My Brain Hurts
My Brain Hurts
My Brain Hurts
We must help By:
Simon Silvester
tel: +44 20 7611 6356
understand For new business enquiries, please
technology better. contact:
Yossi Schwartz
tel: +27 11 797 6314
If we do not, the
Helen Kimber
digital revolution will
tel: +44 20 7611 6750
For press enquiries, please contact:
Bernard Barnett
Our jobs, house ‘The new net boom’ announces Fortune.
tel: +44 20 7611 6425
prices, pensions, the In California, venture capital is flowing.
future of our nations The emailable version of this document is
After five years in the doldrums, tech is back.
And remember how things ended in 1999/2000.
When a trillion dollars of technical development crashed
into a mountain of user indifference, and tech entered a
Millions of people lost their jobs and their pensions.
And it could happen again.
How could it happen?
Digital technology gets twice as powerful every eighteen Lest we forget the
months. 2000/1 dotcom
And it’s predicted to keep doing so for the next two
No industrial change in history has happened as fast as
today’s digital revolution.
As this happens, we tend to forget that there is one part
of the digital world that hasn’t gotten any more powerful.
Not just in the past few years. But in the past ten
The mind of its user.
Strain on the brain
Each year, consumers are presented with new, more
complex digital products and services.
But each year, their ability to understand them does not
Twenty years ago, a phone was a simple device, with one In 1980, televisions had
dial. a few buttons and a
volume knob. No longer.
Many of today’s phones are packed with complex, badly
understood functions.
The human mind’s inability to assimilate technology is
the dark secret of the tech industry:
• Research by consumer electronics manufacturers
reveals that consumers never touch most of the
buttons on the remote controls in their living rooms.
• Washing machine manufacturers report that however
many programs they build into their washing What does the button with two circles on it What exactly does ‘chaos defrost’ do?
machines, consumers rarely use more than two of do?
• Software companies keep building extra commands
into their programs, but quietly concede that
consumers refuse to use more than a small fraction.
• Banks offer a wide choice of funds in online
investment supermarkets, but find that most people
don’t even browse beyond the basic options.
The consumer simply doesn’t use most of what In the 21st century, you
technologically advanced companies build into their need a degree in rocket
products. science just to iron a
The consumer holds things back for decades
The inability of consumers to understand a piece of
technology can hold it back not just for years but for
Today, consumers marvel at how they can collect shows What do ‘SysRq’ and ‘Scroll Lock’ mean? Digital devices can get twice as fast - or as
confusing - every eighteen months.
only use a
couple of on their digital video recorder (like TiVo or Sky+) to play
buttons on back later.
their remote
TV schedules no longer dictate how they use their
leisure time, and they love the freedom.
But this isn’t the first time digital technology has made
this promise.
It was already promising time-shift viewing back in 1980
with the invention of the video cassette recorder.
It’s just that no one over fourteen could program a VCR
to record the right channel at the right time.
It took twenty-five years for the electronics industry to
design a time-shift viewing device that ordinary
consumers could actually use.
This pattern is repeated in many other industries.
It is thus the pace of consumer comprehension, not the
pace of technological change, that will determine the
Even teens have litte idea pace of the digital revolution.
what most of the buttons
on their phones, Consumers struggle with new concepts too
computers and Consumer confusion also slows the introduction of new
audiovisual equipment do. technological concepts.
Sure, consumers can tell you they prefer HDTV to
ordinary TV, but when it comes to evaluating really new
technological ideas, they struggle:
• When the telephone was first invented, many of its
early users thought its main use would be to
broadcast orchestral concerts.
• When email first became popular in the mid 1990s,
many CEOs responded by putting an email terminal in
their telex room*.
• When television first arrived, early viewers thought its
Even since the beginning of the century, digital technology has sped up dramatically.
Computer chip speeds are already ten times faster. Download speeds are already thirty
8 * Telex was a key business telecommunication system before the arrival of fax. Y&R ADVERTISING
times faster.
biggest audiences would go to the newsreels they Time for a change
had seen in the movie theater, not to game shows. This booklet challenges the way tech companies
1010 TRANSISTORS do things.
• And as Henry Ford put it in 1910, ‘if I’d asked my
customers what they’d wanted, they’d have asked SCALE It argues that they should put the consumer first,
for a faster horse.’ not last.
