Concept Plan - Nagpur Smart City Proposal - 17122015
Concept Plan - Nagpur Smart City Proposal - 17122015
Concept Plan - Nagpur Smart City Proposal - 17122015
November 2015
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Extensive Citizen Engagement – A game changer for better planning and service delivery .... 12
3.1 Broad-basing citizen engagement......................................................................................... 12
3.2 Indian and Global Best practices that can be replicated in Nagpur...................................... 17
4.3 Impact of the vision on: Economic activity, sustainability and inclusivity ............................ 21
5.2 Approach and Methodology followed in selecting/ identifying the nature and extent of pan
city proposal and location of area based developments.............................................................. 24
5.3 Rationale for choosing the approach which is most appropriate for the areas and for
achieving the sub-goals of the city. .............................................................................................. 25
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
List of Tables
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
List of Figures
Figure 5-2: Map of the city showing different typologies of settlements ............................................27
Figure 5-3: Built vs Open Spaces in core city areas...............................................................................28
Figure 5-6: Map showing the grey areas of the city lacking core infrastructure ..................................31
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Throughout history, a city’s evolution has been marked by the needs of its residents and by its ability
to integrate new innovations into its structure and way of life. In this regard, it is important to note
the fundamental role played by technology.
Water and sanitation distribution networks, electricity and gas networks and intercity transport
systems are all clear examples of technological applications that have changed city life. The next step
in this constant process of evolution will undoubtedly focus on the introduction of ‘smart’ urban
infrastructure and service management through the application of information and communications
The evolution of cities in the 20th century was dictated by modernization and the application of
technology. Twenty-first century cities will evolve according to their ability to assimilate ‘intelligence’
based on the emerging concept of the Smart City.
Sensor networks and information processing systems are fundamental to the Smart City. These
networks of sensors collect information on the operational status of the various systems and services
for analysis by information processing systems, often in real time, in order to improve their
management and performance.
However, Smart cities is a work-in-progress model. In most cases, cities are still in the experimentation
stage, but full scale rollouts are increasingly taking shape. There are many moving parts to smart city
initiatives. The technology components may include sensors, devices, network infrastructure, wireless
connectivity, software, machine-to-machine learning, analytics, apps, security safeguards, and system
management. The technologies are quickly coming together to form complete solutions. However,
entrenched processes often require a complete makeover. People, city staff, political leadership,
citizens, and local businesses, may need training, support or even convincing that smart city initiatives
are a worthwhile pursuit. The process and people elements always take longer than expected, which
means smart city growth will see some short-term gains and many more long-term gains.
The Smart City is becoming a reality with the development of demonstration projects throughout the
world in cities such as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Dubai, Helsinki, San Diego, Santander and San Francisco,
among others. In Andalusia, a pioneering Smart City Project is underway in Malaga which is facilitating
the evaluation of several systems.
In the Indian Context, the Smart cities idea has to be rooted in deep-seated reforms which can allow
for incremental changes and technology interventions in making various services more citizen centric
and user friendly. Our experience in the urban sector suggests that the essential ingridients for Indian
cities to become ‘Smart’ are not only the technological interventions, but also the intrinsic systemic
reforms that will enable technological interventions to deliver value to citizens.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Total Score
# Criteria
Score Obtained
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
scheduled outages were more than 1950 hours a month. On account of combined operational
efficiency improvement efforts, the number of outages has reduced considerably. In 2014, the
scheduled outages were reported to be only 1093 hours a month. Unscheduled outages in a month
Unscheduled electricity outages also convey a decreasing trend in the city. As per the MSEDCL
information, unscheduled outages have reduced from more than 370 hours to only 232 hours a month
at an average rate of nearly 37 percent. Reduction in NRW/UFW and T&D losses
Under the 24*7 system pilot project, for 15000 connections, the NRW measured to be 51 percent in
2008. In 2011, NRW has reduced to 32 percent (a nineteen percent reduction). (Information based on
Revised CDP, March 2015).
Power pilferage and transmission losses were as high as 35 percent in 2012. In 2015, the T&D losses
are only 23.5 percent. The water supply system is being managed by a private franchisee under the
PPP mode which has brought in efficiencies. (Information based on discussion with MSEDCL executive
engineer) Increase in percentage population covered by grid based power
As per census 2011, more than 98 percent of households in the city limits have access to conventional
grid based power supply. Roughly 1.7 percent use non-conventional power. Only 0.3 percent of the
households do not have power supply connection. Grid based power supply has increased at an
average rate of 8 percent per annum. Water and sewerage charges collected as percentage of current annual demand
In 2014-15, the current demand of water supply related charges was Rs. 105.8 crores. Against this a
recovery of 92.2 crore is observed. Efficiency of collection of charges related to water supply in the
past three years has been more than 85 percent of the demand. There is no sewerage charge collected
by NMC. However a sewerage tax is collected as part of property tax. (Information based on Orange
City Water Limited (OCWL) demand, collection and balance statement) Property tax collection as a percentage of annual demand
Based on the demand collection balance sheet maintained by NMC property tax department, property
tax collection efficiency against current demand has been 90 percent (during the last three FYs).
Against the current demand of Rs. 126.40 Cr (FY 2014-15), NMC has collected Rs. 113.8 Cr. Cost management interventions like location tracking of vehicles, ambient light sensors etc.
NMC is installing smart LED street lighting. A pilot installation of more than 250 street lights in the civil
lines area has already been completed. Installations are connected to smart meters and smart
controllers for remote monitoring. Two stage dimmable LED fixtures are used. This has reduced the
energy consumption by more than 50 percent. In the first phase, 27000 streetlights will be replaced.
