Ijsom: Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector-A Review

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International Journal of Supply and Operations Management

August 2015, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 720-747
ISSN-Print: 2383-1359
ISSN-Online: 2383-2525

Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food

Sector- A Review

Rahul S. Mor*a, Sarbjit Singh a, Arvind Bhardwaj a and LP Singh a

Department of Industrial & Production Engineering National Institute of Technology,
Jalandhar, India

In the present era, business is in a global environment that compels the enterprises to consider rest
of the world in their competitive strategy analysis, despite of location or principal market base.
The firms cannot isolate themselves or ignore external factors such as economic trends,
competitive positions or technology advancement in other countries. While going truly global
with supply chain management, a company develops product in the United States, produce in
India and trade in Europe, and they have changed the traditional operation management &
logistical activities. This change in trade and the modernization of transport infrastructures have
elevated the importance of flow management to new levels. Manufacturers and researchers have
noticed many problems concerning supply chain activities. Usually either a system or
subcomponent in supply chains is discussed in the literature, but they fails to answer the rational
(why, what, how) behind them. An attempt has been made in this paper addressing a review of the
principles, bottlenecks and strategies of supply chain practices for organizations to sustain in the
global market, with an emphasis on the implications of Indian agri-food sector. Findings of this
review reveal that the associated economic benefits in sustainable agri-food supply chains can be
achieved through innovation, supply chain collaboration, elimination of uncertainties and
introducing global supply chain practices into green and lean initiatives.

Keywords: agri-food; supply chains; sustainability; wastage.

Corresponding author email address: iersmor@gmail.com

Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

1. Introduction

Supply Chain Management (SCM) is an integrating philosophy that manages the total flow of a
distribution channel from supplier to final consumer. It is a set of activities that promotes an
effective management of supplier partnership, meeting customer demands, movement of goods
and information sharing throughout the supply network of an industry. Key SCM and logistics
practices are related to the managing customer needs, effective delivery of goods, integration,
sharing information across the supply chain (Srivastava, 2006). The fundamental difference
between food supply chains and others is the continuous and significant changes in the quality of
food products throughout the supply chain network (Sloof, Tijskens and Wilkinson, 1996; Van der
Vorst, 2000). SCM activities like service, delivery, information etc. are still challenge in the
agri-food sector. Furthermore, competitiveness in supply chains has been a key issue for
organizations and ‘mapping the competitiveness of an organization helps to form a sound basis for
business strategies development (Li et al., 2009). Supply chains entail different stakeholders and it
is essential to assess them individually so as to measure the performance of entire system. Each
stakeholder should intend to turn out in a productive, highly viable and efficient way to produce
safe goods and protect the environment. Agri-food industries have to deal with government rules,
customer and stakeholders’ interest. Reduced costs, wastage elimination and integration in all
processes are the fundamentals of their success (Rahul et al., 2013). Alternatively, the diverse
characteristics of the sector including the need for short time distribution makes it challenging to
establish a unique way of managing supply chains (SCs) in this context (Bourlakis and Weightman,
2007). Strategically, rather than competing within low costs market segments, many agri-food
producers are following a differentiation strategy that targets niche market segments like organic
foods. Studies have identified that stakeholders such as consumers, retailers, suppliers and
regulators are the influential force driving the firms to deem environmental aspects of their business
with the financial performance. This has led many agri-food industries to implement a range of
sustainable tools like pollution prevention, local sourcing, reuse, recycling, and green purchasing.
The research suggests an ever more significant and central role of supply chain management in
response to ecological pressures. Kumar et al. (2013) recognized the challenges in Indian Dairy
Industry supply chain and prospects for govt. organizations to offer standard infrastructures so as to
improve dairy SCs efficiency.

However, India is at a juncture where further reforms are urgently required to achieve better
efficiency in agri-food processing sector for sustaining growth. There is need to have consistent
policies where markets can play a deserving role and private investment in infrastructure may be
stepped up. Indian agriculture is broadly a story of success and despite of weather & price shocks,
India stands 1st in the production of milk, pulses, jute and jute-like fibres, 2nd in wheat, rice,
sugarcane, vegetables, groundnuts, fruits and cotton production, and the leading producer of spices
and plantation crops, livestock, poultry and fisheries. But with world’s second largest fruit and
vegetable producer encounter the wastage of close to 18% worth 7 million US Dollar of its produce.
The DIPP article on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in retail projected that against the production
of 180 million metric tons a year of fruits, vegetables and perishables; India has the storing capacity
of only 23.6 million metric tons in 5386 cold storages in the country. The Saumitra Chaudhuri
Committee in 2012 indicated that there need 61.3 million tonnes of cold storage space in the country

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against the present capacity of around 29 million tons. The country has lost 7.2 million US Dollar
worth of food grain in the past 5 years (Hindustan Times). Reports by the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers reveal that each year 21 million tons of wheat, equivalent to Australia’s annual grain
production is wasted. Food Corporation of India (FCI) reports prove that food grain worth 19.2
million US Dollar was lost in storage, while 17 million US Dollar worth of grain was lost in transit
and remaining 1.5 million US Dollar value of food grains were not fit for human consumption
(Business Line).

