Bagabuyo v. Comelec

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G.R. No.

176970 December 8, 2008 Balubal and all urban barangays from Barangay 1 to Barangay 40 shall
comprise the second district.5
ROGELIO Z. BAGABUYO, petitioner,
vs. On March 13, 2007, the COMELEC en Banc promulgated Resolution No.
COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS, respondent. 78376 implementing R.A. No. 9371.

DECISION Petitioner Rogelio Bagabuyo filed the present petition against the COMELEC
on March 27, 2007.7 On 10 April 2008, the petitioner amended the petition to
BRION, J.: include the following as respondents: Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita; the
Secretary of the Department of Budget and Management; the Chairman of the
Before us is the petition for certiorari, prohibition, and mandamus,1 with a Commission on Audit; the Mayor and the members of the Sangguniang
prayer for the issuance of a temporary restraining order and a writ of Panglungsod of Cagayan de Oro City; and its Board of Canvassers.8
preliminary injunction, filed by Rogelio Bagabuyo (petitioner) to prevent the
Commission on Elections (COMELEC) from implementing Resolution No. 7837 In asking for the nullification of R.A. No. 9371 and Resolution No. 7837 on
on the ground that Republic Act No. 93712 - the law that Resolution No. 7837 constitutional grounds, the petitioner argued that the COMELEC cannot
implements - is unconstitutional. implement R.A. No. 9371 without providing for the rules, regulations and
guidelines for the conduct of a plebiscite which is indispensable for the division
BACKGROUND FACTS or conversion of a local government unit. He prayed for the issuance of an
order directing the respondents to cease and desist from implementing R.A.
No. 9371 and COMELEC Resolution No. 7837, and to revert instead to
On October 10, 2006, Cagayan de Oro's then Congressman Constantino G.
COMELEC Resolution No. 7801 which provided for a single legislative district
Jaraula filed and sponsored House Bill No. 5859: "An Act Providing for the
for Cagayan de Oro.
Apportionment of the Lone Legislative District of the City of Cagayan De
Oro."3This law eventually became Republic Act (R.A.) No. 9371.4 It increased
Cagayan de Oro's legislative district from one to two. For the election of May Since the Court did not grant the petitioner's prayer for a temporary restraining
2007, Cagayan de Oro's voters would be classified as belonging to either the order or writ of preliminary injunction, the May 14 National and Local Elections
first or the second district, depending on their place of residence. The proceeded according to R.A. No. 9371 and Resolution No. 7837.
constituents of each district would elect their own representative to Congress
as well as eight members of the Sangguniang Panglungsod. The respondent's Comment on the petition, filed through the Office of the
Solicitor General, argued that: 1) the petitioner did not respect the hierarchy of
Section 1 of R.A. No. 9371 apportioned the City's barangays as follows: courts, as the Regional Trial Court (RTC) is vested with concurrent jurisdiction
over cases assailing the constitutionality of a statute; 2) R.A. No. 9371 merely
increased the representation of Cagayan de Oro City in the House of
Legislative Districts - The lone legislative district of the City of Cagayan
Representatives and Sangguniang Panglungsod pursuant to Section 5, Article
De Oro is hereby apportioned to commence in the next national
VI of the 1987 Constitution; 3) the criteria established under Section 10, Article
elections after the effectivity of this Act. Henceforth, barangays
X of the 1987 Constitution only apply when there is a creation, division,
Bonbon, Bayabas, Kauswagan, Carmen, Patag, Bulua, Iponan,
merger, abolition or substantial alteration of boundaries of a province, city,
Baikingon, San Simon, Pagatpat, Canitoan, Balulang, Lumbia,
municipality, or barangay; in this case, no such creation, division, merger,
Pagalungan, Tagpangi, Taglimao, Tuburan, Pigsag-an, Tumpagon,
abolition or alteration of boundaries of a local government unit took place; and
Bayanga, Mambuaya, Dansulihon, Tignapoloan and Bisigan shall
4) R.A. No. 9371 did not bring about any change in Cagayan de Oro's territory,
comprise the first district while barangays Macabalan, Puntod,
population and income classification; hence, no plebiscite is required.
