Engelsk OM QuadGroup Tech Including PART E
Engelsk OM QuadGroup Tech Including PART E
Engelsk OM QuadGroup Tech Including PART E
1. The sequence and the content in the sections should not be changed.
This is to ensure standardization.
Remember to include all relevant agreements regarding cooperation with other operators
and internal cooperation within the company. If relevant to your manual: Add a short
informative notification about this in the application‘s cover letter sent to the Civil Aviation
Make sure your application is submitted in accordance with the official guidelines.
Guidelines: www.http://www.luftfartstilsynet.no/selvbetjening/allmennfly/Droner/
1 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
In the Subject field is printed: “[Company Name] - Application for permission to RPAS
operations in Norway RO2 or RO3 category.” Those already assigned a case file number
must include this in parenthesis after the company‘s name, ensuring your application is
archived correctly and timely.
According to §40 RPAS Reg and guidelines issued by the Civil Aviation Authority the
company must prepare an operations manual within the organization, containing the
following data:
1. Application form with official data concerning your business and individual
personnel data. It should be logged and submitted under the exact same name and
manner it appears in the Brønnøysund Registry.
2. An operations manual according to this template should contain at least
the following:
2 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Remember that if this is not the type of operation described and approved by the Civil
Aviation Authority, you do not have permission to perform the relevant task.
3 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
2. Each part must include a table of contents (index). Also, include a full table of
contents in the beginning of the document.
3. Common revision list for all parts should be included at the beginning of the
4. Overview of the relevant abbreviations and definitions must be added in the
beginning of the manual.
5. The operations manual should have the following sections:
The operations manual will describe the way operations should be performed and the
company’s operational personnel must follow the company’s approved operations
There are many regulatory requirements for manned aviation that may affect your
operation. Take a look at the Norwegian Civil Aviation Authority’s home page under the
section regarding regulations. (http://www.luftfartstilsynet.no/regelverk/).
4 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
5 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Part A
RPAS Operations manual for
6 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
7 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Table of contents
Responsibility for maintenance and revisions....................................................................................... 11
Management ................................................................................................................................. 14
Director .................................................................................................................................. 14
BLOS ............................................................................................................................................... 41
Other ............................................................................................................................................. 41
Training .................................................................................................................................. 41
Pilots .............................................................................................................................................. 44
Technical personnel....................................................................................................................... 46
Assistants, observers and other crew members ........................................................................... 47
Simulators or other equipment that can be used ......................................................................... 47
[System 1] ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Theoretical training and training program for the new operators should include: .................. 48
Practical training program for the new operators should include: ........................................... 49
Simulator (if applicable) ............................................................................................................ 49
Special maintenance requirements and training for the company’s operators. .............................. 51
10 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Major revisions are marked in the revision list as a new number (i.e. “2.0”). Changes that might cause
this are, i.e. the edition of a new mission, and/or mission type (i.e. BLOS, BRLOS), or large, significant
changes in the processes described in the original OM.
Minor revisions are marked in the revision list as a decimal (i.e. “2.1”). Changes that would cause this
are, i.e. the addition of a new aircraft of the same or similar type, or minor changes that do not have a
large effect in the procedures of the old manual.
Revision list
No. date:
TM - Technical Manager
OC – Operation Chief
PIC – Pilot in Command
NSM – Norwegian National Security Authority (Nasjonal Sikkerhets Myndighet)
CAA – Civil Aviation Authority (Luftfartstilsynet)
ATC – Air Traffic Control
RMZ – Radio Mandatory Zone (for aviation)
VHF – Radios used for communicating with ATC and other air traffic
SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
OM – Operation Manual
MAF – Mission Acceptance Form
All types of general information about the company. Context and location in the parent
structure can also be found here.
QuadGroup Technologies is a private company founded by former students at the university of
Tromsø. We are located and currently operate out of Tromsø. Our focus is on providing drone
solutions to research conducted in the lower atmosphere above areas of varying population,
traffic and industry densities.
13 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
QuadGroup technologies has four management positions. Director, Head of flight operations,
Technical manager, and the Quality control manager.