As the food chains provides link between primary producers and consumer through intermediaries,
so the chain analysis may propose solution to an immense loss of economy in Indian agri-food
supply chain (AF-SCs). A typical AF-SC is considered as a complex network of many entities
linked from ‘Farm to Fork’ that compel supply chain actors towards the conflicting goals. It is clear
that a lot of awareness exists in narrow-functional segments like purchasing, IT, logistics,
marketing, and there appears to be little consent on the conceptual/research methodological bases
contributing a lot of gaps in knowledge base of the field. Singh et al. (2011) recommended that the
use of IT-enabled services by unorganized retailers would make them competitive and strengthen
the capabilities to sustain business.

Figure 1. Supply Chain System Integration

Authors have explored the supply chain management in diverse means, and an attempt has been
made in this paper to find out the leading conceptual and research methodological dimensions in
AF-SCs that can help to trim down the above said food wastage and loss of economy by
categorizing the articles, starting from latest (till the paper submission for review) to the nineties.
We have selected the review of last 20 years because of two main reasons. Firstly, the economic
reforms were initiated in the 1990s in India, and now we want to assess its development,
implementation and affects in agri-food sector after twenty years. Secondly, the White Revolution
was initiated in 1970s in India with the intension to develop a broad based Cooperative offering
technological support to the farmers as well as linking them up with rural and urban markets. But
still there exist inefficiencies in food supply chains in India, and we want to assess the focus areas
where India lacks.

Section 1 of this paper provides the comprehensive background of SCM detailing the emergence
of subject; while Section 2 is the review methodology stating the grouping of previous findings
and core principles of the subject along with justification. Section 3 is analysis part including the
classification of reviewed articles detailed in preceding chapter with a view to generate common
perspective. Section 4 confers to the discussion part of the paper including inter-connections in

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Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

the articles, while also recognizing the suggestions to improve agri-food chain development
practices. Section 5 presents the conclusion part from the review. Further, an Appendix- I is also
given at the end of this paper to list down the details of all the reviewed articles.

2. Review Methodology
Literature review is a research methodology, and content analysis of the historical
papers/literature has been applied in this paper so as to create replicable and valid implications
from the contents for their application (Krippendorff, 2004). Content analysis is a scientific
method for briefing, quantitative analysis of messages, many words of text into fewer content
groupings based on explicit coding rules (GAO, 1996; Weber, 1990). Holsti (1969) defines
content analysis as a technique for building inferences by objectively and scientifically
identifying specific characteristics of messages. Thus, content analysis is a research tool that
determines the presence of certain words or theories within texts or a set of texts. In this paper,
the target population is the published articles on various databases, followed by the sampling
In order to facilitate a clear line-of-sight of information basis and outline of the previous research
findings and methodologies, a sample size of 145 articles has been taken followed by the
deductive approach in selecting and evaluating the body of literature on AF-SCM. The search for
publications within the defined boundaries has been executed on the scientific databases like
Springer, Taylor & Francis, Web of Science, Open access Journals, Emerald, Science direct and
Scopus using the article title, abstract fields and keywords field. The database search offered
numerous articles that have been reduced to 145 by applying the limiting criteria such as the year
of publication, subject areas, Journals and document type (Mor et al., 2016). All the selected
articles were further integrated into the defined framework of four categories of variables i.e.
descriptive features, definitional issues, theoretical concerns, and research approaches (Table-1)
for the conceptualization and methodological analysis.

2.1 Coding and Categorization

Categorization of the content is very important in content analysis, which is defined by
Sarantakos (2005) as a set of criteria or standard that is incorporated about a theme or value.
Categories used in the content analysis are supposed to be very clear and should enable other
researchers to have identical outcomes while re-examining the same data with defined categories
(Fraenkel and Wallen, 2005). The four categories in this paper are determined by probing the
literature, reviews and researches in AF-SCM. After accumulating the research topic categories
from the study of Burgess et al. (2006), a codebook has been developed to employ as a coding
instrument. Codebook is an instrument that includes all of the operational definitions of variables
(Neuendorf, 2002). All the selected articles were further integrated into the defined framework of
four categories of variables i.e. descriptive features, definitional issues, theoretical concerns and
research approaches for the conceptualization and methodological analysis (Table1).

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Table1. Literature Review Classification Framework

Sr. No. Grouping Content covered Basis
Descriptive Title, country, industry, year,
1. Express the features of sample articles
Features sector, Journal
Discover stability or variation in SCM
Approaches, conceptual
Definitional definitions to various dimensions.
2. framing, constructs,
Issues Classify the area that researchers argue
discipline, process
falls in SCM.
Theoretical Purpose, strategy, range, Establish the range of theories used to
Concerns application, function enlighten SCM and their applications.
Research Modelling, hypothesis, case Determine the assumptions and
Approaches study, research methods research methods used to define SCM.
Reference: Burgess, Singh and Koroglu (2006).

Particularly, the grouping 1 provides an examination of the sample articles/theories expressing its
features and trends in literature like title, year of publication, industry/sector to which the study is
applied etc. Grouping 2 discovers the area of supply chains covered by researchers from a range
of perspective using either new or existing organizing designs, processes employed etc. Grouping
3 also illuminates the literature dealing with the issues more or less related to the theoretical bases
such as strategies applied or the purpose of study, application of research and its scope etc. Finally,
Grouping 4 examines the issues associated with research methodology and assumptions,
hypothesis, modelling etc.

