RPM WR2017
RPM WR2017
RPM WR2017
A. Adenocarcinoma
- carcinoma of glandular epithelium
B. Squamous cell carcinoma
- originates from stratified squamous epithelium
C. Lyphoma
- begins in lymphocytes
D. Neuroendocrine carcinoma
- usually involves increased secretions of hormones. Hormones are
detected via diagnostics
5. What is the pathognomonic microscopic
finding seen in the CNS in rabies infection?
A. Negri bodies
Histologic characteristics include
B. Langerhans cells neuronal degeneration,
- Immature dendritic cells within the perivascular accumulations
epidermis; Langerhans cell histiocytosis of mononuclear cells in the
C. Lewy bodies brain stem and spinal cord, and
- abnormal aggregates of protein that develop characteristic
inside nerve cells; Lewy Body Dementia eosinophilic intracytoplasmic
D. Microgial nodules inclusions (Negri bodies) in the
hippocampus and
- small aggregates around foci of necrosis;
Viral Meningoencephalitis Purkinje cells of the cerebellum.
6. Virchow’s triad in thrombosis includes all,
Three primary abnormalities that
A. Endothelial injury lead to thrombus formation (called
- in order to activate platelet plugs, platelet Virchow’s triad):
aggregation and signal more platelets to an (1) endothelial
active site injury,
(2) stasis or turbulent blood flow,
B. Inflammation and
(3) hypercoagulability
C. Abnormal blood flow of the blood
- stasis contributes to increased formation
of a thrombus
D. Hypercoagulability
- increased state of thrombus formation
7. Which is the best measure of hypertrophy
in dilated hearts?
A. Ventricular wall thickness
B. Septal wall thickness
C. Heart weight
D. Intraluminal cardiac diameter
As a result, in dilation due to
volume overload the wall
thickness may be increased,
normal, or less than normal;
thus, heart weight, rather than
wall thickness, is the best
measure of hypertrophy in
volume overloaded hearts.
8. A patient died from acute respiratory failure. On histopathologic
examination of the airways, there is a submucosal glands hypertrophy
and goblet cell hyperplasia accompanied by hyperplasia of the bronchial
wall smooth muscle cells. What is the underlying cause of death of this
A. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
- Some of the alveoli are collapsed; others are distended, and many are lined by hyaline membranes
B. Chronic bronchitis
- hyperplasia of mucus-secreting submucosal glands
C. Status asthmaticus
- bronchial smooth muscle hypertrophy, hyperplasia of goblet cells, thickening and hyalinization
of basement membranes, proliferation of eosinophils, and intrabronchial mucous plugs containing whorl-
like accumulations of epithelial cells (Curschmann spirals) and crystalloids of eosinophil derived proteins
(Charcot-Leyden crystals)
D. Bronchiectasis
- inflammation and necrosis of the bronchial wall.
9. Histopathology of the thyroid gland show an ill-defined
lesion composed of fetal type follicles and fronds supported by
thin fibrovascular cores. These are lined by cells with optically-
cleared out nuclei with nuclear grooves and nuclear inclusions.
What is the diagnosis?
A. Follicular adenoma
- the constituent cells often form uniform-appearing follicles that contain colloid; Hallmark: presence of an
intact,well-formed capsule encircling the tumor
C. Follicular carcinoma
- relatively uniform follicles with capsular and/or vascular invasion
D. Anaplastic carcinoma
- composed of highly anaplastic cells, with variable morphology, including: (1) large, pleomorphic giant cells,
including occasional osteoclast-like multinucleate giant cells; (2) spindle cells with a sarcomatous appearance; and
(3) mixed spindle and giant cells
10. Which skin lesion exhibits hyperplasia of the
stratified squamous epithelium, with
hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis and koilocytosis?
