Em 1110-2-1601 PDF
Em 1110-2-1601 PDF
Em 1110-2-1601 PDF
Engineer Manual
No. 1110-2-1601 30 June 1994
a. Updates Chapter 2.
b. Updates Chapter 3.
c. Adds Chapter 5, which describes methods for predicting n values for the Manning equation.
d. Updates the Table of Contents to reflect the changes in Chapters 2 and 3 and the addition of
Chapter 5.
i. Updates Appendix H.
3. File this change sheet in front of the publication for reference purposes.
EM 1110-2-1601
1 July 1991
US Army Corps
of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-EH-D Washington, D.C. 20314-1000
Engineer Manual
No. 1110-2-1601 1 July 1991
1. Purpose. This manual presents procedures for the design analysis and criteria of design for improved
channels that carry rapid and/or tranquil flows.
2. Applicability. This manual applies to major subordinate commands, districts, and laboratories having
responsibility for the design of civil works projects.
3. General. Procedures recommended herein are considered appropriate for design of features which are
usable under most field conditions encountered in Corps of Engineers projects. Basic theory is presented
as required to clarify presentation and where the state of the art, as found in standard textbooks, is limited.
In the design guidance, where possible, both laboratory and prototype experimental test results have been
correlated with current theory.
Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Chief of Staff
This manual supersedes EM 1110-2-1601, 1 July 1970
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Change 1
CECW-EH-D Washington, DC 20314-1000
Engineer Manual
No. 1110-2-1601 30 June 1994
Table of Contents
Chapter 3 Section VI
Riprap Protection Quality Control
* Quality Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 3-12*
Section I
Introduction Chapter 4
General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-1 Special Features and Considerations
Riprap Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-1 Sediment Control Structures . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4-1
Air Entrainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4-3
Section II Hydraulic Jump in Open
Channel Characteristics Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-3
Side Slope Inclination . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-4 Open Channel Junctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4-5
Channel Roughness, Shape, Hydraulic Model Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4-8
Alignment, and Gradient. . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3-4
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* Chapter 5 Appendix D
Methods for Predicting n Values Computer Program for Designing Banked Curves
for the Manning Equation for Supercritical Flow in Rectangular Channels
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 5-1
Approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 5-1 Appendix E
Hydraulic Roughness by Theory of Combining Flow at Open Channel
Handbook Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 5-1 Junctions (Confluences)
Base n Values (nb) for
Channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4 5-1 Appendix F
Hydraulic Roughness by Report on Standardization of Riprap Gradations
Analytical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 5-2
Composite n Values and Appendix G
Hydraulic Radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 5-12 Velocity Estimation Based on Field Observations
Expansion and Contraction
in a 1-D Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 5-14 Appendix H
Unforeseen Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5-14 * Examples of Stone Size Calculations
Appendix A Appendix I
References Notation
Appendix B
Appendix C
Notes on Derivation and Use of Hydraulic
Properties by the Alpha Method
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c. Preliminary layout. A preliminary map or aerial of the proposed channels are then made with a view
mosaic of the area showing the topography and other toward establishing the most efficient channel improve-
control factors to a scale satisfactory for plotting the cen- ment from the standpoint of hydraulic efficiency and
ter line of the channel should be obtained. A scale of economic feasibility.
1 inch (in.) to 100 feet (ft) with 2-ft-contour interval is
suggested, although judgment based on local conditions e. Economy. Approximate cost estimates are pre-
should be used. A preliminary profile should be prepared pared, including costs of channel construction, appurtenant
that will show all pertinent elevations of the ground and works and bridges, and rights-of-way. It may be neces-
existing structures along the banks and along the center sary to consider several channel alignments, cross sec-
line of the proposed channel. tions, and construction materials before the least-cost
design consistent with sound engineering principles is
d. Preliminary alternative designs. From a study of determined. Assured performance, consistent with project
the preliminary plan, profiles, and available widths, tenta- formulation based on sound engineering judgment, is a
tive channel cross sections are adopted. These are gener- necessary part of economic consideration. With an
ally rectangular or trapezoidal sections. Low velocity optimum general design thus tentatively established, and
flows can usually be carried in natural-bottom trapezoidal provided the cost is economically feasible for the project
channels with or without stone-revetted side slopes. as a whole, the detailed hydraulic design is presented in
High- velocity flows normally would be carried in Chapter 2.
concrete-lined channels. Preliminary hydraulic analyses
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material. The use of k is emphasized herein because The relation between the coefficients in these equations
computational results are relatively insensitive to errors in can be expressed as
assigned values of k . However, use of Manning’s n
has been retained in several procedures because of its C R 1/6 10.8 (2-4)
wide acceptance and simplicity of use. This applies 1.486 n f 1/2
particularly to varied flow profiles, pulsating flow, and the
design of free-surface hydraulic models.
(2) When determining friction coefficients, it should
b. Friction losses. be recognized that the energy grade line and therefore the
friction coefficient include uniformly occurring turbulence
(1) The importance that friction plays in the determi- and eddy losses as well as the friction loss. Equivalent
nation of flow characteristics in channels cannot be over- roughness for the same reason. Special, locally occurring
stressed. Three equations (Chezy’s, Manning’s, and turbulence and eddy losses are to be determined sepa-
Darcy’s) are in general use for the determination of losses rately as covered in hydraulic textbooks and elsewhere in
due to friction. These equations expressed as friction this manual.
slope Sf , i.e., slope of the energy grade line, are
c. Friction coefficients.
(a) Chezy:
(1) The equations for using equivalent roughness to
determine friction coefficients (Plate 3) are
V2 (2-1)
C 2R (a) For hydraulically smooth channels
(b) Manning:
5.2Rn (2-5)
C 32.6 log10
V 2n 2 (2-2)
2.21R 4/3
(b) For hydraulically rough channels
(c) Darcy:
12.2R (2-6)
C 32.6 log10
fV 2 (2-3)
where Rn is the Reynolds number.
C = Chezy coefficient
5C ν
kc (2-7)
f = Darcy-Weisbach resistance V
coefficient g
g = acceleration of gravity
where ν is the kinematic viscosity of water.
2-2 *
EM 1110-2-1601
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(3) Most channels (including concrete-lined chan- d. Flow classification. There are several different
nels) with appreciable velocity are hydraulically rough. types of flow classification. Those treated in this para-
Plates 4 and 5 are furnished as an aid for determining graph assume that the channel has a uniform cross-
friction coefficients from equivalent roughness. Irrigation sectional rigid boundary. The concepts of tranquil and
and power canals generally fall in the transition zone rapid flows are discussed in (1) below. The applicability
shown in Plate 3. of the newer concepts of steady rapid flow and pulsating
rapid flow to design problems are treated in (2) below.
(4) Table 2-1, extracted from HDC sheets 631 to All of these concepts are considered from the viewpoint
631-2, provides acceptable equivalent roughness values of uniform flow where the water-surface slope and energy
for straight, concrete-lined channels. grade line are parallel to the bottom slope. Flow classifi-
cation of nonuniform flow in channels of uniform solid
(5) See Chapter 3 for friction coefficients for riprap. boundaries or prismatic channels is discussed in (3)
below. The design approaches to flow in nonprismatic
(6) Values of k for natural river channels usually channels are treated in other portions of this manual.
fall between 0.1 and 3.0 ft (see Table 8-1 of Chow
(1) Tranquil and rapid flows.
Discharge Capacity 0.007 He d α (2-8)
Maximum Velocity 0.002
Proximity to Critical
Depth1 where
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graphs and tables have been published to facilitate compu- channel where both bottom width and side slope vary.
tation of uniform flow. Brater and King (1976) have Successive approximations of water-surface elevations are
specially prepared tables for trapezoidal channels based on made until a balance of energy is obtained. Friction
the Manning equation. HDC 610-1 through 610-4/1-1 losses hf are based on the Manning equation.
give graphs that afford rapid solution for the normal depth
in trapezoid channels. Nonuniform or varied flow in
prismatic channels can be solved rapidly by use of the n 2V 2 V2 (2-1 and 2-2 bis)
varied flow function. (It should be noted that different 2.21R 4/3 C 2R
authors have used the terms "nonuniform" flow and "var-
ied" flow to mean the same thing; "varied flow" is used in
this manual.) Varied flow in nonprismatic channels, such
as those with a gradually contracting or a gradually ex- For the sample computation a mild slope upstream and
panding cross section, is usually handled by "step meth- steep slope downstream of sta 682+40 have been
ods." It should be noted that short, rapidly contracting or assumed. Critical depth would occur in the vicinity of
expanding cross sections are treated in this manual as sta 682+40 and has been assumed as the starting condi-
transitions. tion. Initially, column 21 has the same value as column
10. The computations proceed downstream as the flow is
(a) Prismatic channels. A prismatic channel is char- rapid. The length of reach is chosen such that the change
acterized by unvarying cross section, constant bottom in velocity between the ends of the reach is less than
slope, and relatively straight alignment. There are three 10 percent. The energy equation is balanced when
general methods of determining flow profiles in this type column 21 checks column 10 for the trial water surface of
of channel: direct integration, direct step, and standard column 5. Plate 9 repeats the computation, substituting
step, as discussed in Chow (1959, pp 252-268). The k = 0.002 ft for n = 0.014 . For rough channel
direct integration and direct step methods apply exclu- conditions
sively to prismatic channels, whereas the standard step
method applies not only to prismatic channels but is the
only method to be applied to nonprismatic channels. The 12.2R (2-6 bis)
C 32.6 log10
direct integration method (with certain restrictions as to k
the constancy of hydraulic exponents) solves the varied
flow equation to determine the length of reach between
successive depths. Use is made of varied-flow-function 2-3. Flow Through Bridges
tables to reduce the amount of computations. This
method is not normally employed unless sufficient Bridge piers located in channels result in energy losses in
profiles and length of channel are involved to warrant the the flow and create disturbances at the bridge section and
amount of precomputational preparation. The direct step in the channel sections immediately upstream and down-
method determines the length of reach between successive stream. As bridge pier losses materially affect water-
depths by solution of the energy and friction equations surface elevations in the vicinity of the bridge, their
written for end sections of the reach. The standard step careful determination is important. Submergence of
method is discussed in (b) below. bridge members is not desirable.
(b) Nonprismatic channels. When the cross section, a. Abutment losses. Bridge abutments should not
alignment, and/or bottom slope changes along the channel, extend into the flow area in rapid-flow channels. In
the standard step method (Chow 1959, p 265) is applied. tranquil-flow channels they should be so designed that the
This method determines the water-surface elevation flow depth between abutments or between the abutment
(depth) at the reach extremity by successive approxima- and an intermediate pier is greater than critical depth.
tions. Trial water-surface elevations are assumed until an The Bureau of Public Roads (BPR) (Bradley 1978) has
elevation is found that satisfies the energy and friction published design charts for computing backwater for
equations written for the end sections of the reach. Cross various abutment geometries and degrees of contraction.
sections for this method should, in general, be selected so The design procedure and charts developed by BPR are
that velocities are increasing or decreasing continuously recommended for use in channel designs involving bridge
throughout the reach. EM 1110-2-1409 contains further abutments. For preliminary designs, a step backwater
information on this method. Plate 8 shows a sample computation using abrupt expansion and contraction head
computation for a gradually contracting trapezoidal losses of 1.0 and 0.5, respectively, times the change in
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velocity head may be used. This method under the same V = average channel velocity, feet per
circumstances may be applied to bridge openings contain- second (fps)
ing piers.
g = acceleration of gravity, ft/sec2
b. Pier losses. Rapid, tranquil, or a combination of
rapid- and tranquil-flow conditions may occur where only In Equation 2-12 β is generally assumed to be equal to
bridge piers are located in the flow area. Flow through 1.0. Since
bridge piers for this condition is classified as class A, B,
or C, according to the depth of flow in relation to critical
Q AV (2-13)
depth occurring upstream, between piers, and downstream.
Plate 10 is a graphic description of these classes, which
are discussed below. Plate 11 is useful in determining the
class of flow in rectangular channels. Equation 12 can be written
M β (2-12)
By the momentum principle in an unconstricted channel
γQ 2 γQ 2 (2-17)
where ma mb
gAa gAb
M = momentum per unit time, pounds (lb)
(from pounds-second per second
where ma and mb are the total hydrostatic forces of
water in the upstream and downstream sections,
respectively, lb.
