Cedrus' Notebook

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Father Cedrus obtaining a position as a sergeant in the imperial army.

Priest of the Dying Light When nightfall came, I was leading a troop of men at
True follower of Pelor, even in these paths of darkness Ironmere, where the fighting was fierce. I was a hot
blooded fool, and lost most of my men, however a few of
In the later days of my life, I look back on my time as a us survived that awful battle and made our way into the
priest and consider what scholars may think in the wilderness.
years to come, that is if humanity survives this
calamity under which it now finds itself. However, if In the years to come, many of my men were killed, and
scholars do look back on this time, I think it might be more were captured by slavers. I myself was
best for them have a primary source to see what life was eventually captured and spent several long years as a
like for those who first survived the events of nightfall. slave, forced to do hard labor for raiders, who had no
Also, in all truth, my mind has lost some of it’s edge regard for human life or decency. I was able to steal
that it possessed as a younger man, and a journal may away one night, abandoning my fellow soldiers and
help me gather my thoughts, however before beginning slaves, a fact that I am not proud to admit, but one
this endevour I felt it best to present a forward, which I firmly believe has saved my life.
describing who I am and what I stand for.
With the absence of the sun, time became difficult to
As a young boy, I grew up in the imperial city of reckon, but as the years passed I had almost
Lord’s Keep. My father was a trainer for the completely abandoned my religion. With the death of
inquisitors in the imperial army, teaching paladins how Pelor, and the loss of the sun, there seemed to be no use
to fight in the war. Naturally, following in his in it, however my faith was reaffirmed after meeting a
footsteps I grew up in the church of Pelor, group of itinerate priests, calling themselves “Priests
of the Dying Light”.
Their zeal reaffirmed my faith, making me believe once While my path has lead me away from my fellow priests, I
more in what I had believed to be impossible. One look now to bring new light into a greatly darkened world.
priest in particular, by the name of Zarlar helped While I dare not to even begin to hope for the return of
explain to me that a God’s energy can never be truely Pelor within my life time, I can at least dedicate myself to
destroyed, but that it can only dissipated. This means accomplishing some small portion of this, such that
that Pelor’s energy must still be present on the humanity might one day see the sun.
material plane, but that it has been spread throughout
the realms rather than taking concentrated form in the
sun. Following the discipleship of Zarlar, I learned Lantern of Hope
to a craft magical lantern, capable of storing Pelor’s
light and reassembling his divine energy into it’s purist

To my astonishment, these efforts have helped

replenish my magic, making me capable of casting
spells once more using Pelor’s Light. It is clear that
these affects are greatly attenuated when compared to
the magic that I wielded prior to nightfall, however to
be able to draw magic at all from Pelor is a miracle
worthy of rejoicing. However, it would seem that only
so much light can be gathered from a single spot, and to
complete the reascension of our God it has become clear
that I need to travel, collecting light from a variety of
sources .
Map of the Southern Isles