Consolacion, Camaman-an, Nazareth, Macasandig, Indahag, Lapasan,
Gusa, Cugman, FS Catanico, Tablon, Agusan, Puerto, Bugo, and
The petitioner argued in his reply that: 1) pursuant to the Court's ruling in Del The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over petitions for certiorari,
Mar v. PAGCOR,9 the Court may take cognizance of this petition if compelling prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto, and habeas corpus.11 It was pursuant to
reasons, or the nature and importance of the issues raised, warrant the this original jurisdiction that the petitioner filed the present petition.
immediate exercise of its jurisdiction; 2) Cagayan de Oro City's
reapportionment under R.A. No. 9371 falls within the meaning of creation, While this jurisdiction is shared with the Court of Appeals12 and the RTCs,13 a
division, merger, abolition or substantial alteration of boundaries of cities under direct invocation of the Supreme Court's jurisdiction is allowed only when there
Section 10, Article X of the Constitution; 3) the creation, division, merger, are special and important reasons therefor, clearly and especially set out in the
abolition or substantial alteration of boundaries of local government units petition. Reasons of practicality, dictated by an increasingly overcrowded
involve a common denominator - the material change in the political and docket and the need to prioritize in favor of matters within our exclusive
economic rights of the local government units directly affected, as well as of jurisdiction, justify the existence of this rule otherwise known as the "principle
the people therein; 4) a voter's sovereign power to decide on who should be of hierarchy of courts." More generally stated, the principle requires that
elected as the entire city's Congressman was arbitrarily reduced by at least recourse must first be made to the lower-ranked court exercising concurrent
one half because the questioned law and resolution only allowed him to vote jurisdiction with a higher court.14
and be voted for in the district designated by the COMELEC; 5) a voter was
also arbitrarily denied his right to elect the Congressman and the members of Among the cases we have considered sufficiently special and important to be
the city council for the other legislative district, and 6) government funds were exceptions to the rule, are petitions
illegally disbursed without prior approval by the sovereign electorate of for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus and quo warranto against our nation's
Cagayan De Oro City.10 lawmakers when the validity of their enactments is assailed.15 The present
petition is of this nature; its subject matter and the nature of the issues raised -
THE ISSUES among them, whether legislative reapportionment involves a division of
Cagayan de Oro City as a local government unit - are reasons enough for
The core issues, based on the petition and the parties' memoranda, can be considering it an exception to the principle of hierarchy of courts. Additionally,
limited to the following contentious points: the petition assails as well a resolution of the COMELEC en banc issued to
implement the legislative apportionment that R.A. No. 9371 decrees. As an
1) Did the petitioner violate the hierarchy of courts rule; if so, should action against a COMELEC en banc resolution, the case falls under Rule 64 of
the instant petition be dismissed on this ground? the Rules of Court that in turn requires a review by this Court via a Rule 65
petition for certiorari.16For these reasons, we do not see the principle of
2) Does R.A. No. 9371 merely provide for the legislative hierarchy of courts to be a stumbling block in our consideration of the present
reapportionment of Cagayan de Oro City, or does it involve the division case.
and conversion of a local government unit?
The Plebiscite Requirement.
3) Does R.A. No. 9371 violate the equality of representation doctrine?
The petitioner insists that R.A. No. 9371 converts and divides the City of
OUR RULING Cagayan de Oro as a local government unit, and does not merely provide for
the City's legislative apportionment. This argument essentially proceeds from a
misunderstanding of the constitutional concepts of apportionment of legislative
Except for the issue of the hierarchy of courts rule, we find the petition
districts and division of local government units.
totally without merit.
