Cantilever Beam Bending Analysis: Type of Solver: ABAQUS CAE/Standard
Cantilever Beam Bending Analysis: Type of Solver: ABAQUS CAE/Standard
Cantilever Beam Bending Analysis: Type of Solver: ABAQUS CAE/Standard
Problem Description:
Consider the cantilever beam shown below. The beam is made from aluminium, which has
a Young’s modulus of E = 70 GPa, a shear modulus of G = 25 GPa, and a Poisson’s ratio
of ν = 0.33. The beam is 1 m in length (L = 1) and has a square section with a = b = 0.025
m. When a transverse load is applied at some distance (x) along the beam length, a
bending moment, M, is generated, where:
M EI = F ( L − x) (1)
dx 2
Fx 2 (3L − x)
δ= (2)
6 EI
I= (3)
Module 1
(a) Using a 1-dimensional finite element model, compute the deflection of a cantilever
beam loaded at its end with a force of 80 N. Compare the FEM predicted deflections with
those predicted by ordinary beam bending theory. Assume that the beam is made from
aluminium, is homogenous and isotropic, and that it behaves in a linear elastic fashion.
(b) Using a 3-dimensional finite element model, compute the deflection of a cantilever
beam loaded at its end with a force of 80 N. Compare the FEM predicted deflections, with
those predicted by ordinary beam bending theory. Assume that the beam is made from
aluminium, is homogenous and isotropic, and that it behaves in a linear elastic fashion.
(c) Using the 3-dimensional FE model, investigate the effect of mesh density on the
predicted FEM deflections. Re-mesh the cantilever beam with 5000, C3D8R elements, and
re-run the analysis. Compare the subsequent FEM predicted deflections with those of
ordinary beam bending theory.
(d) Investigate the effect of element type on the predicted FEM deflections. Re-mesh
the cantilever beam with 5000, C3D20R elements, and re-run the analysis. Compare the
subsequent FEM predicted deflections with those of ordinary beam bending theory. Why
might these elements be more accurate?
(e) Using the 3-D FE model (5000 C3D20R elements) plot the distribution of stress
through the section of the model at x = 0.1.
(f) Compare the predicted stress at x = 0.1 for y = 0.004 and y = 0.0125 (where y is the
distance from the neutral axis) with the stress at those positions predicted by ordinary
beam bending theory. Plot these predictions on the same graph.
Module 1
Solution (a):
• Start ABAQUS/CAE. At the Start Session dialogue box, click Create Model Database
with Standard/Explicit Model.
• From the main menu bar, select Model→Create. The Edit Model Attributes dialogue box
appears; name the model Cantilever_1D
The part, Cantilever Beam will now appear in the Viewer window, as a 1-dimensional
beam. The following tasks must be completed:
Module 1
In this module (property), you will define the beam geometry (width and height), you will define the
beam material properties (E, G and ν) and you will assign these material properties to the beam.
2. The Edit Beam Section dialogue box will open (Fig.B2). Next to
Profile Name, click Create and the Create Profile dialogue box will
open (Fig.B3). Name the profile Cantilever Profile. Select Rectangular and click Continue.
The Edit Profile dialogue box will open (Fig.B4). Enter the cantilever cross sectional dimensions
(a = b = 0.025 m) and click OK.
3. In the Edit Beam Section dialogue box, next to Material name, click Create, and the Edit
Material Dialogue box will open (Fig.B5). Name the material Aluminium and then Click
Mechanical→Elasticity→Elastic. Specify the elastic material properties, E and ν and click OK.
Specify the section Poisson’s ratio to be 0.33 in the Edit Beam Section dialogue box. Click OK.
Fig.B2 Fig.B3
Module 1
4. From the main menu bar select Assign→Section. Use the mouse cursor to select the
Cantilever Beam part and select Done in the prompt area. The Edit Section Assignments
dialogue box will open as shown in Fig.B6.
5. From the main menu bar select Assign→Assign Beam Section Orientation. Use the mouse
cursor to select the part in the Viewer and click Done in the prompt area. The default orientation
can be selected by pressing Enter, clicking OK and then clicking Done.