Fort Hope Whitefort


Feymarch Whitecliff
Night 1: Once we came back to town, we found that a fiend
Coming down on the railroad from Ashetown, had been unleashed upon the village, attempting to
headed to a town called Fort Hope. The locals assassinate the mayor. Driving off the fiend, we
have had a spot of trouble with bandits, with holed up for the “night” with guards. After some
apparently a whole troop transport being slain. rest, we found that the town barkeep had been
Examining the grounds, remnants of a battle was murdered, likelyby the demon. Following some small
apparent, with the ashes of a fallen demon, and leads, we came upon a small town house, finding the
even a beheaded paladin. It appears as if some ethereal fiend.
foul beast had gnawed the men, feating on their Demonic Symbol In Fort Hope:
insides. -Written in human blood
I have joined up with a group of two other -Found in house near the riverfront
adventurers, one by the name of Harvey, a quick -Myst fiend found protecting it, when sigil
fellow, fast to move to guns, and a stout dwarf by distrupted
the name of Hafgann. On the way to town,we
rescued a father and son from a group of deadly
bats.Hafgann displayed the unusually ability to
change size at will, a magical skill which I will
have to examine in the future.
Upon reaching Fort Hope, the bandits had
struck again, kidnapping several townfolks. We
The foul abomination of a symbol was burnt down by
followed suit, going into Arbordale, slaying the
Harvey after being examined by the mayor.
bandits, and bringing down a local terror known as
the “Fiend Lord”
Map found at the “Fiend Lord’s” keep
“Cacodaemons are among the least
daemons, scavengers who steal and devour
souls from the recent dead . They can turn
invisible and cloud the minds of mortals .
Like all daemons, they hail from the plane
Fort Hope
of Abaddon, a nightmare realm akin to the
hells and the abyss.“
Daggers were stabbed
into these three towns In light of recent events, we have discussed moving to
Abbeyfall, which was also marked by a dagger. While
the city is mainly in shambles, and some places remain
Night 3: inaccessible to normal humans, as they are infested with
After slaying the fiend by the waterfront, we travelled undead and deamons, many humans (although mainly
back to the Fiend Lord’s keep only to find the treasure cultists) live in the outskirts of town. We might move to
that we left there had been taken save those few innocents left in the city, although I
In the ruins we encountered a caco demon. doubt the worthiness of this endeavor.
Rummaging through the town’s library, I was able to
find some documents on the beast, stating, Fiend Lord’sJournal Mentions
-Prophet who trained the Fiend Lord
-Whisper of the darkones (Likely referring to the
fiends themselves)
Abbyfell: Night 4:
The grand temple of Pelor was once seated in The evening passed uneventfully. We set out from
Abbyfell. It has been a long time since any priest has Fort hope south towards Abbeyfall. We made good
been that far south, and it’s quite possible that some time along the road, and not even the warped bats broke
ancient relics yet remain in some consecrated depths. I the silence of the dead forest
have convinced Hafgann, and Harvey that it might
be possible to bring back the sun, collecting Pelor’s Night 5:
light. They have agreed to join me on my quest, On the road south, we were wayleighed by ruffians.
traveling to Abbeyfall to explore the grand temple Although Harvey was caught in a beartrap, we were
and look for a relic that may aid us. If lucky, we able to defeat the bandits quite handily. Harvey
might even find the ancient “Heart of the Sun”. It interrogated one of them rather aggressively with a
also so happens that our journey also brings us to the gun, placing “Bessy” within the mans mouth. I don’t
same location as the proposed fiend’s plan. know how much time I can spend on the road with this
Heart of the Sun insane man. You never know what he is liable to do. I
pray that Pelor will give me guidance in this matter.

Sun, God ,Protection

Amulet of the High Priest of Pelor

On the Road to Abbey Fall:
Self Portrait Found this sign

AbbeyFall stands in ruin, the city under a

spellwarped flood. All of the buildings are in a state
of disrepair and a green mist pervades the whole scene.
Age 54 We are considering using the roofs of the remaining
Night 8:
On approaching the city, a swamp has taken over the
northern reaches. We have made our way to the south,
and the coast. We wish to swing around, and make
our way in from the harbor.
Harvey’s Leg
Upon coming to the
edge of the city from the
south, we decided to
make our way over the
wall. Hafgann was able
to deftly make his way
over, letting down a knotted rope for the rest of us.
Once to the top, the extent of the cities ruin became
readily apparent. A green poisonous mist has
consumed the city, and zombies roam the street.
One such group jumped upon us immediately.
We tried to make our way from roof to roof to avoid the
onslaught, but Harvey was pulled from the building,
Abbeyfall crashing into the water. The zombie was loathe to let go,
steadily holding Harvey in the spell warped water.
After dispatching the other foul abominations,
Hafgann was able to hoist Harvey to the roof, but the
green poisonous mist still pressed, to bring down my
companions. We quickly retreated, finding our way to
another roof further into the city…
Zombie & Sin spawn DO NOT BREATHE IN THE
Making our way up CLOUDS!
from the water, we We have discovered that the clouds are quite
looked for passage over poisonous. They seem to be forged from some
the river. The first necromantic spell, and are capable of following
bridge was impassable, a groups of adventurers. They will move after the
40 foot gap, rending our largest crowd, and will attempt to poison those that
hopes in two. Seeking have already suffered their effects. A wise
better ground, our group adventurer can hold their breathe, and avoid
continued north by suffering their affects.
Sin spawn
rooftop, avoiding .
Guardians of the Bridge
zombies and clouds,
seeking another bridge.

