930708張葳葳65 ADENOMYOSIS

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Patient’s Data

Age: 40 yr/o
Sex: Female
Marital status: Married
Date of Admission: 93/01/11
Source of information: From old chart
Chief Complaint

Irregular menstrual periods for several

months since last operation
Present Illness
A 40 yr/o female patient
GYN/OBS history of G0P0SA0AA0
Irregular menstrual periods and lower abdominal
pain for several months since last operation for
pelvic adhesion and pseudocyst in Nov 2002
Regular follow-up at Dr. 劉’s OPD
Sonography performed(93/01/02), revealed large
pelvic cyst, size: 15x10cm & myoma uteri at
posterior wall of size: 2x3cm
Under impression of adenomyosis, admitted for
further management and surgical procedures.
Past History

Past Medical History

DM (-),HTN (-),CVD (-),
Gout (-),Asthma (-)
Past Surgical History
1.Myoma s/p myomectomy on 90/08/29
in Veterans hospital
2.Pelvic adhesion and pseudocyst s/p
op on 91/11/11 in TMUH
Personal History

Smoking: None
Alcohol: None
No known drug allergy
No known food allergy
GYN/OBS History

2.Menarche:13 yr/o
3.Dysmenorrhea: (+)
4.Intermenstrual bleeding: NiL
5.Intercourse experience: (+)
6.Regularity: Regular
Family History

Father had asthma

Physical Examination
General appearance: Fair
Consciousness: Clear E4V5M6
Vital signs: BT:36.3oC PR: 80/min RR: 18/min BP: 110/80mmHg
Chest: Symmetrical expansion BS: clear bilaterally
Heart :RHB without any murmur
Abdomen: Soft & flat, mild tenderness over lower abdomen,
palpable mass present at lower abdomen, no rebounding pain, no
muscle guarding, no Murphy’s sign
Bowel sound: Normoactive
Liver span: 8 cm over RMCL
No hepatomegaly, no splenomegaly
PV: Uterus - large in size, not smooth in contour, adenomyosis
Cx: No spotting, Bilateral adnexa – free, no mass
CDS - free, no tender nodules
Laboratory Data
CBC/DC(pre-op) 93/01/11
WBC:6290 uL RBC:3.76x106 uL (L)
HGB:11.8g/dL (L) HCT:34.4% (L)
MCV:91.4 fL PLT:351x103 uL
U/A:WNL PT & aPTT: 10.4 & 27.3
GLU:123mg % BUN: 20mg/dL (H)
CRE: 0.7mg/dL GOT:17 IU/L GPT:16 IU/L
e-: Na:139 K:3.9 Ca:9.4 Cl:109 mEq/l (H) Alb:4.1g/dl

CA-125: 139 U/ml (H) (Normal range: <35 )

CA-199: 35.3 U/ml (Normal range: <37)
Prolactin: 38.31 ng/ml (H) (Normal range:2.5 -25)
Imaging Findings-1
Chest PA/AP
Well expansion of lung
without thoracic cage
deformity. Normal
appearance of
diaphragm. No
identified bony lesion.
No active lung lesion
could be noted.
Normal cardiac
Imaging Findings-2
KUB 93/01/11
Spinal convexity
towards Lt side at
mid -T level.
Spinal convexity
towards Lt side at
mid-L level.

Findings: Right pelvic cyst with

papillary component (with angio
Clinical Diagnosis: Adenomyosis &
IMP: 1)Right pelvic cyst 2)
Irregular echoes observed within
CT Imaging-93/01/03
Pre-and post-contrast
abdomen and pelvis
CT study is performed.
There is a huge non-
enhanced cystic lesion,
measured about
10.1cm x 9.4cm x
12cm in largest
dimension at the
presacral region. This
lesion causes the
anterior displacement
of the uterus and the
recto-sigmoid colon.
CT Imaging - 2
The uterus is
anteverted and
enlarged.There are
several focal
hyperintense spots
The uterus has a
thickened posterior
myometrium and a
widened junctional
The adnexa appear
normal on both sides.
CT Imaging - 3
A 0.5cm x 0.8cm cyst is
noted at segment V of the
A 0.7cm renal cyst is noted
in the left kidney.
The spleen, pancreas and
right kidney are
There is no definite
enlarged para-aortic or
pelvic sidewall lymph node.
Impression: Pelvic cystic
mass r/o malignancy,
adenomyosis, leiomyoma,
Pre-Op Impression