Hyperkeratosis Increased thickness of the stratum corneum
A. Molluscum contagiosum Parakeratosis Hyperkeratosis with retention of nuclei of keratinocytes
- cuplike verrucous epidermal hyperplasia; molluscum body, which occurs as a large (up
to 35 μm), ellipsoid, homogeneous, cytoplasmic inclusion in cells of the stratum
granulosum and the stratum corneum
B. Verruca vulgaris
- epidermal hyperplasia that is often undulant; Vacuolated cells (koilocytes) in the
granular cell layer of the epidermis are characteristic
C. Seborrheic keratosis
-Exuberant keratin production (hyperkeratosis) occurs at the surface, and small keratin-
filled cysts (horn cysts) and invaginations of keratin into the main mass (invagination
D. Squamous pailloma
- multiple slender, finger-like projections supported by central fibrovascular cores and
covered by an orderly stratified squamous epithelium
11. This level of disease prevention is applied if 0-1
year old infants are vaccinated in the community?
A. Primary
- Prevent disease before it occurs (e.g vaccination)
B. Secondary
- Screen early for and manage existing but aymptomatic disease (pap smear for
Cervical CA)
C. Tertiary
- Treatment to reduce complications from disease that is ongoing or has long-
term effects (chemotherapy, rehab)
D. Both Primary and Secondary
12. A study involves tracking a condition that can
recur in individuals over time. Which of the
following measures would allow the authors of the
study to make full use of their collected date?
A. Attributable risk
- Difference in rate of a condition between an exposed population and an unexposed
B. Incidence density
- Incidence is the number of new cases arising in a given period in a specified population
- The most accurate way of calculating incidence rate is to calculate the person-time incidence
rate (Incidence density)
C. Period prevalence
- The proportion of a population that has the condition at some time during a given period
D. Point prevalence
Prevalence is the number of cases in a defined population at a specified point in time
13. A periodic health examination is done for
the purpose of:
A. Determining whether the transfer to another jobs is medically
advisable –Transfer examination
B. Identifying whether patient needs special rehabilitation –Return to
work examination
C. Making a final evaluation of workers’ health –Separation from
employment examination
D. Detecting the possible onset of acceptable disease
14. Error in the design, organization, training and
maintenance which leads to operator errors and whose
effects lie dormant in the system for lengthy periods of
time is called:
A. Active error
• Error which occurs or is noticed first, committed by the person
closest to the patient
B. Accident
C. Latent error
• Error which occurs or is noticed later, committed by a series
of errors in management done beforehand
D. Adverse event
15. A 75 year old retired lawyer has lapses of memory.
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) was done and
his score is 24. This means he has which of these?
MOCA assesses for mild cognitive
A. Normal cognition impairment. Scores below 26 are
considered abnormal. MMSE, on the other
B. Mild cognitive impairment hand, can also assess for cognition and
C. Mild dementia dementia. For MMSE, 24 is the cut-off for
D. Moderate dementia normal cognition.
16. Under the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010
(R.A. 9994) where should the fund for the mandatory
coverage of all senior citizens come from?
A. Department of Social Welfare and Development
B. Department of Health
C. Local Government Unit
D. Private sponsors
“All indigent senior citizens shall be covered by the national health insurance
program of PhilHealth. The LGUs where the indigent senior citizens resides
shall allocate the necessary funds to ensure the enrollment of their indigent
senior citizens in accordance with the pertinent laws and regulations.” (RA
9994, Sec. 5, Subsection H, under “Mandatory PhilHealth Coverage”)
17. Which of the following is an instrumental
activity of living?
Activities of Daily Living Instrumental Activities of Daily
A. Toileting Living
B. Feeding Feeding Using the phone
Continence Shopping
C. Handling medications Transferring Preparing food
Toileting Housekeeping
D. Dressing Dressing Doing laundry
Bathing Using transportation
Handling medications
Handling finances
RR= Rt/Rc
Rt = 25/100 = 0.25
Rc = 50/100 = 0.50
RR = 0.25/0.50 = 0.50
RRR = 1 – RR = 1 – 0.50 = 0.50
21. Why is blinding important in a randomized
controlled trial?
A. It will assure the equal distribution of confounding variables in both
B. It allows prospective collection of data
C. It would help eliminate bias which could affect study results
D. It helps the investigator be truthful
22. What is the first step in the Evidence-
based Medicine cycle?