We have decided to cross a bridge guarded by a

group of zombies, and a creature which is
apparently called a “Sin Spawn”. May Pelor’s
ghost guide us
Waking from our brief rest, we were able to move our way
Night 9:
through the remainder of the city, making it past the sin
We made our rest atop a roof, overlooking the bridge. It
spawn, zombies, and poisonous mists, reaching the temple.
afforded a good look out over the river, and allowed us to
While the acid had left the marble worse for the ware, the
keep watch over the remainder of the streets.
temple was still being guarded by a large group of Sin
Throughout the night, gun fire could be heard ringing
Spawn. Devising a ruse, Hafgann lead the Sin spawn at
throughout the city: The ship in the bay, firing long range
the gates on a wild chase. In doing so, he some how roused a
shells into the heart of the city. Luckly, their target seems
sniper from his hiding spot, attracting sin spawn upon the
to be a long way off, and our perch was undisturbed.
man in the gas mask. I must admit, he seemed a most able
Hopefully our luck will prevail as we continue into the
fighter, as he was able to easily finish the crowd of sin
Meanwhile, me and Harvey made our way into the temple
entrance, only to find a cult of Abadon had taken up
residence there. Busting down the door, we found ourselves
trapped between cultists and the remaining Sin Spawn.
While it appeared dodgy for a time, we were able to press
our way defeating both the cultist guards, and the sin
spawn, however this was over no sooner than another female
spell caster appeared, wearing the foul trappings of the dark
god Abadon. Leading us on a chase into the catacombs, we
followed suit!
Grand Temple
(Not drawn in all it’s splendor)
In pursuit of the sorceress, she summoned tow
Cacodeamons. In the fight that ensued, she disappeared,
stealing with it a chalice (although Hafgann was able to
dent it). However, we were able to hunt her down, forcing
her to reappear, especially with the use of a clever
Obscuring Mist.
Unfortunately, the Cacodeamons were too much for us and
I collapsed under their might. Likewise Harvey fell to their
unforgiving maws, but he was not so lucky, and went to his
final rest. May Pelor have mercy on his soul!
Hafgann attempted to chase her down, evening dragging her
into the spell warped waters, but alas she was able to get
away. Although we were able to find a Journal that she had
apparently been keeping.

We held a ceremony for Harvey, burying him in the crypts

as appropriate for a devotee to Pelor. He will be missed!

Sorceress Mask
Harbingers of Abaddon
Notes From Tarron Kallros Journal:
“Lanterns are thematically appropriate
for Pelor. As a sun god, he was a light
bringer. Accordingly, I forged a
crucible from spellwarped metal using
the ritual provided by the Prophet,
substituting unholy water, a pinch of
gunpowder, and a dose of shocking
Chalice of the Harbingers of
hands. No essences gathered, but the
thing works.”
-It looks as if the followers of Abadon have warped our
Lanterns, making evil purpose of them.
“In the frigid maw whose fangs are yet afire,
“Traverson plans to lead the acolytes Where night was forged beneath the blooded spire.”
to Lynbroke or, failing that, the new
colony at Feygrove”
Searching further into the temple we came across some
-Have the relics moved on or is this a ploy to mislead catacombs in the depths below, with an alter laid to the slain
pursuers? god. Some ooze had taken refuge above the cavern, but we
were able to burst it apart, driving it into pieces. Upon
searching the crypts, we found a scared dagger of Pelor
amoung the ruins.
As we barricaded the stairs to the basement, and took a rest

“To see if the troops staitoned in the iron clad know anything about
for a spell, we heard voices from above. It sounded like one of
the cultists that we tied up earlier, and some newcomer were
chatting. Although we couldn’t make out the details of their
conversation, the two voices appeared to be friendly, or at
least not violent. I suspect that this new comer is somehow in Sketch of Hafgann Greeseer
league with the Harbingers of Abaddon. We have decided
to wait a few hours until they fall asleep, and then make our
way above, catching them unaware….
Night 10:
As the creature slept, we made our way up, sneaking

Lynbroke or Feygrove.
unawares upon a man sleeping. Although he summoned a
wolf to his aid, he appeared to be of no great threat, and
seemed to have no knowledge of the inner workings of the
cult of Abadon. His name, Nicolai, he seems to be a half-
elf interested in the idea of forming this thing called
“Eden”, a safe refugee in the night, where wizards and
spell casters could make a hold, slowly reclaiming the land.
Night 10:
Night 11:
Talking to the crew of the ironclad, we have discvered that
Coming down from the harbor we fought our way through
Lynbroke was taken during the war and there was an
a host of zombies to board a ship. Nicolai has decided to
“incident”, in Feygroove, which might have resulted in it
come with us for reasons unexplained. I do not entirely
being quarantined.
trust him, and his affinity for summoning animals from a
past age. I now write these words from aboard the newly
I think it’s most likely that “Traverson” made his way to
christened vessel, “BESSY”
Feybrooke. Whatever incident that followed may have
been related to the relics of Pelor abiding there. The Night 12:
soldiers tell us that they are going to set flame to the city, Sailing aboard Bessy, we came across a spectral vessel,
burning it to the ground. We now make our way to the shinning light across the open ocean. Taking the wheel, I
shoreline, hoping that we may find a vessel to take us drove away from the ship, only to find our hull suddenly
across the sea so that we may learn more of Traverson’s strike something in the water. Shuddering the frame, a
fate. small crab/turtle climbed onto deck. Nicolai and
Hafgann scrabbled around on deck, doing practically
The New nothing. It finally took me giving up the wheel to come
Bessy finish off the creature. A useless lot of crew members!

