Duck Egg TAS

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TAS 6703-2012


National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives



Technical Committee on the Elaboration of Thai Agricultural Standard for Duck Egg

1. Mr. Jeera Sornnuwat Chairperson

Veterinary Expert in International Livestock Standard Expert
Department of Livestock Development

2. Ms. Pawana Singhasemanont Member

Department of Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce

3. Mr. Ponkrit Ouyta Member

Department of Livestock Development

4. Mr. Udom Nuanhunplong Member

Cooperative Promotion Department

5. Ms. Chitra Settaudom Member

Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Public Health

6. Ms. Yupa Laojindapun Member

National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards

7. Associated Professor Niratana Kongratananan Member

Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University

8. Associated Professor Wanwibool Kanchanakunchorn Member

Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University

9. Mr. Vichai Techawattananand Member

Food Processing Industry Club,
The Federation of Thai Industries

10. Mr. Veera Vivitkul Member

The Animal Husbandry Association of Thailand

11. Mr.Vatcharin Kummoongkun Member

Expert on Egg Production

12. Mr. Konjanart Sornmayura Member

Expert on Egg Production

13. Associated Professor Seksom Atamangkoon Member

14. Mr. Somnuek Chusri Member

15. Mr. Krit Boonyawattana Member and Secretary

Office of Standard Development
National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards

In references to the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives Notification on the Thai

Agricultural Standard entitled Duck Egg (TAS 6703-2005) dated February 8, B.E.2548(2005)
The Agricultural Standards Committee consider as appropriate to amend such standard for
enhancing duck egg produced to be recognized on its quality and safety in response to the
changing condition.

This Standard is based on the following documents:

TAS 6702-2555. Thai Agricultural Standard entitled Hen Egg. National Bureau of
Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives

TAS 6703-2548. Thai Agricultural Standard entitled Duck Egg. National Bureau of
Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives The
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Egg-Grading Manual. Agricultural
Handbook Number 75. Rev. July 2000.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). United States standard, Grades, and
Weight Classes for Shell Eggs. AMS 56.


TAS 6703-2012


National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards

Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives
50 Phaholyothin Road, Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900
Telephone 0 2561 2277 Fax 0 2561 3357

Published in the Royal Gazette, Announcement and General Publication Volume 129,
Special Section 32ง(Ngo) D,
Dated 19 September B.E.2555 (2012)
Whereas the Agricultural Standards Committee, by decision of the fifth session of
B.E.2555 (2012), on 24 September B.E.2555 (2012) deems it necessary to establish an
agricultural standard for duck egg as a voluntary standard in accordance with the Agricultural
Standards Act B.E. 2551 (2008) to promote such agricultural commodity to meet its standard on
quality and safety.

By virtue of Sections 5, 15 and 16 of the Agricultural Standards Act B.E.2551

(2008), the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives hereby issues this Notification on the
Establishment of Thai Agricultural Standard: Duck Egg as follows:
1. The Notification of the National Committee on Agricultural Commodity and
Food Standards entitled Thai Agricultural Standard: Duck Egg dated 19 May B.E.2548 (2005)
is repealed.
2. The Thai Agricultural Standard for Duck Egg (TAS 6703--2012) is established
as a voluntary standard, details of which are attached herewith.

Notified on 2 October B.E.2555 (2012)

(Mr. Theera Wongsamut)

Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives

TAS. 6703-2012



1.1 This Thai Agricultural Standard covers duck eggs produced from layer ducks of
Anas platyrhucus for direct consumption without processing affecting their crucial

For the purpose of this standard:

2.1 Duck egg means an egg– in- shell produced by layer duck and of the characteristics of
the breed

2.2 Egg yolk means an inner composition of the egg, round, natural color and floating in the
middle of the egg white.

2.3 Egg white means an inner composition of the egg consists of both the part of firm and
viscous liquid surrounding the egg yolk and the part of clear and transparent liquid which
surrounds the inner firm white.
2.4 Crack / Check means an egg which has a damaged outer shell such as broken or
cracked shell but its shell membranes are not torn and the liquid, within, is not leaking out.

2.5 Air cell means an air space within the large end of an egg between the outer and the
inner shell membranes.

2.6 Egg candling means an initial inspection of the egg shell and its interior quality through
visual light.

3.1 General quality requirements

Duck eggs for all grades, subject to the specific provisions for each grade and the tolerance
allowed, shall be as follows:

3.1.1 External characteristic

(1) Oval shape with one large end and a taper end;
(2) The shell color shall be of its characteristics of the breed, clean, without stains and smooth
all over;
(3) Free from cracks or checks;
(4) Free of visible mold when examined by naked eyes.
TAS. 6703-2012 2

3.1.2 Internal characteristic

(1) Free from inner cracks, when inspected by egg candling;
(2) Air cell shall be small and fixed when the egg is twirled;
(3) For the broken-out egg, the egg yolk shall not attach to the inner shell. It shall be firm
and surrounded by the thick egg white;
(4) The egg shall not be spoiled and free from abnormal odor;
(5) The egg yolk shall have normal and consistent color. The egg white shall not be cloudy;
(6) Free of visible mold, when examined by naked eyes.

