Building Information Modelling For Offshore Wind Projects: Improving Working Methods and Reducing Costs
Building Information Modelling For Offshore Wind Projects: Improving Working Methods and Reducing Costs
Building Information Modelling For Offshore Wind Projects: Improving Working Methods and Reducing Costs
Building information modelling (BIM) is used across the architecture, engineering and
construction sectors. Used in a team environment, a project developed using BIM
delivers improved data sharing, reduced costs and greater whole life value. To support its
modernisation objectives for large infrastructure projects, the UK Government has made BIM
adoption mandatory for centrally-procured projects. Although it is not mandatory for offshore
wind to adopt BIM, onshore infrastructure projects adopting BIM share common characteristics
and demonstrate the potential for the offshore wind sector to improve working methodologies
at all stages.
Summary of findings
• In the UK, the adoption of BIM has increased significantly over the last five years. In a recent
survey 48% of design and construction professionals said they are already using BIM, with 83%
planning to use BIM within the next year (1).
• The UK Government Construction Strategy 2011 cites a 15-20% cost reduction target, with BIM as
a key facilitator (2). BIM is now mandatory for all centrally-procured public projects.
• A key objective for offshore wind is to reduce costs. Where BIM has been deployed in other sectors
it has not only demonstrated the potential to reduce costs for offshore wind, but also to impact
on overall project budget, number of contracts, interfaces between contributors, level of design
complexity and project duration.
• The offshore wind industry has not yet adopted BIM. The complexity and duration of a typical
project are perceived as potential barriers, but there are proven examples across other similar
sectors that demonstrate these can be overcome.
• An appropriate industry body should quantify the potential benefit of BIM to offshore wind by
reviewing the efficiencies and cost reductions achieved across sectors that have adopted BIM.
• An appropriate industry body should analyse how the regulatory environment for offshore wind may
impact BIM adoption.
• Appoint a champion (the Offshore Wind Programme Board (OWPB) is ideally placed) empowered
to progress the application of BIM across the sector. Candidate tasks should include exploring
potential benefits, explaining the implications of BIM and setting up ‘live’ project demonstrations.
• Developers should engage and be encouraged to familiarise themselves with BIM; understand the
benefits, existing users’ experiences and how this aligns with government strategy.
• Develop a demonstration project, supported by an appropriate champion to increase understanding
and awareness of BIM. Small-scale projects would be most appropriate, such as an offshore wind
demonstrator, tidal energy or onshore wind project.
The UK Government has made it clear that the offshore wind industry will only continue to attract
support if it reduces costs.
The Cost Reduction Monitoring Framework (CRMF) (3) records how costs have been reduced within
specific developments. The CRMF has shown that the greatest reductions have been realised in
turbine technology and scale, market competition and cost of equity.
These high level findings suggest the industry is on track to deliver a levelised cost of energy (LCoE)
of £100/MWh by 2020.
Further reductions need to be realised in areas such as balance of plant, transmission and installation.
Strategies also need to be developed to further reduce LCoE, post 2020.
BIM offers potential to improve the outcomes and contribute to cost reduction through the benefits
of improved supply chain involvement and knowledge sharing (4) – both of which were identified as
offering potential for future cost savings.
In this paper we describe how new collaborative systems of working in similar industries deliver
savings in both capital expenditure (Capex) and operational expenditure (Opex) project phases.
We explore what potential these have to drive down costs in the offshore wind sector.
What is BIM?
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has driven a revolution in project planning and execution for
infrastructure and built environment projects.
BIM is a digitally-enabled design and information management process which combines technology,
people and processes. An important component of BIM is the use of comprehensive 3D computer-
aided design (CAD) models. The process also supports structured collaborative working, where all
parties communicate and share information in a planned and standardised way.
To truly leverage benefit from BIM, organisations must be willing to embrace fundamental change in
the way they exchange information. The roles and responsibilities that people take and the agreed
protocols which define how information is shared with other contributors will all be required to change.
The ethos of working from a common, aligned platform is at least as important as the technology
enabling collaborative working.
As it matures and is becoming more widely adopted, BIM is playing a significant role in delivering
efficiencies and cost savings across the the architecture, engineering and construction industry.
BIM characteristics
BIM offers a defined structure and framework (see Figure 1). Standards and Publicly Available
Specifications (PAS) define project roles and standard processes. Employer’s Information
Requirements (EIR) are drawn up at the beginning of a project and comprise:
• An information management strategy which defines the standards for document delivery and any
input data required by the team to formulate a plan which satisfies the project requirements.
• Commercial documents which include data sharing agreements, software requirements, definition
of responsibilities which set the standards for information management.
• Competence assessments which are used to rate the capabilities of both the personnel and IT
systems of potential project partners.
The supply chain responds to EIR with a BIM Execution Plan (BEP) allowing both the employer and
the supply chain to understand the proposed information requirements before a project begins.
Once contracts are awarded, a Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP) detailing milestones and
responsibilities specific to the project is created. This plan also defines project specific details such as
data formats, numbering and naming conventions before any work takes place.