Turtle Crab
Night 13:
After sailing for another night, (although there was a
run in with some form of troll), we made our way to the
islands of Lynbrooke relatively clamly. The city is
surrounded by small, continual flames. We believe they
mark safe passage into the city…

Flame Markers Their helmsmen was too crafty, and was able to avoid
the rocks. We were able to use the cover of the mist to
leave the rocks however, and sent a broadside volley
onto their port side. They returned fire, and we made
our way further out to sea.
As the batte progressed, Hafgann was able to make a
mark on their rutter, setting it their vehicle adrift.
With no control over their vessel they went careening
Making our way past the barrier, we we’re set on by
to light house shore, and the rocks. Sailing past after,
pirates from a small alcove. They pursued our ship for
it appears that some of them made it off alive, but I
more than half an hour near the coast of the light
think it will be sometime before they can make proper
house. I guided our ships through the rocks, and the
repairs. We head for their camp to see what supplies
pirates took chase. Nicolai let loose a mist spell,
await us there.
trying to set them asunder betwix the shores, but
The Pirates Camp
While the fire archon did inform us that someone was
We sailed to the pirate’s camp. They left a small force of
hunting for lantern priests, he was more insterested in
men but we we’re able to make swift work of them. We
consuming us!
brought aboard some food and supplies, as well as a chest
A battle ensued where we defeated the fire archon, but he
of loot. In addition, we also brought on a half-orc. He was
brought down the tower around us. In our haste to espcae,
able to answer some questions about the island, and told us
we linked ropes, and descended the side of the tower,
that a man had come by some years previous with a picture
escaping the trolls.
of a lantern of hope. He described him as,

“Old Fellow, dark skin, No beard, Human

Wearing scalemail armor, looked to be in bad shape. “

No idea what to make of it, but we head to the light house

just to check on the state of things over there.

The Tower
Making our way to the tower, we were greeted by a
retainer who seemed to know about the old fellow with a
picture of the lantern. He lead us up the stairs past a few
troll guards, telling us that there was someone in the tower
who knew of the gentlemen.
Upon arriving at the top of the tower we were confronted
It is clear that Lynbrooke has been a dead end. We
by an ancient fire elemental, apparently the denizen of the
continue our journey onto Feygroove.
Nights 14 & 15
While Nicolai has shown his prowess as a summoner,
Calm seas these two nights. A fresh relief from our past
capable of bringing forth mysteriose creatures of nature
nights which seemed to be far to infested by the wary and
from before the nightfall, he has also demonstrated the
misguided inhabitants of the night.
curiose ability to change forms. Taking advantage of this
now, he decided to take the form of a hawk, winging to the
Night 16
air. We wait for his return.
We have come into the harbor of Feygrove. Our ship the
Bessy was greeted by another vessel, informing us of a
It has been some time since Nicolai has left…. We
quarantine lying about the city. Apparently “the
continue to wait…
Empire’s” scouts had not returned any news of the
settlers encamped there within the last two weeks.
An hour has passed now, and Nicolai has still not
Although they do mention a group of Priests of Pelor.
returned. We feat that some misfortune has meet him.
The first good news that we have heard on this misguided
We go now to explore the orange haze, and hope for the
Despite their protests, and information that they would
not let us out of the quarantine without first searching our
ship, we decided to head into the city.
I repeat, Hafgann has been turned to ash! He stuck his
Feygrove, a lumber town was eerily silent, however a ill
head within the orange haze and was immediately affected.
meet orange haze illuminated a sphere about a large
I fear now that know what has happened to my friend
portion of the town. Realizing our mistake of not asking
Nicolai. I know not what to do…..
where the priests were located we decided to investigate the
orange haze.
Night 16 I have taken her potion and head back to the orange haze,
A strange fox has greeted me, in common none the less. but I do not trust her. I have decided to first test this
These feyfolk are strange. It has told me that my concoction on another living creature… I must find
friends are not dead, but betwitched, and that the foxes myself some woodland animal….
master, a fey by the name “Syntira” has a potion that I
can use if I wish to gain safe entry within the orange
haze. I have decided to follow the wolf, knowing not
what else to do.
Mr. Fluffy

I have found a test subject, although an unwilling one

in Mr, Fluffy. I have feed it a bit of the concoction
and tossed him into the haze. He seems unaffected, so
something of the witches story must be true.