The consumer absorbs new technological concepts 106 It uses Y&R’s intensive program of qualitative and
Since the internet bubble burst in
slowly, and with difficulty. 105 quantitative research, consumer observation and 1999/2000, technology hasn’t
104 analysis to set out some of the keys to successful stopped advancing.
Even young consumers struggle 103 communication. Many digital devices are now ten
‘Don’t worry about complexity’ say some tech times better than they were then:
SOURCE: INTEL None are intuitive.
companies, ‘we’re targeting digitally literate 17 year 2000 2006
olds.’ 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Few are reflected in current marketing thinking on
the web, in consumer electronics or in telecoms. Typical 300KHz 2000KHz
The keys reflect the ways in which humans have speed
Young people may absorb tech concepts faster than TECHNOLOGY GETS BETTER
responded to technological advance since time
old people over 30, but they still struggle with how to FAST Typical home 56Kbps 2000Kbps
immemorial. download
make things work. If a technology is digital, that technology speed
obeys Moore’s Law. As such, they risk being ridiculed by those within
• Y&R’s qualitative research has yet to find a Typical number 22 22
the technology community who regard any solution
teenager who knows what all the buttons on their Moore’s Law, first proposed by Gordon of peanuts in a
Moore of Intel back in 1968, states that that is more than six months old as being out of Snickers*
phone do. the number of transistors on a silicon date. * control
• Few can explain even a quarter of the functions of chip, and therefore the speed and
abilities of computers double every two But the eternal is eternal for a reason.
their parents’ DVD, TV or VCR. years – since revised down to every
eighteen months. And genuine marketing insights are no more abundant
• And Virgin mobile phones sell because they have
today than they were in the dotcom boom.
the only pricing plan 17 year olds (or anyone else) Chips have obeyed that law for the past
can understand. thirty-five years – and show all the signs Without an understanding of their consumer,
of continuing to do so for the next twenty.
technologies will struggle.
Even amongst young people, it is the pace of Put simply, anything digital can get twice
consumer comprehension, not the pace of as good, or as fast - or as unintelligible - The companies responsible for them will stumble, and
technological change, that will determine the pace of every eighteen months. industries will die.
the digital revolution. And they will do so however good their engineers,
But the tech industry has failed to acknowledge this. however smart their manufacturing - and however much
money they spend on their marketing.
It needs to rethink its attitude towards its consumers
and do so fast.
need to
work across
cultures: The
1967 worldwide
media frenzy
around black holes
was subdued in France
because ‘trou noir’ was French
slang at the time for ‘asshole’.
‘When I listen to music, I like to hum along
and tap my feet’, they told him. ‘If other
people can’t hear the music I’m doing it
to, they’ll think I’m a psycho.’
Simplicity acts like a
To communicate the idea, he needed a product
missile into the
that could be understood in one way only. consumer
And that meant it had to have one function only. The consciousness.
record button and radio had to go.
As a result, picture messaging failed in 2002/3. So
Compare that with the previous great mobile messaging So make sure your technology works before you market
technology, the SMS text: it:
• Mobile service providers didn’t advertise SMS, as • Is the home wireless network ready for the mass
they saw it as a competitor to their lucrative voice consumer market yet? Most routers require a PhD in
calls. computing to set them up.
• As a result, text messaging grew organically. • Internet telephony is also not quite ready for the
ordinary consumer. Congratulations to Skype, who
• Young people checked whether their friends had 2G When home networks break
are continuing to allow their service to spread virally, down, how do you fix them?
phones or not, and only sent texts to those who did.
rather than pushing it at an unprepared mass market.