2.2 Validity and Reliability

Validity may be stated as the degree to which a measuring method represents the intentional or it
is the quality of research results that directs us to suppose them as realistic. External validity is
associated to whether the sample of study corresponds to the population or not (Neuendorf, 2002;
Krippendorff, 2004). In this paper all the population i.e. articles integrating agri-food supply chain
practices in diverse continents is included and hence the external validity is assured. Next, the
face validity is confirmed that whether the instrument measures exactly what it is planned to
assess or not, and agrees with the results if reasonable (Neuendorf, 2002; Krippendorff, 2004).
The category table has been checked by the experts, researchers whether it is sufficient to assess
the intended figures, and content validity is controlled. An instrument has content validity if it
covers all aspects of the subject which it is intended to assess, and hence the defined categories’
content validity has been checked by an academician.

Weber (1990) confirms that the categorization procedure must be reliable to make valid
inferences from the wordings, and reliability issues occur due to the ambiguity of word meanings
or category definitions. It is also required to measure the intercoder reliability of content analysis
i.e. the amount of concurrence among two or more coders, and a reliability subsample must be
assessed randomly to assess it (Lombard et al., 2002; Neuendorf, 2002). Then, coders have to
code the documents as indicated in the categories, and also the level of agreement between them
needs to be measured. Some measurement techniques for intercoder reliability are Percent
agreement, Scott's pi, Holsti’s method, Krippendorff’s alpha and Cohen's kappa (Uysal and

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Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

Madenoglu, 2015). Percent agreement method has been used in this paper to measure the
intercoder reliability, by simply adding up the coded cases in the same way by the three raters and
dividing by the total number (Mor et al., 2016). Finally, the intercoder reliability obtained in this
paper is 86% and thus the data can be deemed as reliable.

3. Analysis
The selected articles were integrated into a framework based on various dimensions which
classify them into four discrete, yet rationally ordered, groupings initiating with least complex
perceptions and advanced research issues, and categorized in the following way:

3.1 Grouping 1: Descriptive Features

The articles review shows that over hundred Journals covering various disciplines were captured
and out of them the Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (16), European Journal
of Operational Research (8), International Journal production economics (5) and International
Conferences on supply chain management (7), accounted for 35% of the total studies with 54%
studies having special emphasis on agri-food. Whereas, the remaining literature appears to be
focused in other sectors like consumer goods retailing, manufacturing, computer and information
technology (IT), service sectors etc. and based on these explanatory feature the reviewed studies
are categorized as below:

Ehlers et al. [25] intended the supply chain orientation in small & medium enterprises (SMEs) as
a general attitude and common goal orientation to cooperate the conflicting goals; Fischl et al. [29]
viewed the existing knowledge of price risks management in manufacturing companies to protect
both stable prices and access to natural resources; Fleming et al. [30] examined the stakeholder
perceptions in climate change impacts and adaptations in Australian aquaculture sectors which
typically occurs at the isolated links in supply chains. Kassahun et al. [61] identified the
technological needs for meat SC transparency systems via a reference software architecture
(EPCIS cloud-based recognition of transparency methods & principle of tracking/tracing); Lee et
al. [70] studied the partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) for green SC
practices in correlation with technological innovation in manufacturing; Tsolakis et al. [125]
offered a natural hierarchy of decision-making for AF-SCs focusing on developing integrated
approaches for SC optimization. Arabatzis et al. [6] suggested an environment-oriented
production model of forests via mixed integer linear programming and Lagrangian relaxation
algorithm where the extreme fuel-wood demand may increase more expected rate than the
traditional; Boudahri and Sari [16] offered an approach for poultry products SC planning,
redesigning and optimizing the distribution to improve total cost and ecology.
Kaloxylos et al. [60] presented the smart agri-food architecture for building an integrated food
chain by a software modules called ‘generic enablers’; Lu and Bowles [72] suggested that
nanotechnology can address the complex technical issues of AF-SCs like serious ethical
arguments, human/environmental issues, food quality and security.

Sharma et al. [109] recommended the strategies for sourcing, collaboration, procurement and
distribution of SC of rice in India; Verdouw et al. [129] assessed the floricultural sector to
contribute the gaps & future challenges concerning SC virtualization; Bao et al. [10] proposed a

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strategy based on e-commerce service platform to harmonize production & circulation of

fruits/vegetables. Pachouri [89] studied the inefficiencies in Indian agri.-value-chains to ensure
food availability and sustaining rural livelihood that leads to low income to farmers & high
inflation in food-prices; Rong et al. [97] provided a methodology to model food quality
degradation integrated in a mixed-integer linear programming model of production/distribution.
Akkerman et al. [4] reviewed the quantitative operations management approaches to food
distribution in three decision levels: strategic network design, planning and effective
transportation planning. Figure 2 categorizes the percentage of reviewed studies with respect to
the year of publishing.