I go now into the mists. Hopefully this journal will

Entering a hut built into a tree (How have trees grown survive the journey!
in the darkness? DAMN FEYS), Syntira has
informed me that she wants me to enter into the haze to
save the town. I know not what her game is, but she
claims to be working against the other “evil” Fey.
The Dark Carnival We have made our way into the dark woods
Passing through the mist, I have found myself in the surrounding Feygrove, only to be met by a dark dragon,
dreams of some derranged madman. A dark carnival scales of blackest midnight. Despite it’s grimacing
infested by dark creatures. It seems that the townsfolk appearance, the light of Venya was able to easily
see some sort of merryment, but where they see lollipops damage it, sending it retreating into the distance.
I see eyeballs on sticks and where they see tickets I
instead see bits of human flesh.

The “attractions” are instead sights of untemperd

horror. For instance, the test of strength wheel, is
actually some malign device to which the carnivals goes
are attached by the entrails. I must make post haste in
finding Hafgann and Nicolai.

I have found them, and what’s more is seems that

Traverson was here, at least he was within the last two
weeks. Apparently he went to meet with the Fey, right Black Dragon
at the start of this accursed carnival. We go into the
woods to see not only if he still alive, but if we can stop
this madness!
The Dark Carnival
I was not able to write in my journal much during our
journey through the carnival, but through many tough
fought battles we were able to push back the illusion
and save the towns folk.

We were able to free Traverson from an icy prison in a

block of frozen tundra. Unfortunately, the spell
appears to run further than just his physical
imprisonment, and has kept him mentally numb as well.
Syntira seems to believe that he will recover in a weeks Night 18:
time, but we have learned from the Mayor that We have set out after resting a day, in town (WE
Traverson was forced to give up his amulet to another WERE ABLE TO EAT BREAD!
Fey lord as tribute just one month before. “The REAL BREAD!), but we fear consulting with
Ragged King” as they call him, a fey who demands the townsfolk about as they might dissuade us due to
tribute of items of great personal value. It seems as if their agreement with the Fey. Hopefully this journey
our quest now lies in tracking down this Fey Lord, to to the north will prove useful
retrieve the amulet of the sun.
Night 19:
Nothing but a chille wind against the rocks and
boulders as we travel. We encounter no problems, but
the ever pressing silence of this dead and lonely land.
The Barren Rocks

Night 20:
The land makes it’s way down into a ravine surrounded
by boulders, with a feint green glow making it’s way up
from the valley’s floor. A perfect place for an ambush.
Avoiding this, we have sent Nicolai scutteling up the
boulders to try and get a better lay of the land. There
appears to be no better way down, so as a group we’ve
climbed atop the boulders, hoping to keep one step ahead
of any would be assailants.
The source of the light appears to be an ethereal well,
springing fourth in front of a grand temple. Two snake
like statues appear to the guard the front door, although
I question whether the will stay so inert as we approach.
They Fey’s Fortress
Upon taking him and his serpent statues out, we were
able to find an illusary wall within the temple. That’s
when we ran into that stupid nymph, taking a bath in a
pool of water. She has some sort of gaze that can strike
even the sternest man blind (I should know!). Well, it
worked and me and Hafgann were struck instantly!
Nicolai was somehow able to evade the effects (maybe
because he has not known a woman’s touch before?). In
either case, I was able to return our vision after a brief
rest, although at great expense of Peylor’s light from
my lantern.

