Matlab For Solidworks

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VOL. LXI 2014 Number 1

Key words: control system, forest crane, modeling, simulation, truck crane




In the paper, the authors present construction stages of simulation models

worked out using SolidWorks and Matlab/Simulink environments. As examples of
simulation models, a laboratory truck crane and a forest crane have been shown.
These models allow for visualization of movements, tracking of the trajectory, ve-
locity and acceleration of any point of the system.

1. Introduction

Current technological development has caused an increase in customers’

requirements as for designed products. Different conditions and competition
on the market mean that new products must be characterized by high quality
and functionality. This situation forces engineers to design machines which
are characterized by great flexibility and a variety of applications. However,
the construction of prototypes of all kinds of devices, which are subjected
to experimental research, is impossible because of both economy and time.
Therefore, modeling problem [1, 2] is useful and it plays a fundamental role
in the design stage of a new structure as well as during the modification
of an existing construction. The development of software used to computer-
aided design causes that the geometrical models of objects not only can be
built, but also one can perform kinematic, dynamic, and strength analysis
on the basis of these models in the professional CAD system. However, it
is complicated or even impossible to add the control in these applications.
Therefore, very often modeling of control systems is performed in Matlab
environment with Simulink module [3-6]. Other alternative, but rarely used
method of visualization and control of movements of the working machines

Częstochowa University of Technology, ul. Dąbrowskiego 73, 42-201 Częstochowa,
Poland; E-mail:,,

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[7, 8], may be the Python programming language with appropriate libraries
[9]. However, in this case, the preparation of simulation models is much more
laborious and requires programming skills in Python. Matlab is intended to
solve complex mathematical problems and generate a graphical visualization
of the results. Its scope includes various fields of science and technology.
Matlab also provides numerous extensions (toolboxes), among them support
for neural networks or optimization problems. One of the extensions is the
SimMechanics Toolbox which facilitates the creation of kinematic chains,
simulation of their dynamics and visualization of results. Simulink is a tool
that allows defining the structure of the control system of mechanisms of the
created models and displaying their simulation with complete control during
a specified working cycle. This module makes it possible to create, in the
graphical window, the structure of the control system which is built of various
types of blocks representing dynamic objects, signal sources and measuring
instruments. By defined objects, the software can refer to variables existing
in memory and available in Matlab.
In the paper, the authors present a course of simulation research car-
ried out on the models elaborated with the use of SolidWorks [10, 11] and

2. Construction of simulation model

The simulation model is built in stages, that is, at first solid, surface, or
hybrid model is created in one of the CAD program. SolidWorks, Pro/Engineer
and Autodesk Inventor applications work preferably with the Matlab/Simulink
An assembly of elements can be used solely for simulation studies be-
cause in such cases there exists an interaction between individual parts, which
in turn makes it possible to introduce the control system and perform motion
analysis. Therefore, each created simulation model is an assembly of many
individual parts or sub-assemblies. For instance, the sample CAD model pre-
sented in Figure 1 consists of: 3 assemblies and 8 parts, but these assemblies
include subsequent assemblies or parts, etc.
Building of each part of geometric model in SolidWorks, similar to the
ones most currently used for this kind of applications, begins with defining
a 2D geometry that creates a solid or a surface after completing one of
numerous operations (e.g. extrusion or pocket). Then, based on expansion or
modification of the obtained element made by removing or adding material,
the creation of parts is continued. The majority of CAD systems offer nor-
malized elements that can be used to build assemblies. The product that is
the result of the final assembly of components has a permanent link to the

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Fig. 1. Sample CAD model (model of laboratory truck crane)

individual part files, which means that changes made in one of the files are
automatically ascribed to the linked files, respectively. The product doesn’t
have its own geometry, instead, it consists of a set of links to the parts and
constraints that are used to connect these elements.
The constructed geometric models should be parametric, which allows
changing dimensions of components and their positions relative to each other
in order to do analysis of motion according to the same model.
Geometrical models can be used not only for the construction of the
simulation model, but in a very simple way they can be utilized to carry
out other types of analysis, such as modal or stress analysis. In this case, the
calculation model which takes into account contact connections and boundary
conditions should be worked out.
The next stage of building the simulation model is the implementation
of the CAD assembly model in Matlab/Simulink environment (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Implementation process of CAD model in Matlab/Simulink environment

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For this purpose, besides previously mentioned CAD software and Mat-
lab/Simulink, the SimMechanics Link utility has to be installed and linked
to the CAD program [12].
The first step of implementation process is to use the SimMechanics
Link exporter to create Physical Modeling XML file that includes informa-
tion about the mass and inertia of each part of the assembly, definitions
of constraints between parts, as well as a set of STL (stereo-lithographic)
files for representing surface geometries of the assembly bodies. The second
step is import of the received files into the Matlab/Simulink program and
generation of a SimMechanics model.
The SimMechanics model, obtained immediately after the implementa-
tion, includes a block scheme (Fig. 3) and allows only visualizing mechanism
or machine (Fig. 4), without a possibility of carrying out simulation research.
Only rarely it is optimal, and does require modifications like removing un-
necessary constraints between elements of the model or changing their types.