Figure 2. Classification for Year-wise studies

Sastry [103] studied the implications of nanotechnology for agri-food sector in India to enable a
rational assessment of its potential applications; Verdouw et al. [130] presented a reference model
for designing business process in demand-driven supply chain of fruit with reuse of generic
knowledge in cross-industry standards. Ahumada and Villalobos [3] reviewed the agri-food in
production and distribution planning which often fails to incorporate realistic stochastic and shelf
life features; Blengini and Busto [15] analyzed the life cycle approach in Italian AF-SCs and the
organic farming characterized by heavier impacts (þ20% of GWP) due to lower production yield.
Frentrup and Theuvsen [34] considered the information systems in implementing infrastructure,
transparency and their interplay with behavioural aspects for AF-SCs; XiangyuGuo [137] stated
that the govt, enterprises and international trends should aim at ‘Quality First, Credit Best’ and
strengthen the mechanism construction to implement scalization & standardization. Sagheer et al.
[100] analyzed the competitiveness of India’s agri-food chain and the role of human &
non-human components exploring the synergy of value chain analysis (VCA); Verloop [132]
described ‘the living lab approach’ for organizing the information integration in agri-food chains
as fundamental ingredient; Hanf [48] offered a review of verticalisation where retailers can be
regarded as drivers of AF-SC integration (Figure1). Figure 3 categorizes the percentage of
reviewed studies with respect to continents.

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Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

Figure 3. Classification for Continent-wise studies

Niederhauser et al. [84] illustrated an internet-based coffee information system (CINFO) that
enable farmers to demonstrate the variation in coffee quality due to distinct management; Mariani
[75] emphasized on environmental pollution and climate change that threaten agri. productivity
and food produced in this way is transport-intensive involving high energy processing and relies
on high-tech retailing system; Matopoulos et al. [76] analyzed supply chain collaboration and its
importance for agri-food industry irrespective of products & structure constraints. Aramyan et al.
(2005) presented a conceptual framework for the selection of AF-SCs performance measurement
indicators as efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness and food quality; Opara [88] highlighted the
technological challenges in implementing traceable AF-SCs and developed the measurement tools
for food product labelling and identification; Trienekens et al. [123] discussed the AF-SCs in
developing countries as a challenge to investigate innovation and its effects on social
economic-environmental-technological development. Barjolle [11] proposed a methodology for
optimizing AF-SCs and concluded that specific supply chain can lead firms towards success;
Jarosz [57] indicated the role of actor network theory & SCM theory for understanding the social
relations of trust and cooperation in regional agri-food systems in United States; Rademakers [94]
showed that in spite of the ongoing internationalization of agri-food markets, nationally distinct
ways of facilitating trust development continues to exist. Figure 4 categorizes the percentage of
reviewed studies with respect to the sector/area.

Figure 4. Classification for Sector-wise studies

Lambert and Cooper [65] suggested that the structure of activities within and between companies
is vital for creating superior competitiveness and profitability; Leat et al. [68] summarized how
Scottish agri-food industry develops farm and quality assurance activities of ‘insights from

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industry’ to assure if products are produced in welfare friendly system. Vorst et al. [135]
investigated the impact of AF-SCM on logistical performance indicators in conjunction with
optimizing its internal control design and eliminating uncertainties; Folkerts and Koehorst [33]
focussed on the vertical coordination of SCs to improve the competitiveness of European
agribusiness and the need to redesign SCs; and Loader [73] expressed the implications of
transaction costs for agri. marketing, integration and diagnostic investigation of individual

3.2 Grouping 2: Definitional Issues

There appears a little compromise on various supply chain management definitions with either a
broad view that are perceptible and further classified in this review. A more precise investigation
of the relationships in SCM definitions exposed that about 50% of the articles have surrounded
within the definitions, key concepts concerning the flow of information and material across
associations (Figure 5). Out of the publications, three definition were proposed by Taylor; three
by Leat and Giha [66], [67], [68] for collaborative agri-food supply chains; three by Verdouw,
Beulens and Vorst [129], [130], [131] relating the virtualization of floricultural supply chains; two
by Aramyan, Lansink and Kooten [7], [8] for performance measurement framework; two by
Gunasekaran and Ngai [45], [46] linking the information systems in SCs; and two by Hobbs
concerning the competitiveness in supply chains, and others proposed avoiding reference to other
sources. A conceptual framework was also developed to classify these reviews, which show that
37 percent of the articles framed SCM as a process, 18 percent as a system and 9 percent as a
simple activity, and based on definitional issues, the reviewed studies are categorized as:

