Brief History of Chicago Gangs
Brief History of Chicago Gangs
Brief History of Chicago Gangs
This report focuses on institutionalised street gangs in Chicago that have been present in poor Black and Hispanic
urban communities for over fifty years. The report is divided into three parts. Part One gives a contextualised
summary of these groups. Part Two takes a closer look at the human face of this phenomenon, with profiles of
individuals involved. Part Three examines possible solutions to the problem, with an evaluation of relevant social
programmes and policies.
Introduction and Methodology
This study combines quantitative analysis of US Uniform Crime Report homicide data by city
with a variety of qualitative interviews from Chicago, Los Angeles, Milwaukee, and other US
cities. The qualitative interviews include 14 new interviews conducted exclusively for this report
using the study guidelines. Also used were interviews conducted for sister studies of the history
of gangs in Chicago, and for the Harry F. Guggenheim funded study, “Violence, Gangs, and the
re-division of space in Chicago,” and transcripts of three series of Milwaukee interviews from
1986 to 1992.
Chicago interviews for this study have taken place with young people in Chicago neighborhoods
with the highest rates of violence: Lawndale, Garfield Park, Humboldt Park, Roseland, Robert
Taylor Homes Housing Project, Logan Square, and the Back of the Yards. Three interviews were
conducted in Garfield Park in co-operation with staff from Operation Ceasefire, a gang violence
reduction project. Other interviews have already taken place in several other Chicago
neighborhoods for the sister studies and material from those transcripts will be used in the final
report for this study.
Interviews with Chicago gang members were conducted at various locations throughout Chicago
and in the r002 Tm(s will be67l6ra r)Tj11.97729 T73eTj4ta2n2 . 2 Tl14 0 12 323.64026 47(.lm(47ii8pt
Area of Study Profile
Chicago is the third largest city in the United States, with a population of 3,000,000. Chicago
was the nation’s manufacturing center for steel, machine tools, and meatpacking throughout the
20th century. After attracting millions of Eastern European immigrants in the early 20th century,
Chicago became a beacon for African American migrants and Mexican immigrants who
streamed into the city to work in higher paid, unionized manufacturing jobs.
Chicago has always been a city deeply divided by race. The black ghetto, formed in the early
years of the 20th century, did not disappear, but rather expanded, with most African Americans
still living in areas at least 90% black.1 Areas of black concentration are the areas of highest
poverty, both in Chicago and the Midwest region. According to the US 2000 Census, about one
in four African Americans in the Midwest, which includes former manufacturing centers
Chicago, Detroit, and Milwaukee, live in poverty.
By the late 1960s, heavy industry in the Midwest began to relocate to the US Southwest and
overseas where wages were lower and unions scarce. In 1971, Chicago’s meatpacking stockyards
closed and the steel industry crumbled as the Vietnam War wound down. De-industrialization
gutted Chicago of its high wage industries and between 1967 and 1982 a quarter of a million
(46%) of its manufacturing jobs were lost.2
Housing projects were constructed in the 1960s to provide housing for an expanding black
population.3 Tens of thousands of black families were crowded into housing projects built in
segregated areas. Chicago housing projects, from their beginnings, were 98% black.4 In the
1990s, gentrification and the movement of population made the land where the projects were
built more valuable. The projects are currently being torn down, resulting in displacement of the
highly concentrated, very poor, black residents.5
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Violence in Chicago is concentrated in high poverty, African American neighborhoods. The
highest areas of violence are the West Side neighborhoods of Lawndale and Garfield Park and
the South Side’s Englewood, Grand Avenue (where housing projects predominated), and
Homicide is concentrated in very poor, African American areas of Chicago.6 North Lawndale,
for example, on Chicago’s West Side, had a population of 120,000 in 1970 and has since lost
more than two-thirds of its residents. Once a largely Jewish community with huge manufacturing
plants, North Lawndale today is a devastated zone of vacant lots with a 99% black population
and more than half of area children live in poverty.7 In 2000, its homicide rates stood at about 60
per 100,000.
Another poor and high violence area, Roseland, on Chicago’s far South Side was once the home
for black steelworkers. As the steel industry closed, Roseland became mired in poverty. As the
housing projects near the city’s center were closed, many very poor public housing residents
moved south to Roseland. Rates of violence have shot up in 2000 to a homicide rate of 34 per
Mexicans began immigration into Chicago during World War I, but deportations in the 1930s,
during the Great Depression, reduced their numbers. After World War II, both Mexicans and
Puerto Ricans immigrated to Chicago neighborhoods that extended from just south of the
downtown ‘Loop’ to the city’s western boundaries.8 Mexicans displaced white ethnic groups in
neighborhoods like the Back of the Yards, Pilsen, and Little Village and Puerto Ricans
concentrated in the near North Side communities of Lincoln Park and Humboldt Park. These
neighborhoods have levels of violence higher than predominately white areas but lower than in
the black ghetto. Chicago’s Chinatown is a small, comparably stable area just south of the central
business district.
6 Data from Chicago Homicide Dataset.
2000 US Census.
For a map of changing ethnicity in Chicago, see
Brief Historical Analysis of the Situation
Gangs have long been a fact of life in most US cities. Gangs, in this report, refer to all kinds of
organizations of the socially excluded, typically groups of children socialized to the streets.9
Beginning in the 19th century with waves of European immigration into northern and eastern
cities and Mexican immigration to Los Angeles and other cities of the Southwest, youth gangs
formed from second-generation immigrant youth. Gang kids fought, but firearms were seldom
used and it was mainly young adults who committed lethal violence.10
World War I created a desperate need for labor and Mexican and African Americans were
recruited into northern industrial jobs vacated by white soldiers. The end of the war brought race
riots throughout the United States, particularly in Chicago and other Midwest industrial centers,
as white workers, the Ku Klux Klan, and others expelled African Americans from jobs and used
terror to enforce segregation.11 During the Great Depression, Mexicans were targeted for
widespread deportations as jobs and housing became scarce. Black and Mexican youth formed
small corner groups and often defended their neighborhoods against white gangs.12
Economic opportunities in government and in the market sector for most white youth resulted in
the dissolving of their adolescent gangs or their re-direction once members found jobs as adults.
However, some delinquent Italian youth graduated into the Mafia and some Chinese youth found
illicit adult opportunities in tongs and Triads. On the other hand, Mexican and African American
youth had a bleaker future, with both licit and illicit opportunity structures blocked.13
African American gangs, at least in Chicago in the first half of the 20th century, were
unconnected to the gambling and prostitution networks dominated by adults in the black ghetto.
Jobs were just too hard to find and were occupied by the fathers of youthful gang members and
other male adults.14 Policy, a form of gambling where the customer bets on a daily ‘number’15
was a leading employer of Chicago African American males through the 1940s. Illegal gambling
“While gangs begin as unsupervised adolescent peer groups and most remain so, some institutionalise in barrios,
favelas, ghettos, and prisons. Often these gangs become business enterprises within the informal economy and a few
are linked to international criminal cartels. Most gangs share a racial or ethnic identity and a media-diffused
oppositional culture. Gangs have variable ties to conventional institutions and, in given conditions, assume social,
economic, political, cultural, religious, or military roles.” From Hagedorn, John, edited, Gangs in Late Modernity in
Gangs in the Global City. University of Illinois Press. In Press.
Bogardus, Emory. 1926, The City Boy and his Problems. House of Ralston: Rotary Club of Los Angeles; Thrasher,
Frederic. 1927, The Gang, 1927 ed. University of Chicago.
Tuttle Jr., William M. 1996 [1970]. Race Riot: Chicago in the Red Summer of 1919. Illinois Press.
Thrasher, ibid.
Russo, Gus. 2001. The Outfit: The Role of Chicago's Underworld in the Shaping of Modern America. Bloomsbury
Press; Hirsch, Arnold R. 1983. Making the Second Ghetto: Race & Housing in Chicago 1940-1960. Cambridge
University Pre
was controlled in all areas of the city by the urban political machine in alliance with Italian
organized crime,16 but there was little violence accompanying gambling and prostitution.
The end of WWII brought renewed northern and westward migration of African Americans as
well as increased Mexican immigration and the first influx of Puerto Ricans. Racial tensions rose
everywhere as blacks and Hispanics crowded into urban ghettos and barrios. The US industrial
job machine was slowing down and unemployment climbed in central cities at the end of the
1950s.17 At the same time, black and Hispanic demands for civil rights and an end to segregation
rose into mass protest. Gang members participated in the civil rights struggle in various ways
while also clashing with militant political groups like the Black Panthers, who competed with the
gangs for young recruits. The US government, in a program code-named COINTELPRO, seeded
antagonism between gangs and political groups, and at times provoked armed confrontations.18
The 1960s ended with a ‘white backlash’ and ‘war on crime’ that moved the leadership of the
gangs from the streets to the prisons. Most gangs in the US by that time were predominantly
black and Hispanic. The more prosperous white majority often supported law and order policies
that targeted minority gang members and street criminals. While left wing organizations, like the
Black Panther Party, were smashed on the street, gangs in cities like Chicago maintained their
organizations while in prison.19 For the first time, gangs in prison established lines of
communication with their neighborhood branches. Gangs in Chicago and Los Angeles began
calling themselves ‘street organizations’ in the 1960s, underscoring their role within the very
poor and socially excluded. Gangs maintained a racial identity with strong nationalist, Muslim,
and other religious influences.20
The decline of the US industrial economy began to devastate black communities across the US.21
Particularly in industrial cities like Detroit and Gary, Indiana, with heavy concentrations of
African American workers, homicide rates skyrocketed as jobs disappeared and concentrated
poverty increased. Riots by blacks, Puerto Ricans, and Mexicans testified to intolerable
conditions of police brutality and joblessness.22 The gangs in large cities began to deal in
narcotics and other underground economic activities, sometimes displacing Mafia-run
Immigration from Central America and South Asia increased as US military interventions
supported anti-Communist ruling elites in Indochina, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Gangs of
Vietnamese, Salvadoran, and other South Asian and Central American youth formed in cities
Russo, ibid.; Ianni, Francis. 1975. Black Mafia. Simon & Schuster.
Wilson, William Julius. 1987. The Truly Disadvantaged. University of Chicago.
Perkins, ibid.; Fry, John R.. 1973. Locked-Out Americans: A Memoir. Harper & Row.
Jacobs, James. 1977. Stateville. University of Chicago Press.
Moore, Joan W. 1978. Homeboys: Gangs, Drugs, and Prison in the Barrios of Los Angeles. Temple University
Press; Thomas, Piri. 1967. Down These Mean Streets. Vintage Books; Clark, Kenneth B. 1965. Dark Ghetto: Dilemmas
of Social Power. Harper & Row.
Wilson, ibid.
Curtis, Lynn A., ed. 1985 American Violence and Public Policy. New Haven: Yale University Press.
Fry, ibid;; Ianni, ibid.
where these refugees fled.24 By the 1990s, the break-up of the Soviet Union resulted in
immigration from Eastern Europe and the organization of mafias and other types of Eastern
European gangs.