A Common Data Environment (CDE) allows individuals or sub teams to work seamlessly in a shared
digital environment and enables everyone access to information at an early stage. Working in a CDE
The ability to share information through a structured CDE allows everyone, particularly contractors
and/or the supply chain to have access to project information at an early stage. This avoids confusion
and duplication, as well as facilitating communication based on current, up-to-date information.
From April 2016 the use of BIM will be compulsory on Government construction projects. Recently the
National Building Specification (NBS), part of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), surveyed
professionals from across architecture, engineering and construction. The survey found that 48%
said they are already using BIM, with 83% stating that they plan to use BIM within the next year (1).
The primary motivation for the Government mandate is to increase efficiencies and reduce costs. The
objective is to achieve target savings of 15-20% on construction and lifecycle costs by using BIM to
integrate project teams, share information, support appropriate contractor engagement and facilitate
collaboration (2).
BIM not only enjoys Government support, but also an increasing enthusiasm from industry
professionals as it becomes more widely used across architecture, engineering and construction
projects. BIM has been key in the successful delivery of CrossRail (5) for instance. The number of
projects which have benefitted from the adoption of BIM is expanding. Equally, the level of experience
amongst customers and the supply chain continues to grow.
There is a common imperative shared by centrally-procured infrastructure projects and the offshore
wind industry. The UK Government has made it clear that both sectors will only continue to attract
support if they reduce costs. However, unlike the construction sector, it is not mandatory for the
offshore wind industry to adopt BIM, yet key characteristics, such as the practice of sharing information
through an online CDE will be familiar to offshore renewable energy professionals.
Barriers to the adoption of BIM in offshore wind projects
There are a number of potential barriers which could hinder universal adoption of BIM in offshore wind
There is evidence that significant shifts in mindset have facilitated the adoption of BIM across other
sectors and there is no reason to believe that similar movement will not be possible within the
offshore wind industry.
Regulatory requirements need to be reviewed and amended to enable optimum adoption of BIM in
offshore wind.
4. Spend profile.
Figure 2 demonstrates how BIM reduces spend by enabling a shift in effort to earlier stages of the
project. Work at preliminary and detailed design phases offers better value than amendments during
final design and construction. The earlier the change is made, the lower the cost, and the greater
the potential opportunity to reduce the overall spend. In a typical offshore wind project, the reverse
of the BIM strategy applies. This is because there is a reluctance from developers to optimise a
project (and incur expense) while still awaiting results of a Contract for Difference (CfD) auction and
decisions on planning consents. Developers seek to balance the capital at risk with the likelihood
of project success and the result is that projects tend to be biased towards a model of increasing
spend later in the detailed design phase.
Deploying BIM methodology to enable full collaboration between owner, designer, OEM and
subsequent O&M contractor may be challenging because of the differing motivations of these
The optimisation of through-life cost (versus capital expenditure) should logically be a primary
objective. However the structure and delivery of offshore wind projects tends to drive lenders and
investors to focus on achieving income and profit as early as possible at the expense of optimised
Opex spend.
6. Transactions.
Offshore wind projects are frequently subject to transfer or transactions. For example, a developer
may commonly aim to divest a percentage stake at a certain stage. BIM ethos is focused on
transparency and information sharing, but this characteristic is not always likely to be compatible
with the way projects are financed.
How project financing impacts on the adoption of BIM will be a key influence. At present,
information sharing may be hindered by actual or perceived risks related to financing. To align with
BIM, a step change in the way transactional negotiations are conducted is required.
8. Additional effort.
The additional work required to define EIR at project inception may be perceived as a barrier by a
developer or a third party such as the consenting authority, or both.
In light of these potential barriers and without a clear mandate or requirement to change, it is unlikely
that a BIM approach will be adopted in offshore wind in the near future. Although there is a clear
desire for cost reduction, there has not been a universal need described by potential end users for
BIM type systems, and the true potential savings are both unknown and difficult to assess. If these
barriers could be overcome, projects may benefit from improving the opportunity for CfD auction
success, reduced LCoE and financing costs.
There are powerful examples of projects with similar challenges that have successfully adopted BIM.
Two are described below:
1. The Crossrail project is successfully demonstrating that a highly complex contracting structure and
long running project can both implement and benefit from BIM (5). The project is using a single
linked system of BIM databases across 25 design contracts, 30 main works contracts and 60 main
logistics contracts. Ensuring that work has been carried out in a collaborative 3D environment was
defined as a core contractual requirement from the outset.
2. The integration of BIM is crucial to the delivery of the new Hinkley nuclear plant, a project with
security requirements of national importance. The British Standards Institution Publicly Available
Specification BSI PAS 1192-5:2015 provides guidance on security and information security for
collaborative BIM and this project demonstrates that high levels of information security does not
preclude the use of BIM.
The primary mechanisms for managing the security of exchange of information in BIM are either
to rely on contracts to prevent information being used outside a specific project, or in the instance
of more sensitive information, excluding it from a CDE. When information is excluded from a CDE
much of the advantage of collaborative BIM is lost. The hesitance to share is as much a barrier
imposed by mindset as it is by project requirements but has been overcome elsewhere.
