11 17 17 Treatment Plan
11 17 17 Treatment Plan
11 17 17 Treatment Plan
2 Within 6 months, Client will demonstrate the needed fine Date: Date: 11/3/17 Date:
motor skill to color and cut simple shapes from a sheet of Fine Motor skills 9/8/17
paper with 80% accuracy Strengthening hands/fingers -1
Establishing tripod grasp
Did not
3 In one year, when given meat or vegetables, Client will Date: 11/3/17 Date: 9/8/17
demonstrate decreased oral sensitivity by tolerating eating Feeding and
10 bites over 5 consecutive data collection days Exposure/desensitization to new 9/15/17
foods/vegetables Did not
observe in this
9/22= -2 for
to vegetables
Treatment Session Plan
4 In 6 months, Client will demonstrate improved balance and Date: Date: 9/8/17
motor planning skills in preparation for riding a bike by 11/3/17 -2
completing a complex 5-step obstacle course with no more
than 2 verbal cues in 4/5 trials. Balance Date: 9/15/17
Pacing -2
Visual Motor Coordination
bilateral coordination 9/22/17
Clients Occupations to be treated include: ( Check all that apply; DDDM, Step 7-Design Intervention)
X ADL’s/Self Care: (bathing, showering, toileting & hygiene, swallowing/eating, feeding, Personal device care & managing
personal belongings, personal organization ,functional mobility, personal hygiene and grooming)
X Instrumental ADLS & Graphic Communication: (Care of others, Care of pets, child rearing, Communication management,
driving & community mobility, financial management, health management & maintenance, home establishment &
management, meal prep & cleanup, religious/spiritual activities & expression, safety & emergency
maintenance/awareness, & shopping & Handwriting, Keyboarding, Drawing, Coloring, Art, etc).
Rest & Sleep: (Rest, sleep preparation, sleep participation)
Work: (Employment interests & pursuits, Employment seeking & acquisition, job performance, retirement preparation and
adjustment, volunteer exploration & participation).
X Play & Social Participation: (Social Awareness, Building/Maintaining Relationships, Turn-taking, imaginative play, sharing
materials, exploring new play ideas/opportunities, play exploration, social participation in community, family and with
Leisure: (Leisure exploration & participation)
Client Factors & Performance Skills/Patterns addressed: (Write goal number(s) that this skill will be addressed in; DDDM Step
7-Design Intervention)
Motor/Muscle/Movement Skills Sensory Skills Social Skills
4 Core Stability 2 Manipulation Temperature Pressure Engages/Approaches Others
2 Endurance 4 Coordination Hearing 3 Taste Concludes/Transitions/Takes turns
2 Position/Aligns 4 Motor Vestibular 3 Smell Communicates (verbal/non-verbal)
1 Joint Mobility 2 Reaching/gras 3 Tactile Pain Looks/Turns (Makes eye-contact)
Joint Stability Reflexes 4 Proprioceptiv Visual Emotional Expression
1 Tone & 2 Controlled Discriminatio Modulatio Physical behavior (regulates movement,
2 Strength , Movement n n position, touch)
Other Other Other
Processing/Cognitive/Mental functions: Visual Perceptual/Visual Motor Skills
Treatment Session Plan
Brief Description of Intervention (DDDM, 7-Design Intervention): activities and preparatory tasks designed to improve fine motor
skills, balance and motor planning, and desensitization to new foods/vegetables.
Identify How you will Measure Outcomes and Collect data on Intervention Outcomes: cutting performance within 1 inch of line,
number of bites of vegetables, amount of verbal/physical assistance during cutting activities, percentage of task utilizing appropriate
tripod grasp, and # of LOB during gross motor activities.
(DDDM, 10,11-Collect, Display, Analyze Data, Monitor Progress)
Gross Warm up: (10 Minutes) Activity Demands Anticipated Activity Outcome:
motor -Name of activity: Obstacle course with scooter in -Relevant and important to the increase motor planning and
gym or hallway to the gross motor gym client as this activity will core strengthening as well as
increase reaching and
large -Ways to grade up: Have client help setup the engagement in different muscles to increase motor planning
room obstacle course with ideas he has to complete and activities and core strengthening to
-Ways to grade down: Have less activities as a part -Objects used: - Scooter, improve participation in
exercise ball, stepping stones,
Treatment Session Plan
of the course, have easier parts of the course circles, scooter activities that encourage him
mixed in with the harder parts of the course. Like Space demands: Large Open to cross midline and increase
area. Hallway for scooter
jumping over something with stepping on obstacle. - Sequencing and timing: core stability.
