Masouleh: A City A History
Masouleh: A City A History
Masouleh: A City A History
T HE remained monuments are witnesses a contradiction parts of Iran, because of the specific climate condition [5],
between the residents and climatic problems. Because of [11]. Therefore, traditional architecture of this region has
this, there are different native architectures in various climate reached some solution to this climate situation to provide
and culture throughout the world. In Iran, as a result of the peace and comfortable for dwellers along with living, social
different geographical parts and culture, there are several and cultural factors. As a result of climatic condition, there are
vernacular architectures. Furthermore, Gilan`s rural several architectural characteristics such as air condition,
architecture mirrors its settlements` interaction with the spatial characteristics and materials.
environment, social and economic status, and also worldview, One of the most suitable climate solutions of traditional
artistic talents and technical building skills [1]. Thus Gilan is a houses in Gilan for using the ventilation is appropriate
suitable case study for traditional architecture investigation. orientation and the height of building. With the linear
Different studies were done about arid and mountainous expansion of the building in east-west direction, the
traditional architecture of Iran [2], but limited experts pay inhabitants enjoyed enough sunlight and local airflow. Thus,
attention to Gilan with the specific climate and architecture. balcony (Fakoon) was built in one or several faces of the
The most common subject of Gilan studies have been the building in order to prevent rain from hitting the building
environmental, social, anthropology and cultural body [4], [7].
investigations [3], [4]. However, few researchers have been Because of continuity and severity of rain, the roofs of
studied about traditional architecture in some part of Gilan [5] traditional houses were built with two or four slopes. In some
and the sustainability reasons of this structure pattern [6], [7]. places there are strong winds which those parts are completely
Based on this, Masouleh as a unique style of Gilan`s closed by a long roof. The space between sloped roof and
architecture was selected. upper floor roof caused the air to flow and the humidity to
All in all, the purpose of this paper is investigation of green decrease in warm season. Also, since this space is usually
architecture in Masouleh. Also, involved factors in successful filled with hay in cold season, it functions as insulation
against cold [12], [5].
As a result of high humidity, wet soil and overwhelming
M. K. is with the Indian studies Department, University Malaya, Kuala
rivers, houses have been built in two storeys to avoid the
Lumpur 50603 (phone: +60176369916; e-mail: Kakouei_mahshid@ penetration of land moisture into the houses. The foundation
M. K. is with Conservation Institute of Malek, museum of Tehran, Iran. area was built with wood in plain area and was used stones.
K. S. is with the Indian studies Department, University Malaya, Kuala However, there are some differences between the height of
Lumpur 5060.
S. M. K. is with the Culture center Department, University Malaya, Kuala foundation in different parts of Gilan; for example, because of
Lumpur 5060. the surface of groundwater and sticking soil, the houses are
J. A. is with the University of Malaya, Student, CO 50603 Malaysia. made in 100-150 cm above the grand land; while this height is
A. S. is with the University of Malaya, Lecturer, CO 50603 Malaysia.
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lower in forest part about 80-120 cm [5], [13] (Fig. 1). range with peculiar architecture of its own. Spread over 100
On the other hand, as a result of different climate condition hectares, Masouleh is located at the southern end of the humid
in mountainous areas, architecture typology is completely Caspian Sea in a river valley. This city is 1050 meters above
different from the plain areas; for instance, the houses are sea-level. Because of the beauty of nature and unique
located in the hearts of mountains, including Roodbar, traditional architecture of Masouleh, the village was registered
Masouleh and Deylaman which have staircase structure. In as a national monument in 1975 with the number of 1090 (Fig.
addition, the wooden roofs of these houses are flat and 2) [14].
customary are used adobe, stone and mud to build the houses.
Consequently, the livelihood and dwelling style of rural
families has adapted to climatic strategies after many years
leading to harmony in the architecture of rural houses and
sustainability of this structure.