Legislative apportionment is defined by Black's Law Dictionary as the
The hierarchy of courts principle.
determination of the number of representatives which a State, county or other
subdivision may send to a legislative body.17It is the allocation of seats in a
legislative body in proportion to the population; the drawing of voting district
lines so as to equalize population and voting power among the and subject to approval by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in
districts.18 Reapportionment, on the other hand, is the realignment or change the political unit directly affected.
in legislative districts brought about by changes in population and mandated by
the constitutional requirement of equality of representation.19 Under both Article VI, Section 5, and Article X, Section 10 of the Constitution,
the authority to act has been vested in the Legislature. The Legislature
Article VI (entitled Legislative Department) of the 1987 Constitution lays down undertakes the apportionment and reapportionment of legislative
the rules on legislative apportionment under its Section 5 which provides: districts,22 and likewise acts on local government units by setting the standards
for their creation, division, merger, abolition and alteration of boundaries and
Sec. 5(1). (1) The House of Representatives shall be composed of not by actually creating, dividing, merging, abolishing local government units and
more than two hundred fifty members unless otherwise fixed by law, altering their boundaries through legislation. Other than this, not much
who shall be elected from legislative districts apportioned among the commonality exists between the two provisions since they are inherently
provinces, cities, and the Metropolitan Manila area in accordance with different although they interface and relate with one another.
the number of their respective inhabitants, and on the basis of a
uniform and progressive ratio, and those who, as provided by law, shall The concern that leaps from the text of Article VI, Section 5 is political
be elected through a party-list system of registered national, regional representation and the means to make a legislative district sufficiently
and sectoral parties or organizations. represented so that the people can be effectively heard. As above stated, the
aim of legislative apportionment is "to equalize population and voting power
xxx among districts."23 Hence, emphasis is given to the number of people
represented; the uniform and progressive ratio to be observed among the
(3) Each legislative district shall comprise, as far as practicable, representative districts; and accessibility and commonality of interests in terms
continuous, compact, and adjacent territory. Each city with a population of each district being, as far as practicable, continuous, compact and adjacent
of at least two hundred fifty thousand, or each province, shall have at territory. In terms of the people represented, every city with at least 250,000
least one representative. people and every province (irrespective of population) is entitled to one
representative. In this sense, legislative districts, on the one hand, and
provinces and cities, on the other, relate and interface with each other. To
(4) Within three years following the return of every census, the
ensure continued adherence to the required standards of apportionment,
Congress shall make a reapportionment of legislative districts based
Section 5(4) specifically mandates reapportionment as soon as the given
on the standards provided in this section.
standards are met.
Separately from the legislative districts that legal apportionment or
In contrast with the equal representation objective of Article VI, Section 5,
reapportionment speaks of, are the local government units (historically and
Article X, Section 10 expressly speaks of how local government units may be
generically referred to as "municipal corporations") that the Constitution itself
"created, divided, merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered." Its
classified into provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays.20 In its strict and
concern is the commencement, the termination, and the modification of local
proper sense, a municipality has been defined as "a body politic and corporate
government units' corporate existence and territorial coverage; and it speaks of
constituted by the incorporation of the inhabitants of a city or town for the
two specific standards that must be observed in implementing this concern,
purpose of local government thereof."21 The creation, division, merger,
namely, the criteria established in the local government code and the approval
abolition or alteration of boundary of local government units, i.e., of provinces,
by a majority of the votes cast in a plebiscite in the political units directly
cities, municipalities, and barangays, are covered by the Article on Local
affected. Under the Local Government Code (R.A. No. 7160) passed in 1991,
Government (Article X). Section 10 of this Article provides:
the criteria of income, population and land area are specified as verifiable
indicators of viability and capacity to provide services.24 The division or merger
No province, city, municipality, or barangay may be created, divided, of existing units must comply with the same requirements (since a new local
merged, abolished, or its boundary substantially altered, except in government unit will come into being), provided that a division shall not reduce
accordance with the criteria established in the local government code
the income, population, or land area of the unit affected to less than the The Jones Law or the Philippine Autonomy Act of 1916 maintained the
minimum requirement prescribed in the Code.25 apportionment provision, dividing the country into 12 senate districts and 90
representative districts electing one delegate each to the House of
A pronounced distinction between Article VI, Section 5 and, Article X, Section Representatives. Section 16 of the Act specifically vested the Philippine
10 is on the requirement of a plebiscite. The Constitution and the Local Legislature with the authority to redistrict the Philippine Islands.
Government Code expressly require a plebiscite to carry out any creation,
division, merger, abolition or alteration of boundary of a local government Under the 1935 Constitution, Article VI, Section 5 retained the concept of
unit.26 In contrast, no plebiscite requirement exists under the apportionment or legislative apportionment together with "district" as the basic unit of
reapportionment provision. In Tobias v. Abalos,27 a case that arose from the apportionment; the concern was "equality of representation . . . as an essential
division of the congressional district formerly covering San Juan and feature of republican institutions" as expressed in the leading case of Macias v.
