Edexcel IAL Chemistry Lab Book
Edexcel IAL Chemistry Lab Book
Edexcel IAL Chemistry Lab Book
©Pearson 2018
Lab Book
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08/06/2018 11:44
Published by Pearson Education Limited, 80 Strand, London, WC2R 0RL.
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The Publishers would like to thank Mark Woods for his contributions to the text.
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Neither Pearson, Edexcel nor the authors take responsibility for the safety
of any activity. Before doing any practical activity you are legally required to
carry out your own risk assessment. In particular, any local rules issued by
your employer must be obeyed, regardless of what is recommended in this
resource. Where students are required to write their own risk assessments they
must always be checked by the teacher and revised, as necessary, to cover any
issues the students may have overlooked. The teacher should always have the
final control as to how the practical is conducted.
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Practical work is central to the study of chemistry. The International Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Level (IAS/IAL)
specification includes 16 core practical activities that link theoretical knowledge and understanding to practical
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scenarios. By completing the core practical activities, you will learn to:
•• follow and interpret experimental instructions, covering a range of laboratory exercises throughout the course,
with minimal help from your teacher
•• manipulate apparatus, use chemicals, carry out all common laboratory procedures and use data logging (where
•• work sensibly and safely in the laboratory, paying due regard to health and safety requirements
•• gain accurate and consistent results in quantitative exercises, and make the most of the expected observations in
qualitative exercises.
By the end of this course, you should be able to use a variety of apparatus and techniques to:
•• design and carry out both the core practical activities and your own investigations
•• collect data that can be analysed
•• use data to draw valid conclusions.
Your knowledge and understanding of practical skills and activities will be assessed in all examination papers.
•• Papers 1 and 2 (IAS), and 4 and 5 (IAL) will include questions based on practical activities, including novel scenarios.
•• Papers 3 (IAS) and 6 (IAL) will test your ability to plan practical work, including risk management and selection of
Assessment for the Practical Skills Papers 3 and 6 will focus on four main areas:
•• independent thinking
•• use and application of scientific methods and practices
•• numeracy and the application of mathematical concepts
•• use of apparatus and equipment.
The ways in which you can demonstrate these practical skills are outlined in the tables on pages 4 and 5. You may
wish to tick off each element as you gain confidence.
You will find answers and maths skills required for the practicals in the back of the book.
4 Preparation of a standard solution from a solid acid and its use to find the concentration
of a solution of sodium hydroxide
15 Analysis of some inorganic and organic unknowns 2
1 Set up the apparatus to capture and measure gas evolved from a reaction
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Analysis of results
1 Plot a graph of mass of calcium carbonate (on the x-axis) against volume of carbon dioxide
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collected (on the y-axis). Draw a straight line of best fit – this line must pass through the
2 Use your graph to find the volume of carbon dioxide that would be made from 0.25 g of
calcium carbonate.
3 In this reaction, one mole of calcium carbonate makes one mole of carbon dioxide. Calculate
the number of moles of calcium carbonate in 0.25 g and hence calculate the volume of one
mole of carbon dioxide gas in dm3.
1 Write a chemical equation for the reaction between ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, and calcium carbonate.
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2 Why is it more accurate to find the mass of the calcium carbonate used by weighing the test tube containing the
calcium carbonate and then reweighing the test tube after the calcium carbonate has been tipped out, rather than
by weighing the empty test tube at the start?
3 Identify the major source of error caused by the procedure used here.
4 What change to the procedure/apparatus could you make to eradicate this error?
5 Carry out two calculations to show that the ethanoic acid was in excess in all experimental runs.
Procedure Objectives
1 Place approximately 3 g of solid potassium carbonate in a test tube.
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Start temperature/°C
Lowest temperature/°C
Temperature change/°C
Learning tips
●● You can assume that the heat capacity of the final solution is the same as the heat capacity of
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water. The volume of water produced in the reaction is so small it can be ignored.
●● For exothermic reactions, the enthalpy change, △H, is negative.
●● Be careful to use equals signs correctly. It is very easy to end up stating that a negative
number equals a positive number.
