are served by treating
employees well. But the dominant trend in the country is in the opposite
direction—toward lower real wages, continuing cuts in benefits, and a
weaker voice for workers on the job. And when hard work can be
extracted through fear, discipline, Taylorization, or surveillance, there is
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no economic need for ethics. Thus the theory put forth by so many busi-
ness ethicists is not utterly false, but it describes only a small slice of the
business world.

The True Focus of HR Ethicists: Convincing Managers That

Ethical Actions Will Prove Profitable
If so-called ethical actions are in the long-term selfish interest of
shareholders, they will be carried out by any smart business, without
need for ethical ruminations. What, then, is the relevant project of HR
ethicists? What, in business-speak, is their value added? It appears that
the actual goal of most HR ethicists is to convince business managers
that ethical behaviors may serve their profit motive in ways they have not
yet realized. This is the central thrust of article after article: that busi-
ness executives need a broader and more sophisticated understanding of
their self-interest and that business ethicists are the ones to enlighten
There are at least two problems with this view. First, it relies on the
assumption that academics and consultants know better than CEOs what
will maximize long-term profit. While it is certainly true that business
owners may be short-sighted or myopic, a general theory of how a free
market operates must assume that, for the most part, business managers
are correct in their assumptions about which labor practices will yield
the greatest profit. The actual record of business successes and failures
seems to support this view. Union-busting manufacturers, produce grow-
ers exploiting undocumented immigrants, and “all-temp” supermarkets
may practice sleazy labor relations, but empirical data suggest that man-
agement has correctly identified these as effective profit-maximizing
strategies. At the same time, managers are also correct in perceiving that
ethical innovations such as guaranteeing a living wage, providing
employees with the same quality health insurance as the CEO, and
granting employees more power over their conditions of work will limit
the return to shareholders. To focus primary attention on the notion that
academics understand long-term profit better than business managers is
to orient a field of study around the exception rather than the rule. It’s a
poor framework with which to analyze employment relations.
The second problem with this focus on convincing management of
the utility of ethical behavior is that it restricts “HR ethics” to an exceed-
ingly narrow terrain. If we start out viewing all of employment relations
as a potential subject for ethical debate, and then constrict our focus to
those parts of HR in which ethical behavior overlaps with profit motives,
and then narrow our vision even further to those cases in which these
two truly do overlap but management doesn’t yet realize it, we’re left
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with a tiny slice of the work world for our subject of analysis. Yet this is
exactly how many scholars identify their task: as advocates to managers,
pitching the notion that the scope of profitable ethics is slightly broader
than management may perceive.
The limitations to this project are evident in surveys of corporate
managers themselves. Both scholars and practitioners of HR generally
start from the acknowledgment that HR is of marginal concern to most
senior managers. Recently, a number of scholars have attempted to con-
cretize the contribution of HR practices to the bottom line, in hope of
transforming HR from an administrative to a strategic function. If ethics
truly adds to profitability, this is where we would expect its impact to be
revealed. Yet it is striking that, when scholars have calculated the mone-
tary value of HR practices, they have not identified ethical practices as a
significant source of untapped profit. One of the most ambitious of such
projects is The HR Scorecard (Becker, Huselid, Ulrich 2001), which is
dedicated to making HR more relevant by identifying measurable “HR
deliverables” that impact the return to shareholders. The study is based
on a 10-year survey now covering the 3,000 largest publicly traded cor-
porations. Though the authors developed an extensive list of relevant
HR strategies, ethics per se is notably absent. Instead, the key practices
identified are items such as the number of hours of training for new
employees or the share of workers whose pay is tied to performance
(2001:16–17). Nowhere in the list is there a single item that explicitly
concerns ethical treatment of workers. On the contrary, the share of
workers who represent themselves in collective bargaining—from Kant’s
viewpoint an ethical good—is identified as a negative factor to be
avoided by firms bent on establishing “high performance work systems”
(2001:18). Upon reflection, one of the striking things about the Becker
book is how obvious and commonsense it is. Of course it is practices
such as recruitment and retention of professionals that matter rather
than anything overtly ethical. Of course profit-maximizing companies
want to deny their employees the leverage that comes from unionization.
None of this is surprising. But it points once again to the pervasive mar-
ginality of ethical concerns, even among those who champion the impor-
tance of HR to overall corporate strategy.