As US-backed policies of modernization failed to raise living standards in much of the Third
World,25 international trafficking in drugs, long dominated by the Sicilian Mafia in co-operation
with French and US intelligence agencies, was replaced with new drug organizations in
Colombia and elsewhere.26 These suppliers found new markets in black and Hispanic
communities for cocaine, traditionally a predominately white middle class drug. Gangs seized
the opportunity to make money and used their armed might to settle disputes and carve out or
dominate markets for drug sales.27
While the biggest market for cocaine and other drugs continued to be better-off whites, drugs
became the most profitable part of the underground economy in US cities and one of the leading
employers of black and Hispanic youth.28 In US poor minority communities, as in the Third
World, the informal economy, including the profitable trade in drugs, became a permanent part
of the economic and social landscape.29 US street culture, often mimicking gang clothing, drug
dealer lifestyles, and the promotion of “gangsta” rap, was diffused through the mass media all
over the world.30
Vigil, Diego. 2002. A Rainbow of Gangs: Street Cultures in the Mega-City. University of Texas.
Portes, Alejandro, Manuel Castells, and Lauren A. Benton (eds.). 1989. The Informal Economy: Studies in Advanced
and Less Advanced Countries. The Johns Hopkins Press.
McCoy, Alfred W. 1972. The Politics of Heroin in Southeast Asia. Harper & Row.
Davis, Mike. 1990. City of Q.uartz. Vintage; Padilla, Felix. 1992. The Gang as an American Enterprise. Rutgers
University Press; Venkatesh, Sudhir Alladi. 1997. “The Social Organization of Street Gang Activity in an Urban
Ghetto,” American Journal of Sociology 103(1):82-111.
Venkatesh, Sudhir Alladi, and Steven D. Leavitt. 2000. ‘‘Are we a family or a business? History and disjuncture in
the urban American street gang.” Theory and Society 29:427-462; Hagedorn, John M. 2001. Gangs and the Informal
Economy in Gangs in America, edited by Ron Huff. Sage.
Hagedorn, ibid.
Castells, Manuel. 1997. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture Volume II: The Power of Identity.
Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reports, COAV
All major US cities have seen homicide rates drop in the 1990s. But in New York City, Boston
and many other ‘new economy’ US cities they have dropped to historic lows. Overall, the US
homicide rate has been in decline since the middle of the 1990s. Chicago’s homicide rate,
however, has seen little change over the past decade. Los Angeles saw a major drop in
homicides, similar to New York and other cities, but has seen its rate sharply fluctuate over the
past five years.
Thus one cluster of US cities, including Detroit, Washington D.C., and New Orleans, are as
violent as any cities in the world outside of Colombia, while a second group, including Chicago
and Los Angeles, have rates similar to Mexico City, Lima, Peru, and Moscow. A third set of
cities, led by New York and Boston, are declining toward European levels. San Juan, Puerto Rico
has homicide rates comparable to Chicago, while overall homicide rates on the island
Homicide in six US cities
Homicides per 100,000
Los Angeles
60 Wash DC
New Orleans
40 Detroit
New York City
Homicide in many US cities began to rise in the late 1960s, particularly in industrial cities, as
manufacturing jobs declined. Blue-collar cities like Gary, Indiana, St. Louis, Missouri, and
Detroit and Flint, Michigan saw unprecedented leaps in homicide rates. In the early 1990s, nearly
every large city in the US followed suit with major jumps in homicide related to the crack wars,
as gangs and other drug organizations fought fierce battles over control of the profitable market
for cocaine.32
Girls seldom use guns and female offenders, according to FBI Uniform Crime Report data, have
been consistently about 10% of all homicide offenders. Many of those girls convicted of
homicide are in fact guilty as accessories, what in the US is called “party to a crime.” The
majority of homicide arrests of females are for domestic disputes. The female gang is an
important source of identity for some girls, and typically a fighting gang, using weapons, but
seldom firearms.33
The US urban killing spree of the 1990s was an unprecedented epidemic of violence by teenage
African American males, not the young adults who typically are most offenders and victims.
While youth crime as a whole remained steady in the 1990s, armed violence by adolescents
jumped sharply in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Arrests of 13-17 year olds more than doubled
between 1983 and 1993 while homicide by adults 25 and over actually declined.34
Blumstein, Alfred, and Richard Rosenfeld. 1999. “Explaining Recent Trends in US Homicide Rates,” The Journal of
Criminal Law and Criminology 88(4).
Chesney-Lind, Meda, and John M. Hagedorn (eds.). 1999. Female Gangs in America: Essays on Girls, Gangs, and
Gender. Lakeview Press.
Cook, Philip J., and John H. Laub. 1998. The Unprecedented Epidemic in Youth Violence in Youth Violence, edited
by Michael Tonry, and Mark H. Moore. University of Chicago.
Moreover, it was among black youth in US cities that most of the increases in youth homicide
occurred. The homicide rate for 13-17 year old black males peaked in 1993 with an unbelievable
rate of 120 per 100,000. The white male rate was less than 10% of the black rate. Rates of Latino
violence, while varying between different nationalities, are intermediate between whites and
Homicides per 100,000
Source: Department of Justice Reports and Estimates of gang homicides in 1999
Crime Report data, during the crack wars, youth made up around 20% of all victims and
offenders of homicide, while before and after the early 1990s, they made up about 10% of all
victims and offenders. Today, homicide remains the fourth leading cause of death for all US
males aged 10-14 and the second leading cause of death of males 15-19 and 16-24. Firearms,
mainly handguns, account for approximately two-thirds of all homicides in Chicago and Los
Angeles, though during the crack wars firearm deaths sometimes exceeded 80% of all homicides.
One major difference between violence in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and other Third World and US
cities is the limited extent of domestic violence by the US government and the virtual absence of
killings of and by police. According 2002 UCR reports in the entire US, 56 law enforcement
officers were killed “feloniously.” In Los Angeles, at the height of the crack wars in 1991 and
1992, police killed 48 civilians, while during the same period there were more than 2,100
homicides. Only one LA law enforcement officer was killed. In New York City, during those
same two years, police killed 51 civilians during a period when the city had more than 4,000
homicides. Only three NYC law enforcement officers were killed in those two years.38
These percentages do not differ greatly from Chicago or other big cities. In Chicago in 2002, for
example, only one policeman was killed in the line of duty and two in 2001. However, during
Chicago’s Al Capone beer wars in 1926 and 1927, police killed 89 civilians and bootleggers in
turn, killed 20 officers. The killing of police and civilians during Chicago’s spate of violence in
the 1920s was not matched by any city during the recent drug wars.39 On the other hand, Chicago
averaged nine official complaints of police excessive force per day in 2002.40
Chevigny, Paul. 1995. The Edge of the Knife: Police Violence in the Americas. New Press.
Haller, Mark H. 1989. Bootlegging: The Business and Politics of Violence in Violence in America: The History of
Crime, edited by Ted Robert Gurr. Sage.
Chicago Police Department. Annual Report 2002.
Actors Involved
Gangs in the United States today vary widely between and within cities. Overall, the Department
of Justice estimates there are approximately 750,000 gang members in the US. There have been
many attempts to categorize gangs, but in the context of this study, US gangs can be
differentiated between interstitial and institutionalized gangs. The US father of gang research,
Frederic Thrasher, used interstitial41 to describe early Chicago gangs. It literally means “in
between” or the transitions of youth, as from one neighborhood to a better one and/or from
childhood to young adult. Most US gangs were, and continue to be, transitional interstitial
groups, rising with one set of peers and declining as its peer group matures.
But in some cities, particularly Chicago and Los Angeles, gangs institutionalized, or persisted
over generations. To say that a gang has institutionalized signifies that it persists despite
leadership changes (e.g. killed, incarcerated, or matured out), has an organization complex
enough to sustain multiple roles of members (including children), adapts to changing
environments without dissolving (e.g. police repression), fulfils some community needs
(economic, security, services), and organizes a distinct outlook of its members (sometimes called
a gang subculture).
Institutionalized gangs are variably organized. Some have adopted a corporate structure, with a
Board of Directors and Chairman of the Board, like Chicago’s Black Gangster Disciples. Others,
like White Fence in East Los Angeles, have an informal, horizontal form of organization.42 In
both Chicago and LA, membership in institutionalized gangs numbers in the tens of thousands.
Chicago neighborhoods have been home to gangs for more than a century. White ethnic gangs
found sponsorship by area politicians who supplied jobs and patronage to them.43 White gangs
were also deeply involved in decades of violence and bombings aimed at keeping the black
community in segregated areas.44
In the late 1950s and early 1960s, new black, Puerto Rican, and Mexican gangs formed. Unlike
interstitial black and Hispanic gangs of the past, these gangs would institutionalize. They have
maintained their gang organization now for more than 50 years. The four major gangs in Chicago
are the Conservative Vice Lord Nation, the Black Gangster Disciple Nation, The Almighty Latin
King and Queen Nation, and the Black P Stone Nation. Chicago also has dozens of other multi-
neighborhood gangs including the Satan’s Disciples, the Black Disciples, the 2-6 Nation, the
Mickey Cobras, and the Latin Counts. All of Chicago’s major gangs have gone through mas
The Conservative Vice Lord Nation (CVL)
The CVL formed on the streets of Lawndale on Chicago’s West Side in the 1950s. Originally an
athletic club, the CVL took shape as its founding members were together in the St. Charles
juvenile correctional facility. The CVL and other area gangs like the Egyptian Cobras fought
white gangs in the schools and street corners as Lawndale became a majority black
In the 1960s, the CVL had united most of the West Side gangs into a ‘nation’ and became one of
the four largest gangs in Chicago, controlling many gambling and drug operations on the West
Side. At the same time, the civil rights movement was attracting young African Americans,
including gang members, to political struggle. In 1966, African American leader Dr. Martin
Luther King moved into a Lawndale slum apartment as part of his campaign for civil rights and
improved housing in Chicago. King met with the CVL and other gangs and solicited their
The Black Panther Party, the most militant wing of the civil rights movement, also began to court
the CVL and other gangs. The CVL, along with the Blackstone Rangers and Black Gangster
Disciples formed an alliance called LSD, short for Lords, Stones, Disciples, along with the Black
Panthers in order to fight discrimination in hiring and contracts.46 Politics competed with
criminality for the allegiance of the gangs.
The Conservative Vice Lords got their name in part from a conservative orientation toward their
community that included developing legitimate business and numerous social and recreational
centers.47 The CVL sought and received funding from private foundations and government.48
The CVL, like other Chicago gangs, included gang members who continued on a criminal path
as well as socially conscious members, like 1960s spokesman Bobby Gore.49
Rising rates of violence and the political threat of gang organization resulted in a war on gangs
by Chicago’s powerful mayor, Richard J. Daley.50 Gore was arrested and jailed for ten years and
the CVL leadership decimated as foundation funds were withdrawn under pressure from Daley.51
The CVL reverted to criminal behavior as its legitimate enterprises folded.
Lengthy prison terms for CVL leaders did not destroy the gang, but hardened leaders who
maintained ties to the street chapters.52 In the 1970s, Chicago saw a precipitous decline in
industrial jobs, including on the West Side. For example, the McCormick Works, which had
See for transcripts of talk by Bennie Lee at
University of Illinois, Chicago and interview for the Chicago Gang History Project.
Dawley, David. 1992. A Nation of Lords: The Autobiography of the Vice Lords. Waveland Press.
An image and text gallery is available on
Dawley, ibid;;
Dawley, ibid.
Jacobs, ibid.
employed up to 14,000 workers, closed by the late 1960s. North Lawndale and the entire West
Side became a land of burned out buildings and vacant lots.53
The CVL, like other Chicago gangs, have fractured in the late 1990s, and many branches have
seen renegade chapters. Organized, armed violence is now often between factions of the gang,
rather than between different gangs.
The CVL is one of the most influential organizations on the West Side, and fears little from
police operations. One member explains why:
Police can't stop drug dealers from working, nobody, I don't care who you
is, how many cameras you put up, people are going to get high. They got
to get high and people is going to sell drugs. They see the police all day
long… We know that, we look at them, they're rookies...all afraid, beat you
up, keep riding around.
