How To Learn A Foreign Language Pamphlet
How To Learn A Foreign Language Pamphlet
How To Learn A Foreign Language Pamphlet
Foreign Language
Juan Beltran, Emmalyn Jones,
Jaz min T orres
Decided to
learn a new
This pamphlet will Image Credit:
Arizona St ate
Univer sity
Address: 851 Cady Mall, Tempe, AZ 85281
Phone: 480-965-6281
else to do
Hello! Re a d i n g Listen to foreign music
Recognition is more im- Watch foreign movies
portant than memorization Be exposed and immersed
You have embarked on (writing) Read out loud
a wonderful journey of Use context clues Speaking
learning a foreign lan- Focus on what you know
Use flashcards! LISTEN first
guage! It is definitely a
For languages without an Tones, sounds, and flow
challenge, but it pro- alphabet, visualize the come from hearing
vides a very rewarding characters, symbols, or Imitate teacher or other
hand motions native speakers
experience. The pur- Read Children’s books and Repetition
pose of this pamphlet other engaging stories Become friends with a
Put vocab around the native speaker
is to help you through house Teach a friend or sibling
your study and pro- Watch show/movies with what you learn
foreign subtitles Talk slowly and enunciate
vide helpful tips that
will guide you through
a happier and more Wr i t i n g To learn a new language
beneficial learning ex- takes dedication and fo-
Repetition, repetition, cus. Do not be afraid to
perience of a new lan- repetition!
Take a lot of notes
ask questions, make mis-
guage. Our hope is takes, and never give up!
Write the language
that you will take whenever you can, Practice whenever and
whether in personal however you can. The
some of these guide- notes or when you’re
bored benefits of learning a new
lines to heart and language can help one
learn to love the lan- immerse in a new culture
guage that you study! L i s te n i n g and interact with native
speakers. Overall, do not
Remember that it takes be afraid and take the
opportunity to learn a
Use context
new foreign language!
Listen to the language
when you have nothing