Merely Useless, or Actually Harmful? “Ethics” as a Disguise

for Power
Because the field of HR ethics has largely confined itself to the con-
sideration of management-approved practices, it has produced a large
volume of vague, convoluted theories that have little grounding in real-
ity. To a large degree, scholars of HR ethics lay out complicated theories
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but pull back from either endorsing or condemning any particular path
of practice. Winstanley and Woodall thus conclude their comprehensive
review of the field by noting that “there is no consensus either about
what constitutes an appropriate ethical framework or about the possibil-
ity for ethical intervention” (2000:278). But if a set of leading scholars in
the field can’t even agree as to whether ethical intervention is possible,
this suggests the field has little relevance to the lived reality of the work
For the most part, then, the field of HR ethics seems useless but
harmless. In some ways, however, the field may actually prove damaging
to the very interests of workers that it purports to safeguard. As I have
discussed, the general structure of capitalist employment and the actual
practice of most firms are built on a fundamentally coercive relationship.
Management’s goal is to operate this coercive system without triggering
a rebellion from the employees, who vastly outnumber their higher-ups.
But from the workers’ point of view, some sort of rebellion is exactly
what’s needed. Even focusing solely on incremental reforms such as
more equal sharing of profits and increased worker control over the
labor process, these changes are unlikely to come about without collec-
tive pressure from angry workers. To the extent that the discourse of
“ethics” helps forestall such pressure by defusing workers’ anger or
organization, it serves to undermine the long-term well-being of the
workforce. Claydon (2000) raises the question of why the field of
“ethics” has taken on increased prominence in the past decade and con-
cludes that it is in direct proportion to the increase in work intensifica-
tion and aggressive management. In other words, the world of “ethics”
serves as a sort of political cover for more exploitative management.
Indeed, many employee participation schemes represent nothing so
much as the co-opting strategies of anti-union consultants described by
Levitt (1993) and Slaughter and Parker (1994). For instance, Taylor and
Jones trumpet the creation of “employee charters,” defined in part by “a
notion of partnership and mutuality” that “highlights the shared respon-
sibility the individual and the employer have to the achievement of the
organization’s aims,” along with “a series of rights and responsibilities”
that apply to each individual employee (2000:252–4). All of this is
worked out in a process of “consultation” that gives everyone the right to
speak up but leaves senior management with a free hand to make what-
ever decisions it chooses. The outcome of such ventures is unsurprising.
The authors celebrate one hospital’s charter that includes the principles
that “staff have the responsibility to adopt an attitude of positive cooper-
ation” as well as “the responsibility to work flexibly” (2000:256). It is
telling, of course, that what management seeks is a unilaterally authored
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“charter” rather than a collectively bargained “contract.” In the language

of ethics, using community and responsibility as a gloss for increased
management control is a bastardization of what the field is supposed to
represent. And it’s a use of “ethics” that sets workers back rather than
advancing their cause.

The Path to a More Ethical Workplace: Advocacy or Agitation?

Beyond the potential use of “ethics” to inappropriately gloss over
management control strategies, there is a broader sense in which the dis-
course may prove harmful. Because so many ethicists have been reduced
to seeking to convince business managers that ethical practice serves
their long-term interests, they have developed an allegiance to this strat-
egy for workplace improvement, to the exclusion of others. This is the
ontological assumption I discussed earlier, which undergirds so much of
this field and which implicitly frames the choice of strategies one looks
to for reforming current business practice.
I believe the weight of historical evidence is overwhelming that busi-
ness practice changes not by executives being convinced to voluntarily
adopt altruistic policies but only by the collective action of workers and
their allies forcing business leaders to change, against their will. This—
and not appeals to enlightened self-interest—is how we got the eight-
hour day, the minimum wage, and the end of child labor. No amount of
clever convincing would have won those gains without tens of thousands
of workers engaging in workplace and political agitation.
In this sense, Sternberg’s heartless analysis is refreshingly candid. In
the preface to her book, she decries the

oxymoronic view [which] holds that being ethical in business

means replacing the pursuit of owner value with the pursuit of
some other end—social welfare, environmental protection or
stakeholder interests, for example. Since, however, the essence
of business is maximizing owner value by selling goods or serv-
ices, this view of business ethics is literally absurd: it makes
refraining from business the condition of being ethical in busi-
ness (2000:x).

Here Sternberg is almost right, but her analysis needs to be stood on

its head. “Business ethics” is oxymoronic because—since the telos of
business is, indeed, to maximize owners’ return—there’s no way for it to
be “ethical” according to any moral criteria other than its own will to
power. If workplace conditions are to be improved, workers must be
clear that these changes will come only from their own actions and not
through the enlightenment of a benevolent employer. To focus on the
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project of convincing management to be more moral is to mistake the

nature of the firm and to encourage workers to place false hope in a
process that we know cannot deliver.
Yet this is exactly what numerous scholars are up to. For many, the
goal of getting management to “talk ethics” is an end in itself. “The lan-
guage of management has illegitimized even the mention of words such
as ethics and morality in the cult of business,” declare Winstanley and
Woodall, “and we hope to get these words at least acknowledged as wor-
thy of debate and inclusion in the management vocabulary” (2000:19).
They conceive of the project of workplace ethics at its core as one of
advocacy to management. When presented with arguments suggesting
that there’s little room for truly ethical behavior in profit-maximizing
companies, they insist that this view must be rejected because it leaves
no room for advocacy. “The problem with this argument,” they assert, “is
that such pessimism leads to fatalism—the scope for ethical advocacy is
limited and nothing can be done anyway. Taken to its logical conclusion
it ultimately implies that the practice and the study of HRM is a waste of
time” (2000:279). In fact, the study of HR ethics is largely a waste of
time. But the fact that ethical advocacy is a futile project does not mean
that “nothing can be done.” What can be done is what has always been
done—employees organizing workplace and/or political power in order
to enact their vision of ethics. This is how we got the right to organize,
restrictions on sex and race discrimination, health and safety protections,
and the weekend. To conclude that the only way forward must be
through appealing to the good intentions of private managers is to ignore
the history of almost every advance won by American workers.
In its worst form, the advocacy of “ethics” is promoted specifically as
an alternative to political or workplace pressure. Thus, for instance, Liff
and Dickens (2000) warn against attempting to force changes on busi-
ness—whether through governmental regulations or union contracts—
because this reinforces the old, supposedly false, dichotomies between
ethical behavior and selfish interest. “Consumer boycotts, or ethical
investment, and trade union action” are a concern, they warn, because
“if they operate in an environment where a social justice/business split in
motivations for action is the dominant discourse they risk reinforcing
such thinking rather than challenging it” (2000:96).
Winstanley and Woodall similarly conclude that seeking to change busi-
ness practice through legislation is dangerous since “by itself the law does
not change attitudes and does not always promote awareness” (2000:282).
But this is putting the cart before the horse. The ultimate goal is to change
not employers’ attitudes but their behavior. Here, these scholars are
actively arguing against pressure tactics. Instead of being confrontational
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and assuming business must be forced to change, they urge employees to