Pelvic cystic mass r/o malignancy

Differential Diagnosis

Differential Diagnosis
Symptoms: Irregular menstrual periods & pelvic pain
Physical examination: An enlarged uterus
Lab data: Anemia
Sonography:Pelvic mass present, myoma uteri at
posterior wall 1)Right pelvic cyst ( angio-flow +) 2)
Irregular echoes observed within uterine
CT findings:Huge non-enhanced cystic lesion,
measured about 10.1cm x 9.4cm x 12cm in largest
dimension at the presacral region. This lesion
causes the anterior displacement of the uterus and
the recto-sigmoid colon.
Require MRI for further differential diagnosis
Differential Diagnosis
Reasons: Occurs mainly in premenopausal
women & in nulliparous women
Symptoms: Pelvic pain
Physical examination: Lower abdomen
Lab data: CA 125 elevated
Sonography: 1)Right pelvic cyst 2) Irregular
echoes observed within uterine
Confirmed diagnosis with laparoscopy
Surgical Procedure Performed

Subtotal hysterectomy & pelvic

adhesionlysis (93/01/13)
Post-op findings

A huge pseudo-inflammatory cyst

containing fluid, of size:12x12x10cm
with severe pelvic adhesion is found.
Pathology Report-93/01/16
Uterus, corpus, laparoscopic assisted
subtotal hysterectomy
Findings: 1 tissue fragment measuring
8x7x3cm in size, fixed in formalin. Grossly, it
is an irregular-shaped corpus tissue
fragment with many hemorrhagic spots and
small cysts. Microscopically, it shows a
picture of adenomyosis with endometrial
glands and their stroma embedded in the
Clinical diagnosis: Adenomyosis
Post-op diagnosis

Severe pelvic adhesion
Post-op management

Medications & OPD follow-up

Penetration and growth of
endometrial tissue from the uterine
lining into the myometrium (uterine
Occurring at interface between
endometrium and myometrium(fibrous
& muscular tissue of the uterus)
Smooth muscle hyperplasia and an
altered local immune environment
Benign disease
Affects the posterior wall of uterus
May coexist with external endometriosis
(endometrial implants are located outside
the uterus)
3 categories: 1) limited to basal layer 2)in
the deep layers 3)in the surface layers
New category: Intramyometrial cystic
The abnormally located endometrial tissue,
like the normal endometrium, tends to bleed
with the menses
Blood and debris may accumulate in the
misplaced glands creating small fluid
collections inside the uterine wall
The penetrating and functioning endometrial
tissue may lead to swelling; the uterus may
become larger and globular
May present as a diffuse condition or may
be focal
Exact prevalence is not known
Since diagnosis can be made only by microscopic
examination of uterine specimens obtained during
surgery or, less often, during biopsy. Only in recent
years has MRI imaging been able to diagnose
adenomyosis without doing a hysterectomy.
In studies of chronic pelvic pain in women who had
hysterectomies, the incidence is about 15% to 25%
Same incidence in hysterectomy specimens from
women without pain as from women with pain
With careful microscopic analysis of multiple
myometrial samples from an individual uterine
specimen, the prevalence increases to 65%.
Most widely accepted theory :Barrier
between the endometrium and
myometrium, which normally prevents
invasion of endometrial glands and stroma
into the myometrium, is compromised
allowing invasion to occur.
Risk factors
Affects premenopausal and
perimenopausal women(late
reproductive years)
Usually those who are multiparous
and older than 30 years
Affects women between ages:40 and
50 years
Rarely occurs in women who have not
carried a pregnancy to term
Dysmenorrhea (severe cyclic cramping or
knifelike uterine pain or pelvic pain during
Menorrhagia (prolonged and/or profuse uterine or
menstrual bleeding, with passage of clots )
Uterine enlargement :The uterus is often 2-3 times
the normal size (large globular uterus)
Other findings : chronic vaginal bleeding and
unresponsiveness to hormonal therapy or uterine
May cause infertility
Note: In many cases, the patient may be
Signs & Tests