3.2 Classification
Eggs shall be classified into three classes as shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Classification of Duck Eggs:

Items Classes


1. External characteristic

1.1 Shell Clean without stain The same as Grade Clean or may have slight
AA stain of which total
scattered stains shall not
be more than 1/16 of the
shell surface and
localized stain shall be
less than 1/32 of the shell
surface and shall not be
hard coating stain.

Smooth surface, free The shell surface may be

from rough or ridges rough or ridges.

2. Internal

2.1 Egg candling The egg yolk The egg yolk - The egg yolk shadow
shadow shows shadow shows shows clear edge and
blurred edge and the clearer edge and the the egg yolk touches
egg yolk floats in the egg yolk floats the shell.
middle of the egg. closed to the shell.
3 TAS 6703-2012

Items Classes


Blood spots or meat Blood spots or meat Blood spots or meat

spots are not found. spots are not found. spots may be found.

Egg white; blood Egg white; blood Egg white; blood spots
spots or meat spots spots or meat spots or meat spots may be
are not found. are not found. found.1/

Air cell shall not be Air cell shall not be Air cell shall not be
higher than 0.3 cm. higher than 0.5 cm. higher than 0.8 cm.

2.2 Egg yolk 2/ Egg yolk is convex Egg yolk is convex. Egg yolk is flattering.
located in the middle
of the thick egg

Blood spots or meat Blood spots or meat Blood spots and meat
spots are not found. spots are not found. spots may be found.

Germinal disk on Germinal disk on Germinal disk on egg

egg yolk is small and egg yolk is small and yolk may be expanded,
opaque white. opaque white. surrounding with white
border doughnut- like

2.3 Egg white 2/ The thick egg white The same as AA. The thick and the thin
is viscous and The thick egg white egg white are not firm ,
bulging convex. is less bulged. weak and watery and
The thin part is not flattening. Blood spots
flattering. and meat spots may be
Blood spots or meat found.
spots are not found.

The blood spots and meat spots which may be found in egg yolk and egg white of Grade B
shall be in combination not more than 0.3 cm in diameter.
Grading shall be determined according to the egg freshness (broken-out egg) based on the
egg yolk and egg white appearances as illustrated in Fig.A.2.
TAS. 6703-2012 4

Size of duck egg shall be considered by weight per egg as follows:

Table 2 Size of Duck Egg:

Code Size Weight of egg (grams)

0 Jumbo >80

1 Extra large > 75 -80

2 Large > 70 - 75

3 Medium > 65 - 70

4 Small > 60 - 65

5 Peewee > 55 - 60

Note: The classification of quality (Section 3) and sizing (Section 4) according to this
standard may be combined to stipulate trade classification. Trade partners may name the
trade classification differently depending on their requirements.

5. Tolerance
The following tolerances in respect of quality, sizing and checks shall be allowed in each
package for eggs not satisfying the requirements of the class indicated:

5.1 Quality tolerances

5.1.1 For Class AA, A is allowed to include not more than 15% of the total number of egg.
5.1.2 For Class A, B is allowed to include not more than 15% of the total number of egg.
5.1.3 For Class B, only eggs conforming to the requirements as of Class B.

5.2 Size tolerances

Eggs of all sizes may include the immediate smaller size not more than 3.4% of the total
number of eggs.

5.3 Crack or Check tolerances

Crack or check due to transportation shall not exceed 3.4% of the total number of eggs.

Example for the calculation of 3.4% tolerance: 1 out of 30 eggs is allowed (if unit per
package is less than 30, there shall be no tolerance on check and/or size).
5 TAS 6703-2012

6.1 The contents of each package shall be uniform in quality and size. The visible part of
the contents of the package shall be representative of the entire contents.

6.2 The package shall be able to prevent damage affecting duck egg quality. The materials
used inside the package shall be clean. The use of materials, particularly paper or stamps
bearing trade specifications is allowed, provided that the printing or labelling has been done
with non-toxic ink or glue.

6.3 Consumer package shall be new, of quality , hygienic and free of any foreign matter
and smell. They shall be durable against handling, transporting and maintaining egg’s quality
to the final destination.