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Fig. 3 Access routes and allays in Masouleh Fig. 5 The location of Bazar in Masouleh
At the moment, there are more than 350 residential units. 3. Functional Spaces in Masouleh Architecture
The 70% of houses are two-floor high, such that one- storey, The formation of traditional houses is normally made by
and three- storey houses are rare. room, entrance, corridor, staircase, Chghm, Soumeh (Svmh)
Bazar of Masouleh is seven- storey and there are 120 shops and storage. Dimension of smallest house in Masouleh is 60
in there (Fig. 4). m2 and the greatest one is 300 m2.
In multi- storey houses, the upper floors which are free
from the moisture are suitable places for the habitation of the
dwellers. These floors are included rooms and balcony.
Corridor (Daalan) is a functional factor in traditional houses
of Masouleh. In one- storey houses, Daalan has a conjunctive
space function which called Chghm. In two and three- storeys,
the spaces near the corridor were allocated to livestock spaces
such as stable, yarn, foodstuff storage places, also bathroom,
toilet and staircase. Staircase is also generally made by wood
and is connected to Chghm.
In this architecture, the upper floor consists of some rooms
allocated to dwellers living space. Rooms, according to the
dimensions, location and the number of windows have
Fig. 4 The main financial part of Masouleh, Bazar different name; the great one called Pilla Ke, the small one
called Rooke, the upper one called Jera Ke, the down one
o Anatomy of Masouleh City called Kafi Ke and the middle one called Mena Ke. In
Masouleh generally is divided to six parts, five districts and addition, rooms have one, two and three windows called Ie
one market. The districts of Masouleh are known as Khaneh Baria Ke, Du Baria Ke and Se Baria Ke respectively. In the
Bar, Kashteh Sar, Asad Mahalleh, Masjed Bar and Reyhaneh other words, the houses with window called Baria Ke (Fig. 6)
Bar. Also, its market which is hub of trade has independently and those have Talar and balcony called Talare Ke (Fig. 7).
to each district (Fig. 5). Rooms, generally did not have any special function and
were used differently based on season and family`s
2. Orientation of Masouleh Houses requirement. The great room which commonly seen in the rich
Masouleh is located in the hearts of mountain and people`s house called Talar and allocated to guests. Talar is
mountainous cities should not located in down of valley; located behind the balcony.
because village not only face to flood, but also is suffered Balcony was located in one or more sun-facing sides of
from the cold weather at night. On the other hand, as a result building which was the place of daily activities such as
of cold and heavy wind, the village could not make on the top cooking, eating, doing house chores, living and even sleeping
of mountain. Therefore, the middle and south of foothill is the during some suitable months of year; while in the cold seasons
most suitable part for village construction. of the year these activities were transferred into the house.
With the expansion of Masouleh houses in south or south Also The hall where located behind the rooms or Talar in
west, the dwellers enjoyed enough sunlight in winter and local local language is called Soumeh, which is also the family
airflow in summer. winter quarter [7].
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historical village, which has intruded the cultural landscape houses. In addition, this policy will increase the construction
and historical texture of this national heritage site. of sustainable houses and will lead to appropriate
Furthermore, the road construction project for widening the developments in future.
road of Fouman to Masouleh is another problem, because it is
located in cultural landscape. REFERENCES
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nature, creating an extraordinary habitat and architecture. In
fact, indigenous material and traditional dwelling pattern of
Masouleh is made it a unique model of outward oriented
In this type of architecture, vernacular materials such as
wood, clay, stone and plants have been the most popular
ingredients and are in harmony with the environment. Also,
Masouleh’s architecture has had an appropriate orientation of
structure in relation to wind and sunlight, which has led to
create the balcony and Soumeh for summer and winter,
respectively; balcony provides ventilation in summer and
spring, also Soumeh was disconnected inside house from utter
side of the building reducing the waste of energy. This
concept is an important concern for the modern architecture.
Restoring the principle of region architecture based on
climatic conditions and the relationship of dwelling spaces is
the most important part of preserving. Therefore, attention of
experts to basic principles of this traditional architecture in
later development is necessary. Reconstruction by use of
indigenous technology and building materials encourage the
local people to pay attention to conservation of their own