CVL drug operations are ubiquitous in Lawndale and Garfield Park despite an equally ubiquitous
police presence.
In the 1960s, the gang developed a citywide structure and became the dominant gang in
Chicago’s public housing projects. The largest of these projects were the Robert Taylor Homes,
28 16-story towers that were from the beginning 99% black. As conditions in the projects
deteriorated the Black Gangster Disciples claimed 26 of the towers and the Mickey Cobras the
other two. The gangs organized the profitable drug trade within and around the towers. The
projects were defensible space for the gangs, who retreated into them when police arrived and
used them to shoot at rival gangs. As one respondent said:
And then, from their building you could look into our spot. And they had a
sniper. And he was standing right there in front of the building; he was
shooting right there. That’s where they were at and he shot [Sonny] in the
head…. Yeah, cause I was in the back, cause, you know, in our building,
there's a little hole where you do the shoot out, so they shoot you…So,
that's where I was, then I when I came out, that's when I heard the whole
commotion, I heard what happened to Sonny.
The BGD became the target of federal prosecution as their leader Larry Hoover became more
prominent and began to get politically involved.56 In 1992, the gang changed its name from
Black Gangster Disciples to Black Growth and Development57 in order to stress a more social
role. Said one gang member, “it's all about what you is. You supposed to be a gangster, show me
you got love for me, let's grow and develop. We're going to grow and develop things.”
The gang organizes a youth section that is run by a coordinator, who makes decisions about
weapons. One such coordinator explains:
It's all about their coordinator, and they got age brackets, from 12 to 16,
that's the shorty count, and then you got from 16 to whatever and that's the
adult count. From the shorty count, the shorty count has a coordinator and
they got an assistant coordinator, and they bring all their problems to
their assistant coordinator, the assistant coordinator bring it to the
coordinator. So, they address their problems like that. If they've got a
bigger problem, they'll go to the adult coordinator or the adult assistant
coordinator and he bring it to his coordinator.
The coordinator decides on gun distribution, though young children with guns are officially
frowned upon by gang rules. The street reality, however, is often a different thing. When asked if
gang leaders actually were reluctant to see kids with guns, one BGD explained:
They don't think like that. They think, like, shit, you a part of this. If
something goes down, you got to ride [have a gun], that's how is. That's
how I was looking at it. Shit, something go down, you ready to ride with
them, cause if you don't ride with them, then we're going to ride on your
ass. You ain't had no other choice, but to ride with them.
Another said:
No little kids have no guns, it ain't even like that, they don't let no kids
play with guns. But sometimes some little kids, 12 or 13, do be having
their own guns, they came across or whatever, but they got their own gun
to show somebody or whatever or something like that.
Youth had access to all kinds of guns, both from the gang and off the streets. This young BGD is
Papachristos, Andrew V. 2001. A.D., After the Disciples: The Neighborhood Impact of Federal Gang Prosecution.
New Chicago Schools Press, Inc.
Emory, ibid.
Chicago. In rivalries with other gangs, the ALKQN recruited Mexicans and youth of other
ethnicity in predominantly Latino neighborhoods.59
The ALKQN were allied with a companion youth gang, the Young Lords in the 1960s. The
Lords transformed themselves into a revolutionary organization and organized social programs,
including a health clinic and free breakfast programs, in alliance with the Black Panther Party.60
The ALKQN and Young Lords organized street protests and the take over of a De Paul
University cathedral as part of their pro-community struggle. The ALKQN’s violent rivalries and
political ties brought them into conflict with the police. Police targeted both the Youth Lords and
the ALKQN and their leadership was incarcerated.61
The driving force behind the rise of the ALKQN was the gentrification of Lincoln Park, the
original home of the gang. The Puerto Rican population of Chicago has been displaced twice by
gentrification and in the last few years their current home neighborhood is being gentrified again.
One of the top ALKQN leaders describes their home turf:
The east side of Humboldt Park is primarily Latin Folks, Latin Disciples,
the Spanish Cobras, Dragons, Gents, and I don't know who else is over
there. They all grew up, same bush there. On the West Side of it, it's us, all
Latin Kings.
The ALKQN maintained a nationalist Puerto Rican orientation, allying with Puerto Rican
independence organizations in the 1970s and 1980s, including the FALN who conducted
bombings and terrorist actions.62 Violence between the ALKQN and other Latino gangs and the
police continued, as the ALKQN also became involved in the street level sale of narcotics.
They have a large, formal organization with an elected Crown Council and a vertical leadership
structure that was headed by Gino Colon. Colon, like Jeff Fort and Larry Hoover, was
incarcerated in the last few years in maximum-security facilities and cut off from day to day
contact with the organization.
The Kings have multiple youth branches, including Junior and Pee Wee Kings. Children play
many roles within the organization, including the hiding of arms and their occasional use. While
ALKQN policies restrict gun use by juveniles, reality, as with other gangs, is quite different.
Here is one King, who joined the gang at 14 talking about violence. Note that while he was
deeply involved in drug ventures, violence for him, like other Latino gang members, has more to
do with retaliation and gang rivalries. “I will kill for our boys. Our boys are our people. They are
our family,” he said.
Like the African American gangs, the ALKQN have stayed involved with politics on a local
level, trying to influence city politicians through getting out the vote and money. One gang
leader told “they [local alderman and congressman] come to the Latin Kings
when they need this little area to voter from. We help out in exchange for jobs.”
While gang violence between Latino gangs is highly publicized, it is only about half the rate of
violence in black communities. Latino gang violence is more often about color and retaliation
while African American gangs are typically warring over drug turf.
The ALKQN also has chapters across the US and in several countries. The New York chapter
was highly publicized as it attempted a full-scale transformation from a gang into a community
organization.63 All chapters pledge allegiance to the “Motherland” (Chicago), although ties are
more fraternal than hierarchical.
First is the emergence of renegade factions within all the gangs. Every gang member interviewed
commented on this crisis of control. The second factor is the displacement of African American
gangs by the tearing down of public housing and Latino gangs by gentrification. As gang
members are forcibly moved to another neighborhood, they come into conflict with the local
gang and compete over drug markets. This has caused homicide in Chicago to move westward
and southward as blacks and Hispanics are pushed away from the city center.64
Brotherton, David, and Luis Barrios. 2003. Between Black and Gold: The Street Politics of the Almighty Latin King
and Queen Nation. Columbia University Press.
A few gang turfs in Chicago neighborhoods
Command Structure
To understand the command structure of Chicago gangs and their ties to the community, we must
revisit the concept of institutionalization. Most gangs in the United States are short-term
interstitial gangs that go in and out of existence as members’ peer friendships mature. On the
other hand, gangs in Los Angeles, Chicago and other cities have institutionalized with youth
staying in the gang as adults. It is on these gangs that this study focuses. Institutionalization
appears to occur given three conditions:
Gangs institutionalize when urban conflict is racial, ethnic, or religious, not solely class-
based. Class conflict appears to decline over time in the United States within dominant
racial and ethnic groups. Thus Irish and other white ethnic gangs assimilated into urban
power structures. The Mafia institutionalized as an out-group to the dominant Irish urban
machines in the 1920s, but accommodated over time. However, African American and
Latino gangs institutionalized as outsiders and their ethnic groups were excluded from
legitimate power. Gangs typically have a strongly racial identity, often with nationalist,
religious, and/or political overtones.
Gangs institutionalize in defensible spaces. In Brazil, the favelas (urban slums) are a
perfect example of a defensible space explaining the persistence of the factions. In
Chicago, the black ghetto and high-rise projects also provided defensible spaces that
allowed the gangs to persist. In East Los Angeles, the original barrios, like White Fence,
were in valleys that formed natural, defensible grounds that gave the gangs space to
develop. South Central Los Angeles and Compton, were segregated black ghettos with
newly built housing projects that encouraged the uniting of different neighborhoods into
bigger, stronger, units.
Institutionalized gangs have strong ties to communities both through relatives who live there and
the services they perform. Large numbers of community residents oppose the gangs, but some
fear retaliation and some oppose police tactics.65 Gangs also take part in political, civic, and
religious activity and have built long term relationships with community leaders. Corruption of
police and local officials is a Chicago tradition continued by the gangs.
Venkatesh, ibid
The major Chicago gangs have written literature, with laws and prayers, and titles for various
officers. As the major gangs spread out over many Chicago neighborhoods and into other cities
and states, the Chicago leadership attempted to control out-lying chapters though establishment
of appointed leaders. The Black Gangster Disciples, for example, re-organized in the last few
years with appointed state “Governors” overseeing all branches claiming allegiance to the BGD
Nation. Other gangs and street organizations have similar regional and national organization.
No serious study has investigated the nature of these Chicago-outlying ties, but it is reasonable to
assume a great degree of flexibility. Milwaukee, for example, where the author has conducted
over a decade of research, saw gangs form in the 1980s and take the names of Chicago gangs.
Some gangs followed gang literature and made pilgrimages to Chicago looking for support, drug
connections, and weapons. Others took only the name and had little to do with Chicago. One
leader explained why his Milwaukee gang rejected as leader someone with rank who moved
from Chicago: “We got to thinking, we’re not following. Ain’t nobody going to come in and tell
us how to run our shit. Cause this ain’t Chicago. This is Milwaukee.”66
Within Chicago, each gang has multiple branches and a city-wide leadership. The original set of
leaders from the 1960s has been either killed or jailed. The gang structures, hierarchical on
paper, in fact appears to be a loosely coupled, decentralized branch-based organization often
depending on kinship ties. The Milwaukee Kings, for example (a Chicago gang not affiliated
with the ALKQN) have established a set of laws since the 1960s, but leadership is kept strictly
within kinship groups. The current leader is son of one of the gangs’ co-founders and brother to
the last two leaders.
Institutionalized gangs, on the whole, appear to have centralized leadership that is loosely
coupled to neighborhood branches and chapters in other cities. Military-style gang organization
is more law enforcement rhetoric than street reality.
The state exercises effective control over most Chicago neighborhoods. Gang members
see police as legitimate, if often crooked, brutal, and racist. This young man talks about
his problems with police. Note that police are seen as legitimate, but complaints are of
what the respondent sees as unfair treatment:
Hagedorn, John M. 1988. (2nd edition 1998) People and Folks: Gangs, Crime, and the Underclass in a Rustbelt City.
Lakeview Press.
Q: Do you get along with some of them?
A: Yeah, I've known a lot of police.
This Vice Lord shows both the hatred of the police, but also admits the reality of who
runs the neighborhood:
Q: Say a cop was coming in and trying to do a buy and bust or something
and something broke out and somebody killed him. What would happen?
A: Police are going to try to shut it down. There's going to be hell. It
hasn't happened before, the police have got shot, but he ain't got killed, but
they sure shot at his ass. It was a couple years ago, about 94 or 95. The
officer was John Kinzar. This was one of the police that would beat you
up. I was little, in 95 I was 12 or 13. I wasn't thinking about no drugs, I
was in school. … [cops] see us, we'd be walking, and they'd twist our arms
and bend it and make us, what we used to call duck walking, duck walking
in water….He was little. He was like, if anything happens to John Kinzar,
he was gonna kill everybody in this neighborhood. We were 12 or 13 and
this is what the damn police told us.
So I know when police get killed, I already know what's going to happen.