β = momentum correction coefficient
(e) Based on experiments under all conditions of
γ = specific weight of water, pounds per
open-channel flow where the channel was constricted by
cubic foot (pcf)
short, flat surfaces perpendicular to the flow, such as with
Q = total discharge, cfs
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bridge piers, Koch and Carstanjen (Koch 1926) found that Q = total discharge, cfs
the upstream momentum force had to be reduced by
(Ap/A1)(γQ2/gA1) to balance the total force in the m1 = total hydrostatic force of water in
constriction. upstream section, lb
(f) Equating the summation of the external forces m2 = total hydrostatic force of water in
above and below the structures with those within the con- pier section, lb
tracted section yields
m3 = total hydrostatic force of water in
downstream section, lb
A 2
γQ 2 p γQ mp = total hydrostatic force of water on
m1 A gA pier ends, lb
gA1 1 1
A1 = cross-sectional area of upstream
γQ 2 channel, square feet, ft2
m2 mp
A2 = cross-sectional area of channel
within pier section, ft2
A3 = cross-sectional area of downstream
channel, ft2
γQ 2 γQ 2 (2-19)
m2 mp m3
gA2 gA3 Ap = cross-sectional area of pier
obstruction, ft2
Combining these equations results in (g) Curves based on the Koch-Carstanjen equation
(Equation 2-21) are illustrated in Plate 12a. The resulting
flow profiles are shown in Plate 12b. The necessary
computations for developing the curves are shown in
A 2
γQ 2 p γQ Plate 13. The downstream depth is usually known for
m1 A gA m2 tranquil-flow channels and is greater than critical depth.
gA1 1 1 (2-20) It therefore plots on the upper branch of curve III in
γQ 2
γQ 2
Plate 12a. If this depth A is to the right of (greater force
mp m3
gA2 gA3 than) the minimum force value B of curve II, the flow is
class A and the upstream design depth C is read on curve
I immediately above point A. In this case, the upstream
depth is controlled by the downstream depth A plus the
This reduces to the Koch-Carstanjen equation pier contraction and expansion losses. However, if the
downstream depth D plots on the upper branch of curve
III to the left of (less force than) point B, the upstream
γQ 2 γQ 2 design depth E is that of curve I immediately above point
m1 mp A1 Ap m2
2 gA2
gA1 (2-21) B, and critical depth within the pier section B is the con-
γQ 2 trol. The downstream design depth F now is that given
m3 mp
gA3 by curve III immediately below point E. A varied flow
computation in a downstream direction is required to
determine the location where downstream channel condi-
tions effect the depth D.
EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
right of point B, the flow is class C. The downstream extensions to accomplish this is illustrated in USAED,
design depth H and the design flow depth within the pier Los Angeles (1943), and USAEWES (1957). The general
section I are read on curves III and II, respectively, im- statements relative to bridge pier extensions for class B
mediately above depth G. A varied flow computation is flow also apply to class C flow. However, in the latter
required to determine the location where downstream case, the degree and extent of the disturbances are much
channel conditions again control the depth. However, if more severe than with class B flow. Excellent illustra-
the unaffected upstream rapid-flow depth J plots on the tions of the use of bridge pier extensions in high-velocity
lower branch of curve I to the left of point B, the design channels are given in USAED, Los Angeles (1943), and
upstream depth K is read on curve I immediately above USAED, Walla Walla (1960). The bridge pier extension
point B. The design downstream depth L is read on curve geometry shown in Plate 18 was developed by USAED,
II immediately below point B. In this case, class B flow Los Angeles, and pier extensions of this design have been
results with a hydraulic jump between depths J and K found to perform satisfactorily.
(Plate 12b) upstream of the pier as controlled by critical
depth within the pier section B. A varied flow computa- d. Model studies. Where flow conditions at bridge
tion is again required to determine the location where piers are affected by severe changes in channel geometry
downstream channel conditions control the flow depth. and alignment, bridge abutments, or multiple bridge
crossings, consideration should be given to obtaining the
(3) Design charts, rectangular sections. A graphic design flow profile from a hydraulic model study.
solution for class A flow in rectangular channels,
developed by USAED, Los Angeles (1939), and published 2-4. Transitions
as HDC 010-6/2, is reproduced in Plate 14. The drop in
water surface H3 in terms of critical depth is presented a. General. Transitions should be designed to ac-
as a function of the downstream depth d3 and critical complish the necessary change in cross section with as
depth in the unobstructed channel. Separate curves are little flow disturbance as is consistent with economy. In
given for channel contraction ratios of between 0.02 and tranquil flow, the head loss produced by the transition is
0.30. In rectangular channels, α is the horizontal con- most important as it is reflected as increased upstream
traction ratio. The basic graph is for round nose piers. stages. In rapid flow, standing waves produced by
The insert graph provides correction factors (γ) for other changes of direction are of great concern in and down-
pier shapes. Use of the chart is illustrated in Plate 15. stream from the transition. Streamlined transitions reduce
Plate 16 (HDC 010- 6/3) presents the USAED, Los head losses and standing waves. As transition
Angeles, (1939), solution for class B flow using the mo- construction costs exceed those of uniform channel cross
mentum method. Plate 17 (HDC 010-6/4) presents the section and tend to increase with the degree of streamlin-
USAED, Chicago, solution for class B flow by the energy ing, alternative transition designs, their costs, and the
method. The use of these charts for rectangular channel incremental channel costs due to head losses and/or stand-
sections is shown in Plate 15. ing waves should be assessed.
c. Bridge pier extension. Upstream pier extensions b. Types. The three most common types of transi-
are frequently used to reduce flow disturbance caused by tions connecting trapezoidal and rectangular channels are
bridge piers and to minimize collection of debris on pier cylindrical quadrant, warped, and wedge, as shown in
noses. In addition, it is often necessary and economical Plate 19. For comparable design, the wedge-type transi-
to make use of existing bridge structures in designing tion, although easier to construct, should be longer than
flood channels. In some instances there is insufficient the warped because of the miter bends between channel
vertical clearance under these structures to accommodate and transition faces. Warped and wedge types can be
the design flow. With class B flow, the maximum flow used generally for expansions or contractions.
depth occurs at the upstream end of the pier and the criti-
cal depth occurs within the constriction. Field observa- (1) Tranquil flow. Each of these three transition
tions and model studies by USAED, Los Angeles (1939), types may be used for tranquil flow in either direction.
indicate that the minimum depth within the constricted The cylindrical quadrant is used for expansions from
area usually occurs 15 to 25 ft downstream from the rectangular to trapezoidal section and for contractions
upstream end of the pier. Pier extensions are used to from trapezoidal to rectangular section. An abrupt or
effect an upstream movement of the control section, straight-line transition as well as the quadrant transition
which results in a depth reduction in the flow as it enters can be used in rectangular channels.
the constricted pier section. The use of bridge pier
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c. Design. y2 1
8F1 sin2 β1
1 1 (2-23)
y1 2
(1) Tranquil flow. Plate 20 gives dimensions of
plane surface (wedge type) transitions from rectangular to
trapezoidal cross section having side slopes of 1 on 2; 1 and
on 2.5, and 1 on 3. In accordance with the recommenda-
tions of Winkel (1951) the maximum change in flow line
has been limited to 6.0 degrees (deg). Water-surface
y1 2
1 y1 y2
y 2 (2-24)
profiles should be determined by step computations with 1 2
F F1
y2 2 y2 y1 y
less than 20 percent (less than 10 percent in important 1
instances) change in velocity between steps. Adjustments
in the transition should be made, if necessary, to obtain a
water-surface profile that is as nearly straight as
practicable. where
(2) Rapid flow. In rapid flow, stationary waves θ = wall deflection angle
result with changes in channel alignment. These distur-
bances may necessitate increased wall height, thereby F = Froude number
appreciably increasing construction costs. USAED, Los
Angeles, uses the criterion in Table 2-2 for the design of β = wave front angle
straight-line or wedge-type transitions to confine flow
disturbances within the normal channel freeboard y = flow depth
The subscripts 1, 2, and 3 refer to the flow areas indicated
on the sketches in Plate 21. For straight-line convergence
Table 2-2 (Plate 21b), the maximum flow disturbance results when
Recommended Convergence and Divergence Transition Rates the initial wave front intersection, point B, occurs at the
downstream transition CC’. When the reflected waves BD
Wall flare for each
Mean channel wall (horizontal to and BD’ intersect the channel walls below or above sec-
velocity, fps longitudinal) tion CC’, diamond-shaped cross waves develop in the
channel. However, the change in wall alignment at sec-
10-15 1:10 tion CC’ results in negative wave disturbances that should
tend to decrease the downstream effects of positive wave
15-30 1:15
fronts. This should result in somewhat lower depths
30-40 1:20 where the waves meet the downstream walls. The mini-
mum disturbance occurs when the reflected waves BD and
BD’ meet the channel walls at section CC’. This, theoreti-
(a) Rectangular contractions. Ippen (1950), Ippen cally, results in the flow filaments again becoming parallel
and Dawson (1951), and Ippen and Harleman (1956) ap- to the channel center line. If the reflected waves meet the
plied the wave theory to the design of rectangular channel walls upstream from section CC’, the waves would be
transitions for rapid flow and developed the following deflected again with a resulting increase in depth.
equations for computing flow depths in and downstream Graphic plots of Equations 2-22 through 2-24 have been
from the convergence: published (Ippen 1950, Ippen and Dawson 1951, and
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The theory indicates that the surface disturbances are Equation 2-28 is for an infinitely wide expansion. Opti-
minimized when L = L1 + L2 (Plate 21). The equations mum design of expansions for rapid flow necessitates
for L1 and L2 are control of wall curvature so that the negative waves gen-
erated by the upstream convex wall are compensated for
by positive waves formed by the downstream concave
b1 wall. In this manner, the flow is restored to uniformity
L1 (2-26)
2 tan β1 where it enters the downstream channel. A typical design
of a channel expansion is shown in Plate 24b. Plate 24a
reproduces generalized design curves presented in Rouse,
Bhoota, and Hsu (1951). It is to be noted that the convex
and wall curve equation is appreciably less severe than that
indicated by Equation 2-28. Equations for laying out the
transition and a definition sketch are given in Plate 24b.
b3 The data given in Plate 24 should be adequate for prelimi-
L2 (2-27)
2 tan (β2 θ) nary design. In cases where the wave effects are critical,
the design should be model tested. Laboratory experi-
ments based on the generalized curves have indicated that
the downstream channel depths may be appreciably in
The correct transition design for a given change in chan- excess of those indicated by the simple wave theory. The
nel width and Froude number involves selection of a simple wave theory can be applied to the design of
value of θ so that L = L1 + L2 . A computation illus- straight-line transitions. An illustration of the computa-
trating the design procedure is given in Plate 23. tion procedure is given on pages 9-10 through 9-12 of
Brater and King (1976). It is to be noted that this compu-
(b) Rectangular expansions. In channel expansions tation does not include any wave effects reflected from
the changes in flow direction take place gradually in one sidewall to the other. Also, an abrupt positive wave
contrast to the steep wave front associated with contrac- exists where the expanding wall intersects the downstream
tions. In 1951, Rouse, Bhoota, and Hsu (1951) published channel wall. Application of this method of characteris-
the results of a study of expanding jets on a horizontal tics is illustrated on pages 9-12 through 9-16 of Brater
floor. A graphical method of characteristics, described in and King (1976).
Ippen (1951), was used for the theoretical development
of flow depth contours. These results were verified (c) Nonrectangular transitions. The necessary tech-
experimentally. The following equation based on theoreti- niques for applying the wave theory to channel transitions
cal and experimental studies was found to give the most involving both rectangular and trapezoidal sections have
satisfactory boundary shapes for the expansion of a not been developed, and generalized design curves are not
high-velocity jet on a horizontal floor. available. Limited tests on straight-line and warped-wall
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(1) The so-called centrifugal force caused by flow C = coefficient (see Table 2-4)
around a curve results in a rise in the water surface on the
outside wall and a depression of the surface along the V = mean channel velocity
inside wall. This phenomenon is called superelevation.
In addition, curved channels tend to create secondary W = channel width at elevation of
flows (helicoidal motion) that may persist for many chan- center-line water surface
nel widths downstream. The shifting of the maximum
velocity from the channel center line may cause a disturb- g = acceleration of gravity
ing influence downstream. The latter two phenomena
could lead to serious local scour and deposition or poor r = radius of channel center-line
performance of a downstream structure. There may also curvature
be a tendency toward separation near the inner wall, espe-
cially for very sharp bends. Because of the complicated Use of the coefficient C in Equation 2-31 allows compu-
nature of curvilinear flow, the amount of channel align- tation of the total rise in water surface due to
ment curvature should be kept to a minimum consistent superelevation and standing waves for the conditions
with other design requirements. listed in Table 2-4. If the total rise in water surface
(superelevation plus surface disturbances) is less than
(2) The required amount of superelevation is usually 0.5 ft, the normally determined channel freeboard (para-
small for the channel size and curvature commonly used graph 2-6 below) should be adequate. No special
in the design of tranquil-flow channels. The main treatment such as increased wall heights or invert banking
problem in channels designed for rapid flow is standing and spiral transitions is required.
waves generated in simple curves. These waves not only
affect the curved flow region but exist over long distances
downstream. The total rise in water surface for rapid Table 2-4
flow has been found experimentally to be about twice that Superelevation Formula Coefficients
for tranquil flow.
