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It‘s the interplay that makes the difference

SIMATIC Controller
Answers for industry.
Modular. Powerful. Easy to use.

It‘s the common interfaces, communication, and one easy-to-use integrated

engineering system for both the controller and HMI that makes the difference.

The interplay between the new SIMATIC S7-1200 controller, our seamless

range of SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels and the highly integrated SIMATIC STEP 7

Basic engineering system provides a unique integrated automation solution

specifically for the compact controller class.

It‘s the Interplay The Controller

The new modular SIMATIC S7-1200 The SIMATIC S7-1200 controller is
controller is at the core of our new modular and compact, versatile, a secure
offering for simple but highly precise investment, and is powerfully fit for a
automation tasks. The optimized perfor- full range of applications. A scalable
mance of our SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels, and flexible design, a communication
designed for seamless compatibility with interface that fulfills the highest
this new controller and the powerfully standards of industrial communication
integrated engineering system, ensures and a full range of powerful integrated
simplified development, fast start-up, technology functions make this controller
precise monitoring and the highest level an integral part of a complete and
of usability. It‘s the interplay between comprehensive automation solution.
these products and their innovative
features that give you an unprecedented
level of efficiency for small automation

2 The Interplay 4 The Controller 6 The Controller in detail

23 The Interplay for you 14 The Panels 8 – Scalabe and flexible design
18 The Software 10 – Industrial communication
12 – Integrated technologies
16 The Panels in detail
20 The Software in detail

In the field of automation, powerful
components are a key factor to
success. But what really gives you
The Panels The Software a unique advantage, is all of them
The operation of small machines or Our highly integrated engineering system, working together.
simple applications can often be SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic, which includes
further improved with the addition of SIMATIC WinCC Basic, is task-oriented,
visualization. With the SIMATIC HMI Basic intelligent and provides intuitive easy-to-
Panels offering essential functionality, use editors for the efficient configuration
this is an economical option that opens up of the SIMATIC S7-1200 and SIMATIC HMI
new possibilities for creative automation Basic Panels. In addition to programming,
solutions. The range of SIMATIC HMI Basic it is the common engineering framework
Panels includes high-contrast graphical for hardware and network configuration,
displays with touch and tactile function diagnostics and more. The functionality
keys, simple networking and seamless provided by this engineering system is the
communication making them ideal key ingredient that makes the interplay
for applications with the new between the controller and HMI so
SIMATIC S7-1200. powerful.

The Controller
The Panels
The Software

A modular concept for compact

automation in a scalable design.

The SIMATIC S7-1200 features an integrated PROFINET interface, powerful

integrated technology functions and a highly scalable and flexible design.

This enables simple communication, efficient solutions for technological

tasks, and perfectly fits individual automation requirements in a wide variety

of applications.

Scalable and flexible design Integrated technology
The SIMATIC S7-1200 controller family The name SIMATIC has been a reliable
has been designed with maximum flexi- symbol in the field of automation for
bility to fit your individual machine re- many years. We have taken our
quirements. This allows you to custom- experience and have integrated our
design your controller system to meet proven and innovative technology
your needs; it also makes future system functions into our new controller –
expansions quick and easy. ranging from counting and measuring,
speed, position and duty cycle control to
Industrial communication simple process control functionality. This
The SIMATIC S7-1200‘s integrated wide variety of functionality guarantees
PROFINET interface provides seamless you the ability to solve a wide array of
communication with the SIMATIC applications based on technology that
STEP 7 Basic engineering system for has proven its validity in the field for
programming, with SIMATIC HMI Basic many years.
Panels for visualization, with additional
controllers for PLC-to-PLC communication
and with third-party devices for advanced
integration options.

The Controller in detail
– Scalabe and flexible design
– Industrial communication
– Integrated technologies

Up to 3 communication
modules can be added to
any of the SIMATIC S7-1200
CPUs. The RS485 and RS232
communication modules
provide the connection for
performing point-to-point
serial communication. This
communication is configured
and programmed using
extended instructions or with
the library functions, USS
drive protocol and Modbus
RTU Master and Slave
protocols, which are included
within the SIMATIC STEP 7
Basic engineering system.