Drohomeretski and Lima [23] identified the motivating factors and difficulties in implementing
green SCM that are directly linked to cost reduction, meeting demands & supplier’s resistance;
Hoejmose et al. [53] argued that institutions are significant predictor of the tendency to
implement ‘green’ practices while coercive & cooperative practices are driven by substantially
different factors. Hudnurkar et al. [54] reviewed the SC collaboration, identified 28 factors
affecting information sharing and addressed the research gap for reduction in bullwhip effect;
Iakovou et al. [56] presented a methodological agenda to increase farmers’ income and reduction
of operational cost through optimizing farming operations. Pereira et al. [91] studied the role of
procurement in identifying the inter-organizational issues affecting SC resilience and integration;
Shokri et al. [111] investigated the level of concern, practices and policy failure of AF-SCs
sustainability and found significant differences among policy makers, consumers and SC partners.
Caniels et al. [19] presented a framework for supplier participation in green ideas by examining
the customer needs, supplier willingness and relational norms; Jarzebowski et al. [58] focused on
the theoretical background showing foundations and emerging evidence of a positive relationship
between SC integration and performance of company. Jraisat [59] explored the drivers of
information sharing between producers and exporters that revealed the linkages between both to
extend the extant theory; Li et al. [71] analyzed the double marginalization effect in a
decentralized SC and developed coordination schemes for deterministic & random demand case
of supply insufficiencies; Mutingi [81] explored the empirical green SC activities through a
taxonomic framework and categorized GSC strategies into compliance-based, eco-efficient,
innovation-centred and closed-loop; Abbasi and Nilsson [1] explored the challenges in making

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Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

SCs environmentally sustainable where social issues should be treated in same way as revenues
and costs are today.

Fayezi et al. [26] highlighted the status of agency theory applications that provides valuable
insights for relationship engineering within SCs where social, political, legal and behavioural
dynamics dominate; Giha et al. [41] discussed the effects that supply chain organization might
bring on innovation and sustainability where farmers have the possibility to build in risk
management within SC collaboration; Gimenez and Tachizawa [42] concluded that the firms must
devote the resources, management support and performance measurement to extend sustainability
along supply network. Gold [43] concluded that conducting business operations at the base of
pyramid (BoP) have necessitated the multinational corporations to involve poor communities in
production processes for sustainability; Lee et al. [69] deliberated the rise of private food
standards as a barrier for smallholders in the developing countries and impact of lead firms to
strike an equilibrium among economic, social & environmental well-being of farm-to-fork chains.
Odeh and Smallwood [86] discussed the effects of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM)
and the barriers to clarify ambiguity along with the importance of technology systems; Ojha [87]
implemented the real life demand SC to observe the product usage model, discovered high
demand zones and drawn out supplier reliability factors along with the product cost to benefit
ratio. Seman et al. [106] focussed on green SCM development in developed and developing
countries for environmental and social sustainability of implementation including drivers,
practices and performance; Tompkins and Eakin [122] reviewed the actors supplying adaptation
services for under-explored case of adaptation and defining the features of the public goods.

Nie et al. [85] provided an overview of opportunities and challenges for implementing SSCM in
order to reduce carbon footprint and ensure collaboration and transparency throughout the chain;
Rota et al. [98] extended the scope of food chain life cycle analysis and collaboration as the
organizational pillar of sustainability assessment; Gunasekaran and Ngai [45] reviewed the
build-to-order (BTO) and make-to-order (MTO) supply chains for providing motivation to design,
develop and manage them effectively. Hammoudi et al. [47] directed the theoretical models of
industrial organization and international trade, as well as quantitative analysis to understand
markets functions and stakeholders interaction; Monteiro and Anders [80] developed a framework
to tackle firm size, certifier effort & cost difference issues in credible third-party certification
services of vertical food supply chains, where quality of certification may be affected by the
number of heterogeneous standards. Nereng et al. [82] aimed at creating more efficient supply
chains through increased information exchange and redesign of planning/controlling models to
mend embodied greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions originating from LCA over transport; Reynolds
et al. [95] suggested that the relationship sustainability can be negatively affected by abusing
more powerful market positions in German AF-SCs, as the significance of determinants differ
across chain stages; Lakhal et al. [64] concluded that switching to organic production may offer
potential advantages over conventional like low expenses, varied sources of returns and improved

Smith [113] reviewed the opportunities for food businesses towards nutritious diets, invest in
sustainable systems and develop procurement systems; Tummala and Schoenherr [126] proposed

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the conceptual integrated implementation-decision framework for SCM consisting of goals,

enablers and the defining operational activities. Bijman et al. [14] presented the practical insights
for issues of governance, role of power and interaction between horizontal and vertical
collaboration in international SC as hybrid chain governance structures; Burgess et al. [18]
identified the characteristics of SCM, research methodological bases and describing from
knowledge perspective. Mentzer et al. [78] provided the comprehensive assessment of GSCM,
emerging developments and their significance where ‘understanding global supply chains’
provides general insights into green issues; Storey et al. [115] critically assessed the SCM
developments and identified the key barriers and enablers to supply management; Taylor and
Fearne [118] focussed on improving demand management in retail AF-SCs for reducing the
variability of final & linking demand data more directly with production decisions. Burch and
Lawrence [17] explained the issues of private regulation like supermarket in any re-formulation of
food regime dynamics representing a shift to third-food regime; Helms and Sarkis [49] clarified
the GSCM performance measurement issues for organizations to explicitly consider the
ecosystem in their strategic planning.

