Preschool Lesson Plan 2
Preschool Lesson Plan 2
Preschool Lesson Plan 2
expression as they use the paintbrushes and paint
to create pieces of artwork.
IELG Domain 2 Goal 18: Demonstrate strength
and coordination of small motor muscles.
Manipulatives: Activity Description: The marble works will be set Marble Works (RR1, 38)
Marble Works (4) up on the table. Have a few ramps created so
that the children can see what to do.
Child Objective: Children will develop fine motor
skills as they push together the different ramp
items and then roll the marble down them.
Math: Peg number Activity Description: The peg number boards and Peg number boards (RR2,
boards (4)@ pegs will be set out on the table for the children Red, 153)
to see. They will be able to count the number of
pegs as they put them in to the boards.
Child Objective: The children will practice their
math and counting skills as they count the pegs
on each board.
Science: Glow Activity Description: The Glow dome will be set Glow dome (RR1, 75)
Dome (4) out on the table for the children to explore.
Child Objective: The children will use scientific
exploration as they touch and move their hands
around the glow dome and watch what
Sensory Table: Activity Description: The sensory table will be filled Ocean animals (RR2, Green,
Water Fun (4) up half way with water. The fish nets and ocean 123)
animals will be placed in the water. Fish nets (RR2, Green, 121)
Child Objective: The children will use sensory
exploration in this activity as they use the fish nets
to find the animals in the water.
Blocks: Trains (5) Activity Description: In the block area set part of Train set (RR2, blue, 171)
a train track up and place the rest of the parts
around the area for the children to use and build
with. Place the trains around the area as well.
Child Objective: Children will use fine motor skills
as they build structures with the blocks and train
*Dramatic Play: Activity Description: Set the dramatic play are up Cash register (RR2, yellow,
Concert (6)@ to look like a concert. Use the large blocks to 218)
make the stage and set chairs up in front of that Show time bin (RR2, yellow,
for the audience. Hang a sign that says concert 245)
above the stage. Have a table set up with a cash Musical instruments- egg
register and tickets to the concert for the children shakers, tambourines, etc.
to purchase. Include paper tickets that they can (WR, Cabinet 3)
write on.
Child Objective: Children will use imaginative
play as they take on the different roles in this
IELG Domain 1 Goal 14: Children participate in
exploratory play.
Creative Art: Description: Lay butcher paper on the table and Butcher Paper (workroom)
Stamp Art place 4 stamp pads around the table with stamp Stamp pads (RR1, O11)
shapes. Stamps (RR1, O11)
2nd: Tinker Toys Description: Build structures out of the tinker toys Tinker toys (RR1, W42)
and leave extra pieces next to them.
*Gross Motor: Activity Description: Place the mallets next to the Mallets (child lab office)
Musical Lady Bugs musical lady bugs out on the playground.
(4) Child Objective: Children will use their gross motor
skills to swing the mallets and hit the lady bugs to
hear the sounds that it makes.
2nd: Basketball (2) Activity Description: Set the basketball hoop and Basketball hoop (small shed)
basketballs on the grass area over in front of the Basket balls (Gross garage,
large shed. shelf 7)
Child Objective: The children will use their gross
motor skills to throw the basketballs into the hoop.
3rd: Aluminum Activity Description: Place the aluminum ladder Aluminum ladder (gross
Ladder (4)@ out the grass area right outside of our classroom. garage)
Child Objective: The children will use their A teacher must be in
climbing gross motor skills to climb up the stairs arms reach in case a
and across the ladder. child falls. Only 1
IELG Domain 2 Goal 17: Demonstrate strength child at a time.
and coordination of large motor muscles.
teachers will then pass out the rhythm sticks to
the children and we will do the activity. I will
collect the rhythm sticks when we are done.
IELG Domain 3 Goal 31: Children participate
positively in group activities.
2. When You’re Do you feel happy when you sing? I feel happy
Happy and You when I sing especially when I sing songs that I like.
Know It (Singing Right now, we are going to sing a song called “If
helps me to You’re Happy and You Know It” (the lyrics are
recognize my listed at the end of the lesson plan)
Transition to Small The children will go with the teacher who has the
Focus same necklace as them to small focus. As the get
dismissed group by group we will sing one verse
of “If You’re Happy and You Know It” as they are
moving to their groups.
Phonemic Awareness The children will look at the pictures of rhyme Rhyme Away Boy
Rhyme Away Boy away boy as I tell the story they will predict what (Aubrey’s)
will happen next. The children will also repeat the
rhyming words throughout the story.
Music Activity or Song The children will each get a frog puppet to put o Frog finger puppets
or Fingerplay their fingers and they will sing a long and do the (workroom, cabinet 1)
Five Little Speckled actions to the Five Speckled Frog song.
Story (non-book) The children will look at the pictures as I tell the Brown bear (Aubrey’s)
“Brown Bear, Brown story and they will predict as the story goes along.
Age Appropriate The children will pass the crayon around the Crayons (in class)
Game circle while singing the song,
Pass the color Pass, pass, pass the color
This is the game we play
When this little song is through
This colors name we’ll say!
Then whoever is holding the crayon will say the
color of it.
Game As I lay the houses on the floor the children will Mouse in the House
Mouse in the House say the colors of the houses. Then I will hide the (Aubrey’s)
mouse under one of the houses and the children
will guess which house it is under by saying the
color of it.
Book I will the read the book Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Chicka, Chicka, Boom,
Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom to the children. I will engage them by Boom (B M3)
Boom asking different questions as we read the story.
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, do all three (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
If you're happy and you know it, then your face will surely show it
If you're happy and you know it, do all three. (clap-clap, stomp-stomp, hoo-ray!)
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