Anybody's stupid going to kill no police, but, sometimes they deserve that
shit they be getting. They be doing some dirty shit, some dirty ass shit. Like
I said, sometimes they take their jobs too far. They take their job too far,
and see what happens. I don't wish death upon nobody, but sometimes
people deserve to die and that's the way it goes. People got to die.
Police and the state, however, are seen by all those interviewed as being fundamentally
racist. This gang member says it best:
That's how it is...They want us to be dependent on the system. But that man
[Gangster leader Larry Hoover] was teaching us to not be dependent on
the system. To be dependent on ourselves. He was trying to teach the
niggers to go back to school. They didn't want us to do that. They want us
to stay right here, selling drugs, get your rent.
Chicago gangs have a long political tradition. Both members from black and Latino
gangs discussed off microphone payments to police and aldermen for protection. One
important development has been the election to office of former gang members in several
neighborhoods. These politicians do favors for their old gang in return for help with
election work.
Sometimes a politician can’t deliver, as this Disciple explains: “The Kings from 26th
Street were doing favors for [an alderman] and he promised that he would get them jobs.
Then he dropped out of the race so [the Kings] threw a bomb in his office and tried to kill
There are so many cops that are still gang banging. They don’t necessary
hang out on the corner, But they still help their people out. [Like they]
take drugs in a stop [arrest] and take the drugs to their guys… Lots of them
also work as bouncers [security] in bars and help there too.
The Latin Kings, like many other gangs, see themselves as not only gangsters, but also
having a role benefiting the community. As one gang member says: “And it's not because
I'm willing to die for a gang but because I'm willing to die for the purpose of progress to
improve my people's situation, other people's situation and for the betterment of our
In summary, today’s gangs are not a revolutionary force, but, in an old Chicago tradition, trying
to play a role within the political system through favors, corruption, and the use of the gang as a
part of the political machine.
The following table provides a profile of the 14 young adults interviewed for the study.
Personal Histories
In Chicago, gangs have been a neighborhood tradition for more than a hundred years. In
most black, Mexican, and Puerto Rican neighborhoods, the current group of what are
often called super-gangs68 have been a fixture since the late 1950s. Here’s a Latin King’s
view of Humboldt Park on the city’s near North Side: “if you look at Humboldt Park,
you've got two side ends divided by Sacramento and Humboldt Boulevard. The east side
of Humboldt Park is primarily Latin Folks, Latin Disciples, the Spanish Cobras, Dragons,
Gents, and I don't know who else is over there.”
Growing up in these very poor neighborhoods, particularly for males, means to confront
an inevitable decision of whether or not to join the area gang:
Q: Did you know how long that group's been there? Do you know
anything about the history of the group there at all?
A: Actually…I can remember from ever since I was five years old, they
were out there shooting guns and everything… They had the Stones [a rival
‘Super-gangs’ is the term given for institutionalized gangs in Chicago with multiple branches.
gang], and then right there where we was just at, they had the Gangsters
[the respondent’s gang], you know what I'm saying, people getting killed
and everything.
Prior research69 has found that, within areas where gangs dominate, family background is
not the most significant variable determining membership. Peer pressures within a poor
neighborhood exercise a powerful effect on youth from all types of families. While the
present sample can not be determined to be representative, the respondents in this study
come from poor, but not particularly dysfunctional families. About half of the
respondents were brought up by both parents. Consistent with other research, this study
finds powerful neighborhood effects in the recruitment of children and youth to gangs.
For some, like this Mexican Satan’s Disciple, school played no role in their life:
Short, J.F., Jr., and Strodtbeck, F.L. 1965. Group Process and Gang Delinquency. Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago. Moore (1978); Venkatesh (2000).
The suspension, expulsion, or absence of kids from school interacts with gang
involvement to push young boys and girls to see the gangs as a substitute family or
primary socializing institution. The words of those interviewed in Chicago about school
echoed the interviews of gang members in Milwaukee two decades before. All of the 47
gang members interviewed in Milwaukee in 1986 had been suspended or expelled from
Q: How did the schools that you went to then respond to the gang?
A: Well it wasn't like that they didn't respond. It was like the
principal - well a bunch of us would get suspended, you know, for
different stuff; it was like a bunch of us would get kicked out, but
we had to be macho, like a bunch of little kids. We had to walk out of the
classroom, like a lot of…
Typically, young people join or hang out with a gang before suspension or expulsion
from school. A combination of rebellious behavior at school, unimaginative and racist
teachers, police harassment, gang disputes, and troubled lives interact to separate gang
youth from supervision by schools.
Girls also follow the same pattern of fighting and early exit from school. Says one female
gang member: “I got, wait, I'm 21. And my momma got four kids. She had two girls and
two boys. And I dropped, well, I stopped goi...well, I only finished seventh grade.”
This girl also got pregnant and began raising two kids as a teen mother. For girls, the
gang experience often coincides with early pregnancy that typically results in dropping
out of school. In Milwaukee, a majority of our sample of 73 female gang members had
been teen mothers.
Earlier research70 has found that most gang members come from troubled, but not
dysfunctional families in poor, minority urban areas. Hyper-violent youth often have
violent or extremely troubled histories.71 While all the youth in the Chicago sample were
involved with organized, armed violence, only one had a reputation for extreme violence
throughout his teenage years. In this sample, the separation of gang members from the
supervision by schools is one obvious common thread.
Process of Involvement
There were three ways the Chicago respondents joined their gangs — through family
connections, recruitment of a local group to the area’s institutionalized gang, and as a
See Moore (1991) for a summary of findings.
Gilligan, C. 1982. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development. Cambridge, MA.
Harvard University Press; Goldstein, A 1991. Delinquent Gangs: A Psychological Perspective. Champaign, IL:
Research Press.
“natural thing” to do.
Initial recruitment
Those interviewed typically joined the gang in their early teen or late pre-teen years.
Institutionalized gangs by definition are long-standing and have deep ties within
neighborhoods.72 One way the gang reproduces itself is through the brother-system of
bringing the little brother up into the organization as he gets older.
Started hanging out with them, during school hours, and then it turned into
after school hours, then after that, it turned into before school hours and it
just went on from there.
Q: So, what's the role of your brother in all of this? Your brother was
riding [in a gang], too?
A: Yeah, he was a gangster, too, and I was looking at that, too, like my
brother's a gangster, I might as well be a gangster, too. You know what
I'm saying, keep it all in the family. I just was a gangster too.
But even with those who joined through family connections, there was more to it. This
respondent goes on:
Q: Well, how come you didn't just decide to like go live with some
relatives out of state or something, get away from it all? What was the pull
of it that you wanted to stay?
A: They was making good money at the time. They was making nice
money, rides slick, you know what I'm saying? Dressing nice, latest
clothes, latest shoes, know what I'm saying, it was something you wanted
to see.
Institutionalized means that a gang persists despite changes in leadership (e.g. killed, incarcerated, or ‘matured out’), has an
organization complex enough to sustain multiple roles of its members (including roles for children), can adapt to changing
environments without dissolving (e.g. police repression), fulfills some community needs (economics, security, services), and
organizes a distinct outlook of its members (sometimes called a gang ‘subculture’).
Q: What about your brother? Was he...
A: My brother, yeah, he's in the gang too.
Q: Or not?
A: Um. He never wanted me to turn, but I was seein' things he was doin',
um, I liked the way he was doin', bringin' home money,...gang bangin',
smokin' weed. I liked all that.
Q: And when did you first start getting involved with the SDs?
A: Well, [we] was not involved [with the SDs] it was a crew we had with
some kids called the Flamingo Boys. It was about 50 of us from, I was
about 10 years old already at that time, when I started hanging with them.
And when one of the SD's just came out of prison, I was already 12, I had
just turned 12, and he tells us, ‘Look, if you want to turn SD's...’ because
there was nobody on this block. So, we all agreed to it. That's when we
ended up, all of us, turned SD's.
‘neutron’ is the common term for a neutral person or gang, one who does not take sides in Chicago’s bitterly divided
gang culture.
A ‘natural thing’ to do
Since gangs are a local institution, joining the dominant neighborhood gang often seems
like a good thing to do at the time:
It was just like a big family. I wouldn't say they was just like family, but it
was just natural.
Um, okay, I got involved because, um, it was a guy that, like, influenced
me to turn. I was goin' to school, and I got, you know what I'm sayin', like,
um, my mom had a big family, and I couldn't get the stuff that I needed,
and he told me … know what I'm sayin', this and that to sell drugs and I
could take care of myself. So that's how I be turnin'. And uh, I liked doin'
the things we were doin'. It was like gang bangin', you know what I'm
sayin'? I need some help go holler at them, they come back and help me,
all that.
Which gang you joined depended on who was dominant in your neighborhood:
little group, like. You know for the girls, the SOS, that's what it's called,
SOS, the girls is called SOS, but the boys called Gangster Disciples. It's
the same thing.
R2: One day, we just joined the gang, I mean...
R1: Yeah. We just ganged in, I mean we just joined the gang. I mean, I
liked it, I don't know what it was about, I just liked the activity.
R2: 'Cause it was like one...
R1: It's like, you know , one for all.
R2: Right. If you don't fight you get, you get whupped. You get whupped.
R1: I mean, we just, I don't know, I just liked the activity. I mean, I was, I
was young. I just wanted to join because everybody, my sisters and them
was in, so I did too.
R2: Right. Everybody was in. Why not?
Q: Was that the same, same way with you, that your family was...?
R2: Yeah. Why not? Yeah. Everybody else was in. I had to join it.
Once in the gang, most of those interviewed joined a junior or “shorty” clique, an age-
divided grouping with its own structure. Joining the gang can be a life-turning experience
or simply a natural one.
Family Relations
Family ties were important in advancement as well as recruitment:
Q: What kinds of things were you doing when you first got involved? You
must have, your brother was there, you must have had at least some rank,
you know, people looked up to you, whatever.
A: Well, people known my brother was in the gang and then they knew I
was in the gang, they was really showing me much love, because he was
older then me and he had some rank. He was giving younger gangsters
dope to sell, you know, it's all good, they were out there working for him,
all the time when I used to buy guns, I used to hold the guns I stole for him,
pistols, I had up to about five pistols for him up at the crib.
Most Chicago gangs are age-divided, with the juniors or shorties having their own
leadership appointed by the older guys, sometimes called ‘OGs.’74 This loosely organized
structure is typical of nearly all Chicago gangs. Institutionalized gangs, by definition,
exist in many neighborhoods. This SD explains:
Q: Do you have one branch, or you got branches all over the city?
A: Okay, it's branches, okay, we um, we from the North Side, so we got
branches on the South Side, Midwest, you know what I'm sayin', we like all
Impact of Joining
While for some, joining a gang is the “natural” thing to do, for others joining a gang can
bring vast changes to their lives:
‘OG’ are the initials of Old Gangster. This term is used in many different contexts.
Q: And so, when you turned and you got involved, what kinds of things
did you do? What's life in the group like? You started goin' to school less,
A: Okay, when you turn, it's like, um, everything you used to do, like all
the old friends you had...everything changed, 'cause, you know what I'm
sayin', the neutron friends don't want to hang with you 'cause they don't
want to be a target. So I was, like, I was goin' to school but not, um every
day like I was. But I started like, okay, I'd come outside, go to school, you
know what I'm sayin', um cut school with the fellas, smokin' weed, start
sellin' drugs, start gang bangin' at cars, breakin' cars, you know what I'm
sayin', doin' all that. So, I liked that, so that's when school cut less, goin'
home cut less, you know what I'm sayin'. Like, um, hangin' with my friends
I used to hang with, all that stopped I started hangin' with, like, man, all
gang bangers. I turned to that gang-banger life.