Descriptions of responsibilities relating to the various functions can be found in § 30
RO2 and § 38 RO3. Refer to attachment to the document for details about names and
personal information concerning those involved. In order to avoid revising the entire
document, please submit only the attachment in case of changes to the company‘s
personnel data concerning this section.
Description of position:
14 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
The head of the business side of the company and customer relations. As described in BSL 7-1 §38, must
be 18 years or older.
The responsibility of the manager is to control business aspect of the company. This means meeting the
needs of employees, customers, investors, and the law. It is also the Directors job to, along with the QCM,
to make sure that the employees of the company do their jobs properly, and the procedures described in
the OM are followed by all employees.
1st in command.
Technical manager
Description of position:
Head of equipment, gear and aircraft.
As BSL 7-1 §38 describes, Supervisor all equipment connected to operations primarily the aircrafts
airworthiness. Is also responsible to conduct maintenance and repairs on equipment to the standard
described in BSL 7-1 §41.
15 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Can ground aircraft and ban the use of equipment deemed unfit to fly by the TM.
Particular requirements:
Should have a background in model aircraft/helicopters/multirotors. Strongly recommended to have an
education within engineering, or electronics. The TM must be able to document some technical expertise
as described in BSL 7-1 §38.
Training of new pilots VLOS
Testing equipment new/old VLOS
Expations to new mission types may come at a later stage. More details of the approved mission types
can be found in Part C.
16 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
can be added where relevant, or added as attachments for the various operations types.
What is important is that the relevant individuals understand the risk analysis, its
model and can relate to it.
Description of the quality control system processes and procedures the company uses.
It must outline how the company ensures that errors, defaults, and exposed
experiences are utilized to improve the company’s routines and documentation. The
company that powers manned flying must describe how RPAS relates to the
existing quality system.
In the case of larger adjustments, a new approval of the entire operations manual by the
Civil Aviation Authority may be required. Remember- The latest version of the
operations manual shall be submitted to the Civil Aviation Authority.
17 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
18 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
20 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
▪ Max 120 meters AGL.
▪ The maximum distance from the pilot is
For each system the company uses, define the maximum distance
from the operator according to the appropriate platform visibility.
▪ Weather and lighting conditions will be
factors that may limit the distance and should be compensated for.
Flight will be completed so that the aircraft can at all times be
observed with the naked eye without the aid of binoculars, camera,
▪ The aircraft shall at all times be in
condition to be maneuvered manually by the aircraft manager, thus
ensuring non-interference with other aircrafts, people, aircrafts,
vehicles and designed objects on the ground.
▪ Limitations in controlled airspace.
▪ Outside the maximum distance and
height from the autopilot defined for VLOS.
▪ Own risk analysis of EVLOS operations.
▪ Description of how the flight is to be
performed so that the aircraft can at all times to be maneuvered
manually by the aircraft manager, thus ensuring non-interference
with other aircrafts, people, vessels, vehicles and designed objects
on the ground
(i.e., use of the observer in connection to the aircraft manager, the
size of the aircraft that indicate that it can be operated over 120
meters, etc.).
▪ Requirements for a radio license
for monitoring and notification of other air traffic in the operations
22 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
▪ Expanded risk analysis for each mission
(There is a more extensive description in operations manual part
C, with a short description of the special hazards associated with
the BLOS).
▪ Define the range of the system or other
relevant restrictions
▪ The application procedure (see BSL G 4-
▪ Requirements for the particular
airspace/operations area.
▪ Applications (See BSL G 4-1 Attachment 1
and 3 or 2).
▪ Deadlines (See BSL G 4-1 §16).
▪ References to the relevant documents.
▪ “Beyond Radio Line of Sight.”
▪ If a specific form of relay is to be used,
this solution must be described and approved by the Civil Aviation
Authority particularly if it is either BLOS or VLOS. See also EVLOS
and BLOS.
23 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
24 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
25 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
A formal standard for logs will be developed. Until further notice we recommend that
organizations standardize the logs that are used by the various pilots within the
entities and make them “track” only. The following information should therefore be
at least within a personal flight time log:
● Date and year.
● Serial that used (i.e., serial number or other way to identify UAV serial).