Figure 5. Transforming Supply Chain Flow

Stadtler [114] aimed at extracting the essence of SCM and advanced planning for interdisciplinary
research incorporating computer science, accounting and organizational theory. Croom et al. [21]
laid down a framework for SC categorization where theoretical development is critical to
establish and literature is empirical-descriptive of a cognate SCM discipline; Hobbs and Young
[52] explored the shift towards closer vertical coordination in AF-SCs focussing on contracting &
impact of supply chain drivers on transaction costs; Andersen et al. [5] represented an edition to
enable industrial partners to learn from best practice and analyze their own processes; Salin [101]
discussed the differences between supply chains of functional V/s innovative products where the
challenge for management is to decide how to classify their product and economic concentration
and to accommodate multi-food businesses via good information systems. Singh [112] examined
the performance of contract farming and vertical SC Coordination across crops and suggested the
supports of contract arrangement like Coordination, motivation, transaction costs and contract
design; and Verdouw et al. [131] discussed the process modelling framework to enhance the
interoperability & agility of information systems required in dynamic SCs.

3.3 Grouping 3: Theoretical Concerns

Popper et al. believed that theory development is a crucial constraint for the development of any
field; however some researchers propose that theories should be built upon existing ones. In order
to comprehend SCM, the articles were analysed to ascertain whether the theories existed or new
ones. Comprehensive list of reviews with existing theories were offered in diverse aspects such as

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Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

economics, application, information, strategy, strategic management, CSR, sustainability,

psychology, sociology and physiology, functions etc. Based on these theoretical concerns the
reviewed studies are categorized as below:
Dabbene et al. [22] analyzed how traceability influences the modern supply chains in subsequent
optimization principles; Garg et al. [37] conferred the integration of trade and technology through
ERP implementation Indian AF-SCs focusing on communication for quality assurance and
tracking or tracing capability; Gava [38] investigated the contribution of supply chains for
economic, social, health, environmental and ethical performance as well as their reliability in
assessing food-chain sustainability. Parwez et al. [90] explored the SC dynamics of Indian
agriculture, highlighted the current status of infrastructure and examined the critical issues at each
sub-system; Tseng et al. [124] explored the differences between close-loop and open hierarchical
structures used in analytical network process (ANP) analysis of GSCM under uncertainty. Dües et
al. [24] confirmed that lean is helpful for green practices and its implementation consecutively
also has a positive control over lean business traditions; Sharma et al. [108] recognized the
conceptual link between SCM & quality management; Netland et al. [83] proposed an integrated
manufacturing planning to coordinate with customers & suppliers to achieve end-to-end
integration across chains and argued that the true lean AF-SC discussed by Taylor is yet to be
realized. Vaart and Donk [128] analyzed the survey-based research for SC integration and its
impact on performance which should be focused on the buyer-supplier relationship itself, not on
focal firm.

Hugg and Katajajuuri [55] analyzed the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of food supply
chains for environmental issues where companies seems committed to goals and provide product
specific information on CSR issues. Schulze et al. [105] developed a measurement scale for
relationship quality in procurement via cross-industry comparison to improve collaboration where
relationship quality must be conceptualized as a construct of agreement, trust and dedication;
Taylor [117] highlighted the opportunities for strategic change in AF-SCs and concluded that the
value chain analysis along with lean principles can improve the efficiency of pork chains both
operationally & strategically. Gaffney [35] supposed that lean can optimize the supply chains
performance as it makes the SCs to move optimally, reduce inventory and increase sale;
Manthou et al. [74] identified the company’s perception of perceived benefits, constrained and
motivation factors towards internet-based applications, however they still use traditional ways;
and Meixell and Gargeya [77] reviewed the decision support models & practical issues of global
SC design where a few models addresses the problems which need emphasis on multiple
production and distribution tiers. Gunasekaran and Ngai [46] identified the importance and
recommendations to develop a framework for studying the applications of IT in supply chains;
Peterson [93] synthesized SC and knowledge management in order to suggest the possible
evolutionary step in supply chain integration; Roekel et al. [96] reviewed the SC development in
developing countries and indicated that food safety and social accountability touch upon the
responsibility and mandates for public-private-partnership (PPP) models.

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Figure 6. Supply Chain Process

Schiefer [104] incorporated the environment and principal management loop of integrated
processes for implementation in SCs with a lower level of Coordination intensity along with
environmental, economic and quality assurance objectives (Figure 6); Subburaj et al. [115a]
studied the issues in improving the operational efficiency of the dairy supply chain in Tamilnadu,
and emphasized the role of Policy makers to create special dairy zone and implementing dynamic
milk procurement methods;Vorst et al. [134] presented a qualitative research approach to supply
chain redesign where uncertainties in decision-making can result in non-value adding activities;
Tan [116] reviewed the development of SCM from of eventually merged strategic approach to
operations, materials and logistics management. Beamon [12] paid attention on the performance,
design and analysis of supply chain as a whole due to rising costs, shrinking resources, shortened
product life cycles and globalization of market economies; Wilson and Clarke [136] illustrated the
possible mechanism for developing a software system to become ‘de-facto’ industry standard for
collation dissemination of traceability data through Coordination and Rationalization.