Flow Type Cross Section Type of Curve Value of C
(3) Generally, the most economical design for rapid
flow in a curved channel results when wave effects are re- Tranquil Rectangular Simple Circular 0.5
duced as much as practical and wall heights are kept to a Tranquil Trapezoidal Simple Circular 0.5
minimum. Channel design for rapid flow usually involves Rapid Rectangular Simple Circular 1.0
Rapid Trapezoidal Simple Circular 1.0
low rates of channel curvature, the use of spiral transi- Rapid Rectangular Spiral Transitions 0.5
tions with circular curves, and consideration of invert Rapid Tapezoidal Spiral Transitions 1.0
banking. Rapid Rectangular Spiral Banked 0.5
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to the straight channel height because of wave action on to be made for superelevation around the curve. The
the inside of curves. minimum length of spiral should be 30 times the amount
of superelevation (∆y) (USAED, Los Angeles, 1950).
(2) Rapid flow. The disturbances caused by rapid
flow in simple curves not only affect the flow in the
Ls 30∆y (2-33)
curve, but persist for many channel widths downstream.
The cross waves generated at the beginning of a simple
curve may be reinforced by other cross waves generated
farther downstream. This could happen at the end of the The detailed design of spiral curves is given in
curve or within another curve, provided the upstream and Appendix D. A computer program for superelevation and
downstream waves are in phase. Wall heights should be curve layout is included. Banked inverts are not used in
increased by the amount of superelevation, not only in the trapezoidal channels because of design complexities and
simple curve, but for a considerable distance downstream. because it is more economical to provide additional free-
A detailed analysis of standing waves in simple curves is board for the moderate amount of superelevation that
given in Ippen (1950). Rapid-flow conditions are usually occurs in this type of channel.
improved in curves by the provision of spiral transition
curves with or without a banked invert, by dividing walls c. Limiting curvature. Laboratory experiments and
to reduce the channel width, or by invert sills located in field experience have demonstrated that the helicoidal
the curve. Both the dividing wall and sill treatments flow, velocity distribution distortion, and separation
require structures in the flow; these structures create around curves can be minimized by properly proportion-
debris problems and, therefore, are not generally used. ing channel curvature. Woodward (1920) recommends
that the curve radius be greater than 2.5 times the channel
(a) Spiral transition curves. For channels in which width. From experiments by Shukry (1950) the radius of
surface disturbances need to be minimized, spiral transi- curvature should be equal to or greater than 3.0 times the
tion curves should be used. The gradual increase in wall channel width to minimize helicoidal flow.
deflection angles of these curves results in minimum wave
heights. Two spiral curves are provided, one upstream (1) Tranquil flow. For design purposes a ratio of
and one downstream of the central circular curve. The radius to width of 3 or greater is suggested for tranquil
minimum length of spirals for unbanked curves should be flow.
determined by (see Douma, p 392, in Ippen and Dawson
1951) (2) Rapid flow. Large waves are generated by rapid
flow in simple curves. Therefore a much smaller rate of
change of curvature is required than for tranquil flow. A
VW 1969 study by USAED, Los Angeles (1972), of as-built
Ls 1.82 (2-32)
gy structures shows that curves with spiral transitions, with
or without banked inverts, have been constructed with
radii not less than
EM 1110-2-1601
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The amount of superelevation required for spiral-banked in the channels; and variation of resistance or other coeffi-
curves (b above) is given by cients from those assumed in design.
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EM 1110-2-1601
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critical scour velocities is given by the Task Committee permissible velocity or shear values should be based on
on Preparation of Sedimentation Manual (1966). reliable field experience or laboratory tests. Channels
Table 2-5 gives a set of permissible velocities that can be whose velocities and/or shear exceed permissible values
used as a guide to design nonscouring flood control cha- will require paving or bank revetment. The permissible
nnels. Lane (1955) presents curves showing permissible values of velocity and/or shear should be determined so
channel shear stress to be used for design, and the Soil that damage exceeding normal maintenance will not result
Conservation Service (1954) presents information on from any flood that could be reasonably expected to occur
grass-lined channels. Departures from suggested during the service life of the channel.
Table 2-5
Suggested Maximum Permissible Mean Channel Velocities
Mean Channel
Channel Material Velocity, fps
Sandy Silt 2.0
Silt Clay 3.5
Clay 6.0
Grass-lined Earth
(slopes less
than 5%)2
Bermuda Grass
Sandy Silt 6.0
Silt Clay 8.0
Kentucky Blue
Sandy Silt 5.0
Silt Clay 7.0
1. For particles larger than fine gravel (about 20 millimetres (mm)
= 3/4 in.), see Plates 29 and 30.
2. Keep velocities less than 5.0 fps unless good cover and proper
maintenance can be obtained.
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γs = saturated surface dry specific or unit weight of stone, Division (LMVD) Standardized Gradations presented in
pcf Appendix F. The LMVD gradations are similar to the
gradations listed in Table 3-1 except the LMVD
Plate 31 presents relations between spherical diameter and W50(max) and W15(max) weights are larger, which can
weight for several values of specific or unit weight. make the LMVD gradations easier to produce. Most
Design procedures for determining the stone size required graded ripraps have ratios of D85/D15 less than 3. Uniform
to resist the erosive forces of channel flow are presented riprap (D85/D15 < 1.4) has been used at sites in the US
in paragraph 3-5 below. Army Engineer Division, Missouri River, for reasons of
economy and quality control of sizes and placement.
c. Unit weight. Unit weight of stone γs generally
varies from 150 to 175 pcf. Riprap sizing relations are (3) Rather than a relatively expensive graded riprap,
relatively sensitive to unit weight of stone, and γs should a greater thickness of a quarry-run stone may be consid-
be determined as accurately as possible. In many cases, ered. Some designers consider the quarry-run stone to
the unit weight of stone is not known because the quarry have another advantage: its gravel- and sand-size compo-
is selected from a list of approved riprap sources after the nents serve as a filter. The gravel and sand sizes should
construction contract is awarded. Riprap coming from the be less by volume than the voids among the larger stone.
various quarries will not be of the same unit weight. This concept has resulted in considerable cost savings on
Under these circumstances, a unit weight of stone close to large projects such as the Arkansas and Red River Navi-
the minimum of the available riprap sources can be used gation Projects. Not all quarry-run stone can be used as
in design. Contract options covering specific weight riprap; stone that is gap graded or has a large range in
ranges of 5 or 10 pcf should be offered when sufficient maximum to minimum size is probably unsuitable.
savings warrant. Quarry-run stone for riprap should be limited to D85/D15 ≤
d. Gradation.
(4) Determining optimum gradations is also an
(1) The gradation of stones in riprap revetment economics problem that includes the following factors:
affects the riprap’s resistance to erosion. Stone should be
reasonably well graded throughout the in-place layer (a) Rock quality (durability under service conditions)
thickness. Specifications should provide for two limiting
gradation curves, and any stone gradation as determined (b) Cost per ton at the quarry (including capability
from quarry process, stockpile, and in-place field test of quarry to produce a particular size)
samples that lies within these limits should be acceptable.
Riprap sizes and weights are frequently used such as (c) Number of tons required
D30(min), D100(max), W50(min), etc. The D or W
refers to size or weight, respectively. The number is the (d) Miles transported
percent finer by weight as discussed in b above. The
(max) or (min) refers to the upper or lower limit (e) Cost of transportation per ton-mile
gradation curves, respectively. Engineer Form 4794-R is
a standard form for plotting riprap gradation curves (f) Cost per ton for placement
(Plate 32). The gradation limits should not be so restric-
tive that production costs would be excessive. The choice (g) Need for and cost of filter
of limits also depends on the underlying bank soils and
filter requirements if a graded stone filter is used. Filters (h) Quality control during construction (it is easier to
may be required under riprap revetments. Guidance for ensure even coverage with a narrow gradation than with a
filter requirements is given in EM 1110-2-1901. Filter wide gradation)
design is the responsibility of the Geotechnical Branch in
each District. (i) Number of different gradations required. Some-
times cost savings can be realized by using fewer
(2) Standardized gradations having a relatively narrow gradations.
range in sizes (D85/D15 of 1.4-2.2) are shown in Table 3-1.
Other gradations can be used and often have a wider See EM 1110-2-2302 for further discussion of these
range of allowable sizes than those given in Table 3-1. factors.
One example is the Lower Mississippi Valley
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Table 3-1
Gradations for Riprap Placement in the Dry, Low-Turbulence Zones
* 9 34 14 10 7 5 2 0.37 0.53 *
12 81 32 24 16 12 5 0.48 0.70
15 159 63 47 32 23 10 0.61 0.88
18 274 110 81 55 41 17 0.73 1.06
21 435 174 129 87 64 27 0.85 1.23
24 649 260 192 130 96 41 0.97 1.40
27 924 370 274 185 137 58 1.10 1.59
30 1,268 507 376 254 188 79 1.22 1.77
33 1,688 675 500 338 250 105 1.34 1.94
36 2,191 877 649 438 325 137 1.46 2.11
42 3,480 1,392 1,031 696 516 217 1.70 2.47
48 5,194 2,078 1,539 1,039 769 325 1.95 2.82
54 7,396 2,958 2,191 1,479 1,096 462 2.19 3.17
* 9 36 15 11 7 5 2 0.37 0.53 *
12 86 35 26 17 13 5 0.48 0.70
15 169 67 50 34 25 11 0.61 0.88
18 292 117 86 58 43 18 0.73 1.06
21 463 185 137 93 69 29 0.85 1.23
24 691 276 205 138 102 43 0.97 1.40
27 984 394 292 197 146 62 1.10 1.59
30 1,350 540 400 270 200 84 1.22 1.77
33 1,797 719 532 359 266 112 1.34 1.96
36 2,331 933 691 467 346 146 1.46 2.11
42 3,704 1,482 1,098 741 549 232 1.70 2.47
48 5,529 2,212 1,638 1,106 819 346 1.95 2.82
54 7,873 3,149 2,335 1,575 1,168 492 2.19 3.17
* 9 39 15 11 8 6 2 0.37 0.53 *
12 92 37 27 18 14 5 0.48 0.70
15 179 72 53 36 27 11 0.61 0.88
18 309 124 92 62 46 19 0.73 1.06
21 491 196 146 98 73 31 0.85 1.23
24 733 293 217 147 109 46 0.97 1.40
27 1,044 417 309 209 155 65 1.10 1.59
30 1,432 573 424 286 212 89 1.22 1.77
33 1,906 762 565 381 282 119 1.34 1.94
36 2,474 990 733 495 367 155 1.46 2.11
42 3,929 1,571 1,164 786 582 246 1.70 2.47
48 5,864 2,346 1,738 1,173 869 367 1.95 2.82
54 8,350 3,340 2,474 1,670 1,237 522 2.19 3.17
1. Stone weight limit data from ETL 1110-2-120 (HQUSACE, 1971 (14 May), “Additional Guidance for Riprap Channel Protection, Ch 1,”
US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC). Relationship between diameter and weight is based on the shape of a sphere.
2. The maximum limits at the W50 and W15 sizes can be increased as in the Lower Mississippi Valley Division Standardized Gradations
shown in Appendix F.