The project is being implemented on PPP basis.
In addition, NMC is implementing solar city project under which more than 1800 solar water heaters
were distributed on subsidized rated. NMC has made an alternate renewable power supply
arrangement at the main office building by installing solar panels. There is a target of ten percent
reduction in conventional power through alternate renewable sources. (This information based on
discussion with Executive engineer, electrical department, NMC)
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
6.8 Km
5.50 Km
9.40 Km
3.8 Km
4.5 Km
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
these roads. While highest peak hour traffic of 1861 PCU is observed at Raipur road, Katol road
observes the lowest peak hour traffic (318 vehicles) flow in the city.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
houses on same footprint has been proposed. The work on this front is under progress. (The
information is based on revised CDP prepared in March 2015)
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Sporadic citizen engagement has been observed in the development planning process in Nagpur.
Several decisions and projects do not involve citizens and stakeholders. Nagpur Municipal Corporation
has seized the opportunity provided by the Smart Cities programme and has launched a very extensive
citizen engagement programme with the objective of engaging with the largest possible number of
citizens to strategize and implement programmes that will make India’s Heart, Nagpur Smart.
The citizen engagement agenda is being implemented in three parts. The three part strategy is to
ensure that citizens are involved at each stage of the proposal preparation process thereby making
Nagpur’s Smart City Proposal preparation a truly Citizen driven exercise.
The First part focused on popularising the Smart City programme, generating curiosity and
creating a city-wide buzz and dialogue. This was done through media campaigns and a Smart
City Idea Challenge;
The Second part is being executed in two distinct formats. The first format is focused upon
reaching out to every household in Nagpur for developing a Vision for making Nagpur a Smart
City. This is being done through a simple one page layout which asks citizens to express their
Vision for Nagpur. This is also supported through various Strategic Stakeholder Consultations
in form of Focus Group Discussions with various eminent citizens, professionals, sector
experts, business leaders etc. Also, the young citizens were involved through an Essay
Competition on “Nagpur of My Dreams”. The second format focuses upon reaching out to the
citizens through open forums with the results of the Vision development exercise to zero in
on the Pan-City initiatives that the city will take up.
The Third part will focus on area based interventions and will aim to (a) generate consent on
area based interventions and (b) generate consent of people in the select area based
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
A total of 1365 entries have been received and are under Final Evaluation currently.
Newspaper Who was included Dates
Between 10th
Times of ¼ page Over 50 opinions from Citizens, Business
August and 30th
India Columns Leaders, Expert Professionals
August, 2015
Newspaper Groups Included and Topics Covered Dates
Samples of the campaign have been included in the presentation Annexed to this document.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Sector experts,
Focused group discussion with professionals, service
sector experts (Water, providers, private 13th Oct to
More than 200
sanitation, transport, economy, companies, 19th October
safety, open spaces, tourism, developers, NGOs, 2015
heritage etc. government
departments etc.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
(k) Housing
(l) Tourism and Heritage
Various stakeholders were invited to participate in these consultations. The stakeholders were invited
from the following groups:
(a) Subject Matter Experts
(b) Sabhapatis of respective sectors
(c) Associations or Business Groups of respective sectors
(d) Industry Players
(e) Professionals
(f) Solution Providers
(g) Citizen Groups in respective sectors
The Strategic Stakeholder Consultation Workshops were organized as outlined below:
Sr. No of
Tasks Date Time
No. Invitees
10:00 am to
1 E-Governance & Digitalization 22
01:00 pm
13th October
Waste Management, Sanitation and 03:00 pm to
2 43
Environment 06:00 pm
10:00 am to
3 Healthcare 25
01:00 pm
14th October,
03:00 pm to
4 Water 32
06:00 pm
10:00 am to
7 Education 30
01:00 pm
16th October,
03:00 pm to
8 Energy / Power 23
06:00 pm
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Sr. No of
Tasks Date Time
No. Invitees
03:00 pm to
10 Income, Economy & Employment 40
06:00 pm
10:00 am to
11 Housing 27
01:00 pm
19th October,
03:00 pm to
12 Tourism and Heritage 31
06:00 pm
Total 362
Besides the above, the NMC has also engaged with the Nagpur Smart City Council, a Citizen driven
Knowledge Forum, which plans to assist the NMC in making Nagpur a Smart City. The NSCC has over
50 members drawn from various walks of life and also has a roster of sector experts. The
Commissioner, NMC had interacted with the NSCC members and had also requested them to be a part
of the Strategic Stakeholder Consultations that were organized as detailed above. Various experts
from NSCC have also participated in the above mentioned workshops.
In addition, the NMC also undertook a Consultation Workshop with 12 members of the Confederation
of India Industry (CII). CII was also asked to facilitate Expert participation on the Strategic Stakeholder
Consultation Workshops mentioned above.
The Association of Consulting Civil Engineers was also invited for a detailed discussion on various
issues and sectors. The workshop was held on 20th October, 2015. A 10 member delegation from the
Association held extensive discussions on various sectors and have also provided inputs on Smart City
3.2 Indian and Global Best practices that can be replicated in Nagpur
From the desk research and stakeholder consultations during the revised city development plan, the
key issues highlighted were related to urban transport, sewerage and sanitation, civic services through
CFCs and online portal, single point information system and complaint registration call centre. Building
upon these, while creating the Smart City context some related national and international case studies
were developed which would correspond directly to some of the aforementioned issues. Following
case studies were presented during the first round of citizen engagement.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
infrastructure provisioning. The haphazard growth also means that usable public and open spaces are
fairly limited and in many cases access to them is also an impediment.