A. Appraising the validity of the methods of the article
- After searching for an article, its validity is appraised to see if it can be used to
answer the clinical question
B. Asking the clinical question
- EBM always begins with the generation of a clinical question
C. Searching the literature for the best answer
- Searching for literature follows a clinical question as the clinical question
provides the keywords needed in searching for the articles
D. Summarizing the results of the article
- The last step in EBM
23. Which of the following is the error
committed in the 2x2 table above?
A. Switched row and column headings
B. Switched column headings
C. Switched row headings
D. NO error can be found
Nephropathy NO Nephropathy
Usual treatment
24. Which of the following measures of association is
the most intuitive and is used to discuss the effect of
treatment to patients?
C. Odds Ratio
25. Which of the ff. principle allows organ
donation from a living donor?
A. Totality -all decisions in medical ethics must prioritize the good of the entire person,
including physical, psychological and spiritual factors
B. Beneficence -duty to be of a benefit to the patient, as well as to take positive steps to
prevent and to remove harm from the patient
C. Non maleficence -requires of us that we not intentionally create a harm or injury to
the patient, either through acts of commission or omission
D. Fraternal love/Charity
26. Which of the ff. determines the moral
acceptability of new reproductive technology?
A. Good benefit/risk ratio
B. Acceptability of the special society
C. If the procedure assists the conjugal act
D. Informed consent from the husband and wife about the procedure
27. A 60 y/o male known diabetic, hypertensive was admitted because
of pneumonia. On day 2 of hospitalization the patient was noted to be
more tachypneic. On PE, BP was 80/60, RR 32, HR 110 regular, T 38.5C,
GCS 10 (E3 M6 V1). Lung findings showed resonance on both lungs with
crackles on right mid lung field. He was noted to speak in phrases and
has abdominal paradox. The medical resident was called and ordered for
emergency intubation. What is the indication for intubation?
Pleural effusion Dull Decreased Decreased Decreased Absent or pleural friction rub
Pulmonary mass Dull (over the mass) Normal Normal Normal Decreased (over the mass)
Source: IM Platinum, 2nd Ed. Page 93
29. Splitting of the S2 is due to delay in which
component of the heart sound?
A. Delay in the pulmonic component
B. Delay in the aortic component
C. Delay in the mitral component
D. Delay in the tricuspic component
Heart Sounds
S1 Mitral and tricuspid valve closure. Loudest at mitral area
S2 Aortic and pulmonary valve closure. Loudest at left upper sternal border
S3 In early diastole during rapid ventricular filling phase. Associated with increased filling pressures (eg, mitral
regurgicationm HF) and more common in dilated ventricles (but can be normal in children and young adults)
S4 In late diastile (‘’atrial kick’’). Best heard at apex with patient in left lateral decubitus position. High atrial
pressure. Associated with ventricular noncompliance (eg, hyperthrophy). Left atrium must push against stiff LV
wall. Considered abnormal, regardless of patient age.
30. A 23 y/o male athlete who recently joined the yearly A. Obstructive coronary artery disease
ironman competition complains of chest pain. On PE, he B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
has left ventricular heave and an S4 gallop. Which of the C. Pericarditis
following explains the PE findings? D. Vasospastic coronary artery disease
Dilated Cardiomyopathy Restrictive Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Pathophysiology Cardiac enlargement resulting in Endomyocardial scarring or Disproportionate hypertrophy,
impaired systolic function, heart myocardial infiltration resulting in typically involving the
failure, arrhythmia, emboli restriction of ventricular filling interventricular septum more than
the free wall
Ejection fraction Usually <30% 25-50% >60%
LV dimension Dilated >60mm >60mm (may be decreased) Often decreased
LV wall thickness Decreased Normal or increased Markedly increased
Atrial size Increased increased,; may be massive Increased
Valvular regurgitation Related to annular dilation Related to endocardial involvement Related to valve-septum interaction
Common first sx Exertional intolerance Exertional intolerance; fluid Exertional intolerance; may develop
retention early late
Congestive sx Left before right Right often predominates Left-sided congestion may develop
Common examples Viral, parasitic Amyloidosis Most common abnormality found at
Peripartum Loeffler’s autopsy in young competitive
Alcohol, MAP, cocaine Endomyocardial athletes who die suddenly
31. After his check-up, the athlete went to the gym for work out. At the
parking lot, he was found unconscious. Your immediate response is…
A. Survey the scene
B. Call for help
C. Activate EMS
32. Which of the following physiologic
functions is performed by astrocytes?