In the step module, you will define the type of analysis that is to be
undertaken (static in this case).
1. From the main menu bar, select Step→Create. The Create Step
dialogue box will appear (Fig.D1). Name the step Load Step.
Fig.D1 18
Module 1
3. Select Static, General from the list of analysis types. Click Continue and OK.
In the load module you define the boundary conditions (constraints and loads). You will constrain
one end of the cantilever beam to be fixed (zero displacements) and you will define an 80 N load at
the free end of the beam.
1. From the main menu bar, select Load→Create. The Create Load Dialogue box will open
2. The Edit Load dialogue box will open, as shown in Fig.F2. You now need to specify a
transverse load of 80 N.
Module 1
It is now necessary to define the constraint boundary conditions (i.e. to fix the opposite end of the
beam so that it cannot move).
3. From the main menu bar, select BC→Create. The Create Boundary Condition dialogue box
will appear, Fig.F3.
The Edit Boundary Condition dialogue box will open as seen in Fig.F4.
In this mesh module, you will mesh the Cantilever Beam instance, by assigning seeds (nodal
positions), mesh controls and element types.
2. Use the mouse cursor and select the Cantilever Beam instance and click Done in the
prompt area.
Module 1
In the Local Seeds dialogue box that appears, change the seeding method to By Number
4. Click OK
5. From the main menu bar, select Mesh→Element Type. Using the cursor select the part
instance and click Done in the prompt area. The Element Type dialogue box will appear as shown
in Fig.G1.
9. Click OK.
You have so far built the geometry, prescribed the beam section geometry, the beam material
properties and the beam section orientation. You have created an instance of the Cantilever
Beam part, defined a constraint boundary condition and a loading boundary condition. You have
meshed the instance with 20, two-node, linear B21 beam elements. All that is now required is for
the job to be submitted to the solver.
In this module, you will submit the job to the solver for analysis.
1. From the main menu bar select Job→Create. The Create Job dialogue box will open.
Module 1
3. From the main menu bar, select Job→Submit and choose the Cantilever_1D job.
4. You can monitor the job progress by selecting Job →Monitor from the main menu bar. When
the job is complete, you can view the results in the visualisation module.
In this module you can view the results of your analysis, output xy data, operate on data and export
images and movies.
2. From the main menu bar select Results→Field Output. The Field Output dialogue box will
appear as shown in Fig.I1.
Module 1
The deformed cantilever beam will now be displayed and coloured according to the contours of
displacement. From the contours, you should be able to see that at the free end, the beam has
deflected by 11.7 mm (Fig.I3).
Our interest now is in the full deflected profile. We’d like to compare the FEM predicted deflections
with those from ordinary beam bending theory. To obtain the full FEM predicted profile:
The Edit Edge List Path dialogue box will open (Fig.I5)
(d) Click Done in the prompt area and OK in the Edit Edge List Path dialogue box.
The nodes that form the path will be identified as shown in Fig.I7. Fig.I7
Module 1
6. From the main menu bar select Tools→XY Data→Create. The Create XY Data dialogue box
will open. Select Path from the list of options and click Continue. The XY Data from Path
dialogue box will open (Fig.I8).
(d) Clicking the Field Output icon will bring up the Field Output dialogue box (Fig.I9).
(e) Select U as the primary variable and U2 as the Component. Click OK.
(g) Save the data by clicking Save As…, and name the data Al_Deflection_Elastic_1D.
Module 1
7. To access the data so that you can compare the predictions to those of ordinary beam bending
theory, select Tools→XY Data→Edit→Al_Deflection_Elastic_1D. Copy and paste the data into
Excel. The results should look as shown in Fig.I10.
Fx 2 (3L − x)
6 EI
Module 1
Solution (b):
• Start ABAQUS/CAE. At the Start Session dialogue box, click Create Model Database.
• From the main menu bar, select Model→Create. The Edit Model Attributes dialogue box
appears; name the model Cantilever_3D.
Under the Part module, we will construct the beam (3-D)
1. From the main menu bar, select Part→Create
2. The Create Part Dialogue box appears. Name the part Cantilever Beam and fill in the
options as shown in Fig.A1. Click Continue to create the part.