restrict their efforts to the cooperative and educational, hoping to convince
management to see workers’ interests as part of their own full measure.
I believe this argument is based on a naïve and dangerous view of
business management. The history of employment reforms over the past
150 years of industrial capitalism offers very little hope for management
“education” outside the context of external pressures. On the contrary, it
appears that it is only after union struggles are won, or after progressive
legislation is passed, that management attitudes come around to accept
the new logic. The lesson of history is the opposite of that put forth by
ethicists: nothing educates a boss like a strike or a lawsuit.
There is no need for workplace ethics to be a marginal and lifeless
field of inquiry. But to make it realistic and compelling, scholars must
speak less to managers and more to workers, and they must be willing to
counsel resistance as well as cooperation. Of course, there is a long tradi-
tion of critical theorists, Marxists, and IR scholars who have approached
workplace ethics in just such terms, but these voices have been in the
minority. I believe it is now time for the majority to take up this frame-
work. If workplace ethics are to be relevant to the real world, they must
break out of the constraints of profit maximization and be willing to chal-
lenge the prerogatives of upper management. And if ethicists are to truly
support the workers whose welfare they seek to safeguard, they must be
willing to promote rebellion and confrontation for all the places where
education and advocacy fall short.

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Ethical Issues in Contemporary Human Resource Management. New York: Pal-
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mas.” In Diana Winstanley and Jean Woodall, eds., Ethical Issues in Contempo-
rary Human Resource Management. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 85–101.
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Jonathan E. Booth is a Ph.D. candidate in human resources and
industrial relations at the Industrial Relations Center in the University of
Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management. His research interests are
in the areas of labor relations and organizational behavior. Prior to pur-
suing his Ph.D., he was for several years a consultant in information
technology, customer relationship management, change management,
and training development with firms such as AT&T, Halliburton, Ingersoll-
Rand, Intel, Marriott International, and webMethods. He has a B.S. in
business administration from Georgetown University.
Norman E. Bowie is the Elmer Andersen Chair in Corporate
Responsibility at the University of Minnesota. He has published 15 books
and more than 75 articles. His most recent book is Management Ethics. His
co-edited text Ethical Theory and Business is in the seventh edition. He has
held an endowed chair at the London Business School and has been a
fellow at Harvard’s Program in Ethics and the Professions. He is past presi-
dent of the Society for Business Ethics and the American Society for Value
Inquiry and is past executive director of the American Philosophical Associ-
ation. He is currently a member of the Business Roundtable Institute for
Corporate Ethics.
John W. Budd is a professor in the Industrial Relations Center at
the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, where he
holds an Industrial Relations Landgrant Professorship. He is the author
of Employment with a Human Face: Balancing Efficiency, Equity, and
Voice (Cornell University Press, 2004) and Labor Relations: Striking a
Balance (McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2005). He has received Excellence in
Education and Outstanding Young Scholar awards from the Industrial
Relations Research Association. He is also director of graduate studies
for the University of Minnesota’s M.A. and Ph.D. programs in human
resources and industrial relations.
John T. Delaney is associate dean for MBA programs and professor
of management in the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State
University. He has also been a faculty member at the University of Iowa
and Columbia University. He received a B.S. degree from LeMoyne
College and A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Illinois. He
has written extensively about labor relations, negotiation, dispute resolution,