Q: Well in a lot of the organizations in Chicago, the older guys try to tell
the younger guys ...
A: to go to school… Our rule was, if you didn't go to school and you get
caught in the hood and didn't go to school, you get a, um, violation. So the
key was, you don't let them catch you. That's the whole key. If you don't go
to school, they say, man, you know what I'm sayin', violation, you might
get a two minute, like, you know what I'm sayin', like, head to toe
violation,75 somethin' like that. But if you don't let them catch you, they
won't never know.
Despite the rules, the lure of money to be made pulled kids from school to the street.
‘Violation’ means violating a gang rule. ‘Head to toe violation’ means undergoing a beating from head to toe for two
minutes rather than just ten blows to the chest.
My school starting sliding and all. Man, got to have more now, somehow,
so I started serving.76 That's when I started to miss a lot of school. Like
maybe they called my momma, because I haven't been to school in a month
and she's just looking at me like, what you mean, you leave every
morning? But I wasn't going, when we got home, she whooped my ass for
that. You know, but…
Joining an institutionalized gang in Chicago is a common occurrence for young boys and
many young girls in traditional gang neighborhoods. Chicago’s gangs have a structure
that accommodates children of 10 or 11 years old or younger. For many, joining the area
gang is as natural as going to school — maybe more natural. For others it is a life-
changing experience. While most gang have rules about young gang members attending
school, those rules are typically not followed.
Current Involvement
Once in the gang, young members have supportive roles to play in their gang’s drug
operations, organization, and violence with rivals. Chicago’s institutionalized gangs have
a citywide or national organization, with leadership positions. The heart of all of the
gangs, however, is the neighborhood branch, which exercises extensive autonomy. While
the formal organizational characteristics of each gang differ, the centrality of the
neighborhood branch is a constant.77
It didn't depend on your age, it depended on how smart you is. Certain
people built for certain stuff. Certain people can't hold their own drugs
apart. Their minds were just not built for that. Some people were made for
looking out, some people made for cooking, certain things certain people
do, they know what to do. Like in here, they say you don't know nothing
about drugs, how you gonna sell drugs? If you want to work, then you
gotta be a lookout on the corner, for the policemen, if that's what you know
how to do. It don't go by no age, it goes by your knowledge.
Q: So, young people, kids under 18, also knew all sorts of things.
A: Right, if they knew what they're doing, and they don't talk, and they
know exactly what they're doing, then that's what they do. Like I said,
certain people can do certain things, everybody ain't built for it.
‘Serving’ is gang slang for selling drugs.
Everybody thinks anybody can sell drugs, anybody can't sell drugs. You're
going to jail.
For some, no matter what the age, helping out at home was the most important thing and
sometimes selling drugs was the preferred method and accepted, if reluctantly, by
Others had to make an arrangement with their mothers and confront them with the
knowledge of where the money was coming from.
My momma ain't never knew what I was doin'. She just kept askin' me
where I get money, so I just used to lie like, my cousin and them gave me
money. 'Cause they was doin' it back then. So I'm like, they gave me
money. She, like, you lyin'. Then one day, I just told my momma like, I be
servin'. She ain't say nothin'. She knew all the time, but she ain't knew, she
ain't, she ain't wanna tell me she knew, but all the time she knew I was
servin'. I had to do somethin'...
Like little kids 10 years old, 11 years old, I was like 14, [when he joined
the gang]… but kids now these days, I don't trust them with guns, they
know how to shoot the guns, and they got them, too, though. Shooting
people, sticking people up, shooting people at school.
A: Yeah. I saw a little kid, 11 years old, just recently, looked about 25, but
he was 11, 12 years old. Just playing with him, a little while, I told him,
‘Where did you get that [a gun] from,’ ‘Don't worry about it, it's none of
my business.’ Yeah, that's what he told me, don't worry about it. I was like,
‘Okay, you got a gun, okay,’ …I saw him the other day and he had a gun
and he told me where he got it from and all that, he said he's scared and I
told him I know, I was your age before, I know it's rough out here. This
and that. He just didn't want to listen to it though.
My job, all the little kids, was to go to school, to the high school with guns
already. Our first gun was a .38. We was to go and pick them up from
school everyday.
Q: When you said pick them up, what, you're job was to bring the guns or?
A: Bring the guns to school and wait for them [older gang member] to get
out. And we were the security if anybody tries to do something, we were
there as protection, because they had to walk far to get back to the
Q: So, you would come with the guns and give them to the older guys?
A: No, I would just keep them on us, we'd keep them on us, because they
was like, you're still young, we're going to end up in the county jail, but
you'd just go to the juvenile thing so that was the chances we were taking
at that time. That's when I got to hold my first gun, when I was twelve
years old.
While women and girls are not likely to have a gun, to fire it, or if they fire it, to hit
someone, that does not mean that all female gang members don’t know how to use a
R1: But I shot at a lot of people, but uh, I mean, I've never watched the
news or nothin' like that, this one's got, I mean I never went back over
and...I ain't care. At that time, I ain't care.
R2. They used to try to shoot at me, why not? I got shot at before…
I think it works in different angles, but, like, back in 93, 94, things was a
little bit different. It ain't used to be all about, okay, now I'm going to kill
him and do this, you know, it wasn't all about that. Now, times have
changed. Now it's harder, money don't hardly flow through Chicago like in
the early 90s or whatever. So, you got guys doing all kinds of things and
then...Once upon a time ago, they used to tell the young guys or whatever
to go to school or whatever, you know what I'm saying. It wasn't all about
going to kill nobody or nothing. But now, you asked me if times have
changed, and they're not doing that anymore. The young guys, they're
Most gangs, however, allow very young children to play only supportive roles of lookout
and hold weapons and drugs for older members. Penalties for drug and gun possession
are much less severe for youth.
Other gang members, particularly those who grew up in Chicago’s high rise housing
projects, started selling and making money early.
Q: Okay. Were you selling around the project or on the streets or what?
A: On the street, right across the street from the projects.
Q: Who were your customers, people from the area or people coming
A: The majority of customers was people from the area. You might get
once in a while a customer from out there, but most of the time, all your
money was in the area.
Q: Right. There’s not a freeway around.78 So, how much money were you
making as a young kid?
A: I stayed on State [Stateway Gardens, a housing project] so I was
making like 600, but I had to bring him [the supplier] back 400 and keep
two for me. So I'm straight, 14 and taking $200 home a day, so I'm
straight. I'm loving it now. Yeah, that's when I started selling.
Consistent with most US research,79 young gang members are involved with gang
rivalries and disputes over turf and ‘colors’ to a greater extent than older members. For
involved children and youth, the gang is part of the adolescent, rebellious experience. The
drug game has somewhat transformed youthful rebellion and channeled it into profit-
making drug sales. Guns and high levels of violence, however, have made the entire
adolescent gang experience deadly.
Armed Violence
Children and youth under 18 are involved in armed violence of all types. Violence occurs
mainly as a result of drug disputes, but also in gang rivalries. Chicago’s homicide rate has
not fallen like New York or other major US cities, and interviews reveal the role of the
displacement of tens of thousands of African American families in the persistence of
Q: Are there some kids who are too young to have a gun?
A: Really, um, you can't turn the mob unless you, um, like, man, thirteen
and up, you know what I'm sayin'? Man, well from 13 and up. Twelve
years old, you can't, you just like a, um, I, we call it a group gang. So, 13
and up, you're old [enough] to turn, I mean, man, you're gonna join a
gang, you gonna, man, you gonna grab that pistol. Believe that. If the chief
don't tell you, man, you gonna do it yourself. You got other niggers like,
man, go on and grab that strap, little folks, you know what I'm sayin', grab
that strap go bust the nigger, so man, you gonna do it. Peer pressure,
A freeway exit and entrance nearly always means there will be a market for drug sales to white people who will drive
into the neighborhood, buy dope, and get right back on their return journey to the suburbs. Such places are often the
most lucrative drug selling spots.
Taylor 1989; Vigil 2002
Q: What, how did it work — you're 15 and you got a gun. Is that
acceptable? Is that what other kids did?
A: To be real with you, when you young, that's who really grab a gun, all
the young kids, 'cause, um, you can't go to the county jail. You know what
I'm sayin'? So all the young kids really, you know what I'm sayin', may be
first to grab a gun, 'cause really, you're really tryin' to prove yourself to
the big guys…Like, um man, you're tryin' to make a name for yourself out
there. So, when you young, you 15, you 14, with a gang [you] talk shit,
boom, fuck it. Go get the gun, you just, man, man, man...[trails off and
appears sad].
This Gangster from a high-rise housing project explains why having a gun is cool for
The projects used to be – it be dangerous, but it was cool, for me, it was
dangerous but it was cool at the same time.
Guns are functional for protection, but also having a gun projects an image of the
gangster, a street lifestyle that forms the basis for gangsta rap and consciously imitates it.
Some gangs have rules about the use of guns by shorties and access to guns is restricted.
Here one local chieftain explains Gangster policy:
Q: But most of the homicides are about 18 to 24, but there's a large
number from 15 to 18, so a lot of kids that age have guns. Are you saying
that they're unlikely, within the group , they're unlikely to be trusted with a
A: They ain't likely to be trusted, it's just the point of how the organization
doesn't distribute to minors, but if it was drugs, then it's something
different. But the guns, they don't want you going out and killing nobody
and catching no case. You might get one, you get thirty little shorties, one
of them get into it with somebody, they're going to come to the bigger
count. They got 75 adults in their count, they've probably got a cousin or
somebody, or he might just happen to know where it's at, cause he's got a
cousin or a brother or something in the gang, his big cousin or his big
brother… just take care of his business himself, that's how it happen, nine
times out of 10.
No little kids have no guns, it ain't even like that, they don't let no kids play
with guns. But sometimes some little kids, 12 or 13, do be having their own
guns, they came across or whatever, but they got their own gun to show
somebody or whatever or something like that.
This Gangster attributes juvenile gun use to the locking up of the main Leader, Larry Hoover,
and the decline of the Gangster organization:
Q: The organization, what's their view about youngsters having guns and
stuff? We've been talking a lot about guns being available to teenagers and
people can get guns if you want them all the way down. But there's an
A: Like I said, like if Hoover was out, no little kid would be having guns
and all this and that. But because he's locked up, he gone now, it's crazy
today. That's what I'm saying and kiddies today do need guns, or
somebody they know they knows got a gun, they go get their gun, you get
your friend to go buy you a gun, they go buy a gun for somebody else, you
don't know where they get it from, they just go buy a gun for somebody
else, then they give it to you, and now its me and you’s gun, ‘Where'd you
get it from?’ ‘Don't worry about it, just know that you and me got a gun.’
The first time he or she shot a gun
The first time most gang members fired a gun was New Year’s Eve, when guns are shot
off at midnight.
A few used the gun in gang or drug disputes. This Mexican SD is one:
This African American SOS member explains how she first shot a gun within a context
and physical environment of persistent violence:
This Gangster shot his first bullet when his friend was killed by gunfire from one housing
project tower to another. He explains the necessity of a gun during warfare:
Q: What happened?
A: …from their building you could look into our spot. And they had a
sniper. And he was standing right there in front of the building, he was
shooting right there…and he shot him in the head.
Q: Wow.
A: Man, he was cool. Sonny was cool.
Types of guns
Most youthful gang members have access to the gang’s supply of guns. The vast majority
are handguns which are easy to conceal and can be bought cheaply on the street:
A: Automatics for the shorties, that's all we had. Revolvers and shit.