3. From the main menu bar, select Add→Line→Rectangle
(a) Select the co-ordinates (0, 0) for the first vertex
(enter) as shown in Fig.A2.
(b) Select the co-ordinates (1, 0.025) for the second
vertex (enter).
4. The Edit Base Extrusion dialogue box will open. In the Depth Field, type 0.025 and
click OK. The part, Cantilever Beam will now appear in the Viewer window, as a 3-
dimensional beam. The following tasks must be completed:
Module 1
In this module (property), you will define the beam material properties (E and ν) and you will assign
these material properties to the beam.
2. The Edit Section dialogue box will open (Fig.B2). Click Create and the Create Material
dialogue box will open (Fig.B3). Name the material Aluminium. Enter a Young’s Modulus of E =
70 GPa, and a Poisson’s ratio of ν = 0.33 and click OK.
Module 1
You now need to assign the Cantilever Section and the Cantilever Material to the 3-D
beam part that you have created.
3. From the main menu bar select Assign→Section. Using the mouse cursor, select the part in
the Viewer and click Done. The Edit Section Assignment dialogue box will open. Check that the
Section that is chosen is the Cantilever Section that you created (it should be there by
default!). Click OK. The part will change colour, which is an acknowledgement that that section has
been assigned to the material.
In the step module, you will define the type of analysis that is to
be undertaken (static in this case).
Module 1
In the load module you define the boundary conditions (constraints and loads). You will constrain
one end of the cantilever beam to be fixed (zero displacements) and you will define an 80 N load at
the free end of the beam.
1. From the main menu bar, select Load→Create. The Create Load Dialogue box will open
(f) Using the mouse cursor, select the two nodes Fig.F1
as shown in Fig.F2.
Module 1
2. From the main menu bar select BC→Create. The Create Boundary Condition dialogue box
will open as shown in Fig.F4.
1. From the main menu bar select Mesh→Controls. The Mesh Controls dialogue box will appear as
shown in Fig.G1.
Module 1
2. From the main menu bar select Seed→Seed Edge by Number. Using the mouse cursor
(holding shift), select the end faces. Click Done in the prompt area. Type 2 for the number of
elements along those face edges. Click Done in the prompt area. Repeat the operation for the side
edges, choosing 80 seeds along each edge as seen in Fig.G2.
3. From the main menu bar select Mesh→Element Type. The Element Type dialogue box will
5. Click Yes in the prompt area to generate 320 elements on your part instance (Fig.G3).
*Why might having only 2 elements
through the thickness of this beam not be
a good idea when using linear elements?
1. From the main menu bar select Job→Create. The Create Job dialogue box will open as seen
in Fig.H1.
3. From the main menu bar select Job→Submit→Cantilever_3D. You can monitor the
progress of your job by selecting Job→Job Manager from the main menu bar and Monitor from
the Job Manager dialogue box. The analysis will take approximately 30 seconds (although this will
depend on the CPU spec.). By default, the results will be saved in C:\Temp.
1. From the main menu bar select View→Toolbars→Views. Choose plane 1-2 from the Views
dialogue box (Fig.I1).
2. From the main menu bar select Results→Field Output. The Field Output options box will
open. From the list of options, select U from the primary variables and U2 as the component
(b) Select Contour from the Select Plot State dialogue box and Click OK.
Module 1
Our interest now is in the full deflected profile. To obtain this information:
4. From the main menu bar select Tools→Path→Create. The Create Path dialogue box will open.
Module 1
(a) Click Flip and then Click Done in the prompt area.
7. From the main menu bar select Tools→XY Data→Create. The Create XY Data dialogue box
will open. Select Path (Fig.I4) and click Continue.
9. Select the Field Output icon and the Field Output dialogue box will open (Fig.I6).
(b) Click OK and then click Plot in the XY Data from Path dialogue box.
(c) Click Save As… and name the file Al_Deflection_Elastic_3D. Click OK.
10. To access the data, from the main menu bar select :
XY Data→Edit→Al_Deflection_Elastic_3D.
Compare these predictions with those from ordinary beam bending theory.