• As compatibility grew in the mid 90s, text messaging
Networking computers • We’re still waiting for it – the video editing application
exploded all over Europe, Africa and Asia, with together can still stump for the common man.
billions of messages a year being sent by 1996. even the geekiest of
• Within a few years, texting was providing a new consumers.
revenue stream of 7% of revenue for mobile service
Picture messaging failed, despite hundreds of millions of
dollars of marketing because it wasn’t ready. Text
messaging succeeded, despite any
marketing, because it was ready.
Technology producers need to think
Sites like eBay and
further about this, making sure their Craigslist are hitting
technology is ready before they set newspaper classifeds
out to market it. hard in the US.
Before a technology is ready, no In Russia though, lower
computer ownership
amount of marketing will make it means that classified
happen. advertising is still going
Afterwards, not even silence can strong.
stop it.
Mobile phones which read barcodes on the bottom of ads will shortly be the wonder of the West.
But they are already taken for granted in Japan.
Companies need to tune their offer to these successive
waves of less and less techy consumers. As time goes
on their marketing has to get more basic, not more
• Online banking portals worked fine for their first
users in the 90s. But the sort of people who are
trying online banking for the first time now aren’t that
comfortable with software interfaces. They need to be
simplified to cope.
• Similarly with microwave ovens. They worked fine Mainstreamers are different:
when they were bought by tech-savvy early-adopter In the early days of video in the
housewives in the 1990s. But now they’re 1970s, cash-strapped mainstreamers
mainstream. Brief to microwave designers: come up plugged their new VCR into their old
TV set.
with a microwave as idiot-proof as a regular oven. And the real benefit of a VCR to them
• Vodafone are currently marketing simplified-interface was that they could, for the first time
mobile phones aimed at mainstream people over in their lives, experience the luxury of
changing channel without getting out
forty. Could such an approach pay off in the digital
of their armchair.
camera market too?
‘Store hours of TV’. It’s not enough to persuade non-
owners to buy.
• is attracting a lot of people who
want to share the movies they’ve made with
their webcam or MP4 recorder. But it has not
yet defined how non movie-makers should use
its site. They need to sell the ‘YouTube evening’ 7. THE SECOND GENERATION USES
as a more compelling alternative to TV.
• Camcorders are getting smaller and more robust. DIFFERENTLY
Congratulations to Samsung on positioning their
latest tiny camcorders as extreme sports recording The true impact of
Extreme sports
technology on a society may
Cooool. take a generation.
When mobile phones first became popular in the early
nineties, the first generation of consumers to use them
found they were a very useful part of their social lives.
If they were late for a dinner appointment, they could call
their friends and apologise from their car.
If they made a mistake in an arrangement, they could
call the other person and find them.
The second generation are different
But the next generation to use them do so differently.
They no longer make plans in advance, because they
don’t need to. They know that all their friends can be
contacted at any time because they all have mobile
phones with them.
And so they just arrange their evening by phone on the
Watch the way the second generation use technology
for the way it will really impact the world:
• Current TiVo users still do most of their viewing live,
And singer Sandi Thom made it through Today, savvy record companies use CDs as a
webcasts. medium for selling ringtones.
as they have TV schedules etched into
their brains.
But no one will remember TV schedules if
they don’t have to. And so the next
generation are likely to use their TiVos
differently, collecting most of their viewing
to watch when they want. Classical ad
industry watch out.
• Current drivers use satnav as an aid to the
mental maps they already have in their
heads. But who will bother to memorise a
map if they don’t need to?
Expect the next
generation of motorists to THROUGH DOING
be completely lost when
Like the generation of schoolkids who forgot how to their satnav breaks down. Every tech device or service today comes with an
add one and one to get two because they were
instruction manual, which can be up to five centimetres
allowed calculators in their math exams, expect the
next generation of motorists to be completely lost
when their satnav breaks down. Tech manuals are so incomprehensible that some
manufacturers pray silently that someone will write a ‘for
Dummies’ book to explain how to use their new device.
But the problem goes beyond this.
Observations show that most consumers never read the
instruction book, no matter how well written.