Automatic revolvers.
Female gang members typically have smaller caliber weapons which are easier to handle:
But I had my boyfriend. He had plenty of guns. He had money. I just had
his little 22. I kept that gun. It was my gun. You know what I'm sayin'. I
kept it.
On the other hand, gangs have stockpiled weapons. One gang, in the 1980s, had its
leaders indicted for smuggling in a rocket launcher from Libya.80 The Latin Kings
stormed a National Guard armory in the 1970s and stole the weapons.81 While stories of
powerful weapons abound, most shootings, including those by youth, are by small caliber
automatic pistols. These two Satan’s Disciples explain why:
R2: Right. People, guys have grenades, man, guns like this long, I never
used one but I done seen here...
R1: Where I'm like, you know, hey, you know, where you get this from,
man? And you know...
R2: Like stuff you see in the army, like, you know...
Q: I've never, you know, you always hear these stories and you see people
seen all this stuff, but I haven't seen it used, haven't heard about it used that
R2: I never used it,... I don't think nobody wanna use that stuff! Unless
they robbin' a bank.. some guys that got them, but they never been used in
our neighborhood, because people scared to use 'em. And if you use 'em,
and you get caught with 'em, that's the, that's the perfect way to get in the
joint. Nine out of 10 times, when you shoot, like when you shoot one of
them guns, you're shootin' about 70 bullets at one time. So you gonna kill
whoever you shootin' at, or somethin', you gonna end up hittin' 'em, goin'
into somebody's house or somethin' like that. So, basically, you know, it's
like a unsafe, and it's a lose-lose situation, usin' that stuff.
R1: I think people just get 'em just to show 'em off, like, I got this little
somethin' you wanna [see it].
Jeff Fort and the El Rukn’s, formerly the Blackstone Rangers.
Unpublished interview with a Latin King leader.
My man got killed yesterday, his name is Big Boy, at Gladys and Kilbourn.
He got six times in the face. Now I was just talking to him yesterday, just
was talking to him.
It almost was this gang member’s time, but he lived to tell about it. The interview
One of those interviewed had the role of a hit man within the gang. This is the sole
respondent who led a life of constant violence as a youngster. He looks back at his killing
Q: Yeah, I've had people who've, I've had people older than you guys,
deeper than you guys, break down and cry talkin' about people they killed.
A: It hurts, man.
Q: What was that over? Just over you were in the wrong place?
A: War. I mean, the war, you know what I'm sayin', the war. It's kill or be
killed. You slip you get caught, man. Might wind up dead, so, so I slipped,
they got me. That's how it was.
While disputes over drug markets are the dominant reasons for homicide by African
American gang members, Latinos insist that gang rivalries are the cause for most of their
lethal violence:
Q: Most of the gun play, the gun fights, are they over rivalry, or are they
over drug turf?
A: Okay. Ours, ours is not for drugs. No way, it's never for drug turf.
Q: No?
A: It's just, ours, ours is like, this our hood, rivalry. Like, okay, let's just
say, um, one of the guys go to the store or somethin', man, like, hears some
comin' around, and he talkin' shit. And they move on folk. That's a war. We
gonna go back and shoot 'em, so, man, that's what...we never fight over
drugs. It's always about the hood, territory, and that's just that. Niggers
talkin' shit. Never about drug territory. Never. Not us.
Q: That's a big difference from the South Side.
A: Yeah. South Side, West Side [African American ghettos] yeah, they all
about drugs and shit. They don't gang bang that much over there. They,
man, they all about money over there.
For many, the frustrations of life boil over into violence. This Latin King explains gang
warfare psychologically:
Kids just get frustrated and say fuck this. You know? You watch little kids
long enough, you see that they get pissed off, what's the first thing they do?
They break their own toys usually. I slammed my phone. I've gone through
so many cell phones. Quite a few times, arguing with gang leaders. Fuck
you! You know. Damn shit why did I break my own phone? $200 phone.
You know. And that's our nature. We self-destruct. We get to a point of
frustration and we self-destruct. You know. And we need to learn how to
address that.
On the other hand, in housing projects, and black neighborhoods, there is no question that
the violence was over money, drugs, and masculinity:
So, basically, it was over the money, then you want control...Because they
was making a lot money off blows and we was making money off of coke
and we was splitting the weed money. And it wasn't going to work.
Everybody wanted it all. That's how the wars started off.
Q: A lot of greed.
A: Greed and niggers wanted to flip us and we wanted to flip them, trying
to advance in their gangs. Trying to become a man.
This girl has no hesitation as to why there are so many gang wars: “Cause we was makin'
more money than they was, than the Iggies [rivals] was. That's why.”
This man who grew up with the Gangsters in the housing projects explains it in simple to
understand terms:
Because, like in the days, the projects were making a lot of money. That's
when I started really making money in the projects, because they was
giving me two hundred dollar dime bags, that was two stacks. I was
sixteen, that's when I started making my own money, real money. My man
gave me 200 bags, tell me to bring him back 15, I keep five. Then, you're
going to slip 200 bags in a day, easy. In the morning, from 12 to five,
you're going to make so much money because that's when they're out.
That's why everybody was fighting. People thought it was over gangs
because you ain't getting along. It was over money, it was over money.
Money drives violence among females as well.
Q: They still have wars in the projects, shootin' between buildings and
everything, right? Do girls fight in the wars too?
A: Yeah. Girls, yes. Because jealous. They used to be like, well y'all
make more money than us.
One further source of violence in Chicago today is the fracturing of the gangs and the
emergence of renegade gangs who have split off from the area’s institutionalized gang.
These gangs do not follow orders from their nation or mother gang, and are typically “all
about the money” and care little for their community.
It is too early to tell what the long-term effect of gang fragmentation will be. But in the
short term, rather than diminish violence, renegade or outlaw gangs seem to increase
intra-gang fighting. This Gangster explains why some members “go renegade”:
Q: One of the things I noticed about here, in the last five [years] or so is
that [there are a] whole lot more outlaw gangs.
A: Renegades and shit...We ain't, no, we ain't too together. I mean, I mean,
it happens. You know why that happens, though, because niggers, you
know what I'm sayin', get their head pumps up. Nigger don't wanna honor
no violations no more. Nigger don't wanna pay dues. They don't wanna
hang out. So renegades come from that. Nigger wanna do what he wanna
do. Outlaw: ‘Fuck it. I don't gotta ride with y'all. I do what I wanna do.
I'm out for myself. I ain't be goin' no meetings no more, I ain't be payin' no
This Gangster sees the emergence of renegade gangs and the effectiveness of police in
arresting gang leaders as leading to ‘outlaw’ violence:
Q: Ain't there a lot of outlaw groups now, things that are sort of breaking
up into different groups all over?
A: Like down in the low end, on 21st [near South Side], where I be at. We
GDs, but we called ourselves something else, because there ain't no order
no more. We do what we want now. See, that's another thing that I want to
tell you about. They think that they're so smart, taking all the cheese [gang
leaders] off of the street, they just fucked up. You left a group with young
wild peoples out here, don't got, cause we all was young, we ride, you left
us out here with nobody to tell you. Because, back in the day, ask anyone,
GDs had structure. The hundreds [far South Side] had structure. There
wasn't no you could do what you want to do. You could do what you want
to do, gonna get your shit split. Then, once they took all the cheese away,
it wasn't it. Now, you got outlaws. Everybody their own, you got all types
of gangsters out there. It's a bunch of outlaws, because there ain't no
About half of the interviews included gang members who were either displaced by the
tearing down of their project, or lived in areas that received gang members from the
projects. The respondents told of schools in turmoil, sometimes for mundane reasons:
Q: What about the schools and kids that come, because new kids are
coming into the schools, is that creating some...
A: Yeah, that's creating some problems, for a family of two brothers and
three sisters, now they go into a whole different school and now they're
changing their atmosphere and everything, now they think once they go to
that school, they'll have to get another boyfriend, and there's nothing like,
like my brother don't like her, you know, something silly like, but little
problems involved in that, too.
As the Robert Taylor Homes and other housing projects were torn down, the residents
were forced to move to outlying areas. A single gang dominated each tower of a housing
project, and the gangs had to move as well. This caused all sorts of problems:
Caldeira, Teresa P.P. 2000. City of Walls: Crime, Segregation, and Citizenship in Sao Paulo. Berkeley: University of
Q: And you can't go back there, because...
A: There ain't no more.
This Gangster describes the confusion the move from the projects caused:
Because, for me, when I first got out there, it was hard as hell. I wasn't
used to it, I was used to the building, now I'm on a block. Everybody's
walking around so you don't know who's who, who's the police and who's
who. I got popped right there twice. And that's the fucked up – I've been
out there, in five years, I went to the joint twice. On the low end, I was out
there almost all my life, and I only went once. I'm like, damn. But I made
more money because there's more hypes, and more weed heads, and girls.
Q: One of the things that I've watched in Chicago, and looking at what's
different in New York, is of all the projects coming down and all the
people moving in to Roseland, what effect does that have on the
neighborhood, in terms of drug trade and violence?
A: A lot of them cashiers [drug dealers] coming down here from the low
end, from the projects, they come down to the big city where it's at, but
they don't even know they got the mentality of the project, when it's a block
like that. You see what I'm saying? They're all used to living in a project,
and now it's a block and it's going to change you're whole environment.
So, they now they still think like they're living in the projects, getting
tooled with some of the other gangsters or either they could be some
opposition gang, and now they still think they're living in the project,
project mentality. No… that's causing wars, niggers is dying. You shooting
people out here, shooting niggers, that moved out.
Q: It's like you don't realize you're much more vulnerable and out in the
A: Right, you're sticking out where you weren't sticking out in the project,
because everybody was like that. And people got to hound you if you're
making to much noise and something like that.
Q: You don't rip down people's homes that they've lived in for 20 to 30
A: It ain't going to work.
Satan’s Disciples from the West Side feared the same renewed violence as a result of the
projects coming down:
R1: As the projects come down, they gonna start movin' in, in like our
neighborhoods, like our neighborhoods, probably some suburbs. That,
that's gonna be a big, when all the projects get moved down, that's gonna
be a, I'm talkin' about, man, a real, I'm talkin' about, man, a war, a war
that you've never seen before, man. 'Cause niggers from the projects
gonna come try to take over niggers' lands and shit and, ain't nobody
gonna let it, you know what I'm sayin'. It's gonna be a lot of people dyin'
and getting' shot and getting' hurt, robbed..., from our experience, the people with gangs in the project, they
tend to be, they more aggressive than we are. They tend to think that we,
that, you know, we weaker than them or something like that. So, you know,
but that's gonna come, that's not gonna make a agreement right there.
R1: It's gonna happen. 'Cause all those projects like the Horners, the
Green, some of them buildings getting' torn down, they gonna start movin'
here, to the West Side.
On the other hand, while gentrification means displacement, it also brings opportunities:
What they don’t see is that a lot of these yuppies use drugs. That’s just
helping the gangs get situated a little better. Now they don’t have to sit on
the corner. Now its just ‘call me on my cell’. The yuppies have big money.
Future Perspectives
Since most of those interviewed were in their early twenties, they were looking ahead but
didn’t know how change would occur. Having kids made these young gang members stop
and think:
Q: Oh yeah, really?
A: Yeah, it's, I can't get no job, you know what I'm sayin'. I ain't finish
school, you know what I'm sayin', so I just, you know what I'm sayin', I
gotta support my kids so, I just, man, stick to doin' what I'm doin', hope
God don't let me killed out there, you know what I'm sayin', man, before
my kids get older. So I gotta sell drugs to try to support 'em.