Sequencing movements to
Materials: engage with obstacle course
Large exercise ball appropriately and to move to the
next task
Stepping stones
- Actions and performance skills
Circles required: stabilizes, positions,
Scooter moves
-Required body functions:
attention, vestibular functions,
proprioceptive functions, muscle
power, muscle endurance,
involuntary movement reactions,
control of voluntary movement,
righting reactions
-Required body structures: trunk,
two feet, two arms, two hands
Gross Activity 2: (10-15 Minutes) Approach: Type: Practice Goal(s)
Motor Establish/restore Activity Model: addressed:
Gym -Name of activity: Shoe tying with a jump rope and Maintain Motor #2
with egg carton potentially Planning
-Ways to grade up: have client tie around Activity Demands (OTPF table 7) Anticipated Activity Outcome:
therapist’s legs. Have him tie the jump rope around Relevant and important to the The anticipated outcome of
another object other than legs. client this activity is that the client
-Objects used: Chair, jump rope,
-Ways to grade down: Have him tie the jump rope shoe laces, egg carton will demonstrate increased
around his legs on the ground, not in a chair -Space demands: Gym, large hand strength to aid in fine
open area with a chair motor skills needed to cross
Materials: -Social demands: Follow midline and tie shoes. He will
Chair continue to use these skills
-Sequencing and timing:
Jump Rope Sequencing motor movements in during therapy sessions to
Egg Carton order to carry out tying the establish and build on his shoe
Shoe laces shoes or tying around the legs tying skills.
-Required actions and
performance skills: Moves,
endures, coordinates, positions,
stabilizes, paces.
-Required body functions:
Attention, proprioceptive
functions, vestibular functions,
muscle power, muscle tone,
muscle endurance, joint mobility,
control of voluntary movement
-Required body structures: Two
legs, two arms, trunk
Kitchen Activity 3: (10 Minutes) Approach: Type: Practice Goal(s)
while Establish Activity Model: addressed:
Muffins -Name of activity: Shoe tying template Motor (goal #)
are -Ways to grade up: Have client cut out the shoes Planning 2
cooking and string the shoelaces through the shoes.
Treatment Session Plan
-Ways to grade down: Have the shoes already cut Activity Demands (OTPF table 7) Anticipated Activity Outcome:
out and ready for client to practice lacing with Relevant and important to the Increase hand strength
them client as he wants to learn to tie through engaging in activities
-Objects used: Shoe pattern, that require client to cross
Materials: shoe lace, hole punch, cardstock midline and to use fine motor
Shoestrings-2 -Space demands: Table, chair skills as well. Client will also be
Cardstock -Social demands: Follow required to cut and to thread
Glue shoe strings through holes,
-Sequencing and timing:
Crayons Sequencing motor movements in increasing hand strength and
Hole punch order to carry out tying the fine motor tasks.
shoes and cutting out and
http://realpurdy.com/2013/04/12/shoe-laces- stringing the shoe laces in the
template/ -Required actions and
performance skills: Moves,
endures, coordinates, positions,
stabilizes, paces.
-Required body functions:
Attention, proprioceptive
functions, vestibular functions,
muscle power, muscle tone,
muscle endurance, joint mobility,
control of voluntary movement
-Required body structures: Two
legs, two arms, trunk
Large Wrap up/Cool Down: (5 minutes) Approach: Type: Practice Goal(s)
room Establish Activity Model: addressed:
-Name of activity: Sensory rice bin Sensory (goal #)
processing 1,4
-Ways to grade up: Have client dig out specific
items when called out by the therapist during this Activity Demands (OTPF table 7) Anticipated Activity Outcome:
activity Relevant and important to the Through this activity the client
client as he likes tasks that will be able to transition and
require him to dig through
-Ways to grade down: Have client dig in the rice bin different sensory objects. calm down by touching and
without specific items needing to be taken out of -Objects used: Sensory rice bin digging through the rice bin.
the bin -Space demands: Sensory room He will then be able to
-Social demands: Follow transition home with
Materials: parent/grandparent.
-Sequencing and timing:
Rice Bin Sequencing motor movements in
order to carry out the exercise.
-Required actions and
performance skills: Moves,
endures, coordinates, positions,
stabilizes, paces.
-Required body functions:
Attention, proprioceptive
functions, vestibular functions,
muscle power, muscle tone,
muscle endurance, joint mobility,
control of voluntary movement
-Required body structures: Two
legs, two arms, trunk, eyes,
Date: 11/10/17
Student Therapist Signature:
Supervising Therapist Signature: Date:
Treatment Session Plan