Integrated PROFINET interface Integrated

The integrated PROFINET
interface is used for High-speed inputs
programming, as well as The new SIMATIC S7-1200
for HMI and PLC-to-PLC controller comes with up
communication. Additionally, to 6 high-speed counters.
it supports communication Three inputs at 100 kHz and
with third-party devices using three inputs at 30 kHz are
open Ethernet protocols. This integrated for counting and
interface features an RJ45 measuring.
connector with auto-cross-over
functionality and provides for High-speed outputs
data transmis-sion rates at Two high-speed pulse train
10/100 Mbit/s. It supports up outputs at 100 kHz are
to 16 Ethernet connections integrated for controlling
and the following protocols: the speed and position of a
TCP/IP native, ISO on TCP, and stepper motor or a servo drive.
S7 communication. They can alternatively be used
as pulse-width-modulated
outputs for controlling the
speed of a motor, position

Up to 50 KB of integrated
work memory is provided with
a floating boundary between
the user program and user
data. Up to 2 MB of integrated
load memory and 2 KB of
integrated retentive memory
are also provided.

The optional SIMATIC Memory

Card provides an easy way to
transfer programs to multiple
CPUs. This card can also be
used for storing miscellaneous
files or to update the firmware
of the controller system.

Scalable and flexible design

Signal boards
of a valve, or duty cycle of a One signal board can be
heating element. connected to all CPUs,
allowing you to customize
PID control the CPUs by adding digital or
Up to 16 PID control loops analog I/Os to the controller
with auto-tune functionality without affecting its physical
are possible in the SIMATIC size. The modular concept
S7-1200 controller for simple provided by the SIMATIC
closed-loop process control S7-1200 allows you to design
applications. a controller system to exactly
Signal modules fit your application needs.
Up to eight signal modules
can be connected to the
largest CPUs for the support
of additional digital and
analog I/Os.

The Controller in detail
– Scalabe and flexible design
– Industrial communication
– Integrated technologies

Design or expand a controller system

to exactly fit your requirements.
With the addition of a signal board,
you can increase the number of
digital or analog I/Os on the
controller to custom-fit your needs
without increasing the controller‘s

Signal boards, signal modules, Easy and convenient installation

communication modules All SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware has
The SIMATIC S7-1200 system comes in built-in clips that allow for easy and
three different models, CPU 1211C, convenient mounting on a standard
CPU 1212C and CPU 1214C, that may 35-mm DIN rail. These built-in clips
each be expanded to exactly fit your can also be snapped into an extended
machine requirements. One signal board position to provide mounting holes for
can be added inside the front of any CPU situations where panel mounting is
to easily expand the digital or analog required. The SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware
I/Os without affecting the physical size can be installed in either a horizontal
of the controller. Signal modules can be or vertical position providing you with
connected to the right side of the CPU additional installation options. These
to further expand the digital or analog integrated features offer users maximum
I/O capacity. CPU 1212C accepts two flexibility during the installation process
and CPU 1214C accepts eight signal and they make the SIMATIC S7-1200 a
modules. Finally, all SIMATIC S7-1200 practical solution for a wide variety of
CPUs can be equipped with up to three applications.
communication modules on the left side
of the controller for performing point-to-
point serial communication.

The device view within the SIMATIC
STEP 7 Basic engineering system
allows you to easily configure and
Removable terminals Space-saving design visualize your SIMATIC S7-1200
All SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware is All SIMATIC S7-1200 hardware has been controller system.
equipped with removable terminal specifically designed to save space in the
blocks. This means that wiring only has control panel. For example, CPU 1214C
to be done once, saving valuable time has a width measuring only 110 mm
during the start-up and commissioning and both the CPU 1212C and CPU 1211C
phases of a project. Additionally, the are only 90 mm wide. Together with the
removable terminal blocks are an added small footprint of the communication
convenience when hardware components modules and signal modules, this modular
must be replaced. and compact system saves valuable space
and offers you the highest level efficiency
and flexibility during the installation

The Controller in detail
– Scalabe and flexible design
– Industrial communication
– Integrated technologies

Fast, easy and flexible

industrial communication.
The integrated PROFINET interface
meets the high demands of modern
industrial communication.