Though the level of services are relatively better, there are various problems which impact the quality
of life in Nagpur. These are:
unequitable water supply
dependency on tankers for supply in various areas
inadequate sewage treatment capacity resulting in polluted water bodies
absence of waste management services in the peripheral areas
non-availability of engineered landfill resulting in dumping of waste
variable coverage of storm water drainage
encroachment of natural drain areas
inefficient public transport & lack of Integrated Public Transport System (IPTS) which compels
citizens to use private vehicles
Social infrastructure facilities are not available evenly across the city. For instance, western Nagpur
has a larger supply of social infrastructure facilities while eastern Nagpur has a limited supply.
Making a city smart requires a multi-dimensional and holistic approach. However, a key underlying
vision should drive the overall effort towards making a city smart. During the first phase of citizen
engagement, an overwhelming 41% of Nagpurians have said that they would like to see a Clean
Nagpur and that the efforts under the Smart City programme should be towards initiating deep
systemic changes that would help Nagpur become a Clean city in the future.
The other priorities expressed by Nagpurians were Safe & Secure, Green, Sustainable, Prosperous and
Digitally Connected.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
A city vision is a shared expectation of realistic and desirable future of the city and its citizens. Creating
a coherent city vision that captures citizen’s aspirations is very essential to achieve the goals of smart
city mission. Often, vision lacks ownership and in many cases fails to connect with the larger audience.
Multiple visions for city create confusion, fragmentation and complexity. It is therefore necessary to
think across boundaries, interest groups and stakeholders and use imaginative ways of reaching
citizens and engaging with them to co-create a city vision.
Nagpur chose to involve its citizenry directly in the Visioning process. More than five lakh households
(including those in slums as well), covering different socio-economic groups, citizen groups, sector
experts, public representatives, solution providers, and other government agencies were consulted to
solicit their vision and ideas about a smart Nagpur. In addition to the citizens’ aspirations,
understanding of the city based on the self-assessment has shaped the Smart City Vision for Nagpur.
Following vision statement emerges from the consultations and self- assessment:
“Nagpur, central India’s largest city, will also be its most well-
designed, well-connected and thriving urban centre. With clean
and green neighbourhoods, futuristic infrastructure and services
backed by intelligent, intuitive information technology, Nagpur
will connect government, business and people seamlessly,
offering a habitat that is at once smart, safe and inclusive”
4.1 Link between the Vision, city profile and the city self-assessment
City level self-assessment highlights some of the fundamental issues that Nagpur needs to address.
The city’s performance in terms of waste management (solid and liquid) has been quite poor. Only 22
percent of the sewage is collected and treated. Municipal waste collection, processing and disposal is
also a concern. Effective and efficient monitoring of waste collection and street sweeping is absent. In
addition to this, performance in terms of urban planning aspects such as walkability, distribution of
green and open spaces, compactness, safety, access to good public transport, conservation and
management of heritage buildings in the city etc. also needs a serious relook.
The issues noted above are further corroborated by the citizens’ responses during the multiple citizen
engagement activities that were undertaken. Majority residents feel that cleanliness, safety, access to
education and health facilities, and access to good public transport are some of the critical issues that
need to assume priority.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Based on the problems, challenges and opportunities that are presented, a long term city vision has
been formulated. The smart city vision for Nagpur offers a framework for spatial and infrastructure
planning and an agenda for investment. It emphatically captures the aspirations of the citizens, slum
dwellers, self-employed, housewives, and senior citizens and is inclusive in all senses. The vision
presents a coherent narrative of social and economic benefits of spatial and infrastructural
The stated vision is an amalgamation of extensive citizen engagement, stakeholder consultations and
analysis of existing situation based on the city level self-assessment. Some of the key stakeholders
include public representatives, business houses, NGOs, citizen groups, domain experts, solution
providers and other eminent personalities in the city.
4.3 Impact of the vision on: Economic activity, sustainability and inclusivity
The city aspires to be a thriving economic centre in the central India. Given the central location of the
city and the proposed multiproduct cargo hub, economic landscape of the city is bound to undergo a
dramatic change. Additionally, the city’s good connectivity through rail, road and air implies that the
implementation of the GST could potentially make Nagpur a critical cargo hub. Logistic related
activities alone are expected to generate roughly 0.1 million direct jobs in the city. Another 0.2 million
IT/ITEs jobs are expected to be generated in the proposed SEZ. The economic strategy for the city also
recognizes its heritage and tourism potential. Iconic and transformational area renaissance projects
will further have significant economic and transformative impacts on the community, especially those
involved in informal economic activities.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
The aspiration of a well-designed city with clean and green neighbourhoods addresses the twin intents
of inclusive and sustainable development. A competitive sustainability schema is built around the
initiatives – smart urban planning, intelligent infrastructure systems, thriving economy, the way we
do business and the way we manage finances. For instance, the peripheral areas at present, lack
access to core infrastructure services especially waste management and cleanliness. Here, an area
based intervention that improves access to core infrastructure, and quality of life will follow the stated
principles of sustainability. The stated vision reflects the Nagpur city’s commitment towards
sustainable development policies and principles that will enable its transformation into a truly smart
Inclusive development of citizens is also one of the guiding values of the stated smart city vision. At
present, a disparity exists in all phases of development. For instance the quality of life in civil lines area
is much better than that of in Pardi or Nara. The vision statement ingrains certain principles that
integrate elements of inclusive design while planning the basic building blocks i.e. smart
neighbourhoods. Here inclusive design implies a perfect blend of community involvement in planning,
economic development, housing and open spaces, access and mobility, social amenities, safety and
security etc.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
“Nagpur, central India’s largest city, will also be its most well-designed, well-connected and
thriving urban centre. With clean and green neighbourhoods, futuristic infrastructure and
services backed by intelligent, intuitive information technology, Nagpur will connect government,
. business and people seamlessly, offering a habitat that is at once smart, safe and inclusive”
Good quality of life in neighbourhoods
An inclusive city that is well designed,
diverse, secure and accessible
environment protection and sustainability defecation house with water coverage for
connection and water supply and
Commuter’s paradise toilet facility sewerage
A city where commuting, cycling and walking
service delivery
Economically vibrant
A thriving mega-polis that supports different
Making India a manufacturing hub of
economic anchors and provides equal
the world
employment opportunities. It is also a hub
of international cargo Make in India
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Strategic Plan
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
using the already existing smaller planning units-“Zones1 and Prabhags2” of the city. A matrix was
developed for these prabhags with indicators to assess their competitiveness, quality of life, status of
core infrastructure, mobility, social infrastructure and environmental indicators. In parallel, meetings
with the official of each of the ten zones was carried out with a purpose of developing a diagnostic for
the city as a whole. The grey areas (where both infrastructure as well as quality of life indicators are
relatively weak) in each of the prabhags were identified through this exercise.