● Own role during the flight (Pilot, sensor operator, etc.).
● Site.
● The time of day for the flight (first departure time and latest landing time in
the case of several trips with the same UAV serial).
● Total flight time (add up and transfer to RPA). (I.e. type missions, employer,
and/or other relevant information transferred here.)
● Classified (Type of assignment, name of assignor and/or other relevant
● The pilot was not available for a signature.
26 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
27 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Please inform us about events the operator has experienced in connection to the
operations. Please send this information to postmottak@caa.no.
Warning procedures
▪ Serious personnel injury (outsiders and
own personnel)
Documentation routines
● For the Accident
Investigation Board Norway and the Civil Aviation Authority
● For system development
(System Error?).
● For Insurance.
● For Police investigations.
o Any particular
storage of system logs if suspected after research.
28 [Company Address]
RPAS Operations manual for
Operations types
o Survey
▪ Geological mapping
▪ Environment
o Research
▪ Climate
▪ Meteorology
▪ Tracking of radio tagged animals
● Other
All attachments are to be added at the end of this document. As attachments
are added, all lists, overviews and documents must be regularly updated. In
case of changes to the attachments, the revision history must be updated. A
copy of the document must be sent to the aviation authority for updates
to your case folder.
Examples of documents the company can produce and submit as
attachments (not exhaustive):
● Templates for logs, personal (see text below).
● Templates for task/activity logging (see text below).
● Protocol deviation form.
● Other relevant attachment.
30 [Company Address]
Operating Documentation
Part B
Operating Documentation
31 [Company Address]
Operating Documentation
32 [Company Address]
Authorized operations
Part C
Authorized operations
33 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 34 Of 59
34 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 35 Of 59
The purpose of part C is to outline and explain the standard operating procedures (SOP)
for QuadGroup technologies. Blow are the mission types that QuadGroup tech is certified
to fly, and the procedures for planning, approving, preparations, checklists and tasks to be
completed by different personnel for these different mission types.
Atmospheric and air quality data collection over to 120 AGL in and outside of controlled airspace.
QuadGroup Tech does not currently operate any other mission types other than VLOS. Expansions to this
may be added later.
35 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 36 Of 59
Risk analysis
Referred to here are the mathematical calculations and appendixes is other documentation about risk
Mathematical calculations and scenario risk analysis. This gives us two perspectives on which to
analysis the risk involved in our operations.
A risk analysis for each type of operation should be performed and taken into the SOP as measures.
Risk analysis can either be added as attachments or entered here. Actions can be described here or
added directly into the SOP.
Mission preparations
Operations are usually requested by a client. It is the HFO’s (Head of Flight Operations) responsibility
to determine if the mission is acceptable and can be completed in a safe manor. If this is not possible,
a dialog between the HFO and the client must be established to come to an agreement on how the
mission is to be completed. Factors that might need discussion:
Change of location
Change of mission parameters (height, speed, weather)
Change of aircraft type required to complete mission
Once an agreement is met, the HFO must then acquire the required permissions from the following
Local businesses
Private property owners
NSM (if flight will take place in or near a public no-fly zone)
Police and Local Municipality
(The permissions required may vary depending on the mission)
Once these are approved well in advance, the HFO can deem the operation approved and write a MAF
(Mission acceptance form). The HFO can approve recurring missions of the same type. The timing and
duration of the recurring missions must also be approved by the above parties and the client.
If these conditions are not met, the HFO must discuss with the client on what must change to satisfy
requirement, and permissions.
36 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 37 Of 59
The HFO then picks a qualified person to accept the role of OC (Operations Chief). The OC is the mission
specific responsible person. The OC role can also be assumed by the HFO and can also change hands
between OC qualified personnel.
Once a mission is approved, the OC takes over responsibility of the operation. An approved mission
should then have the below points completed if deemed necessary by the OC.
Inform NSM of sensor and flying locations
Inform Police.
Inform ATC (if mission is in controlled airspace)
Post a NOTAM
Request a no-fly-zone
All points to be covered on an approved operation are listed in our checklists (see chapter
Client information
Description of the mission and location
Type of operation
In and RMZ, CTR and/or 5km zone
Is posting a NOTAM or requesting a No-fly-zone required?