A. Produce CSF
B. Create blood brain barrier
C. Sheath the CNS axons
D. Process sensory information
The posterior spinal arteries are a pair of arteries that supply the
respective ipsilateral grey and white posterior columns of the spinal
34. Which of these statements is true about
A. It is biologically determined
B. It is unchangeable throughout life
C. It is always caused by poor parenting
D. It is a synonym for personality
35. A 25 mo old boy plays with a ball which rolls under a
couch. The boy promptly crawls under the couch to
retrieve the ball. According to Piaget, which thinking
process best describes this child’s behavior?
Stages of development
A. Object permanence 1. Sensorimotor stage (birth to 2 y/o)
- object permanence - knowing that an object still exists, even if it is
B. Basic trust hidden.
2. Pre-operational stage (2 to 7 y/o)
C. Object constancy - young children can think about things symbolically
D. Animistic thinking 3. Concrete operational stage (7 to 11 y/o)
- beginning of logical or operational thought
- Conservation- understanding that something stays the same in
quantity even though its appearance changes
4. Formal operational stage (11+ to adolescence and adulthood)
- develop the ability to think about abstract concepts, and logically test
36. One characteristic of this virus is gene
Genetic shift
A. Parainfluenza virus - Causes pandemics
- Reassortment of viral genome
B. Respiratory Syncitial virus segments e.g segments of
C. Influenza virus human flu A virus reasserts with
swine flu A virus
D. Corona virus
Genetic drift
- Causes epidemics
- Minor changes based on random
mutation in hemagglutinin or
neuraminidase genes
37. Pseudomembranous colitis is attributed to
this organism:
A. Salmonella typhi – Typhoid fever
B. Shigella dysenteriae - Shigellosis
C. Clostridium difficile
D. Bacteroides fragilis
38. Fission bodies are dematiaceous Fission bodies – are
A. Streptococcus agalactiae
B. Streptococcus pneumonia
C. Streptococcus pyogenes
D. Viridans streptococci
40. A middle aged visitor recently arrived from Palawan, her
family became alarmed when she had bout of chills and fever
and did not respond to aspirin or paracetamol. She was
brought to the emergency room were blood samples for
malaria was obtained. Which of the following stages is found in
the mosquito only.
A. Gamete – infective to mosquito
B. Schizont – diagnostic stage
found in exo-erythrocytic (liver)
and erythrocytic cycle
C. Ring form – found in thin and
thick smear
D. Ookinete
41. A 5 year old male with on and off abdominal pain sought
consult. Stool exam request revealed ova for Ascaris,
Enterobius and Trichuris. What is the mode of transmission of
Ascaris and Trichuris
A. Ingestion – Ascaris, Trichuris, Enterobius (ingestion of fertilized ovum)
B. Skin penetration – Hookworm, Strongyloides
C. Inhalation – Enterobius
D. Skin bite
42. 40 year old male, farmer, sought consult because of vague
abdominal pain. On CT scan there is a space occupying lesion
in the liver. CT scan confirmed the presence of a cyst. Upon
surgery a hydatid cyst was recovered. What parasite is
associated with this condition
A. Unacceptable
B. Allowable if the stipend is direct to trainee himself
C. Allowable if contributed to a general fund
D. Allowable if the company has products in the hospital
50. As a junior medical intern, you were tasked to
extract arterial blood from patient A, unfortunately you
extracted blood from patient B who does not have any
blood draw request. What would you do?
A. Inform the resident and conceal the error from the
B. Proceed by drawing blood from patient A
C. Share the misadventure with your colleagues
D. Inform your resident and immediately tell the truth,
reimburse any charge it incurred the patient
51. You are called to perform thoracentesis to
remove fluid from the pleural cavity. To avoid
injuring lung or neurovascular elements, where
would you insert the aspiration needle?