Sometimes they were baffled by the question of what to do about organized armed
violence in Chicago:
Q: Let me ask all of you about, if, if the door bursts open here and Mayor
Daley comes in and he says that he doesn’t know what the hell to do about
all these homicides in this city, all this killing. You guys take over. And he
says, you're now the mayor. You get to do whatever you want in this city.
Tell the cops what to do, whatever... What do you do, all right? You got
the power.
R2: That's a good question.
R1: You know what, that is a good question, 'cause I never thought about
no stuff like that, you know what I'm sayin', be kickin', like, ...You know
what? To be honest with you, I don't know what I'd do. His head be hurtin'
all the time. He don't even know what to do.
Several of those interviewed thought that the old gang leadership could pull things together if
they were back on the street:
He's [Larry Hoover] a great man, he almost did something. He almost got
a whole community to vote and almost won. That was something great.
From inside the penitentiary, you got people that come together for just
that one little moment. He almost did it. They caught him. But he did some
things. He's teaching, though, teaching political, teaching both sides of the
gang, man, you know, keep you level headed.
But, you [want] me to tell you something, though? If the nigger was out, all
this, he could stop people from crimes and stuff, because he had everybody
listening to him, everybody. Every time I go to the joint or every time I get
locked up, the old Vice Lords talking about him. Yeah, everybody was
cool. If he was out, all this would stop. Because the man was so powerful,
someway, somehow, he make motherfuckers, because all he got to do is
put jobs out here. But y'all ain't doing it. Y'all build the restaurants. Who
wants a $5.25 an hour job? You might make in week, what you make on
the street, in thirty minutes. You got to get them good jobs, you got to put
schools. Okay, they got Dawson [a new school], but that ain't nothing, you
got to put good schools, make people want to go. It's they're fault, I feel.
Gangs got ready because they allowed it to. Now they have the community.
So, we have to find a way to help ourselves. And we did.
Another sees politics as being the reason for Hoover’s continued incarceration:
Larry Hoover was talking politics, that's why they were scared. You can't
let no man like that get out. Now, he ain't the same person as when he went
in there. I think he went in there in 1972, something like that.
Q: Well, you're almost 21 now, so it's time to graduate out. You got to find
yourself a better career. You should definitely go to school.
A: That's what I want. I can play baseball for these schools, go to Robert
Morris with my friend, he plays with the NBA, you know, I've met Michael
Jordan. I met Sammy Sosa before, at Michael Jordan's restaurant. I met
him in person. I met a boxer, I forgot his name, I met a hockey person
before, you meet all kinds in the neighborhood. People get killed,
prostitutes, drugs, and all this. I'm crying at night, like, damn, it could be
me, it could be this person, it could be that person, it just hits you all at
one time...
Q: What, if the mayor came to see you and said, ‘What do we do with all
this violence, how are we going to deal with this stuff?’ what would you
tell him?
A: Because he doesn't have a clue. He just thinks if he sends more cops
out, he's going to stop the killing. The police are going to get killed like
everybody else. These people don't care about killing no police. The
people I'm talking about don't care about killing nobody. They ain't stupid,
but they know they be kind of leery about what they're doing, but
sometimes the police are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
[They] Got to find the people selling guns. Who sell guns? I don't anybody
that got a whole lot of guns around here. Go to the gun store. What do we
got gun stores out here for? What do you need guns for? Can't nobody
shoot nobody if they don't got no guns.
A: Right, and they keep making them so people gonna keep getting them.
People make guns so they sell them. If you ain't selling no guns, what you
gonna do? You'll have to shut it down. It's just like that with anything.
Let's say you selling boats and ain't nobody buying your boat, what you
gonna have to do? Close it down cause you don't have any money, you
can't afford in anymore. Shut it down.
This women give an answer almost word for word to that given by most female gang members in
the earlier Milwaukee study. Female gang members didn’t find guns morally wrong, but they did
not want them around their kids.
Q: Why not?
A: I got two kids.
These two Satan’s Disciples saw some good in the mayor’s community development efforts but
raise the question of jobs:
R1: 'Cause I ain't…like, just let all the gang bangers take over, I wouldn't,
'cause I wouldn't do that. I don't, I really don't know what I'd do. I'm
serious, I don't know. That question never, I mean, I never got asked a
question like that.
R2: I think he [the mayor] got a good… plan when he's, you know, buildin'
up these good communities, you know what I mean, all these condos! and
stuff like that. He got a good plan. It's a start. But he has to get back down
to like, the economy. We're down in the economy, we gotta get jobs for
people. And the only reason that people do stuff like this is 'cause we ain't
got no jobs for them. And they ain't got no choice but to do what they gotta
do. They gotta survive some way. They gotta rob, sell them drugs, and
destroy other people's lives, so they can help their own. It ain't good, but
that's just the way the world was made.
Q: Do you have anything else you sort of want to add about this, your
thoughts about this, the future or the past or anything?
A: I know there's a lot of people that aren't interested in this, that want to
do the things that need to be done. With the jobs, they aren't giving us
much of a chance to change. Like you don't want to change, you go out
looking for jobs, you go to a hundred interviews, filling out the
applications, you get tired. And you feel like, ‘I'm doing this when I
could've did this and made a couple of hundred bucks, and I waste this
time and make nothing.’ They're not giving us much of a chance. Even
though we did this, we did this to ourselves, but at the same time if you
don't give a person much help... If a person don't got no job, they can't get
hired, how's they gonna give you a job, if they don't give you a chance? I
can't get no job because I don't have no job history. I would never get a
job. Because nobody's going to give me a chance… they got kids to feed,
they got to feed themselves. Some way you have to eat, you're going to find
a way.
This Latin King explains the state’s role in provoking violence and the gangs’ desire to
keep things cool:
Cause I'll tell you something, all of us on this side of the fence, we want
shit to stop. We wish we didn't have to go through what we had to go
through. We tired of burying people. Is it in our hands? No it's not.
Because we've seen and we've done it many times. We reduce the violence
and we reduce all the graffiti and when we stop everything and we stop
drug dealers from selling, we still go to jail. It continues to happen. Why?
Because of the Red Squad. The Red Squad supposedly officially ended in
1976, it came out in the newspaper. You know everybody said hey it's over
it's not happening again. In 1996 it came out in the newspaper in the
Chicago Tribune that it really ended in 1983. Then another report came
out not too long ago saying well we think it still might be active but in a
minimal way. I have at least three or four close relatives, two of them that
are in jail for no reason. I mean it's not, they're not there because they did
something but because they were set up.
All of those interviewed expressed interest in returning to school and getting a degree or
additional education. Some are blasé.
While several had returned to school and got their high school diploma equivalent, one
common short term goal was to try to get an education and away from the streets. This
Gangster talks about how sick and tired he is of the street life:
[Other guys on the street say] we don't like you, this and that, pick a fight
for no reason. You trying to going to school, to be somebody and that's
what I want. To stay out of trouble. I don't want to go back to jail or
nothing, just lay low, be cool, I ain't with this shooting people, no, forget
it, I'm just focused right now.
You know what I'm sayin'? Sell drugs, or gang bang. I mean, it's, it's just
like a cycle. It's just like, okay, you in jail, you do the same …. So, when
you in a gang, you, I mean, it's nothin', it's nothin' new. It get borin' after
awhile, but this is what you like to do everyday. You like to get drunk, get
high, smoke weed, you know what I'm sayin'...I mean, just want to, man,
fuck somebody up today. Sometimes you just want to chin and sell drugs, I
mean. I been in, I been in since 96, man, and I ain't goin' nowhere, I don't
think I'm goin' nowhere no time soon. I mean, that's fucked up to say. I got
three kids, but that's what I like to do, man.
Gang members don’t see much hope in the near future in Chicago. The barriers of joblessness,
racism, and a volatile drug market pervade their outlook. The changing spaces of gang life in
Chicago due to gentrification and the demolition of the housing projects has kept drug markets
unsettled and rates of violence remain high. Thus pressures continue for children to be involved
in organized, armed violence. Most respondents in this study wanted to return to school, though
for some of these young adults, the street life has indelibly marked them.
Carey, James T. 1990. “The People Versus the Experts: The Chicago Area Project.” Unpublished paper at the
University of Illinois-Chicago.
Finestone, Harold. 1976. The Delinquent and Society: The Shaw and McKay Tradition in Delinquency, Crime and
Society, ed. James F. Jr. Short. University of Chicago; Schlossman, Steven, and Michael Sedlak. 1983. The Chicago
Area Project Revisited, Santa Monica, California: The Rand Corporation; Schlossman, Steven L., Gail Zellman, and
Richard Schavelson. 1984. Delinquency Prevention in South Chicago. Santa Monica, California: Rand Corporation;
Sorrentino, Anthony 1959. “The Chicago Area Project After 25 Years.” Federal Probation 23:40-45.
Alinksy, Saul. 1946. Reveille for Radicals. Chicago: University of Chicago.
These programs typically hire “marginal” or “detached” workers, who are often former
gang members, to do outreach to gangs. The heart of the detached worker approach is to
maintain contact with gangs on the street, know when problems may lead to violence, and
intervene with conflict mediation skills. The detached workers work as advocates for
gang members to the courts and look for jobs. They also try to get younger gang members
to return to school, and organize recreation programs. These programs relied on
community involvement and participation and opposed models that utilize a professional
staff of social workers.
Chicago today has too many violence prevention programs to mention. Each community
follows, in some respects, the parameters set by the Chicago Area Project. Irving
Spergel85 has developed a community approach to gang intervention that has been widely
copied nationally. Spergel’s demonstration of his model, in Chicago’s Little Village, has
recently been disbanded and Spergel himself argues that the police undermined the
effectiveness of his efforts. 86
The city response to gangs and violence has changed since the first days of the Chicago
Area Project. These early programs largely worked with Polish, Italian, Irish, and later
Mexican youth in areas that were relatively stable and ethnically homogenous.87 Except
for the 1920s during the years of alcohol Prohibition and Al Capone, violence in Chicago
was not at the very high levels of the last decades. Most gang programs focused on
delinquency prevention not violence reduction.
In the 1960s, gang violence increased and the city’s response changed from delinquency
prevention to gang eradication. Mayor Richard J. Daley, the present mayor’s father,
declared war on gangs88 and subsequent police repression led to the arrest or death of
many of the gang leaders, as well as black and Latino political activists. Social programs
that employed gang members, like Youth Manpower run by The Woodlawn Organization
(TWO), were targeted by police and city officials and shut down.89 TWO officials and
gang leaders were called before a US Congressional committee and the idea that gangs
could play a positive role in social programming was thoroughly discredited.90
In the 1990s, some cities saw homicide rates plummet while others, like Chicago, saw
little change. All cities, however, have some version of violence prevention programs and
each claims to be effective on its own terms. However, in cities like Chicago, Detroit, and
St. Louis these programs have had little effect on city-wide homicide rates. Rather than
Spergel, Irving A. 1995. The Youth Gang Problem: A Community Approach. New York: Oxford University Press.
Personal communication.
Carey, James T. ibid
Spergel, Irving A., Castellano Turner, John Pleas, and Patricia Brown 1969. Youth Manpower: What happened in
Woodlawn. The School of Social Service Administration, The University of Chicago.
Spergel, Irving A., Castellano Turner, John Pleas, and Patricia Brown 1969 Ibid.
discounting this kind of program as ineffectual, it is important to also take structural
factors into account.