Sketch of Nicolai Niclovich

Night 21: Nymph In the Water
I was struck blind by that damned bitch from the
tent of illusions at the carnival. ( I did not mention
her earlier in my journal as I did not expect to see
her again). We entered the temple and found a
gargoyle, posing as the “The Ragged King”,
although it was obvious that he was taking mental
commands from an outside source.
The Fey’s Temple:
Upon my vision returning, I have been able to
inspect the temple more closely. The ceiling is etched
with a mosaic of a former time, when the lands were
green and verdant, a forest spreading in all
directions. Although I must say, the etched runes
at the base of the remind me of something in my
studies. I can’t quite remember, but the only thing
coming to mind is a green dragon, something which I The Dragon’s Lair –Undead Green Dragon
shudder to think of further. The beast put up a great fight, but we we’re able to
Further exploring the temple, we made our way into take it down. Mid way through the fight, Hafgan
a crypt and were able to find a hidden lever after was able to reveal that the creature was undead,
some extensive searching. This unveiled a hidden dispelling an illusion surrounding the creature. The
passage, behind which we found a series of short, pool of acid beneath it was not, much to Nicolai’s
leather garbed creatures. (Almost like dwarves, but chagrin.
not as bulky and squater of frame). They made to Upon defeating the beast we we’re able to search the
attack us but we convinced them to do otherwise, rest of the complex. The dwarves confronted to us, but
explaining that we only wanted to parlay with their were unwilling to lay down their arms. Such a waste
master over the amulet. They seemed to greatly fear of life! Never before have I seen such a slaughter.
their master, but lead us in a peaceful fashion to The poor creatures fell like calves to the slaughter,
them. Only to leave us facing a GREEN although they did make mention of some master beyond
DRAGON! the dragon. We wait to see what there is to come from
this premonition.
We sit here on a pile of dreams, not our but of the
townsfolk. It seems weird to be standing in this place,
standing judgement over other’s personal life.
We delved deep into the pile, and came up lucky!
found it!

The Treasure Trove:

Crossing a heavily trapped bridge (below which the
dragon lived, clearly feasting on unwary adventurers)
we have come a treasure trove of lost memories. The It seems to be a bit dimmed from the earlier
beast that makes this his lair has acquired the most descriptions, but maybe we can restore it to it’s former
eclectic mix of lost treasures. While it is true that the glory. We made our way out from the trove before it’s
ragged king prefers to collect treasures of personal, former master could return.
rather than material value, I did not expect such an
assortment of oddoments. Upon first entering, the Night 23:
room was dominated by a taxidermied raptor, clearly We spent on night on the road, coming back from the
someone’s prized possesion. However, there also ragged king’s lair. We have decided that we need to
appears to be a large junk pile, made up of blouses, lead it’s owner away from feygrove to protect the
trousers, toys, chairs, knives and every other form of humans there and the best way to accomplish this is to
home item. bring Traverson with us in our retreat from feygrove.
Return to Feygrove
I meet a young acolyte by the name of Jebodiah. He
tells me that Traverson is the only one who has been
able to deal with the Fey. DAMN. We can’t take
him with us this means. Instead, I have collected to
Heart of the Sun
his books, hoping that they might contain some bit of
Good Domain:
Stand strong in the face of evil and Thwart it’s
We have returned the Empire’s scouts, and the
ironclads have left us pass, marking our departure
from Feygrove.
Healing Domain:
Bolster yourself and your allies in the face of
Night 24:

Hydrodaemon Strength (Resolve):

We were attacked by Protect and strengthen others, especially those
a hydrodemon aboard which cannot defend themselves
Bessy. It clearly was
after my lantern, but Sun Focus:
I know not who Destroy the abominable
summoned it.
Spread Pelor’s light far and wide
Night 25: Those wraiths left aboard seemed to take strength from
the ship and pressed the assault further. After
We have passed the old light house, where the fire ramming us, the ship disappeared beneath the waves
beast lived in the tower. Upon passing, we have once more taking cover. However after dispatching the
spotted a spectral ship, patrolling it’s shores. Small last of the specters on board, the ship did not return.
shimmering lights seem to be dancing along the shore,
slowly returning to the ship.
After dispersing the spectral sailors, we decided that
We tried to leave those shores behind, but the spectral the tower might hold some information, as we noticed it
ship spotted my lantern, and dived beneath the waves, did contain a library that we were unable to use last time
heading in our direction. We attempted evasive we were on the island.
maneuvers, but the ship had some magic about it,
letting it move about the waves as if a creature itself.