LERA05.Contrib.qxd 8/1/05 10:26 AM Page 300


and ethical issues in the private and public sectors. He was co-editor
(with Paul Clark and Ann Frost) of the 2002 IRRA research volume,
Collective Bargaining in the Private Sector.
Linda Ewing is the research director of the UAW. She and the
research staff provide technical support for collective bargaining as well
as industry and policy analysis intended to help build the union and
improve the lives of working people.
Ronald S. Heinz is vice president, compensation and benefits, at
Allina Hospitals and Clinics, a healthcare system of 22,000 employees
operating in Minnesota and western Wisconsin, and is responsible for all
compensation and benefit program design. He holds a B.A. in psychol-
ogy from the University of Minnesota-Duluth and an M.A. in industrial
relations from the University of Minnesota. Prior to joining Allina in
2000, he worked for Honeywell for 25 years in a wide variety of busi-
nesses and human resources leadership positions.
Michael W. Howe is executive vice president of human resources
and chief talent officer at Allina Hospitals and Clinics, a healthcare sys-
tem of 22,000 employees operating in Minnesota and western Wiscon-
sin. Since 1981, he has served as an officer at Allina and its predecessor
organizations. His human resources career began in employee assistance
at Xcel Energy, and prior to that he was an assistant professor at the Uni-
versity of Minnesota. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from
Mankato State College and an A.M. and Ph.D. from the University of
Bruce E. Kaufman is professor of economics in the Andrew Young
School of Policy Studies and senior associate of the W. T. Beebe Institute
of Personnel and Employment Relations at Georgia State University.
He is editor or co-editor of three previous LERA (IRRA) research
volumes—Employee Representation: Alternatives and Future Directions
(1993); Government Regulation of the Employment Relationship (1997);
and Theoretical Perspectives on Work and the Employment Relationship
(2004). His most recent book is The Global Evolution of Industrial Rela-
tions: Events, Ideas and the IIRA (2004).
Gordon Lafer is an associate professor at the University of Oregon’s
Labor Education and Research Center and is author of The Job Training
Charade (Cornell University Press, 2002). He has served as an employ-
ment policy advisor in the New York City mayor’s office and as a strate-
gic consultant to a wide range of labor unions.
John J. Lawler is a professor of labor and industrial relations at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests in
LERA05.Contrib.qxd 8/1/05 10:26 AM Page 301


recent years have focused on human resource management policies and

practices, particularly in companies operating in East and Southeast
Asia. He has recent publications in the Academy of Management Jour-
nal, Industrial Relations, the Journal of Applied Psychology, and the
International Journal of Human Resource Management dealing with
international HR and IR topics. He has had several teaching assign-
ments in Asia and serves on the editorial board of the International Jour-
nal of Human Resource Management.
Richard S. Rosenberg is a professor emeritus in the Department
of Computer Science at the University of British Columbia. His research
interests are the social impact of computers and artificial intelligence
(AI). He has written many papers on computational linguistics, intellec-
tual property rights, freedom of expression and speech, ethics, and pri-
vacy issues and has appeared before federal parliamentary and provincial
legislative committees. His most recent book is The Social Impact of
Computers (Elsevier, 2004). He is also a vice president of Electric Fron-
tier Canada and on the Board of the British Columbia Freedom of
Information and Privacy Association.
Elizabeth D. Scott is an associate professor at Eastern Connecticut
State University. Her research focuses on dishonesty, moral values, and
prejudice. She has more than 10 years of professional HR experience
with various Georgia state agencies, an undergraduate degree from
Brown University, an MBA in industrial relations from Georgia State,
and a Ph.D. from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
She previously was an assistant professor at Penn State in the Depart-
ment of Labor Studies, where she developed a course on ethical HR.
James G. Scoville is professor of human resources and industrial
relations at the University of Minnesota. He received an A.B. from
Oberlin College and A.M. and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard University,
all in economics. He is the author of numerous articles and books on
subjects ranging from job design to the economics of caste, from child
labor to the theory of the labor movement. He was president of the
international section of the IRRA in 1999–2000.
Hoyt N. Wheeler is professor of management and Business Part-
nership Foundation Fellow, Moore School of Business, University of
South Carolina. He holds the degrees of B.A. cum laude from Marshall
University, J.D. from the University of Virginia, and Ph.D. from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin (industrial relations). He has taught at the Univer-
sity of Wyoming; the University of Minnesota; the University of Paris I,
Sorbonne; and the University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas. His publica-
tions include The Future of the American Labor Movement (Cambridge
LERA05.Contrib.qxd 8/1/05 10:26 AM Page 302


University Press, 2002) and Workplace Justice Without Unions (co-

author; W. E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, 2004).
Xiang Yi is an assistant professor at Western Illinois University. She
earned a bachelor’s degree in economics from Peking University in
China and a Ph.D. in human resources from the Institute of Labor and
Industrial Relations at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
in 2002. Her research interests include cross-cultural analyses of human
resource practices, leadership, organizational socialization, change man-
agement, organizations in transition economies, and creativity.
LERA05.index.qxd 8/1/05 12:00 PM Page 303