Integrated PROFINET interface in combination with SIMATIC NET

The new SIMATIC S7-1200 is equipped Industrial Wireless LAN components,
with an integrated PROFINET interface you are provided with a completely new
which provides seamless communication dimension in networking possibilities.
with the integrated SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic
engineering system for programming, Communication with additional
with SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels for controllers and HMI devices
visualization, with additional controllers To ensure communication with additional
for PLC-to-PLC communication and SIMATIC controllers and HMI devices, the
with third-party devices for advanced SIMATIC S7-1200 supports the connection
integration possibilities. to multiple S7 controllers and HMI
devices communicating together with the
Simple networking proven S7 communication protocol.
The SIMATIC S7-1200 communication
interface consists of a noise-immune Communication with
RJ45 connector with auto-crossover third-party devices
functionality supporting up to 16 Seamless integration of devices from
Ethernet connections and providing other manufacturers is possible with
data transmission rates up to the integrated interface on the SIMATIC
10/100 Mbit/s. To minimize cabling and S7-1200. It is possible to connect and
provide maximum networking flexibility, communicate with multiple third-party
the new CSM 1277 Compact Switch devices utilizing the supported open
Module can be used together with the Ethernet protocols TCP/IP native and ISO
SIMATIC S7-1200 to easily configure a on TCP. Configured with the standard
uniform or mixed network consisting T-Send/T-Receive instructions provided
of line, tree or star topologies. The by the integrated engineering system
CSM 1277 is a 4-port unmanaged switch SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic, this capability
which allows you to connect the SIMATIC offers you an even higher level of
S7-1200 with up to 3 additional devices. flexibility in designing your automation
Additionally, using the SIMATIC S7-1200 solution.

The network view within
the SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic
engineering system allows
PROFINET – the open Industrial SIMATIC S7-1200 as a PROFINET IO you to easily configure
Ethernet standard device linked to a PLC which operates as and visualize your
Utilizing established TCP/IP PROFINET IO controller. This capability network configuration.
standards, the integrated PROFINET is currently in preparation and will
interface provided with the SIMATIC provide the SIMATIC S7-1200 system with
S7-1200 can be used for programming, uniform communication from the field
HMI and PLC-to-PLC communication. In level up to the control level satisfying one
the future, it will be possible to connect of the most important demands currently
distributed field devices to the SIMATIC placed on industrial automation.
S7-1200 via PROFINET or to use the

The Controller in detail
– Scalabe and flexible design
– Industrial communication
– Integrated technologies

Powerful technology functions.

Completely integrated.
Integrated technology for counting
and measuring, closed-loop control
and motion control make the
SIMATIC S7-1200 an extremely
versatile system for many types of
automation tasks.

High-speed inputs for counting PLCopen motion function blocks

and measuring The SIMATIC S7-1200 supports the
Up to six high-speed counters, three open-loop speed and position control
at 100 kHz and three at 30 kHz, are of stepper motors and servo drives. This
integrated for precise monitoring functionality is easily configured using
of incremental encoders, frequency an axis technology object along with the
counting, or high-speed counting of internationally accepted PLCopen motion
process events. function blocks included within the
engineering system SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic.
High-speed outputs for speed, Absolute, relative and velocity moves are
position or duty cycle control supported in addition to home and jog
Two high-speed outputs are integrated functions.
into the SIMATIC S7-1200 controller
for use as either pulse train outputs or Drive commissioning control panel
pulse-width-modulated outputs. When The drive commissioning control panel
configured as a PTO, a 50 percent duty included with the engineering system
cycle pulse train is provided at a rate of SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic simplifies the
up to 100 kHz for the open-loop speed start-up and commissioning of stepper
and position control of stepper motors motors and servo drives. It provides
and servo drives. Feedback for the pulse both automatic and manual control of a
train outputs is provided internally using single motion axis as well as online and
two of the high-speed counters. When diagnostics information.
configured as a PWM output, a fixed cycle
time output with a variable duty cycle is
provided for controlling the speed of a
motor, position of a valve, or duty cycle
of a heating element.

