Letter To Judge PDF
Letter To Judge PDF
Letter To Judge PDF
Q czfi
1041 0 Canary Isle Drive eon 'f`Ii~f'a
Tampa, FL 33647 cu gg
October 28, 201 8
33 mo. 1$0
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Honorable Judge Christopher C. Nash 9). -:1
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My name is Laurie Manti, RN a practicing recovery room nurse at Tampa Bay Surgery Center in
Carroll wood FL. I am the victim, Phil Manzi's, mother. I have been married to Phi1's father
(Phil Manti Sr) for 25 years and We have 4 children together. We consider ourselves good
people and try to make a positive contribution to society and the world. My family is requesting
the maximum sentence for George Chronister for this evil and monstrous act.
George Chronister premeditating the attack. He openly admitted bringing a knife that night to do
harm in order to avoid being humiliated or embarrassed on social media.He was more concerned
with his image on his social media than human life. He wears this assault as if it were a badge.
He's proud of it. He is not the least bit remorseful or sorry. George Chronister even had the
audacity to make a song titled "Slash Yo Face". It's currently on iTunes here:
https://youtu.be/zU2PIG8TNis This is sociopathic behavior. George Chronister is a danger to
society and if lilt unpunished will harm someone else. I ask the court to send a severe and clear
message to all the wannabe rap stars that think this violence is admirable.
We further request that George Chronister be incarcerated immediately following this sentence
to protect our son and family from further harm. George Chronister is in possession of firearms.
My family has lived with stress and fear for our safety. He has posted other videos threatening
my family on https://youtu.be/sygd507PKDO. My son has received several death threats Bom
George Chronister's followers due to the continued social media posts bragging about the
violence and calling Phil a snitch.
George Chronister has openly enjoyed being in the limelight due to the publicity of this case. He
believes a light sentence will boost his street crud and promote his music career. This is
disgraceful. He has bragged about scarring my son, nearly taking out an eye. My son will wear
Honorable Judge Christopher C. Nash
October 28, 2018
Page 2
this scar for life. He is both physically scarred and emotionally scarred for life. Phil has been
depressed and withdrawn from his family as a result of this assault.
We have faith in the justice system and request justice for our family. It is our hope that your
decision will lend closure to this horrific event and allow our family to heal.
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Laurie Manti
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