Permissions required and received written acceptances attached
Notes and challenges with completing the mission.
clear marking if mission is accepted or not.
Signature of the HFO and OC’s to show acceptance of responsibility of the mission.
If the OC’s position changes hand, new signatures are required form the HFO and the new OC. Commented [A1]: Ka tenker dere om dette? Kan gjøre det
vanskelig for OC posisjonen å bytte i løpet av dagen :/
The MAF document can be found in appendix X. (We use UiT’s MAF)
37 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 38 Of 59
Before flight
The OC is in charge of preparing his/her missions for the day. This involves following the before going out
checklist, packing relevant equipment and preparing the number of crewmembers and their
responsibilities. These are some of the elements that are described in detail in the “before going out”
If in a CTR, the OC then contacts ATC and asks for permission to start flying. The OC can then give the PIC
the go ahead to fly if ATC approves, and he/she is content with the preparation. (Procedures for ATC
communication can be found in appendix X.)
The PIC is the pilot of the aircraft and is responsible for the aircrafts airworthiness at the mission site. It is
the PIC’s responsibility to fly the aircraft and to collect the data that is needed. He/she is not responsible
to monitor anything else. The PIC must have full attention towards the aircraft, flight and mission.
During flight
During the flight each role is responsible to perform these tasks:
38 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 39 Of 59
Monitor aircraft and its systems and payloads.
Monitor airspace and is aware of potential hazards.
Communicates with ATC and aircraft in the airspace.
Informs and assists the PIC of relevant information for the flight.
Works to maintain full situational awareness, both on the ground and in the sky.
Maintain situational awareness of their designated areas
Understand and have read the Ground crew communications procedures
Receive and understand the mission briefing from the OC.
Create a safety perimeter
Inform passersby
Reject entrance
Asist the PIC and OC
Personnel must NOT allow themselves to be distracted by listening to music or using their phones for any
other use than is required for the mission, or an emergency. All personnel must operate in a professional
39 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 40 Of 59
After Mission
Nothing must happen until the OC has informed ATC that the aircraft has landed. The PIC and OC will
then evaluate if the mission must be repeated. If not, the OC gives the order to begin packing.
The OC and the PIC collect the data and pack the drone, following the checklist. The guards take down
the perimeter and assist where it is need.
We have developed our own checklists based of the manufacturer’s checklists for the equipment that we
use and modified them to fit our mission types and the different equipment that we us. Our checklists are
divided up into 4 categories, each containing different checklists.
1. Before going out
a. Before going out
b. Packing
2. During Mission
a. Pre-flight
b. During flight
c. After flight
3. After Mission
a. Packing and cleanup
4. Emergency Checklists
a. Engine failure
b. Loss of VLOS
c. Loss of control
40 [Company Address]
Ver. 1 Rev. 1 Date 31.10.2018 Part C Page 41 Of 59
d. Airspace Conflict
e. Safety Perimeter Breach
We do not currently have any BLOS operations.
Other procedures universal to all operation types:
A rigorous training program will ensure that pilots (PIC) and operation chiefs (OC) have the correct
knowledge and experience to safely conduct missions. The training focuses on knowledge of the
mission, equipment, and the ability to be able to make correct decisions in the eventuality of an
incident or accident. A detailed description of the procedures for training are outlined in Part D.
ATC communication
For procedures in communication with ATC, see appendix X.
NOTAM and No-fly-zones should also be considered. If there is doubt, contact the local ATC service.
41 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
Part D
Training/maintenance/ requirements
42 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
43 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
According to regulations §28 and §46, a pilot must be able to demonstrate sufficient skills
to ensure safe flights in accordance with the regulations.
It is also stated that the aircraft manager and pilot must have passed an exam given by the
Civil Aviation Authority.
Overview of the company approved pilots and their qualifications are added as an
attachment of the personnel overview.
It is the company’s responsibility to provide the pilot(s) with sufficient training, including
maintenance training to ensure proficiency and currency. Some types of operations may
require additional competence or skills.
How all of this will be completed and documented should be described here in Part D, with
references to Part B and C.