Adelphia, 3. See also Corporate scandals Brazil, 130

Afghanistan, 106 Buddhism, 90, 278. See also Confu-
Age and status, 104 cianism
Allina Health System, 229–250 Business ethics, vi, 3, 9, 12, 15–16, 73,
Altman v. Minnesota Department of 83, 115, 119, 273, 277, 290, 293. See
Corrections, 192 also Aristotelian ethics; Care, ethics
American Arbitration Association, 4 of; Kantian ethics; Libertarianism;
American Federation of Labor- Rawlsian ethics; Utilitarianism
Congress of Industrial Organizations
(AFL-CIO), 124, 252–256, 265; Cadbury’s, 76
Committee on Ethical Practices, Canada, 74, 129, 218, 261
254, 265 Care, ethics of, 10, 12–13, 17, 111n6,
Apple Computer, 71–72 274, 285
Arbitration, 4 Castes, 94–95, 97
Aristotelian ethics, 2, 10, 12–13, 17, Categorical imperative, 9, 61–67, 69,
111n4, 274, 283, 285. See also Virtues 74, 78, 85, 186, 206–207, 278. See
Aristotle, 4, 10, 12, 91, 279 also Kantian ethics
Ashram, 96–97, 109 Catholic social teaching, 13–14, 204,
Association to Advance Collegiate 207–208, 210, 213–214
Schools of Business (AACSB), 5 Caux Roundtable, 74
Australia, 74 ChevronTexaco, 4
Autonomy, 70–71, 73–74, 77, 79–81, Child labor, 14, 25, 31, 37, 39, 46, 54,
173, 181. See also Freedom 125–128, 130, 132, 134–135, 207,
Barbash, Jack, 49–51 Chile, 132
Benefits, employee, 192, 193–195, China, 98, 101–105, 107, 110, 116,
247–249, 273, 289. See also Com- 121. See also Confucianism
pensation systems; Health insurance Christianity, 13–14, 34, 36, 90, 207,
Benevolence, 103–104 278–279, 288–289. See also
Bentham, Jeremy. See also Catholic social teaching
Utilitarianism Chrysler, 252, 258–262, 270n5
Bieber, Owen, 270n5 Citigroup, 4
Boards of directors: union representa- Clark, John Bates, 31–33
tion on, 252, 258–262, 270n5. See Clayton Act, 39
also Corporate governance Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), 129,
Boykin, General William, 89, 110 134
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Codetermination, 76 Declaration on Fundamental Princi-