A. above rib 8 in the midclavicular line
B. below rib 9 in the midaxillary line
C. above rib 9 in the midaxillary line
D. below rib 11 in the scapular line
52. A 54 year old man suffered myocardial infarction at the apex of the heart. Occlusion
by atherosclerosis may be found in which of these arteries?
A. Illiacus - Superolateral
B. Vastus Medialis - Inferiomedial
C. Psoas Major - Superomedial
D. Quadratum Laborium – Lower Back
54. In performing lumbar puncture what landmark is used to locate the point of insertion
of the spinal needle between the 4th and the 5th lumbar vertebral spines?
A. Gastroduodenal – anterior
wall perforation
B. Common Hepatic
C. Left Gastroepiploic
D. Splenic
58. A surgeon needs to construct a bypass between the veins of the portal and caval
systems to circumvent insufficient drainage through the natural portacaval anastomoses.
Which plan is highly to be successful?
A. Inferior hypogastric
B. Inferior mesenteric
C. Lumbar
A. -(L1-L4) one of the main nervous pathways supplying the lower limb
D. Sacral
A. -(S1-S4) main branches innervate the anterior thigh
60. A 20 yo male falls on his outstretched right wrist. PE in the ER reveals severe pain
upon palpation of the anatomical snuffbox. Radiological studies confirm a fracture. Which
bone is most likely fractured?
A. Oxyphils
A. -found in Hurthle cell cancer or follicular cancer
B. Chief cells
A. -secrete PTH (stimulates bone resorption)
C. Follicular cells
A. -secrete thyroid hormones
D. Parafollicular cells
A. -secrete Calcitonin (inhibit bone resorption)
62. Which of the structures in the lymph node is responsible for filtration of lymph?
The FLEXOR REFLEX - The noxious stimulus activates nociceptor afferents, which convey their information through
group Aδ axons. These axons synapse on both inhibitory and excitatory interneuron (Flexed limb – Inhibits extension,
excites flexion; Extended limb – inhibits flexion, excites extension)
86. TRUE of hematopoietic sites in fetus.
A. The yolk sac is the first site of
fetal hemoglobin (Hgb F)
B. Blood cell formation is observed
in the spleen starting at second
month age of gestation
C. The liver is the main site of blood
formation from 2 to 4 months age
of gestation
D. During the last three months of
gestation, the bone marrow is
the chief site of blood cell
87. Dangerous hemolytic transfusion reaction
can occur in
A. Rh- recipient receiving Rh+
blood for the first time
B. Rh+ recipient receiving Rh-
blood for the first time
C. Type B recipient receiving
Type O packed RBC
D. Type O recipient receiving
Type AB packed RBC
88. Parameter in the complete blood count that is
expected to INCREASE in a healthy woman who
spent the last six months in Baguio:
Sympathetic: Fight-or-Flight (ThoracoLumbar)
Parasympathetic: Rest and Digest (CranioSacral)
B. Artesunate
C. Doxycycline
• Doxycycline and tetracycline are generally not indicated for use in pregnant women. It has been
associated with transient suppression of bone growth and with staining of teeth of the infant.
D. Chloroquine + Primaquine
• Primaquine should not be taken by pregnant women or by people who are deficient in G6PD (glucose-
6-phosphate dehydrogenase)
99. The rationale for using fixed dose combination
of inhaled corticosteroids and (ICS) and long acting
b2 agonist (LABA) is:
A. Synergism (LABA and ICS equally enhances each other’s
B. Additive bronchodilating effect
C. Potentiation of ICS effect by LABA
D. Diminish each other’s adverse effect
100. A 23 year-old college student is diagnosed with
Neisseria meningitides based on his clinical
representation and gram-negative diplococci on gram
stain. Which of the following drugs can be used as
prophylactic agent for roommates and other close
A. Amoxicillin 2-day regimen of rifampin (600mg every 12h for 2 days
in adults and 10mg/kg every 12h for 2 days in children >
B. Isoniazid 1 year). Rifampin is not recommended in pregnant
women. Alternatively, adults can be treated with one
C. Dapsone dose of azithromycin (500 mg) or one intramuscular
dose of ceftriaxone (250 mg).
D. Rifampicin -Harrison’s p.889