______________________1. It studies the behaviour of a given population and its relationship to the group’s social
______________________2. The findings of pure sociological research may be applied to such various fields.
______________________3. It concerned with the human activities related to the production, consumption, ad
distribution of goods and services.
______________________4. This field is concerned with population count, composition, change and quality as they
influenced the economic, political and social systems and vice versa.
______________________5. This includes the investigation of social groups, social institutions, social stratification and
______________________6. This field is concerned with the study of human nature as the outcome of the group life.
______________________7. This field is concerned with the political processes, power struggle and governments.
______________________8. It is a person’s social heritage
______________________9. It is an in integral part and human culture cannot exist without it.
______________________10. Embody people’s perception of reality and includes the primitive ideas.
______________________11. Are systems of rewards and punishment.
______________________12. It formalized norms and enacted by people.
______________________13. Are commonly known as the customs, traditions, and conventions of society.
______________________14. They are social norms associated with strong feelings about what is right and what is true.
______________________15. It will be accumulated through experience, study or investigations.
______________________16. Are the culture traits, complexes and patterns shared among all members of a given
______________________17. It is concerned with the pursuit of knowledge.
______________________18. It focuses on the search for solutions to practical problems.
______________________19. A social science covers physical, cultural and social.
______________________20. It is interested I a wide range of psychological and behavioural processes.
Explain how pure science and applied science differ from each other?
Explain the difference between ethnocentrism and xenocentrism?
How important is the language to a culture?