The only way most consumers learn is by handling a Instructions for using
payphones in South Africa
device and trying to make it work. The only way most are visual, because South
consumers learn is by doing. Africans speak eleven
‘Plug and play’ was therefore never a manufacturer different languages. Other
telecoms companies could
strategy. It is just a consumer reality. learn from this.
mode for use by forgetful owners would also be
• And not just in audiovisual equipment - a demo mode
would be massively helpful in office phone systems
• The latest camcorders have ‘easy’ mode buttons that
allow users who have never read the manual to use
them. More consumer electronics devices, from 9. PRICE DICTATES PERCEPTION
satellite receivers to microwave ovens need such a
Consumers value things
according to their price.
‘If the car had developed at the same speed as the
computer’, say Silicon Valley geeks, ‘Today you’d be
driving from Los Angeles to New York in under four
minutes. And the car would cost you less than twenty
The boast reflects the flipside of Moore’s Law: that
digital technology tends to halve in price every couple of
years or so, and keep doing so for decades:
• $3000 plasma panels from 2003 sell for $500 today
in 2006.
• $1000 camcorders from 2003 now sell for $300.
• $300 DVD players from 2002 now sell for less than
As PCs become cheaper, they are
the cost of the cable that connects them to the TV.
increasingly being sold by hard
Coping with such price falls, and resulting changes in discount food outlets.
consumer expectations and perceptions are amongst
the most difficult issues in tech marketing:
• Consumers who bought a state-of-the-art computer
The speed of falling prices are of massive importance
to any tech based marketer:
• Lexus built its reputation around the many
electronic devices and features which were
fitted as standard in its vehicles. Today though, Airtime is so
cheap in 2006
the cost of these features has fallen dramatically, and
that mobile phone
many are now fitted as standard on mid range companies can
saloons. Lexus needs to develop new reputations – offer free airtime to
and to do so fast. couples without risk.
75% of the cost of running a newspaper lies in its distribution: printing, delivering and chopping down trees.
Digitization is allowing newspaper proprietors to cut all of these costs - but the indications are that
consumers value news they receive for free less.
• As average voice revenue per user continues to fall
for mobile phone companies, they need to encourage ‘Talk for hours,
people to spend more time on the phone. Young
women already rate their boyfriends by how not minutes.’
frequently they call and text them; Perhaps marketers
should start to suggest to them that the ultimate sign HUTCHINSON WHAMPOA
of commitment is the always-on relationship – where ‘3’ MOBILE PHONE AD
an (exceptionally besotted) couple agree to sleep,
eat and work with an always-on phone connection
between them.
• ‘Information wants to be free’, said internet Consumers place little value
visionaries in the nineties. They may as well have said on things they can’t see.
‘Information wants to be worthless.’
When Karl Benz’s first automobile hit the roads in 1889,
people called it ‘the horseless carriage’. Every previous
form of road transportation they had seen had horses in
front. The striking thing about this one was that it didn’t.
Similarly when the radio first appeared. Unlike
gramophones and telephones, it had no wires attached.
So people called it the ‘wireless’.
But the names didn’t last.
After a while, the lack of horses and wires faded from
the public memory. As wireless devices
become commonplace,
And people started calling the wireless a radio. consumers will forget
And the horseless carriage an automobile. that wires ever existed.
Breaking into your neighbour’s unsecured WiFi network is the yuppy game of the mid 2000s.
But WiFi is invisible. As it becomes more widespread and more reliable, people will forget that it exists.
• Can you see WiFi, GPS and BlueTooth? Don’t bank
on these brand names being in perfect health in
• Congratulations to Dolby Labs for getting their logo
on every piece of hi-fi equipment for the past thirty
years. But surely they could have done more with
such a famous brand?
• Digital technology means consumers use ATM
networks to withdraw money from banks nowadays,
so no one goes into their branches any more.
In the 19th Century, banks spent a fortune on a good
visual appearance, decorating their branches with
marble and other fine stones. Today, they need to
spend some money making their ATMs look a little
more special.
• In today’s online world, the one visible thing a bank
offers is a credit card. And the logo that guarantees
acceptability of these cards is that of Visa, not the
Visa is thus the world’s strongest financial brand, and
could play a powerful role in cross-selling the
insurance and investment products banks are
currently struggling with.
