The document lists 20 important questions for a second internals exam in computer science and engineering. The questions cover topics like clause form, resolution, Bayes' theorem, Dempster-Shafer theory, unification, knowledge representation, means-ends analysis, instance and ISA relationships, forward and backward reasoning, and knowledge representation using predicate logic, Bayesian networks and semantic nets.
The document lists 20 important questions for a second internals exam in computer science and engineering. The questions cover topics like clause form, resolution, Bayes' theorem, Dempster-Shafer theory, unification, knowledge representation, means-ends analysis, instance and ISA relationships, forward and backward reasoning, and knowledge representation using predicate logic, Bayesian networks and semantic nets.
The document lists 20 important questions for a second internals exam in computer science and engineering. The questions cover topics like clause form, resolution, Bayes' theorem, Dempster-Shafer theory, unification, knowledge representation, means-ends analysis, instance and ISA relationships, forward and backward reasoning, and knowledge representation using predicate logic, Bayesian networks and semantic nets.
The document lists 20 important questions for a second internals exam in computer science and engineering. The questions cover topics like clause form, resolution, Bayes' theorem, Dempster-Shafer theory, unification, knowledge representation, means-ends analysis, instance and ISA relationships, forward and backward reasoning, and knowledge representation using predicate logic, Bayesian networks and semantic nets.
2.Convert the given English Sentences into Clause Form and Horn Clauses. (1) All people who are not poor and are smart are happy. (2) Those people who read are not stupid. (3) John can read and is wealthy. (4) Happy people have exciting lives. 3.What is Resolution? From the Predicate statements given below, Prove that Marcus Hates Caesar using Resolution. 1. man(marcus) 2. pompeian(marcus) 3. ∀ pompeian(x) roman(x) 4. ruler(caeser) 5. ∀x: roman(x) loyalto(x,caeser) V hate(x,caeser) 6. ∀x, y: loyalto(x,y) 7. ∀x, ∀y: person(x) ruler(y) tryassacinate(x,y) loyalto(x,y) 8. tryassacinate(marcus, caeser) 4.What is Baye’s rule? Write short notes on Statistical reasoning with Bayes theorem. 5.Discuss Dempster-Shafer Theory. 6.What is Unification? Give the algorithm for Unification. Give Example. 7.(1)John likes all kinds of food. (2) Apples are food. (3) Chicken is food (4) Anything anyone eats and it is not killed is food (5) Bill eats peanuts and is still alive (6) Swe eats everything bill eats. (i) Convert all the above statements into predicate logic (ii) Show that “John likes peanuts” using Backward chaining 8.Give the algorithm for converting Predicate Logic Statement into Clause form with an example. 9.What are the different approaches to knowledge representation? 10.(a)Define Facts and Representation of Facts. (b) Explain the issues in knowledge representation 11.What is Means-Ends analysis? Give its algorithm. Illustrate with an example. 12.Write short notes on Instance and ISA Relationships with examples. 13.Explain in detail about Forward and Backward Reasoning. 14. Explain the types of Knowledge Representation. 15. Explain Unification Algorithm. 16. Differentiate between procedural vs declarative knowledge & Explain how knowledge can be represented using predicate logic. 17. Trace the constraint satisfaction procedure solving the following cryptarthmetic problem. SEND +MORE MONEY. 18.
19. Explain Bayesian networks..
20. What is partitioned semantic net? Explain how the knowledge can be represented using semantic nets.