Table 1. Microbial Bio-Pesticides For The Control of Plant Pathogens
Table 1. Microbial Bio-Pesticides For The Control of Plant Pathogens
Table 1. Microbial Bio-Pesticides For The Control of Plant Pathogens
syringae pv. Tomato
1. The efficacy ratings are based on the results of studies published between 2000 and
2009 in the Plant Disease Management Reports (
These ratings are built on a comparison between untreated controls and the
application of each product independently.
2. + Evidence for disease control and/or yield increase, ± mixed results, o no obvious
response to treatment, and * no data available in the selected PDM reports.
3. These products are not currently registered for use in the state of Ohio, USA.
Table 2. Biochemical Biopesticides for the Control of Plant Pathogens
Trade Name Ingredient Manufacturer Target Crop Target Efficacy
Disease (as
Garlic garlic oil Garlic Research Cucurbit crops, forage Brown Tomato/
Barrier® Labs, Inc. crops, fruiting spot, early
vegetables, herbs, kiwi, insect blight: o
leafy vegetables, infestation
legume vegetables, nut
trees, ornamentals,
peanuts, pome fruit
trees, root and tuber
vegetables, small fruits
and berries, stone fruit
trees, sugarcane,
sunflowers, tropical
fruits, turfgrass
Fish oil Omega Protein, Field crops, orchards, Black Tomato/
Inc. vineyards, and spot, late
greenhouse powdery blight,
mildew, bacterial
and greasy spot: o
spot Tomato/
SeaCide® bacterial
blight: +
Extract of Heads Up Plant Soybeans, potato, Soil-borne Peas/root
Chenopodi Protectants tomato, peas, beans, plant root rot: +
um quinoa and wheat rot and Tomato/e
saponins damping- arly
off disease blight: +
Heads Up®
1. The efficacy ratings are based on the results of studies published between 2000 and
2009 in the Plant Disease Management Reports (
These ratings are built on a comparison between untreated controls and the
application of each product independently.
2. + Evidence for disease control and/or yield increase, ± mixed results, o no obvious
response to treatment, and * no data available in the selected PDM reports.
3. These products are not currently registered for use in the state of Ohio, USA.