ATMs are banks’ sole point of
contact with their customer
nowadays. They need a design
Airlines make their frequent flyer schemes visible through cards and luggage tags. Tech companies need to
consider how to make their offerings more visible too.
Today, analysts, consultants and engineers have
convinced themselves that consumers want
By which they mean any device that has aspects of
television, computing and telephony built into it.
But do consumers want convergence?
Convergence devices usually offer a range of benefits.
And consumers gravitate not to those that offer a range
of benefits, but those who promise just one good one:
• Most business executives choose to carry both a
mobile phone and a mobile email device – when each
device can both make voice calls and send email.
• Most people also continue to wear a wristwatch,
when their phone tells the time perfectly well.
• They also continue to buy separate VCR players,
DVD players and TVs, when combination devices are
widely available and cheap.
Convergence isn’t good marketing
Indeed the history of marketing is the opposite of
With converged cameras and camcorders, you either get a good camera or you get a good camcorder.
Rarely both.
When scientists invented synthetic detergent in the
1940s, they saw it as an amazing product that would
clean clothes, hair, floors and cars.
But smart marketers recognized that consumers want
different products for different needs, and launched
separate shampoos, laundry detergents, floor cleaners
and automotive foams based on synthetic detergent.
Still think convergence is a good idea?
Try washing your hair in laundry detergent.
Convergence failed in the past
It’s an idea has been with us for a very long time.
In the 1920s, manufacturers put optional small nozzles
and a reverse switch on to their vacuum cleaners so that
you could also use them as a hair dryer too.
The basic principle of convergence wasn’t attractive to
consumers then, and it is no more attractive now.
Where consumers are buying videophones and portable
email devices, they are buying them because they offer
them real, tangible benefits, not because they offer
So tech companies beware. You need to ensure your
convergence concepts are driven by consumer need, not
technological dreaming:
• Do consumers really want a converged digital hub in
their living room? Parents may like the idea of
controlling all digital feeds in their home from the
living room – but the last thing most sons want is
In the late 1990s, mobile service providers invested upwards of $100 billion dollars in 3G phone
licences. The research said that everyone wanted to see the person they were talking to. But the
research forgot to ask whether they wanted the other person to see them.
parental oversight of the online sleaze they’re looking
at in their bedroom.
• At the time of writing, telecoms companies across
are excited by the concept of triple and quadruple
play – they idea of bundling broadband, landline,
mobile and other services into one package and
selling them to the consumer. There is a clear benefit
to the telcos – they get to sell more. But what exactly
is the benefit to the consumer?
• Mobile telecoms companies have been bitterly
disappointed over the past few years by the low take-
up of all their new 3G technologies. Perhaps they
would have done better to think better about the core
need mobile phones deliver to their core 16-24
consumers – social networking – and work out how
to enhance that instead. They may want what they
In South Korea, SK Telecom has done that, by linking had yesterday.
social networking webspace to users’ mobile phone
accounts. And the users are paying real money to From the 1920s to the 1960s, the aviation industry
furnish their virtual living room, or ‘minihompy’ to focussed on producing better, faster, more comfortable
impress their friends and dates. passenger aircraft.
First came the twin-propeller planes, then the seaplanes,
then the jets.
Transatlantic flights ceased refuelling in Newfoundland
and Ireland, and flew direct to Paris and London.
Then in 1968, Boeing launched the 747.
The 747 flew 400 people from New York to Europe in
The 1920’s aviation
If she really wanted convergence, about seven hours.
she’d be washing her hair in laundry industry was driven by the
dream of ‘an airplane in
detergent. And then… every driveway’. Most
And then nothing. consumers were happy with a car.
Industries are an illusion.
Consumer needs are what
In his 1960 article that defined the word ‘marketing’,
Professor Theodore Levitt of the Harvard Business
School argued that the oil industry didn’t actually exist.
All there was, he said, was a series of overlapping
consumer needs:
In the 1890s, people need to light their homes. That
meant kerosene lamps. The kerosene came from oil.
