Nbfa Form 2018-19
Nbfa Form 2018-19
Nbfa Form 2018-19
Documents to be Attached:
Please enclose the following documents along with the application:
What you should know before applying for Need-based Financial Assistance
Applicant’s family income in FY 2017-18 will include applicant’s own income, income of his/her
parents, brothers (if not married) and sisters (if not married). In case any of the above persons does not
contribute to the family, applicant is requested to make an appeal with valid proof for the same.
If a family member including the applicant has multiple sources of income, all sources of income
should be explicitly mentioned and valid proof should be given.
To avail this financial assistance, the applicant MUST submit all required documents to the relevant
authority showing total family income in the financial year 2017-18 (Assessment year 2018-19). ITR-
V receipt of previous year (i.e., FY 2016-17) will not be accepted as a valid proof. Applicant’s family
member must submit ITR-V for FY 2017-18 if the document is required based on applicant’s
Since need-based assistance is provided on the basis of the family income declared in the application
form for need-based financial assistance, the applicants are responsible for the veracity of the
information provided, and not the committee members who decide the list of eligible applicants. Any
discrepancies found regarding the declared income and the actual income that may come to the notice
of the committee in future will attract punitive action taken against the student concerned.
In case of any discrepancy found in the information provided or non-disclosure of any information,
punitive action may be taken against the applicant along with the cancellation of the assistance
facility, and expulsion from the programme with immediate effect.
1|P age
2|P age
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC)
Summary Sheet: Application for Need-based Financial Assistance, 2018-19
2. Date of Birth / /
1. Educational background:
2. If you have been employed in the past, list the jobs you have held:
From To Rs.
3. List all the members of your family, including the applicant, along with their annual incomes in FY: 2017-18 from
Name Age Relationship Annual Income Occupation IT Account No. (PAN No.)
with applicant (Rs) Ward / Circle /
Special Range
Total annual income of the family in FY 2017-18
from salary/pension/business
3|P age
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Application for Need-based Financial Assistance, 2018-19 (Detailed Sheets)
Please submit this form, duly filled in, along with Part II and the Income Declaration Form, to the PGP Office after
Registration and latest by August 23-24, 2018
Applications received thereafter may not be considered.
Incomplete applications will be rejected.
Use additional sheets, if necessary.
2. Date of Birth / /
4. Present Address
5. Permanent Address
6. Contact Details:
Institute Email id
Mobile No.
Phone No.
Fax. No.
7. Educational background:
School/College Location Dates Attended Degree/Diploma
4|P age
8. Marital Status Single Married
10. If you have been employed in the past, list the jobs you have held:
a) If you have been employed in the past, what is the amount of
your savings (in Rs.)?
b) Do you or your spouse/dependents own a house?
c) If yes, indicate its rental value (in Rs.)
12. Please state and list the value of all other assets you/your spouse hold, including vehicles, shares, bonds etc.
13. Details about insurance carried on your own or your dependents’ lives.
Name of the Year in Face Value of Annual Approx. Amount of Present value after
insured which the the policy Premium Amount of loan deducting the
policy was (in Rs.) (in Rs.) premium paid as outstanding, if outstanding loan
taken to date any (in Rs.)
(in Rs.) (in Rs.)
a) Yours
b) Spouse’s
c) Other
5|P age
14. Financial Requirements for the PGP at IIMC (Please indicate below how you have planned to finance your study at the
Total of A
B Estimated Resources
Total of B
C Shortfall, if any (A-B), anticipated to be covered by IIMC’s Need-based Rs.
Financial Assistance
15. Please mention below any special, personal or financial circumstances which might have a direct bearing on your
application for financial assistance.
I certify that the above application truly represents my financial position and includes all my resources. Should there be any
significant change in my resources, I shall notify the Institute’s Financial Aid Committee immediately. If I get any other
scholarship/financial assistance/income, I undertake to refund the amount of financial assistance awarded by the Institute, if
Signature of the Applicant
6|P age
Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIMC)
Application for Need-based Financial Assistance, 2018-19
Part II: To be filled in and signed by the head of the household (father or mother or guardian of the applicant, henceforth
referred to as ‘parent’).