Mandaluyong into separate districts, we confirmed this distinction and the fact COMELEC.31 The case ruled that inequality of representation is a justiciable,
that no plebiscite is needed in a legislative reapportionment. The plebiscite not a political issue, which ruling was reiterated in Montejo v.
issue came up because one was ordered and held for Mandaluyong in the COMELEC.32Notably, no issue regarding the holding of a plebiscite ever came
course of its conversion into a highly urbanized city, while none was held for up in these cases and the others that followed, as no plebiscite was required.
San Juan. In explaining why this happened, the Court ruled that no plebiscite
was necessary for San Juan because the objective of the plebiscite was the Article VIII, Section 2 of the 1973 Constitution retained the concept of equal
conversion of Mandaluyong into a highly urbanized city as required by Article representation "in accordance with the number of their respective inhabitants
X, Section 10 the Local Government Code; the creation of a new legislative and on the basis of a uniform and progressive ratio" with each district being, as
district only followed as a consequence. In other words, the apportionment far as practicable, contiguous, compact and adjacent territory. This formulation
alone and by itself did not call for a plebiscite, so that none was needed for was essentially carried over to the 1987 Constitution, distinguished only from
San Juan where only a reapportionment took place. the previous one by the presence of party-list representatives. In neither
Constitution was a plebiscite required.
The need for a plebiscite under Article X, Section 10 and the lack of
requirement for one under Article VI, Section 5 can best be appreciated by a The need for a plebiscite in the creation, division, merger, or abolition of local
consideration of the historical roots of these two provisions, the nature of the government units was not constitutionally enshrined until the 1973
concepts they embody as heretofore discussed, and their areas of application. Constitution. However, as early as 1959, R.A. No. 226433 required, in the
creation of barrios by Provincial Boards, that the creation and definition of
A Bit of History. boundaries be "upon petition of a majority of the voters in the areas affected."
In 1961, the Charter of the City of Caloocan (R.A. No. 3278) carried this further
In Macias v. COMELEC,28 we first jurisprudentially acknowledged the by requiring that the "Act shall take effect after a majority of voters of the
American roots of our apportionment provision, noting its roots from the Municipality of Caloocan vote in favor of the conversion of their municipality
Fourteenth Amendment29 of the U.S. Constitution and from the constitutions of into a city in a plebiscite." This was followed up to 1972 by other legislative
some American states. The Philippine Organic Act of 1902 created the enactments requiring a plebiscite as a condition for the creation and
Philippine Assembly,30 the body that acted as the lower house of the bicameral conversion of local government units as well as the transfer of sitios from one
legislature under the Americans, with the Philippine Commission acting as the legislative unit to another.34 In 1973, the plebiscite requirement was accorded
upper house. While the members of the Philippine Commission were constitutional status.
appointed by the U.S. President with the conformity of the U.S. Senate, the
members of the Philippine Assembly were elected by representative districts Under these separate historical tracks, it can be seen that the holding of a
previously delineated under the Philippine Organic Act of 1902 pursuant to the plebiscite was never a requirement in legislative apportionment or
mandate to apportion the seats of the Philippine Assembly among the reapportionment. After it became constitutionally entrenched, a plebiscite was
provinces as nearly as practicable according to population. Thus, legislative also always identified with the creation, division, merger, abolition and
apportionment first started in our country.
alteration of boundaries of local government units, never with the concept of people affected by the creation, division, merger, abolition or alteration of
legislative apportionment. boundaries of local government units through a plebiscite.

Nature and Areas of Application. These considerations clearly show the distinctions between a legislative
apportionment or reapportionment and the division of a local government unit.