Module 1
11. Note that in this plot, the FEM predicted deflection at the end of the bar is 15.5 mm. Ordinary
beam bending theory predicts the deflection to be 11.7 mm. There is, therefore an apparent error
of 24.5%. Why might this be?
Module 1
Solution (c):
• Return to the Mesh module and re-seed the 3-D beam (200 seeds along the long edges
and 5 seeds along the short edges).
• Re-mesh the beam; Mesh→Instance.
• Re-run the analysis; Job→Job Manager→Submit.
• Obtain the deflected profile; Tools→XY Data→Create. The Create XY Data dialogue box
will open. Select Path……..
• Compare the FEM predictions with those from beam bending theory.
It is clear to see from these two analyses that the mesh density is important. However, there still
remains a small discrepancy between the FEM predicted deflection at the end of the cantilever
beam and that predicted by ordinary beam bending theory (7.8%).
Module 1
Solution (d):
• Return to the Mesh module and change the element type; Mesh→Element Type. Select
Quadratic from the Geometric Order. Choose C3D20R elements.
• Re-mesh the beam; Mesh→Instance.
• Re-run the analysis; Job→Job Manager→Submit.
• Obtain the deflected profile; Tools→XY Data→Create. The Create XY Data dialogue box
will open. Select Path……..
• Compare the FEM predictions with those from beam bending theory.
Module 1
Solution (e)
• Return to the Mesh module and change the element type; Mesh→Element Type. Select
Quadratic from the Geometric Order. Choose C3D20R elements.
1. From the main menu bar select Results→Field Output. The Field Output dialogue box will
open (Fig.A1).
Module 1
3. To plot the distribution of stress through the beam at x = 0.1, complete the following set of
4. From the main menu bar select Tools→Path→Create. The Create Path dialogue box will open
as in Fig.A3.
5. The length of the beam is 1 m. Since the beam has been meshed with 200 elements along the
edge, the position x = 0.1, is equal to 20 elements along the beam. Using the cursor, select the
nodes across the beam at x = 0.1 as shown. Click OK in the Edit Path List dialogue box.
6. From the main menu bar select Tools→XY Data→Create. The Create XY Data dialogue box
will open.
(b) Choose Stress Path as the path from the XY Data from Path dialogue box.
(e) Click the Field Output icon and the Field Output dialogue box will open.
(f) Select S as the primary variable and S11 from the Component options.
Module 1
(h) Save the data. To access the data, from the main menu bar select Tools→XY
X = 0.1
Is there an easier way to obtain these data? If you have time, think about creating a node set at x =
Module 1
Solution (f)
• Compare these stress data with those from ordinary beam bending theory at x = 0.1 for y
= 0.004 and y = 0.0125.
F ( L − x) ) 12 F ( L − x)
=k =
EI Ea 4
12 F ( L − x) y
σ Eky
= =
X = 0.1
Module 1
1. Assume now that the material behaves in an elastic – perfectly plastic fashion, and that the
yield stress is 150 MPa. Using the 3-dimensional finite element model, compute the deflection of
the cantilever beam when loaded at its end with a force of 600 N. (*Hint; you will have to define this
plastic material behaviour in your material model.)
2. Using the 3-dimensional finite element model, and assuming elastic - perfectly plastic
behaviour, plot the residual curvature of the cantilever beam after it has been loaded at its end
with a force of 600 N. Compare the deflected profile from Question 1 with this residual curvature.
(*Hint; Think about creating a second step in which the load from the Load Step is not
3. Assume now that the aluminium exhibits linear work hardening behaviour, with a work
hardening rate dσ d ε of 300 MPa. Compute the deflection of the beam when loaded at its end
with a force of 600 N. Compute also the deflection of the beam when the load is removed.
Compare the results with those of the perfectly plastic case.
4. Assume now that the aluminium hardens according to a power-law relationship of the following
kind: σ
= σ y + kε plastic , where the yield stress is 150 MPa, k is a constant equal to 300 MPa and the
hardening exponent, n, is 0.4. Calculate σ for 0 < ε plastic < 1. Using this data, compute the deflection
of the cantilever beam, loaded at its end with a force of 600 N. Find also the residual curvature of
the beam. Compare these data with the linear work-hardening case.