Pilots (PIC)
It is the pilot‘s responsibility to ensure that the required certificates and qualifications are
valid before the flight is commenced. But it is the responsibility of the company that there
is a system in place to verify this.
Here you shall describe the quality control system the company uses to ensure that the
company’s operators hold the necessary certificates and craft/training to perform the
various types of tasks. (Can also be described in the quality control system.) Some things
44 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
can be a requirement by the government (CAA/EASA), some will be specific for the
company and the individual type of task.
The quality control system is the main resource to ensure that all the requirements of the employees will
be evaluated in a structured and clear way.
It is the pilot’s responsibility to ensure that the required certificates and qualifications are valid before a
given flight, and this procedure will occur by following a structured system listed below to verify the given
The listed requirements below will be checked by the company in addition to the quality control system.
This are the certificates the pilot must have individually on beforehand.
Passed the e-exam from the CAA
Know the rules and regulations given by the authorities, BSL 7-1.
Be able to demonstrate sufficient flight skills, by one of the following requirements:
o Have at least 100 documented flight hours with an DJI-product (relevant for the primary
members of the company)
o Have completed the company’s PIC training program on the aircraft, operation, software
and VLOS procedures by an authorized pilot instructor who has completed enough
assignments to be experienced
Complete a review of the aircraft with the Technical Manager
Have sufficient knowledge of the checklists, and know the emergency checklists by memory
Here it is listed the needed and most important qualifications each pilot must have before a flight is
The OC is required to have the following qualifications to operate as an OC:
Technical personnel
If your company has its own training program for the technical personnel, this can be
described here
The Technical Manager has the overall responsibility when it comes to ensure that all the technical
maintenance procedures, checklists and equipment are in order.
Since Quadgroup Technologies only technical personnel for all flight operations in this Operations Manual
is the Technical Manager, there is no compiled training program available. But the Technical Manager
46 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
must be able to document relevant technical expertise for the given system the organisation operates,
which is the DJI Matrice 210, § 38.
All assistants, observers and other crew members shall be familiar with the various procedures
Quadgroup Technologies has. Therefore, all crew members must, through the following training, be
approved to participate in the missions. Here is a list of the routines and requirements that must be
proceeded to ensure that all crew members can be approved to attend a mission.
Have full knowledge of the given operations, which includes routines before, during and after the
operation. It is especially important that the safety procedures are known by memory, so the crew
members can act on instinct.
A more detailed description of the crew members routines is listed in the “Ground Crew Coms
Procedures” Appendix.
If the manufacturer has published a designated training program, it can be used in its
entirety or in part as long as the following points are included.
47 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
General information
The operators within Quadgroup Technologies must have sufficient knowledge and skills before flying the
DJI Matrice 210 in these given operations. This means completing a theoretical and practical training
program, confirmed by an authorized pilot.
New operators must complete a theoretical training program to be verified to operate as operators in the
organization. This involves theoretical lessons and demonstrations given by the TM in subjects:
RX/TX equipment
Battery and charging equipment/charging routines
Technical review
Camera/sensor rig
Backup/emergency equipment/RTH etc.
Special mission types
A verified the TM must confirm and sign that the new operator has completed the theoretical training.
48 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
i. Normal operations
ii. Emergency procedures
iii. Checking out of the system
iv. Training to special mission types.
The purpose of simulator training is to familiarize the student with the controls and responses of
the aircraft the training is designed for and also to allow the instructor to gain an understanding of
the students abilities. This way, the student can practice and gain experience without
compromising safety or risking damage to the aircraft. These are the elements that the student
must practice:
Take off and landing
Flying on own accord (to gain a feel for the aircraft)
Simulated mission (fly the relevant mission)
Emergency procedures (loss off engine etc.)
The faze check for the simulator portion of the training is when the instructor is content with the students
ability to complete the above mentioned tasks.
When the theoretical- and simulator training is complete, new operators must complete a course of a
practical training program. This program should include:
49 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
Normal operations
In addition to the precision of the flight, the inspector will evaluate if the new operator is ready to
participate in the operations.