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e. Layer thickness. All stones should be contained plans to determine the most economical and practical
within the riprap layer thickness to provide maximum combination of channel factors and stone size. Resistance
resistance against erosive forces. Oversize stones, even in coefficients (Manning’s n) for riprap placed in the dry
isolated spots, may result in riprap failure by precluding should be estimated using the following form of
mutual support and interlock between individual stones, Strickler’s equation:
causing large voids that expose filter and bedding
materials, and creating excessive local turbulence that
n K D90(min) 1/6 (3-2)
removes smaller size stone. Small amounts of oversize
stone should be removed individually and replaced with
proper size stones. The following criteria apply to the where
riprap layer thickness:
K = 0.036, average of all flume data
(1) It should not be less than the spherical diameter
of the upper limit W100 stone or less than 1.5 times the = 0.034 for velocity and stone size calculation
spherical diameter of the upper limit W50 stone, whichever
results in the greater thickness. = 0.038 for capacity and freeboard calculation
(2) The thickness determined by (1) above should be D90(min) = size of which 90 percent of sample is finer,
increased by 50 percent when the riprap is placed under- from minimum or lower limit curve of
water to provide for uncertainties associated with this type gradation specification, ft
of placement. At one location in the US Army Engineer
Division, Missouri River, divers and sonic sounders were The K values represent the upper and lower bounds of
used to reduce the underwater thickness to 1.25 times the laboratory data determined for bottom riprap. Resistance
dry placement thickness. data from a laboratory channel which had an irregular
surface similar to riprap placed underwater show a
Section II Manning’s n about 15 percent greater than for riprap
Channel Characteristics * placed in the dry. Equation 3-2 provides resistance losses
due to the surface roughness of the riprap and does not
3-3. Side Slope Inclination include form losses such as those caused by bends. Equa-
tion 3-2 should be limited to slopes less than 2 percent. *
The stability of riprap slope protection is affected by the
steepness of channel side slopes. Side slopes should ordi-
Section III
narily not be steeper than 1V on 1.5H, except in special
Design Guidance for Stone Size
cases where it may be economical to use larger
hand-placed stone keyed well into the bank. Embankment
3-5. General
stability analysis should properly address soils characteris-
tics, groundwater and river conditions, and probable Riprap protection for open channels is subjected to hydro-
failure mechanisms. The size of stone required to resist dynamic drag and lift forces that tend to erode the revet-
the erosive forces of channel flow increases when the side ment and reduce its stability. Undermining by scour
slope angle approaches the angle of repose of a riprap beyond the limits of protection is also a common cause of
slope protection. Rapid water-level recession and piping- failure. The drag and lift forces are created by flow
initiated failures are other factors capable of affecting velocities adjacent to the stone. Forces resisting motion
channel side slope inclination and needing consideration are the submerged weight of the stone and any downward
in design. and lateral force components caused by contact with other
stones in the revetment. Stone availability and experience
3-4. Channel Roughness, Shape, play a large part in determining size of riprap. This is
Alignment, and Gradient particularly true on small projects where hydraulic param-
eters are ill-defined and the total amount of riprap
As boundary shear forces and velocities depend on chan- required is small.
nel roughness, shape, alignment, and invert gradient, these
factors must be considered in determining the size of
stone required for riprap revetment. Comparative cost
estimates should be made for several alternative channel
EM 1110-2-1601
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3-6. Design Conditions upstream bends, large values of R/W should be used,
resulting in constant values of VSS/VAVG . Very few
Stone size computations should be conducted for flow channels are straight enough to justify using VSS/VAVG
conditions that produce the maximum velocities at the < 1 . A minimum ratio of VSS/VAVG = 1 is recom-
riprapped boundary. In many cases, velocities continue to mended for side slopes in straight channels. Rock stabil-
increase beyond bank-full discharge; but sometimes back- ity should be checked for both side slopes and the channel
water effects or loss of flow into the overbanks results in bottom. In bendways, the outer bank side slope will
velocities that are less than those at bank-full. Riprap at generally require the largest rock size. In straight reaches,
channel bends is designed conservatively for the point the channel bottom will often require the largest stone
having the maximum force or velocity. For braided chan- size. Velocities in the center of a straight channel having
nels, bank-full discharges may not be the most severe equal bottom and side slope roughness range from 10 to
condition. At lesser flows, flow is often divided into 20 percent greater than VAVG . Plate 34 describes VSS
multiple channels. Flow in these channels often impinges and Plate 35 shows the location in a trapezoidal channel
* abruptly on banks or levees at sharp angles. bend of the maximum VSS . Velocity downstream of
bends decays at approximately the following rate: No
3-7. Stone Size decay in first channel width downstream of bend exit;
decay of VSS/ VAVG = 0.1 per channel width until
This method for determining stone size uses depth- VSS/VAVG = 1.0. Plate 36 shows the variation in
averaged local velocity. The method is based on the idea velocity over the side slope in a channel. The straight
that a designer will be able to estimate local velocity channel curve in Plate 36 was found applicable to both
* better than local boundary shear. Local velocity and local 1V:2H and 1V:3H side slopes. The bend curve for
flow depth are used in this procedure to quantify the R/W = 2.6 was taken from a channel having strong sec-
imposed forces. Riprap size and unit weight quantify the ondary currents and represents a severe concentration of
resisting force of the riprap. This method is based on a high velocity upon the channel side slope. These two
large body of laboratory data and has been compared to curves represent the extremes in velocity distribution to be
available prototype data (Maynord 1988). It defines the expected along the outer bank of a channel bend
stability of a wide range of gradations if placed to a thick- having a riprap side slope from toe of bank to top of
* ness of 1D100(max). Guidance is also provided for thick- bank. Knowing VSS from Plate 33, the side slope
ness greater than 1D100(max). This method is applicable * velocity distribution can be determined at the location of
to side slopes of 1V on 1.5H or flatter. VSS. An alternate means of velocity estimation based on
field observation is discussed in Appendix G. The alpha
a. Velocity estimation. The characteristic velocity for method (Appendix C), or velocities resulting from sub-
side slopes VSS is the depth-averaged local velocity over sections of a water-surface profile computation, should be
the slope at a point 20 percent of the slope length from used only in straight reaches. When the alpha method is
* the toe of slope. Plate 33 presents the ratio VSS/VAVG , used, velocity from the subsection adjacent to the bank
where VAVG is the average channel velocity at the subsection should be used as VSS in design of bank
upstream end of the bend, as a function of the channel riprap.
geometry, which is described by R/W , where R is the
center-line radius of bend and W is the water-surface b. Stone size relations. The basic equation for the
width. VAVG , R , and W should be based on flow in the representative stone size in straight or curved channels is
main channel only and should not include overbank areas.
The trapezoidal curve for VSS/VAVG shown in Plate 33 is
based on the STREMR numerical model described in
1/2 2.5
Bernard (1993). The primary factors affecting velocity γ V
distribution in riprap-lined, trapezoidal channel bendways D30 SfCsCVCTd w
s γ w
are R/W , bend angle, and aspect ratio (bottom width/ K1gd
depth). Data in Maynord (1992) show a trapezoidal chan-
nel having the same bottom width but side slopes ranging
from 1V:1.5H to 1V:3H to have the same maximum where
VSS/VAVG at the downstream end of the bend. Plate 33
should be used for side slopes from 1V:3H to 1V:1.5H. D30 = riprap size of which 30 percent is finer by weight,
For straight channels sufficiently far (>5W) from length
EM 1110-2-1601
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Sf = safety factor (see c below) floating debris. Impact will produce more damage to
alighter weight riprap section than to a heavier section.
* Cs = stability coefficient for incipient failure, For moderate debris impact, it is unlikely that an added
D85/D15 = 1.7 to 5.2 * safety factor should be used when the blanket thickness
exceeds 15 in.
= 0.30 for angular rock
(2) The basic stone sizing parameters of velocity,
* = 0.375 for rounded rock * unit weight of rock, and depth need to be determined as
accurately as possible. A safety factor should be included
CV = vertical velocity distribution coefficient to compensate for small inaccuracies in these parameters.
If conservative estimates of these parameters are used in
= 1.0 for straight channels, inside of bends the analysis, the added safety factor should not be used.
The safety factor should be based on the anticipated error
= 1.283 - 0.2 log (R/W), outside of bends (1 for in the values used. The following discussion shows the
(R/W) > 26) importance of obtaining nearly correct values rather than
relying on a safety factor to correct inaccurate or assumed
= 1.25, downstream of concrete channels stone sizing parameters. The average velocity over the
toe of the riprap is an estimate at best and is the para-
= 1.25, ends of dikes meter to which the rock size is the most sensitive. A
check of the sensitivity will show that a 10 percent
CT = thickness coefficient (see d(1) below) change in velocity will result in a nearly 100 percent
change in the weight limits of the riprap gradation (based
* = 1.0 for thickness = 1D100(max) or 1.5 D50(max), on a sphere) and about a 30 percent change in the riprap
whichever is greater * thickness. The riprap size is also quite sensitive to the unit
weight of the rock to be used: a 10 percent change in the
* d = local depth of flow, length (same location as V) * unit weight will result in a 70 percent change in the
weight limits of the riprap gradation (based on a sphere)
γw = unit weight of water, weight/volume and about a 20 percent change in the riprap thickness.
The natural variability of unit weight of stone from a
* V = local depth-averaged velocity, VSS for side slope stone source adds to the uncertainty (EM 1110-2-2302).
riprap, length/time * The rock size is not nearly as sensitive to the depth para-
K1 = side slope correction factor (see d(1) below)
(3) Vandalism and/or theft of the stones is a serious
g = gravitational constant, length/time problem in urban areas where small riprap has been
placed. A W50(min) of 80 lb should help prevent theft
* Some designers prefer to use the traditional D50 in riprap and vandalism. Sometimes grouted stone is used around
design. The approximate relationship between D50 vandalism-prone areas.
and D30 is D50 = D30 (D85/D15)1/3. Equation 3-3 can be
used with either SI (metric) or non-SI units and should be (4) The completed revetment will contain some
limited to slopes less than 2 percent. * pockets of undersized rocks, no matter how much effort is
devoted to obtaining a well-mixed gradation throughout
c. Safety factor. Equation 3-3 gives a rock size that the revetment. This placement problem can be assumed
should be increased to resist hydrodynamic and a variety to occur on any riprap job to some degree but probably
of nonhydrodynamic-imposed forces and/or uncontrollable more frequently on jobs that require stockpiling or addi-
physical conditions. The size increase can best be accom- tional handling. A larger safety factor should be consid-
plished by including the safety factor, which will be a ered with stockpiling or additional hauling and where
* value greater than unity. The minimum safety factor is placement will be difficult if quality control cannot be
* Sf = 1.1 . The minimum safety factor may have to be expected to address these problems.
increased in consideration for the following conditions:
(5) The safety factor should be increased where
(1) Imposed impact forces resulting from logs, severe freeze-thaw is anticipated.
uprooted trees, loose vessels, ice, and other types of large
EM 1110-2-1601
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The safety factor based on each of these considerations (a) Determine average channel velocity (HEC-2 or
should be considered separately and then the largest of other uniform flow computational methods, or
these values should be used in Equation 3-3. measurement).
(1) The outer bank of straight channels downstream (c) Find D30 using Plate 37.
of bends should be designed using velocities computed for
the bend. In projects where the cost of riprap is high, a (d) Correct for other unit weights, side slopes, verti-
channel model to indicate locations of high velocity might cal velocity distribution, or thicknesses using Plates 38
* be justified. Equation 3-3 has been developed into through 40.
Plate 37, which is applicable to thicknesses equal to
* 1D100(max), γs of 165 pcf, and the Sf of 1.1. Plate 38 is (e) Find gradation having D30(min) ≥ computed
used to correct for values of other than γs of 165 pcf * D30. Alternately Equation 3-3 is used with Plates 39
(when D30 is determined from Plate 37). The K1 side and 40 to replace steps (c) and (d). *
slope factor is normally defined by the relationship of
Carter, Carlson, and Lane (1953) (3) This procedure can be used in both natural chan-
nels with bank protection only and prismatic channels
having riprap on bed and banks. Most bank protection
sin2 θ (3-4) sections can be designed by direct solution. In these
K1 1 cases, the extent of the bank compared to the total perim-
sin2 φ eter of the channel means that the average channel veloc-
ity is not significantly affected by the riprap. The first
where example in Appendix H demonstrates this type of bank
θ = angle of side slope with horizontal
(4) In some cases, a large part of the channel perim-
φ = angle of repose of riprap material (normally eter is covered with riprap; the average channel velocity,
40 deg) depth, and riprap size are dependent upon one another;
and the solution becomes iterative. A trial riprap gra-
Results given in Maynord (1988) show Equation 3-4 to be dation is first assumed and resistance coefficients are
conservative and that the repose angle is not a constant computed using Equation 3-2. Then the five steps
40 deg but varies with several factors. The recommended described in (2) above are conducted. If the gradation
relationship for K1 as a function of θ is given in found in paragraph (e) above is equal to the assumed trial
Plate 39 along with Equation 3-4 using φ = 40 deg. gradation, the solution is complete. If not, a new trial
* Using the recommended curve for side slope effects, the gradation is assumed and the procedure is repeated. The
least volume of rock per unit length of bank line occurs second example in Appendix H demonstrates this type of
on a 1V:1.5H to 1V:2H side slope. Also shown on * channel riprap.
