Income-Tax Law: A Capsule For Quick Recap: Chapter 9: Advance Tax and Tax Deduction at Source
Income-Tax Law: A Capsule For Quick Recap: Chapter 9: Advance Tax and Tax Deduction at Source
Income-Tax Law: A Capsule For Quick Recap: Chapter 9: Advance Tax and Tax Deduction at Source
In the January, 2018 issue, the Capsule for quick recap of IIPCC/Intermediate Paper 4A: Income-tax Law
highlighted the significant provisions of income-tax law which impacted the computation of total income and tax
liability of an individual, discussed in detail in Chapters 1 to 8 of the Study Material. In continuation, the capsule on
this subject published in this issue would highlight the compliance procedures relating to tax deduction at source
(TDS) and advance tax as well as the provisions for filing return of income, discussed in detail in Chapters 9 and 10
of the Study Material. Kindly note that this capsule would be relevant both for Intermediate Paper 4A: Income-tax
law and IIPCC Paper 4A: Income-tax. The two additional topics which are relevant only for Intermediate Paper
4A, namely, Introduction to TCS and self-assessment are not covered in this capsule.
This capsule is intended to assist you in the process of revision of concepts discussed in the Study Material.
You are advised to read the July 2017 edition of the Study Material for understanding the various concepts and
provisions of income-tax law and work out the questions given therein to hone your problem solving skills.
194-IC Payment under No threshold specified. Any person responsible for Any 10% At the time of
specified paying any sum by way of Resident credit of such
agreement consideration, not being income to the
referred to in consideration in kind, under a account of the
section 45(5A) registered agreement, wherein payee or at the
L or B or both are handed over time of payment,
by the owner for development whichever is
of real estate project, for a earlier.
consideration, being a share
in L or B or both in such
project, with payment of part
consideration in cash.
194J Fees for > ` 30,000 in a F.Y., for each Any person, other than an Any 2% - Payee At the time of
professional category of income. (However, individual or HUF; Resident engaged credit of such sum
or technical this limit does not apply in However, in case of fees for only in the to the account of
services/ case of payment of director’s professional or technical business of the payee or at the
Royalty/ Non- fees or remuneration). services paid or credited, operation of time of payment,
compete fees/ individual/HUF whose total call centre whichever is
Director’s sales, gross receipts or turnover [w.e.f. 1st earlier.
remuneration from business or profession June, 2017]
exceed the limits specified
u/s 44AB in the immediately 10% - Others
preceding F.Y. is liable to deduct
tax u/s 194J, except where fees
for professional services is
credited or paid exclusively for
his personal purposes.
194LA Compensation > ` 2,50,000 in a F.Y. Any person responsible for Any 10% At the time of
on acquisition paying any sum in the nature Resident payment
of certain of compensation or enhanced
immovable compensation on compulsory
property other acquisition of immovable
than agricultural property
Notes –
(1) Section 206AA requires furnishing of PAN by the deductee to the deductor, failing which the deductor has to deduct tax at the higher of the
following rates, namely, -
(i) at the rate specified in the relevant provision of the Income-tax Act, 1961; or
(ii) at the rate or rates in force; or
(iii) at the rate of 20%.
(2) For payments which have been specifically exempted from tax deduction under the different sections mentioned in the table above, students
may refer to the July 2017 edition of the Study Material.
(3) The threshold limit given in column (3) of the table is with respect to each payee.
(2) The interest liability would be 1% per month or part of the month from 1st April following the F.Y. upto the date of determination of
total income under section 143(1) and where regular assessment is made, upto the date of such regular assessment.
(3) Such interest is calculated on the amount of difference between the assessed tax and the advance tax paid.
(4) “Assessed tax” means the tax on total income determined u/s 143(1)/under regular assessment, as the case may be, less TDS & TCS.
Interest for deferment of advance tax [Section 234C]
(a) Manner of computation of interest u/s 234C for deferment of advance tax by corporate and non-corporate assessees:
In case an assessee, other than an assessee who declares profits and gains in accordance with the provisions of section 44AD(1) or
section 44ADA(1), who is liable to pay advance tax u/s 208 has failed to pay such tax or the advance tax paid by such assessee on its
current income on or before the dates specified in column (1) below is less than the specified percentage [given in column (2) below] of
tax due on returned income, then simple interest@1% per month for the period specified in column (4) on the amount of shortfall,
as per column (3) is leviable u/s 234C.