Note: This form is part of your ward’s application for financial aid at the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. You are
requested to complete this form in every respect and attach the documents listed in Appendix I. The information you provide will
be treated as strictly confidential. The Financial Aid Committee will be able to consider your ward’s application only on receipt
of this form and the Income Declaration.
e) If in Service:
i. Your designation
ii. Gross annual salary (in Rs.)
iii. Nature of your job
iv. Address of employer
v. How long have you been serving
in this job (Note: if retired, give
details of last held job)
f) If in Service:
i. Nature of business (sole proprietor
/ partner)
ii. Products manufactured / sold
iii. Premises owned or rented
iv. No. of persons employed
v. Value of total assets
vi. Annual income from the business
7|P age
2. List all the members of your family, including the applicant, along with their annual incomes in FY 2017-18 from
Name Age Relationship Annual Income Occupation PAN No.,
with applicant (in Rs.) Ward / Circle/
Special Range
Total annual income of the family in 2017-18 from
3. Financial Information of Parent (In answering the following, please provide specific figures in Rs.)
a) Your total income during last one year (2017-18) from all sources (including
salary/pension/business, rental income, income from investments, other income and a fair value of
perquisites received)
b) Total income from all sources of other earning members of the family, including the
applicant, living with you during 2017-18
c) Your estimated income for 2018-19
d) Estimated income of other members of the family living with you during 2018-19
e) Estimated contribution from other earning members not living with you during
TOTAL of c+d+e
ii) Spouse’s
8|P age
(d) Immovable Properties (Other Real Estate properties) (value in Rs.)
Other real estate Present sale value of Unpaid mortgage Difference
the property (b) (b-a)
ii) Market value of other investment, e.g. shares, bonds, vehicles, etc. (give details in Appendix I)
Signature of the Parent of Applicant
9|P age
Appendix I: Details towards 4(e) of PART II
ii) Give details of fixed deposits / other financial investments owned by you in the following proforma:
Name of Company Date of Maturity Amount (Rs.)
iii) If you own a car, please provide its present resale value
10 | P a g e
IIMC PGP Registration No. IIMC/PGP/PGDM/
Name of the Applicant
First Name Middle Name Last Name
Income declaration for the year ended 31st March 2018 for the purpose of Need-based Financial Assistance for the
Academic Year 2018-19 sought from Indian Institute of Management Calcutta.
Whereas my son/daughter/ward, Mr./Ms._________________________________________________ who has
applied for Need-based Financial Assistance has been offered admission to the Postgraduate Programme in
Management (PGDM)/ Postgraduate Programme in Computer Aided Management (PGDCM) at the Indian
Institute of Management Calcutta.
I, Shri/Smt. _______________________________________________________________________, a permanent
resident of
_________________________________________________________declare that my family’s (including my
son’s/daughter’s/ward’s) Annual Gross Income from All Sources in the preceding year ended on 31st March
2018 is Rs. _______________ (Rupees_______________
___________________________________________________ only) as per details furnished in the Schedule. I
also affirm that particulars of property held by me are as shown in the Schedule and that I have correctly indicated
the amount of various taxes, cesses and land revenue paid by me. I make myself personally responsible for the
accuracy of the facts and figures furnished.
I further undertake that in the event of the particulars given in this declaration being found to be false, I shall
refund to the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta the amount of the Need-based Financial Assistance paid to
my son/daughter/ward, and the Director’s decision on whether the declaration of particulars is false shall be final
and binding on me.
Date: Place:
11 | P a g e
SCHEDULE (Details of Family Income)
a) Independently as owner:
i. Area
ii. Survey No.
iii. Village
iv. Land revenue assessment
v. Annual income Rs.
Note: Whether the whole or part of the land had been given out to tenants. If yes, give particulars.
b) Jointly as owner:
i. Area
ii. Survey No.
iii. Village
iv. Land revenue assessment
v. Annual income Rs.
c) Independently as a tenant:
i. Area
ii. Survey No.
iii. Village
iv. Land revenue assessment
v. Annual income Rs.
d) Jointly as a tenant:
i. Area
ii. Survey No.
iii. Village
iv. Land revenue assessment
v. Annual income Rs.
2. Property held and Income (House, Shop, Building, House Sites, etc.):
i. House No.
ii. Street/Road
iii. Village/Town/City
iv. Area of the building
v. Rent derived, if any Rs.
vi. House tax paid Rs.
vii. Sanitary cess and other house taxes paid Rs.
viii. Net annual income after deduction of item(vi) and (vii) Rs.
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10. If there is a decrease in the annual income of the parents of the applicant from that shown during the
last year, the reason should be furnished in brief:
Signature of the Parent of Applicant
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