The legislative district that Article VI, Section 5 speaks of may, in a sense, be Historically and by its intrinsic nature, a legislative apportionment does not
called a political unit because it is the basis for the election of a member of the mean, and does not even imply, a division of a local government unit where
House of Representatives and members of the local legislative body. It is not, the apportionment takes place. Thus, the plebiscite requirement that applies to
however, a political subdivision through which functions of government are the division of a province, city, municipality or barangay under the Local
carried out. It can more appropriately be described as a representative unit that Government Code should not apply to and be a requisite for the validity of a
may or may not encompass the whole of a city or a province, but unlike the legislative apportionment or reapportionment.
latter, it is not a corporate unit. Not being a corporate unit, a district does not
act for and in behalf of the people comprising the district; it merely delineates R.A. No. 9371 and COMELEC Res. No. 7837
the areas occupied by the people who will choose a representative in their
national affairs. Unlike a province, which has a governor; a city or a R.A. No. 9371 is, on its face, purely and simply a reapportionment legislation
municipality, which has a mayor; and a barangay, which has a punong passed in accordance with the authority granted to Congress under Article VI,
barangay, a district does not have its own chief executive. The role of the Section 5(4) of the Constitution. Its core provision - Section 1 - provides:
congressman that it elects is to ensure that the voice of the people of the
district is heard in Congress, not to oversee the affairs of the legislative district. SECTION 1. Legislative Districts. - The lone legislative district of the
Not being a corporate unit also signifies that it has no legal personality that City of Cagayan de Oro is hereby apportioned to commence in the next
must be created or dissolved and has no capacity to act. Hence, there is no national elections after the effectivity of this Act. Henceforth, barangays
need for any plebiscite in the creation, dissolution or any other similar action on Bonbon, Bayabas, Kauswagan, Carmen, Patag, Bulua, Iponan,
a legislative district. Baikingon, San Simon, Pagatpat, Canitoan, Balulang, Lumbia,
Pagalungan, Tagpangi, Taglimao, Tuburan, Pigsag-an, Tumpagon,
The local government units, on the other hand, are political Bayanga, Mambuaya, Dansulihon, Tignapoloan and Bisigan shall
and corporate units. They are the territorial and political subdivisions of the comprise the first district while barangays Macabalan, Puntod,
state.35 They possess legal personality on the authority of the Constitution and Consolacion, Camaman-an, Nazareth, Macansandig, Indahag,
by action of the Legislature. The Constitution defines them as entities that Lapasan, Gusa, Cugman, FS Catanico, Tablon, Agusan, Puerto, Bugo
Congress can, by law, create, divide, abolish, merge; or whose boundaries can and Balubal and all urban barangays from Barangay 1 to Barangay 40
be altered based on standards again established by both the Constitution and shall comprise the second district.
the Legislature.36 A local government unit's corporate existence begins upon
the election and qualification of its chief executive and a majority of the Under these wordings, no division of Cagayan de Oro City as a political and
members of its Sanggunian.37 corporate entity takes place or is mandated. Cagayan de Oro City politically
remains a single unit and its administration is not divided along territorial lines.
As a political subdivision, a local government unit is an "instrumentality of the Its territory remains completely whole and intact; there is only the addition of
state in carrying out the functions of government."38 As a corporate entity with a another legislative district and the delineation of the city into two districts for
distinct and separate juridical personality from the State, it exercises special purposes of representation in the House of Representatives. Thus, Article X,
functions for the sole benefit of its constituents. It acts as "an agency of the Section 10 of the Constitution does not come into play and no plebiscite is
community in the administration of local affairs"39 and the mediums through necessary to validly apportion Cagayan de Oro City into two districts.
which the people act in their corporate capacity on local concerns.40 In light of
these roles, the Constitution saw it fit to expressly secure the consent of the Admittedly, the legislative reapportionment carries effects beyond the creation
of another congressional district in the city by providing, as reflected in
COMELEC Resolution No. 7837, for additional Sangguniang Panglunsod seats Equality of representation.
to be voted for along the lines of the congressional apportionment made. The
effect on the Sangguniang Panglunsod, however, is not directly traceable to The petitioner argues that the distribution of the legislative districts is unequal.
R.A. No. 9371 but to another law - R.A. No. 663641 - whose Section 3 provides: District 1 has only 93,719 registered voters while District 2 has 127,071.