Plate 39 is the correction for side slope when D30 is
(5) In braided streams and some meandering
determined from Plate 37. Correction for the vertical
streams, flow is often directed into the bank line at sharp
* velocity distribution in bends is shown in Plate 40. Test-
* angles (angled flow impingement). For braided streams
ing has been conducted to determine the effects of blanket
having impinged flow, the above stone sizing procedures
thickness greater than 1D100(max) on the stability of rip-
require modification in two areas: the method of velocity
* rap. Results are shown in Plate 40. The thickness coeffi-
estimation and the velocity distribution coefficient CV .
cient CT accounts for the increase in stability that occurs
All other factors and coefficients presented are applicable.
when riprap is placed thicker than the minimum thickness
of 1D100(max) or 1.5 D50(max), whichever is greater. *
(a) The major challenge in riprap design for braided
* (2) The basic procedure to determine riprap size using streams is estimating the imposed force at the impinge-
the graphical solution of this method is as follows: ment point. Although unproven, the most severe bank *
EM 1110-2-1601
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* attack in braided streams is thought to occur when the * e. Steep slope riprap design.
water surface is at or slightly above the tops of the mid-
channel bars. At this stage, flow is confined to the multi- In cases where unit discharge is low, riprap can be used
ple channels that often flow into or “impinge” against on steep slopes ranging from 2 to 20 percent. A typical
bank lines or levees. At lesser flows, the depths and application is a rock-lined chute. The stone size equation
velocities in the multiple channels are decreased. At is
higher flows, the channel area increases drastically and 1.95 S 0.555 q 2/3
D30 (3-5)
streamlines are in a more downstream direction rather
g 1/3
than into bank lines or levees.
(b) The discharge that produces a stage near the tops where
of the midchannel bars is Qtmcb . Qtmcb is probably
highly correlated with the channel-forming discharge S = slope of bed
concept. In the case of the Snake River near Jackson,
Wyoming, Qtmcb is 15,000-18,000 cfs, which has an q = unit discharge
average recurrence interval of about 2-5 years. Using
cross-section data to determine the channel area below the Equation 3-5 is applicable to thickness = 1.5 D100, angular
tops of the midchannel bars and Qtmcb allows determina- rock, unit weight of 167 pcf, D85/D15 from 1.7 to 2.7,
tion of the average channel velocity at the top of the slopes from 2 to 20 percent, and uniform flow on a down-
midchannel bars, Vtmcb . slope with no tailwater. The following steps should be
used in application of Equation 3-5:
(c) Field measurements at impingement sites were
taken in 1991 on the Snake River near Jackson, (1) Estimate q = Q/b where b = bottom width of
Wyoming, and reported in Maynord (1993). The maxi- chute.
mum observed ratio VSS/Vtmcb = 1.6 , which is almost
identical to the ratio shown in Plate 33 for sharp bend- (2) Multiply q by flow concentration factor of
ways having R/W = 2 in natural channels, and this ratio 1.25. Use greater factor if approach flow is skewed.
is recommended for determining VSS for impinged flow.
The second area of the design procedure requiring modifi- (3) Compute D30 using Equation 3-5.
cation for impinged flow is the velocity distribution coef-
ficient CV , which varies with R/W in bendways as (4) Use uniform gradation having D85/D15 ≤ 2 such
shown in Plate 40. Impinged flow areas are poorly as Table 3-1.
aligned bends having low R/W , and CV = 1.25 is
recommended for design. * (5) Restrict application to straight channels with side
slope of 1V:2.5H or flatter.
(6) Transitions in size or shape may also require
riprap protection. The procedures in this paragraph are (6) Use filter fabric beneath rock.
applicable to gradual transitions where flow remains tran-
quil. In areas where flow changes from tranquil to rapid The guidance for steep slope riprap generally results in
and then back to tranquil, riprap sizing methods applicable large riprap sizes. Grouted riprap is often used instead of
to hydraulic structures (HDC 712-1) should be used. In loose riprap in steep slope applications. *
converging transitions, the procedures based on Equa-
tion 3-3 can be used unaltered. In expanding transitions, 3-8. Revetment Top and End Protection
flow can concentrate on one side of the expansion and
design velocities should be increased. For installations Revetment top and end protection requirements, as with
immediately downstream of concrete channels, a vertical all channel protective measures, are to assure the project
velocity distribution coefficient of 1.25 should be used benefits, to perform satisfactorily throughout the project
due to the difference in velocity profile over the two economic life, and not to exceed reasonable maintenance
EM 1110-2-1601
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costs. Reference is made to ER 1110-2-1405, with bend. In a trapezoidal channel, the maximum velocities
emphasis on paragraph 6c. along the outer bank are often located in the straight reach
immediately downstream of the bend for relatively large
a. Revetment top. When the full height of a levee is distances downstream. In a natural channel, the limit of
to be protected, the revetment will cover the freeboard, protection on the downstream end should depend on
i.e., extend to the top of the levee. This provides protec- where the flow crosses to the opposite bank, and should
tion against waves, floating debris, and water-surface consider future bar building on the opposite bank, result-
irregularities. Similar provisions apply to incised channel ing in channel constriction and increased velocities. Gui-
banks. A horizontal collar, at the top of the bank, is dance is generally lacking in this area, but review of
provided to protect against escaping and returning flows aerial photographs of the subject location can provide
as necessary. The end protection methods illustrated in some insight on where the crossover flow occurs. Model
Plate 41 can be adapted for horizontal collars. Plate 36 tests in a sand bed and bank flume (USACE 1981) were
provides general guidance for velocity variation over conducted to determine the limits of protection required to
channel side slopes that can assist in evaluating the prevent scour that would lead to destruction of the revet-
economics of reducing or omitting revetment for upper ment. These tests were conducted in a 110-deg bend
bank areas. Revetment size changes should not be made having a constant discharge. The downstream end of the
unless a sufficient quantity is involved to be cost effec- revetment had to be 1.5 channel widths downstream of the
tive. Many successful revetments have been constructed end of the bend. Geomorphic studies to determine revet-
where the top of the revetment was terminated below the ment ends should be considered.
design flow line. See USACE (1981) for examples.
Section IV
b. Revetment end protection. The upstream and Revetment Toe Scour Estimation and Protection
downstream ends of riprap revetment should be protected
against erosion by increasing the revetment thickness T 3-9. General
or extending the revetment to areas of noneroding veloci-
* ties and relatively stable banks. A smooth transition Toe scour is probably the most frequent cause of failure
should be provided from where the end protection begins of riprap revetments. This is true not only for riprap, but
to the design riprap section. The keyed-in section should also for a wide variety of protection techniques. Toe
satisfy filter requirements. The following guidance * scour is the result of several factors, including these three:
applies to the alternative methods of end protection illus-
trated in Plate 41. a. Meandering channels, change in cross section
that occurs after a bank is protected. In meandering
(1) Method A. For riprap revetments 12 in. thick or channels the thalweg often moves toward the outer bank
less, the normal riprap layer should be extended to areas after the bank is protected. The amount of change in
where velocities will not erode the natural channel banks. cross section that occurs after protection is added is
related to the erodibility of the natural channel bed and
(2) Method B. For riprap revetments exceeding original bank material. Channels with highly erodible bed
12 in. in thickness, one or more reductions in riprap thick- and banks can experience significant scour along the toe
* ness and stone size may be required (Plate 41) until of the new revetment.
velocities decrease to a noneroding natural channel
velocity. b. Meandering channels, scour at high flows. Bed
profile measurements have shown that the bed observed at
(3) Method C. For all riprap revetments that do not low flows is not the same bed that exists at high flows.
terminate in noneroding natural channel velocities, the At high flows the bed scours in channel bends and builds
ends of the revetment should be enlarged, as shown in up in the crossings between bends. On the recession side
* Plate 41. The decision to terminate the revetment in of the flood, the process is reversed. Sediment is eroded
erosive velocities should be made with caution since from the crossings and deposited in the bends, thus
severe erosion can cause the revetment to fail by progres- obscuring the maximum scour that had occurred.
sive flanking.
c. Braided channels. Scour in braided channels can
c. Length. Riprap revetment is frequently carried too reach a maximum at intermediate discharges where flow
far upstream and not far enough downstream of a channel in the channel braids attacks banks at sharp angles.
EM 1110-2-1601
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Note that local scour is the mechanism being addressed 3-11. Revetment Toe Protection Design
herein. When general bed degradation or headcutting is
expected, it must be added to the local scour. When The following guidance applies to several alternative
scour mechanisms are not considered in the design of methods of toe protection illustrated in Plate 43.
protection works, undermining and failure may result.
* Plate 42 may be used for depth of scour estimates. The a. Method A. When toe excavation can be made in
design curve in Plate 42 represents an upper limit for the dry, the riprap layer may be extended below the exist-
scour in channels having irregular alignments. For bend- ing groundline a distance exceeding the anticipated depth
ways having a relatively smooth alignment, a 10 percent of scour. If excavation quantities are prohibitive, the
reduction from the design curve is recommended. Neill * concept of Method D can be adapted to reduce
(1973) provides additional information on scour depth excavation.
b. Method B. When the bottom of the channel is
3-10. Revetment Toe Protection Methods nonerodible material, the normal riprap should be keyed
in at streambed level.
Toe protection may be provided by two methods:
c. Method C. When the riprap is to be placed
a. Extend to maximum scour depth. Place the lower underwater and little toe scour is expected (such as in
extremity below the expected scour depth or found it on straight reaches that are not downstream of bends, unless
nonerodible material. These are the preferred methods, stream is braided), the toe may be placed on the existing
but they can be difficult and expensive when underwater bottom with height a and width c equal to 1.5T and
excavation is required. 5T , respectively. This compensates for uncertainties of
underwater placement.
b. Place launchable stone. Place sufficient launch-
able stone to stabilize erosion. Launchable stone is d. Method D. An extremely useful technique where
defined as stone that is placed along expected erosion water levels prohibit excavation for a toe section is to
areas at an elevation above the zone of attack. As the place a launchable section at the toe of the bank. Even if
attack and resulting erosion occur below the stone, the excavation is practicable, this method may be preferred
stone is undermined and rolls/slides down the slope, stop- for cost savings if the cost of extra stone required to
ping the erosion. This method has been widely used on produce a launched thickness equal to or greater than
sand bed streams. Successful applications include: * T plus the increase shown in Table 3-2 is exceeded by the
cost of excavation required to carry the design thickness
(1) Windrow revetments: riprap placed at top of T down the slope. This concept simply uses toe scour as
bank. a substitute for mechanical excavation. This method also
has the advantage of providing a “built-in” scour gage,
(2) Trench-fill revetments: riprap placed at low water allowing easy monitoring of high-flow scour and the need
level. for additional stone reinforcement by visual inspection of
the remaining toe stone after the high flow subsides or by
(3) Weighted riprap toes: riprap placed at intersec- surveyed cross sections if the toe stone is underwater. It
tion of channel bottom and side slope. is readily adaptable to emergency protection, where high
flow and the requirement for quick action make excava-
Trench-fill revetments on the Mississippi River have * tion impractical. Shape of the stone section before
successfully launched to protect for a vertical scour depth launching is not critical, but thickness of the section is
of up to 50 ft. On gravel bed streams, the use of launcha- important because thickness controls the rate at which
ble stone is not as widely accepted as in sand bed rock is released in the launching process. For gradual
streams. Problems with using launchable stone in some scour in regular bendways, the height of the stone section
gravel bed rivers may be the result of underestimating before launching should be from 2.5 to 4.0 times the bank
stone size, scour depth, or launchable stone volume protection thickness (T). For rapid scour in impinged
because the concept of launchable stone has been success- flow environments or in gravel bed streams, the stone
ful on several gravel bed rivers. section height before launching should be 2.5 to 3.0 T. In
EM 1110-2-1601
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EM 1110-2-1601 *
1 Jul 91
effects on riprap. One rule of thumb is that thickness Recognizing that vegetation is, in most instances, inimical
should be increased by 6-12 in., accompanied by appro- to riprap installations, planned use of vegetation with
priate increase in stone size, for riprap subject to attack riprap should serve some justifiable purpose, be accounted
by large floating debris. Riprap deterioration from debris for in capacity computations, be controllable throughout
impacts is usually more extensive on bank lines with the project life, have a strengthened riprap design that will
steep slopes. Therefore, riprapped slopes on streams with withstand the additional exigencies, and account for
heavy debris loads should be no steeper than 1V on 2.5H. increased difficulty of inspection.
3-12 *
EM 1110-2-1601
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EM 1110-2-1601
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Woolhiser and Lenz (1965). The principles of design and (e) An outlet tower and conduit through the embank-
operation of large debris basins as practiced by USAED, ment at the spillway for basin draining.