Pelvic examination
Pelvic Ultrasonography (Transvaginal
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Endoscopy and hysterography
Myometrial biopsy
CA 125
Clinical Diagnosis
Preferred Examination:
Transvaginal sonography (TVUS) or
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Limitations of Techniques:
Hysterosalpingography (HSG) and
transabdominal sonography (TAUS)
Ælack specificity
CTÆ inability to resolve subtle differences
in soft-tissue attenuation, lack sensitivity
Diagnostic Tests
Pelvic examination : A normal, or only slightly enlarged uterus
to a very firm tender uterus enlarged to twice the normal size
may be observed
Myometrial biopsy: taken transabdominally at the time of
laparoscopy, or transvaginally under ultrasound guidance
A positive biopsy : ectopic endometrial islets sandwiched
between strips of myometrium. Endometrial glands and
stroma at the extreme end of the needle core may represent
eutopic endometrium and such biopsies should be regarded as
The sensitivity of random needle biopsies is low and
dependent on the number of biopsies and the depth and extent
of mucosal infiltration.
This is unsuitable for those who still want to have children. Its
accuracy has not yet been compared to conventional
histological assessment of hysterectomy specimens
CA 125
CA 125: Adenomyosis is associated
with increased numbers of myometrial
macrophages, elevated
antiphospholipid auto-antibodies and
CA 125 levels in peripheral blood, and
deposition of IgG, C3 and C4 in
ectopic foci
Peripheral CA 125 levels are
potentially useful as a serum marker
for adenomyosis
Endoscopy and hysterography
An hysterosalpingogram (pelvic x-ray after filling the uterus
with a contrast medium):The x-ray may show the diagnostic
sign of contrast-filled spaces in the uterine wall. However, this
finding is not consistently present and its extent on the x-ray
may not reflect the extent of the disease.
The most characteristic feature of adenomyosis on
hysterography is the presence of ill defined areas of contrast
intravasation extending perpendicularly from the uterine cavity
into the myometrium.
Unfortunately, the sensitivity of this technique is too low for
clinical practice
Diffuse myometrial distortion detected at the time of
laparoscopy or hysteroscopy may indicate extensive
adenomyosis but may also be caused by multiple small fibroids.
It is unlikely that mild or moderate adenomyosis can be
diagnosed visually.
Pelvic Ultrasonography - 1
Pelvic Ultrasonography (Transvaginal
Ultasound) : enhanced resolution makes it
superior to the transabdominal approach
• ill defined hypoechoic areas
• heterogeneous myometrial echo texture
• small anechoic lakes
• asymmetrical uterine enlargement
• indistinct endometrial-myometrial border
• subendometrial halo thickening
Adenomyosis: Irregular
myometrial cystic spaces
predominantly involving the
posterior uterine wall; an
enlarged uterus with a widened
posterior wall (see Image 1)
Sonograms may also show ill-
defined margins between the
normal myometrium and the
abnormal myometrium, as well as
elliptically shaped myometrial
Sagittal transabdominal
sonogram of an enlarged uterus
with a thickened posterior
myometrium (arrows)
(see Image 2 )
Pelvic Ultrasonography-3

