Topic: Communication and Networks: Lecture Preview
Topic: Communication and Networks: Lecture Preview
Topic: Communication and Networks: Lecture Preview
Cell phones and other wireless technologies are allowing us to stay connected in today’s world
like never before. Increased connectivity potentially means increased productivity especially in
the business world. You will learn more about the concept of connectivity and the impact of the
wireless revolution in this chapter.
The process of sharing data, programs, and information between two or more computers.
• Connectivity is the means to connect your computer by telephone line or other
telecommunication links to other computers and information sources. OR
• Is a concept related to using computer networks to link people and resources
-Microcomputers. Minicomputers and mainframes can all be connected
Wireless revolution
• Use of mobile or wireless devices
• The revolution is the support of more than just the wireless telephone
• Many devices can and will connect to one another without any physical connection
2.2. Communication Systems
Communication Channels
• Channels carry data from one computer to another
• Channels are essential to a communication system
Types of Channels
1. Telephone lines
2. Coaxial cables
3. Fiber-optic cable
4. Infrared
5. Broadcast radio
6. Microwave
7. Satellite
Coaxial Cable
1. Telephone lines
¶ Telephone line cables made up of copper wires called twisted pair
¶ A single twisted pair culminates in a wall jack where you plug your phone
¶ Telephone lines had been the standard communication channel for both voice
and data
¶ More technologically advanced and reliable transmission media is now replacing
2. Coaxial Cable
¶ Coaxial Cable is a high-frequency transmission cable that replaces the multiple
wires of telephone lines with a single solid copper core
¶ It has over 80 times the transmission capacity of twisted pair
¶ It is often used to link parts of a computer system in one building
3. Fibre-Optic cable
¶ Fibre-optic cable transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass
¶ It has over 26,000 times the transmission capacity of twisted pair
¶ A fibre-optic tube can be half the diameter of a human hair
¶ Fibre-optic cables are immune to electronic interference and more secure and
¶ Fibre-optic cables is rapidly replacing twisted pair telephone lines
4. Wireless Connection
-Wireless connections do not use a solid substance to connect; uses the air itself
• is sending data to satellite and Downlink refers to receiving data from a Satellite
• GPS (Global Positioning system) use a network of 24 satellites owned and
managed by the Defense Department which continuously sends location
information to earth
Microwave dish
• Modem – modulator-demodulator
• Modulation (key term) is the name of the process for converting from digital to
• Demodulation (key term) is the name of the process for converting from analog
to digital
• External – stands apart from the computer is typically connected with a cable
• Internal – built into the computer system unit already
• PC card – credit card-size expansion board that is inserted into portable
computers; telephone cable connects the modem to the telephone wall jack
• Wireless modem (key term) may be external, internal, or a PC card
• Does not use cables
• Signals are sent through the air
• Transfer Speed or transfer rate (key term)-measured in bits per second
(key term); the higher the speed the faster the transfer rate
-A computer network is a communication system that connects two or more computers so
that they can exchange information and share resources.
Computer Networks
Computer Networks
Connect Computers
Network Types
1) LANs
• Computers and devices linked in close proximity to each other
• Linked by cable
• Typically use a bus form of organization
• With gateways, LANs can be connected to other LANs or any other type of
network. Ethernet (key term) is one standard for connecting network nodes
• Home Networks – LANs are now being commonly used by individuals in
home/apartments; allow different computers to share resources including a common
Internet connection; can be connected by various means including a wireless LAN
(WLAN) that uses radio frequencies to connect computers; all communications pass
through the network’s centrally located wireless receiver or base station
• Home networking includes the following:
• Radio frequency, telephone lines, electric wiring, cables, NIC/adapter cards
2) MANs (metropolitan area network) – also known as a regional network; (key term) span
distances up to 100 miles
• Network linking nodes and resources within the geographical bounds of a city
• Cellular phones can extend the reach of a MAN
3) WANs (wide area networks)
• Countrywide and worldwide networks
• Use microwave relays and satellites to reach users
• Internet is the widest WAN
Network Architecture
• Networks are connections of two or more computers that work together to exchange
information and share resources
• The network architecture describes how the network is arranged and how the resources
are coordinated and shared
• Network architecture also describes how a computer network is configured and what
strategies are used
• Topology – network arrangement or configuration
1. Star Network
• Smaller computers linked to a
central unit
• Central unit is called the
network hub
• Control is maintained by polling
Star network – nodes are connected to a single computer called a network hub
• All communications pass through the hub/host computer; each connecting device is
asked (―polled‖) whether it has a message to send and then each device is in turn
allowed to send its message
• Can be used as a time-sharing system
2. Bus Network
3. Ring Network
• Ring network
• Each device connected to two others forming a ring
• No central files server or computer
• Messages passed around ring until reach correct destination
• Often used to link mainframes—especially over wide geographical areas
• Useful in decentralized organization
• Makes possible distributed data processing system (key term)
• Computers can perform processing tasks on own
• Can also share programs, data, and other resources
4. Hierarchical Network
Hierarchical Network
• Sometime called hybrid network
• Consists of several computers linked to central host computer
• All computers can server as hosts to other computers (unlike star network)
• Host at top could be mainframe; computers below could be minis; then ―down‖
to micros
• Useful in centralized organization
Strategy- ways of coordinating the sharing of information and resources in a network
Peer to Peer
1. Intranets
– Private network within an organization
– Provides information to employees
Intranets use browsers, Web sites, and Web pages like the public Internet; typically include e-
mail, mailing lists, newsgroups, and FTP services
2. Extranets
– Private network that connects organizations
– Used to allow suppliers and others access
– Purpose is to increase efficiency and reduce costs
3. Firewalls
– Security system
– Protects against external threats
Firewalls – Organizational firewalls include a proxy server (key term) that is a gatekeeper; all
communications between the outside world and an organization must pass through the proxy
server where the source and content of each communication is evaluated; end users have many
of the same concerns regarding security as organizations and can use firewalls as well