7.1 Consumer packages
The following information shall appear on package, wrapping material, fastening material or
tag. They shall be easily and clearly visible without false or deceptive information.
(1) Name of the produce
To be labeled as “Duck Egg”
(2) Class
(3) Code and/or Size;
(4) Net weight (grams or kilograms)
(5) Number of eggs per package
(6) Information of producer and/or distributor
Indicate name and address of the producers, re-packers or distributors. Name and address of
head office of producer or re-packer may be provided. For imported produce, the importer
name and address shall be indicated.
(7) Source of produce;
Indicate country of production, except for domestic market.
(8) Date of packaging and/or best before date
(9) Lot number
(10) Instruction for storage and transportation.
The packages should have the wording “Fragile”.
(11) Language
In case of domestic or imported produce for sale in the country, label shall be in Thai and
foreign language is optional. In case of exported produce, label can be in foreign language.
TAS. 6703-2012 6

7.2 Non-retail packages .

The following information shall be specified in the accompanied documents, on the label or
package. They shall be legible, indelible and not be false or deceptive information:
(1) Name of the produce:
To be labeled as “Duck Egg”
(2) Class
(3) Code and/or Size;
(4) Net weight (grams or kilograms);
(5) Number of eggs per package
(6) Information of producer and distributor
Indicate name and address of the producers, re-packers or distributors and identification code
(if any). Name and address of head office of producer or re-packer may be provided. For
imported produce, the importer’s name and address shall be indicated.
(7) Source of produce;
Indicate country of production, except for domestic market.
(8) Date of packaging and/or best before date
(9) Lot number
(10) Instruction for storage and transportation.
The packages should have the wording “Fragile”.
(11) Language
In case of domestic or imported produce for sale in the country, label shall be in Thai and
foreign language is optional. In case of exported produce, label can be in foreign language.

7.3 Certification mark

The use of certification mark shall comply with the Ministerial Regulation B.E. 2553 (2010)
on Provisions concerning, the Characteristic of Mark, Application and Display, and the relevant
Notifications of the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards.

Contaminants in duck egg shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

Pesticide residues in duck egg shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations and the
requirements according to the Thai Agricultural Standards on Pesticide Residues: Maximum
Residues Limits (TAS 9002) and Pesticide Residues: Extraneous Maximum Residues Limits
(TAS 9003).
7 TAS 6703-2012


Veterinary drugs residues shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations.

11.1 Production, packaging, storage and transportation of duck egg shall follow hygienic
practices so as to prevent contamination that may be harmful to consumers and comply with
TAS 6910 entitled Code of Practice: Good Manufacturing Practices for Egg Collection Center.

11.2 Microbiological requirement: Salmonella spp. shall not be found in 25 g of sample.

11.3 Eggs that required to store more than one week shall be kept in a refrigerator or a room
with controlled temperature between 10°C - 13°C (50°F -55°F)and relative humidity of 70-85%.

11.4 Transport vehicle shall be provided with hygienic ventilation and able to prevent the
access of pests and water leaked into the loading section. The transport vehicle shall be able
to prevent filth contacting egg shells and to clean and disinfect easily and efficiently.

11.5 For long transportation, the loading section of the transport vehicle should be provided
with a cooling system or additional measures for better ventilation. If cooling system is not
used, eggs shall be prevented from direct sunlight. In case where cooling system is used, care
should be taken to prevent egg sweating due to rapid changes in temperature.

11.6 Before and after transportation, the transport vehicle shall be cleaned immediately to
eliminate foreign odor with disinfectants and dried. The disinfectant used shall be registered
with the relevant competent authorities.


12.1 Methods of analysis of egg quality shall be indicated in Table 3

12.2 Sampling methods shall comply with the provisions of the relevant laws and
requirements according to the Thai Agricultural Standard pertaining to Sampling Method

Table 3 Methods of analysis

Requirements Methods Principles

1. General Quality Inspection of the general appearance Visual inspection
(Section 3.1.1-3.1.2)
2. Shell (Section 3.2) Inspection of the shell Visual inspection
3. Interior quality
(section 2.1) Agricultural Handbook No.75, Egg- Lighting through the
grading manual, United States object
Department of Agriculture (USDA) pp 31-32
or equivalent methods
TAS. 6703-2012 8

Requirements Methods Principles

(section 2.2-2.3) Agricultural Handbook No.75, Egg- Visual inspection
grading manual, United States
Department of Agriculture (USDA)
pp 34-35 or equivalent methods
4. Size (Section 4) Weighing Gravimetry
5. Microorganisms (Section 11.2) Bacteriological Analytical Manual U.S. Pour Plate
Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) ,
- Salmonella
Chapter 5 or equivalent methods
9 TAS 6703-2012


shell air cell

shell membrane
germinal disc
thin egg albumen/thin egg white
thick egg albumen/thick egg white
vitelline membrane
chalaza or cord

Figure A.1. Illustration of duck egg

A.2 Haugh Unit (H.U.)

H.U. value is used to measure freshness of egg and provided as additional useful
information. It is, therefore, not part of the requirements as of Table 3 (Internal
For determination freshness of egg, suggested H.U. values at the temperature of 45°F – 60°F
are as follows:

Class AA ≥ 72

Class A = 60 – 71

Class B < 60
TAS. 6703-2012 10

Class AA

Class A

Class B

Fig A.2 Classification according to egg yolk and egg white

11 TAS 6703-2012


The units and symbols used in this standard and the units recognized by the International
System of Units or (Le Système International d'Unités) or SI are as follows:

Measurement Unit

gram g
kilogram kg

Length centimeter cm

Temperature degree Celsius ๐


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