Alternative Routes To Iron Making
Alternative Routes To Iron Making
Alternative Routes To Iron Making
Over the past 10 years, Kobe Steel and its US Table 1 Delivery record of FASTMET plant
subsidiary company, MIDREX Technologies, Inc., have Capacity
Plant Startup
been developing the FASTMET process. This process (t/y)
1)Kobe Steel Kakogawa Works FASTMET 2001 Apr. 14,000
enables the conversion of metallic oxides from either
2)Nippon Steel Hirohata Works FASTMET No.1 2000 Mar. 190,000
steel mill waste or iron ore fines, into metallized iron
3)Nippon Steel Hirohata Works FASTMET No.2 2005 Feb. 190,000
in a rotary hearth furnace (RHF) using solid carbon 4)Nippon Steel Hirohata Works FASTMET No.3 2008 Dec. 190,000
sources, such as coal, as the reductant. Since 2000, the 5)
JFE Steel West Japan Works (Fukuyama) FASTMET No.1 2009 Apr. 190,000
current commercial operations have enabled steelmakers
to deal with metallic waste problems. In 2009, Kobe its ability to efficiently recycle ironwork dust. These
Steel filled order for two new FASTMET plants, each achievements led the FASTMET process to win the
with 190,000 tonnes/h capacity. One of these is the third Minister's award, Resources Recycling Technology
plant for Nippon Steel Hirohata Works with the first and System, from the Clean Japan Center.
FASTMET-HBI process, and the other is the first plant In 2008, a third plant was delivered to the
for JFE Fukuyama Works, which produces DRI as a Hirohata Works of Nippon Steel Co., and in 2009, JFE
supplemental source for blast furnaces. Steel, West Japan Works, Fukuyama (Table 1), took
delivery of its first plant. Both plants have a
Introduction processing capacity of 190,000 tonnes/year. The
following introduces these plants and outlines the
Reducing iron ore in a rotary hearth furnace FASTMET process.
(hereafter referred to as an "RHF") was first
attempted by Midland Ross Co., a forerunner of 1. Features of the FASTMET process
MIDREX Technologies, Inc., currently a U.S.
subsidiary company of Kobe Steel. The process, The FASTMET process is clearly different from
called "Heat Fast", was unique in that it involved the gas-based reduction process using reforming gas
composite pellets, consisting of iron ore and derived from natural gas, in that it heats and reduces
carbonaceous material, which are pre-heated in a composite agglomerates, each consisting of iron ore,
grate, pre-reduced in an RHF and cooled in a shaft or steel mill waste, and coal. This simple and unique
cooler. A pilot plant was constructed in 1965, tests process involving rapid heating accomplishes a
being conducted until 1966. The Midland Ross Co., rapid reduction reaction. The agglomerates are
however, prioritized the development of a process placed in one or two even layers over the hearth and
using natural gas, which is currently known as the are heated using radiation heat. This prevents the
MIDREX process. The then low price of natural gas oxidation of agglomerates, despite the in-furnace
made this process seem more feasible, and as a result, condition of combustion exhaust gas, which has a
the Heat Fast process was not commercialized. significant oxidation potential 1). It is important to
In the 1990s, the price of natural gas rose; then mention that the process can achieve the heating
Kobe Steel and MIDREX Technologies, Inc. and reducing of the agglomerates simultaneously
collaborated to restart the development of the and effectively at an ideal air-gas ratio in a furnace. In
reduced ironmaking process using an RHF. A addition, the combustible gas generated from the
demonstration pilot plant was built in 1995 at carbon in the agglomerates burns in secondary
Kobe Steel's Kakogawa Works. Through various combustion above them. This significantly suppresses
demonstration operations conducted there, Kobe the emission of NOx, despite the fact that this is a
Steel and MIDREX Technologies, Inc. had established furnace that burns at high temperatures, another
the FASTMET process for commercialization. feature of the FASTMET process.
In 2000, a first commercial FASTMET plant was Raw materials such as steel mill plant dust may
supplied to the Hirohata Works of Nippon Steel Co. occasionally generate dioxin as they burn. In the
for reducing 190,000 tonnes/year of steel mill waste. FASTMET process, however, the furnace temperature
A second commercial plant was delivered in 2005 to is 1,300℃ or higher, which is high enough to
the same company. The process was recognized for suppress the generation of dioxin. The exhaust gas
RHF Stack
CO gas Cooling
700-1,200 Zn 1,200-1,400 1,000-1,200 Discharger
Reduction Time:8∼16min
Fig. 2 Schematic drawing of reduction in FASTMET furnace
HBI compression strength (kN/cm)
Briquetting temp.
4 600℃
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HBI carbon content % (wt%)
Fig. 8 Relationship between compression strength and
Fig. 7 Appearance of HBI carbon content of HBI
DRI cooler
Double flap
Roller screen