Los Angeles, have been presented by Dodge (1948).
Ferrell and Barr (1963) discuss the design, operation, and Plate 49 shows general design plans for a debris basin.
effects of concrete crib check dams used in the The basin shape, the inlets, and the outlet should be
Los Angeles County Flood Control District on small located so that the debris completely fills the basin before
streams. debris discharge occurs over the spillway.
(2) Debris storage. Debris basins, usually located (4) Design criteria. The slope of the upper surface
near canyon mouths at the upper end of alluvial fans, are of the debris deposit must be estimated to determine the
designed to settle out and provide storage space for debris proper basin shape and to estimate the total debris ca-
produced from a single major storm. In the Los Angeles pacity of the basin. A value of 0.5 times the slope of the
area, the debris basin design capacity has been based on natural debris cone at the basin site has been used for
100,000 cubic yards (cu yd) per square mile of drainage design. The basin side embankments should be of suffi-
area, or 62 acre-feet per square mile. This quantity was cient height and extend far enough upstream to confine
obtained as an envelope curve of observed debris pro- the maximum debris line slope projected upstream from
duction during the storm of 1938 (Dodge 1948). Later the spillway crest. The spillway should be designed to
estimates by Tatum (1963), taking into account factors pass the design flood discharge with the basin filled with
affecting debris production such as fire history of the debris. The tops of the basin embankments should pro-
area, indicated a value of about twice this amount. Debris vide 5 ft of freeboard with the foregoing conditions. The
storage in the basin is usually maintained by reexcavation design criteria for debris basins in the Los Angeles area
after a major storm period. The debris stored in the basin should be used only for general guidance because of large
after any one flood should not be allowed to exceed differences in geology, precipitation patterns, land use,
25 percent of the basin capacity. When permanent debris and economic justification in different parts of the coun-
storage is more economical than periodic excavation, the try. The following conditions are peculiar to the
average annual rate of debris accumulation multiplied by Los Angeles area:
the project life should be used for storage capacity. Data
from the Los Angeles County Flood Control District (a) Phenomenal urban growth in the desirable land
(Moore, Wood, and Renfro 1960) on 49 debris dams and area of the lower alluvial fans.
basins give a mean annual debris production of 5,500 cu
yd per square mile of drainage basin. This figure applies (b) Large fire potential.
in the Los Angeles and similar areas, and can be used to
determine the economic feasibility of long-term storage (c) Hot, dry climate over a large portion of the year
versus periodic debris removal. which inhibits vegetative growth.
(3) Debris basin elements. A debris basin consists (d) Sudden torrential rainfall on precipitous mountain
of five essential basic parts: slopes during a short rainy season.
(a) A bowl-shaped pit excavated in the surface of the (e) Unstable soil conditions subject to voluminous
debris cone. slides when saturated.
(b) An embankment, usually U-shaped in plan, con- Debris and sediment production rates vary throughout the
structed from pit material, located along the two sides and country depending on many factors, some of which are
the downstream end of the pit, and joining the hillside at controllable by man. Extensive construction, strip mining
each end where possible. operations, intensive agricultural use, and timber cutting
operations are only a few examples of land uses that can
(c) One or more inlet chutes at the upstream end of have a profound local effect on sediment production and
the pit, when necessary to prevent excessive streambed thus determine the type of sediment control necessary.
degradation upstream of the debris basin. Formulation of a sediment control plan and the design of
associated engineering works depend to a large extent on
(d) A broad-crested spillway at the downstream end local conditions.
of the basin leading to a flood control channel.
EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
a. General. Air entrainment should be considered in q = discharge per unit width of channel
the design of rapid- flow channels. The entrainment of
air may result in bulking of the flow and necessitate in- d. Design criteria. Use of Equation 4-2 or HDC
creased wall heights. Presently available data indicate 050-3 requires the assumption _that the experimental water
that appreciable air entrainment should not occur with flow depth dw in the term C = da/(da + dw) where da
Froude numbers less than about 1.6. is depth of air-water mixture, ft, is the same as the
theoretically computed flow depth. The Minnesota data
b. Early design criteria. The USAED, Sacramento, indicate that this assumption is valid only for small
developed the following equation based on data reported Froude numbers. For large Froude numbers, the theoreti-
by Hall (1943): cally computed depths for nonaerated flow were found to
be 50 to 75 percent greater than the observed experimen-
tal flow depth. For this reason and for convenience of
V2 (4-1) design, the Minnesota and Kittitas data have been com-
200gd puted and plotted in terms of the observed total flow
depth (air plus water) and the theoretical flow depth and
Froude number for nonaerated flow (Plate 50a). The
where resulting design curve has been extrapolated for low
Froude numbers and replotted as Plate 50b. This plate
m = air-water ratio should be used for air-entrained flows in flood control
channels. A comparison of HDC 050-3 and Plate 50b
V = theoretical average flow velocity indicates that this plate results in more conservative
without air design for low Froude numbers.
The term V2/gd is the Froude number squared. Equa- a. General. Flow changes from the rapid to tranquil
tion 4-1 with minor differences in the definition of terms state will usually occur in the form of a hydraulic jump.
has been published by Gumensky (1949). The basic The hydraulic jump consists of an abrupt rise of the water
equation has been used extensively for design purposes in surface in the region of impact between rapid and tranquil
the past. flows. Flow depths before and after the jump are less
than and greater than critical depth, respectively. The
c. Modern investigations. The mechanics of zone of impact of the jump is accompanied by large-scale
self-aerated flow in open channels with sand grain sur- turbulence, surface waves, and energy dissipation. The
faces has been studied at the University of Minnesota by hydraulic jump in a channel may occur at locations such
Straub and Anderson (1960). The results of the as:
Minnesota tests have been combined with selected Kittitas
chute prototype data (Hall 1943) and published as HDC (1) The vicinity of a break in grade where the chan-
050-3. The chart includes the following suggested design nel slope decreases from steep to mild.
(2) A short distance upstream from channel constric-
tions such as those caused by bridge piers.
0.701 log10
S (4-2)
C 0.971
1/5 (3) A relatively abrupt converging transition.
(4) A channel junction where rapid flow occurs in a
tributary channel and tranquil flow in the main channel.
(5) Long channels where high velocities can no
_ longer be sustained on a mild slope.
C = ratio of experimentally determined
air volume to air plus water volume
EM 1110-2-1601
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EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
results of these investigations are summarized in Plate 52, by Bowers (1950) indicate that a hydraulic jump may
which gives the undular jump surge height, breaking surge form in one or both of the inlet channels, depending on
height (Equation 4-4), and the wavelength of the first the flow conditions.
undular wave. Also shown in this plate is a relation given
by Keulegan and Patterson (1940) for the height of the (2) Wave conditions that may be produced by rapid
first undulation flow in and downstream of a typical junction are shown
in Plate 53. One area of maximum wave height can
occur on the side channel wall opposite the junction point
and another on the main channel right wall downstream
a 3 y2 y1 (4-6)
2 y1
y1 from the junction. Behlke and Pritchett (1966) have
conducted a series of laboratory tests indicating that wave
pileup against the channel walls can be up to 7 times the
initial depth with a flow Froude number of 4. The design
Experiment and theory indicate that the undular wave will of walls to contain these wave heights over long channel
begin to spill at the first crest when the Froude number distances is usually not economical. The practical remedy
exceeds about 1.28. Undulations persist, however, until is to reduce or minimize standing waves.
the Froude number exceeds about 3 (≈ 1.7). This is
the limit for breaking waves when Equation 4-4 gives a (3) Peak flows from the side channel may not occur
value of y2/y1 = 2 . Further configuration information on simultaneously with peak flows in the main channel.
undular jumps may be obtained from Figures 44, 45, and Laboratory tests by Behlke and Pritchett (1966) indicate
46 of USBR (1948). that occurrence of the design flow in one of the channels
with zero flow in the other can result in very high wave
e. Stilling basins. Stilling basin design for high pileup on the junction walls. Plates 54a and b show
Froude numbers is covered in EM 1110-2-1603. The maximum wave height as a function of upstream Froude
design of stilling basins in the range of Froude numbers number for conditions of zero flow in the side channel
from 1.0 to about 1.3 is complicated by undular waves and main channel, respectively. This plate demonstrates
that are dissipated only by boundary friction with increas- the need for keeping the angle of the junction intersection
ing distance downstream. This range of Froude numbers relatively small. The data are also useful in designing
should be avoided whenever possible because of flow wall heights; for example, the maximum wave pileup on
instability. The hydraulic jump with Froude numbers of the main channel wall would be greater than twice the
1.3 to 1.7 is characterized by breaking undulations with side channel flow depth for F2 = 3.0 , a junction angle of
very little energy dissipation (see Plate 51). Wall heights 15 deg, and no flow in the main channel.
in this range of Froude numbers should be designed to
contain waves up to the value given by the Keulegan and c. Wave height criteria. Behlke and Pritchett’s
Patterson (1940) limit. (1966) recommended criteria for the design of channel
junctions in rapid flow to minimize wave effects are listed
4-4. Open Channel Junctions below:
a. General. The design of channel junctions is com- (1) Enlarge the main channel below the junction
plicated by many variables such as the angle of intersec- apex to maintain approximately constant flow depths
tion, shape and width of the channels, flow rates, and type throughout the junction.
of flow. Appendix E presents a theoretical analysis,
based on the momentum principle, that can be used for (2) Provide equal water-surface elevations in the side
several types of open channel junctions. The design of and main channels in the vicinity of the junction.
large complex junctions should be verified by model tests.
(3) Ensure that the side channel wave originating at
b. Wave effects. the junction apex impinges on the opposite side channel
wall at its intersection with the enlarged main channel
(1) Standing waves (Ippen 1951) in rapid flow at wall.
open channel junctions complicate flow conditions. These
waves are similar to those created in channel curves de- (4) Provide tapered training walls between the main
scribed in paragraph 2-4, and may necessitate increased channel and the side channel flows.
wall heights in the vicinity of the junction. The studies
EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
(5) Ensure that maximum wave heights occur with width is required downstream from the confluence, the
maximum flows. Plate 55 illustrates typical design transition should be made gradually.
examples for rectangular and trapezoidal channels using
these criteria. Important junctions in rapid flow designed e. Design procedure. The design procedure for the
to reduce wave effects should be model tested at all prob- typical open channel confluence shown in Plate 56 in-
able flow combinations as well as at design flow. volves the following steps:
(d) Rapid flow depths should not exceed 90 percent (5) Connect the left walls of the side and the main
of the critical depth (Froude number should be greater channels by a curve determined by the apex angle θ and
than 1.13) to maintain stable rapid flow through the junc- a radius rL given by
tion (paragraph 2-2d(1)).
EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
each other. A stepped invert in either of the channels (c) Determine the side-channel flow depth d at the
may be required. upstream end of the spillway.
(9) Determine the length of transition and invert (d) Set the side-channel invert so that the spillway
slope required to reduce the channel width from bc to b3 approach depth is equal to d - H .
without exceeding the criterion y/yc ≤ 0.90 in the transi-
tion. Convergence rates should be in agreement with (e) Determine the side-channel convergence required
those recommended in paragraph 2-4. to maintain a constant flow depth in the side channel
behind the spillway. This should result in a reasonably
f. Side drainage inlets. Flow disturbances occur constant unit discharge over the spillway equal to that
where storm drains or industrial waste lines discharge into computed by the equation in (b) above.
flood control channels, commonly referred to as "inlets."
Small side-drainage flows are commonly conveyed in a (f) Plot the computed side-channel alignment points
pipe storm drain system. Criteria for box and pipe culvert obtained from step (e) on the channel plan and connect
inlet design are given in h below. Economical design for them by a smooth curve or straight line to intersect the
intermediate tributary flows normally requires free surface main channel wall so that the side channel has a mini-
structures. A side-channel spillway type of inlet for this mum width of 2 ft behind the spillway.
range of discharge has been developed by USAED, Los
Angeles, which reduces disturbances to a minimum in the (g) Adjust the side-channel convergence and repeat
main channel. This type of junction is described in g step (e) if the spillway length in step (f) does not approxi-
below. The conventional confluence structure described mate that determined in step (b).
in d above should be used for large tributary discharges.
h. Box and pipe culvert inlets. Gildea and Wong
g. Side-channel drainage inlet. (1967) have determined design criteria for pipe inlets.
