2 Simple Present
2 Simple Present
2 Simple Present
2 Anna is my
years old. Anna is my second eldest sister. She is fourteen years 5 Susan is my 8 Jack is my
□granddaughter □father
old. I’m the youngest in my family. I’m eleven years old. □mother
□daughter □brother
□sister □uncle
Hi, my name is Charles. My parents are Paul and □grandmother
3 Garry is my 9 Anna is my
Susan Brown. I have got one brother, one sister, one 6 Jack is my
□brother □son
nephew and two nieces. □son □father
□grandfather □brother
Garry is my brother’s Jack son. He is at the same age as my son □grandson □niece
□ brother
Sam. My sister Laura has got two daughters. Dina and Kate are a Kate and Dina are my
1 Anna, Sara, Sam and Garry are my
lovely twin. 1
0 □brothers □ mother
□sons □ sisters
Write the names of Sam’s family members. □daughters □cousins
2 How many brothers have you got ? They are 76 and 75 years old. b
7 How old are they ? Yes, I have. They are Paul and Suzan g
8 Have you got cousins ? Yes, I have three. Garry, Dina and Kate h