November 11 2018
November 11 2018
November 11 2018
West Green
4 Vincent Road, London N15 3QH
Parish Office: 020-8888-5518 E-mail:
Facebook: West Green - St John Vianney Church
10th /11th NOVEMBER 2018
Dear Parishioners
Traditionally on this weekend, we
remember all who have died in the two
world wars. In recent years, those who have casualties of war today are civilians,
died in recent and current conflicts are children, women and men. How war has
remembered. Increasingly there are other changed.
aspects of the result of war considered. The And so to, today’s Gospel: Jesus sits down
Red Poppy signifies those who have died. opposite the treasury in the Temple in
The White Poppy is a peace focused emblem Jerusalem. Some rich people put in large
which has been about some 85 years, but amounts; a poor widow put in two small
over-shadowed by the Red Poppy. coins, “all she had to live on”!
The best way we can honour the dead is to Sometimes we feel that our small
work for peace in our world. A tremendous contribution in LIFE is insignificant, is of no
task in a world where war is glorified and consequence! This may be in any aspect of
non-violent-peace-activists are sometimes life – offertory collections, or Retired Clergy
considered traitors or even cowards! We Support – all adds up to a major sum.
owe it to the dead, to change attitudes and
opinions. The many thousands who are In the same way on this Remembrance
injured in war are sometimes forgotten; Sunday our work for Peace and
there is an attempt this year to consider the Reconciliation is vital even in the face of an
animals that died in the Calvary divisions. enormous task in a troubled world. Our
The drama film, War Horse, based on positive attitude for peace work; our
Michael Morpurgo’s novel is an example. support for those for those in peace
movements; our non-violent reactions; our
Throughout his ministry on earth, Jesus White Poppy support – all of these supports
consistently spoke against violence and in are so vital. Our desire to support peaceful
favour of peace. He rejected the claim of ‘an organisations e.g. Veterans for Peace etc. so
eye for an eye’; he called us to love our many ways we can make a difference. (Have
enemy; he refused the efforts to take him by a look at: – more
force and make him King; he refused info available).
violence to save his own life (he told Peter –
‘put down your sword’) and he reminded us PRAYING FOR THE DEAD AND SUICIDE
in a case of conflict to sue for peace while AND THE SOUL: Fr Ron Rolheiser has two
there was the chance. very good presentations on, praying for the
dead. (Please take a copy).
In remembering the two World Wars, we
now need to be aware that 90% of the Have a peaceful and blessed week.
Fr. Joe
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY IN Next session for candidates:
LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTIONS 24th November at 3.30pm.
Wednesday 9:15am
Thursday 9:15am
Friday 9:15am
Saturday 9:15am
[6pm – Sunday Vigil Mass]
Sunday 9:00am and 11:00am
Saturday Sacrament of Reconciliation
from 9:45am – 10:15am
Tues to Fri 10am-12noon, 1pm-4pm
PARISH TEAM To make an appointment
Fr. Joe Ryan, Parish Priest Phone: 0208 888 5518 or
Sr. Devy Pranadjaja, Parish Sister email
Germaine Ng Ying, Parish Admin/Secretary We cannot guarantee to have anyone available
outside of these hours.