3.4 Grouping 4: Research Approaches

Studies can be tested using the shape and form of the subsequent knowledge generated assuming
scientific method, empiricism, views, phenomena, relationships and modernism. For this study,
the framework consisting functionalism, radical humanism and radical structuralism was
employed, and based on these research approaches the reviewed studies are categorized as below:

Accorsi et al. [2] emphasized on the sustainability and compared a multi-use system to traditional
single-use packaging system to quantify the economic returns and ecological impacts of reusable
plastic container (RPC); Chandel et al. [19a] determined the competitiveness and power exercised
by different players, and to understand the complexity of inter-linkages in the value chain through
VCA; Cosimato et al. [19b] investigated the role of emergent green technologies in making
logistics organizations finally green and competitive through SEM technique; García et al. [36]
considered the site selection problem in manufacturing and agribusiness using multi-attribute
methods to evaluate optimal locations of new warehouses by analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
Gualandris and Kalchschmidt [44] investigated the relationships among sustainable process and
SCM, customer pressure and innovativeness through partial least squares (PLS) and showed that
customer pressure is an essential driver that motivates firms to begin and sustain SSCM; Kumar
[63] examined the relationship between dairy supply chain management (DSCM) and operational
performance via paired samples ‘t-test’ to find out the difference in agreement & adoption level
and multiple regression analysis; Todorovic et al. [121] presented an initiative to recurring

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.2, No.2 732

Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

problems in shipping perishable goods through RFID technology alongside integrated sensors for
building the system from routine customs inspections to robust transfer procedures between
producer and customer. Costa et al. [20] provided an outline of opportunities and constraints for
RFID adoption in agri-food with an analysis on its development for diverse product typologies;
Folinas et al. [31] presented a systematic approach for determining wastage in AF-SCs through
value stream mapping (VSM), where global SCM in green and lean equation increases the
potential conflict across organizational boundaries; Teimoury et al. [120] investigated the
perishable SC where the best import policy helps to reduce undesired price changes in case of
different scenarios for demand and supply.

Filcek and Józefczyk [27] presented a heuristic algorithm solving joint problems of allocation and
transportation in a three-stage supply network of sugar beets processing that minimizes
production time; Seuring and Gold [107] elaborated the content analysis as an effective tool for
conducting literature reviews neglecting the detailed description of data gathering; Usuga et al.
[127] suggested the Coordination of chains based on shared information as vendor-managed
inventory strategy for farmer-buyer relationship. Zhang and Li [139] analyzed application
strategies of RFID and AF-SCs that typically starts on farms involving many facilities producing
value for the customer; Mercer [79] identified the challenges facing development within agri-food
sector and found that the inadequate education and poorly developed local technologies
contributes plenty of barriers, and food processing activities are often found to be labour-intensive
and time-consuming. Lemma et al. [70a] investigate the determinants of supply chain
coordination of milk and dairy industries by employing the Confirmatory Factor Model; Shekari
et al. [110] studied the GSCM issue in an alloy steel industry through questionnaire to gather
decision maker’s opinions for environmental activities for a six-factor measurement model; Zarei
et al. [138] directed the FSC to identify the viable lean-enablers in increasing the leanness of food
chain and employed the fuzzy logic to deal with linguistic judgments expressing correlations in

Bigliardi and Bottani [13] developed a balanced scorecard (BSC) model for performance
measurement in FSCs that could serve as a reference for food industries in establishing applicable
performance appraisal indicators; Hennet and Arda [50] evaluated the efficiency of contracts
between industrial SC partners and believed that decentralized decisions are generally less
efficient in enterprise networks than centralized mechanisms maximizing the global utility
function. Leat and Giha [67] explored the AF-SCs integration issues through structural equation
model (SEM) and an in-depth case study in eastern England; Aramyan et al. [8] engaged on SC
performance measurement which allows for ‘tracking & tracing’ of efficacy and efficiency
failures, and identified the performance measures as efficiency, flexibility, responsiveness & food
quality; Banker and Mitra [9] provided a case study of an online coffee auction in India to
increase price obtained by planters and allowing the commodity to sell directly to buyers resulting
a reduction in planters transaction cost. Sarmah et al. [102] reviewed the buyer-vendor models as
a Coordination mechanism under deterministic settings that leads to savings in the system and SC
performance upgrading; Taylor [119] presented a value chain analysis with an assessment of the
validity of research followed by suggestions for improving demand management in AFCs;
Georgiadis et al. [39] offered guidelines for strategic modelling methodology of single and

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S. Mor, Singh, Bhardwaj and Singh

multi-echelon FSCs and analyzed the key issue together with the capacity planning policies and
transient flows due to market constraints. Sachan and Datta [99] demonstrated the rise in direct
observation methods like Case Studies to expand the limited set of worn out paradigms that
contribute substantially in advancing the logistics theory.

Pereira and Csillag [92] verified the established system of poultry SC in Brazil and showed that
the productive SCM model used by large industrialized poultry products producers seems to have
a significant impact; Filho et al. [28] derived a model through postal survey of supply chain
partnerships in UK fresh produce industries to assess the intangible pre-requisites, tangible
enablers and benefits from the factors that enable successful SC partnerships. Gigler et al. [40]
offered a methodology for the optimization of AF-SCs by dynamic programming (DP) dealing
with the appearance and quality of products and stated that the models describing quality
development can be included into DP methodology as a function of process conditions; Kuei and
Madu [62] identified the critical success factors of SC quality management in Taiwan's Computer
& Electronics Industries and showed that firms emphasizes on supplier relationship & IT driven
changes. Hobbs et al. [51] made an assessment of the competitive weaknesses, strengths &
opportunities facing Danish pork supply chains where success is achieved by a direct approach to
manufacture high quality products tailored to market needs; Vidal and Goetschalckx [133] offered
reviews on strategic production-distribution models along with the virtual logistics that benefits
the current advances in IT & rapid changes in global economy leading to homogenization of
international scenario.

