Indiana Wesleyan University Elementary Education Lesson Plan
Indiana Wesleyan University Elementary Education Lesson Plan
Indiana Wesleyan University Elementary Education Lesson Plan
Lesson Rationale
- This lesson is important because the class has been struggling with multiplication facts,
as well as multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers. This will be largely a review lesson, with
many different hands-on activities to allow students to see the relationship between
numbers and continue to develop their multiplication abilities.
I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goals:
1. Students will understand mathematical terminology associated with
multiplication after reviewing terms.
2. Students will be able demonstrate ability to multiply two-digit by two-
digit numbers after completing centers.
B. Objective:
1. After completing the lesson, students will be able to exercise the skills of
multiplication to discover the product of 2-digit by 2-digit multiplication.
C. Standard: 4.C.2 Multiply a whole number of up to four digits by a one-digit whole
number and multiply two two-digit numbers, using strategies based on place value
and the properties of operations. Describe the strategy and explain the reasoning.
II. Management
o My computer
o Student iPads for blue group during math task cards
o Link to Google Slides which includes groupings and Video
o Students will need scratch paper/pencil for each station
o C.U.B.E.S. anchor chart/visualization
o White Board to create problem to work through with students during my station
o Exit ticket
o Puzzle/Directions/Answer Key
o Cards to help students with multiplication facts for center – multiplication task
card w/ QR code
o Foam Dice
o Worksheets for foam dice center
o Projector
o Highlighters
o Math Curse
Time per element: 1-hour total
Anticipatory Set – 5-7 minutes
Instruction – 5 minutes
Stations – 13 minutes per station. 39 minutes in total
Transitions – four minutes in total, 1 minute for each transition – between mini
lesson and first rotation; first rotation and second rotation; second and third
rotation; third rotation and closure
Assessment/Closure – 5 minutes
o Anticipatory Set – students at the carpet
o Instruction/Mini Lesson – students at their desks
o Stations –
Dice Game – students in pairs around room/at their desks
Self-Checking Math Center – students at carpet
Exit Ticket – students at back table
o Closure – students back at desks
o I will use Classroom Dojo to monitor student behavior by continuing to
implement classroom rules
o Incentives: classroom dojo points/giant tickets
Group 1-
Dice Game (roll foam dice… done in pairs/one group of three in green
Group 2-
Self-Checking math center shape (for light blue and green groups on
google slides)
(Blue group) math facts to reinforce before doing dice game – QR code
multiplication task cards
Group 3-
Exit Ticket – write one together to teach terminology…Use C.U.B.E.S.
anchor chart/display (attached at bottom of lesson plan). Blue group
students can work up… we can differentiate by providing more steps for
students who are higher ability in math
III. Anticipatory Set (5-7 minutes) – Read Math Curse by Jon Scieszka and Lane Smith. Before
reading, I will ask the question, “Does anyone get scared about doing math?” (Allow students to
respond to this). “Today, we will read a story about how math might be seen as scary, but really,
anyone can learn how to tackle it!” After reading to the students, I will say “Maybe you have the
same view of Math as the main character does at the beginning of the book! Or maybe you have
the same feeling towards math as the main character did at the end of the book. Either way, math
is important! And you can find math in many places, so it’s good to gain a better understanding
of it.”
IV. Purpose Statement: “Today we are going to review 2 by 2 math and focus on correct terms
to use with multiplication. This will help you have a stronger understanding as you start learning
about long division.”
1. Miss Winslow bought 20 packages of balloons. Each package had 17 balloons in it. How
many balloons does Miss Winslow have? Highlight the product.
2. Mrs. Veatch took 10 packets of stickers to school. Each packet of stickers had 25 stickers
inside. How many stickers does Mrs. Veatch have in total? Highlight the product.
3. Mrs. Veatch brought 27 packets of stickers to school. Each packet had 21 stickers
inside. How many stickers does Mrs. Veatch have in total? Highlight the product.
1. Miss Winslow bought 68 packages of balloons. Each package had 17 balloons in it. How
many balloons does Miss Winslow have? Highlight the product.
2. Mrs. Veatch brought 38 packets of stickers to school. Each packet had 21 stickers inside.
How many stickers does Mrs. Veatch have in total? Highlight the product.
Multiplication Terms: Which Belongs w/ Multiplication review? Will add more terms