Apart from this, physical surveys and perception study were conducted to understand the existing
urban setting. Based on the surveys and inputs from residents, analysis was carried out for each of the
areas and certain list of issues that need to be addressed were identified. The outcome of the survey
with people was also tabulated to derive issues and agendas. This part was presented to the people
in the area and the local representatives to get their inputs/endorsement on our understanding of the
project area. Going forward, an existing v/s proposed scenarios will be presented through visuals and
drawings so that they are self-explanatory. Inputs from residents shall help in prioritizing the area
based intervention that suits best to the local needs. A detailed area level plan showing all the desired
interventions will be prepared. A final area based proposal with financing plan will be presented to
the citizens before final submission to the Government of India.
5.3 Rationale for choosing the approach which is most appropriate for the
areas and for achieving the sub-goals of the city.
5.3.1 Spatial development of the city
Nagpur, a metro city with population more than 2.4 million in 2011, is the third largest urban
agglomeration in Maharashtra. It accounts for more than 50 percent of the district population. As part
of the smart cities program, city needs to undertake at least one area based intervention project that
can be replicated to achieve the stated smart city vision. It is therefore necessary to device a strong
framework to identify areas that need physical improvements. In order to do this, we started with
analysing the urban morphology of the city and understanding different typologies or clustering of
areas in the city. Analysis of the land use cover of Nagpur between 1998 and 2010, suggest that there
is a visible sprawl in the east and southern part of the city.
A Zone is composed of more than one Prabhag
A Prabhag (or Ward in common parlance) is the smallest unit in the city.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Source: Journal of Settlement: Spatial monitoring of urban growth of Nagpur using geospatial technique
Bhandara road along the east has witnessed the majority of the expansion. Built up area has increased
by 15.47 percent between 1998 and 2010. On the south of the city, proposal of 3MIHAN has also
infused some residential development. The dispersion index 4 of Nagpur is 1.06 5which indicates that
the city is on the threshold of urban sprawl. This means that it is presently just between compactness
and dispersion and may soon show a trend of gradual movement towards a dispersed form.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
We have evaluated the areas in the city based on parameters such as population density, urban fabric,
and access to core infrastructure, planned neighbourhoods, significance and identity of the area. The
urban morphology of the Nagpur can be labelled by distinct urban features such as core city area with
heritage precincts, civil lines and administrative area, planned residential neighbourhoods- Dhantoli,
Ramadaspeth, Bajajnagar etc. and urban fringe dotted by unauthorized layouts- Pardi, Bhandewadi.
The railway line divides the city into east and west.
The degree of primacy of Nagpur has increased due to the concentration of administrative and
educational institutions in the city. These areas have high land and rental value. There are also planned
and semi-planned areas with a balance of residential and non-residential uses. This study reveals that
the direction of growth of the city are concentrated towards the eastern and southern parts. The
eastern half represents an old organic settlement while the west represents the new colonial town.
West Nagpur is characterized by well-developed residential layouts such as Dharampeth, Bajajnagar,
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Laxminagar. The Civil Lines area is marked by the presence of various government offices and
residences including the High court and the Vidhan Bhavan.
The third urban typology that co-exists in the city represents the unauthorized colonies that have
come up along the periphery of the city. These layouts are characterized by narrow streets, poor
access to core infrastructure and limited access to social amenities. It is estimated that more than one
third population of the city’s population is concentrated in the unauthorized layouts.
The average density of the area is 750-1000 pph. There are historic structures in need of
improvements in order to ensure proper utilization of land and protect the community’s cultural
identity. The residents in the area have limited access to parks and open space and lack access to safe
pedestrian facilities. Planned neighbourhoods
These layouts exhibit regular urban grid around clearly defined centre. Areas are characterized by
street grid iron pattern. Dhantoli which is in the central part of the city, is a premium residential area.
These neighbourhoods form the basic building blocks of the city and provide both residential and
commercial land uses through built environment.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
These neighbourhoods have different characteristics, while some are purely residential, there are a
few which have commercial activities dotting the major access roads. These neighbourhoods have
medium rise density patterns.