The variables to be considered in the design are width of
(1) The side-channel spillway type of drainage inlet the main channel, angle of entrance of the storm drain,
was developed and model tested by USAED, Los Angeles size of the storm drain, volume and velocity of flow, and
(1960b). The recommended structure consists of a com- elevation of the storm drain with respect to the channel
mon wall between the side channel and the main channel. bottom. Model tests (USAED, Los Angeles, 1960b,
A weir notched in this wall allows the tributary flow to 1964) have shown that flow disturbances in the main
enter the main channel with minimum disturbance. A channel are minimized when side-drain openings are small
typical design of this type of structure is illustrated in and side- drainage flows are introduced reasonably par-
Plate 58. A small drain should be placed at the lowest allel to the main flow. The following criteria should be
point of the side channel. The objective of this design is used for design:
to discharge the side flow with reduced velocity into the
main channel gradually over a relatively long spillway (1) The maximum angle of entrance for side culverts
inlet. Model tests (USAED, Los Angeles, 1960b) indicate should be:
that this effectively reduces wave action and disturbances
in the main channel for all flow combinations. Satisfac- (a) 90 deg for diameters of 24 in. or less.
tory operation may require periodic sediment removal
from behind the weir. (b) 45 deg for diameters from 24 to 60 in.
(2) The procedure for designing the side-channel (c) 30 deg for diameter 60 in. or greater.
spillway inlet structure follows:
(2) The culvert invert should be placed no more than
(a) Set the spillway crest 0.5 ft above the parallel to 18 in. above the main channel invert to give the maxi-
the design watersurface level in the main channel. mum submergence practicable.
(b) Determine the required length L of the crest by (3) Automatic floodgates or flap gates should be
the equation, L = Q/(CH3/2) , so that the maximum H is installed when damage from backflooding from the main
not greater than 1.5 ft with critical depth over the crest channel would exceed that resulting from local pondage
C equal to 3.097. caused by gate operation. These gates should be recessed
EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
to prevent projecting into the main channel flow when in structure. Scale ratios of 1:15 to 1:30 are usually
a full-open position. Head loss coefficients for flap gates employed where supercritical flow wave problems are
are given in HDC 340-1. involved. They are also used for sectional models of drop
structures, spillways, etc. The smaller scale ratios (1:30
4-5. Hydraulic Model Studies to 1:70) are used for general model studies where long
channel lengths are reproduced. The accuracy of possible
a. General. The use of hydraulic models has model construction and flow measurements may control
become a standard procedure in the design of complex the permissible scale ratios. Most models of channels are
open channels not subject to analytical analyses or for generally built to give depths of flow about 0.5 ft or more
which existing design criteria based on available model and channel widths of about 1 to 2 ft. The most common
and field tests are inadequate. Hydraulic models afford a scale ratios used by the USAED, Los Angeles, Hydraulic
means of checking performance and devising modifica- Laboratory for channel model studies are from 1:25 to
tions to obtain the best possible design at minimum cost. 1:40.
Model tests should be used to supplement but not replace
theoretical knowledge, good judgment, and experience of c. Model roughness. Turbulent flow will prevail
the design engineer. They often indicate design changes with model channel velocities and depths commonly used
that save substantial amounts in construction costs as well in testing. In most cases, the channel flow is
as effect improvements in operation. Model tests of large rough-turbulent or nearly so; therefore, hydraulic resis-
flood control channels are generally desirable where sup- tance is determined primarily by the relative size of the
ercritical flow results in standing waves and other major roughness elements. However, the model Reynolds num-
disturbances in channels containing junctions, transition ber will always be smaller than the prototype, and this
structures, alignment curvature, multiple bridge piers, or will to some extent cause scale distortion of certain phe-
stilling basins. nomena such as zones of separation, wave dissipation,
flow instability, and turbulence in the model. Particular
b. Model design. care should be taken in interpreting those effects that are
known to be strongly dependent on viscous forces.
(1) The theory of model design is treated in
EM 1110-2-1602 and other publications (Rouse 1950, d. Slope distortion. An empirical equation of the
Davis and Sorenson (1969), American Society of Civil Manning type may be used to give the required model
Engineers (ASCE) 1942). For open channel models, the roughness (Rouse 1950) for large-scale models where
gravity force will dominate the flow and similitude will fully rough-turbulent flow prevails. This condition is
require equality of Froude number in the model and pro- expressed by the equation
totype. The Froudian scale relations (model-to-prototype)
in Table 4-1 apply to undistorted models. The length ratio
Lr is the model-to- prototype ratio Lm/Lp . These nr Lr
1/6 (4-9)
transfer relations are based on equal force of gravity and
density of fluid in model and prototype. The procedure
for initiation of model studies is discussed in
EM 1110-2-1602. If this roughness criterion cannot be fulfilled, slope ad-
justment or distortion must be applied to the model so
(2) Model scale ratios for flood control channels that prototype flow conditions can be simulated in the
have ranged from 1:15 to 1:70, depending on the type of model. The amount of additional slope required is given
problem being studied, the relative roughness of the by the equation (Rouse 1950)
model and prototype, and the size of the prototype
Table 4-1
Scale Relations
Length Area Volume Time Velocity Discharge n
EM 1110-2-1601
1 Jul 91
2 2/3
nr Rr
Sr (4-10) nr (4-12)
1/3 1/2
Lr Lr
Equation 4-10 applies only when the model and prototype For a wide channel Equation 4-12 reduces to
channels are geometrically similar in cross section. With-
out slope distortion (Sr = 1), this equation would reduce to 2/3
Equation 4-9. yr
nr (4-13)
e. Scale distortion.
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30 Jun 94
Hydraulic roughness is a major source of uncertainty in 5-3. Hydraulic Roughness by Handbook Methods
water surface profile calculations. Field data at each
project are required to confirm selected values. When Arcement and Schneider (1989) summarize the state of
field data are not available, the traditional approach is to the art in selecting n values for natural channels and flood
use handbook methods or analytical methods to predict plains. This work was performed for the U.S. Department
the hydraulic roughness values. of Transportation and subsequently will be called the
USDT method in this chapter. The basic approach fol-
a. Handbook method. In this approach the engineer lows that proposed by Cowan (Chow 1959):
uses “calibrated photographs” and other subjective meth-
ods to associate hydraulic roughness values with condi- n (nb n1 n2 n3 n4) m (5-1)
tions observed and anticipated in the project reach. Chow
(1959) and Barnes (1967) are the dominant sources of
calibrated photographs. More recently, Arcement and where
Schneider (1989) extended the work to include flood-
plains. Other sources, like hydraulics and agricultural nb = base n value
handbooks, add variation but not much additional insight.
n1 = addition for surface irregularities
b. Analytical methods. A second approach for
predicting roughness coefficients is to relate hydraulic n2 = addition for variation in channel cross section
roughness to the effective surface roughness and irreg-
ularity of the flow boundaries. This approach is called n3 = addition for obstructions
analytical methods in this chapter. The classic example is
the Moody-type diagram for hydraulic roughness in open n4 = addition for vegetation
channel flow (Plate 3). The procedure shown in para-
graph 2-2c is still the state of the art in n values for m = ratio for meandering
concrete-lined channels. It is based on the Keulegan
equations for velocity distribution (Chow 1959). The 5-4. Base n Values (nb) for Channels
Iwagaki relationship has been included in the determina-
tion of the coefficients for the roughness equations. On page 4 of their report, Arcement and Schneider state,
“The values in [their] Table 1 for sand channels are for
c. Grass-lined channels. Manning’s n values for upper regime flows and are based on extensive laboratory
grass-lined channels were reported by the Soil Conserva- and field data obtained by the U.S. Geological Survey.
tion Service (Chow 1959). When using these values, a check must be made to ensure
that the stream power is large enough to produce upper
d. Mobile boundary channels. Simons and
Richardson (1966) related bed forms in mobile boundary *
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* regime flow.” Although the base n values given in values to use. Scobey (Chow 1959) proposed increasing
Table 5-1 for stable channels are from verification studies, the n value by 0.001 for each 20 degrees of curvature.
the values have a wide range because the effects of bed Chow suggested that should not exceed a total of 0.002
roughness are extremely difficult to separate from the even in flumes having pronounced curvature.
effects of other roughness factors. The choice of n values
from Table 5-1 will be influenced by personal judgment a. Effective surface roughness height ks. For the
and experience. The n values for lower and transitional design of concrete channels, Corps of Engineers values
regime flows are much larger generally than the values for ks are shown in Chapter 2 (Table 2-1). Chow (1959)
given in Table 5-1 for upper regime flow. Also, the gives a table of ks values (Table 8-1) for other boundary
vegetation density method of Petryk and Bosmajian materials such as ks for natural rivers. Please note that, at
(1975) is presented for the vegetation component n4. this point in time, the profession has not adopted tables of
Although the work was published in the mid-1970’s, it ks values as they have Manning’s n values. Moreover,
has not received widespread attention in the profession. It there is no generally accepted technique for measuring
has considerable appeal as a design procedure, however, this property geometrically. Therefore, the use of
and deserves additional evaluation. Table 8-1 is discouraged. Instead, use the Strickler or the
Keulegan equations and calculate ks from available
a. Example. Figure 5-1 is the proposed design for a sources of Manning’s n value. (Note: These equations
levee project in which the sponsor proposes vegetation do not necessarily give the same results.)
along the project. The hydraulic roughness values for this
section are estimated from several different handbook b. Relative roughness. Relative roughness refers to
sources in Tables 5-1 and 5-2. Note that handbooks the ratio of the effective surface roughness height, ks to
divide n values into two categories: channel bed and the hydraulic radius R. The relative roughness parameter
bank and flood plains. is R/ks.
C ks (5-2)
5-5. Hydraulic Roughness by Analytical Methods
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Table 5-1
Hydraulic Roughness, Channel Bed and Banks
Reference m nb n1 n2 n3 n4 n
USDT (Arcement and Schneider 1989), 1.0 0.024 0.002 0.002 0.001 0.005 0.034
pp 4 & 7
Barnes (1967), p 78 - 0.037 - - - - 0.034
Chow (1959), p 109, Table 5-5, 1.0 0.024 0.005 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.034
Fine Gravel
Chow (1959), p 112, Table 5-6, D-1a3 - 0.040 - - - - 0.040
Chow (1959), p 120, Figure 5-5(14) - 0.030 - - - - 0.030
Brater and King (1976), p 7-17, - 0.035 - - - - 0.035
Mean 0.035
Standard deviation 0.003
n = (nb + n1 + n2 + n3 + n4)m
nb = base n-value
n1 = addition for surface irregularities
n2 = addition for variation in channel cross section
n3 = addition for obstructions
n4 = addition for vegetation
m = ratio for meandering
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Table 5-2
Hydraulic Roughness, Floodplain
Reference nb n1 n2 n3 n4 n
USDT (Arcement and Schneider 1989), 0.028 0.010 - 0.012 0.050 0.100
pp 4 & 9
Barnes (1967), None Given - - - - - -
Chow (1959), p 113, Table 5-6, D-2c5 0.100 - - - - 0.100
Chow (1959), p 123, Figure 5-5(23) 0.125 - - - - 0.125
Brater and King (1976), None Given - - - - - -
Mean 0.108
Standard deviation 0.012
Note: Same n value equation as channel bed and banks.
Figure 5-2. The Strickler function (Chow 1959) (courtesy of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.)
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S = slope
(2) For smooth flow the equation is
6.25 = coefficient for fully rough flow
5.2 Rn (2-5 bis)
C 32.6 log10 (2) Substituting a variable, Ar, for the constant, 6.25,
C substituting the Chezy equation for velocity, and substi-
tuting gRS for U* gives
(3) The equation showing the relationship of n value
and Chezy C is (see Equation 2-4)
5.75 log10
V C R (5-5)
U g ks
1.486 1/6 (5-3)
n R
g Ar 5.75 log10
R (5-6)
where ks
= 4RV/ν
A gr (5-7)
C 32.6 log10 10 32.6
where k
V = average flow velocity
where Ar is the Iwagaki coefficient for rough flow.
ν = kinematic viscosity of water
From Keulegan’s study of Bazin’s data, the value of
and 32.6, 12.2 and 5.2 are empirical coefficients deter- Ar was found to have a wide range, varying from
mined from laboratory experiments. These equations, 3.23 to 16.92. Thus, a mean value of 6.25 for Ar
when graphed, produce a Moody-type diagram for open may be used.
channel flow (Plate 3). *
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* “A further study was made by Iwagaki on experimen- where F is the Froude number. Data ranged from 0.2 <
tal data obtained from many sources. The results of F < 8.0.
the study have disclosed that resistance to turbulent
flow in open channels becomes obviously larger than (2) Using an equation of the same form, the rela-
that in pipes with increase in the Froude number. tionship for As is
Iwagaki reasoned that this is due to the increased
instability of the free surface at high Froude numbers” As 24.739 log10 (F 10) 29.349 (5-10)
(Chow 1959, p 204).
