9. How many time the word ‘Quran’ is repeated in Holy Quran ? 70.
15. The most disliked thing by the God though Halal is?
16. Which letter is used for the most time in Holy Quran.?
17. Which letter is used for the lest time in Holy Quran?
24. Which Sura has the same number of verses as the number of Sura of Holy Quran?
Taqveer, 114 verses.
26. How many sura are Makkahi and how many are Madni?
Macci 86, Madni 28.
35.The name of how many sura are with out *** ? Hamd, Raad, Toor,Room, Masad.
38.In which Sura the name of Allah is repeated in every verse ? Sura Mujadala.
51. In which sura the story of the worship of cow of Bani Esra’iel is mentioned?
Sura Taha.
56. Where in the Qur’an has Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)been
named ‘Ahmed’? Paara 28th, Surah Saff, Ayath 6th.
57) How many times has the name of Rasool-ullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) been
mentioned in the Qur’an? Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) – 4 times & Ahmed
(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)-1 time.
58) Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most
in theQur’an? Moosa (Alahis-Salaam)
59) Who were the Kaatib-e-Wahi (copyists of the revelations) of the Qur’an?Hazrat Abu
Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu), Hazrat Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu), Hazrat Ali (Radhiallahu Anhu),
Hazrat Zaid Bin Harith (Radhiallahu Anhu), Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (Radhiallahu Anhu)
& Hazrat Ameer Muawia (Radhiallahu Anhu).
60) Who was the first person who counted the Aayaath (verses) of the Qur’an?Hazrat
Ayesha (Radhiallahu Anha).
65) Which is the first and the most ancient Mosque according to the Qur’an? A) Ka’aba
66) In Qur’an mankind is divided into two groups. Which are those two groups? A)
Believers and disbelievers.
67) Who is the man about whom, Allah has said in the Qur’an that his body is kept as an
admonishing example for future generations to come? A) Fir’aun. (Pharaoh).
68) Besides the body of Pharaoh, what is that thing which is kept as anadmonishing
example for future generations to come? A) Noah’s Ark.
69) After the wreckage of Prophet Noah’s Ark, which is its place of rest mentioned in
the Qur’an? A) Cave of Judi.
73) Which was the agreement that was titled as ‘Fath-hum-Mubeen’ without fighting
a battle? A) Treaty of Hudaibiya (Sulhe Hudaibiya).
74) What are the different names used for Satan or Devil in the Qur’an? A) Iblees and Ash-
75) Which category of creature does the Qur’an put ‘Iblees’ into?A) Jinn.
76) What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to theCommunity
of Bani Israel and which were continued for the Muslim Ummah also? A) Salaat (Prayers)
and Zakaat. (Al-Baqarah:43)
77) In which Holy Book of Non-Muslims the Qur’an is mentioned repeatedly? A) In the
Holy Book of Sikh Community-Granth Saheb.
78) In which year were the vowels inserted in the Qur’an? A) 43 Hijri.
79) What is the scale or measure of one’s dignity according to the Qur’an? A) Taqwa.
80) What according to the Qur’an is the root cause of the evil? A) Alcohol.
81) What are the two most important types or kinds of Aayaath (Verses) found in the
Qur’an? A) Muhakkamaat and Mutashabihaath (Orders / Instructions and Examples / Instances
– lessons).
82) How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Qur’an? A) 22 years, 5
months and 14 days.
84) Who was the only lady whose personal name is found in the Qur’an? A) Mariam
85) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur’an do you find maximum instructions?A) Surah-
al-Baqarah – Surah # 2.
86) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur’an Bismillah is repeated twice? A) Surah-al Naml
– Surah # 27.
87) How many Surahs (Chapters) in the Qur’an have the titles named afterdifferent
Prophets? A) 6 Surahs (Chapters): a) Surah-al-Yunus – Surah # 10. b) Surah-al-Hood – Surah #
11. c) Surah-al-Yusuf – Surah # 12. d) Surah-al-Ibraheem – Surah # 14. e) Surah-al-
Muhammed – Surah # 47. f) Surah-al-Nuh – Surah # 71.
Hazrt Abu Bakar (RA) entrusted the work of compilation of the Holy Quran to
Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit(RA)
According to the Islamic Law the share of wife in the property is 1/8 th
Meekat is the place where
Ahram is done
He was the incharge of the keys of Kaba in the reign of the Holy Prophet (PBHU)
Hazrat usman Bin Talha(RA)
He held the office of Chief Qazi in the period of Hazrat Abu bakr (RA)
Hazrat Ali (RA)
Hazrat Ali (RA) conqured the fort of Khyber in the Hijra year of
7 A.H
How many months after the death of Holy Prophet(PBUH) Hazrat Fatima(RA) died
6 months
When did the Prophrt (PBUH) offered his first Eid prayer
2 A.H
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) took his first trade journey at the age of
What was the age of Prophet (PBUH) when his mother died?
The name of the son of Holy Prophet (PBUH) born to Hazrat Qabtia (RA) was
Hazrat Ibrahim (RA)
Who was the first to propose AZAN to call for prayers for the first time? Hazrat
When did the Prophet (PBUH) set out for conquest of Makkah
630 A.D
Give the number of the times the Holy Prophet(PBHU) performee Umrah
The person who first of all verified the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was
Varqa bin Naufal
In which country that mountain is located on which the Noah’s Ark stopped?
He wept too much over the destruction of his nation that he got blinded
Hazrat Shoaib(AS)
At the time of Bait ul Makdas destruction all the copies of Taurat were destroyed. He re
assembled Taurat
Hazrat Uzair
He was a carpenter
Hazrat Zakria(AS)
Who added the words (last line of Azan) into the fajr prayer
Hazrat Umar (RA)
Hazrat Yousaf and Hzrat Yaqub (AS) met each other after a period of 40 years
Which two of the Prophets prayed to God to become the Ummati of the Last
prophet (PBUH)
Hazrat Isa (AS) and Hazrat Musa (AS)
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) offered his first Jumma prayer in the year
1 A.H
The following Caliph fought against those who refused to pay Zakat
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique(RA)
Which two prayers are offered together at Muzdalifa on 9th Zil Hajj
Maghrib and Isha
How many Siparas of the Holy Quran are starting with Bismillah
The following Spaceship placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon
Appolo 15
He suggested Hazrat Usman(RA) after the Battle of Yamama to assemble the Muslims
on one Qirt
Hazrat Hazeefa bin Aleeman(RA)
Mention the Surah in which Ghare Sor is mentioned
Al Tauba