Nara Manewada
Source: CRIS Analysis
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
These areas lack access to core infrastructure services and requisite social infrastructure which can
ensure a reasonably better quality of life. Quality of housing stock is also poor since most of the houses
are constructed without building permits and also without adequate quality assurance. A huge conflict
between urban and rural interface has occurred preventing adequate development of transportation
5.3.3 Analysis of areas with physical infrastructure and quality of life deficiency
One of the important filter that can be applied to select areas for physical interventions would be to
assess the status of core infrastructure. We conducted an exercise of identifying the grey areas in the
city based on the information available with the NMC officials and the perception of their filed officers.
The critical/grey areas have been located based on parameters such as availability and access to core
infrastructure (water, sewerage, solid waste, roads, street lights and storm water drainage) and
quality of life indicators (social infrastructure, access to green and open spaces, access to public
This exercise will help the NMC in comparative assessment of various parts of the city on a common
set of parameters. Both well performing areas as well as areas that need immediate attention can be
easily identified. A standardised data format was prepared and quick training was provided to the
NMC zone and field officials. The objective of this training was to familiarize them with the objectives
of the process and how the entire assessment was to be carried out. Performance of each area in the
zone and prabhag was rated on a scale of one to five against the aforementioned parameters. The
scores to be provided for any given area depending on its performance on the aforementioned
parameters, were as follows:
Score 5: Very good
Score 4: Good
Score 3: O.K
Score 2: Poor
Score 1: Very Poor
Each of the scores was also provided a colour code to enable easy identification of the performance
of the area on the given parameters. The below map is a composite representation of the results of
this assessment.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Figure 5-6: Map showing the grey areas of the city lacking core infrastructure
Clearly, the eastern peripheral arc represents the most vulnerable area in terms of quality of life and
access to infrastructure. Although the evaluation is based on perception, the conclusion has been
corroborated by the survey of more than 5 lakh households.
The areas in orange are the critical/grey areas which require immediate interventions of providing
core infrastructure to enhance the quality of life of the residents of these areas. The most vulnerable
areas span from Nara in the north to Somalwada in the south. When we overlay the unauthorized
layouts in the city on the above map an interesting fact emerges. These grey areas exactly coincide
with the illegal/unauthorized layouts that have cropped up. There are multiple reasons, from policy
level to presence of multiple institutions, for this yawning gap in services. These areas represent very
ambiguous and chaotic urban character of the city. Immediate interventions in these areas will be
necessary to achieve the stated vision and sub-goals.
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Issues Suggestions
Create database of city’s utilities, municipal
assets, and citizens’ profile for effective
Real-time information & open source
Limited awareness about NMC mobile
database to be made available to citizens
and should be easily accessible in public
Mobile app is not user friendly
Poor zonal level IT infrastructure
Introduce citizen identification card
Information gaps between various
Smart card to be single point to access
government bodies
services within city
Limited Cyber Awareness
Need for developing scientific base map of
No single point for accessing information
city and same to be used for all future
related to civic services
planning and development activities
No base maps used for city planning and
Create Cyber awareness theme park
monitoring of development.
Introduce participatory decision making
Not all e-governance modules are working
at present
Paper less government
Different authorities in city uses different
Simple and one pager application form in
base maps, and no scientific base map
vernacular language to be developed by all
the civic authorities
No effort to map information gap between
Ensure sustainability of e-governance
different government authorities, resulting
system developed by NMC by developing
in duplication and difficult for citizens to opt
much needed hardware & backbone
for the services
Use of mobile and handy card swapping
machines for tax and fee collection by NMC
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Minutes of Meeting of FGDs conducted for Waste management, Sanitation & Environment
Date: 13rd October 2015, Tuesday
Time: 03:00 pm to 06:00 pm
Venue: Conference room, Nagpur Municipal Corporation.
List of participants:
Mr. S. J. Chauhan, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Mr. A. S. NIMBALKAR, Nagpur Zilla Parishad
Dr. Irfan Ahmad, Nagpur Zilla Parishad
K. L. Sonkusare, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Dr. Vijay Ghugey, Nisarg Vidyan Mandal
Mr. Kamlesh Sharma, Kanak resources management Ltd.
Mr. Kushalvij, Kanak resources management Ltd.
Mr. Dhanajay Bapat, Rotary club of Nagpur west
Dr. P. R. Dasarwar, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Dr. Milind Ganvir, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Dr. D. G. Garve, anacon labs Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. S. D. Shinde, MSPGCL - President Engineering
Dr. K. S. Bhole, MJP, Nagpur
Mr. Hemant C Lodha, NSCC member
Dr. Kavita Rattan, Green Village Foundation
Mr. Kastav Chaterjee, Green Village Foundation
Dr. Tapan Chakrabarti, VNIIT Nagpur
Mr. Girish Gandhi, VANRAI
Dr. Rajesh Biniwale, NEERI
Dr. D.G. Battalwar, SMSEL
Mr. V. M. Naidu, NSCC member
Ms. Leena Buddhe, Director-NGO
Dr. Amit Mishra, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Ms. Shubhangi Padole, CFSD - Nagpur (NGO)
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Some of the enablers and barriers for the sectors as identified and discussed, are as follows;
Some of the enablers and barriers for sewerage sector that is affecting development and
overall service levels are;
Enablers Barriers
More than 96 % coverage of sewerage Only 22% Sewage Treatment Capacity
More than 300 slums have coverage 29% wastewater collection efficiency
more than 80%
Some of the enablers and barriers for MSW sector that is affecting development and
overall service levels are;
Enablers Barriers
Bin free city No segregation of waste
No scientific disposal of waste
Some of the enablers for environment sector that has help Nagpur topped amongst many
cities in terms of clean and green are;
o Nagpur has good green patches
o No of trees is good and still NMC focusing on increase same by tree plantation
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting;
Issues Suggestions
Sewerage collection network is absent in Implement segregation of MSW into dry and
some of the outer and unauthorized layouts wet waste at household level to ensure
maximum recycling of waste generated
Inadequate sewage and solid waste Mechanism to monitor waste collection by
treatment capacity, resulting in pollution of private operator (use of ICT solution)
rivers Explore possibilities of waste to energy
No policy or rules for handling of active generation
sludge and workers don’t use PPE, exposing Explore segregation of water runoff &
them to health hazards sewage
Waste collection is completely absent in To focus on segregation of sludge & sewage
some of the fringe areas such as Pardi, at household level and to be made
Bhandewadi, Bharatwada etc. mandatory for townships and layout
No segregation of waste at source development
Lack of awareness amongst citizens about Concentration on natural waste water
hygiene practices treatment with least O&M cost, waste water
Absence of regular air and noise pollution - resource - use it as far as possible
measurement mechanism Decentralized wet waste processing and
No integrated plans, policies to curb air treatment systems
pollution Capture methane gas from treatment plant
Evident gap in demand Vs existing nos of and use of same for running public transport
public toilets in the city fleet
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Issues Suggestions
Maintenance issues of community toilets Policy framework and rules for handling of
located within the slum areas active sludge and manual on operating
procedure of STPs
Civic authorities to explore PPP option for
developing needed public toilets (e.g. Sulabh
International, etc.)