District 1 is composed mostly of rural barangays while District 2 is composed
SECTION 3. Other Cities. - The provision of any law to the contrary mostly of urban barangays.43 Thus, R.A. No. 9371 violates the principle of
notwithstanding the City of Cebu, City of Davao, and any other city with equality of representation.
more than one representative district shall have eight (8) councilors for
each district who shall be residents thereof to be elected by the A clarification must be made. The law clearly provides that the basis for
qualified voters therein, provided that the cities of Cagayan de Oro, districting shall be the number of the inhabitants of a city or a province, not the
Zamboanga, Bacolod, Iloilo and other cities comprising a number of registered voters therein. We settled this very same question
representative district shall have twelve (12) councilors each and all in Herrera v. COMELEC44 when we interpreted a provision in R.A. No. 7166
other cities shall have ten (10) councilors each to be elected at large by and COMELEC Resolution No. 2313 that applied to the Province of Guimaras.
the qualified voters of the said cities: Provided, That in no case shall We categorically ruled that the basis for districting is the number of inhabitants
the present number of councilors according to their charters be of the Province of Guimaras by municipality based on the official 1995 Census
reduced. of Population as certified to by Tomas P. Africa, Administrator of the National
Statistics Office.
However, neither does this law have the effect of dividing the City of Cagayan
de Oro into two political and corporate units and territories. Rather than divide The petitioner, unfortunately, did not provide information about the actual
the city either territorially or as a corporate entity, the effect is merely to population of Cagayan de Oro City. However, we take judicial notice of the
enhance voter representation by giving each city voter more and greater say, August 2007 census of the National Statistics Office which shows
both in Congress and in the Sangguniang Panglunsod. that barangays comprising Cagayan de Oro's first district have a total
population of 254,644, while the second district has 299,322 residents.
To illustrate this effect, before the reapportionment, Cagayan de Oro had only Undeniably, these figures show a disparity in the population sizes of the
one congressman and 12 city council members citywide for its population of districts.45 The Constitution, however, does not require mathematical
approximately 500,000.42 By having two legislative districts, each of them with exactitude or rigid equality as a standard in gauging equality of
one congressman, Cagayan de Oro now effectively has two congressmen, representation.46 In fact, for cities, all it asks is that "each city with a population
each one representing 250,000 of the city's population. In terms of services for of at least two hundred fifty thousand shall have one representative," while
city residents, this easily means better access to their congressman since each ensuring representation for every province regardless of the size of its
one now services only 250,000 constituents as against the 500,000 he used to population. To ensure quality representation through commonality of interests
represent. The same goes true for the Sangguniang Panglungsod with its and ease of access by the representative to the constituents, all that the
ranks increased from 12 to 16 since each legislative district now has 8 Constitution requires is that every legislative district should comprise, as far as
councilors. In representation terms, the fewer constituents represented practicable, contiguous, compact, and adjacent territory. Thus, the Constitution
translate to a greater voice for each individual city resident in Congress and in leaves the local government units as they are found and does not require their
the Sanggunian; each congressman and each councilor represents both a division, merger or transfer to satisfy the numerical standard it imposes. Its
smaller area and fewer constituents whose fewer numbers are now requirements are satisfied despite some numerical disparity if the units are
concentrated in each representative. The City, for its part, now has twice the contiguous, compact and adjacent as far as practicable.
number of congressmen speaking for it and voting in the halls of Congress.
Since the total number of congressmen in the country has not increased to the The petitioner's contention that there is a resulting inequality in the division of
point of doubling its numbers, the presence of two congressman (instead of Cagayan de Oro City into two districts because the barangays in the first
one) from the same city cannot but be a quantitative and proportional district are mostly rural barangays while the second district is mostly urban, is
improvement in the representation of Cagayan de Oro City in Congress. largely unsubstantiated. But even if backed up by proper proof, we cannot
question the division on the basis of the difference in the barangays' levels of
development or developmental focus as these are not part of the constitutional
standards for legislative apportionment or reapportionment. What the
components of the two districts of Cagayan de Oro would be is a matter for the
lawmakers to determine as a matter of policy. In the absence of any grave
abuse of discretion or violation of the established legal parameters, this Court
cannot intrude into the wisdom of these policies.47

WHEREFORE, we hereby DISMISS the petition for lack of merit. Costs against
the petitioner.


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