Fig. 3. A sample SimMechanics block diagram

Fig. 4. Visualization of a sample SimMechanics model (model of laboratory truck crane

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Simulation tests may be carried out only after the control signals (e.g.
kinematic excitations – Fig. 5) and the actuators are added to the model.
In the created SimMechanics model, the control functions are sent to the
actuators (Joint Block) with the use of the Joint Actuator block. Joint Block
elements, those which occur between the parts of the model as the signal
controllers, require movement parameters in the form of position, velocity
and acceleration for the prismatic connection (Prismatic Joint) and the an-
gular position, angular velocity and angular acceleration for the rotational
connections (Revolute Joint). Because the defined control functions usually
describe only velocity, therefore they should be integrated and differentiated
through appropriate blocks (Fig. 6) and only at that point they can be sent
to the Joint Actuator block in the form of three signals.

Fig. 5. Sample control signals

In order to improve the transparency of the block diagram, some blocks

can be grouped together and transformed into the subsystems, additionally
their appearance can be customized by using the process known as masking
(the icons of subsystem blocks depict the real objects which they represent).
The modified SimMechanics scheme (Fig. 3) after grouping, masking
process and adding the control functions is illustrated in Figure 7.

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Fig. 6. Integration and differentiation of the control signal

Fig. 7. The modified SimMechanics scheme (model of laboratory truck crane)

SimMechanics models allow determining variety of parameters, such as

trajectory, velocity, and acceleration of any element of complex system by
adding measuring instruments.
Sometimes MATLAB/Simulink environment does not offer elements
which appear in many simulation models. In such cases, it is possible to
draw up own scripts and functions that can simulate such components.

3. Examples of simulation models

As examples of simulation models worked out with the help of Solid-

Works and Matlab/Simulink, the laboratory truck crane and forest crane have
been shown.

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3.1. The simulation model of laboratory truck crane

The first example of a simulation model worked out according to the

course presented in the section 2 illustrates the simulation model of a labo-
ratory truck crane [13]. This model is based on an existing object located at
the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Design Foundation of Częstochowa
University of Technology [14]. Parametric geometrical model of this object is
shown in Figure 1 and it includes, among other things, the platform with the
three-member type telescopic boom, the hydraulic cylinder for crane radius
change and the construction frame that imitates chassis and is supported
on four bearings. All motions of the laboratory truck crane are actuated by
hydraulic systems. Linear motions are realized by the hydraulic cylinders,
while angular motions by the circulating cam hydraulic motors type SOK.
Hydraulic systems ensure independent movements of: two telescopic boom
members (second and third), slope of the telescopic boom and angle of rota-
tion of the telescopic boom in the horizontal plane. The SimMechanics block
diagram, (Fig. 3), obtained directly after implementation, has been modified
– exchange of revolute joints between cylinder and piston rod of all hy-
draulic actuators for the prismatic joints,
– removal of two prismatic joints between the second and third boom mem-
bers of telescopic boom; in this case the other blocks ensure the correct
action of the system.
Moreover, the SimMechanics model has been supplemented with:
– the Signal Builder block (Fig. 5) used to create the control functions of
the laboratory truck crane,
– Joint Actuators which force the movements of individual elements of the
laboratory truck crane,
– Body Sensors that read the motion parameters of individual system com-
– Scope blocks for displaying signals generated during simulation.
Besides, some objects were transformed into masked subsystems (Fig. 7).
This model allows determination of motion parameters in the form of tra-
jectory, velocity and acceleration of any element of the crane. One of the
drawbacks of the presented model is that it does not take into account rope
with the lifted load, for the simple reason that in Matlab/Simulink program
there is no typical rope element. This problem has been solved by the use of
assumptions and relationships presented, among other things, in works [15,
16] where the load is treated as a particle P that is hang on an inextensible
rope (which is always lengthened) and fastened at the end of the telescopic
boom. An additional moving rectangular coordinate system Ωξηζ has been

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inserted into the existing model; the origin of that system is at the end of
the boom (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Scheme of the basic motion of the lifted load