O&M contract of public toilets to be given to
private organisation, through CSR, etc.
Need of vehicle washing facility and
workshop for MSW handling vehicles at
Development of transfer station to reduce
the transportation cost for MSW
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Enablers Barriers
Poor and inadequate public health care
3 Medical Colleges
Roughly 8990 hospital bed capacity
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting;
Issues Suggestions
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Enablers Barriers
24X7 PPP water supply system and Scale Low extent of consumer metering (only
UP 28%)
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting;
Issues Suggestions
To control leakages in supply and use of
technology for detection of leakages
Recycle & Reuse of water resources
Use of smart meters to monitor water
Safe and reliable water supply
consumption at the consumer end on real
24*7 water supply started without any
time basis
demand and without any proper study of
NMC should explore option of “need based
availability, unsustainable use of water
water supply’ like prepaid card for
putting burden on the surrounding region
telecommunication sector
No equitable distribution of water
Plan for tanker free city
Lot of water is wasted through practice of
Optimisation of existing resources, quality
storing water during supply hours and
and conservation of water resources to be
throwing of water next day (as practiced due
made priority of any planning activity
to intermittent water supply carried out by
NMC) Need of course correction to include the
citizen, academicians, NGOs, experts, etc.
Areas supplied water through tankers face
during all the 24*7 project phases
problems during summers, since well dry up
and supply through tanker is difficult Need of consumer awareness and Change
management drive to bring change in the
Management of service is difficult in
perception of citizens, since city is moving
absence of mapping of utilities, customer
towards 24 x 7 and to avoid misuse of water,
database, etc.
since it is a natural resource
Arresting pollution and check on polluting
sources so as to preserve resources
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Minutes of Meeting of FGDs conducted for Safety, Security & Disaster Management sector
Date: 15th October 2015, Thursday
Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Venue: Conference Room, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
List of participants:
Dr. Sameer Deshkar, Dept. of Architecture & Planning, VNIT Nagpur
Col. Ramdas Buche, MESCO ltd
Dr. P. K. Jain, Rotary club, Nagpur
Mr. Milind Chimurkar, NGO-Socialist
Mr. Gopal Wankhede (MD), Sector Expert
Mr. Hemant Kalikar, Rakshak Electromech devices
Mr. Nilesh R. Raut, ACP, Nagpur Police department
Dr. Amit Mishra, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Mr. G. S. Saini, Director, NCDC, Nagpur
Mr. Shamim, Director, NFSC, Nagpur
Mr. D. K. Saha, Asst. Director, NFSC, Nagpur
Mr. Himanshu R. Bisen, IMAGIS engineering solution Pvt Ltd
Dr. Rohit Mane, IMAGIS engineering solution Pvt Ltd
Ms. Savita A. Pande, Socialist, Nagpur
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Enablers Barriers
Social capital is good, as more than 40%
Damage to natural drains due to recent
citizens participate in the social or
community group activities.
ULB has about 5% of the budget allotted densely populated areas such as Mahal,
for disaster resilience management. Itwari, Central Avenue Road, and Buldi
More than 34% of the population is
below poverty line
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Creation of database of hospitals, security
provider, ambulances, & police patrol
Limited availability of city database and vehicles
digitally trained manpower Hazards –Identify them mitigate them and
No self defence program for women & Girls Resolve them.
Non integration of police, hospital, citizens Use of smart technique mapped data and
Forum, No QRTs, Police and Govt. agencies technological options to plan and improve
are not motivated, lethargic. the first response system
DRM plan not in place, Critical Weather forecasting and Disaster
infrastructures unplanned, Risk monitoring station
communication & Early warning system Use of technology for communicating
absent, Culture of risk reduction lacking disaster warnings in the city
Poor traffic behaviour and road Safety Ensure pedestrian safety through proper
Security concerned to all area, but especially road design and traffic island
residential security to senior citizen Installation of CCTV cameras for surveillance
especially in Dhantoli, Ramadaspeth, at important locations and vehicular traffic
Pratapnagar, and Laxminagar area house monitoring through CCTV
maid police verification is must Training programme for sectoral workforce
to deal with disaster events effectively
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Improve bus based public transport facilities
Increase bus fleet and coverage of services
Create infrastructure for operation and
maintenance of fleet
Develop multi-modal public transport
Poor quality of public transport fleet due to
maintenance issues Provide need supporting infrastructure and
road furniture on all roads
Sub-optimal and unreliable public transport
services, resulting on dependence on private Justice to NMT and develop supporting
vehicles infrastructure like bicycle lane, pedestrians
islands, footpaths, FOB, etc.
