Tiny Talk Songbook

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The document outlines a scope and sequence for teaching handwriting and composition skills. It covers different handwriting joins and includes practice exercises for skills like punctuation, rhyming, and storytelling.

The different units covered include introducing different handwriting joins, capital letters, punctuation, rhyming, telling stories, and writing information. It also includes practice patterns for handwriting.

Some of the skills taught in the units include practicing different handwriting joins, alphabetical order, punctuation, rhyming phrases, telling stories, and writing facts.


Louis Fidge

-- ~ ....~
Scope and Sequence

Unit 1 The alphabet

Skill s alphabetical order; formation of lower case letters in letter
families accordmg their formation or features

Uni t 2 Introducing the first join

Skills Introducing the fi rst Join using eve words with short medial 'i'
Unit 3 Practising the first join
Skills practismg the first join, using eve words with short medial 'e' and

Unit 4 Practising the first join w ith 's'

Skills practising the first join with simple words beginning or ending

Unit 5 Int roducing the second join

Sk ills introducing the second join using single-syllable words with final

Unit 6 Practising the second join

Skills practising the second join using sing le-syllable words end ing with

Unit 7 More practice of the second join

Skills practising the second join using single-syllable words containing
the digraphs 'ch' and 'sh'

Unit 8 Introducing t he third joi n

Skills introducing the third join using eve words with short medial 'a'
and longer phrases

Unit 9 Practising t he th ird join

Skills practising the third join, word-build ing, using eve words with
sho rt medial 'a'; and '00' and '00' words

Unit 10 More practice of th e third jo in

Skill s pr actising the third join using simple words and rhyming sentences

Unit 11 Introduci ng the fourth joi n

Skill s introduci ng the fourth Join; word-building, using 'old' and 'or'

Unit 12 Pract ising th e f ourt h jo in

Sk ill s pr actising he fourth jo in; using words and sentences containing
'ow' and 'ir' letter patterns

Un it 13 M r iroct« of t h f ourth j o in
Skills p rnc I r I Jll~ Inl IU ,r j I' I rant bl nd
InCI (ling f

Unit 14 lntrodur Inc e bre ak let t ers

Skills U,>I ~ (J nc'c n9 th br lk Ie t--rs ' b ', 'g ', 'j', 'p', Q', 'x' , 'v'
ond :

Unit 15 Ca p ital len r

Skill" IJ ucuvrnq coo ( , I~ f­ (or (x\ of proper nouns

Un it 16 Punctuatio n
Sk i lis oroctisin t n I J t ounr turruon uvrues II volvrnq
w riting" f , I 0 (Pi a letters and full "tops

Unit 17 Rhymes
Skill s p ract ising hon ,or t n hrc IfJl rhyming phroses and sentences

Unit 18 Telling a star,

Ski lls procu 1119 r)" I t nee s quenor-o o tp/l u
strnpl • r

Unit 19 Writ ing tnf rma 101

Sk Ills proctrs.nq hor , I It tuol

Unit 20 Handwriting patterns

Skills handwritir 9 p t (IS 0 nr o iroqe and supr r r flood 11 I
control ond movernen <, t t l I 0 e CJO d Jr I " ( m.q S
Teacher's Notes ­

Introduction to the series

Each book in the series offers structured support in helping chi ldren write for many di fferent
pu rposes. Throughout the series chi ldren encounter fiction, po etry and non-fiction texts . The
books ore carefully grad ed and ore incrementol In difiicul ty . The books provide a valua ble
complement to any other resou rces or senes curr ent ly being used.

The activit ies

This book IS designed to int roduce joined vmt tng ond to deve lop some essential writing skills.
Writing is taught in meoningfu l conte xts, in wr it ing wo rds, phrases and sentences . The book also
supports the deve lopment of phon ic and spell ing skills. D velop ing a fluent, legible style of
handwriting is encouraged throughout the rest of the series. The oct ivities, especially from Book
3 on. support the development of essential compositional writing and punctuation skills.

The Skills Scope and Sequence Chart

The 'Skills Scope and Sequence Chart' (on pages ii and iii) provides on immediate overv iew of the
textbook and the skills being devel oped. This chart is very helpful fo r planning purposes .

Using th e books
To gain maximum benefit from the textbook, it is suggest ed that it IS used systematically,
work ing through each unit one at a time. in th e given order . However, the books may also be
used flexibly, selecting un its as desired to complement other work being done in cross,

Tackling the units in this textbook

It is suggested thot pr ior to work ing on any un it th ere is adequate discussion with the pupils to
ensure they fully understand what is required of t hem and can ga in maximum benefit from each
activity. The instructions.on each pag e are kept to a min imum. Read them to and with your class,
poi nting to the words and explaining unfamiliar vocabulary as you do so if necessary.

When a new join is introduced it is don e so t hrou gh a I tter pattern morked w ith a starting point
and directional arrows. Encourage t he childre n ta pay care f ul attention to these as they w ill help
them develop good writing hab its and learn t he f our basic Joins requ ired fo r successful jo ined
writing .