Heterotopic endometrium extending into the inner

myometrium can appear as echogenic linear
striations. When these lines are small or indistinct,
pseudo-widening of the endometrium or poor
delineation of the endomyometrial junctional zone is
Endovaginal sonography, especially with a Doppler
technique, can be used as the initial imaging
modality to determine the presence of adenomyosis.
Pelvic Sonography- 4
The most common appearance of adenomyosis is
areas of decreased echogenicity or heterogeneity
in the myometrium.
The areas of decreased echogenicity are the
areas of smooth-muscle hyperplasia. The areas of
heterogeneity are small, echogenic islands of
heterotopic endometrial tissues surrounded by
hypoechoic smooth muscle.
Dilated cystic glands or hemorrhagic foci within
the heterotopic endometrial tissue cause the
appearance of small myometrial cysts that are
smaller than 5 mm in diameter. These are seen in
about 50% of patients.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-1
Best technique for the presurgical diagnosis
of adenomyosis and most studies have
reported very high positive and negative
predictive values
Capable of detecting the presence and extent
of adenomyosis and distinguishing it from
Pelvic MRI should be performed with the IV
contrast medium Gadolinium and include
contiguous 4mm sections through the uterus
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-2
MRI is more expensive than ultrasonography
Used in cases with indeterminate sonographic results or in
patients who are undergoing uterine-sparing surgery for
Thin-section, high-resolution MRIs obtained with a pelvic
multicoil array are optimal for diagnosing adenomyosis. The
uterine zonal anatomy is best seen on T2-weighted images.
Variations in the normal thickness of the inner myometrium
or junctional zone have been reported with a mean thickness
of 2-8 mm. Widening of this junctional zone has been
associated with adenomyosis
Junctional zone widths between 6 and 12 mm have been
quoted as diagnostic for adenomyosis . (see Image 3)
Findings of focal hyperintensity on T2-weighted images (see
Image 3) confirm the diagnosis of adenomyosis.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-3
Uterus, adenomyosis.
Sagittal MRI of an
enlarged uterus with a
thickened posterior
myometrium. T2-
weighted image
without gadolinium
enhancement shows a
widened junctional
zone of 23 mm
(arrows) and focal
high signal intensity
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-4
The bright foci seen in the myometrium on T2-
weighted images in 50% of patients (see Image 3)
are islands of heterotopic endometrial tissue or
cystic dilation of heterotopic glands or hemorrhage.
Whether the hemorrhage is from hormonal
changes or spontaneous causes is not known.
Sometimes, linear striations of decreased signal
intensity can be seen radiating out from the
endometrium into the myometrium on T2-weighted
These striations are the direct invasion of the
basal endometrium into the myometrium.
When the striations blend or become indistinct,
pseudo-widening of the endometrium is seen.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging-5

Degree of Confidence: The reported

accuracy of MRI for diagnosing
adenomyosis is high.
Its sensitivity and specificity are 80-
100%, with an overall accuracy of 85-
MRI & Ultrasound-Overall Summary
Adenomyosis should no longer be a retrospective diagnosis
after hysterectomy. Both endovaginal ultrasonography and MR
imaging are useful for the diagnosis.
Use of MR imaging has been limited by its restricted
availability and cost. Most MR studies of the pelvis last for 30
minutes or longer. Advances in MR technology are likely to
reduce the imaging time.
The sonographic characteristics of adenomyosis are subtle and
adenomyosis will remain undiagnosed if not considered.
However, in experienced hands sonography can be almost as
accurate as MR imaging.
MRI or ultrasound diagnosis is based on recognising the
distortion of the normal inner myometrial architecture caused
by smooth muscle hyperplasia
Overall, both MRI and ultrasound (in expert hands) detect
adenomyosis in over 90% of cases
Conservative medical treatment
For asymptomatic patients, no treatment is required
The first choice for medical therapy for the pain:
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH) e.g.
Temporary relief of very painful heavy periods limited to six
months use.
Treat infertility associated with adenomyosis.
Recurrence of adenomyosis after discontinuing the therapy
It can be used to reduce the amount of adenomyosis and
the remaining areas can be resected for those who still
want to get pregnant
Surgical Treatment
Hysterectomy: For symptomatic adenomyosis
The reported mortality and morbidity rates are 1-2
deaths per 1000 cases and 25-50%, respectively
Over 80% effective in eliminating pain and
abnormal bleeding for a woman who has finished
childbearing and is willing to undergo surgery
For abnormal bleeding problems and uterine
conservation, a progesterone intrauterine
contraceptive device can be used to improve
irregular bleeding
Other Therapies
Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation
~ Success rate of improving heavy menstrual
periods (about 60%)
~ A good non hysterectomy choice for women
with predominantly abnormal uterine
bleeding, high operative risks, or who are
adverse to removal of the uterus.
Laparoscopic myometrial resection or open
myometrial resection treatment
~Used for focal adenomyosis

Newest Advancement
Uterine-artery embolization with
polyvinyl particles may relieve signs
or symptoms of adenomyosis
e.g.heavy vaginal bleeding
Thank you for your attention !

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