Coercion, 65–66, 69–70, 80, 188, 190, ples and Rights at Work, 14, 54, 74,
191, 195, 206, 278, 285, 292 90, 109–110, 127, 134–135, 207.
Collective bargaining, 14, 49, 51–55, See also Human rights; Interna-
109, 118, 125, 130, 134, 207, tional Labour Organization
209–213, 217, 253, 265, 274, 291, Deere and Company, 211
293. See also Labor unions Deontological ethical theory: defined,
Commons, John R., 12, 24–26, 33–34, 205
36, 38, 40–43, 46–47, 49 Deskilling, 142, 148, 166
Comparable worth, 178, 190 Dharma, 94–95
Compensation systems, 82, 96, 104, Difference principle, 11. See also
109, 176, 178, 189–190, 195; merit- Rawlsian ethics
based pay, 104, 118, 190, 291. See Dignity. See Human dignity
also Benefits Discipline. See Just culture; Progres-
Competitive markets, 2, 7–8, 28, sive discipline
32–33, 41, 45–46, 204–205, 290 Discrimination, 9, 11, 54, 73, 92–93,
Complaints, employee, 74, 93–94, 97–98, 105–110, 125–128, 134,
195–196, 197. See also Grievances; 165–166, 177, 207, 219, 256, 267,
Voice 276, 281, 289, 294
Conflict, employment relationship: Distributive justice, 8, 11, 16, 41
critical/Marxist, 1, 18n1, 53, Diversity, 4, 180, 182, 186
280–283; pluralist, 1, 18n1; 51–55, Dominican Republic, 132
62, 70, 85; unitarist, 1, 18n1, Drug testing, 61, 70, 143, 160,
52–53, 55, 288–289 162–164, 167, 190
Conflicts of interest: personal, 5, 174, Duty. See Dharma; Kantian ethics
184, 187, 189–190, 194, 266; Duty of fair representation, 217, 219
group, 102; union leader, 256–261,
264, 268–269 Economics: institutional, 25, 27,
Confucianism, 90, 98–105, 107–109 33–49; neoclassical, 7–8, 12, 26–33,
Consequentialist ethical theory, 7. See 38–41, 44–47, 118–119, 132, 204,
also Utilitarianism 206, 223, 280, 284
Corporate code of conduct, 4, 6, Efficiency, 1–3, 7, 12, 24–25, 31–32,
93–94, 97–98, 106–109, 124–129, 37–39, 41–42, 44, 50, 55, 62, 81,
133, 136, 231–232; enforcement, 90, 109–110, 203, 205–206, 219,
130–132, 266. See also Ethics, 223–224
codes of Egoism, 8, 34
Corporate governance, 4, 72–73, 75, Electromation, 76
93–94, 96, 109, 124, 129, 131, 252; Eli Lily, 147
union representation in, 252, Ely, Richard T., 24–26, 33–35, 37
258–262, 270n5 e-mail, 142–147, 149, 151–158,
Corporate scandals, 3–4, 84, 223, 266, 167–168, 190
273 Employment-at-will, 6, 73, 184
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Employment discrimination. See Dis-
3–4, 12, 119, 122–124, 127, 133, crimination
135, 137, 204, 246–247 Employment relationship: fully
Cultural relativism, 15–16 human, 8–13; laissez-faire, 6–8,
27–29, 44–45, 224. See also Con-
Daimler-Benz, 270n5. See also flict, employment relationship
Chrysler Equal opportunity, 11–12, 14, 50, 177,
Deception, 65–66, 69–70, 80, 91–92, 98 183
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Enron, v, 3, 69, 275, 281. See also Cor- Gandhi, Mahatma, 96, 109
porate scandals Gender issues, 105–108, 110. See also
Environmental ethics, 94, 97–98 Discrimination
Epson America, Alana Shoars v., 144 General Electric, 68
Equity, 7, 24–25, 37, 39–42, 44, 50, 55, General Motors, 211, 259–260
90, 109–110, 203, 205. See also Genetic testing, 143, 160, 164–167
Fairness; Voice Germany, 124
Ethical: relativism, 15–16; subjec- Global union federations, 117, 125, 137
tivism, 15–16; tools, 244; work cli- Globalization: and ethical standards,
mate, 3 121–137; defined, 115–116; East-
Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), 128–129 ern response, 96; effects of,
Ethics: codes of, 4–6, 93–94, 97–98, 116–121, 203, 213, 223–224
106–109, 124–129, 130–133, 136, Golden rule, 61–62, 278–279
176, 231–232, 252–269; compli- Grievances, 264–265. See also Duty of
ance training, 273–275; critique of, fair representation
273–293; discernment, 174, 188, Griggs v. Duke Power, 177
190; Eastern versus Western, 90, Guanxi, 99–100, 105
99; teaching, 5–6, 48, 198, 273. See
also Aristotelian ethics; Business Harassment, 94, 97–98, 105–107, 145,
ethics; Care, ethics of; Kantian 149, 158, 167, 192
ethics; Libertarianism; Rawlsian Harmony, 101–103
ethics; Utilitarianism Health insurance, 82, 84, 164,
Exclusive representation, 217 193–194, 197–198, 273, 275, 279,
Face, 101–103 Hewlett-Packard, 147
Fair Labor Association (FLA), 128, 131 Hierarchy of needs, 40
Fair trade. See Free trade High performance work practices, 4,
Fairness, 5, 10–12, 40–41, 61, 16, 52–53, 77, 281, 291
173–175, 184, 190, 192, 196, 207, Higgins, George, 254
218, 229, 263, 275. See also Dis- Hinduism, 89–90, 93–98, 105–109
tributive justice; Equity; Justice; Human dignity: and freedom of associ-
Marginal productivity justice; Pro- ation, 133, 208; and human rights,
cedural justice; Rawlsian ethics 14, 121, 125, 208; as a metric for
Featherbedding, 109 labor relations, 212–213, 215–216,
Federal Mediation and Conciliation 218, 220–221; in ethical theory, 9,
Service, 4 13–15, 65, 67, 207; in religious
Ford Motor Company, 147, 259–260 teachings, 13–15, 93, 207, 210; in
France, 74, 124 the employment relationship, 18,
Fraser, Doug, 252, 258–262, 270n5 98, 107, 127, 166, 197, 232, 237; in
Free markets. See Competitive mar- the global economy, 129, 224
kets; Free trade; Libertarianism Human resource management, 2, 4–5,
Free trade, 118–119; and labor stan- 7, 17, 24, 42, 49, 52–53, 55, 68–69,
dards, 54, 131–133. See also Glob- 80, 85, 173–198, 274–294. See also
alization Compensation systems; Diversity;
Freedom, 6–8, 28, 44, 64–67, 73–74, High performance work practices;
79–80, 125, 188, 203, 206, 208, Job design; Motivation, employee;
212–216, 218, 220–221, 223; of asso- Performance evaluation; Recruit-
ciation, 14, 39, 54, 120, 125–128, 130, ment; Training
132, 134–135, 207–209, 213–217, 222 Human resources and industrial rela-
Friedman, Milton, 3, 68, 204, 206 tions (HRIR): defined, 1
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Human rights: and labor rights, 14, 23, Japan, 74, 81, 103, 105, 107–108, 118
47, 54, 109, 133–134, 206–208; and Job design, 191–192
multinationals, 119, 121, 134; and Jobs, Steve, 71–72
natural rights, 6, 14; fulfillment of, Jordan, 132
120, 130, 132, 206; international Judaism, 13–14, 90, 279. See also
instruments, 14–15, 54, 109–110, Christianity
207–208; measuring, 203, 208; Just culture, 233, 239–246. See also
scholarship on, 14–15; universality Progressive discipline
of, 110, 215 Justice, 5, 11–13, 18, 27, 31, 33, 35,
Humanism, 90 37, 39–42, 44, 91, 93, 129,
173–174, 251, 257. See also Dis-
Iacocca, Lee, 258, 270n5 tributive justice; Equity; Fairness;
IBM, 147, 281 Marginal productivity justice; Pro-
India, 89, 92–93, 97–98, 107, 116–118. cedural justice; Rawlsian ethics
See also Hinduism
Indonesia, 108, 130 Kant, Immanuel, 9–10, 62–67, 82,
Industrial relations, 1, 8, 12, 17, 23–26, 107, 173, 206, 278
34, 36, 39, 48–55, 61, 70, 85, 295 Kantian ethics, 2, 9–12, 17, 61–85, 93,
Inequality, 11, 27, 35, 45–46, 70, 225, 95, 173, 179, 196, 206–207, 274,
275, 279, 284; income, 82–83, 96, 278, 291
109, 117. See also Discrimination King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 26, 36
Information technology, 141–142, 146, Koran. See Islam
148, 166. See also E-mail; Privacy, Korea, 100, 104, 107–108
employee; Monitoring
Institutional labor economics. See Labor: as commodity, 29, 36–39, 48,
Commons, John R.; Economics; 204; problem 24–25, 33–39, 44–45,
Industrial relations 47, 51
Integrative bargaining, 78 Labor relations, 176, 203–204,
Integrity, 4, 12, 64, 98, 129, 231–232, 208–225. See also Collective bar-
236–237, 248, 256 gaining; Industrial relations; Labor
International Confederation of Free unions
Trade Unions (ICFTU), 122–125, Labor rights. See Human rights
135, 137 Labor unions, 13, 109, 184, 294–295;
International Labour Organization and corporate boards of directors,
(ILO), 108, 133, 137, 210; and 252, 258–262, 270n5; and global-
employee privacy, 142, 159–160, ization, 118, 122–131, 135–137,
163–164; and globalization, 117, 224; and human rights, 14, 39, 54,
121, 126; and labor standards, 54, 125–128, 133; and Islam, 93; and
126–128, 131, 134–135, 207, 213; modern industrial relations, 49–55;
Decent work initiative, 127; Decla- and utilitarianism, 7; and work-
ration of Philadelphia, 14; found- place democracy, 38, 43, 74–75; as
ing, 38; mission, 39. See also Allina Health System stakeholder,
Declaration on Fundamental Prin- 231, 233, 241, 248–249; compul-
ciples and Rights at Work sory unionism, 218–220; corrup-
International trade. See Free trade; tion, 253–255, 263; democratic
Globalization structure, 221–222, 252; dues,
Iran, 89, 106, 110 218–220, 251; early institutionalist
Iron rice bowl, 103 support for, 35, 38, 43, 46–47;
Islam, 89–94, 97, 105–106, 108–110 employer opposition to, 9, 85, 127,
Italy, 74, 124 134, 209–213, 218, 223, 253, 279,
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281, 290–291; ethical codes, 4, 252, Muslim ethics. See Islam