Tackling the related activities

The accompanyin activities are always divided int o two types : a 'Now try this' section and a
' Next steps...' section . The ' Now try this ' section encourage th e chil d to practise the skill
int roduced at the beginning of the un it. The 'Next steps.. .' sect ion encourages the child to build
on t his, and offer slightly mo re challenging activities. Each un it has on accompanying copymaster
in the Teacher's Book. wh ich supports or comp lements t he work done in the uni t .

Teaching eatures of the books

Units of work

There ore 20 double-page units of work . Each unit IS structured In t he some wa y i.e. a 'Focus'

secti on. introducing a skill, fo llowed by two di fferent levels of activ ities .

Focus Unit numb r Next st eps ...

Introduces new and title Further procuce, with
handwrit in g S 111 ­ more challenging
to be read and activit ies
discussed as a d oss
/ J

I Un" 2
Introducing the f irst join

Th t are f CMH boUt' Jotn ' In hQrtdwfn nq

H r~ ' or' e ..om • I f irs kOtn

" won:h Wn t t .-,OC"d'I you mat .



Now try th is Copymaster activi ty

Practises skill int roduced (in Teacher's Book)
in Focus section Suppo rts or
co p ie en t s work
cooe ., ..In! "


Sco pe and sequence II
Introduction IV

U it 1 The alphabet 2
Unit 2 Introducing the f irst join 4
Unit 3 Practising t he f irst join 6
Unit 4 Practising the fi rst join w ith 5 8
Un it 5 Introducing the second join 10
Unit 6 Practising the second join 12
Unit 7 More practice of the second j oin 14
Unit 8 Introducing the th ird join 16
Unit 9 Pract ising the third join 18
Unit 10 M ore practice of the third join 20
Unit 11 Introducing the fourth join 22
Unit 12 Practising t he fourth join 24
Unit 13 More practice of t he fourth join 26
Unit 14 lnt ro duci g brea k letters 28
Unit 15 Capitol letters 30
Unit 16 Punctuation 32
Unit 17 Rhymes 34
Unit 18 Telling a story 36
Unit 19 Writing information 38
Unit 20 Handwriting patterns 40

The alphabet

us - ­
The alphabet may be written in capital or small

- - .- ­ .
~­ ...

- - --­ --­ - --­ -

- .­ -T~""--'----''---'-­ ~ . . - -

- .. .- - ­
. ­ - -
--.-­ ~

• - - - - - - 1t - - - • • - - - - r - - - - - - - ... -

• Copy t he alphabet caretully.

~--"" • Make sure all the letters a re I
(-> ~ , I the Co r ect shape and size.
~ ~ '-"J
c ? ~::. ~
Stad eac h letter in t e
~. L correct place~ _

... .


1 Copy these sets of letters.

Each set is formed in a different way.

1 _~ _ 2
- - - --

4 __ _
- -- - --'---­

-. . -

--- ­

-­ - -~.----

Unit 2

Introducing the first join

There are four basic joins in handwriting .

Here is an example of the first join.
• Trace over this shape
with your finger.

• Feel how you maKe
the first join.

Write each word twice.

~- -

ex teps ...
1 Make some words. Copy the words.

! ­


2 Make some words. Write the words you make.

~ .,

Unit 3

Practising the first join

o U
Here are some more words containing th e first join.
Trace over each word with your finger.

ow ry
Copy these words.



1 Copy these rhymes

2 Choose the correct word for each picture. Copy

the word.

-­ ~


Practising the first join with s

Fa us - ­
This word has s This word has s
at the beg inning. at the end
n o
.. S ;{/

Trace over the words with you r fi nger.

Copy these words.

__ -L _-,",,'_ _
'0 .~ .
.\ .

. ~ -- - _ .
Nex s ••

1 Copy these words

2 Copy these words. Write the missing words.

Unit 5

Introducing the second join

Focus - ­
There are four basic joins in handwriting.
Here is an examp le of the second join.

• Trace over the shape I

with your finger. J
; , ".-,.~ l
• Feel how you rnake
~ . -·':~t . the second join. . .­
; c ~ --~ /~-
~ \....I ~-::---/


Copy each word twice.

1 Make some words Copy the words.

2 Make some words. Write the words you make.

1/( f



Unit 6
Practising the second join
Fo u
Here are some more w ords cont aining the second join.
Trace over the wo rds with your fi nger.

--- . ...­
ff - - t..... a.­

... _--­
.. _--_
....... _...-. ­
_ . _--"-­

... _. .

Copy these words.

.... __ .
- -~

--- \
- - -v/
ext 5 e 5 •

1 Copy this rhyme.

2 Choose the correct word for each picture.

Copy the word.

{fb ---,--­

Uni 7

More practice of the second join

Focus - ­
Here are some more words containing the second join.

Trace over the words with your finger.

Now try his - -­

Copy these words.

. 4fJ\~J
~ \l\

- -~~-
xt ps ..
1 Copy these sentences.