(3) The Iwagaki relationship is shown in Figure 5-3. (3) When the values of Ar and As are 6.2411 and
3.25, the coefficients in the roughness equations are 12.2
and 5.2, respectively. These are the values shown in
Equations 2-5 and 2-6. Using Equations 5-9 and 5-10,
those values correspond to Froude numbers of 1.88 and
1.35, respectively.
Rn / C
> 50 (5-11)
R / ks
4C ks
C 32.6 log10 (5-12)
Figure 5-3. The Iwagaki relationship (Chow 1959)
A g
Ar g
(courtesy of McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.) g R 10 32.6 R 10 32.6
(4) The comparable form of the equation for smooth
flow is h. Comparison of n-values, from Strickler and
Keulegan equations. Table 5-5 is a comparison of
As g n values calculated by the Strickler and Keulegan equa-
32.6 g Rn (5-8) tions. Flow is fully rough. Notice the Strickler equation
C 32.6 log10 10
4C uses the effective surface roughness height ks, and not
relative roughness. Therefore, the n value does not vary
with hydraulic radius R. On the other hand, the Keulegan
where As is the Iwagaki coefficient for smooth flow. equation uses relative roughness, and that requires both ks
and R. The constant in the Strickler equation, 0.034, is
f. Ar and As coefficients. that recommended by Chow (1959). The resulting
n values match the Keulegan results adequately. For
(1) The Ar and As coefficients are shown graphically example, the ks for concrete is 0.007. That converts to an
in Figure 5-3, but the equations for the curves were not n value of 0.015 using Strickler and to 0.014-0.018 using
provided. It can be shown that the equation for Ar is of Keulegan.
the form
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Table 5-5
n Values Calculated by Strickler and Keulegan Equations
ks, mm ks, ft n = 0.034 . ks1/6 F 1 5 10 20 50
C 32.6 log10 Coef2 R/ks
g Ar/32.6
Coef2 10
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* i. Bed roughness in mobile boundary streams. j. Limerinos n-value predictor, mobile bed.
(1) In mobile boundary channels the bed roughness is (1) Limerinos developed an empirical relative rough-
composed of grain roughness and form roughness. The ness equation for coarse, mobile bed streams using field
grain roughness refers to the effective surface roughness data (Limerinos 1970). He correlated n values with
height of the mixture of sediment particles on the stream- hydraulic radius and bed sediment size. The following
bed. Form roughness refers to bed features described as equation resulted:
ripples, dunes, transition, plain bed, standing waves, and
antidunes. These bed features, called bed forms, are 0.0926 R 1/6
grouped into the general categories of lower regime, tran- n
2.0 log10
sitional, and upper regime. R
(2) Regime, in this usage of the term, does not refer
to whether the flow is sub- or supercritical. The Froude where
number may remain less than 1, and the bed regime may
still shift from lower to upper and back. Neither does it n = Manning’s n value. Data ranged from 0.02 to
refer to channel dimensions, flow velocity, nor slope. It 0.10.
is simply the category of bed forms that are contributing
to the hydraulic roughness. However, the amount of R = hydraulic radius, ft. Data ranged from 1 to 6 ft.
hydraulic loss produced by bed form roughness may
exceed that produced by grain roughness. Therefore, it d84 = the particle size, ft, for which 84 percent of the
cannot be ignored. sediment mixture is finer. Data ranged from 1.5 to
250 mm.
(3) The significant difference between mobile bound-
ary streams and rigid boundary streams is in the require- (2) Data were from relatively wide, straight streams
ment to predict when the bed forms change from one having a simple trapezoidal shape and no overbank flow.
regime to another. It seems to be related to flow velocity, There was very little increase in width with depth, and the
flow depth, water temperature, and effective sediment banks were stable. Irregularity was minimal. The amount
particle size. of vegetation on the bed and banks was negligible.
(4) Two functions are presented in this chapter for (3) Grain sizes in Limerinos’s data ranged from very
calculating n values in mobile boundary channels: coarse sand to large cobbles. The objective was to select
Limerinos (1970) and Brownlie (1983). However, only field sites at which the bed forms would not change with
the Brownlie method includes predicting the change from flow hydraulics during the measurement. Consequently, it
one bed regime to the other. These relationships are follows that this equation is applicable to gravel/cobble
described in more detail in the following paragraphs. bed streams and to bed regimes similar to those found in
such streams.
(5) It is important to establish which portion of the
channel cross section is bed and which is bank because (4) N values predicted with the Limerinos equation
the bed roughness predictors apply only to the channel are sufficiently larger than those predicted by the Strickler
bed. That is, typically the vegetation roughness and bank equation to indicate that some loss other than grain rough-
angle do not permit the bed load to move along the face ness must have been present. However, the Limerinos
of the banks. Therefore, the Limerinos and Brownlie equation is not applicable to lower regime flow nor does
n value equations should not be used to forecast bank it forecast the transition between upper and lower
roughness. regimes.
(6) On the other hand, the point bar is a natural (5) Burkham and Dawdy (1976) showed the
source-sink zone for sediment transport. Consequently, it Limerinos equation could be used in sand bed streams
is a location at which the Limerinos and Brownlie equa- provided the regime was plain bed. In that analysis they
tions apply. *
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* extended the range of the relative roughness parameter as l. The Brownlie bed-roughness predictor, mobile
follows: bed.
Table 5-6
n Values Calculated by Strickler and Limerinos Equations
Effective Limerinos Equation
Roughness R, ft
ks, mm ks, ft n = 0.034 . ks1/6 1 5 10 20 50
0.0926 R 1/6
Limerinos Equation: n
1.16 2 log (R/ks)
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d d50
σ 0.5 84 (5-17)
d50 d16
Fg (5-18)
(ss 1) g d50
Figure 5-4. Velocity versus hydraulic radius in a
mobile bed stream (courtesy of W. M. Keck Labora- 1.74
Fg′ (5-19)
tories of Hydraulics and Water Resources (Brownlie S 1/3
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Table 5-7
Characteristics of Grass Cover
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Table 5-8
Hydraulic Roughness from Surface Properties
No. Station Elevation n Value ks, ft Comment
0.0 18.00
1 Grass D: Bermuda grass cut to 2.5 in.
From Soil Conservation Service
(Chow 1959, pp 179-184)
50.0 5.50
2 0.100 Left Floodplain, (USDT (Arcement and
Schneider 1989), Table 3)
n = ( nb+ n1 + n2 + n3 + n4)
= (0.028+0.010+0.012+0.050)
125.0 2.00
3 1 Strickler ks-ft; Assumed (Chow, p 206)
129.0 0.00
4 Brownlie bed roughness equations
(Brownlie 1983)
D84 = 6.5 mm, D50 = 1.7 mm, D16 = 0.4 mm
154.0 0.00
5 1 Same as left bank (Area 3)
158.0 2.00
6 0.125 Right Floodplain, (USDT (Arcement and
Schneider 1989), Table 3)
n = (0.028+0.010+0.012+0.075)
168.0 5.50
7 Same as left levee (Area 1)
218.0 18.00
(1) Area 1 is designed to be a mowed grass surface. (7) Area 7, the right levee, will be the same as the
The n value will depend on the flow depth and velocity left levee.
over the panel.
5-6. Composite n Values and Hydraulic Radius
(2) Area 2 is the left floodplain. The best source for
n values in large, woody vegetation is the USDT proce- The calculations that transform the complex geometry and
dure, referenced in Table 5-2. Therefore, that n value roughness into representative one-dimensional hydraulic
will be coded directly. parameters for flow depth calculations are called composi-
ting hydraulic parameters. That is, in a complex cross
(3) Area 3 is the left bank of the channel. Rough- section the composite hydraulic radius includes, in addi-
ness will be calculated by estimating a surface irregularity tion to the usual geometric element property, the variation
ks for the bank line to be 1 ft. of both depth and n values. There are several methods in
the literature for compositing. The Alpha method,
(4) For Area 4, the channel bed roughness will be described in Appendix C, was selected as the default for
calculated from the bed sediment gradation using the SAM. Two other methods are provided as options: equal
Brownlie bed roughness equations. That method predicts velocity and sum of forces.
whether the roughness is lower or upper regime. It uses
the d84, d50, and d16 grain sizes of the bed surface. a. Equal velocity method. Cox (1973) tested three
methods for determining the equivalent roughness in a
(5) Area 5 is the right bank. It will be the same as rectangular channel: the equal velocity method, which is
the left bank. sometimes called the Horton or the Einstein method after
the developers; the Los Angeles District method; and the
(6) Area 6 is expected to have a more dense stand of Colbatch method.
vegetation than on the left side.
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Since only wetted perimeter, and not hydraulic radius, Figure 5-6. Definition sketch for Los Angeles District
appears in this equation, it is always well behaved. and Colbatch methods
(2) The equations for the Los Angeles District (Equ- (3) Horton’s method is retained here because of its
ation 5-21) and Colbatch (Equation 5-22) methods simplicity. It is adequate for the simple cross-section
(Figure 5-6) are as follows: shapes, and it is programmable for the complex cross-
section shapes. The other methods that Cox tested would
a1 n1 a2 n2 aN nN be very difficult to program for automatic computations in
n (5-21) complex cross sections.
b. Alpha method.
1.5 1.5 1.5
a1 n1 a2 n2 aN nN (5-22) (1) The Chezy equation forms the basis for this
A 2/3 method. The cross section is subdivided into areas
between coordinate points.
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Table 5-9
Water Surface Elevations Using the Alpha Method
Normal Depth Using Composite Properties by Alpha Method
Water Boundary
Surface Top Composite Shear
Discharge Elevation Width R Slope Composite Velocity Froude Stress
**** N cfs ft ft ft ft/ft n Value fps Number psf
**** 1 2,300.00 9.58 150.6 7.77 0.000800 0.0621 2.64 0.17 0.39
Table 5-10
Water Surface Elevations Using the Alpha Method
Flow Distribution by Alpha Method, Discharge = 2,300.00 cfs
Percentage Wetted
Increase Area Ai Perimeter pi Ri = ks ni Velocity
Station Discharge sq ft ft Ai/pi ft Value fps
3.06 33.2 16.8 1.98 1.179 0.0312 2.11
25.74 437.0 75.1 5.82 624.9 0.1000 1.35
7.10 34.3 4.5 7.67 1.000 0.0342 4.76
51.31 239.4 25.0 9.58 4.563 0.0383 4.93
7.10 34.3 4.5 7.67 1.000 0.0342 4.76
2.64 58.3 10.6 5.50 2,384.0 0.1250 1.04
3.06 33.2 16.8 1.98 1.179 0.0312 2.11
100.00 869.9 153.2 7.77 18.59 0.0621 2.64
Table 5-11
Water Surface Elevations Using the Alpha Method
Equivalent Hydraulic Properties using Conveyance Method
Radius Subsection
Velocity Manning’s Discharge Area Velocity
ft n Value cfs sq ft fps
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* n value is very significant and requires a sedimentation f. Wetlands. Measurements by the South Florida
investigation. Water Management District in connection with the res-
toration of the Kissimmee River produced n values of
d. Bed form roughness in concrete channels. After 1.011. That coincided with flow depths below the top of
the Corte Madera Creek channel went into operation, sedi- the marsh vegetation. They chose to use an n value of
ment deposited over the smooth concrete bed in the 0.3 for the levee design calculations because the flow
downstream portion. A sedimentation study was con- depth was considerably above the top of the dense marsh
ducted, after the fact, using HEC-6 (Copeland and vegetation. However, that was judgment rather than
Thomas 1989). They determined the channel n value to experiment. (Once flow depth exceeds the top of vegeta-
be 0.028 using high-water marks and the known water tion, it seems reasonable to reduce n values.)
discharge. The calculated depth and gradation of bed
deposits matched prototype values very nicely. This g. Marsh. Studies for a flood at Kawanui Marsh,
n value is not suggested as a design value. It is presented Hawaii, resulted in an n value of 0.95. That is attributed
to illustrate surprises that can come from a fixed-bed to a dense vine that was growing on the water surface. It
hydraulic approach. was attached to the bed from place to place, but when the
flood occurred, it piled the vine into accordion-like folds.
e. Large woody debris. Large woody debris refers to Subsequent measurements, on smaller floods, were used
downed trees and log jams. This is a condition that to develop the n value.
exists, but its effect on the hydraulic roughness during *
large floods is not well documented.