By the following requirements, the new operators will be evaluated by how they:
acts calm and concentrated during the flights
uses checklists and follows the procedures correctly
shows safety awareness before, during and after the flight
knows the basic RPAS regulations (safety distance, max height etc.)
knows the given safety procedures, if an emergency should occur
Emergency procedures
In case of an emergency, previous trainings in emergency procedures will come in great advance.
Therefore, everyone operating at a given mission are obliged to be aware of their responsibility and given
task if something were to happen.
A full overview of standard emergency procedures during the flight are given in the emergency checklist.
Beyond that there will be held relevant practical training to ensure that the procedures are being
correctly done, which includes practical training in:
As in the theoretical training program, the new operators will be evaluated by how they respond to these
emergency procedures.
50 [Company Address]
Training/maintenance/ requirements
51 [Company Address]
Part E
52 [Company Address]
53 [Company Address]
54 [Company Address]
Quadgroup Technologies utilizes the DJI Matrice 210 drone for all flight operations in this
Operations Manual. The DJI Matrice 210 is a powerful and efficient drone for a multitude of
purposes, including the operations described in this manual.
This chapter introduces maintenance procedures and checklists for the DJI Matrice 210 and its
equipment. The purpose of these procedures is to keep maintaining continuing airworthiness of
the aircrafts within the organization of Quadgroup Technologies. Continuing airworthiness is
achieved by following the procedures for maintenance and utilizing the different maintenance
checklists where they are relevant.
By following these rules, we ensure that Quadgroup Technologies maintains a safe environment
for the operations described in this operation manual and that the proper documentation is
created to ensure that the employees of Quadgroup Technologies abides by the rules within this
The maintenance program in this operations manual is designed to ensure safe flight and continuing
airworthiness on all aircrafts owned by Quadgroup Inc. This maintenance program builds on the
manufacturers (DJI) recommendations as a base, but also incorporates more specific technical
instructions for preventive maintenance.
55 [Company Address]
An aircraft can only be used if it is designated as airworthy. In addition, all aircrafts need to pass a
preflight checklist before being used in any operation. The PIC of an operation assesses if the aircraft
passes preflight checklist only if the aircraft has already been designated airworthy by a certified
technician. All personnel need to undergo the required training to be able to correctly and accurately
assess whether the aircraft passes the preflight checklist.
To sign an aircraft as airworthy a certified technician needs to verify the integrity and operation of all
critical components (2.6). This is achieved by performing the routine maintenance checklist after each
operational flight.
All maintenance operations are documented within the UAV System Maintenance Logbook. This list shall
be checked and approved by a certified technician before each flight to make sure there are no severe
entries that can jeopardize airworthiness. Should there be any doubt as to the aircrafts ability to operate
safely, the aircraft shall be taken out of service.
56 [Company Address]
All testing shall take place in a secure environment with no interference and in according to the Testing
Maintenance Checklist. After all repairs or replacements according to the Repair Maintenance Checklist, a
certified technician shall also perform the Testing Maintenance Checklist.
No aircraft return to operations after a repair without performing the Testing Maintenance Checklist. The
checklist itself is a broad and general list designed to test the affected as well as the unaffected
components to ensure that no other faults have appeared during the repair.
Quadgroup Technologies Inc. will not perform any modifications on the DJI Matrice 210 apart from
recommended and mandatory service bulletins issued by the manufacturer of the aircrafts described in
this operation manual. A list of service bulletins and their implementation dates are available in ET SÅNT
When a page of the USML is full, it is replaced by a new one. All logged faults from the previous page are
transferred to the new page. All existing faults shall be entered into the USMLs digital format before
printing the replacement page. All pages from the USML shall be logged for at least five years after all
conditions logged on the page has been resolved. There is no upper limit for storage.
All aircrafts have a binder to store their respective USL pages. When a page is filled out, the number of
flight hours are transferred to the new page. The old page is then removed and placed into the binder for
storage. USL pages are stored for at least five years. There is no upper limit for storage.