.(I ....,oJP~ ~
. ... / '
~ I


2 Write the correct word for each pictureo

• •
1 2 3

\) ~~
5 ,..-"" 6
Unit 8

Introducing the third join

o s -­
There are four basic joins in handwriting.
Here is an example of the third join.

• Trace over this shape

with your finger.
• Feel how you make
l the third join.
.......- -----,

Copy these words.


<:0 - -

- ..


Next steps ...

1 Make some words. Copy the words.

- - c­

- ~ --

r ­

2 Make some words. Write the words you make .

\ ~
(\.:.JJ r
' - _ _- - - - I


Unit 9

Practising the third join

Here are some more words containing the third join.
Trace over the words with your finger.

Now ry his - ­
Copy these words.

..,. I..­
. 1
~ -..II
~ ) n -~
Ij ~
• C ;

--- - ---

1 Copy these rhymes. ,~. I ; 11111/fll/lllll

--~--~~~~f I ()
__A ~' ~ ~~~_i L •

----- -- - - --

- - - - -- - -- -
2 Choose the correct word for each picture.

a ~:'L. ~

~ ~


- - --_-r--"
Unit 10

More pract ice of the thi rd join

Focus ­
Here are som e more words containing the third join.

Trace over t he words with your finger.

ow try h·s­

Copy these words.


e ••

2 Copy these rhymes. Write the missing words.

Unit 1

ntroducinq the fourth join

There are four basic joins in handwriting.

Here is an example of the fourth join.
I • Trace over this shape
I with your finger.
• Feel how you make
I I~.-
the fourth join. ,.J) q "\

c ~ /1

G "

Copy these words.

• 6


1 Make some words. Copy the words.

[ -­

2 Make some words. Write the words you make.

-- ---'

l_ L
Practising the fourth join

Here are some more words containing the f o urth join .
Trace over the words with your finge r.

Now ry thi .
Copy these words.

N xt ste s ...
1 Copy the sentence.

2 Write a sentence about each picture.


~ 25
Unit 3

More practice of the fourth join

Here are some more words containing the fourth join.

Trace over the words with your finger.

. --­
- - ~'-..:
:,- -A­
--. ....-

Copy these words.

'. ­
..,. ~

- ..... '

--r--"'-' ­

.- .. .... .~



1 Copy this sentence.

- - - r - . . - - . - r - ------.......----~ - ­

- - ----- -

2 Match the opposites. Write the pairs of words.

i= - - ­
1-----­ \
----..­ - \
I I_
I I ---I

\ I
\ I
I l ~
------ -- I
, ­ - - - r-
- I
I ".

_ _ .J

Unit 14

Introducing break let ers

Focus -
LooK at these words.
Can you see that some
letters are not joined up?

We never make a join

after these letters.

Now try this ­

Copy these words.


ex 5 e •

2 Write the correct word for each picture.

-­ -­ - - - - - -..
• •

5 6

/ /'~
..':,=,,-:- •• ,

\ [\
.... U

Unit 1

Capital letters
~ --
- -----.
( • Begin the narnes of people
with capital letters.


~\.!~ .' Never join up capital letters. .

\2 /'
(ci1 f:
V f~/
»> - --- - - -


2 Write the names of these people in alphabetical

Unit 16


Focus - ­
• Every sentence must begin
with a capital letter.
• Many sentences end with a I
full stop . )

--------~-- ­
- ~ - - ­

r h
Copy the sentences. Remember to begin each sentence
with a capital letter and end it with a full stop.

- - -- ~

- - ....

..J _ _
!- ­


ex ste 5 . .

1 Write each sentence. Begin it with a capital letter

and finish it with a full stop.

2 Write a sentence
about each picture.

W~)J -- ..
~! :- ,;=
Unit 17


s e

1 Copy this rhyme.

2 Copy these rhym ing sentences. Write the missing


l ___~I
Unit 18

Telling a story
Focus ­
A story has:
a beginning a middle an endi ng

Tell this story in your own words.

ow ry his­
Copy this story.


1 Copy these sentences. Choose the correct ending

for each sentence.

2 Write the sentences in the correct order to tell the

Unit 9

Writing information

Sometimes we have to write facts . Facts tell us more

about someth ing .

--­ --~
_ -'- _. ­

01IftI r -­ -

- - - - - - - ---.l1fJL - .-- ­
-- ---,..- ­

Copy these sentences.

. r;::-.~
ClO ~
., -'

(h I L/ (.-
. e"
~ _ . \ Ie.. ~
·if U
~ h _ _-::., _


---- -


1 Copy these sentences. Write the missing word s.

2 Match the beginning of each sentence to the

correct endi rite each sentence correctly.

tth liU
,lJW.. -~
Unit 20

Handwriting patterns
Focus - - ­

• Practise handwriting patterns.

• They help you write and join )

letters more eas ily.

• Why not use

different colours?
o Y hi
Copy these patterns several times.



Next steps ...

1 Copy these patterns several times.

~ - /

4 1

2 Draw some patterns of your own. Try some of

these first.


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