It rammed us, with it’s spectral crew flying about the

air and boarding our ship. I had to resort to channel
rays of Pelor’s light from my lantern, expending
much of the light I had collected there. Additionally,
the ship had a mind of it’s own. Ramming us through
the body of our ship, but moving through with ghostly
ease, however not without leaving it’s mark upon our
flesh. Dark tendrils of foul energy, caused each of us
a burning pain as it passed.
The Lighthouses Remains:
Looking through the bookshelves of the third floor,
we were able to find a ledger, detailing the
Coming to shore, many dead lay scattered about the
interactions of the tower with the surrounding
place. It appears as if the people here attempted to
settlements of pirates and cannibals. It seems that
defend against the spectral wraiths, but were unable to
many lantern priests were sold into slavers
beat back the onslaught and were brought low. Likely
custody, and the ports of Ironmere and Lordskeep
some sort of attempt to recruit new crews to the ghost
are primarily the places they are being brought.
ship’s fleet.
No sooner had I expressed this sentiment to my
In the entrance hall of the lighthouse, the ballista
traveling companions when a alchemically
remains armed, two troll corpses drooped across it,
enhanced skeleton came to bear upon us.
reporting the fate of the previose sentinals that stood
guard here. A reek of death fills that place, and there
is a stillness and silence to the place that doesn’t feel
right, especially so close to the ocean. It is as if these
dead stone walls make the ocean waves a little less real.
I remember the library to be located on the third floor,
which from the outside appears to be mostly intact.
We climb the old worn staircase.

The scene at the shore is repeated here, with corpses

littering the living area on the second floor. When
prodded they do not stir, suggesting final rest.
Travel plans
Night 29:
We make for Lordskeep. Those who brought Pelor
We have made landfall, on a small inslet to the south
down in the first place, must have accomplished this in
east of Lordskeep. We left the Bessy off the shore
the first place through som deviose means, however
about 100 yards. The permanent cloak of darkness
they might also know the path bywhich this foul deed
should conceal it, while we have to make use of sticks and
may be undone. If the lantern priests, such as myself,
stones to hide the dingy. I made a valiant attempt of
are being hunted down specifically, it seems that there
using some dead bushes, but Hafgann would have none
must be a reason. It may have to do with the sun’s
of it, saying that my disguise for the boat was
return, and we seek to find out. The best place to do
completely useless. Well, he can forget my help. I’ll let
this seems to be Lordskeep, as it appears to the central
him and Nicolai hide the boat, as I plot out our path to
focus of this man hunt. Hopefully we will find more
answers there than we have here.

Night 27:
The stars shine bright, guiding us by their light as we
The nights at sea pass uneventfully, although we do
embark on our overland march. I find this as a good
spot a majestic whale off the port bow. Illuminated by
omen. While certainly not the light of the Sun, even the
bioluminescent tentacles… a sign of the times….
starts speak to the power of some good force working
within the world. Hopefully we can put a stop to the
Night 28:
taking of lantern priests.
Abbeyfall burns. The crew of the ironclad did not lie
when they said they would let it burn. Still the flames
seem to lick the ground, leaving only a burned husk of
the former power. We sail on, our eyes down turned.
Bonfire In the Night
A light burns in the distance. Be it friend or foe? Night 29
Nicolai has taken the form of a bat, a rather large one, “Big Kale” and “Short Beard” . The names of the two
and has gone to scout out the source of the light. trappers we saved from the Ogres. There were others...
but unfortunately we were too late to save them…Kale
and Beard however did seem quite thankful for our
assistance, and have pointed us towards a small town up
the way known as Goblin’s Gnoll , which is apparently
is a small trading post, where goods are bartered. The
trappers have offered to take us there, and put in a good
word to the local merchants, in exchange for us saving
there lifes.

Goblin’ Spire
A bleak spit of land, poking up from a flat plane, with
Ogres! It appears that the bonfire has been lite by a metal sheets for fences erected around an approximately
group of the dumb brutes. Their great slobber rolling 100 yard stretch of land. Made up of a few communal
out in waves as the toy with some human survivors, buildings, the two points of interest are the Tavern, and
ripping them limb from limb. We must intervene. the merchants shop. Although, I must admit for such a
small town, they keep a well stocked merchant. We
spend the night here, but in the morning we move onto
Night 31:
The raggedy king descended upon us! HE had Nicolai
tricked. Dominated by some damn sorcery. We weren’t
expecting a thing. Nicolai told us about some ritual he
had to do in the city, and took us to the Northern
Ramparts. Ritual my ass! He sold us out!
We were waiting for him to complete his ritual when a
damn fireball came raining down on our head. Through a
quick series of manuevers we were able to get off the
ramaprts and under the city, but not before knocking out
the traitor Nicolai, and leaving him to his fait.