For the above assumptions, the movement of a particle P in the global

system, in which mass m is concentrated, can be described according to the
relationships presented in the cited papers [15, 16] as:
ξ h  i
ξ¨ = −aΩZ + 2 ρρ̈ + ρ̇2 + ξaΩZ + ηaΩX + ζ (aΩY + g) − ξ˙2 + η̇2 + ζ˙2 , (1)
η h  i
η̈ = −aΩX + 2 ρρ̈ + ρ̇2 + ξaΩZ + ηaΩX + ζ (aΩY + g) − ξ˙2 + η̇2 + ζ˙2 , (2)
ζ h  i
ζ¨ = aΩY +g+ 2 ρρ̈ + ρ̇2 + ξaΩZ + ηaΩX + ζ (aΩY + g) − ξ˙2 + η̇2 + ζ˙2 , (3)
where the components aΩX , aΩY , aΩZ are accelerations of the boom end in
the global system (which is rigidly connected with the crane frame and its
origin is located in the support with the bearing), and their values are obtained
directly from the simulation model. The system of motion equations (1, 2, 3)
supplemented by the initial conditions:

ξ (t)|t=0 = ξ0 , ξ˙ (t) t=0 = ξ˙0 , (4)

η (t)|t=0 = η0 , η̇ (t)|t=0 = η̇0 , (5)

ζ (t)|t=0 = ζ0 , ζ˙ (t) t=0 = ζ˙0 (6)

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constitutes the initial problem of load movement. However, before the initial
problem is solved with the help of the ode45 function available in Mat-
lab/Simulink, the above equations must be entered in the form of scripts and
functions using Matlab Function object into the SimMechanics model of the
existing laboratory truck crane and, at the same time, the following elements
must be added (Fig. 9):
– Constant block for generating initial length of the rope,
– Integrating and Differentiating Block,
– Workspace Block in which the system response is collected in the form
of data tables.

Fig. 9. Modified SimMechanics model

Sample studies on the above simulation model have been carried out for
two cases:
– free vibration of a mathematical pendulum moving in spatial motion,
with an assumption that the suspension point remains stationary and is
tied with the end of the telescopic boom,

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– motion of load treated as a response to the kinematic excitations.

In both simulations, the mass of load is equal to 50 kg and the initial length
of the rope (ρ0 ) is 1.5 m (length is measured from the end of the boom to
the point of suspension of the load).
For the spatial motion of the mathematical pendulum, the following con-
ditions have been accepted:

ξ (t)|t=0 = 0, ξ˙ (t) t=0 = 2.63376 m/s,

η (t)|t=0 = 0.5 m, η̇ (t)|t=0 = 0,

ζ (t)|t=0 = 1.41421 m, ζ˙ (t) t=0 = 0.
In Figure 10, there is shown a response of the system in the form of pro-
jections of load motion trajectory on the lifted (10a) and the rotary plane

Fig. 10. Projection of load motion trajectory on the lifted (a) and rotary plane (b)

For the case of solution of the initial conditions under the influence
of kinematic excitations, the movement began from zero initial conditions,
except for η (t)|t=0 = 0.5 m, ζ (t)|t=0 = ρ0 . The motion of lifted load was
considered for the time equal 50 s. For the first 40 s, this motion was forced
by the controls (Fig. 5) and, after their action ceased, for the next 10 s free
oscillations of the lifted load were observed. The assumed motion sequences
were directly connected with the working movements of the laboratory truck
crane and they resulted from: control of rotation of platform (fi prim), control
of the boom inclination angle (teta prim), control of the rope length which
depends on the rope motion forced by the winch (ro prim) and, finally, from
the changes in the boom length (r prim). All control functions were trapezoid
pulses and included start-up, steady and braking movements.

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The system response to the taken kinematic excitations has been obtained
in the form of animation of motion of the whole system in the SimMechanics
Visualization window and in the form of projections of the lifted load motion
trajectory on the lifted (Fig. 11a,b) and rotary planes (Fig. 11c).

Fig. 11. Projection of the lifted load motion trajectory on the lifted (a, b) and rotary planes (c)

3.2. The simulation model of the forest crane

The second simulation model [17, 18] concerns research on forest crane
HIAB LOGLIFT F135 Z79 (Fig. 12), which consists of the following ele-
– the basic member (1),
– the internal arm (2),
– the external arm – two-member telescopic boom (3),

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– the head (4), making up the place for fixing additional working equipment,
– the hydraulic cylinder (5), used to change the inclination angle of the
internal arm,
– the set of two parallel hydraulic cylinders (6), applied for changing the in-
clination angle of the external arm,
– the rotator – the hydraulic mechanism for performing rotational motion
– the manipulator – grab to wood (8),
– the support system (9).