Other modes of public commuting not
strength by civic authorities Regular awareness campaigns to bring
change in attitude of commuters towards
Pedestrian facilities are not walkable and
not disabled and senior citizen friendly
Implement metro stations on TOD concept
No planning and management of urban
transport system, and increasing population To make existing public transport system act
will pose more threat on the sector as feeder to metro post commissioning of
Nagpur metro
Lack of adequate supporting infrastructure
and road furniture To provide pay n park facilities
Improve pedestrian facilities by modifying
street design
To increase involvement of private sector for
developing urban transport infrastructure
and level of services
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Enablers Barriers
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Issues Suggestions
Skill mapping & skill development
Mobile school for street children
Regular revision of curriculum and coping up
with the changes and development taking
place in the sector
High dropout rates in NMC operated Space allotment to education societies
schools, especially girl child within city and bringing poor student to
Some of the NMC schools are defunct since upgraded schools
no enrolment of students taking place Provision of high end computer labs with
Unequitable distribution of affordable internet facility by all education societies
education facilities in the city Appointing teachers & provision of teachers
Poor infrastructure in public run schools training schools
Technical skill development centers are not All educational institutes must be equipped
available with skill training facilities & resources
Although there are number of engineering Public Private participation for operating
and management colleges, quality of NMC and ZP schools
students is not employable To develop or provide a platform for
Lack of affordable and adequate land industries, students, institutions, to interact
availability forcing private schools to go out and understand the gaps in the existing gap
of city in producing trained professionals
Universities and colleges to focus on various
internship programmes for students to give
industry exposure and grooming them
Skill mapping to be carried out
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Programme to remove hindering street poles and electrical fixtures has been re-shifted by
NMC in some of areas and NMC need more funds to do the re-shift remaining poles
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities.
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Augmenting existing infrastructure to meet
future requirement
To have walkthrough multi duck of
permanent structure may fix for each
vaulting level from 440V , 11KV, 33KV, 132
Demand-supply gap already created due to KV, 220KV
high demand and less supply EHV transmission 220 KV ring for Smart city
Underground cable network of different HVDC, DTC metering, Net metering for solar
voltage levels is not properly/systematically Road constructed by Eco-friendly material
arranged, this cause frequent lifting of roads Provide LED based street lighting.
Unreliable power supply and load shedding Use SCADA system for monitoring power
incidences pilferage
Overload of all distribution lines Incentivise use of solar water heaters
No mapping of power infrastructure through subsidy scheme
High dependence on grid based power Net metering system and generation of
No incentives/bylaws to promote use of energy using solar energy at households
alternate (solar) renewable energy source. Focus on implementation of solar city plan
High transmission and distribution losses in will be revolutionary change as it saves
the city power and reduce dependency on
conventional power requirement
Creation of household level database so that
combined bill (water, electric, ground rent
taxes, etc.) would be given to consumers
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Minutes of Meeting of FGDs conducted for Public & open space development
Date: 17th October 2015, Saturday
Time: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm
Venue: Conference room, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
List of participants:
Mr. Ashok Mokha, Practicing Architect & Member of Heritage Committee, Nagpur
Mr. Vasant Kinhikar, member of Nagpur 1st citizen forum
Ms. Priya Choudhary, SMMCA, Nagpur
Mr. Dilip kukde, SMS Infrastructure Pvt Ltd
Dr. Hemant Sahasrabudhe, H. S. Techno consultant
Mr. Rajendra Bhute, Town planning, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Mr. Mohbat Singh Tuli, Tuli group of hotels
Ms. Supriya Thul, ADTP, Town planning, Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Mr. H. P. Nagpure, Vividh concepts
Mr. V. W. Naidu, lead coordinator, NSCC
Mrs. Shalini Saxena, Social worker, Nagpur
Ms. Sandhya, Social worker, Nagpur
Ms. Mangla s. Mahajan, Social worker, Nagpur
Ms. Nanda Ashok Kolhatkar, Social worker, Nagpur
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Practice of good and practical planning
based on city’s need; and detailing to be
done till neighborhood level
NMC should restart ‘Happy streets’
Open spaces to be designed and developed
based on the appropriate understanding of
Create a regulatory and monitoring
framework for proper maintenance of open
spaces in the city
Redevelopment of the wholesale market in
Deficit in current planning practices Mahal, Itwari and create open spaces
Explore options like practical compensation,
Unequal distribution of open spaces in the
city credit system against development charges
for freeing encroached public and open
Existing open space not maintained properly
spaces within the city
Encroachment on public and open spaces
Revive public and open spaces in old areas
City has many public and open spaces; but
like Mahal and Bardi by implementing No
open for public
Vehicle Zone, No Development Zone near
Some of the open spaces have been turned
heritage buildings,
to garbage dumping ground
Redevelop slums to create planned layouts
Provision of green spaces under Gunthewari
and open spaces
act, still development of same not ensured
Explore possibilities of involving private
sector for O&M of public and open spaces
Develop, walking & cycling tracks, and same
to be used for recreation activities like ATM
around PKV campus
Revive NAG river as a place of Joy and
development of waterways
Development of recreational facilities in and
around ambazari lake and tank area
Use of NMC defunct schools for other use to
free some of the encroachments and
unauthorised hawking activities
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
o Nagpur emerging as Tourism, Education, Health Tourism & Logistic Hub in district &
o Evident presence of informal economy set up in the city, around 90,000 engaged as
hawkers and street vendors and distinct informal markets active both on daily and
weekly basis
Some of the enablers and barriers effecting development in the sector and overall service
levels for economy & employment are:
Enablers Barriers
Around 11 MIDCs & MIHAN SEZ in and An absence of key/major industrial and
around Nagpur city IT players was impacting the economic
growth of Nagpur
Political Championship for promoting No mechanism to retain local talent and
economic development within Nagpur attract outside talent to city
New investments being announced in
the city
Presence of Tourism, Education & Health
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Improve the quality of education.