Specified date Specified % Shortfall in advance tax Period
(1) (2) (3) (4)
15th June 15% 15% of tax due on returned income (-) advance tax paid up to 15th June 3 months
15th September 45% 45% of tax due on returned income (-) advance tax paid up to 15th September 3 months
15th December 75% 75% of tax due on returned income (-) advance tax paid up to 15th December 3 months
15th March 100% 100% of tax due on returned income (-) advance tax paid up to 15th March 1 month
Note – However, if the advance tax paid by the assessee on the current income, on or before 15th June or 15th September, is not less
than 12% or, as the case may be, 36% of the tax due on the returned income, then, the assessee shall not be liable to pay any interest on
the amount of the shortfall on those dates.
Tax due on returned income = Tax chargeable on total income declared in the return of income – TDS - TCS
(b) Computation of interest u/s 234C in case of an assessee who declares profits and gains in accordance with the provisions of
section 44AD(1) or section 44ADA(1):
In case an assessee who declares profits and gains in accordance with the provisions of section 44AD(1) or section 44ADA(1), who is
liable to pay advance tax u/s 208 has failed to pay such tax or the advance tax paid by the assessee on its current income on or before
15th March is less than the tax due on the returned income, then, the assessee shall be liable to pay simple interest at the rate of 1%
on the amount of the shortfall from the tax due on the returned income.
(c) Non-applicability of interest u/s 234C in certain cases:
Interest u/s 234C shall not be leviable in respect of any shortfall in payment of tax due on returned income, where such shortfall is on
account of under-estimate or failure to estimate –
(i) the amount of capital gains;
(ii) income of nature referred to in section 2(24)(ix) i.e., winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles etc.;
(iii) income under the head “PGBP” in cases where the income accrues or arises under the said head for the first time ; or
(iv) income of the nature referred to in section 115BBDA(1) i.e., dividend in aggregate exceeding ` 10 lakhs included in the
assessee’s TI.
However, the assessee should have paid the whole of the amount of tax payable in respect of such income referred to in (i), (ii), (iii) and
(iv), as the case may be, had such income been a part of the total income, as part of the remaining instalments of advance tax which are
due or where no such instalments are due, by 31st March of the F.Y.
Due date of
Company & Firm 30th September of A.Y. filing of return
Individual, HUF, AOP, BOI & artificial juridical person having • Company
total income > basic exemption limit, before giving effect to • Person (other than a company) whose
exemption u/s 10(38) and deductions under Chapter VI-A accounts are required to be audited
Person, being resident other than RNOR, who is not required • A working partner of a firm whose accounts
to file ROI u/s 139(1) & who at anytime during the P.Y. are required to be audited
• holds, as a beneficial owner or otherwise, any asset located 31st July of A.Y.
outside India or has signing authority in any account • Any other assessee
Note - For an assessee required to file transfer pricing
located outside India; or
report u/s 92E, the due date is 30th November of
• is a beneficiary of any asset located outside India
the A.Y.
Persons reqd to mandatorily
file ROI on or before due date
Business loss Loss from Loss from Loss under the Loss from the activity of
u/s 72(1) speculation business specified business head “Capital owning & maintaning race
u/s 73(2) u/s 73A(2) Gains” u/s 74(1) horses u/s 74A(3)
Note: Loss from house property and unabsorbed depreciation can be carried forward for set-off even though return of loss has not been furnished on or before the
due date u/s 139(1).
III Belated Return under section 139(4) IV Revised Return under section 139(5)
If return is not filed within the time specified u/s 139(1), a Return filed u/s 139(1) or a belated return filed u/s 139(4) can be
belated return u/s 139(4) can be filed at any time before revised u/s 139(5)
the completion the end of the at any time before the end of the relevant A.Y.
of the Relevant A.Y. OR
Assessment before the completion of assessment,
whichever is earlier
V Quoting of PAN under section 139A(5) VI Quoting of Aadhaar Number under section 139AA