New York City, which had homicide rates that paralleled Chicago’s, saw homicide
plummet in the 1990s while Chicago’s only declined slightly. Among the factors in the
United States relating to higher homicide rates appears to be the presence of
institutionalized gangs. In NYC, police tactics of arresting of gang leaders apparently
succeeded in destroying the infrastructure of the newly formed crack selling gangs. While
drug sales have stayed high in poor neighborhoods, violence has dropped and “crews”
that organized drug selling in the 1990s have ceased to operate. In Chicago, similar “zero
tolerance” tactics have been unable to uproot gangs that have institutionalized over more
than fifty years.
Other structural and policy issues also appear to be important. While, as we’ve seen in the
report, Chicago has been uprooting public housing tenants, New York city has been
engaged in one of, if not the largest investment in public housing in human history. NYC
invested over $6 billion over ten years in affordable public housing in the Bronx and
other poor neighborhoods. These policies stabilized poor neighborhoods, while Chicago’s
housing policies uprooted them.
The main approach of the Chicago Police Department, as other police agencies in the US,
has been to respond with intensive and aggressive patrol to reports of violence. When
successful, these activities typically displace violence rather than end it.91 Recently the
Police Department has begun to deploy CCTV, or closed circuit television, in areas of
high drug dealing. No evaluations of CCTV exist, but continuing overall high rates of
violence and declines in certain areas indicate displacement.
Bell argued that high rates of violence led to PTSD, post traumatic stress syndrome, a war
related disorder that was called to public attention after the Vietnam war. Bell found in
his various studies that more than a quarter of black children in poor neighborhoods had
witnessed a homicide. While police continued their policies of arrest and incarceration,
Bell argued that many of the youth that became perpetrators could have been reached
Blumstein, Alfred, and Joel Wallman, eds. 1999. The Crime Drop in America. Cambridge: University of Cambridge
E.g. Bell, Carl C., and Esther Jenkins, J. 1991. “Traumatic Stress and Children.” Journal of Health Care for the Poor
and Underserved 2.
with clinical treatment after exposure to violence. He also advocated conflict mediation in
My own earlier Milwaukee studies confirmed the high levels of exposure to violence of
young males within black and Latino communities. In our sample of gang members we
found that male gang members were significantly more likely to have been exposed to
violence than female gang members and both were exposed to more violence than non-
gang youth.
Total number of Mean per gang Total number of Mean per gang
times gang member people gang member
member was shot member has seen
at: killed
Male Gang Members
N=68 617 9.1 143 2.1
Female Gang
Members 23 .33 21 .31
Median Age of gang members: 28.
Lifetime exposure to violence, by gender of gang members.
The Department of Youth and Child Services (DYFS), Chicago’s public child protection agency,
provides psychological services for children who are exposed to violence, although funding
levels for such services are quite low. Teenagers who participate in organized, armed violence
are either detained within the juvenile justice system or waived93 to adult court and sentenced to
The Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) makes some attempt to identify violent
youthful offenders and provide counseling. The programs, however, will only provide services
for a child under 12 if he or she is in immediate danger. A DCFS spokesman said they would not
provide services to any “delinquent” involved in violence. In the view of expert observers, DCFS
services “are not very robust due to lack of support and systematic direction.” 94
In the United States children under 18 are supposed to be treated within a juvenile justice system whose goal is “the
best interests of the child.” Children as young as 10 who commit murder or other acts of armed violence are routinely
‘waived’ into adult court, meaning their status as a juvenile is terminated and they are judged in adult court.
Confidential personnel communication
proven to be effective as well and can reach youth who otherwise would not be open to
My own work has combined mural projects with rival gangs and training in web page design for
gang members.95 What I learned from my own experience is that youth need to see there will be
jobs that can give them hope for the future, and cultural and sporting activities, such as art,
break-dance, basketball leagues, and rap music are effective ways to attract gang youth and offer
alternatives. Two programs directed at Chicago’s youth display these contrasting, but
complementary, approaches.
Operation Ceasefire
The largest detached worker program in Chicago today is Operation Ceasefire,96 a
multimillion-dollar state-funded intervention through the University of Illinois-Chicago
School of Public Health. Community groups throughout the city sponsor similar less
funded programs.97 Other programs, inspired by the Chicago Area Project committees in
different neighborhoods, and B.U.I.L.D., a well-regarded detached worker program, have
existed for decades working with troubled youth. Each has their own success stories and
most have formal or informal evaluations.
The Chicago Project’s Ceasefire initiative is focused presently on stopping the shootings
and killings and the implementation of an eight point strategy:
Hagedorn, John M. 1998, ibid.
The Chicago Project uses a strategic public health approach to violence prevention that
has been time tested for other serious health problems – in other words, for reductions of
child mortality, prevention of heart disease, and strategies that have been applied to the
elimination of smallpox and polio. This approach includes developing clarity, and full
commitment, to specific objectives. The setting of long term and short term goals;
strategy development based on best practices but adapted to the local situation by local
practitioners; and a management structure that works at both community and city/county
The map below illustrates the heavy volume of shootings in West Garfield Park, one of
the highest homicide neighborhoods in Chicago and where several interviews for this
study took place. The neighborhood is home to rival gangs, The Black Gangster Disciples
and Conservative Vice Lords. Operation Ceasefire has worked in this area for several
Shootings are defined as Aggravated batteries with a firearm.
The Chicago Project for Violence Prevention, Operation Cease Fire’s sponsor, has
official support from the mayor, police department, the Catholic Church, and other
Ceasefire’s target population is youth and young adults. The project’s detached workers
have worked with 902 clients or young people between June 2001 and December 2002.
The typical services are referrals to school (256 persons), work (346), substance abuse
programs (205), and mental health services (149).
Like other programs and the Chicago Police Department, Operation Ceasefire claims
success in its interventions, despite the fact that homicides have not fallen in Chicago as
in other cities. The program claims decreases in shooting incidents, measured by police
reports in all of the neighborhoods where they have detached workers. West Garfield
Park, for example, a map of which is on the preceding page, saw a 67% reduction in
shootings in both 2000 and 2001. The Director of Ceasefire, Gary Slutkin, says:
The strength of this approach is that it is direct, goes to the heart of what
drives behavior [expectations], uses multiple messengers with the same
message, and focuses on assisting persons toward more adaptive
approaches as supported by the immediate group itself. It does not depend
on retaliatory use of force by police or anyone else, and in fact teaches
that violence is always counterproductive, something that is intrinsically
known, but which social pressure and emotions frequently overrides in the
short run.
Street Level Youth Media’s first pilot program, Neutral Ground,99 demonstrated how
media can transform a community. Using cameras to create a series of video letters, rival
gangs who had never spoken face to face developed a dialogue about identity. Through
video, they taught each other how to communicate and for at least a short while, a truce
was brokered between the opposing factions. In the process, it taught the community to
see these youth as real human beings trapped in a desperate, life-threatening position.
Today, Neutral Ground Youth is a drop-in center and webzine (on line magazine) for
young people on Chicago’s West Side.
Street Level Youth Media has also sent Chicago youth to Chiapas, Mexico for a video
project100 and initiated a wide assortment of other youth projects. Street-Level became
one of the first organizations in the USA to offer new technology access to urban kids.
SLYM doesn’t depend on charity for its existence, but instead bases its support on earned
income for hard work and quality programs. By partnering with the city, in 2001 SLYM
was able to develop job programs that paid out more than $80,000 in youth salaries.
The goal of SLYM, in their own words, is “to work with youth rejected by mainstream
society and traditional youth agencies, advocating for their needs and pushing them to
new heights. We want to show how art and social commentary can meld together on the
grassroots level to empower youth. We know that media making demands teamwork and
creativity, and builds in youth the critical thinking skills that help them navigate modern
times. Our ongoing hope is to create opportunities for young people to find solutions to
their problems, to strengthen their communities and work together towards economic
There are many programs in Chicago neighborhoods to combat youth violence. A few are
well-funded, like Operation Ceasefire, but most are neighborhood-based efforts to make
contact with gang members, offer services, and try to mediate conflicts. Some culturally-
based programs exist as well, like Street Level Youth Media, but most do not reach out to
gang-affiliated youth. Both types of programs are necessary, but not sufficient to reduce
Chicago’s high levels of violence.
Structural factors create the conditions for persistent violence and need to be addressed
along with programmatic efforts. The lack of jobs and poor education in poor African
American and Latino communities fuels gang involvement and is related to violence.
Poverty, unemployment, and failing schools, however, do not automatically lead to high
rates of violence. Many US cities, with unemployment and poverty rates as high as
Chicago’s, have markedly reduced their rates of homicide.
In Chicago, as in many cities around the world, poor populations are being displaced to
make room for housing and work for the affluent and information economy. Thousands
of Chicago families and entire branches of gangs have been displaced to areas of high
homicide. This has contributed to keeping drug markets volatile as the displaced drug
sellers violently compete with established gangs for customers. Police repression has not
stamped out gangs with a 50-year history, but has succeeded in fragmenting them, thus
added intra-gang to inter-gang violence.
• An end to the forced migration of public housing tenants to other parts of the city
and the rehabilitation of their present homes or new homes in the same area.
• More resources for cultural and computer-based programs for youth, especially
gang-affiliated youth.
While in all cities, a few children commit individual acts of armed violence, it is only in
cities with institutionalized gangs that we can speak of children or youth participating in
organized armed violence. Children, adolescents and youth that play armed roles in the
city’s institutionalized gangs conduct much of the organized, armed violence in Chicago.
The access to guns combined with decades old gang rivals and competition for drug
markets spurs violence on. The fracturing of Chicago’s gangs through police repression
and demoralization have led to a crisis in leadership which has provoked continued
violence that is out of the control of the newer gang leaders who have replaced the older,
jailed, leadership. The displacement of African American families through the tearing
down of public housing has unsettled drug markets in receiving communities and
disoriented gang drug sellers. Similarly, gentrification has displaced Latino residents but
also changed the nature of local drug markets and provided the gangs with a more upscale
While organized,armed violence among children is declining in most parts of the United
States, Chicago has seen little change over the last decade. More than 600 people kill
each year in the city of Chicago, which signifies more murders in Chicago than in any
other US city. Homicide rates for children and young adults have plummeted in most
major cities that do not have institutionalized gangs. The early 1990s were the height of
the US drug ‘wars’ and the sharp increases in offenders and victims were largely due to
black and Hispanic kids in gangs with guns. The declines in the 1990s meant that in most
cities those kids ceased to kill one another at the same rate. There is no academic
consensus on the reasons for the ‘crime drop’. Clearly, the stability of drug markets after
years of warfare contributed to the sharp declines. However, as noted above, these sharp
declines did not occur everywhere.
Gilligan, James (1996) Violence: Our Deadly Epidemic and Its Causes. New York: G.P.
Putnam's Sons.
Moore, Joan W. (1978) Homeboys: Gangs, Drugs, and Prison in the Barrios of Los
Angeles. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Moore, Joan. W. (1991) Going Down to the Barrio: Homeboys and Homegirls in Change.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Short, James F., and Fred L. Strodtbeck (1965) Group Process and Gang Delinquency.
Chicago: University of Chicago.
Taylor, Carl (1989) Dangerous Society. East Lansing, Michigan: Michigan State
University Press.
Venkatesh, Sudhit Alladi (2000) American Project: The rise and Fall of a Modern Ghetto.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Vigil, Diego (2001) A Rainbow of Gangs: Street Cultures in the Mega-City. Austin:
University of Texas.