Start skill development center through
private sector participation
Limited high paying employment Civic bodies to rationalise taxation and carry
opportunities available in the city out fresh assessment to improve revenue
Availability of poor talent pool collection through property taxes
Limited skill development ecosystem Create investment ecosystem by realizing
No dedicated facilities for informal economy proposed investments in MIHAN
Explore other sectors that can act as anchor
for economic growth of city’s economy
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Enablers Barriers
Active market players to support No Affordable housing stock available at
creation of housing stock present
28% of HHs in slums area
In order to given clear understanding of the expected outcome from the stakeholder, CRIS team
also showcased some case studies, where in what have been done by some of the international
and national cities;
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Slums should be redeveloped like Rambagh
slum having areas around 25 acres
Provide single window clearance system for
No single window clearance system for housing projects
housing projects Introduce incentives to industry for green
Multiplicity of authorities has led to buildings development
uncoordinated development of public Permit more FSI and Implement TDR
housing mechanism
No incentives for green buildings Incentivise development of affordable
No demand for housing on account of poor housing by providing additional F.S.I in
infrastructure in some pockets of the city planned areas, Develop public infrastructure
No proper strategy for implementing TDR rapidly
mechanism in the city Transparency and reduction in building
Limited availability of affordable housing approval time
stock Vigilance and enforcement to stop illegal
Legal constrain in development of development and development in
unauthorised layout and slums within city unauthorised layouts
Retrofitting for fringe areas and
redevelopment for old city areas
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Following are the views of the stakeholders as shared during the meeting:
Issues Suggestions
Documentation and digital mapping of all
the heritage and tourist circuits within the
Develop zero mile as the most important
tourist structures in the city to leverage its
heritage value
Human management is completely
Lego model of heritage and iconic building
neglected in overall planning and
to be built in the city for fun and interactive
development process
way to dissemination information to tourists
No need of heavy lighting for heritage
and citizens
structures, it is damaging rather beautify
Introduction of sailing and other water
same for some days in a year
activities in Ambazari lake through private
Restrictive conservation methods rather
than participatory approach
Upgradation of existing facilities in seminary
No interaction between heritage buildings
and citizens
Creation of rescue and rehabilitation centre
No documentation of heritage structures
at Gorewada re-forested land
and their conservation
Provision of public toilets near important
Underutilized green spaces such as seminary
landmarks in the city
hills, area near Ambazari lake and Gorewada
Usage of local material for preservation and
forest land
conservation of heritage buildings
Fort which is one of the important heritage
Enhancing of night architecture by minimal
structures in the city is inaccessible to
lighting the squares and heritage structures
Possibility of developing seminary hills &
Places such as Raj bhavan, Ravi bhavan,
ambazari lake into a recreational spots
ministers cottages etc. are in use only during
assembly sessions. These areas unutilized City should focus on developing agro-
during the remaining time of the year and tourism by combining agriculture land of
revenue generation is possible to recover PKV with tourism circuits in the city
O&M cost For planning and development exercise in
Encroachment and development in the NDZ the city, locals should be involved
near heritage structures Private sector currently active in the
hospitality sector is ready and willing to help
authorities to make city as a tourism
destination (For Health, Tiger hub, Agro-
tourism, rural, Caravan, Art & cultural, Food,
Festivals, Wedding, Adoption tourism)
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Photographs of various meetings, workshops, discussions, etc. carried out by NMC and its
staff in context of Nagpur Smart City programme has been provided in this section
In Photos: Honorable Mayor addressing the reporters and sensitising media personals in presence of Deputy
Mayor, Chairman-Standing Committee, Ruling party leader, Noal Officer-Smart city programmen-Nagpur
In Photos: 1. Honorable Mayor addressing the reporters, 2. Municipal Commissioner addressing reporters
and sharing development till date about smart city initiatives by NMC, 3.Reporters from different active media
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
In Photos: From top – 1. Sesnitisation workshop with NMC councilors; 2., 3., 4. Welcoming degnitaries of the
workshops; 5. Municipal Commissioner making presentation on smart city mission guidelines; 6. Honorable
Mayor asking NMC councilors to interact with citizens in their wards and bring out the grey areas and
solutions to improve same
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
In Photos: From top – 1. Special meeting with Guardian minister of Nagpur;2. Guardian miniter address the
participants; 3. Honorable Mayor addressing the participants; 4. Municipal Commissioner making
presentation ot Gaurdian minister; 5. Open discussion about Nagpur’s initiatives for smart city programme;
6. & 7. Filling of citizen engagement forms, 8. Discussion on internventions for Nagpur city
In Photos: (Left) Municipal Commissioner Sensitising NMC staff regarding Citizen engagement (Right) NMC
staff actively participating in the smart city programme of NMC
In Photos: Workshop with Navratri Mandals and sensitising about citizen engagement and form distribution
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
In Photos: Various citizens throughout the city filling forms and NMC staff assisting them
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Energy / Power
Nagpur Municipal Corporation
Nagpur Municipal Corporation