255, 259–269; leaders of, 251, 255;
majority rule, 216–220; member- National Academy of Arbitrators, 4
ship trends, 54–55, 74, 208, 210, National Labor Relations Act (NLRA),
218, 224, 253, 257; moral crisis, 51, 211, 217–218, 222–223, 253;
253–255; neoclassical economics section 8(a)(2), 76, 150, 211. See
critique of, 30–33, 204–205, 224; also Landrum-Griffin Act
political action, 220–221; rights of National Labor Relations Board, 76,
members, 216–222, 256; theologi- 223
cal support for, 14. See also Collec- Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.,
tive bargaining; Labor relations; Fraser v., 154–155
Strikes; United Auto Workers Nepotism, 13, 91, 99, 105, 184, 264
Landrum-Griffin Act, 4, 222, 256, 265 New York Times Company, 147
Layoffs, 70–71, 196–197, 273 Nike, 130, 135, 277, 289
Leadership, 77–79, 96–97, 233–239 Nissan Motor Corporation, Bonita P.
Lean production, 118 Bourke et al. v., 143–144
Legal compliance, 4, 120, 176, 183, Nongovernmental organizations
186–187, 223, 255, 266, 276 (NGOs), 123, 126, 128–131,
Legal realism, 26 133–135, 137. See also entries for
Libertarianism, 6–12, 17 individual NGOs
Lifetime employment, 103 Nonunion employee representation,
Living wage, 14, 82–83, 126–128, 38, 44, 75, 211
134–135, 207, 263, 279, 290. See North American Free Trade Agree-
also Minimum wage ment (NAFTA), 131–132
Locke, John, 6
Loyalty, 103–104 Open book management, 69, 85
Lying, 62–63, 69. See also Deception Organization for Economic Coopera-
tion and Development (OECD),
Mackay doctrine, 216. See also Strikes 115, 127, 130, 134; Trade Union
Marginal productivity justice, 7–8, 32–33 Advisory Committee (TUAC),
Marxism, 31, 53, 295. See also Con- 122–126, 137
flict, employment relationship Organizational citizenship behaviors,
Maslow, Abraham, 40 103
Mayo, Elton, 49 Outsourcing, 181
McClellan Committee, 253–254 Overtime, 1, 16–17, 103, 190, 221, 281
Meaningful work, 11, 80–81
Mediation, 4 Pakistan, 92
Mentoring, 187 Papal encyclicals, 13–14, 204, 207,
Merit-based pay. See Compensation 210, 214
systems Parmalat, 3. See also Corporate scan-
Microsoft Corporation, 71–72 dals
Microsoft Corporation, Bill McClaren Participatory management, 76–78, 85,
Jr. v., 145 186
Mill, John Stuart. See Utilitarianism Paternalism, 80, 84, 101, 106, 109, 182
Minimum wage, 38, 46, 82, 179, 183, Pay for performance. See Compensa-
293. See also Living wage tion systems
Monitoring, 142–143, 145–160, Performance evaluation, 96, 103–104,
167–168, 190–191, 281 189–190, 235
Motivation, employee, 96, 176, Philippines, 107
188–196, 280–282 Pillsbury, Smyth v., 152–153, 167
LERA05.index.qxd 8/1/05 12:00 PM Page 308