Analysis of results
1 The equations for the reactions occurring are:
reaction 1: K2CO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) → 2KCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
reaction 2: KHCO3(s) + HCl(aq) → KCl(aq) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
Calculate the energy change for each reaction in J. (The specific heat capacity of water is
4.2 J g–1 °C–1.)
3 Use your results to calculate the enthalpy change for the thermal decomposition of
potassium hydrogencarbonate:
reaction 3: 2KHCO3(s) → K2CO3(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)
1 Why is it not possible to measure the enthalpy change for the decomposition of potassium
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hydrogencarbonate directly?
4 Explain why the reactions are conducted in a polystyrene cup rather than a glass beaker.
Procedure Objectives
1 Wash out the 250 cm3 volumetric flask with distilled water.
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Concordant (Y/N)
Analysis of results
1 Calculate the mean titre using your two concordant results.
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2 Calculate the number of moles of sodium hydroxide that were contained in your mean titre.
3 Calculate the number of moles of hydrochloric acid that were contained in the full 250 cm3 of
diluted hydrochloric acid.
1 Write a chemical equation for the reaction of hydrochloric acid with sodium hydroxide.
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2 The pink colour seen at the end point fades because the excess sodium hydroxide reacts with carbon dioxide in
the air. This reaction produces sodium carbonate.
a Write an equation for the reaction of sodium hydroxide with carbon dioxide.
b When sodium hydroxide solution is stored, it reacts with carbon dioxide in the air.
i How will this change the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution?
ii How will this affect the volume of sodium hydroxide solution required to reach the end point in the
titration? Explain your answer.
3 Explain why it is better to have a titre of around 25 cm3 than a titre of around 10 cm3.
1 Weigh an empty test tube. Scoop approximately 2.5 g of sulfamic acid into
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Concordant (Y/N)
Analysis of results
1 Calculate the concentration of your sulfamic acid solution. The Mr of sulfamic acid is 97.1.
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4 Sulfamic acid is a monoprotic acid. This means that one mole of sulfamic acid will react exactly with
one mole of sodium hydroxide. Calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution used.
1 A 250 cm3 volumetric flask has an accuracy of ±0.6 cm3. Calculate the percentage uncertainty
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2 Each burette reading is accurate to ±0.05 cm3. Calculate the percentage uncertainty in one of
your titres.
3 Why should the pipette be rinsed with the sodium hydroxide solution after it has been
washed with water?
4 Why is there no need to dry the conical flask after washing it out between trials?
5 Identify another indicator you could use in this titration, and state the colour change you
would see at the end point.
Procedure Objectives
Part 1
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! Safety
●● Wear eye protection.
●● Avoid skin contact with the
●● There must be no naked
flames in the vicinity as
ethanol and halogenoalkanes
are highly flammable.
●● The laboratory needs to be
well ventilated to prevent the
inhalation of fumes.
Learning tips
●● The hydrolysis of halogenoalkanes is a nucleophilic substitution reaction.
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Analysis of results
1 Describe the pattern shown in your results for Part 1.
1 Write an equation for the reaction of 1-bromobutane with water.
2 In these reactions, a precipitate forms. Identify the precipitate formed when the halogenoalkane
is 1-iodobutane.
5 Explain why water is used as the nucleophile rather than hydroxide ions.
6 Draw skeletal formulae for each of the halogenoalkanes used in this investigation (there are five of them).
Classify each halogenoalkane as primary, secondary or tertiary.
Procedure Objectives
1 Pour 10 cm3 of 2-methylpropan-2-ol and 35 cm3 of concentrated
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! Safety
●● This procedure requires the use of a working fume cupboard.
●● Wear eye protection. Goggles are preferred.
●● Avoid skin contact with the reactants and products. Wear gloves.
●● Avoid inhaling vapours.
●● The product of the distillation process is flammable.
●● The fumes from the concentrated hydrochloric acid are toxic and corrosive and must not be inhaled, especially
by anyone with a respiratory problem.
Analysis of results
Perform the following test on the distillate.
1 Place a few drops of the distillate in a test tube.
1 Add 5 cm3 of ethanol and 1 cm3 of aqueous sodium hydroxide to the test tube.
3 Warm the mixture in a water bath.
4 Add excess nitric acid to the mixture followed by a few drops of silver nitrate solution.
Describe what you see.
1 Write an equation for the reaction of 2-methylpropan-2-ol with concentrated hydrochloric acid.
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2 What is removed from the crude product when it is shaken with sodium hydrogencarbonate solution?
Write an equation for any reaction that occurs.