We have made our way through the city, and taken

refuge in a still standing mansion (now deserted), but
we pray that the sick son of a bitch that sent us here
can’t find us! In the passages below the city, we meet
another man of the name of Victor, but I don’t like the
cut of his sail.
Msked Robed Woman
-Crazy, which everyone thought was crazy

Victor turned out to be a slaving bastard. Damn his

kind! We have knocked him unconciouse as he went
to make a move against us, and have left him in the
mansion where we spent the night. We have moved on
from there, only to find another “escaped slave”
although this one seems to actually be believable. We
had to fight a pair of Fiendish creatures to free him,
Slaver Fiends but it has been well worth the information.
Apparently the sorceress who slay Harvey is in the
area. We move to exact our revenge.
The Library Into The Depths
It seems that the Harbingers of Abadon have This has been one hell of a shit show. Sure we
made their residence inside an old run down made out way into the building, but MY
library. According to Hadrian, our new GOD DOES NOT ONE THING
companion, they have a large network of tunnels FOLLOW ANOTHER.! We tried to
beneath the building. There he was raised from make a stealthy entry, but that boy Hadrian
birth to compete in gladiatorial combat. While has not one lick of wit about him. No sooner had
he knows little of the overland structure, having we fooled one of the guards to let us enter (a
been raised below ground, he says that there are cacodemon by my guess), then another group
some collapsed segments that may be open. As I was set against us.
stand now, I look down the streets at the Lacrodaemons,
ominous edifice of the building, erected in a Fiendishly quick creatures, much roguelike in
cubist style around a scorched central garden. nature. They wept bitter sweet tears of acid,
From where I stand I see no posted guards, but burning through rock, flesh and bone whereever
just because don’t see them, doesn’t mean that it touched, Luckly,I was deft enough not to be
they are not there. We press our luck I guess. damaged overly much by them.
It has held with us so far. I would offer a
prayer, but I fear that Pelor may not be there to After quickly dispatching them and their ilk, it
listen. was clear that our cover was blown, so we made
utmost haste to the central building in the
Undead Dino Troubles
It appears that we were not the only ones
interested in making entry to the building. No
sooner then when we had made our way to the
central hall, then we heard some other commotion
arise from the outside Gardens. Clearly
someone else was making a raid on the

The Raggedy king had tracked us down! And

he had sent an undead Nicolai against

Retreating from the

creature we fled, deeping
into the complex….deeper
into madness. For what lay
beneath was more summoning
wheels, clearly meant to
bring forth more daemons.
Retreating further into the complex, we
encountered a great many demons and cultsits,
who had been upon summoning the demons,
working great magics to bind them to their will.
We of course could have none of this, so we
disrupted their dark work.Upon release, the
demons worked madness, felling the cultists,
and wrecking havoc upon the place. All the
while, we were pursued by the great undead
beast that the now disentombed Nicolai had
brought with him.

What happened in the depths of

Lordskeep, I will not speak of but to say
that some great evil was brought into this
world by the cultists…. I shudder to
think on it.
Night 33:
We are still reeling from the events beneath
Lordskeep, but suffice it to say that Me,
Hafgann, and our new companion Hadrian
made it safely from the fort. We have disrupted
the cultsit’s immediate plans there, but in turn
may have also brought a great evil into the world.
Only time will tell what to make of this. It
appears that the remainder of the cultsits have
made their way to whitefort, where they are using
the lantern priests for some malign purpose
beyond my ken.

Hadrian has decided to travel with us. A

curious boy. He knows nothing of the world
beyond the fighting pits. Which makes him a To beat the cultists at their own game, we
good help in battle, but we will see how he takes to have decided to use a teleportation scroll,
life outside of the blood pools. making it to whitefort far before he
cultsts would get a chance to deliver the
lanterns there.
Night 34- The Broken Dam: The Burnt Scroll:
We have uncovered that the cultsits are Hafgan is dead. It was a trap. No sooner had he
operating out of a dam north/northwest of made his way up the dam than a demon attacked.
white fort. We have approached the dam with DAMN THESE OLD BONES. If
caution, hoping to catch the cultists by I had been any quicker I might have been able to
surprise. get to him in time, but no dammit. This cruel
Hafgann has gone ahead to scout the world couldn’t even leave me that. I tried my best
premises. As he can turn invisible through to mount the ladder, but the demon was too quick,
some magics, he should serve as a good scout. and Hafgann was caught unawares. I was
unable to save him……
I can’t do this anymore. Not without
Hafgan. I had hope. I had thought tat
perhaps we might be able to bring the sun Lantern of Hope
back to his broken world, but I was
clearly wrong. Nothing can be further
from the trurth. I see now that we were
only deluding ourselves. What hope is
there when demons are brought to bare,
and even the forces of good are stopped
dead in their tracks. No better to do what
little I can while I still walk on this
earth than ever to hope that one day my
eyes might be graced once more by Pelor’s

So ends this journal… not with a bang,

but with whimper. Pelor is dead and
there is no use ignoring that fact

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