The tuning of PID
control loops is fast
and accurate using the
PID functionality PID commissioning control panel commissioning control
for closed-loop control The PID commissioning control panel panel included with
The SIMATIC S7-1200 supports up to included within SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic.
16 PID control loops for simple process simplifies the loop tuning process. It
control applications. These control loops provides both automatic tuning and
are easily configured using a PID manual control capabilities for a single
controller technology object and the control loop and it also provides a
supporting editors provided within the graphical trend view of the tuning
engineering system SIMATIC STEP 7 process.
Basic. Additionally, the SIMATIC S7-1200
supports PID auto-tuning to automatically
compute the optimum tuning values for
the gain, integral time and derivative

The Controller
The Panels
The Software

K TP400 B
KTP400 asic m
Basic ono P
mono PNN K TP600 B
KTP600 asic ccolor
Basic olor P

The SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels:

high-quality panels at attractive prices.

The SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels are designed for seamless compatibility with the new

SIMATIC S7-1200 controller. Our new SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels for compact applications

provide a solution that adapts to your specific visualization requirements with optimized

performance and functionality, a wide variety of screen sizes and mounting compatibility for

easy upgrades.

K TP1000 B
KTP1000 asic ccolor
Basic olor P
PNN T P1500 B
TP1500 asic ccolor
Basic olor P

Optimized performance and Touch screen and tactile keys

functionality The new SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels
The SIMATIC S7-1200 integrates feature a touch display for intuitive
perfectly with the SIMATIC HMI Basic operation. Apart from touch screen
Panels to provide simple visualization and operation on 4", 6" or 10" displays, the
control options for compact automation panels also have fully programmable
applications. With the seamless keys with tactile feedback. A device with
integration between the controller and a 15" touch screen is also available for
HMI engineering software, SIMATIC STEP 7 applications where visualization requires
Basic and SIMATIC WinCC Basic, the a larger display area. With an IP65 degree
perfect solution with the best results can of protection, the SIMATIC HMI Basic
be achieved in the shortest amount of Panels are suitable for use in rough
time. industrial environments.

The Controller in detail
The Panels in detail
The Software in detail

Numerous standard functions

for engineering of compact
automation tasks.
The new SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels
with an integrated PROFINET
interface allow easy and user-
friendly visualization of machines
and processes. This represents an
essential part of the interplay with
the SIMATIC S7-1200.

PROFINET interface Functionalities

Each of the SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels All SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels are
has an integrated PROFINET interface. equipped with a complete range of
This enables communication with the relevant functionalities, such as alarm
controller and the transmission of logging systems, recipe management,
parameterization and configuration trend functionality, and vector graphics.
data. The PROFINET interface, which A comprehensive library with various
is integrated in the SIMATIC S7-1200 graphics and objects is provided
controller, makes the interplay between within the engineering system. User
the controller and the SIMATIC HMI Basic administration according to the demands
Panels easy and reliable. of different industries is available as well,
for example authentication with user ID
and password.
Space-saving design and ruggedness
With the IP65 degree of protection, Worldwide application
the SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels are very With various certifications and the
well suited for use in rough industrial fulfillment of different norms and
environments. With compact installation regulations, configuration data being
dimensions, they are also fit for available in up to 32 languages and
applications where space is limited. In support of Asian and Cyrillic fonts,
applications where space is extremely the SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels are
limited, the four- and six-inch variants perfectly fit for worldwide application.
can be installed and configured in an During operation, up to five languages
upright position. are available and can be changed
online. Language-dependent graphics
additionally support intuitive operation.

The SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels are
easily configured using SIMATIC
WinCC Basic which is integrated
Display and graphics Function keys into the SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic
The SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels have Aside from touch screen functionality, engineering system.
a standard touch display for intuitive the SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels in sizes
operation. The use of displays with of four-, six- and ten-inch screens have
graphical functionality offers entirely individually configurable function keys –
new possibilities for visualization: Vector this means individual functionalities may
graphics, the representation of trend be configured according to the selected
charts, texts, bitmaps and I/O fields display on the screen. Additional usability
enable a clearly arranged and thus user- and operational reliability is ensured with
friendly operation display. the tactile feedback provided by these
function keys.

The Controller
The Panels
The Software

One software is all you need for

basic tasks in various applications.

SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic is designed to be intuitive, easy to learn and easy to use. This

provides you with highest efficiency in engineering. Smart functionalities such as intuitive

editors, drag and drop functionality as well as “IntelliSense“ tools simply let you engineer

faster. This new software architecture comes from a stable source for future innovations –

Siemens has many years of experience in software development and has thus made

SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic highly future-oriented.

One common engineering framework Supporting first-time users project at a glance. This means
SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic, including and professionals beginners are supported with a task-
SIMATIC WinCC Basic, has task-oriented, With SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic, ease of use is oriented user guidance and with
intelligent and intuitive editors that guaranteed, whether you are just starting recommended editors that are perfectly
enable it to serve as one common out in engineering or have many years of fit for their automation task. When using
engineering framework for programming routine. Engineering is easy to learn and the project view, your entire project is
SIMATIC S7-1200 controllers and use for starters, and fast and efficient for hierarchically structured in the project
configuring SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels. professionals. tree, enabling fast, intuitive access to
The new integrated engineering system all editors, parameters and project data,
SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic offers you intuitive Different users may choose from two ensuring object-oriented engineering.
and fast engineering capabilities for different types of views – which ever Both first-time users and professionals
programming and commissioning suits them best. Using the portal view, will be able to solve engineering tasks
comprehensive automation solutions. you have all tasks for an automation fast and efficiently.

The Controller in detail
The Panels in detail A new dimension in intuitive and
The Software in detail
efficient engineering.
SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic with integrated SIMATIC WinCC Basic enables the user to

perform an unparalleled fast and easy engineering. One project view for all,

state-of-the-art user interface technology for intuitive graphical engineering

with intelligent drag and drop functionality, shared data handling and more

ensures high-quality projects.

One common project tree and change between them per mouse
for controller and HMI click. Common functions for all editors
One common project view relieves you enable the user to handle projects fast
from handling separate files for each and efficiently. An attractive graphical
automation device. This makes sure that user interface and immediate system
your whole project is always consistent responsiveness on a standard PC ensure
after changes in any part of the project. ease of use and highest productivity from
Thus, high project quality is ensured. The the beginning of every project.
project tree’s clearly arranged structure 1 2 3 4

remains organized even with complex

engineering projects. This is the basis for Higher project quality due to shared
fast access to respective devices, folders data handling and consistent symbolism
or specific views that will assist you in Automated data consistency ensures
engineering an automation task. 1 high project quality. Modified application
data is automatically updated within
Intelligent drag and drop between the entire project. The cross-referencing
controller and HMI editors concept ensures that variables are used
Symbols may be assigned to hardware consistently within all parts of the project
with the drag and drop functionality, the and for various devices – they can thus
same method can be used for connecting be updated consistently. Symbols are
tags between the controllers and HMI. automatically generated and assigned to
This enables the user to efficiently use respective I/Os. Data is only entered once,
both HMI and controller editors within meaning that no additional address and
one common engineering framework. data module handling is needed, which
2 3 reduces the risk of errors. 1 2 3 4

Clearly arranged graphical engineering Reuse of data due to a comprehensive

A fast and intuitive configuration of library concept
devices and networks is ensured by Users may save various engineering
the graphical editors. Connections can elements such as blocks, tags, alarms,
be easily configured by graphically HMI screens, individual modules and
connecting the individual devices entire stations in local and global
with lines. In the online mode, visual libraries. These elements can be reused
diagnostics information is provided. For within the same project and in different
users, this means complex systems may projects as well. Data may be exchanged
be handled easily and efficiently and between separately configured systems
large projects are still clearly arranged. with the help of the global library. 4

Clear and intuitive user interface for

highest usability
The software has a task-oriented user
concept. All editors are embedded into
one common framework. The user
may intuitively work with all editors

The Controller in detail
The Panels in detail
The Software in detail

More beneficial features.