But then electric light replaced kerosene lamps, and
the market for lamp fuel collapsed.
Fortunately for oil companies, a new need – of
personal transportation – took over. The new
automobiles needed gasoline, and gasoline too came
from oil.
Your next camera may well embed GPS satellite information into every picture you take.
It’ll tell you where you went on holiday - in case you forgot - but what exactly is the killer app?
InDesign, they needed the computer these apps
were designed for: the Apple Macintosh.
Many more technologies and devices languish because
no one has yet found them a killer app.
The most important role of marketing in the digital world
is finding and defining that killer app: 14. CONSUMERS HAVE THEIR OWN
• If the mobile phone industry had recognized before
the 2000 3G licence auctions that the killer app for AGENDA
the mobile phone was voice, it could have saved itself
a hundred billion dollars in licence fees. ‘48-hour internet outage plunges nation into
• What’s the point of having a GPS positioning chip on productivity’ screamed satirical online weekly The Onion
a laptop? The computer industry need an answer in the late nineties.
quick. The observation reflected reality. The internet had made
• And what’s the point of having a GPS chip on a digital employees more productive – but at shopping, banking,
camera? The engineers are already starting to build gossiping and flirting at their desk more than working at
them in. Is there anything more to it than reminding it.
you where you went on holiday? And none of these new productivities showed up in
• If you can’t find a killer app for your existing product Department of Labor productivity statistics.
or service, spend a lot of time with your consumers, Similarly, much of the additional RAM capacity in the
and see what uses they’ve discovered for it. They may 1990s was eaten up, not by better office
surprise you with their ingenuity. productivity software, but by screensavers
and instant messaging programs.
And the pressure on IT
departments in 2000-3 to upgrade Patients rarely
take their pills exactly
corporate networks was driven less by
the way their doctor tells them
the size of spreadsheets circulating to. Should we expect them to
around those networks and more by operate digital home medical
employees trading illegal MP3s. devices correctly either?
Put simply, consumers use technology the way they
But why did mobile service providers not offer to
extend that range through downloads?
Today the ringtone market is larger than the CD
singles market –and is dominated by independent
companies like Jamba and their Crazy Frog ringtone
range, not by Verizon or Vodafone. Mobile service
providers have sacrificed a vital revenue stream.
• The test of a good corporate intranet is: are
employees still using pinboards to sell their
car/announce a baby shower/run their sideline
How many baby
showers are
advertised on your
businesses? If they are still using the pinboard, the intranet? Recently, murder suspects in several countries have
intranet isn’t working properly. defended themselves by arguing that when they killed
• Many phones today are equipped for video they thought they were in a video game - and therefore
downloads, but few people are interested in the should not be held liable for their actions.
boring ones offered by mobile service providers. They The ‘Matrix Defense’, as it is called, is not accepted in
ought to partner with the innovative two-minute video most parts of the world.
producers showcased on YouTube before someone
else does. But that’s because judges in most countries are old, and
have therefore never played video games.
• Electronic home medical appliances is a huge new
area for digital technology. Today’s video games can be powerful, mind-altering
Our experience working with pharmaceutical
companies though is that patients rarely comply fully The fear you experience as a ruthless and methodical
with treatment regimes once they leave hospital, and SWAT team hunt you down can be real.
sometimes stop taking prescribed pills completely. So if provocation from the real world - perhaps from
Electronics companies entering the medical area finding your lover in bed with someone else - is an
need to take on board the complex issues of patient accepted defense, perhaps provocation from the virtual
world ought to be too. Television is losing its young male
psychology if they want their devices to be used audience to videogames because
effectively. Awesome power videogames are much more
compelling than TV.