Fig. 12. The forest crane HIAB LOGLIFT F135 Z79

The worked out CAD model has been converted into the form of a
physical model XML and implemented in Matlab/Simulink. Its visualization
is shown in Figure 13 and block diagram is illustrated in Figure 14.
The block scheme (Fig. 14) has been supplemented by an appropriate sig-
nal source, actuators and measuring instruments, i.e. Signal Builder objects to
create time-courses of control signals, Joint Actuators controlling movements
of individual crane arm, blocks setting the initial conditions, displacement
and velocity sensors, tools for visualization of derived characteristics.
The simulation model was used to carry out a sample simulation of
machine cycle. During the working cycle, the machine mechanisms were
controlled by time functions, presented in Figure 15, describing the changes
of velocity of the following control signals:
– control of rotation of primary column (Signal 1),
– control of telescopic boom member (Signal 2),
– control of deflection of the external arm from the vertical (Signal 3),

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Fig. 13. Visualization of the forest crane SimMechanics model

Fig. 14. The forest crane SimMechanics block scheme

– control of deflection of the internal arm from the vertical (Signal 4).
Based on the defined control functions, one obtained the trajectory of
the point of attachment of the load, velocity and acceleration components in
this movement. The system response is illustrated in Figures 16-18.

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Fig. 15. Control signals

Fig. 16. Position of the boom ends in the global coordinate system

The presented simulation research on forest crane movement have been

supported by animation of its motion in the SimMechanics Visualization. It
allowed controlling correctness of motion system during a specified cycle.

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Fig. 17. Velocity of the boom ends in the global coordinate system

Fig. 18. Acceleration of the boom ends in the global coordinate system

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4. Conclusions

In this paper, we described the integration of SolidWorks and MAT-

LAB/Simulink done through the implementation of CAD models, created
previously in a SolidWorks program, into the Matlab/Simulink environment.
We also presented an example of preparation of simulation models and their
application to research on model properties.
As examples of simulation models, the laboratory truck crane [13] and
the forest crane [17, 18] have been shown.
In the first case, on the basis of the constructed model, one can carry out
simulation research allowing for visualization of movements, tracking of the
trajectory, velocity and acceleration of any point of the system and tracking
of the lifted load. Tracking of the lifted load was possible through developing
the simulation model by adding scripts and functions including derivations
of which can be found in works [15,16].
In the second case, the results of research concerning determined move-
ment of forest crane boom have been presented. The results of simulation
studies, presented in this paper were confirmed by animations of the forest
crane model motion. This model makes it possible to analyze the motion
parameters of any boom member or arm of the forest crane and grab with
the load.
The presented sample of simulation models can be further developed by:
– replacing the configuration of control operations assumed at the beginning
with the movements performed by the operator (user) in real time,
– replacing the kinematic excitations with the help of impact of power
transmission and control systems, which makes it possible to get the
feedback, which in turn facilitates positioning and reduces fluctuations of
the load carried by crane,
– taking into account physical properties (the deformability and damping)
of a rope (in the case of the laboratory truck crane),
– replacing particle P (load) with a rigid body (in the case of the laboratory
truck crane).
Despite minor imperfections, the Matlab/Simulink environment is one
of the most popular and recognizable program for constructing simulation
The main advantage of this program is the ability of constructing complex
machine simulation models with the use of geometrical models created in
other CAD programs without complex mathematical derivations. In this case,
the user does not need to possess programming skills.
One of the drawbacks of this method arises from the fact that all imported
geometrical models are treated as rigid bodies. However, in the case when the

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flexibility of elements should be taken into account, one can attach a block
from the Simulink Library Browser (where one exists), as well as write own
scripts or/and functions to develop the created model. In such a situation,
the capabilities of the constructed mathematical model are limited only by
knowledge and skills of the designer.
When flexibility of all elements must be taken into consideration, the
CAD models are not used. Yet, all relationships are introduced directly in the
form of blocks offered by Matlab/Simulink software, own scripts or functions.
An example of this approach is work [19], where the authors worked out a
coupled dynamical model of the forest crane and the lifted load taking into
account elastic deformations of the boom.


The study has been carried out within statutory research of the Institute
of Mechanics and Machine Design Foundations of Częstochowa University
of Technology.

Manuscript received by Editorial Board, April 18, 2013;

final version, October 09, 2013.


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Integracja modelowania w środowiskach Matlab/Simulink i SolidWorks


W pracy opisano tok postępowania podczas budowy modeli symulacyjnych z wykorzystaniem

programu SolidWorks i Matlab/Simulink. Tworzenie modelu symulacyjnego przebiega etapami, to
znaczy najpierw opracowywany jest model geometryczny w programie SolidWorks, następnie dzię-
ki możliwości wymiany danych, model CAD jest implementowany w środowisku obliczeniowym
Matlab/Simulink. Modele SimMechanics pozwalają na śledzenie wielu parametrów, np. trajektorii,
prędkości, czy przyspieszeń dowolnych elementów układu złożonego. W pracy, jako przykłady
modeli symulacyjnych opracowanych zgodnie z zaprezentowaną metodą, pokazano modele labo-
ratoryjnego żurawia samochodowego oraz żurawia leśnego. Modele te umożliwiają wizualizację
zadanego – za pomocą wymuszeń kinematycznych – cyklu pracy.

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