Whether the direct online testing and diagnosis, the easy

addition of technology objects or the library concept

for time-efficient reuse of data – these and many more

functions in detail add to the overall concept of a new

dimension in engineering.

Online test and diagnostics via help online. Once all information has It is also easy to configure and modify
Only a single mouse click is needed been assigned, the new object is opened connections.
to go online, even if a project has not in the editor right away, if required.
been loaded. Once online, the project’s Integrated HMI
online and offline status are immediately Controller programming SIMATIC STEP 7 Basic includes the
compared to detect possible differences. Intelligent functions support the user powerful HMI software SIMATIC WinCC
Differences or conflicts are clearly and reduce errors. Configuration and Basic for efficient programming and
displayed, as different engineering modification of program modules is easy configuring of SIMATIC HMI Basic
modules can be opened in both online and efficient with only little information Panels. Efficient engineering means
and offline status. to put in. Frequently used commands for example: direct use of controller
can even be stored in a favorites list process values in the HMI project using
Adding technology objects and the entire engineering modules can intelligent drag and drop functionality.
Adding technology objects is only be copied and added to programs of HMI is part of the entire project which
a mouse click away as well. While other SIMATIC S7-1200 controllers; new means that consistent HMI data is always
adding new objects such as an axis or symbols are automatically added. guaranteed. Connections between HMI
a PID controller, respective settings are and PLC can be centrally defined. Several
displayed in the engineering system‘s Changes can be made very quickly. With templates can be created and assigned
“Add new object” window. The object a single click, functional modules can be to other screens. Completely integrated
may be named according to its function. altered subsequently. The modules may HMI functionality makes configuring
When fine-tuning various objects, the user be saved, even if not all symbols or I/Os the SIMATIC HMI Basic Panels very easy,
is supported with a function description have been assigned. The symbols can highly powerful and efficient at the same
and may obtain additional information also be altered within the user program. time.

The Interplay
The Interplay for you

Find out what the perfect

interplay can mean for you.
In today‘s world of automation, what is the driving factor for success? Next to keeping overall development

costs as low as possible, it‘s time. An initial idea has to turn into a marketable product as fast as possible to beat

the competition. And because the competition never sleeps, we have created the perfect interplay for our new

compact modular controller, offering you the highest level of engineering efficiency combined with powerful

visualization and control.

Systems and solutions in the world smaller – literally. Machines have more ensured with the perfect interplay.
of automation are becoming more complex and diverse functionalities There is no comparable controller on the
seamless and sophisticated as we speak. integrated into smaller footprints than market that allows you to completely
Automation and technology systems ever before and the challenge for today control and visualize tasks so easily.
are exerting more influence on the way and for the future is to keep engineering The new controller is unbeatable in
businesses run – using them as efficiently and automation as simple yet powerful as its modularity and compactness and
as possible is a key factor to business possible at the same time. its seamless communication with the
success. So, this means automation is engineering system and HMI panels. It‘s
big – but only in the figurative sense. Unbeatable in modularity what makes it simply unique in its field.
Futurists and science fiction fans, who and compactness Find out what the perfect interplay can
about 50 years ago envisioned giant This is exactly why the new SIMATIC mean for your business and what it will
robots lugging equipment and materials S7-1200 fits today‘s demands so perfectly. mean for your future.
through warehouses and room-sized Keeping things simple and powerful can
computers with multi-colored blinking only be done if all components work More information:
lights, have had to think again and think together. This has been completely www.siemens.com/simatic-s7-1200

The information provided in this brochure contains merely
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