People v. Apduhan
People v. Apduhan
People v. Apduhan
People v. Apduhan
The undersigned Provincial Fiscal accuses Apolonio Apduhan, Jr., alias Junior, Rodulfo Huiso and
Felipe Quimson of the crime of Robbery with Homicide, committed as follows:
That on or about the 23rd day of May, 1961, at about 7:00 o'clock in the evening, in the Municipality
of Mabini, Province of Bohol, Philippines, the above-named accused and five (5) other persons whose
true names are not yet known (they are presently known only with their aliases of Bernabe Miano,
Rudy, Angel-Angi, Romeo and Tony) and who are still at large (they will be charged in separate
information as soon as they are arrested and preliminary proceedings in Crim. Case No. 176
completed before the Justice of the Peace Court), all of them armed with different unlicensed
firearms, daggers, and other deadly weapons, conspiring, confederating and helping one another, with
intent of gain, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously enter, by means of violence, the
dwelling house of the spouses Honorato Miano and Antonia Miano, which was also the dwelling
house of their children, the spouses Geronimo Miano and Herminigilda de Miano; and, once inside
the said dwelling house, the above-named accused with their five (5) other companions, did attack,
hack and shoot Geronimo Miano and another person by the name of Norberto Aton, who happened to
be also in the said dwelling house, thereby inflicting upon the said two (2) persons physical injuries
which caused their death; and thereafter the same accused and their five (5) other companions, did
take and carry way from said dwelling house cash money amounting to Three Hundred Twenty-two
Pesos (P322.00), Philippine Currency, belonging to Honorato Miano and Geronimo Miano, to the
damage and prejudice of the said Honorato Miano and the heirs of the deceased Geronimo Miano in
the sum of Three Hundred Twenty-two Pesos (P322.00) with respect to the amount robbed, and also
to the damage and prejudice of the heirs of deceased Geronimo Miano and Norberto Aton by reason
of the death of these two persons.
The record discloses that after the trial, judge had repeatedly apprised Apduhan of the severity of the
offense for which he was indicted and the strong possibility that the capital penalty might be imposed
upon him despite a plea of guilty, Apduhan persisted in his intention to plead guilty with the request,
however, that the death penalty be not imposed
While an unqualified plea of guilty is mitigating, it at the same time constitutes an admission of
all the material facts alleged in the information, including the aggravating circumstances therein recited.
The four aggravating circumstances are (1) band; (2) dwelling; (3) nighttime; and (4) abuse of superior
strength. The circumstance of abuse of superiority was, however, withdrawn by the prosecution on the
ground that since the offense of robbery with homicide was committed by a band, the element of cuadrilla
necessarily absorbs the circumstance of abuse of superior strength. We believe that said withdrawal was
ill-advised since the circumstances of band and abuse of superiority are separate and distinct legal
concepts. The element of band is appreciated when the offense is committed by more than three armed
malefactors regardless of the comparative strength of the victim or victims. Hence, the indispensable
components of cuadrilla are (1) at least four malefactors and (2) all of the four malefactors are armed. On
the other hand, the gravamen of abuse of superiority is the taking advantage by the culprits of their
collective strength to overpower their relatively weaker victim or victims. Hence, in the latter aggravating
factor, what is taken into account is not the number of aggressors nor the fact that they are armed, but
their relative physical might vis-a-vis the offended party.
The settled rule is that dwelling is aggravating in robbery with violence or intimidation of persons,
like the offense at bar. The rationale behind this pronouncement is that this class of robbery could be
committed without the necessity of transgressing the sanctity of the home. Morada is inherent only in
crimes which could be committed in no other place than in the house of another, such as trespass and
robbery in an inhabited house. This Court in People vs. Pinca, citing People vs. Valdez, ruled that the
"circumstances (of dwelling and scaling) were certainly not inherent in the crime committed, because, the
crime being robbery with violence or intimidation against persons (specifically, robbery with homicide)
the authors thereof could have committed it without the necessity of violating or scaling the domicile of
their victim." Cuello Calon opines that the commission of the crime in another's dwelling shows greater
perversity in the accused and produces greater alarm.
Notwithstanding the foregoing disquisition, for failure to secure the required number of votes, the
penalty of death cannot be legally imposed. The penalty next lower in degree - reclusion perpetua - should
consequently be imposed on the accused.
ACCORDINGLY, with the modification that the death sentence imposed upon Apolonio Apduhan,
Jr. by the court a quo is reduced to reclusion perpetua, the judgment a quo is affirmed in all other
respects, without pronouncement as to costs.