Videogames are so compelling that they are eating
But if you are the first
person in the world with a
fax machine, you have an
A fax machine is only
useful if there is at least
one other fax machine in the world, and
even then it’s not very useful. The usefulness
of a fax machine only rises as large numbers of
other people buy them too. (an effect known
as Metcalfe’s Law)
As women are about communication, their
use of technology is similar. The Some games
attractiveness of a technology rises as worked out
more people they know adopt it. some time ago
Women therefore adopt later than men, that women
didn’t get off on
but then adopt in crowds. killing things the
way men do. But
So: most still have not
• Social interaction between worked out how to
groups of young men in bars connect with women.
can be so perfunctory that
there is little quality
difference between
conversation in
that bar and
conversation within
broadband network games. So in the future, expect
many to put on a headset and rest a can of beer on
their keyboard instead.
Phone calls initiated by women last three times as long as phone calls initiated by men in some
cultures. Women should therefore be regarded as the key consumer of mobile telecoms.
• The games industry has always struggled to attract
women to their product. The insight some companies
are still missing is that unlike men, women don’t like
killing things:
Those gaming products that take this insight on
board, like PS2’s SingStar, where singers get rated
for pitch and accuracy do well amongst women.
Watch also women’s choices in video arcades. In 17. THE FUTURE LIES IN EMERGING
Japan and in China, it’s not the shoot-em-ups, but the
ski machines that are popular. MARKETS
• Check out also the games that swept East Asian
nightclubs a few years ago, where participants gain Technology isn’t just a rich country thing:
points for dancing on pressure-sensitive dance mats.
• Wander into a village shop in Pakistan, and the
Young women like technology when it does stuff they
shopkeeper will add your bill up using an electronic
• Documentary crews working in the last unexplored
parts of the Amazon basin are sure to take AA
batteries with them. Because the young people in
those villages demand batteries for their Walkmans Increasing
in return for being filmed. numbers of global
corporations run
• Go to any poor, remote village anywhere in the world, their global
and the one piece of modern equipment they are computer systems
guaranteed to have is a TV connected to a satellite from Malaysia.
• Economic research shows that high mobile phone
ownership can push up the GDP growth rate of poor
rural areas by upwards of 1% a year.
The poor like technology just as much as the rich do.
And as a technology saturates rich countries, and its
GameBoys are a vital teen male accessory - even for A mobile phone airtime vendor in Kerala, India.
monks, and even in Tibet.
Above all of interest: that the bank will actually pay them for
The most important issue is that looking after their money.
poor people don’t follow the same • Producers of photographic film watch out: many
upgrade path through technologies emerging countries will go straight to digital.
that the West experienced:
• Similarly with TV: as prices fall, most of the rural Third
• Western European companies World is going straight to satellite.
slipped up in the early 1990s
when they tried to sell their
obsolescent Windows 286 and
286 machines to companies in
Central and Eastern Europe.
Poles and Hungarians weren’t
buying - they went out and
bought the latest kit instead. Europe’s most advanced e-
• Similarly, most emerging market government is in Estonia. Rich,
technically literate countries like
bank customers go straight to Germany are years behind.
the smart debit card, missing
out the paper check book and
pen. SatNav is arguably of more
use on the chaotic road
• And most mainland Chinese accountants went systems of India and China
straight from a wooden abacus in the nineties to than in the West.
Excel today.
When projecting the future of a digital technology brand,
think poor:
• Most of the words banks use: credit, debit, mortgage,
withdrawal - are used only by banks. When you’re
marketing to new emerging market people,
remember they may never have heard of the concept
‘A rose’ said William Shakespeare, ‘by any other name would smell as sweet.’
But call it an XTY 667 J35 version 1.2 firmware 5.6, and who would care?
As digitization proceeds, technologies that humans do
not understand will fail.
Software that humans do not understand will fail.
If humans fail to understand and want the capabilities of
their next generation phones, the telecoms industry will
fail too. The emailable version of this document is at
Our choice is to follow where technology leads, and
leave the consumer behind.
Podcasts and video podcasts to accompany this book
Or to make technology work for humans, not against are at
Choosing the second path is not easy for any company. If you liked this booket, you might also like other Y&R
It means going against the tide of the industry. EMEA booklets, downloadable from
And it is hazardous, because the consumer is a fickle
friend. Permission to store and display the PDF of this
publication on corporate intranets is freely given,
But it the only sure way to long term success. provided it is not modified in any way.