In order for BIM to be widely adopted, and hence deliver maximum positive impact there are areas of
regulation where change may be required. For example, the existence of regulations around OFTO
transactions or competition and procurement need not prevent the roll-out of BIM. However, a change
in regulations may enable a more rounded adoption. Detailed industry consultation is required to
understand which existing and future regulatory requirements for offshore wind projects may be
influenced by BIM.
O&M engagement
It is also already recognised that engaging early with O&M contractors leads to cost savings and
greater efficiency throughout the whole life of the asset – from concept design to decommissioning.
This is not an attribute unique to BIM or to the offshore wind sector. Industries such as combined cycle
gas turbines (CCGT) also strive to achieve the most cost effective balance of OEM support, cost of
risk and O&M costs.
It is worth comparing a BIM enabled approach with two typical approaches, both of which represent
standard strategies. Consider a less collaborative approach where an OEM is engaged for a long
initial service contract. This results in lower financing costs, but stifles collaboration. It may also restrict
some opportunities to optimise for Opex once a project is in a mature operating phase. In contrast,
an alternative could be to work collaboratively and engage an O&M provider early. This may increase
other costs and/or push spend earlier in a project, but may reduce overall lifetime costs. There is
clearly a variety of approaches to consider when balancing the benefits of BIM in offshore wind.
Managing change
Achieving greater appreciation of how a project can benefit from BIM is primarily an issue of education
and managing a change in approach and ethos. To achieve successful adoption of BIM in any
organisation, there is a requirement for ownership and encouragement, as well as willingness to
migrate to new technology.
Encouraging users who may already have some level of investment in common data environments to
go further and use them in a more collaborative way may require support from a BIM champion. The
role of a champion is to help overcome any reluctance to invest and educate people about the benefits
and advantages of collaboration, within the context of their own projects or areas of expertise. For
instance, BIM would offer distinct advantages by enabling both lower cost and lower risk transactions
for projects which are the subject of transaction(s) or transfer.
Recent Government signals suggest that additional qualifying criteria, such as local content, will play a
more active role in the assessment of CfD bids in future rounds. It is plausible that further scrutiny and
requirements will be imposed on future CfD awards. Seen in this context, a project using BIM would at
least be seen in a positive light. If included in a supply chain plan for example, it would be perceived
as encouraging both cost reduction, innovation and supporting a methodology already championed by
Areas where offshore wind projects would expect to leverage an advantage by adopting a BIM
approach and deliver savings include:
• Condition-based maintenance.
BIM offers the opportunity for design and O&M project phases to align without alienating
construction and commissioning, and an earlier and more bilateral dialogue between O&M and
the design team. A typical beneficial outcome would be linking monitoring system data with asset
management data to deliver proactive and more cost-efficient maintenance regimes based on
• Transactions.
Collating shared project data in alignment with BS1192 will streamline and improve projects
through standardising the due diligence process. This will both reduce the cost of a transaction, the
associated risk and may lead to a higher value asset for the employer.
Supply chain innovation is encouraged by being prescriptive only about the data requirements in the
procurement process, not the method of collection (for example from survey) or delivery. Greater
transparency and combination of datasets may also offer unforeseen insights through emerging
techniques such as big data analytics. This is likely to be particularly powerful when a developer or
contractor has a portfolio of projects on which they can perform analyses.
Although there is a clear desire for reducing cost, there has not been a sector-wide drive to adopt BIM
type systems in offshore renewable energy. A more collaborative approach such as BIM, demonstrates
the potential for savings across offshore wind projects. But the true potential savings are unknown and
difficult to assess.
If barriers could be overcome, projects may benefit from improving the opportunity for CfD auction
success, reducing financing costs and LCoE and increasing the attractiveness of projects and the
industry in general to Government.
The CRMF (3) can be used to lend industry context to these findings. While the framework does not
specifically track the integration of BIM in offshore wind, both supply chain involvement and knowledge
sharing are components of BIM and were identified as offering potential for future cost savings.
The competitive auction process discourages intercompany knowledge sharing. Having a structure
aligned to an applicable standard (5) (6) for BIM will provide a management system for the exchange
of information and give participants confidence that a balance can be struck between collaboration and
The construction sector has demonstrated that by adopting BIM, revolutionary change is achievable.
Similar efficiencies and savings are possible in the offshore wind industry.
* Figure 1: Permission to reproduce extracts from British Standards is granted by BSI. British Standards can be obtained in PDF or hard copy formats
from the BSI online shop: or by contacting BSI Customer Services for hardcopies only:
Tel: +44 (0)20 8996 9001, Email:
Author Profile
Owen Murphy is a Renewable Technology Engineer within the Engineering team at ORE Catapult. He
has worked in the wind power industry for eight years and has experience of offshore wind projects
across their lifecycle from development through to operation.
Recent project highlights include delivery of a performance assessment campaign to quantify the real-
world cost of energy impact of turbine blade damage, and the role of engineering lead on the Cost
Reduction Monitoring Framework (CRMF) for 2015.
While the information contained in this report has been prepared and collated in good faith, ORE Catapult makes no
representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein nor
shall be liable for any loss or damage resultant from reliance on same.
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