Plato, 279 Security, economic, 14, 38, 43–44,

Pluralism. See Conflict, employment 263
relationship; Industrial relations Self–actualization, 24, 35–37, 39–40,
Polygraph testing, 160–162, 167 42–44, 48, 55, 203
Pope Leo XIII, 13, 207 Self-determination, 9
Pope John Paul II, 14, 207 Self-development. See Self-
Pratt and Whitney, 76 actualization
Pre-employment testing, 142–143, Seniority, 104–105, 189, 197
160–167, 181–182. See also Shell, 130
Recruitment Sherman Antitrust Act, 39
Privacy, employee, 94, 141–155, 163, Singapore, 132
167–168, 182, 184; standards, Singapore Airlines, 76
155–160 Slichter, Sumner, 24–26
Procedural justice, 8, 16, 41 Smith, Adam, 26, 47, 80–81, 204
Profit motive, 3, 6, 12, 67–68, 97, 119, Social Accountability International
136, 204, 276–277, 280, 283, 286, (SAI), 128, 131, 134
288, 290 Social benchmarking, 123, 129
Progressive discipline, 96, 189, Social dialogue, 127, 130, 136
192–193. See also Just culture Social dumping, 116
Property rights, 6–9, 11, 28, 31–33, Social insurance, 14, 46–48, 127
45–46 Society for Human Resource Manage-
ment (SHRM), 4–5
Quadragesimo Anno, 207, 214 Southwest Airlines, 211
Quality, 77 Springfield Manufacturing Co., 69
Qur’an. See Islam Shareholders. See Corporate gover-
nance; Profit motive; Stakeholders
Rawls, John, 10–11, 173–174 South Africa, 129, 183
Rawlsian ethics, 2, 10–12, 17, Stakeholders, 5, 62, 72–73, 75, 93–94,
173–174, 179, 194, 278 96, 120, 122–123, 128, 135–136,
Raytheon, 4 173, 181, 197, 229, 231–236,
Recruitment, 96, 176–184, 291. See 238–239, 245, 250, 262, 266, 283,
also Pre-employment testing 288, 293
Rerum Novarum, 13–14, 207, 214 Strikes, 30, 93, 210, 213–216, 261, 295;
Reuther, Walter, 251, 253–254, replacement workers, 214, 216
262–263, 269n1 Succession planning, 187
Right-to-work laws, 253 Surveillance. See Monitoring
Rights, 6–8, 12. See also Human Sweatshop Watch, 128
rights; Property rights Sweatshops, 11, 38, 128–129
Rockefeller, Jr., John D., 25–26, 43 Syria, 110

Safety, 14, 31, 46–47, 126–128, 135, Taft-Hartley Act. See National Labor
162, 183, 188, 197, 214, 216, 221, Relations Act
294; training, 185–186 Taiwan, 101, 108
Safeway, 278–279 Tata, J. N., 96–98, 108–109
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 4, 266 Taylorism. See Scientific management
SAS Airlines, 79 TEAM Act, 211
Saturn Corporation, 211 Teams, work, 75, 77, 81, 182, 189, 190,
Saudi Arabia, 110 192, 232, 280
Scientific management, 42, 80–81, Teamsters, International Brotherhood
281, 287, 289 of, 222
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Teleological ethical theory, 215; defined, Values-based decision making

7, 205. See also Utilitarianism (VBDM), 233, 236–239, 244–249
Termination, employee, 196–198, 278, Varanasi, 92, 95
281, 285. See also Layoffs; Unjust Veil of ignorance, 11. See also Rawl-
dismissal sian ethics
Thailand, 105, 107–108 Virtues, 8–9, 12. See also Aristotelian
Trade unions. See Labor unions ethics
Trades Union Congress, 124 Voice, 7, 16, 38, 43–44, 47, 49–51, 74,
Training, 176, 184–188, 291 85, 90, 109–110, 195, 203, 205,
Transparency, 4, 64, 69, 75, 129, 175, 209–212, 258, 262, 289; feminine,
231, 232–235, 244–249, 252, 256, 12–13. See also Equity
265–266 Voluntarism, 51–52
Trust, 4, 101, 231–232, 236–237
Tyco, 3. See also Corporate scandals Wage inequality. See Inequality
Turkey, 110 Wages. See Compensation systems;
Living wage; Minimum wage.
Unemployment insurance, 38, 43, 46 Wagner Act. See National Labor Rela-
Unitarism. See Conflict, employment tions Act
relationship; Human resource Wal-Mart, 82, 116, 135, 147, 281,
management 289
United Auto Workers (UAW), 4, Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, 26, 38,
251–270; Ethical Practices Code, 4, 111n5
252–269; Public Review Board, Welch, Jack, 68, 281
252, 255, 262–266 Whistleblowing, 178, 183, 240, 282,
United Kingdom, 74, 129, 258 284
United Nations, 125–126, 129–130, Worker Rights Consortium, 128, 131,
133, 137. See also Universal Decla- 134
ration of Human Rights World Trade Organization, 132. See
Universal Declaration of Human also Free trade
Rights, 14–15, 74, 125, 128, 208. WorldCom, 3. See also Corporate
See also United Nations scandals
Unjust dismissal, 43, 74, 144–145, 152, Worldwide Responsible Apparel Pro-
163, 196 duction (WRAP), 128, 131
Utilitarianism, 6–12, 17–18, 173, 206,
274, 277–278, 285 Yokich, Stephen P., 270n5
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