57 [Company Address]
58 [Company Address]
Critical component
Flight hours Number of takeoffs
Motors 50 350
Propellers 50 350
Flight Controller 50 350
ESC 50 350
Quadgroup Technologies Inc. has assessed the maintenance situation of the DJI Matrice 210 and
concluded that the manufacturer shall be responsible for maintenance of all critical components apart
from propellers. DJI recommends a 50-hour service interval for the DJI Matrice 210. In addition to this,
Quadgroup Technologies Inc. have implemented a maximum of 350 takeoffs before service.
All systems shall be sent to DJI for service when they reach the intervals set for service. The drone shall be
sent if number of takeoffs reaches a total of 350 OR if the number of flight hours reaches a total of 50
59 [Company Address]
DJI as the manufacturer and maintenance party responsible for all critical components also inherit the
responsibility to test the functionality of all critical components after service. Additionally, Quadgroup
Technologies Inc. shall utilize the internal procedures for testing all systems after an external service to
verify the integrity of the aircraft systems after service/overhaul.
Revisions to this maintenance program are listed in the table below with the corresponding date and all
affected sections of the maintenance program.
Quadgroup Technologies Inc. continuously search for new ways to improve the safety of all operations. If
at any point there is found a possible improvement it should be implemented into the maintenance
60 [Company Address]
Service Bulletin Name Effect How to perform Date issued Date implemented Performed by
61 [Company Address]
General information
I. This chapter describes the maintenance and repair aspect of the DJI Matrice 210 system and it’s
supporting equipment. Quadgroup Technologies utilizes the DJI Matrice 210 in all quadcopter
operations described within this manual. This section describes the DJI Matrice 210 and all the
supporting equipment in reference to the maintenance and service aspects of the system.
II. DJI (Da-Jiang Innovations) is the distributor and manufacturer of the DJI Matrice 210. To achieve
continuing airworthiness, DJI as a manufacturer recommends using their pre and post flight
checklists designed for the DJI Matrice 210. Quadgroup Technologies has developed more
advanced checklists using their pre and post flight checklist as a base to build checklists that
better reflect the usage and safety requirements set in this operation manual. Checklists
produced by Quadgroup Technologies are attached as separate documents to this operation
III. Example: Given the condition that a motor must be replaced. This repair will be triggered by
either a pre/post flight inspection or by a troubleshooting checklist. Note that a troubleshooting
checklist is performed only if a certified technician evaluates the aircrafts USML and finds it
necessary to perform a troubleshooting checklist to maintain airworthiness. Entries into the USML
are logged by either the pilot or PIC. When the repair has been performed in accordance with the
repair checklist, the aircraft shall be subject to a testing maintenance checklist before it can be
cleared for operational flight. The testing checklist considers that other faults may have been
inadvertently been created during the repair process and must be performed in its entirety. After
the aircraft has cleared the testing checklist it can be signed into operational flight by a certified
technician if and only if the USML entries poses no significant threat to airworthiness.
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IV. This section describes all technical components, their function within the system and their service
interval if applicable.
1) DJI Cendence Controller: The manual control radio for the DJI Matrice 210. To be used in case
of emergency to transfer manual controls to PIC to perform emergency procedures. Can also
be used for other purposes when the situation requires it.
2) DJI Intelligent Flight batteries: Intelligent LiPo batteries. Two different varieties, TB50 and
TB55, where TB55 is the “heavy duty” version. Battery maintenance procedures are described
3) Engines for DJI Matrice 210. Serviced by DJI every 50 flight hours/every 350 takeoffs. Provides
the system with the necessary lift to perform sustainable flight with the given payload.
4) Propellers: DJI Propellers designed for the DJI Matrice 210. Can be replaced by a certified
5) Camera/Gimbal assembly: Quadgroup Technologies Inc utilizes an extra camera with a gimbal
assembly to correctly assess the position of the drone when assuming manual control of the
6) Software, GS Pro: To maintain a precise hover above the operational area, Quadgroup
Technologies Inc utilized the GS Pro software to program the missions described in this OM.
7) Return to Home: Return to home function not to be used during the missions described in this
V. Checklists are described in section 2.5. The checklists are developed to ensure continuing
airworthiness and maintain a viable procedure for logging of flight hours, faults, incidents,
maintenance operations and service bulletins.
63 [Company Address]
All attachments are organized and listed here and should be marked according to the list
64 [Company Address]