4. Discussion
Based on the comprehensive review, it is likely to discuss the issues of conceptualization,
research and development of the field, and evaluate the impact of the varying trends in supply
chain. The reviewed strategies can assist in smoothening the agri-food supply chain practices,
and their applicability in Indian context is discussed below.

4.1 Comparison of the Studies and Applicability in Indian context

From comparison viewpoint of the reviewed articles, it is clear that:

 European authors have directed on the sustainability and green supply chain issues
through achieving coordination, competitiveness and transparency in conjunction with
the application of effective information technology in supply chains. Out of the
reviewed articles, majority of the studies are Europeans, contributing about 60%.

 Asian authors shows that the economic inefficiencies and quality in AF-SCs can be
improved by means of innovation, integration and collaboration of supply chains along
with better farmer contact programs and an e-commerce platform with an advanced
technology like RFID. Out of the reviewed articles, Asian studies are contributing about
22% in this paper.

Int J Supply Oper Manage (IJSOM), Vol.2, No.2 734

Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

Figure 7. Percentage of Reviewed Studies Grouping-wise

 American authors have directed towards global value chains & standards, design &
planning models and vertical coordination of supply chains. Figure 7 shows the
percentage number of studies reviewed as per the four classification frameworks
considered in this paper. Out of the reviewed articles, American studies are contributing
about 13% in this paper.
 African authors concentrate on the organizational issues and challenges for developing
green supply chains and the benefits of organic farming over the conventional. Out of
the reviewed articles, a few are from African studies, about 4% in this paper.
 Australian authors have intended the climate change risks and adoption of green supply
chain practices highlighting the status of agency theory applications. Out of the
reviewed articles, very few are from Australian studies i.e. about 2% in this paper.

All the reviewed articles points towards the development of efficient, sustainable and productive
supply chain practices, and there are inter-connections in the studies. Out of the reviewed articles,
three were proposed by Taylor and three by Leat and Giha for collaborative agri-food supply
chains; three by Verdouw, Beulens and Vorst relating the virtualization of floricultural supply
chains. Two studies are explored by Aramyan, Lansink and Kooten for performance measurement
framework; two by Gunasekaran and Ngai linking the information systems in SCs; and two by
Hobbs concerning the competitiveness in supply chains, and others proposed avoiding reference
to other sources. The conceptual framework developed to classify the articles shows that 37
percent of the articles framed SCM as a process, 18 percent as a system and 9 percent as a simple
activity, and based on definitional issues. Further, we have come to wrap up with some solutions
to the issues of wastage and an enormous loss of economy, in conjunction with the role of govt. in
developing the efficient agri-food supply chain in India, as below.

4.1.1. Problems with India’s Agri-Food Supply System

India’s agri-food supply chains could uncover the reasons why agri-food grown in the country
goes to wastage. Figure 8 shows the broad picture of agri-food supply chains against a required
level in India to be more productive and achieve leanness.

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Figure 8. Agri-Food Supply System in India (Source: Reports)

The significant contributing factors to agri-food spoilage problem in India may be the:
 Infrastructure,
 Purchase and Distribution Schemes,
 Middlemen and Bargaining Power,
 Price Volatility etc.

Further, the technological solutions and innovative entrepreneurial policies may escort the
possible impacts on current supply chain practices to develop:

 Low-cost Infrastructure,
 Affordable methods to Process and Protect Food,
 Enhanced Transparency of Information Systems.

4.1.2 Role of Government

Governments can add the sustainability factors and improve the environment for agri-food supply
chain development through:
 Organizing the platform for public-private actors for information exchange,
 Investing in communication, transportation,
 Offering incentive schemes for the sustainable use of resources and high risk
 Ensuring the availability of information (production, price, industry) and statistics so as
to monitor the market progress.

5. Conclusion
From the comprehensive literature assessment, it is concluded that the safety, quality and associated
economic benefits in sustainable agri-food supply chains can be achieved through innovation,
supply chain collaboration, elimination of uncertainties, introducing global supply chain practices
into lean and green initiatives. An integrated supply chain with the aim of bringing excellence and
professionalism in decision making can considerably improve the effectiveness of agri-food sector.
Although SCM is a more generic term applicable in all sectors; but seasonality, variability,
perishability, traceability and small-scale production are the concerns that distinguish the agri-food
supply chains from others.

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Technological Implications of Supply Chain Practices in Agri-Food Sector- A Review

In the above context, the managers in agri-food sector need to develop a thorough supply chain
responsiveness focusing on skill building and information required for meeting the emerging
challenges. Further, the regulations and public policies also have a considerable role in
influencing agri-food supply chains. Finally, the research methodological approaches revealed in
the reviewed studies can also assist Indian agri-food supply chains to attain a level of
competitiveness and leanness.

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